Toilet Mob Battle Cheating! | Daxx’s World

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Today I’m doing a Minecraft mob battle with my girlfriend bo be using skibby mobs well anyways Zoe are you excited for today’s skippity mob battle and I wait a second why are the world are you so tall the important question is why are you so short wait what I don’t even

Think I’m short you’re just like a big giant but whatever is way it doesn’t make a difference you’re going to have five minutes to spot in your mob so best of luck good luck Dax okay guys perfect now I can start on the first round and

Wait a second what in the world is this this kind of looks like the speaker Man head I kind of Wonder is why it’s on my side and wait a second why in the water is there a staircase here it’s almost like someone decided to have a hidden

Door somewhere here let me go ahead and see and wa wait who in the world are you who are you what are you doing in my house wait what my name is daxon what are you doing on my side I have a mob battle to do I’m speaker band and this

Is my side what are you doing in my house uh wait no I swear I’ve been here first have you been here like the whole time or something yeah I live here it’s a house uh okay well I guess your house is in the middle of my mob battle but

How about this if you decide to help me win this Bob battle I guess you can stay on this side for as long as you want well thank goodness but uh I’m going to need some compensation to help you oh wait you’re going to need some compensation what if I give you this

Wooden axe this thing looks pretty cool I don’t want that garbage uh okay if you don’t want the wood an Axe and what do you want i’ want some cake you just want cake is that seriously all you want I want as much cake as you can give me

Okay let me just go inside of here and uh how about this I’ll give you like four pieces of cake how does that look that’s not nearly enough wait that’s not nearly enough that’s so much cake how much cake could one speaker eat I can

Eat as much cake as you can give me uh okay how about this what if I just fill up this entire wall over here with cake would that be enough that might be perfect oh might be perfect okay let me go ahead and start stacking all this

Cake on this wall and then you can let me know if it’s perfect or not and if you need more I guess I can give you like a few more pieces of cake but honestly you probably don’t need this much anyways I definitely do okay there

You go the wall is completely filled up is that enough cake for you yeah that should be just enough okay perfect well now that you’re going to go ahead and actually help me win this mob battle I guess you can come out here we can figure out what we’re going to do for

This first round sure let’s do it but uh speaker man we kind of have a problem right now there’s this huge Bedrock wall and I have no idea when Zoe’s going to spawn in what are we going to do I thought of just the case for this uh

Wait you have just the case and wait what the heck did you just open up the floor of course I did I come prepared now I have this hidden glass location down here and we can see right up to Zoe and her build wait what the heck wait

You have like a bunch of TV screens and you have a couch and you have a bunch of beds but oh wait a second why is it all green it’s like you knew I was going to be here or something uh I think Green’s a pretty cool color but not the best

Well I totally agree with you green is the best color ever but let’s go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do for this first round since we have this oneway glass here or this first round I think I’m going to spawn in the skibby

Toilet wo look at that she just spawned in the skib toilet that guy looks totally creepy yeah it’s pretty gross looking wow this guy is so awesome I need to spawn in like 50 of them in order to beat Dex wo Zoe is spawning in so many toilets on her side but now

Since we know exactly where she’s going to spawn in I guess we can go back to my side and we can spawn in the best thing ever you bean my side but yeah let’s do it uh okay what ever wait a second is this like a Pokemon over here yeah I

Love Pokemon uh okay I don’t really like that thing that much so let’s just go back up to my side and then we can figure something out must be a grass type Trader cuz you like green uh yeah of course I’m a grass type Trader cuz I

Like green it’s the best color ever but let me think what in the world should we even do for this first round sobody spawn on some tollets and I need something powerful what if you just use my spaic to spawn in a bunch of speaker

Bed wait what if I just use your spaic to spawn in a bunch of speaker bed well I guess that could work are you like strong enough cuz you kind of look weak to me I’m the strongest why do you think I live on this side uh okay I don’t know

What living on this side has to do with you being the strongest but I guess I can grab your spaic and then see what I can spawn in it w look at that I actually got the speaker man spotting okay this better be super strong otherwise like I’m totally going to fire

You you’re not going to fire me cuz I live over here uh okay whatever this is still totally my side but let’s go ahead and spotted a bunch of these speaker and waa wait a second these guys look exactly like you yeah of course this is

So cool and I bet my arm is going to be super super strong once we spawned a whole Legion of them and oh wait a second speaker man I don’t even know which one you are anymore they all look like you it’s cuz they are all me uh

Okay that’s a little bit weird and you better not do anything funny since I don’t know who you are now would never but I kind of want to do one thing just to upgrade this Army a little bit and I have this one thing in my inventory called the shrinking device basically

This thing makes anything as big as I want to so let me just go inside of here and then I can go ahead and change the size of everything to be 2X and oh gosh wait a second I broke the grass let me just go ahead and replace that and then

I can click on this speaker B and whoa look how tall he is now this guy is huge what in the world I bet he’s way stronger than you okay let me go ahead and make a bunch of these guys super big so we can totally take out zo’s Army

Let’s do it okay let me just walk around and do a few more people then I think I’m pretty much ready to go for this round I don’t think there’s anything else I could ever need oh we could definitely do more watch this I can make

Them super op and give them Buffs wait what the heck wait why is this guy glowing now what’ you just do I’m making them super strong stronger than anything wait how in the world did you just do that it looks like you’re doing it with like your mind or something I told you

I’m the strongest well speaker man I think our army is basically ready for this first round but you’re going to need to hide inside of this head just in case Zoe gets mad that we’re cheating okay I’ll going to hide back in my house all right all right have fun inside of

There and Hey Zoe I think my arm is basically ready to go for this first round are you ready to lose I’m ready to win Dax well Zoe we’ll see about that I’m about to drop down the walls and here we goes the way the first R has

Started and wow you have a bunch of pathetic skib toilets no they’re super strong and wao you spawned in the speaker man and some of them are even glowing yep cuz they’re super strong and uh wait a second why are all my speaker getting taken out um what were you

Saying Dax about the speaker how in the world did you just loose all these stupid toilets look at their face they look so ugly sorry Dax everyone knows that the speaker man’s like one of the weakest skibby characters so maybe you’ll have better luck next time what

The heck the speaker man literally told me that he was the strongest character I guess he was just a big fat liar wait what do you mean the speaker man told you oh uh nothing Zoe there’s nothing to worry about let’s just move on round

Number two okay what in the world guys I can’t believe Zoe actually beat us in the first round oh my gosh the speaker man literally said he was like the strongest character ever and he totally got destroyed you know what let me just run back inside this house and a speaker

Man I completely lost the first round and wo you’re eating a bunch of cake uh speaker man why are you eating so much cake uh cuz I need to restore my power power you literally got smacked around not a single one of our guys survived

They were so weak uh well I don’t really know what to tell you but I do have a second option if you’d like uh okay well what is the second option you’re talking about so I got this portal over here uh wait a second uh speaker man where in

The world did you just take me this is a box parkour room there’s a special item up the very top and if you get that you could definitely beat her wait uh speaker I could literally just fly up there and uh wait wait a second why in

The world did just put me into survival mode uh that’s what happens in this room only the strongest can get that item what the heck well I mean I guess I can do the parkour legitly if you didn’t know speaker man I’m like the greatest Parkour ever so I’m totally going to do

This first try we’ll see about that come on there’s only a few jumps left and oh wait I’m totally lying there are so many jumps left why in the world you even build this thing why couldn’t you just give me whatever is in the chest because only the strong can have it I’ve

Conquered this and that means if you want to be the strongest you have to conquer this how in the world did you conquer this you’re super weak you got completely destroyed by all those toilets last round yeah but I’m a parkour bastard uh okay whatever and

What the heck I just missed a jump wait what in the world speaker man I literally just fell from there can I please get like a checkpoint right there or something I guess it’s could be allowed okay perfect I back over here and now I have to do some slab parkour

Wo this looks kind of difficult uh it’s very difficult that’s why it’s a challenge and wait a second how in the world am I supposed to jump around this does that even look possible look at this there’s just like a big block blocking this I can’t even jump that

This is the first level for experts usually the weak fail this literally makes no sense at all I’m breaking this block I’m not doing this H I guess that’s a way to do it see I’m just like a super genius even though I’m good at parkour I’m still super smart okay these

Jumps are looking a little bit hard but I think I can do this come on and then I’ll jump over here and wao there’s even an End Portal jump oh my gosh this is so crazy speaker man I told you it was difficult let me just get up to the top

Of this and perfect and wo now there’s fence parkour this is ridiculous I honestly don’t believe you even did this oh my gosh I fell off can I please get my checkpoint back last one to be super super careful I can’t miss another jump let me go ahead and get a running start

And perfect now on to the next part and wo this part actually looks like the easiest part of all you really put this at the end yep you got to have the hardest stuff at the very end just wait until you get to the ladders uh okay

Well ladder parkour is super easy I can totally do that see and let’s see I think for this one I need to like jump all the way over here and oh gosh that was so close I almost missed it like I said you only have one checkpoint left W

This is actually kind of hard and oh my gosh I keep falling I thought this is going to be easy for you Dax I think I just need to jump up like this and perfect I made up to the top and now there’s only a few jump left and then I

Should be onto that chest all I have to do is this iron bar parkour and the chest is right there this is too easy one more jump and perfect let’s go ahead and see what’s inside this chest and whoa what is this it says an upgrade

Potion so uh what in the world does this thing even do if you Splash that on Ed Bob they’re going to become Mega strong wao that sounds so cool okay let’s get back to the arena so I can try this out let’s do it okay now we’re back through

The portal over here and what if I try splashing this on one of the speaker B maybe we can get something way better yeah they’re going to become super strong okay let’s go ahead and grab a then so I can actually build out a little spot for our speaker and I can go

Ahead and splash with this super awesome grade potion and we’ll see what it does I’ll just spot him down on the floor here and now we can splash him with it and wait a second what in the world is upgrade to be the Titan speaker man yeah

I told you he was going to be Mega strong what the heck this guy looks way stronger than you why did you just give me this op potion this was way better because Only the Strong have to complete the course first oh my gosh I don’t even

Believe that you even did that course but whatever it doesn’t matter either way I still get this super huge tight speaker by which I can totally Crush Zoe with you could definitely be here this time okay let me go ahead and grab this guy’s spaic and then I got to start

Building out an entire Army of the super giant Titan speaker man and oh wait a second speaker bre I just realized we don’t even know what Zoe spawn in for this round maybe we should go see what she’s doing yeah let’s go hop back down the trap door okay let’s see and wao

That is so cool it looks just like a grass block but it’s a trapo that is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen yep it’s really cool oh my gosh are the stupid Titans in my way but let’s go ahead and see and oh my gosh he spawned

A bunch of spiders wow my Army of hydro toilets looks so good there’s there’s no way that Dax is going to win he’s honestly doing so bad this mob battle what in the world I can’t believe she spawned a bunch of hydr TOs and these

Guys look so scary do you think we can win speaker man we can definitely beat him okay even though she has a bunch of spider Hydra twists I still think we’re fine I mean the Titan speaker is supposed to be like one of the strongest characters after all right it’s pretty

Strong but the Titan’s even stronger yeah I know okay let’s go ahead and just spotted a few more and oh my gosh this guy’s in the way I’m actually just going to take this guy out because he was annoying me what the heck you took out

One of our soldiers uh yeah I mean he was just in the way and look at I literally just spawn another one it doesn’t even make different and actually I have one idea for this instead of making you guys super big like we did in

The last run what if you make them super small that way Zoe actually underestimates all of them that’s a really smart idea okay so let me go ahead ins sign on this size changer and then I can make them like three the size and let’s click on them and see what it

Does oh my gosh stop running away from me I want to see how small you can get and wo look how tiny they are now they much smaller okay let’s go ahead and make all them super small and oh my goodness look how small our tied speaker

