theomonty – Playing “Scary” Minecraft Maps

Video Information

Good day good day everybody good day It is I how hot thou I’m hold I’m I’m existing wait does my guy work oh my God my guy works okay wait I look it’s funny because oh I broke it wait hey hey how hey hello everybody Welcome to the Epic stream best stream on the tube

Let’s stream on the YouTuber big big stream is this Roblox stream of how did you know how did how did you know man that’s crazy I’ve never heard this video before bro it’s been like 30 seconds on amarillo what this has to be the third donation with

Your mother just this is the third stream that you’ve done this right I think he went through that cycle of just a random family members hello everybody thank you for the two dollars Yeah hold on I’m just I’m I’m getting stuff and then we got we got the Minecraft Minecrafting Welcome back everyone You’ve done this every stream wow you’ve done it you’ve done it most streams every stream would be how many streams have I done away I mean let’s let’s take a little look back in time I don’t remember how many times I’ve streamed recently to be honest on my channel I currently have three

Three six nine 12 15 streams up right there so technically technically you’re wrong but um thank you I’m just being a [ __ ] I’m playing Minecraft or watching this well that’s funny because because web because this this we’re playing Minecraft today that’s crazy okay uh can you see the my oh my God you

Can okay so how is everyone uh is anyone here from yesterday’s stream just let me know I know I saw a couple people say anymore I’m just asking everybody I got my uh I got my water this time I’m gonna try and not like keep leaving for water this

Stream because I did like three times this time but uh but I get thirsty okay yeah yeah happy birthday hey yo hey yo she he writes zodiac Uh oh my God we got the Theo grief in the chat I love that definitely not trying to bribe you I would never also thank you for taking time for your life to actually check out my editing slash Jen I don’t know what gen means to be honest but thank you for the

The chain link 15 chain 15 whatever currency the currency looks like a chain I’m gonna I don’t know what it is thanks for 15 of them yeah I uh what was I gonna say I did I’m doing the thing again or I forget the words that I was about to say

Oh yeah oh yeah um yeah just I reached out because well you reached out and then I responded not a big deal We’ll see how it goes I’m gonna see if I can get some bread what does that mean anyway so as you can tell uh I I’ve looked on the store and there’s a map called scariest rap ever and so I feel like we have to try that out we also

Today we’re gonna hop on to um we’re gonna hop onto Java Edition thank God the normal version of Minecraft and um and and there’s apparently a scary map that we can play um so that’s why do you have friends potentially you don’t Kyle you can’t prove anything what the hell was that

Yo Jacob welcome to scrub welcome to channel members Club it’s cut off the screen it’s constantly cut off the screen I’m trying I’ll try and fix that I keep forgetting but thank you welcome welcome we’re getting that member s p started soon hopefully uh can I hear Minecraft by the way is

This music also playing as well oh there’s also this okay I’ll tell you what what we’ll do for the first 10 minutes is we can look at the different we’ll get like two or three maps from here to play so so we’ll we’ll just

Decide on what we want to do uh do we there was there’s Escape of The Nightmare this jukebox head like siren head that that could be funny jump scare nightmare I mean uh but yeah we need to choose what the hell we gotta play these definitely look like um they look interesting

Bread bread all time you’re so right back with the bread we got the bread Maya YouTube studio is messing up I don’t know why it does it sometimes not even worry also Ferra for scariest map ever apparently it’s a multiplayer so we can get um if any remember from two streams ago

There was the there was the mysterious friend that was in my room who everyone thought was a bear we can get them in the call for like 20 minutes half an hour and play this this is a dumb map want to hear a joke yes please this

Better be funny if it’s not funny you got banned I’m joking but these Maps look so bad yeah Patrick Edition but that’s what makes it funny okay maybe one of them will be a Hidden Gem all right what the what is this what am I looking at are these naked men what

Oh this guy’s got a little Hunchback not gonna lie he needs to work in his posture uh please play mind map it’s really really long map if you didn’t play at the other stream is it in submissions and is it horror what do you call a pool full of

Okay we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna just swiftly no one pay attention to that I’m just gonna get rid of that there’s a message that I almost read out that was okay education Edition is the best Minecraft I’ve never actually played it I really want to because it’s for meme be funny

Welcome Spanish and Mafia we’re accumulating people right now we’re gonna decide on some maps to play so so what do we what do you want to play Jukes what okay I’m gonna pull up a poll we’re going to decide um between I’m gonna do a little poll all right first one

Jukebox head like siren head or or it looks because that also looks like it might be a thing okay everybody everybody do that I forgot to do a community pose so yeah I’m like wait hold on we got to do a bit of self promo real quick oh I just accidentally removed

YouTube from anti-browser okay answer that do that do that poll do that poll while I do this real quick okay you guys get to see the mem the the community thing end up oh my God speak the community posts come out in real time guys I’m streaming right now funny funny real funny

Real okay cool and then wait what’s the date today is it the second oh my God it is the second that’s crazy all right there we go hold on oh wow this is a 50 50. what is up with you guys doing 50 50s what the hell what the

Can you can you just like just unanimously decide on something please I love this music funky ah whoa the date is your mum I’m taking her to dinner later what the hell I’m gonna go and make sure that I’m gonna take our sugars or something something so she’s gonna leave the housemarted

Why is it it’s Rose half and half this is not fair all right I guess we’re doing jukebox out though because it’s it wins by two percent but there’s people so mad at lugs all right fine since this is 50 50. we’ll do we’ll just do both of these these this

Can be our two maps all right let’s buy this stupid I think I can hear that wait hold on can I hear the game I don’t know wait let me put pause the music okay yeah we can hear Minecraft it is Chill that’s gotta chill

Whoop whoop all right I guess I have to buy this now let’s go money lost money oh I need to actually put money in my account away fun fact I accidentally um subscribed to a like a yearly subscription on GoDaddy like the um the the URL not URL like website so

Thing where you get like websites done and stuff I accidentally subscribe to a full year of like their support and it just took 70 pounds like my account so I’m currently trying to get that back so I have to try out a refund uh so yeah that’s where the money from my account

Is gone right now but uh but but it’s okay just go for my for my for my uh other one okay I have enough money time to buy this dumb map if this is bad then I don’t know everyone everyone gets banned like that Meme that you did

Good thing I just gave you some money you’re so right you so right wait we’ve made five pounds chat Revenue five pounds seven Pence which is this is that bro chance just paid for the map let’s go let’s go why do people have different colors in your chat funny you should say

That let me do a quick plug uh there’s such a thing called Channel member and you can subscribe to it’s not the same it’s not twitch you can join the channel uh for two pounds 99 Pence per month and uh it’s just a nice little way to

Support me if you would like to and um and I’m currently trying to get a create model member SMP started it should be up soon so yes that is that is why they are green that is why do you know that toe curling is synonym for funny what What toe curling how does that mean funny wait what totally meaning toe curling very embarrassing or excessively sentimental that’s not that that does not mean funny also did why is toe curling like a why is that a thing was that a phrase okay and then also we need scariest map

Ever because we’ll play that uh wait wait maybe wait can we are these ones multiplayer who knows wait who knows wait wait I don’t know exactly what we’ll play today we’ll just go for a while I guess let me get this one because we also have to uh

If we run out of time by the way we’re just playing ice cream it’s fun I nearly broke my 30 dollar Mouse because my PC liked and I couldn’t watch your stream how did you almost break your mouths funny story that happened to me I was playing valorant right and then it

Was like four it was like 3am and I squeezed them I was just like ever so slightly not even hard and it just it just stopped working like I just heard like the smallest Creek like a little groan from the plastic and it just it just stopped working but it worked when

I pushed it like really hard into the desk uh and then and then and then I just threw it to my my younger brother who’s like I think it’s 13 now I forget if he’s 12 or 13. and he fixed it in like an hour so I don’t know I had no idea

How to fix it but he did it so I don’t know everything else play Valerian what the hell valence good shot shush do you think I might see real 35 what the hell what the hell all right we’ve got all the maps there’s also five nights of dull that’s this also looks funny

I feel like this is the amount of maps that we’re getting is like worth two streams I don’t know your old brother is smarter than you out no he’s just he’s just he’s just not dexterous than me okay I don’t like doing things with my hands I

Just like I like playing games and tying my brain off you know it is good yeah you so you so right manfier balance scares me what do you what do you mean what’s scary all right we need to stop the violent talker everyone’s gonna click off

A bunch of people friended you and can join you on multiplayer oh yeah I forgot to un unprivate my my Xbox account I need to make it private I don’t know how to do that uh okay we’ll do this another time it’s fine all right so play create new create new

What do I have what how do I what do I have oh okay there we go all right what do we play first it looks should we try this one first also is the stream good is the stream fine are we good everything like non-pixelated and Shish

Did you know the Wii has a Minecraft you should one of your goofy videos and the Wii has you can play Minecraft on the Nintendo Wii wait what the hell no you can’t let me Google that wait wait oh it’s for Wii U is for Wii U that’s what I don’t even

Know what the Wii U is is this Clash of Clans free bow books yeah you’re so right this is Clash of Clans right now there’s a new update all right let’s get this Mount let’s download it easy see how fast that was shush oh no sorry I’m I’m deafening you real

Quick um no I got I originally got you know those little black things you put over your microphone like the little phone things I got one and so now you shouldn’t hear any pop sounds you know that was really loud Jesus Christ uh Theo’s the kind of guy to look

A rip-off of Minecraft exists on the Wii U is it not real Minecraft uh-huh don’t make that noise ever again please was it bad I don’t know how bad that started on Mike I’m like a lot okay all right let’s do this it looks what looks I guess you could

Find out I guess we’re about to find out also I’m really cold I’ve got a blanket on me right now oh I should turn up my lights wait everybody everybody watching this we’re doing a horror we’re playing horror maps uh they’re probably not gonna be that

Scary so to enhance the scariness I want everyone to go and turn out your light right now you have to be in a dark room to watch this stream that’s the rule that’s the rule let me do it let me do it real quick almost accomplished now all I have to do

Is go my phone and turn off my LED lights yeah I’m cool I got LED lights like every single other person on the planet right now you can’t believe it I can’t my roomie will start screaming guys you this is this is disappointing honestly you’re disappointing me right now um

Was that The Bite of 87 was it yeah it was I always have my lights off long I don’t need to turn them off a true gamer right here at my monitor is so bright right now Jesus Christ I mean it’s gonna get dark though because we’re going to be in

Darkness I feel like the entire time guaranteed ha the LGs 1v1 rapid one I’m gonna play some jazz on stream on time it’d be funny okay when I get my own apartment I will put a neon sign in my room that’s a good idea I will also do that okay we’re in

