TheAtlanticCraft – Minecraft | ZOMBIE BASE CHALLENGE – Defend The Fort! (Zombies vs Secure Base)

Video Information

Hey what’s up atlanteans cody here and welcome back to another zombie based event so if you didn’t see part one be sure to go check it out but if you don’t want to and you want to jump right into the action no worries because the first part was us going around the

Zombie apocalypse trying to scavenge and get some loot here in part number two we built our bases already and we’re gonna be taking on three waves of zombies and it’s gonna be insane we have built our bases so we can go through now team kraken and cannibal

Show us your base all right so we’re gonna come over here wait hold on is cracking god insane yes he’s always insane yeah exactly what did you expect all right i expect nothing less no i know we went after a look after like our first base together where we

Have to kill and floor in the middle here where all the zombies are gonna fall into and just get massacred never try anything new huh i think i’ve seen this one too many times same tactics cannibals well yeah but they work so what’s the problem huh you guys should look back

And see how many zombie-based offenses on this map that cannibal has won or lost glorious start okay leave us leave us in our fences alone all right so this is the first floor where you can look out over the zombies and shoot them as they try to come at you

Or you can go to the floor below it which is looks over the killing floor and you can stand here and just shoot down on them and then you can also do it over here you can step up on this you can’t fall through exactly oh i just fell through

Oh you fell through there you’ve done it yeah and then if you wanna just uh make your way outside come down through here we also have this wonderful bridge that i cracking kid created whoa you’re out of this circle you’re out of the square

This is like a just in case you fall out and you can’t get back in that’s all it does it’s kind of nice it’s kind of oh it is a nice bread i’ll allow it you tried leaving the door open on purpose we’re on to you guys trying to sabotage

Your base oh wait do you have a name for this base uh winners winners yeah wow winners uh that’s a that’s a good name just letting a quick think of a name for our base okay so if you want to vote for kraken kid and cannibal crabby and you think

They have the best base then comment down below cannibal or kirk and uh so we come over here to the peace state resistance this is an abandoned um antenna station so antenna station uh radio cell tower station we’ve managed to wait wait wait what does our base look like

Uh transformer i just gave it my arms i like it do you see it it’s a crap mouth i don’t see anything but okay well this is my time all right i gotta show my base off because the atlanteans want to see this craziness our base thank you very much all right

Selena you do the tour now he can do it all right so we have the cell tower here we come through the front entrance we got a nice little archway and uh we’re gonna make our way through the double doors double doors just in case if we get attacked

Now we have some shooty holes right here there and everywhere uh you can just fire out at the zombies if they’re coming at you and then you come to the second floor blown up yes and we have some different wings so this wing right here you have a shoot

Down floor you have a look at the swing’s name this is the um sector yes this is wing junior and this is hot wings and then uh yeah we can defend from the zombies now we don’t have any protection from a tnt zombie so we gotta be very careful

We don’t have any protection of falling off yourself yes we have to we have to risk it for the biscuit anyways we ran out of resources uh come up here and you have the antenna so you can climb the antenna use the different uh branches

On it and shoot from very very far up but uh i don’t even know if the zombies can reach you i think not so it’s a great i think cell reception is down dude yes we made it we cut the wires oh well that was rude of you that’s why

There’s no cell reception anywhere around here yeah i wish that would be verizon’s problem but can you hear me now hello hello okay guys we are going to be taking on the waves at the same time three waves of zombies whoever last wins but be sure to vote who you think

Has the best base down below get to his battle stations because we are entering into code green wait wait wait gotta get my uh guns inside gm zero boys and girls heel up transform now now okay he said no no i didn’t did it he does it now he did not say

You can’t stop the zombies if they want to move they gotta move okay can’t stop and drop they can’t stop they’re talking to each other they’re plotting these zombies are smart cena you okay yep there’s a bunch of them try to use your melee weapon if you can’t reach them

Okay come on little bunnies come fall into our hole kraken’s gonna die this first wave i can just tell you right now i think he will he always does oh my gosh okay these are our bombers dude we need to get the bombers i already got we already got the bombers right

Uh i think i got one there i got like two oh there’s one the bombers blow up her base selena where did we get i i don’t see anywhere oh the roof i’m gonna make repairs you keep defending bft is out i think it’s going back down

