THE SECRET SOLO DUNGEON! – H5M (How to Minecraft Season 5) #10

Video Information

What’s up everybody it’s your friendly neighborhood sigils and welcome back to another episode on the channel look look behind me I’m no longer in Florida I’m back in my bedroom where I belong yeah that’s right guys today we are doing another episode of h5m so you know I was

Gonna end my H 5 series but you guys didn’t want me to that’s right I made you with you guys I said if you guys really crushed if you showed me that you wanted to watch h5m and that you really really cared about it I would

Keep doing it and you guys did so we’re gonna keep doing h5m so that’s the deal do you guys want h5 and make sure to smash that but like but make sure to watch the episodes let me know that it’s something you guys enjoy and I’ll keep

Doing it because I like it I just don’t want to do it if you guys don’t want to do it you know I mean it’s gotta be it’s got to be both of us but I hope you guys are doing okay I think everybody’s out of school for Christmas now we’re doing

A nice early stream in the day because of that experiment also I’m gonna do an extra stream today because I didn’t get any yesterday I was stuck on a plane all day I got home later than I was supposed to because there were some delays so

That’s what’s up but I hope you guys are doing well let’s let’s hop into h5m and i’ll talk to you about what we’re doing today we’re doing a secret quest so as you guys know one of the some of the admins my my pals they drop some secret

Secrets I had that whole thing last time where we we we did a dungeon with the the admin we didn’t quite pull it off but we did it but he told me that there’s a secret solo dungeon and I have to do is the one quest line I haven’t

Done yet so we’re gonna do that quest line we’re gonna find out about what the solo dungeon is hopefully that’s one I can be by myself which is usually what you think solo dungeon would mean but you never know so let’s check it out see

What’s going on so in order to do the solo dungeon we have to come talk to nat pagle no peggle oh shut up Boston okay so nat pagle says oh hey there wait is that is that the Johnny Morrison Platinum’s signature casting rod Wow my wife wanted to buy you one for Christmas

Could I try it out maybe does you see I had to make a fishing rod I knew that he asked for a fishing rod here you go be careful sure it’s pretty good only the best fisherman can handle this one yeah yeah that’s exactly what I would say okay

Wow it handles so already caught something here take it thanks for let me try it what do you thing about a little contest I bet I would have I think I would have made my life really proud I bet I can beat you yeah I can beat him I could beat him

Great I’d be you I bet you I will beat you let’s go fish three raw fish one clownfish and two raw salmon salmon Salman soleman Salmonella chicken fried eggs oh yes Austin wheat why is Austin here we could use the fishing rod the next time we go fishing or literally anything else you

Know okay to be fair Austin in the first episode we did actually fish then you happened and we stopped fishing give me okay that’s just a regular raw fish keys oh I already have a raw salmon that’s good give me more give me more give me go on yeah apparently this is fishing

Time guys how are you how are you guys doing I did not realize this is gonna be going on Katy Sanchez says I’m in school right now bummer Katy I didn’t realize people still at school today it’s getting so close to Christmas I figured

Most people are off so we can hang out a little bit earlier than usual but we’ll see come on come on I just want to catch some fish come on fishy wish you wish you wish II hello dude since when is fishing the worst oh come on

Of course right as I Jeff you have to put it like in the particles where it dances right that’s how you know why is there guardian just chillin that’s where if that Guardian comes in fights me I’m gonna be very upset okay another raw fish no big deal hey Frankie geez oh why

Don’t you were saying you’re still in school whoopsies whoopsies there will be another story time stream coming up soon guys I have another juicy story I remembered I’m gonna tell you guys it’s gonna be a good one yeah I was just in Florida x-m shadow it was it was very

Nice and warm although I live in LA so it’s not like it’s not warm here either but Florida was very very nice okay a lot of you are senior out of school hopefully those year in school today’s your last day because like we’re like three days from Christmas what are you

Doing like I’m only home for two days and then I’m flying to my parents house and I’m gonna stay with them for a while I’m gonna do recordings from my parents house and streams don’t worry don’t worry I saw all the fear and everyone’s eyes don’t worry the party won’t stop

But we’ll be having a good time Oh illu i’m the chat master austin i do you think that’s your best mean if it makes you feel any better florida mate austin says florida makes me sweaty from my knees what’s wrong with your knees Austin why why would you do that yes I’m

Shadowed that’s uh that’s where we were Jerome has offices in Florida me and Biff and Dromund everybody we were we were down the st. Pete like touching touch of Tampa it was it was a great time hey Thomas Clark good to see you bud oh hey Libby how you doing

Shout out to be checkers welcome lots of oh hello is coming in from the chat listen all we need all right so we’re just if you guys missed it we’re doing a quest here to go to the secret dungeon but to get there I have to fish

A certain number of fish and I think all I need one clownfish two raw salmon and three raw fish literally all I need is a claw is a clownfish so clownfish clownfish clownfish clownfish clownfish clownfish we’re just gonna try to get this clownfish MCN is that short for man

Crap man crush Monday I accept that I’m your man crush Monday welcome to the chat but I hope you’re having a good day oh well often this was a solo stream that’s why I’m not on discord you want to come play h5m Austin hey Frankie we

Are playing h5m and we’re trying to go to the solo dungeon that an admin told me about the super solo dungeon of destiny I don’t know if we’re gonna make it I have to go fishing apparently which is just a meme like of all the – of all

The tasks for me to just randomly have to do on stream its fishing okay what did you give me what you give me raw salmon look I want a clownfish gives me is a clownfish on the first day of fishing my fishes have to me one puffer fish and a salmon

In a jar of water almost work shaggy I mean not quite not quite I missed the shiny Mewtwo what game you think I’m playing this this isn’t pixelmon you guys are just trolls it’s just trolls alright I’ll get in discord if Austin’s gonna be that guy Fish fish fish fish got the puffer fish all right pal all right bud all right hombre all right you’re all right Kyle hello yes what’d you do what’d you do oh you’re back if you caught all the fish no I just want to see if you’re done excuse you

