The Ultimate Minewind Adventure

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Are we good are we good or alive Alright then we’re good I think we’re gods um hey how you doin MC Boggs let me see my dude let me just get into game right now for you man musics on we are saw it i think i think i think we’re go I think Oh invalid login session why is

It doing this to me right now restart minecraft there’s been a bit of douche but how you guys been what you guys been up to you have been great I think it’s cuz I too many minecraft open too many man – too many man I think

We’re good I think we should be great any minute now Howie Oh big look at the song last kiss what’s the last kiss song man I can’t put too much music conkers I gotta do stuff is no copyright Okay I think we’re good how are you a JD debauchee I know man that was the vulture those got to me tell me about it stupid take your robotic tell robotic not about you didn’t account but eight quid Oh cuz that’s the bird what if you give is

Because basically they messed up a payment thing they were like I will give you in vouchers instead I was like you know what whatever so I don’t know what I guess I don’t know I gotta go Harvey uses projet game I’m alright you know just a bit busy trying to log in empty

Box good buddy no it’s up to 650 so roll I’ve got a go says empty box let me see you though thanks joining the stream JD look T as usual mind Kaiser just had a bit of chat with my boy Kaiser deal was on the server

Yo-yo put some requests on I can’t put some requests on man I’ve been busy but busy I am so hectic today is literally ridiculous I have been bouncing off my beloved tits is insane is crazy my wife is going it’s already busy hope you hit 755 today me too man me down too

That’s what I hope that’s what I hope why did you forget the dirty intro welcome to the dirty stream I can’t put down songs on my partner you guys don’t get about Dave grasses hey how you doing Dave lovely to see you my dude I did the

Intro there you go right so for today’s mission we landed the beach has been set up you know things have been going down rubbing thanks thanks for nothing the base has been here we’re landing on the beach did you check out my Soviet I’m not a chance man I’ve been at work all

Day so things have been ready to be difficult I’m just trying to like sell things in a minute today check this Paul Rabbids done you know the start of the hotel is kind of been busy and been built you guys are literally so annoying um so that’s great you know Robbie’s

Been sitting on the pool not quite sure what the hell’s going on haleh’s gonna work but nonetheless a pool is a pool right I can’t really argue with that I don’t like it really bad then what’s going on very strange so the idea today is I need to get some

Stuff set up this bunker sort of thing today is really long right now I know that I’m under some stream issues I’m not quite sure what’s doing it but that’s a pretty cool pool right yeah it’s nothing I can it’s just mine today is stupidly drops occasionally you

Should go green relatively soon in the next 10 minutes just deal with it if you can and I’ll be great so I’m gonna carry on the hallways I kind of did a lot of stuff going on I’m just still trying to set things up did he still have that do

They have the blaze thing we don’t have the place thing I think we lost the blaze thing I’m not quite sure that is but one more thing I want to show you so Rapids got another thing goes to show me take me away dude charbroiler wants a

Teepee request give me a sec I need to I need to get shahrullah a thing just give me a guy’s give me a sec and then you get cha cha in the stream jo if you’re in the stream let me know oh nice cow farm man lovely I love the

Car in spawn the blazes I think that wasn’t a summer event you just okay my internet [ __ ] – it’s still my heading Yeah wicked so I think I think people are logging into the service if I’m just trying to help people get in who haven’t been in already somebody made a cow farm by heard a few cars in it well I’m glad we’ve got some cows in now mine Wendy’s

12.2 it’s on the latest version of Michael yes that’s great okay so yeah my today he’s been so busy it looks more than a swastika that’s what I said that’s what Doug says right Joe realized oh is this summer event still on well I’m considering it’s not

Summer I’m pretty sure the summer event isn’t on yeah we’ve got a Nazi symbol there and friggin friggin you know I mean with me looking swastika thing they’re so good don’t take credit for that farm I built the freaking cow farm because you’ve been on my wing and I realize

That sure let me just see you my dude how you been choice a tea con legend right he has been in te combure so long he’s been Matt dude nobody to see you the head chef is back once again I don’t know where you’ve been but I’m freaking

Glad you’re here man Jesus Christ sure I hope you’re in the stream dude I hope you are in the stream all right guys if you are as well make sure to leave a like subscribing the Bell I love him I win I’m getting into it it’s just I’m

Enjoying it dude it’s nice to get back into the whole Milan thing there’s loads of things that kinda need doing what how is somebody built a path through the damn land alright what is this I think my streams just recover which is great okay looks like somebody’s been a lot of

Digging we should have like a giant worker Water Works system that we kind of create that’d be cool but that’d be fine okay so I need to like kind of get some digging we need to kind of stop the base of there’s just a lot of the base isn’t so right there’s

So many things I can do need to be so thank you ever just sucked as well things have been a babe hopefully I think I saw Internet issues and anything we’re having a lot which are cold in fact I can whack those are the furnace and continue the build so we can’t have

A base that kinda needs to be pumped some kind of outpost we need materials we need a bunch of guys mining you know I mean there’s all that kind of thing you do when you stop a new survey you know I mean you start a new server yes

Leader you need to get you need to get sell and that’s that’s what I kind of want to do I want to go other thing make a sewer bed exactly so I’m trying to make this bunker II looking thing right I could do a [ __ ] if you guys bring

Cobble to this kind of thing right Darby great we need cobble and stuff they’ll be great then I could smell it we need more space as well like there’s a lot of things that just you know maybe don’t have a lot of space and trying to

Set the tongues up for the base is there’s no two things that just can t say no they always shot by Kaiser white Kaiser stop counting the locals wolf says ello gov’nor I don’t love you see you dude how are you Ben Wolfe what’s been going on with yourself I

Spoke to the admins about a faction server as well and we’re going to get a bunch of stuff when the server resets for that Baxter server they’re gonna give us a bunch of stuff which is gonna be great I can’t wait for that to be fair that’s gonna be super useful

Because that means it’s gonna like improve the headstart why is Kaiser run about but I hope you’ve all bit had a good day I mean who’s been a right I’ve been really stressed I mean trying to organize being tired and tired exactly it’s been one of those days you

Know I mean just try to farm this food we do you talk like a good farm production guy you know I mean we’ve got a lot of food in the base we need like masses in our cars cars cars cars in Minecraft cows getting cows

It would be great you know I mean you saw the thing Geo’s logging in love to see all these good geezers in the stream which be cool I might have to restart the stream slightly I’m just gonna learn more bit rate you look good so good with a tie on

Thanks man it’s my work time just gonna live a bit rate for the stream because I think I’m having a couple of Internet issues I’m just going to drop that to one side give me a sec there we do a quick restock right so I think we’re by

Yes I think we might I think I just have to lower my bitrate slightly cuz you’re having a couple of stream issues but that’s fine you know I mean we’re back and we’re looking gorgeous you guys are looking gorgeous I’m looking gorgeous I’m in a great time you know I mean not

Be super cool if you want to get involved with the streams and get involved in the discord stuff like that there is a link for that in the description please join please join the clan honestly it’s the best place to be Kaiser kill me until my top five so they

All can you like get with geo to saw it because I’m kind of like really busy tennis team and stuff and it’s really hard to like you saw our politics while I’m like you know I mean most geo I’m sure you’ll saw it that’d be super good

Oh wolf wolf or geo to be fair Charlie lot man is so good to see Charlie I’m not Alai tabouleh was there in the founding of t-con literally like six years ago right yeah I’m rip Stephen Hawkins man all right be Stephen Hawkins Jesus Christ like that’s crazy

You go to sleep one day you wake up a spam Stephen Hawking’s is dead it’s like what the hell did I do wrong I scream mine win once and I killed off Stephen Hawkins I’m pretty sure they’re connected you know I’m pretty damn sure also one sob I think it’s cold so don’t

Be secretly good hit that you know I mean I really appreciate her so if you want to help out a stream he was a sob game moved in this call I said all these things do help a lot you’ll be surprised how much they actually do help to be

Fair you’ll actually genuinely be surprised they do hope quite a lot so my plan is I’m gonna like tongues all over the damn place sanguine sang why my sexy the arm and melville friend mine wing friend how you been dude lovely to see you in the base

As usual man you’re a cool guy you need to pull the house right dude you need to put a house you should put a house around here that’d be great right dude I’m following you of Google+ okay see I have no it mysterious but Kim how you

Doing dude dude chick dude Kimbo how you been how have you been I’m glad to be the discord of stuff Kim now by the way I god is so soiid sanguine give this toe sang was a cool guy he’s a cool guy so he’s really opens up he hoped is our

Last reset kind of set up and lost reset last time we play as well so like do definitely a top notch guy hence you eyes got night rank because like he’s you know he’s been he’s been a bit of babe that’s great I’m just kind of

Trying to set the foundation so I think it’s car a lot of these kind of like spaces I kind of got cell you know you know the deal right you kind of used to this I’m probably one of your most loyal fans well thanks Kim you know that’s

Great it’s always nice how Boyle farms in the stream you know that’s great it’s always nice to speak to you guys as well it makes my day slightly back honestly I’ve been looking just looking forward to streaming all day i straight-up I’ve been like I’ve been at work I’ve been

Like can’t wait to get home and I genuinely loved it it’s been such a fun stream recently I mean I see it’s been great I’ve been loving life what is Trudy teak on this call is the best place to get hold of someone honest team antique on this cause the best lie I’m

Living a lie is it’s nice we all say good morning towards it’s like a really chill nice place to be recently honestly you wanna like actually like meet friends and stuff in Minecraft I actually get involved like a good group the Duke on discord honestly it’s the

