thebluecrusader – This Mod Adds Time Travel To Minecraft (New TARDIS Mod)

Video Information

Hey guys dean here in today’s video we’re gonna be reviewing the new tardis mod for minecraft it’s basically a forge mod which allows players to experience playing in the tardis time machine from doctor who if you like doctor who as a tv show and you’re a huge fan this is

The mod for you let’s check it out okay so as we explore this mod you can see we have quite a few categories here but before we get into this mod it’s basically a mod created by lilith mother of all and their friends who basically develop and maintain this mod it’s

Basically focused on the tardis itself and centered around you as the player performing as the doctor this is not actually a general doctor who mod though guys this mainly focuses around the tardis itself and the theme and elements and features of it rather than adding the whole blanket features from the

Doctor universe there are obviously other mods like that such as the dalek mod so let’s jump into the game you can expect this to basically be a mod which prioritizes a more satisfying gameplay experience rather than being accurate to the show itself so you may encounter a

Few nuances and changes but for the most part this is a really great mod so let’s jump into it so when we jump into the tardis mod we have a few different tabs okay we have a few different items blocks from the future and things which will be related to the tardis’s interior

The maintenance of the tardis and the ship itself and also the main tardis mod features and items such as the sonic screwdrivers and different gadgets from the shell so the lore of the mod itself is actually based on an original story from the mod’s main artist this was

Based on the plotline of the first doctor series of the reboot in 2005 and uses this material to focus what it’s actually based off which is pretty cool original material and also the official show material now to view information on the mod there’s a few different ways

That we can do this the first obviously being the official wiki page of the mod which covers most of the features including some topics which we can’t find in the item i’m going to show you and the wiki is really good basically for tutorial based content and for extra

Detail but if you want to find information related to the new tardis modding game you do have access to this item which is just called the manual so this is basically a book with a table of contents in it which describes the mod inside here it shows specific tardis

Information that tries to focus around the actual lore of the mod itself so we have the table of contents here which shows the different chapters and we can go through the different features of the time machines such as the emotions and how it reacts the subsystems the

Upgrades the flight system and modes and controls the security the protocols environmental systems and so many different things which describe the actual modernist features we can have a look at the schematics the timeship energy the item achievement and the structures which are actually inside the mod itself there’s a lot of rich and

Important information which you need to read if you’re brand new to the mod now one really cool structure i just want to show you is the dalek ship itself which you can locate around the world floating in the sky and let me say that the artist has done an absolutely fabulous

Job on these models just take a few close-up looks and shots of these darks themselves which come in many different shapes sizes and colours and the models have some real good attention to detail and flashing lights and elements on it i really like how much time they’ve put

Into these models and how well crafted they are and they look really nice having created my own tardis model for one of my mods i can really appreciate how these look so let’s go into the dalek spaceship itself which hovers above in the sky this is exactly what it

Looks like from the outside but when we take a look on top you can see the mobs and the redstone pieces and different items and blocks which are door on the top of its decoration you’ll see all these electronics and levers and different pieces which decorate the top

When you inspect it close up of course we can pull these levers and press them although mostly they’re for show and this place is obviously littered with daleks because it’s a daleks ship so what would you expect damn that looks really cool with the sun as the

Background and i have to say blue is my favorite color so this blue dalek is definitely my favorite and this is a close-up of what the underside of the ship looks like and what you can expect from the viewpoint of the bomb now i’m gonna cheat and take a shortcut and

Break into the actual ship itself to show you what it looks like inside so this is the inside interior obviously there’s an equal amount of daleks on the inside than what we saw on the outside this looks really cool and there’s a lot of different custom textured blocks

Inside as well as some flashing gears and machinery that have no clue what they are but it looks cool right and behind the stained glass is some doors which lead to rooms probably of questionable origin and interiors which are guarded by the many daleks which are inside hallways obviously if we just

Walk on these pressure plates we can open up these doors and there’s a few different things here right future space tech no surprise here so let’s just take a look around obviously we can open up these greats and we can look at these daleks which don’t attack me because i’m

In creative mode something which i’m definitely not going to change for the time being there’s also ship computers which actually have items inside their inventory and many different rooms which we can access okay now i’m just going to break this glass which i shouldn’t do

Just to show you a few of the rooms which this ship houses this looks like something out of the tantive 4 some kind of prison room where princess leia would be hidden but when you explore a little bit deeper it definitely doesn’t disappoint i really like the interior

Design and building of these structures and they’re definitely something to aspire to explore now i’m not sure how you’d actually get into the sky to reach one of these but when you do you can expect a good amount of loot inside here randomized loot tables of things like crying obsidian enchanted diamond armor

With enchants on it and actually fairly decent weapons although i’d probably presume you’d have at least diamond if you’re exploring on these ships now daleks don’t just sit on the ground though we have flying daleks in stasis in mid-air with these boosters which are actually propelling them in the sky and

There’s definitely no shortage of these guys sitting in this room this is one of the main rooms of the ship and it’s a really nice place to view the diversity of the different daleks although it’s very easy to stumble into many of them so this is kind of a quick overview of

One of the main structures the dalek ship which you can find hovering over in the overworld now let’s leave this tardis ship and let’s get on to how to get started in the mod the way to get started is we don’t actually build a tardis or spawn one we have to actually

Find one weird right well okay let me explain so for newer versions of this mod post 1.14.4 you do have to actually find broken damaged lost tardis which are unclaimed which we can find in the underground so let’s go look for one so let’s talk about where we can actually find the

Broken down tardis exterior which will echo around it so we have to go underground under the y level of 64. below y level 32 in 1.16.5 which i’m actually in right now this can be found in all biomes except the nether and end dimensions and there’s no real spawn

Chance but it has to be set in the following conditions so there has to be two vertically stacked blocks of air around it and the blocks should not be able to see the sky there’s a few ways to actually locate this so you can right click a minecraft bell for long distance

Searches and it will basically vibrate with an echoing cluster sound which means that there may be a broken tardis nearby within a three chunk radius around the bell this basically serves as an indication that the time ships that respond to the bell being mirrored with the sound indicates that they’re

Impending danger basically just in simple terms it means there’s one nearby and you can also use this pocket watch too for less longer distance radius searches so basically this detects the tardis’s too and you have to hold it in any hand so this can go in your main

Hand or your off hand and basically as you explore the world the watch hands may go haywire within a 25 block radius of the tardis themselves now the easiest way is just to go to a villager which is the storyteller villages which you can find in observatory structures in

Villages with one of their unlockable trades we can find this item which is the artifact map which shows you the exact location of a nearby broken tardis or crashed spaceship if they’re in loaded chunks already so let’s just right click on this item and it gives me

