The Ultimate Minecraft Movie: 7000 Days

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we survived 7,000 days in Minecraft Survival we built everything ranging from medieval towns to futuristic neon cities we’ve been through several griefs and Wars peace contracts alliances and much more keep in mind the quality gets better as the video progresses as this videoos all of the documentaries from Day Z to day 7,000 combined if you go on to enjoy the video make sure to like subscribe and comment Down Below on what you want to see next anyways let’s just get right into it somewhere deep in a huge mystical Forest Man was created by unknown entities rumored to be the pillagers this was me and I decided to take matters into my own hands and started stripping the land of its natural resources after a time of only a few days I decided it’s time to find people and after moving many kilometers West I found a small village to settle near it was also perfect because the village was just outside of the desert heat and the desert itself had lots of Rich minerals and ores under the surface I started to set up camp over the next few weeks and exploring the desert area to see if there was anything I could find somewhere after day 20 first Contact was made with the Nether and I brought a chicken along with me at this time I also started making lots of animal farms then came Halloween and the mobs declared war on me and the village and I managed to capture a war prisoner to show off but sadly he died after a few days about 120 days after spawning I decided to venture down south to find a forest that I could take down I spent a lots of days deforesting a massive dark o Forest this W ended up lasting me over 1,000 days over this time time my main base started expanding and the farming industry was a huge source of income for me contact was also made with the end where I got a more convenient storage item shulkers by this point I was starting to advance a lot and was self sustainable this is where I decided I wasn’t wealthy enough and dug to the bottom of the nether to find riches buried deep within the hellhole I also had multiple encounters and mini Wars with pillagers it was easy enough to fend them off I then saw a lot of land north to the Village saw potential in it and start started moving my stuff there I started with an automated sugar cane Farm which failed horribly only to be taken down a few hundred days later when it barely saw any profit I also started a base there which I would use for over 1,000 days the base I built had everything it needed and I decided to take ownership of the village as I was far more powerful than them and it would benefit both me and them at this point I had lots of wealth lots of food multiple pets and many building resources I decided I’d start building up a town here I still using the old area and had functioning Farms there and a pretty cool storage system within an abandoned desert temple I found I set up a small Watchtower to show my dominance over the village and the surrounding area the villagers themselves started building up an army without me even asking and I started building the town up with an iconic Stone store that I used for hundreds of days but as I gained power someone watched over me almost as if to make sure I wasn’t getting too powerful I started up Road works and started maintaining my very small town as I gained more wealth I decided the tower needed to be upgraded and made one nearly twice taller which would be revamped at least three times in the future this was the first Demolition and took place at around Day 400 at first bassal was used for roads but then I saw block with far more potential for roadways Blackstone too rare to build with but common enough to make a road to it and then also took partial control over nether fortress and used it as an outpost to get to different parts of the nether at this point Point everything was starting to get connected by Nether Portals my farming industry multiplied tenfold and most importantly my mining industry was booming all of the building materials that gathered from mining were dumped into the village walls and upgraded the defense against the mobs and pillagers by this point I had a resource overflow and didn’t have enough storage to store everything I owned I also went on a lot of nether voyages which were being done in hopes of finding something revolutionary out there this all added on to my storage problems the town continued expanding the roads kept being digged up and fixed and the rural areas and the rural the rural the rural the rural rural areas of the Town were quickly turning gray it was meant to be a cool poem or something but what was that what was that to make my micro nation more efficient and bring it to the next level a quality storage building had to be built someone had also been attacking my iron golem it seems redone started being implemented in the build designs and the first ever elevator had been built in the main tower the animal farms were also transported to the new location to cut down on travel time Road expansions were now rapid then started a massive 100 day mining trip where I got lost in caves for 100 days straight and got as much resources as possible most of these resources still made up a good portion of the weth I had over 1,000 days later the Ender Dragon was also defeated around this time I went through a lot of struggle and pain but it paid off as my country now had a good amount of power for size well um ignoring the failed ice Farm the nether infrastructure started to expand and it was easier to Traverse the nether at this point then some voyages begun and beautiful lands were discovered these were marked as preservation zones meaning my country would do anything to make sure these stay preserved as a lot of these areas would no longer generate after the 1.18 update was released a second stronghold was also found along the way the nether voyages also paid off and I can now Flex my riches the end farm was was also made and getting XP was Far easier than before by this point the storage room was complete and out had of full Enchanted neid armor things were looking good but then the economy hit a plateau the Farms weren’t being used as much the sugar cane Farm was demolished and much more a lot of Village cleaning had been done to make the village nicer by this point I had conquered five Villages and set four to be my main with my goal being to connect them all up I started by taking the village up north and building a house there I also had a decently sized mine at this point and used it to collect all of my stone I then built a villager breeder and a villager trading Hub and started trading more voyages were done at this point and I found a Mesa biome and some more riches this is where building efficiency came to play and I decided that since I was burning through my resources too quick I would cut corners on buildings so I could build more of them huge levels of construction took place with buildings being built to take control of different regions of the map Blackstone became one of the most mined resources as there was huge demand for due to all of the roadways the second Town also began construction I decided I’d put each Village in its own separate State and built walls between them at this point I also decided I wouldn’t start any fights against Enderman they might have been spying on me but they were chill the economy wasn’t growing much but the construction companies sure were at this point I started work on a museum which would hold rare mobs I also claimed the sixth Village to myself which is where the museum was being built the town started running out of room to expand and plans were made to expand East at this point I was transporting a ton of mobs which took away from the growth of my country then something revolutionary happened the Wier was defeated in a confined space of course to avoid mass destruction this revolutionized everything as I could now get building resources much faster a road now fully connected to the two main towns and a beacon was placed in a mining area a secret underground project began to make a huge pool of water for rare axotal to spawn which horribly failed and my country had to cover it up by saying it had a different use there was pressure as this took a lot of money from the economy the country completely flatlined and growth as the new objective was to save rare mobs and Bs from the 1.17 update that would be discontinued in the next update yeah this world was 1.17 at this moment as I didn’t want to switch just yet then rumors started spreading that a secret underground operation was taking place that involved tools of mass destruction not much was known yet last episode we left off with a secret underground operation involving TNT this was part of my project to preserve things in 1.17 that would be removed in 1.18 in 1.17 if you destroyed an entire chunk of bedrock and upgrade to 1.18 the chunk will be completely empty and won’t load anything in under the destroyed Bedrock giving you a glitch chunk which I thought was quite cool location of this must be kept secret though to not let anyone know where it is you’ll see why I done this later on in the video however I didn’t clean the entire Chunk in time but still got a cool effect where it kept the bed rocket one level zero and then move it down at this point I spent a lot of time Gathering mobs from my museum mobs holding glow in sacks wouldn’t be a thing after 1.17 so I decided to collect them I also spent a lot of time looking for 1.17 terrain since 1.18 overhauled the terrain meaning certain areas of my world were now rare and could not be generated in 1.18 now my country essentially had its own holiday Resort so that’s cool while exploring I also found the world’s smallest MAA like I never seen one this small at Round day 1,100 I started work on my own personal Castle just for storing things it doesn’t look the best but it is just fun to build as the area was perfect for a small Castle this Castle has storage uses some Redstone has Secret Windows and has extra buildings and walls for it I’ll be showing all of this off for the 2,000 days World Tour I had a great time building this s is all worth at around day 1,200 I finally made contact with the nether ceiling and decided it is a great place to start building Farms I heard a lot of weird noise up there so I didn’t feel alone I then decided I wanted to build a gold Farm up there and got to work this required a lot and I mean a lot of magma blocks there’s also a glitch where gas still spawned even though I gas proved a farm but all that pain was worth it in the end as I could now get hundreds of levels easily and lot of gold this also allowed me to move from potatoes to golden carrots I then demolished my failed bamboo farm and made a nice little walking [Music] area [Music] also made a project to cool the city using shade from the trees which also cleared the air of it but then I nearly ended the entire world I’ll run you through the story me and my friend both had separate worlds and we always wanted to play together but couldn’t because we had tons of progress in our worlds so we Tau of a system where you throw items into lava in your own world and the other person can give themselves it in their own world almost as if we’re trading Between Worlds think about this now this was a horrible idea it seems that life agreed it was a horrible idea too right as we started discussing this technique strange things started happening in my world and this is not scripted at all we were on a voice call and I have part of this recorded firstly every time we discuss anything about this lightning would start in the world and you all know how how rare that is I have multiple screenshots of trees burning in front of me the lightning would always hit the ground right in front of me which is really weird there’s no way this is a coincidence another thing is that pillagers were everywhere including my villager Traer which meant there to walk all the way up a winding dirt path and walk into one of these villagers areas this might have been a coincidence but it’s still weird a forest fire also begun when a thunder hit a tree right in front of me this was a weird time that had me take a break from from the world for a while here’s another image of lightning hitting right in front of me I didn’t feel good about this trading method as it felt like cheating but I came up with a solution all of this later on in the episode stay tuned to find [Music] out [Music] [Music] moving on from all of this I then started my next project I wanted to collect every die in Minecraft I’ll be posting how I did this on my second Channel which is linked on my YouTube channel homepage so uh yeah go check it out this started with me constructing a skeleton Farm an iron farm and a cocoa bean farm this also helped Advance my world on the side so this is worth it now it is finally time for me to address something my nether portal room was hideous this gave me the idea to build a new one to replace [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah there we go that’s a bit better but then I realized something this world has too much Ambitions and I didn’t have the time to finish all of them I often took multiple month breaks from Minecraft and could never stay consistent I hinted earlier that I found a solution to a lot of problems earlier in this episode with the amount of projects I wanted to undertake I knew I couldn’t do this alone so this is where I started preparing preparing for new players I was about to turn my 1,600 day single player world into a multiplayer World preparations begun I built up a spawn area and made a nether tunnel leading to my town then came day 1,666 and the first new player join that dating is a weird coincidence cuz I didn’t plan that at all I only found out one did the script that he joined on that day but that’s interesting the First new player has joined welcome in giant Luca 123 I’ll be referring to him as Luca for the sake of Simplicity while Luca was getting comfortable in the server I started working on housing Estates to expand the village I named this 505 Avenue but the buildings look like the album cover for the song 505 these houses didn’t look good but they fit the purpose Luca liked the theme of my random building in the plains biome which was inspired from one of my earlier videos so he began construction on this area rapidly and I was amazed at the progress I later decided to honor his work by naming the village Lucille after him by this point he had built multiple stores a church a watchtower a house for himself a blacksmith building and some farm he then also begun work on a massive trading Hall this became the third tallest building in the world at that time then came what could have been changed to the server a turd member I will refer to him as AK right as he joined he decided the world tour was too boring and only one minute in caused