Best place I might be kidding why not to shamelessly poked it what’s the big canvases in the summer well it’s just been so good recently and I’m like super happy are the guys involved in like hoping it’d be a better place you know I mean all the goons that come in in the

Morning and say like oh how you guys been you know I mean I kind of adds to the whole thing you know I mean everyone just be nice to each other like being like super Clanny and supportive that sort of things great the dirty cows you

Know Luke said yo hiding Luke my man love to see you dude how you been Luke what’s going on yourself have you had a great day how’s how’s Wednesday treating at Tuesday Wednesday right losing truck it damn days man it’s just been busy like I said

I’ve been really like busy on trying to try to keep on top of things it’s not the easiest to tell you that you know my phone because my screen saver is my phone true you should tell all your friends as well you got any friends you like Micah get him involved because it’d

Be really cool as well it’s nice to have a girl like some I are old buddies you know as well as well as just like your internet guys it’s cool to get like your IR or friends embolden things I used to be the same way when used to watch

Yogscast we used to like watch it at home then all call me the next morning but like oh my god did you watch yesterday’s episode and like laugh about it it’s like it’s quite fun you know I mean I enjoy that sort of thing is that

What kind of watch is it we all have a good laugh I guess is the same when all like all your mom’s and stuff like that was like Coronation Street right they always like talk oh my god did you know what did you like mom nobody gives a

Crowd yeah it’s funny like oh but I guess you know same thing with Minecraft see you know cuz he’s dead ever heard on TV yes he is dead unfortunately he’s not dead he’s just become a t-con member right that’s the truth of it he was there like guys I’ve got going to hide

In will fake my death I’ll be able to play Minecraft all day and I’ve stopped the bass don’t even worry man he’s out he’s on factions right now you know he’s not dead he’s just he’s just become a t-con number right he’s jazzed up his he’s like he’s got his armchair he’s

Playing Minecraft all the time is great he’s loving nice right he’s gone today he’s gone tell him man he’s gone to the afterlife and us he’s in a bad place now right next stream you’re getting 50 quid Supachai I’d probably should be doing that as a game are you seriously gonna

Donate 50 quid HD there’ll be literally ridiculous Stevie look yourself this stevedore has helped us build the pool is true it’s true what can I say um brain follicle firmed what you don’t need that much I’ll be crazy that’d be literally mud you might be

Able to wait and get buy a hoodie to be fair that’d be pretty sick you be sure I shot the Kim ball go check out the channel I’d be super helpful thanks Kim for being such a supportive player I’m you know I mean really do appreciate that go check our channel you know

That’d be great shout out to Kim for being a baby right so I’m just trying to set up some space you are me can I get all these tunnels running around the place so he kind of got like a cool network of things going on don’t be slick um the

Part you use is worse don’t you not my texture pack my texture pack is fit do your bin stuff there is a teak on insta yes if you search t-con official that isn’t insta I’m super lazy we posted on it it’s so bad what’s wrong with this

Tasty pikes likes facts I love it what take somebody’s sanguine poor night he’s coming for Android yeah I don’t know how you’d be able to play on Android surely be like so hard to play right surely to God I typed eight and Facebook ikana Facebook I did get tagged

I wondered who did that which are you freaking oh I need to check that later that’d be more funny your puck is not fit your pact is thick the best texture puck is bat paid one two eighty what is bad payment what even is that I’m not even heard of that it’s probably

Some kind of high intellectual wee thing I’m not about that life I just want to relax you guys can’t be hitting me with these like hyper intelligent texture bags I am ready for that sort of level yet you know I’ll give you some time maybe next year right give me your institution

Coming on I have no idea it’s called econ official I’m pretty sure I think it is anyway right it should be somewhere around it’s the search t coin you might find it right okay so look at this place it’s kind of kidding up we got so much

To do man there’s so much like storage room like kind of stuff like that I just kind of needs to be done it’s not easy I’ll tell you that is just things I need to be done I need a book tonight under sight if anybody’s got a great deal of

That I’d be super useful I might head to Kaiba’s thing because he might have just under size which could be pretty damn useful to be fair maybe that I want to make it the same but like under sight is lacking so I’m gonna go for a hunt for

That maybe we could do like some torches around a place to scan awfully dark a lot of base is being expanded as such we could do a like some kind of wave grinding XP eventually I’m not quite sure are we gonna do that one Gio is gay

Crow is straight it’s not easy to even Hawkins neither I hate to help him face the blogs oh my god well you know I’m sure like you can’t invent something like scientific to speed up the whole process yeah we could definitely do with some friggin torches there’s a great

Deal of creepers like looking around we could also do with a full enchantment a wasn’t where I’m not quite sure he turns necessary even useful though right shortly to go on if you’re what can you use the levels for on the server there’s actually no does anybody know that I’d

Be super cool if you do no and guys wow so come on it’s getting bold I really want to hit that like today that’d be great just need one more stuff like corn enchanting but like pro eights like the best gear so I’m assuming profiles like

Pretty rubbish if I don’t eat don’t eat don’t you quit can I join t-con well you can donate oh my god testy what are you you some kind of mining machine Jesus Christ Oh like what dusty like what what are you Jesse just follow okay don’t argue with destiny when he’s got

His mining moon on a Taylor now he just I’m gonna grab some of these so I can actually like you know here’s some things snowy the granite is the really useful granite what if I just call it granny granny you crazy dude and I what’s wrong with you man

More underside undersides pretty I can build stuff on the side Right okay following destiny oh my god is the more stuff there is actually war more andesite that’s great sweet 44 obsidian is that the cutter we’re gonna vote where did he go where did he go did he just go in this tunnel did he mind the entire thing your

Tires are Kikuchi thanks man check this I got like a really cool like this is gonna work strange check it check my tie clip right it’s like up if it’s like a day it’s got a deer’s head on like you know more education down the water spots is

Desti alright down the water spot we’re going but thanks man I like I wear a tie a lot to work know a lot of guys don’t but like I don’t I I quite like it you know Me’s makes everything look tidy you know like this it looks pretty hopeless

Don’t kill me woah scary it’s a moose it’s not you saying anybody can join t calm right unless you wanted a teepee to here is what you’re trying to say right so if you want to get involved in t con all you need to do it’s gotta get with

My friends in why isn’t it a t-con logo a t-con logo clipped I would be pretty damn fit not gonna lie I’m not gonna lie dusty where the hell are we got like a Fraggle Rock is wrong with you are you literally gonna – 60 by 60 Chong

Is this what we’re doing desta you’re some kind of animal you’re genuinely some kind of machine you’re some kind of mining monster I swear to God is you are a mining monster I kind of love it because like somebody’s got a mind all this stuff oh you need to t-con clipped

I I do need a t-con clip time that I’d be really sad to be fair home that’d be really cool I’d really appreciate a good time basically anybody can join t-con all you need to do is join the discord right and get involved in the servers but then obviously this basis for the

Night ranks in the discord so you need to achieve night rank right in the t-con clan and then you get a teepee here but there’s loads of servers you play on right so if you’re not kind of like feeling this server you can get involved in the other

Stuff which is super great glowstone thank you so much rubbish nicely done dude look at me look the all these guys have like they’d gone through the ranks they’ve been in bhau’s with it we’ve had massive quests chart ruler truly helped found the whole nation six

Years ago by cooking some stew in a castle as we were going to tuck my wolves right this pecan legends right here the literal legends I honestly some of the guys it like so heroic is ridiculous the SOB humans here how you doing that the court just they

Love you see you get Co how you doing dude can I get nitrite to get night rank right what you have to do a load of stop and then somebody has to basically like what the generals we have like a weekly meeting and we have like a plan what T

Khan’s gonna do a search and then basically you say does this person deserve night rank and we’re like either yes or no right and then once that’s happened everyone in the entire pearlite clan who has got night Reich has to vote for you in and if you get 75% of the

People in the clan boat yes then you get your night rank so it’s kind of like an election system plus karna we get to say like saying we kind of say okay this person is worthy enough and then everybody else says well you know I I

Think you’re wrong or there so it gives everyone a voice to take on which is Carlson already like I don’t think you help stuff you know I mean like maybe someone’s really nice to us but they’re not friends with the rest of the clan and then the day if we’re a clan Society

It’s not good enough to just be nice to meet you gotta be kind of like good to the whole group so it’s kind of like you know I mean everyone is wanna encourages kindness right everyone just kind of works together and so you need to stay on this cord for 1,000 million years

Then you get nitrite to be fair if you’re in t-con for two years you get the veteran rank which basically means like you’re obese you’ve been with us for ages and we love you you know I mean that’s like that’s a super good rank as

Well and a lot of time we give the vets skies we give vets to ranks of dudes of like they’ve earned the stripes but they’re not playing so much recently you know I mean like but like we still love them to bit so that’s another like benefit of getting like the veteran

Ranks pretty still like very important rank as well obviously that you earn your way through the ranks is like sergeant and corporal and then if you get to general run which is the highest peak of rank right we have like a weekly meeting you get invited and you

Basically get a say on like everything at that point you you are basically like the same rank as me really you kind of like you know I mean everyone has to say you can’t get to the point where like you know I mean with everyone’s that you

Look we are the leaders at econ at that point you know I mean so that’s what hold what what is my rank in your channel normally I watch it I have no idea you have to change the score do you rabbit how you doing dude lovely see you man

He’s just giving me a hang with the building what can I do with members what members rank he’s kind of signification that you’re like you have mate you own you are a recognised member of teak on you know I mean who is Charu Charu da helped found teak on six years ago