Where it came up i don’t think it went anywhere how many tnts are there i don’t know the zombie apocalypse don’t worry don’t worry we’re good i think i killed all of them dude i killed like six of them i killed a couple yeah see we’re fine

Look at that nothing to worry about whatsoever selena quick shoot at their base this is allowed what shooting at our base it is i don’t want to help them um did you realize we have a new clunker right it’s not a nuke it’s just a rocket oh we have a rocket

Uh you thought wrong cannibal once again that’s fine i mean a rocket launcher will still do it dude your ladders are no sleep now no no no no no what what i’m down i dig right there yeah why did you want to put ladders there i apologize well

They’re still in the pits over here i died on the first round and he’s the only one that had advanced armor guys i haven’t started Hey guys since it’s like kind of early on in this video you know maybe how about like that if whatever dude if she survives this round can i can i respawn in the next day if she survives yes yeah i will survive it’s not that hard

I will survive i’ve done it once or twice before so i mean it was pretty hard for cody to survive apparently shut up he had the best armor too are you still here i i’m still alive but i am dead oh dude one of our base what the they’re learning to climb dude

I want to get up here i don’t even know where that came from he’s climbing your ladders why is cracker kid’s skin a poop nobody’s gonna recognize you anymore i think because i’m i’m the poopy cracking now instead of the poopy penguin are you afraid i’m going to take your

Title i don’t know i’m just afraid people won’t recognize that that’s pretty afraid they’re like they’re probably gonna say i think who’s this new character in the realm of atlantis no he’s just cracking mr poop man mr poop man all right you ready for this cracking i’m going i’m going in

Celine is managing the zombie she’s talking to him she’s showing them who’s boss trying to say your rifle ammo for um i know the bombers selena you’re just gonna have to use a gun just use a gun shotgun last one where’d he go nice big brute’s down done done cleared

Clear all right so you guys beat us in that that speed round no i don’t like it yeah i know you gotta you still have to finish this like we totally lose if like you don’t defeat this wave can we go into gm and see how she’s doing yeah

All right let’s do that no you must sit over there and get no content whatsoever all right we’re coming over here we come where is she all right we’re not going to stand in it are you helping her no i was pushing some zombies to go towards her i’m actually anti-helping

Can you stop cracking because i think i’m pretty capable of doing it i would all right i try helping you and you yell at me yeah i don’t have regular zombies light it up selena oh she got it she took the brute down Watch your flanks lina cannibal helps you now i just wanted to shoot that one that was coming at me show moose boss and wave number one completed there was some casualties but that was just from a noob kraken kid yes no not me that was not me

Why are you not wearing a helmet i don’t have helmet that’s helmet hair yes hey shoot me all right on to wave number two guys all right wave two is here and i’m back alive but selena is looking uh pretty grim for us what is it looking pretty good for you he’s not

Looking good celine okay that’s what that means all right focus out the big ones fantastic thank you very much there’s too many of them cracking kids i probably did very good i hope he’s dead you’re probably gonna perish in this round oh bomb selena get down i i believe you

Said that last round and you’re the only one that died yes but when you believe your dreams come come true believe in yourself believe in yourself and the dreams will come true i’ll cheer you at you bless you i sneeze not you i sneeze you want to blow oh my god he’s down

Shotty done just relax but i got back inside oh you did good work okay use your med kit if you had one okay shoot the shotgun bombs away doctors the doctors are good shots i know i’m uh trying to take them out with a shotgun oh wow we need some explosions here um

Cody what do you got what do you got get downstairs nintendo 64. oh wow there’s a breeze and they’re coming inside the base get up in the top go to the ladder i’ll cover you this arcane is pretty good the what the arcane pistol we’re over there having normal

Conversations and our base is destroyed build a stronger base then focus to show us they keep spawning people in i’m gonna die yeah yeah we are doing what we need to do that’s win all right we’re surviving you know when a zombie apocalypse but dying all right not like you guys

We’re not dying though we’re fine i believe and i will achieve god bridge is still intact yep bridge is still intact we’re good there we go take him out oh i’m getting playing selena i’m jumping down i think i got these shamans there’s a strong one i’ll lure them away selena you survive

What if you’re gonna die on me before the third round like the hardest round i’m gonna kill you don’t worry i’m not gonna lie i shall never perish are you out of the base i’m trying to get back in trust me he probably is no i’m talking to you no