Oh hello oh geez why you never know when though hello monsters gonna come out all right so have a great idea no right no all right what what is your idea bet all right one of the ideas I had was bad but I won’t share that way okay all right

Well tell me tell me you’re a good idea I think I was about doing it oh hello there Christmas special okay I just say oh hello there Christmassy over and over again how does that go give me give me a sneak peek no I can’t why not I can’t

Now I can’t sneak peek oh I don’t know what Christmassy oh hello there sounds like it’s just like just like a Christmas song but with oh hello there which Christmas song you thinking about doing honestly I don’t know yet I just came up with the idea Andrew you know

How my brain works I come with an idea I forget it and then when I’m showering I think about it a little bit and then I forget it again and I go for you in the shower like a week exactly that’s the only time you catch up on all your ideas

That’s why I tell you all my ideas every morning at 2:00 in the morning right I really wish you’d stop that well I’m sorry but like it’s actually the worst you’re supposed to you supposed to be my brain great somebody asked if Jerome was still playing H for them no my

Understanding is I’m the only member of nice posture who’s to play still playing h5m because I like it v u7 is a despot Seto Christmas ugh absolutely that’s Percy don’t Esposito Esposito Esposito Esposito Esposito dance proceeded Esposito Esposito that’s for C note Esposito that’s Percy Oh what what

Don’t last fact we should we should accept what the hell out there and just just do it do it put off the internet how the heck would that work I mean that it wouldn’t so uh Graham max says rockin around the tree very difficult very difficult to see it that octave yes Noah

Be there be very worst okay I’ve been toning the whole elders down because they hurt my throat hello Charles I felt for that one for half a second last night I dreamed I was a muffler I woke up exhausted no yes yes right come on all I need is a clownfish I mean

I’ve got a clown in my disposition without me I’m doing it for ease no I didn’t tell a single story not one story are you you guys want to hear about my travel yes you know I would love to hear this mr. oh you were late blue bird blue

Bird blue I was talking Atlanta Dan drew I know a way to be way to be stuck somewhere Austin what I will put you in your despot face all right somebody somebody said Andrew is your is your tooth chipped if so which to write the

Lyrics I have a guess oh god here we go it which is hilarious cause like there’s only like three lyrics yeah hardest job ever you know listen I’ve already made a deal with everybody because everybody’s trying to get me to just get a singing channel for some reason I don’t know if

You were here Villa right so I made a deal I will I will do no no no no no no of course not okay there’s this stupid clown fish I will do uh catching an email got him uh I will do I I’ve promised to do a full-fledged song cover for 100k full

Full fledge yeah like I’ll find a music friend we’ll work on something we’ll do something I don’t know what it’s gonna be all right let’s see what this guy’s to say Oh y’all ready better roll after oh yeah man it’s literally instant regret oh yes I have cut all the fish

Are you not done yet I thought it was being slow I want to get a teacher that this is instead we’re great yeah you’re fast I only have one salmon so far always says that forget it we’ll take this little reward $5,000 it’s not fair that you’re doing this quest

Without me you know that right like you you don’t play on the server anymore I haven’t played anything you’d like days cuz I have it stuck for days you you have you just only play arc you’re in are extreme or now Oh as you seem to

Be such a talented young man that’s me true maybe you can help me with something else thank you try if you want yeah I’ll tell you the what about the Wizards but I’m leaning oh geez out on the pier over there you should find a hole in the wood can you

Find it find the hole in the pier and then return to report back what Pierre what Pierre like pairs out on the pier over there thank you for that that’s super helpful over there the answer what I miss you oh jeez I know I know just yesterday literally I literally saw you

Yesterday and I just fell in the water look what you’ve done bye Betty thank you so much for being there go back to Florida yeah I mean basically I mean we’re going back to Florida so you tone-deaf lovelies Lippe whoa whoa acquire for a whole year okay that means

I have somewhat of some tone listen it’s your death Jerome is colorblind and Austin is taste blind I should be allowed to be tone deaf without without without being criticized okay this is an accepting place unlike you Wow put me the same boat as hey drew I have not

Yeah well honestly if we ever travel at any point I want to be on a different vehicle than you I don’t want to be the same plane as you I don’t wanna be the same boat as you I mean it was asking if you were on the

Same flight played with me and I’m like I wish no no I was very glad I was not okay so I have to ride a good time I would have been late okay I hate to like what yours because you’re bad at it honestly like didn’t you play against

Who’d you play it you played against oh I tried yes Ron yeah when we were at breakfast yeah this is a whole land up here isn’t it yeah I was it yeah I there’s a lot did a lot of things in high school I played basketball I did

Choir what else do you do in high school often shoot threes threes what does that mean ballin ballin ask ball you’ve never been told in your life football I tried football but I don’t like it cuz I got hit too much and my head already has a lot of damage

Yeah guys didn’t need more damage town back in California cuz this sound phones behind me this is mine my home this is my house is where I live okay the whole house is your’s I wish oh I was also in drama just because he just cause drama all the time

I didn’t cause drama in drama class I was in a play yeah oh it’s cuz you always playing with my heart you know what I mean I’m the one play with your heart shot through down whatever so this is what they’ll never bury me in life can’t believe you Oh was

That literally the hole I needed to find what in it update me have you seen the hole I think so okay well cool listen to me some time ago my wife and my Magina I’m sorry it’s not easy for me to talk about what happened I saw you were

Strong I wonder if you’d help me help me kill some of the monsters that put the hole in the pier I gladly will kill eight Guardians underneath the pier in return okay all right all right I’m a smart boy I’m a smart boy shadow maker says on the first day of Christmas a

Dispositional sent to me and Oh buddy and an oh hello there good for filing YouTube channels 3d monetized videos – it was something like super super awesome for that high what do you mean that was super awesome pledge like pledge like no I pledge allegiance to

