The Most Insane Minecraft Glitches That Actually Work!

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How’s it going everybody it’s me your handsome lad glitches are they good or are they bad the answer to that one’s up to you but one thing’s for certain they’re real today we’re going to take a look at some of the easiest and best glitches for Minecraft 1.19 it bedrock and Java if

You don’t leave a like on this video the glitches won’t work glitch number one out of the 10 that we’ll be checking out today is for Minecraft Java Edition all of these glitches are tested in 1.19.3 and are working the materials that you’re going to need

To pull off this super simple kind of game breaking x-ray glitch are down on the hot bar both the Spyglass and the night vision potion are technically totally optional for this glitch but will probably increase your happiness like tenfold first things first find an area in your world that is somewhat

Relatively open this could be up on the surface it could be down on the caves then what we’re going to want to do is build a square of slabs all around us this square of slabs can be any slab in the game after that place a building

Block right there and a building block right there then we’re gonna place a trapdoor right there and open the trapdoor finally we’ll place a sticky piston right here in a lever right here no warning this is kind of game breaking like a lot of the other ones I’m going

To show you today but as soon as I hit this lever I can see right down below me now sometimes depending on where you do this you’ll be able to see more or less but Lush cave biome with three Axolotl right there I mean I would have never known I

I would have literally had no way of knowing is it ethicum nah debatable but that’s gonna be the case for all the glitches today but is it easy to pull off oh it’s so easy so so easy because of the low amount of materials and the fact that

These materials are so easy to get in survival this has got to be one of the easiest x-ray glitches of all time unfortunately this does not work on Bedrock Edition fortunately if you’ve maybe been like struggling to find an ancient city or something combine this glitch with maybe a little bit of night

Vision and the Spyglass and just the right location and you might at least get a lead on an ancient city glitch number two out of 10 today is a better Rock Edition glitch for the Bedrock glitches they were all tested and working in Bedrock preview that means if you’re in

1.90.50 they should theoretically all work materials for this one a stack of bone meal is what I like to start with but you could have less shears and a composter so find a biome with grass in it place your composter down take the bone meal and bone meal the ground then

Go ahead and bone meal the grass and watch your bone meal count doesn’t always go down we can use this to easily get ourselves even more bone meal really really easily so go ahead and bone meal some of the grass then go ahead and grab your shears and Shear the bottom grass

When we do that both grasses are going to break into the ground next up we walk over to our composter and put the stuff inside of the composter fill it up eventually you’ll get bone meal and then repeat the process that’s all you need to do and for some reason Bedrock

Edition doesn’t seem to see bone meal and grass as a valid use of bone meal every single time so it doesn’t always use a bone meal in the bigger picture having easy infinite bone meal is not necessarily like the most useful thing in the world

But I mean I don’t know maybe you want to decorate your world terraform a little bit more well there you go one thing to keep in mind because of the randomness of composters you won’t necessarily always end up with more bone meal but pretty consistently here you

Can end up with at least the same amount of bone meal as you started with and sometimes even more though a Minecraft Java Edition getting on top of the nether ceiling is one of the best things you can do for your world there are so many farms you could build up

Here on Minecraft Bedrock Edition getting on top of the nether ceiling is one of the worst things you could do because there’s there’s literally nothing you can do up here you won’t even be able to get down you’re trapped forever regardless of that though this glitch will work basically exactly the same on

Both Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock so first things first to get on the ceiling of the nether go to the Nether and get really really high up in the nether then it wants a really really high up continue digging we need to expose the Bedrock ceiling and more

Specifically we need to expose a specific block of the Bedrock ceiling the highest possible block now to find the specific block of Bedrock depending on your luck it might require a little bit more digging or a little bit less digging but essentially we’re looking for a block of bedrock at

127. and flipping over to creative for a minute check this out this block is at 127. theoretically if I break this block the ceiling we’ll talk about breaking the block in a second though for now let’s just talk about getting on top with another on Java Edition locating this block that

Sits at 127 is insanely easy hit that at three screen dig around a little bit and check out the targeted block that middle coordinate is the Y value 127. on Bedrock it’s gonna be a little bit more tricky but still doable turn on show coordinates and then it’s time to

Do some math as you can see right now I’m standing at 119. that’s going to be 120 121 and so on all the way up to 127 which would be that block once you’ve located a block somewhere in your nether that separates the top from the bottom the supplies you’re going to

Need are a couple ladders some ender pearls a torch and maybe some building blocks and definitely a way out so on Java another portal on Bedrock Edition you’re gonna have to die if on that block at 127 and place ladders going all the way up to that block then climb up