A real simple map to follow right so as you can see we have a player direction over here now the downside about this one is i don’t know which direction my actual player is going in so i’m not sure which way we’re actually moving but

As you can see now i seem to be moving in the right direction and you can see there seems to be a crash spaceship in this direction so i’m moving the right way that way so there’s one around here somewhere right i’m in the right position horizontally if i go this way

It doesn’t move the thing okay it’s exploring further so i think i’m heading in the right direction here we go perfect so now if we look at the map x marks the spot which would usually be minecraft treasure right it marks it as being here so underground here somewhere we should

Have our broken tardis or crash spaceship now i have to actually be careful because i’m actually in creative mode so i could actually break this thing but you can already see underground over there down here we have our broken down tardis so let’s go ahead so this is what it looks like

Underground when you find it typically in a dark cave and you’ll have these strobing flashing green lights so we’re in creative mode now and you can see these tardises each of them have a unique emotional personality so they exhibit different emotions when you interact with them and these are basically vulnerable because they’ve

Crashed and they kind of have a trust process in people interacting with them right because it’s basically like a wounded entity so basically we have these sparks and pulsating glowing and the fire particles coming off it so we can’t actually enter it okay we can’t actually utilize it basically we need to

Convince this thing to actually open itself up to us we need to appeal to this by gifting this tardis items seems weird right you’re just a casual fan of the show but this is actually a pretty cool process it’s almost like taming a pet so the easiest way perhaps is by

Gifting items basically items which are related to exploration and adventure which is obviously what the tardis is all about so i’m just gonna illuminate this area so you can actually get a good look of it and i’m gonna showcase some items we can give to it right so

Basically you hold these items and then you just give it to the tardis by going right up to it with the item so let me show you some items you can use now first of all you can use a map but it has to be a field map which has already

Been explored so we can’t use a map which we spawn in creative we could also use ender pearls which is a pretty good gift and we can also use end heights as well as this we can use bells which we originally used to search for it and you

Can use clocks i believe just the normal vanilla minecraft clock and also the compass the standard minecraft compass so if we go ahead we walk up to this thing and we right click on it it has these love hearts right so the more we do this we’re basically taming it by

Giving it items and now you can see it’s opened itself up and you can see a visual representation of the bigger on the inside look through this door almost like the case with the dimensional doors or the nether portals mod where you can see on the other side without it

Preloading so now we can open the door and we can close it and we can just go ahead and walk straight inside and it joins the world and enters us directly into the new tardis and this place already looks beautiful so let’s explore we have notes on the floor which

Is pretty cool decoration we have all these futuristic blocks but also this wooden adornment and metal style interior to it this is a really unique structure with these warped roots and crimson roots and as you can see it’s a really unique interior obviously each tardis is unique and i’m sure each of

Them will have different insight to them which is what makes this mod really cool and obviously we have chairs over here that we can actually sit on interactable entities and blocks we have a fireplace over here it’s almost like a classical house which you’d expect from the victorian times upgraded with future

Tech namely obviously the center computer which i’m going to showcase in a minute but obviously this has different rooms and it also has multi floors to this structure it’s basically like a structure with this root going all the way down to the other floor so this is pretty cool it’s an explorable

Structure with multiple parts to it now i’m sure the main part which you guys are concerned about though is the central computer so if we go to the center we have this main computer which you may have seen in the thumbnail which we can interact with there’s so many

Different parts of this computer that you can interact with i’m gonna have to show you how to actually use this this is the central console now one thing i failed to mention when i basically walked into the tardis is there is actually a way to force entry into it

Without bending it to your will by kind of taking advantage of it by just bribing it with gifts you can actually use a lead with a horse okay so if you have a horse like a pet horse and you put a lead on it you can right click the

Lead onto the broken tardis’s exterior and basically force yourself in but this has negative consequences it hates you and it’s not gonna land accurately your destination so this is kind of like a fruitless endeavor so i really wouldn’t recommend choosing that route when playing the mod now next we’re gonna go

On to preparing for flight so we have to craft and install certain subsystems to allow the tardis to fly at its minimum capacity we have to craft and install essential subsystems into it as you can see there’s some pretty cool screens over here which offers visual representation to the behavior of the

Tardis and what it’s actually doing and the functions it’s basically exhibiting in the current moment so a few things which we have to mention and let’s go over these upgrades and subsystems so the first one is the dematerialization circuit then we have the fluid link then we also have the ultron capacitors which

Come in different forms and we also have batteries as well now we can use basic or we could use creative now i’m going to use the high capacitors and the creative battery as you can see if you press ctrl or left shift in this mod we

Can view more information so we can see this is a subsystem which is required for fly and it requires repairing it also shows the engine installation location which is components and it shows the issues for fly so these are all components which need to be installed and capacitors show the total

Capacity of the energy and their recharge multipliers so this is useful information when looking at all these mods basically the materialization circuit and fluidlink are needed and mandatory for flight but the fluid link and the capacitors are needed to basically refuel the systems of the tardis we have to install these into the

Components right now to install these subsystems which we’ll be mentioning we first need to locate the tardis’s engine this basically appears as a blue block which lets us maintain upgrade and monitor the performance of the actual system now this is the tardis engine itself right so as you can see when we

Right click this we can access the components panel now you can view this tardis engine on the bottom floor of the tardis but the interior really is based on the variant which you receive so we can basically drag in the components and click on them to install them over here

Now you can see we have to connect the wires here to the ones which match in order to set this component up and make it function correctly so we’ve installed the first component which is the dematerialization circuit and now we can get on to adding the fluid link which

Works below i really like this interactive element system where you basically attach these wires it’s very similar to the minigame in a mangas and it’s really cool because it’s almost like you’re doing tasks on the ship it’s like i’m playing a mongers to install these parts it’s actually really cool

Now as you can see there’s certain components which don’t fit in here because they’re not meant for it if we go through we can add other components now we can add additional components later to upgrade them into here but for now it seems to be good for the

Mandatory features which we need now let’s move on to refueling the tardis itself because once we have these essential subsystems installed we basically need to refuel it so we have the fuel link which we’ve just installed right and it should be activated because we’ve just attached the wires we also

Need to have an artron capacitor inside of the artron panel side of the tardis engine now as you can see we have a leaky capacitor here and we can jump in and we can install the capacitor into this particular block so we’re going to attach the wires again install this over here

And now we have installed this capacitor so now we have the fluid link over here and then on this side we have capacitors so each side of this block interface is actually a different block this is actually a multi-block interface so one side is for charging and attunement one

Side is for upgrades one side is for the power banks and one sides for components so this might be confusing for you when you first take a look at the mod and obviously we need to have a look at the artron banks side to install this which