The flag of the United States of America I I’m always on another level awesome so this is a solo stream it was why are you on oh my god you’re playing h5m I was and then I’m not don’t forget about the giveaway that’s right guys christmas is coming and we’re still

Doing a giveaway – thank you guys for being such great fans I don’t need sex to be you if you guys want some free stuff check out the second link in the description below all you have to do is follow us and we’re giving some stuff away um OH

We’re giving away a Nintendo 2ds a whole bunch of games and general party time so we want to thank you guys for being such the best fans in the whole wide world so we all pooled our money to give something away and that’s available the description down below also I made a

Promise I said I’d keep doing h5m if you guys enjoyed it so if you’re enjoying it smash that like button let me know in the comments that you want h5m to continue if this is your first central stream and you’re having a blast you’re like yeah I like h5m hit that subscribe

Button so you don’t miss a stream every single day and that’s pretty much it can you unmod Molly for like two seconds you can water back completely but what no I’m busy for like two seconds I’m I pledge allegiance to the Paul part of the United Mall of America in to the

Segway on which we roll yeah but what’s wrong with pledging allegiance to our Lord and Savior paul blart the mall copper of all mall claps XM status that Andrew just killed when I did listen I don’t work there anymore okay I can kill Gwyn as much as I want where yeah I’m

Here I’m on the piers I’m hunting Guardians are you peering out alright it’s time for you to not be like me what there can only be one I was like you more often I don’t think anybody wants that we’re already insufferable enough as it is like I don’t know why anyone

Talks to us well the thing is like I have to dub you down right or you’re just too smart you too handsome I’m sorry hold on hold on shut up what was that phrase you just used what you have to what what say it you were like I have

Remembered you were like I have to down what say it say what you said I don’t remember I literally don’t remember what did I say you’re you it was like you you about like you know like when you do something but you have to do it more you

Were like I have to something down what did you say Austin does it I say double down you did not say double down what did I say dumb down you said double you know I did it you’re like I have to double you down it

Was like oh my god the phrases oh my god you said Dobby you downright Chad you all heard it that’s it you don’t lie the beat did I say W down or dub dub dub you down is it what’s what is it actually it’s definitely no

It’s dumb you down no it’s double no I want no I’m dumbing you down like I’m trying to make you more dumber no double down means that you have to do more like you have to know the phrase the phrase dumb you down doesn’t exist it’s not yes

It does yes it does that is absolutely no no that is absolutely true no I’ll type it right out dumb you down yeah here come the W so here come the W’s in chat people say it yeah well here come the W’s listen he said you have to

Dumb you down yeah that’s right Frankie alright look you’re biased right look yeah look right here look check it out watch Dutch urban dictionary dumb it down to downgrade the intelligence of something and dumb it down yes edible dumb it down that’s what I said

He said dumb you down listen I’ve had a log couple days or hey my name is Austin I just sit yeah Molly said it was WI just sits I had a sit in true are you serious yes yes oh okay okay Well that Guardians fun play I’m at spawn I’m on the docks are you on the docks are you eating the dogs yeah yeah just walked right past me what why listen listen I was holding w down and then he’s okay alright you know what you just you just

Uninvited real quick yeah you can invite me I’m already here either i troll you with game where it’s roll you and jet pick what you’re gonna kill me right why can’t we pvp you’ve noted wait awful you can’t beat me beard I guess much to me ah no you were about

To kill me stop stop stop am I really oh cool yeah now I guess if you’re in the water you can take damage cuz you can go fight against oh the hope here hope here oh really see no I didn’t do anything I didn’t do again okay it did very reduced maybe

Yeah okay stop stop something sad sad come on you need to plate up with that listen I’m truck okay if you’re gonna just disrupt me doing my quest you can go away why do I talk to you I don’t know how to talk to you so instead imagine the song Austin says

Oh hello there in a Santa voice oh hello get why what do be better I’m looking for Guardians like you should know what kind of boot of it right now it well then don’t come if you’re in this kind of money it’s like 10:30 the board you

Got you know I don’t even wake up passed forward it’s five o’clock and what did you just say I don’t wake up a sport but it’s 10:00 Friday afternoon oh okay so you’re telling you dumb down is that what happens when you like we all like visit together yes true you and Jerome

Just rub off on me I’m like I just lose brain sounds brain cells okay I just need to find Andrew discord really that that’s we girly hey stop the flow of conversation quick go read a joke I wasn’t even good you guys I’m glad I’m glad you’re having a good time

Oh so he doesn’t even kill the Guardians in the overworld doesn’t have to be right there there’s always a bunch by my house you go back to my house do you have a command for your house yep oh yeah buddy you know what Parker though what uh true yeah I mean if you

Had a pig who’s who’s dumber okay okay alrighty Rome Parker or grazie whoa all right here’s the order of my list that it’s in it goes crazy Austin Jerome oh wait so in terms of dumber yes dumbest from some dog bombers yeah I would assume the bottom would be

The dumbest its all-time leader board of dumb okay so whose okay so go again hey I said here’s the order of my list that it’s in it goes grazer Austin Jerome and Parker actually maybe Parker you start to think about it huh maybe Parker than Jerome no

Sure and then we put us all together I die is what a stroke should you lucky class Frankie thanks for hanging out okay we’re the Guardians we’re all the Guardian that we’re damn Guardian that you need many of Guardian or they what I need six already killed – oh this floor

Over here really know what’s four plus two equals six did you know that you know actually Libby points out that a grazer did win the trivia quiz so you might be the dumbest listen he needs like the circumference of the moon or some stupidness like what was I supposed

To do and I would know that well the Sea of Tranquility like I remember that part yeah you really well your guess was your guess was my heart Austin yeah but that’s a pretty beautiful right but the point was not to be beautiful is to be correct i night

Lily welcome to the stream oh my god like we’re currently we’re currently looking for guardians but they take forever I uh I don’t want to write a book and read well at first you have to learn how to read not the right yeah no we’re gonna like