No i’m good why because there’s a bunch of zombies going up our hill oh yeah you’re right they are that’s weird get down i’m clearing our baseline i’m making i’m making this place back at home okay oh wow that worked it will be repaired same thing yeah and i shot it in the

Face as i flew up into my face we will repair it oh no getting pinned how many more shots you have to kill two of them um i’m not seeing any more oh there’s one right there actually everywhere he’s right in the middle right he got him there’s another one

No load up a grenade oh there’s two still two shamans all right we can take out the shamans and i should be fine it bounced back and it tried taking my head off i’m down i’m down you okay yeah i should be able to i’m trying to draw their attention away

From you by shooting them falling back affected making my way back in the basement we’re going on the first floor making my way downtown bigger one bigger one for the bridge make room for the bridge all right you should be fine wait there’s no way to get up there plenty good points

Maybe there’s no way to get up there they’re all out here in front anyway so there i go i got it again okay you’re back all right beautiful batman we’re about to clear it before them let’s go rush we can’t take our time because we got to win this round before them

All right where are you i go on the ground i think we won yep we did here we go just gonna continue actually no where are you there’s a there’s a doctor i have no more bullets uh there’s no doctor there he is right there yes okay we won suckers

That’s right we won round one and none of us died yet oh it doesn’t matter deaths don’t matter as long as you win the round death doesn’t matter so you mean we can come back as many times as we want then yes so seeing as we finished

First this round we get one point and you get one point for the first round you’ve been taking your time and uh well you know it didn’t pay off isn’t that right it’s a lot of part of the rules these are rules these are these are categories that were inside the manual

Did you read the manual or did you eat it you probably ate it he probably didn’t eat it yeah let’s head down all right head downtown in an earlier round that’s all of them hold on try hard cannibals here there was two there’s another one boom

Got him all right we should be good now all right wave number two is done okay so we’re going to wait number three guys this is going to be an insane round so we cannot do the do it at the same time that means one team will have to go first who

Should go first first okay you guys want to be first good luck it’s going to be an intense round there’ll be so many zombies that uh the survey would lag if we were all doing at the same time so we got to give the server a little breathing room all right guys

Wave number three is here and man oh man is it an intense round so this uh this this time we are instituting more and more of each unit so there are got there’s got to be at least like 30 groups uh 15 shamans 15 doctors doctors are our new unit

Added in for this uh this time and they pack a punch they shoot rapid fire needles and they poison you so it’s no fun going up against your bases and shatters shambles and uh you better survive yes might you selena unfreeze it well i’m i’m agreeing with you rpg oh

There’s a cluster of four bombers oh jesus that didn’t explode that was that was awful it didn’t explode it was like poop your defending is on the top shelf the zombies can see you will they get to you who knows find out next time on part three i’m just kidding

Just kidding part three yeah part three shamans doctors and bombers i know i know i know lions tigers and oh crap the kraken you cannot kill cracking kid kraken could kill you learn grammar first cracking kid kill you i am the kraken kid that’s what you sound like

You’re looking you’re an old man in the chair and stuff you’re like thinking me cracking you’re behind the computer you’re saying i’m rushing i mean you did find the computer no it’s just how you would sound why’d your explosion drop right there it’s a weird place for an explosion

Nice job killing that one zombie with the c4 beautiful work it was a bomber grenade look at the horde is here they’re ready to take you about cracking what if you just got a little push you pushed and that’s cheating and we went automatically i know i know it’s so

Damn thing i just wanted it boom oh whoa over here on this right flank that was an insane explosion zombies it is raining so i’m just gonna oh wait we still got a couple of bombers over here all right looks like the bomb team is in here and they got some aerial reinforcements

Air force is here you grab a couple more grenades the c4s are where it’s at man see if it’s right we’ll use the grenades while we have them this is looking pretty good right now there are a ton of explosion units that could possibly turn the tide of the war here

And you guys don’t have unlimited supplies there’s more explosions yeah he’s dropping more in no he’s not i haven’t spawned anymore what are you saying i’m cheating you’re trying to throw up the game in case you lose all right so i’m looking at their chest they don’t have many explosions left

I should have grabbed them all i have a little thing full of them i i got a bloop oh no did you fall crack it’s dead no i can make it he’s getting knocked out again he’s in the pit there’s a brute is cannibal gonna come save him no he’s