Can everybody see are we good well can you hear that clicking wait I need to make sure that you can you can hear stuff but can you hear that wait it’s turned down hold on is this like what’s what’s the volume like is this too loud is too quiet what’s going on

Yes you’re here let me know let me know if things are too loud when they occur because I I I still don’t know wait I can hear myself I can hear myself okay I think we’re fine I think we’re fine all right no yummy it’s oh my God I

Can’t believe it okay what was this what’s going on I think this is just the lobby okay hit the paper on the tables as Alexa oh okay Play credits now I don’t know this is a puzzle I don’t know what I don’t know which ones I press which one’s

Gonna take me to the map who knows I think it might be this one I don’t know what have I done no I just wanna there we go this is weird what is going on what is going on here okay it looks time to find out what looks also why is just

The Minecraft music playing is that gonna stop or is that just gonna stay there you are muted I’m I’m not muted I can see my audio I can see my audio audioing wait what is this okay the story follows a former high school student in search of their friends they

Go back to their old high school to search for Clues which lead them all over town and uncover a mystery bigger than their friends missing oh my God I’ll uncover the mystery of your mom I’m such a good streamer you seem like the kind of guy who lurks

There you’ve already said that what’s going on um we’re playing it looks oh God we’re music is this loud this is quite loud for me I’m not gonna lie What’s going on here F1 oh we got a cut scene what’s what is this A1 that stands for ass one why the why are the brick Flags let’s go all right I get it there’s a high school I understand when we do a room tour uh when when your

Mom comes to visit me okay finally at school I can now start finding evidence who am I missing friend oh I completely missed that part of the law I’m not gonna I just did not not pull that together uh they say he was less founded

To Jim I should go there first okay they say how long has it been missing how long has been missing turn down is it really loud I’ll do I’ll do that we’ll put it to 70 percent okay wait I’ll turn it back up for me put on 75 there we go

No it’s quiet what I’m gonna make signals it’s too quiet we’ll put up we’ll tell you what we’ll put it down to 85 we’ll put on 85. how does it sound now how’s it sound now let me know let me know okay get the key card at the teacher’s lounge well what

Where’s the teachers like oh I can open these that’s a surprise last night we played I could not open anything also what is up with my mouse it’s so like it feels like it’s hard to describe but the sensitivity on Bedrock is like I have it

Low it feels low when I do this but then it feels so quick all at the same time I don’t understand oh it’s a toilet oh I almost get stuck in there that’s disappointing ideal volume okay cool so where’s the T am I supposed to be getting this music I don’t

Who knows okay where’s the teacher’s lounge where are we going where are we going see I’ve I I dropped out of college so I don’t know School layouts can I sit uh bad MAP 0 out of ten why bro why is there a prison bar on the

On the stairs what the hell what kind of school is this where’s the teacher’s lounge do I go past it or what hey yo should we go play some some football real quick is there a ball a row is there anybody here this is very isolated and lonely but

What’s one of those trees why do they why they disappear and what why the music stop what okay all right where where in the hell is the Teachers Lounge there is no Compass or anything this is like apartments or something I don’t know what’s going on presumably Buzz for the average school

Nickel actually and I think about it when I went to school as a child it was just a massive massive walls around the entire school like massive bars it’s like I was at a prison the trees are entities on now oh no where the hell is it so

It would be nice if you gave me a little bit of direction not going to a lie I would like to know where I’m going so I don’t have to parkour but that’s okay my brain is massive my brain is large so of course I’ll figure it out by myself

Was it back at the start perhaps oh it was at the start okay all right on the way back on my way back here I go what was this the start oh I’m lost aren’t I oh there we go teacher’s lounge get the key card at the teachers okay

Where where’s the said geek card I’m gonna walk on the chairs because I’m a rebel oh there’s a there’s a little circle under there no matter what can’t I can’t get it all it’s left okay okay key card has been achieved the candle is certainly turning Guns by

Themselves seems strange I have the keys now so that’s good yeah you’re right you’re right Theo use the key card to open the gym gate okay what is the gym where would that be I agree with you that’s that’s this is hella sister is that the gym

That looks like it could be the gym right that looks kind of gym Jimmy gym like Jimmy Mr Beast oh here it is oh my God I’m so good oh my God I’m gonna explode holy I should head inside and find some leads am I gonna like someone a demon here

What’s going on what just happened oh the the car Minecraft music is not it’s not going along with this this is weird I feel sick I’m getting possessed I’m being possessed the El Monte is gone I’m now the ghost Monty I don’t know what the hell do I know this

I’m also asking that question what the hell is this 9am literature 10 a.m biology 11 A.M lunch 1 p.m practice that’s very unspecific practicing for what what am I practicing for what the hell is happening this music is loud man you’re so right what the what is on the

Floor why do the windows have static in them find a way to get out of this place okay Bet Did I just hold on hold on just did I just what what did I just see down there did I did I see something what the was that just a guy was there a guy there am I just seeing things okay music I can’t even Turn Down The Music Man It’s not even any of them damn you oh my God why is it not no bugs this is stupid this is stupid Okay cool there’s more emergency no sorry emergency open the light color changes when you put the missing wire in the right place when all three colors change the gate will be forced open okay can I turn off the music why do the music with sounds well yeah but that slows everything down

Now I can’t hear anything guys you’re dumb you’re stupid you’re done I’m killing but you are you’re dumb Okay what am I what am I can why do I have repeaters why can I put them on these what does this achieve okay there we go oh no I thought it stops but I guess we have what power reset power so it goes this way What does this achieve Power two has been activated okay but what was the point in that and why is that piss a spiral We got we got the the apple juice that’s what I do I don’t know why I did that okay let’s go let’s go look at the where the guy was this can’t go wrong right this can’t go wrong right don’t ail me don’t even don’t even worry So is it just me or is this Corridor getting is it getting longer it’s just Okay well I tried I tried the music is really so mad I saw half mum has so I have more money but that’s not the that’s not the okay hold on I’m just gonna screw this wait we can hear them default Minecraft Musical that needs it my ear is bad bro

You just why is it why could I just turn off the music man Okay screw this we’re putting it down to like one percent okay until this stops I don’t even care I don’t care if it’s gonna be jump scare sounds I’m done with this I do not when I hear this music we’re doing this in silence wait the light color changes when you put the

Missing wire in the right I didn’t read this properly when all three colors change together before so okay so this is to open a gate so I need more repeat holes where are your repeatcos give me the repeaters bro well the hell oh is this a gate that’s gonna open can I just

Park her out here no I want to cheat come on music isn’t that bad listen it is for me it’s blasting my ears off okay oh where do I go then I’m so confused like as what does this do reset bruh bruh okay what about this one what if I do

This one instead oh oh you could you just reset it and just keep doing it okay that’s the second one oh okay I understand and then we reset yep we reset and then yeah understood understood understood bro no puzzle gets past me no puzzle power three has been active Okay so that means

The detention gate has been opened what the hell is a detention gate this is not open oh never mind it is open okay what bro why in schools do they have a like a prison gate for detention I understand okay butterfly spirits of an individuals who possess them protection Direction and

Clarity according to rumors acquiring them grants the owner a third eye that can see things the normal eyes cannot oh my God it’s the Shinigami eyes I don’t have four butterfly Spirits were housed in the biology lab at the one to one as of 2011 are we in 2011 what year is it

Right now what year is it it’s your house wow that’s crazy this is your house damn you got a nice looking house look at this look all these cobwebs and Vines this is just like decoration I should locate biology lab one two one to see if the butterfly

Spirits are still in the lab storage I don’t remember what voice I was doing for myself so locate the butterfly spirit in the biology lab storage room okay where’s the biology lab what the hell flint and steel my phone just did a funny what is this light up six gray

Candles within this room that’s great right so where is it so where are the other gray candles this is not the room where are the gray cat oh wait hold on one two these are great okay honestly can I just light up every single one these aren’t great I don’t know why I’m

Even trying to that’s just dumb that’s stupid wasn’t this a school like 10 minutes ago yeah yeah this is is this not a school to you look we’re in Hogwarts bro we’re really sort of old-fashioned school where they have dull music playing in your ears and you know

That’s just every normal school where are the other four candles bro what there are only two candles two gray candles at most what’s he on about where oh there we are I’m just done okay that’s three gotta look behind the vines they’re all hidden out there one down here perhaps no no

Gray candle there we go that’s four is that that looks white to me actually I don’t know uh uh what do you mean I missed it I’m blind what do you mean what how do what did I miss what did I miss you see there’s a candle in the dark

It’s literally what do you mean it’s in the dark what do you mean like down here what is it here oh see there’s no way I could have seen that you guys see the dark less dark than me I don’t know why but my monitor’s dark says like super dark

That’s not my fault okay I refuse I refused that that was my fault you’re no that’s not I’m I’m good I’m good streamer I promise this isn’t gray but I’m gonna I’m gonna do this oh maybe it was great I don’t know is that everything what the hell

Okay I have faint sounds in the background but I can’t turn them up because then the music will be blasting my ears off but why was there an explosion I didn’t even what yellow butterfly okay what is this map man what is going on does anybody understand the law what

Did it say about the butterfly I do not remember what was the law with that I okay butterfly are quiet I’m glad I did that I’m glad I did that I guess that we where was I going again I forgot I feel a shiver on my spine oh

No okay I gotta locate biology lab one two one keep your eyes peeled if anybody sees it let me know because I am quite blind what’s this this is not biology where the hell is a biology oh my God wait do you know what be so fun

Do you think this has been done do you think anyone’s recreated baldi’s basics in Minecraft that’d be so funny that would be I would love to play that we have to look at that we have to research what the hell is it bro eat the butterfly I can’t eat right

I’m right clicking it it does nothing all right I can’t turn on Advanced tool tips because we’re not in Java Edition so we can’t see what it really is where the hell is a biology lab man eat the locker okay okay it was really tasty damn that was my snack

What is my Cuba why do I do these things bro where’s the biology lab I’ve been in a circle around the entire place where most of the other rooms Oh I thought it was a sign it was not a sign it was just a light

What where do I go where do I also really hate how the vines are on the doors and make it so hard to get through where am I going where do I go let me just get good shut the hell shut the hell I’m great I’ll have you know I’m the best Minecraft

This is the Minecraft thing of all time okay maybe it’s downstairs okay I can’t jump off the balcony what the hell is wrong why would you put barriers there that’s so mean that is so mean okay maybe maybe it’s down here maybe I’m just stupid biology