Those ladders while still climbing those ladders remember the coordinates of that block it’s very very important that’s gonna be our take it out of here or at least our ticket out of here if we want to break that block later and maybe write the coordinates down in chat climb

The ladder while climbing the ladder and still holding forward at that top block throw an ender pearl then jump look down place a torch and you did it you’re up here that’s it it’s that easy now on Minecraft Java the easiest way to get back down is simply

Build another portal up here light it and go through it have you ever found yourself strenuously searching the ocean for days and days and days for a very specific structure with no luck at all are you unfortunately in the situation where night vision potions just aren’t an

Option for you quite yet you can’t see through the water with these things you don’t have them well my Minecraft Java friends have I got the move for you to pull this one off all you need is a boat first things first find an ocean that you’re trying to explore the second

Thing second you get inside of the boat and start sailing now what we’re gonna do is flip into third person mode and carefully slowly move the camera down closer to the water this is a trick that I discovered in Island Survival series and oh my gosh this is so useful now if

We can get this just right we’ll actually be able to just see right through the water without the water like obstructing the view or anything like that I can use this glitch and sail around the ocean and look at the ocean floor but I can buff it even more by

Simply raising my fov all the way up it’s gonna look horrendous I don’t know who plays Minecraft like this but by raising the Apple V all the way up I can sail around and see even more of the vision around me you could use this trick to maybe spot an amethyst geode

Sitting on the ocean floor maybe a shipwreck or a ruined portal down at the bottom or even the entrance to a cape that might have more diamonds for this next glitch we find ourselves as a backup on that nether ceiling that we were just at a second ago this glitch

Is only for Minecraft Java if you’re looking for an easier way up and down onto the nether ceiling like no portals involved just remove a block of Bedrock this is the method for you now materials for this method are going to be found right down there in the hot bar but I

Highly recommend you bring extra materials because if this method fails you you could be trapped so at least bring supplies for report so they can get up Eagle Eye 621 is the king of Minecraft Java Bedrock breaking and has been for updates now we’re going to start by finding the block that we’re

Trying to break which is going to be this one with a torch right next to it we’re going to play subsidian then we’re going to play some building block then we’re going to go ahead and remove that torch and place a piston facing up then

We’re gonna play TNT on top of it we’re going to move over here on to this side and place another TNT we’re going to place a trap door right there and then we’re gonna place a lever right here now uh for the rest of this method basically

We’re gonna jump down into the crawling we’re going to run over and try and spam place a piston and essentially trick the game into thinking the Piston head extended to where the Bedrock was deleting the bedroom this wire can be tricky though in eagle eyes 621’s tutorial for

Minecraft 1.17 that still works I’m going to link it down below there’s a secret keybind that you could use to make this a little bit easier alright so here goes nothing a disclaimer I’m no professional at this method I’m not very good at it but first things first we

Crawl and trap door mode and then we move over this way and hit this lever now I need to quickly crawl back over here still staying crawling and I need to aim right there and place the piston I think it worked if we go ahead and break this piston perfect

It worked on my first try like I alluded to a little bit earlier on if you don’t know the nether ceiling is one of the best spots to make farms in all of Minecraft job Edition you gotta check it out definitely try this out in your world

While I was working on this video I tried to keep things as balanced as possible in an Ideal World I find the same amount of collisions for Java and Bedrock but it wasn’t necessarily the case and I’m sorry better Arcane however I do think you are the proud owner of

The very best glitch in this entire video to pull this one off grab a furnace and then grab something that you’re gonna smelt when you grab that thing that you’re going to smelt keep in mind how much experience you will get from smelting this thing so for example

We could smell to both raw iron and netherride scrap however when we smell netherride scrap we’re gonna get a little bit more experience per scrap per smelt than we would with iron but we will also need to have on hand one full stack of that smelted item a full extra

Stack of netherride scrappling around ah debatable but an extra sack of iron that’s easy the furnace XP glitch this thing is amazing if you haven’t heard of it you’ve been missing out it’s back in the game what you’re going to want to do is throw something in the furnace and

Let it smelt up hold that full stack in your hand and then once this melts up quickly you can swap them in and out of the furnace and listen just just listen oh it’s a beautiful sound it’s so beautiful essentially What’s Happening Here is every single time I’m swapping

This in and out the furnace is thinking that I’m smelting up iron every single time yes that’s right it’s so simple and listen it’s so easy I should be oh yeah yeah I definitely am over level 36 just like that if you’re going to use this glitch I

