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All right it’s been criminally along since I’ve done them one of these I think everything’s working probably everything looks like it’s in order okay let me know if there are there are issues I’m I’m thinking this should be fine though what’s up Exuma how’s it going how’s your day been what’s up silly

Joseph man what a what a great time for rain what a wonderful fantastic time for rain wow so glad it came right now but nonetheless how’s everyone doing hope things are going well it’s been pretty long time since I’ve done a Minecraft stream it’s been a pretty long time since I’ve

Done a well this isn’t that late in the night for me but it’s been a while this is probably a terrible idea because I have to get up at it’s like 5:00 tomorrow but it’s fine it’s all fine and Dandy by the way let me know if there’s like issues with the with the music I don’t know if it’s too loud or not loud enough or it it might be louder than me actually now that I’m looking at I might turn it down Slightly Minecraft music is kind of annoying to make work in videos for the sole reason that it’s like it’s very quiet at times and then it’s very loud it’s great music it’s kind of hard to include it’s 6:30 dang I found copper fun making lore for your PNG awesome sounds like a fun

Time you know get all this copper delicious copper actually almost never use copper I very rarely there we go very rarely actually use this block but I mine it anyway way because I’m an idiot I’m just a Just a Fool like that oh there’s more here okay I’m not well

I’m not bothering to mine more of it all right it’s not that helpful copper thinks it thinks it’s the best thing since slice bread I have something to say about that okay no coal two veins of copper no coal lovely your your friends SL manager is making a video as

Well made you something for a Twitter post dang you guys are you guys are going the full the full nine yards as they say really uh going you know making all the cool stuff making it professional it’s awesome is it the full nine yards is that what people say full nine yards I

Think they I think it is right it’s the full something amount of yards which I mean it’s stupid in the first place because it it’s it’s using yards but whatever I digress I don’t know if there’s more tree up here I don’t think there is am I missing any tree I don’t think

So now we collect Birch Birch is such a bad wood it looks nice if it’s in planks or like occasionally if it’s stripped but dude just default Birch looks so bad like who builds with this block it’s terrible feel like I I go on this rant

Every time I start a new Minecraft world God damn it but it is it is what it is though like it’s so ugly right is an ugly duckling if you upgrade it it can become beautiful full but just as it is it’s terrible I hate accidentally stripping Stuff there we go okay well I have charcoal or enough charcoal now to do stuff with make a chest you know default early game stuff do the chest like that okay that’s never mind never mind just gonna do the chest normal all right chests are not my friend today there we Go okay well things are working out now trying to edit your intro video sledit current videos for Tik Tok account I see editing is hard as for me like I think my least favorite part about doing YouTube I’m you can tell by how little videos I post I

Personally editing is not my favorite I don’t like it very much probably cuz I’m bad at It on the grind yes got that grind set mentality make your own reality I need to stop doing that like a I I don’t even know I saw this thing on Reddit actually where there’s like a a rubric you know that teachers use to grade stuff and it’s like just everything is

Done in like song lyrics but it’s like bad song lyrics so getting a four is like I don’t know something like ice chilling super cool hip with the kids stuff something like that and it’s all like rap music and it was so bad I feel like that’s what I’m becoming right I say

Phrases then I think of like Rhymes that come after these phrases because of the copious amount of Music I’ve been listening to and I just say it I need to not do it it’s so cringe whatever where is fine cow must murder destroy I planted seeds down here they’re they’re Starting I don’t want to I don’t want to venture too far off usually when I make a new world this is a New World by the way but usually when I make a new world I immediately just Venture super far away but I don’t want to do this that

With this one because uh this is actually like a realm so anyone else that joins is going to end up here so it’s just not a smart idea I think to walk you know like fing miles and miles does not be around wow this is loud is this louder than me at the

Moment it’s pretty close to being louder than me but I think it’s going down now this is what I mean about the music this is what I mean really gets loud and not loud at the at the loud and not loud at the same time I make so much

Sense I make so so much sense so good at making sense what’s up Moon how’s it going how’s your day been hope it’s been going well I’m going to just start making Paths actually I was going to do it out of cobblestone but I think it’s probably easier to just do this this this seems a lot easier I’ll do it out of cobblestone at some point but for now we’ll just do this here we go here we go it’s getting louder

Again it’s getting it’s getting okay stop competing music stop competing for this is my show all right this is my show you stop it stupid thing want to show the Twitter post so bad kind of sitting here like you make the caption if you want to

Like um throw like a DM on Discord I’ll I’ll look at it I’ll try to help right Uncle 7 is not super great when it comes to thumbnails and stuff but I can try what’s up lemon how’s it going also playing Minecraft wicked sick okay this rain needs to leave

I have the power of God I that that was wonderful timing oh I love that that that was just fantastic timing oh no I was looking at chat I almost got I almost got got oh my God no I just patched up a hole like just Now well great where are you all coming from okay stop it’s not aing party I don’t know who invited you but like they were Wrong there’s a oh my gosh I need a bed like Quickly okay and we continue this was actually just a this a long con chat to reset my saturation no that’s the fourth one Stop dude it destroyed my beloved chest what a what a piece of [ __ ] oh my land this can stop now please anyway are all the streamers secet L old is that the connecting factor I I don’t Know I don’t know maybe that would make me feel slightly better about being called Old even though I’m I’m not old at All making thumbnails is a pain yeah making thumbnails can be kind of annoying I think um personally for me a really good uh thumbnail maker this is a PC thing I think it’s actually got a mobile app but it’s called photopia it’s totally free on the web absolute Banger application for

Thumbnails like you can just choose a like YouTube thumbnail size it’s so good it is super super helpful Oh I thought I didn’t have enough Cobblestone for a moment wait I didn’t even make the right thing aay anyway hopefully that’s that’s over and done with no more things literally everywhere oh my goodness

And I have I’ve gained the lore that the world spawn I forgot where it was it’s somewhere over here no stop that’s the sixth one it just I wanted to know exactly where the world spawn was chat that’s all it is it’s all it is all it’s ever been all it’ll ever

Be I’m not bad at the game holy sh the creepers are out in full force today faite Minecraft mod I mean I’m I’m not I’m not a big on modding the game but from the stuff I’ve seen I mean I don’t I don’t know like what

Counts as what do you consider a mod because there’s like texture packs there’s like actual mods that change the pretty much the entire game I mean it’s probably the create mod right crm’s really cool I I’ll lock that in I’ll lock that in Final Answer yeah I don’t really play enough

Of Minecraft to get bored of the like so bored of the original game that I need to mod it so I generally just play vanilla Oh my goodness am I playing in hardcore I thought I put the world difficulty to like easy I have I seen more creepers than zombies Good grief love mod packs getting them working can take so much time only has one that works fully honestly yeah getting them to work can be time consuming but once you kind of know what you’re doing well I haven’t really downloaded that many mods but I also have a like a background

Well not like a background but I know what I’m doing when it comes to computer stuff so for the most part I can get them working relatively quick but it definitely has a just a Pain like a big pain in the rear end all right there we go there is the world spawn ladies and gentlemen so yeah i’ honestly I am kind of angry with idv right now so I might stream a fair bit more Minecraft just because I’m having a lot

Of fun with it at the moment Uh but yeah so anyway the reason I’m putting that’s a pickaxe that’s a shovel there we go the reason I’m putting so much effort well I never do this uh putting so much effort into this spawn is because this is a realm so um if anyone as Java

Minecraft uh you can or let me know I will invite you to the realm and you can play on it whenever you want to which is a thing I don’t know how long it’ll be a thing for but we’ll make it a thing for now all the magic Spellbound Rage Quit first

World lost a botney book bro dude okay side tangent I’ve become I’ve become lowkey addicted to flowers or not like not addicted addicted but like dude for one of my friends okay they forced me into purchasing this succulent right which I should water I don’t need to water them often I mean

Should I water I should ask her if I should water it or not dude I’m becoming like a a flower person I don’t know how to feel about it wish you had Realms don’t have it currently rip it’s all good the nice thing about Realms is they’re relatively cheap and they’re always Online so I thought it could be kind of a fun thing to just have a realm to play on for a while and just see how things Go yeah cuz normally before when I was like playing with friends we’d have to like go onto a server or something or like it just was kind of annoying to play the vanilla game together just normally so I did this so we can have a good

Time then I figured yeah might as well might as well share it with all of you as well if you guys want a Minecraft server server realm whatever same thing more or less there we go the deforestation is going well the deforestation is is going well this was a whole trade area

Before it is no longer That I have to check I got I got big plans for this world I got big plans got a nice river is this an island actually if this is an island it would be perfect I think it actually might be tell me you have haven’t explored the seed without telling me you haven’t

