This Footage 100% Proves CURSED SEEDS Are REAL in Minecraft Pocket Edition *SCARY*

Video Information

But like it just got snatched it walked in a certain direction and I followed it I just know I did not know polar bears this run upon you under whoa where is it where’s it taking me all right I’m just gonna follow it guys it might not be a

Sky cross but this is the first plane look at that guys I’ve looked at across and this thing started attacking me hey no it is it’s boy action today man I bring you guys something completely different now I go ahead if you guys do

Not know this about me I do a lot of scary videos in Minecraft okay I do a ton of scary videos in Minecraft the thing is I want to be more interactive with you guys because you guys tend to know a lot more about this stuff than me

You know I’m a secret agent no you know I do my thing and all that stuff but you guys you guys really know the key points of everything and so in a video I posted called the I like it’s called do not use the a you okie seed in Minecraft Pocket

Edition it was a collab I did with recruit oh now the thing is if you guys see right here if you scroll down a bit and we scroll to the comment sections I’m just reading the comments and it’s like yeah yeah and then some one right

Here is like at 2022 pause the video and you’ll see a cloud like that in the sky he saw it in his world too and it was scary you scroll down the comments a little bit more and yes by the way I do read all of the comments you see someone

Said 2020 to pause and watch the sky and let’s see if I scroll down some more see if there’s some more comments and stuff like that this is why I always tell you guys with seed videos and any other videos to calm it down what you see and leave timestamps because that’s what

People say you know people let you know if something’s going on so let me keep scrolling down it’s the church there’s a party no no no let me see another person cross in the sky at 20 22 now also another one 20 21 look up do you guys believe in sky crosses in

Minecraft because dude I didn’t believe in any of this until I saw this oh look I quote right here in this world in boom wait hold up did you guys see all right look what did they know what did they know what’s going on in this

Boom right there y’all as you guys can see right there there is a cross in the sky it’s kind of like a plus but that makes me start to believe like yo what if there’s actually like crosses in the sky in like Minecraft bro and so today

To figure this out I decided maybe if we go on a seed we can do just that so guys let me load up minecraft and I’ll see y’all there alright guys as you guys can see right in front of me I got the sky cross loaded up this is the sky cross

Seed now I named the thing sky cross and now we’re gonna scroll down and I’m not gonna give me a bonus chest or nothing but I am gonna show coordinate I’m gonna activate cheats because I’m gonna be in creative I’m gonna fly around and stuff like that we’re gonna focus heavily on

The clouds we’re gonna see if sky crosses are real let me also turn off multi player game so you guys know it’s just me on this world because like what wallet anything go on we’re just looking for a sky crosses and like I said guys if there’s anything else in Minecraft that other

People don’t look for but you guys know challenges is still what let me know down in the comment section below what what all right way first things first look up in the sky but yo what are the odds we spawned in front of this nice village and then that cave right there

Has a ginormous hole bruh it just has a big hole okay you know what I kind of want to play this in survival just a little bit and then we can fly around but right now more black cats if you guys watch the a you walk

You see if you guys watch the a you okie seed you guys know that there was a black cat and it got taken but like it just got snatched it walked in a certain direction and I followed it I just know we’re worried what wait what why am I

Getting attacked why am I getting attacked bro okay okay that just scared the life out of me bro I did not know polar bears just run upon you whoa oh my gosh so this C is violent yo this might be crazier than I thought this is

Crazier than I thought y’all guys go on the sky cross seed go on the sky see this is a lot crazier than I thought how am I gonna get out of you I’m not putting in a creative yet Joe I might not even go on creative at all but

Yo I think we might be on to something we might have just discovered something big here y’all there’s a black cat which I need to follow and figure out where it leads me to or if it gets snatched up like the last one on top of that the

Polar bear just started attacking me for no reason what is that what does that sound what I don’t know if you guys hear that alright that’s a sound I’ve never heard before what is that the polar bear oh yeah I have the freaking chills bro I had the

Freaking alright you know what I’m gonna do to just dang it I don’t know if we have uh what’s a caught this on but I’m gonna die real quick hopefully we have keep inventory I did turn on keep inventory alright I don’t know where those polar bears are at but guys we

