To Asgaard – Minecraft Inventions Lp Ep 14: Getting Our Wood Farm Going

Video Information

Welcome back to Asgard and welcome to episode 14 of our inventions modded minecraft let’s play series if you recall last episode we started setting up our Steve’s carts tree farm since then the cart did finish a little while ago so I went ahead and set it up with

Just set it up right over here so that it could start generating power for us so if you notice the solar engines built up 25,000 in power which is a decent amount I also did set up this area over here this is where the tree farm is

Going to be at and i went ahead and fenced it in just so we don’t have mobs coming through our little tunnel and stuff right now eventually i don’t think we’re ready for just yet because i don’t even have an Endermen head but i do want to set up an aversion obelisk probably

Like right in here right in the middle just so we don’t have mobs spawning once the trees grow because a lot of times they tend to block light and and they can just be a pain you know so we’ll eventually set up at a virgin obelisk and that met I haven’t been

Grinding on the mobs as much as I should be so we haven’t our soul shards have not been not been getting up too much because usually when I mine it’s down in the tunnels or in that chasm and aside from a couple skeletons and zombies down there it’s usually not too bad because

There’s a lot of lava but anyway this episode we’re going to get our Steve’s carts tree farm up and going and hopefully get the stuff set up to start generating power with it is what I’d really like to do and so the first thing we’re going to want to craft is going to

Be the cargo manager and the external distributor so we’re going to need these huge iron pants whoops and just nine iron pains for that and the large ones are for and then the large dynamic is for these dynamic pains so a bit of quite a bit of iron see here makes 8 of

Them yeah chest pains so let’s see we’ve already got a lot of these made up and we’ll grab some iron and ored stone what’s done sorry about that all right now we should be good to go I also did go ahead and start cooking up some energetic Alawis right here I’m

Doing just a whole stack of it because we will start using that will probably help grain our power conduits because once we set up this power source those power conduits really aren’t going to be able to move this stuff fast enough or the you know the power and everything so

I figure we go ahead and get those going and we’ll start with 32 and see where that gets us so we’re going to need for of the large ones and we’re going to be four of these huge ones so yeah we’re not even anywhere close to having enough right now

And that’s I guess I should have just filled all but that’s fine and I made too many and there’s no way to break that down whoops okay well anyway and then we just need for of the dynamic pain switch believer just yeah one two

One so let me grab the US which is fine I’m I kind of want to use these up anyway so all right got that I don’t know why I’m not using the portable crafting thing and get these and some redstone so there’s our cargo manager and then the other thing the external

Distributor is just going to be some stone redstone and PCB so let me grab some called and you know what oh my god i have no higher than they are you serious maybe i have some iron in here I’ve been using up so much iron okay oh

Crap let me go do just a little bit of mining we charge this up it shouldn’t be too hard to grab some iron like I did a little bit of mining but it was mainly going back through the mines and getting coal and stuff between episodes so yeah

Give me a second and I’ll be back once i get a little bit okay welcome back I got a bit of iron not at I’m gonna have to do a bunch of mining oh forget this pack has the e so we could have just got our

Iron from that but i did use up quite a bit of it like in the blast furnace and stuff should pull that out making steel and and everything since last episode because we’re going to need it for this one so let’s go ahead and get our external distributor we’re going to need

Four of these PCBs and just four pieces of smooth stone there we go and that’s pretty well got us on that I’m also going to need these item conduits as well and so let’s go get this set up um so the way that we’re going to set this

Up is so it’s going to make a lap around math and then it’s going to come through here and it’ll get stopped right here so let’s go ahead and move this stuff guess maybe aren’t they one looks with that and there so we’ll put the external distributor will go below the cargo

Manager so we’ll set this up right there and this is the green side let’s go ahead and change all of this to all shot all the all slots are shared by all sides and then we’re going to say the green side is going to pull from the

Storage and it’s going to move from the storage to the cargo manager on the green side that’s really the only ones we have to worry about right now I do believe and then we’re going to set this to um the purple side yeah we’ll pull from

The purple side so we’ll say all out the purple side so pretty much everything that comes through here is going to go through there and we’re just going to run some item conduits say extract always active and connect them here into a job of barrels and say insert and I’ll