Explored the seed yeah I think it is an island ooh that’s that’s good this is good news this is what we wanted and I’m under water great made your first Twitter post hey congratulations hold on let me pull up this takes me a little while because I’m

Not used to doing it in this way but confetti we go wo woo I don’t get to pull out the confetti very often every time I have an excuse to pull out the confetti I’m happy maybe we’ll maybe with different game streams we can oh boy pull out confetti

More often than with idv right idv conetti is is few and far between can shamelessly promote it it’s fine all right I am I am the last person that can be critical of other people shamelessly promoting their [ __ ] okay like let’s let’s be real ra Here all right Shameless promotion is like becoming a key aspect of my branding at this point speaking of the Discord server I haven’t really been checking it that much I keep meaning to check it I like barely am on Discord these days I always have it

Closed I really need to be more active on there do stuff be a be a Person yeah I should you know what I should have like a promotion Channel actually I think I do have a promotion Channel but I think it’s just I I threw a bunch of my own links in there and called it a Day so maybe there can be a better promotion Channel ah I forgot that there was a hole here as I Do anyway so recently chat this is my recent Endeavor uh I don’t know why I’ve decided to do this but I’ve decided to do this uh I am making my own um uh machine learning model thingy to look for specific images in pictures or specific items in

Pictures why did I choose to do this I don’t know but I want to do it what will I do with it once I’m done I don’t know but I’m going to do it anyway and oh my God have I already hit like so many brick

Walls trying to do it um in C++ using open CV and it it’s it was not a good there’s I might pivot it was not a good choice it was it was not a good choice D I think I actually asked chat GPT uh what it thought I should use and

It said uh what I think it said tensorflow JS which I know absolutely nothing about but I I feel like I’ve heard about it before what which is just what it is with everything these days dude there’s so much trying to learn anything when it comes to like coding or

Computer programming or whatever you want to call it is so hard because like it’s it’s hard doing it on your own I would say because there’s so much saturation like there really is there’s just so much there’s Frameworks for this Frameworks for that you know Buy my course buy this course follow this

Tutorial that’s like 20 hours long you know what I’m saying like there’s just it’s there’s so much that it becomes overwhelming and Difficult which is weird because normally having a lot of things is a good thing but I found this uh the more I try to learn uh things that are a little bit more simple than like just you know vanilla JavaScript which is like a very you know

Surface level thing you know the more you try that like it just becomes layers on like layers on abstraction upon layers of abstraction upon layers of abstraction like there’s so much what’s up rat Queen how’s it going welcome to the stream I’m in the middle of talking

About code this is this is a nerd moment sorry doing double cuz you’re in VC with Ajax ooh you got got two oh my God no you don’t want 27s 27s is too much for anyone to handle code code yes instructions you give to a computer to make it do

Stuff speaking of like U machine learning stuff I still want to make that idv bot I was talking about I think I mentioned botting the game earlier today as like kind of an aside to skin sharing but I really want to make one the problem

Is like I’m I’m scared to do it because I I feel that looks like a banable thing even though I have like zero ill intent with something like that like I feel like it I feel like the developers are would not be happy about

It and I feel like if I were to go ahead and make the code for it open source and free like I do with everything that I make I feel like it would just be misused and malicious which I don’t want and I don’t want to do something that’s closed source

So I feel like it’s just better to not make it but I still want to make it really badly what’s up cookies how’s it Going D didn’t get the notification H YouTube notification Moment YouTube’s notifications are really terrible hon to here there I I think that’s a big enough Circle this is not a circle this is this is about as far well this is actually not as far as you can get from a Circle well I mean how many sides do you require to have a circle I mean like feel like once you get up to like an octagon it’s pretty circular shaped I don’t know these are these are the things I think about murder oh can’t touch me you’re not a creeper I don’t fear

You you didn’t drop me string what a scammer what am I building a floor plan at the moment it is just a floor plan we will the the the plan for today is just to Deforest this entire Island and build a plant on it that’s that that

Is as far as I’ve gotten in my planning process just chop down a bunch of trees and think about where stuff is going to go yeah what was I talking about I don’t remember whatever oh well anyway so I can talk about this for for a little bit this this made me mildly

Salty all right but also not that salty but just just just just mildly salty so you know how I was working on that chrom extension for character AI for uh you know a couple of weeks I think I talked about it on stream a couple of times I was like oh it’s been

Fun you know learning you know how manifest is like kind of works and just like working with it cuz I kind of roughly knew how it worked but obviously working with something you know just makes your level of understanding so much better and it was it was just cool

Learning how to inject my own JavaScript and manipulate the Dom and stuff it was nice all right I released the thing it’s on my GitHub by the way um there’s still a few useful features if you want to go install it all right but I published the thing I

Published a video about the thing on my second Channel or is it I my third Channel I don’t remember one of the two second or third Channel and then like 2 days later they just Implement what was in the what was in the extension like the big feature in the extension just got

Implemented like it got it got made obsolete in like 2 days like I’m I’m glad that the feature is there but also mildly salty that it and it just got add it like just instantly after I spent all that effort learning about stuff to put it in

There manifest manifest is like a way to request to change the content of a page essentially I don’t really know how to explain it but every ow every Chrome extension ever has a manifest.json that is kind of like the pillar of what you build your extension out of if that makes sense

I’m not a great explainer I know how it works but I don’t have enough like the level of in-depth understanding to really explain it in a way that makes a lot of sense if that makes sense I don’t make sense at the best of times to be

Fair but I don’t have to this is my show all right making sense is not part of the rules I you know what before you sneak up on me I think you’re going to have to oh there’s two of you you got a You got a friend

No oh wait I thought there was one behind me there we go man dude there are a lot of creepers going make a creeper Farm on this Island instead of a spawn point you find one and they just keep on coming out of the woodwork they’re they’re like

Cockroaches you see one of them and you’re just it’s over oh and my thing’s broken there no I need to make ACC okay you know what while I’m here I’m going to make actually I think like three axes there we go there we go now I can hopefully remove this entire

Area I’ll plant trees back later at some point but for now we’ll leave it like this oh my goodness gracious D there’s more of them actually I do kind of want spiders though because they give me string which I can use to make wool which means I can

Make a bed which means I don’t have to live through the night anymore which would be kind of nice that’d be pretty groovy if I do say so myself I’m running out of food though but I got a I got one piece of Wheat more importantly I have have three seeds I don’t have a hoe of course sheeps are so hard to find when you need them for no reason dude for real for real what’s up Charles how’s it going welcome to the stream where’s my Mansion

At honestly I do I do not have a mansion all right we we don’t have a mansion yet I’ve only been playing on this world for a few maybe like half an hour at this point somewhere in that range the the Mansion a mansion’s coming

But we don’t have one we don’t have one yet that’ll take me way that’ll take me way longer because I’m not a good Builder thought manifest was like praying on a gold go/ dream it is I mean that’s the actual meaning of the word but Chrome extensions also have something called a manifest.json that allows them to make requests I okay I need like a diagram dude I need like Microsoft Paint

To go on screen and like draw out because I I cannot explain properly how manifest like how it works but yeah essentially I mean and Google tried to get rid of this which was very funny with manifest version 4 uh you know how everyone has ad blockers these days

Right you know ad blockers this ad blockers that uh if you don’t use an ad blocker um start using one or switch over to a browser that has ad block built in like Brave I mean scratch that switch over to a browser that’s privacy Centric like Brave Anyway uh but yeah all right can can you stop getting loud music all right I’m I’m sick of competing against you for attention Minecraft is relaxing to play it’s fun to play with friends play alone here weird noise noes honestly I mean I don’t know about the

Weird noises but Minecraft is 10 times more fun with friends hence why once again we now have a realm to do stuff On thought it was automatic ad blocking a lot of um a lot of school like my school for example had a like had an ad blocker install cuz it’s recommended there’s so much scam ads and stuff out now it’s it’s literally recommended just run an ad blocker like ads are not

Honest a lot of the time especially stuff like Google will go out of their way to make it as um as inconspicuous that it’s an ad as possible or make ads as inconspicuous as possible load nightmare inducing mods and still get scared by Vanilla cave sounds it

Happens it happens with the caves update I feel like the caves became a lot more scary before caves were kind of just a joke let’s be honest here but now that they’ve been updated they actually got updated quite a while ago pretty decent but yeah I think ad blocking I

Honestly it should it should just be something that everyone does in my opinion block ads you can white list pages that you’re like okay it’s chill for you to show me ads all right like if you’re going on my uh but you know some some based developers right like me who have