Man are now this is crazy now she’ll never see it coming yeah she’s totally going to lose but uh speaker man I think you should probably go hide in the head again otherwise Zoe’s going to get really bad all right I’m going to go

Back to my cake okay Zoe well I think my arm is basically ready to go for this round and let me just tell you you’re for a huge surprise yeah I seriously doubt that Dax you do not do anything that is super surprising ever well we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the

Wall and here we go the round has officially started and wo your spider TOS are so scary wao is that the Titan speaker man yep except he’s like super super small which means he has to be weak right um you would think so but it’s still the Titan speaker man yeah I

Mean look how strong he is he’s completely going through all these spiders and I haven’t seen a single one of my guys drop yet oh no I’m seeing some of my hydro toilets drop come on keep e the Titan speaker we have to keep winning the heck come on hydro toilets

Oh man the Titan speaker is L like the most perfect counter ever I don’t know why you didn’t even think about something like that Zoe it is a perfect counter how do you even know to do that because my IQ is literally 1,05 look at this we’re destroying you Dax if your IQ

Is 1,5 mine’s 1,06 uh well obviously not cuz you just lost Zoe whatever that doesn’t mean I’m not smart uh okay well that makes the score 1 to one so let’s go ahead and move on to round number three and perfect guys we completely destroyed zo in the C which means the

Score is now 1 to one but I definitely want to keep up this winning streak so let’s go ahead and see if the speaker man has anything up his sleeve again and a speaker man uh wait a second where in the world are you uh Hey the speaker man

Isn’t even in here anymore and wait a second the Wall’s completely covered up I wonder where he went and oh my gosh looks like he even more cake well whatever maybe I can just go down to the oneway glass side and I can see what Zoe

Is going to try and do for this round and uh wait a second speaker man what in the world are you doing down here I’ve been down here doing some research uh you’ve been down here doing research on what uh I found out that we can make

That entire wall up there a oneway glass mirror wait are you serious we can actually do that yep check out this device whoa what the heck is this think it says oneway glass maker yes sir oh my gosh so wait a second if I go up to the

Wall over there and I click on it will it just turn to oneway Glass yep it’ll turn to oneway glass wall we can see everything she’s doing and have the perfect counter to whatever she’s going to do oh my gosh that is literally perfect okay let’s go ahead and test it

Out so all we have to do is just click on this wall and let’s see what it ends up doing and oh my gosh wait this literally turned into glass this is so perfect speaker man yeah it’s pretty legit you are like an absolute genius

But now let’s go ahead and see what Zoe is going to try and do for this round let’s find out ooh I have something really good to do this round I’m going to spawn in a scientist toilet wao wait a second she spawned in the scientist

Toilet and this guy looks so creepy yeah he’s weird looking wow he looks so scary and his arms or those pointy things are super weird I’m going to spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my gosh and Zoe is spawning in so many of them okay

Speaker man we’re going to need to think of something really really good that can counter this whole thing yeah we need something super strong and wait a second speaker man what if I go ahead and spotted the super cool TV man definitely do that he’s already pretty strong okay

So let me go ahead and cover up this fence again and oh my gosh look how cool the TV man looks I think you can definitely take off those scientist toilets we can but let’s destroy her use the enhancement potion wait the enhancement potion are you talking about

The super cool upgrade potion uh okay I guess I can Splash it on up let’s see what this ends up making for us and oh my goodness look at this it made the upgraded TV man see we’re definitely going to beat her again what in the

World this guy looks so cool and he has a bunch of TVs and he has these super cool claws and he even has a sword on his hand oh my gosh this is like the best thing ever yeah that’s awesome okay let me go ahead and break him out of

This little tier and then I can go ahead and start spawning in a bunch of these upgraded TV to make sure we can totally beat Zoe this is perfect there’s absolutely no way we can lose this round with this super huge upgraded TV man army uh Dax Zoe’s on a couch car wait

Did you say Zoe’s on a couch car what in the world does that even mean and what the heck wa she actually riding around on a couch car wee I love my couch car oh my God Zoe is not taking this mob battle seriously at all what in the

World is she even trying to do right now I’m having so much fun look I’m doing donuts okay speak this is absolutely ridiculous and since we still have a little bit of time left before the W is supposed to drop why don’t we go ahead and prank Zoe real quick quick let’s do

It okay but in order to get over to Zoe’s side we’re going to need to go invisible so let me go ahead and grab a nice little invisibility potion and I can Flash it on us and then we can go over there perfect and oh my gosh we

Actually made it over to Zoe side this is perfect yeah we can see exactly what she’s doing wow my Army is so strong these scientist toilets are so op there’s no way that Dax is going to do anything better than this yeah honestly they do look a little bit strong so this

Kind of worries me a little bit but since we’re over here we should probably mess with all over our mobs let’s do and I think the first thing we could do is grab a nice little Dynamite let’s go ahead and throw down some lightning dynamite and see how much damage this

Does to our army what the heck lightning just struck and it killed my couch car wait it killed my mobs too this is so not good oh my gosh Zoe is getting so bad that lightning Dynamite was so strong yeah it was super duper strong I

Need to spawn in more people before the battle starts oh wait a second zo literally just spawning in more people what would I go ahead and throw a few more lightning dynamites down what the heck there’s more lightning there’s not even any dark clouds in the sky where

Could it be coming from oh wait a second there literally are no dark clouds in the sky which means there’s like no storm around maybe I should change up the dynamite to be something else what if you use the aerody dynamite wait the aerody dynamite what is that and wa wait

This one looks so cool okay let me go ahead and throw it down in the middle of the arena and oh my gosh do you see how many arrows it’s shooting what the heck where did these arrows come from Dex uh Hey Zoe uh what’s up why are you uh

Screaming at me cuz a whole bunch of arrows were just shot at my mobs wait a whole bunch of arrows are shot at your mobs too literally the same thing just happened to me wait the same thing just happened to you are you serious what the

Heck is going on I have no idea what’s going on but this is like totally crazy a bunch of my people got taken out I feel like we don’t have that much time left I know we only have like a minute left so this is going to be so crazy

Yeah I know maybe we should give each other like an extra minute just so we can make up for all the damage yeah works for me and oh my gosh I think that was perfect Zoe actually believed that we had a bunch of arrows on our side too

That was way too perfect it was too easy like taking candy from a baby well I mean we’re still over here and we have an extra minute so what else should we probably do we should do the cherry on top and give all of her mobs the levitation potion wa wait the levitation

Potion would be so funny let me go ahead and see what we have inside of here and oh my gosh we actually got a levitation potion okay now I can just splash this on all her mobs let’s see what it ends up doing and oh my goodness look at that

All of her mobs are flying now what the heck now my mobs are floating this is not good oh my gosh and oh no they just dropped from the sky they all fell and died oh my gosh I need to hurry and spons some in aha that was such a great

Idea she has no idea what just happened and oh wait a second speaker man your invisibility just ran out wait who the heck are you uh I’m the owner of this Arena yeah I doubt that you’re not the owner of this Arena we’re here all the time and I’ve never met you that’s

Because I’m always invisible always invisible so you’re just spying on us that’s kind of creepy it’s my Arena I can do what I want yeah but it’s still kind of creepy to spy on people oh no guys this is a good that speaker totally got caught so he’s totally going to get

Mad at him well Mr Speaker man if you’re already over here can you help me with this mob battle I really want to beat Dax I guess so I got nothing better going on wait what the heck does he mean he has nothing better going on he was

Literally helping me okay Dax we have 15 seconds left oh gosh guys it doesn’t even matter I have to get back to my side quick okay zo well I think the time is basically up can we just go ahead and start this round yep let’s do it and oh

My gosh the r has officially started and wo your scientist toilets look so strong that’s cuz they are super strong but whoa you spawned in the Titan cameraman they’re huge yes I did uh wait a second speaker man what in the world are you doing on Zoe’s side uh she recruited me

To help her so I’m on her side now what the heck I literally recruited you to help me you shouldn’t be helping her out yeah give me enough cake what the heck St you’ve been getting help this whole time uh no I haven’t been getting help

At all so I see look I’m not even winning this round yet oh no this is such a close fight I honestly have no idea who’s going to even win this Zoe I think it’s time we use our secret weapon I think it is too go ahead and line it

Up I’m going to launch it uh wait a second what in the world is that noise Zoe oh no this is a much bigger TNT than I thought it was what the heck wait it’s a TNT and oh my gosh what’s coming from the sky oh no and oh wait a second did

All of my upgraded TV get taken out but if you look there’s plenty of scientist toilets left that means I win what the heck Zoe you literally can’t use a TNT in the middle of a mob ble that’s totally cheating Dax I didn’t use it Mr

Speaker man did Speaker man what in the world is wrong with you I decid to go to the obvious Winning Side this time oh yeah uh speaker man you literally blew up your own house what is wrong with you you’re crazy I could always build another one oh my gosh whatever well

Just come back and help me for the fourth round N I want to help Zoe want to help whatever it doesn’t even matter let’s just move on I’m totally going to destroy you both oh my gosh guys I can’t believe the speaker Man actually betrayed us and helped out Zoe in that

Last round it blew up a TNT that’s so messed up well either way I still need to win this round without his help so let’s go ahead and see what Zoe is going to try and pull off for this next round okay speaker man we need to do something

Super super good this round I think that I’m going to spawn in the parasite toilet what do you think that’s a great idea what the heck wait so we literally spawn in the parasite toilet this guy looks so creepy and now I’m just spawning in a whole bunch of them oh my

Goodness guys this is not good at all so it has a really strong Army right now and I have absolutely nothing wait a second I actually have a really good idea for this round what if I go ahead and spawn in the speaker W and I also

Spawn in the TV woman because they’re like the most powerful characters ever look how cool they look this is totally going to be easy I SP a bunch of them there is no way that zoee in the speaker man can actually beat me in this round

So let’s start spawning in a bunch of them perfect I think my Army is looking pretty much good to go I should be able to take out those two with no trouble at all perfect I’m almost done with the house Speaker man yeah it’s looking really good wait a second did these guys

Literally build a house in the middle of a mob P this makes absolutely no sense I just need to put the swimming pool and then it’ll be all done yeah it’s going to look really swy I can’t believe they’re actually building a swimming pool in the middle of a mob they think

This is a joke this is like super serious but you know what I kind of could just go invisible again and mess with them a little bit so let me go ahead and use my super cool potion of invisibility and then I can just go prank them and oh my goodness guys we

Actually made it over to their side and wait what of the world that Zoe just added perfect speaker man are you loving the pool yeah it’s amazing this is so much fun I love swimming it’s like a pool party over here yeah it’s so awesome what the heck did Zoe literally

Add in a divy board with her house this is like totally insane this house turned out perfect I love the inside Area it has purple carpet and I’m going to put a little bed and it has a chest this is just perfect for me wait a second did

Zoe make all of this carpet purple inside of here what if I go ahead and change this out a little bit all I have to do is click in one quarter over here and then click on this quarter and then I can go ahead to set it to be live

Carpet and perfect now it looks a whole lot better oh Mr Speaker man look the carpet turned this really ugly color yeah it’s green now what happened I have no clue oh my gosh guys this is so funny they don’t even know what happened to the carpet you should change it to be

Red what the heck the carpet’s red now this is so ugly Red’s so cool no Red’s like one of the worst colors ever it’s right after lime green for being the worst you don’t know what you’re talking about I do know what I’m talking about guys they’re literally arguing about

That color right now this is so funny you know what Mr Speaker man I can’t deal with this anymore and wait a second what in the world did Zoe just do she just blew up the whole house she just blew up the house what’s wrong with you

If I can’t have the house the way that I like it then nobody can oh my goodness I can’t believe she literally just blew up our house look how destroyed this site is now Mr Speaker man you start repairing the hole I’m going to spawn in more mobs because they’re falling

Through it oh my gosh guys this is totally perfect but I think we’ve done enough damage for this round let’s just head back to our side okay guys well I think my Army is basically ready to go for this fourth round are you ready for