Tell you what let’s go ahead and set the priority to five because we might end up sitting up like a trash can or something with a filter maybe to get rid of certain things and then we’ll sit connect this up like that should let me move this

So now that’s all hooked again the last thing that we’re going to need is going to be this detector rail so just iron a pressure plates and Flintstone so let’s go ahead and get that oh by the way I forgot to tell you I made the tracks using the rolling machine from railcraft

So i’ll show you in just a second how to do that but it’s basically this machine right here and it’s pretty easy to craft it I on pistons crafting table so to get the tracks what you’re going to need to do this one you’re going to have to get

Six of these standard rails which are made in the rolling machine so you can make them with either iron bronze or steel stills going to get you 16 of them course Bronson Lee and get you six times we get you eight so i ended up using the

Steel just because it was it was a bit better and you know the stuff went a bit farther then you’re also going to have to get this wooden rail bad it’s just for these wooden ties and these do take creosote oil to make so but you make 32

2 times so it’s not too too bad but so let’s get our pressure plates and our six pieces of iron and let me say just the detector well just pull it back up on Steve’s carts that’s that forgot to make that when I was done here before so basically what this detector

Track is going to do is it’s going to detect when a cart goes over it and it’s going to act accordingly so in this case with the cargo manager it’s going to stop the cart and so we’ve got it set right now to what you know whenever it

Transfers after finishes its going to just continue around the track so but you can make it turn back so really we could have done this with just one track and just made it turn back around but I kind of like having the two personally so and this thing does have the cleaning

Machine so it is going to pick up stuff near it so now that that’s all set up we should be able to get this one going grab a few materials here so we can go ahead and get it set up so we’re going to tell it to see the advanced smelters

Here the first one we’re going to change it to keep 32 in stock oh yeah I could have clicked it and we’re going to say that it’s going to output to the engine right here so that way it’s going to keep 32 charcoal in the cold engine at

All times just so you know if we don’t have the solar power something is going to keep that stocked with power and we’re going to tell it to cook oak wood is what it’s going to do it’s going to make that charcoal now the next one

We’re going to set to we’re going to leave it on the storage slot so we’re going to start filling up this storage and we are going to say keep um how much we want so they keep 168 it’s a lot but that’s fine so it’s going

To try to get 168 to coal and cook all that down now it will generally have leftover wood and that’s what we’re going to have going into these wood barrels but I like to put it in a high number so that way we stay stock piled with charcoal and actually let’s just go

Ahead and boost it up a little bit 208 sounds good and we’ll we’ll play with it will adjust it as we go and i went ahead and i set the coal engine to low priority because we want to you know the less coal we’re burning the better and

We’ll go ahead and set the solar engine to high priority so it’s going to start going and you know it just planted that sapling it’s planning the saplings that it’s cutting down from the trees and it’ll start cutting wood here in a minute and eventually it’ll fill all this with

Sapling so it’s going to be really really dense it will be getting a lot of wood and charcoal and stuff in so I’m gonna go ahead and throw you know that charcoal in there and what ahead and popped one got fuel but it’s not going

To use it just yet so it’s going to run off of its solar power and then once the Sun comes up it’ll build up more so anyway we’ll let that run for just a minute like I said we’ll probably tweak the amount of charcoal that’s that is

Supposed to get and everything but but that will work for us for right now so the next thing that we want to do is set up a way to actually use this power because as of right now we’re just going to be producing charcoal and wood and

Stuff so let’s go ahead we’re going to be actually using railcraft is our power source so we’re going to have to make this solid fuel boiler box and we’re going to do a three by three on this so we’re going to need furnaces fire charges and bricks I did go ahead and

Prep up a bit of bricks I think it’s going to be enough so we’ll go ahead and grab all those and then fire charges are just coal let’s see one two three of those and blaze powder honey more that actually and then gunpowder here we are okay and

Let me get just a couple blaze powders actually thing to be better just to get the blaze rod because that’s gonna that’s actually a way to that still works so blazed powders 768 blaze rods are 1536 so what we can do if we want infinite EE I figured they would have

Fixed that by now is we can just sag mill up this blaze rod and we’ll get three blaze powder and we’ll get a gain of i will get for blaze powder my bad so we’ll get double the AE that we spend on it so once we have a better power system