absolute chaos he fought piglins with his bare hands kept losing the free items we gave him and jumped off multiple buildings we had an offense spawn killed him until he left and then we banned him uh we looked at this as a learning experience for what to do if a server had a crazy member we would need these skills in the future trust me at this point we were unified and identified as a single country this country was named the United States of mogia we now had double the Manpower and it was time for us to show the world who boss so we built a disco H um yeah anyways moving on as we approaching 2,000 days Luca gave me a deal I couldn’t refuse on one of his buildings it only cost a few emeralds for a pretty decent building I accepted thinking that the deals were over but then he gave me multiple other deals I accepted all of them but I couldn’t refuse them considering they would cost way more in the future he then basically gave me a deal for like almost every other building and even considered selling his own house since he built so much in such a short span of time he knew he could get an easy bunch of cash just by selling them for very cheap prices and then could build more using this cash and repeat then on a lonely spring night I hit Day 2000 and logged off Midway through so Luca could experience Day 2000 as well before we get on to the next part of the video if you’re still here and you’re enjoying the video so far make sure to smash like And subscribe oh I just hit my mic uh yeah let’s get back into the video at the beginning of the 1,000 days the other server member Luca bought nearly every building in mogia town using the emeralds he got from the last episode meaning we basically swap towns which is pretty funny now there’s one thing I didn’t tell you guys about in the last episode I secretly traveled 1,000 blocks north to the town of mogia to start work on a city which I wouldn’t leak to anyone this city was planned to be the replacement for the town of mogia I secretly worked on this behind the scenes and told people not to travel there I now had more pressure to hide the city as an actual third player had joined his name was Catman just like I did with Luca I brought Catman to Lucille for him to stay for the first few nights and just like Luca he started building there and now Lucille took up nearly the entire plays b as if fre players wasn’t enough we brought a fourth one on I’ll be referring to him as gari he also started off in Lucille but quickly departed building a weird house in the middle of nowhere nobody even knew where he was situated but we saw him occasionally since there were new players now we decided to fly to the end to bring back elitas and shulkers that we could sell to everyone else we could make a lot of money from this Luca now had a loan system where people could borrow money from him but would have to pay him back more later this was taken by Cadman so he could buy an elyra in the end Luca profited off this now since the desert to the east B thousands of blocks literally thousands this meant this is a good location to build and Luca went there to start working on a city at this point we were still all one country meaning this country was about to expand rapidly while Cadman was in Lucille he got very lucky and found four skeleton horses Luca and Cadman both took one and I saved two since they might have despawned if I didn’t so that was a nice addition to my collection of animals then I sold all my glowstone to cman not taking anything of it but then I realized I had no lighting left except torches so I started exploring options for infinite lighting and at the time I thought a witch farm would have been too hard so I went South and built a guardian Farm nobody knew the location of it so it was time for me to open a store and make huge profits off it everyone really thought I got these sea lanterns manually anyways um yeah moving on since Lucas city was pretty undeveloped at this point he decided to buy some houses from 505 Avenue and transform them into storage systems I was pretty honored to have his entire economy lying at free random cheap buildings I built every everything was looking good for the United States of monoga until around day 2,300 I saw this coming so this didn’t catch me by surprise I even wanted this to happen to add more diversity to the server Luca and Cadman decided they wanted to break off from a country and start their own here’s how the meeting went uh how are you my fine gentleman today how are you on this fine day uh pretty fine not doing too well okay now we wanted to talk about a few things first of all I want to I want to point one thing out I’ve departured I’d say uh I’m breaking off basically I’ve becoming independent I’m not a part of this one spherical country anymore and I’m a separate me to myself I wanted to assure this by you too or you have a problem with this no no not problem cuz I I’m I’m uh on the verge of breaking away that’s what I that’s what I was about to ask that’s what the gun down Put the gun down it looks like it’s aiming but it’s that this is how it’s held okay okay we’re having meeting in an unfinished building you don’t have to bring that well let’s finish from here it let’s finish from so here here’s what I was thinking if ones break off I don’t know maybe everyone should break off but but okay let’s have an economic truce I’m going just go do trades with you and Shop with you people and I don’t want this to be on any bad terms or anything like this I like to point out that uh unauthorized access to my property is forbidden any further escalation signs we will retaliate uh that’s all sl’s idea by the way that’s not I have nothing to do with this oh now you’re carding out in the last moment when you’re the one that placed more signs than me yeah I don’t know there were a lot of catm compared to slav if I’m being honest know you’re trying to flip it because you’re scared now but no but uh saava saava did place a sign in G’s house so I’m going to have to report that to him when he returns from you place one first gave me the idea so here we are talking about a griefing that takes place a bit later in the episode I’ll go to all of this later so don’t worry about it for now but let’s just continue with the story line okay let’s come down Gentlemen let’s calm down there’s no need to fight that’s and also I had to admit I I asked for uh iron and glowstone and he refused on both occasions okay well I mean it’s a thing of like too much requests couldn’t be bothered but uh you just have to wait I feel uncomfortable with the gun be gam right can you can you please like place that down sir gari will have to be told about this but I’m pretty sure he already split off before any of us did so yeah true but okay going back to the matter of here I think there’s been some problems this the thing not much even changes all the stores systems all the trading systems are still the same it’s just that you’re not as welcome you’re a visitor that me kind of on authoriz access to this building as well yeah NOA can come here okay so unless he’s authed okay okay okay on speaking of authorized AR at at the current moment none of you have the authorized access to my place and any any means of will be yes yes uh I to walk through here to get to my and also the Min you can walk around it’s not that big walk before little sales Market you maybe want to buy an elro yeah hey F fight breaks out also slav did a place of science wasn’t mine I’m backing out oh it’sing it’s rising Rising step back now wait what’s you will be shot on side you will be shot on side I repeat sit down sit down stay seated stay civil Stay Stay SE guys une equip your weapons une equip your weapons boys I actually object to the nether uh payments mean pay for that so that OB objection so I was a corrupt leader yeah well I mean I’m willing to step back and drop my guard and make it free if I’m going to get paid a stack of emeralds 32 from him 32 from you I’m down wait wait wait all that just to take off the two Emerald toll so so man man’s going to get a free 32 nether trips in one go yeah what about you cman are we authorized to access your city uh no no unless you have authorization okay well what about you my friend uh anyone located within 30 blocks instant military action will be taken oh about this as well military re re here’s the thing if I notice that somebody’s l around my property they will be warned in exactly one minute if they don’t leave the premises immediate military action hyper Continental ballistic missiles will be used we were all peaceful 20 minutes ago put that put that SW down bro I don’t like this there should be war crimes you’re not allowed to use lava buckets you’re not allowed to vandalize properly and if you do yeah yeah anything really it’s on the server rues still but however if you get caught in a booby trap and you lose your items that’s completely on you maybe each country can have its separate laws so like let’s say if your city is anarchy then you could tell like that’s just an example but you could tell people you can break anything you want but it’ll just be for that City and not the entire server step the back government officials in the building i s object to the fact that I made I I practically made this building because of the deep slate I disagree I disagree heavily and you need to watch your words gentlemen I believe this building is a good thing for society is it advances us as a species yeah cuz I built it you built it you need to bro you need to take these Flames back up to uh five blocks Max yeah so that that’s my that’s my argument oh look go over there I’m going to be like straight up brutally honest this uh request is rudely denied not even kindly rudely denied I I’ll take it I’ll take it but you don’t have access to mine okay okay I see how it is and also yeah the Deep St is going to go way up now you’re going to lose a good customer by the way I don’t agree with this city name so I will be sure to sanction yeah it’s my own City so you don’t have any say over on with this back up back up RC no no no listen listen hey chill chill chill chill chill hey chill why’ you do that huh why’ you do that huh cuz I thought it was a bow so I thought I had to wind it back up all that W no no no let’s come down Gentlemen let’s get back into the building it’s also has an authorized access even though he owns server I practically own it cuz I’m on it most of the time this guy needs to be shut down chill okay okay I’m just going to be playing and honest I’m not on good terms with either one of you anymore I don’t like this I never have been to before I’ve always been teamed up against here so I can’t of be like an outlier that’s that’s what you think huh that’s what you think huh that’s what you think huh that’s what I think from the start it’s pretty plain and obvious it’s pretty plain and obvious about the good offers I’ve sent you huh half lerille obviously maybe I’ll even join forces with gari I’m joining forces with gari because he’s a Minecraft Master bro gar has one building and it’s made from atist like come on G I thought you said he was he was a Minecraft pro well he is once he gets in the grind but that hasn’t okay I’m proposing amst doesn’t really show that that building was pretty tragic board yeah I can write down a p tree for us from now guante no PVP no violation of laws peace for 150 Minecraft days I think if anybody violates pay 250 emeralds each to the other people in the contract okay I’ll get a booking Quil for us and if Slava does it’s double defitely definitely definitely the order has to pay double for maintenance I’m going to give cman my trash sanctions will be launched oh oh oh take him down take him down take him down by the way that wasn’t me that typed that that was s that typed that he pretended he typed it in and pretended it was me oh yeah serious are you serious he he did though I’m not joking yeah I’m back another the stre you want to sign a military pack let’s go this is intention C my intentions are Peak any any violation of the laws will mean full okay okay okay wait objection objection objection I take if I take it and Rob it out going to be taking it back should we let him back in the contract and give him one more chance I think so but disrespect should not be tolerated life is all about Second Chances why is the Ser gone offline yeah you done a this is a hefty day this we must remain at military piece for 150 Minecraft days oh I’m going back okay we you can’t access my uh City now without asking same here what about you well none of us know where city is so not like we could try and try and get in if we I know the general direction but I wouldn’t bother being H he’s millions of blocks away I like it cuz I’ve been preparing for this for ages I knew it was going to happen he’s probably going to Graffiti my my city at some point but okay okay this this is a question I have for both of you should that be allowed to raise tension like to yeah I think I think signs should be allowed signs should be a bypasser for griefing but it does rise tensions and obviously you’ll find out who did it h you’re going to decline this but I’ll give you an elyra if you become my puppet day for a th000 Minecraft days oh no now as if all of this wasn’t chaos already something a lot lot worse was about to happen gagi was inactive during this time period because he was on holiday so one of the members was paid by someone else to play signs all over G’s base as a troll the other members C wied this and came over to join in themselves basically everyone ended up griefing him it went a bit too far but we didn’t think anything of it as you could clean it up easily in the end gari tght it as me that griefed it because my name was on one of the signs so he griefed five of my buildings and when I found out I was Furious everyone was online at this point and I went to garg’s house with TNT and clearly stated my intentions if I didn’t get my way I was going to declare war on garg’s micro nation I was completely alone in this and people were telling me not to do anything but during a voice call Ari disrespected one of luk ‘s contracts and said he would legally end it and now luuka joined in this is how it [Music] went I want to fly over there to see what’s going on yeah but gar Gar get suspicious every time I come near him yes course you he even stole my crafting table oh my God wait gy are you declaring are you declaring on him I’m not declaring anything I’m just why why my doors why my crafting table they just want to oh my God come on destroying buildings isn’t allowed so you have to do something I’m not going to do anything I mean will you retaliate maybe who oh my God what what is this wall oh and he placed it on top of my house as well God damn what what is this iron block doing here Slava Slava did you steal my goddamn iron block oh my God TNT why is there TNT here Christ’s sake chill with the TNT chill with the TNT bro he put to God Communist party