The walls to drop I am so ready whenever the walls drop uh I just want you to like comment that I don’t have enough people to take out your army and here we go it looks like the round has officially started wao is that the TV

Woman I love her I also spawned in the speaker woman two wa that’s awesome but you don’t really have that many mobs uh Zoe you don’t have that many mobs anymore you only have like two guys left now what the heck and they both died

This is so not cool and that was perfect I completely destroyed you in the fourth round which means we have to move on the one final round yeah before we do that where even are you wait a second guys I’m still invisible uh Zoe I uh I’m

Coming down I was just underneath the arena I’ll be right there in a second underneath the arena why oh guys quick come on we have to go ahead and get rid of this visibility and uh see I’m back I just had to make sure uh none of the

Ground was destroyed or anything like that wo you were super far away but that’s good you were making sure the ground wasn’t destroyed yeah exactly but now we have one fight around so best of luck in this tiebreaker good luck Dax and perfect guys we completely destroyed

Zoe in that round which means I only have one round left to totally win this whole M battle go ahead and see what Zoe’s going to try and do for this final round hey de wait what the heck speaker man what are you doing back on this side

I’m here to be on your team again uh why do you want to be on my side again you literally just betrayed me it’s because Zoe started losing oh my gosh whatever you’re like a total Traer but it doesn’t make a difference let’s just go ahead

And see what Zoe’s going to try and do let’s do it perfect I have all my old spawn EGS that means I could just spawn in all of my old mobs wait a second is Zoe spawning in all of her old mobs oh no this isn’t good at all she’s got to

Have so much powerful people yeah she’s got a bunch of strong strong ones wow this is a deadly combo I’m definitely going to win this what in the world should we even do speaker I have no idea how to counter this let’s do exactly what she’s doing and spotted all of our

Old mobs let me see what I still have and oh my gosh I have so many different spotting this is going to be perfect so let’s start off with a huge wall of these upgraded TI TV BS over here and then I can spot in some speaker B even

Though they were like super super weak but then I can go ahead and spot in some speaker woman as well and I guess I can also spawn in the TV woman this is going to be perfect okay zo well I think my Army is basically all ready to go for

This last round are you ready to lose this mob battle once and for all Dax I’m going to be the mob battle champion after this one we’ll see about that I’m dropping down the walls and here we go the round has officially started and wo it looks like you spotted all your old

Mobs yeah I did but it’s not looking good your mobs are taking them out super easily oh my gosh I spotted way too many people there’s no way you can win this Zoe yeah but Dax I still have one final move before this mob battle ends uh wait

A second Zoe what in the world are you talking about and what in the world is in your hand oh my gosh you just blew up everything woohoo I’m the winner what Zoe you literally lost before you threw that you can’t be the winner now why not

The mob battle didn’t end yet oh my gosh whatever let’s just see what everyone in the comments think oh I’m so excited what are we going to be building well zoie if you come to this dispenser right here inside of it are a bunch of different builds that we can actually

Make and whenever you’re ready you can hit that button to see we’re going to have to build oh my gosh it’s an underground base wo underground base sounds like so much fun yes but how much time do we have we’re going to have 10 minutes but Zoe we actually have a

Little special guest that’s going to help rate every one of our builds really who is it we have KNX right inside of this house right here and he’s going to be judging each one of our builds to see who has a better build yeah if your

Build sucks I’m going to tell you it sucks well you heard it FR away but we’re going to have 10 minutes to make this first build so best of luck good luck Dax okay imp perfect I should be hiring the speaker man but uh wait a second uh speaker baby what are you

Doing here where’s your dad at oh my dad went off to the war wait he went off to the war what are you even talking about I don’t know he just kind of went off to go fight a bunch of skiy toilets and I haven’t seen him for a while what in the

World well I mean I guess since you’re here do you want to help me in this Build Challenge yeah I’d love to okay well the first thing we’re actually going to be building is an underground base so I think we get started by adding in like a secret pressure plate that

Opens up a door ooh that sounds like fun and in order to build that we’re going to need like a pretty big space let me see I think we have to go like 10 blocks deep in every single Direction and then we should be able to build it okay

Perfect this is looking pretty good and then I think we have to go about three blocks deep so let me go ahead and select both of these quarters over here like this and then I can stack it to be zero and perfect that looks really good

Now we get to actually do on the fancy part which is adding in these sticky pistons and I’m pretty sure they go in an order something like this on both of the sides okay now let’s go ahead and fill both of these sides with a few different blocks okay and perfect now

Once we flick this lever basically all the Pistons will come up to open up a little little tiny hole which we’re going to build the underground base right inside of here and let’s see I think the first thing we should build is like a little living room area for our

Underground base what do you think that sounds like a great idea okay so let me go ahead and break out a few of these different sides like this and I guess this is going to be like the main living area it doesn’t need to be too big I’ll

Stack in that direction and I’ll stack like five blocks at that direction and then maybe we can extend it out in both of these sides a little bit okay in perfect this looks pretty good but now we need to start actually building out the living room and I think we make all

The floor out of Oak planks while you finish out the living room I’m going to go build a bedro oh you’re going to build a bedroom that’s going to be so cool okay and since I’m building a living room and like my favorite color ever is green why don’t I grab a bunch

Of different green blocks that I can use and I’m sure I’m going to need like a TV and probably like some nightstand stuff I don’t really know what goes in a living room first let me go ahead and set all these walls over here to be Oak

Plakes just like this now let me go ahead and build a nice little living room couch and probably should put it back a little bit since our TV is going to be ginormous I should be able to put it right there in the middle perfect now

I get some oak logs and put on the floor like this and all right the Liber is looking pretty good but I think I need a few more things inside the living room maybe I could grab a few different bookshelves just to kind of style out

The room and then I’ll also get some carpet to throw all the way on the floor but this isn’t going to be the main part of our base obviously so I need to start building a few more rooms and oh why do I make like a chest room with a bunch of

Gear inside and of course this is going to be a chest trip I need to make like a super super secure door so why don’t I get like a huge hanger door all I have to do is grab this wood right here and place it down right about here and

Perfect now once I click on it it’ll just open up like that and wo that looks way stronger than any normal wooden door but next I can start building out that little chest are I was talking about and I kind of want to style the floor a little bit differently than I’ve been

Doing so let’s go ahead and cut all of this out now for the floor I’m going to set this entire thing out of lava and then I’m going to fill it with a nice layer of glass that way you can actually walk over with no problems at all and

Perfect that is looking super super good now let me go ahead and grab some of those chests I was talking about I think I’ll basically just fill up every single wall with a bunch of chest and then I can go back and add a bunch of different

Stuff into them later okay now that I have all the chested let me start styling out this room a little bit and I think I want to added in a bunch of these oak logs everywhere okay this is coming together pretty nicely and then after this I can go ahead and add a

Bunch of stuff to the chest but honestly I don’t really know what I would to added yet so for now I’m just going to leave it pretty empty like that and I’m going to start building out the next room and oh what if we made like an underground pool here that’d be super

Cool okay let me go ahead and make some stairs where we’re actually going to lean down to the pull out of course I’m going to have to change this to add actual nice stairs because obviously it can’t be dirt the whole time but for now it’s pretty much okay and perfect this

Area is actually already looking pretty good and I think for this is is going to be a pool maybe I should add like the whole floor to be quartz and for the walls I think I wanted to keep the same theme that I actually had for the

Kitchen we’re going to add like a bunch of glass and behind all the glass we’re going to set a bunch of lava that way there’s a bunch of light here it looks really really nice all I have to do is carve out these walls and then I should

Be able to add in the glass with no trouble now that all the walls are carved out let’s go ahead and add in all those layers of glass and then next I can just fill it all in with lava and the last thing I need to add in is a

Bunch of kitchen equipment and of course since lime is my favorite color let’s go ahead and get some lime countertops okay let’s start building out the back piece of the kitchen and of course I have to add in like an oven and I probably also

Need a fridge we can also change some of these out to be drawers like that and we can also throw some storage cabinets and let’s go ahead and build another wall out of these countertops just to make it look nice and perfect I think the kitchen came together pretty nicely now

All I have to do is add in the stairs right here now let me just go ahead and add in the stairs and I think our underground base is pretty much complete and wo it looks like you actually built out a little room over here and wo this

Is really nice it looks you added in a bunch of lime green stuff which you obviously know is my favorite color so it definitely matches pretty well absolutely I knew how much you like Green I figured you’d love this yeah I know this is so nice okay actually I

Want to add in a bit of carpet here just to give it a bit more touch and then I think pretty much everything else inside of here is all done it looks great but before we actually look at each other’s builds I think I’m going to go ahead and

Prank Zoe real quick so I’ll be right back sounds great I’ll just make a couple adjustments okay but in order to get over to Zoe’s side of course I need to go invisible that way she won’t actually see me so let me go ahead and grab a nice little invisibility potion

That I can just splash on myself and perfect now I can sneak over there let’s see where did Zoe make her build that and I see a little hole right here and wo this looks like her underground base and wow there is is a lot of stone down

Here wait she even has a plane and what in the world is she building in here it’s like a bunch of armor and stuff perfect my Armory room is almost complete I just need to fill these chests with weapons wo this is looking so cool okay let me go ahead and see

What else she has she has a nice little kitchen over here with a nice dining table and a couch and wo she even has two TVs and over on this side it looks like a plane is this supposed to like an escape rout for a plane that’s actually

Pretty cool but of course I came over here to mess with Zoe let’s see what can I do oh and I have a great idea of what if I spawn in some fake creepers they might actually look like creepers but trust me they don’t do anything so let’s

Go ahead and place a bunch of these fake creepers around here so whenever Zoe comes back she’s going to be so surprised why there’s a bunch of creepers inside her base perfect I think I’m all done with the Armory room so let me go check out the living room one more

Time oh wait a second guys I think Zoe’s coming out of the army room to look at this ah what the heck why are there creepers in here oh my God Zoe is so confused by a bunch of creepers but they aren’t doing anything why are they just

Standing still oh my gosh this is so funny Zoe’s never seen a fake creeper before so I bet she’s so confused maybe they want to be a part of my secret team wait part of her secret team what is she even talking about they can be like the

Bodyguards for my base so that no one comes in here wait what in the world that is like totally dumb they’re creepers that don’t even move but uh okay I guess is zo wants to have them as bodyguards that’s fine I’m have to do something a little bit better if I

Actually want a pranker good but let’s see what do I have in here oh wait a second I have a great idea I think I’m put down these mines at the end so once the plane tries to fly over them they’re all going to explode that’s going to be

So funny okay but I think I’ve done enough stuff for this side let me get back over to my base and then I can see if the speaker baby’s done with this and wao wait why is there a ladder here let me just go inside of the base and see

What all this is about and uh speaker baby why is there a ladder outside our base well I tried to leave but I couldn’t jump high enough so I need to build a way out oh yeah I guess I really didn’t think of a way out okay how about

We go ahead and cover this with like a trap door or something that way no one can actually see it and maybe we should actually use like a scanner door ooh that sounds so much fun so if I put this down right here no one that’s not me is

Going to be able to enter from over here so look at that it says hello Dax and then I could just go down here whatever I try to exit as well it let me in okay but I think the time is pretty much up so a speaker baby you’re going to have

To hide somewhere inside this build but honestly I don’t know where you’re going to hide so you’re going to have to figure it out all right I’ll figure something out okay zo well I’m basically done with my underground build are you ready to check out each other’s sides

Yep I’m ready to go okay let’s go ahead and meet in the middle and uh wait a second why are you wearing a chest plate right now what I’m wearing a chest plate uh yeah isn’t she wearing a chest plate for me she is yet maybe just because it

Looks cool okay well we have to figure out whose side we’re going to look at first so whose side should we even check out first I’m thinking we check out Zoe’s first okay I think checking out Zoe’s side will be fun okay way go ahead

