The True Gingershadow – OVER 70 SKILLS, ISEKAI, BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Review

Video Information

Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome back to our minecraft mod view with me and today today got a mod um well i’ve been getting told about for quite some time although the first time i looked at it i didn’t think too much of it but i looked

At it way back when it kind of first came out and um yeah it’s evolved a bit since then god has evolved a bit this is the ten surah mods that already that time i got reincarnated as a slave mods or the let me check the note thing the t t i g

R a a s moss that target ring is the slime uh that’s what the mods are they called once you download it it’s great um yeah animes vlog names gotta love them but slam it’s really really good anime if you haven’t seen it you should also why’d you click on this video most

People did probably knew this mod was but yeah so basically because it’s a slight mod it’s a really interesting little mod now i was a bit not too sure about it to begin with uh let’s start off with i didn’t have nearly as many things to be fair uh

Obviously it’s been getting quite regular updates pop up many times i have been thinking yeah maybe i should take a look and people keep saying hey go look at it and yeah i’m trying to look at it it’s really good now it’s really good now now let’s be a bit thingy about it

Also because you don’t start in this world there’s a bit of a process for starting this mod which we’re going to just quickly not go fully through but i’m going to explain bits of it so um you’re exploring the regular world of minecraft down today and you’ll spawn

With this book and this book will explain some of the first bits so welcome to the world if you’re reading this book you’re curious why it’s near being uh since your inventory well this is not the new world however there are many things you can do before being kerning basically

You have to die when the first time you die in this world you will reincarnate into a new world a different dimension now as a bit uh different world no the different world is pretty much a lot of the vanilla minecraft stuff all in that world

Plus a couple extra bits uh that’s added from what so it’s not yeah it’s not it’s not hugely different from the regular you can still play essentially normally a minecraft in the new world if you really fancied it uh but i don’t know why you would but you’ve got the slide modded but

Yeah anyway so uh before we cut it though you can do things to worry what you’re gonna get so where you can guarantee the following skills predator berserker the children one severe hitler lion’s heart researcher ruler degenerate uh travel shadow strike greed and pride so their bunch of skills you can

Guarantee get yourself basically by getting achievements you get achievements in this world when you die they will transform into essentially skills and stuff overnight about part of it’s random what you get for example the first time i played this i didn’t do any achievements in that i just reincarnated straight away

Uh i got like i reincarnated into a slime and i got slime related abilities but i also got this line heart which uh basically apparently is a really good skill basically makes it lighter which is basically a skill that if your fate gets a stronger point you get a boost and stuff

Kinda cool yeah so however if you just want to take your chances you can just go ahead and reincarnate click the ring click you could die so if you click that bit there you’ll just straight that it’ll do a slash kill on you actually won’t it’ll just flash is sicky on you

I mean that legitimately there’s actually a command called a second it’s okay it’s okay uh so um yeah if you click that you’ll die you’ll recreate into the other road now before it also goes over telling you about the various skills and stuff and what essentially you need to do so i’m

Not going to do all of them because there are like 12 but just to show so players will get the skill when we create if they complete food relationship and new advancement complete uh by uh complete by completing balanced diet without trading curing any villagers taming breeding any mobs

Summoning any gulps so basically get get certain achievements you’ll get the prince or they’ve got a different one berserker players look at this uh skill bringing crying if they complete monster hard so that’s a really easy one monster heart is just kill a monster so wait

Here kill a monster if i get that cheapen i’ll be guaranteed to get the berserker ability when i reincarnate into my new body cool we’re not gonna do any of that though because well as fun as it could be although actually just to quickly show um

The chosen one this is a weird yeah so you’re the post-moral hero of the village you need to do a rage you need to kill the ender dragon create a beacon and kill the end elder guardian with a trident so yeah you get to get

Like the chosen one which is a much more powerful ability you have to do some more insane things like literally a complete minecraft uh i think there’s one that’s super easy actually i think the one that was super easy was that yeah no it was it

Was one i already looked over but yeah basically though you can look through this book if you wanted to look for particular achievements before being creating we’re not gonna do that we’re just gonna quickly be cutting out and see how this first part goes because i can’t show another

File wherever everything’s up because you’ll be gonna do this once so uh excuse me though i got a bunch of unique skills uh strictly just obtained there uh so yeah we’ll look at that in a minute but here are your options after being creating so you become a human