Will probably be running that all the time and generate just a ton of blaze powder and then we’ll pretty much get everything for free so but anyway to make our fire charges just throw this stuff in there and get those i do crafts 32 times so pretty inexpensive will get

That and then for our no solid-fueled there we go so that’s got that and it’s going to be a multi-block actually let’s go ahead and build the next part of it the next thing that you’re going to want is the let me find it here right here

High pressure boiler tank there’s a bit of different sizes you can do we’re going to go with the 3 x 4 x 3 which is the max size it’s going to produce the most stain for us so we’re going to need what 12 36 of these so we’ll need not a

Stack of steel and a little bit extra which is fine like i said i prepped a bunch of steel any of that many two stacks is more than enough all right and the way you get these steel plates is you can just take your steel do a you

Know two by two and it’s going to start crafting these steel plates now isn’t going to use up the lie of the steel ingots so if you want to do that you can just click it and it’s going to you know it’s going to make

Thee or use up the last of those so while that’s running let’s go ahead and say as far as using the steam like this is going to produce the steam but it’s not going to actually produce any power so we’re going to make just some of these steam dynamos I think yeah for

Right now eventually will change over to maybe like a turbine or something because these will actually run turbines very very well but for right this second I think see let me take a look because we might actually just move up to the big reactors turbines but I feel like

That might be a little bit expensive on us at this point because I mean we’re going to need Sinai which does it have ok you can make sign up which is sand and you Lori them yeah I’ll tell you what we might actually do that instead of doing the same nether quartz isn’t

Really an issue the cyanide the Graphite’s just cooked coal I’m not going to be an issue I’m gonna need a bunch of iron but we do have a ESO it’s not really an issue glass only blutonium for the controller which does it have the reprocess ER because if it does now

We’re going to have to make a big reactor before okay oh no here we go sign on tree processor so we can craft this to sign i will make plutonium so we can do it and we only really need those two pieces i do believe the rest this is

All just housings they don’t have any eval you will need a bunch of diamonds yeah it’s going to be an expensive build but honestly I think we might go with that because the steam dynamos if I’d if I had cropped those to actually utilize the steam it’s going to be what 11

Copper to iron silver to redstone three red stone for each one of those and honestly we’re going to have to craft generally with one of these I’ll craft like 20 steam dynamos and we’re still not using up all the steam so I think what we’ll do is we probably next

Episode go ahead and start setting up a big turbine I think is what we’re going to do because I think it would be quite a bit better on our resources and everything to just go ahead and do that say what I want to set this up at hmm

We’ll set it up right well I don’t know I have to replan this because I wasn’t originally building up this room for a turbine but for now i’ll go ahead and show you how this works so set that up f7 looks good okay and you’ll want your

Fire box below your boiler that and then bring our boiler up it’s just going to be just a full block and basically what the boiler box is going to do like we can open it up just yet but it’s going to cook any solid fuels that get put

Into it and basically heat this thing up so we’ll be generating a bit of power you know or hate to make steam with this so there we go we’ve got our steam boiler now and yeah so we’ll put our coal into these slots and it’s going to

Cook it and produce the steam and we are going to have to keep this thing filled with water so let’s go ahead and set that up really really quick and we’ll take a look as well at the cart and see how it’s doing now it’s very possible it

Probably hasn’t even made a lap yet yes it did we have quite a bit of charcoal now it didn’t produce any extra wood but that’s fine for right now we’re going to try to keep it focusing on charcoal till we get a decent amount built up and then

I’ll probably adjust it just a little bit so if you notice it as it goes around it’s just cooking Chardo keeping this stocked and collecting apples and saplings and eventually like I said once it gets enough saplings and it feels in all this area so we have all these trees growing

We will very likely becoming a positive on wood and charcoal even with the the limits that we set so but we’ll go ahead and get water feeding into this we won’t be producing stain this episode don’t think now these things do take a really

Long time to heat up so just be aware of that we think how do I want to do this stylish women that’s how you what I’m probably between this episode next I’m going to run a lot of blaze rods through the SAG meals and get us just a ton of

EE built up with that because I think what we’re going to do because honestly with with this it’s not really going to be that hard to make a big turbine so like I said next episode will cover the big turbine and the Sinai preprocessor all that good stuff so what color okay