And give us the whole tour of your base okay come right this way as you can see my base is secret because there’s nothing above ground but there’s this little hole wait what there’s just a little hole Zoe anyone could just like hop down here well Dax I wasn’t

Completely done yet I was going to hide the hole somehow but I just didn’t figure out how yet oh okay I guess that makes sense and you can see here is my living room/kitchen wo there’s a bunch of cool stuff you nice little couch and will you even have two TVs yep that’s

Because if two people want to watch different things they can do it at the same time that is so awesome but that’s definitely really smart I didn’t think about anything like that thanks sex Zoe is that couch also a car yep it’s a couch car if you need to make a quick

Escape that’s super cool that is so cool and then if you come this way you can come into my armor room and hey you can meet my team wa wait a second Zoe why do you have creepers inside of here I don’t know they just came into my base but

They were kind of nice so I let them stay uh Zoe you probably shouldn’t have creep your build why do they just blow up I don’t think they will uh okay well I don’t really want to be in this Armory room anymore those things are totally

Freaking me out okay then let’s head out okay well what’s the next place you got and then if you come this way you can look at my garage wait look at your garage and wo Zoe this is so big thanks STX is that a plane yep it’s a plane in

Case I need to make a quick Escape if the enemy comes wao that is so cool well you should show us how it works okay let me just hop into my plane real quick okay let’s go ahead and see and wao zo you just blew up what the heck heck my

Plane exploded uh Zoe I don’t think your plane was safe at all look what it did to the ground yikes but at least my base is okay uh yeah I guess your base is fine but I feel that’s going to take off some points what the heck where did this

Plane come from I have no idea uh this is a little bit weird Zoe I think your whole base is broken you think it’s broken I don’t think so well we’re going to have to check out dax’s side before I can give out my final score all right

Let’s head over to BU side then if you guys come right over here I have a super super secret entrance but not anyone can just get through really how do you get in then well you’re going to have to step on these pressure plates right here

And as soon as you step on them the floor will open up that you can just hop inside of wo that was cool yeah it is pretty cool but now once you get down here you’re into my living room area and I have a nice little TV and I even have

Like a PlayStation and I even have like a little Kirby thing it’s a lot more colorful than mine uh yeah obviously I wanted to use green I don’t know why you didn’t use purple at all I just wasn’t feeling it today okay well then if you walk over here is where my little

Bedroom is and you can see I have a nice little bed and I also have a nice little gaming desktop wo this is awesome and a look at this little frog frog yeah I added a bunch of plushies I thought they were cute the frog is super cute okay

Let’s head on to my next room and inside of here is where I have my little storage area it says it’s a bunch of super secure stuff I have it behind this huge door cool and the floor is lava yep the floor is lava I thought it was just

A little nice touch to add in that is a nice touch D what’s in all these chests oh at the moment there’s uh nothing in the chest but trust me whenever I get like super rich there’s going to be a ton of diamonds in them wow diamonds

Your loot room is empty uh yeah right now it’s empty but I told you once I get like stupid Rich there’s going to be a bunch of diamonds in there okay okay guys in this next room is actually a kitchen and a pool all in one wo this is

Like a dream come true yep I wanted to have like a little nice place to eat and I also wanted to have a nice place to swim so I decided to put them both together that’s awesome yeah your build’s pretty awesome Dex well you’ve basically seen my entire build so what

Do you want to give me as a score Zoe’s build is pretty cool I think I’ll give her like a s out of 10 but Dax your build’s pretty awesome I think I’ll give you a 9 out of 10 wo a 9 out of 10 that

That means I win the first round good job Dex you definitely deserve it okay let’s get back to dispenser so we can figure out what we’re going to do for round two okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can hit the button to get to see

What we’re going to have to build oh my gosh we got a lighthouse wo a lighthouse is going to be so much fun and how about we have a little fast round Zoe let’s do this one in uh 5 minutes works for me good luck okay speaker baby now we have

To build a lighthouse and I think that should be pretty easy right oh yeah that should be super easy okay well the first thing I want to do is start building out the ground so let’s go ahead and added some blocks all the way around we’ll

Throw all of these in like that and perfect this is looking pretty good and then has to make it a little bit bigger now we’ll add in a bit of definition something like this and perfect this is looking really really good but I feel like we’re missing something with a

Lighthouse well of course a lighthouse has to be on top of water oh yeah I guess we did forget to add the water so why do we make the whole floor around here all out of water okay perfect I’m going to start building in the lighthouse on top and maybe you should

Added like some stuff to the ground so it actually connects over here absolutely that sounds good and let’s see I have to build a lighthouse I think lighthouses are mostly like red and white yeah like a candy cane yeah but since my favorite color is green I think

I Want to Build by that a green since it would look a lot cooler all right it look all right okay let me go ahead and grab some stone bricks that I can place on the outside and then going to start building up in the middle let me go

Ahead and select both sides over here and I think I’m going to stack it up like uh let’s do like four blocks like that and perfect okay this is going to be the base of the lighthouse and once I’m done with this I can start building

Up the actual green and white part and I think I’m going to do three layers of white then three layers of green and so on and so forth I think that’s a good amount oh yeah that sounds great okay now the that is basically built out I

Think I’m going to go ahead and make the top a little bit thinner and that’s where I can add like the actual light piece now I can grab some fences and just put them around like this imp perfect I think that top of the lighthouse is looking pretty good but

Now we need to add in a bit of detail and let’s see what could I throw in and maybe I should add in like a bunch of glass all the way around so I take a section from this instead to the glass that looks a lot better okay in order to

Get up between the floors we’re also going to have to add in some ladders so let me go ahead and throw these in and actually we should probably only have like one layer of ladders like this and perfect okay that’s looking a lot better now what’s we get on to the second floor

Is where things change since it is getting a little bit thinner at the top so let’s see I guess we’re going to have to make the ladder like one more block inside and perfect we connect the ladder there and then we’re going to have to get really really thin right here so

Let’s go ahead and make like one big thing of ladders and perfect that’s actually looking pretty good I did want to add in a light so what if I grab a nice little Beacon there we go and then I can just cover all of the beacon up

And this could be like our little light Dax what do you think this first room should be what if we just make this like a little living room area I think that’d be kind of nice oh yeah that way the keeper of the lighthouse somewhere to live exactly okay let’s go ahead and

Make that a living room and I guess I can make this second floor like a nice little bedroom and I guess since this is my lighthouse I’m probably going to make it like my room okay sounds great so let me go ahead and grab a bed and actually

I want this whole wall to be made out of beds I want to have like a super big bed I also want to add in the little desk in the corner like that and look at this I can even throw in a super nice gabing chair perfect it looks super cool and I

Guess I can also throw a nice little laptop on top of this in case I ever want to use it let’s also add a bit of carpet into the floor I think this needs a little bit of glass cuz it is a bit played right now so let me go ahead and

Set part of this wall W to be glass last up I want to add a few paintings and perfect I think the room looks pretty good let me move on to this next area and let’s see what can I even add in here there’s not a ton of space maybe I

Can just throw in like a few chests here just in case anyone needs to resupply but on the final Flo is going to be the viewing deck obviously since it’s at the very top and you can just see everything all the way around you and wow this is

Looking pretty good I think we did a great job with this Lighthouse absolutely I like all the rooms we have okay Dax I’m done with my side oh okay perfect okay speaker baby you’re going to have to hide somewhere to I’m going to go check out Zoe’s side I bet we

Totally Speer in this round oh yeah we got this in the bag okay Zoe well now it’s time for the second round and we have to figure out whose build is better in Zoe if I actually win this round you’re going to lose the whole Build Challenge except I won’t lose this round

Dax okay we’ll see about that get out here Doc and I guess you can go ahead and judge the first build and uh I guess we’re already on your side Zoe so let’s just take a look at yours okay come on over and wow this is a a pretty small

Lighthouse Zoe I can’t even lie yeah but it’s super cool oh wao it looks like a lighthouse it’s got all the red on it yep and I know knox’s favorite color is red so he’ll really like this it is is I love red what in the world aren’t

Lighthouses supposed to be like green or something no they’re always red and white decks uh okay whatever why do you have a bunch of fishes in here because the lighthouse is surrounded by water uh okay I guess that makes sense but why don’t you give us a tour of your

Lighthouse Zoe okay first I’ll give you the tour of the outside so if you follow me up these ladders then we can go up on the deck wait up on the deck and wo do you like parkour to get to the deck that’s kind of dangerous kind of it’s

Like ladder parkour but it’s not too hard okay I guess that isn’t too hard but uh yeah this is a pretty cool view from up here I guess yep it’s pretty cool and then if we go back downstairs we can go into the Captain’s Quarters oh you built a Captain’s Quarters yep and

It’s pretty cool I’m not going to lie okay let’s go ahead and check it out and wo the Captain’s Quarters is uh pretty red Tada it’s so red it’s awesome thanks Kno what the floor is literally made out of dirt how can this be awesome it’s

Awesome it’s got red in it what in the world this could literally not be cool it has dirt on the floor this is ugly Dax you can’t judge people just by their floor whatever I bet my bill’s going to be a million trillion times better than

Yours yeah we’ll just have to see about that well if you guys come over here you can see my super awesome Lighthouse why is it green yeah it doesn’t really look like a lighthouse uh what do you mean white is a green that’s like the best color in the world lighthouses are red

And white everyone knows lighthouses are red and white well not my lighthouse this is mine cuz it’s special and I made it out of green cuz I thought it was way better I like those lily pads yeah it’s like a little bridge to get across I

Thought it was a nice touch that is a nice touch well if you come inside this is our first room and this is like where guests can hang out and stuff it’s not very red well yeah why would it be red on the inside and look I have a little

Red book right here that’s really not a lot of red well whatever you’re going to be more impressed by the next floor which is the actual bedroom okay here we go and look at this I have a nice desk I have a super big bed and uh yeah I even

Have like a laptop and stuff it’s very green well yeah obviously it’s going to be green that’s my favorite color KNX what do you think I think it could use a little bit more red I agree what in the world why would I add in red that’s not

Even my favorite color why would I add in red I don’t know if you wanted to get some more points from the judge all I’m saying whatever I still think I’m going to going to win but yeah this next place is just a storage area It Isn’t that

Cool but what you get up here is where the viewing deck is and look I even have a super big beam since this is a lighthouse that’s cool yeah I thought it was a nice touch to add in oh the beam’s a nice touch I like that but that’s

Pretty much the end of my lighthouse but since you seen it what do you want to give me as a score I really liked all the red on Zoe’s build I think I’ll give her a 10 out of 10 woohoo wait what you give that build a 10 out of 10 yeah it

Had a ton of red and Dax yours doesn’t have too much red so maybe like a three out of 10 a three out of 10 are you serious this build is way bigger yeah but it doesn’t have that much red in it oh my gosh whatever okay we still have

One round left since the score is 1 to one I’m totally going to destroy you Zoe okay Dax we’ll just have to see about that okay Zoe this is the final round so whenever you hit the button we’re going to see what we’re going to have to build

Wo it’s the speaker man wo we’re going to have to build the speaker man okay that sounds pretty cool and why don’t we make it’s the tide speaker that’ be even better that sounds awesome let’s do it okay Zoe you’re going to have 5 minutes and this is the final round see you

Better bu something good okay good luck deck okay speaker baby will we actually lost the last round somehow I thought our build was super super good it was super awesome how do we lose honestly I have no idea but for this last round we have to build it in a tight speaker bed

And honestly I have no idea how to build that oh don’t worry I can build that watch wait what you can build that yeah I’m a great Builder watch this and wa wait a second did you just paste it in the tight speaker man yeah I told you

I’m a pretty good Builder oh my gosh this guy is ginormous and he’s super red yeah this is perfect okay this absolutely no way we could lose this route but since we already have this guy built out maybe I should go check up on Zoe’s side yeah we got tons of time left