Recommend taking advantage of it soon because there’s no way this stays in the game for very long ah yes trip wire hooks the most useful thing in the game right well after seeing this nice glitch maybe actually this next glitch is for Minecraft javam to pull it off you’re gonna need four

Trap doors four tripwire Hooks and a piece of string that’s it we’re gonna start by placing trap doors on the ground in a sort of like Square pattern we’re gonna go ahead and open up those trap doors on each trap door place a trip wire hook so they all face inwards

In the middle place a string to actually execute the glitch all you need to do is walk right through this thing those are gonna break off and wait a second there’s four tripwire hooks huh okay so uh-huh uh-huh you can see the glitch starting to actually work here

Now all we’re gonna do is go ahead and put two of those back and then all we need to do is do it again walk right through the middle those pop off and wait a second it happened again crikey’s for some reason these two are saying every single time meanwhile the other

Ones are breaking down the game doesn’t realize that those are staying though and it’s actually dropping all four items as you can see right here we started with four trip wire Hooks and now including those two I have 12. I can go ahead and do this all day long takes

No effort at all and I’m just getting free trip wire hooks all right it’s cool that’s great but why I don’t even like these things you ask toughly residing over to Old Reliable the Minecraft Wiki let’s talk about villager trading I’ll admit to actually be able to

Utilize this glitch in full uh quite a bit of setup is going to be required so you can do that really really easily like flawlessly every single time to really take advantage of this though get a Fletcher villager and start leveling that villager up a beautiful trade right

There now on its own right here without any discounts that’s very very expensive but go ahead and turn this thing into a zombie cure it up repeat the process a few times get this number way lower and suddenly easy infinite emeralds for literally free despite how it may look inflection

Villagers absolutely hate this one simple trick so just a second ago we talked about a glitch that worked really really well in water when you’re looking for specific things next up let’s talk about a glitch I don’t even know if you want to call it at this time but let’s talk about a

Little trick that you can use anytime when you’re on the land or maybe even in the end looking for something specific end City maybe Woodland Mansion or anything you know specific this is by far the least glitch a glitch in today’s video first things first get some scaffolding or blocks and Tower up

Really really high second pause the game go to options go to video settings raise the render distance all the way up if you have something like OptiFine you can go even higher than 32 chunks on Java now when you do this your game will definitely lag but go ahead and let

Things load in slowly spinning and as you do your world should load in when doing this one an idea that might be kind of great is uh start on top of a really really tall mountain might not be a bad idea so over on Bedrock Edition it’s basically the same play scaffolding

Get really really high up pause your game and Tuck down at the very bottom of the video settings menu you have render distance bedrocks options are insane we’ll go ahead and raise this to 76 chunks if we raise this to 76 chunks and give it enough time be patient the game

Will actually begin to render all the 76 chunks out it’s actually insane you can see so far with this now a small warning where this can start to get absolutely game breaking is take it over to the end especially on Bedrock Edition with that 76 chunk number I haven’t even taken out

The dragon and I can walk around this thing start to load in the outer end islands and figure out where the end cities are going to be and I mean who knows maybe just maybe if you’re lucky you’ll have an end cities sitting right on the edge of the outer end too would

You width in the Lightroom as well oh that’s amazing I know where I’m at did next fortunately for Minecraft Bedrock players x-ray glitches are actually pretty common and typically not too difficult to pull off now I’m sure a quick search on YouTube will find you tons and tons of extra glitches and who

Knows maybe even an x-ray glitch that is better than this one what I’m going to go ahead and do is show you a very simple x-ray glitch that I found really quickly to pull this one off you are actually not going to need 64 sticky business instead you just need one you

Need a slab you need a lever and you might want some building blocks having night vision that might be a good idea too start by digging a small room somewhere now then place a sticky piston down then what we’re going to need to do is fill this back in a little bit with

Blocks right there we’ll place the lever right next to the sticky piston then we’ll continue filling this back in with more blocks next up we’re going to put a slab right there then we’re gonna put a cobblestone right here then what we’re gonna do is Crouch down and hit this

Lever the slab has moved into my head and I can kind of see around like I can definitely see the surface the glitch is pretty simple and requires even less materials on that Java one we put a lever right there a black right there a slab right there we power this and

Maybe yeah yeah yeah yes we can see there’s a cave right there but pretty sure that’s the same one over there though full of zombies and a drip Zone cave that’s definitely a different cave and wait a second it looks like there’s a geode over there too that’s kind of cool