Websites like identif five tools which you should visit I don’t think the link is in the description but you should visit it anyway it’s on my GitHub page um some base developers like me don’t put ads in anything and actually actively go out of their way to remove Google’s tracking

Analytics from my web page so you’re welcome accidentally summoned the warden more time SE account I have I ever summoned the warden I I’m not sure I have no want to summon the warden to be honest I have no desire for it and there goes pickaxe number one onethird of the way through

Pickaxes also by the way the way I’m clearing these trees makes no sense I’m going from like a tree over there running across this whole island and like a a tree over here this looks nice I could just be going in a linear pattern but why would I do that

Why would I do something that makes all the sense in the world just be an absolute I don’t know chaotic mess sounds about right but yeah I’m still mixed on how I feel about the warden to be honest like I like the idea of the warden

But I’ve always kind of liked like the warden even if you kind of max out your stats is still like a a danger which I don’t like that much because I’ve always liked like I like playing in hardcore uh and to me it’s always been

Kind of fun to get to that point in late game where you’re just kind of Untouchable like you can still die but like you have totems and like you know protection four on all your armor and stuff and then you could the world is like your playground you’ve beaten the

Game you can do whatever you want now right at least that’s how I’ve always looked at it like it doesn’t really matter how much you gear up against a warden the warden’s still an issue like a warden’s still going to smack you like really good if you try to fight one

And I had less of an issue with them before they um before like the sonic boom thing I I don’t like the sonic boom I would have liked it better if the warden was just kind of like a ground only unit that it would like run at you

Try to murder you and murder your face off and stuff but it still allowed someone with like an elyra or something late game to just do whatever they wanted but not really anymore well you can still just dip like it definitely made the wardens a bigger threat but I don’t think they

Needed to be one maybe that’s just my opinion though God it’s better than what they’ve been adding recently right pretty much every mob they’ve added other than the warden has just been a complete piece of [ __ ] in my opinion like I’m going be honest like

Alls what do the what do they even do I don’t think I’ve ever even seen in La like or cared about them yeah that’s like even the the most recent one I can think of I think they added sniffers which again never I’ve never even seen one nor cared about it they’re

Just stupid to me at the end of the day all they are are a vector to get other content in the game they’re not good just by themselves which I mean isn’t a bad thing I mean sheep exist and sheep are at the end of the

Day just a vector for food and a vector for um wool that feels different what are sniffers they’re like a I don’t even know how to describe them it’s like a how do I describe this imagine a large rectangle that’s red you know in the in the form of a in

In the form of an animal so imagine a large red rectangle with some legs and a yellow snout that’s and like some green grass on its on top of it that’s kind of what they look like I don’t I don’t think that’s the greatest description in the world but

It’s the best I can do like it’s not like they look bad but they’re just I don’t know They’re cute looking that’s fair I’m not saying they look bad I’m just saying there’s not really a reason to care about them you care about them if you want very specific items and that’s it you know it’s not like they offer a cool extra feature like you want to keep

One as a pet like a cat or a dog where it’s like oh I kind of want to have them because they follow you around and they’re cute looking and stuff like that you know they don’t really give you anything they’re just kind of cute to

Have as a pet but a sniffer is not that they’re annoying to get a hold of they only Grant specific items that you’re only looking for in specific circumstances you’re almost never looking for stuff that a sniffer gives you so it’s like the fact that it’s well done as it as in designed

Well to me doesn’t really matter it’s not implemented very well I think but I mean here is my rant as a like a guy that makes games with red cubes that fall down and that’s the whole game play red rain too by the way check it out um on my GitHub page once

Again I’ve actually been working very very lightly on another like just random web game well I well I continue to to plug away at Cave of slime which I promise I’ll release it someday or release the demo someday chat right I’m a solo Dev I’m Sorry I have other projects that I just want to do Cave of slime can be just it’s so hard because it’s it’s anart RPG right and making RPGs take a long while thanks for the sub very very much appreciated but yeah like I’ve I’ve learned this I didn’t really think of

This before I committed to making a giant RPG with multiple branching Pathways but RPGs are really are really hard because think of any game you know think of like a shooter game for example all right like you make a system for shooting bullets you make some

Enemies that run at you and there you go then then you can just design a whole bunch of levels and there you go you got your game with an RPG you make one thing like that all right you got to write a a [ __ ] ton of dialogue first of all but

You make like a a cut scene or something you make a system it’s a oneandone thing thing right like I’ve made multiple systems for Cave of slime like they’re one and DS $4.99 from stay hydrated a thank you for the five bucks very much appreciated very kind to you

What’s up gz jum how’s it going I’m glad to see my my cloud alerts are are working properly it was a while I couldn’t get them to work I don’t know what was going on but uh I did I did manage to fix it finally it looks

Like sure hope a creeper doesn’t take chill out of the stream’s title yeah well you you missed you you missed me dying to a creepers already twice this stream the pain I have deforested a lot I have a lot of wood I don’t remember I was I was on an impassionate like a

Impa impassionate a passionate is it is it impass impassionate impassionate I don’t know a word like that I was I was making a passionate speech about something I forgot what it was I have a great memory chat dude honestly maybe all the jokes about me being old are Justified my

Memory is like someone with get dementia sometimes it’s really bad also I have no more food things are we we live we live in Dark Times think I might well I mean what what else can I do I want to keep deforesting there’s no natural spawning mob so we’re just going

To do this I guess Frozen anti-environmentalist in Minecraft we’re going to plant them back okay come on I was trying to say passion fruit nope no oh no you’re riding a spider oh I’m dead I am I I am dead with a capital D I can’t Sprint what’s up B how’s it going on the bright side I have full saturation Now okay into battle we go I got no useful I did not get my axe uh-oh okay you need to go okay well I meant to hit the creeper towards the skeleton that didn’t work out too well there my axe my axe my axe ah okay Flawless came out on

Top yeah isn’t a Um isn’t a mob riding on another mob really rare or not like super rare cuz I’ve seen it before for but isn’t it mildly rare I think some combinations are super rare some Aren’t I don’t I don’t know which ones never saw a zombie fight a skeleton before really happens all the time or at least I see it all the time should make us server um this is this is a realm so anyone that has Java Minecraft I can invite and they can play

On this at any time which is an open invite by the way if anyone has Java Minecraft let me know I will I will invite you to the realm I should probably put that in like a pinned comment Skeleton on the spider is called a jockey I think it was mentioned it was

Rare oh rare Occurrence cu come on just absolutely destroy everything I could see it I could absolutely see that but yeah so if anyone has the Java Edition it’s here let me know say the Words strip the Earth to Bear Bedrock bro like build like a a TNT duplication machine just run it back and forth over like the entire spy bro Bros is going to turn the server into 2b2 T well it’s a realm so like Minecraft has a built-in thing called Realms

Basically uh the way it works is I have a realm and I can invite people to the realm and they can play on the realm at any time as long as it’s uh the same addition so this is a Java one so as long as you have the Java edition

Of Minecraft not the Bedrock one aka the one that you would buy on a computer not console or mobile oh I should get fish I can actually eat something oh my God but yeah so as long as it’s Java then yeah it can an invite can be a ranged

You’re going to download a Hacked Client while you’re at no no but to just but to literally 2b2 to the server can hit everyone with Crystal Aura is that a skeleton over there I need to murder you we need to die my friend also somewhere Ong the way it

Looks like I lost my pickaxe I don’t know when that happened love Crystal PVP well Crystal PVP is too hard for me I’m not going to lie normal PVP is too hard for me I can’t do crystal PVP I tried to do it with my friend once

On the Bedrock Edition on my an iPad it worked so poorly I was so like he was he could actually do it and I just got absolutely like destroyed can you tell which one you have um so if you buy the game on a mobile like the mobile version is

Bedrock the the console version is bedrock so if you have it on like a PS4 or whatever that’s Bedrock if you have the Java Edition it’s PC so if you launch the game through a PC it should say Java or if you log into your Minecraft account you can look at or Microsoft

Account I think you can look at um my games and it’ll tell you which version you have but yeah I’m still I’m still waiting for crossplay I really really wish crossplay existed like officially it’s so annoying that it doesn’t speedrun so you can get lingering potions pain honestly Minecraft speedruns are really

Cool it’s such a unique game to speedrun because every run is like when you speedrun a game normally it’s always the same thing you do the same thing again and again and again until you can do it in the fastest possible way I always found Minecraft really cool

Because each run you do is unique like you get a different seed every single time so each run you do is special which adds Randomness to it but it also adds a lot of skill in my opinion I mean there’s also skill in in the other way don’t get me wrong but