We’re gonna like transcribe it how are you gonna write it huh are you just gonna be like one of those computer BOTS that writes what you said no words I just don’t what words do you know what words do you know falafel plethora Abercrombie gap do you know Fitch or no just Abercrombie

What yeah that’s what I was afraid of continue no Mack Sephora lush are you just reading things that are like lying around your house right now because they’re all brands nice posture clothing calm yeah clothes today okay okay so you’re literally just reading clothing brands although he’s really thick sit around the McDonald’s

Yeah phone phone that’s because your phone doesn’t have a brand it’s just nothing oh yeah what’s up what’s your phone provider phone bean vanilla super soft body butter which shea butter with shea butter not say Carl shea butter different things shea butter is I know what it is I just

Okay well I have guardians Hawaii butter next to me apparently dude you can tell you live with a girl just from the list of things sounds like Sephora I’ll put your makeup stuff lushly yeah obviously that’s for a second I was like what is he doing and then I was like

This is Maya stuff I was also kind of like listening things that like that she just got from the mall like the other day yeah yeah okay seriously where did that guardian just go oh wait I see him – Guardian school shut up hey Zeke at how you doing you little

Guardian ology I say I do all the time all I don’t even start this you don’t though you never talk to your muds I okay Arvind you prioritize everyone else but your mom oh my god which is that fair you know yeah you gotta be able to do both what’s your phone

Provider phone that was my joke I said that no no yeah I’m still up for good show Wow okay great they’re just so far down motion of visibility nice night potion what is it called night vision that’s what you think there you go uh I’m I am another level of Awesome

Yeah you’re in another level of something what do you mean you could be you could be you can be freaky with me all right I don’t want to be frank my name is andrew stop it no Jim listen peril listen oh if I was a Carl what do you Carl

Probably Carl where know most almost certainly not okay so I guess you can’t shoot arrows through okay all right where shoot through the water hello oh yeah that’s just that’s just science Andrew catch you heirs to the water not with that attitude you can’t yeah with any attitude Andrew geez you ever went

To school yeah okay now now why are there too many Guardians please die all right thank you too many Guardians it’s kind of like there being too many coolest what let me listen all right I’ve already have a hard time reading enough all right I barely read like text

Message I’m like it’s hard for me to Austin I’m not sure who’s worse to text Austin or Jerome but it’s pretty darn close I’ll send like a brick to someone or Andrew and then I just won’t respond back to him yeah he’ll be like hey I’ve

Been thinking about XYZ data that I can you help me with this also what happens here what happens this how does this work and you’re like okay Austin and you take some time and then nothing nothing you’ll ask a question or something you like whatever I think there was

Something we wanted like to record or something for stream one day and I just I just sent like an emoji yeah but it was like not a clear emoji it was just the like oh you just don’t speak good emoji all right all right don’t pretend

Like you have rhyme or reason I have some rhymes okay look spit one of it when I’m to eat a lime you know why are you this way Indra me why am i this way why are you doing the dungeon I’m working on it why aren’t you doing the dungeon you

Have to kill the Guardians first okay oh hell Guardian got it what did you just say to me yeah that’s right even Fox says where’s Sandro I didn’t I didn’t realize it was you without your magma maggot armor all right Roback city somebody’s been spamming me all day

Being like you missed the shiny Mewtwo like what I even played peeks a lot but you didn’t miss the training me too alright shed another have the pixel I’m on dinger that’s not how mods work this is a monitor no please leave like like like it’s just you’re just literally the

Worst how many more do I have to kill what time what time did you go in from your flight yesterday what like what’s how did you come in from your flight yesterday like did I get home like 9 yeah yeah yeah yeah well the my plane

The nose wing the nose the nose wheel broke so we had to sit on the tarmac for an hour they fix it yeah and then when they landed the power on the tarmac yes and then when we landed because we were late there was no open spot so we sent

On the termite for another hour it’s not all about you Austin it never is ok oh I’m sorry that you had to wait what 2 hours yeah theatres the worst always that’s that’s like me getting my hand cut off and then you get like a scratch like ah

Yeah dude no but let’s talk about me let’s talk about my problems awesome about your problems I got a lot of them I got a lot of them by the way guys just remember h5m I know a lot of you were I saw some more questions come in like oh

I thought you weren’t doing any more each phone you guys like showed me that you had so much support for him you really really wanted to keep it going so that’s what we’re doing you’re excited this series is going on make sure to smash that like

Button let me know in the comments that you really want to keep seeing h5m and also if this is your first digital stream and you’re having a good time make sure to hit that subscribe button you don’t want to miss out on any streams because we have content every

Single day every single day so make sure not to miss out on those hope you guys are having a blast thanks for coming out and hope you guys are ready for Christmas no seriously Christmas no one asked you Okay I see a guardian there’s a guardian go kill it kill it go kill it Matthew Merritt says is awesome one of his problems awesome might be my biggest problem if I’m being Oh like could you could I be the cause of your high blood pressure yes good thousand percent listen okay

Where did that guardian just go like we saw it right everybody we looked around we watched it shooting it’s a little laser beam of eyeball death and then excuse other is excuse me I don’t appreciate that you’re not letting me fight these Guardians with you okay

First of all it’s a solo dungeon second of all the quest guys literally right next to you no I don’t want do the quest I just want to take the Guardians review so you can’t do it well then why do you think I’m not letting you do it where

Are you oh I need your water no that’s fun wait wait watching your stream did I just okay I punched it and the Guardian went through the ship that’s unhelpful Oh No okay wait seriously where did you go what is he in the ship alright subsetting did you guys see that

He glitched through the ship it’s just max says I thought shirtless aromas your biggest problem um there that’s all so that’s up there that’s a top prob talk to your problem for first year you know what I finally got a taste of like the annoyance that I caused oh when we just

Came into your office yeah yeah yeah when you came to the office and then just you guys stepped up my dota it’s like who does that uh you oh you know I do it so awkwardly to you guys come in really quiet and creepy like it’s so