I just showed you how to do now we also need to use the refueler control which is located in the tardis console which is actually above us in the base so we’ll just take the staircase back up and i’ll show you where that is so here

We have the tardis console and we need to use the refueller control the refueller is basically a button which allows you to toggle refueling of the tardis tanks and if you need to fly for a period of time it’s basically a necessity and the amount of fuel which

We use for each different trip will of course vary but it’s recommended to refuel it every time we have a flight so basically if we’re going hundreds of blocks in the same direction or traveling to a different dimension we’ll need more fuel so you just basically

Click on the button simply and it starts the refueling state and it’ll show us the message when we do so as you can see what’s really caused these particles too which come below from the engine which come through this exhaust great in here we’ll also put these ultron batteries

Inside this charging area and i’m just gonna duplicate these all because these are creative mode now as you can see one thing which you’re gonna overlook is this red switch on the bottom of the gui interface in components basically this enables the components which you’ve installed after you’ve activated them if

You don’t flick these on you’re not actually going to be able to use them this is also required for the fluid link because if you don’t activate it it simply just can’t charge so go around click on all the install components and actually make sure they’re doing something because if you’ve installed

Them and overlooked this then they’re not going to be performing as they should do now in certain sections of the ui like the ultron banks you don’t need to do this and certain things you do not need to activate but for the components this is paramount otherwise they’re

Simply just not going to work and now certain components might actually change color and we can press this button for the refueling protocols this basically engages the ship to refuel itself and allows us to actually get charging the console itself so we can move the tardis

So now i’ve showed you how to refuel the tardis and set up the core components so let’s move on to the console itself which sits snug by here which shows some pretty useful information about the journey the target the dimension you’re currently in and the location but when

We click on it we have so many different options but one thing to point out is it says unknown on the screen right so how do we fix that okay let’s take a look so basically the navigation screen reads unknown so it needs fixing because we can’t initially travel to any other

Dimensions either basically we have to craft an item this item is called the navcom and basically this allows us to fix this so if we read this this is a subsystem component which we don’t need for flying we install into the component section of the ship if we want to repair

It it basically allows the tardis to set its destination position which is important and it means that we won’t have these randomized unknown coordinates so let’s go ahead and activate this just like we did with the previous components which i showed you how to do so for this we just

Go to our components section where we installed our features before and we will basically just click on the appropriate position and then we’ll connect all these just like we did in the previous mini game and we’ll install it and remember to activate it so it actually works that’s one thing which

You may forget when installing all new components okay now so one thing you’ll realize when we install this is we now have location coordinates which are fixed it shows us the dimension our facing point in relation to what compass reads and a lot of useful information

Like the artron units of the ship which is now charging remember we basically want to charge the ship so it has at least 10 ultron units before we begin traveling now it’s over a hundred which means we have appropriate charge to start moving so we’re making some

Headway in the mod basically this whole tardis is a living entity right so once we’ve basically gained its trust we have to keep that trust to interact with it we have to basically make sure they still trust us otherwise we’re not going to be able to use it in the way that we

Want to keeping this loyalty and trust from the tardis and maintaining that basically allows us for our traveling lands to be more accurate so we don’t just appear in the wrong place so let’s go over some more subsystems before we actually travel and showcase some more parts of the mod because there’s still

Upgrades to be made and more subsystems to be installed so here we have four different resources which we can gather and use the subsystems to increase the range of abilities that our tardis will utilize so first we have the interstitial antenna this is basically a subsystem component which allows the

Detection of distress signals from other players it lets us detect crash ships that contain scrap metals that we can also collect then we have the chameleon circuit which allows us to change the exterior of our spaceship so this lets us disguise the exterior as other structures in the world like trees or

Cacti and give it that camouflage look and also customize the outside of it with different models to change its appearance then we have the shield generator okay so this prevents other subsystems from taking damage when the exterior is hit so when we’re in space it also prevents us from being sucked

Out when the door actually opens this is super useful because you don’t want that to happen then we also have the temporal grace this basically negates any kind of damage that you take inside the tardis when you pilot it so you don’t take any damage from being hurt so this also

Means that entities don’t die when they take void damage if they also fall below the bottom of the tardis’s interior dimension super important components that we’re gonna need to go install right now we don’t want any weaknesses in this thing so let’s go ahead and listen to our components now i’m gonna

Skip ahead because you know how to install these but i will first show you each slot that they go into and as you can see we’ve installed all these components but there is still one slot from a component we haven’t installed but remember when we install things tick the red switch to activate

Them otherwise they just can be useless and not perform the tasks that we need them to remember there’s also an upgrades panel which you don’t want to neglect this extends the abilities of the install subsystems that we’ve already installed and helps to expand what they can actually do most of these

Upgrades are in the ship maintenance tab if you want to have a look we can see we have atrium upgrade which has been disabled but we also have a few different upgrades which i’m going to go over here so first we have the electro convert upgrade now there’s required

Dependencies for each of these upgrades because obviously they upgrade the individual subsystems which are required before you install them so as you can see we have the key fob upgrade we have the electric convert upgrade so the first one allows entities within a 16 block radius around the exterior to

Breathe underwater when we are submerged in the exterior the key fob allows us to lock the tardis doors using the key from a distance like an electronic key which we can censor just like you would with a car and the structure upgrade allows the telepathic circuits to locate valid

Structures within a certain radius of the destination’s coordinates the time link upgrade also allows us to tone other tardis using our own just like a pickup truck style with the zero room upgrade it removes poisonous effects and heals the players under their max health so these are cool things and abilities

Which just kind of extend the capabilities of our ships so you can just go ahead and put them in any slot and we wire them the exact same and as i keep advising you don’t forget to press those switches if you want them to work

But as you can see as i install these upgrades they automatically enable themselves and these switches are just going red anyway now we’ve installed all of our upgrades which is going to be super useful now we need to maintain the tardis okay this is important and the

Way that we do this is we have to keep a stock of raw materials that we can use on hand when it’s urgent that the subsystems need repairing okay because if we want to keep using this thing it needs to be maintained just like a pet needs to be tended to and rare

Possessions that are valuable to you in real life need to be cleaned and maintained to basically keep the performance or keep the value so a platform would be useful which allows us to maintain a supply of circuit paste over here which is for ship maintenance which we use to create exotronic

Circuits also cinebar is also another material which we need to repair fluid links via these items which are mercury bottles xeon crystals are also really useful these can be found underground and we can craft useful items with these let’s talk about the interior now if we want to extend the interior of the

