“Time with Chris: Airwindows Stream” — EXCLUSIVE Footage!

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Hello we are doing another live stream on a cold for Monte I got to keep that uh fire going today or it’s going to get real cold it’s doing okay for right now I have been very busy on a bunch of coating things oh actually you can

See the fire isn’t roaring all that much but uh there’s a bunch of wood in it and it should go for a while kind of looking forward to when I’m getting in uh doing more guitars and drums and things I’m still wanting that uh drum Room cam so I stole it I stole

The drum Room cam to be this Cam and we are as you might be able to tell ready to jump into Minecraft cuz why not that’s kind of a thing so with no further ado this is apparently uh Christmas music uh lunar client style and I will see whether the server

Is still up and working it may be or maybe it’s scratched in which case I’ll have to go and fix it won’t okay nope not only is it working but somebody’s on which means that the uh IP address has not updated oh I’m not sure who is here with me but somebody’s on

I’m in a bed so it’s not like it matters I can always just uh or maybe it’s misreading no it can’t be because then it would be passing the night more will be revealed as some of my friends say it’s menu menu QQ always typing in the uh

Thing well I might as well chill out and uh finish what I was saying the way the way this works I drink too much coffee and it always takes me I don’t know a couple of hours to ramp up to where I’m chattering away like

Mad and then I burn out and the end of the days pretty much just uh playing Minecraft which I guess speaks more as to whether you can be upbeat and up and uh entertaining for 8 hours straight which is a job for some people there are such things as Prof profal streamers

That’s not me I am a programmer and a Centric audio guy who likes different sounds than most people and I’m going to be interested in exploring that more going forwards like uh recent experiences I’ve had might as well just run with the uh I’ll go somewhere where I can get a

Watch and watch is what I use in this game to force time to pass and I don’t have any on me but I do sure have a lot of name tags we got various things kicking around so that might well be something I want to do we’ve got an Enderman hanging out over

Here there’s probably a lot of bad monsters kicking around let’s see how this scenario is is this still intact or no there’s a machine Let’s see whether it’s been used up no apparently not what kind of bits if it have see the way this works some of these things will end up

Empty and others will not and the ones that end up empty will get thrown into the system and spat out by the like the the whole way this works um is not as good as the last one that I made oh but maybe our luck is in let’s find out

And we can certainly reload the machine best we can and throw away the rest of these shuer boxes it’s interesting that um me going on about this stuff this is not so dissimilar to what mixing or creating is like it’s always a matter of of kind of

Finding the shape of the thing that you’re doing and figuring out how to maximize that and no we’re still not going to I always hit E when we’re in talk um menu is kicking around somewhere AFK and logged in here’s something we can use to make it be

Daytime oh or it can already be daytime all righty then I don’t know whether that was done by somebody or whether that just kind of happened but yeah the whole purpose of um creating things is as much a mental purpose as anything else oh hi I got a

Monster monster’s going to go away now and what I see often is people are looking around for for what to copy what to make and kind of shortcutting the um imagining a new thing part because it’s difficult it’s like imagining a new thing doesn’t necessarily get you

Success and it’s it’s effort in its own right I feel like one of the things that happens with um specifically Sound Engineering and I remember one of the things I was interested in doing and maybe that would be a maybe that’s a decent thing to do for today is clean up the

Mess of this giant uh pile of let’s see what can we grab well that could well no actually we’re keeping some of these around I am also tempted to make this River work a little better than it is I am dissatisfied with it it is not a good enough River in my opinion

Oh I saw something or maybe somebody no it was a horse presumably a horse that is amazing hard to tell how amazing they are the whole design process that I sometimes talk about what that means um is interes interesting because let see it involves the process of thinking

Of new things and figuring out whether the thing that you’re thinking of is any good or not oh looking better in this case since I’m only doing Minecrafting stuff and we’re not so worried about uh mixing if anybody wants I can jump in hey someone jump into Reaper and do something along those

Lines weirdly that’s not feeling quite the way I expected I guess that’s just the shape of the water under here and this is all going in this direction which I can help by dropping a few spare blocks and placing them and now we’re following the rest of the

Plan which was to throw some of these stroker boxes down here so that they will float away which I believe they will do but I could also let’s see that Gap oh and the Shuler boxes are not flowing anywhere further than that but that’s probably a fine place for them to

Despawn it is the river of leth it is the river of forgetfulness where things get thrown to despawn so what I was going to do is look around for things like grass blocks which will save me a bit of time I shouldn’t need to have the fancy

Diamond kit on me I certainly don’t need that wooden sword and let’s go and clean up some things break some grass blocks uh break some snow blocks rather and make it look a little bit more like I didn’t have an enormous derp using uh and there’s no real Point doing that

Because it goes down forever if I use grass block I can make it be path block and if I don’t use a shovel or some kind of fancy thing yre has a relevant mcraft related point I could indeed do that it would be more efficient if I had

Really large quantities of things that’s that’s for sure hopefully my my excited horse will not startle me too much he gives a sigh like come on doing the best I can yeah so if I go through doing this I can make it look as if I didn’t accidentally throw a snowball that and

I’m not sure if I don’t remember if I did accidentally do this I think I did it but it turned out to be something that I’m not as thrilled with so and if I use shovels or some kind of fancy way of doing this what’s going to

Happen is um I’ll generate the hugest amount of snow ever but if I break them just one at a time they just disappear pounding the espresso just a minute I’m going to Rin that off all I’m back I think I’ve got extra contrast on this this camera that I’m

Using I may be able to do something entertaining with it one day oh always with the experimenting with uh the visual language of the stuff but yeah sometimes the way to deal with something is in this sort of patient chill one thing it you know one

Put one foot in front of the other do one thing at a time get through and And finish doing the thing that’s probably going to suit me fairly well today I would like to settle into a routine with that to the point where I can think about two things at once because this thing isn’t difficult to think about and then you know run my mouth run my brain on

The ideas I’m trying to sort out because as always there’s stuff going on stuff to think about some of it is fine other bits are challenge I feel like the my experience with hello my experience with K Cathedral is a little bit of both honestly it’s in it’s been a succession

Sometimes this works to the point where I wonder whether that’s maybe just my theme which is why the uh hi I’m the YouTube guy who’s a mad scientist thing tends to fit pretty well for me because I’m not setting out to to fail necessarily to do stuff wrong or anything like

That and yet at the same time I’ll tend to try stuff have it be more radical than it needs to be and then sometimes slip up you know um I put out uh console MC and in fact I’ve updated it and left some of the behavior where it’s not perfectly

Flat it has a high frequency lift in it I think maybe we’re going To since I’m not getting a uh here we get a little extra time out of that as well because it’s just preon console MC came out with a uh high frequency lift which is not necessarily part of the real thing it works okay for poppy type stuff but

Uh that was tricky and then I did a k Cathedral and I’ve been getting complaints on that as well but part of it it it’s like I’m getting into that zone where I set it up on purpose to get a particular sound and to a large extent it gets that sound

Like what I was trying to do with it what I was trying to do with K Cathedral it does actually make the sound I was looking to make with it however people also respond to that sound by feeling that it is um metallic has too much echo in it

There’s things about it that aren’t going over well and there’s not a lot that I can do about that not a lot I can do about this either except for oh well come to think of it no there certainly is this could be fixed with dirt blocks couldn’t

It I might need to go and get more dirt blocks but I could do that too and some of this could be fixed with grass blocks and eventually I will simply go and get more of those but for now we’re going to do just a placing a lot of stuff

And we’ll cover over this exposed rock with uh simple dirt only as much as it takes to literally cover that stuff over K Cathedral has a bunch of stuff in it to be honest it’s out a little of everything let’s see how’s that look we can cover over that

Yeah and we’re maybe going to take some of that down get some dirt back this way that I can use to put other places know it looks almost normal that’s a bit weird but it’s fine thing is I get stuck doing things like going here’s the basty and it sounds

Lovely and Rich and thick and yet I am not hearing specific detail in the Reverb that makes it feel like there’s a physical room there instead it sounds like an idealized wash and that’s because that’s part of what is happening in in that device it’s doing a really good job of

Producing an idealized wash but there’s the possibility that I’m not trying to make an idealized wash I’m trying to make something that sounds distinct even if that is an error compared to how people think of what they want their fancy expensive Reverb to be like they want their fancy expensive

Reverb to be idealized and go okay that’s like I’m trying to there was something that I thought of um I was watching a video and it was some guy being interviewed I’m pretty sure that it was to do with the writer strike and a guy was being interviewed and talking in the

Room and he was in a physical room there’s no reason to believe that they had anything fake going on or that there was artificial anything and the room this guy was being interviewed in he’s talking into his mic was quite ringy and metallic I have also built physical

Plate reverbs which were not tensioned as much as they could have been and when you do that the end result is very ringy and metallic this is something that happens with acoustic spaces and physical Creations like plate reverbs and things so essentially if I’m going to do

Something like try to do a plate Reverb there’s there’s also been an experiment I don’t remember exactly who did this experiment but it’s just as well because I shouldn’t call them out but there was an experiment done by uh a guy or company a designer who was like I will make the perfect

Reverb I have designed the perfect Reverb and it is perfectly flat and accurate and there will be no Reverb better than this and he did this Reverb put a lot of effort into it made it a uh he’s not me so he had a GUI and stuff

For it and all that kind of stuff and tried to sell it and got the kind of overwhelmingly negative response I’m used to getting and and he thought he had it nailed like this this guy thought that he had figured out the secret to making Reaper be actually good but instead without meaning

To he’d made a Reverb that people acutely disliked it went over real poorly their their reactions were very negative and you know that’s interesting like when you try to do something like that and the reaction you get is strikingly negative it reveals something interesting let’s see time to

Make a few more stacks of grass blocks these guys will be tough but I have my magic arrows well that’s not simply it’s it’s not simply a matter of hard to have everyone satisfied one of the things that I’m learning and I’m looking to dive more

Deeply into this and it takes a strong stomach to do when you make things it is very often that you want you feel like oh for God’s sake you feel like you just made a terrible mistake you feel like you should be able to do something that is

Good enough that everybody is happy which is a really dangerous assumption because one of the things I’ve been learning and this relates to the experience also also of um when people are uh either getting into or competing directly with AI because that’s a whole thing that’s

Its own whole thing and it’s going to be a bigger and bigger deal the you know the farther we go because although it is not intelligence large language models and stable diffusion and stuff like that is not intelligence it’s like a collective us it’s a collection of training

Data and that has value like one of the most amusing things to happen in the last couple of weeks I thought was that um Elon is trying to do a uh an AI to add to Twitter he he did a thing called grock which he added to Twitter

And then got in terrible trouble for it because it was relentlessly woke it kept saying things which are like what a normal person might say which is no accident because in it’s not even necessarily about him having stolen it from having stolen it in a way that uh

He should have known better should have known that it would betray him in that way no it’s that the the fact is he was upset because it was producing sort of left-wing replies but it’s not really really so much about that it was left-wing replies he was getting Collective opinion out of his

Thing he was getting opinions that were like a lot of people might think confronted with the stuff that he was being asked about that didn’t work very well for him he was looking and and so were some of the other people responding to this they were looking for particular

You could call that elitist answers they figured like well most people are stupid and think this stuff but what we who are the smart people think is this which is different and so the intelligent AI should be giving our answers but instead the intelligent AI was not actually intelligent it was a

Collective response and it gave Collective answers like many people would think well alens as a smart enough guy but he made a mistake here and did this thing which was kind of silly oops that seems kind of weird and he got very upset I believe because he was getting those

Responses but those responses are simply Collective responses and one characteristic of um what you might call leftwing ideology is a fascination with the collective answers you could almost say that that was a defining characteristic of being a lefty and remember I’m phrasing this in such a way that I’m not immediately

Alienating while at the same time I’m essentially a lefty look at what I do I am working to give tools of literal production to people who don’t necessarily have a lot of money because I honestly believe that the amount of money or power that you’ve accumulated is not a prerequisite to having

Something to say or being able to make music that is entrancing I don’t think there’s necessarily a correlation there might be a negative correlation between ability to dominate other people and have power and ability to make pretty music it seems as if it is possible that um the kinds of people who

Will beat beat other people up and dominate and Triumph aren’t necessarily the ones where they play a violin and their heart is in their bow and it’s lovely stuff it’s like why would they be busy being lovely if they have people they can beat up power doesn’t necessarily go along with

Creativity power is more likely to go along with destructiveness and a characteristic right-wing take on Power and purpose is that you should defer to those who have more power because they’re demonstrating Fitness now this isn’t necessarily the same thing as musical Fitness for instance you might not uh be making the greatest

Me not to be not to put too fine a point on it um consider the B Nickelback they’re a bit of a punchline however nobody would say Nickelback lacked musical power they are performers of no small ability and rock extremely hard there’s a a bunch of musicians including some of the grunt rock

Musicians who ended up liking them because they’re like well have you gone and see them live maybe you should go and see them life because they are such a powerful life act that they kick enormous quantities of ass and this is a thing that one could

Want nothing so wrong with being like I want to listen to some music that is really powerful I feel like having that let’s go let’s go and listen to some powerful music nothing so wrong with that there’s many different kinds of things to want you could legitimately say that nicob back kind of

Specializes in having a lot of power but don’t necessarily have as much to say as I don’t know Billy ish hard to say um it all depends I’m just thinking of an opposite Nickelback that would be but Billy eish would qualify I think as a a bizarre world opposite Nickelback

Because it’s pretty well the opposite of powerful and overbearing and stuff is somebody who doesn’t even want to sing with projection gets frustrated when asked to try but these These are really interesting questions all the more when they get into you know the questions of what you do when it’s time to sit

Down and start doing something like is the rule that if you’re going to go and make a thing therefore it must be powerful and dominant sounding well there’s a lot of people out there who would contest that idea would say no that’s dumb it’s not there’s been entire genres of music and then

If like let’s let’s look at non- vocalist music or largely nonvocal music let’s look at the history of UK Drummond Bas as it extended outwards into first wave of UK dubstep and then tear out and then skrillix because that’s a very interesting combination of progressions and there’s a number of reasons why what

Happened in that situation happened Timba on toast has a wonderful documentary about that stuff that I strongly recommend and part of what went on in that context is that um you started out with music that was extremely creative I’ve listened to some of that stuff

There I went and listened to what was it um one of the early dubstep guys I really should remember this name it I blame myself for failing to remember it um list off some of list off some of the early dubstep guys I’ll tell you which one it is um

Scream I listened to scream’s first album and was really impressed one thing it showed me was it reminded me oh yeah dubstep is taking from dub dubstep is taking from reggae rhythms that’s why it’s called dubstep it was very interesting to be like oh yeah boy this sounds like old sound

System stuff the the debt that it owes to literal dub regga music is extremely obvious and yet it’s very technical it’s very synthetic and electronic and the the combination of those things goes over incredibly well so I’ve listening to this this Scream album because timbah and toast said that it was so

Awesome and it’s like who am I to doubt that so I’m going to go and listen to it now and I did and I really was impressed I was it was really deeply awesome stuff and it was not particularly terot it was the when he threw in weird uh synthetic

Noises the the level of hyped up aggression was simply not there oh my stove is is beginning to get on the weak side let me address that let me address also maybe not I got to mess with this stove on a regular basis especially today cuz it’s colder Today I may not be living in a cabin in the woods as awesome as that would be but I’m still having to tend my literal fires to stay Warm even while I do this thing of the uh Youtubing being over here raising my voice so that you can hear me uh in the Room and that looks like it’s getting going again so it’ll probably here we are yeah I got to I’m referring people to Timba quite a lot um lately because it is that useful of you know I’ll refer people to Timba if they have questions about timle or Dave

Rubin because his his dubstep and music Associated video makings are terrific but he also has this tendency of being able to get into some of the oh dare I say demagogues I could some of the influencers out there and highlight what they’re doing in this very chill way this very non-aggressive

Way and I I pay attention to like one of the guys who has been um fiercely attacking uh K Cathedral and by that I mean he said mean things about it on YouTube so I should be gentle about that like it’s I’m not sure if that can be called

Fierce quite so much I just take stuff personally so it’s like no he’s fiercely attacking me man but I went in I looked at um the stuff that that guy follows and we have similar political opinions he just doesn’t like my K cathedral but in line with the whole

You know not everything works for everybody concept I sort of backto back got that guy being like he Cathedral is worth than stock Daw Reverb plugins what are you even doing you’re a snake oil person immediately followed by a guy who was like oh my God I like K Cathedral

Better than anything it sounds more like what I’m trying try to make and is truly wonderful the tricky thing about reality is that it is not a choice between which of those people are right and I particularly notice that in the context of doing Sound Engineering and a particular

All of my console oriented stuff of um trying to deliver in the Box solutions that don’t sound like a dah I’m still writing out the reactions from uh when I went on Reddit and it said that uh digital is inherently harsh and I meant every word of it I do

Think that digital is inherently harsh and that’s because there’s no flexibility to it and even our EXP experience of listening to sound in air has an enormous amount of flexibility in it like air is simply not flat in the way that a digital audio workstation

Is air is a lot more squishy than that and Air does not give you um high frequency quency transmission over any distance oh hi rain I think it’s going to be raining on me for a while because Manu is not uh responsive it’s logged on but it’s not responsive that or the server

Broke and thinks he’s logged on but he’s not see we got Manu there but he’s not responding yeah so my challenge with uh oh kind of think of it I wonder if I should see what are we trying to do here so we’re going to have fast rather than fancy

Do I know good reference about audio DSP uh that’s a tricky question that really is see I’m not able to understand all of the references that exist there’s references out there that are using calculus they’re using fancy mathematics to do stuff and it it’s a little beyond

My pay grade I’m not able to keep up with that kind of thing and yet sometimes the people who make audio processing with those tools end up making audio processing that I’m simply not happy with sometimes it feels as if the cleverer people get with their heavy processing the more likely they

Are to make something that I think sounds like ass to not to put too fine a point on it and I’ve been trying to figure out why for a long time a large part of of what I do to uh address this is figure out ways of accomplishing things with minimal

Processing like fewer calculations is what I’m often aiming at and that’s the choice which is not to say it’s always right it might not be right maybe I’m completely wrong in every respect but it’s been closer to what I would like to accomplish on a regular basis so I’m generally fairly happy with

Those choices and those people could be Absol here’s the thing that’s that would be jumping to a conclusion that I’m not willing to jump to because if you were to say oh this person did the thing where the sound that they made is excruciatingly bright and I find it unpleasant therefore

They’re not music well they could be yahoodi Menin hey Manu Manu is on the scene they could be a gifted violinist they could be I’m trying to think of other examples it’s fine I don’t have to um they could have everything to say in musical terms but their ear might be looking for

That excruciatingly bright unpleasant sound that I find so objectionable so I don’t get to say those people aren’t Musical what I must say is those people seem to want a particular sound and I find that sound objectionable that’s fair to say I can’t say anything about their musical talents

They could have wonderful musical talents I just don’t like the way they make things sound and I often find that um they don’t like the way I make things sound either and that’s where it gets interesting because it’s like you go far enough in that direction and it starts becoming a matter