Gotta watch our back you know what we really got to watch our back dude I should have got the bonus chest I thought I was gonna go on creative but I think there’s more to this than meets the eye there’s a lot of villagers let me see there’s a ton of apples some

Obsidian alright let’s see let’s grab our bread go whoa whoa people are just running up on me Oh bro you got a stop man I uh this is very freaky I don’t know why but this seat is just freaking me out more than any other seed man what are the

Odds that you just spawned right in front of a nice village blacksmith blackcats a giant hole over there by the way if I didn’t mention that before a huge cave with ravines get attacked by a polar bear and at the same time we’re supposed

To be looking in the sky to see if any cross clouds float by look at that ravine over there uh-oh guys we might have to come back on this seed because there is a lot going on man if you guys want to see me come

Back on this seat I just want to say that now cuz these dudes are loud as heck don’t want to see me come back on the seed y’all we’re gonna need about a good what’s up was it was a good like goal guys I think we’re gonna need 1500

Likes guys it’s the biggest light go I ever had four on the channel but if you guys deliver I will come back on this sky cross seed and we’ll see what else is going on because like yo a lots going on and what do you guys is theories on this

Literally this is insane so we got obsidian I wonder why there is obsidian in this chest maybe we can use it for something but other than that the village is kind of nice there goes one of those black cats it came from in a gray cat a great cat what’s the heck

Where’d it go you know let’s not follow it let’s follow the black cat with the black cat go there is there it is alright let’s see where you going bro nah man you thought you was too fast for me come on dude get back here boy come

On get back here boy come man this dude just do really running bro slow down alright where is it where’s it taking me alright I’m just gonna follow it dang but there’s so much more land I got a control and do stuff bro cat where are you going where are you going alright

It’s running circles at this point I don’t think it knows where it’s going it’s just running from me alright alright let me check the sky again now does it get time to check the sky alright wait I don’t want to lose focus on the cat I want to lose focus to the cat

Dude there’s a ice pile over here too or not ice but snow alright yo this cat just taking me all over the place I think it’s just running from me at this point it literally took me to another polar bear alright is this one gonna

Attack me let me see what did i do last time I did nothing I did the same thing I did to this one which is stand next to it why did I get attacked y’all this doesn’t make any sense let me see if I see any sky crosses so far I don’t see

Any sky crosses but man oh man that black cat took us away it really wait don’t tell me over here is that ice spikes guys I swear I think this is ice spikes over you this might be one of the unique this is one of the most unique seeds I’ve ever been on

Y’all you guys gotta hop on this seed yourself guys it might not be a sky cross but this is the first wait wait are you telling me know if this dude attacks me what do look at that guys I’ve looked at across and this thing started attacking me yo this is no good

This is no good y’all this might be the most insane seed that we’ve ever hopped on bruh like this might be even worse than hide-and-seek I guys trust me by the way I’m gonna be going back on the hide and seek seed and if you guys are

New to the channel you haven’t already subscribed subscribe because there is another freaking village with another hole in the wall and another cave guys my mind is absolutely blown right now it’s almost like we wait in a full circle but I know for a fact we didn’t

Because let me check this guy let me check this guy any sky crosses in the sky crosses no but look that is a hole in the wall just like the other place right that is that over here another village right here and to the left instead of like a ravine over here

Instead of a ravine there’s ice spikes y’all this might be the coolest seat I’ve ever been on and by coolest I mean like this is the freakiest seat I’ve been on like it’s extremely creepy it has all the atmosphere that you’d want from a scary seed especially if you’re looking for

Stuff and more black hats more villagers more exploration to do more exploration to do man holy crap man and like I said y’all you see anything let me know let’s check this door alright nothing in there nothing in there instead of another ravine guys look what we get we

Get a ice we get a ice lake breath and wait this is kind of like a ravine under here I guess we can give it a little check no ice not kidding please it’s like a slash in the ground it’s kind of like a nice little slash in the ground

Let me see if there’s a blacksmith by the way alright nothing in here nothing in here alright oh I thought I did saw some black hop up here I must be seeing thing y’all and I’m sorry for like the rawness sometimes like when I stop talking guys the reason