Tardis beyond just the console room layout we can craft what’s called an rs tablet this is an item over here which you can see it basically allows for room creation and we click on a corridor spawn block to enable this item in user and we can also remove it too so this is

Useful this is an item which basically extends the size of the tardis okay because the tardis is basically its own dimension and you would have to find a specialized block which appears on the walls over here and would use this on the item so basically the corridor spawn

Allows for rooms to be created using this rs tablet and basically we have to select a structure we select which structure we want to generate on the interface and i’m just going to select room and then just let’s just click on hydroponics form because i mentioned

That we need that to be created for certain resources it just matches the theme right and then once we’ve selected that in the interface of the tablet we right click on the corridor spawn block and then we can assign that new room in here and now we have a hydroponic farm

In sight and it’s also spawned more of these spawns so then we can also assign different rooms so we could go in here and press a room and then press next and we could also get a machinery workshop and spawn that here and vice versa and we can continuously extend this huge

Interior of our tardis with so many useful rooms for different purposes and that’s how to extend the interior of your tardis and customize it to your own well and then of course we can change the theme and layout later which will make it look different but retain all

The different rooms we’ve created as well that is for expanding rooms so if we want to just redecorate this console room we’d actually just go over here inside this interface from the console and we change the interior right and from here we can change the interior to different things now currently we can

Only change it from abandoned steam interior which is what we start off with to a little bit more of an upgrade to the steam interior so we’ll press select because this is our only other option it will give you a warning that any existing bed positions paintings or

Placed custom blocks will be removed waypoints will be saved inside and basically we’re just going to press confirm right and then it starts and begins the process now you have to actually exit this thing before this starts okay so i’m going to go ahead quickly exit open this door and then the

Process will begin and the tardis will reform the interior and basically it says completed in the chat and then that means that we can go back inside and now we should have a little bit of a fresher look this is a lot cleaner than before because we have all those vines and

Horrible plants removed and it’s just a more visually pleasing look and we still have our extended rooms which we added before so they’ve been kept alongside our modifications it’s just a lot nicer to look at so let’s go over a few different things we missed earlier from the subsystem section so one thing

That’s useful to mention which i forgot to mention is the subsystem upgrades can actually be upgraded in anvil this kind of seems a little bit meaningless but you can actually upgrade them with different enchantments so for an example we spawn in anvil we can go inside and we can actually enchant the

Materialization circuits with on breaking three for an example and then we can also enchant the fluid link just as an example with mending so we now have enchanted subsystem items but you do need to take them outside of the engine during flight or the tardis will crash land and damage the other

Components this is really important now the next section is important and that’s recovering our tardis if we’ve forgotten the location so we’re going to leave the tardis itself let’s just say that we forgot where this was located right and we had no clue how to locate it well

There’s a few different methods now a useful simple way to do it without just leaving the tardis is just to spawn a bed within the tardis because remember the bed sets the respawn point inside a world or the so-called respawn anchor and we can do this within the tardis

Dimension itself so i can just right click and set my spawn point and then if we die we’ll just be teleported back inside the tardis interior you probably didn’t think it was that easy but it actually is we can also spawn this tool or obviously create it in survival mode

And it’s a diagnostics tool which is held in the hand and basically you look around with it until you hear a beeping noise which lets you locate the timeship itself or a console basically we have to hover over the console block to view system dashboard information with it so

Let’s go inside and like i said this is the diagnostics tool if we right click on it we can take a look at the forge energy buffer the ultron uses the time ship location which shows at the zero coordinates because i’m not bind it to a

Ship we can go into the subsystems which would show the stats of the install subsystems okay so basically we’d have to link this to the system itself right the diagnostics tool so what we do is we go into the charging panel which is located on the sides here and we

Basically put this item in here to charge and this would have tuned it with the ship okay and there would be a progress bar here which would charge itself basically we have to initiate the takeoff sequence in the tardis though to actually bind this item to the tardis

Itself so you’d have to set the coordinates and actually begin flight and as you can see we now have the tardis moving And we have a few errors of vortex scrap for an example but the tardis is moving right they’ve basically put it into motion so let’s go downstairs and now you can see there is actually a charging progress over here which is now reaching the 100 mark and it says tracking time

Ship vlans patrol ship three so this is now binded to the ship so we’ve now bound it and when we use the diagnostics tool it actually has the real information regarding our ship itself its location and shows the real vitals of all of our subsystems so that’s how

To bind this to our ship now when we’re outside of the timeship we can actually now locate it using the diagnostics tool and view all the information which is crucial so this is a pretty cool tool which is important to link early on now it’s exactly the same with the back door

Item this allows for emergency access to a linked time ship so we can use this to directly teleport inside the tardis interior so we charged it in the same manner as the last item and we just threw in here and basically there’s a progress bar which is gonna move a lot

Slower this time right so we’re gonna have to wait a long time for this but this will allow us to teleport directly now it’s really recommended to store this item and link it because you’re really going to need this at some points if you mess up and also storing multiple

Of these items which are attuned to your ship can actually be really useful too so here is the tardis control panel okay and it can be a little bit confusing because there’s so many controls here each console unit ie the different styles that you can change have different layouts for the controls this

Is where the tardis manual actually comes into place so our manual item we had before we can go ahead and put item inside a hand and this is what you’re going to need okay because there’s no information about the different colored buttons online unless you’re watching a

Long video like this so the best way to quickly key which button does what is get the manual and hover over the buttons and it’ll show you exactly what this button does that you’re hovering over so this is the refuel button which we learned earlier and then we have

These different buttons right so here we have the communicator this basically allows distress signals to be intercepted by the tardis which is sent by players or other means then we have the coordinate xyz increment modifier this is just the increments of the xyz plotters for the location then there’s

Also the vertical lan type here which we adjust the landing type vertically of the ship itself the telepathic circuits basically allows your ship to locate nearby biomes structures and objects with a 500 block radius now just like with a car the handbrake basically has a lever to toggle the ability of the

Tardis to remain in its current position with a car when you pull up the handbrake the car will roll back or roll forwards right and it’ll allow you to get moving because that would basically keep the car in stasis as it’s pushed down so you’d have to pull it up this is

The same with the tardis and it prevents the tires taking off if it’s in a negative state so you need to put it into positive and flick it on to basically be able to launch and move the dimensional shifters basically lets you control where the destination dimension

Is so will we basically go to the end will we go to the nether or will we go to a completely custom dimension added by a mod that we’re running alongside the new tardis mod there’s a lot of cool integrations which this can have with

Other mods so this is a really cool set now this is the randomizer this basically lets you randomize coordinates within 5000 blocks of the current dimension so it can take you just to a completely different place which you don’t even know that you’re going to this door switch basically allows you to