Aka you’re just you uh regular health reg attack great attack speed movement speed all that jazz uh magicals so you’ll get a random number between two thousand and i assume that’s two hundred and not two hundred thousand but i’m not sure and uh humans have got a higher chance

Of getting a spirit i’m not i don’t know if that is maybe 200 says that’s just 200 with a doll i’m not sure anyway uh so you’ve got a high chance of getting a spirit as well are being chosen there’s slimes they have less health they’re less attack damage they have a

Higher well maybe it really does depend if that’s 27 so if that’s just a full stop but uh 200 2000 to 6 000 and it also gained abilities upon arrival so they’ll get absorbed and dissolved so no hunger no drowning cool self-regeneration they’re always regenerating no fall damage

Uh jump boost times two and stomach stories they always have a name bending storage so yeah being a slime you’re weaker and feebler but you’ve got decent magic you don’t need to eat you can’t drown you self-regenerate there’s no fog damage because you’re asleep that’s why slimes work unless you ask a

Big crash sleep they do fall would hurt themselves anyway okay god bless even less health uh slightly more attack damage point five uh celebrities movement speed around a few one thousand four thousand they spawn with three goblins and i believe the goblins act as like little companions and you can like give them

Weapons and stuff like that so that’s something i can make friends with other goblins and you get evolution so you can’t forgot about the hobgoblins and ogre revelations more chances to evolve skills so when you evolve skills can evolve into superior skills and whatnot uh we’ve got lizardmen

Even more health more attack speeds really high magic amount moves faster than rain and water can be underwater and has devotions to dragon yet and then we’ve got orc even higher health more attack damage lower attack speed yeah not by resistance slower movements decent magic does more damage than axe i could try

Something to high or slash orc lord so and you can just click random which um yeah so you got around the race so i’m hearing slime or uh goblin orc lizardmen there’s an additional as an edition sorry of ogre demon and vampire so i was going to

Click right there to see if we get i don’t know what i am though right at this point we’ll look at the buttons we’ve currently got available to us so if we go down here yeah okay so one two nine is also yeah there’s this thing here

It says don’t talk it says about the game just don’t touch it just don’t touch it i don’t know what it is just leave it alone right so um whoa a couple of things so ah there’s stuff to do with bouncing that stick all that for now though so you get your

Open gui using b that’ll let you see what race and stuff here and all that can address uh there’s changement abilities with g change skill modes with v you can use the main three skill buttons so when you set your skills up though you can use x c and z

Yeah although i don’t know yeah this kind of works and honestly i’d rather personally put them like an opposite order so it’s like x and see that means like one two and three not the opposite way around i found that really weird that’s just me personally though

Uh yeah from um jumping flying and stuff uh uh using my abilities to think sped up the sire buttons main thing that we want to look at right now is the menu we are currently a lizard man huzzah we have nine thousand one hundred magicals nice there’s no equipment points and

Stuff there are songs in this and then we get this cool looking table thing here so um yeah fortune table room for sandville these are all built-in things if you have the abilities you can just access the stuff synthesize the separation we apparently can do that

Because we just have that billion to us apparently cool back out a second so here we’ve got the ultimate skills that’s not currently in yet we’ve got the extra skills the instinctual skills you can unlock those by getting skills of them and you get unique skills which we’ve got here so here’s our

Stuff here’s your three skill one two three before i see again we get manufacturer which we picked up so that’s the thing uh we just got that by trying we’ve just been transferring over here that is the only skill we currently have though so at this point we’d want to try and

Place the world evolve kill things get experience murder eat the cheap bits just do the usual by makecraft stuff and just try to pick up more skills and stuff along the way as we play so yeah cool obviously everybody actually are skill well i don’t really know what manufacturer does so

Yeah i’m assuming manufacturers more tied to me being able to synthesize the separation stuff in here which uh yeah there’s so much in this mods there’s so much but hey this is just the start this is just the start uh there’s tons more bits to quickly go

Look at this was just getting into the it’s getting our stuff going to begin with all right so here’s my little review they are this brother very incarnated as a slime so if i go over here yeah currently i’m a slime and i’ve instinctual abilities

Because i’m a slime so i get absorb and dissolve and self iteration so that’s cool we just have them they’re just on and if we open up here yeah they jump into the generation and we don’t take hunger and we don’t we can’t drown which i can’t do anything