Of does that person specifically hang on a second I’m slightly distracted by some of this nonsense so we’re going to deal with the nonsense oh don’t like that don’t like that let’s put that back by the way myu we could make it be not raining again I have been unable to

Sleep because you were online and not and not interactive so if you’re in fact online and interactive we can make the ring going or we could if it was night so that’ll make the rain going I am also going to fool with my fire again because it keeps

On not what you would call Burning Brightly and I would like it to perk up a little bit now that should have taken care of and it did very good I feel like I don’t need all of this stuff to be path block this was clearly done with the path block making snowball

So yeah there are many we don’t need that there either do we surely not so when you’re you’re confronted with the issue of making stuff and who are you making things for are you making things for anybody in particular is you’re making going to fail if you make it be more broadly um

Acceptable this is a legit question especially as we get into to um AI because AI has specific abilities regarding this the way that technology works it’s able to zero in on wonder if I still have that uh sand block in here no but I can use this sand block here

Here AI has the ability to zero and by that I mean large language models and diffusion models and stuff that stuff’s got the ability to zero in on what many people would think again this is this is why um some people are freaking out over the

Idea that uh Elon musk’s new thing is woke what it’s doing is giving Collective responses to things that they’re not expecting to get Collective responses from and as a result of that there is shall we say much dismay in some fronts on the ground of oh what am I

Doing those were there for a reason we don’t need that and the as much as I appreciate elon’s uh AI for Twitter tweaking his nose and making fun of him and scorning his things as much as I enjoy that that doesn’t mean the AI is automatically right just because it is

Presenting a collective answer one of the things that I’ve been thinking in my like philosophical pontificating while playing Minecraft days that I’ve been increasingly doing is balancing that stuff out especially since I’m like person that fills in the gap for doing things that are unpopular and don’t work with the algorithm or

Whatever like this puts me in an interesting position because what ends up happening is my stuff can’t get replaced by AI as it’s currently practiced if I do a correctly if I do it correctly I get to be doing things where you can’t simply push a button and

Be like do the popular thing that’s like Chris does it it misses by a mile it fails really hard and that is because the collect Ive answer isn’t always the correct one excuse me one of the things about that is that’s also how you get new things bursting out and being extremely

Popular and that can be like right-wing demagogues that could also be the Beatles it comes out of of a excessively Collective Place The Beatles came out of pop music being really boring and predictable there were particular ways of doing pop music and that’s just kind

Of how it went like that’s what you got if you were doing pop music it was going to be like thus and so whereas um let see thinking of things to do can play this as torch anyo so it’s this interesting balance and I am I am quite the believer in the

Worth of some collective things again the the left-wing thing is very strikingly what just oh I just put the time ahead didn’t I okay the worth of collective things can be very significant there’s a lot to be gained from Community models ways that uh people can get

Together and look after their own and each other’s needs this is a normal thing for humans to to do humans often cooperate humans also compete in fact some of their Tendencies people people jump to competing being the be all and all of life because we’re biologically

Predisposed to value that in his way I think one of the things that uh drives for instance consider a sexually dimorphic species like humans there’s been all kinds of stuff going on with uh men and women and how people even connect with each other never mind that there is a lot of um

Growing acceptance for some of the desparate ways that humans can human like I’ve said in numerous cases I tried being gay it didn’t work for me because I’m not gay but that only illustrates to me like well the people who are going towards the same sex you can’t just tell

Them not to that’s just how that works I think it has to do with um people’s experiences in Youth and the funny thing about that is that that is an argument for the bullying right-wing conservative people to do exactly what they do if people are able to dominate their world socially to the

Point where they do not permit any competing information from being out there like if you can’t say gay or whatever ever then my guess is that there’s still going to be people who are but I think there’s not as many of them if all of the experiences that people can experience are rigidly

Controlled and this is also what happens in uh other right-wing societies for instance Islam and Christianity end up being exactly the same in this light because they are predominantly about forcing things to not be ambiguous or confusing in this Way so the the question would be if you decide to force people to only be you know this way does that actually work and I’m thinking it only works to a point like there is the EXT ENT to which you get what you want that way but

Only to a point there’s still going to be a proportion and I’m not sure how large that is who aren’t actually and and and we can bounce away from these more touchy top topics to like Sound Engineering because what I’m finding is that it is very popular

Popular to assume that you can only make sound in such a way that it is excruciatingly bright and detailed and that’s what you must that’s how things must be like there is no correct answer other than makx the thing to be really bright and everything has to be jammed with

Details and overwhelming and that’s the only thing that you can want and that’s been sort of received wisdom in Sound Engineering for some time now the Advent of the digital audio workstation and uh Recording Technology that does not have softness and flexibility to it means that everybody ended up having to work

In that way you didn’t get a choice that was yeah well you can record this but it’s going to be kind of soft and muddy and it’s going to be hard to get any detail out of it because it’s a cassette tape or because it’s 7 and 1 12 Eeps

Real to real tape which is not as money but it’s still not as you know in studios they ended up going to 30 Eeps and that started trading off base at the time that it went to your um late 70s and 80s recordings a lot of it was recording

Desks but it also had to do with the sounds that were made with the physical recording Technologies and it went onwards from there to Where you know digital audio started to take over the multitrack machines as well and it went away from a situation where normally unless you were really good you got soft and dull recordings and you had to go to Great Lengths to make it so that things you know sounded bright and also

Good we went from that to computer-based digital everything at which point the the sounds that everybody by default got were that kind of unforgiving you just didn’t get the same results anymore and of course some people were very happy about that and there are certain things

Like I observe this kind of stuff and I try to learn from it I do the I do the best I can with it there’s a lot it’s it’s very tricky and on the one hand we’ve got stuff like modern digital recording which is excruciatingly bright at all times because there’s no softening

Factor to that at all I’ve also studied hit records over the years back in the day I had a uh website where it was about the studying of the Evergreen records I’m still plotting how I can start putting out uh videos where I literally play like reactable

Songs and people can hear what I’m going on about because I can play a lot of stuff where you’ll listen to it and you’ll go wow that sounds amazing and yet that also sounds utterly like unlike anything that we’re used to today because it’s creating sound with a great deal of

Depth but it’s also got a great deal of space in it is a horse being amazing yet excited you can have brightness but the brightness has to sound as if it it is a certain distance away from you and I got a bunch of Records I’ve

Got an old copy of the who’s Tommy that I stumbled across was fairly expensive because it’s just early pressing and man the amount of clarity on that is amazing and yet you would not necessarily hear it in the same context as say the CD version of it it would

Sound like completely different thing uh there is a line of snow because I fired a snowball that created a giant sphere you can see the rest of the sphere over here and it created this uh material that made a sphere that goes deeply into the Earth as well as on the surface of

It and I kind of flattened it out and I’m now cleaning it up because it’s all very well to have a giant sphere of snow but it wasn’t useful or anything so I used another snowball to make everything be flat and go away and then I’m filling it in with

Sort of grass blocks so that it looks natural again yeah that’s what I designed this this uh Minecraft game to do hey check it out my fire’s doing good again I want to throw another log on there pretty soon I’m trying to keep it burning fairly hot because it’s so cold

Today but I also need to put the damper in which will kick in a catalyst and that will make it um burn more efficiently as well as produc U less pollution it’s probably a good enough time to do that in fact see it’s bright and I put the Catalyst in and it will

Eventually sort of darken up a little bit and it’ll also start cooling off when it when I’m doing that so and balancing it out yeah I enjoy my wood stove a lot like I said I might not be in a cabin in the woods or anything

Like that I’m in a a suburb in Vermont I’m about a street and a half away from the rather laughable combat zone of this town which is really very chill honestly cuz the town isn’t big enough to be super out of control or violent we hope I hope my my next door neighbors

Actually ended up having people busting into to their place and trying to rob them so they got a giant Savage dog and uh and so then people were upset by the giant Savage dog but it stays inside so also one thing about it if that doesn’t if it is upsetting for people oh

And one minute warning on ads for those who receive them one thing about the giant Savage dogs is the more giant the dog is the less long it will last which is sad for people who like dogs but if you’re going around with neighbors who have like a a a

Weapon and you’re the next door neighbor so you’re frightened because you are trying to mow your lawn and the dog lunges against the fence and tries to get through at you which is happening to one of my neighbors apparently it hasn’t happened to me but it just makes me not

Want to M my lawn CU I’m another adjacent neighbor then yeah you might end up being like oh it died of old age oh how sad maybe you want to consider getting a smaller one you know or I don’t know but anyway point being it is it is cozy enough

Here one of my reasons for wanting to develop all of this software is I want to have a fall back for still being able to create music if I ever get attacked in that way like of course the the other part of it is like you don’t want to be attacked

And robbed and hurt or killed that’s terrible I tend to operate on the basis of I have nothing and all I care about is my lovely guitars and things and so if you try to take those away I will risk my life defending them but I don’t it’s not like I’m very

Well armed or anything so so part of part of what I do with the uh plug-in making and stuff is I also want to be able to create a world where if I lost everything like if my house burned down or something like that I’d be able

To download a bunch of stuff and then be able to create and feel like I had music and oh I have music on my channel you know it could be found here I will uh step outside here And you’re not getting the DI there But this is something that needs to be spliced in together but Uhen this is Me and seeing as I don’t have anything edited and ready to show you I’ll throw another thing on that’s more crazy synthetic stuff and I’m working on like remixing these things and getting the most out of them oh that’s not the sound you’re not hearing the sound at

All you’re hearing it through my monitor speakers that’s that’s not nice at all not even close but oh and let’s make the time pass so that I can continue working here we go dawn breaks over Minecraft yeah the bit that you heard is a good example of some other

Stuff that I deal with in that uh that song is a rock song with like lead vocals guitars drums Bas all that kind of stuff I played and sang all of that that’s just all me but I’m a I’m a software programmer like my day job is not playing Minecraft my

Day job is programming stuff that sounds a certain way for people who would like to have technology to do what they want to do and so a a guy that I knew back in the day uh uh Tim Gillies went by slipperman slipperman was not his literal name but it was

Uh his nom de plume as it were and he talked about uh the musician Todd rungren at one point because he had he was trying to figure out can you um be a great engineer and a great musician at the same time cuz cuz Tim’s take on that he’s not

He’s no longer with us I got to meet him once and I I said a nice thing to him over the Internet once which he liked but um he felt that both of those things were life Pursuits that you didn’t get to do both of those things instead you had to

Choose and it would be up to you whether you chose to be a musician or say a sound engineer I think there is some truth to that point of view like not everybody gets everything you pick what you choose to do cons consider this here’s something that I’ve been thinking about lately in

Fact you might be like I like the vocals wow you can play music and you can program plugins how amazing what a wonderful thing well the the price of that is my life has been a lonely seclusion for literally decades on end there is a lot of time when I would

Have happily chosen to you know date somebody body maybe have a family people people act like that you know like does Christopher mirandos get to have a family well kind of no I don’t get any of that stuff some of the force behind what I do is the The Emptiness and frustration

Of no gosh I don’t have any of that some of the work that I put into all of this is just down to you know losing my mind and trying to pass the time in my loneliness and isolation and I wouldn’t wish that or anybody that said more and more people

Are experiencing exactly what I experienc so maybe there’s going to be more and more crisp merid out there you could say that is a sad thing and yet that’s where I got it if I’m good at any of this stuff it’s I paid for it by having to spend the

Time and attention and energy getting good at and caring about all of that stuff because there wasn’t a person that I got to care about because I have autism and difficulty dealing with social situations and I screwed myself up getting really into drugs early on I

Had to give up being on drugs when I was like gosh um what 202 4 25 early early early and I would quite happily have traded that for getting to be like a normal person and having some of the normal person things like being able to work a

Regular job that people paid you lots of money because you acted normal around people and were able to go to work and do those things yeah I think it is quite good that I’m off this stuff I’m always happy to be encouraging to anybody else with similar

Ambitions that’s some of what I do in my real life is part of my real life gets involved with people who are also trying to to get clean and like some of my friends like to say sharing experience strength and hope and saying yeah you can you can not use if that is

What you want cuz you know we do stuff like that for a reason like I got high for a reasons because I couldn’t stand being awake and aware and experiencing being Chris it was it was too much to ask and so I spent a lot of time getting

Heest to survive probably saved my life but when you’re an addict and I come by it honest because my family like my mother’s side of the family including my mom had that going on and uh you know my grandmother never stopped being a alcoholic she was the little old lady with the

Martinis and she was also very cool in certain ways but not necessarily in nice ways she wasn’t necessarily a nice lady but she was definitely a cool lady I don’t remember ever seeing her smile at my mom wants which is one way that you get sometimes if you’re you’re on drugs or

Drinking and dealing with being yourself kind of thing God where do I I feel like there needs to be a conversational transition away from that but I don’t know what it is that’s another thing that happens to people where that can give you your creativity can come from a

Place like that your creativity can come from yeah I grew up in tough times and my family was not comforting or reassuring and I survived it and now here I am and this is what I have to communicate because that’s the thing we talk about stuff like AI

No it’s said I’m always good for this kind of thing I just if there are people who are getting nothing out of it then I don’t necessarily want to go on a long monologue but uh it’s important in its way there is there is importance to being willing to look at and face

This sort of thing cuz I’m going to Tye it back to the AI like one of the things that AI can do well is find that normal person take on things it’s looking at sort of a collective humanity and producing what it can do for wisdom and the training of AI is always

Just trying to find what the wrong answers are and teach it not to do that but it’s going to start out with all the wrong answers because it’s going to start out not with intelligence because it doesn’t have any of that instead what it has is uh the scope of humanity as it

Exists and that’s a big deal that’s a lot to have however creative people often come from experience that is not normal and you go oh why are you singing like that well the reason I’m singing like that is because that that passionateness that comes into the vocal is because of experiences that I’ve

Had and there is a level of trying to communicate there is uh when I do for instance and this this this sometimes turns and bites me my experience is not always helped by who I am and where I’ve been cuz sometimes the way it works

Is I have this tendency of needing to do stuff the weird way cuz like my family Dynamics get get as old as me you might end up having to do some of this work yourself and being a happier person the only reason to do this kind of personality

Work is when maybe you’re able to accomplish things but you’re miserable and I’ve spent too many years being miserable to the point where I am actively interested in pursuing the not being as miserable and that can mean questioning some of the assumptions like the way that I was

Raised I had a really weird like family Role Family job you might say in a sense my job in my family was I was the oldest child I was the the one that was loved by Mom and Dad in the special one that was going to accomplish

The most amazing things they had reasons for needing that like Mom was raised by an alcoholic mother who rejected her and so she wanted to show that she could be amazing by raising an amazing child dad had gotten beat up by an uncle and his dad didn’t rescue him from that

And so he was very unhappy and and frustrated and he escaped through ART he escaped through creativity in particular he was a big Comics fan and so he was always into you know like Disney and Poco and the comic strips and movies and things that existed that that and science fiction

Was his big escape and this is how we roll like we do what we can with what we inherited from the worlds that we live in so the for instance that ability to sing and you’ll notice that um one of the things that I had do in this most recent

Version which I’m looking to I’m I’m trying to find ways of work around this there’s a lot of pitch correction on that vocal I comp it together out of multiple tracks and did a lot of pitch correction on it and in many ways my natural singing voice is objectionable

And wrong like I’m not singing well I can belt like anybody’s business but but I’ve spent too much time not speaking and it doesn’t prepare you for being able to sing if you don’t speak if you don’t use your voice it’s one reason why I’m doing live

Stream so that I’m compelled to like talk for eight hours a day to the best of my ability because that has active usefulness for somebody who simply never speaks and never sees anybody oh hello this is covering over my uh my space it here that said I believe I will

Be clearing the mess out and we will get this giant snow sphere out of the way that being my plan for today I’m also going to take out all of the um trees and I’ll replace them with additional trees that I can plant I like having the good tools good tools are

Good goes through the wood faster than it goes through leaves fancy that and that tree is fine so we’re not going to worry about that one yeah I have this tendency as a Creator to always kind of try to escalate and push be like if something works and okay now it needs to

Be 10 times more so and there’s this real tendency to push Beyond to the point where it’s no longer working like I’ll tend to overe exceed until what I’ve made is is you know bad again if I’m making a composition that I’ll continue to make it fancier and fancier until it is too

Much it’s a real tendency of mine and some of that is cuz like I said the the job of Chris as a child was and this also relates to autism because that’s also what can happen to you is you end up um getting into uh autistic children can get into this

Thing where they start out being very impressive and then it just gets on top of you like so you you were this little kid who is able to write poems or something like that oh I’m not good enough to create a da I could design one but I’d have to be

Working with somebody who was able to create and debug one and that ain’t me my skills are not good enough for creating a DA from scratch I could design one and make it sound however you wanted it to sound it’s not quite the same Thing let’s see where was I at we’re going to create a few more grass block stacks and chop down a few more of these stray wood blocks yeah anyways the the job I had as the kid was the guy who was going to accomplish great things and have such potential but then

Fail it was really important in a lot of ways that I failed at what I did because there’s a resentment from from siblings just a lot of stuff going on where it’s like the goal um needs to be too high and I needed to not make it I needed to screw it

Up and it’s affect my music making and stuff especially like weird while my mom and dad cuz part of it is like well if I’m the screw up then they couldn’t be at fault and Mom had been um an alcoholic and drug addict who had been stealing uh sythetic heroin from her

Work she stole from her patients at times and she was a head nurse she was a very capable person but the the pain of her family stuff was too painful and so there was always the secrets and the secrets in my family were very heavy they’re no longer a

Thing cuz all the people who were really subject to that have passed on but the secrets were very heavy anytime you have a family where it’s like oh well nobody ever comes over here and they never see anybody which is also the way I learn to live by the way

I learn to live where nobody ever comes over you never go anywhere you never see anybody anytime you have a family that learns to be that way it’s not by accident humans are naturally social we naturally interact with each other but if you’ve got a family where

It’s like well first of all nobody ever comes here oh and never go anywhere else and never speak and never talk to anybody about any of this because we’re fine everything’s fine that that basically always just means bad things hey Sky chip keep jumping into the rabbit holes and come out

Frustrated uh by all means elucidate maybe I can maybe I have had similar experiences and can help but yeah the when we when we bouncing back to AI again because that’s always fun and one minute warning for people who are experiencing ads when we deal with AIS inevitably what we are

Doing is dealing with the normal that’s always going to be a part of it because we can’t really build AI out of the exceptional there not enough of the exceptional the way that stuff is built comes out of um oh look make it all the way up to the

Top I should take this down I’m not even quite sure what this is but we should take this down this is iron block no it’s not even iron block this is quartz I don’t know whether I built that or somebody else did I just know I don’t want it

So I guess what I’m saying is normal people can be replaced by AI it’s harder to replace weirdos with AI if the price of being you is really Steep and it’s very difficult to relate and everything is a really big Challenge and you can barely survive

Then you may be a kind of person who is very difficult to replace and if you’re trying to make AIS as Y is suggesting that is a possibility but who is going to know how to do that it’s going to be humans who have experiences akin to what you might be trying to