Open close unlock and lock the tardis doors if you’re wondering what the sonic ports for it basically lets you use a sonic device such as the sonic screwdriver to receive or provide information about the ship it also lets you unlock different schematics which basically includes interiors exteriors

Or consoles for the target ship and the stabilizers toggle the flight mode between unstabilized and stabilized flight now during going through a time vortex this controls the flight speed the throttle which affects the time of duration when we’re actually flying and also lets us exit flight mode safely if

We’re already on an ongoing journey so those are the basic features and buttons of the console itself and what it actually does within your tardis so we have the standard flight mode when we’re moving in the new tardis mod which is stabilized flight and this is the default which doesn’t really require any

Input from us during the process so we don’t really need to control it and it lets the tardis automatically take off and land but unstabilized fly which is much faster which obviously we use the component which i mentioned before to do this is more of a risky form of flight

And it basically allows us to fly twice as fast as our usual speed for half of the fuel usage in comparison to the normal flight mode the ship is more mood vary during this you have to respond to potential flight hazards which might come up along the way and you have three

To ten seconds to respond otherwise you may get problems okay if you fail to press the correct controls the time ship aka your tardis will suffer damage to all the subsystems which we installed which then require repairs which is what we talked about earlier not fun also in

This mode you have to manually land the targets so if you have no clue what you’re doing which means you have to set the throttle speed to zero when you reach the destination i wouldn’t recommend trying this you need to be quick to respond and also kind of know

What all the controls are without looking at them in the manual then the third mode is also vortex limbo so this is a travel mode which lets you stay in flight when you’ve already reached your destination so it lets you redirect the tardis if you suddenly need to go or

Give yourself some more time to prepare for what you’re gonna face after you leave the tardis itself you basically first fly in on stabilized mode but not throttle when you reach the destination to activate this and it can basically be during a long period of time but the

Subsystems and fuel will continuously be used up whilst it’s in vortex lumber mode so if you want to break your components and use up all the fuel it’s a good idea to stay in this for a long time but i definitely wouldn’t recommend it now during unstable flight mode there

Is obviously flight hazards one which you saw earlier which was vortex scrap and basically things like this what’s happening right now such as time wins will approach and you have to basically react them in time if you don’t want to damage your ship you can also set distress signals to

Different timeships too to help you which is usually other players as you can see it’s throwing me around right now These hazards are basically just quick time events that you need to act fast with in order to avoid damage to the ship and potentially bigger problems so let’s now gloss over the monitor protocols of the tardis monitor this has a lot of functions which we can’t access

On the standard console unit so we have a lot of protocol information here right so the timeship flight information shows us basically a copy of the text from the monitor block okay which is rendered on it so this is the information we already get just by looking at the block but we

Can also just access it in the interface changing the interior i’ve showed you before basically allows us to change how the ship looks we can also change the console unit okay and currently we only have the default we can also change the exterior which is important this is kind

Of cool because we already have a few more options off the back by default it’s on the steampunk mode because this is what the abandoned timeship looked like but we can change it to a capsule a special shell i’m just going to select this capsule and just select that and it

Changes how it looks and this obviously needs that chameleon circuit subsystem which we installed earlier in the control panel then we have the security sub menu on here so the alarm protocol basically toggles the alarm of the ship so the light flashes and this is basically for maybe when a hostile nc

Like a mob enters the ship and it pulsates with this red warning light and basically plays a sound right so we’re gonna go ahead and toggle that off because i can get a little bit annoying then we have scan for life signs so this just counts all the different players

And mobs inside so if we have a player who just somehow gets in and just hides with like a diamond sword this can kind of scan if other people are in which is kind of spooky right kind of like ghost and then the force fields basically toggles the exterior force field so this

Protects people inside from being sucked out into the zero air environments like the moon or space if you travel there but it doesn’t shield you from damage around the exterior or prevent players being sucked out when the interior door is open during flight mode so those are

Still very big risks that paramount tend to then we also have interior properties so we can change the flight sound scheme so this basically adjusts the in-flight take-off flight loop and landing sounds and we kind of change these over here we can change the console variant over here

Which changes what it looks like the skin so now it’s like a whole iron skin which looks really cool we can also change it to rosewood so we can change the skin of the console from this interior menu and then the interior hum is obviously the sounds which we can

Change to different themes and the exterior properties over here this is basically for exterior options the tardis so the landing code is the landing code to allow it to land within the range of transduction barriers that have a matching coat that might not make sense when you start off the mod then we

Have the exterior animation which is the animation which is used for takeoff and landing so we can change this from classic to the new doctor who and the anti-gravity protocol so you can activate this and deactivate it it allows the tardis’s exterior to not be affected by gravity when it’s active and

It drains the units of power those ultron units from those banks be installed earlier so it’s recommended to keep this off unless you specifically need on now one thing i talked about earlier was the mood and loyalty of the tardis the fact that this whole thing is

Actually a living entity is kind of surprising and confusing for people well you have to maintain that in the mod in the newer versions and this is because if the tardis is upset or if you do something it’s not going to land in the right place it’s going to land near

Hazards like lava or open doors mid-flight which could just throw you out of the thing and it’ll drop you through a time vortex things which you probably will not want to happen because you’ll probably die okay so that’s important to find the mood of the tardis

You have to look at lighting so if it takes on like a cold and lifeless shade of blue this basically means it’s scheming to plot against you or it’s depressed in some way right but if there’s a fiery orange or brighter red color this means that things are going

Well these are important to look out for this color difference is observed through the console right so you have to check the console itself to actually measure how things are going now to increase the mood you basically just have to fly to different places so flying in the more risky unstabilized

Flight mode basically increases the tardis’s mood which is a good thing right but it also requires more control and reaction times because you have to manually fly the thing so it’s a bit more exhilarating and a bit harder and prone to hazards and ship damage but it

Increases the tardis’s mood so who knew that the tardis was a dangerous driver or like dangerous drivers it’s just like women who like men who drive cars at super fast speed they’re a rare breed but they’re also kind of psycho and that’s what the tardis is like

Apparently so that’s how to increase the tardis’s mood next up is the tardis’s loyalty system right so this is how it also behaves towards you so this affects long-term behavior so if you’re about to die the tardis might save you but if it doesn’t like you it’s just gonna throw

You away it hasn’t now you can’t actually find out the loyalty of tardis okay basically if your tardis is loyal to you it won’t try and kill you randomly it won’t try and strand you in a hostile place or land you in a horrible place and it will basically

Allow you to generate the corridors and rooms which i showed you earlier without intervention and it will save you if your health falls below a certain amount of damage or value when you’re inside the tardis so it basically is going to protect you and be good to you so try to