In creative mode but you know uh oh so yeah if you look at here you can also see a bunch of other skills are available and stuff and we’ll get we’ll get to those we also have the thing for wrath that’s just something we have kill okay like turn that on really quick

There we go i have wrath apparently let’s try that out wrath i’ve got high strength speed and dolphin increase very fishing for us ah so yeah i picked up one of the seven deadly sins uh does i just i just have that ability to use upon regard

Cool but anyway so taking a look at other stuff that’s involved this month there’s a bunch there’s a bud so yeah we’ve got the new world here which we transported to previously which just to know we are coordinates ninety thousand seventy thousand we are 125 thousand blocks away from

Where i died in the real world also we are in a world called the new world so that’s that’s the thing uh but yeah you get temporary really far away so if you’re making a server with this don’t pop a border you will die because the border

Uh yeah so uh stuff in the world there’s tons of blocks there’s crystals magic crystal things you can mine up uh just to show here here’s yeah a bunch of stuff now do i know some of these textures look very familiar i don’t know if the mod creator got

Permission from everyone for everything he’s using no idea but i do recognize some of the textures that’s all i know uh but yes so yeah we’ve got all the magic or which i you can take and you can blast furnace it down into raw magic shards that you can then turn into other

Things uh we’ve got magic steel magic ore uh magic still made it from magic steel ingots which can be used to make a bunch of stuff we’ve got silver which also get used to make lots of yeah uh demon steel heavy say that words mistral uh silver or blaze powder quartz uh the

Slime statue slim stitch obviously what’s important about them stone and slime block i get sakura trees which yeah they just spawn in the world they’re cool i get various different blocks you get the enhanced forging table and that reinforced anvil i don’t meet the requirements to use them currently though i do

Think crimes to use this though but yeah still for a bit more advanced foraging creation and stuff you get all these advice blocks uh dungeon elaborate stuff labyrinths they do exist they’re in a specific biome in this world which if we actually do slash locate by on and go up to the top

Here we’ve got the sakura forest here where would that be there’s not one nearby all right we’ll go look for that later um yeah this time to stop labyrinth crystal they look really cool though like you get real textures magic crystal blocks lavender stuff looks pretty cool

I’m always a fan of sakura trees i love the slime statue uh yes moving on from there though other random bits so yeah we saw something like this before silver silver scales nuggets raw magic shards which again you can use to make magic rods magic steel demon steel mithril

What i don’t know uh is the skill reco roll the skill reroll scroll you can make it with leather mithril and paper i got the gold degenerate unique skill i got degenerate cool so what does that mean exactly well if we take a look in here we need to generate kill

All my abilities have turned off no no turn them on why are they off what am i done there we go um yeah so i’ve got that now and i believe that means i’ve lost russ possibly yeah i still gotta absorb and thingy in that because they’re my slime skills

But as you can see yeah right yeah i’ve lost rocks i’ve rerolled my skills a fun scroll if you just want to try and aim for something obviously you’ve got to get very particular orgs and stuff for it but it does mean yes it’s the chance to get other things yeah i’m

Going to bitly degenerate what does that do there now it’s just there maybe it’s a target oh yes anyway from there you’ve got the seeds you’ve got grass they’ve got sakura saplings we’ve got particular cores yeah i can i can just show the creativity for all these different things these silky needs uh

Leather silk doesn’t either cracking supposedly defined zag tempest that tempest fabric yeah uh again more silky stuff various skills of bits i applauded plan this is fun looks good little thing going on it’s a creepy little plant and it’s even crazy what else it can do

I also i don’t remember these things to show that like i’ve watched the anime but i haven’t read all the light novel manga so some of the stuff that shows up some of the skills that show up i don’t remember them off by heart and what they do

Or how they apply minecraft so that’s the thing it’s just there’s so much in this there’s so so much uh so also we’ve got healing drinks i like these these here are your magicals so these are handy you take those flowers from before and you smelt them down into the healing potions adds

So you spell yeah you smell them into the ceiling boxes you get the base of magic ah there’s a little fecker so creepy it’s [ __ ] yeah it’s a little monster thing uh yeah we’ve got 25 healing 56 healing 75 79 dwarfs secret stuff and tempest slime balls which is just