Weird you guys don’t even like cause a huge nuisance you just make me feel uncomfortable yeah people are saying that the Guardians spawn in the war zone really yeah let’s go to the words that I have loot so do you want actually better yet I don’t know if I’m doing the series

Oh for now I’m the richest person on the server okay stop with what why are these words and stuff Wow all right well so that yes yes some of that’s why I’m saying I was going to sell it but you see my balance perfect oh how do you

Give balances slash pal watch pay oh are you just giving me your money no I don’t know actually because again I am the richest member on the server at the moment are you yeah if you do slash Bell top that’s the thing yeah that’s like bunch of people let me know in the

Comments there I think you’re the richest person on the server alright let’s go see if we can find you once again oh I can’t check it here uh oh wow sent me a hundred thousand dang hundred thousand bucks buddy thanks pal you were the richest hop okay you just

I just don’t keep all my money on my balance I hide it in the chest underneath the most weather and see well I mean I had two hundred thousand so alright so supposedly there’s like a water thing over here / now the water I think look so the

Waters on the far right of the map oh is it there’s like an actual like pond area okay cool I didn’t actually know where it was I can’t believe guys watch Star Wars oh hey by the way Oh Austin yeah one sec about how let me grab this cold Rebekah w sensor regards no yeah yeah yeah give Thank You Maggie should donate $20 and said kill Austin let’s say let’s say

Let’s say what I have one thing to say you’re so fast why are you so job the gingerbread man me and him go get sprinting every morning really no power jogging we don’t I thought he was more of a marathon guy Austin I’ll see you come back here Austin turnaround awesome

Oh you dropped a duck what no no that’s a duck I’m gonna hit you at eyes on combat thank you oh yeah six seconds five four three apps gonna lose you just two more seconds no no austin you better let me kill you Austin listen it’s for

The kids I did track in high school no I did it I know you didn’t stop making up things you did in high school oh you didn’t I take naps and eat cookies I definitely took naps that’s for sure I bet most of my high school experience I

Was I wasn’t those things I said earlier I really was not for a super long but I was do why are you making this take longer than it needs to stand that’s where you Rebecca W Oh $20 is worth it give wise now I have to pay you back for

Lunch you still have to pay me back for lunch no no of course you didn’t drop anything by the way wants to have my boots actually I did you leave my blow you you didn’t have boots you didn’t have boots you haven’t had them the whole time

Had boots I know you were shoeless I noticed that while you were running I never shoeless yeah no I don’t like shoot I like shoes you know I don’t like not wearing shoes he said awkwardly I’m looking for my boots in the war zone kids Dobby okay I’m gonna kill these stupid Guardians

Won’t don’t they spawn here no wait do they die of course that what do you mean what do you mean what I mean that was just a ploy to get you somewhere I could kill you oh I thought I thought you don’t either like when we were

Looking for the Guardians oh no no no that whole thing was me being like Oh little side little side quest okay dear like seriously though Guardians could you just go ahead and spawn but there’s a guardian you know doesn’t that no it’s not but I can’t believe you you you you

You played with my intelligence just just for money but awesome that’s literally my job like at the end of the day as a youtuber my job is to make fun of you and trick you into things that’s our jet it’s our dynamic duo that’s what we do together that’s that’s oh I

Thought we just have a good time I didn’t know you were playing with my intelligence this whole time a tree that’s that’s part of the good time you enjoy it yeah I guess so yeah yeah yeah Molly said she double-checked the stream and you never had boots Molly listen all

Right no one likes a tattletale Guardian guardian guardian guardian guardian guardian I found one come here there’s a card what’s your favorite mob in Minecraft favorite mob yeah like evil ma bird is mom anything what classifies is a mob okay what’s your favorite creature in Minecraft you all right what’s your

Second favorite creature in Minecraft that was made by the game developers hello huh what is based out what happened do you not have a favorite minecraft character or what like come on yeah I do what is it what guess it I think it’s a guest

Are you are you are you aghast at my guests or what is it guess the wolf cuz it’s a puppy no geez the Enderdragon things what’s the most destructive mob in Minecraft the energy dragon no the most destructive one causes the most headaches a Dru okay well then creepers no cuz that

Would be a clever guess of mine wouldn’t it no that’s not it though what is that what if I would have assumed so I think at one point it was it’s the bunny yep what are you doing the most destructive it literally take it literally takes all

The grass that grows yeah oh no not the grass means you can’t get the seeds so you don’t means you can’t get food like it’s the most destructive Bob in Minecraft that’s not how anything works now I’m making a video it’s called the most destructive mob and minecraft i

Name you bunny why why how does this end up to me huh how does this end up in my life okay cool alright I just figured I had a snowball most namah namah namah namah namah okay where did it just go I’m sorry it’s so dark down here my friends I wish there

Was more I could do umm I can’t afford to stay can you give me some steak oh no yeah I can’t no don’t give me money yeah that’s what steak I’m paying you no I want steak there you guys have $10,000 to get rich you’re rich you didn’t notice that this

Quebec oh I noticed was like I don’t care ten G’s huh can jeez must be nice being the richest person on h5m uh it is actually look at me being the richest person on h5m that’s fine I was the richest person before you gave me money no yeah

You saved my money was useless to you like I’m saying that it just changed I’m saying that it made me pass an admin who’s the balance literally doesn’t count Wow see so if you look at it I have 300 NT $3,000 the admin has 371 I think that’s actually another admin that has

150 and then Daysha is at 140 so I have more than double anybody’s money on the server no you go for it right now just midstream okay listen just dime just two moms two frickin Guardians left to kill honestly would you be upset if I fell

Asleep no I was so tired I fell asleep like wall of mid-conversation I assume that’s happened to you before I’m pretty sure you’ve done that to me oh yeah obviously that’s probably has happened a couple times mess manly said whatever happened to nem chick that’s a good

Question I went to a farm farm what kind of farm do they grow a wheat – they grow potatoes do they crow cows do they grow sadness what kind of farm we’re talking about not the farm you win – jeez sadness farms should we enroll for an EM