That sounds like a great plan and of course in order to get over to Zoe side I’m going to need my post of invisibility just like that and perfect let’s go check out what she’s built okay and what in the world is this thing wait that looks exactly like my build how in

The world did Zoe make that wait is that the speaker man perfect speaker man thank you so much for helping me with this build I’m for sure going to win this round of course it was no problem I just had to copy dax’s build and a it

Took me like 5 Seconds that was awesome I’m going to be eternally grateful but since my build is already done I’m going to go take a nap wait do zo say to take a nap and wait did the speaker say he copied my build what in the world is

Wrong with them oh my gosh guys I can’t believe they actually copied my build but you know what I have to get revenge somehow and wait I have a great idea what if I just place out a random pleasure Pate over here and once someone steps on it they’re going to explode a

Huge TNT and let’s see what TNT do I have in who wait a second this one says t * 200 that sounds awesome so let me go ahead and place it down then I can place a pressure plate on top and perfect now when someone steps on that is going to

Blow up okay now that that’s set up and I think we’re pretty much done I’m going to go back to my side and see zo’s ready to check out each other’s builds okay zo I think my builds already done for this round I built it like super super fast

Are you ready to check out each other’s sides yeah I’m ready to check out the build all right well let’s go ahead and be in the bidle and get this Build Challenge done with okay guys this is the final round in the Build Challenge and whoever has the best build in this

Round will be the build battle champion this is going to be be awesome and how about this I think we should check out my side first really we’ve been checking out my side first this whole time yeah but you know what I’m just feeling that

We look at my side so is that okay nox yeah I’m totally cool with that it’s only fair all right guys well let’s just walk over and look at my giant Titan speaker man wao this is really cool he’s so tall yeah he’s super tall and super

Detailed I thought I did a pretty good job with this one yeah he’s even got lots of red on him I know right Red’s like your favorite color so I try to add in as much as I could yeah but I still think mine’s going to be better what how

Could yours even better zoee this thing is like ginormous it just will be Dax well I kind of want to check it out if you actually think it’s better so let’s just go look at it okay here we go Tada it wait Zoe uh this looks exactly like

My build how in the world do you even get this it looks like your build but it’s better wait how is it better uh nox doesn’t this look exactly like my build I don’t really know what you’re talking about they look pretty different what how in the world do they look different

It’s the same exact build I told you they were different Dax I think I’ve seen everything we need to see let’s go ahead and rate the builds okay oh wait Zoe you’ve got a pressure plate you have like redstone on the build or something wait I didn’t add that in I wonder what

This does oh my gosh wait everything just blew up zo wa why did you put this in your build my build blew up oh wait zo your build is completely destroyed now how are you supposed to raate it but everybody saw what it looked like before it exploded uh I don’t really remember

That well are you serious Knox oh I’m sorry I don’t really remember well I guess if he doesn’t remember you still have to rate the build so what are you going to give Zoe’s uh for what’s left of it like 4 out of 10 what the heck a 4

Out of 10 yeah I like builds that don’t blow me up okay and I guess if you gave her a 4 out of 10 because it blew you up what do you want to give my side o i remember your side looking real cool yeah it does look pretty cool I guess it

Does have a few holes from the explosion but it’s pretty much all together hm for how much of your build is left I’m thinking 7 out of 10 oh it perfect if I get a 7 out of 10 that means I win whatever Dax this is so not fair because

My build blew up well that was kind of your fault since you added to that pressure plate I didn’t even add the speaker man did well Zoe are you excited for today’s skibby Build Challenge I am so excited I’ve really been working on my building okay we’ll see about that

Well whenever you’re ready you can hit this super cool button right here to see we’re going to make in our first round okay here goes nothing come on hopefully it’s something super cool wo it’s the camera toilet house wait what in the world is a camera toilet house we’re

Building a house out of the toilet cameraman what in the world is that even mean uh okay whatever Zoe you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your first build best of luck good luck Dax okay speaker man are you excited help me cheat in today’s SK pill challenge oh

Yeah I’m so excited okay well we’re going to be building something called the camera toilet house I’ve honestly never heard of that before do you have any idea what that even means I think I got an idea oh wait you think we can actually build something yeah let me

Just walk over here and type in my special command sl/ paste wait what in the world is this going to do and oh my goodness what in the world speaker man did you actually build this huge camera toilet absolutely what in the world you’re like one of the greatest Builders

Of all time oh my gosh I can barely even see the whole thing cuz it’s so big thanks I told you I was a pretty good Builder what in the world okay well we have this huge build out let me go ahead and see if you added anything to the

Inside automatically come on come on come on it oh uh speaker man the inside is like completely empty we’re going to need to add in something if we actually want to look like a house oh yeah I kind of forgot to do that what do you think

We should add in what in the world how did you literally forget to add that in this is literally a house build challenge but huh we have to add in a whole house so maybe we can use it as a base of our house oh that’s a good idea

Okay and the first thing every really cool house has is a nice door so why do we get a super fancy door what type of door do you think would be cool let me go ahead and see let me just type a door and maybe I can find something cool and

Whoa wait a second this one says it’s a hanger door oh hanger door what’s that I have no idea let’s just go ahead and place it down and then maybe I can click on it to open it and oh my goodness did you see that it’s so cool it raises from

The ceiling yeah it looks like it raises up into the ceiling that is super cool okay let me go ahead and put one on the other side over here just so we have two ways to enter all I have to do is build out this little cave like this and

Perfect now we have two doors this is totally awesome and probably in order to get up to these little doors let me just grab a couple little stairs that we can put like this and perfect okay now we can go ahead and go on the inside and

Start building out our actual room and let’s see this is supposed to be a house so what do we even need maybe we need like a kitchen probably a bathroom and then probably like a bedroom or something how does that sound that sounds like a great idea okay so I think

I’m going to put the kitchen all the way in the back of the house over here so let me start carving everything out so we can have a few different sections maybe we can build out the room and then we can also build like a little tiny

Bathroom or something and oh wait a second we probably also need like a little living room oh yeah let’s build a living room it’ be a cool place to put a couch oh we could totally have a couch and wait a second speaker man since my favorite color is like green since it’s

Obviously like all around me we should make this whole place out of green oh that’d be a great idea okay so how about we start with the living room first like we just talked about and then we can grab a bunch of different line blocks in

Order to build it and wo there are so many different types of things we can use okay every good living room has a nice couch so let me go ahead and find one of those and we’re also going to need like a TV probably right oh yeah I

Have to watch all my shows okay so let’s go ahead and grab that and then I can go ahead and grab us a nice little couch and then we can start building this little area out it since I told you this is going to be B at a green let’s go

Ahead and make a little wall right here where the living room is going to be okay I’ll go ahead and carve it out in this direction and then we can add a door at the end it’s honestly not that important all that matters is that we

Have a really cool living room and like Zoe is totally jealous of our little room oh yay it’s my couch uh no this is my couch it’s green and you’re like red or something this is totally my couch what we can’t share couches uh I mean I

Guess we can share the couch a little bit as long as you don’t like hog the armor or anything I think we’ll be fine okay let me go ahead and add this little area where I think the TV is going to be and let’s see do we have any cool TVs

And wo we have a large flat screen TV look at this speaker man that is so cool oh that’s so cool okay let me go ahead and break that out so we have a little bit more space around it and let’s see what else are even in living rooms and

Stuff and oh wait maybe we should add like some carpet and stuff let me grab a little bit of lime carpet like this and oh wait a second I just thought of like one of the best ideas ever what are you thinking what if we break out this whole

Floor and we put glass on it but below the glass we put it like lava ooh that really spiced the place up okay let me go ahead and break out all this floor and then I can go ahead and add it all into me some glass this is going to be

Like the coolest living room ever it’s going to be so cool oh while you’re working on the living room I’m going to start working on the bedroom oh that sounds so cool okay you go ahead work on the bedroom I’ll tell you when the living room’s done and then you can come

Check it out that sounds like a great idea okay I almost have all of the ground broken out and then after I said that I can grab a nice little lava bucket and this is going to be so cool but it’s honestly going to be a little

Bit dangerous so we’re going to have to be careful that it doesn’t leak anywhere and someone steps in the lava okay there we go all the dirt is officially broken out now I can add it in a bunch of glass and wait a second I should probably add

In the lava first so let me go ahead and grab a nice little lava bucket and perfect now I can fill the whole ground with it wait Dex it just said you got the achievement hot stuff why are you using lava uh I’m actually using lava in

My super cool living room that’s going to be like a million trillion times better than your place oh no I better get working yeah you better get working cuz you already know I’m like the greatest builder ever and you practically stand no chance so honestly

I would just give up if I was you no I’m definitely not going to do that but I am going to beat you this round okay we’ll see about that okay perfect just a few more things of buckets with a lava and then it should be done and now I can go

Ahead and fill this all in with glass and this is literally going to be the coolest living room of all time Dax Dax come check this out I got a bed and a table down wait you got a bed and a table and what in the world speaker man

This is totally lame come look at my place this is so much cooler wo this is cool you added in lava that’s so awesome yeah I told you this is like one of the coolest living GRS ever now all I have to do is like stack up the walls really

High just to make sure no one can see from the outside and then I can probably add in a few last touches and then boom I can go ahead and work on another room wow that’s pretty cool it’s making me kind of feel inspired to go work on my

Room okay hopefully see make something good in the bedroom because we can totally not lose to Zoe and if we don’t make it good enough she’s totally going to be us cuz Zoe is actually a pretty good Builder if you didn’t know okay this is pretty much done here now I

Should go ahead and add in the door let me just grab a nice little wooden door like this and uh I don’t know if the spruce door looks good but I guess it works out like that and wao these doors open so cool and the last thing I kind

Of want to do is just set some glass here so let’s go ahead and set this entire wall to be glass and perfect okay I think the living room looks pretty good now I can actually work on the kitchen let’s see what type of kitchen

Stuff do we even have in whoa we have a ton of stuff but of course I want to be better lime so let me grab all the nice little lime blocks I’ll grab some sinks some countertops like this and let’s see what else do we even have and wo there’s

Even like stoves in microwaves and stuff okay this is totally awesome now what I think I’m going to do is go ahead and line up a bunch of counters over here I’ll even throw it in a sink and I’ll throw in some drawers randomly across

This and hm maybe I should even build it in like a little L shape cuz I think most kitchens actually have a nice little L shape let me go ahead and add that in over here and I should probably throw in like a little kitchen island something like this and perfect this is

Already looking super super good and uh speaker man why are there so many beds in this bedroom it’s a bedroom I mean yeah it is a bedroom but there’s like 1 2 3 there’s at least like 10 beds in here there’s bedrooms there’s beds uh okay whatever I feel like Zoe’s not

Going to like that room that much but hey whatever you think is the best you think is the best right what are you talking about Dax I’m a great Builder uh okay speaker man whatever you say let me just go ahead and finish up this and perfect this is actually looking really

Good but I kind of want to make the kitchen a little bit smaller since it is kind of big so let me go ahead and build some walls right about here and maybe I should use some oak wood since we haven’t used that yet let me just go

Ahead and break all of these out like like this and perfect now I’ll go ahead and build it all the way around in the back just to make sure no one can get through this and wo I should even add one of those super cool hanger dra to

The front of this let me just go ahead and throw this one and wo this one says it goes down and oh my gosh this is so cool speaker man look at this look at this what Dax what come over here and look at this I added in one of those

Super cool hanger doors and oh my gosh this is literally so cool this is a really nice kitchen deck yeah I have a bunch of really cool stuff in here but I still need to get some more stuff so maybe I could grab like some cabinets

And stuff and throw them on the top cabinets would look really nice let’s see what type of cabinet do I have and oh of course I’m going to use these super cool lime cabinet I don’t know why I would use anything else all I have to