The ultimate healing isn’t it uh then we’ve got various different types of foods megalodon meats rice store wheat whey uh wheat grain made from wheat which can be used to make rice which could never be used to make total sushi cool uh yeah there is there is tons of

Stuff in here and i was like if i was to get through every single little thing we’d be here for whatever so i’m gonna i’m trying to keep this not super super long plus it’s way more interesting stuff i wanna go look at we’re we’re kind of screaming by all

This stuff but if you play the mod you’ll find the various blocks in the world you’ll create various blocks or is not underground and they save the various items you just craft them or find them kill things for the wedding to do and use the propulsions foods whatever whatever it’s

But yeah moving on from there we’ve got various items like that mask thing that i’m with oh that was the little road nevermind uh the next thing i’m currently not wearing so yeah good skin chill bill we’ve quickly shoved this on blah yeah looks all right i did prefer

People let me there’s a particular chess play just doesn’t like me very much yeah get this stuff which i don’t know is this meant to be rivers just saying i’m not sure i just saw the blue plant something like this maybe kids i’m not sure um

Anyway look at that we’ve got a kid i it pings off things cool uh look at this thing no okay the armor is helmet it yeah i can’t hold the stuff it just vanishes whatever i take into inventory it’s really weird that stuff the winged boots i want to call them

Cloud bits but apparently not ah these are really fun they make you go super fast so that’s the thing if i yeah but um they’re really just not really i’m not clicking the jump button right now i’m just i’m just looking up and running yeah these bits so weird

Uh yeah they’re uh they go through dribblies are going and they’re not craftable so you’d be fighting themselves treating them look at that various weapons like weapons they have texturey bits to them uh but yes it’s a different magic steel get the katana which you know textures got the spear

Textured kill not gonna question where the texture is from but i don’t know if the career made all the stuff himself where he’s borrowing it or whether he’s like getting permission or what what whatever uh magister demon steel uh mithril that other stuff that i can’t pronounce hercules age yes some more textured

Weaponry here which we’re going to take a look at cause it’s way more interesting yeah hercules edge big old swords got to love a big old sword crimson lotus edge shizuru swords the dead end rainbow i think i played a role recently didn’t know i’ve got the goblin bats we’ve got the

Battle axe the battle hammer the mace the orc axe look cool i um i’ll see yeah they get various different amounts of damage depending on the thing and then you get the arc cleaver this thing’s funny as well oh yeah and these things uh yeah we’ll get insults a second let’s

It’s got the arc cleaver which um thinks the orc lord that works with remember i forget the name of uh this thing the bamboo water gun this is fun you fill it with water and it comes with a water gun it’s just a fun little thing it doesn’t actually hurt anyone just

Pushes them a bit because they’re getting splashed i don’t get three creative only items these are items that you kind of get via creative modes listed it says that we’ve got the absolute defense even just having it in your inventory just makes you impervious to all damage yeah

Uh we’ve got the assassin one hit ko apparently this will just one hit k or anything cool and you’ll get the sword of tempest which does uh 12356 attack and it’s very quick just instantaneous yeah these are some ridiculous creative items but they’re there i suppose but um moving on

From there and this is the bit i’ve really been looking forward to the various skills in that they come in item form they coming out in form here is all this this is the chest filled the skills available that’s the rest of the skills this is

All the skills that are in the mod currently that have anything form anyway uh so going through them we’ve got some of them uh some of them you recognize some of them i well some i understand the idea of but i don’t i don’t actually know what to do

I mean you’ll get some middle issue get noxious breath paralyzing breath we’ve got heat sense ultrasonic wave vamp prism range barrier body armor combustion flame breath thunder breath absorbing dissolve self-duration ultra speed rendition endless regeneration hydraulic propulsion water current control water blade water manipulation gravity manipulation earth manipulation black lightning black thunder

Death star wind manipulation fire manipulation black flames starve predator gluttony gourmet merciless the chosen one degenerate uh manufacturer sage analysts diligent i don’t know uh plotter researcher investigator mathematician great wise man godly craftsman great sage perfect memory i don’t know how that’s meant to help you because my memory’s not going to be

Perfect if i take that i’ve got magic says look good meditation magic jammer uh magic manipulation shadowstep special travel teleportation and traveler and then we’ve got oppressor lion’s heart healer shadow strike martial arts master general is it oh whatever that is berserker survivor severu spearhead musician the obvious