Biology was it did I I didn’t look at this one no it’s not wait what is this I keep thinking the lights the signs I’m stupid no really you don’t say it’s downstairs what do you mean you didn’t know it was downstairs wait what the hell is this it’s where I

Came in from yes what what foreign why did that why is this that why is that there what what why is it did I just lose this butterfly I can’t get that back I can’t uh uh all right I guess we don’t have the yellow butterfly anymore I guess that’s a gun

I don’t know how that happened don’t ask me what okay I guess I have it again I bro this is baffling me so if I if I right click and then I right click this and it comes back oh oh I got it back and then and then I put

It why oh oh no uh I think I think I’ve really lost it this time I don’t know how do I get it back okay this is my bad this is my bad I am I’m right oh I got it oh there we go okay let’s move on let’s move on where the

Hell is the what okay where the hell is the biology where is it it’s not there it’s not anywhere it is not here it’s not where is it where is it double Dude where’s this map bro I have no idea it’s gonna be one of those ones that’s really repetitive isn’t it

Unless we finally get this done wait numbers way one two one oh my God wait there was that’s what that means Oh I thought it would be labeled biology lab but but obviously it’s just the numbers oh my God oh my God I’m stupid oh my God I’m actually there’s something

I’m okay don’t listen it wasn’t just me most of you also I guarantee did not pick up on that okay it’s all right there it is all right we made it we made it what the hell is this water yes please yes please please yes please there any good ones in here

I want that I want I want that I want this no okay what am I what am I looking for storage oh what what why am I here why is there a maze why is the storage room amazed what you would design to this place who did who came up with this

This is not practical at all what am I looking for Okay I’ve just gotta stick to the left wall I’m just sticking to the left wall and unless so oh I did it okay well that was easy hey Mr Chew now I hope you don’t mind I’ve borrowed three of your spirits for our class later this afternoon or a turn after class thanks

Yasu okay what what sort of school is this man is this is this actually a Hogwarts is like just is demon stuff happening normal what who’s a borrowing Spirits what is going on obviously yes he wasn’t returned to Spirit so maybe they’re still in this school somewhere oh you’re so right is

It the butterflies that I’m currently collecting is that what they are what is going on don’t wanna oh collect all but four butterflies okay I guess I gotta look for the other two all right what now dude remember me Dad please let me out I’m dying no you stay in my basement you

Stay in my basement basement child you don’t you don’t move you don’t move DIYs he wasn’t there’s meant to be a horror map yeah I it was labeled as such but I don’t know what it is anyway for anyone asking um yes I do have I do have a child in my

Basement don’t even worry don’t ever worry and the child just donated three Euros 50. so don’t get why that would happen canonically but you know welcome to scrub nubsy nubsy Noba let’s go welcome now uh now you when you when I start the the member SMP you will

Be a part of it’ll be part of it welcome this this is the best Channel member of all time Jesus Christ that scared me anyway yeah this is the best this is the best like Channel membership of all time on the entire on the entire YouTube platform nobody has better Channel

Memberships than me is techno blade it’s techno blade it’s techno blade okay that’ll be funny because in the edit it’ll cut off if this becomes a video oh my God lol imagine wrecked where the hell are the other butterflies then should I do homework or watch you you

Should do homework you should not watch me instead that was bad wait can I burn this no okay cool oh I gotta find more do I have to search every single room dive to search every room man title blade never does mm-hmm that’s the uh that’s the anthem what the hell is this

What the hell is this oh wait wait oh my God music stops thank God okay yesterday I discovered the wonderful space we need the classroom what the what the hell is this the wonderful space why is there a parkour of course under the plus the classroom

And did you do it uh why is this here this is the very strangely designed school also doing parkour or Bedrock Edition is just a very odd experience it feels slightly different to normal Minecraft and I’m not here for it okay I did it that’s the third one good job me

Good job me all right I’m gonna go fkc with Theo finds all butterflies okay there’s only one left now there’s only one left the gate on this why am I stuck the gate on the second floor is now open there was a gate up there I guess that’s what we find out all

Right guess we find out the gate why the hell was the gate does anybody remember this is the average public school yeah is this what it is huh oh this is where I was yeah this is where I was oh God you little ah sorry I had a bit of an overreaction

There okay Fine we’re gonna I’ll leave it on I’ll just make it quiet I guess okay member chat very important message 300 iscs okay I’ll check member chat foreign what does it say it says butterfly butterflies terrify me after playing Kirby nubsy asked in chat if they should steal their mom’s credit

Card to become a member and I said yes it’s a joke and then we get oh wait no wait no no that’s not good that’s not good no so you weren’t about to do that no no no oh God hey Monty sorry for the lack of your mum

So my dog passed today and Carrie for her has been draining my budget keep all the good work I’m so sorry to hear that your mum’s take a take second priority to that that sucks I hope I hope your dog had a happy life I hope you’re that’s that’s so sad

I’m here for you as much as a a silly Minecraft streamer can be thank you for thank you for letting me know thank you for letting us all know because we could be we can be uh we can give you support in the chat everyone show your support what was uh

What was your dog’s name Okay where the hell is this gate by the way not to not to take the attention away from the dog like where the hell was the Gateway I need to need to make progress or we talk about this and it was mocha or Moke oh mocha oh I’m

Stupid okay rest in peace mocha rest in peace wait wait wait wait it said she did okay she had a happy life that’s good that’s all oh this is this is the a that’s that’s all we that’s all we needed to make sure what the hell was that

Bro I’m so confused what’s going on oh oh no okay well I’m sure that’s fine I’m sure there’s no I’m sure this is done yeah no I’m good I’m good don’t even worry what is this is the butterfly have I found the butterfly where we find these please send help

Hurry something’s following us and we don’t know what it is yes you okay uh don’t even worry I got I got this I’m the Avenger I am the singular Avenger they want to have nightmares of ravioli because I was throwing with it what what the hell okay I mean ravioli is

Scary not gonna lie I finally get into the horror part I know right it’s been too long and we’ve not got to the horror part yet okay is it gonna be scary this is the question that we’re dying to see to find the answer to okay ah why

Silence so that it starts I’m gonna oh I’m gonna I’m gonna commit war crimes man I’m gonna commit war crimes I’m gonna commit and nobody will be able to stop me stop laughing at me Anne it’s been 45 minutes that only now has become our game I know this is the problem with

Stuff like this what is this okay cool what am I even looking for is there a butterfly in here what is the point to all this what is the point okay that’s another dead end oh okay wait I found the door door has been found what’s this Oh key card oh no our paintings they’re broken see I’m funny I’m funny that was a funny meme that I just did right there that means you should subscribe also I can hear the Minecraft music underneath this again I could just head dude underneath this this horror like jukebox

Let’s play into my ears okay how do I leave now How do I exit why are you in the back room just suddenly wasn’t this little side I have no idea I have no idea that was cringe I’m on something don’t don’t answer please please it’s all I have balls yeah oh my God it’s past you wait

No way I just read that randomly in this past year welcome AFK again realize you only has three what do you mean what do you mean that’s one way from Paul that’s how math works the real horror of the game is the music okay actually what the hell how do I leave now Was I feel like it was this way right right what do we even need the keycard for foreign Take me to the exit I just want horror this one ahara if this was a YouTube video I would skip this part I would edit half an hour of me running around out fun fact when I record a YouTube video it’s usually like the recordings

Like one to two hours long and then it turns into like eight or ten minutes it’s crazy bro imagine Mr Beast some maps contain music that can’t be muted yeah I think I figured that out is this where I came from left right straight left right left

Straight right I feel like this is leading me to the key card I already already did that oh if I’d gone are you kidding me if I taken the right Dora okay all right okay okay buddy okay right what do I do with this now what’s the point of this

Imagine when I was hold on damn I got that itchy nose oh my God it’s not gonna oh I’ve got so many etches on me okay I’m fine don’t worry I survived Okay but but what do I do now what where do I take this can somebody tell me not not any of you in chat I know you have no idea just like me but what is this for do I leave now like all that like what

But I was just in here there’s no there’s no way there’s something else in here take it to your mom shut up you’re wrong can I go this way now I hate how it teleports me so jankly okay well but where’s the last butterfly where is it I already opened these

I literally need the butterfly is the butterfly what’s in there is it is it the butterfly and not just the key card okay I guess we’re going back in here Jesus Christ Mr monsie that’s me that’s me I guess we’ll follow the instructions what does it say

Left Ivory okay every okay let me turn off this music okay hold on let me just make this quiet Jesus Christ okay all right everybody listen up didn’t you lose above like no I gained it back don’t worry don’t worry um the last butterflies of friends we made along the way okay everybody

Remember this left right straight left right left straight right left left right straight left right left straight right left left wait what was it wait left right straight left right left straight right left right straight left right left left right straight left right left and then what was it straight right left

Yeah it was straight right left [ __ ] Jesus why did that scare me what actually why my heart my heart oh actually why does it why does my heart hurt now I’m having a heart attack will I help God damn it dude that was the cheapest jumps guys stupid ow

Genuine my heart physically hurts I don’t know oh you need a key cutter over the store good yeah good job I have one yeah you’re okay I don’t know man I don’t know below what does that mean below oh that that’s what that means hey I think maybe there’s a key card

Somewhere this maze oh wait uh duh you know this would be scary if there wasn’t like music blasting dummy is um that’s straight I’ve never heard of that yeah that’s funny that’s funny that’s a funny funny because it’s because it’s straight but because straight also means straight

Also means not gay that makes it that’s funny that’s like a joke thanks for the 300 isks Mr Juno I hope you can find this I might not be able to return the spirits on time can you send someone to come find us yes you okay I don’t think anyone is

Gonna read this I don’t think anyone is gonna find your note what does the music keep going through the jumpscape exactly it’s just the most annoying thing it’s making it the most unscary thing ever how did I mess up the particle what the hell okay ready professional parkour how

‘d I just get tped okay professional parkour right now watch this what’s this can you hear that wait hold on let me turn this up can you hear the Minecraft music underneath play it can you hear that This is it’s just a Minecraft music player that’s stupid this is the stupidest thing what is going on with this map man wait is this where it came from no this is bro I have so many questions why do you have like 500 Lexus I have no

Idea why they’re all there what the is it slime oh my God it is I’m a genius I am actually a genius there’s no one smarter than me why why is there a hole in that Wide okay man all right all right Okay okay and now Theo Monty concentrates the El Monte focuses and then that and that does your mom and that is something um okay why isn’t there a hole what does that what’s that mean wait oh there’s a lot smaller fly all right got him