And carpet and everybody knows one of Minecraft’s best item oh wait no okay it’s definitely an item carpet and everybody knows one of the best dismounting view okay no wrong again but technically possible very very possible this next glitch is a glitch that’s been around for a while and it’s game

Breaking warning to build this wonderfully broken Redstone machine on the hot bar the materials we’re going to need plus our tools and a couple building blocks so this machine definitely cannot sit on the ground we’re gonna need to build this up in the air we’re going to start by placing a

Sticky piston facing down to the side next to that sticky piston we’re gonna go slime block slime block just like that we’re going to place a solid building block right there then we’re gonna place a temporary temporary we’re going to remove that temporary we’re going to move over here and place an

Observer looking out right there now we can go ahead and get rid of that block whoops and we can go ahead and get rid of that one too all right it was technically I’m not supposed to start that quite yet we’ll put a carpet right

On top of that thing a button right here and press that then then carpet for free and for infinite and forever it’s just carpet spitting out of this machine endlessly what how does it even work how does it specifically work I wouldn’t be able to explain it to you but basically the game

Is of thinking the car if it breaks but it doesn’t actually break the carpet is right there the whole time it keeps shooting out more and more carpet over there flipping into survival walking over here and checking out the carpet it’s real carpet I have over a stack and

And a half now of brand new fresh purple carpet who knows maybe you’re trying to spawn prove something or maybe it’s Pixlr you love that pixel art or maybe even more usefully with a couple strategically placed blocks you can just funnel all of these carpets that you’re getting into a hopper just

Like that and then maybe you could send all of the carpets into this chest and then maybe I don’t know over into this furnace as a fuel source infinitely easily forever glitches are they good are they bad well I still don’t have the answer to that

But I can now definitely tell you they could be crazy useful and those are some of the best glitches in Minecraft right now if there’s another one you know about tell me about it down below this is a different type of video than I would usually make and if you liked it

And you’d like to see more let me know by leaving a like huge huge shout out to all the people who originally discovered those glitches I tried to pop up credit on screen when I could find proper credit if you like the best glitches then I recommend this video next it’s on the

Best updates of all time happy holidays everybody happy almost New Years this has been me Waddles and I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye

This video, titled ‘The Most Insane Minecraft Glitches That Actually Work!’, was uploaded by wattles on 2022-12-21 18:57:51. It has garnered 247160 views and 9521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:28 or 1168 seconds.

From XRay to Duplication, Minecraft 1.19 has a lot of glitches. From the amazing Furnace XP bug to easy bedrock breaking, these glitches are useful. In this video we take a look at some Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft Bedrock Edition glitches that actually work!

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    Laggy PC, Minecraft Glee: Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, bugs and glitches abound, But with a laggy PC, the challenges are found. Testing out the second version, a true gamer’s quest, Navigating through the issues, putting skills to the test. Noises are silent, just like a stealthy creep, But don’t forget to like and subscribe, don’t fall asleep. Neutral_Mob here, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures are sown. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Top Minecraft Mods for Visually Impaired Players

    Top Minecraft Mods for Visually Impaired Players Minecraft Mods for Visual Impairment Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience to make it more accessible for individuals with visual impairments? Fabinho Detonadista has got you covered with some of the best mods to adapt Minecraft for those with visual challenges. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft accessibility! Color Blindness Texture Pack Addons If you or someone you know struggles with color blindness, these texture pack addons can make a world of difference. Fabinho recommends the iSIGHT Monochromacy Color Blindness Texture Pack Addon Type 1 and Type 2. These addons modify the colors of blocks in… Read More

  • Skyblock World Descent Tutorial

    Skyblock World Descent Tutorial Exploring Minecraft Skyblock: Descending to New Depths Are you ready to take your Minecraft Skyblock adventure to new depths? In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to go down in the Skyblock world, whether you have water or not. Let’s dive in! Descending with Water If you’re lucky enough to have a water bucket in your Skyblock world, going down is a breeze. Simply place blocks below you and create a platform to descend safely. This method not only helps you reach lower levels like Y-0 but also facilitates the creation of mob farms for increased spawns. Descending without… Read More