The most important skill i’ve just consumed it upstair uh perceiver retaliator puppeteer ruler greed prides loss envy sloth and brass so aka the seven delusions as well that’s all the skills that are currently in and yeah if you grab one of these items you will obtain that skill so they have just

That one i know have wrath yay i don’t know how i had it before it hadn’t done well whatever uh so yeah now if i go into here i can find my various skills so not in there currently but you still yes i’ve currently got wrath which i could put on

There if i wanted i’ve got to generate i grabbed position there is a good musician what does that do nothing scooby doo i’m clicking it right now and it’s doing nothing there’s wrath currently and generally don’t know what that one does here uh yeah so basically you could consume

All these various things like uh great stage for example i know of great sage how does that work not really sure but also i think so using uh various skills will obviously drain your magic so it drains away and here is recovery uh also okay for i’ve never got access to all these

Things because i’ve got the great stage i can now access the anvil huzzah missing texas though all right so let’s go up the bar so that’s a thing god is is great staging here somewhere maybe ah there it is i saw a certain skills like this uh they don’t have

So much you don’t put them on here what you would do is you would click on it and you can turn off it on from here that’s something and now what happens when we consume all of them you pretty much just become a god at that point don’t you

But yeah by uh doing this we can pretty much just develop every single skill and learn everything which will make us pretty formidable in battle and pretty annoying to kill i’d imagine oh i’m not games oh there we go never gets manipulation come on skills get in my belly

Oh i’ve got some important ones there they made the bring noise and there we go lovely right so at this point we are now absurd and if we have a look here uh physical points match molecules so that’s not really changed very much ep kill equipment plates uh we never get

Spatial storage it’s going to slash storage that’s the wrong thing uh slash storage and then you can just a stomach barrier uh something better just stop buyers pop up there look at that uh if i go into just survival mode just to show this i cannot fly because of gravity manipulation

So that’s cool jesus uh yeah i’ve got access to pretty much all the cool different skills in that so yeah from what manipulation i can access all the water stuff uh we’ve got magic sense uh can we see in the dark essentially and see where magic stuff is

Perfect memory whatever that does uh yeah so interpretation is the fun one you can now teleport yay it does straighten magic though but our magic is coming back a lot quicker because of all the stuff we’ve eaten so we can go bloop it’ll drain a little bit but yeah uh so

That’s a fun one uh it’s just some of the more offensive stuff come on i’m not gonna do every single skill uh because again we’d be here forever but uh oh i’ll go i’ll quickly grab some i’ll quickly grab some let’s we’re gonna where are some fun ones um

Just looking through the box i don’t remember what they all are just the thing gluttony oh that’s a fun one that’s a really fun one uh we’re something more offensive probably not in here because this isn’t really the offensive area is it this is more the extra skill stuff

Uh be yeah in extra skill that makes perfect sense extra skills are in the extra skill part where is it yeah so black play there we go let’s get that so now we use black flames which is this but no that’s teleportation that’s gluttony black flame aha

Yes you said black flames uh glutton is a foreman though it pretty much just consumes whatever’s in your past so you just go bloop and you just eat everything including animals a lot of things um especially on the fact we can fly nom in the very right of them

Leaves nothing behind and you do get the stuff into inventory that you pick up so neat don’t want to be using that too close to my review area if i can help it uh yeah as you can see here we’ve got a million resistors get help resistance plus resistance magical

Burst speaking extra back heels blessing jumpers lock 10 heroes of the village resilience 10 it’s coming from that actually though uh regeneration night vision tons uh extra skills yeah magic jar magic manipulation gravity which i think don’t get turned off no we just have the ability to fly because we know that

Cool uh sage makes sense there’s a couple other things i was looking for because they’re they’re things black there’s black thunder let’s just shut let’s try that out no black lightning bear that’s even better um yeah that’s a little bit of that uh else we got god there’s so many things

Ah i’d stick to skills here we are this is what i’m looking for uh see you’ve got range barrier that’s a thing manipulation body armor let’s give that a try sure body armor that’s black lightning i see it body armor right now coated in armor against the armor and this

This this this would be why i couldn’t hold the titan before because it was the armor uh so yeah all right off this five so it can take really big hits and then r5 plus 10 15 up to 23 28. so better than diamonds is that the level of