Do is throw a bunch of these up here like this and H maybe I should even add in like a little table here so everyone could eat where do I want to put that let me just go ahead and break this island back a little bit and maybe I can

Get a super cool table here we go I’ll just add it in right about here and I think that looks pretty good the last thing I probably need is a few chairs inside of here so everyone can eat now let me grab a couple plates and oh I

Should definitely add like cookie plates cuz everyone loves cookies what cookies I love cookies yeah everyone loves cookies that’s what I Wasing just talking about speaker what the heck did you just break my cookies I like cookies oh my goodness I’m going to put more cookies on oh my gosh don’t ever break

My cookies again otherwise I’m definitely going to get mad at you oh I’m sorry I just wanted some cookies oh my gosh speaker man I can’t believe you but hey the last thing I said I want to added was a little bit of a bathroom so

Maybe I should add it over right next to the living right about here it doesn’t need to be that big but I guess I want to add some cool stuff inside so let me see what I got I’m kind of liking using this Oak so let me go ahead and make all

Of these walls out of Oak and then I can grab some bathroom stuff and let’s see we probably need like a bathtub probably need like a shower what else do you think we need toilet oh yeah I guess we could add it a toilet I guess that makes

Sense as it is a bathroom let me grab one of those and then I can grab oursel a nice little shower and then what else did I say oh I also need a bathtub cuz those are super super cool let me just throw one of these over here and I can

Throw one of these paper towel rollers over here and oh cfake we can have the shower here along with the bathtub right next to it I think this looks pretty good and perfect and let’s see I think bathrooms also have like mirrors and sink so let me go ahead and grab a

Couple mirrors and I can also grabb ourselves some nice little sinks let me go ahead and add one of those counters here and perfect it looks pretty good now I can go ahead and add on all those mirrors I was talking about and wo these mirrors are totally cool I can even see

Myself on the inside okay speaker I think we only have like a few minutes left until the round is supposed to start so while you added a few more things I’m going to go ahead and spy on Zoe’s side oh that’s great idea that way we know what she’s going to have exactly

Okay but in order to get over to Zoe side I’m probably going to need a nice little invisibility potion so let me just grab one of these and then I can Splash it on myself like this and perfect now I’m completely invisible okay I’ll be right back speaker man see

You okay perfect guys now I can go ahead and walk over to Zoe side let’s just fly over over the wall around here and see what she has and oh wow uh is this her toilet what in the world is this thing okay let me just go inside and wo she

Also has one of those super cool doors wait what the heck did I just hear the door open uh wait a second guys so wa might have just heard the door open well I guess it’s not that big of a deal let’s just go down here and see what’s

Going on and wao is this her bedroom this is super cool perfect my bedroom is complete and it’s so me I have so many books and I have a big comfy bed there’s no way that Dax did any better than this what in the world okay this is a pretty

Cool base but guys I think I did like a million times better but just to mess with Zoe a little bit what I’m going to do is replace this whole couch right here to be a lime green couch he’s going to be super mad so let me just grab some

Of these lime couches like this I’ll break all of this apart and perfect I’ll put that there and then oh maybe I should even change on some of this stuff over here let me just see what do I have that lime that could fit there what

Would be good and wo what if I just grabb some nice little lime blocks that’d be pretty funny and perfect that looks pretty good okay let me go back to my side and then I can ask Zoe if she’s ready for this round to start okay speaker I went ahead and checked out

Zoe’s side and let me just tell you our build is like a million trillion times better than hers there’s no way she’s going to win oh cool that way we got this in the bag yeah exactly we totally got this in the bag but I’m going to go

Ahead and check and see if Zoe’s ready but whenever we come over here to actually look at that build you’re going to have to hide otherwise she’s going to know I’m cheating yes sir yes sir she will never know I’m here okay Zoe well I think my build is basically done how’s

Your build going I think my build is done too oh perfect should we go ahead and check at each other’s sides yep let’s do it I actually just want to surprise you with my build so I think we should check out yours first okay sounds

Good I’ll meet you in front of mine okay Zoe I am super excited to check out your build build okay come on over let’s go ahead and see it uh Zoe what in the world is this thing it’s a camera toilet uh Zoe this is not a camera toilet just

Cuz you added a bunch of cameras doesn’t mean it’s actually the cameraman then how is it not a camera toilet if there’s cameras on a toilet uh I mean I guess technically you’re right there are cameras and it is a toilet so okay fine Zoe I’ll give you that one Whatever

Woohoo all righty if you come this way I have this super cool door who is this like a blast hanger door that’s super cool yeah it is but what the heck all of my stuff is green wo zo you added in a bunch of green stuff this is totally cool I’m going to

Give you like a perfect score since you have so much green stuff yep that was on purpose cuz I know how much you love green yeah I totally love green this is super cool I’m glad you actually decided to add it in and W you even have like monitors over here that’s totally

Awesome yep it is super cool and if you come down here here is my bedroom wo you even have an underground bedroom okay let me go ahead and check it out and wo this is so cool and there wow there’s so many books yep I like to read a lot yeah

I can tell you like to read a lot there’s like books on the floor and there’s books inside of these dressers okay this is pretty cool but M you are a total nerd if you have this many books no I’m not I’m just smart uh okay

Whatever Zoe well I mean your build is pretty cool let me go ahead and check out the outside one more time before I actually give it a score and wait a second I see purple up there and oh that’s just the wall you silly goose

Okay let me go ahead and look on the outside and see and yeah I would have liked to see like more of the cameraman in here but you did add in some green to the inside so what are you going to give me as a score Dax H let me see I think

I’m going to give you like an eight out of 10 how does that sound woohoo eight out of 10 that’s like one of my best scores yet yeah that’s like a pretty good score Zoe but I think you’re totally going to give me a 10 out of 10

Let’s go check out my side okay let’s go okay Zoe come over here and check out my super awesome cameraman toilet what the heck this thing is huge yeah I wanted to make it a little bit bigger but honestly I ran out of time so I didn’t have time

To do that much this is huge what do you mean you didn’t have time to do that much this is awesome yeah I know I just wanted to add in a bit more detail it looks a little bit Bland ofly but thanks I’m glad you actually like it I really

Like it but is there anything inside okay let me go ahead and show you the inside what the heck speaker B what are you doing inside of here I was just building a little more oh my gosh Zoe is literally right outside you have to go

Hide oh gosh she’s right outside I got to hide yeah quick go go go go go uh okay Zoe well I’m ready to show you the inside of my build okay but what was all that noise oh uh it was nothing I was just fixing my hanger door I didn’t

Wanted you to get like stuck on or anything a well that’s nice of you wao is this a pool table yep I have a pool table I have some couches look at this I even have a super cool lava lamp oh my gosh I love lava lamps yeah I buil a

Bunch of stuff this is like the little gaming room over here I have a nice little bathroom and come inside look I even have mirrors w we look so cool yeah look you can even see yourself inside the mirrors I also have a nice little shower and then I have a toilet over

There too if you ever want to use it okay I don’t need to use it right now so let’s keep it moving over here is the next room and uh yeah this is my bedroom and uh I have a lot of beds this is a

Lot of beds Dax why would you need that much well just in case I have like guessed over or like I want a lot of space to sleep I would have in like enough bed so I at least added in like five Dax there’s a lot more than five I

Don’t think you can count what in the world okay let me see one two three uh I don’t know how to count past three Zoe are serious deck you need to go back to school or maybe you should be the one reading books yeah maybe that’s true

Maybe I’ll borrow a couple your books but come over here my next room is a lava living room look how cool this is wo this is actually super cool yep I have a really big couch and I have a nice big TV here and of course I want to

Add in a bunch of lava to the floor just to give you a bunch of warmth this is super awesome yeah this is probably one of my favorite rooms I can tell this is super awesome yeah it is pretty cool but okay I have one more room to actually

Show you and this is the kitchen the kitchen what the heck if you come inside of here this is my super cool kitchen and look I have a bunch of really nice stuff over here I even have cake and cookies cake and cookies you know how

Much I love cake yep I love cake too that’s why I added a bunch of it this is so cool oh my gosh I didn’t even include a kitchen in my build yeah so does that mean my build’s actually better than yours yeah I think that your build is

Probably better than mine for this round so I probably give you like a 9.5 out of 10 what in the world I’m 9.5 out of 10 to why do I get A5 because nothing’s purple in here everything’s green what in the world nothing’s purple in here

And H fine I guess I didn’t include anything for you so I guess a 99.5 is going to be okay let’s just go back to the dispenser move on to the next round let’s do this okay Zoe go ahead the button and see we’re going to build for

The second round let’s do this okay come on what do we get what do we get oh my gosh it’s a roller coaster baby wait we’re building a roller coaster baby and wao wait I think I’m going make the speaker baby a roller coaster that would totally be awesome wao that sounds so

Cool but what should I build I don’t know maybe you should make like the girl version of the speaker baby that’s a great idea okay zo you’re going to have 5 minutes for this roundout this is going to be a speed building round so you better hurry up okay I’m going good

Luck Dex good luck Zoe okay speaker man we completely crushed Zoe in that last round but now we have to take this round super super serious all right I’m ready to go we are going to have to build a roller coaster out of the speaker baby

And I think the speaker baby is like your son or something so do you think you can do that no he’s not my son at all but I can build a roller coaster what do you mean he’s not your son you’re literally the speaker man he has

To be your son no he’s your son isn’t he what my son he doesn’t even look like me I swear he looks exactly like you but I can build it what in the world he literally looks nothing like me but Shir go ahead and build it real quick and oh

My goodness what in the world you just built a huge speaker baby I know I’m pretty good I told you what the heck but uh wait a second speaker man there’s literally like no roller coaster on this what in the world are you supposed to do

About that oh I’m going to build the roller coaster wait you’re going to build the roller coaster oh yeah I’ll build it don’t worry I don’t need your help since you know you’re not that great of a builder what the heck do you mean I’m not a good Builder I literally

Built all the rooms last round yeah but I built the building whatever it doesn’t even make a difference well I guess if you’re going to build a roller coaster out I’m going to go ahead and mess with Zoe real quick sounds like a good plan

And okay guys in order to get over to Zoe side I’m going need to go invisible so let me just grab myself a nice little invisibility potion like this and perfect now I become completely invisible now let’s go ahead and see what Zoe actually ended up building I

Doubt it’s been anything good and what the heck this thing is huge perfect my build is almost complete I don’t know what I need to add I need to make it more girly what in the world how did she even do this this makes absolutely no

Sense wait a sec I forgot to make it a baby I have to give it a diaper why in the world I can’t believe Zoe actually built this thing this is so huge and wo this roller coaster is awesome wait I kind of want to check it out a little

Bit early I think this is where the roller coaster starts at and oh my gosh she even added like a little line into this how in the world did she make this and wa this is the entrance here okay let me go ahead and get a little mine

Cart cuz I want to test out this roller coaster actually see if it’s good at all all I have to do is jump in this my car and now I can go for it and wo this roller coaster is super fast what in the

World and wo wo wo wo there’s a big drop too oh my God zo we actually built out one of the coolest roller coasters ever this is totally awesome wait a sec do I a mine cart oh wait a second guys I forgot I’m literally in a mine cart and

It kind of just looks invisible right now this is going to be kind of funny if Zoe ends up seeing it wait what the heck a mine cart just started by itself there’s no one even in it oh my goodness this is literally so funny but man that

Was a super funny roller coaster that was totally awesome what the heck it’s a ghost this is so scary oh my goodness this is literally so funny but man Zoe has like one of the coolest builds ever I don’t even know how to compete with this well I guess if I can’t really

Compete with it maybe I should just mess with Zoe real quick okay guys while Zoe’s actually walking around what if I spot a whole bunch of zombies around her what the heck where did these zombies come from oh my God Zoe is only getting jumped by a bunch of zombies There’s no