Not cannibal’s down in the trenches all right where is where is this guy come here no i’m gonna make it you’re gonna make it no he said no why would you do that i made it i made it oh my gosh he does make it back dude he was getting smashed around

He had no for sure he was dead i was lucky i had a med kit on me good job proud of you that’s my partner for me uh oh where you see him dude making fun of us no no i was singing a song right cody yeah he was

In charm he was right what do you want to say she i’m a girl oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is going on up here but there’s some on top oh my gosh it’s a strawberry eating me hitting my face did you just say a tsunami is eating your face

Is this tsunami eating his face i don’t think that makes much sense i killed it there’s a bunch in our basement i wasn’t gonna say anything you just shut the door i shut that door no no he didn’t she just left it and then they saw a conga line of them coming

What about cannibals like leaving the base i’m i’m trying to retreat enough to reload there’s not many left oh my gosh cracking could get swarmed oh here we go run away i thought this was clear you’re so fast dude kitty i’m i’m at speed five trying to keep up with you

This is the war following me fast see i i literally said you are fast i didn’t say anything else got him boom nailed no no our dream selena got him down here They can sit behind they can kill the kraken they can do it i’m not doing any damage i don’t think so it’s gonna do any damage rpg is cracking gonna die oh he almost did the rounds aren’t over yet though there’s one right here i see a straggler is he inside our base

Oh wait there’s some inside too straggler kill him he’s joking you guys he go he goes you never you’re never going to find him it’s hiding secretly dude there’s one right there there’s a gentleman he just took off and then there’s two zombies up here those should have disappeared because

They spot responded by the shaman all right we shall count that as a victory for the correct kid and uh the editor has to count up how much time it took for you guys to defeat the round now we will be going up against that same exact way the same

Amount of zombies but a different structure that is much more secure so hopefully we defeat them a little bit faster are you ready for the final round no please please i just want to win just give us the win and i won’t hurt out he’s got some c4

That that does not that’s not fair come on whoa whoa all right well there you go they’re on the way oh they’re coming at you out as long as you’re a good penguin i won’t blow you up don’t if you use it i will call it cheats nope you have to

Stop shooting for to be a good penguin otherwise he’s gonna pull your face up no i have no that’s not fair i didn’t wait wait wait um this means they can’t use this e4 no no it won’t blow up mine who’s throwing c4 in the base

That’s uh that’s a one of the blow up units the tnt ones okay good job you’re right it didn’t blow up there you need to hold the defense selena oh c4 uh tnt come on up here ow that looks like it hurt they missed a lot of the snipes on the tnt

Yeah they did i melted them there’s not too many oh well maybe there is all right it’s time to have a uh trampoline party oh what trampoline party there’s a lot of tnt ones left over here don’t tell them oh you’re right watch your rear selena there’s so many of them

Watch out for the one that looks like uh cracking kid who invited them uh i just heard something oh they’re inside the base all right shamans they’re spawning them shannon’s cracking candle i just saw you what was that well i was sitting right here yeah like what like you did is that what

You’re saying like wait wait we did not cheat thank you very much oh i’m not no no where’s my healing pad you just cheated and now we automatically win he just knocked me down yeah i don’t see any proof oh there’s no proof i just saw you can come and see my recording

Yep we were recording that’s good she just was like pushing down thank you for the backup selena i wasn’t i almost survived but i didn’t wow i can’t put that stoop so low that they’re scared that we’re gonna win beat their time it was a meme dude of course you can continue

Yeah right yeah uh-huh you’re gonna lose anyways dude like this is a horrible base already oh my gosh what was that we’re gonna lose he says we’re gonna lose he’s on top of the pace he’s just put him there no are you kidding me oh my gosh

What the heck he knocked me down yeah and so did oh my gosh yeah they freaking cheated no the bomb i swear yeah i swear no more all right all right all right if he says he didn’t do it he didn’t do it because he would get rid of that

Recording all right all right so a brute cheater knock me off and then boom boom boom all right we’re still alive yeah no i’m not she died um i fell down and died some both die fine you yes you win okay you have it if you guys want to see another zombie bass

Boys let us know and uh maybe next time cracking kid won’t cheat you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | ZOMBIE BASE CHALLENGE – Defend The Fort! (Zombies vs Secure Base)’, was uploaded by TheAtlanticCraft on 2018-01-08 23:06:01. It has garnered 259098 views and 3868 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:08 or 1628 seconds.