Alright that’s who Charlie Louise right he is one of the oldest members of the clan he is a literal like he’s he’s a war hero right you know I mean that’s like that’s the sort of thing Charu is like is he’s that sort of character like he’s talked to buying the myths and

Legends of the early days of teak on golden soul what am I gonna do with his dumb golden sword I bow to each other like he is a bear he’s an old school player he was there the door and a man sort of thing you know I mean he kind of

Saw day one which is like there’s not many guys left from day one he’s like the guys you know from like they wanna like dester access to fly that like they’re like they’re pretty big names right to be fit in their old like econ mythos stuff like that what these bones

Those bones that you inspect arm is right they’re quite useful I think I think those bones that you inspect what people are wearing which is pretty cool rabbit if you can hold on to these because and if you can get a Jew box to play that because my image tree is like

Pretty packed to the minute obviously be useful also we’ve got 10 obsidians I might be armed and I could do it like a bit more we need more Abby I want to do the roof so we can do the obby thing so so when you get me a couple more OB

And obviously beautiful I know there’s some lapis as well as put in the middle did you need the channel of Croatia no I did not need the channel of Croatia I I didn’t even realize it was a place called t-con right I didn’t know what we

Want it we want to go to tea corner I really want to go to the Isle of tea fun not be so sick desti if you can like do the rest of the teapot no good I’ll be fine in the roof and we need some lapis

To do the center as well if you guys can help you with that it was the year since I came to t-con for the first time that’s amazing man honestly that’s so sick that’s great to hear like some of the guys have been here for so long honestly it means a lot

Can you like build it my image trees let you like packing I can’t actually build anything anymore my imagery so for what a disaster baby oh flange II um I’ve been here for three years Kimble Kimble you actually been here you actually been here three years those ridiculous objective attitudes of t conquer

Asiatique Odeon exactly man exactly t caronian they sorted it yeah boy nicely done dude nicely done rabid right so we got a bit of a puff this go away and when I extend it this way we’ve kind of got a bit of an underground system going on which is nice it’s a bit

Of a ravine here which might be a slight problem but you know we just have some infrastructure which is important it’s important I turn to sell that sort of thing I’m gonna sell burp I’m gonna dig a big fat chest room down here as well so we

Can kind of get some things kind of stored and kind of get some kind of like good place to put all the jungle cuz we’re gonna get like a lot of resources here and it’ll be great to find some things you never know resorts had an underground thing well you know don’t

See Scott he’s like Doakes is gonna have his nice resort bit and I’m gonna have my militarized war zone be Avery I think is it is the nice way rabid your ticket boy um so we probably gonna have a resort and then it’s gonna be like a you

I forgot it was a place exactly exactly so when we have our first convention t-con will happen in teak on the island how cool is that teak on antique on that’s Orion before lads I’m gonna make a house next to the pool but I did when you get noticed you

Don’t get going I’ve seen you man I’m just trying to deal with a lot of chatter sorry but guys if you’re on the street may still evil eye subscribe ring the bell honestly wanna phonic sub-goal be really great to you know get some you guys in and make sure to you know get

Involved in the stream and suchlike you know the links the discourse on that join the server the IP is in the description as well it’s a great server definitely wanna like one of my top servers at the minute is mine wind Melville and that factions server I’m

Quite fun of that so you know I mean that this get involved in that you can see all the servers we plan on but on the discord as well so if you’re not fun seeing this there’s loads of other places you can get involved in which is

It’s great in it like this it’s always something for you to do which is like it’s good signs I can’t go to tea con because Kirk has no money as well the t-con et con will be a long time right so it’s a very long-term thing is what I’m thinking

We could be here for a while yet is one thinking you know I mean so I won’t worry too much about you know gotta money when it could be a couple of years before the first tea quarantine con I do not sway right I’m gonna build a big fat

Square room so we can stick all the resources in we need a massive ass chest like oh can you get rid of this gravel we need a big flat chest room so we could stick a bunch of things down because in a minute we’ve got like a

Couple of things but we could do with just more space and it’s very dark I’m gonna dump some lime tree in the chest over there but hope everyone had a great day like I said Wednesday tell me about what you’ve been doing well you got plans the way you do this weekend what

You want to see in the streams what do you want to see what is doing the future are you looking for the next patch oh my god there was a new snapshot let’s talk about that right we’re talking about the snapshot the new snapshot what are you guys thinking when you playing hypixel

This saturday i might be doing a high ping zhis too I think it’s a plan yeah Sade I think maybe Friday depending what’s going on so how do I join the ingame common arch right so to join the Klan in the minute we are in the Klan on arch we have a

Limited number of spaces look if I do find information right there was a limit number spaces there is a second Klan for recruits right so what I would join is joint plate a server however for the second Klan base we’ve got out like a recruit section and then the night

Section I need to set that up right I need to set that up there’s a lot of things involved I’m not quite sure how it’s going to show up I’m trying to set up the main guys who’ve been with deacon for a long time first and then one size

Kind of send me established I can work on getting the recruits are done there is a second family set up I can get invite soon this is very to be difficult to do at the minute so play the server get involved represent econ get people in the streams of search and that I

Really help in the meantime and you’ll see where I can get things up obviously I got to work full time so there’s only so much I can do in one day obviously I’m a pretty busy guy so Pete and pigs who couldn’t you can make it fun that’s pretty cool

I don’t even care about the new update really the new mob the drown the drown mob that looks pretty sick to be fair I’m quite excited for that you know mostly won’t believe you most the time sister’s room as you hoped our Remo Castle I have no idea what you’re talking about

I did not help you can check the satellite the commander I was not involved in that castle I went there I did not touch it all right I didn’t even know it was blown up till you told me you know why unfortunately I can’t TP you here because this is for the night

Guys only unfortunately do so what I would say is go ahead to the world carry on working on your own little private Beijing army get resources get on I’m getting boat into stuff like that right and then we’ll be sets of stuff I’m kind of like working on this base first I’m

Trying to get things done but hopefully I’ll be able to catch you later on in the stream we should build a tower in this base we do need a tower in the base I stopped carrying off block the updating point nine to be fair does not

Mean I like the shields was that was a massive thing already light in Minecraft shields in Minecraft I love the banners and that sort of thing one because he lets die I don’t know I feel like it’s good for clans as the banners are really good happier those I ever beat you headphones

Custody for good that’s pretty see I’m in night I’m allowed their log gecko so there’s loads of things like that like I love to be fair but the water update oh my god I’m so excited with the water are they not gonna lie I really love the

Water all day I think there’s so many cool things in it the underwater I like the cow looks looks so good there’s so many things that look good in it you know I mean I I’m not fan of the tridents to be fair if you’ve watched my latest video boom

Check out I kind of say about how the child and so basically use this PvP most of the time they’re not bad the kind of users for every day will be libido like him unless you in a lie less you in water fights but they’re kind of rare I

They’re not too common you might be worth to carry them sometimes because you might be able to catch up with people if you’re like they run into a water there is a somebody already behind the mine oh my god save that zombie spawner dusty see if you can turn into a

Grinder I’d be other time to listen to any some honesty I’m not anytime I’m so busy I am so busier than it’s so hard so I’m forty I’m not a time to check the playlist Isle but yeah nice I’m struggling to keep up with stuff it’s been so hectic dusty withered away

How did dusty wither away are you gonna do a castle no gecko you and I used to be okay so that’s I’ll be writing some 50% I’ll be wearing to 50% off what off I’m going to wear that’s very competing I did dusty died oh the desk to get away like a special

Monsters ah that’s cool that’s quite cool they expect these spawn is spawn mobs I’m just yeah course poorness spawn mobs like custom to be fair there is some custom mods I think they drop some random stuff I’m not quite sure I’m assuming they do then right you

Really pay attention I will put TV on logo and every Obsidian pixels I make on obsidian mega logo they’ll be literally so sick I love that this is he 5 that is sweet what am I gonna do but where did you get that I pulled out a geez yeah does he

Just got new to your with it away that’s hilarious right so I’m talking about this room big enough so we can put some like giant chest in it and kind of get things stored up I think I saw it I think we need to I think we need to I we could do

Returning that I’ve grinder into some kind of monster thing by the way so cuz like XP and such don’t be super useful because I gotta vote as well me back and set like an ender grinder I’m not quite sure if they work on this server if

Somebody’s on the server let me know if an ember grinder is a good idea yes I saw that Bobby we are so far away from getting an army right we’re a long way what’s um what is that powder to be bad an all-asian powder does I’m not quite

Sure I think it’s another form of kana see on the server I think you can get like gear within stuff like that so I think they’re pretty useful I mean the severide analysis came but I did see you dude how you doing Kimball I’m fortune this is the nice base this

Is one of our then we’ll put a giant food in the bug guys your honesty you smash the like bone and all that sorry to just keep on the showers boy I want to push stuff you know I mean what I get things done you know the deal you know

The deal and the partners use to buy pot 700k so how much party you need Dave do you know I see you get it from YouTube such very yeah okay so the powders are pretty useful to be fair you get like you can do a lot of things right so I’m

Gonna add we just start doing the walls for this section right and then we can start putting the chest down cuz you know I mean there’s just we need space to store the resources because the minute is not we’re digging but there’s nowhere to stick anything properly so that’s kind

Of annoying but I guess we just we gotta work on all that sort of thing and then we got gear up and you know one step that’d be cool PTV the new fan matey Connick it was good if he’s good enough I love to make it on the teapot