Nothing right it could be uh yes so get this arbor but then if we click hey can’t turn it off no i’ll keep there right let’s keep the armor there then cool uh yeah we’ll see this thing the armor in the hand all right just hit things harder cool uh

There is range barrier you can create barriers they’re cool if you click on the block belongs it’ll just add bits on top or to the side so yeah i thought the battery thing would be quite awkward but actually now they’re making temporary it does strain through your magic quite quickly though so

That’s the thing and then you gotta get black lightning so skadoosh this is it’s just a bullet like i need to actually hit something with it um we go bob kill i see yeah that’s a bunch of the skills there is tons more well there’s all the ones i made but like

This time’s obviously more to show off and play about this again i don’t want this video to be absurdly long so we’ll move on from there but yeah if you get all the skills you can become pretty strong i’m just gonna quickly shove this around for the next part so

Next up mobs and bits oh fun right i’m gonna keep some of this on hank cause i might be needing it i’m currently in survival mode uh we have got some of the more well not as hostile bobs will say the lesser spirits that just floats around

We’ve got the dolores they just chill out and do whatever they do i’ve got lizardmen they don’t like the worst apparently they’ve got orcs oh please don’t try to murder me we have dire direwolves so this is the mount thing this is that well jump yeah so uh this is basically the

Transform dial there are two different types of directors the ones like this and it is the ones are less not like this the ones that will try to go for your stuff so yeah you can have it you can have a diary of name and all that jazz

We’ve got goblins these are small goblins we’ve got other welders he kidding one soul yeah you only become a demon king there’s a thought please don’t do anything ridiculous to my area please please don’t actually speaking of uh what do i do with it oh it’s not here oh okay okay look at

The demon lord stuff in a second there um we’re going from there though yeah so we’ve got elves just an elf ain’t it i don’t get the intelligence it’s essentially like liberty it’s apparently an intelligent slave setting the path of attacks or target follow are you trying to fight with me i was

Adorable you don’t stand a chance mate my sage is literally just countering for me i didn’t have to bother again uh yeah elizabeth are a bit of a jerk apparently um yes the slime does literally essentially exist ah they’ve got slightly more slightly more slightly more dangerous things so we’ve got

The giant bat if it’ll go down there is ah it’s gonna come and try and fight visit it yeah it is it’s not gonna do very well though i’ve got great stage of my said we’ve got the giant ant we’ve got the night spider we’ve got the hills moth it has to

Become a boss from a caterpillar first though yeah she’ll go with that uh look at that hellish thing ah the black spider look at the evil centipedes fun fact when i was playing around with this just like try it that thing came from me i didn’t know i was in the

Road they paint was disappeared at nowhere well that’s how it just came from me it was great fun i was terrified um there’s a lionfish here apparently that just spawned actually yeah let’s get the across sorry stinky the biggest thing we get the armor from okay that thing’s trying to uh spray i

Think poised to spread out as well by the way so look out for that oh yeah going on from there i’ll just grab i’ll just grab them all from here and just go through them all go we’ve got the tempest serpent aka the serpent this shit’s water

Stuff and blood look at the salamander it’s dead uh get the giant beer please don’t try to kill me look at the one-eyed l i think you’re missing the isle park uh we’ve got the one horned rabbit cool we’ve got the lion fishermen before also they know i’m on fire because of my

Massive fire resistance doesn’t matter uh then we’ve got the bargain whoever that is all right uh we’ve got blue the grave lizards or the t-rex if you will look at the mushroom spiritual it’s a fish good to see whatever i don’t know what that was all right and we’ve got

That little plant thing again this guy spirit protector classes if you do find a labyrinth he something is waiting in there typically i don’t get the workload so not the orca disaster but just you know an ark lord and yeah the spirit click particular clause okay ridiculously strong oh

Oh that’s not good um he’s consumed too much he’s became i think why are you why are you friends with me what do you want why are you following me um well he’s just became something much worse than an arc lord he just became not he just evolves

Fun i’m supposed to show that off in a second all right yeah i’ve got the arc disaster here and he destroys terrain moving around he is very vicious he’s a horrible son of a gun essentially this guy and a lot of your skills and stuff won’t do very much to him

Some will hire him but he’s going to take my health and he heals you can’t hit with gluttony healer because he just sort of you know he’s too big uh so yeah that’s essentially a big boss though the fate in this world which yeah those bosses like that play around speaking of bosses