Way she can win and they’re attacking me this is so not good oh my gosh and uh wait a second Zoe is completely destroying them what in the world are there any more oh it’s just this little one perfect so zombies had nothing on me what in the world Zoe just completely

Destroyed all those zombies with no trouble okay maybe I need something a little bit better let’s go ahead and see what I have oh I have the perfect idea what have I spawn in a mutant zombie there’s no way she can take this guy out

What the heck is that thing this is so not good oh my goodness and wait a second she just knocked it down instantly yes I took it out oh no it’s getting back up what in the world Zoe is literally just one-shotting this zombie this makes no sense let me go ahead and

Spawn in a couple more what the heck there’s more of these big things oh no I died and oh my God so we finally got taken out by them what the heck I can’t believe those mutant zombies took me out that was so scary oh my gosh that was

Literally so funny those mutant zombies she completely destroyed zo but man her build does look pretty good so I am a little bit nervous about this round maybe I should head back and check on the speaker man real quick uh okay speaker man I’m back and what in the

World have you been doing with the roller coaster I’m making it fun uh you’re making it fun speaker man we don’t have that much time this is only like a 5 minute Round And we haven’t done that much yet well maybe if you helped me out we’d have more done but

You went goofing off with Zoe what the heck you’re actually Bing me okay fine whatever I guess I can go aad and help with this roller coaster real quick all we have to do is get it all the way down to the bottom I guess right oh yeah let

Me go ahead and start building this roller coaster down and then maybe we can have it like wrap around the side of the speaker baby and just keep going down that’ be pretty cool okay speaker bit and while I’m adding in all of these blocks can you go ahead and add in all

The tracks just so I don’t have to go back up and add and in myself sounds like a good idea I can get that done okay perfect let me start stacking this down and this is going to be a super cool roller coaster it’s speaker if you didn’t know Zoe’s like super terrified

Of height so she’s probably going to be screaming the whole time oh my God imagine being scared of height she’s such a big baby yeah I know I couldn’t even imagine being scared of heights but this mother course is going to be super fun honestly I might want to ride it

Myself oh it should be pretty fun yeah I mean it should be pretty fun I me I’m the one building it after all since you didn’t know how to build it in the first place what in the world I literally built this whole thing you should be

Grateful I mean you did build this speaker baby so I have to give you a little bit a credit but B you didn’t know how to build a roller coaster at all so I’m going to have to take out some points from you well I still did

The majority of it so you can’t even say anything yeah I mean I guess technically you did do the majority of it but still I mean I had to build a lot of the roller coasters cuz you didn’t know what you were doing but I’m almost already

All the way to the ground and then we can go ahead and test it out after we had all the mine carts let me just add in a few more of these drops over here and then perfect this is looking good how are all the railings looking have

You added like to them yet they’re they’re coming along they’re coming along what do you mean have you like not done any honestly I was kind of messing around I need you to help me put them all down wait what do you mean you messing around and oh my goodness I

Literally don’t see a single rail down what have you been doing speaker man okay come on I have to add in a bunch of railing super super fast otherwise the walls are going to drop and I have to check out Zoe’s building we’re not even going to be done with our roller coaster

I’m hurrying I’m hurrying and perfect I think we have all the railing basically added in let me go back to the very top of this roller coaster and then I can test it out to see if it’s actually cool okay look I’m going to put down a mine

Cart for you right there and I put put down mine right here and let’s go ahead and ride it and see if it actually works and wo this is already so much fun and wo I think going backwards is like the coolest part ever the job is so scary

What the I didn’t know you were afraid of heights too speaker Are you seriously scared of heights I’m not scared of heights I’m scared of falling what that’s literally the same thing speaker if you’re scared of falling you’re scared of heights oh man I’m on the final drop and perfect I’m done with

This that was honestly really really fun and oh gosh wait a second it kind of goes backwards that’s a little bit of a problem let me just add in a few normal rails down over here and then I can go ahead and have it stop right about at

This black concrete and perfect okay should be pretty much good to go okay Dax it’s time to check out each other’s builds oh gosh wait it’s already time to check out each other’s builds okay Zoe well uh I’m going to go ahead and meet you in the middle okay okay sounds good

Okay speaker man you’re going to have to hide don’t go run off somewhere okay I’m going to go hide I’ll be quick okay Zoe I am super super excited to check out your build I hope it’s good it’s super good come check it out let’s go ahead

And see it wo this is such a big statue right it looks so awesome and wow I see you added in like the baby’s diaper and then this looks like the speaker but that’s honestly pretty cool okay zo you did a lot better than I thought you

Would and wao this is a huge roller coaster yep do you want to take it on a ride yeah I do want to take it on a ride but Zoe how am I even supposed to get up there there’s like no stairs or anything Dex I’ll show you you just have to come

Right over here come right over there Zoe I can’t get past this grass come over here and look Dex why don’t you just fly uh Zoe if I was like a paying customer at this amusement park I couldn’t get in look at this this is ridiculous yeah yeah yeah I’ll take your

Comet and I’ll make stairs but for right now just fly over fine you I’m not going to fly I’m just going to break out this grass block right here and go up like that see you made your own stairs yeah but you can’t do that in an amusement

Park that’s like totally messed up Dex this is an amusement park for you not anyone else okay fine fair enough let me go ahead and go through this line and I’m guessing the ride starts right here yep sure does okay let me go ahead and

Put down my mine cart and wo this is already going up super super high this is awesome and wow there’s even a super big drop Zoe how did you build this whole thing this is like totally impressive I’m just super talented yeah I guess you are a good Builder and W W

There’s so many more drops this is totally awesome okay this is like one of my favorite R Co I’ve ever read in my life awesome I’m so glad you’re having fun yeah and it’s going a lot faster than I thought it would even though there’s like no powered rail in it that

Is so smart thanks I tried super hard and I think there’s only like a few turns left and then I’m going to be at the end and a man I wish this went in like an infinite loop I would totally ride this roller coaster all day well

Maybe I can make that change at a later time yeah but this was pretty cool and man your build is totally awesome Zoe I’m going to be honest I think I have to give you like a 9 out of 10 for this round woohooo N9 out of 10 that’s

Awesome yeah that’s a pretty good score but I think I can still maybe get a 10 out of 10 it honestly depends how much you enjoy my build okay well show me okay Zoe welcome over to my super awesome baby speaker man roller coaster what the heck this thing is huge yeah

This thing is pretty big and I built it all by hand of course like I wouldn’t cheat at all and you included a diaper so he’s a little baby yeah Zoe that was like the whole point of this build what are you even talking about I know I know

I’m just admiring it all this looks awesome Dax okay but I did add in a super super cool roller coaster so if you want to come check this out and let me know what you think then we can go ahead and rate our builds sounds good do

I start at the bottom no you start at the very top Zoe oh what the heck that’s a long way up okay so you can go head off of the my car and then you can start the roller coaster okay here I go let’s

Go and see it yeah you got to go that way Zoe you don’t want to go off the other way here I go wo this is so much fun I’m going so fast yep that’s a super big drop and it’s super fast I added like a bunch of power rails cuz I want

This to be like one of the fastest roller coasters of all time yeah this is super fast how crazy yep and you’re going on one more big drop be careful Zoe wee it looks like you’re having so much fun wait a second why is the floor

Broken what the heck Dax I’m falling I didn’t add that in Zoe I don’t even know where that came from Dax I fell into the void oh gosh this is a good what the the heck did the speaker man do this I promise you way this was not in there

Before I don’t even know where this came from but Dax you said you were the only one that built this so I had to have been you what the heck well can we just like Overlook that and you rate everything else except that no Dax

You’re getting like a five out of 10 a five out of 10 are you serious Zoe yes and that’s very generous I fell into the void oh my gosh okay well I guess that makes the score one to one so now we have to move on to one final round to

See who the Champions going to be okay let’s go see what we have to build okay Zoe well this is the final round since the score is 1 to1 so I guess you going to hit the button we’re going to have to build okay here goes nothing come on

Please be something super cool what do we get it’s the nuke toilet what the heck we have to build a nuke toilet doesn’t that sound awesome oh my gosh that sounds totally cool okay Zoe you’re going to have about 5 minutes once again so you have to be super super fast okay

You be fast too bye speaker man what in the world is wrong with you what do you mean what are you talking about oh my gosh at the end of this roller coaster there was just like a big drop look if I break all this glass right here you just

Fall straight into the void did you build that oh yeah it’s the last final drop it’s the exciting part what the what you can’t I literally lost because of that what what do you mean it’s super dangerous you can’t have this in a world you know what it doesn’t even matter now

We have to move on to the final round since you actually built that all right all right well what are we building for the final round look at this we have to build a nuke toilet you better be able to make that otherwise I’m going be

Super mad at you nuke toilet uh yeah I think I got something okay speaker man you better be able to build it all right all right I got something and oh my gosh did you actually build a nuke toilet this is so cool oh yeah it’s super cool

What the heck this guy is ginormous there’s no way I can lose with the build this big yeah I told you I was the best builder ever oh my gosh this is totally awesome I’m going to go ahead and check on Zoe’s build real quick I’ll be right

Back speaker man all right let’s see what we’re up against okay let me go ahead and check on Zoe’s side and what the heck wait this build looks exactly like mine oh my gosh thank you so much TV man for helping me with this build

There’s no way that Dax is going to win of course and just telling you Dax is getting help from the speaker man and I totally wanted to help you win what the heck he’s getting help from the speaker man I bet you he’s been doing that the

Whole time okay thank you so so much TV man oh my goodness wait a second the TV man just told her that I was cheating with the speaker man this makes no sense since my build is done I’m just going to go over there and chill thank you so

Much oh my goodness guys this is totally messed up I can’t believe Zoe actually copied my entire build but wait a second is Zoe’s going to go hang out for a second maybe I can actually mess up her build a little bit okay what I think I’m

Going to do is replace some of these Red Blocks right here to be super cool TNT so whenever I light them up everything’s going to blow up let me just get some TNT Time 500 and I can place it all inside of this and then whenever I’m

Ready I can come back inside of here Light It Up Speaker man you’re not going to believe this what’s going on I went over to Zoe side and she was getting help from the TV man she completely copied our build the TV man he’s so lame yeah I know it’s completely ridiculous

But you know what I addited some super cool TNT so whenever I want to light it up Zoe’s both totally going to get destroyed oh that’s such a good idea okay I’m going to goad and as Zoe he’s ready for the round to start but you’re definitely going to have to hide again

And I think I’m going to check out my build first that way I can actually light up your TNT with no problems sounds good sounds good I’ll go hide okay so well I think my build is basically done and how we actually check out my side first this time um okay I

Guess let’s do that okay Zoe come over here and check out my super awesome nuke toilet wow this is so cool it looks kind of like mine wait it looks kind of like yours a Zoe what are you even talking about your build kind of looks like mine

Did you copy me Zoe why would I ever copy you I bet your building like completely sucks what no it looks really similar to yours except mine’s better what how could yours be better if they’re like super similar you said they’re practically the same thing yeah

But mine just is better okay but I mean look at everything here I have like four different nukes on each side I have these these huge helicopter things and I also have this really cool toilet in the middle I doubt you could do anything like this yeah this is a super cool

Build and I did do something like it Dax but I keep telling you mine is better okay we’ll go check it out how about we do the ratings after we see each other’s builds sounds good to me okay Zoe go ahead and show me your build then come

On over and what the heck Zoe this L looks exactly like my build but better no it’s not better it’s l the exact same thing you must have cheated no I didn’t cheat at all how could I have even cheated I don’t know but there’s no way you could build anything like this

You’re not that good of a Builder what the heck Dex but speaking of cheating I heard that you were hiring the speaker man wait who in the world even is the speaker man what are you talking about yeah don’t act like you don’t know him you’ve been getting help this entire

Time what the heck no I haven’t got any help at all you’ve been getting help I bet you like hired the TV man or something what who’s the TV man I’ve never even met him before you know how about we just both ignore that and then