Can I go through this no okay it stopped we got a moment of silence oh there’s different wait there’s different audio but what does this mean candles in this house have three types of color two now the seven Brown candles I already have Flint still that’s fine

Oh my God this is actually a lot of my is what how loud is this by the way I need a fat cattle to light this place up okay why why am I here though can we ask for that isn’t that the obvious question all right Brown candles where you at

Wait oh this is gonna blend into all the wood isn’t it oh great oh there’s one the one in here no there’s just a toilet Hey guys I’m taking it I’m taking a poo I swear to God if the music returns yep they’ll be exactly all right here we go if the music comes back I’m gonna have a stone word with the map Creator all right that’s two out of seven right can’t leave okay

Two dollars for the hot wait no no no again don’t start the H don’t sell it no no no no no no the age chat spam God damn it God damn it I hate what okay I got one that’s three stop It I swear I I swear I Hate Everything whether all right is this all of the candles in here you think you’re slick don’t you you think you’re slick oh the shulker boxes you think you’re smart oh my God Chase goes so fast what the hell the music Shadow than me of course

It is of course music’s lighter than me there we go turn it down bro why why man well it’s going so fast like a million messages a second Jesus Christ I don’t know why it lags on the screen by the way I still need to fix that okay

I understand I understand the ages I get it is this this is all the brand candles in this room right I’ve not missed any am I blind or or am I good oh yeah I’m blind all right that’s four out of seven this computer versus the H Army be like

You’re gonna crash my PC it’s gonna over overwhelm it with the amount of H’s hey man how are you doing you wanna you wanna come say hi I’d love to have a sleepover with you you seem like a great guy uh okay five six is that all no that’s six the seven

Where’s the seventh where’s the seventh candle where is it you passed two downstairs oh did I that’s not it okay wait the music’s fading out oh no oh no do not start the old music don’t start it I swear okay this one’s just fading back in that okay good I was gonna say

The H is still going why is that why is the trade why is the train still a thing okay guys it’s been like like two minutes it’s been a solid two minutes oh here comes the normal Minecraft music because I like dancers downstairs oh my God whenever I acknowledge it it gets

Like 10 times faster whatever I just need to stop speaking about the ages and then that is all right there we go doors open oh I’m so good at games wait can I just clip through this no well well well well well well well that’s the micro music display right now

Should we help it we don’t know what’s afterwards but it’s coming fast please hurry before it’s too late you know it just sounds like you’re going you know at the end like you’re signing it was just you know okay guys guys I need do you have brains do you have words

That you can say that aren’t hate um I knew they were a danger stupid you though didn’t even give Clues anywhere he is or where they are headed stupid you know dumbass why does you know have so many lectins and books this is what I’m saying that’s

What I meant like why how did they just place all of these I guess we’re going with the Minecraft logic he just broke some trees we put all four skulls around this area and everything why man why okay the school’s going this was it going block of gold why is the blocks

Of gold out here oh I guess I gotta look for skulls now this is not horror this is the this is the the least horroriest horror map ever I feel like we can only play one game or two maps one one or two maps for stream

By the way I’ve just thought about this and it’s like they’re long right they’re like full games this map will give me more nightmares than the ravioli oh yeah uh just took me a minute to comprehend that yeah is this a skull there seems to be a mysterious hole I

Wonder what’s under there I wonder score anyone no it’s more parkour oh my God the scariest thing of all I sometimes I saw the H train is still going somehow guys why okay jokes on you you’re just making my chat uh my chat rate per second extremely high

Okay so and actually it doesn’t actually benefit me at all because it does nothing but I don’t know it’s a higher number so I so yo so yeah take that take that chat take that huh why do you get faster whenever I say it why do you guys

Are doing it so much faster whenever I start I’m gonna have Stern words with you I’m gonna drag you all to the side and oh my God we got 169 viewers hey funny okay that’s the second skull all right what about this way that’s where I came from no

Is this a thing okay here’s a there we go here’s the third skull they said if you finish the maze you’ll get a reward we can just go on F5 it’s fine uh what what’s the best way this way it looks like Yep this way and then

And then all right we’ll just follow this oh my God I’m such a good Mazer look at me definitely not cheating right now definitely not okay this is not the right way I’m in F5 and I still mess it up what the hell okay wait this way yeah yeah this way

And then I did it oh my God I’m so good what the hell is this a person can I take this I could all right all right I’ll armor up I guess give give I am so sorry for your loss if there’s anything I can do don’t hesitate to

Reach out we’re here for you what what do you mean what do you mean okay how do I leave now oh do I have to go back through the maze oh you little did you play my your mom map yet the almost like you made it your mom

Did you do that what I did not I’ve not played that what should we all do in homework you should I’m the least homeworky man I this could possibly be the worst dream to watch homework too I’m just this is me being dumb actually maybe it’s good because it’s

Because it’s me being dumb my brain’s off which means you don’t have to pay attention Okay where is the exit is it that way well it’s that way wait I got it I got it don’t even worry I’m worth anything once he wins all right there we go third score acquired

Third Scotland that’s got acquired yeah baby the H train is back okay I really need to get back to making my map for torturing Theo oh oh God more more map okay what about the fourth skull this is this is the big question bro this is the big question this is not

What the hell guys stop eight are you showing at the weather I I don’t know I’m placing them on blocks I need four schools apparently how do I get back to the oh there it is you know the map I told you about NDM when

Did you tell me about oh wait yeah no yeah the one that I mentioned inside the screen to stream the one on your server yeah we’ll do that after uh we’ll do that this stream okay that’s the third one that’s the third one thank you for the 199

Okay the the fourth one is probably or is that the maze I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is can I just go through the trees can the bad guy please show up I’m getting bored of not getting scared man it’s where I was all right wait we gotta

Do some detective work real quick where have I not been so there was the oh my God Cape sound so scary so I’ve been there I’ve been there I think because I think that was the have I been there I think I have oh God

I’m gonna have to go check out and I God damn it man God damn it man okay what’s this way just just a path there’s another day this is gonna lead me to nothing that’s that that okay all right will this be a video we’ll see if it’s good

Enough if it’s funny enough you know probably it it’ll probably be the video yeah I think the thing the my playing horror Minecraft maps is funny because most of them are just aren’t scary Okay so what have I not been there and that’s where I came from wait what are this one

There’s nothing over there though I’m so confused where’s the last one oh we got some oh my God we got some peaceful Minecraft music yes it’s incredible it feels like I’m playing Minecraft in 2013 again I don’t think I was playing in 2013 but so

This map has not been a horror map once I know right we find this skull and then if it drags on we leave we bail we just get out of here is it this way I don’t know what what I’m looking for man where could where could the last school be foreign

Time to go and say it and Crush my point of view on Street what the hell does that mean what the hell does that mean wait there’s a light here oh my God I think I found it this is why I’ve been here I’ve been here man

I’m good oh yeah you find the score and it tells you to find seven kinds of beans or something I would prefer to be finding certain kinds of beans to be fair beans are tasty gamer spectator that would be cheating I’ve never cheated in a map before wait this way oh my God

Oh my God we must have the H train in the bed we got we yeah do we do we need something shredded a bit Dewey is that a thing we need I think I found it so much seems to be keeping an eye on us in this Forest every corner feels

Strange oh no where is this girl giving me this girl where is it where is this called where would this girl be I cannot find it is it in the other tent where is it a crafting table I can I can craft uh I can craft uh many things

I cannot craft anything can I what can I can I cannot collect anything oh no so sad also sad oh yes please tasty my name is ryuk No One’s Gonna Get the reference today what that bro okay I can’t climb on the trees where the hell why does this school then

Yeah we will start the a string again if the eight strand is not in the bed fine it will be the fine if it means don’t worry strain I’ll put in the video If you guys continue the age rate what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna

I don’t know pick up every single one of you and defenestrate you individually bro where where is it well where is it we’re wet where’s the skull where’s this where is this skull oh you can’t like you can’t do this you can’t put an exclamation mark and then just not have it here

Dude what what did you mean what did they mean oh Barrel is it gonna be in barrels but it was in chess the entire time do I just search all of the barrels all right I guess I’ll do that that’s where the apples were though right

Wait did I just see it no that was a word I thought it was bro can I light oh it’s already lit what’s this do nothing okay cool Godzilla bro you still mess around with emotive portals yeah I do that some streams I need ATM streams man well I was around

To play maps bro I’ve I am getting this map is making me infuriated not even gonna lie this isn’t Fury ATV bro there’s still one more Barrel where where’s it where’s the barrel I missed I looked in both of the ears is there another Barrel somewhere I’m missing something

This is that one there’s only three barrels here that’s the last Barrel oh underneath it oh it’s just more apples okay there’s no skull there is there is no skull I there’s no skull why am I even here this is the dumbest thing like the campfire wait there’s a campfire It has done nothing nothing has been achieved nothing I mean it’s cozy it’s cozy I’m gonna have a drink by the by the fire water lovely I would like to point out you know G fuel or what it seems like every single streamer drinks a g fuel extreme I’ve

Never once touched do you feel it looks disgusting by the way bro weather where is this okay I’ve got two more minutes of searching then I give up it just we move on WE swiftly move on swiftly bro I’m so lost what Mike do I use the shore sm58

Oh my God I’m gonna sneeze wait I’m gonna sneeze that I’ve died I’m dead oh that ended me I think I’m yeah I genuinely done under the fire what do you mean under the fire I want to be under the what does that mean where man what

Okay there’s no what I can’t even kill myself on the fire that’s so stupid this wait I can climb oh come on no okay yeah there’s nothing here there’s there’s genuinely no school here it was even the point there’s actually there’s actually genuinely nothing here

Why are PC specs I will start putting it in my description because people keep asking me that it’s uh I’ve got an RTX 38 TTI a ryzen 73800x and uh 48 gigabytes of something Ram Alamo came from another house that’s the house yeah there’s no way I found this creative mode helps you

Do I just yeah should we just cheat should we just let’s just skip let’s just use a skip come on game I can’t even hold on I gotta let’s see what happens if this actually gets scary um where is it it’s in game I play cheese yeah baby

That did not there we go uh uh uh weather there we go I got it guys I got it oh my God oh my God oh it should be an adventure I forget what was that a black hole what what was that oh no what the [ __ ] bro what is going on

Destroyed five cars fast before the monster finds out where you are oh oh this is like real horror now okay can’t go in there it is incredibly dark okay all right this is real wait this is fine okay this this is what the entire map should have been all right