okay so yes that was a communist don’t mess with the Communist party okay does this mean you surrender to the Communist party no I’m I’m not surrendering to anything I swear to God I mean thanks for the TNT though what is this wall here up he gave gari weapons of mass destruction yeah he gave me TNT hey is anyone is anybody going to talk about the fact that it wasn’t just me that you know wa it’s SL well the other the signs I see you only say G oh oh Catman you dare speak you dare there I I wasn’t even there thatman wasn’t even there by the way looka uh that contract we made is uh I’m not I’m not going to do it anymore n you signed it there’s literally no way then I have to ravage failure H good thing that I hid everything that I have oh I official I officially C war on guard’s Nation you don’t actually understand what I’m stra with you done for kid dude please shut up for now I’m trying to rebuild my house you funny kid kid [ __ ] even stole my goddamn I get ready forward you got one minute mother are moving forward the fronts are moving forward they’re getting closer that I don’t com oh this is getting out of hand now wait too many more too many more too many more oh need the trenches stop this The Trenches yeah this trenches shooting arrows in open the door open the door now open the door and give me all your armor now open the door and surrender go in go in what the dude off what is this what the hell you viated the contract step outside and get naked and drop all your armor right now who could play that game no no he violated the contract that he signed and disrespected the Communist party you know what you know what where did he take that Stu what did he taking I’m taking the diamonds I’m taking the diamond horse armor um dark oak I’m taking the gold I’m taking this gold you know what you know what behind behind you yeah let’s go burn this down to the ground oh my God I’m actually burning his house that’s what he gets when he violates the contract and he’ll know after the rough sple put it out put it out put it out put it out put it out no need to get two no you know what I’m I’m I’m putting this under LCA ownership Give Me A Sign he has to buy back from me if he ever did you know what he wait uh I’ll take this glass well glow INX I’ll take it I’ll take his crossbow I’m Dem militarizing him I’m taking all the armor I’m going take a gold blocks while I’m while I’m here he’s back this could have ended all so much better for him but he just had to be the hero he be the demon Arc in Minecraft I’m getting my horse I’m on Horseback got St I’m coming to you come to the town hall let’s build trenches around l i see you at the dark yeah come here let’s fortify towards his area yeah I already built like a huge wall here we need to spread out at the borders to make sure he doesn’t slip by I’ll spread out east sorry westwards bro the trench Wars and white crap bro what the these are convenient trenches cuz look I can just peek up in this grass covering me I have the front line trenches here we’re reinforcing the back line I’ll go I’ll go on a scouting Mission I see him I see him moving I see moving where he’s behind his house he’s repairing it oh my God it’s in shambles oh wait I didn’t realize how close he is to us come Don’t Go Near Don’t Go Near him he can’t see us the Scot no I I think I setting his house on fire yeah I wasn’t going to destroy it but then you did it so I just took the glass I mean he really disrespected me I feel that that is a full contract so but he also can’t be vandalizing my new store like that especially from the interior he denied that said oh I hid everything the diamonds weren’t really hidden were they now I see no movement I think he’s shifting no visual on him at the moment you yeah no visual what’s your standpoint uh I can see his house but I’m I’m like I see I see you not right beside I’m infiltrating the house but I don’t think he’s in the house I swear he isn’t coming in the house I’m in the house anyone there I’m in the house I’m in the house holy mother what’s going on huh no way is he tunneling to us like North Korea does I jump down yeah wait he could be baiting us with that and it’s just is everything clear uh there no no tunnel going from here I see a pig that could be him leave leave leave the premises leave the premises okay I’m out I’m checking back uh to the town cuz he could have went there and slipped slipped in no way he’s actually vandalizing the town he’s he’s he’s vandalizing the tower I think kill him kill him kill him kill him just St up one side one side bro I don’t see him I don’t see him uh the tower has water in it is that old oh that’s old he’s traveling out he’s gone 400 blocks behind his house we have to intercept him do we intercept them yeah and what’s our reason to intercept what’s our reason to intercept uh file size yeah he looted this nether portal there meet me there peeps see that was a huge waste of time resources and now the F size is like plus 15% tra in it though when it blows up no I’m not blowing I’m burning it down hold let me see if the chest have anything good oh watch out watch out watch out hey yo chill chill chill waa yo chill Salvage stuff before he blows it up yep look here has water buckets and there’s water in slv’s town this just proof good point oh my God oh my yes oh no yes that’s what he gets the Flint still broke but watch the out I wonder if he’s ever going to be back I say he’ll come around in like a month when it calms down yeah this is a constant cycle it’s always one day of tensions Rising it’s all over and then they come back a month later but we did kind of motivate him to signing waterl well not motivate but we said he should retaliate and he listened to us what’s going on [Music] yo just face ped into a tree full oh God oh God he’s going down he’s going down oh that’s about what remains now anyways how was Catman doing pretty good he was planning very ious buildings and started construction on a skyscraper which was soon to be the tallest building however during this time I also worked on my city and out of fear of someone reaching the 100 block tall building Mark first I started construction on my own Skys scripper this was to be a very special skycraper all the measurements of the skyscraper were numbers that were special to me and the skyscraper was exactly 100 blocks tall this skyscraper was constructed very quick and broke the tallest building record by a lot the second tallest was Lucas A J block at a height of of 60 blocks also fun fact the forest next to my city was very weird and had a buried desert temple in a forest biome it also had some other weird terrain glitches like these my theory is that I only loaded the chunk partially and then upgraded version meaning it loaded two chunks in W that’s what I think it is now about the fear of my city being leaked someone here couldn’t be trusted while I was offline Cadman told Luca his intentions of leaking my base and Luca was respectful about this and told Cadman the wrong direction to keep my city safe but K still ended up traveling north to find it despite me warning him multiple times that I would declare war if it was leaked C thought he could get away with this but I didn’t like this I started building Arrow turrets facing towards the skyscraper and placed intimidating signs everywhere I restricted any catonian citizens or leaders from entering my borders and warn him that they would be shot on site soon after all of this we decided to host another big meeting to figure some things that needed resolving on the server this is how it went so a bit of back story right before this meeting we had signed the peace offer and I was given it and I flew away with it thinking it was mine but uh some people had objections so this is not part of the meeting well I will I want demand the contract that we signed the peace off to be returned to its rightful owner which is me I believe it’s a like museum piece that all of us own so I don’t think it really matters who has it sure you could say that but I head is moving over back I I wasted my insect my booking quill you know I mean how about this how about this how about this how about this how about this since nobody owns Lucille keep it in Lucille till transported into an items Museum that’s the thing I was thinking since I’m working on a museum I need something to fill the rooms with so I thought like any extra material would help but uh I mean okay I’m done I don’t have a problem with that since this was now solved now we have to discuss the leaking of the city this was a pretty big rule broken so this was taken quite seriously by me also also now this is more of a between you people but uh cman Has Lifted sanctions on me I have lifted sanctions on him what are you proposing in this ordeal so that’s the thing uh I don’t quite know what to do about it since uh a pretty big rule was broken so uh left left sanctions lift them and start off fresh I believe people deserve Second Chances and I mean I mean it’s it benefits you in a way well I don’t know cuz it was a pretty big Rule and it was broken on purpose so I don’t know if sanctions can be lifted that easily yeah but at least I didn’t blow anything up that wasn’t on purpose you sure comes back to the what is going on where is he going I know there was something wrong with that kid until the San are lifted penous is under is held back yeah yeah okay basically I was thinking H I’ll allow you back in I’ll lift the sanctions but I will not be entering packs with you and I will have military uh defense up at my side of the borders just in case fair enough so military tension isn’t gone well tensions between me and you rise if I put down a contract and deal with him no it it obviously depends on a deal what oh my oh Jesus he’s up there what is he doing where did he land what wait oh in the balcony he landed in the bcon he’s up there already what the is going on I saw fly by the window on Hypersonic speeds we can help each other go economically so I believe me and him might have some packs in the future and stuff like that and will that in any way affect my tension with you it won’t cuz uh we’re cool okay okay I think the military tensions against harmonia Union are still up there I did say I’m going to be neutral in this and I’m going to stick to my word so no military action can be taken throughout my parts of the country I think me and him are going to have a healthy friendship between countries and I don’t want that to be affected with you so I want to have stronger friendships between you and him but also I since things have been going very good so far since since things have been going very good so far I propose a contract well down how this will work because military tensions between you two are still pretty high I want to put down a no PVP between me and cment in between me and you however you two can still go at each other I’m trying to revive the Soviet Union in Minecraft so hey what the what’s the proposal what’s the proposal all right so H since I own most of Lucille now I’m willing to buy out the rest of it and claim it under my territory that see here’s the thing C hold up hold up conversation between me and him he wants almost everything the remaining building should be very expensive for him since you know he try to take control yeah yeah especially my three buildings here’s the thing I I I view it as part of the state of monog J I want to point out that I will in no way and no matter how much money it is off to me will be selling the Farms no here’s the thing here’s the thing I’m thinking I don’t have to actually buy everything to like put my walls because you could still own stuff in other people’s countries so I was saying that I we kind of agree that it’s nobody it’s like a central building Hub and original Vision was an extension of the monog okay well okay well in that case you own everything in the server no yeah that’s what I want see I feel CH I feel I feel Chinese vibes from oh no no no it’s weird to just have Lander that’s not owned by anything at all I don’t know if you agree to this and you probably won’t but I think it’s a fair deal I will agree to that if you give me 250 emeralds and give C 250 emeralds obviously the buildings you haven’t but won’t be coming in that pain I don’t see I didn’t think there would be any objections because there’s nothing really that’s changing it’s just like so if I build past it I’m just going to have a huge gap between me and my land so I’d rather have that just be one huge Square I own cuz that’s what like my vision of the states are I don’t like gaps in between well here’s the thing I think if SL does that he has to pay us like something yeah down to pay like not a ridiculous price but I’m saying like it’s just convenience for my borders I don’t have some someone else’s land yeah cman only has like a store and a house there which could easily be under my land and for you I bought like most of the stuff you built so like that’s already like enough to have like most of the ownership so I think literally like it could be like under my borders but like it’s still the exact same like you still own all the stores you still own all the houses the leak of my city made me realize I needed more military funding since players could not be trusted and had to be taught lessons I constructed another secret farm this time a slime farm so I could make military machines to scare off rebellious countries now this leads us up to 3,000 days after we hit day 3,000 the catonian union had actually constructed the world’s first McDonald’s which ended up being a very popular tourist destination but little did the leader know what assume to come for this building that’s coming later in the video he also started construction on a new skyscraper at this point I stared to build closer towards the borders of Luca whose country was now named the jarvin federations this way I’d get closer to him and my stores could be more easily accessed by anyone in the jarvin federations I also started work on some stores with their own parking lot which ID put up for sale since I couldn’t take over a use for them but this wasn’t important I also built a post office but forgot how I wanted mail systems to work so I abandoned that project for a while and then something a little Annoying happened the villagers in my iron farm turned into to witches and I tried a few fixes but the farm wouldn’t work as well after so I guess I’ll just have to accept the risk again or may be thinking of using a copper Rod now if you are wondering where the real chaos begins it begins now me and Luca both decided to Ally our countries in a secret meeting this was because we knew something chaotic was on the horizon the server was really inactive at this time and me and Luca were quite bored so we tried to come up with something to do since Catman had disrespected Luca at one point Luca went over to grief the roads of the catonian union and I didn’t believe he was seriously doing it until I came