Create if you’re trying to create a creative genius AI there is a there is a book that haunted my past I remember it and I don’t know how I know all of this because it’s a mysterious thing I remember there being a thing thing where my dad wanted me to read

This book and my mom did not want me to see it I ended up finding out what that book was and it was a thing called Cradles of feminines and it suggested that eminent people as in people who got books written about them frequently or always came from these damaged backgrounds actors often

Come from broken homes Writers come from places with issues there’s drug addiction there’s alcoholism there’s abuse there’s so much going on and although I wasn’t able to get a straight answer like ever during my lifetime I think the deal there is it is a combination between my dad wanting to

Send the message of yeah we’re screwed up but it can be important and there can be stuff to be gained from being being one of these people laboring under the burden of this screwed upness look see all of these things that you can be I myself have become a scientist and

He had many patents and one of the reasons that I like wearing my white shirt on plug-in video days and looking like white collar dude is because that was what my dad looked like when he was when I was growing up I went into his office at a place called block

Engineering and uh he he kept some little decals with the block engineering logo and I have them now maybe someday I’ll show you them but he was a real deal scientist and when I was a little kid there were times that I got to go into his workplace and he had this enormous

Elaborate drafting table with like the the big movable horizontal thing with the movable vertical one that could also slide along that and then you could rotate it to different angles and it was this expensive analog drafting station cuz this was like before home computers this would have been like the

70s and it seemed like the coolest thing ever and who’s to who’s to say it wasn’t so I got to have a uh a screwed up family but I also got to have a dad that was a legit scientist who wore a white shirt and went in to work where he

Worked with the enormous drafting table and invented things and I followed in those footsteps to some extent and I invent things for a living as well and I even managed to be a better businessman than my dad ever managed to be the block engineering and here I am

Doing block engineering yep yep that’s awesome thank you but I don’t believe that company even exists anymore but so this is now the only block engineering to be had but yeah he he probably earned millions of dollars one of the one of the family challenges was he would not tell any of us

Including my mom how well we were doing and remember I’m over 50 years old I was alive when women weren’t allowed to have credit cards not making that up while I was alive my w my mom was not allowed to have a credit card because she was a

Woman woman like you couldn’t do that you couldn’t apply it wasn’t a thing and uh we moved beyond that to the point where that can be a thing but um like that’s how old I am right God now I’ve now I’ve lost track I’m going to

Be I’ll wait until like 11 or so but I’m going to make another C of espresso so I can keep the chatter going a little bit longer because these are all these are all interesting things and this is part of what I can do like if you do a uh chat

GPT thinking that’s going to get you wisdom well you’ll get something but what you’ll get is largely the ideas of people who were alive during the time that open AI stole all this data off the internet so first of all we’re talking it’s only internet based stuff Heritage of remembering things like

People with lived experience chat GPT does not have lived experience of a time when women weren’t allowed to have credit cards okay because that an internet thing chat GPT comes from the internet the internet doesn’t have that experience it contained some people who had that experience but they’re getting a lot

Older I mean I’m getting older and I didn’t even experience that myself if I was a woman then I would not have that experience Because by the time I would be of age to get a credit card they would would have changed it Joey Saturday is being a wise

Ass honestly my mom was more qualified for that than my dad like I said I managed to be a better businessman than my dad cuz he had earned probably a couple of million dollars working as the chief scientist for Block engineering and so on but he wouldn’t tell

Anybody and he he kept it hi in secret bank accounts and then he tried to start his own business and he also was a literal hoarder and it came out in like you know the magazine National Geographic it’s not a thing anymore because uh it got bought up by somebody

Who’s using it for clothing well the house I grew up in had shelves of uh National Geographics and a variety of other things just shelves upon shelves of this stuff hey Manu coming back into the game he didn’t he didn’t get rid of magazines the paper magazines and when he ran his own

Business and started it he called it specialty instruments SPI uh he rented a uh place in an office park right with as much square footage as my house and that’s in an office park that is commercial property and he had a little area that contained um some tools and

Things right ability to build build cuz specialty instruments it built things like infrared sensors for the next generation of airliners he was good at what he did but also specialty instruments contained 95% of its square footage were shelves with trade Publications going back as long as he had been studying his field

The hoarder nature that he had didn’t serve him well as far as basically peeing away a fortune a literal fortune on buying in a commercial Office Park an office large enough to store a giant collection of of um trade Publications and I’ve got some I’ve got some of those predilections as well I

Mean you see it in my plugins I make this enormous library of plugins and I find it very satisfying to supply all of that but they’re not all useful to everybody but I still make them more than that there was a there was a time that I was

Uh interested in the magazine sys I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of it and I subscribed to that for a while and I saved all of them even though I don’t sit around reading them but it was sort of the last wave of movie special effects technology before digital really

Took over and I have essentially a collection of syn effects covering that transition and yeah I don’t read them but it’s like I can’t really bear getting rid of them I am my dad’s kid and so that’s me just like oh have to keep this this is my

Collection of the magazine where I’ve read all of these or keeping books like I have a lot of books yeah I started I might have just monu by accident I started Air Windows as a commercial software developer and I was able to make it work more effectively than my dad was

Able to make his business work but it’s not because I’m smarter than him because I’m sure that I’m not but uh I was able to put it into gear a little bit more effectively menu is going to get whacked by a block we’re not careful oh already got but yeah this

Becomes my job for today is getting rid of these things and maybe the stuff that’s flying in the air that might also be a plan but yeah like life is weird family and history is weird and we talk about things like AI without really understanding in that it’s not actually

Wisdom or intelligence it is artificial enough but all it has going on for itself is that it is a collect a collective experience of humanity and by the very nature of it being Collective it’s going to tend to be more right left leaning than right leaning because right leaning is more interested

In Tradition and right leaning is more interested Ed in uh Power imbalances and the belief that um some people are just better than others and so they should be able to beat those that they are better than and then Society is better if the people who are

More powerful have beat the ones that are less powerful that’s a rightwing take it is a competitive thing similar to how animals compete with each other Darwin figured out you know natural selection had something to do although not everything everything to do with the this survival of the fittest and it’s an

Observation not simply a philosophical decision of like oh let’s be really mean because that is good like that’s not how that works at all it’s not simply about let’s be really mean it’s about nature demands that those who Thrive should be those with power and those who are

Powerful I could collect snow and dirt very effectively there I’ve got a snow right here but I would have so much snow then it would be super duper overwhelming so I’m actually not doing that it would be a bit Much Darman observed interesting and relevant things what Darwin wasn’t able to observe was cooperation and interactivity that wasn’t his Jam he had a good ability to perceive some of that stuff and if you didn’t perceive it along with him then you were missing out but he didn’t really what he experienced or observed missed the boat a little bit on stuff like symbiosis he didn’t really perceive what

When Animals cooperated with each other not on a conscious verbal language base but just stuff that thrives in conjunction with each other and as it applies to humans we have this the whole right-wing versus leftwing thing can be boiled down to how much do we value competition and power

And how much do we value cooperation and community and we need both of those things to eradicate either one of them is a mistake and it’s kind of neat to see that AI as it is currently experienced acts like you know based Cooperative leftwing stuff making fun of Elon Musk and

And be like gosh Dude but it’s not the only way of being matter was flying around because he can actually that’s an assumption I’m not sure if I’ve ever gender checked money to some extent I am not a very good woke because I’ll say things like that and not be terribly interested and

I’ll make an effort to try to learn and remember what the right way of of saying or doing things is but I’m not super bothered because I’m too much of a nerd it’s like nope I’ve got a bunch of other things to think about I might forget which has not always served me

Well like I’ve had friends where I ended up drifting apart from them because I wasn’t as interested in paying attention to that stuff and it served as a way for other people to drive a wedge I’ve had some experiences where I’ve had people driving wedges between me and friends and it’s not

Necessarily an enjoyable thing Joey are you actually serious is this is this is this the real Joey are you the guy that’s been getting after me for some of these things gosh yeah we can do a debate let’s do a debate degener is degeneracy is an a funny word to use

Gosh do I have snow that doesn’t actually replace Leaf blocks is that a thing when guys get a certain way it’s hard to tell whether they are being sarcastic or not might not be sarcastic might be legit yeah I see Joey you you would be mistaken but you would fall into the

Category of a very powerful right- Winger I’m guessing that you’re also interested in power and the the the worth of things being strong rather than weak another way of thinking about degeneracy is of a strong capable thing that’s been reduced in some way and that would be a assumption

Sometimes I wonder what the heck people like that make of me it’s like are you so deeply confused that you don’t understand who I am that seems weird then I don’t understand what this tree is so or even I want tree and other tree I’m going to try not to hurt this

Imaginary sheep just because there’s no reason reason I should would it be useful to combine every console with desk plugins um you don’t have to you can if you want desk plugins are pretty subtle they’re not going to be a really strong tone shaping but then you don’t

Always want a really strong tone shaping so onto your more serious question actually I shouldn’t say that I’m sure you’re serious with all the other things you’re saying either that or you’re super sarcastic um the plugin depths that copy paste code see this is an interesting side effect to the open source

Thing what I am hoping in making uh this kind of stuff available is that other people will do things maybe people will do things that I like and then I’ll get to use it but what I find is usually that people do what you say they

Do you could say that what often happens is that plug-in Debs are often degenerate and not creatively working with what I make available so people will copy and paste code they’ll even copy and paste my code because I make it possible for them to do that and then they will just put a

Reskinning of the the GUI on it that is something that will happen you could say that people who were doing that are degenerate developers who aren’t really having original thoughts that they are not as good that it is not a great thing to have folks like that doing their

Thing see this this gets into you know my differences with um the right-wing angle is that I have a different analysis which I’m very curious as if you would find interesting or compelling in any way is I’m not coming up with this stuff out of nowhere nobody taught me or told

Me like oh yeah you need to be right-wing my brother is extremely left uh my left wi sorry I got that backwards nobody came and told me oh dude you need to be extremely leftwing it’s the only okay way to be indeed you know I think

That my dad was more on the right-wing side and I have a brother who is extremely right-wing and I have a brother who is extremely leftwing and Bullies people to have to think the way that he thinks so we we get all kinds I guess is what I’m saying the thing is let’s

Seeoo and yeah the licensing that I use is MIT licensing that means they just have to credit my stuff and this gets into that interesting question which makes it a lot more interesting than just somebody saying bad people are degenerate and suck it’s like well what did you hope

Would happen then if you have people that are not degenerate what do you hope will happen and the deal with the people just using plugins to just skin something and taking code without really understanding how it works that kind of stuff is that you could legitimately say

Yeah copy paste the same DSP code people will do that some of what I do tries to make it easier for them to successfully do that I have a plugin that’s coming out it is another kind of uh compressor it’s called overheads and it came out of some

Experiment that it did a long time ago Where oh but I do have my own store for plugins it’s called patreon.com people can pay me there lost my train of thought bear with me while I get it back which will eventually happen see I was talking about people stealing my DSP code even though it is open source by just taking

It and copy and pasting stuff without necessarily even understanding how it works in order to skin it put a GUI on and then maybe sell that well I make it possible to do that and there is a part of that that is frustrating but then there is also a

Part of it where I’m not particularly bothered by it and I’ll tell you why that doesn’t really affect me it doesn’t help me it doesn’t hinder me nobody doing that is any real threat commercially to me because anybody who is just taking stuff and see I was in the middle of doing

This and I wasn’t actually looking to have it done for me and to be instantly finished but we’ll see what happens from here we’ll see where this goes submission audio guy Flatline it’s a Clipper I’m not really familiar with that maybe you can tell me more about it

But I can report on the basis of being somebody whose licensing permits this outright copying see in a way I feel as if anybody who is doing that is somewhat handicapping themselves because they’re not listening and they’re not learning it is possible to just take stuff and start

Uh running with it you would probably also find some of this degenerate as well in that a kind of person who does a audio thing because they’re told to because they read somewhere oh you got to do this this is the this is the

Way that you have to do the thing and so they don’t question it they just start doing what they were told things needed to be done like and that is the sort of thing that one could call a degenerate attitude what one could call this is not sophisticated

Creation as we would like to celebrate it we would like to celebrate stuff that’s being original and interesting and is really going somewhere that is creating with a Capital C and making new stuff happen my licensing doesn’t require that people do that though and my licensing allows for

People to simply be like oh hey I took your plugin and this other plugin of yours that I like and I combined it together into this other one and I made a cool GUI numerous people have done that they never seem to get Terri far with them for one because the MIT

License tells them that they must credit so they do have to say this is where the real plugin came from I made it prettier and I have no objection to people making stuff prettier but another thing that typically happens is people don’t tend to put the amount of effort in that I

Do I tend to release more plugins and I tend to work harder on trying to do the new ones making them be a distinct thing that didn’t exist before well but then this is this also touches on like what is piracy what is theft if we’re talking about digital audio

Things like I have um videos that I copied off of YouTube I wanted to have them in a collection in case YouTube went down or stuff got deleted so that they would still exist that they would still be there now if I’m watching those things I’m certainly using them

But if I make a giant collection of videos or songs MP3s whatever and I put them on to a USB stick and then I bury that USB stick in the ground does it matter to some extent somebody taking my code or whatever in order to be able to make a thing of

Theirs it matters more if they’re using it oh okay so Flatline is a clipper do you know the Providence of it do you know where it comes from what is what is the real Clipper that it is based on because I honestly do not I don’t know That I see they have taken the what you’d call trade dress of it if they’ve made it look like Fab filter that is is also Within see the interesting stuff about that is that sometimes it doesn’t matter when things like that are done because they’re kind of pointless like if you have stolen the thing it’s all about the marketing really and this is also this touches on my take on right versus leftwing things versus you know

And like think think of marketing as power your objection to this pirated Fab filter Clipper which isn’t really the one instead it somebody has stolen the identity of this other product that you like and respect and they are claiming to be the same thing but they’re lying

See what you don’t like about that is that is unjust that is somebody who’s taking what existed and they’re sort of ripping what somebody was able to create and running away and saying hi this is my thing original thing do not steal and then running with that like running with Scissors right

And making it so that they’re muddying the waters they are claiming to be something that they’re not they haven’t paid for it so they are getting credit that they do not deserve this is something that makes right-wingers mad because to get power that is undeserved is like

Cheating right were we on the same page there which also makes it weird when you run into something like the way that my open source stuff works the um here I can throw Kipling at you Kipling is very good at being a right-winger in that uh a lot of his

Takes boil that stuff down well um oh the process of making a good plugin does it take a long time that depends it builds on stuff like in particular my stuff doesn’t come out of nowhere instead I’ve made Bunches of different things over the years and I’m kind

Of elaborating on Concepts that I’ve done before and trying to get better at what I’m doing like my best stuff builds off of other stuff I’ve got a plugin that is coming out called overheads and that is built off of years of previous work on that kind of thing like

Overheads originally came out and it was an early experiment with uh what I’ll call um slew work it’s SLO clipping SLO compression overheads is actually SLO compression it’s tracking the change between samples and doing stuff with it now if you decided that you wanted to steal the best plug-in and then make another

Plugin with better GUI and then sell it and get all the money that would be some degenerate Behavior right there somebody setting out to do that is very unlikely to be able to make anything that I make because I start based on trying to get something to

Happen I’m trying to get a specific result and this is going to be a really goofy looking Cliff side I’ll tell you we’ll just get rid of this stuff for starters and then worry about filling in the gaps later see Joey here’s an interesting thing that is potentially bad

Marketing because everybody has their own opinion in various things there’s not really any such thing as the received wisdom the correct answer the the plug-in that is the best plugin is not everybody has different takes on that kind of stuff because people’s reactions people’s opinions can be very

Different so the the the dev that’s doing that thing is really kind of handicapping themselves in that they are let me see whether I can Wonder whether this is going to peek through into my base well no matter I have a ton of dirt let’s fill this in with dirt well let’s let’s empty it out a little bit more and then fill it in with dirt actually no let’s not bother that’s dumb what am I doing

The actual filling in with dirt is clearly the better answer here like I work quite hard on trying to come up with distinct things and one of the things I have going for me is that since I am attempting different stuff than you know the average the

Usual I do have the capacity of making code that is not stolen that is just simply different it’s not the same as other people’s code sometimes that’s very obvious sometimes it works great sometimes it doesn’t work so well but I’m able to make stuff that’s mine and that is not stolen from anyone

Else having done that I make a point of being like dop I’m just derping around I don’t know what I’m doing I’m doing the best I can let me see if you don’t like it well maybe we like different things I I went after somebody on YouTube who was like your

Thing sucks and I was like maybe I hate your stuff too but that’s really kind of what it’s about is you know maybe I hate their stuff too they don’t have to like what I like I’m doing something for the purpose of making it the way I like it so against the

Uh I’m making plugins that are uh audio unit and uh VST they’re VST 2 for compatibility with old school stuff and let’s see now still working on this a little bit I want to get too distracted from finishing the thing but yeah my take my take on that marketing thing I

Mentioned this guy who is making a largely stolen from fab filter or whatever plug in and then being like this is my thing it’s amazing it’s better than anybody else’s know you can’t have it you can’t see what it is and all of my stuff is best that just antagonizes people

And it’s probably not true and attacking people who don’t like it is just asking for more static like you kind of you can’t really do that that’s not something that works very well it’s better to be a little more chill about that kind of thing because there’s no such thing as the

Thing that is so well designed that nobody can fault it or criticize it people have been getting into stuff like uh digital audio for decades upon decades I think I need two Hang on we’re going to heat that up and throw some more fire on there because it is going

Dark people have been working on digital audio for decades and yet the direction that they went ended up sounding like crap for a lot of things I know I personally am deeply unimpressed by a lot of what people do with digital audio I just do not like I’ve spent years working on well

Fine but why don’t I like it what is it doing where I find it so objectionable and and it’s a really interesting it’s a it’s a big question and the answer is very complicated it has a lot to do with human nature or our animal Natures in the way

That we hear things the way that we are designed to hear stuff at a distance whether we find things relaxing or not whether we find things compelling or not there’s just many questions I have spoken before about how I think that um the onset of Loi hip hop is a reaction to Modern

Engineering I think that this is a reaction to what’s happened with pop music and how Stuff mostly sounds anymore because it is a a real requirement that everything has to be super bright and detailed and clear and High Fidelity in that way where you’re not allowed to depart from some of the these

Assumptions you don’t get to go like that’s actually not real I’ve listened to sound and sound is not nearly as exhausting sounding as that this this is not a acceptable answer for a lot of people let’s put a random random Bush and I’ve also found that um in this Loi hipop

Stuff some of it’s not actually Loi I’m noticing more and more that I can find Loi hip hop out there and if you listen to it it’s like man that’s like dark side of the moon right there that’s some really high resolution stuff all the detail the the tonality of

It it’s absolutely kicking butt it’s extraordinary and yet it falls under the category of Loi hip hop because it’s not bright and there you have have it it’s like these things show up because people want and need different forms of sound and when the only acceptable

Answer for sound is it must sound like this it must not have unpleasant resonances it must be this bright here I have an example and I can’t guarantee that um that I’m correct about this but I have a hunch are you familiar with the band noer it’s a musician’s favorite band