There is no cuts in this video and so you guys understand that this is 1000% legit like literally this 1000% legit you guys can see I didn’t add anyone to the world it’s on solo player like literally alright and so let’s see pop there we go and let’s jump around jump

Up here you know and then let me see wait I’m actually serious is there supposed to be chests in here is there supposed to be chests in here I swear to everything I can speed up the footage everything like that y’all it’s just supposed to be alright

You know what I’m actually I’m actually really wondering what is going on guys is there chest is there supposed to be test look there’s a ton of wheat bedroom potatoes this is like a villagers Loulou yo is this your is this your loo yo I am

So sorry I am so sorry dude I did not mean to take your loot alright I think this is this guy’s loot but you know what the best thing to do was just leave it oh he has a friend he has a friend do you know what I don’t know what to do

Guys okay you know no no no no no no no no no let’s check out this area over here guys if there’s nothing over here right what we can do is this if you guys hit that big like goal that we set I’ll check out the ravine I’ll check out the

Two holes in the wall and I’ll check out everything in the villages for the next time that we come on this eve and see if it anything sinister is going on in this seed but um yeah I don’t want to drag it out too long so I mean I guess we can

Just go over here and stuff and see exactly what we got cracking so we got this and the sun’s going down too so we got some more polar bears look none of them are attacking to me but whenever I looked at the cross they started

Attacking me so if that’s not a sign I really don’t know what is like that that was the most clear and obvious sign that I’ve ever seen to be honest with you that’s the most clear sign ever seen so let’s check a little bit more hmm what’s up here what’s up it another

Thing I want to say to you guys for everybody who made it this far into the video not only the fact that I appreciate each and every single last one of you guys but another thing I want to say guys is that 100k is approaching extremely fast and I mean extremely fast

And yo honestly you guys are changing my life you guys are some life changes look at the view from up here literally insane bruh this is literally insane let me check the sky one last time not not last time but another time and another thing I gotta say while we’re here guys

Make sure you check out my other two channels if you didn’t know I have two other channels I have a channel called action vlogs where I am right now at the moment I’m posting daily content I’m reloading some old videos that I already uploaded but every other day I’m

Uploading like new fresh content and different stuff like that reactions IRL content like you know I’m trying to do some other stuff on YouTube instead of just minecraft but obviously I’m not gonna stop daily minecraft the daily minecraft continuing on this channel and this is the scary minecraft the horror

Aspect if you guys want to see more regular jazz mini game fun minecraft etc etc that is where my other channel takes into play that channel is called action to fool I post mini games and fun server videos etc roblox as well everything on that channel that’s called action a fool links are

Both frits both those channels are in the description below but um other than that yeah like I said I don’t want to drag this video out so I guess we can just keep exploring in this area until we see it all we got some spiders spawning in and also guys follow me on

Twitter and Instagram as well you do not want to miss out on that as well Twitter and Instagram alright hmm nice and interesting biome we got in here you know everything oh oh oh nah bruh the mobs came out you know what that means do spiders be giving me the chills

They really do be giving me the chills so you know what that means on that the heck do I thought that was a cross for a second man that literally had me scared again let’s take another look up in the sky nothing I haven’t seen a sky cross

This video but if you guys have let me know down in the comments section below but um other than that man hey thank you guys so much for watching today’s video like I said subscribe for more content turn on notifications if you guys want a

Part to get the like goal in turn on notifications so you know whenever it drops and holy crap that’s I thought that was another village over there man you know what hey on that note let’s just leaving you thank you guys so much peace and subscribe boy

This video, titled ‘This Footage 100% Proves CURSED SEEDS Are REAL in Minecraft Pocket Edition *SCARY*’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2019-03-30 23:00:03. It has garnered 55742 views and 3230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:14 or 974 seconds.

This Footage 100% Proves CURSED SEEDS Are REAL in Minecraft Pocket Edition *SCARY*

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– CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- ActionAFool | [More Minecraft]: Action [Vlogs / Reactions]: ActionFeature | [Game Raps]:

– Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction

The Like goal for this video is 500 likes! I know we can do this!!