Okay there’s a second wait all right that’s two this is three All right you can’t go that way can’t go through here I heard a nether portal in that general direction why it’s not okay that’s number four and this is number five that was easy we did it what bridge where’s the bridge what bridge am I Crossing

I just hear the norm with the Minecraft music kicking back in this is they did not take into account that okay where that where the hell is the bridge what oh this is the bridge okay I do as you say nothing can go wrong here right right hey man uh was that yasu

Oh now I’m sure it wasn’t yasu I’m gonna click this red button now oh God this music is the real jump scares the music kicking back in Oh chapter one that was it that was the map that was the entire map that was that was that was the map okay are we

Done is this is it okay well great congratulations on finishing it looks I’m so happy I did that ggs ggs everybody now I need to call them quit that I can’t hear this music Jesus Christ I hate that hey that’s so much okay stupid horror map never scary exactly

This is every single Minecraft horror man this is why it’s funny to play them because they suck all right all right all right um all right now and now I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what we’ve got we’ve got wait wait wait wait uh was it scariest map ever

So the plan when I’m thinking of the plan now is we’ll play the scariest map ever with with mysterious friend um and then we’ll and then we’ll do the Java map yeah sounds good sounds good Uh no siren head you want siren head but I don’t know if that’s multi diet because of my water is siren head multiplayer when Drew Bucks Head I think this is single player I think I don’t want to break it I don’t want to break a huge map okay jukebox head is gonna have to be its own separate so separate uh stream ing back because that’s I know there’s genuinely so many background Maps Okay let me let me DM mystery friend hold on yo

Play map with me okay I’m gonna actually make the wait hold on where is it there it is wait scariest map ever though yeah Download shows to go great minions we’re not playing minions we’re not playing minions now this is not what we’re doing Uh okay create it’s being created okay this is the self-proclaimed scariest map ever okay I’m gonna try and Discord call I’m gonna try and get the audio levels right okay and if it’s wrong then then I’m sorry I’ll fix it okay wait okay okay all right this is experimental

Right here I’ve never streamed with Discord audio playing okay let’s see what let’s see what mystery friend has to say hello [Laughter] Let me out of the basement don’t tell them don’t don’t say that out loud wait so wait guys can you can you hear can you hear it can you hear the the mystery friend answer okay yes okay okay turn me down then okay don’t just shut up stop being contrary

Um don’t pay attention to that I have no one in my basement is that yeah this is bear yeah yeah wait okay okay bro I’ve been advice on it okay wait I need to invite you to this map and I don’t know how I don’t know are you are you frog or spoob

Uh fog eight five one two but I still can’t change it that’s that’s just not on my list I’ve got frog but that’s just a completely different okay I could not tell you what is your game attack I feel like multiple people are gonna add you but they’re just like

This it’s just fog eight five one two fog eight five one two you have to open Xbox I don’t know how this works I had the game bar or something right no game bun Ting girlfriend confirmed ah no oh my God here we stay I don’t think that’s a

I don’t think that’s true honestly okay where fog wait I’m getting this in Xbox hold on Xbox game bar I have no idea which one you are you have to be more specific um uh oh it’s it’s fog hashtag eight five one two you have a hashtag I don’t understand

How this works I don’t know I don’t have you added I only have one singular well I don’t okay just add me it’s just it’s just Theo Monty okay just add it yeah You’ll know it when you see it actually I have no profile picture so you might feel like that I did it yeah uh uh I gotta filter through all of the random requests I’ve got I do not see it I do not see your friend request why are

You doing this on Xbox or game bar or what on Xbox social mate yeah that’s what I’m on that’s what I mean yeah so you problem I think you’re just cringe this is not a me Pro I’m sure You’re such I’m not gonna say it I’m not gonna I’m gonna

He can’t have a he can’t have a grill he was at the gay bar yeah you’re right it’s every night man it’s becoming a problem this is just this is fake news there’s no proof wait what you’re not even there I do I’m getting ready five just call it just saying you are

The squad you’re not here I don’t know I’m gonna google this are you sure friend someone on X books I’m gonna invite these two people and maybe one of them will be you did you get any right uh why do I check if you don’t need to get

The actual what time is it in your country sorry I’m reading you um what what don’t you start with this as well you’re supposed to be on my side 8 22. that is the time for BPM you’re wrong he’s lying this is working phenomenally so

So single can you just join my game did you get an invite what what do you mean it’s I see you it says you’re online you’re playing Minecraft join my game um well add me’s a friend or like I don’t know how this works I have that party

I party but it has to be mine because it’s my world invite me to improv I don’t fog okay you’re definitely called for you right how many followers do you have how am I supposed there’s one fog with 139 followers this is not you how do you check out any followers you

Have I don’t know hashtag five stupid no hashtag eight five one two yeah it just doesn’t I invited I invited two of your accounts to my do you have a third account what is happening oh I probably have so many accounts but yeah wait I’ll open chat uh

Oh I have to install an update oh my God you shouldn’t why you do this before the stream I literally told you that no no no no no it only just popped fog barely plays Minecraft in general okay but I’ve been playing it longer than you

No that’s not true here it is no it’s not I don’t even play Minecraft like since Pocket Edition came out and I had it on the 360 before that I think it might like I have probably have more hours 2012. oh yeah no definitely can you draw I’m getting bored of this

Lobby area already I need you to join I believe okay wait I think he says does he plays Bedrock yeah and listen um do as I say not as I do okay do you that doesn’t the quote doesn’t make doesn’t make any sense of the same thing

It’s too late to back out now so make sure you read the directions to better your odds in making it out each map was your men and be fluffy and colorful be careful in this amazing horror keep in keep in mind being able to hear what happens is crucial or else you’re

Missing him or you’ll miss a hint or two it’s designed with sound in mind headphones are recommended and we recommend keeping the volume turned fairly up for the fall experience when it’s safe make sure to search for the gold coins they’ll help unlock harder boats for you to try out just remember

Don’t get caught okay all right I gotta make oh that my ass I send you a chat oh did you yeah some noise was chat message requests oh fog I found you yeah you should read out my message uh pogo sticks what yeah okay I’m so real for that okay how

Do I add you as a friend ah invite to game wait I invite you to game I invite you you got it you got it yeah oh my God except okay what is your skin in Bedrock by the way what is this gonna be oh I am no

Idea oh could not connect outdated server that’s great oh did you do I have to update what do you mean outdated server I don’t know do I have to buy the game too no no you’re done I’ve done this before okay oh wait wait oh wait I’m gonna quit

I’m gonna quit I’m gonna relaunch how do I update guys how do I update Minecraft Bedrock Edition wait how do I how do I do this listen it’s a work in progress okay you just go into the Microsoft store thing and you Michael carpet store what the

Hell yeah it’s on your PC you know if you had eyes you would know you would be a normal person look a little applications on your little app yeah let me try to say Microsoft store too I’m gonna listen to my chat and not you I’m gonna go into the Microsoft store I

I don’t like you yeah there’s no update button it does not need an update hey my Microsoft store I don’t know where it was for me I did not Scout the area I did not look I did not check you’re playing the launcher yeah I went into the launcher the Microsoft store

Led me to the launch no no no no no no no no no you go to the Microsoft store and then go to library phone and then it says updates and downloads check for additional updates by clicking get updates wait I found it I found it I found it I

Found it I found it guys I found it don’t even worry all right it’s doing it it’s doing it it’s updated don’t even worry okay I’ll buy a woman why do you say it like that I can’t I can’t agree with that but I can’t disagree with that although both options are bad

Installing Microsoft Store what is what do you mean okay wait I don’t know just update it so just broke I just broke the stream okay it’s fine we’re back what if I’ll do that friend sounds like the definition of British yeah you are British I’m not the definition of British Theo eats beans

From the tin cold only when I can’t be bothered to cook anything okay it’s the fact that you do it in the first place we’d rather go hungry and grilled tuna beans but no it’s not bad though you can add so many meals no good it’s good promise promise

Called I do eat beans listen guys guys yeah everyone make fun of Theo please yeah he is a wrong gun all right I don’t like I don’t like this anymore I don’t like I maybe I shouldn’t be a streamer also yeah you should die on on the

Bottom right at all times what the hell why is that there that’s stupid okay um okay I’m gonna invite you again okay wait can you not see the game oh you can’t see the game of stupid okay don’t call me an interesting individual I am I mean I’ll take it as a compliment

Interesting is another statement what the hell all right I’m inviting you okay now join sept was a barrister the hell man I have to download the resource perks oh my God no it’s done it’s done it’s done okay calm down oh my God it’s fog eight five one two you’re just Steve

That’s I hear just Steve I’m what are you on your screen I’m a villager with a maid outfit why okay all right that’s me guys oh it’s so loud voice acting please make sure the sound is on okay are you ready to go I’m gonna shut my sound off yeah

It says your sound needs to be on what that why would you do that okay we’re here this guy’s alive apparently something happens after that button try to help if I can does this guy sound Swedish to you I feel like he’s got the challenge oh wait I would say it might be

Nausea no we got highest difficulty oh oh never mind you need coins we have to do normal mode stupid fine normal mode all right okay so what now preparing games I think we leave the cave don’t call me blind Monty I’m not blind I’m doing good yeah you are I’ve made

Progressive stick yeah I’ll wait my headphones oh no where’s my cable yeah good Chuck in his Dutch no he sounds like we’ve got the shells accent I don’t know well you’re being incredibly it’d be incredibly Swedish swedishist right now oh yeah Swedish people yucky yucky yucky oh

Oh Jesus Christ I can’t plug in my I can’t hear wait hold on I can’t hear anything I’m gonna plug in the wire there we go got it notification no I’m not this is a joke this is a joking what is a hyphen what you coming to me for grammar skill

It’s a grammar class okay let’s play don’t why have you why have you paused and started spamming your keyboard come on we need to go also I can’t see anything by the way I do not see it oh no this is very loud is this loud for everyone else I

Couldn’t see a thing mate yeah hmm also my OBS is broke there you go oh my God Jesus Christ you’re like what what am I looking at you oh I hit what what the hell what was that I’ve gone mate I’m Gunners I’m going the other way okay you could

Push a lot okay uh we can just leave you to do that right behind me it’s right behind me I am at a literal dead end seal you distract it for me and I’ll beat the map you’re screams destroy my ears in Swedish maybe he’ll understand so

What am I trying to get I just can’t understand don’t lead him here is here yeah no he’s not well he was oh he’s here why have you leave me no no no no no no no no no you just left me you left about me too nowhere is safe