Even if it isn’t I might put it on the I might be able to put it on the Instagram as well it should be pretty sleek so that way to get safe forever cuz I love fun out on all that sort of thing it really helps out as if I have a surprise

Killer epic cuz he’s in the gecko empire Rabbids in a gecko empire is he actually unfortunately I don’t believe that somehow the spawner is that on the side of the bridge I entered that other side oh my god okay she says do you love me

To a POI do you love my bed mama don’t suck Abdullah why you wanna Barbara and I will post you something mega logo right ready they’ll be amazing to be fair they’ll be super cool I’d appreciate I’d appreciate that appreciate it so my goal is to get to 1,800 subs by during this

Month right what does anyone jerd I’m feeling pretty confident we got lots of stuff to do right but I don’t know I’m feeling I’m feeling kind of being a confident like I said lots of things to do but we get into it we get into it well third gecko

Can be really annoying he doesn’t bother me I okay fair enough rapid you know I mean if you enjoy it fair enough dude well this underside from Robert Jesus Christ I could do with some more we could do a points of my Indians in the

Wall as well to make it like program but would you laughter this is getting so big like all this to get ourselves on the end of the school year that’s a good goal you know I mean it’s good to have some goals 134 oh crap no this more

Worse to go I did wrong we need to skip that wall off yeah how much how much is it how many powers do you need for each prop seven because obviously useful to know because I’ve got a couple of parlors I need I think for my YouTube and stuff so like I

Don’t know but I’ll be that be interested to know actually if somebody knows how much or how many policies let me know that we great also for the plan I think Doug’s is my meeting some Nordica tomorrow I’m not quite sure is it you might not be my do put the armor

I’m going to bode to be fair we need a lot of building done so you know I mean that’s great make sure to vote if you want a server as well very another server really helps out because you get like a bunch of eggs eggs and the powder are really useful

Like they are so useful bump it up the streams really really does hope you know helps keys the guys out if you ever want to go to like a bottle we’re gonna need this sort of thing anyway so that’d be great any powder is some dire blocks of props

I’m saying okay so that’s not bad what’s the best armor minigame is that is probably how good is prop seven how good is put seven yeah it doesn’t sound too good what else can use the part the powder for sounds a bit mad I think you need

Seven powder I think we need a lot of powder it’s only on breaking for okay so I guess it’s like meth right is what you’re trying to tell me oh my god those two are different to that one why are we done you can get 20xx with 800 XP boards

But the enchanting is pointless right you can’t like I’m on prop 5 so like what’s the point of XP if you do TP I could show you the spawn video setting oddly I think I’ve been there before I’ve been there because I checked out the Dex thing so I have seen those in

The past that’s fine let’s make a flight contest already don’t even get me started I got so many things to do don’t add another thing from all this Jesus Christ like there is a ridiculous a number of things I need to sell don’t don’t pressure me

I am already behind right I am already behind so yes so don’t stupid tomorrow and I will be again we’ll both be here this Friday which is great so we’ve got loads of things kicking off there’s loads of things to get a four foot forward to it’s the facts of several

Should reset here which is great me you can grind therefore ranks as well and Melville has confirmed to be we say that’s cool I’m looking forward to that also the shipwrecks on the latest snapshot look pretty snazzy not gonna lie I’m looking forward to some seeing some shipwrecks

I’ll be cool I don’t know if I’m gonna make all my bases in the war but it looks pretty damn tempting not gonna lie like that they look good they look good I can’t help it like the PvP met the pots a bit weird right right the pots a

Bit weird right it’s a bit strange I’m not quite sure on the pot seems slightly Opie but puts and here’s to be put everything else I am so happy about I can’t really complain the whole thing looks really good it’s straight up looks sick you know I mean the game is dying

The shipwreck I like the shipwreck I think this year it looks good the only thing I’m annoyed about right is the only thing I’m annoyed about is in fact just how the toilets are just literally trash in PvP they are not trash sorry I’m not gonna say the trash they’re only useful for

Water which is they’re like well you could have easily made them semi useful for land and I feel like most of the bow was gone land so it’s more like why what was the decision-making behind that if they’re like a decent reason I understand but I

Feel like it’s this I don’t know if it’s like over for so this is worth paying attention this thing add sharpness to the frigging trial ends please or power invite me I need to do it on the old account I can’t I’m not set up on this thing

Yeah I need to log it to the all accounts are doing you know I mean a slightly annoying I think if you want to get into them about invite and what I’ll do at the end of the stream right I’ll do all I the OLT invites at the end of

The stream which would be great also unis can use that my friend requests to steam on Steam I’m not gonna see them months but I’ll try at the end of the stream I will set up the I’ll do all Island by I’ll get the old workouts into the you know the secondary

Overflow clan which would be cool okay we need some diary if we can get all the stuff on Dusty’s mind or like all the non stones like the underside and all that sort of thing if you get them in here as well that’d be great but then

We’re fine right so if you’re honest team as well as master like burn dar be great you know I mean just do all those things help out a stream get involved you know I mean do either discord the links in description oh you know what to do at this point I’m

Just trying to establish every day and it’s relatively busy there was a lot of things to do I need some of that white stuff I need the white stuff okay I wonder if Dusty’s going somewhere doctor doctor doctor Oh melon farm is going up lovely lovely

I’d love to see the farms you could do with a bit of fencing around like some of these farms these farms maybe this farm can be moved a bit around the back so we got some actual space to do some things but we see it

Was a bottle of dirt I know where that’s coming from why have we got dirt for days ah there we have a bit diorite I’m gonna need more than that though big glass glass is always tasty squid spawn also in the sport we’re gonna need a bunch of

English accent face always useful for like random things if we surprised how often you need an ink tank I neither wise so maybe there’s some in the chest over here that’d be super sleek we’ve got all the boats from the invasion which is cool I’m like I can’t wait to

Do that maybe we should have like a big Navy ship eventually if we get that for you know he says you calm down mate you’re making this a bit crazy right so it’s burning Empire lovely I’ve got the white stuff Wolf Wolf how is school have you seen Rama’s chant

Oh he’s doing really well I checked out you met that footballer dinner I checked out now look now look pretty sick I’m super I was like wow that’s cool you went to the YouTube space in London right though that was pretty slick man apparently but have

Over 1k subs I’d love to go in there but I don’t know maybe you’ll make a cool video for everyone London maybe we can set up an appointment I think I’m like I’m gonna do some kind of weird streaming I don’t know be kind of nerdy

But I kind of like it right I’ll be cool right Alex Lake sleep sleep sleep oh you’re so sleep man look at tasty man here’s the white stuff I just got a bunch of the white stuff man I don’t want stuff that we need yeah I went to

UT space that was pretty sick no that’s pretty crusty not gonna lie that is pretty cool somebody self a creeper nice II don’t know ever did that and now I got did the damn roof the roofs always anointed when we gotta dig a hole done another

Lay around roofs just the so XY so extra you know we’re just trying to sell but dumb Basie sick yeah I didn’t actually put that my hop up scrub made I’m guys what in the stream why is your favorite Beecher than oh come in snapshot I were

You guys thinking right what are you guys thinking of what you’re gonna find tasty I’m adjustable player let me to this moment bass unfortunately died don’t trust you though look at that pic I sent this family’s really funny I can’t the minute my arms Connor stream

Indeed I’m tryin to try this look good yeah I like the – thing that does things gonna be super cooling water to be fair I’m kind of just like in the coral and the seaweed I think it just makes the oceans look good carved melons exactly

Do the core of melons look different to the car pumpkins oh they just caught i’m not seen those and color leaves I’m still not googled the color leaves oh my god the new woods the new ones are already good I’m happy of those I don’t know how he’s gonna

Deal with my texture pack to be fair but you know that’s that’s not bad we just have to take it as it goes I guess we’ve got to get like some more tea con banners as well so that we need to mass-produce a couple of those make more

Tunnels in the base the easiest thing Oh probably a melon gone annihilated and then it’s now be back because the Odom restored it which is nice so melons back the chances are we’re gonna get that move to the next reset how we do that I’m not quite sure

Odin has experienced some things we could do some more wood in it oh my God he’s on it never mind why did I mind that I need to do the damn ceiling idiot I’m stupid okay I got some gross dude I wanna see that someone that done two in one that we could

All right maybe this should be licensed even as well that’s fine Oh didn’t I like Odin when he’s not like pinging me like Odin you pinged me when I was literally in the chat like Brahms no hey why are you pinging me Oh which is slightly triggers me Steven Hawkings

Yeah Steven Hawkings confirmed t-con member mm and like whatever I wore what year is his 18 he is definitely a t phone number you know full well but he might not be anymore but like I don’t know definitely at evil memory you can’t quit I’m quite happy of how things

Turning out you know I mean everything is kind of it’s all coming together it’s very nice serious question who chooses the builds in serious question who chooses to build in between loads of ravines blame geo he chose the location it was nothing to do with me

I’ll even see this place and it was too late to change it so here we are ravine central right I don’t make the rules I don’t know I’m guess we can convert the ravines into something nice right I’ll make it will make the base interesting I guess to say the least

I guess right the Drowned is well what do we think of the Drowned are we gonna get up into zombies on the wall all the time is that annoying is that good I’m not quite sure do I want to see zombies all the time probably not am I gonna see zombies all

The time probably I don’t know I’m not I don’t know like I guess maybe I’ll have to take a trident on under warn me because some G’s is gonna be throwing stuff at me all the time all right you happy about that to be