  • Shocking DIY Animal Cages in Minecraft Survival Indonesia

    Shocking DIY Animal Cages in Minecraft Survival IndonesiaVideo Information [Musik] eh belum belum guys belum belum [Musik] yo guys yo Selamat datang bang gue enggak komentar dulu mau nikmatin live Abang Oke Up gaming guys Selamat datang eh bentar ini kita jangan pakai shander bsl guys karena karena kita kalau pakai SH PSL nanti nge-bug guys Gak boleh ya yang gak lag harinya Senin terus tuh kata geter tuh guys yo guys B welcome semuanya yang baru datang dan yang baru mampir ya guys ya langsung aja kita ak absen dulu gak sih langsung aja kita akan absen coy ada yang pertama tadi ada siapa tadi Eh… Read More

  • The Cursed Seed: Minecraft Creepypasta

    The Cursed Seed: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information to seed 303 all right so right now we’re just traveling around there’s nothing really out of the ordinary I mean I wouldn’t know what to expect I’ve never really been in this world so I guess we’ll go to this Village over here I mean I mean there’s nothing really out of the ordinary do you see anything I mean I’ll just like what there’s such a oh my goodness this is out of the ordinary talking about out of the ordinary this like what what H okay that is something I do not want to check… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Kemir is the ultimate Minecraft server!” #minecraft

    "Unbelievable: Kemir is the ultimate Minecraft server!" #minecraftVideo Information это сервер Full M и я сейчас покажу как на него зайти С тебя лайк и подписка для начала нажимаешь на кнопочку играть сервера и добавить сервер после этого добавляешь всё точно так же как и у меня то что у тебя появилось сверху на экране и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после этого выбираешь сервер и заходишь на него после успешного входа подходишь к MPC и можешь выбрать два режима выживания либо Анархия но я выберу анархию и всё с этого момента я могу начать играть но сейчас я пойду на ПВП Арену Ну и вот я на… Read More

  • Building Stampy’s World in Minecraft with Special Guest!

    Building Stampy's World in Minecraft with Special Guest!Video Information usually means should looks like it started if it stops just tell me cuz sometimes it does that and hello wolf Comm who was first in the chat let’s see Hello we hear anyone besides Lego you should be able to anyone to hear anybody anybody else besides good thing it’s not Community cuz I went to El well yeah I’ll probably not do a community stream for a bit now since uh I have we want to do the ender dragon fight for members and by the way Ryan I realize I have three stacks of sandstone… Read More

  • Unleashing PURE CHAOS in Minecraft #shorts 🔥

    Unleashing PURE CHAOS in Minecraft #shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hahaha hehehe Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by GOFLXDAD 250 on 2024-05-24 06:56:53. It has garnered 9882 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Tower in Game Brought Tears…

    UNBELIEVABLE! Tower in Game Brought Tears...Video Information [Music] hello guys welcome to my first video this video is about what I’m thinking how about I make videos and add stories like I love to play games and I also love to write stories I know you guys will be bored watching my gaming videos so I thought I could add stories too to keep you guys entertained or I could do half and half for example in some videos I could add stories and on others I will just play also like And subscribe please it will mean a lot to me give this video… Read More

  • 🍌 Parotter’s Memorys 🍌 – Hilarious Axolotl in Anime Minecraft 🤣

    🍌 Parotter's Memorys 🍌 - Hilarious Axolotl in Anime Minecraft 🤣Video Information bana leave me [Music] alone ice cream yeah ice cream banana ice cream banana ice cream [Music] banana daddy uh yeah wait a minute who are you bana ice cream I’m pool regurgitated sandwich I’m gay This video, titled ‘Foolish Axolotl best funny minecraft ANIME😂’, was uploaded by 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 on 2024-04-06 10:00:41. It has garnered 22697 views and 1211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Hi I’m Parotter! welcome to my foolish Axolotl channel😍 ~~~~follow please😘👌~~~~~ 📸Instagram : 🐔Twitter: 💖sourcev My anime uses the voices of many Hololive talents→ Please… Read More

  • Unleash the Dragon with EPIC Parkour – MINECRAFT LIVE 🔥

    Unleash the Dragon with EPIC Parkour - MINECRAFT LIVE 🔥Video Information [संगीत] जस्ट लाइक द स्ट्रीट ला लि दिस टाम लाइक फायर इन बले बन ड बी अफ्रेड दिस आ वी ग दिस फ डों नो हा आ सी डेंजर इन नो बना क ज लाइक [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] दनन [संगीत] बा [संगीत] ज लाक स्पर्क ब्रेकिंग आक स्ट नकन नो दे नो रूम फॉर नो क टन बैक ना आ सी डेंजर इन र आ नो ब ना ज लाइक द स यू नो वी [संगीत] ट [संगीत] ट [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] पब्लिक व्ट इ अप व्ट इज अ पब्लिक व्ट इज अप बॉय व्ट इज अ… Read More