Never mind it’s not safe it’s not safe it’s not safe it’s not safe oh okay have fun with your new boyfriend just this is the I don’t think boyfriends do this this is this would be a very abusive like what have I got I found a coin great great awesome

I I can’t get any time to just hide this is bad this is better this is very bad I’m totally done I’m totally dead I’m totally dead I’m totally dead man I’m chilling you know I’m just looking at some some water you know some lily pads nice trees where are you what

What are you I’m in the menu oh okay but why can’t I not go that way what’s going on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah we’re back here if we go right here does it I hacked it I hiked it the other toxic relationship with a tall demon thing

Uh-huh just did okay where is the exit I cannot see a thing by the way stream you can see better than me better than I can see wait I’m really really confused all right what Forest cabin what do you mean are you in what’s going

On uh no for God’s sake oh Minecraft for Windows is updating again it’s a 99 Oh weird where the hell is Safari’s cabin I’ll make progress while you’re doing whatever you do okay the punctuation mark used to join words it’s okay no I don’t even care about

Your Punctuation is this where I was this is where I came from peanut butter be not Potter oh that’s my favorite food okay it’s really not though is it yeah where is the where is this so-called Forest cabin uh what I cannot see a thing man is it that

Wait hold on gonna go for an explore it’s where the demon is oh great oh here’s the first cabin ET made it What the hell what is let me know this is not the time to be asking for an invite this is okay I’m saying I’m safe I’m safe so I have said to the sixth Dimension I don’t know where I am found an arrow what is going on what is going on

What am I trying to accomplish all right you’re welcome do you wanna do you want a TP to me yeah I gotta I gotta say on a cheese wait is he breaking into the room wait wait I can’t wait I can’t even activate cheats you’re gonna have to find this

Forest cabin right now uh uh uh I found it how do I bro oh okay hey man hey hey how’s how you doing oh come on get me here okay that’s okay let’s get into the cabin wait is that a cabin or is it just

A big glass thing uh I think I’m kind of screwed by the way I have no idea I do not know how to escape this embarrassed maybe we should reset because I’m I’m also stuck oh no I’ll I’ll turn on I put this on the block of iron where the hell is the block of iron dude where is the block of oh I found the block of iron give me give me give me give me give me and then shut um I’m dead what is this what this is so loud

What the hell I got teleported yeah I know on top of a tree but I’m not with you oh wait you might I’m now stuck out I’ve been telling yeah I’m just trying to listen to that guy I’ll tip you to be I have no idea what’s happened to Jacob I’ve no clue

Hold on uh uh I think I can unlock the world options wait hello I am under the water please help me oh wait I know I’m actually drowning okay okay I’m good uh this is TP there we are you’re here now welcome okay can you see anything by

The way because I can’t no not genuinely my entire scream is see oh I can see oh there we go okay my entire screen was just completely black okay let’s go bro why does it make my entire screen black when I start when I’m in the water

Why why is it like this why is it like this okay it’s fine as we go along the river oh wait you’ve been up Brothers you think yeah oh what the hell is this map what’s going on okay I found no I found you oh for God’s

Sake I genuinely i j I’m actually blind right now yeah look at me look at me okay I’m looking at you hey oh never mind I can’t punch you why would you why would you do it get better this is the worst experience ever in the history of evidence are we going

To the beach spicy light I see light we go into the light let’s go to the light okay we’re going to the light I’m making an executive decision oh I’m stuck oh Jesus Christ okay wait now I can see you oh no okay why are you faster than

Me stop stop wait for me why am I faster than you stop being Sonic stop it I am speed you have no idea how fast I am the water is about so it makes your screen black yeah I I understood that but I’m just wondering why it’s bad and

Why it would do that why is the map so dark but I just want to go whoa oh oh little baby everyone called you a baby gone don’t elbows on me oh it’s amazing everything I don’t want to drop down there oh no don’t

Stop I’m not a baby I’m not a baby a little a little baby man oh I found a chest oh that’s a i spider I think I don’t know what that was in the chest a more useful bat what a more useful bat oh what what like a like a

Back yeah a bat like like you hit Oh I thought you meant like that animal no no oh the stairs okay I’m gonna try and find you but I you’re all the way over there nah I’m very findable actually that’s what they say about oh I found a bat too

Yeah it doesn’t mean we can kill the spiders if I can actually see them let’s kind of just run over it I don’t have to write I have to right click okay what why is there a noise why is there a noise my heart hurts oh I’m near you yeah yeah

But I can’t get to you can you can you just have to like oh wait wait value hello hello what did you discover how come I couldn’t collect that okay it was over here it ran up the walls I saw it before I thought it was I want to see

That run down there okay maybe I won’t do it now I don’t think I’ll do it now yeah okay I see how it is yeah it has enough for me there’s nothing here oh so I can barely see geez okay there we are finally my God

It’s about two longer than oh I’m back in the dark as well okay cool why don’t you let me know sooner I could turn it down okay where the hell go back well we’re gonna beat him up we’re gonna beat him up how do I how do we win this map what is

The actual goal Reese’s Cups Reese’s Cups Eat Em Up Beat em up beat up beat them up I swear there’s something following me there’s definitely my own footsteps are scaring me oh wait what’s this I see thing wait is this where we were this is a large place look at like

Delicious you know I don’t think that’s a good idea this is a little bit too spooky what is that yeah you would say that is that a dude hey but oh hey man why did I not no they’re not they’re not for that they are not what am I

Collecting why do I have a village adult s hit this one don’t even worry I got this I’ll take care of this I’m a gamer oh I’m nearly dead just don’t be ball we gotta collect all the Shish oh oh my god oh this is not good I’m being

Called it bro I’m being called it look at that like what’s this guy doing so do I need to just collect all of these and then we get to the Next Room I guess that’s what we do I miss this one now leave me leave me oh no oh no oh

No oh no oh no just keep running don’t even try and get yourself oh I’m in two hearts okay well you’ve already got it now what was it no it’s there there you go yeah oh you’ve died why have you done this and you just you said it’s there you

Just did it you ran towards it you were on top of it why did you not grab it I didn’t collect it why what oh this is only reading the least useful messages yeah that’s that’s the thing I have now uh uh where oh wait did we do it is it open

No it’s not also there’s a voice acting is kind of funny you can’t leave you just got here you just got here you just hey guys okay well be on your way faster I’m on my way bro they’re guarding the coins do I need those coins today

Don’t worry oh you could use the toys to hit them oh my God who’s the ball oh no I’m taking damage I’m taking what is it like Wario oh I killed one please do damage oh they do Oh I thought I had more time than that okay wait yeah all right I’ll lead

Them around you kill them you kill him oh no now they’re all in me oh no you said the wrong thing they were not on you I’m too scared okay cool yay oh no there’s more there’s more um hiyo hi munchkin welcome I was like popping how’s it hanging well they sound

Like Warrior was it oh oh oh very orange I’m not drunk I didn’t drink anything oh y’all heard something what is on my head dude what the [ __ ] yeah let’s go please welcome back uh okay whatever do we need a lever for that we need a leader for that best reliever man

Why can’t it be enough why can’t it be okay so the toy trains do the most damage um and then the bat also does damage yeah yeah the toy trained us five damage the bat the six what do we do now I have no idea we need

A lever I think go to the ladder are we blind I think we’re blind where’s Alana what has a lot of what do you mean what do you mean goes to the ladder pogo sticks why that what the hell bro where the hell okay what am I you go

That way I’ll go this way all right let’s split up split up cover more ground that way there’s no ladder I don’t see a lot of are they they’re probably watching with us so we spend it all of our time no I think oh

I found a lever I found it uh that was all me that was all me that was on me can’t go down maybe do not I got iron boots you missed out man well you miss out on the zombies yeah but you missed out on some iron boots

They do damage these are classy these are expensive that way I got them from Balenciaga this is like Gucci material this is Balenciaga exactly you wouldn’t know because you’re pulled you’re a Brokey what the hell I’ll hate with my Toy Story um oh hey hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah

Um go in that room oh hey guys quick believer go on kill him okay do it just kill him oh they don’t do anything see a nut it just turned around to see how they don’t do damage uh they do if you walk into them oh well I’ve not walked into them you

Can’t hit them though yeah exactly it’s a useless room I think it’s just a jump scare I’m getting more all right but I don’t know how do you like it though I don’t know let’s have a tea party guys I thought you must go through that path oh they made a path

What if I wait what if I is it that way way walk forwards walk forwards wait walk forward yeah keep going that way is there anything that way wow oh they do so much damage exactly this is a dog oh I found it no I didn’t there’s

Nothing there okay let’s not I don’t think this is the right room I don’t think let’s leave you just joined uh welcome to yeah I don’t know what’s going on exactly but this is this we’re kind of confused I’m gonna close that door for our safety okay you never know when

They’re gonna strike so why do the sounds of the the buttons sound like I’m slamming my head oh there’s more ties out it’s like recently I don’t know what’s going on how do we progress nothing no instructions anywhere what has to be through there I don’t understand

My train get out my butt you’re getting out your train yeah I left for five minutes why is that our children uh don’t even I think yeah the zombies are chill they don’t really look like children but I guess they’re canonically children now what oh I think I found an area

I went there and nothing oh yeah it’s going around in circles all the way up there’s one up there I see him look I see a guy well I don’t know what the point of this is I don’t know where you are hey oh it’s just because it’s up there I’m

Genuinely so confused this this map is I’ve oh that was dead Okay um this map is mapping right now uh this map is going that was so scary that was that was uh that what was it called the scariest map ever self-proclaimed what do you mean it was so scary the

Amount of times you peed yourself I mean come on Theo you can do better than that I mean I don’t pee myself come on that’s not shop okay I’ve got to play the Java map let’s let’s try this Java map let’s do this I’m closing Minecraft

Time to put on the uh putting the music back on wait oh my God we party whoa okay so that was that um froak I am gonna take my leave and then do this other map thank you for joining me in my Epic Journey thank you

Thank you never mind I was trying to try to be nice but you know okay never mind all right uh that was fire put it out uh uh okay okay okay now we have to um oh God itchy nose again nozichi itchy nose oh my God I’m crying

Anyway guys did you enjoy that map we could all spell it there wait we’ll use one oh the piss yeah sorry I peed myself too much I’m not stinky don’t take that word for wait hold on while we while we do while I do the math I’ll just make myself big

Hey guys look it’s big me it’s Big B I’m not I have never once been scared of My Thai life These are true fact about me I’ve never been scared um I’ve never ever been scared ever okay so I forget what mods I need but I

Think I have them in just one folder so all I have to do is take them out the folder I think I think I found it security correct that’s it yeah this one’s gonna be the right one okay and now I joined the server here we go gamers