Fly without mistakes try not to damage the subsystems and basically try to not abuse the whole system and you’ll be mostly fine so a tardis personality has multiple traits right and each tardis acquired by a player only has one personality it’s basically a living being each personality is made up of

Three traits and if two of them are incompatible only one will be added and these are murderous or peaceful traits so basically the tardis traits defines the conditions for how your tardis will gain and lose mood and loyalty so it affects those two big factors we were

Talking about right so each of the traits have a weight system which is a number generated between zero and one which determines how much the trait affects a tardis so a peaceful trait with a low weight will have a smaller impact on the tortoise’s mood and loyalty while the same trait with a

Higher weight will change the mood and loyalty more significantly when it was placed in the same scenario so the murderous trait the tardis gains 5-10 nude and 1-3 loyalty every time you murder players or villagers peaceful tardis’s lose 7-14 mood and 3-6 loyalty for every living being killed of course

Minus aggressive players the wet trait tardis has gained one mood for every two to ten seconds underwater pyro gains five nude for every 20 seconds and a chance of gaining an additional 30 percent if there is lava within a 16 block radius of the tardis’s exterior the cold-blooded trait means that if the

Tardis’s exterior is in a snowy or cold biome 0.05 mood every second with a chance to lose 20 more the arachnophobic tardis has lose one to four mood every 10 seconds that a spider is nearby the jealous trait is if you fly another tardis your tardis will lose one to five

Loyalty and one to four mood every 10 seconds so if you’re inside another tardis that your own this tardis also gains 10 mood every 10 seconds so the new tardis benefits but the old one basically detriments the claustrophobic trait there’s a fear of enclosed spaces

So it loses one or more mood every 10 seconds if there’s a solid block above the exterior then this is the case as for agoraphobic this is a trait of the fear of open spaces so it loses one or more mood every 10 seconds that there’s no kind of solid block above the

Exterior of the tardis so these are really random traits and there’s a really random set of features in the mod which makes the new tardis mod unique it kind of makes things more interesting you kind of need to actually maintain the system itself so let’s move on to

The last section of the new tardis mod showcase because this has been a super long winded one but i really wanted to pack this full of extra information for you guys so let’s move on to unlocking the extra content now we can unlock the interiors the console rooms the exterior

Looks and the console unit appearances i didn’t describe why we only had a few earlier because i wanted to have a full feature on it now schematics are what we use to unlock these features these are basically blueprints which have information in them which allows us to have these unlockables and it’s stored

Inside sonic screwdrivers or it can be stored inside them these guys over here which i haven’t actually showcased in this video as well as the squareness gun which basically allows for destroying blocks and also restoring them which is a pretty cool gadget too so the sonic screwdriver

Targets a valid entity or block and it can change modes and interact with them okay shift right clicking them allows you to change block interactions change entity interactions tardis coordinates and passive probe note and we obviously would bind this to tardis i believe just like the other tools i showed earlier

Unlocking schematics is basically a process and we use items for it so we use what’s called a neutronic spectrometer okay so if we spawn this over here it has its own interface right we basically use an item in this and it basically allows us to unlock things so

For an example it shows examples here we can put prismarine in it so i’ll just throw some normal prismarine in here and it will give us an eta right so it will show us the estimated time of completion so it will go around in a loading bar

And basically when it finishes it goes to the green and then it will suck up all the items out of the stack and obviously use them all and we can go ahead and we can throw some more prism in here and it’s gonna do exactly the same thing now we don’t just use

Prismarine though you can actually use a lot of other items in this process and as you can see it’s storing schematics here so it says nemo console times 130. so we can also do this with other items too so for example prismy is just an example we could also throw in emeralds

As well and that will also do a pretty similar thing so we can go ahead wait for the emerald to charge and then what will happen is it will use up all the emeralds and then it will also give us more schematics so we have envoy interiors okay and nemo console

Interiors so it gives us schematics for different objects based on the items we input then we have lit over here which is the green console to show the completion and we can also click on view recipes here if you have not enough items you can basically view the recipes

And it’ll show us which items we need to import in order to get which schematic over here so this is really useful as with a lot of other mods just enough items just means we can view all the recipes very easily now we can actually download all these schematics because

Like i said you can store them in the sonic screwdriver just place them in here and basically what this will do is it’ll go through and it’ll extract all these stored recipes or schematics straight onto the sonic screwdriver right so now there’s no stored schematics here because we have them all

In the sonic screwdriver which is not attuned to the ship so we should probably go ahead and do that right so let’s take this time ship back door out which is now finished and let’s throw in our sonic screwdriver and let’s bind this to the ship because this is the

Most important gadget in this process but after this is finished i’m going to show you how to install schematics straight into your tardis which is available to do by selecting its mode but first you have to tune it inside this engine panel like i’m showing you

Now this will take a long time though as you can see it’s only 23 completed it really depends which item you input here and the energy already generated from the batteries but for the most part if the item is more important it takes a lot longer to charge so as you can see

We’ve now attuned our screwdriver to our valance patrol ship three which is just the fancy name for our tardis okay so now we can use this sonic screwdriver to bind the schematics which is stored within and actually apply them onto our ship so we basically go to the tardis

Control and basically what we’re going to do now i’m going to change the mode by shift right clicking okay and we’re going to set the mode of the sonic screwdriver to block interaction mode and we right click on a ship computer block inside to basically activate it

Right and if the computer contains a schematic a message will say downloaded data fragments for example on the hotbar otherwise no valid schematic is stored in the ship computer we can view the downloaded schematics in the silent screwdriver by holding the left control key like i mentioned before and it also

Shows interactable blocks the interactable blocks is the left control key and left shift shows the stored schematics okay the tardis will install any schematics which is stored inside the sonic screwdriver right so you have to go to the sonic screwdriver port of the control console to actually use this so we’ll go find

The port which is here and we’ll right click on it and you can see it now says unlocked interior envy exterior and now it should have basically applied any useful things inside we still have some stored schematics right it should have basically applied anything basically if you’ve implied something that’s

Unlockable it will now be in the tardis after doing that and the last thing i have to do is to pull on my spacesuit base helmet space chest space legs space boots and now i am a true time lord look at these gadgets boy so i hope you guys

Enjoyed this video i hope this was a really clear insight on the new tardis mod all of its features how to get the mod working and running and how to set up and get started with the mod i tried to show all the concise information in

The best way possible and i’ve tried to timestamp it by chapter in the video so you can go ahead and basically jump to whichever part you want which is super useful so you can actually get started and jump to the right chapter which you need help with okay so

I hope this video was useful and you guys will be able to find value in it if you enjoyed this mod showcase make sure to subscribe i do have a lot of other ones on my channel on technology mods and magic mods which are really cool and

Fun to play with so definitely subscribe drop a comment below if you have any questions about things which i didn’t answer or feature in relation to this mod in this guide and i’ll try my best to get back to you and answer them and also i want to show appreciation to the

Member 50 ap 5ud5 i’m pretty sure i’m butchering that guy’s name i think it’s 50 ap dude but basically this guy who is part of the modding team behind the new tardis mod he basically sent me all the information a full written up guide which he sent me

And made for documentation on how to use the mod and also i managed to source the wiki as well and i used these two in conjunction to use all the information from them to make a really good video guide for you guys so much appreciation to him for sending me all that

Information because i couldn’t have made the videos good without it thanks for watching guys and i’ll see you in the next minecraft video So You

This video, titled ‘This Mod Adds Time Travel To Minecraft (New TARDIS Mod)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2022-08-23 23:46:55. It has garnered 52338 views and 1353 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds.