Shizuru izawa now she’s a nice person until she’s angry um so yeah she’s essentially hero until she dies okay the arc is kind of going for me which is a bit awkward because i need hearted oh um that’s not what was meant to happen hello

Can you not please he’s trying to eat me i don’t think so don’t your chaos eat your pickle oh god all right now she’s in it luckily great stage has helped me he is genuinely going to chase me deserves at this point fake race off all right you know what

Go for me take me if you can ideally um Hey how do you spell she’s there there is she isn’t it she has enough things here she’s not can you [ __ ] off go away Ah she’s not just uh are you still yeah i can’t really get rid of it all right faint new york disaster has to die then goodbye give me up eventually i’ll get you oh god okay stop it stop chasing me please oh god you can’t get rid of it

Oh there we go you can eventually get rid of visit turns it oh yeah so she’s a new she has another thing going on with he’s obviously got fiery stuff going on with her how do you trigger this honor there it is just don’t die by water she turns to the

Infinite there we go i was trying to get to that second goal little fiery things with us she’s an hour boss essentially there’s three bosses in this by looks of it unless you get the guardian thing that i take a little bit more i’ll say how are you still alive

My little tired how are you still alive i’ll just leave it for some devices but yeah it’ll pick fakes to stuff it’ll do things that oh still floating around odd i generally forget what that is um and yeah then we’ve got this look at the megalodon that’s not a megalodon that’s the megalodon

So as a big fish die and yeah it drops skills which do this this lightning thing around you it’s cool uh hold on well why don’t we get the one type yeah there’s two styles there’s the uninvolved one like this endless yeah they evolve one

Odd anyway right so wait i i’m done with everything over here just need to be sure before i do this next bit because i can’t i’m not really sure how destructive this next bit is going to get yeah okay i’ve shown all the stuff over here we’re killed this place gets destroyed now

Yeah yeah i think they are i forget your procedures david charles whatever yeah the big old boss so you get a giant fish and it’s not as big as in the show actually but um it’s big it’s strong it ruin your day pretty much if you come across it

It’s a big old strong boss as you can see yeah my great stage is a really handy thing uh how are you against you apparently quite well i generally just at this point i’m just generally invincible because i’ve got all the perks i’ve got even you can’t touch me

Oh you can die though all right shoot you shoot his skills uh oh you’re doing that thing die there we go put him go away the bosses have such a unique thing in this with the good stuff that will just chase you forever it’s great uh but yes so here’s

Something bigger than skills will drop better yeah big old boss this one has so much stuff from i didn’t know it’s just quite how much head going for it it’s insane i mean i don’t think it had all this quite as much when i first looked at the mods but

James there’s tons also i’ll suggest the show uh you get the nether 1.16 biomes you can find them on the overworld in here in this dimension that’s just the thing that happens you just find nether stuff so that’s just mixed in nicely with them all your other stuff

I am currently looking for this damn dungeon because i do i do want to quickly just show off the uh i don’t want to go through the entire thing because some stuff’s better just you play yourself i’ll show i’m trying to show where it is i can find it

[ __ ] biome for it i found one in the play world i deleted that world thinking i’ll be fine i’ll find another one it’ll be noble no no i can’t find it i want to shove it though because it’s cool little cool thing going on you know what sonic does it matter don’t

Need the thing don’t need it because i found the [ __ ] dungeon thing anyway yeah these streets here these are essentially uh what i was looking for so yeah there’s a biome i can’t find the [ __ ] thing maybe that’s even exist but i’m just looking at this uh basically though there are these

Trees and these are essentially labyrinth entrances i’ll sign i’m going on my other account just to like get to try and find the thing uh but yes uh basically look for cheeseless you’ll find elaborate it’s got a portal at the front which you can essentially zip through and you’ll enter a labyrinth lovely

That’s a thing also this stuff’s weird what’s this it’s apparently called labyrinth pillar but it’s really dark um uh but yeah so basically you go through the elaborate eventually we met with this chap here who will ruin your entire life uh he’s really strong i showed him earlier he’s another yeah he’s nervous

He’s got he’s nothing for he’s really strong oh you beat him you can move on and speak the rewards as bad so that’s a thing but i think for this little mod review i make the same things here because i don’t i could show everything in the labyrinth but