I’m really thirsty I ran out of my water I might go get some again damn these maps are scary they’re so scary man they make me so scared they are wet I’m not wet you are wrong this is fake news false news they’ll fix yourself you’re showing your leglessness listen it’s because I

Enlarged myself things like that happen there you go stop calling me baby mother you can’t don’t jump on the bandwagon of insults that the the the the random friend the mystery friend said okay it’s not it’s not very nice of you I forgot to start the server what start

The server then I need to use this server to play the map Among Us be like in Theo 2023 what does that even mean what does that mean s my game crashed what what my game crash oh no don’t tell me we’re gonna have mod problems now Can we get a row in chat yeah please to resend them 1 wait no I think I found them they’re supposed to be the right ones I think but these are the ones I have installed I don’t understand Your PC dislikes mods apparently I know right I don’t understand I’m looking at chat right now what do you mean play the Monty song why is that what’s the monkey song what does that mean well how long does this take just a minute don’t worry I’m loading this Minecraft now

Thanks for the rose guys you affirming me I don’t know what is that how that is that what that word means I don’t know okay okay wait wait can you see game yet I don’t have to change it I think I have to change it what okay Minecraft and we’re in

What can I hear why do I have multiple musics why do I what do I hear what am I this is not it’s not gonna pause this okay this is the server apparently this is a horror map so let’s let’s try this let’s give it a go disconnected

Okay looking at chat they don’t call you stinky definitely definitely don’t call me snooky why is the server stopping why is it stopping I have to wait I guess look at the Moon is the moon out I don’t think the moon’s out okay I’m like Theo oh you’re so right

That’s what they call me more like um just sing the monsie song what is the Monty song why is that why is this why does the server say sleepy why is it tired what wait am I am I loading in uh yeah Monty by opening this server you indirectly became spank I’m very

Confused I very kid what does that mean what does what does that mean okay starting we’re almost dead guys you should sing Gummy Bear I’m a Gummy Bear yeah I’m a gummy bear it goes like that right bro is this the Minecraft music I’m so confused

Okay now it just it’s just connect now I can’t even see the server man this is the this is the this is not working you just got spanked yeah I just got spanked the hours right what were you right about nah I’m right no one else could be

Right another Grim Reaper it was what the Grim Reaper I want to look at that waiter green reaper bro oh it says old as we just restarting again this is this is not working but we have to wait Mafia Spanish Mafia said wait a minute and chat there they’re ready to server so

The Monty song is about Monty you what is that what but what is the Monty song be ready for the awesome Epic 11 out of 10 s plus 10 map of me and snuff and we’ll make I don’t okay okay I’ll I’ll be ready for the s team

Up yourself even bigger There You Go the whole screen no I refuse I used to do that also am I too big now I feel like I was smaller I’m gonna make myself smaller oh yeah that’s better okay am I in game I hear sounds I’m in game I’ve completed the

Challenge random Shish can’t open this okay I didn’t need uh exit temporarily moved oh this is just the this is just more of the the map from last time this isn’t horror this is a nahara what is going on what am I looking at okay I need to turn off

The Music Man actually that’s it oh it’s gone anyway anyway you can’t even hear this what there we go perfect okay pog I don’t know why I said pug in 2023 that’s fine all right it gets Hara okay all right so do I stand on this what is going on

Okay yeah there is Zara apparently okay let’s let’s let’s play through this let’s play through this what the hell okay take me take me away take me oh I see ladders okay what now oh more Corridor okay all right I guess we just follow exit stolen by shells oh no oh no

It was taken Charles took it go elevator didn’t I just call up the elevator did I just do that I might like crazy wait what happens if I stand here nothing happens if I stand there that’s so sad never mind I’m a gamer I’m a gamer I can clip through it

This is Amaze not horror map uh yeah but apparently there is gonna be horror elements to it soon so I guess we’ll just wait for that what the hell okay all right this is what is this block command what is that okay what where I go where do you go

Where do you what is going on man what is happening well oh no that’s not good that’s not I don’t like that never mind um I’m fine apparently well what is what is this would that squish me what very confused and now I’m not small enough okay man okay

But I need to be small to get through there and oh my God what is going on what is going on so I get on the elevator now right just go back on this also my F5 is not bound to the right key I have it set to f there we go

Why am I not small bro I need to become small boy this is turned into an immersive portal stream oh map Creator is online uh-oh bro what it should be Spanish don’t worry oh good because I thought I thought you’re a Herobrine for a second then I go on okay

I can’t even get back up there wait wait so what now what now why do I do what do I do bro I don’t even go back gotta go this way under the oak the under the platform under the oh I go under you’re so right you’re so right

Oh my God you’re so right it’s all right you’re so right I’m so dumb I’m so stupid one of them the other is in bed as you play the maps at the worst times possible for me I’m sorry I’m sorry okay wait okay so this way I was just hit no I

Wasn’t this is a microwave me when microwave top text bottom text okay what oh oh oh why is there more size changing it makes me go insane the amount of time changing I’ve done over my youtubing very comedic where in the hell am I going

It’s a maze man oh my God it’s amazing I’m kidding I’m not cringe promised did I make it am I the right size what is going on ciao please uh Heisenberg what do I go through here I guess I go through here bro my my brain is like

Does anybody else have a brain that becomes mush whenever you try to critically think that’s me am I going the right way that you already sent that message oh it’s a a hand crank I’m cranking the hand handing the crank your brain hurts well it’s oldest man what bro what is going on

What does this one do what what is this what are these stairs man and then what is this now I’m too smart and I feel like I got too small I I think I think I made him Escape I found a skip what did I skip and why am

I so tiny what did I do you just read my mind because I was just thinking handing the crank as you said that yeah I I’m actually psychic no cap you’re cranking your heart um yeah okay all right I’m free I’m free oh Oh what the what am I looking at bro what is that oh and I’m big again okay this is I’m very confused oh oh my brain my eyes they don’t compute tax stack tack stack shall stole these tax stack what the what is attack stack

Why am I back here what is going on did I just go back to the beginning why am I back at the beginning but I was I was here wait I’m so confused what is going on dude you needed to say what do I need to take buttons from what

What did I need to take buttons from also buttons are in here oh oh it means take stack of what all right oh I can right click the size to edit them subscribe to the El Monte us barrels okay I got a stack what is

Oh my God I forgot I bought this yes yes it’s this mod I bought this on stream Naruto running wait guys I can also hit you with the I can also hit you with the the fine boom Vine boom Vine boom yeah yeah yeah you must subscribe to

Fear it’s true so what’s this for trip to Keisha wood well I could just put it on this it’s all now up I’ve fallen and also also jumps on um uh where am I what is this fence gate ended flushed what oh what is going on what is going on

What is happening fence gate ending where am I wait I forgot oh wait hold on I got this it’s fine I got the ending oh my God oh my God I did it this is wait what is this my name is Dr Glenn Pierce hello hello apparently I’m skipping stuff

Hello my name is Dr Glenn Pierce and this map is going incredibly well you see everyone who come to the Institute does so because they feel that they are no this is a very um this is very loud and also very uh educational inspirational The problem that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from A New Perspective and so we do the same things again and again oh I did it okay all right all right that was that all right well now oh oh yeah this battle got

Copyrighted this is loud Jesus Christ manual override clutter funkador I don’t know what that means I’ll what the hell is happening what is going on why is it loud why is what is what is this music what oh no is this valve oh you gotta turn it off got it okay I’m good

I’m good I’m good I’m not gonna get copyright strike for valve re-push button what button oh pushed it many times what’s going what what are we gonna why do I have what else blindness oh I gotta go this way I gotta go this way it’s fine I figured it out what

Did you see that was it just me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is what is going on with that man what the hell oh what oh what how do you get the essential mod I think it’s like or something like that don’t take my word for the

I’m so confused by oh God I fell back down great good awesome ah let me in okay Jesus Christ okay uh uh now what now what parkour I can’t I can’t control I can’t jump though I mean uh Sprint though that’s the one okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine then

All the way up here yep yep feel Monty with the with the big brain players jump out why was there a head why was there a head thing what where am I is this the start why would you put me back to the start I don’t what

That’s so mean turn the music on Theo the show fine all right if we get copyrighted then we get caught oh God oh God oh I’ve done that I’ve done the narrator run wait where am I man I would turn the music on all right I’ll turn tell you what I’ll turn on

I’ll turn on uh Wii party music there you go you like that do you like that I need to tap back into this stream there we go well this stream has devolved what is going on off these No more help okay was I getting help you don’t even know where am I going hello Hello okay this is just weather hell does this end does this Corridor end is there an end to this corridor it’s hello I can’t see anything what I’m gonna Naruto run through the Corolla screw it bro this is what is happening No also you really should play Naruto not all portal let’s see yeah you thought the wrong thing because I said no where the hell am I going don’t worry I’ll help okay Do I just keep vlogging there’s a secret what do you mean there’s a secret try to find it there’s no way I find any Secret in here it’s just the darkest thing in all of the existence I cannot see anything oh oh we made it somewhere okay maybe it’s

Back here I heard the secrets here I found it found the secret is this is this the right way uh uh uh uh I’m free I’m free what the hell man what it’s broken again Ah this is uh this is a very polished right yeah the first one was more it was less glitchy than this one this is funny okay well I guess I’m counting myself on the cactus I probably shouldn’t kill myself I mean the music is kind of funky foreign

Yes please do please do I would I would love that So it’s this way no it’s not I have to go around again I get smaller guarantee it guarantee it guarantee it oh now I go up now I go up what’s here what is here I don’t know left’s usually right right no right it’s usually this Spang is about to do something illegal

What is this thing about to do oh no he’s about to the council will decide your train you have been cheese popcorned I was a spank I don’t what is going on bro what what is happening I was very lost I can talk over here if I can hear the Minecraft music dude

Top text go up I I I’ll do as you say okay I’m up What the hell what the hell I’m not even touching my Keith what is going on what is going on man this is not a horror map by the way this is this is I can I’m very stuck I am very stuck right now okay I did it this is like a puzzle map

Okay where the hell there’s one jump scare well now you ruined it what the hell why the hell okay okay that was a place bro this map is mapping this map is what okay puzzle got it do the hand crank it’s a spank Spang Levi one two three four one two three four

Yeah I agree I agree with you I’m gonna jump down here because why would I not okay and then through here cool where the hell am I now oh I’m back at the start okay awesome very cool I cannot see anything I am very confused I’m gonna go through