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    Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrendingVideo Information let’s build a mini ocean in [Music] Minecraft AR feeling [Music] Lely but still I want more more more I give a second CH to K it search loser X on YouTube for more This video, titled ‘Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊 #youtubeshorts #minecraft #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by LoserX Gamerz on 2024-03-16 06:45:02. It has garnered 264 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊& Enjoy this Video please don’t forget like & Subscribe…… ⛏️ Shaderpacks ⛏️ complementary shaders – (… ) ⛏️ Resource Pack ⛏️… Read More

  • Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!

    Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!Video Information cash why are you running so fast oh I got so much energy I’m so quick oh gosh you know I see those pushup particles right I know you have speed no I don’t I’m just this fast naturally no you’re not Mia did he ask you for a speed potion he actually didn’t get a speed potion from me then how did he get one I don’t know watch guys I’m going to run all the way to Frank’s house and then back again ready okay go he’s going to say want to see me do it… Read More

  • Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream Patch

    Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream PatchVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] सो हाय हेलो व्ट्स अप गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी का स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो आ जाओ सब लोग जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ आज थोड़ा डिफरेंट है आज मूड आज हीरो ब्रांड प्लस के डलर मोड है आज आज मैंने के डलर भी ऐड किया है ओनली हीरो ब्रंड नहीं है आज अरे भाई रात अभी से है यह तो दिन ही नहीं होगा भाई सुस्वागतम गलती से दब गलती से मैंने ना [संगीत] दबाया भाई गलती से दप गया था क्या करें या सो तो सकते नहीं है चलो ऊपर… Read More

  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

    Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94Video Information बिना कहीं ऊंची हाइट के जाए बिना आप ऐसे उठ सकते हो मेरी तरह इस वीडियो में मैं आज बताने वाला हूं कि हाउ टू फ्लाई इलेक्ट्रा इन माफ्ट पॉकेट एडिशन तो सबसे पहले आपको इलेक्ट्रा लेनी है मैंने इलेक्ट्रा लेने के लिए क्रिएटिव में गया हूं क्योंकि क्रिएटिव से जल्दी मिल जाती है पर आप सर्वाइवल सीरीज में हो तो सर्वाइवल सीरीज के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एंडर ड्रैगन को मारना पड़ेगा फिर वहां से एंड एंड सिटी में जाके फिर आपको इलेक्टर वहां प इजली मिल जाती है फायरवर्क्स तो क्रीपर को मार से उनके पाउडर… Read More

  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

    Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #ViralVideo Information ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न से तार चिपक गई छाती से ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न सेता है ढीली कौन कसे कौन क कौन कसे कौन क कौन क कौन क कन कसे कन कसेन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप ले [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा [संगीत] हिट [संगीत] परवा ु कमरान इधर अगर तुमको पूरी वीडियो देखनी है तो जाओ देखो यार चैनल पर पूरी वीडियो डल चुकी है और आल्सो लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन और वीडियो देखो बहुत मजा आएगा और मेरी तरफ से हैप्पी… Read More

  • PokeXplore

    PokeXploreUpdated to Reforged 8.2.0! PokeXplore has several unique features for you to enjoy! * Pokemon can learn any move they learned in any game from gen 1-8 * Simple TMs – only one TM for each move * Custom Terrain * Automatic Loot Chest Refills – globally! * Stunning and Unique Auras * Quests * Dual-Type Gyms * More features to come! Website: Discord: Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • PixelRealm

    This server contains many gamemodes such as skyblock, bedwars, skywars, normal survival and many more will be coming soon. the above discord server and visit server activation channel to start the server at your play timeThe server also supports all versions and can be played from both java and bedrockEnjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?Seems like your dog really horsed around and paid the price! Maybe it’s time to invest in some pet armor and potions for extra protection next time. Read More

  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

    My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS) When your friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft start teleporting around like they’re in the Matrix, you know it’s about to get INSANE! #WiFifail #Minecraftmayhem #laggylaughs Read More

  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

This Footage 100% Proves CURSED SEEDS Are REAL in Minecraft Pocket Edition *SCARY*