Fair so yeah what can I do what can I do what do embers do I think you get of embers and you turn them into a gigantic almighty pond Croatia my focus at four percent well you better go chase it in Roberts nobody thinks I’m mining things as row yeah you turn dry I’m busy okay skills skills in China like I’m some guys is Ivan Ivan how you doing man guys if you understand make sure to smash the like button getting bored with all that side thing it’ll really

Appreciate the channel you know I mean I really it’s lovely to guys to have some of you here because obviously you guys are literally Rock recently I’m looking forward to summer spring style I’m feeling warm again I’m not freezing this is nice apparently the snow men to

Be coming back right apparently this is the beast from the east is coming back which I’m sorry I am actually scared of right I am literally petrified I do not want to see more damn snow in England one prayer for Odin’s have a long life I

I wish you the longest of life dude because then you know then you’ll be around to view all the streams which is great there’s snow again on Saturday no I can’t deal with this man I can’t deal with the snow like yeah it’s been nice all week right it’s just been nice why

Why would we England why’d you have to ruin it like you’ll be Easter and it will still be snowing now is that not a joke is that not right that’s that’s not funny anymore you know I mean that’s the that’s not cool I can’t be dealing with

Her alright we’ve got a lovely little room I’m gonna do some like stairs there we could do with a crafting bench in here we put crafting bench anyway Easton is April the falls yeah Easter is on April Fool’s Day alright that is ridiculous there’s literally madness you could have put the

Crafting table in the ground oh my god I want to do a teak on April Fool’s that’ll be so good we need to put oh my god teak on April Fool’s that summer days happening you guys are getting pranked not even kidding you guys even print I

Mean I love you guys we’d never do such a thing oh my god so sorry honestly that I recall I probably teach that my hair is blonde now because of the Sun is it actually what you will get bean boozled 20 times as right that’s funny that’s

Some funny stuff how would you like so we are in the stream well okay so like let me know with that I’d appreciate it right so we have a chess room finally we can fill this more chess boo blop says hi how you damn robot love

To see you walking to the stream 10 we got ten lights guys it’s 6:15 let’s get 15 lights come on let’s get involved I think they’ve copied the ravine here which is probably a good idea that’s nicely done guys good thinking and some stairs you know and suddenly a polar

Bear we should push it in the cave right gave me a whole getup oh love that in here I don’t even like Boman Irani x-bar’ you he’s a Bible s-sir asset asset he’s a valuable asset to the team we call having freezing his ass off outside right you know I mean he’s he’s

Helping the squad here pinzhi says press f3 briefly unfortunately buddy I ain’t that dumb all right as much as I love to press f3 get my base raided it’s probably not gonna get it Rubick says hello stream I am roommates look at the sea dude what

But look it’s guys if you want a stream man you guys raw you the best I love you buck to the stream the dirty stream if you never seen t-con before leave us a like leaves a sob ask me a question about who the hell we are I’d appreciate that

You know I mean just tell me what you did there is some kind of AutoCAD competition in my school and Saturday I think I compete there I’ve nothing else to do that’s pretty cool or dig that’s pretty cool follows his rapid rubbing or I okay where the hell are we gotta book shows

We don’t if you read this then you know that dogs died rip dogs dogs is officially dead dogs is dead that there what you want buggin out so hard um yeah that is dead everyone knows dog is dead he died hello stream are you guys going

To do castling in that art after an hour unfortunately right we might go get our ass handed to in the castle considering that I have like prop 5 and you guys are afraid I’m pretty sure we will get the booties killed so maybe we’ll pass on the whole castle thing

Right but you know give you some time guys get geared up I’ve heard all about this castle thing right you know I got my guys on there got the cars on the inside we’re 12 lights let’s get three more exactly so you know it’s it’s something in the future that I want

To wear it’s one of my goals win the castle right that’s one other gold so give enough time take pawn the castle is fun oh I bet it is to be fair I bet a custom is sick I’d love to get involved a castle it’ll be cool

You saw what’s the castle thing so the custom thing right it’s basically like a king in a Hills scenario everyone goes in and the last person holding it what are you actually getting you get some armed with some eggs or something like that where we heading where we go

So I think it’s kind of like that unless you get bread with the boats bun but basically you don’t oh we’ve captured him we’ll call him Barbarossa that’s what we’re gonna call it we’re gonna call him boba Barbarossa the polar bear right you don’t argue with anything right Charlie’s like what

The [ __ ] this is Barbarossa freakin polar bear right just deal with it you let’s do it but they were only like prey right so we’d need you to get annihilated all right to be fair you lose armor but you teach your ability castle gives you lots of weapons and a

Good chance to earn yeah winning the castle gives you stuff so but to be fair there’s a good reputation we like winning the castle so I kind of do just wanna eventually win the castle so I’ll be kind of cool that is one of my goals

You know win at least win once right and I’ll be nice I don’t get how many losses it takes I want to win it at least once would be what am i pretty slick okay I need to figure out how I did this because I it’s only two across so I can

Get any more white crab where do we put the diorite man where’s all the diary gone in the world So I needs to die I pointless random exposition is pointers oh nice I need the white [ __ ] that’s great thanks man now the strongest people have a castle a thousand allies but chill with them yes I guess eventually it’ll be cool to do with the castle with them and get

Involved in such so yeah you know on the to-do list the massive to-do list that is everything to do in history right if you want to it will attack why the tie by the way so uh we got along we’ve got like this I came right from work did

A stream do you have a Luton three sword yes I do have a Luton three sword which is nice how says poof huh what’s wrong with how all right I thought saying what Sango has the lead or how I I think I think I lose track of the names I’m still Brett

To me no I’m still trying to learn everything obviously I’ve been on two servers lots of new people so just give me some time to figure out who everyone is I know how sanguine and I think he runs it can I borrow it yeah make sure you

Give me back the roof of this section geckos my geckos were fighting the other few days buying five eggs my geckos tank oh okay so your gecko is actually dead does kind of sucks um always gonna use the sword to get more okay that makes sense that makes a lot of sense right

But guys if you’re on the street may still even the sub leaving like that I really really really hope the stream I want to hear a song called today so that’s like two more subs right I just need two more damn subs so you’re on a stream bringing leave is a sub please

All right oh sorry my balls off for like whatever time of night is you know that’d be great and plus I love my wind it’s nice and we get some subs you know I’ll be calling more more interested about playing a server oh my god can you

Put it in the chest Eddie give it to me my inventory is like packing if I need someone I threw those so thanks Bob I mean do we pee on the strongest even though they can’t win it let’s be frank do you own owes more than I do Says rod Haley I’m rod lovely to see you my man are things going with yourself well yeah we have a good good day my dude right okay so that’s three – of stacks and just under side we’ve got enough of that okay so there’s I just need to like

Hollow out some rooms and kind of get things going if we’re going we’re kind of getting so there’s loads of things I still need to do like I said we could do like a big fat furnace room I can auto furnace redstone works the same on the

Server I’m pretty sure it does and we need to sell that mump going there so I can actually get some levels at some point of repair my stuff um I need to know if an ender farm works on this and the farmers oh good idea are you doing

Tech a tiny bit long story since you’re allied with WP I suggest you you should fight the tears tears of how long exactly best friends yes true but son wine is also a member of t-con so there you go do a blaze fond yeah well we don’t have any blaze spawn is

Slightly an issue right so is there a how many socks you need to get to 1.9 K 1.8 we need 47 only 47 subs to get to the next sub goal um which is what I want to hit by the end of March which could be interesting they always got a

Blaze spawner apparently though where the fright did you get that right we definitely know we need to sell for that mob grinder there how the hell did you get a blaze Warner t ogether me what frag yeah we should read altman duteous and to be clear on is safe classic not

Moment are now well confused are we talking about zip classic in my mind why are we talking about safe classic things in my wind my brain is literally annihilated do that I can’t keep track with all these things I’ll be running 750 percent charge yeah yeah could be a

While before I get I’ll be right now right I can give you but you promised you showing me well yeah I want to build like the base thing in here well I’m like a grinder section in the base right so that way we can all get HP that’d be

Cool and then maybe your summit Chapman’s done suits like that so I want to we said that we could do with some obby to build the damn thing right to be fair I’ve never built a I’ve never built a blaze grinder yeah you can’t use water with him right

Am i I’m not sure how do we build a blaze how do we pull the blaze grinder somebody Google Alta so in fact no can you set up the place grinder you build it you can use what does intently take damage all right okay I’ll do it

I guess feel like me doing it is a dangerous that’s dangerous man because I don’t think I’m gonna do it right I thought we’ll give it to rubbing rubbing those ways do it rub it here you go rubbing rubbing you take that you know actually know what you need to do

You know what you’re doing that was a professional okay so they’ll I’m rabid you guys said that all because if I break it I’ll be super sorry and I know you guys know what you’re doing what’s worse is hey do you also left her like I’m kickball place thank you wire

On the other channel I appreciate that that really helps that just channel a day to watch gecko porn why the fragglerock would I do that I why on God’s green earth would I do that alright that is asking for me to get like arrested and I is not a great idea

Like our board of genius ideas koco’s that’s not great that’s not the best Okay suck is nice what is sac you guys you guys talking about yeah after you slime and pushed him into an area alright okay wolf thanks I guess you guys know what you did more than I do when you have a girlfriend you don’t really watch well you can do what you

Like you know I mean I’m you you know what yes you do you and are you gonna get involved right that’s I think that’s the best way for it okay And then we I guess the underground is coming along pretty nicely okay we’re doing great are you gonna oh that’s a good place to do actually that’s a good place to do it nicely didn’t done in fact if you do it there we can fill with the blaze rods