Noer is a band with a number of absolutely brilliant musicians in it there’s a bass player that they bring in goes by mono neon a variety of brilliant keyboard players sometimes they have guitar players Louis Cole is the drummer and one of the band leaders uh may be the band leader but he

May simply be one of the band leaders because Genevie is the vocalist and is another band leader and they do this sort of old school Funk thing a one minute warning for for ad experiencers um they do this sort of old school Funk thing Lewis plays very lightly but he has an extraordinary

Timing and extraordinary like the vibe on this guy is incredible and they do this sort of funk music they do music which is really hard to do and I’m pretty sure that part of what they are doing is experience experimenting with time in that they’ve got Lewis playing

Drums and they’ve got a keyboard player who seems to be able to to stretch and and bend time in interesting ways and they make these incredibly tight jams these songs where like the the the timing of them is compelling in a level that I rarely experience and that’s because they’re

Using time in this special way hey and we’ve got the snow cleared away from there I’m not sure whether we have the snow cleared away from literally everywhere but uh this H side looks snowless the thing is the sound that they get feels very modern in all the ways I hate like

I love their music I love the timing of their sounds I love the arrangements I can’t it blows my mind the noises they make and I think it has heavy a lot to do with like those modern plugins like Goos and Soo and all of that kind of

Stuff all of that stuff that they make extraordinarily reminds me the most recent version uh nightmare yeah it’s it’s the opposite of 70s mix down I could mix down that band and it would sound utterly and completely different maybe to the point where people might find it objectionable

People might not actually want it mixed down the way that I would mixed it down but what they’ve God is an intensely modern Style I’m GNA take some of these torches back I think Top of the mountain could be a more dangerous Place yeah the visual aspect it’s very postmodern this these guys they are very like Zoomer funky oh ouch ouch ouch ouch there we go actually I’m going to put oak wood back because that’s a giant tree there we go pretend nothing happened pretend I didn’t get my head stuck in a log

Um yeah very very similar to Mono neon and well that that’s it really is that it’s a whole concept that depends greatly on this sort of super modern produced thing and again like all of the performance feels like incredibly modern but 7s like funky funky and insane and weird and

Goofy but then their sound mixing screams modern day it is so so modernistic and I hear that on like uh Genie’s most recent vocals felt like okay we just took soothe or or whatever and turned it up as far as it would go period like the this this track she sings her song

And you cannot fit any more frequencies in it’s like the and I think it works fairly well on those quiet things like the quiet vocals but at the same time it doesn’t because it feels very much like okay we’re taking this vocal track and it’s got like full soothe and full trouble

Boost so you start being able to hear the differences between words the differences between words start to go away but it all sounds like wow this very clear and and uh like reasonably compelling sounding uh vocalization you go okay yep wow that’s a lead vocal but there is that total lack

Of there’s a character that I just don’t get from it and it’s particularly maddening because they’re so good like the the band is so good the music that they’re doing is you know I get into the performance especially hard the writing I’m not always sure I know or understand or

Appreciate what they’re trying to say with it let land on top of that tree shall We There we go okay okay okay and it is a intentional choice this it is a choice to do a aesthetic and yet have modern success by having made the the engineering the

Production says hi this is modern this is not some old-fashioned thing no no no no this is a modern hip hop song see here here how everything jumps out in that way that they do and that’s the part that’s not like 70s and honestly I feel as if they would

Do just as well if they went full 70s that they don’t need to push for super modern production while also pushing for super weird creative 70s Arrangement and all of that kind of stuff like they you’d be able to make a mix that is equally striking as anything they’ve got they’re just

Not they’re just doing and and it’s weird how all of that even works because it’s like all of the stuff that they’re doing are it it’s working for their music like their music in particular makes sense with that like those drums those drums are intensely

Um you got the the crazy Soo or whatever going on with it it’s a really exaggerated intensified effect but Lewis plays very very very lightly so you’re not going to get a a Leed Zeppelin sound from him you’re not even going to get a Chris Johnson sound

From him as much as his performance is way way better than mine but I play so many times louder than that guy and I know that because I know the kinds of sticks he uses and how he plays and how he goes about getting his sound

And part of it is that use of the this this deeply synthetic modern production where it’s like okay just add some soothe and then some more soothe and all these frequencies are going to be the same and he goes against it through the oh menu menu is run into

Something and he goes against it through um picking these extremely old school Funk tones these oldfashioned tones you know and when I say that what I mean is they’re not very well damped they’re not the the the way that he goes about getting these particular sounds is quite unusual and yet the end

Result is this striking odd let’s let’s run around with a diamond shovel and do a little instant mining so that I can make part of this path go away because there’s too much path here should only go about this far oh is it night it’s night oh For Heaven’s Sake

Oops oops need to be doing a completely other thing which I will do once I step aside there that’ll hold me now I got to bust out the axe because I did wrong plugin I did wrong uh oh God this is going to take a lot isn’t it you

Know what we have ax snowball too here’s what we can do with ax snowball let’s just make all of that stuff literally could despawn and go away that’s one way of getting drops and then let’s put the watch back for what I thought was there and resume our maintenance yeah now that just

Completely distracted me from what I was saying so now I’m confused oh so it goes it’s getting on towards no and I never made my other cup of coffee so that’s clearly something that I need right oh and to finish up this stuff there we go and placeing lots of

Blocks and picking up lots of drops and if we slept rather than using the watch then time would pass and the rain would stop but for now we’re just doing this in the rain I’m going to finish this and place some of this so that these things grow

Back but then I’m going to make that cup of coffee and Throw Another Log on the Fire because the log is getting a little bit lacking I think Joey Saturday bailed on me well so it goes I can have quite interesting conversations with people who have really strong passionate

Opposition to things I have to say because I know a lot of stuff that uh comes in handy like being able to steer people towards B with the fifth column comes in handy there’s a lot out there that uh is useful and good actually let’s put that on a piece of

Actual grass here we go all right this is coming together over to I think a break so let me it’s a time moving one again a misclick so let’s not misclick instead let’s oh I bet I’d get killed if I did that let’s not do that instead we’ll go in Here and we’ll hang up by there actually you know what I’ll be right back but for now alternate view for our so time enough for me to uh put some more logs on the fire and make that other cup of coffee we’ll listen to menu music and I’ll be back in

In a moment it’s going to be cool when I get back into actual Bic making on these days I just I want to have things set up right first in order to do that work through current projects and it might seem like I’m not doing current projects when I’m doing the

Minecraft thing but you didn’t see what I was up to earlier this morning I still have that uh EX spr in which I may say is coming along that piece of wood is too big For for for Wella back up again That for for for for for for for for put the damper on actually you can sit over here in case I need you later almost us up hey let’s see how my espresso came out that’s good got to kick like a mule the weird thing about espresso is that it can seem

So incredibly potent and yet my pour over coffees I think end up having more caffeine and I guess we don’t uh pass the Night by sleeping do we so got I go and here we are so while I’m derping around with this kind of stuff let’s use some of this extra dirt block

To oops wow I made that jump he fill in this area I’m going to have an instamine situation here for for let’s go for a little more of a natural aesthetic or something for all these Stern blocks sitting around see if I can think of something and then

Execute without wiping my place out in the process which is always a risk that is the sort of thing that could easily happen I got a lot of extra GL grass not glass grass blocks so we might as well use those they’ll turn into dirt eventually and until they do they look

Like a little layer cake pretty sure that’s going to yep see it’s already starting to disappear lucao ask do I have any opinions on bitwig I have not tried bitwig honestly this kind of gets in the way of me having any opinions on it because I have not tried

It that is a fair criticism I could easily entertain the idea that maybe I should at the same time I’m very clear on yep I haven’t I haven’t tried it yet I’m going to have to grind some see here’s a here is a problem that I am doing to

Myself anytime I do things like generate more blocks using a zombie in this particular slot and then also use that for a clock to pass time and also use that for a sapling to plant trees I am setting myself out for trouble it’s a very silly foolish thing to be doing

And granted I’m doing it but man this is not smart for me to be doing I should stick to it’s always the monsters on this slot and then use other things like swap out my weapons swap out the uh the arrows for something that would make better sense oh what an Oh you’re a path block and there’s no good reason for you to be a path block some of the challenges that I have are that the things that I might try it feels like it’s often like this is the thing that has features like a modular synthesizer except for it’s a

DAW and I have a modular synthesizer which I quite like so I’m less likely to be excited by a thing which is like here’s a Daw version of doing the thing that you already like not as a Daw if that makes any sense which I think I think it

Does and there’s some hidden snow that i’ had forgotten about uh you see when you say something like a highle version of Max or PD that makes it more interesting to me rather than less the notion of like programming up some kind of new thing Ben Jordan did a video fairly

Recently about cool interesting new ways of making music which I thought was very neat was cool to look into some of that stuff oh and this side could also use attention keep lamb for fuit m for all doing my insta mining practice what would make this be nice I’m not

Sure let’s see whether we can do the sleeping method of passing nights waited for two too long to drink more espresso I ran out of words but I have more very good okay we can still do that kind too for there see know that’s kind of nice

But you can’t do it underneath the door or can you you can’t what if we no let’s not because the door is stuck on that thing what am I carrying that’s garbage uh we can make an air lock multiple doors zombie proof door up need to fill in this area I

Think have not picked up the Torches now I have I’m going to put some of these things away I hear somebody’s music out there I’m not sure whether you can hear it there’s some volume and the aacha also known as acaia but the uh the Minecrafters from

Loading ready run like calling it a Chacha so I’m going to call it a Chara oh chest setion yeah somebody’s love music out there I’m assuming that’s a car or truck grass stuff can go back in kind of fancy drunk is oddly full got a lot of stuff in here

Buckets are actually kind of Handy how’s our machine holding up honestly pretty good some of these simply don’t empty but then some of them totally do I’m thinking I might want to do some enchanting or uh stuff Making oh well I could fix you look at That bet you I can fix this and oh no apparently I can’t Fix it’s not wored out enough yet that’s Why We’re at level 22 hey crafty man crafting Mana showed up so what would be fun to dup could do some name tags hello maybe this is not a good time oh okay cool there you go oh Goan awesome I wonder if you can have more knockback than that probably not

But one can but find out oh no nope nope you can’t let’s DP up a couple of name tags old school fall in the hole fall in the hole snap the jobs the game well that actually ain’t working I don’t want that on end the hole we’re playing zombie golf it didn’t work

Perfectly this is going to run out we’ll see whether it lasts for one more and we got a Zombie Pigman around here hopefully he doesn’t come in while I’m busy doing this H sir come over here to where you can land on the we go into the hole with you and not me

There is well I got lots more name tags anyways and we’ve got a dude chilling out in here you just keep on doing that oh but I bet I can’t sleep because there’s nonsters nearby and it is getting on toward that time isn’t it hello there we are

I’m going to rinse out my coffee cup e that may or may not work well we’ll see another log on there putting the logs on the fire has its own special thing going on where if they’re not stacked up in a nice way they won’t they won’t burn

Properly you get into this sort of thing where all of the things that you touch and do need to be uh special and good which is a situation maybe sometimes to avoid like not everything has to be special and awesome it’s tempting you end up drawn to that way of being

Where all that you do has to perform Super well and be amazing kind of exhausting might very well be an argument for not getting too hung up in that sort of thing oh random chest with random stuff Hello I feel like I remember used to have this

One I did well we’ll put back the one that I used to have then we’ll St some name tags here instead maybe we’ll gather up some more horse armor maybe we’ll do horse oriented things seeing as we have all the name tags for them in all

Some of the trick to that is like it’s all very well making horses but when your levels are so high that the horse ends up being impossibly fast and it just smashes itself into things it’s less feasible it’s just the ergonomics of horse are not as good when that

Happens oh hi are we playing on my bed I can’t sleep while you’re doing that I assume you know that yes I think you can’t actually repair horse armor either although wouldn’t that be neat if you could well you can name it you can name it you may not be able

To repair it I’m not sure I’m not sure if it can be worn out let’s find out fall on the hole please there you go goes in the air a little bit so we need to close swerving around but we have your little friend do we now we inadvertently have two of these

Buggers instead of just the one didn’t expect that one armor is doing well though there we go back to one he’s wearing green armor so it takes him a while oh I hear the noise of another come on fall in the hole way there we

Go did he fall in the hole so hard he died nope I just shoot you sir this is one of those really tough guys they don’t drop no matter got the horse armor yeah they don’t seem to take any damage they’re just there so repairing them is not so much of a

Thing meanwhile I missed a dude over here oh and fire is going super well now damper swear to God I should set up a fire cam wouldn’t that be cute there are a variety of things I would kind of like to have a Windows you will log yep something like that

Wooden sword what happens if you mine stuff with a wooden sword but then like with this if I try to break this with a wooden sword it should work ended there’s another one that’s all empty there’s one that’s pretty empty I mean I could just throw this in a furnace or

Something I don’t actually need to be breaking it this way it’s going to be something of a acentric somebody’s doing I’m feeling the mysterious magnetism that tells me somebody is playing with the oh hello that sounds like a sad figure okay picking a fight with him not the bestest of ideas

He’s a fairly tough guy a he so without picking fights with that guy I was going to M another one of these with the simple sword trying to wear it out and I keep feeling dragon egg snowballs somebody’s got a dragon egg snowball play with that outside at night you’ll love it

There we are reloaded that a little bit can also do a little refilling from the bits that are empty such as they are that works nobody put m in the corner now we have the riv Li for things that we just want to forget bye now what

Even what you working on in the game uh honestly I’m drawing a bit of a blank I have however filled in some of these things like uh I can show you what I did is there a d I know the diamond block snowball just places diamond blocks but is there a regular Diamond

Snowball no so we’ll leave it there or a chest snowball okay that looks almost like a glitched out half chest but it’s not yeah here’s one thing that I did we could make this be a lot sillier I don’t have to stop here these trees could continue to go up

And up and up and up and up and up would that be fun and we got somebody with the redstone torch too But yeah here is something that I did we made this dark and spooky forest and that used to be just the top of a uh big old snow half sphere I’ve cleaned up The Path a little bit there so the path leads towards this this my first

Base we’ve got other space here that could be used for something haven’t built anything there yet I could I could fix this hole that might work I’m kind of warm into the idea of like fixing stuff stream hey there doggo like I just threw a bunch of grass block

In here but I don’t need all that much look at all the fancy stuff in here it’s not all that fancy really grab all that dirt out of there sure let’s go and fill in that hole have I ever beat the Ender Dragon yeah we have beat the Ender Dragon on this

Server and it was a little weird oh horse time turns out the uh Arrow snowballs don’t actually hurt the ender dragon or something like that we were having some kind of problem with it here we are oh I should fill it in accurately apart from the stripe of course that means I

Should have some Stone so let’s go and get some Stone I must surely have just Stone and sure enough there is some Stone how much much more just plain stone do I Have there we go that’s probably going to be enough I can use up some of this just random detrus everywhere turn this into grass block aim a little better there we will soon have this turned to regular terrain and yeah I could use snowballs just to place all of

This but this is a day of dering around the the challenging work that I did this morning and yesterday on the special Christmas present that I have for Air Windows users has gone quite well so I needn’t worry too much about efficiently Minecrafting this is just filling up space dering around and being

Silly let’s make some more stone block now that actually startled Me can’t see where it’s coming from though this reminds me a little bit of the making of that Arena that we did the ice rink yeah oh yeah I have suggested before and yeah there is a when is Christmas present might be the your liking we’ll try not to hint about it too

Much something like that I think I used up a fair amount of my energy earlier this morning uh getting into various deba conversations and things which was interesting in its own right it’s been a little while d showed up kind of like the one that was yelling at me on my

Website saying You must stop being a degenerate it’s always interesting to turn that kind of thing into a more uh sophisticated conversation than it really started out as I am still carrying a clock let’s ye this into uh Morning oh there is where Dawn comes okay I think also my voice gets tired it’s quite a change to switch from being like isolated and not talking or doing anything to all of a sudden talking for eight hours at a stretch I’m probably going quiet at times like this partly because

My voice and throat and so on are simply physically tired my hope is that it will become useful like uh I would like to be able to do things like sing songs and stuff I already sort of can one of the things I was beginning to say earlier and ran out of uh

Attention was that the songs I’ve done lately are a long the lines of fixing the wrong notes and things like I’ve done some with that because I could because Reaper had that stuff built in lot of dots do honestly and so I had the capacity of

Fixing wrong notes and learned how to do that fairly effectively so I do it a number of ways like I will comp together a track can then fix wrong notes in it comping being usually the way I’ve traditionally done that I am thinking of taking other directions though

Because I’m still really interested in the idea of making human styled music and making it work somehow because it’s very easy for it not to work for people I feel I feel like it’s awfully easy to do stuff and uh sing or create or whatever and then run into really negative people who

Are just like that completely sucks you played that wrong your timing is off why don’t you get a real drummer all that kind of stuff and it’s simultaneously is not really attending to what I’m trying to do with the thing while also being discouraging and negative so I’m typically not thrilled

When that happens but it has me thinking in terms of like how can I adapt what I’m doing to fit better for instance one of the thoughts I had was it might work fairly well for me to take um a guitar for instance and lay down a basic track which is

Not machine like accurate because I can do the machine like accurate and I do that with my modular synthesizer like I can lay down basic tracks where they’re not going to be unsteady and I’ve even discovered that if I if I go full hog right if I do

The whole thing of record the song lay down the basic tracks lay them down using the uh the synths and then play on top of those things and play a bunch of different instruments on top of those things I will end up with something where it’s steady because it’s based on the original

Tracks but there are enough of the alternate sounds there are enough of the human instruments that you can’t fixate on any one so easily that you hear immediately oh yeah that just played a wrong note because there’s a bunch of them ping and pushing and that gives the sound like

This I experience this every time with rise rise is the track that I did and what I’ve got going on with that is let’s see dirt let’s have more dirt what I’ve got going on with that track is if I isolate the drums people complain if I isolate the base people

Complain anything that I isolate off of that track you hear problems immediately if I mix it properly and have everything going together it sounds like rock and roll and that’s because it’s a human performance there’s this Push Pull thing that happens when you’ve got these maybe I want more in the way of

Let’s get a little bit more in the way of dirt although I don’t really need to how much do I want to place only dirt underneath the layer of grass not all that much it’s one of those tough guys I want you careful so what I’ve been thinking of is on the

One hand there’s the possibility of laying down basic tracks using the modular synthesizer being able to lay down stuff you could do that with a uh Daw as well I have not yet begin to experiment with using the uh vcv rack although I have support for

It I’ve got that uh in such a way that I’m making it possible for people to use it and get somewhere with it like guess one of the platforms thanks to bacon Paul thanks to his help I’m able to support that platform now but that still involves laying down

Tracks that in which the assumption is having them be perfect like a machine is correct and I had made some notes that I you saw me put down just when I was fooling with the uh the stove I made some notes around there my notes for the moment around

Musical stuff says integration long form concept music high production value improvised Arrangement Slover underd dubbing underd dubbing is is from uh Eric Surfin he calls it underd dubbing when you’ve recorded something and you throw it away which I think is a a good concept there I’ve also got