Chick yeah no we already had a few drill you already killed me no more killing there right well you hit me first no I’ll put my foot down no more killing well not even for my foot that doesn’t have boots listen just cuz you steal my boots and

You don’t tell me about it I didn’t steal you know I’m a fantastic focus on your like focus on your mission so you could do the dungeon like I’d like to but I can’t find any more Guardian you’re so rich you better have like prot four and

Everything I know because you can’t buy that Rebecca W donated $10 and said Andrews a diamond at Austin you’re still trash my brother agrees so the whole W family is get on it okay okay oh hello there I’m min chick it’s me the Nunchuk Master I

Missed em check I’m gonna go check my home sometimes Guardians Devon buy my home mode hang surprisingly what got on that fast for me yeah they shot why are the why is the daytime here I don’t know hang or Mojang well it depends if you’re pronouncing it correctly or American Lee

Yeah well if you pronounce it awesomely then you probably just call it like Kyle hi Kyle yeah I love to developers Kyle Kyle what letter what letter spells Kyle to you all of them see all right come on Guardians like why John bash him we don’t like buttons we don’t like that

Kind of negativity around here does anytime they compliment you don’t be so negative guys your life just now yeah awesome thanks YouTube are only 44 minutes in 45 actually oh yeah technically did you just hit the 45-minute mark that’s how you really know your life you’re not live until

You’ve been live for a while you know okay you brain didn’t like that one you’re like I’m gonna strong start telling me mm-hmm they’re saying numbers my brain just got no no chick well I think I fell asleep so often in class I don’t know why did

You think you’re mad at me then of course they’re like oh thank god he can’t talk anymore well to two no I actually didn’t talk much in class that’s the funny thing really I was not I was not talking to a person in class no cuz I’d respect for my teachers

Danger and I respect for you but I respect for my teacher Wow dude Wow yeah no I’m serious I literally just fell asleep and then I would show up for tests that’s it like I’ll do my tests I wouldn’t do homework I wouldn’t yeah you should guys by the way yeah your

Homework you do your tests otherwise you end up like Biffle and you don’t want to edit late B believe me you’re gonna have a friend like Andrew that just literally just rates you but we’ve got a friend in me Rebecca W donated ten dollars and said this is from the family Austin

You’re still trash yeah dude all you ever did to Rebecca W and their family but man I don’t do it more often maybe I fell asleep in class maybe maybe Rebecca w’s family is uh all of your teachers just there somehow muslim-majority my teachers like me most

Hated me okay now there’s just Guardians everywhere I could see why Oh cuz I didn’t care smarter than the teachers well that too yeah during me too yeah alright well okay now here’s some cool you’ll hear something cool kill it kill it oh okay yeah tonight I’m caught me in the middle of

My story on my stream that’s cool it’s my stream alright tell you story though my math teacher in high school he he looked exactly like obi-wan from Star Wars like he probably was you know he played a five that was done he was literally a body double oh wow like he was

Legitimately heat a lot of the scenes he was like he actually was I don’t know if I can find a picture of Matthew maredsous but Andrews teaching Austin how to Minecraft for the fifth time that’s basically oh you’re teaching me out of Minecraft alright how do I build

A flint and steel all right well you need rocks and tomatoes alright let me talk to this guy you did an amazing job those creatures really deserve it take this as a reward alright so you give me $7,500 okay whoa this is a long one okay I have to tell

You something it’s about my beautiful wife one day I saved up all my money from fishing to buy her this beautiful so beautiful necklace what a strange sentence it took her out on the pier to give it to her as a beautiful evening sun was setting down and the waves were

Covered in a bright red glow alright that doesn’t sound good then then it happened this monster came out of nowhere and grabbed my beautiful Jana bit right through the wood and pulled her down the water please stitches find her and staring out of the ocean ever

Since hoping she’d come back one day how can I find her the beasts temples under water see where I’m pointing you should be able to find it please bring me back my wife blue-eyed you see you’re pointing okay alright guys its dungeon time good good good good

This is supposedly a solo dungeon – all right I need little bit more steak before we go so real quick we’re just gonna poop on over here Boop and here you guys go if you guys are excited that we’re about to do the dungeon let me

Know like I’ve said a couple times there in stream I love doing h5m and you guys seem to really really enjoy it so let me know that you guys are still enjoying h5m smash that like button make sure to watch oh yes rationale like button and don’t forget to eat that subscribe if

This is your first sigil stream and you’re having a blast okay oh and you got to get a water breathing potion real quick alright we’ll go back we’ll make a water breathing potion how do you make one of those yeah but you might not be able to place them there we talked about

Well you know are you talking about the torches to breathe water trick right yeah yeah you can’t necessarily do that okay potion because if you if you can’t place it doesn’t create the air block like if it’s if it’s building protected potion of water breathing I need the

Puffer fish a good thing I have one a dose all right do I have another one let’s check and see if there any more puffer fish cuz I mean I can make three otters alright so let’s make this real fast we’re gonna make it first we’ll use

Ben’s potion set up and then we’ll go do this little thing we’ll just knock this bad boy out of the park alright guess what what I I hope the best for you buddy I want you to beat this dungeon I’ll be watching alright are you dying

No Austin Austin it’s okay we can we can figure this out together hatred listen listen to my important words of encouragement okay okay this is the only time I’ll ever be encouraging towards you I believe that you know this ya know I believe that a hundred percent

Don’t die don’t mess this up for your stream beat the dungeon so no one gets disappointed I’m probably gonna die no Andrew you can’t die but I might I might you’re in you’re in the position to where you can’t die I mean I’m on a mission without presenting permission

Austin you’re you’re a precipitation of like Rome alright now let’s do this okay okay all right we’re gonna do it together not together because I’m gonna leave and watch a stream but I want you to think we’re together what do I actually think we’re together together ruin it