It’s like a different kind of skill I think I think Minecraft speed running is cool I haven’t looked at the current state of it these days though I don’t know if it’s changed you know a few years ago remember being like kind of into it I never really ran the game myself very

Much I just it I you know it would take me like two hours to finish the game cuz I I would never never reset I like that that’s the thing about speedr running I hate restarting over and over again like I like the concept of speedr running but I don’t have the patience

For that like I got to I got to have diversity like when for example and geometry dash 2.2 was like on the horizon everyone was excited to like speedrun well people were excited for a lot of reasons but one of the big things was like people wanted to speedrun I was

Like that just sounds so not fun and the the speedrun for the tower is Horrible like it doesn’t look fun at all to me in the Minecraft avatar matching eyes we are we are the same I really should update my Minecraft avatar to be something more similar to my normal one but whatever a bunny I mean maybe not just a bunny some

Sort of tech cyborg thing something like that want a Minecraft bad for so long get your brain thinking of Random ideas to do there yeah Minecraft is a just it’s a good game it’s just a great game to kind of pop on to for a while it’s just chill it’s

Relaxing you pop onto it for a while you do stuff you know you build whatever you want you just do anything it’s great I don’t want you when you have have it on on phone if you have it on the phone it’s it’s the Bedrock version then any mobile version is

Bedrock weaponizing everything for PVP situations bro when other people jump on the realm like I I already know dude some of my other friends we play Minecraft together occasionally bro I get absolutely rolled over whenever we do PVP pretty much anything unless it’s like solving puzzles or something like that all

Right I’m just getting useless at it but I still have fun playing the game yeah the only times where I ever win pretty much anything is if I think of like a way to abuse abuse a rule or like a interesting new strategy otherwise yeah like uh one of my like really close

Friends we used to do this thing when we played Minecraft together on Bedrock is we just log into a server one of us would be a hunter one of us would be like a runner and the hunter just chased the runner they had to hit him three

Times and that that was that was the whole game and you got like a full you got I don’t can’t remember how many items you got it was like a full hot bar of items that you got to use bro we had to ban so many items because of

Me like we had to ban pearls we had to like we had to ban pickaxes because I would bring it I like I brought a pickaxe in just dug into the ground put blocks over me yeah and he couldn’t come he couldn’t come down after me because I would just break the Cobblestone

Faster so it just one we had to ban so much stuff it was fun though like God apples we had to ban cuzz I just got God apples and lava just sat in lava stuff like that all potions eventually got banned I I don’t remember I think we

Eventually banned sponges I think we banned armor no I think I I don’t remember we we banned one armor I can’t remember if it was netherite or Diamond there’s no way it’s netherite cuz netherite was bad kindergarten ass game dude it was but it was

Fun right I don’t I don’t even care if it was a childish game it was fun that was cool that’s how that’s that’s how I learned to consistently do the water bucket to like fall in and place the water thing it’s also the strategy I don’t even know how helpful

This was but I always bring ice blocks like packed ice and just and just run and place blocks like this I don’t even know if this helped me but I felt like it helped me cuz you would kind of slide on the ice and I don’t have a pickaxe in my

Inventory but it felt badass so I did it anyway what’s up corrupt MC how’s it going welcome to the stream yeah it was fun that’s that’s a beauty of Minecraft though you can do whatever you want that’s the great thing about it just thought of a genius idea let me hear it

Rain the knowledge getting chased you slow falling on your Chaser so when you land you can just shoot him yeah we had to we had to ban potions for that Reon like potions were too op cuz you had jump boost you had uh speed boost instant harming like potions were just too broken

Slowness need to ban all of them thanks for the sub by the way very kind to you appreciate it glad to hear you doing well corrupt it’s always a good Thing always a good thing we are getting close to finally finally clearing this this stupid island playing on a server or single player world uh playing on a realm playing on a realm at the moment there’s a version of Minecraft where harming potions and arrows ignore armor is

There actually I thought they just ignored armor I I didn’t know I didn’t know that the armor was a in the calculation now I thought they just bypassed it I learned something today I’m not I’m not exactly up to date on the Minecraft stuff I choose to

Not I choose to not really look at the the new stuff that’s coming out I don’t really like reading the update patch notes and stuff because there’s just never anything in there anymore that I’m I get excited about just none of it like occasionally there’s stuff where

It’s like oh that’s kind of interesting or that won’t be too bad I don’t mind that but usually it’s stuff like I don’t really want that in the game or eh I don’t really care about this you know more of like that is the majority oh no that is the majority of

What it is now at least for me it’s probably different for most other people but the the last time where I looked at an update and I was like the majority of the things coming I thought were positive changes was the terrain like the the one where they changed all

The terrain in caves and stuff not to say Minecraft’s becoming a bad game but it just I don’t know the new stuff is doesn’t do it for me I I prefer to live in the past maybe I’m maybe I’m just old and we only have a few more trees

Left oh my gosh I didn’t realize this there is oh we’re going to have to do some digging we’re going to have to we’re going to have to construct a moat here I think well not a moat but we’re going to have to do some digging I thought it was a fully uh

Surrounded Island that sucks oh well bro is definitely old ouch ouch think Minecraft gets boring after a bit unless you have friends it definitely does it definitely does if Minecraft didn’t have servers I don’t think the game would be nearly as popular as it is but I mean playing with friends

Enhances anything I mean lethal company is a great example of this playing lethal company solo is like n it’s not bad but playing lethal company with other people is really fun like I did a stream a while back where I played it with Isaac who a fun

Fact is the close friend I was talking about where we would do the uh chasing hunting game and we often play games together but playing with friends is a lot of fun like you can join random lobbies in Lethal company die no I can’t Target the child murder

Death get out of here oh it’s giving me a carrot a fair trade um this is bad my ax is almost dead no that’s my hoe wooho that I got too close especially the chaotic cut off screams on call it dude there’s it is funny when you play lethal company you

Know you’re just you’re on some like normal world like March or something and you’re talking with another player through the wall and then you just hear like oh [ __ ] as they like get consumed Med by like a Bracken or a thumper or something dude Thumpers are the worst

Thing ever I feel like it’s always Thumpers man always Thumpers I haven’t played Lethal company in a while I should message Isaac again and ask if he wants to play me obviously not now or probably not tomorrow either but at some point this week

I do that I I don’t know why I’m now divulging my personal plans but here we are in The Walking Dead I have not pretty much any and all movies or like large TV series I have heard of but have not actually watched because I do not care to get streaming service subscriptions

They’re just not worth it to me anymore oh man there’s a lot of spiders over here oh my God Sheesh is it possible do a lethal company stream eventually I’ve already done a couple lethal company streams but I may do another one in the future we’ll see I might wait until the game gets updated a bit more cuz I believe there are updates planned okay well that’s

I think H not all the forest I’m going to Deforest it a bit more but yeah I I could be down to do some more lethal company the thing about lethal company is it kind of isn’t the best stream game at least for me because whenever I stream like you all know this

But I try to be very interactive and read like all the chat messages and like respond to everything for the most part unless it’s something that’s obviously like not directed at me or like something that I just don’t want to reply to and lethal company it get it gets a

Little bit awkward if I’m like talking to chat like whilst playing cuz playing with other people on voice chat supports deforestation confirmed they’re going to be planted back chat I will plant them back once again right I do not support deforestation come on now all right I’m not the vegan

Teacher I don’t know if she actually supports D4 forestation but it feels like a cause she would be for being like it’s it’s better than animals dying or something like that oh no not the one slur don’t do that to me don’t do that to me

No dude is there no way to get up here who generated this bro I got to have a word with whoever put this SE well no one puts the SE seeds together but I’m going have a word with however this seed was generated whatever computer generated this thing bro not the one

Slur I’m I’m in my one slur Arc right now speaking of movies actually uh I’ve seen that they’ve made a sequel to mega mind which saddens me because I’ve seen nothing but negative things about it I looked at the Rotten Tomato page for it and it was really bad like it it was

Really bad I think that’s the worst I’ve seen which is sad because Megamind was one of my favorite movies when I when I was a young seven like it it was so good it had like a really good message and everything like I loved it so much I loved that

Movie to death I watched it so many times that’s like one of the movies I just never get bored of was that all my axes [ __ ] so to see that they’ve quite thoroughly tarnished its Legacy is quite sad because I’ve seen and I’ve just there’s nothing there’s just been no positivity at

All it looks bad yeah I saw I saw a few Clips I haven’t seen the whole film I don’t want to see the whole film to be honest all right I don’t want to put number one I don’t want to support this horrific bastardization of a once beloved film well I still beloved