  • INSANE Animator from Indonesia | Must-See Animation! 🔥

    INSANE Animator from Indonesia | Must-See Animation! 🔥Video Information Halo adik namanya siapa eh nama saya kayak nama kelamin pria Pak tapi huruf depannya diganti d huruf depannya diganti D Oh dontol ya Kis goblok This video, titled ‘animation | by:@ADAM_Shorts282 #animation #minecraft | flipmatorsmad’, was uploaded by FlipmatorsmaD studio animator Indonesia on 2024-03-15 02:22:48. It has garnered 3490 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Hyper Sonic Craft

    Hyper Sonic CraftHypersonic Minecraft is a thrilling and fast-paced multiplayer gaming server, aimed at delivering an exhilarating and lag-free Minecraft experience to players of all ages. Embracing cutting-edge technology and community-driven gameplay, this server offers a diverse range of features and activities that cater to different playstyles and interests. The server is hosted on powerful hardware and optimized for high-speed performance, providing players with a smooth and immersive experience as they venture through the vast Minecraft world. Hypersonic Minecraft boasts a wide variety of game modes, catering to various preferences. Whether you enjoy the classic Survival mode, the limitless creativity of Creative… Read More

  • Alabasta SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Java 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to our Hermitcraft Inspired Minecraft Server! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and community is everything. Join us for endless adventures, epic builds, and friendships that last a lifetime. About Us: Hermitcraft Inspired: Embrace the spirit of creativity and camaraderie. Toxicity-Free Environment: Join a positive and inclusive community. Community Events and Projects: Participate in exciting events and build monumental projects. Zero-Tolerance Policy: No griefing, stealing, or disruptive behavior allowed. Long-Term Sustainability: Dedicated to providing a stable Minecraft experience. Active Player Interaction: Collaborate, embark on adventures, and engage in lively conversations. Mature Atmosphere: Mutual respect and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with clout

    “I guess you could say this meme scored a critical hit on our funny bone!” Read More

  • Modding Mayhem: Blue’s Minecraft Mod Mysteries!

    Modding Mayhem: Blue's Minecraft Mod Mysteries! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, our Minecraft news reporter, always in rhyme, Crafting updates with beats that ignite. Icing every detail with a grin and a spin, Exploring the world of mods, where the fun begins. Playing modded Minecraft with Blue, a VOD to see, Streaming on Twitch, where the action is free. Join the discord, chat with friends off-stream, Get live notifications, for the… Read More

  • “Hotter than Nether: Mining for Surprises in Minecraft” #shorts #meme #memes

    "Hotter than Nether: Mining for Surprises in Minecraft" #shorts #meme #memes When you finally reach the highest level ores and all that awaits you is a creeper ready to blow you up and ruin your day. #minecraftstruggles 😂 Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips

    Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Diamond Mining Guide Finding Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21 Diamonds are a rare and valuable resource in Minecraft, found underground in the Overworld dimension. They are most commonly found below y level 15, in veins of 1 to 8 diamond ore. To mine diamonds, you’ll need an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. Using the Fortune enchantment on your pickaxe increases your chances of getting multiple diamonds from a single ore block. Effective Methods for Finding Diamonds In the Minecraft 1.18 cave update, diamonds became less exposed to air, making regular cave diving less effective. Two methods… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks

    Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks Welcome to the Minecraft for Minetest Mod Pre-Update! Exploring Common Blocks and Exciting Additions As the Minecraft for Minetest mod gears up for its pre-update release, players are in for a treat with new items and features on the horizon. While this is just a taste of what’s to come, the mod creator has hinted at some exciting additions to look forward to. Notable Features: Fireworks: One of the upcoming additions to the mod is the introduction of fireworks, adding a festive touch to gameplay. Players can expect to light up the skies and celebrate in style, with the… Read More

  • Insane Horror Modpack in Minecraft?! FoxyApproved LIVE!

    Insane Horror Modpack in Minecraft?! FoxyApproved LIVE!Video Information e e e e all right greetings everyone we are back I am back and today it’s going to be a little more different since of a popular request from yesterday in another stream ago we were been saying I could try from the fork I thought why not let’s see is it a m back no it’s some so I spent yesterday 2 hours I went to to am and created a mod pack by myself I scared myself I’m been sleeping and I will show you today I will warn you there’s different stuff shaders it’s… Read More

The Most Insane Minecraft Glitches That Actually Work!