Minecraft Zombie Base Defense challenge is a new minecraft challenge where two people try to survive waves of zombies! Watch as Cody. Patrick, Selena and Kraken build their minecraft zombie bases and try to survive the attack of the zombies! ► Minecraft T-Shirts: ● Minecraft Modpacks: ● Mod Download:

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Realm of Atlantis▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ ● Professor Pikalus Youtube: ● Sneaky Sisters Youtube: ● Kraken Kid Youtube: ● Cannibal Crab Youtube: ● Captain Deadlock Youtube: ● Baby Blooper Youtube: ● Joebuz Youtube:

What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 8 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet ­to ­be ­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

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  • Extreme TNT Showdown in Adventure Craft!

    Extreme TNT Showdown in Adventure Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Speedrunner VS Hunter? BUT With MORE TNT In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-07 08:45:02. It has garnered 1906 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:55 or 1435 seconds. In this action-packed Minecraft parody video, a skilled speedrunner takes on a relentless hunter in a high-stakes battle filled with even more explosive TNT action. Watch as the speedrunner strategically navigates through the treacherous terrain, utilizing the destructive power of TNT to outwit and outmaneuver their opponent. With heart-pounding suspense and jaw-dropping explosions, this… Read More

  • Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing Adventure

    Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘☾ ໋〖 Minecraft 〗まったり癒しのマインクラフト〖 天羽衣┊ななしいんく 〗’, was uploaded by 天羽衣 / Amaui Channel【ななしいんく】 on 2024-01-17 15:16:44. It has garnered 6662 views and 584 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:58 or 11098 seconds. . ⁺˖ ☾ Today’s Quote ☽ ˖⁺ . ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ I’m by your side, #Amaui! ໒₍ ܸ o̴̶̷ ̫ o̴̶̷ ܸ ₎১ 🩵﹒ Twitter🩵﹒Twitch⟡﹒ General tag ﹕ #Amehagoromo ⟡﹒ Streaming tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoLegend ⟡﹒ Original tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoPictureScroll ⟡﹒ Clipping tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoRoku ╰ ※ We would like to use this in our activities ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ 🩵﹒ Nanashi Inc Official… Read More

  • Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft – Firelight Series

    Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft - Firelight SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Deaths = Blood’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-06-08 01:00:04. It has garnered 81475 views and 2103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. If I DIE My Deaths Get More BLOODY in Scary Minecraft! What till the end to see the Cursed results! ✅ Main Channel: ❤️ Tik Tok: 📷 Instagram: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for… Read More

  • Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortnite

    Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortniteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of taking down Sweats 💪🏻#fortnite #sweat #og’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-12 15:30:13. It has garnered 3698 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server = Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc #tiktok #games… Read More

  • CreepyMine

    CreepyMineServer focused on player based economy,RPG elements, cooperation, hard survival and DISASTERS! Still performing under construction, so we are open to suggestions. Later discord link will be added. Read More

  • Lords of Soot – Modded PVP Semi-Anarchy Roleplay – Geopolitical – 1.16.5

    Welcome to Lords Of Soot Lords Of Soot is a 1.16.5 Survival Server focusing on light geopolitical roleplay and large-scale cooperative projects. Join player-ran nations with unique building styles on a stunning Terraforged map. Modpack Features Explore Immersive Engineering, Create, Mekanism, Immersive Railroading, Immersive Vehicles, and more. Engage in wars using Timeless and Classic guns or enjoy a quiet life with cooking, agriculture, and decorative mods. Join Us Today Experience a 4-year history with wars, rising and falling nations, and a welcoming community. Visit our Discord, Dynmap, and wiki for more information. Connect with Us Discord: Dynmap: IP:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 1.21 update: Minecraft’s spiciest patch yet!