Um my plan is to do stuff where I lean more heavily on things being one take cuz I’m currently reading that I consistently keep buying these books on um recording and mixing and stuff not not to say mixing but there’s there’s a series of books out there they are called

Um all the songs and there’s a particular company that is manufacturing these and has done lots of them I’ve got lead Zeppelin I’ve got uh Pink Floyd I had their one on Rolling Stones and ended up getting rid of it again I resold it for for trade in value at this store

We’re going to fill in this entire thing aren’t we going to we’re going to fill that in it’s going to be flush and I’m reading the one on David Bowie right now well not right now but these these days I’ve only gotten into it’s not even

To the Funk section I’ve gotten up to Pinups and one of the things that it says about his music and recording is that uh he has this tendency of wanting to do all of the tracks in one take like a bunch of David Bo’s vocal performances actually were one take performances

And this is because kind of like Elton John he sort of lazy and doesn’t have the patience for it and so he blows off the idea of grinding away at it until it’s perfect and that’s interesting because I’ve done stuff like that the book series is all the

Songs I bought a bunch of these I keep hoping that I’ll be able to get technical details out of them although sometimes you can see like the guitar that he had at a particular time or whatever but usually they’re they’re short on the technical side which I find frustrating margottin and goon I

Think are some of the original producers of this series yep good morning and that informs some of my intentions around the music making because I always want to do more of the music making but I always find it very frustrating and get stopped easily usually because I feel like I

Should be able to do it better and this is also why some of these things I can’t do on stream because somebody will pop up in be like youve did that wrong and then I won’t be able to continue because it well a man said I did it wrong I have

To stop now you know it’s silly but it’s true it’s a reality of you know struggling with confidence around things and that’s not that’s normal that’s it’s almost like the more capable you are of actually doing a thing your you’re bound to have enough good taste that you can

Tell when you’re not controlling your instrument well enough so your worst enemy is yourself you shut yourself down and then if somebody comes and also shuts you down that’s sort of Double Jeopardy and a very serious obstacle to being able to persist so I’m thinking in terms of I

Know that I can get around the problems of timing by just using machines but I’m losing interest because another one of the things that I said is uh machines have regularity but no intention and if I to do music again I want to do music that conveys

Intentionality where it’s like oh wow he meant to do that I feel that music that music sounds like that’s somebody who meant to do the thing because that is what AI will fail to do I’m going to fill in a lot of area here AI will tend to seriously fail to demonstrate

Intentionality it will tend to be very lacking in that because there’s nothing there an AI isn’t even really a thing it’s just kind of an emptiness sitting there trying to be treated as people it doesn’t want anything it doesn’t mean anything and the more people lean on like AI methods for

Making music AI methods for making this meth methods for making that the more obvious it will be that something is Gravely lacking so this is something I’m real interested in digging into doing more of is finding ways to magnify the human element in this stuff so I know that I’m able to

Make another thing that I was doing is recent drum tracks I’ve done have been sped up cuz I feel like I want to make a particular sound that goes along with heavy drumsticks but my sense of time is is wobbly like you’ve seen me doing videos where I’m listening to something and my

Eyes start blinking like mad like having seizures or something and that’s because ideas are happening well that can interfere with my sense of timing I have trouble being able to click into the I don’t know drummer mind of like no brain just making the motion and doing a perfectly steady beat that

Is not wavering in the slightest that’s very difficult for me to do but I can chase a wobbly bit like no nobody’s business and that’s not something that people know how to do anymore so that’s another possibility so I’ve thought of the idea of getting like a bass guitar track going

And having that guitar track intentionally like push or shift in Tempo or something like that have it not be static have it be more flexible and then on the back of that learn to so in instead of using the computers instead of using the machines good point oie John’s laziness may not

Have been the only birth of ADT but they it had a great deal to do with why the Beatles got into it very heavily cuz he was always game for using the machine rather than doing a double that said if you have a wonky vocal but you can sing it

Twice the double makes it sound like you meant to do that they’re it’s a very common technique very very very common technique in classic rock and that may well be another thing that I’m able to do is sing stuff where I can make I can express a

Mood you know sing it a certain way so that you can kind of hear the intention from it and it might even be wonky sounding but if I can sing it wonky sounding twice that changes everything that’s a the the the big secret of that and it showed up on on

Rise as well but it didn’t need to is the Slade trick and I’ve mentioned this before but you can never say some of these things too many times when they’re like classic rock Secrets never to be told the Slade trick is this if you were so bad at

Singing that you sing something twice and it still sounds like garbage sing it six times and then it’ll sound like a slate vocal the the bit and rise at the very beginning where it goes yeah that is a Slade style six tracks no particular care taken to how it was sung

And it forms into a gang vocal sound and it sounds on purpose when you do that there there you have it that’s the trick so what I’m thinking about doing and I earlier when I was doing when I was doing this and uh let’s see what can

We do to flatten out all of this even more let’s in case there a ChaCha in Grass it’ll be just a little bit shorter than the other aacha I was getting criticism for one of my tracks I almost don’t remember what it was now but it was something was a track that I

Did and I was trying to express what I meant by it and uh one of the things I did in explaining what I was doing and why I was doing it the way that I was doing it is I brought up a bunch of other tracks and I was

Like yeah but listen to this and it was the one that was being being complained about was one of my drum tracks or one of my bass tracks I think it was a guy who was like the base is completely wrong the drums are completely wrong and

I was like oh yeah well listen and I bring up a bunch of the other tracks I bring up vocals I bring up you know the drums and I go now that I’m playing all this together what do you think cuz what had happened oh baby

Horse you can feed him to make him grow up quicker or you can teim that’s the thing is for instance this the song Rise the vocals hold that together if you listen to classic rock documentaries for instance the Classic Albums one on uh who’s next you can experience this as

They show what keep Moon’s drums were like and they play Keith Moon’s drums along with the vocals for Behind Blue Eyes and it just makes a lot of sense he’s putting in these fills and stuff and Keith was not the steadiest of drummers he’s probably close to as wobbly as me and

It’s not because he’s a bad drummer but he just would go kind of wild his brain would would seize up and he would just just freak out and whail away on the drums that’s part of why that sound is the way it is it ties together the rest of the

Instruments but by the same token when he’s playing along with a vocal he’s playing along with the vocal and emphasizing what exists in the vocal rather than just sticking himself to a fixed time signature and that’s really important because that provides the intentionality of it one minute warning

For those who are stuck with ads but it also emphasizes what that voice is doing if you have a voice that is singing a particular line and it’s like say we’ll go to Behind Blue Eyes I don’t think I can get any drle uh singing Behind Blue Eyes on

Stream So if you go if my fist clenches crack it open and that particular way of somebody was doing yep somebody was doing if you’re going like click click click click click if my fist clenches crack it open and that didn’t that didn’t make any sense I’m sorry it

Didn’t make any sense with the time signature I was putting down but the swing of the way the vocal is expressed may not be that close to what the time signature would demand from Perfection or vice versa what Perfection would demand from the time signature I’ll just I’ll just stick with that one

Line and if you know something a thing I have here is a literal metronome because I was going to use that to set up my um ZX box so I have this in such a way that I can make it see if my fist clenches crack it open

Before I use it lose my co but if you were going to make it be really tight if my fist can’t just it open before I use it lose my co and you you attach it too tightly to the click and you start sounding kind of

80s and you start sounding kind of 80s because that’s when they started really internalizing that everything had to be stuck to a click whereas the 70s rock stuff they were a lot more interest in just swinging with it and making a feeling out of the the music as that was being

Expressed and that stuff can be hard to replace as far as if you’re programming it in or if you’re listening to music and hoping to have feelings like that again you can’t necessarily go back and have the feeling of wow yeah that was rocking and awesome and stuff if it’s not being

Supported by the recording and performance of the band that you’re working with you don’t just get that by playing accurately what happens is as with Keith Moon he’s listening to the vocals while he’s laying down his drums which I guess he was doing that last or something the way they describe it he’s

Following that stuff and so he’s learned how that’s being sung by Roger Daltry and in this documentary they describe how he is like throwing in these fills all the time and in particular they they take a moment where there is a passage that they’re just playing the the the song right and

He just plays straight through without doing anything and then all of a sudden when Roger Adry goes I SW evil that’s when he throws Phils in and he’s putting a cap on top of what the vocal is doing he’s following the feel of what Roger dalry is singing and

Just improvising these quirky weird fills and stuff on top of them and you’re emphasizing the humanity of the vocal by doing that but it’s not easy to do it requires not so much discipline as just wild ungainly enthusiasm and flailing around doing this goofy stuff that’s what it

Takes and that’s something I know how to do that to an extent and I have the interest in continuing to do it learning to do it more but one of the things that I would need to do in order to to jump into that would most likely

Be doing things like thinking up the song and writing it and laying down the guitar part for instance and playing that guitar with enthusiasm and aggression just getting getting ambitious with it and then tracking everything else over there’s there’s another uh um rock and roll story I think it’s the band Fastway

Fastway were known for being a one of the bands that got harmed by people trying to fight Peola there was a record company that was attempting to um not deal with independent promoters which is the post Peola Peola and uh ban Fastway with fast Eddy

Clark is one of the test beds for when they tried to not use the IND the independent promoters and failed and that band lost their career because the record company didn’t want to pay the mafia guys the promoters were able to stifle them but it is

Said of that band that um oh For Heaven’s Sake no no wrong answer didn’t mean to do that there we go thank you what was I even attempting I don’t think I even meant to fire a snowball with that one I think I was just trying to place a

Block it is said that fast Deddy Clark was such a good guitar player that they could lay their tracks by just having him play the rhythm guitar part and he would be the click track for the band and he just played the rhythm guitar plenty of other bands have have been

Like yeah we play together to play the the basic tracks and that’s how they rolled fast way apparently it’s like okay the rhythm guitar player plays the initial tracks because he is the best at uh playing in time and you just ran with that so yeah part of the

Idea is getting more used to laying tracks and then rather than doing what I have been doing what I’ve done before which is these are my computer these are my modular synthesizers so I know this is not wrong timing and now I’m going to play a batch of

Rock instruments over the top of that and it will help Orient me much like as if it was a click track except for it’s not and then having done that all I have for my basic tracks going and then it won’t sound as wonky but because I’ll have a reference

And the reference is kind of leading me towards playing in time but the op the alternative to that is instead let’s just track one of the analog instruments and then may maybe I’ll have you know a pulsing drum track or whatever and it’s an electronic drum but I’ll play it in using an

Instrument rather than having there’ll be no sequencer instead everything has to get just played into match that original track which was never to a click it’s like if I can make that work it will not sound like modern music anymore it will start sounding like 7 Funk or

Whatever and the whole trick about that stuff is how close can you get to the groove cuz the Groove is not necessarily an a machine like Rhythm but there is going to be a groove of some kind to Chase and catch and find back in the day and this is in a Rolling

Stones book by Stanley Booth talking about how they got their Bas player Bill Wyman early on they got their basic musicians together and when they were getting Bill Wyman he initially uh played more rigidly they were trying to invent rock and roll these guys for the most part like they

Knew what it was but they were trying to invent Rock rather than just rock and roll and they were going on a blues uh basis to start with all of that stuff and they were just they were learning how to be the Rolling Stones that was the whole point

And it is said that uh Wyman started out being a little bit more stiff he wasn’t grooving that well but eventually he loosened up and started to really lock with the groove that the stones were doing and that’s going to be a distinct and separate thing unlike just a machine like rhythm

This is how that kind of thing is learned is figuring out how to do that particular thing like invent a Groove then have everybody match that Groove then it sounds like it’s a thing and you don’t find anybody is doing it wrong if three different people are

Doing the wrong thing together it’s on purpose if six different vocals are singing the wrong note together it’s slay if two different vocals are singing the wrong note together it’s a rock and roll vocal especially if it is an emotive expression of some kind where it’s not

Just wrong note but this he the guy tends to sing this particular thing flat because it’s a sad note or something that’s how that’s done that’s how you get to a place like that and I’m very interested to explore these ideas it’s very in line with what I’ve always cared about as a

Musician I hope to also be making videos where they’re more along the lines of playing these records for people much like the React channel guys do but since I can’t do a first time hearing you know this track I’m old I’ve grown up on some of these things I’ve heard them a million

Times for the purpose of the YouTube thing I need to make up a concept around it that’s a little bit like you know first time I ever heard the thing but instead it’s its own concept whether that be you know secrets of or something that could

That could work cuz I’ve done a number of things like this in the past and I’ve never really taken off and I’ve never really been able to repeatedly do them like I can do the plugins I have been doing the plugins it seems like I’m able to

Repeatedly do the uh showing up and largely playing a bunch of Minecraft all day that proves to be something that I can do especially if I don’t get too hung up on oh it has to have a powerful meaning and be important it’s like no

This is just derping around but I have a lot to say I drink my espressos and then start chattering about this stuff and that has its own thing and it serves the very important purpose of me speaking and using my voice so if I do sing a song my

Vocal muscles will be actually able to do do something and it’ll help me get more out of what I want to do with my life kind of thing so I’d like to do the listening to records more and I don’t feel those can be my live streams because it’ll just

Immediately like even if I pick stuff that is not um copyright immediately all that’ll happen is stuff will be copyright struck and they might even take down the stream so I might as well just make that be individual videos and My Hope Is that I can do something along those

Lines I also want want to have the uh the graphics I ideally this would happen once I get whatever help I need to do that meter the one that I can no longer Even build but I’ve got a couple of copies of it and when I show a funny meter that

Um colors and pictures and things it’s the old metering that I designed for the purpose of making the Evergreens series which is its own Thing I would like to also be be able to do these demonstration purposes things be able to show people this is how you do this sound the sound that people can’t do anymore and we’re not even anywhere near it is done like this these are the secrets behind what the people

Did like all of the stuff that I’m doing with rise is when I play bits of it for people it’s completely different because it’s been recorded as individual trunks that’s an Eddie offered secret Eddie is the engineering for yes at the time and he absolutely did just record

Them playing bits of the songs and then he edit he tape edited that stuff together that’s part of the secret that’s how you do it they learned how to play it which is not to say that the stuff that they played in concert sounds like what the studio versions sound like because the

Studio versions were edited together one of the things things that happens is that you cannot keep stuff to a grid if you’re editing it together with tape editing you’re just not going to be able to make it match that closely and indeed the great stuff in some of these

Tracks there’s moments in there where it’s a dramatic moment it bursts from one piece of the song into another piece of the song when those are done using the tape editing often what can happen to make it be a more exciting tape edit is that the tempo pushes a little bit like you’ve

Got this one piece of the song and then it burst forth bursts forth and goes into another piece of the song that might jump ahead in time it’s literally something that can happen is you can have stuff where the uh the track that you’re doing can literally Jump Ahead in

Time on the the recording the the the studio version and so the musicians would have to learn how to do that live in concert and match the edit and so you get stuff where the the studio version has this particular energy and Magic to it and then the live versions are also very

Cool but they don’t Vibe exactly the same as the studio version at all this is something that happens to yes quite a bit they’ve got these amazing studio versions they’ve got these amazing live versions the live versions have a more natural flow to them because they’re not tape edits

So they have to kind of play through and remember how bits go together they learned the song as it was performed in the studio but it was performed in the studio by a tape edit and anytime two different parts have slightly different timings or slightly different tempos the tape edit can bridge between

Different sections that have subtly different time signatures or subtly different tempos and any any such alteration you only have to be able to play it through in the one part like if you can keep the one beat going steadily then that will be solid and then if the

Other beat is a different kind of piece and it plays steadily but different the combination of those two things can add together into a really striking part where you have dramatic arranged things changing back and forth between each other and the studio version can be more dramatic than the human version

Because what’s happening is it’s as if you have the machines and you could do this with the machine as well too I’m not saying you can’t you could set up the machine and people have been known to do that kind of thing where it’s uh here’s part

A and then we’re going to bust over to Part B which is a little bit faster but ALS like you can take a temple map like you have in Logic for instance and then you could take that Temple map and then bump the tempo up just before you hit the

Chorus and the next thing you know the chorus is bursting in a little bit sooner than it should but it’s a subtle change and then it doesn’t actually swing back to the original time frame instead you’re like everything rushes a little bit hard everything jumps in a little bit

Soon and this is something that like bands like the Rolling Stones of the who would do organically and naturally they just play it that way be like oh God you know or the police is another example the police is another example where Andy summer was always cranky with

Um steuart Copeland for playing live and rushing everything like slow the down and uh that’s absolutely part of how that stuff can work as a live experiences the drummer wants to bash into the chorus with extra aggression so he not only pumps up the tempo a little bit but it also hits a

Little early and this is partly due to what one can try to do as a performer something that I think bill bruford has often been able to do on purpose is you’re describing the shape of time you’re describing the shape of musical events event so what you might do is you know

The big dramatic bit is about to hit so you put a front edge onto that musical statement by slamming in with the kick or whatever a little bit earlier than it would technically require and so the next thing you know everybody is into the chorus a little

Bit faster than they expected there is is drama there is energy behind that uh one minute warning for anybody who is dealing with ads uh and as a result we’re defining shapes in music that can’t come out of a machine without a lot of Intervention which is not to say that

You couldn’t design a machine machine and tell it to make choices like that but we haven’t had anybody doing it the easiest way of experimenting with this is not so much to design a machine to do it hey D Dr G as much as it is do music where you’re

Playing the lead track not to a click and then everything else has to chase you and that there’s also a reference for that being done ever heard of the Van Morrison album astral weeks Astro weeks is the way it is because van at that time in his life couldn’t play with people very

Effectively and the songs were too personal and they couldn’t really figure him out so they just sat him down with his acoustic guitar and went fine play play the music and then we’ll figure out what to do with it afterwards and so he sat down with just himself and an acoustic

Guitar and like and we’re swimming in the Slipstream in the viaducts of our dreams just that just the guy and the acoustic guitar and then the rest of it’s overdubbed I’ll tell you another example Sid Barrett the Sid Barrett album especially uh the second album Barrett but also the

First one the madap laughs I think you got a song like baby lemonade you ever heard Barrett’s baby lemonade Listen to Baby lemonade sometime and think about the temple baby lemonade is tracked over Sid Barrett’s guitar and voice part as a result of that the drums feel wonky as hell and

That’s because the drums are chasing a acoustic guitar part where the tempo is wobbly the Tempo was just all over the place and that’s because that’s what the basic track was doing that’s how Sid was playing it and so if they wanted to put Bas and drums and things over I

Think it was Dave Gilmore playing bass let’s have a big old place without these torches now that so much of this is without torches as I think it’s Dave playing bass Jerry Shirley playing drums and that’s that’s what happened with that album that’s why it sounds the way that it

Does if you want to go into the studio and do a baby lemonade in your dah it’s not going to be about up we have to turn the randomize all the way up all the drums and things have to have random tempos and wobble around like

Crazy no no no that’s not how that’s done at all how it’s done is you get a freaked guy freaked out guy playing the initial song and he’s singing and playing on guitar you know whether that be Sid Barrett whether that be Van Morrison with Astro weeks plenty of other examples as