No I don’t ship us you know this oh no one knows you I ship you and Bend because you’re both nasty Wow okay that’s just wild ly offensive in every direction every direction thirty degrees 95 degrees 38 is a good degree that’s a 38 oh well let’s talk about 95 degrees

Like that’s a good angle yeah it’s kind of like this but like also like a little like that yeah exactly right yeah what you’re doing Adria yeah absolutely never shut up and just nut don’t know 100 whatever we used to listen all right quick before you do you think you never

Only used to do like way back in the day we would have Skype open like video chat so we can see each other’s reactions yeah why don’t we do that anymore because I hate you dun-dun-dun I think they got him he’s just gone yep he’s just gone

Alright guys we got our potions of water breathing doo doo doo here we go yeah let’s it’ll be in the chat right doctor oh darn if you guys are excited about this dungeon I’m excited about this dungeon I’m sure it’s gonna go very very poorly so let’s see before we just

Dive on into this bad boy we need to do we need to we need a pregame right so I’m gonna drink a potion of water breathing I don’t think I’m gonna need want to fire resistance for this one but I have it just in case and just a

General potion of speed just in case and then have one of these wrong all right here we go butterfly in the sky I can go twice as high take a look there in a book dungeon reading I don’t know where I was going with that

I can swim down to there oh here we go this could probably be a dark dungeon but the night is dark and full of terrors my friends mm hey Rebecca w shout out to my sponsor in chat here we go oh nice water breathing makes it easier to see under

Water that’s actually super dope all right so we’re looking for an entrance I’m guessing this is this looks like a place that an evil Guardian dude would make his lair but up but up but up but up dungeon difficulty one player armor diamond prot three diamond sharp 3-wood

Power – oh well I don’t have that but we’re gonna do what we can with what we’ve got I’m afraid buddy where to go where to go where to go I hear zombies through the floor is that this looks promising hello I’m the dungeon entrance er nope that’s not it

Okay I see the dungeon sign where maybe that looks oh god why the dungeon welcome to the dungeon of dungeons dude why why are you though I just really want to tell you that it’s really hard to see in your stream you might want to like either turn brightness up or get my

Vision well the brightness is up I don’t think it’s gonna all be like this I think once I get inside the ship I’ll be better oh good boy then good boy oh body okay seriously where’s the entrance to this bad boy I see it but I don’t see it you

Know what I mean you know what I mean I should have got a night vision I know if it doesn’t get better in a few seconds I will go just get night vision but I think the rest of its gonna be above water I’m hoping cuz I hear zombies and

Stuff so once I once I swim in here if it’s now better I’ll go get one hey Geoffrey roster out he says been watching me for a year thank you so much I appreciate that my man yeah okay see we’re gonna we’re about to be above water

Whoo oh my oh oh okay I don’t even get a second to like prepare myself we’re just you were just into the jungle okay okay all right okay dude what what is this do what this is just mean-spirited okay gonna eat up real quick

Push it up real fast speed – you did eat this and it’s about to be go time it’s Wow okay here we go boys okay yeah yeah dang zombies dude Wow go go go go go go go all right speed – is amazing you looted all right I’ll take free loot dope

Oh no okay why am i poisoned who poisoned me didn’t sign up to be poisoned not something I asked for okay okay oh well obviously the cave spiders poison me duh I mean I knew that but other than other than that who would dare poison me I can’t go anywhere okay

We’re good we’re good everything’s fine leave me alone please tell me this is not a parkour section Oh buddy okay spiders gonna need to ask you to leave me alone get it out of that Oh No yeah mm-hmm is this what you want is

This is this what you oh no oh this is this is not bueno this is the opposite of no no no now okay so that dungeons uh I think I’m getting I’m getting ahead of myself get real ahead of myself I need the best suit of armor on the entire server so I

Can do this dungeon so that’s what we’re gonna have to do I can’t beat this I’m not I’m not good enough I’m not strong enough I’m not fast enough I’m not beautiful enough the only way this is gonna work is if I take things to the next level

So I said we’ll have to do for the next episode guys is I am gonna just make the most Opie set of gear on the entire server and then I’m gonna crush everyone’s soul but thank you guys so much for watching I’m sorry I wiped holy

Cow if you guys enjoying h5m you want more smash that like button and I’ll be sure to do more and it just mean your first digit stream make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything else see you guys with another stream later today I love all your faces Bubba

This video, titled ‘THE SECRET SOLO DUNGEON! – H5M (How to Minecraft Season 5) #10’, was uploaded by Sigils on 2017-12-21 19:39:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

You guys convinced me! H5M will continue! I heard about a secret quest on How to Minecraft Season 5 that will allow me to do a …

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    ElohimCraftSomos un servidor encargado de brindar a nuestros usuarios diversión, entretenimiento y sobre todo, calidad de jugabilidad! ElohimCraft fue fundado en el año 2017 y estuvo muchos años inactivo, sin embargo estamos ahora presente y con mucho potencial para brindarles muchas horas de diversión y estabilidad! Read More

  • HexArchon SMP: Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique with quality gameplay. Community feedback is valued, and player enjoyment is the top priority. Community voice & transparency We value community feedback and transparency in decision making. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose their playstyles and progress with various abilities and stats. Trust & respect We aim to be transparent, honest, and trustworthy. Dedicated updates Constantly adding… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 100-player Minecraft city-building fail

    “Trying to manage 100 players in Minecraft is like herding cats – except the cats can build skyscrapers and wage wars.” Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610 In Minecraft Land, Episode 610, We dive into adventures, oh so keen. Exploring caves, crafting tools, Building homes, breaking rules. From mining diamonds to taming wolves, Every moment is full of thrills and hullabaloo. With each block placed and each mob slain, Our journey in Minecraft Land will never wane. So join us now, in this pixelated world, Where creativity and fun are unfurled. Stay tuned for more, in Episode 611, As we continue to craft, explore, and have fun. Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Why did the warden refuse to fight the golem? Because he didn’t want to get boulder-ed over! #punintended #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Master Minecraft Navigation with The Lodestone

    Master Minecraft Navigation with The Lodestone Mastering Minecraft Navigation with Lodestones Are you tired of getting lost in the vast world of Minecraft? Fear not, for the solution is here! Enter the magical world of lodestones, the ultimate tool to turn your compass into a personal GPS system. Let’s delve into the wonders of this incredible block and how it can revolutionize your Minecraft experience. What are Lodestones? Lodestones are special blocks in Minecraft that can be used to alter the direction of a compass. By right-clicking on a lodestone with a compass, you can link the compass to that specific lodestone. This creates a… Read More

  • Become a Steampunk Legend in Minecraft Hardcore

    Become a Steampunk Legend in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl Poczatek’, was uploaded by Chrzestny on 2024-04-02 02:28:15. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Powered by Restream STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n… Read More

  • Roosty’s DIY Minecraft Server!