I mean it’s mostly just the big thing of it is there’s a boss fight so come on and along with all the cool stuff and stuff you can collect from here uh but yeah this is a really cool mod it’s a really cool mod there’s so many bits to it

It’s came so it’s oh my god there’s so much stuff in it like but it doesn’t quite look the mod page itself doesn’t quite display just how much as it is like looking at the mod page i never realized there’s quite as much in here as what there is like

The mod page does not do it justice there’s so much slime stuff in here it’s great uh but yes i think it’s probably mod you could just jump into survival in the plays if you wanted because there’s not much stuff there’s that much fright in it

It comes to stuff and a server i imagine it’d be chaotic but it could be fun really just depend it really depends on how reincarnating thing works because as you saw it sends people super far away and i don’t quite know how that was gonna work

But is it gonna save people in random places all over is it gonna always send to the one place i don’t know ah i have to try and deserve to find it but hey anyway leave a like if you enjoyed this oh yeah i never mentioned

This is a one point sixteen point five mod uh that may have been obvious but yeah i’ve given the nether stuff i mean i just mentioned here’s 1.6.5 uh link coming down below if you want to check them all out it seems really good i don’t know how

Balanced it is actually playing it because i’ve actually done a survival type thing and i don’t understand how everything it works yet because there’s a lot of stuff some of the features might not be fully working doesn’t i don’t know it’s hard to say just from the brief look i’ve got

How about it but it’s definitely what i want to be looking at or it’s definitely what i want to keep an eye on as it develops more because wow there’s some cool stuff in here but anyway though thank you very much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed this little month review

And i’ll see you soon next time forever makecraft modded which actually yeah if you’ve got any minecraft mods you’d like to suggest a review anime based normally then let us know in the comments down below also let us know what stuff you guys see get added to this mod

Let us know down below the comments because uh slime is such a wonderful thing i keep saying slightly that terrible recording is a slight anime it’s such a it’s a great anime it’s got so much stuff in it so i feel like there’s probably plenty more bits you

Can draw from there if someone here they wanted but you have to write your skills monsters bosses and uh just weaponry things don’t oh you have so much fun with this this it seems like a really awesome mod so i’m glad people recommended it to me because i probably would have took

Longer to actually look at myself otherwise because typically if a mod doesn’t look like it’s too much in it from the start i tend to wait a while and wait what if it keeps getting updated i’ll eventually look at it in this case though yeah people keep saying

It’s really good so i decided to look at it a bit quicker and yeah it was worth it it’s really good but thank you for watching this little button for you i’ll see you next time forever 2 next go by everybody oh so just want to say a quick thank you

To all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our elite members the journey members austin quinsenberry sebastian ramsey silhouen alexander nolfinity and daguerre and our under members gold dragon eragon colton woods banished gaming 23 and harmony hagner

Thank you all very much for the extra awesome supports

This video, titled ‘OVER 70 SKILLS, ISEKAI, BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2021-07-03 21:00:13. It has garnered 187123 views and 4532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds.


GingyGames Channel –

OVER 70 SKILLS, ISEKAI, BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Review

Minecraft Tensura (Slime) Mod –

#Slime #Minecraft #ModReview

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel GoldDragon Eragon Colton Wood Banished_Gaming 23 Harmony Hagner

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    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More

  • OVClub – 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews

    OVClub - 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews🎮 OVClub Minecraft Server 🎮Rediscover the essence of Minecraft at OVClub ! Immerse yourself in a pure vanilla gameplay experience with a few knacks. Join a tight-knit community of players who appreciate classic Minecraft in its truest form.🏰 Thriving Economy: Engage in a player-run economy where you can trade resources, shape the marketplace, and witness the dynamic interactions of our community — Currency is Sponge 🧽.🛍️ Player Shops: Create your own shop in our server shopping mall and showcase your products. Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine as you attract customers from across the server. 🌟 Unique Monthly Events: Experience exclusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Groundbreaking interior design”

    Minecraft Memes - "Groundbreaking interior design"“Who needs a fancy designer floor when you can just mine some dirt and call it a day? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition I tried using a diamond portal once and ended up in a realm where all the creepers wore top hats and monocles. It was quite the fancy explosion! #minecraftmadness Read More

The True Gingershadow – OVER 70 SKILLS, ISEKAI, BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Review