Well get them in there playing their song and then track everything else chasing it and I see some other stuff uh igore talking about surge synthesizer we should play with Serge how we we do a little playing with Serge sense once I finish placing some of these

Blocks we’ll take a detour into Serge synth I’m pretty sure I can unplug my little control surface maybe and then plug in something else I don’t think I have a keyboard on there but that’s a worthwhile thing to do and it would work just as well as

This however one thing you can do well help help help me out let’s have a conversation about what you are trying to do Beyond just this is an oscillator this is a filter I can talk you through some of that stuff while placing blocks like if you want to do something

More advanced What specifically have you got in mind oo crafy man has made it to another Fortress I guess another one or you haven’t been down there before because that’s always going to be the primary thing you can’t go by somebody else’s opinion on this is Advanced the big question is what are

You trying to make happen what do you want to do and that’s the that’s honestly the interesting part anyway because one of the nice things about Serge is it’s very accessible and you can kind of get into all manner of of things to do and it’s fairly approachable

Regardless of which thing you’re trying to do with it so cough up some ideas on what you’re trying to do that you’re looking for tutorials about meanwhile this is going fairly well I think next thing you know somebody comes by with TNT and all of my work is useless

And done at which point I jump over to Surge and start playing with that instead ha I dare you to throw some TNT at this it’s surge my back ache is kicking in a little bit but it’s not too serious not yet yeah that’s also another thing it’s like if you don’t

Have Direction enough that what you’re looking for is tutorials on sound designed to give you ideas of things to do that’s a separate concern I wonder if I can flatten this out might be a Thing trying to do that in time different features different Sounds okay so it’s more along the lines of not even not knowing what even some of the things are that one could do like if I said cross modulation and you said What just a moment and I will make time go ahead set in this direction rises in this Direction Where We Go good enough yeah there is honestly a lot lot to do with the sound design and such man I went from espresso to yawns look at me let me let me

Think so the kinds of things that I often like to do with sound design or make the make the sound more complicated than just a f than just east coast like a filter and an oscillator your your tradition tral Tangerine Dream like Moog sound or whatever it’s all very cool it’s all

Very East Coast that can be nice you can filter in various ways that’s sort of just the basics that’s just the beginnings whereas the stuff that I get excited about is the weirder more outlandish things often this has to do with frequency modulation often it’s stuff like cross

Modulation if you want to sound to like scream or roar or whatever there’s a chaotic quality to organic sounds like screams and things where you know rather than me like if you go and actually you know that was just a wrong note that’s like two notes

There it was horrible but it was two notes and that’s because there is a nonlinearity going on it’s no longer a steady state note instead there’s that scream quality meaning that the the oscillation of the vocal cords is no longer simple and you can get that with like

Bad technique you can also do it on purpose usually your voice has to go really loud in order to make those kinds of noises but that’s also the kind of stuff that you run into when doing sound design in a more advanced mode and making sounds that uh depart sharply

From your usual normal ordinary scene reasonable sounding kind of things mistakes were made okay here we go it is quicker that way it’s just scarier that’s why I have a special place for spawning these guys so if you want to make a scream sound out of a synthesizer you got to do

Something Beyond simply an oscillator and a filter and rather than buy a special oscillator that does that you can cross modulate you can patch things together you can do this in Surge it’s also possible to dive even deeper into it with stuff like vcv rack where you’re literally p ing stuff together and

Um it does it in a not so simple way somewhat not as controllable less efficient certainly one of the things with surge is that it is very into being efficient so that it can have high voice counts and I often would prefer the tone tone of the oscillators and

Things to be different in such a way that they’re coded to use like double Precision values or whatever they’re very much into the all audio is made of floats and I specifically invented floating point dther because floats alone were not satisfactory or adequate to me but that’s a whole other story

Yeah syns are cool I enjoy them immensely been meaning to do more with like when I get back into the studio in such a way that I’m actually doing music and stuff again my hope is to jump into doing some more work with the summit I’ve got an omation

Summit it’s like the inovation peak but bigger and I am looking forward to diving into that because I’ve already done things where I have a patch that’s showed up in some of my tracks that’s acting a little bit like um the Yamaha cs80 because the cs80 has a particular cross modulation

Trick that it can do that is hello okay you’re not tied up to that at all are you or are you let’s find out I guess you must be huh yep it looks like you’re tied there I just can’t see the Rope so we will void busting that one

Off if you’re looking into learning more about since it’s definitely worth listening to a bunch of electronic music and seeing what jumps out especially if you can’t figure out how a noise is made those are the exciting ones those are are fun to do get into a thing and it’s like how

Did it even do that what even is that because those are the ones we can replicate those are the ones we can figure out how they were done uh every little calculation done using a float as in floating Point number as in 32bit float specifically means that the outside edge

Of the uh variable gets degraded slightly the outside edge of the variable is essentially working like it is a 25-bit fixed Point number and that might seem more than enough except for every little calculation done on a 32-bit float imposes Quant quantization at the outside edge and by that I

Mean value goes from negative – 1 to one so from 0.5 to one all of the samples there if you do anything with them they’re going to degrade a little bit the closer you get to silence the closer you get to zero the more resolution you’ve got to work with but it will

Degrade it will also degrade with doubles but it takes way longer to notice let’s see so that looks pretty I can live with that now let’s oh I see we’ve got a cliff here huh fancy that well that won’t last for very long get rid of it

Oh rain rain go away come again another day for and you we’re going to end up oh hello oh that is just more snow and I’ve made snowballs with that meaning to we’ll fix that now I find time to actually sleep in a bed and pass this rain probably

Uh also a f time to Throw Another Log on the Fire it was 20° when I got up this place doesn’t stay warm under those circumstances a giant in here old that’s going to pick up pretty good and back we go so I’m on my own

Here if I’m not careful I’ll end up with my inventory literally full of snowballs or if I can throw these like a normal snowball let’s find out I can but the last one won’t go away and then I’m if I’m not careful I’ll be making all of these crazy things again

So back to the shovel got lots of dirt now going to want to get down to this level one minute warning for ad people if any of you actually like that kind of stuff it probably helps me like when people uh tolerate watching them and stuff it probably probably helps Mr stream don’t

Know I would imagine that it would oops there we go with more of the Snowballs again well maybe they’ll despawn let’s see time to get pickaxing how did I first learn to make plugins asks dang Dr J mostly it was about well to there is actually an answer to that

Um I started building audio software in a program called real basic long time ago I learned to make plugins by doing doing a program that changed the sound of things and I was doing stuff like Dithers and it could only operate in batch processing because I didn’t have

Any capacity for making stuff that would calculate um on the fly like I didn’t actually have plugins what I had was a program that painstakingly loaded Apple AI files and tracked what they were manually like read the header figured out what the header meant and um started reading sample data and it

Read that stuff raw turned it into floating Point numbers I’m pretty sure did some calculations on it some of which like some of my some of my plugins and some of my DS come come from as far back as that and then went through and wrote AI

Files again from raw data and wrote the headers and Things by hand because I did not have libraries in real basic to do any Sound Processing at all I’m going to make something on uh stone foundation here what I don’t know but I’m going to make something on a stone foundation

That’s very much doing stuff the hard way but that’s how I went about doing it we should fight the Wither we should get like wither skulls and make beacons and stuff like that that’s something we have not yet done only need one only need one wither skeleton

Skull and then we can make all the withers in the world Chris is sitting here trying to figure out is that something I literally actually really want to do right now I do not know I am onshore but I’ve uncovered more snow to bust block by block so there’s

That and in a couple of hours it’s going to be time to get ready to make my uh dinner tacos as ever not literally the only thing that I eat but I make that on Tuesdays and Thursday days and so that coincides with streaming days I top off

Streaming with uh tacos and also watching an episode of Hell’s Kitchen because that is my habit it’s a weird habit but it is the habit I got protection 4 protection 4 protection 4 and protection 4 so that will do I made a point of trying to get

Better armor after a bunch of streams where I didn’t have armor set up at all so that ought to be good then the question is if they can’t be hit very effectively like the the dragon was having problems getting hit by my arrows and that’s a big problem considering that the main snowball

Madness thing is being able to fire those insane arrows without that you’re a lot more defenseless than you would want to be we’ve got a lot of random stuff maybe I should put some of these things away for digging out more yeah inventory is full can no longer pick up Anything dirt counts is drunk oh and grass counts as kind of coal Blocks and we got one full stack left here do we have any weather skulls I don’t remember seeing any of Them I am still working on this so focus on there for the moment but I have not forgotten this notion this notion of attacking the Nether and remember it’s not necessarily that easy for me because I can be a bit of a derp and I don’t necessarily know that much what I’m doing

But it might still be doable even if it is not exactly easy might still be able to do it oh accidental snowball making what the heck is that random wool for no reason okay how’d that even end up in there we got a prehistoric sheep it’s getting embedded in dirt

Now I see just a bunch of snow to dispose of but first hey craft human for wrong thing there we go we got designs on this by gosh doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make any coherent sense we’re just doing things maybe I’ll use glass to encase

This and sort of this can be just a sort of area of some kind not even sure what horse tuning area or I’ll put a bunch of uh Minecart rails down there and it can be the rolling around in little circles the model trains area there we go it’s a

Model trains area made on uh carved Stone we’ll do a little tiny roller coaster and we’ll ignore this stuff it’s Minecraft doesn’t care whether this is here or not just just randomly stretching stuff out for no good reason maybe we can do something that seems really cool with it later okay

Speaking of which hi you can extend this direction up to roughly where these trees go yeah I can fill in a little bit and that will be just fine oh interesting random cave random deep cave neat that’s cool not sure what down there oh can’t go quite that

Far we need to stop around here so that this kind of fits or or thereabouts okay cool cool sort of art of making the big weird structure This is how we roll some days man I’m starting if my stomach starts rumbling excuse me I’m starting to get starving looking forward for

Dinner which is going to be in about 3 hours the day that I made a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast I didn’t get nearly so hungry playing but I also had to take a break for the obvious so it’s like Zappa says if it ain’t one thing it’s another the dangerous kitchen

If it in one thing it’s another in the middle of the night when you get home the bread s are all dry and Scratchy the meat things where the cat with the paper the Cann things with the sharp little Ledges they can all be Dangerous yes I kind of know that song not super well mind you but a little tiny bit perhaps hey there’s more like it and I think time for directly setting the clock ahead good enough let’s switch back over to no activities actually I’m not going to want dirt for those am I oh

No no I will will certainly not it’s probably going to be more of the flat area I could make this all be like Mossy Cobble or something I do kind of like the concrete look of just straight up Stone without any features is kind of neat it’s more orderly than I ever

Am and he comes out to here here so we’re going to call this The Edge and we’re going to f well maybe this is not the edge okay rision because if that is the edge then it has to bring this in so this whole area might end up being a little bit different

Yep okay got there oh I’ll figure it out somehow maybe it just makes a big old wall not so fast and then let’s place this under here the thing that makes this phun as a game in doing Derpy weird things like this is just figuring out just

Making stuff and figuring out how to do largely arbitrary things like here I’m going here and I’m going like okay this goes over to here so obviously this one point must then continue this way and this line starts from here so this obviously right can go this

Way and then they meet at this point and so then I fill in all the rest of that and it goes all the way over to here uh one minute warning on add some things and then we go like that and the question is why why even make there be a big

Rectangular Stone thing and it’s because I don’t care sure let’s do it and so we’re going to do it more will be revealed I’ll think has something to do with it I’m already having wonderful success with the grass growing in now we’re going to fill in around this

Horse so that the horse can continue to stand I’m pretty sure the horse will remain tied even though there’s like no grass underneath it because I can take the grass out from underneath it but just in case I will actually leave that one grass block

Intact the next thing you know will d uh double up a bunch of glass blocks or something and it’ll be a giant Weird brutalist something or other or I don’t even know what it’s going to be it’s going to be something it’s going to be a big area of concrete which is of course it’s not literally really true but it’s going to look like a big solid slab of

Stone by going through and doing stuff like this and that’s looking pretty good if you like that sort of thing time to do that and then and then that cover over that nasty oh what am I doing I’m just I’m doing the wrong thing I’m doing it backwards didn’t mean to do

That meant to do this I tell you one thing that you can do with this area this is the spray paintable material we can use snowballs to fill in and recolor this literal material back and forth to anything we want in fact I think I can recolor

This that saves me the trouble of placing it bingo so that’s the kind of thing we can do we can also make it all quartz block and I’m totally not going to seen more than enough quartz block at the moment may or may not be able to make it all

Into diorite let’s find out absolutely can make it all into drite so there we have it we have a canvas or we will just patiently doing this in the rain thank you horse is politely getting out of my way I am not going to break the block immediately under

That hey the horse’s lead is visible now this is the one tiny poster stamp of grass to comfort the horse all the rest is kind of going away but it can be decorated in all kinds of pretty colors so there’s that and just get getting to be bedtime so time to jump

In and also pass the night that way very good and that also made the rain going there we go so I could make this go away much much faster at the cost of ABS drowning in uh snowballs so I’m not as willing to do that so we’re doing it slowly bit by

Bit one of the things about about the idea of making a beacon getting and killing the Wither is that not only can we generate legit really good armor we can also have the super insane uh attack snowballs but we can also generate really good weapons in absence

Of the attack snowballs so if we have to hit them with the sword it do have a sharpness four sword or could be a sharpness five I think yeah it should be able to be so that’s a doable thing snowball means that even if you were using natural mechanics we can

Still Max those out pretty effectively this is coming together for whatever it is I’m quite looking for forward to it even though it’s such an arbitrary thing it’s like why did you do this well I just did I don’t know I felt like having this big neatly

Encapsulated slab with a wolf on top there he is good dog I’m making it up about the wol I didn’t end for that Bo look at that look who’s like almost out of stone I’m going to need more let’s grind some more don’t need nearly as much as this

Dirt already in case I need to fly out a Dodge and we go now we get the full stack now we got lots of stacks snall Madness got to love it look at how fast that piece of grab screw and one last push and we got the whole thing built and made

For those who don’t like Lawns I don’t actually like lawn I would happily have my lawn be literally this slab of solid Stone that’s the thing is that uh Lawns as such shouldn’t be it should be natural growth of stuff or not bother cuz it’s like grass is pretty

Enough but it’s not really very useful for like migratory insects and things like that it’s kind of useless that way it’s possible to have much more useful stuff for environmental purposes it’s just that people kind of don’t hey trying to fill in this stuff over here hey somebody with the firework

That’s me not being able to see the firework there it is lovely looking forward to Igor coming back with more along the lines of how I’d like to make synthesizer sounds like wanting to do them in Surge is a good start that’s a darn good start

Surge is a great place to do that kind of thing but having particular things in mind to make is also very important because if you got that then you can often start making oops that doesn’t make any sense for as there are a number of things I have

Been planning to do or sorting out bit by bit step by step getting ready to have the facilities to do various things one of them is show people how to do stuff on synthesizers just saying that’s been intended for a while I feel like I should move the

Horse I mean crafty man can Mo the horse too here’s our kit laid out Again One of the ways to oh need to not go too close to here if the person in this house wants to have that match what’s going on here they can do it themselves might Not oh I Remember that was there on Purpose on it Rockets Done so what else would be cool Here yeah that tree needs to still be there these ones are opened up so that we just have the Giant plane this is the largest field ever it’s not really the largest field ever Fields maybe I should make fields and grow grains how’s that that could be an amusing side note for

This hor is amazing could do a sort of racetrack or something the running and circles track this is the running along a track track hi timer horse timer from here to here maybe oh I don’t know amazing and diamondless haha amazing an iron horses the iron horses

I should throw another log on this fire over here while I’m at it it’s getting a little late in the day but still started out so cold this morning ow I’ve got this glove but this glove is revealing a tiny little hole in the tip

Which my finger can poke out of so if I touch something hot not so great you would think it would take longer to wear through welder’s clothes but no I’m more than happy to give it a try you Gore this moment I’m thinking a little more

In terms of figuring out what I’m doing with whatever this is and that’s fine how far out could this go oh God I could have a terrifying parking lot that would be appalling is that a thing should this field become you know they paved Paradise and put up a parking lot it’s

The Joanie Mitchell terrifying and pointless but what hey pointless pointless is as pointless does doing that would most definitely be pointless let’s do the the initial steps for if that was the thing if we were to stretch it right out like that need to extend this

It’s like the weird l s dare to be stupid dare to be pointless cuz one thing about it is that that it is possible to stretch this out in this way oh but we wouldn’t be filling that in with lawn would we it is all very flat we’d be filling

It in with horrifying Stone but then it could be decorated so it could be a vertical okay okay beginning to think in terms of this like could you fly and then also shoot colored snowballs could it become like a spliff Arena and the idea is you’re eating yourself around or maybe being maybe

Being on elas and firing uh color change snowballs and the idea I guess is who wins by painting the most area in their color so yeah this a sort of a game okay how far out does it go this this ridiculous crazy idea how about not all the way to this

Person’s house who never asked for this uh get a wonderful view of it though go up here watch out the windows and there you go you have a marvelous view of the nonsense that will ensue good good it’ll become all kinds of useful you get to watch the foolishness

Okay that fire is going pretty good D it down that’ll hold it for a While how many blocks would this even be lots but how many Min – 5 a so we could go to 50 we could go to 50 so 50 blocks wide heading over to yeah that’s a goodly amount or I could make it be a giant Square I could totally make it be a

Giant Square why don’t I do that it’s got a sort of horrifying generic looking thing about it so we could totally make it be a giant Square wor 15 I hear water flowing there’s a giant square and that’s even I wonder what would happen that’s popping away something

Fierce well that’s going to warm up pretty good anyway oh I’m scaring the horse There’s always something kind of chilled about the late afternoons of these streams I just run out of energy to run my mouth Lots or think really hard but then other days are for doing the difficult work honestly so that doesn’t worry me so much it’s just another thing

Let’s go from this corner to the other Corner placing blocks I think I do have it worked out I think it is going to be a giant Square oops one one yep perfect square got there I’m going to need to dump some stuff I was all finished with so much of this

And then I just started doing it again well I’ll take that stone I’m pretty sure Mossy Stone could be used as blocks that won’t change I think well all righty then okay that was his short and noisy life I’m sure there’s stuff that I can put in that will demarcate the edges and stuff assuming that’s what I even want to do I’m not sure if I do want to demarcate the edges this may not be nearly that organized could put fences up around the outside edge

Oops thought I had a real flow going there and I did but not quite enough or too much all at the same time I feel a little silly that I’m not making this into like Fields or something I mean I could we could just do this back over again as

Fields but no no giant Square giant Stone Square it’s the fitting outcome of whatever this is in a viewing stand from which you can fire snowballs and then it is painting canvas or at least it will be once I get rid of the spare dirt I

Guess and dup up a whole bunch of stone or we can make an Olympic siiz pool there’s a thing could do that make it a Titanic obsidian box for fighting Withers in I bet I can get this all finished before the end of the day too although not technically the end of

The Minecraft day because that is about to cease momentarily okay stone or bust sleep or bust hey Mel with the guitars I didn’t know you could do Emoji guitars I will do guitars myself again one day today is not that day but there will still be a day yeah excuse me