Film but also I just I don’t want to subject myself to that I’m just going to be sad the whole time I’m going to be like man they just they just ruined this whole thing that I used to enjoy I still can go enjoy the original movie at least but you

Know like the original one the first the original one was good yeah the original one in my opinion is still a great movie and holds up to now even though it was made a little while ago I think is still a really great movie like I I’d watch it again even now

Unfortunately I don’t know I’ve seen some clips of it it just looks so cheap like it looks like they didn’t even try like I didn’t even look that much into it and I saw like just reused MPCs or not MPCs but reused character models in multiple different

Contexts like the animation was just not it like it was not up to the standard of quality you would expect definitely not up to the standard of quality from the original like [ __ ] looked like almost like Jimmy Neutron level of like it’s pretty it’s bad right like that’s where it

Was can just go with it I have not in fact I haven’t even heard of it I’m hoping it’s at least a good thing yeah also apparently they made a like due to this movie they made a spin-off as well spin-off TV show of it which is just even wor like they’re

There they’re literally chat they are literally making a modern content farm this this’s a legacy media content Farm chat that’s what it is they’ve they’ve caught up to the YouTube meta hot chick no I I have not seen a lot of media to be honest unless it’s like a cartoon

From you know multiple years ago it’s a pretty high chance that I have not seen it cuz I live in Canada yeah up up here we got up here we got uh you know nothing but nothing but polar bears and cartoons and a prime minister that has no idea what they’re

Doing hot political take this is why you all come to this this channel seeing the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie I was going I don’t know why I never watched it I was going to watch it and I never ended up doing it like I was like okay fine you know

It’s it’s a kind of a landmark thing and I heard I was hearing good things about it so I’m like all right and I I bought the movie and I never watched it I just never got around to it I should probably do that frankly I was surprised they even made the

Movie but I’m glad they did okay chat so we have now officially deforested a large island isn’t it beautiful now we will make a layout if I can switch my perspective there we go okay that took me longer than I would like to admit that it Did so beautiful exactly so much better than with trees am I right chat who needs those leafy broccolis leafy want to be broccoli Things tree killer all right I have I picked up literally like all of the saplings I will put the trees back okay I promise somewhere else where did I go there we go okay let’s make pass now the rabbit hole dude that that could be that could

Be a fun base to actually make a rabbit hole it would make sense all right time to use all of this City layout knowledge I’ve gained from creating countless maps for Cave of slime and actually make something that looks relatively nice oh my goodness make a path block you [ __ ] there we

Go and there goes my shovel Rabbit Hole lay eggs for Easter bro why why though is my question I thought we’ve been over this we we’ve debunked the yo7 is the Easter Bunny Game Theory right like I’m I’m I’m sorry to say it’s just not true

Oh wait you can shovel these I thought you couldn’t shovel the normal dirt ones okay well I learned something today this might be too small of a space to do what I want to do with it the homes have to be pretty small like something like

This I was thinking about doing like a like a c theack kind of idea I don’t think that’s going to work though I think this is just too small no we’ll think about it I I do I have enough string to make a bed I killed spiders I really need a

Bed right like it’s becoming a problem I think I do I do I have wool already yeah yeah yeah screw you Knight good luck ever happening again boom and there we go now this is the question I think I’m going to leave one block Gap oh there’s how did you spawn bunny

Fur I’m I’m I’m a bunny cyborg Chad all right I don’t have fur I have synthetic material you’re a fan art your phone looks deformed but it looks cute I oh okay all right then he I’ll I’ll take it you know what never never say no to Fan Art I can’t be too

Mad do I really not have more dirt there we go the plan is commencing probably send it in the Discord that’s too L honestly all right being lazy is just normal just chill if you ever get around to it I’ll make sure to keep my eyes open

What’s up squish how’s it going really play Minecraft cuz you keep dying real real I should have a death counter that actually that’s probably a bad idea it might be a funny idea but that I would that would be ridiculed man it takes a long time to break

These I’m going to become old for real anyway though yeah what time what time are I I need to actually look at the time I need to be careful okay I probably won’t stream for too much longer I’ve already been going for an hour and a half I might stream for another

Hourish we’ll see half an hour to an hour but I can’t stream for too long today because I I want to okay I’m having fun but I have work unfortunately and that is important that I don’t uh sleep through my three alarms that I have set make 100% sure I’m waking up

Tomorrow dude they keep making me come in earlier and earlier like I don’t want to I like starting at 12:00 I’m a night owl chat I don’t I don’t like this early morning dude and one one of the other people there they’re they’re literally they’re there so early in the morning

They’re always there so so early in the morning one of my co-workers bro all right they get up at like 5:00 go to go to the gym first thing in the morning I’m like oh my god well I first of all I wish I had the motivation to actually go to the

Gym all right I’m I’m like not fat but I am not in shape it’s like I want to have the motivation to go to the gym and get up at 5: without complaining oh my gosh all right Exuma thanks for stopping by have a good rest of your day well

Have a good night have a good sleep should build Mega Min tomorrow could Do it could happen work out at home I mean yeah but that like see the problem is you’re depriving me of my excuse right if I had enough motivation to work out at home I have enough motivation to go to the Gym I should be a motivational coach think the procrastination is harder than the gym itself it really is procrastination is always generally harder than doing the the actual thing but but we we all know that procrastination is just we all do it way too much what’s up Mando Hunter how’s it going

Welcome to the stream place the carrot don’t eat it it’s my only carrot I don’t I don’t have another carrot to to Shell out here the the gym is eating hot Cheetos dude I’m I’m going to do that I’m going to do that as my excuse going to go to the gym

Just like eat snacks and and watch TV be like but I’m going to the gym I don’t understand no one will question anything I’m doing all right how about yourself very kind of you to ask preparing for an early an early day tomorrow you know what they say the early bird catches the

Worm and also a CO C and also um lack of sleep it’s just water weight don’t all right don’t you dare nikocado avocado me all right I promise I will never fall that low Honestly though like it’s not like I have a a six-pack or anything but I’m relatively

Slim just because I eat like [ __ ] leafy greens and that’s about it I have a I have a salad for like three meals of the day sometimes a pizza I don’t I don’t think it’s particularly healthy but whatever like the you know California land it’s only 810 just chilling for a bit I

See just live in the Avatar eating rabbit food dude literally I didn’t even think about that I dude I am this robotic bunny this robotic bunny actually embodies me quite well like I made it robotic and techy on purpose because I’m like okay I’m a you

Know I’m I’m a game developer right it it makes sense you know Tech Enthusiast it makes sense to be like you know te technology cyborg cool stuff so I like I did that part on purpose did the music decide it wasn’t going to happen anymore music but yeah I I didn’t even think

About the part where like I eat mostly things like dude I could literally I could share a diet with my rabbit right she she wouldn’t like that i’ I’d go up to her just steal all her kale what am I working on um a few random bits bit bits and bobs at the

Moment uh my big project is like a giant RPG called Cave of slime that I’m just I’m just going to be safe and say it’s going to take me about 10 years to finish right that way we we cover all our bases cuz it it totally I totally

Totally on track and my development plan is going so well thanks for the sub very appreciate it very appreciated I make a lot of sense very it’s very appreciated very kind of you I’ve I’ve gotten one piece of bread keep myself alive you have a hamster named pillow oh

That’s so cute my my rabbit’s name is trouble because she well you can guess why she’s named that um she chews on every well rabbits are rabbits she chews on everything but I mean you know she she is she is in fact a rabbit that’s to be

Expected okay so I think we’re going to we’re going to do a a chop on the on the terrain right here we’re going to we’re going to dig dig a a canal that way it’s a fully surrounded by water Island yeah dude my rapid is actually very

Old like she is literally a geriatric at this point I’m not even kidding she’s considered a geriatric rabbit like she’s been she’s been kicking around for a long time she’s also she’s also fat very fat we give her way too much food had a rabbit and a guinea pig in

The past really want a rabbit in the future that have yet to uh uh yet to research trouble’s a nice name yeah trouble’s a great name I’m proud of that one my naming conventions have come a long way since I named my first all right that’s what it was that

The fourth one fourth death to to a creep specifically oh you have a cat it makes sense that you don’t have rabbits then that makes sense dude I need blast protection at this point you know you know what I actually need you know what would actually fix this problem torches

Am I going to actually go make torches of course not but like or I could just sleep through the night that’s also a thing I could do I have multiple ways that I I could avoid this I choose to Not where did my shovel go oh there you there you are my prize Possession anyway yeah pets are great everyone loves him it was a bunny with a bow o first ever pet a bunny no my first ever pet was a uh beta fish a red one that I called Flame Fin and uh he didn’t last long unfortunately I try I like I tried to