over it then escalated into something a lot lot worse let me show you how this escalated from the beginning I have like thousands of di you want me to bring it yeah B in in fact when this whole thing’s over I might need the diod for myself it’s fun let’s admit it’s just fun it’s it’s pretty funny but like you know what should weate the road between me and him him with like proper Stone oh yeah I’m bringing Cobblestone let’s go get Zone it’s getting cut off yeah no more entry oh no wait this is my road bro chill actually I’ll take this I’ll take this di cuz as you can see I use diid in the roads okay Bet what are you talking about they’re talking about water maybe jeez I didn’t bring it but I can make it real quick I’ll check this out boom Oh my God what is this guy doing let’s do a bit of this and let’s go back in the river what I’m doing oh God you know what make it make make an infinite water source up there and spam it oh my God you’re genius you’re a genius you know I I’ll do that I’ll do that well I only got it so I’m doing it as well yeah both of us this is going to cause a war he’s not going to cause a war he’s just going to leave we’re doing this for pure entertainment we don’t even we’re not even that mad at him I’m fueling a lot of your ideas so I’m not exactly in the gr here oh look at this is going to spill down the roadway look at that oh my go bro it’s over it’s over no this is a dystopia made buildings get destroyed this is a dystopia in future what are we doing bro you you’ve destroyed my infinite water source from how much water you’ve placed now got to go over oh wait no this is It’s Over slow considered him gone it’s over slow I just thought of something so bad oh no I’m so sorry how can it get worse than this is oh no my favorite food joint I beat you to it here a bit but you’re obviously going to finish it off you know it’s all good it’s a conjoined work wait what have I done this is all just in the moment we’re going to regret it next morning oh my God you know why am I not just swimming up why am I not just swimming up oh my God do you see what’s wrong we ruined [Music] everything well you realize the job it’ll take to clean this off wait should we water his enti weit go up to his big skyscraper and just water the entire thing there’s no way my God yeah I’m bringing infinite water up there I’m bringing infinite water let’s go let’s go let’s go come on will see this in the video and dislike it why if he’s still around yeah he won’t wait he doesn’t even have sponges he might actually leave it’s too late too is it too late not to say sorry oh yeah that’s our mindset we’ve already done it so we might as well go all out wait don’t even look down bro don’t even look down oh I actually really like the skyscraper I actually do it like it as well oh it’s on the balconies everywhere I’m placing it in places where he can’t even dry it up oh no it’s up here now oh jeez oh no wait it’s going inside it’s going inside wait should I do this look come in here don’t tell you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that’s so annoying wait I don’t even know which block it is so they’re just here now let me bring some more in here oh yeah that’s your Penthouse what have we done you know what wait realize this is your penous yeah you’re destroying your old P house no I’m genuinely blowing it up on no I’m actually blowing it up on everything bro I’m actually flame bow flame bow do it do it bro we’re going to regret it so bad do it I’ll try to block it do it and I’ll try to block it you shoot it on go okay three two one go oh a oh now you blow it up first wait this is a bad idea this is genuinely a bad idea here wait do not put it on wait put it on this side there you I dare you to put it on this this wait how does power oh no oh no oh don’t look oh no oh no what did you doing bro how I didn’t know that was going to power I take full blade I’m so sorry wait I hear voice my I hear voice on everything I hear in my head I knew exactly what was going to happen but I still wanted you to do it bro just look now just look I got one more if if we place on this lamp is is another death trap yeah cuz F that transmit red stor if we place it like here [Music] [Laughter] oh no I have to look at the [Music] damage do you see the tears in my eyes you see thear see do you see the tears wait bro isn’t this my pous as well wait this is my penth house you this is your skyscraper oh my God just realized oh my God I just realized well what if we if you do this I’m going to cry like laughing but you Pro no wait don’t pick anything up this is going to step too far I dare you I dare you to flip hold oh oh that does a freeze 60 that wait it almost did oh my hey oh my God that’s scary wait this is oh wait I have Infinity never mind no no no should we stop here no dude flick the lever bro flick the lever I’ll give you 10 Emerald oh my God oh my God you know what you know what since this place is on fire I’m putting water to cool it down wait there’s one more skyscraper that’s untouched that’s exactly what I was thinking let’s go oh oh that’s what you’re doing oh my God now keep going to the Bedrock keep going to bedrock we’re going to die we’re going to die don’t chicken we’re playing chicken we’re playing chicken yeah you does wait what should we just go should we go for a mining trip B I got torches don’t do that since cardonia was now a risk for us as the leader could take revenge on us with a war I decided to build an airst strip strategically close to to the city of calonia so I could send aircraft quickly if needed as I could park a lot of aircraft on this Runway I had to gather a ton of stone for this [Music] project don’t worry though me and Luca did clean the city up [Music] eventually [Music] now it is time for change it is kind of lonely ever since gari left so it is time for a new member welcome in Ras who built all this this man right here but I just bought it afterwards he sold it to me all right see that’s all me right there this is my city it’s under construction he this you see this this is the most expensive item in the server it’s it’s is that a fo it’s a RAB oh I just like fabricating what’s it name easy pay me 5 million Robux I’m sending it over on your PayPal I hope you can have a mending golden shovel um three golden nuggets um M just giving Jun over so what happens if someone just like bombs the whole server they get they tracked down in real life and tort to Death kill him no don’t don’t he been there ever since I you realize that Enderman has been there ever since this building was constructed why is it just this here yeah they do it they take the blocks from the ground and they just put it here I’m going to die bro this guy no sh sh there’s no way we’re going to have to wait for this guy to get also there’s a creepy Cemetery that’s haunted I wouldn’t go in it if I were you one ceter come come here so basically whenever we come back here the trap doors are always change position you you should go down there you should he actually did goodby bro there’s nothing here there is stuff here look where wait no he blocked Us in no I didn’t I didn’t even come down there what is this that’s a good question actually I saw that earlier what is that I didn’t even know that’s a block now at this point I still haven’t revealed my city to anyone nobody knew it how it look since people were about to know where my city is located I secretly built a nether Highway towards it so people can get to it quicker in the future now it’s time for the city reveal we’re sinking wait how are they sinking man you just pressed W hey no you’ll break the boat I see a boat a piston boat that actually works I oh I see it how do I I basically guys put put a block next to that put a block next to wait one uh get on the boat get on the get on the boat uh hopefully this works it does the first official boat run oh I’m off I’m off I fell off no now we’re about to replicate the Titanic sub I’m inside the Box wait why is there someone under okay it crashed H here is this upcoming Stone store guys oh I like this so you can put concrete up in here oh you put concrete wait I dare you to stand under that TN I dare you to stand under that TN BR if he does all right right so here’s going to be an elevator in the future piston or water piston insane respect wait so can I buy this guy 500 emeralds nah see there’s a problem this is a very valuable building cuz it’s the first 100 block building oh my this is t uh where man my finger slit you don’t cuz you don’t have the do you die of fall damage if you use a boat no no well place it down now and ride it off uh but that’s what I was thinking jump in and out of it you might be dead you might be dead wait ER you want to buy an apartment in one of my buildings okay I’ll give you three potatoes three potatoes and I’ll give you an apartment in one of my buildings okay i’ say you should include an elytra in that here where’s my sword two of you guys can run and meable chasy okay I’m I’ll take their boat down if they get too close no no no you’re not allowed to do that you know what I’m I’m going take the risk and get the Dolphins Grace let’s go during all of this Lucas City began to grow rapidly a new building was now under construction which was the ministry of internal affairs it s at 104 blocks tall making it the tallest building but it didn’t quite count as the tallest skyscraper since it wasn’t wide enough meaning my skyscraper still had the number one spot at 100 blocks this new building was complete very quick and Luca moved on to another building which was set to be over 150 blocks tall which would make it the tallest skyscraper by far we’ve been through quite a bunch of members at this point but it is not stopping yet a new member joined called sha neck problem was he wasn’t willing to play the game properly me and rkas killed him a few times and when he begun to break rules even more I decided to deliver the final blow n this guy just took all the nether rack he could possibly get Now give me a I didn’t think that would kill him blocks away that bro I’m not I’m not to Pi this chill yeah bro stop stop killing each other stop breaking the server that’s so n bro this guy’s already breaking bro place the Torches back one goes into most random place oh my God how did you even locate this door like yeah I never knew this existed River projectile control what this guy speed speed running bro oh my God come South come to AR space okay yeah okay n n don’t go to my base bro don’t let him go to my base let’s go to like the military thing I showed you yeah yeah yeah what is this guy let’s go building let’s go CH after a lot of figuring things out lots of new stressful members lots of War tension me and Luca wanted to have some fun again so we started a new sport Elite Sports this is how that went d i stand on this corner you stand on the corner and we interwine well let’s actually let’s actually run off together like from here oh you you seem so fast with C bro let let’s dive like directly down and then last second switch let’s actually switch mid a switch position midair yeah 1 2 go I was behind that looked insane holy yo now but I I died too early so I had to I was behind wait let’s play chicken let’s play chicken I catch on catch on F wait you have to be in it for a bit longer you know what the funny and sad thing is the fire didn’t render in so you were just red oh no it chilled there’s wood here I love the mouse click that makes it so much better cuz it sounds like that’s the trapo be open save one go go oh I got it no way I’m kind of scared to do this I want die again one go M’s last second now let’s play chicken let’s play chicken wait do you want to just keep going up do you want to just keep going up this is sick this is sick wait let me catch up drop for a bit yeah what what why are we’re at 550 see I’m getting up to th then I’m going back down wait we’re going to have to drop down I’m F fing into my face I’m not even looking at where I’m going down you’re dead wait it’s so far down no I can’t see anything I think I’m about to die wait you realize we could be in a completely different Lo you’re dead you’re dead n I’m good these arrows hit me I’m actually stop shooting I’m 2p what excuse me hello I’m stuck I literally can’t come through like ah you want me to fly out here with a fire rocket I’m trying do it do it do it I’m taking risk now I don’t care about death do that give me the bed give me the bed no but this look oh my god oh that looks sick you’re failing this flea it all burnt in lava I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead don’t I have everything on me I’m risking everything actually risk bro no no no I’m scared no I’m never doing that again I’m never doing that again no let’s do that [Music] [Music] let’s get it hey that was SI hold I I actually need to use this that was sick I’m dead I’m about to throw the boat off and sitting in mid air get out you ready for this yeah yeah yeah yeah go get the off no oh no I landed on the boat how is that possible are you at the bottom cuz I’m about to slime block MLG do it let’s go n no no this could be it don’t press shift whatever you do you pick up okay onto the skyscraper from here do it do it no no no no you have to do it to the bottom oh no I don’t n off this now now you know what you know what watch this watch this 360 the L the way the block how did you not die fed are falling yeah oh you can’t place it on the road can you not oh look at that I’ve recovered instantly I picked everything up and I’m back to business let’s go wait stand on the edge stand on the edge yeah there we go I’m dropping with it let’s go for it I’ll give you I might die I might die I might die my I did it again I did it again I did it again oh my God that’s quick Let’s Go full limit Let’s Go full limit go my stop did you see that did you see that did you see I really wait till we get Bish my last stage man chill man chill I’m AFK I’m AFK oh he dead he dead yeah like there was I think I couldn’t see anything but the Block in front him I was that close to the ground you know what don’t want to die are you good me I’m not expecting anything stop I’m going to die I’m half a heart you actually have value no I’m one heart now are you okay wait till I come back up no I’m too HP now actually stop all oh oh now no oh let’s play chicken down this wait no no no I can’t see the beds I can’t see my items or the beds and I’m dead I’m [Music] dead you were so close to the edge but now you’re really close to the edge oh my God hey what you good that was a F this didn’t seem significant but since we had so much fun with the Litas we decided to look for the fun aspect of the game more this changed our play style significantly we decided to start making the grind easier for ourselves to make the game more fun so at a secret undisclosed location we made a cobblestone generator paired with a carpet duper so we can make infinite smooth Stone on Cobblestone the flex allar Cobble on in just 10 