There you go that looks almost natural in fact let’s tighten up this path a bit man you go through path fast with this and that will eventually spread and it should look right Pond for throwing dirt in because I have so much other dirt available I don’t really need all of this

That’s a lot of dirt now time for grindy oh for God’s sake mistakes were made back off mistakes were made I thought I was on see this is this is why sometimes I need to drink more coffee if I’m lucky they’ll drop cool things though so there’s

That however that deple did get me a whole bunch of stone oh and there’s even more mistakes were most definitely made oh hello what do you get if you fire a carrot snowball of course you do that’ll do one way to get a whole bunch of uh friendlies those will attack

Mobs unfortunately all they can do is throw snowballs at them but they will AG grow mobs that way so there’s that they will make a giant coating of snow all over everything so now I’m wondering why I can’t make uh Iron Golem Snowball the answer probably is that’s

Just too much of a good thing old version of a related game there was such a thing as a malfunctioning Iron Golem my younger brother who is the better programmer uh invented it and then made his own uh Avatar to be the M functioning Iron

Golem which might be a sort of you know relatable relatable I get it very much like my family in fact we all have a little of the malfunctioning Iron Golem all feeling that temptation to go ra hey lucky floppy made it we’re in the last uh roughly two hours of

Stream I’ve done most of my chattering away about philosophical or musical subjects hopefully there’s enough of that for people I do as much of it as I can then I get tired and I run out of steam and so it becomes just hanging out with Chris will he places a bunch of

Blocks to do silly things hi hi that is today again I have made I’m making decent progress on the uh the Christmas present for air windows’s people feel like that’s going reasonably well hopefully it will work and be a source of happiness I did say it was a surprise that I had a

Surprise in store hopefully that will be uh one minute warning on ads for Peoples I wonder how that goes over to the Snoopy YouTube people who spy on all of your streams algorithmically like we think you are not taking our advertising uh budget seriously enough you keep saying warning as if it’s bad well uh uh uh you could put sections of ice in here to

Make it a more challenging path then do uh I’m trying to think of whether the the horses skid around on the ice more because you could draw a path in which there’s ice on the outside at which point if you failed to follow the path correctly you’d slide around

More I just don’t know if that would work or oh crafty men somebody’s spawning uh creepers where is that happening should I know about that okay let’s take that carrot away and put this back hey menu and do a little bit more of our oh and sleep might be a good idea too

Let’s go over oh hey I only just saw the the chat um chat for Minecraft is not the same as chat for YouTube so bit if it got by me I’m glad that you enjoyed the drums I try to make them be a thing in their own

Right oh man you got all of my because of course that’s how that works got one of these hard to kill guys be careful not to hit the horse this is partly why I’m trying to do this on my own and managing this part myself is that I feel that most of the

Time I can aim correctly and not for instance hit crafting men’s horse can you feed horses carrots I’m inclined to try oh horse needs something what can you feed horses cuz I need to feed this horse something cuz it got hit we’re trying to feed your horse something because it got

Hit wheat I bet Betty Eats wheat do we have wheat because there’s the thing is I’m not willing to have the horse be hurt due to helping me improperly where do it’s got to be wheat around here somewhere well if there’s not this is what you did good

And we’re off meaning that I can now clear out this part don’t know more will be revealed ain’t got that far yet there must surely be something cool that can be done with the oh here you go there must be something cool that can be done with this

I mean one thing that could be done is make a scaffold stand up on top of there somewhere and then fire uh because these are painter snowballs you cannot Place rock this way I got to place rock this way but having placed it we can change it to anything we want and it’s

Surrounded by grass which doesn’t get changed by painted snowballs so this becomes like the canvas the great canvas but mostly it’s just a giant Square also the painter snowball thing could easily go wrong if anybody has just about any other kind of snowball loaded and fires it at the

Canvas but that’s that’s snowball Madness for you a massive stream of what turn out to be pickaxe snowballs and it all goes away like my entire day of work becomes nothing sometimes that’s what snowball Madness is like but that’s partly why I’m like fixating on doing stuff like

This rather than doing stuff that entirely leans on being able to make with the Snowballs or it could be a dueling Arena can yeah except for I’m not throwing it in the air on or in the river on purpose but that is kind of what the uh the mod can be

Like and I try to remember that I’m just going to want to see this being uh in action see how well that part Works oops give me and a corner and that appears to be the square so let’s grab a sampling of colors here’s quite terra cotta actually I’ll grab the full stack

Here’s quartz cuz of chorus and let’s find another color like a dark col or black terra cotta there’s more quartz there’s regular color terracotta and more So black would probably be done with ink sex I should have those somewhere but maybe I don’t have any if I have any I have all that I need but I might not have any I might have used them all to make something certainly not there hello somebody found another fun

Thing I didn’t know spooky scary skeleton was an achievement but I do know one thing if my coding is correct I not only know what this is but why somebody made 64 of them I had not found this yet one of these kind of passive oh I think you mean two massive

Zombies trouble is though like we can generate them but then they don’t attack at least I don’t think they do sure doesn’t look like he does and I don’t believe they carry things which is a shame because wouldn’t it be cool if you had it like yeah

Careful careful with the uh the battling of the strangely passive giant zombie hi but out see he doesn’t do anything it’s a decoration Apple drinks his tank he claims to be not much of a tank he doesn’t do anything maybe in the darkness he will or here we are there we

Are I don’t honestly know why dude doesn’t do anything but he doesn’t yeah Mill ask have I bought an API 2500 bus compressor no I have not I may not I am not as I don’t know should I say interested in those they haven’t come to my attention here however is something that

Has so Mr dude may not do anything but these will uh lucky floppy you might not want to be in there stop fighting this is the war room so our faithful Snowman will battle this guy off into the distance at which point we need to shoot them or they will pollute the entire

Damn server with snow oh for oops just like that back to this please oh so now I’m going to go and clean up the snow that I just made hey you two come on stop fighting and help me clean this up will the shuffle do better no no a shuffle will not do

Better not at all a shuffle was actually much worse bad trouble bad once I’m finished with cleaning up the silly mess that I personally just made oh God I should be cleaning on the concrete so they don’t have to deal with this but I will illustrate what I was talking

About in the first place and maybe it will be amusing and pleasing okay now we’ll try the shovel okay it actually is faster it’s just generating a lot of snowball spam I guess that is a penalty that I orally deserve o that’s way too many snowballs so I’m going to declutter a

Little bit in here with snow I can make entire Stacks into neat tidy little lumps and now I head back out and work with my canvas 64 is too big what am I doing one that eraser here’s a two pixel brush back to the red one pixel

Brush and let’s see block of Quartz see and oh wait that was with quartz wasn’t it all right So so we make an art here or maybe just to Target it let’s start over want more colors I would like more colors hello crafty man Craftman you have something where you at we’re missing these silly people are fighting each other meanwhile a Craftman is fighting a Wither or

Something was a sound a Telltale sound where could that be it disappeared I certainly don’t see a health bar oh I should make one of the Giants and then name tag it So we’re going to need these things little spare snow I guess quartz is boring but another sound we may be having a problem running those on This noall Server I’m not sure why I haven’t done anything to make the withers not be able to

Work but that may be a thing it may just break for some reason that I don’t understand I could fill this place in yeah so if not for all the arrows this painting area would be fine yeah I think it would notice if the weather came and was active in here we’ll

See well there’s a bunch of noise Meanwhile my wood stove is St needs attention so i’ better go and deal with that there we go how I get going so I got to say I was thinking in terms of uh trying to do black and white art with

This or black and white and gray for instance so I think what I need to do is go and find squeed swim rapidly around searching for squid oh or do I have painting materials in here I’ve got some stuff in there is that a place where I can find pigments and things

I’ve got enough stuff for for lots of potions but uh might not be the same we got really cold and black Shuler boxes which also were full of coal cuz of course you got to have more coal apparently got another one of these so I can fix that that could

Work bunch of spare furnaces what else can you make into pigment like green or whatever I don’t think you can make coal into pigment you can’t make vines into pigment either you’ve got lots of vines I saw s to that there’s a place where there’s all the the vine materials

That none of these have anything in them I made purple badge at one point yeah for whatever reason we’re just very low on inks saacks I’m going to need to do a little hunting even to get one and that’s a little surprising I would have thought I had a little more than

That exag EX hello oh there’s some wheat that would fix up a horse pretty good I will also grab up um flowers those can also be made into pigments we could also do a quick wrecky in search of flowers there’s one so we got magenta we got light gray we got stray dogs

We got a nice yellow red aoy got some Rose Red which probably means we can get orange okay okay we’re coming along what about red and magenta what do we get nothing we get a big fat nothing red and orange nope and I can surely get some lapis so

We can take things in that direction gratitude builds a bridge to abundance this reminds me how in my YouTube watching these days YouTube is trying to make me a religious dude fiercely it is trying so hard it is just throwing so many of these MAF grinder

2.0 in the absence of 1.0 which is not with us that said it’s not doing anything at the moment I’m probably not going to find anything through here but we’ll find out what where this goes it’s going to go somewhere about half an hour away from stepping aside and getting some of

My dinner defrosting because I make it out of uh montere jack cheese and some Hamburg and various things like that and the cheese lives in a freezer why is this not this is a special Corridor with cannot go fast in yes I can bet it makes me go to the

Side what’s up with this corter this is like the narrow way this is the painful path which you can’t go through very fast cool enough though I I’ve never done this before and we got somewhere I think we got back to my base what with the snow being there and

All if I remember correctly that’s what this was about secret passage to mg 2.0 woot all right now I’m not going to find flowers down there but but but but I can find some lapis I don’t need that much so I can make some more colors that way

30 arrows don’t mind if I do oh no way I give you a giant that was a noisy noise let’s go search of flowers what do we got and also where do you get green this got to be a green I just don’t remember what makes it here’s largely the same flowers as

Before so we don’t need any of that this is technically a different flower so what do you get as your blue it does that give you blue no more like light gray so we got enough yellow we got enough light gray we’ve got enough red and orange and stuff like

That here’s a bunch of cows oh maybe there’s blue stuff here here it’s a swamp it’s a different biome do we have blue flowers in the swamp because I don’t remember can’t say as I see any oh I lie sure do it even says new recipes unlocked and everything

So we’re not going to grab literally all of that but light blue oh wow check out this cool cave nope so how about green things that might live in the swamp how about can you make a lily pad into a d that would be a no I’m super forgetting what even makes green

Dyes although I’m happy enough to find this but I could have made it out of lapis and bone meal see little more blue dye although lapis by itself I guess that’s just a die like if I take a white terra cotta no apparently not no lapus isn’t a die all by itself

Interesting so regular terra cotta no I guess you got to do something different with it don’t you I know I’m not going to be able to Dy quartz I probably need a crafting table epic Mountain more epic Mountain and remembering of course that I want to keep an eye out for

Squeed you pig are going to have to run pretty soon stock up on a little bit more of the red I don’t suppose you can get a special red from literal actual roses you no same stuff I do like these though grab one so I can plant them however the snowball version is

Just going to oh I spoke too soon this is doing a weird variation on planting it’s like spitting out sunflowers and multiplying my rose bushes well can’t not complaining about that there are little low rose bushes rather than tall rose bushes do they plant normally they plant normally and the snow the sunflower

Ones are making a half height sunflower but if I plant them normally they will do the same thing as you make a regular sunflower okay hello squeed interesting what’s here Villagers hi fancy that I’ve got that I’ll take an emerald maybe that will make me the uh the D I wanted Too many things no I do not have String you’ll give me lapis but I have lots of that thank you that’s Okay Back to one of the classic Minecraft Gams this is a dark little room what’s up with this well while I’m in here we just got an emerald can you make the emerald to die no apparently not oh hey dude what are you cartographer you want paper they don’t put those in Minecraft you silly

Aha see there was a reason I’m hanging out here after all meanwhile this guy’s going for a swim so I feel like maybe you need a crafting table to color terra cotta for which I’m game I just don’t think I have one on me that could be remedied pretty quickly and easily in

Fact I just have to stop messing around with all of this foolishness we don’t need that many of these I wonder if there’s an Apple color let’s find out time to start with our experiments in Terra Cotta I’m also very curious as to whether you can aha that’s some black terracotta for

You yeah the red ones will not actually get you high they’re just other colors of mushrooms whoa so now that we got black terra cotta I can go back to my original location and start fooling around with some art except and I want to go this way and this way never did find

Green it’s almost time for me to start making dinner start thawing dinner rather get some of my raw materials out yeah don’t Biff if you mean like mushroom biome I believe that is a different thing oh hey somebody fired off a a block here which means this is

Recolorable oh hell yeah there we go so now this is just to freak out out passers by if you come by here you go what the heck is that go oh no it’s an oil spell oh hello this is cool mind you I’ve already got mzy Cobble but there’s some pzle and

Stuff what can I sacrifice here well I can double some of this up anyway terra cotta and also terra cotta don’t need both of those but silk touch puzzle you might not actually need that to harvest it you guys are like literally right here I must be closer to spawn than I

Thought that are my coordinates are visible that’s a possibility that’s the sort of thing that can happen I didn’t know there were this much of this kind of forest sure is plenty of this kind of Forest not letting me get those indeed oh hi didn’t expect that to happen

There we go I see a landmark and somebody’s been here there’s more there than there used to be so this is an artistic looking place maybe I can have some of my stuff in here like well that’s not a great sound hello there’s green where did it

Come from cactus cactus I remember now that’s how you get it cool beans I thank you now I want to make myself some more chest so that I can actually place these things usefully come on give me a break you so here’s where a bunch of D can

Go sunflowers Emerald cuz why not lapis bone meal and and the remaining stuff that I threw in here and plant related things I guess crafting things all righty got a good supply of these things lots of stone for gray we got lots of Terot ser the podil in here as well where we’re at it leather working this should never be in that slot if I randomly spawn a mob bad things could happen and I’m thinking like more terracotta maybe well actually no not this large does anyone know how to calibrate

Your M series MacBook speakers to support multi-channels playback I don’t know that that is one of those things that I don’t actually know how you do work on doing some of the things that I do know namely that’s actually not going to be so tricky that’s not hard at all we’ve

Already got that that comes out of the Mesa but blue does not come out of the Mesa we’ve got some of that now too nor does green I do wonder whether I’ll get a better color working from White let’s find out wa terra cotta plus rose red nope

It’s actually not possible to color it at all it’s already taken a color so you don’t get to do that okay one of the cacti there’s some green little Yellow I think I have an orange I think I have a magenta or a light gray or a light blue and I think it’s possible to make light green let’s let’s duplicate some of this first I only have two pieces of it I’m sure there’s more

But because I only have the two pieces of it I had better make more oh hey turns out if you fire into the water just like in MythBusters you don’t actually get through I’m not sure those work for color and I think I might have just had a guy go in

Here as I thought I’ll give it a look though let’s let’s find out yep pretty sure those don’t produce color and that includes the rainbow colors if in case you’re asking but we can but try first of all does it create a Dy no and does it

Create a color also no okay didn’t think so I’ll put them in there you know I think I don’t know I think it has to be dark beyond that not sure let’s give it the old College try there’s a there’s a torch here I can’t place it where the torch is there’s another

Torch all right there you go no of that I am pretty sure I don’t think even snowball does them I don’t remember ever designing a making the snowball work that way you could try boning mealing podzol bone mealing podel might do something a little more of that I think I’m just

Going to grab some of my dyes and things and Scoot off all the way we’ll also grab the mushrooms just in case it turns out to be a thing that one can do need my black terra cotta that’s what I came here for Emerald does not turn out to make anything

Also I was going to grab my chests but I did not I feel certain there’s a dark area in here somewhere Maybe not maybe some of that got uh filled over we do have llamas oh no here’s most definitely a dark area and now it’s even darker

Poo and bone meal what do we get bone mealing pods all in the Dark nothing okay maybe it’s just kind of decorative oh look how much you want to give me to go up into the hole eat it didn’t turn out to be much there was nothing there oh but we can’t go this way And it leads to here wherever here is okay one of those mysterious snowball Things I did not have any Oak I did not have any wood I did not take any of my my spirit chest so I’m a we bit out of luck but I was actually going to do something else do I have a favorite hip-hop artist good hang on a second hold that thought

I have uh dinner making uh to get ready to do this is not going to take me a 10minute span but I’m going to put the uh The Hourglass on anyway and I will be right back for for for I think I could do with throwing a

Little more log on the I went over into my kitchen it’s freezing freezing we are definitely in the middle of a cold snap it’s like just barely reached freezing outside and it’s taken all day to get up to that point more firewood is in order this piece here

And then I’ll set another piece on top of that heavy stuff it’s hardwood firewood okay that’ll go for a little while those are some big old logs yeah so hip-hop artists hip-hop artists see that’s the thing is my my experience is kind of limited that said I’ve been really impressed by Tribe Called

Quest as somebody who’s really not got a lot of exposure to any of that there’s a particular sequence and it there’s a video of it that I find really impressive and it is uh we got the Jazz into to I want to say bugging out is that the

One it’s it’s F dog f um was an amazing rapper and part of that is me not really knowing much about that or being able to relate to it like for me being this white progressive rock dude for it was always about like yeah I should play a guitar to express myself

And it’s anybody’s guess as to whether I could successfully do that or not but the whole thing of like being able to understand what rap even is f dog is able to show that uh one minute warning for for advertising related people just a moment while I do one of the

Things I was thinking of doing let’s get a little more in the way of that Cactus coloring that gives us a bunch more yeah so I would almost I would almost have to say five because that is truly a hipop artist be beyond anything else like I could like Q-tip Q-tip

Is intellectual in this way that is easier for to reach somebody like me like somebody like that it’s like well yeah of course I get him well I could I could get what F was going on about even though I’m not inherently speaking that language in the slightest

That’s impressive to me and certain lines like uh Chad from beauty pill I think is one who is super fond of this particular line on that uh particular track I think it’s bugging out I think that’s the the one um and he’s got a uh an introduction

There let’s see how that’s doing oh that’s fine I don’t really need that much of it not right now oh are we successfully growing these or are we just building them I actually didn’t know that we could do those things fair enough that’s presumably what we were talking

About I might have to Tamp down on the uh the fire again meanwhile black spot doing a little art blue spot I don’t know enough about Dela I should that is somebody who should be speaking really loudly to me and I’m carrying too many things so I can’t do thing about this

Other than black spot again I’m not even carrying Stone I can’t erase it yeah one of the famous um samplings uh Steely Dan’s Black Cow God sampled on stuff and basically they were like okay if you give us all the money they did like worth it okay so there’s some more quartz and

More quartz there’s some more oh have we got purple and magenta die all right no no we cannot fine let me put that die in here wouldn’t it be neat if you could make redstone colored die and it did stuff like it turned on yeah I’m honestly just not as

Thrilled by all of that hey my uh oven is warmed up so we’re on the last hour here of derping around doing things and one of the things I was really excited about was I want to get some painter chests up and my inventory is just stuffed full of

Uselessness so what I probably need to do is offload some of it do that bottom corner which will clear things up enough for me to go and grab some wood and make some chests with them that’s a lot of chest but that should be enough oh I might as well grab my Eraser