Any blue blue blue up and remember thinking generally my water line is blue blue blue but okay let’s see go ahead and connect this into the blue blue blue line all right and okay I want to see I didn’t think this pack had transfer nodes but I couldn’t recall so

We’ll dig out a little area back here this is we’re going to input all of our charcoal and water and everything I think so we’ll just set our entertain back here we’ll connect a pressurized fluid conduit and was that pumping oh there we go so we got that all

Connected let me go ahead and light this up and I was thinking how we’re going to get the charcoal and there’s a few different ways that we could do that as far as getting the charcoal down here but I do believe that we’re going to use in dorchester you know I was thinking

About the be space upgrade and stuff you know that’s a possibility but honestly the inter chest is actually cheaper and I like the way you know it works everything a bit better than the B space so it’s just a little bit easier to setup and tends to work a little bit

Better for me for you know moving at charcoal and stuff so if you notice it’s really planning all the saplings and everything as it goes around so now this is fully fully functional and you know it doesn’t really take any input from us the only thing we’ll have to watch is as

It goes around this wood cutter is going to really really slowly drop down on durability and when it gets down if you notice the solar power its run out when it goes under those trees and stuff but the the durability if it gets down we can just use that reinforce metal that

We use to make the the hall and the woodcutter and everything we can just use that to repair it now we probably look into getting a gal Godot in one and upgrading it before too too long just because that one has infinite durability but we’ll see so let’s drop down here

It’s about to finish out his lap so he’s going to come over here and sit next to here and if you notice he’s starting to fill this up with items everything he’s collected as he went around and so now it’s going to fill up these barrels and

You know put everything in here where it goes so but yeah anyway I think we’re going to in the episode out there sorry we didn’t actually start utilizing the steam and everything basically I’ll plug this into an inner chest before next episode because it does take it a really really

Long time to get heated up and I’ll probably need to come up with a better method for generating water that aquos accumulator is really not going to cut it as far as keeping this thing filled up I don’t think because these do require a lot of water but that’s fine

I’ll come up with something i’ll let you guys know like i said next episode we will be building a big turbine and you know getting this whole steam boiler going and everything it just seems like a waste to do the steam dynamos because really the the turbine is not going to

Be that much more as far as resources and stuff goes so but yeah so we got our Steve’s carts card all set up an hour high pressure boiler and once again I do apologize that we didn’t get the power utilized just yet but big turbines to

Take a little bit so but anyway I hope you guys did enjoy the episode though if you did as always please comment like subscribe share with your friends we did actually just hit a hundred subs and I just want to say thank you so so so much

For that you guys are awesome and I do really really appreciate all the support I’ve had a lot of really nice support since I started doing the videos and you know I’ve had some really nice comments and congrats and stuff like that for the hundreds and I should wanna say thank

You guys it really does mean a whole lot so and yeah I hope you guys join me for next episode and we’ll have some fun setting up a big reactor I’m really excited about it absolutely love degree or big turbines they’re really really really nice so

But yeah so hope to see them and until next episode do take care and see you next episode

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Inventions Lp Ep 14: Getting Our Wood Farm Going’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2016-06-28 02:10:57. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:17 or 1817 seconds.

In this episode, we get our tree farm going and producing wood and start to set it up for power by crafting our boiler and firebox. We were going to set up steam dynamo’s for it, but then decided to do a big reactors steam turbine next episode instead.

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Facebook: Twitter: Steam: To Asgaard

Music: NCS ♫ The following music is royalty free and I have permission to use it under the Creative Commons license. No copyright intended.

Intro Editor:

Song: Fly Away

Artist: Krys Talk

Label: NoCopyrightSounds (NCS)

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    "Minecraft SHOCK: Erik's MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌳 EINFACHE BAUMFARM! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 12:00:42. It has garnered 29712 views and 1400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. 🔥 Subscribe to me or a creeper will explode in your camp! ► 👕 Merch: (Advertising) ► 💬 Discord server: ► 💥 TikTok: ► 📷 Instagram: ► 👑 Twitch: ► 🖥️ YouTube: @ErikOnHisPeriod ★☆★ More info & links ★☆★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● 🎧 Background music 🎧 ●•٠· ► 🎶 EpidemicSound: * ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● Minecraft ●•٠· ► 🎮​… Read More

  • INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shorts

    INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds Ep. 68 | #shorts’, was uploaded by EcoSMP on 2024-02-12 22:29:29. It has garnered 5714 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. This timelapse shows us building a beautiful Victorian fantasy medieval cottagecore house in Minecraft. Our friend, Lindolas_Official, has been kind enough to let us create videos of his creations. Please show him some support on Planet Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftidea #minecrafthowto #minecraftmedieval #minecraftfantasy #cottagecore #minecraftjava #smp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftstarterhouse Music Courtesy Of Mojang Studios Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We focus on community, player interaction, and fun without any over-the-top additions. Experience weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process ensures a safe environment for all players. Apply to join us on Discord HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without any game-altering plugins or benefits for donors. Transparency We believe in transparency with financials and community issues to maintain trust. Community Voice… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)

    Minecraft Memes - Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)“Cracked endstone brick: the building material no one asked for, but we got anyways. Thanks, Mojang!” Read More

  • Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2

    Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2 In Minecraft 1.8.9, achievements in sight, Mining, farming, building, all day and night. Expanding my farm, animals in tow, Enchanting room, portal room, watch them grow. Fence around my base, to keep safe and sound, Baking a cake, fishing around. Learning new skills, editing with care, Becoming a pro, with videos rare. Noise suppression for the mic, text commentary too, Speeding up the boring, for a better view. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we tell, Join me in the game, where stories swell. Read More

  • MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi

    MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi When your Wi-Fi is so bad even the MLG drop in Minecraft can’t save you from lagging out of the game. #WiFistruggles #Minecraftfails Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

    Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge Minecraft’s Most Insane 0 CPS Bridger Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the most insane 0 CPS Bridger! Dive into the world of bridging like never before and witness the incredible skills of this Minecraft pro. Server Information For those eager to join the action, the server IP for this epic gameplay is: (Premium) (Offline) 0 CPS Godbridge Tutorial Learn the secrets behind the 0 CPS Bridger’s incredible moves with this tutorial video. Starting at 2 minutes and 57 seconds, you’ll uncover the techniques that make this player stand out from the rest. Check out the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure – EPIC #14

    Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure - EPIC #14Video Information This video, titled ‘Aventure en Hardcore sur Minecraft 1.20 en LIVE (La Revanche) #14’, was uploaded by Râ-moon on 2024-05-10 20:39:42. It has garnered 85 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:45 or 7785 seconds. Hello, welcome to our Minecraft survival in SEMI – HARDCORE, for the revenge of our old adventure, the version is 1.20 with the new updates of course. My goal is to stay alive as long as possible and of course to share as much as possible with you. The whole adventure will take place LIVE every Friday on the… Read More

  • 100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!

    100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-04-06 11:59:20. It has garnered 148 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:03 or 4623 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. If you have a single mod to add, suggest it in the comments below or in the Discord! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 11 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!

    Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Killing The Warden Is Not Hard In Minecraft | 16 Seconds Enough | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by TG Morris on 2024-02-25 03:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #warden #Minecraft #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSeries #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #minecraftcommunity new trick to kill warden in minecraft in 16 seconds without hacks, #MinecraftFun #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftLife #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMaster #MinecraftMagic #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftExploration #MinecraftFantasy #MinecraftWonder #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftPro #MinecraftJourney #MinecraftSkills #MinecraftCreators #MinecraftEnchanting #MinecraftAdventures #MinecraftPixelArt #MinecraftInnovation #MinecraftDiscovery #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftEpic #MinecraftAwesome #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftAddict… Read More

  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : INSTAGRAM : DONATE : ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More

  • “Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂” #minecraft

    "Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂" #minecraft When you send this Minecraft meme to someone special, make sure they don’t mistake it for a diamond ring and propose to you in the virtual world! #minecraftlove Read More

  • Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Creating the Monster Bear Portal Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players often delve into the realm of crafting portals to explore new dimensions and encounter unique creatures. One such intriguing portal is the Monster Bear portal from the Zoonomaly game. Let’s embark on a journey to discover how to create this portal and encounter the fearsome Monster Bear. Unveiling the Monster Bear The Monster Bear is a creature shrouded in mystery and terror within the Zoonomaly game. Resembling a grizzly bear, this anomaly possesses a slender body… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • 100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft… DID HE SURVIVE?!

    100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft... DID HE SURVIVE?!Video Information how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this… Read More