Into the chest because it’s like Ryan a to the chest room which would it’s quite a bit spot to do it why are you going ugly comfy Beauvoir nah not me sense early get a crested gecko I have one I have two pet snakes man they kill they’d eat your gecko for breakfast

My pet your pet is my pet food no they only eat my somebody joking Bob that was hilarious what kind of snakes I have two corn snakes it’s not for the spawner room oh that glass looks so good do that won’t do it on there do it on it here as

Well that looks so great that looks really great it’s very shiny all right that’s a good idea as well that’s a good idea that glass looks sleek not gonna lie that’s pretty good nicely done – good idea with that one I’m just trimming like hollow out tunnels if you

Can put the room oh you see so gold as well thank you very much guys you guys I love you well if your girlfriend looks like one if you look you see what my girlfriend looks like right you know my girlfriend looks like you see what a girl looks

Like she peed on the stream she did that hi big sister I think some of you guys have you’ve seen it right Simba fair my girlfriends no ideas play Minecraft but like I know she knew it was fun I should enjoy it it was cool come here is almost

Good dude honestly that blue stuff looks amazing nicely done feel good thinking dude so could you do that that stuck stuff down here as well that looks really great I really like that oh I look so good that’s nice thinking man Charu I’m so happy I’m see Charlie again

To be fair you wanna see such a legend in t-con like he’s one of these guys I just kind of wish to play more often because like he’s always been in my books like he’s one of the top lads you know so see them again playing Oh money it

Means so much it’s like you’re so good cuz like old old like server factions is supply that leader like he we like funk he’s like treat is a god and then we got cha ruler with a desti you know I mean I thought the old crew for my back in the

Founder the t-con six years ago and we still play you know I mean that’s cute I’m gonna fight unlocker yeah good luck man tell me how it goes the fight oh man just best to look on that dark ceiling is that your banner I found what it’s

Just one of those rooms in the Rays that is the t-con Bannerman that sexy teeth it’s the same as the logo to be fair bow block we’ve been around there’s a lot of guys you might have been playing for t-con but we’re like the whole clans not

Fully been on you know I mean so we’ve got guys dotted all over room but that is the t-con logo you know I mean there’s a lot of guys you like on servers and like play but they don’t fully rep so you know I mean Pepe you’re

In a clan you can do slash clan home right I see so you know I mean that’s kind of how we know the service so like the week how we know service basically as I some guys that are offer a server and he’s like don’t be in the clan a

Suit I love some Rangel be like oh yeah I pray so you guys gonna check it out and we check the server on now y’all let’s say no bad server we should probably set up at econ matey and next we you know we kind of got like we’ve

Got a small outpost like like this this is kind of like our first outpost and then if it’s good you know I mean it gets expanded on makes me you know I could be of an empire going on that’s great Doug’s is cute Doug’s excuse my little

Cutie you know I mean so things kind of happened over time like all the servers you’ve ever been to it’s just kinda like a slow proces we get we check them out the next thing you know we’re playing them full-time because we really like them so it’s good and it’s good to get

Involved with all these good service solid decision joining nine well what I’ve been learning right what I’ve been learning is that um early phase Mike what I’ve been learning right is that all these survival servers are actually interconnected right I love his voice because what’s been going on is that as

As teak on the clans grow night we’re in a good number of subs now obviously when I’m massive but when it comes to a clan 1,000 755 people brings in a lot please right that’s kind of that’s a lot of minecraft players even if they obviously not all of them there

With us still but regardless there’s a long micro players right as it like turns out so a lot we’ve been as we kind of the Clanton’s got bigger and such we’ve kind of figuring out that a lot of these servers have players on that interconnected right so there’s a guy on

Another server called a DJ right he played on this server but he’s an admin he was like one of the moderators on another server we play and shall win crow on him he were both the t-con joined the discord they were like what are you doing here I don’t even like

What the [ __ ] are you doing here and then this guy could change a he was an enemy on one server apparently used to pray on his server and other people know it and then this guy’s don’t like the sip craft and said classic they know

Some of the guys from my other things so I can alright as the clan growing this is people don’t know each other from all kinds of weird servers and it’s kind of like these servers are popping more abour on our radar so there’s like there’s a four or five like big player

Service where the majority of the main like kind of vanilla survival kind of player base kind of comes from you know the O’s hardcore guys they’re all kind of linking from the same servers which is kind of strange and we kind of like as minecraft gets on the commute like we

Kind of starting to understand the community a bit better like we’re already kind of plays it coming from research that’s like YouTube such minecraft whatever drama so you know I mean like everything is kind of a-kind more interconnected as we get bigger and I think as we’ll find us Tekin grows

Bigger and it’s definitely gonna grow bigger the clans only gonna find more servers and expand to more servers so we’ll probably up guys I’m now like no more the pic of the clan is but when he can our bases on more servers right and

You know I mean I’m now a fan of Mike you craft and trying to get him we’ve seen about clans and stuff on that you don’t you know it’s just the bigger the clan gets they’re more I guess the more will everywhere we are that’s kind of

Why I wanted to be like econ was always a clan that wanted it to run on multiple different servers get involved in that and it’s kind of why I enjoy it’s nice to be able to have like a lot of guys on different servers and plus if we’re not

A lot of different servers then we’re bringing in more players and then when that meets is bigger because then we get to go to more servers and this is nice you know the whole kind of like ball starts rolling so I know it’s great picking up some speed could give you

Somewhat underside for these walls the underground is looking pretty big now when the invasion of – when’s the invasion of to be 2t eventually right so there’s a there’s a couple of big Bob big boss servers right that we know of and straight up we ain’t got the members

And we ain’t got the big enough player base we got a lot of guys but we’re just there’s a couple of servers but like when we get big enough we got comment for you you know I mean so in the minute we were growing the plan is grow expand

But there are a couple of servers on our radar we were like yo this is this is common right we’re gonna get to you eventually not now we’re big enough for by the time but eventually come and be all right you know I mean locker locker definitely

That is one of my biggest will grow the melons I’m rich on for because you exactly like we’ve got a guy’s panel for being stuff like that so I don’t know like there’s a lot of things eventually we’re gonna get involved in you know stick around for

Order it’s happening – year at econ it’s always here to take on you know I mean ste cons grind we’re gonna get bigger this things are happening right for be so bad exactly I’m I’m not a fan of the service with the hacks to be fair which

Is one or another reason why I’m not been really interested in to be two T because the hacking sort of thing just it don’t really interest me it’s like true anarchy and it’s like it kind of takes the skill out of PvP game and I kind of like that this court needs a

Build a rank but then if you have a builder I incur discord it’s gonna confuse things massively because then what builders get to go to what basis you know I mean I think the core ranking system we have is you can’t really be you because if it’s based on trust right

And not getting the base raided is better than not having a crap base you know I mean however if guys are involved in T con eventually you’re gonna get going to these bases anyways you know I mean prove your ranks 1 your loyalty especially if you’re recruiting

People if you help recruit new people to decon you’re gonna get promotions right and that’s gonna be sick to get more people in decon and if you got you get promoted then you get ranks and next when you you know like that all kinds of bigger everything’s more going we could do more

Stuff more people resources are coming in we can make bigger builds and all circle just gets better so yeah you know I’m like saying more players we have more things get done when unlocker join the nation got born after 15 minutes cassette lockers I enjoy locker

It’s like save but SIA different I like I like locker what will what if I have Jam realign and recruit people what would I get next well if you get jumbled right the highest ranked at econ and then you’ve recruit people then you’re just doing your job at that point they

Use join your beauty then you just just doing your job so then you get to keep being it’s not a job I don’t get paid yet yet wait till we come what the hell yes eventually when we make it you know when we make it

Super super big in the world and pay our generals we slime a gaming computer on the side you know I mean you know again I’m to present some stuff send them to some kind of convention to recruit 40 cons you know business perks in order here you 2017

You know maybe general 20 30 president of a country we see we see once at a time if you’re already jumbo 4pd if you’re only playing for PvP it’s not I’d seen yeah I can kind of see that I don’t know I really like Locker there’s

Loads of stuff you can do you can build the bases I think it’s a slightly confusing I think once you get into it it makes sense it just takes a while do they sneak one killer crested gecko is that what we’re on about really it might do you and we’re not a

Snake a fight between gecko my snake I don’t know I got bitten the other day fricking kills I tell you that damn wolves we’ve done a lot the base is coming along there’s been a lot of expansion lot of building you know it’s kind of early days so we’re trying to

Like establish a bunch of things which is not always the nicest thing to do they can be wrong well lie down the line when we get you so like cool and everything’s a bill warm we got to start plugging things in are we nice to have

You know the space to build the extra rooms and so you know I mean I guess like maybe the extreme I’ll start working on the farms and kind of getting like a good you know get that the sort of thing coming in hopefully we can get

A blaze spawner set up that we kind of stick that the zombie spawner should be converted I’m pretty sure all those sort of resources are pretty useful like you can’t really go wrong for that sort of thing you know I mean you just want to get more stuff which is great

Wait am I on the more gecko bow down I don’t think I bowed once was a good it was alright I can’t really remember it was a long time ago you can buy blaze spawner sand from the others ah true I want people traded eggs right I got a

Couple of those how much how many decks would you get blase wonderful I don’t quite know I don’t know I enjoyed the service good um Pepe looking fit how you doing Pepe even a great day dude we could do the torches yeah I always just go hey they’re working on the ceiling