minutes we built a massive water tower just because we [Music] could [Music] with my new found Hope in the server I started work on expanding my city first I had to take this massive Sand Hill [Music] down now that the hill is out the way me and Luca notice cast was beginning to get quite powerful his economy was climbing in the ranks 10 times faster than any other economy the monogan union which is my country partnered up with the jarvin federations which was Luca’s country do military drills on the country of morkas this way we could show our power and show that we should be messed with this is how that [Music] went [Music] [Music] wait should I shoot one of his she sh of his [ __ ] cuz he’ll hear the dying sound effect no we’re ring per on this poor Empire should we kill the baby cows in front of him God he’s right down there he saw me so now I take the blame can flooded look oh hell no wait he’s chasing he’s chasing about to land right God airace oh my God hey yo chill I have them on my SS [Music] [Applause] [Music] we all do the same oh that’s free water now look he’s in the house oh Jesus he lose temperament with us [ __ ] you followed us yeah he challenged us no he came out I was going to jump oh hell no he see me oh I just placed water I just placed water you see I did it too yeah I’m I’m leaving the stream running let’s go let’s go oh see I hit him I’m out I’m out I’m out I feel bad anyway ignoring all of the chaos in this episode I went back to my city and continued working on it during this time we decided to start cutting off all the ways to get to the end since we wanted to build a farm there and didn’t want anyone to tamper with it this so-called farm would make us a certain type of building block and was definitely only hidden so people wouldn’t break the farm once it’s built yeah it this is now time for an old member to make a comeback welcome in AK once again AK decided to take a unique spot and went north of my Capital which nobody was even close to this is a pretty strategic location asard be able to supply good Sim very quick and anything he sells means people going through my Capital which increased their chances of buying something there he named his country the great verian Empire he’s kind of comparable to the United States in real life he arrived at this huge empty land by boat conquered it and made it his own he already became the second biggest country in a matter of days since he arrived by boat and most other players would visit his country by boat he instantly built a port and took advantage of the sea between the monogan union and the great verian Empire he went for a unique style and built a ship to use as a store this ship sold Rockets he also made a little raft that sells gunpowder and started working on a huge base in the middle of a plains biome this is all the news we have from the great verian Empire for now so let’s move on with all the new carpets I can now upgrade the nether Hub and make the floor less ugly so that’s that’s what I did might change the color choice in the future though since we were constantly looking for ways to advance the server now me and Luca decided we should make a honey farm since we could improve our technology with it we spent ages looking for honey but just couldn’t get enough decided to not stress about it and paid Cadman to get the honey and make the bee farm I made sure to pain well since it is a pain to make the caronian union decided to go on a farm spree and build a witch farm right after the Honey Farm if you’re expecting something like this then you were wrong but hey at least it works very slowly though another side project I was working on was Conquering the underworld of lucer city which by the way is the capital of the Jarvan federations there were a ton of mobs there and it was take you away from the performance of The Creeper Farm I actually might have forgot to show you all the creeper Farm in the last episodes but here it is one weird thing is that pillagers kept spawning non-stop as if they were watching me do the project since the konian union made a bee farm for me araris began to strengthen and I connected us with a Tunnel Road things were looking good for the server then we got another member to join welcome in and Tech I brought him South and told him that he could take as much land as he wants he settled down south and took over two Savannah Villages at this point I was encouraging everyone to make their countries as big and powerful as they could before too much members join and they won’t have a chance to expand I took my own advice and began expanding my new town this project was only beginning now and I didn’t manage to complete it before 4,000 days so we’ll leave that for the next episode at this point the catonian union was beginning plans for Highway Through the Jungle that leads to a port so he can connect this nation together as it was grown quite fast he also helped me test some new rocket launcher technology which could come in handy in Wartime next me and Luca started work on the secret Farm in the end excited for all the profits it would bring us obviously this can’t last forever but it should last us for a while anyways we just about finished the farm and then we hit 4,000 days right after we reached 4,000 days in the world the catonian union began construction on the new tallest observation tower to take the number one spot from the one and old monoga this tower has a pretty explosive future lying ahead for it but before we get into that this isn’t a 1,000 days video without some sort of chaos around day 450 Luca the leader of the jarvin federations got bored and decided to flex his power on other nations by griefing them and threatening them with military if they’ve retaliated and the leader of the monogan Union which is me was at the right place at the right time to witness this griefing and I decided to join in since my alliance with the jarvin Federation was strong this is uh how that griefing went I’m fresh out of slabs no no no no this is cruel and this is really far for prank but should we chunk ban him no come on basically overload the chunk he’s in so the game bans him okay chill that’s too far that’s well you’re saying too far but you absolutely annihilated his project go it’s hard to breathe oh man it’s hard to breathe [Music] [Laughter] around now is when I properly began the seille project this here is the town of seil and my project was to make this a proper town [Music] [Music] because of the whole griefing situation the leader of the Hiro Empire went to the jarvin federations to retaliate and I came along with Catman and the leader of Bollywood antech to see what was going to happen after this happened aric then shifted the blame to Bollywood and asked me to keep it a secret in the end nothing really ended up happening though as we basically just griefed this patch of grass and left some signs saying not to do it again at this time the caronian union got humiliated during a small fight that broke out between the hemoid empire Empire and the monogan union and this raised the tensions a bit on the business side of things the leader of the great verian Empire now wanted to patent gunpowder since it became a huge part of his economy this would mean nobody else would be allowed to sell the gunpowder products that he sells this never went ahead though since it do a pretty big thing to patent at this point I was also offering $ 10,000 in-game dollars to anyone willing to build a wer skeleton Farm which is a ridiculous amount of money and also a raid took place in Bollywood with a lot of let’s just say un living taking place then the monogan union partnered with the great verian Empire to create attacks on catonia I would arm the great verian Empire with weapons and they would do small attacks to intimidate and confuse the caronian union since they were getting powerful we would do this anonymously however I got spotted in the city of caronia around the time of one of these attacks which made the leader suspicious about me to raise suspicions even more the leader of the caronian Union kept reporting the sound of explosions coming from under his City even when no body was online we had some theories of what this could have been but we haven’t found an answer as of yet then I had the realization the hemoid empire was on the rise rapidly and was close to being the most militarized Nation meaning since he was the monogan Union’s biggest threat I had to strengthen my alliance with other nations since one of the other rapidly Rising Nations was the caronian union I decided it would be a better strategy to Ally with them instead of fighting them so I proposed more trades and fix the skyscraper that had been through many attacks to strengthen our partnership I also decided to upgrade the Gold Farm to make it sort items into chest so that way it wouldn’t get clogged with golden swords then a war begun not between the players but between the players and the pillagers a raid had begun at the borders of the hemoid [Music] empire [Music] it wasn’t over here though another raid had been started by the leader of the great verian Empire in the village of bedna which was in the monogan union I was not happy about this raid as it was so easily avoidable and the great verian leader wasn’t taking the situation seriously this led to us having an intense fight while the leader of the caronian Union spectated us without picking a [Music] side [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after this fight I was completely done working with the gra Ruan Empire and went to grief them shortly after burning my alliance contract with them out of disrespect the leader of the konian Union seemed to be getting less motivated to work with other nations out of fear that the jarvin federations would declare war on him because of his involvement with the retaliation held in the jarvin federations so I allied with the caronian union and promised to protect them if a war would break out as a warning to the jarvin federations also on a weird side note the menoian union discovered some weird purple Square under the end not sure what this is but research will have to be done now it’s time for an update on the seil project I began working on constructing some stores to boost the economy the first store was a concrete store because I knew this had a very high demand and I buil built a plant store store for sand and gravel and a boook store then at around day 4,200 I built a concrete converter which could convert 72,000 concrete powder into concrete per hour this was a big upgrade over last one we had however it was a pain to make then I designed three different types of houses and built them in secret so I could get everyone’s reaction on them and I got pretty positive reviews and even sold two of the houses so that’s pretty cool now on the business side of things I noticed that Catman had opened the carpet store not knowing I the carpet duper so I decided to undermine his business by opening a bigger and better carpet store and upon hearing this he wanted to shut his store down but before he could fully do it I bought it out so I could dominate the carpet business however the timing for me purchasing the carpet store wasn’t good was the building it was in had caught on fire yes the entire [Music] thing [Music] as if catonia didn’t have enough it was now time for a demolition of the newly built Tower since the leader of the country didn’t like it problem being the demolition didn’t go to [Music] plan [Music] kona’s leader was blown up along with his items meaning the military strength of the caronian Union was basically reset yeah we got into a heated debate over this as the blame was put on me for destroying the items but in the end everything was sorted out things were looking a bit more positive in the Jarvan federations and the monogan Union as they had constructed a secret string Farm to make unlimited string this can also be used to make wool which may have some potential in the future now I abandoned my base quite a while ago and haven’t made a replacement since so it is time to start building a new base here’s the construction process [Music] e [Music] since the manogi union and the jarvin federations had been working on many secret projects together they decided to merge into one big country named the jarvo monogan union otherwise known as the purple Terror this was the biggest country ever made they started to get greedy for power and plan the full-blown Invasion on a great verian Empire we started to come up with excuses for an invasion accusing the leader of the empire for doing some things behind our back the leader had heard about this and stated that he had no issue with the jaara monogan union and wanted to keep peaceful relations so we pulled out to the war since me and Luca had separate wealth but were under the same country we decided to organize things meaning Luca started to work on a storage system so we could counter Collective wealth easier however the konian union were up to something sketchy they were accused of doing spy missions on the Java monog Union including finding where the storage system was because of this the jogian union decided to run military drills in the caronian union to warn [Music] them things eventually calm down though and the jaru monogan union worked with the caronian Union to construct a blaze farm so they could innovate on lighting it was a pretty tough process as the nether mobs didn’t give us a break then the second wither ever had been defeated as the nether star was needed for a new secret project that jarva Union was working on it was now time for me to build a storage system so I could be more organized this storage system took ages because I wanted to make it quite fun and unique here’s a time lapse of the building [Music] process [Music] n [Music] [Music] things were looking up for everyone except for the radmon and Union as their entire economy went up in Flames literally it burn in lava this brought them to desperate times and I wanted to take advantage of this and offered to buy his country for $7,000 in-game dollars everyone agreed that this deal should go ahead but last minute I pulled out of it to reconsider it and it never ended up happening my vision for this was turning his country into a puppet state and making it a kingdom konia ends up getting back on its feet however and plans are made to build a mega Bas in ocean with a bit of construction already starting and then we hit 5,000 days finally it was time to party as we were halfway to the big [Music] [Laughter] milestone oh my God this is pathetic yeah 5K yeah okay we hit 5,000 let’s let’s go do you see this firework display this is awesome yeah this is the most pathetic thing yeah 5,000 yeah all right well that was the firework display the video starts off on a bad note with high military tension between the catonian union and the jarom monogan union the konian union had become overly confident and wouldn’t stop making