Take care of him to the best of my ability and I know now that a lot of the ways that pet stores will recommend that you take care of beta fish is incorrect like I I know that now I didn’t know it at the time because I was like seven at the

Time but I did my best to take care of him should go mine for iron armor and tools honestly you know what it’s probably a good idea I just need coal is what I really need at the end of the day I don’t like being in the caves too much

Because um it’s dark and dark on YouTube video equal bad but it probably is probably probably is the play right now I should have come down here with a fresh pickaxe rip the fish yeah I was sad I still get a little bit sad thinking about

Him you know put it put him in the backyard put a rock on top of him well buried him then put a rock on top of where we buried him the rock that was in his fish tank which was far too small but I didn’t know that yeah anyway the rabbit was my

Second pet we’ve had her for like eight years so you know I haven’t had a lot of time to get another pet since you know pretty much almost half of my life we’ve had my rabbit so I I haven’t had too much time I have five fish in here that were just

Existing God I’m so dumb I could have been eating these go find Cliffs that’s a good call that’s a good call there’s a cliff over here there’s just one there’s just one chilling lot of creepers during mining mining is your least favorite found 14 diamonds last time I have a confession

To make chat all right I have I have a conf session like I if I go mining for like 10 plus minutes and I don’t find diamonds I I may or may not put on an X-ray texture pack it’s like you know it’s it’s confession time but it’s it’s not

Fun you know what I’m saying it’s not fun just looking for diamonds had a pet turtle but somehow it ran away oh no that’s so sad sorry to hear that hold on we’re going to go Abus game mechanics real quick used to have a pet rly poy but

Killed it cuz you put it in a pencil box kid moments I actually took in a caterpillar once I found one I took the caterpillar in and put it in a jar and I put the jar in the house and gave it leaves with holes in the

Lid and it it went into its cocoon actually I don’t know why I went and gathered wood I just chopped down literally an entire Forest I have wood to spare but uh don’t don’t argue my logic but yeah the butterfly or not the butterfly the caterpillar eventually

Turned in like it cocooned so I put it outside and it went away I don’t know what happened to it I’m assuming it turned into a butterfly maybe that’s wishful thinking I don’t know must have used a speed boost potion o those pesky Turtles keeping those speed boost potions on

Hand oh there’s lapis here that is not something I need no I put down two doors I’m an idiot a darn fool oh there’s coal here okay well I’ve already Wast I have 10 coal 10 coal is enough I can make make torches with

This so all I wanted at the end of the day was a few torches I could light things up like a firework imagine if I lost spawn that’ be sad that’d be such a yo7 thing to do just go on like literally the smallest Adventure ever and just immediately lose all sense

Of direction build the entire colony of roly py in your pencil box it it happens to the best of us it happens to the best of us roly py are like creepy I don’t I don’t know why I used to frolic with them as a child these days I find them

Offputting and scary I don’t know why I think I think that’s just bugs in general like I used to think spiders were cool as a kid Actually I don’t even think I ever thought that I just pretended to think that because I thought that I was like I’m a guy so I’m

Just supposed to think spiders are cool and I now have extreme Arachnophobia I actually broke one of my phones because one of my one of my dear great friends sent me a big blown up picture of a of like a wolf spider or something I literally like tossed my

Phone because like I I don’t know why it was it was it was just a reflex let’s toss that [ __ ] away and that somehow that somehow was the breaking point for my phone not dropping it down an entire like floor like a twostory staircase it was

Fine no dropping it after I got startled by a spider that’s what did it in cuz that makes Sense I Digress there go this is ending up a bit more symmetrical than I wanted it to be but this is fine we’ll have buildings going up here you can walk it’ll be like a city thing a miniature City obviously cuz there’s not a lot of room on this

Island we’ll have like some bridges that go off I’m envisioning this this is not too Bad there’s one in your blanket never been the same since oh my God that sounds so horrible oh that sounds so horrible how much is rent oh no buck 50 yeah dude my go-to insult now chat is like wishing someone gets a spider in like their

Shoe that is like the worst thing I can imagine like bestowing upon someone because actually here’s a hot tip for you Chad if you ever leave your shoe out shoes outside from experience please shake them out before you put them on like it’s just a good

Practice you know just just your just a hot tip for today oh no have to sleep laying in bed so this uh little speck near your head that slightly resembled a spider decided to close your eyes only to open it and the spec be gone no that’s so terrifying oh

No probably crush it with your own foot yes you yeah it’s still not a a great feeling let me tell you right there there are a lot better things to experience in this world please die please die please die please die please die please die attempts for someone to grow a trying to

Grow a small Channel I mean I’m just a small Channel myself relatively speaking I’m not even at a thousand subscribers which I mean is kind of a stupid metric for channels anyway subscribers don’t really matter they they only matter to hit monetization thresholds after they’re kind of like a vanity

Metric but I don’t know I would say and this is such a generic tip but it’s one I find to be quite true it’s just upload stuff it doesn’t have to be good just upload it just Chuck it on there and and through that you’ll you’ll

Learn you know I fall into this pit trap a lot myself you know when I have the motivation to actually record videos but it’s like you know don’t don’t be a perfectionist you want to learn to edit don’t try to learn all at once just get a editing program like and throw some

Simple edits together you know just jump Cuts you know figure out the fastest way of doing that then then move on to the next things instead of trying to tackle all things at once you know cut memes in fancy transitions stuff like that because it just makes it so you never

Actually upload anything and you never really bank that experience so you do kind of grow in one way but it doesn’t end up really being helpful in the end there’s the there there is the best advice I can give as a small Creator myself then obviously I don’t know the

Answers really you know anyway you’re Australian the one time you had a red black spider in your shoe some of the deadliest spiders in the world oh my god oh how do you guys do it in Australia man you guys got like the most terrifying [ __ ] over there Like that’s so dude I could not do it I I could not go to Australia like I would have a nervous breakdown in the airport Bro like just I I don’t I I could not do it I don’t know how you all stand it like I’m I’m I’m okay I’m okay up here in in the nice cold Canada our spiders for for the most part are pretty small and we don’t have too much

Terrifying like fauna around ready to rip your face off well spiders aren’t exactly ready to do that anyway but you know what I’m saying it’s called a red black spider because it has a tiny spot of red on its back oh actually isn’t that also similar I

Think it’s a black widow right it has like a red hourglass shape on on its abdomen what’s up J man how’s it going everyone in Australia walks barefoot no what’s going on in Australia oh my go I could never do it all right I could never do It have more spiders than people I mean I think that goes for probably pretty much every place but I think Australia has the most scary wildlife you know I I’ve heard the story all right there’s two people in my family they go to Australia they don’t speak English they’re Italian

Oh but yeah so they don’t speak English they’re Italian and the like it’s super hot there cuz it’s Australia right so they so they go swimming in like a in like a pool of water and someone comes running over yelling and screaming at them and they’re like what’s going on and they

Don’t speak English obviously it turns out it’s because the it was infested the water was infested with alligators Australia moment that’s also a Florida moment yeah you know anyway going to go all right lemon thanks for stopping by have a good rest have a good tomorrow as well since

I won’t be streaming that day dude this creeper is going to can absolutely Style on me I can already just tell I don’t even have an axe to whack it with Can you just blow up so all I ask is one simple favor thank you I have like no pickaxe power it’s regular for our ligators to go to the streets no oh my God if there’s a storm to take cover that’s so scary I don’t so glad I live in Canada don’t

Have to deal with that [ __ ] all I got to worry about is like a a a rogue uh coyote or cougar or something I don’t even live far far north enough to have to worry about polar bears all right the worst we have are Grizzlies which aren’t even

Like you know like they’re they’re scary but I mean you’re you’re not finding one just kind of casually roaming around where in the world is my path up see this I’ve already lost Direction okay I think I found it should get full bright what does full bright do just

Make everything brighter I would imagine uh can you just edit the um the gamma like change the gamma in the game files to be like higher does that does full bright do the same thing Okay anyway send the fan art to the Discord with the rest of the fan art so beautiful hold on let me let me let me let me take a gander it’s I love it it’s wonderful it’s like a it’s it’s like a cyborg rabbit cupcake I love it I

I’m not even being sarcastic I genuinely I genuinely do like It no need for torches anymore yeah I consider like I I could I do run on gamma like I I ran full gamma for a while I don’t know I did say like I I turned gamma back it’s only slightly boosted now and the reason is because a lot of