This Mod Adds TIME TRAVEL to Minecraft! Take control of the TARDIS Time Machine in this Minecraft DOCTOR WHO MOD! Showcase / Tutorial.

In this Minecraft mods 1.19 (1.16.5 currently) video by thebluecrusader (the blue crusader), I bring you a Doctor Who Minecraft Tardis mod video on the New Tardis Mod, a Dalek mod featuring Doctor Who Minecraft elements just like the SWD Team Dalek Mod. This Minecraft mods video shows a Minecraft mod I’ve had my eye on for a whole, a Tardis Minecraft mod that’s awesome. This video is a full New Tardis Mod 1.16 Minecraft Mod Showcase and serves as a Minecraft Tardis tutorial for this Doctor Who Minecraf mod. This is a video form guide of the New Tardis Mod Wiki so expect most features to be covered here.


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🎨 EPIC Support a Creator CODE: DABLUECRUSADER ———————————————————————————————————- 🎶 MY VIDEO EQUIPMENT & GEAR Canon G7X Mark III Camera: Elgato HD60 Pro Capture Card (For Facecam): Rode Procaster XLR Microphone: Focusrite Scarlett Solo (My XLR Audio Mixer): RED PSA1 Microphone Arm: Camera Tripod: Neewer Ring Light (My Lighting Setup): ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 0:00 – Introduction 0:15 – What is the New Tardis Mod? 1:38 – In-Game Manual & The Wiki Information 2:41 – The Dalek Ship & The Daleks 5:49 – Finding & Obtaining a Tardis 12:22 – Preparing for Flight 17:23 – Repairing the Broken Monitor 19:01 – The Tardis Trust System 19:22 – Additional Subsystems to Install 21:07 – Upgrades to Install 22:33 – Maintenance of Systems 23:17 – Redecorating & Extending Tardis Interior 25:51 – Enchanting Subsystem Upgrades 26:27 – Finding & Recovering Your Tardis 29:22 – Tardis Console Controls Explained 32:08 – Tardis Flight Modes Explained 34:21 – Monitor Options & Protocols 37:11 – Mood & Loyalty of the Tardis Explained 39:25 – Personality & Traits System of the Tardis 41:33 – Unlocking Extra Content via Schematics 46:25 – Closing Thoughts 47:52 – New Merch 48:12 – Outro

►Credits Music By Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

►Thanks For Watching! #minecraftmods #minecraftmod #modshowcase #doctorwho This Mod Adds Time Travel To Minecraft (New TARDIS Mod)

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  • Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shorts

    Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis… #shorts #ksmp #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by VamppyChan on 2024-04-04 17:55:27. It has garnered 13789 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!

    INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUPERHERO LUCKY BLOCK RACE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2024-04-07 22:30:02. It has garnered 68300 views and 1304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Today I did a superhero only lucky block race in minecraft with my girlfriend and my friend! Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viral

    Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 06:30:14. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like & share. 🤗❤️️… Read More

  • Spirit of ECB

    Spirit of ECBThis is a Vanilla SMP server with very little plugins and an unmoderated raw community. We do not moderate the chat and leave most players alone. Chat and work together with others to become the most powerful player, or work with others and build something magnificant! If you want no moderation, and build protection this is the right server for you. Proximity chat enabled through the Simple Voice Chat mod Read More

  • The Chicken Coop – Enigmatica 6 Modded Whitelist 21+

    Join our Enigmatica 6 Modpack Server! Are you looking for a social and active community to embark on modded Minecraft adventures with? The Chicken Coop is the place for you! We are a mature and friendly community dedicated to enjoying modpacks at a leisurely pace, building a beautiful world, and engaging with each other. If this sounds like your kind of Minecraft home, visit our Website to learn more and request an invite to our Discord server! Server Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D Ram: 20 GB Hosted in: Europe (US players welcome!) Whitelisted: Yes We hope to see you… Read More

  • Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)

    Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)No HacksNo ResetsNo ModsJust pure Fun on minecraft the way the game was intended to play!Please consider voting and supporting the server! Big loveLynxHQSimpleminecraft the best EU survival server! Find My Youtube and Twitch LynxHQ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy snapshot silliness

    Well, at least this meme has a higher score than most of my exams. Read More

  • Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft’s Aquatic Encore!

    Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft's Aquatic Encore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Today we’re diving into ponds, where tranquility remains. Join me in this Let’s Play, as we craft and design, Creating cozy water features, so serene and divine. Watch as we transform our world, with nature’s touch, Enhancing our virtual landscape, oh so much. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds, As we build and decorate, our virtual grounds. So come along and dive into this calming gameplay, Where Minecraft magic is on full display. Let’s make our world a little more tranquil, it’s true, In this peaceful adventure, just… Read More

  • Smoldering Minecraft Genius

    Smoldering Minecraft Genius When you accidentally craft a diamond pickaxe instead of a diamond sword and your IQ drops to -920. #minecraftproblems #shouldhavereadthecraftingrecipe Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft, But With OP Items… Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, is known for its endless possibilities and creativity. But what happens when you introduce overpowered (OP) items into the mix? Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft with a twist! The Introduction of OP Items Imagine exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft with items that give you unimaginable power. From weapons that can defeat any enemy with a single blow to tools that can mine through any material effortlessly, OP items completely change the gameplay experience. Unleashing Chaos With OP items… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Server for a Desert Survival Challenge! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft survival challenge on YouTube and thought to yourself, “I wish I could experience something like that”? Well, now you can! Imagine surviving 100 days in a desert-only world, just like in the intense challenge you watched. The thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline rush – all of it can be yours on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are always up for a challenge. Test your survival skills, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast desert landscape. With our unique gameplay features and dedicated staff, your… Read More