While I’m here assuming I even can I’m sure I can yes I wouldn’t have put all that away would I no there it is F so and then we’ll find whether grass can grow underneath the chest but here’s full Bank of chests and this can be finished terracotta blocks which we’ll be

Duplicating more of we got a lot of white we got a lot of quartz we got a lot of Greystone we don’t have a lot of black but we will so oh and we should be able to do light gray too here’s where we work from here’s where I can stash useless

Stuff that I’m not working with at the moment like these mushrooms and these torches oh I need a for one I need to erase this so very little difference between the relatively small one and the large one so there’s a dark blue but I also have light blue and totally need to get

Some crafting tables so we have planks no I didn’t bring them with me three there’s planks giant stack of crafting tables it’s going to be all crafting tables all the time we’re doing some crafting right here in Minecraft City and then the extra spare stuff goes away so here’s pigments pigments can go here everything that isn’t already a pigment gets turned into one lapis is already a pigment so these flowers oh we’re going to save some of these rose bushes though Oh indeed so yeah apparently we

Plant um mushrooms on the edge of the forest oh I wonder if I can make these stack up even taller uh no apparently not well hang on now what would happen if we started from up here and started firing these down nope it’s just a way to grind them

Which is what we will do and then it’s going to be the same for sunflower and then I can physically place them if I want oh yeah I mean the thing with the Steely Dan is they knew they wanted black cow and so paid handsomely for the

Privilege and boy did they have to pay but it was they considered it worth it so here’s a lot of red more than any reasonable person would need plant these bushes now we’ll do some zombies in this direction so that we can have more black ter you’re partly impinging upon the canvas

But you’ve gone to such effort that I hardly feel I can complain 32 a couple of stacks at this and that is a full stack of that so there we go so white terra cotta I’m thinking light gray and the stone so I kind of need lots more terra cotta oh no it’s going to take a while

I’ve got about a half an hour I don’t think it’s really going to generate much in the way of like awesome artwork but I do want to create the pigments needed as such I have got a little bit of FL gr ey which means I could have

More got a lot of Rose Red magenta we don’t have much orange D but we only kind of need one got a lot of green oh the sunflowers are going to make a lot of yellow oh and if I have a lot of red and a lot of yellow I will be

Able to make lots of orange like this yay there we go cool and there I thought I was going to be running short of like anything H there’s some lapis there’s some light light blue I bet that’s made with lapis and see some of this I don’t actually know what makes it

But no time like the present to find out up can’t do black d instead you do inac directly sure enough I’ve already got that though there’s some light gray terra cotta it’s definitely a different shade oh and a better down this my stove was roaring away like

Crazy throw on the damper and it’ll cool it off it didn’t really need to be cranking as hard as it was so red yellow green orange goes here blue and then we have some other colors to come in would it be a good idea to use console you you totally could you

Totally could use console zero for lowii hipop at 44100 no question about it you’re welcome to give it a try yeah that got real hot hopefully everything’s going to be fine I’m thinking probably everything’s going to be fine here’s what we’re we’re looking at right now that’s go and go and ham over

There which is what it’s for to be sure like it’s designed to do that I just put a bunch of wood in there and then let it go ham without damping it down one thing about that though is having done that it is uh burning any Gunk off the

Catalyst and I don’t believe that is too hot that’s not so hot that it’s going to hurt the catalyst so it should be fine but sometimes you do need to to run it hot to get that stuff happening so half green have blue do we have any other we got light

Blue not to forget light blue have light blue didn’t do orange yet and then we’ve got purple and magenta orange comes out of Mesa so that’s hardly scarce that’s easy stuff to get I don’t think magenta comes out of mes say nor does purple but we got

Them so that’s like a sort of ultraviolet and that’s a sort of ultra red and that’s probably the lot I don’t I don’t think we have anym well if my kitchen is cold this room is no longer cold so there’s that all of my colors are in

Here and we’re throwing some of this stuff in here as well as the spare terra cotta eigor I’m not sure I really sound anything like Bob Ross happy little terracottas one thing I did want to do however was dup some of these up so that

We have at least a full stack of them all let’s check that that’s still there and go h to 16 to 32 to 64 won’t take hardly a moment God love that geometrical progression same for for the orange although again this can be harvested off

Of oh do I have more Flowers and Things kicking around or did I turn them all into I think I turned them all in damn okay at that two the geometrical progression 8 to 16 32 to 64 goes nice and quick when you do it this way trying to remember what I’m

Doing well that one didn’t even drop anything how rude we got them not wanting to drop the Terra Cotta all of a sudden there we go there’s her 64 could do with getting some more of these guys we’ll put them where the other ones are could have done with hanging out

Onto some of those raw flowers one minute warning for you know meanwhile let’s do a green ter cotta it’s adorable going into the little houses and turning on the lights is there beds in There a little too late to see the sun going Down you can also paint with concrete in this mod we’ve just got terra cotta now but that’s not the only option we’ve got more pick than That I don’t doubt it I know right I’m going to bolt in here and sleep this is a Clank got a very hot wood stove I’m going to make sure it’s not too near the glass Stoke it up a little bit open it up and push it over this way that’s hot

Oh that’s hot you get a tan from how hot that wood stove is looking at it so I’m making some good progress here graph hum in I’m going to duplicate some things now or I’m going to go elsewhere and duplicate some things now okay very good that one didn’t even drop anything

I’ve gotten up to purple purple hat I should make them wear hats purple purple armor guys a level of 36 they are purple armor guys there’s my 32 and and that Mr dude was rude he went at me too quick all right blue 64 and then I need

Magenta and purple and light gray so we’re coming along pretty good some of these dudes are serious but as long as they still drop their drops that’s fine with me wow what the heck was that there’s our magenta oh I know what I should do brush sizes which is not terribly effective

Honestly that’s not really how this works but it’s close there should be a one on the end really like this there so now one no two more including the light gray and the painting scenario is relative atively done and then I agree to go and try to paint

Something all this calling me a Bob Ross I paint with zombies yeah so maybe not so much I got her under control there we are and the only one I’ve got remaining is these man who jumps in the path of the arrows those aren’t supposed to grow on

Concrete oh hey random uh random Potato Man Who Leeps in the path of the arrow again that time you dinged you dinged that that has to be intentional you might have swept through and stolen the uh blocks too or maybe he just didn’t drop them okay and there’s her light

Gray so let’s see that doesn’t actually fit here very well but that’s fine we’ll just scoot these over and then set those other ones up in this one lonely magenta die and a potato cuz why not Uhhuh and let’s put some of the more useful colors in I am dreading accidentally ending up on the other end of one of those listen to that go and I have two more let’s not use white terracotta let’s use light gray here is our painters blocks including the quartz and white terra

Cotta can just go down this way and if that was in a shulker box I could just place them maybe that’s something for some Future Point well I didn’t see those okay so in theory I was going to do some painting here we’re going to paint a spaceship

Scene first thing we do is make everything dark because it is very dark in space very dark dark ass it there we go missing one more got it then we put that down and we’re going to have a couple of spots for stars and a laser that’s not much of a

Laser so we’ll go from that blue to a nice purple the same place that’s no moon okay so maybe not as excited about this as I thought I was going to be so instead of the nighttime scene well there’s a lot of roses okay roses are cool got to love the Roses

The houses are definitely kind of in the way let me scoot over this way so I can see a little bit more of that corner here we go so with there we’ve got one little spot of that let’s make a abstract thing going on gry

Stone and then we’ll fill back in with a smaller brush for the quartz block and maybe then put a dot in the middle of it or something is a swirl and it’s a swirl with a red dot on the tip and some other colors chasing it like we’ll do a red orange yellow

Thing by the way if anybody wants to use use a clock to make the time change that could work can’t see very well the paint in the night there we go much better let’s do the swirl even more my aim is not on point here but I’m thinking I can

Probably fill in with the white again so we can but try trying to do a colorful thing going on it’s a swoosh I’ll put some white in there oh yep the aim is not on point but little of the actual blue in there and then the white with a larger

Brush to try to smooth off the edges I was using a 16 I think there’s a 16 brush aiming for the middle there and I just need to place a little bit more red and I’m going to do a two pixel brush for the red right there okay there’s still a pixel of

Actually I can put in some more of the orange and then it’s all coming out of a spot that matches the other spot goes and reaches and joins the other spot rather okay eight was too big let’s do eight block of Quartz and simply erase that then for and then if I

Can straighten up my stray pixels with this line boom how’s that little La distraction there you have it the painting is complete oh look we even have a spare stripe of black just randomly here so there we are oh and I should see what it looks like from inside your cool

Window this entire time I have not even seen in here panoramics from P Motel okay oh I fell right down all right yeah you can kind of see it being painted and we’ve got multiple paintings painting paintings that is oh yeah and a bunch of paintings here cool beans there you go

Alrighty and we have large amounts of flowers outside the edge and more torches than anybody ever actually needs okay there’s a thing and now I am oh no I can get my stuff back out now no reason not to have your stuff there’s my kit wouldn’t it be interesting if we did

Something to do a snowball music disc like started playing the music or something and as the music strikes up it is 458 it is just about my dinner time so I’m thinking this is a fine time for me to head off and do that little self-care which

Means cooking for myself I will note that the um the wood stove is behaving itself just fine now so that ended up fine uh one minute warning as I’m about to leave So in fact that’s so ridiculous that we are going to tell it to skip them no sense in doing that when I don’t particularly care about them and I’m about to log off terrible time to do that so on that note I return to my cute little place as the night

Roars through tonight and then back to daytime but I got to I got to reset my spawn so there’s that and I’ll talk to you folks Later byebye

This video, titled ‘Stream: Time with Chris from Airwindows’, was uploaded by airwindows on 2023-12-14 22:37:27. It has garnered 280 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 08:00:39 or 28839 seconds.

Here’s an idea, let’s spend time on various things. Could be Minecraft, mixing or recording new music in Reaper, firing up VCV Rack in Reaper, writing games or tools in Godot. As LoadingReadyRun says, “we’re live, so something’s going to happen!”

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    EPIC BATTLE: Alexbrine Destroys Herobrine 😨🔥 #viralvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alexbrine Vs Herobrine 😱💥 #shorts #viral #shortsvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by RP RAFI Playz on 2024-05-05 13:59:43. It has garnered 12620 views and 399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Alexbrine Vs Herobrine 😱💥 #shorts #viral #shortsvideo #minecraft #trending #edits #minecraft #shorts #comparison #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #vs #herobrinevswarden #herobrinevsdragon #trending #enderdragon #mincraftshorts#short #viral #shorts 🙂I’m new YouTuber thanks for support guys🤩 and our channel first grow😮 thanks🥰 next terget 10k subscriber, I Hope complete my dream❤️ channel name:- RP RAFI Playz Read More

  • Unonics.eu

    Unonics.euHerzlich Willkommen auf Unonics.eu! Unonics.eu ist aktuell in der Version 1.19 online. Auch du bist herzlichst Willkommen auf unserem Server zuspielen. Auf Unonics.eu gilt Anarchy! Griefen und zerstören ist also erlaubt, wir befinden uns schließlich auf einem PvP-, Freebuild-, Survival-Server. Richtige Regeln gibt es nicht! Wir als Admins/Moderatoren greifen nicht ins Spiel geschehen ein und lassen alles seinem freien Lauf. Wir bieten dir viele unterschiedliche Funktionen und Plugins an. Unter anderem sind diese dabei: /Sethome – mit diesem Befehl kannst du einen Ort setzen, zu dem du dich mit /home jederzeit wieder zurück teleportieren kannst. /tpa – um dich zu… Read More

  • Farming SMP Bedrock modded SMP whitelist

    Survival Realm with 9 Addons Hi everyone, I just started a Survival Realm one week ago with 9 Addons included. We already have a few active players and we are looking for more. If you are interested, please contact me. Addons: Another Furniture Add-On by Starfish Studios – Offers 20+ craftable vanilla+ furniture and decorations for your home. Farming by Podcrash – Adds over 160+ new variations of crops, trees, food, drink, and mobs to your world. Naturalist Add-On by Starfish Studios – Find new animals in forests, deserts, oceans, and more. Spark Portals Add-On by Spark Universe – Craft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Expert Editing

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Expert EditingWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she blew up at him too much! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gaming #memes #funny Read More


    BLOCKS BETRAYED HIM... 😮 The Controversial Changes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, even the smallest changes can spark controversy. Recently, a player named Jappa made waves by updating the textures for version 1.14. Among these changes were the cauldron and potion maker, which left many players scratching their heads. The Texture Changes With the update, the cauldron and potion maker received a new look. Previously flat and simplistic, these items now sported a more intricate design. While some players appreciated the update, others found it unnecessary. Confusion Among Players One of the main points of contention… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos filled with adventure, challenges, and unexpected twists? If so, you’ll love the latest YouTube video titled “Minecraft But I only have one heart.” This video takes viewers on a thrilling journey as the player navigates through the game with just one heart, facing obstacles and seeking diamonds along the way. While watching this entertaining video, have you ever wished you could experience similar adventures in Minecraft yourself? Well, now you can! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on your own epic quests, challenges, and discoveries…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale Minecraft Zelda Adventure: A Thrilling Journey Exploring a Unique Adventure Map In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our protagonist embarks on a journey through a captivating Zelda-themed map. The adventure unfolds in a world filled with mystery and challenges, offering a unique gaming experience. Discovering New Realms As the journey progresses, new realms and dungeons reveal themselves, each presenting its own set of obstacles and puzzles to overcome. From icy landscapes to fiery volcanoes, the map is rich in diverse environments that test the player’s skills and wit. Unraveling Secrets and Quests Throughout the gameplay, our hero encounters various characters,… Read More

  • Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!

    Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information all right uh sorry about that I need to do that real quick so I could go ahead and download that VOD so I can eventually upload it wait what that [ __ ] not offline go offline oh my god dog dog this video was 30 minutes also hold on give me a second now the stream ain’t bugged I uh I ended it and started it real quick so um um what is it [ __ ] is it I did that so I could uh you know uh download the VOD make it easier um… Read More

  • Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!

    Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!Video Information 3 2 1 go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] VPP This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet VS Minecraft BATTLE! part 2’, was uploaded by Skibidi?!Boom! on 2024-03-02 20:15:02. It has garnered 8435 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Skibidi Toilet Vs Multiverse BATTLE 🫡💥⚡️ SUBSCRIBE ! Thanks for watching❤️❤️ Like and subscribe! 🥹🥰Skibidi Toilet is a series of viral YouTube Shorts uploaded on the DaFuq!?Boom! channel on YouTube. The series depicts a battle between the Skibidi Toilets ✅✅ ……………………………………………………. #skibiditoilet #skibidibopyesyesyes #skibididj #skibiditoiletbattle #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidibop #skibididop #skibidimeme #dance #horror #60fps #4k… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets – Dolanan Gayeng Discovery

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets - Dolanan Gayeng DiscoveryVideo Information catat Ini buat ujian besok anak-anak harus aku tulis biar besok dapat nilai bagus guys sok racin Dih Ih kenapa kau melemparku fokus belajar agar dapatnya bagus bantu like dan subscribe agar dapat nilai bagus teman-teman NK ah loh kok gak kelihatan Hah pak guru kenapa nyontek dapat nilai F Wah aku dapat nilp ye This video, titled ‘DAPAT NILAI APA YA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-14 05:00:19. It has garnered 11696 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #minecraft #gameplay #shorts #skibiditoilet instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!

    Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!Video Information व वर्ल्ड [संगीत] 2000 लेटर प्लांस बनाने के बाद यहां पर मैं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल क्रिएट कर लेता हूं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल के बाद थोड़ी हमें स्टिक्स की जरूरत पड़ेगी स्टिक्स बना लेते हैं यहां पर चार स्टिक बना ली है यहां पर एक एक्स ले लेते हैं एक्स के लिए हमें थोड़ी और प्लक्स चाहिए होंगी यहां पर मैंने प्लक्स ले ली अब यहां एक एक्स करता हूं माइनिंग मतलब नीचे डीप माइनिंग करता थोड़ी कॉबल स्टोन तोड़ने के लिए तो मैंने क्राफ्टिंग की नहीं भाई यहां पर हमें कॉबल स्टोन चाहिए बहुत जरूरत है हमें उसकी तो यहां… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

  • UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixel

    UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick’, was uploaded by UnWarmed on 2024-03-23 09:52:14. It has garnered 14632 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick #minecraft #hypixelbridge #pvp Discord : https://discord.gg/dCj6YraZqN Background Music : Dancin is What to do ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains… Read More

  • “I’M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱” #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagic

    "I'M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱" #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagicVideo Information I’m so tired of everyone saying S&P servers are so boring like that’s just not true on mindwave you’ll never get bored we have custom armor hundreds of quests and an amazing community and the best part is that we’re available on all devices so come join today This video, titled ‘I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-05-19 15:00:38. It has garnered 10625 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!

    Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!Video Information it’s no surprise cobon has slowly been taking over the world of Pokémon Minecraft mods with its blockier looking monsters that better fit the Minecraft aesthetic and unique updates that feel as carefully crafted and Polished as official Minecraft releases kobon has managed to Stand Out by showing us how this mod can do so much more than just adding Pokémon into Minecraft but ever since I started playing it people in the comments have been asking for one feature in particular that would instantly make battles feel way more Dynamic so did they finally do it well… Read More

  • Blue Moon Network

    Blue Moon NetworkWho are we? We are a java (premium) and bedrock minecraft server that prides ourselves in having a close, inclusive, and welcoming community. The server was created in April 2020 and we released to the public in July 2020 and have been going strong ever since. We have a regular playerbase ranging from 10-30 people or more depending on the time of day. We also have 2200+ people in the discord! What do we offer? We currently are a survival based network! We have two different survival servers to offer; Neptune and Saturn survival. Neptune survival has a more “modded”… Read More

  • Swift Network – Semi-vanilla Network SMP, Lifesteal, Survival 1.20

    Tired of boring singleplayer games or looking for a new server to play on? Swift Network may be the perfect fit for you! We are dedicated to providing the best possible gaming experience for all players. Available Gamemodes: In the Survival server, build, relax, and team up with others to go on adventures. In the Lifesteal server, every kill earns you a heart while every death costs you a heart. Be careful, as dying results in a 24-hour ban! Useful Links: Discord Server Trailer Server Features: Balanced economy for new players Land claims to protect your property Player shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Who TF turned on RTX?!”

    Looks like someone cranked up the graphics so high, even the Ender Dragon is impressed! Read More

  • Grudge Mod in Minecraft: Survive or Hide, Fear Inside

    Grudge Mod in Minecraft: Survive or Hide, Fear Inside In Minecraft’s world, a new mod appears, The Grudge, a ghost girl that brings fears. With long black hair and a white dress so stark, She haunts and curses, leaving a mark. Emerging from folklore, she crawls and she creeps, Her presence in the game, chilling and deep. With allies in tow, other entities to chase, In this haunted world, there’s no safe space. But fear not, brave player, for you hold the key, To survive and thrive, in this eerie spree. Craft your tools, build your base with care, Face the ghost girl, if you dare. So leap… Read More