The time I want to do like lighting I make builds that have like kind of Moody lighting and stuff and I want that to come through and it can’t when you have like boosted Gamma it’s Majestic it is Majestic playing Minecraft PS3 with full gam as an experience does it do weird stuff to the game I’ve only ever played well that’s not true I’ve only ever played on mobile and uh Java so I’ve never really edited the game files unless it was on Java how does one join the Discord

Um I think there if you do exclamation I’m I’m pretty sure I could be wrong but I think if you do exclamation mark Discord it will give you a link in the chat like the stream bot will give you a link in the chat if it works or not I haven’t tested it

So we’ll see anything no no Discord darn hold on let let let me give it a try does it will it work for me am I special I’m not special chat well okay well I guess I need to go fix the bot yay hold on let me go on a f minute

Coding Adventure chat one moment five minute coding Adventure is happening I’m going to lose my mind yeah why does this not work I don’t know but I’ll just give you I’ll just give you a link to the Discord I’ll just I’ll just give you this link that I hope works I I have no idea why why it’s

Broken it says it’s not broken I don’t believe it I think I think I’m I’m being lied to by technology right now but there you go there’s there’s the Discord link okay okay so these will be four houses four humble abodes if you will I’ll have another one like kind of

Here maybe we’ll give it like a rounded Edge and I’m out of cobblestone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m actually getting turned around I have no idea where things are anymore the the Symmetry is too much jaming out to Minecraft parody song SWAT your birthday party that’s a

Vibe there we go I have I have too much stuff I need more chest I’m I’m slowly constructing a disaster of chests already Anyway I got iron now I guess I should make stuff with it pickaxe uh axxe and then do I have enough for a chest plate oh just enough look at me look at me you know what I need I need to get that mod back I had a mod at some

Point and it broke with the latest versions but I had a like a fabric mod that uh would let me toggle off my armor so I could still equip armor but it would show just my normal skin I I need that I need that back because I don’t know I feel

Weird I want to just see my normal Minecraft skin I don’t want to see this whatever for now it’s fine for now it’s okay oh my God I’m so turned around okay so this is over here I don’t even have enough Cobblestone to complete this I’m bro am

I really just am I really going to mine specifically cobblestone am I really doing this do any Minecraft PVP not really I’m pretty useless at PVP like to be honest I’m I’m not a great Pvper join the Discord looking in the description oh yeah I don’t have it in the description of this video I took it out because it was ID a bunch of idv stuff honestly I should what I should have done is just linked my GitHub page in the

Description so I could just say video game that I made on my GitHub idv tools that I made on my GitHub all right Chrome extension that I made on my GitHub go look at my GitHub I actually recently reorganized my GitHub so it’s easier for people to tell

Because before I had everything in the Discord bot like the open source Discord bot that I also have which you should go invite to your server by the way I had like a bunch of random things using that uh get Pages um uh repository so I changed that

So all my games now have their own repository that they go in and the Discord bot is separate in a separate repository and the web page like the main big web page is separate in its own Repository PVP hardly no yeah that’s that is me I am terrible H player versus player generally even in idv which I’ve played for like five years I’m still likeing like tier five out of eight most of the Time still not a great Player where have I gone oh there I am I only got 33 I need More I I never Min for Cobblestone only I don’t really know what the best way to do it is Minecraft toys still on Amazon not surprised not surprised although I guess the toys Market must be like kind of kind of not that great these days you know with like video games and

All toys must really be like a struggling industry wow look at that Coal I I never really thought of that before but they they must be I mean why buy a toy when you got like an iPad you know what I’m Saying this for really young kids right But well nothing lasts forever right I mean I wonder what the next thing after like General technology I mean I guess virtual reality right after computers and stuff VR seems like the next logical step after that I mean I don’t even know you can download yourself into the computer at that point

I mean obviously that’s looking so far down the road where it’s like ridiculous but that’d be kind of it’s kind of fun to think about it sometimes selling figurines for most uh tiny little things back in the day and get good like vehicles and stuff

GI Joe and Star Wars this is true Barbie was booming as well this is also true this is true I I imagine it’s quite fallen out of favor quite a bit just for online media speaking of virtual reality since I brought it up I’m now going on my nerdy Tech rant again brace

Yourselves it’s become yet another thing that’s been ruined and doesn’t look like it’s going to recover thanks to stupid Mark Zuckerberg doing his whole meta Thing which I’m sad about because I thought virtual reality was really cool but it just wasn’t super accessible it wasn’t super polished I just think there’s so many eyes off the technology now that it it’s going to take so much longer dude it’s like it’s like Bitcoin

As well like I believe in the technology Bitcoin and nft I believe in the technology of both of those things but like it’s so sad that they just get kind of like hijacked and taken over by Bad actors not saying that Mark Zuckerberg is a bad actor I don’t really like him

But this is adjacent to that you know stuff like nfts and blockchains and stuff it’s cool it’s like the technology itself is really cool but like it literally just gets taken off the rails by people that use it to scam other people because it’s so

New and it just get the the water gets completely sullied which sucks a lot and now like when I talk to friends that just aren’t in the loop you know even in my like even in the 12th year of high school right uh my computers teacher ran like a a cryptocurrency club

And I was like oh that sounds cool and he made an announcement about it you know and I asked my friends what they thought about it and like the normal people just thinks everything to do with cryptocurrency is just a giant scam now which is really Unfortunate but anyway Tech rant is over Now what if we all just fell asleep on the trampoline and it’s actually still 2015 solid dream I mean depends do you do you keep the memories of all like all this experienced life because at that point you’d be like a super mature like young child I guess life could be a

Dream honestly the most terrifying thing to me chat is that like reality could be a simulation all right the world as we know it could be a simulation and there is like no convincing argument against this what kind of PC I have it’s like that’s roughly $2,000 it’s pretty

Decent that’s pretty decent I can’t I can’t like give you exact specs but it’s relatively good gen Alpha know how good toys were back a long time ago actually really like old stuff welcome to the club welcome to the club I’m I’m sure when I’m sure people will call you old

As well like people call me the 18-year-old an old grandpa they just become Uncle seven at this point Sadly They could sometimes just get so aware there’s 8 billion people on this Earth You know what’s actually really funny chat uh I saw this um really interesting map uh quite a while ago I don’t know if data’s changed since then but it was like over 50% of the world’s

Population and it’s like roughly around like the it’s a circle and like it encompasses most of China and India and like those regions there and it’s like over 50% lives in that area of the world which I thought was just absolutely mindboggling like when you think about it it is crazy speed crafting

You’re in Minecraft SMP or the oldest you’re the oldest and get called Granda corrupt man yeah hey welcome welcome to the club I’m glad I’m not the only one I’m glad I’m not the only one that gets called Old despite not being old I need to I need to get food I am

Fresh out of anything to Eat back in my day back in my day honestly I I have had my back in my day moments I I have had moments where it’s like you know stuff sucks now you know what’s the number one thing that sucks now chat anything that puts

The word smart in front of it right you know even in someone that loves technology we are integrating technology way too deep in things that do not need it all right like cars for example all right you buy a car and you got to pay a subscription plan to get heated seats in

Your car that you bought all right no cease stop like that’s the most angering thing to me or like when you go to the store rant about this get Best Buy go to the Best Buy store and I have to scan a QR code to see the specs on the monitors

That they have there I just want to see the HTS okay I want to see what theing refresh rate of the monitor is I don’t want to scan the QR code to look anyway I I’m not I’m not bitter I’m not still Bitter not at all what’s up Clement how’s it going we’re we’re talking about depressing things in Technology imagination rainbows and sparkles H creativity remember when we had that chat wonder if AI ever gets aware they’re a bot cuz even those ordering food just want to see the dang menu I know it’s so bad everything is dude chat GPT existed for like a few

Months and then everyone just started in integrating AI into everything it doesn’t need to be there oh my God I want to punch everything in this entire room I want to just throw a glass bottle onto the ground and have it shatter in many pieces in a very

Satisfying way whenever I need like support on a website or something and it’s like our new AI thing will will be happy to assist you with your problems and I’m like no I don’t want an AI all right I want to talk to a real

Person I want to all right if I wanted to talk to an AI all right I would go and I would type in chat GPT or gemini or Claude or Gro into the search bar of Google and I would go do that there okay I’m I’m done being angry

Now all right I think I’m done being angry now tech technology rant over for for real this time oh seen the movie called have you seen Monday I have not about uh overpopulation and famine uh forced uh the government to have one child policy until some lady have seven identical sisters that’s