I’m not quite sure what the plan is here alright fried egg Oh see how good quite a few spawn is I got quite a couple of decks You may upload a video okay my video is loading I don’t know some of these times okay so hopefully when this video goes that we might get rewards from it I’m not quite sure the youtubers reward systems a bit strange at times on this I just hope through it hopefully it goes

Through I’ve got some bugs in the past for the the reward system one this thing yeah you should be alright I think we should be fine with it Rudy my gecko is massive so is my snake guys you understand make sure to leave that I barn get

Involved in for that kind of juicy content you know I mean or like gorgeous gorgeous minecraft stuff that I know you guys won’t like and get involved in you know I’m it’s a good place to be like I said do you want to join a proper micro

Function here is on your doorstep right there you go like multi server experience ranks going up in the world while walking you one like out of a microphone like what actually do you want like it it doesn’t really get si will we pop a what more do you want from

The world right uni as a challenge watch gecko porn why the Frank would I do that I just don’t understand like why is that joke how is that funny oh my god you guys a man okay I’ve been so tired as well recently I think I’m a

Bit stressed out I mean because I’ve been doing so much I’m just trying to like keep up with things I’m pretty worn out I’m looking forward to the weekend like this has so many things I want to get involved I want to carry on the t-con timeline as well I know that’s the

Thing in the discord that people like why just touch the speed spell spammed well that’s not right people are just kind of talking I got to go head off night see you later warfare we have a good night my dude thanks for joining the stream as usual

Wolf one of the best mods you know we’ve had he’s a great guy tech head as well if he’s still a shot at Eckerd for being a baby I have to I have to do it to get into the get going by how you doing oh dude nicely done right enchantment tables

Sorry oh good job guys good job in fact I will get and fill this hole fee nice world lads nice work nicely played okay my my computer’s liking my crazy that’s strange Peters do that occasionally little bit weird bit buggy Robert is nice to me Roberts a cool guy

Rob is a he’s asleep used to be fairies and the right thing he’s trying to get as much people in you know t-con to like it that’s kind of what you wanna do so you know play me you know is what he’s doing he’s a good guy Rob it’s chill

I like Robert again within me is like cool helps out my video that they you know I mean problem or a proper hero eighty countries or weird even helping is but really been helping his out so you know shot a rubbish therefore being actually sick dude please read the

Microchip go go get some much hey okay oh the micro and the discord okay well I can’t do that the media knees I didn’t he’s nice he’s nice as neighbors knees and toes and able toes I did welcome back to the street meant given a great day man what’s going on with yourself

Also that money from the streamed of the day I’m pretty sure it’s going through said I’ll be interesting hopefully we can get those that econ holy stuff so soon do we need any lapis I’ll get some if so I think we need like the cow farms and stuff kind of setting up outside

People are talking [ __ ] to you on discord oh my god really know each other right I like tea consis joy John’s a cool guy okay okay I’m fine I’ve caught up with all that stuff of great it’s true I get too much hate well yeah you do don’t you don’t help

Yourself is one trying to say if you’re just chilled out more you’ll be all right I want that people would I always thought people get along with each other in discord me too man I’m joy by the way are wicked nice sea dive by doing the Discworld man I love T

Conant even loves me guys true that is true do you guys love you I wish people want the discord as well it’s a bit crazy time I guess people are very heated there’s loads of things going on you mean you people can have it stressed out with certain things so I can

Understand why people kind of get relatively angry they just go relax you know I mean these people just call relax sometimes Kaiser your hostage keep an early Oh teach you some reasons oh that’s dirty Damn thing what a beautiful thing it’s too cold yeah cough medicine with clap you remind me of my brother-in-law here is your brother-in-law hopefully I don’t know him oh my qualify now imagine if it’s me that’d be crazy right maybe I maybe I am your brother-in-law got three subs the

Other day for pays but hey I don’t repay you a hate man I’m not hating on you I’m just saying it’s like the in a reason you’re still around because I like you you know I mean is it’s cool look at my horse my my mouse is amazing give it a

Lick you ditch the reasons I know Kaiser right right right okay okay just stop yeah I know my line if you chew it’ll be great I would look like I was you further in law now I yearn for death you just showed us some money be like you know I mean like

People would not raise here honestly I think that’s it if you just relax you be chill I’ll be fine it’s like to be found we don’t hate anyone nobody was a hater I was too much effort so like you know I mean just just relax

My lucky game you eat you eat way though what do you want pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows the horse is amazing oh that’s dirty better not tell you other lemonade good some good some that makes you feel old man that’s on the years my little years he’s been that

Long notes people who saw in the discord well I guess there’s a lot of things okay people hear about you know I mean there’s lots of things going on I understand more people get stressed for certain these things cuz people they’re just kind of like obviously they get Co

Rain in the end form annoyed a lot of people right so okay maybe that was not your famous hour and then you lied about it so I can understand what people are slightly annoyed right to be fair it’s not like it’s not like they having our reason about some things but then I

Don’t know if you if you feel raise them they’re people are gonna be like mega aggressive like they’re not that people don’t really like people who have rated Brady t-con right that’s just kind of a like understandably they’re not gonna be too happy about it who is this you’re dumb now you’re done

Turn around and say further way Rikki’s put s 8 for the way what bitrate you streaming Arman 1500 minute just cause my Internet’s a bit poopie tonight it started to red bar earlier it was better yesterday so I’m just trying to take it easy and see how well it goes because it

Might bug out so I’m not quite sure easily just crash I’m trying to you know trying to keep it chill so my what’s your up my speed my upload speeds I don’t really have a great hablo speed there’s kind of reason why my ominous speed is not the best at all so

I think it’s only like four or five years and then compared to dykes that’s got like 12 isn’t they mega bison and what glows be which is which is quite good but it’s just on my package I don’t really get cut I get a lot which is

Annoying when I saw I can really do you know I mean I guess it’s pretty limiting I just called go walk and do I guess we sucks but that’s the way the news guys room is coming along lots of building means on the stream I get 9 to 10 you

See that’s what bugs is on which is slightly annoying I guess eventually I’m gonna want to improve that so I can get a hot colony stream in action out which is what I really kind of one but it’s just you know it’s this isn’t waiting to upload that so I guess some

Days it’s got some this is bad stop PvP tagging me exes for the way t-con has a big whoop and say as it’s more Go Go Power Rangers got a bunch of stone for maybe a floating island good idea pop a um there’s a furnace and there’s a

Basically right dykes has a mine Doug’s desti put on mine over that way with a bunch of stone in a lobby nice melting but you can get the coal to do it that’d be amazing there’s a bunch of furnaces in this underground bit as well at some

Point so if you can sort that there’s honestly there’s a bunch of materials there just kind of nice small in I got some stone let’s do a Cossack on stream chrysocolla stream is not easy I need to set the hope it’s not the easiest thing to do

Done the monsters how’s that one doing Dan I love you dude how you been I’ve been pretty good man I’ve been pretty good done the man I’m alright bit busy bit tired bit stressed but I’m a bit happy now you’re here you know I mean it’s lovely to see you

How’s your day been dude I was gene but every time you see me likes ya I don’t have great Oh blow to me but like I’ve got ID I got a decent I sell so that’s reason why kind of shoe you Robbie for general rabbit bloody head of course that’s in

Reboost we were on the side we just we’re not doing material so much these things is happy press f5 to see a dumb person in Minecraft haha comedy gold hey puppy who’s call it puppy dog Oh bean good because just because robotics presentation i underscore oh my god what’s the robotics

Presentation on like what what type of robots things you get involved in maybe with a DS man and I do love a bit robotic so you know get involved with that tell me about what sort of things are a bunch of doing on it

I give us a DS man tell me about it presentations are always a pretty stressful thing to do I always feel like that you feel good after them you know I mean you do you presentation and I think you feel a bit happy so like this is

This a good ad about doing these sort of things what’s your favorite sport um probably ice hockey in a minute if you call that sport ice hockey is really cool to watch another I really play a lot of sports but I like ice hockey it’s kind of skillful and you see guys

Beating crap out of each other so that’s enjoyable – I made an insect in a race and he took a couple of months and I want a hard to explain so that is pretty sick man did you program it like how did you do it like what was the technical

Details of it that’s pretty sick though dude congratulations that’s really good well done man good to hear I like it when the t-con guys they do some cool stuff I Danny tell me about it you know if you’re like privileged it’s nice yeah it’s a sport I play soccer that’s cool

Programming you jabberin PI’s did well you know I’m a programmer that’s my job that’s what I do every day so that’s pretty pretty good what type of what type of library to use and Python to do that I have freed the endangered animal that you have caged did you free you

Free Papa Roach no Barbarossa’s an adage that had them all right you need to be looked after you’re a programmer yes I am dan the man I have a master’s degree in computer science well I think my normal degree and then I do a master’s degree and I am a software engineer an

Engineering company is what I am so there you go that’s my job motox is kind of a sport to be fair I guess it’s like with the bike stuff you kind of got a really mean into things and I guess it’s kind of like sporty you

Know I mean cycling I kind of see what do you do I’m a software engineer an engineering company so I design things that help engineers basically I do loads of random things in a minute cuz obviously it’s an engineering company so there’s like another graduate so I’ve

Just kind of just got the grad scheme so like just kind of fully signed work hence why I’m basically a full-time full-time work now but basically because I want to go to scheme I’m doing all kinds of crazy things sometimes they’re doing things like loads of maths and I’m

Trying to do that sort of thing some days I like I’m working with antennas and doing like high-level net working and that sort of like theory based computer science II stuff and then some days I’m just trying to like do api’s and set up like proper actual