bomb threats to the jaro monogan union the union did not take these threats lightly and started preparing walls for a potential attack at this point the city of New monoga began being heavily developed in the northern jar monogan Union with development beginning on new buildings and other infrastructure in the area [Music] yeah [Music] with plans under way of making a holiday Resort on the western side of the world the Java monogan Union decided to release the Harvard’s Kingdom as a puppet state and basically make an entire new country for it since it wouldn’t fit the style that the nation was going for and they wanted to be generous by giving away their land because of the military tensions with konia the jarva monogan Union decided to sign a permanent military alliance with the great veran Empire to show strength to the cadm monian union nobody ever thought a permanent military Alliance would take place since the threat of the konian Union launching a surprise attack at any time was high the Jara monogan Union started lining cannons at the Border in preparation for war and for intimidation purposes at this time the great Fusian Empire began running bomb tests to practice a quick wipe out of the cmon Union things were not looking good for them at all then a new country called The afan Republic formed towards the east and the jarv monogan union decided to give some land away to them out of generosity this nation was very underdeveloped but had plans to become a huge Empire TR invading neighboring countries and keeping a strong alliance with the jaara monogan Union so they would have assistance then the jaara monogan union started a war and afan Republic decided to help them out in a big way to show their loyalty to the union the afan Republic decided to take the blame for the destruction of the caronian Union in [Music] war [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me check um what’s all the stone on the ground but no I don’t think there’s ever anything here TNT uh uh I I’ll put two in there you could try the other Cannon there’s another cannon on the other Hill oh that one yeah and we can fire I don’t have TNT can I have some TNT do you see the skyscraper on fire yeah let’s go oh that going far I like it oh no McDonald’s is gone McDonald’s is gone oh I’m here to kill sheep so man’s getting in on the action now I like it oh my God I feel so bad I I I sponsored these Farms should we go and fight him I’m down to kill him right now where is he yo chill oh bro need free the Sheep No free the Sheep liberate it free the Sheep it just kill all the wait take the Redstone actually I need the food this is It’s meant to look good like our PR team like we saved animals yeah but we only recorded the first part SP time let’s all continue let all continue bro we’re going to die come out I’m going to blood that look look look look no I’m getting out no no I’m flooding this entire count oh my God just destroy the riverbed what about the bone meal Farm if we do something bad to that I’m going to cry but it has oh this one no I’m down to take the Redstone or something you take the Pistons actually I kind of need the lava oh my god oh don’t even I have so much shulkers and I still don’t have enough to carry all the junk we’re getting oh my god look inside my skyscraper I’m making Cobblestone walls with lava and water I’m saying when we’re done with this I might transform this place into like a dystopia or something but like a proper one like should we make this an anarchy Battlegrounds make it an anarchy City come over here look what I’m doing I’m destroying everything I’m spreading lava in the river I’m going to kill him then burn his items is that a farm I can destroy that too maybe actually keep that like genuinely what this is I can always find out no no no keep this it looks it it looks awesome bro you know what you know what look behind you look behind you oh my God wait should we just loot C on your chests is that a better way to get stu oh wait there’s so many oh my god he has so much stuff hey maybe we shouldn’t what do you think what maybe we shouldn’t bro we destroyed his entire oh there’s string here in case he ever wants to come back N I don’t give a oh my God bro to protect cadm monian chests I’m destroying cadonia to keep the fire away this is genuinely irrecoverable even if we decide to build here it’s just not coming back oh yeah jeez no I brought Sher boxes to loot more of oh yeah I have like seven on me I’ll take the crying obsidian I’ll take the chain mail leggings what’s up don’t look this is exactly what happened 2,000 days ago in this exact World in this exact location what’s happening in this deep slate store not much not much I actually want to go and like buy some carpets if you hear explosions just ignore yeah I want to buy some carpets right now go go bro I bought this store for 70 M oh my God I’m actually so sorry cuz I destroyed the Deep slate one as well can I okay okay but yeah before you get to that stage let’s just go to C man sorry man no no no bro jokes is actually chill like n chill bro I I’ll spli you off hey I consider this mine like 100% mine no it literally is yours no what the hell let’s call let’s go to cman now yeah yeah oh my God wants the sword okay no I’m I’m shooting my bow oh I hit him where did he log up where did you log up I level log the place I know exactly well I guess this is some content for the 6,000 Day episode yeah but people are going to hate us and never watch our videos I got to do something risky here I’ll take both of the shulker boxes actually is that too much I don’t know what what’s too much and what isn’t we destroyed his entire yeah it doesn’t end it just doesn’t end doesn’t hey hey hey hey hey chill hey chill hey chill hey chill hey chill hey chill hey chill hey chill no no no no no no oh no oh no no no no no no pretty sure the fire is good now after this the catonian union declares neutrality due to pushes from the jaara monogan union and the nation had a part of its wealth seized temporarily konia remained in ruins for quite a while after this during this time of unrest two new countries were formed in the South the state of Haruki and the atern ofar dynasty the atern ofar dynasty had some plans of becoming a very powerful militarized nation and the state of Haruki had plans to become a well-developed country with a good economy since it was time to recover the economy and since the McDonald’s had been through so much the konian union decided to demolish it and put their new headquarters up in its [Music] place [Music] then the Jara monogan Union began work on a conference Hall in New Mania here’s some of the build [Music] footage [Music] since the konian union had learned its lesson and the two countries were now working together again they decided to ignore International laws and run a military drill on the great Fusian Empire practically destroying everything despite the permanent Alliance signed by the jarva monogan union part of the reason the jarva monogan union didn’t want to cooperate with the great Ruan Empire is because of the leader breaking Unwritten rules on a few occasions and the failure to deliver on promises made to the jarvo monogan unit during this time the hemoid empire was partially destroyed by some misunderstandings between leaders and this would be the last we really hear from the hemoid Empire as the leader stopped caring about his country and let it stagnate over time the blame of the destruction was eventually put on Luca who is the vice president of the jarva monogan Union go as he had caused many of the destruction in the last 1,000 days because of this he was pressured into make it a deal not to cause any Destruction for the next 1,000 Minecraft days from a nation that was once a threat to the biggest superpower to just another small abandoned state with no hopes of a future here’s the footage of some of the [Music] destruction then the jarva monogan union and the konian union decided to partner together and build two identical Towers on either side of their borders to show a Unity these were named The Towers of [Music] unity [Music] then a practice elyra dog fight was done between the two leaders of the Java monogan Union which would be very cool to put here but sadly I recorded my second monitor insteed the main one and ended up deleting the files so yeah that’s that the building industry was also booming with four new apartment buildings constructed in the city of New monoga then a new Empire was formed the panus Empire yeah interesting name this wasn’t just any normal country this country was a lot more competitive than any of the countries we had seen before right off the bat they settled in the north next to the great verian Empire and there were already issues with the Border as the great verian Empire didn’t want the panas Empire to expand into their territory the first border conflict had already occurred without the great verian leader knowing about the panas Empire had caused a raid in a great Fusian Village this is the footage of that [Music] raid [Music] as if this wasn’t bad enough a raid was started by an unknown player in the town of monog which was the old capital of the jar monogan Union this was pretty big as there are lots of important villagers in this town which got the server to where it is today with all of them being held out of risk threats were made to other nations telling them to own up to who did it in the end everything was sorted out as the player ended up admitting to doing it this raid was completed [Music] successfully [Music] the panas empire was now on the rise they were a very unique country as they had four leaders their construction industry and their farming industry was booming because of their population Advantage they became one of the countries with the most military capability if not number one since no Nation had proper War weapons as of yet to add to all the chaos on the map the Java monogan Union had claimed the Mesa to the East and split it into two poppet Nations since it didn’t fit well into their borders during this time the panas Empire had begun to build many farms got rich very quick started construction on two small cities and had their hands on some very valuable items and Technology however a nation couldn’t rise so rapidly without having some other country’s eyebrows raised panas Empire got their hands on materials from the end which was already suspicious since the jaar monogan union had blocked off all access from the end so they would have domination over it this already already had the Java monogan Union suspicious but then they found out their secret underground Farms had been discovered as there were things missing from it and it had clearly being minded out there were rumors that this was the panas Empire doing a spy mission but nothing would ever end up being confirmed so it remained the mystery now it was time for The Comeback of the seille project and this would be one more big comeback to get close to finishing it off the project was transforming this dead Town into a fully complete [Music] town [Music] the catonian union despite all of its setbacks made a comeback the building industry was now booming with skyscrapers going up left and right this led to the catonian union building the servers biggest nether portal by far here it is at this point my major overhaul of seil had come to an end or did it since I decided to move away from developing this town but it wasn’t as developed as I’d liked it to be I decided to sell all of the empty land and seille away my strategy was to sell the land for very cheap so people would buy everything out and build on it so I could focus on other projects now I decided to move away from seil and started working on redoing the nether Hub while I was working on this everyone was building up seil so my town was being developed without me even being there while I was progressing in the nether the cadoni union began construction on living spaces for players and villagers Luca began construction on housing for Cil and made some nice nature areas that made Cil look less industrial oh wait never mind uh yeah this kind of uh cancels the whole aesthetic out but move [Music] around [Music] then yes he was griefed again the great verian Empire yeah wow what a surprise just kidding by the way here’s the destruction [Music] guess who else was griefed again yep the catonian union it wasn’t that bad out of a grief as it is just some protest signs in the newly built skyscraper and the robbing of some resources oh I know where his good chests are okay let’s see what um wait I own the skyscraper so don’t grief it please I wasn’t planning on griefing but when I said pay me later I didn’t mean like 500 Minecraft days but okay also I’m pretty sure oh [ __ ] this is good sadly he follow the tutorial but this is good I’m pretty sure oh my God you want deep you want deep slate yeah take this [ __ ] uh I’ll take some black Oh Black Stone okay I’ll take the shroom he can have two potatoes I’ll take the obsidian wait wait can I buy out these two apartments can you not compete I want to buy out these two buildings you know what’s funny guess who gave him the red concrete the green and the white oh we own these already what the and you know what I have a deficiency for uh Ender chest so sucks the S let’s see if there’s any coal in the furnaces should we just squeeze every molecule should we make the chest disappear yeah but what the [ __ ] with this like can you fix building yeah you can only follow the tutorial I you oh no planks oh Jesus this structur you see how this is let’s go let’s go upstairs and like Le and for him I’ll just dump this wood here cuz I don’t want to fill my inventory it sounds good wait this building is actually sick oh we’re back at it bro n to be fair it’s kind of a maintenance things right like these buildings corrupt over time and he needs to I can tell the staircases weren’t building the tutorial CU [ __ ] oh yeah they’re prophetic [Laughter] um [Music] read this hold oh my God you know I’m going to MLG down wish me Lu wait wait wait wait wait I was going to put lava down here Jesus Christ hey n no no no no no wait oh my God it’s TI you up I’m probably underestimating this you ready oh you’re going to die but yeah bro feather falling is so ridiculously op wait n watch this watch this I’m going to fly up and fly back down in here yeah me right here right here oh my God wait why was I screaming catch me like you were actually going to catch me then a presidential basketball game was held in the town of seil and an island was taken down and rebuilt for parkour games this is how that went watch this traveler traveler oh oh oh oh dropped it traveler do you see this oh my God that’s sick wait that’s actually so sick get tricked get tricked you actually can block me what oh I fa tragic no no no no no wait no no no no no no wait no no no hey [Laughter] chill yes no we have to go in the center on like POS or some sh yeah you pass it to