  • Turning One Piece into Minecraft

    Turning One Piece into Minecraft Minecraft Meets One Piece: A Creative Fusion Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek to bring their favorite characters and stories into the game. One such creative endeavor has led to the recreation of iconic One Piece characters within the Minecraft universe. Embracing the One Piece Spirit With a surge in requests from fans, the creator took on the challenge of crafting beloved One Piece characters. From the spirited Monkey D. Luffy to the skilled swordsman Roronoa Zoro, each character was meticulously designed and brought to life in the blocky realm of Minecraft. Character Showcase Monkey D…. Read More


    CATNAP KISSES DOGDAY IN POOL?! POPPY PLAYTIME MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP AND DOGDAY KISSED IN POOL!! IS SHE IN LOVE?! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CATNAP – Minecraft Poppy Playtime on 2024-02-25 22:00:10. It has garnered 15529 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. CATNAP AND DOGDAY KISSED IN POOL!! IS SHE IN LOVE?! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft Welcome to the Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft with CapNap! Here you will have exciting adventures with CapNap, DogDay, KickinChicken, Bobby BearHug and their friends. There are tons of exciting events… Read More

  • Mining Minecraft Madness

    Mining Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Minecraft In A Mine’, was uploaded by Alex Ayche on 2024-02-14 13:28:26. It has garnered 6212 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. I have played a LOT of Minecraft In my life and seen even more Minecraft videos, but I have never Beat Minecraft in Mine or seen anybody do it! I have to escape beat Minecraft and find three Diamonds, before I leave the Mine – or else I will be trapped forever! In this video I overcome Adventurous missions, beat mobs IRL, Beat… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft’s Hidden Gem Discovered

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft's Hidden Gem DiscoveredVideo Information This video, titled ‘😇minecraft beautiful😇’, was uploaded by BROKEN on 2024-02-25 10:53:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Uncover Twaylo’s Spooky Never-Solved Mystery in Minecraft!

    Uncover Twaylo's Spooky Never-Solved Mystery in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Le Sombre secret JAMAIS résolu qui HANTE Minecraft.’, was uploaded by Twaylo on 2024-04-17 18:11:27. It has garnered 38649 views and 2667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. ➡️ Download Wondershare Recoverit for free right here: ➡️ Recover your lost photos, videos and files now: #Wondershare #Recoverit #Recoverdata #datarecovery _______________________________________________________ I delved into the biggest Minecraft theories to try to piece together the disk puzzle. Good viewing ! _______________________________________________________ My networks: 🔫 Tiktok: 💻 Discord : 🤝 Partenariats : [email protected] 🛰️ Twitch : 📸 Insta… Read More

  • 🔥Free Minecraft SMP Server 24/7 Join Now!!🔥

    🔥Free Minecraft SMP Server 24/7 Join Now!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server 24/7 Free To Join Our Smp || Java + Pe || Ep-S7Ep16 || #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by GOD LEON Gaming on 2024-02-26 16:49:49. It has garnered 160 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:59 or 9539 seconds. Minecraft server – Port: Java – IP: PE – IP: Port: 19132 How To Join Our Smp Tutorial Video Link :- BGMi I’d – 1st id – GODLeonYT (5987238542) Own Clan – iLx (Subscribe for more great content) you guys are having a Great time 😄 (IMPORTANT).. My… Read More

  • Prepare for Mind-Blowing Adventures in Modded Minecraft!

    Prepare for Mind-Blowing Adventures in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Time For My Head To Explode (Quests!!!, Monday Modded Minecraft Fantasy Skies)’, was uploaded by SteadFastGames on 2024-02-27 13:39:01. It has garnered 193 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:36 or 5856 seconds. Let’s Hit 10k Subs and don’t forget Like, Comment, Subscribe and Share ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join the discord to get notified the next time we go live or post a video! ➡️Discord ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🐦Twitter ▬ 🎥Twitch ▬ 📸Instagram ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join The Crew ▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅For Business inquiries ▬ [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #steadfastgames #moddedminecraft #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tadpole Milk Build: Frozen Lush Cave in 1000+ Days

    Insane Tadpole Milk Build: Frozen Lush Cave in 1000+ DaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore (+1000 day) Frozen Lush Cave Build’, was uploaded by Tadpole Milk on 2024-05-18 01:24:44. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:55:33 or 21333 seconds. #twitch #minecraft #hardmode Read More

  • TRAPPING PRO Player on MY Minecraft Server!

    TRAPPING PRO Player on MY Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sunucumdaki PRO Oyuncuyu TUZAĞA DÜŞÜRDÜM!’, was uploaded by Denzi Stylex on 2024-03-03 14:00:42. It has garnered 3366 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #tiktok minecraft,Minecraft,mine craft,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft but,fun,comedy,legend,cheat,minecraft but if I bend,but,if I bend,op if I bend,op ,items, falling, op items falling, minecraft if I bend down, minecraft parodies, minecraft house, minecraft videos, minecraft home making, minecraft shorts, storarty, storarty shorts, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft Turkish, minecraft parodies, finish minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft videos,minecraft but,minecraft minecraft,minecraft uhc,minecraft manhunt but,minecraft funny,minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC: Deez vs. Wither Boss in Super Flat #minecraft

    EPIC: Deez vs. Wither Boss in Super Flat #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Wither in Minecraft Survival Super Flat | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Will Deez on 2024-06-05 03:31:58. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:42 or 13662 seconds. Please Like/Subscribe and hit that bell! My Socials: Follow me on Twitter: Patreon: Logos by Raythgaming – Sub–❯ Leave a Tip–❯ Become a Patron for perks–❯ Join the Discord–❯ My Socials: Follow me on Twitter: Patreon: Read More

  • RuneRPG

    RuneRPG▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RuneRPG | Survival + ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ╭ -Lots of active staff ┇ – Custom items, mobs and textures ┇ -Many Giveaways! ┇ -Friendly & Welcoming Community! ╰ -Booster Perks & Much more! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - - Read More

  • Ember Wing SMP, semi vanilla

    Welcome to Emberwing! IP Address: Whitelist Version: 1.20.4 Discord: Join our Discord Explore a World Like No Other! Why Choose Us? Economy System: Build your empire with our balanced economy. Friendly Community: Join a welcoming community with active staff ready to help. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and win awesome prizes! Game Modes: Survival: Gather resources, build your base, and survive the night. Modded: Enjoy the world of modded Minecraft. Join Us Today! Don’t miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. Join Emberwing and become part of a thriving community where the fun never stops. Whether you’re here… Read More

thebluecrusader – This Mod Adds Time Travel To Minecraft (New TARDIS Mod)