    Looks like 1.21 is going to be such a good update, even the meme score is off the charts! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 22 is here, Challenging myself, no need for fear. Picking up acacia wood, a new sight to see, Variation is key, it sets my creativity free. Shout out to TikTok friends, a community so grand, @facu8117, @elmoran888, a supportive band. @leandrocr757, @lorenzov_ok, and more, Each one a gem, worth cheering for. Join my channel, support and enjoy the ride, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, all by my side. IrlandesGamer, the name to remember, In the world of gaming, I’ll be your guide, forever. Read More


    WHICH MINECRAFT AXE SWINGS FASTER? Well, obviously the diamond axe is faster because it’s bling-blinging its way through the trees! 💎🌲 #blingaxe #minecraftspeedyaxe Read More

  • Math Hacks for Game Dev

    Math Hacks for Game Dev The Intricate World of Minecraft: Unveiling the Mathematics Behind Game Development As millions of players immerse themselves in the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, few realize the complex mathematics that underpin this virtual world. From world generation algorithms to physics simulations, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience. The Mathematics of World Generation One of the most fascinating aspects of Minecraft is its procedurally generated worlds. Through the use of advanced algorithms, the game creates vast, diverse landscapes for players to explore. These algorithms rely on mathematical concepts such as Perlin noise, a technique used to create… Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1

    Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘MR SMP / Big Joss Series / Ep1’, was uploaded by WitchCraft on 2024-05-01 04:50:25. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:02 or 362 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #letsplay #survival #viral #smp #funny #biggboss Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst Mods

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arruiné Minecraft con los PEORES MODS que EXISTEN’, was uploaded by CiertopeloGAME on 2024-01-26 01:15:02. It has garnered 25467 views and 1942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:13 or 1033 seconds. Welcome to this NEW Minecraft video where I put so many MODS to Minecraft that it no longer looks like Minecraft✌ Hello, I’m a totally necessary description, check out my social networks!👇 Join this channel to access its benefits: Read More


    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! BIGGEST SERVER BASE IN MINECRAFT! #VapeGainzVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏹Minecraft: JÁ TEMOS A MAIOR BASE DO SERVIDOR! – FACTIONS VANGUARD’, was uploaded by xVape on 2024-03-30 17:07:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Don’t forget to LIKE – SUBSCRIBE and Activate ▻ Information • IP: • Website: … Read More

  • Escape Minecraft Traps! The World’s Smallest Violin 🎻

    Escape Minecraft Traps! The World's Smallest Violin 🎻Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Escape Minecraft Traps at Every Age (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Error on 2024-05-26 16:30:12. It has garnered 154737 views and 4393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Thank you for watching! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #Minecraft

    Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by yc on 2024-04-26 14:45:07. It has garnered 10718 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming Your Queries:- nba on tnt minecraft manhunt nba highlights minecraft manhunt but minecraft manhunt but op enchants minecraft but spectator mode qndres minecraft mod lewwolfe minecraft but sheep drop op items minecraft smp pixelmon minecraft manhunt but op loot jagster school minecraft smp custom item levels smp minecraft stacked mcpe new song minecraft manhunt… Read More

  • Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in Minecraft

    Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-03-19 19:42:35. It has garnered 31581 views and 585 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:41 or 4061 seconds. Today, JJ and MIKEY found a cute stray kitten and decided to take it home! JJ and MIKEY hide the cat from his parents! JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and… Read More

  • Dipa AC’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!

    Dipa AC's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!Video Information This video, titled ‘Persiapan Ke The End Di Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-04-05 04:19:45. It has garnered 13501 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:59 or 4799 seconds. ❏ Let’s Go, Let’s Get Ready! ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! ❏ Instagram: ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No roleplay (calling papa//mama//sister) to the streamer… Read More


    INSANE! NikoHite LIVE: EPIC SERVER MOVE & NONSTOP GRINDING 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] PINDAH SERVER TETAP GRINDING – MINECRAFT REVOLUTION SMP INDONESIA’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-02 13:59:04. It has garnered 400 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:43 or 8863 seconds. Here’s the link: this channel is still developing Rules: 1. no toxic 2. no asking to be a moderator whatever the story 3. no sarcasm and racism 4. respect other viewers 5. no spam #minecraft #minecraftpelivestream IP SERVER: PLAY.BRUTAL.ID backsound: Read More

  • DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!

    DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gasken Main Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-03-31 04:32:49. It has garnered 11459 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:28 or 5308 seconds. ❏ We will try the public server before release!! ❏ The IP (1.20.4) [JAVA&Bedrock] : ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! ❏ Instagram: ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No… Read More

  • AriseCity

    AriseCityArisecity is a Java/Bedrock comp Kingdoms and Earth themed server with heavy emphasis on pvp, wars, countries and grinding. Mainly vanilla combat with some balance changes. Read More

  • WarpedRealm SMP PvE SMP-RPG 1.20.1-1.20.6 Age 16+ Rank-ups Resource Pack Custom Furniture Custom Mobs Skills Jobs Bosses Quests Playershops Custom Items GriefPrevention Custom Crafting

    WarpedRealm Minecraft Server A Minecraft survival server with custom dimensions, challenging mobs and bosses, and a unique in-game ranking system with over 32 ranks. Explore custom items, crafting systems, and more. Features: Custom resource pack with emotes and furniture In-game progressive ranking system with 32 ranks Custom dimensions and mini dungeons Custom mobs and bosses Upgradable spawners Jobs and skills to master Custom armor sets and items Player-driven economy and shops Join Us Today: IP: Discord Gallery Wiki Store (Not P2W) Read More

  • CrimsonNexus

    Welcome to CrimsonNexus, a realm of unparalleled exclusivity where the very fabric of the economy is woven with an artful touch. Here, within this enchanted enclave, esteemed members are granted the privilege to engage in sophisticated trades and strategically acquire or divest land, all amidst an ever-evolving tapestry of economic mystique.In this illustrious sanctuary, you will find yourself immersed in an ethereal landscape, one that mirrors the complexities and dynamics of the world beyond yet is imbued with a sense of wonder and possibility. The opportunities for investment are boundless, and the potential for growth, limitless. Each transaction is not… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nostalgia hits hard in Minecraft memes

    I guess you could say this meme is a real diamond in the rough with a high score like that! Read More

  • Antie Monshiiee’s Minecraft Babysitting Bonanza

    Antie Monshiiee's Minecraft Babysitting Bonanza In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Antie Monshiiee steps in, to babysit and dream. With animations so lively, and characters so bright, The audience is hooked, from morning ’til night. From Cimator to Sakaro, and James in the mix, Each character shines, with their own unique tricks. But it’s Antie Monshiiee, who steals the show, With her storytelling skills, and rhymes that flow. So hit that subscribe button, and join the fun, For Minecraft adventures, under the sun. With Antie Monshiiee leading the way, Every episode is a delight, come what may. Read More

  • Armor up, it’s getting steamy in here! #minecraft #memes

    Armor up, it's getting steamy in here! #minecraft #memes When you put your armor on in Minecraft but still manage to fall into a pit of lava within five minutes. It’s like the universe is just testing your fashion sense, not your survival skills. #minecraftstruggles #fashionoverfunction Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde

    Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde: A Minecraft Literary Long Play Exploring Reputable Builders and Planning Builds In the world of Minecraft, reputable builders are highly regarded for their creativity and attention to detail. Planning builds is a crucial step in creating impressive structures that stand out in the vast virtual landscape. By carefully considering the design, materials, and layout of their creations, builders can ensure that their projects are not only visually appealing but also functional and structurally sound. Progress on the Cathedral of History One of the ongoing projects in this Minecraft video is the Cathedral of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! MrMienes builds insane house in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! MrMienes builds insane house in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Határozatlan Ház Építés ( Solo Minecraft Ep.2 )’, was uploaded by MrMienes on 2024-05-12 08:00:12. It has garnered 252 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:05 or 725 seconds. It’s time to build some pretty little gypsy. _________________________________________________________________________ Outro: Háttér Additional Footage Provided By Zene: We’re Finally Landing by HOME / home-2001 Promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 _________________________________________________________________________ Modok: Clumps Corpse Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks Iron’s Spells’ Recipe Additions Sophisticated Backpacks Xaero’s Minimap YUNG’s Better Dungeons Aquaculture 2 Biomes O’ Plenty Carry On Create… Read More

  • Turning Terrible Ideas into Minecraft Mods

    Turning Terrible Ideas into Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Adding all of your horrible ideas into minecraft… – Minecraft modding stream’, was uploaded by HanhanPx on 2024-04-18 17:01:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Time to try the minecraft modding stream again! Let’s see if my PC crashes like last time! ==================== CHAT RULES … Read More

TheAtlanticCraft – Minecraft | ZOMBIE BASE CHALLENGE – Defend The Fort! (Zombies vs Secure Base)