Here and maybe something will happen who knows One two three four well like three one three four oh it’s just one two Google I did it oh I know if I go it was a jump scare oh let me up there we go why is your jump scare where is it I just tapped out damn it

What would did that say oh I’m falling again okay what is going on man oh okay there we go yeah I just had to refresh my page because my chat oh it was so old it was I did not I thought the chat was just dead I thought the

Chat was dead but no I just could not see the chat messages adios okay bye I’ll just go this way don’t go that way the hell is going on dude oh thank God my blindness what I I guess I can reset to scale one if I need

So what is the point of this what does that say be opened [ __ ] should be opened oh that means so what have I miss um you’ve missed iPad I wouldn’t know to be honest we’re playing this map it’s a sequel to A like an immersive portals might be playing

Apparently it’s horror that hasn’t yet been no jump scares or horror but we will see if that arrives we will see if it arrives what is going on man where the hell what is going on man or exit displays also it’s so laggy other hell I’m gonna ground her

Screw it oh I can go up here cool what the f what what bro I’ve been asking that question for two hours straight I give up their money yeah click on the glass yeah I have been clicking on the glass wait yeah no I I have been we’ll do anything

The music’s kind of vibey though I have no idea what’s happening bro what where do I where do you want me to go man where do I where do I where do I go there’s it’s too late for this my brother’s side yeah insane okay so Nam Lodge I don’t want to go

That way I need to sit in this then I need to sit in this and now I’m somewhere else apparently and I’m stuck now I reset to bait yep we set to one and I’m back inside okay ah ah man come on what is this this is my

Brain it’s too late for this dude okay and then this way so we get big reset scale then catch the Parker okay so we get big what why does this not work anymore oh it does I just have to go up here get big then reset the scale okay

And then I and then that’s but that what oh it’s here that’s it I understand there we go I did it I go through here I reset the scale I go through here and I reset the scale this is an immersive portals map this is

This is not oh my God what is going on bro I jump or like what I guess I’ll jump over this okay that is how my brain’s feeling right now this sunk aido horror what do you mean this is no horror this this is false advertising there’s no horror okay now this way

And then this this is so understandable it becomes all right wait you might be right about that one it’s horrible because it hurts brain okay and then go this way and this way okay okay all right so I might did I win did I do the winning is this did I win that’s

More glass I thought that was the end wait no and now I’m somewhere I’ve been here before this is where I was wait wait this is where I was before I’m gonna go big and now I know we jump jump spam jump spam I’m gonna go right this time

That’s this spangs yeah big spank I was playing bottom text cute cute spank no bake I’m already big I’ve already been here wait so what now wait you’ve been cheese popcorned I love cheese popcorn I go up and then I go up and then I oh uh oh I’m back here I’m

Back here I uh I know I’m here what is going on man what is going on also butterflies or something no this is a different map now this is this is one made by a Spanish Mafia and I have no idea what’s happened I get big this is just the most importance

This is this is what this is this should really just be an immersive portals map stream this should not be a horror map stream oh wait wait wait okay that did not work okay almost left the map almost falling outside of bounds get back into Spain counts how how I’m stuck

You’re supposed to be one block tall well you gave me a you got me a state that lets me reset my scale anytime how was I supposed to know Okay wait where was it where was the counselor that was in what the hell why was it was it this way might have been this way nope was not this way dude I’m genuinely lost I’m genuinely realized the falling room Lada walada do you not see a lot of anywhere

This way there’s a lot of hair oh there’s a ladder okay I did it load load there we go what the hell I’m back here this wasn’t the council room the jump to get the sign then I’ll do the rest what sign what side are you talking about um Well I can’t get one but I have to get big now I’m gen what is going on I need to take out my batteries and my brand and put them back in here yeah you had too much back what do you want from me what do you want from me

I’m gonna die I’m gonna my I’m gonna die I’m going to be dead bro okay why is this so-called Council room spec I don’t know where the Spang room is my memory is not that good I don’t know oh my God oh my God how is it that might be that way

No that’s the room I’m in currently was it back over here also I can’t Sprint anymore The the frick is a Spang I don’t actually don’t know what a spank is apparently this is a Spang so let’s oh my God I don’t I don’t know what you want from me I don’t know how to get back there Please spam me the one two three four dot where is the one two three four though I don’t know where that is Never Gonna Give You Up yeah it’s all right is that this way maybe this way okay there we go one two three four

And this way just give up yeah well I think I think I already saw the end so I think we might as well just get to the end now it’s fine I’ll just wait I’ll I think I think in the future horror map streams will just be like a bed recognition maps and

Then like because not Community ones and then Maps like this are doing like the the most important strange because it makes more sense why the hell am I where am I where was the where was it well I’m back here man I’m gonna cry I’m gonna oh oh my God

Oh my God it’s a stretch well this shoots taking it out of me dude I’m gonna pull my brain out of my ears where am I what am I doing yeah remember you joined a server and places my fight you say no I won’t know it was French rolling yeah I did I did I can’t get on PC at the moment uh okay that’s fine

Where did I what is going on what oh okay here’s the ladder here’s the I jump up here and we do the thing oh never mind I can’t Sprint all right okay well I’ll tell you what we’ll finish this while you’re back at your PC okay well Dying it’s fine it’s fine we’ll finish it another time in a different in a non-horrome stream okay I give up I did the give up My body everything about me this is being a need Okay so [Applause] so so so so let’s take a look at the maps that we bought eh let’s take a little look see Let’s have a little laganda brain so smooth no wrinkles yeah that that’s me I got no wrinkles on my brain my brain looks like a a raw chicken not gonna lie everything is alive we’re all just in a massive part I’m gonna go sleep soon yeah me too I’m

Gonna go sleep today I’m gonna check these Maps And then we turn this back to Minecraft okay play next stream you guys yeah yeah next time next time on my support stream okay so wait what did we buy also shut the shut the hell up Minecraft so we got what did we get can I check my

Library what time is it for me it is it is half nine pm so we played this last stream we played this this stream I guess next stream or like next time we play do a horror stream it’s gonna be jukebox head so that’s gonna be interesting it’s gonna be interesting It’s Bigfoot there’s so many funny horror maps on Minecraft and Bedrock Edition dude uh they’re all I none of them are gonna be scary anyway yeah that’s I’m as you can tell I’m drained right now my energy is just it is depleted let’s use my brain power and my brain power was not

Brain powering but uh but yeah I think I don’t think we’re gonna play anymore now how long have this room for like three hours almost uh uh two and a half two and a half hours but uh yeah thanks for thanks for stopping by guys and

Check it out shooting in the Stream uh next in the next stream it’ll be more organized we did a bit of troubleshoot in Midstream and then and then we did I don’t know sort of stuff we did we did an adventure bottles wrap but yeah that was uh thank you thank you

For being here guys what is the first horror game video coming out uh actually my editor is editing last stream into a funny video so that’s gonna be funny thank you for helping me pass the time you know where we absolutely no worries dead is my jab and YouTuber

Yeah please what is Yo there are so many things I want to see you play like portal 2. you would die playing that I mean what the games of Minecraft at some point it’s just I have to like get to there you know I have to like grow as a

Channel before I get to play the games but yeah I gotta go now folks it’s getting late I gotta get some food too I’m gonna I’m gonna die goodbye shrimp thanks for True thanks for thanks for being here apologies for ending stream I know that I know that some people wanna wanted to

Keep going but I can’t I can’t keep it going it’s been too long but uh yeah bye bye everybody thank you for thank you for stopping by I also I know there’s not like a like a long chatting segment at the end like with less illustrating we just

Spent 20 minutes I spent 20 minutes reading share after the stream but I have to kind of bro I’m gonna die if I don’t get food right now so like I genuinely just gotta I just got a skedaddle but yeah man I’m really glad I get notices here anyways that’s what it’s

All about bruh that’s what the stream is all about goodbye Jacob goodbye Pietro I mean even though you just said bread but buy Dax baido is gaming okay now bye noobsy okay wait can wait that doesn’t wait that’s stream starting wait wait wait wait wait wait I

Just got to change this I just changed this I just wait no I just change I just wait no wait I just changed this to Street stream ending Stream ending that I tremend it guys the stream’s ending guys this is everything okay farewell ah Oh Thank you

This video, titled ‘Playing “Scary” Minecraft Maps’, was uploaded by theomonty on 2023-03-03 00:26:55. It has garnered 4840 views and 298 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:14 or 9014 seconds.

this will still probably not work properly

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

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  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

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  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

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  • Astral Towns – SMP, Towny, Mcmmo, PVE

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  • Sly Survival Island Challenge!

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  • Jaltoid Media – Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!

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  • INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱

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  • Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial – Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBoo

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  • 500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft – EPIC

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  • Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!

    Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!Video Information This video, titled ‘I can NOT believe this’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-24 06:31:36. It has garnered 138 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:20 or 15020 seconds. Minecraft super smash pick-axe is REAL whaaaazaaaaaaat jk it’s not Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a… Read More

  • INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwot

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    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT WEAPON MOD TESTS by Valenn_Ro 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘PROBANDO MODS de MINECRAFT DIA 3 – WEAPON MASTER’, was uploaded by Valenn_Ro on 2024-01-12 18:00:09. It has garnered 3164 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. 🌟Get ready to discover the most impressive mods that have marked the year in Minecraft! Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your gaming experience to another level with these amazing additions🌟 🥳GET YOUR MINECRAFT SERVER FOR HALF PRICE! (PERREY CODE) 🤖MINECRAFT PREMIUM WITH EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS HERE: ⚡ Advertising and hiring 👉🏼 [email protected] 🤩 FOLLOW ME ON INSTA TO KNOW… Read More

  • LeafySMP – Roleplay SMP Modded

    Welcome to LeafySMP Server! Welcome to LeafySMP Server! This is a 16+ server with a focus on a mature community. Join us for semi rp gameplay and weekly events. Build, create, fight, and define your world here! Mods on the server include: Let’s do Vinery Let’s do Bakery Lets do candlelight Customizable player models Better combat Better nether Chipped Handcrafted Origins Simply swords Backpacks Jei Xaeros Carry On: Pick up any mob Simple voice chat Interested in joining? Reach out to leafyelfy on Discord with your age, pronouns, and Minecraft style. Server address: Note: Some restrictions apply for redstone/mob… Read More

  • Old Fashion

    Hello there!! Welcome to old Fashion, We are a server that is less severally and more community. We are just starting this community up and as we are putting things together we are in need of players to give us the suggestions that will make us the best place to come and play. Come on in. Read More

theomonty – Playing “Scary” Minecraft Maps