    Roosty's DIY Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Made My Own Server!’, was uploaded by I’m Roosty on 2024-04-14 16:38:41. It has garnered 69 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:23 or 12863 seconds. 👊 Patreon! 💰 DONATE: 👉 JOIN THE DISCORD: MERCH IS HERE: Socials: My Minecraft World: Music provided by #Hogwarts #harrypotter #minecraft #skyrim #imroosty No one reads this far in the description…Who are you? Read More


    PUBLIC SMP SOON - TITAN SMP LIVE SECRET TWIST!Video Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC SMP SOON – TITAN SMP LIVE (WITH A SECRET TWIST!)’, was uploaded by DevanshXD on 2024-05-18 16:30:13. It has garnered 100 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:07 or 12847 seconds. #youtube # minecraft live 🖥️ PC Specs : • Processor: I5 12400F • Motherboard: Asus prime h610 M E • Graphics: RX 6700 10G • Ram : 16GB 3200 MHz • SSD: 500GB NVME M.2 SSD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rules: 1. Don’t abuse anyone in the chat. 2. No profanity or hatred. Or else will face the consequences. 3. Please do… Read More

  • SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!

    SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-13 13:00:32. It has garnered 514245 views and 13667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:48 or 3048 seconds. I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft but Dash is secretly pretending to be a NOOB! And when his friends LEAST EXPECT IT, he starts secretly using HACKS! Will his friends find out? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Herobrine’s Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech Gamerz

    Herobrine's Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘|| Minecraft Parkour || Minecraft techno gamerz Parkour mep || @tachnogamerz’, was uploaded by Herobrine 314 on 2024-02-10 18:57:20. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:36 or 6396 seconds. minecraft 100 days hard mode minecraft house making minecraft minecraft herobrine minecraft shorts song minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft video minecraft minecraft minecraft movie minecraft house design minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft gameplay minecraft hacks download minecraft 100 days minecraft video game minecraft game… Read More

  • Zozo’s Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge – EPIC Transformation!

    Zozo's Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge - EPIC Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an IMITATOR in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Transforming Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-28 01:15:02. It has garnered 26726 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll turn into all kinds of different creatures, like a wither skeleton, a golem, monkeys, and much more, as I do my best to fight the evil villain Red Nightmare! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER 0:36:53 100 DAYS… Read More

  • Insane twist in Nanashi’s Minecraft adventure!

    Insane twist in Nanashi's Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] – Building Quokkaland! #03 – Nanashi V-Tuber’, was uploaded by Nanashi V-Tuber on 2024-03-28 11:39:02. It has garnered 124 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:42 or 19122 seconds. Hullo Quokkalings! After some thought I decided to invest in a smol Quokkaling server!! Let’s continue building this world together Quokkalings~ To join, please read the rules below first: Rules: 1. Please do your best not to destroy other people’s buildings! 2. If a building or box is a labeled for somebody, please do not steal from it, there are community… Read More

  • “Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!” #LeafyMcTreeface #Minecraft

    "Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!" #LeafyMcTreeface #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘RLCraft Joinable SMP! Into the Depths! #livestream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-04-05 06:55:13. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:20 or 11840 seconds. I’m going down into the an underwater dungeon,… fishy fishy fishy! Become a channel member and join the server! Leafy’s Discord: #livestream #leafy #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #clips #funny #funnyshorts #gaming #gamermom #gamer #stream #streaming #highlights #funnyvideos #funnyshorts #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftshorts #rlcraft #smp Read More

  • Mikaru’s MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥

    Mikaru's MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Porque ninguém nunca disse que construir uma casa era fácil…’, was uploaded by Mikaru on 2024-04-19 13:05:18. It has garnered 348 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:53 or 9293 seconds. 💵 If you want to support my channel pix: [email protected] 🫛Our Discord server 🍤Instagram: / mik4ru 🍣 Drawings Instagram: / mik4ruarts 🍡 Email: [email protected] Thank you for supporting me, this means a lot to me. ❤️ Read More

  • GeoMineLand

    GeoMineLandGeoMineLand Is One Of Georgian Minecraft Server With Awsome Anarchy And BedWars Server Have Beatiful Design And UI Read More

  • Parallel SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.5+ Multiworld Exploration Vanilla-Style Gameplay Player-Driven Lore Player Shops Custom Items Active Community

    Parallel Server Looking for a server that lets you explore like never before? Welcome to Parallel, a semi-vanilla SMP where players can travel through rifts between worlds in order to face great dangers, traverse uncharted territory, and collect gleaming treasure, while also keeping the vanilla feel of the base game. Featuring a vibrant community and continuous updates, you’re sure to never get bored. 🔮 IP Address (1.20.5+): 🎉 Join our Discord: 💻 Server Website: 📸 Server Photos: (“Server Images” tab) Server Features: NEW Armored Paws Update: Featuring NINE new dog breeds, dog armor, armadillos, and a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Aladderin’ it up

    Minecraft Memes - Aladderin' it upLooks like this meme didn’t need a magic carpet ride to soar to the top with a score of 21! Read More

THE SECRET SOLO DUNGEON! – H5M (How to Minecraft Season 5) #10