Programming stuff so yeah there you go casted in 40 minutes I probably won’t be involved in the castle was kind of late and I’m really tired but I am one thing about knowing that dough is that I’m glad the castle is in a time zone that I

Can actually play so I feel well language recently a lot of my stuff has been positive so that’s pretty good but I I pretty know most languages I can do C++ super force was the first language I learned it was a bit over my head

Because I was like before I was like 15 when I tried to learn C++ which is pretty difficult to learn when you’re 15 but I fully fully channel learning is quite difficult I’m also 40 you’re trying to be a motorbike mechanic whoa man best a lot I

Hope you I hope you hope you get it man I hope you get it I hope you become a motorbike what language the language so basically I know Python I know most languages to be fair but the minute I’m working in Python a lot recently for

This API sort of stuff and I’ve done a lot of like you know I mean only know Python Java basically if you did Python a Java you next step is to learn C and C++ if you can master all those three then most languages are pretty simple

Like it’s hard to fully know a language you know I mean cuz languages change a lot there’s like typescript and then you got no or like there’s a lot of big imposs so knowing a language is quite a hard term and I think anybody can fully to know a language fully locked because

UN’s face broke the whole Thanks Thanks I reopen this Landers a new hallway follow the side why don’t you follow the sign I did follow the side if you see this you’re truly know however phobic what are these signs about good night and I have to it is it is really sad or

I still even love you what are these signs man squid life [Laughter] the sign is still here what sign have I missed another sign follow I missed the sign I got the sign all the signs are missing good night my friend I will find you and hug you still well

Good night though I hope you have a great night – what Barbarossa is living the dangerous life right now do not get bricking Barbarossa guild can I come to the bases only nice this is unfortunate only a nice base man this is because I’m slightly worried about stuff

Getting raided and such so what I would say just play the server you know I mean hell party Conn as much as you can that way and then eventually you get put up tonight you’ll be able to get here just about time really and night earning the

Trust that way but I guess you’re learning C&C / C++ is a good thing to do I definitely recommend that and then after that I think basically you know I mean you score just keep doing stuff to complicate things that machine learning AI and all that sort of thing Robo it’s

Like you say Rob Weiss is a good thing to learn that’s quite like high level I’ve always wanted to learn sequence or C++ is not a good language to start on alright is straight up it’s confusing this thing’s involved in here dodges mad would not recommend Co that’s what I did

Right i I stopped my first programming language receivers bus and I didn’t understand what the Fraggle Rock I was doing right so do not start of Z bus bus because it goes into complex things start with – then go to Java and you object-orientated then do C++ to C++

Blast right I program games also I do a bit of game programming on the Unreal Engine alright that’s what I like to use so would recommend that okay so you know I do I do a bit games program when I can get time obviously it’s not the easiest

Thing because it takes a lot of time and then a lot of streams I don’t get a lot of time to do some programming at home where can I learn Python there’s a load of free books to learn Python you fight the rabbit I might be able to send you a

Basically introduced into Python because I think I have a lot of programming unlike PDF books and he wanted to get a lot of them online but I think I ever went to programming books dying around am i good to send you one did I own the bear from the polls now Kaiser was

Officially ran off with Barbarossa I don’t know where he’s gone and the way he’s done but Barbarossa has gone missing unfortunately I love Barbarossa and so therefore I’m going to want a massive manhunt to find the guy Barbarossa you will be missed I’m gonna leaflets I’ll be seeing this polar bear guys is

Gonna be sending like bits of him in the post e but do you ever want to see him again seventy four thousand my coins what are you doing this server basically like doing normal server build star people kill people gay gear you know I mean that’s my most of the servers but

It’s nice to playing like there’s a lot of other things involved in it there’s a gear slightly different there’s more people playing it’s quite popular you know I mean so it’s always a good thing to get involved kill people you know I mean the old epic things that’s what

You’re doing this earth can you send me to me I mean practice I might be able to I see if I can find it this week right and because I’m not gonna have too much time tonight I’m pretty tired but I attempt to find it this week and I

Hopefully maybe Getty sending you on Friday if I can that’d be super cool so I’ll try to do that for you did that be cool it’s nice to share knowledge and stuff like that I’ve also got like a book on machine learning which I’m reading as well which is always super interesting

Definitely definitely get involved in reading programming books if you get the time because they will make you a long money eventually it’s time to did it at a dude No wait a minute give me that I can do this I can do this I can do this give me a sec give me a sec give me a sec give me a sec I got this I’m working Kyra I summon blue-eyes White Dragon Mac the kodkod love it

Bet you you got the game great old school turnaround lick the signs not fix these guys just leave any signs of the time but be ready cause it’ll bring booze can I do any jobs for you yes recruit T Kong deco that’s what you gotta do buddy that’s more get your

Promotions and basically chill out and make sure you don’t cause any stuff except for potions recruit econ you know I’m you know what I thought they knows what we need doing in a minute yes so that’s kind of all right let me see if I can find Barbarossa I’ve used Pisan to

Make LED flash well you know that’s a good start you know that’s a good thing I think there’s a lot of libraries don’t use don’t use the built-in Python thing you want to get like a good IDE like visual studios I guess that’s like the sort of thing you want to be using

Rather than the building wants probation and I used you can actually you can put a lot of good games of Python using a input called Pi game so I will check out that send me on a job for t-con go recruit five new subscribers that’s what

You gotta do Gekko go recruit five new people to take on how can I join the servers there to ip’s well this to my piece oh so this one’s called this one’s called my wind and then you want to click the anarchy thing is cause odd

Join that and then you should be great I think any one you do I think one of them to you automatically takes you to arch and then you know I mean one of them automatically to an arch I think the arrest you know I mean just get involved

Yourself gecko watch master race exactly ask master race I love it indeed give me something else um I have no idea what you can do cuz I will Miller reset on the fact I’m help out on the faction server it’s not the only thing I would say right go on the

Faction server help out on there if you can ask wolf and rabbit for jobs to be fair because wolf and rabbit are in charge of the faction server so if you want if you want to help out there no message then and I think Doug’s is

Involved as well Danny game I love to see you um you’re on a server as well I would find your mana and down in your gunpoint you go friend your brother and sis up to you good idea Kaiser’s point a thing what see Ryan I’m in bed though you’ll never

Find him find me bombers are IP missing polar bear man Kaiser is nice missing where’s he gone man he’s probably like locked in a cage somewhere right chow rulers neat cave don’t tread on it I’m assuming he’s doing something Barbarossa has gone missing right somebody’s run out the Kaiser has ran off with Barbarossa how do I join um so basically you in the world Danny I think buddy oh I think you just need to go out do like a random TPP can guide to the world get resources get our market

Gear make sure the boat on the server because you get some good stuff definitely vote on a server because it’s like loads of things we need as well for varied so you give us those and that help us out somebody sit like a reef on going on

Give up like a lighthouses in the neighbor there um you know I mean just kind of get involved with the community get like a feel for the place and that sort of thing you know I mean you can you taught me talk to me and disc or tomorrow sometimes I might be

Able to do I’m pretty busy in fact I can’t I think I’m at the girlfriend’s house tomorrow so I definitely won’t be around tomorrow I think I just got you a substance nice I’d appreciate that dude man thank you so much if you did that’d be amazing

Okay okay I get some zero materials and stuff like that for is ID super appreciate that guys let’s get a freakin screenshot that’s what I want to see right everyone get here let’s get a tasty screenshot let’s get people in you know I mean oh I’m gonna get like a nice

Little gorgeous screenshot I love have a screenshot it’s a good way to keep memories of stuff you know I mean and they always kind of like in the six months time and it’s good to check out these sort of things sometimes this week I might be able to join yeah I can’t if

You’re not a night important you ever go to get the screenshot you know there will be more there will be more right there we go lads ladies and gentlemen I am calling this stream for today but thank you for joining the stream thank you for literally being absolute babes

For tonight mostly well I subscribe ring a bell hi I just got semi fries don’t you check out a Chinese Mike Miguel minecraft axe I’m just finishing the stream but me to ring the bell and leave a subscribing the get involved and stuff like that that really helps out a channel join the

Discord as well and you get involved with a clan and I will catch you guys on the flip side thanks for being the best you guys Rock and thanks for subbing mic up taxi the best shot to micro fact he rocks love ya

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live : The Minewind Landing Ep2’, was uploaded by TKON on 2018-08-23 21:19:32. It has garnered 80 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:34 or 5854 seconds.

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    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Changes Portal Changes In the latest Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 2, several fixes have been implemented for portals. Now, using an ender pearl to leave the end no longer skips the credits, and entering the end portal plays the portal sound once again. Additionally, issues with the obsidian platform spawning inside terrain have been resolved, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. Enchantment Updates Soul speed enchantment now activates immediately upon landing on soul soil or soul sand, and ceases to work when landing on other blocks. Ranged attacks no longer trigger the Wind… Read More

  • Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod

    Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod Automating the Andesite Age in Minecraft Create Mod In a thrilling Minecraft Create 1.20.1 adventure, Stam1o has successfully automated the entire Andesite Age! This feat showcases the creativity and ingenuity of players within the Minecraft community. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this remarkable achievement. Automating Andesite Production Stam1o’s automation journey began with the creation of an impressive Andesite farm, thanks to the guidance provided by LegendCraftB_. By utilizing the innovative features of the Create Mod, Stam1o was able to streamline the production of Andesite, a crucial resource in the game. Modpack and Resources The success of this… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: Follow me on Threads: Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: / 19132 Website: htts:// VKontakte: Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server: ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More