Crazy it must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and J dangerous infighting investigation independence of that’s an that’s an interesting plot Though brother has a girlfriend went to prom with her and they just had their first date nice that’s good news I’m sure at that the that’s the hoe okay we oops sure at the prom they’ll have like a smart radio feel like everything that says smart these days is just such a not

Good you know whenever I whenever I see this the word smart in front of anything I’m buying I just don’t want to buy it it’s such a it’s literally become a downgrade Smart TV over normal TV buy a normal TV okay smart is not good because usually what’s smart means like aing

Smart baby monitor or whatever why would you want the that and especially what it’s become now with companies where they still reserve the right to restrict your access to software after they sell it to you you buy things and then they can still take it

Away oh my God it boils my blood okay I said I was going to stop ranting about this I I’ve I’ve unleashed the I’ve unleashed the beast I’ve become a monster I’m planning a Minecraft city and ranting about poor business practices from large conglomerate companies what have I

Become mine is like three raccoons and a head shaped box you’re here focusing being being focused is hard I want to make like a curving path but I kind of built a house where I want to make this curving path yeah that’s good enough kind of not really it’ll it’ll do it’ll

Do smart Bunny not not here right I don’t I don’t have many brain cells chat all right Uncle 7 ain’t the smartest cookie in the in the cookie jar I’m just going to connect these because it doesn’t have to make that much sense it’s just going to be an illusion that they’re different

Buildings in fact they’re actually just going to be the same Building oh my God I just looked at the time it’s like almost 9:00 think uh think I think I’m going to have to pull myself Away for the time being we made some Pro we made some good progress today I’ll keep working on it yeah I’m going to I’m going to have to stop I got to get I got to get up at like really early tomorrow morning like I have to be out work unfortunately so

Do it maybe I’ll stream tomorrow night I actually really enjoyed this just chill Minecraft I forgot how much fun it was I really wish it wasn’t raining during my ending monologue but yeah I forgot how fun this was so maybe tomorrow night I might just

Do the same thing but for a good portion longer we will see yeah anyway this is the last call um for anyone that if you have the Java edition of Minecraft uh and you want to be like invited to the realm let me know now otherwise I’m going to

Bed and you’ll have to wait till next stream to tell me if you want to play on the thing so yeah hit me with like a a DM on Discord in like the next 10 15 minutes uh otherwise it’ll have to wait anyway thank you all for coming out hope

You all have a great rest of your day remember sleep well don’t be me and stay up too late like an idiot um eat healthy stay hydrated drink water and uh I’ll see you all in the next stream I need to actually bring out my OBS so I can stop the Stream

If it would actually let me do that OBS Hello there we go I managed to grab it all right there we go it’s over

This video, titled ‘Chill late night Minecraft :3’, was uploaded by YO7 on 2024-03-12 04:07:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Playing on a JAVA realm let me know in chat if you want to join. *I will not join or play on your server*

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  • Unlocking Secret Fairy Powers in Minecraft! 🌟

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Famous Gamers

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  • Choco Anarchy

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  • Broken World RP – Roleplay, Modded – 1.18.2 – Custom Fantasy Races, Weapons, Skills, Accessories – Narrative – Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – C418 and bytaw: Minecraft DJ legends

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  • Cape Escape: Score a Free Minecraft Drape!

    Cape Escape: Score a Free Minecraft Drape! In the world of Minecraft, a cape so rare, To get it for free, you must be aware. Visit the link, redeem with care, The 15th-anniversary cape, beyond compare. Join the discord, for more fun, Connect with others, under the sun. Editing with Capcut, and Vegas Pro, Creating content, like a pro. Tags for visibility, trends to follow, Engage with the audience, make them holler. Minecraft, PvP, and more to explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft news, with all your might. Engage the crowd, with… Read More

  • “Spicy Nether Portals: Skibidi Toilets Edition” 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes

    "Spicy Nether Portals: Skibidi Toilets Edition" 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes “Who knew that the key to a successful bathroom break in Minecraft was a cursed nether portal? Skibidi your way to the toilet, folks!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Your Skin Can Truly Shine

    Join Minewind: Where Your Skin Can Truly Shine Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Why I Had to Change my Skin” by dubplayzio. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – maybe it’s time for a change, not just in our Minecraft skins, but in our gaming experience as well. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your new skin… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21

    Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21 The Best Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed for Bedrock 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an exciting new adventure in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further than the best Minecraft trial chambers seed for Bedrock 1.21! This seed is packed with 6 trial chambers right at spawn, offering you a thrilling challenge right from the start. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible seed and get ready to explore! Seed Details: Seed: -2235219127140572272 Trial Chambers Locations: Trial Chamber 1: 27 -14 720 Trial Chamber 2: 87 -14 25 Trial Chamber 3: -441 -20 103 Trial Chamber 4: -425 -25… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE HYPIXEL MINING GUIDE! DOMINATING DRAGON UPDATE! (Day 366 NW 53b, SA 54)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock IGN Info HYPERMAX MINING! PREPARING FOR DRAGON UPDATE! (Day 366 NW 53b, SA 54)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-05-04 21:40:53. It has garnered 506 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:30 or 8670 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter Instagram Twitch Discord Kick Read More

  • Shiny Badge Quest: Pokemon Shield Stream #6

    Shiny Badge Quest: Pokemon Shield Stream #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #6’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-02-29 16:57:12. It has garnered 116 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:05 or 12485 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – Read More

  • Minecraft Memes & Funny Moments – LOL 🤣 #shorts

    Minecraft Memes & Funny Moments - LOL 🤣 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SqueakyCraft on 2024-04-19 06:22:57. It has garnered 6122 views and 198 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shortsMinecraft so i tried some trends of Minecraft like and sub if you enjoyed the video 🙂 #memes #funny #minecraftmemes song: ————————————————————————- ABOUT MY CHANNEL: we post shorts and videos here daily ——————————————————————— queries -(ignore)————————————————— minecraft memes challenge family friendly funny moments minecraft mod minecraft mods… Read More

  • Insane Taste Test in Minecraft Valhelsia w/ Koäla

    Insane Taste Test in Minecraft Valhelsia w/ KoälaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting a new series!!! [Minecraft – Valhelsia 6!~ Ep. 1]’, was uploaded by TheKoälaUniverse – KFP Taste Tester on 2024-04-22 22:48:29. It has garnered 39 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:13 or 12613 seconds. Modpack: Valhelsia 6: The other cool peeps in this project: Josh: @tyarzwastaken Captain Meow: @captainmeowch SpaceWaterfall: @spacewaterfallkfp12 Merlin: #minecraft Read More

  • iBandee meets Minecraft’s most generous player!? 💰💎

    iBandee meets Minecraft's most generous player!? 💰💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sunucusunda Çok Yardımsever Bir Oyuncuyla Karşılaştım!?💛💎’, was uploaded by iBandee on 2024-05-03 19:02:32. It has garnered 206559 views and 11653 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. In this video, I gave a reward to the player who helped me on the Minecraft server! If you want to come to this server, play with me and win various gifts, you can join from the link below! ❤ ————————————————- —– 🔗IP: 🔗Version: 1.16.5 – 1.20.5 🔗Game: Skyblock Discord: TikTok : 2.My YouTube Channel: My Personal Instagram Account:… Read More


    🔴🥀GAMER WORLD 3 - TURNED INTO A HORROR GAME?!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴🥀MUNDO GAMER 3 || CREO QUE LO ACABO DE TRANSFORMAR EN UN JUEGO DE TERROR || SONDERGAMER’, was uploaded by SONDERGAMER on 2024-05-21 03:18:03. It has garnered 48 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:01 or 9961 seconds. #sondergamer #mundogamer #mundo #gamer #minecraftconmods #witchery #bewitchment #minecraft #mod now yes, mundo gamer 3, for your daddy riqui sondergamer ;3 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 💜DONATIONS PAGE💜: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 💜Join my Discord💜: 🍷Twitter🍷: 🔥Instagram🔥: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Read More

  • Insane Collaboration: Holo Zoughz Masters Skills with Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]

    Insane Collaboration: Holo Zoughz Masters Skills with Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]Video Information This video, titled ‘Can’t Be Bad If She Learned It From Fuwawa and Mococo [Hololive EN]’, was uploaded by Holo Zoughz on 2024-04-06 05:19:52. It has garnered 3494 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. _______________________________________________________________________________ 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Mori Calliope – _______________________________________________________________________________ Thumbnail art: _______________________________________________________________________________ I do my best to have accurate subtitles but sometimes it’s really hard to hear what they are saying. So if you find something that is wrong just leave a comment, thank you 😀 DOVA-SYNDROME – #Hololive #HololiveEN… Read More