me I pass it back to you and then we can play Oh ankle’s Broken Oh [ __ ] maybe punching should be allowed [ __ ] I have the urge to do it constantly wait where is it where is it oh that liter no like that’s wait can I actually physically pick that’s so unfair that’s so wait look look look look look I can’t pick it up physically no like physically I can’t here look look look watch okay well okay okay okay where is it where is it where’s it I love to punches that’s like when you that’s when you push someone out the way to try and get the ball oh that’s some my key but’s broken oh you can’t drop from your other hand yes oh my God wait this is actually getting Advanced oh wait I’m about to break your ankles here no no it’s going to turn to a fist Point hey hey come on you push me I think that’s a fou I get to shoot from here wait can I make this wait I can’t okay okay how is this a no my ankle’s broken [Applause] hey oh wait you got it f oh watch that watch that watch that ah are you ready for come on that’s just a straight punch oh no no wait what I okay okay that was unfair dead I’m GNA die wait let’s see hold up hold up oh yeah you Ain Got What It Takes ow hey you a got it kid what am I doing what am I no I’m disqualified I’m off the ring oh yeah you a ready for the tricks yeah now come on now get the off the court guess who that world spawn Guess Who at World spawn you huh wait don’t hit me I’m actually let me regenerate for a few seconds wait I straight up don’t have food [ __ ] oh I done it I done it I can’t even make it up a come on now ah come on well I should have continued that would have been sick your hit you boosted me with your hit oh we should do something like this but on a bigger scale we should do like a tag parkour thing where you can’t let the other person but like make it a proper separate thing he yeah stay there count to three and I’ll start climbing when you say three three two one go no I was getting close you know what like okay that’s a big head start oh it doesn’t help oh my God this is scary okay I fell you’re good Luca then took control over the nether Hub revamp and an agreement was made between the two jogian leaders Luca could have control over the Nether and I could have control over the end so that way our country has domination over all other dimensions then since I was out of the nether project I moved over to the Old Town of bogia and decided to start developing it in hopes of it one day becoming a city it started being developed quicker than it had ever been developed [Music] [Applause] before [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] then the jaral monogan union also decided to declare war on the piglins and we ended up having a massive fight with them to show dominance over the [Music] nether [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] at this point the konian union made an agreement with the hemoid Empire to combine into one big nation called the hemoc cadoni union then the jogian union urged the hemoc caronian union to invade the turnover Dynasty since they needed more land and the turnover Dynasty wasn’t that powerful the panas Empire heard about this and wanted to get involved in the destruction but ended up Burning Down the wrong Village this had the jarva monogan union quite frustrated but they decided to continue along to the turn of our village and were warned that if they destroyed too much they’ be in trouble they ended up destroying the village but kept the population alive the leader and the population of the etern dynasty decided to leave before they fell into the hands of the catonian union and decided to go often formed their own nation in the baron South this was named the mro Empire and they were out for revenge against the konian union while Luca was at work developing the nether highways he had noticed some of his items began to disappear of course the jav monogan union has suspicions of it being the panas Empire as they were the only other superpower and calonia had too strong of a partnership going for it to be them we started doing spy missions on them and Luca discovers the exact items he knew he had we had done some more checks and even some of his tools and weapons had been stolen with the exact same durability the last of the trust that Java monogan Union had for them was now gone we also investigated them for duping since they had a suspicious amount of rare items and we had a feeling they were using mods or glitches that let you see through blocks seed mapping was not an option on the server since nobody had the seed but despite this they still somehow got their hands on items from Ocean Monuments when there was only one that was loaded in the server and was hidden from the public and they had items from the end which only had one lit portal for the entire server and was being Hidden Away by the Java monogan Union as they wanted domination over it they have a full Enchanted netherite plus items and Farms that would genuinely take like 10 hours to get like they have I mean they have skeleton horses they have every D of sheep they have prismarine they have end stuff all these totems oh yeah totems heart of seas uh God apples [ __ ] like we don’t even really get yeah God apples that’s what scares me cuz like that sh so and like listen I play all the time and netherite is genuinely hard to get why none of them by the way oh it’s going down oh no get they’re acting confused yeah yeah by the way I’m taking this chest sorry oh they’re here they’re right here no we discovered them they didn’t even bother hiding it did they no I’m actually about to kill them oh what’s happening what’s happening I’m out my word has been made but remember one thing John L want three never forgives now here’s the thing I make them keep the building most I think we’re on good terms uh what the is going to even happen I’ll be back let’s just say I’ll be back I like it I like it off wait let’s just get out of here yeah like just a [ __ ] creeper oh my God my bow I forgot wait wait wait wait wait oh my God my bow they have my bow they have my bow I at least take back the valubles I’m taking everything back by the way I just told log off so I could take more than they didn’t even try to hide it they took like oh it’s late I just took your entire kind of don’t they have two shulkers in here and a Sher shell so they went to the end let’s yeah let’s ignore so they done the end cities on top of everything the amount of slimes they have they have prismarine as well to add to the chaos a huge forest fire started spreading towards the panas Empire and it was only a matter of time before it could have all burnt down to the ground a second spy mission took place but this time the jogian union and caronian Union were spotted during this Mission at this point I’m worried about their location yes they’re still at the Central Area wait Quake Pro will give us better sight on them I looked around the corner and I knew yo yo chill they’re right there oh my God I found a random Levering at the side of the thing do I push it SAA it opens up a secret passageway where is it on the hill with the cross it’s a prison I’ve inated redone the Redstone miles oh yeah I see you yeah oh yeah yeah oh chill they’re back I think they checking the armor stand or something okay the wall oh yeah yeah yeah don’t don’t peek don’t peek don’t peek they’re on top of the walls like look around I know but I might actually go in and kill them oh my God I’m right above I’m right wait wait wait where is he looking where’s he looking I might sh inside the castle he’s looking into a chest he looking away I’ll shoot one it’s happening I hear water I hear that there’s like thousands of arrows if they come up here they’re dead oh my God oh my God guys I glitched the server I’m sorry what what so check the should just s the selfie where like there in their [ __ ] okay they’re right to the bottom of the hill they’re coming up the hill that we’re around they’re coming up the hill that we’re oh sh what you know what I might do you know what I might do I might put an obsidian block on top of the water elevator so they drown when they come up but he notices something he notices something is off he’s going up the tower he’s going up the tower be careful oh crap watch keep an eye on the top it could just be a chest he’s getting I want to go up the wooden Tower you want to go up the wooden Tower yeah B let’s go do you guys see me no way wait we I I’m going shoot you uh I think you just made a new armor I might have to go around and steal another one yeah I’m going I’m going around God I want to make it to the tower that would be a sick spot yeah that then it’s over well you’ve Glide off if you can I’m going like around the entire map to Circle his [ __ ] so he doesn’t hear my Rockets from here but I don’t think he yeah he can he in the chest hurry hurry hurry I am I’m basically up like oh yes we’re up I see C wait you guys are so invisible you guys see me yeah yeah yeah I can see you wait where oh yeah I’m going inside Castle I’m going inside his castle guys I’m inside the castle oh my oh my God I see you wait where is he right oh my God where I see see Luc is literally like in the corner there pH they Expos no no they’re going for him giv you away no they’re going for him look oh yeah I I went deep underground and slipped whereit where’s he I need information I need information castle front of it not within the stone brick he’s going we might have to reposition come is at lava Farm okay wait no we actually can’t be spotted on this side at all you see me where is he yeah we see you are you’re good he’s at the chests he’s at the crops how can you see you from here better I better I oh my [Laughter] God come do you see me come do you see me who that are you are you no I see you yeah you’re outside the castle wall oh no yeah yeah I see you I see you I see you I jumped in yeah okay I see you I see you and Slava I could see I can’t see you I see Luka you see me yeah watch this yes this is some spying stuff I want the spider to move so I cerate with his sounds when I put it down I can see Luka now I can see SAA behind him wait there oh he’s he’s right in there yeah oh he’s moving he’s moving he’s okay he’s walking out now he’s walking out okay uh he left the castle good oh my God chill that’s risky wait did you place that ladder uh he is standing AFK just outside the castle entrance I stole CH left okay he’s gone to the Farms look I stole his b look he’s at the lava Farm he’s gone around the side of the castle he’s gone to the bamboo Farm okay look I have a ladder set of here come look can you see him uh I don’t see him no yeah that’s kind of worrying I don’t see him either yeah I know I S like secret bunker though oh my gosh why is it like why is it like uh [ __ ] take it take it there’s a spider beside oh no my my lad dropped here my ladder dropped there oh you’re good for now cuz he’s he’s still enchanting yeah no go go go get it I’m mining in where is it I’m going to go to the entrance of the actual [ __ ] I’m in the chest um no I can see I don’t see no way wait these ARS are unremovable it’s just proof we were here he has my magenta stained glass what it back stop stop shooting I’m going to die you I’m coming down I’m coming down you can’t take my precious babies away from me oh my God is that the OG ones yep yep that means they they’re even rare they have more of a story oh on I’m in the castle uh uh I I’ll guide you with arrows I’ll guide you with arrows what the what is all this I’ll gu you what so much diamonds you but it went through him it’s going on what is going on I don’t know how I’m not dead I got blown up at least four times in the wa fast they come up from there what is that it’s this now we can’t put anymore surely it’s going to crash the Ser I jump in for the tests no no no no no insta death it’s to death actually are you ready man’s aiming for the oh n’s aiming for me at this point watch watch this watch me hit Watch Me Hit his do no no I nearly hit the TNT that it oh a for same I love how the arrows are now going left flinton Ste his entire thing and just ban him you know flinton still everything he has but like um SC that if he does the same he’ll be banned but that like tell me it was just a warning next time it’ll be like your real house and then Den his add on a sign or [Laughter] something take to server a step too far chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I want to place it in the lava Farm you want to put trap doors like you know put like uh pressure plates in front of the portal and just TNT under it my golden hey watch me up their Minecart from here [Music] look I think I got it yeah I got one it was now time for the heoc caronian union to attempt to become one of the world’s leading superpowers they were given permission to take the jaara monogan union puppet states in the East they also successfully invaded a part of the afan Republic without much trouble and then they had their eyes North and launched an invasion on the great verian Empire the javva monogan union should not have allowed this as they had contracts with Veria so they decided to intercept The Invasion and didn’t allow the great verian Empire to become part of cadonia it was their approprate state for now but not fully theirs the konian union was now looking very big and since the Hiro Empire wasn’t a big part of the country anymore the name was changed back to the konian union and the history of the Hamid Empire had been buried and forgotten as part of their journey of becoming a superpower konian Union started researching Atomic weapons this was during a time that the panas empire were threatening the server with wiers so it was good timing then as a sign of partnership the catonian union and the jarvo monogan Union worked on a squid Farm together so the D industry could take off it didn’t quite go to plan though as the squid Farm stopped working [Music] yeah [Music] it was now time to go all in on turning Mania into a city both leaders of the Java monogan Union put all the resources into developing mogia with some help from the konian union on things like resources and artificial trees this quickly turned into one of the biggest projects the server had ever seen the new buildings kept out doing the previous one here is some of the building [Music] footage [Music] [Music] a [Music] and this project leads us up to 7,000 days now this has been the final 1,000 days documentary until day 10,000 the server has now entered a new era of building competition meaning there won’t be enough things to document for now since the server is focused on advancing don’t worry though as the things that happen over the next 3,000 days will all be put into one Mega documentary I’m documenting the entire building Journey on this channel so make sure to stay tuned anyways if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to like subscribe and comment Down Below on what you want to see next see you guys in the next [Music] video

This video, titled ‘7000 Days in Minecraft [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]’, was uploaded by PatFive on 2024-02-14 22:54:08. It has garnered 3388 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:11 or 9431 seconds.

Surviving 5,000 Days in Minecraft Survival FULL MOVIE. This video shows the entire journey from Day 0 to Day 5,000, including all the wars, chaos, construction projects, mob farms and much more! If you go on to enjoy the video, make sure to like, subscribe and comment down below on what you want to see next!

Surviving 7,000 Days in Minecraft FULL MOVIE. This video shows the entire journey from Day 0 to Day 7,000. If you go on to enjoy the video, make sure to like, subscribe and comment down below on what you want to see next!

Previous Videos on this world: Surviving 7,000 Days: Surviving 6,000 Days:

Other Minecraft Videos I made: MC Hardcore, but I can’t Jump… MC but it rains OP items

Some world inspiration by: Wadzee: LogicalGeekBoy: fWhip: Pixlriffs: Wunba:

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

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  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

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    INSIDE TV WOMAN'S FRIDGE?! HOUSE BUILT BY JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Myzen on 2024-04-05 11:00:42. It has garnered 29217 views and 422 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:45 or 4005 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we… Read More

  • Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!

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  • INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯

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  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

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  • Tiny Tower, Big Tears: Minecraft’s Tiniest Violin

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  • Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster

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  • EPIC Minecraft Pranks – Reaper He11

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  • “Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!” #minecraft #tnt #gameplay

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  • The Ultimate Iron Golem Battle

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  • INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮

    INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮Video Information al [Música] te tengo al lado y me siento solo el miedo me come y no entiendo como razones no faltan para querer irme pero si me voy quizás falte todo ella me llama y me llama y no sé qué hacer llama me llama y si Volveré porque tú eres mi pasado y lo mejor que me había pasado también y me llama me llama y no sé qué hacer llama y me llama y si Volveré el no poder entendernos es lo que no logro entender cómo voy a darte mi mundo entero si no estoy… Read More

  • Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft – Epic Gamerz Gameplay

    Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft - Epic Gamerz GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Build a mega gold farm | Minecraft gameplay #5’, was uploaded by TAMIM HASSAN GAMERZ on 2023-12-25 04:39:05. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:49 or 1009 seconds. I build a mega gold farm in Minecraft gameplay #5 Read More

  • “Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!” #shorts #viral

    "Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-04-05 13:23:36. It has garnered 1621 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:33 or 11733 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp #publicsmp java – bedrock – port- 62208 IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM THIS GAME . SO YOU… Read More

  • GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shorts

    GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Ghost Speler on 2024-03-08 19:17:36. It has garnered 731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #gaming Read More


    AMAZING 3D MINECRAFT PIXEL ART! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART 🎨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-04-30 15:12:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shorts

    Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts’, was uploaded by Banarasi GAMER2 on 2024-04-14 15:55:13. It has garnered 489 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts mob battle,minecraft mob battle,carty mob battle,i cheated in a mob battle,mob battle compilation,mob battles,minecraft battle,cheated mob battle,minecraft battles,cheated in mob battle,insane mob battle,mutant mob battle,ultimate mob battle,dinosaur mob battle,i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle,build battle,mob battle minecraft,minecraft mob battles,maizen build battle,op mob battle,mix mob battle,void mob battle,dark mob battle minecraft rp , minecraft rap , minecraft rpg , minecraft… Read More

  • Grotex: Insane Twist You Won’t Believe!

    Grotex: Insane Twist You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘WTF just happened!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-26 06:02:45. It has garnered 108 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight… Read More

  • Country Craft SMP 1.21.1+ Java Modded 13+

    Country Craft Server Welcome to Country Craft, a server where players can create or join countries of their own! We encourage players to develop their own cultures and stories while playing. While not strictly a roleplay server, we value roleplay over metagaming. We also use the Prominence II mod, so make sure to play through CurseForge. See you on the server! Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Portal, You said?

    “I guess you could say it was a real ‘block party’ without the obsidian!” Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme I would pick iron ore because it’s a real “ore-some” choice! #punny #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘👑 Princess VS Zombie 🧟 Minecraft Song 😸|| Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes🎵’, was uploaded by Purrfect Songs and Nursery Rhymes on 2024-03-03 13:00:27. It has garnered 77167 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:06 or 6606 seconds. 💖🎵😻 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME 😻🎵💖 @PurrPurrKids Hey there, kids! 😻 Dance, sing and learn with Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes! Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell 🔔🔔🔔 00:00 Minecraft Song 02:30 I’m a Mummy Song 05:06 Police Officer Song 08:11 When Dad’s Away Song 10:52… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!

    Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Purple Heart And Tiktok Cape Unveiling! Day 3’, was uploaded by deepboye on 2024-05-18 04:58:48. It has garnered 285 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:31 or 19891 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA 🟢 Kick: 🟣 Twitch: 🐦 Twitter: 🎬 TikTok: 📺 Instagram: Facebook: How to get the Minecraft Twitch, Tiktok & 15th Anniversary Capes! #minecraft #minecraft15 #deepboye This stream is for solely fun purpose. RULES- BE NICE BE KIND ALWAYS BE HERE TO SUPPORT THE CONTENT AND STREAMS THAT WE DO… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don’t miss out!

    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. 🎁 Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm 🚀✨#minecraft 🎉✨ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! 🚀🔥 The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. माइनक्राफ्ट फ्री shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY 💀 #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More