We go ahead and rate each other’s bills just on how they look right now okay sounds good but actually before I rate the outside of your build I want to go on the inside and just see what it looks like and oh my gosh guys we’re going to

Light up all the DNT wait Dex what did you say uh don’t worry about it Zoe I just wanted to go ahead and see what was on the inside and yeah I think it looked pretty cool okay I can go ahead and rate the outside of your build now and oh

Wait Zoe what the heck just happened oh no my build is blowing up wait why is your build blowing up zo did you add in like TNT to the inside what the heck did the TV man do and oh my goodness Zoe your entire build just got completely

Shredded this is so not good so uh are you going to rate my build before or after the explosion uh honestly Zoe I don’t remember what your build looked like before so I guess I have to rate it after are you serious Dax it looks just

Like yours I don’t really know I don’t really remember I think I can only give this like a 5 out of 10 what the heck you’re just saying that you don’t remember I know you remember uh no I actually don’t remember Zoe but actually I want to go check if my build still

Looks okay cuz that would be like the final judgment and yeah my build looks perfectly fine over here oh my gosh this is so not fair well zo now that you see that my build’s like perfectly fine what type of score are you going to give me

Well since it looks just like my build before it exploded I’d probably have to give it like a 9 out of 10 oh perfect and mine’s going to be a 9 out of 10 it’s since your build is like completely destroyed you’re only going a five out

Of 10 which means I’m the ultimate winner whatever Dax don’t get too cocky cuz the next build battle I’m going to win oh my gosh I love the skimy characters who are we going to do first well Zoe I actually have this little dispenser over here and inside we have a

Bunch of different skimy characters wow that is so cool can I push the button go ahead Zoe and let me know what we get sweet looks like we’re doing Titan speaker man oh my gosh I love the Titan speaker man okay Zoe you have 5 minutes

To make your build and of course you can go on the purple side but I’m going to go on the green side all right Dax but I’m going to win we’ll see about that Zoe good luck guys Zoe is definitely going to go down on this Build Challenge

And little does she know is I actually installed a few little hacks so I can instantly spawn in a build if I go ahead and go into my Su secret menu and then I pull out this stick I’ll get a giant speaker man in our game and wao this guy

Is huge okay well since he’s so big we’re going to have to reposition him a little bit okay I’m thinking something like right about there that looks pretty good and now all I have to do is Click these two but once and it will instantly base into our game this is so awesome

The speaker is like my favorite character in all of skiy so I’m so excited for this build if you agree with me go ahead and comment team speaker B well this build might be cool at all but we still do have a little bit of time so

I feel like I should go ahead and do something to this build and wait a second what do I make a super awesome trap inside for Zoe okay so the first thing we’re going to do is fly all the way to the top of our speaker band and

Now that we’re up here basically what we’re going to do is just break through the entire head of our speaker B and I think this is the perfect place to make our super awesome trap so the first thing we’re going to do is Click right here and then we’re going to click in

This corner and then we’ll just set it all to Air and we’re going to go ahead and do this down a little bit so we can make a super awesome thing okay now that this big hole is built out we need to go ahead and go into our inventory and grab

A little bit of glass and that’s because we’re going to be making Zoe a shark tank but instead of Shark Tank we’re going to use skimy speaker B okay let’s go ahead and place some glass all the way around something like this and now

What we need to do is go ahead and stack this all the way down to the ground something like this is pretty good okay and perfect this is going to be the entrance for Zoe what I need to do is go ahead and grabb a few sides just to make

Sure the water doesn’t leak out next up let’s just go ahead and fill this entire thing with water so my build’s almost done I’m definitely going to destroy Dax wait did Zoe just say her build’s almost done oh gosh this isn’t good okay guys I quickly have to build this and go see

What Zoe’s build even looks like okay now that all this is made out of water we need to go ahead and break these four blocks right at the bottom and finally all we have to do is replace it with some Soul Sand so now what Zoe goes

Through here she’s going to be launched up like a big elevator but this is where the Trap is going to come in we’re basically just going to add a few different huge speaker in here Zoe might think that our whole entire thing is just a fun elevator ride but once she

Gets near the top of this she’s going to run into a bunch of speaker and of course she’s going to have to fight all of these guys off if she wants to win but this actually isn’t going to be the end of the course the next thing we’re

Going to do is get some purple stairs just so she knows she has to go in this direction you know what since we’re so nice we’ll go ahead and even make the whole entire floor out of purple but basically once she gets all the way up

Here her final challenge is going to be jumping off this into One Singular block of water I think there’s no way Zoe can do this first try but she just say she’s almost done with her build so how about we sneak over before the wall drop and

Check it out I actually have this one thing called the cloak of invisibility and now if I go ahead and put this on I’ll be completely invisible and wearing this I can just walk over to Zoe’s side without her even noticing okay let’s go see what Zoe’s build looks like and is

This her Titan speaker man wow my Titan speaker man looks so good almost like the real thing Dax is so going down this round honestly guys this isn’t too bad for I thought Zoe would build I mean it looks like the speaker B let’s just look

At mine and look at this and then look at mine again it yeah they look pretty similar don’t they and I think there’s only like 30 seconds left so let me add some final details wait did Zoe just say there’s only 30 seconds left okay guys

Quick I have to go back to my side real quick let’s just run over here wait did I just hear somebody run oh gosh guys I was on the ground quick okay let me go ahead and fly over in perfect Now Zoe should have noticed that was weird but

Whatever it’s probably just the wind oh gosh guys that was way too close okay let’s go ahead and take off this cloak of invisibility and perfect now we’re back to normal Dex I’m ready okay zo you ready to check out each other’s builds yes but let’s check out mine first cuz

Mine’s going to be so much better than yours uh I really doubt that Zoe but yeah okay I’ll go ahead and meet you in the middle and check yours out first okay Zoe I’m super super excited to see your build ready come right this way and taada doesn’t it look amazing honestly

Zoe this is way better than I thought you would do this is like one of your best builds yet thanks Dax I’m really proud of myself yeah this is like one of your best builds ever you know what since you did such a good job I’m going

To go into my inventory and I’m going to go ahead and give you a few diamonds as a reward wow that’s amazing thank you Dax well even though it was pretty cool I think you’re going to be disappointed when you see my build why there’s no way

Yours can be better than mine uh yeah I am pretty sure my build is going to be a million times better than yours Zoe just come over and check it out all righty show me the way okay Zoe welcome over to my Titan speaker man what the heck how

Did you build this in 5 minutes uh so what I did was get a few pieces of black wool and red wool and yellow wool and I just kind of smacked it together doesn’t it look pretty cool it looks amazing Dax you’re so talented I know I know Zoe

Don’t get too ahead of yourself though I mean you still have another opportunity to win yeah cuz if I’m being realistic there’s no way I’m going to win against this thing yeah definitely not Zoe but you know what I’m actually feeling a little bit challenging okay what do you

Mean by that okay so I actually have one challenge for you and if you can beat it I’ll give you the rounde win how does that sound that sounds amazing all right Zoe well come over here and wait a second I actually got to give you some

Armor and a weapon uh armor and weapon for what oh you’ll see Zoe don’t worry okay Zoe I went ahead and gave you some gold armor and a diamond sword and now you get to go up this elevator and see what’s up there um Dax did you just hit

Me you can’t hit your girlfriend uh sorry Zoe it was an accident but whenever you’re ready you can just go up this elevator and see what the chaos is up there I don’t know how you accidentally hit someone but okay all right let’s go Zoe wow this is so fun

Yeah but it’s not going to be fun in a second Zoe what the heck what are these things these are a bunch of Tide speakers and you have to take them all out I’m hitting them but they just keep hitting me uh Zoe try hitting a little

Lower what the wait what you took it out in one shot must have been so scared that my strength multiplied well there’s one more you go ahead and take this guy out wad Zoe only one left and wow uh good job Zoe I guess that was pretty

Impressive I win the round okay well you’re not completely done yet there’s still one challenge are you serious well zoie this last challenge is a little bit of parkour and you’re going to have to land on that singular block of water down there oh man I really don’t like

Heights well best of luck Zoe oh no come on Zoe it wait Did you actually just land on the water yay I survived how in the world did you do that first try I’m just the best STX your build stinks I win oh my gosh okay well rules are rules

I guess you win the first round but I’m going to destroy you the next round yay I’m a winner Dax is a loser oh be quiet Zoe let’s go back to the dispenser okay Zoe well you may have won the first round because of that stupid challenge

But you’re not going to win this one go ahead and hit the button and see what we get okay here I go come on give us something super cool looks like it’s the multi- head toilet what in the world okay the multi-head toilet is so cool

Okay so you already know the rules you have 5 minutes go over there I’m going to my side and you’re losing this round you’re going down Dax we’ll see about that oh my gosh guys I can’t believe Zoe be in that first round but I guess that

Was really my fault as I gave her that stupid Challenge and somehow she beat it okay well using our super cool stick once again I’m going to go ahead and spawn in an awesome multi-head toilet let’s just go ahead and press a few buttons and oh my gosh look at this this

Thing is absolutely ginormous okay we’re going to have to position this thing right because it’s like all the way over the wall let’s just go ahead and smack it like over there and I think something like this looks pretty good jeez this thing is ginormous but let’s go ahead

And press R2 buttons and just watch it spawn into the world this has to be like one of the coolest builds ever I mean just look how many blocks this thing plac and look at all these super scary faces there is no way zo we can actually

Beat this one but you know what I’m going to build her at a challenge but she’s not going to get the opportunity to win from it it doesn’t even matter first what we’re going to do is go ahead and click here and then fly all the way

To this side next all we have to do is set the floor to Lava like this and wo look at this this looks super deadly okay but now we’re actually going to build around a little parkour course and since Zoe’s favorite color is purple I’m going to go ahead and make this whole

Course out of purple but I’m curious what color do you think is better you can go ahead and comment purple or you can comment greed I better see a bunch of greed okay let’s start building out the course and we have to make this super super simple cuz if you don’t know

Zoe is absolutely terrible at parkour so what I want to do is build out a few pretty simple jumps like this and then we’re going to get something called a fan so basically what Zoe jumps on this gold fan she’s going to go super high

Into the air we’ll make her go ahead and land on this purple block here and then we’ll go ahead and build a bit more parkour and for this side we’re going to go ahead and use these super cool ladders and the way that she gets up

This is just by jumping on the ladders and going around the side okay now what Zoe basically it’s here we’re going to have a little bit of iron bar parkour what she’s going to have to do is just Crouch all the way along this and not

Fall off and this is going to be super hard because look how tight this is okay we’ll build out a little bit more like that and now we’re going to have our final little bit of Parkour going up here and for this I want to go ahead get

An emerald fan just so she goes super super high at the end so basically Zoe is going to walk up here and just go fly into the air and go all the way up here and of course up here we’re going to build her out a little tiny platform

That she could land on but what she actually lands up here we’re going to have a bunch of fans that are going to blow her off and she’s not even going to be able to see them cuz we’re going to cover them up with these ghost blocks if

You don’t know you can basically just walk through every ghost block so it act like a block isn’t even there okay and for the top we’ll go ahead and throw in some more purple wool and perfect I think our parkour is pretty much done but before we go ahead and check out

Zoe’s build how about to go breaker real quick and I actually have one mod that allows me to transform into any mob I want to and for this I want to go ahead and transform into a buzz toilet and wo look how cool I look okay let’s just go

Ahead and fly over the top and wao wait is this zo’s build this actually looks really good wow I’m so talented this build looks perfect I’m probably like the best builder ever honestly Zoe has gotten a lot better but since this looks really good we can’t allow that of

Course so I’m going to go ahead and fly up to Zoe and just scare her whoo I’m the best a stinks I’m the best wa what is that I am the buzz toilet I’m here to tell you that your build is absolute garbage I don’t believe that for a

Second my build is amazing why do you think it’s garbage I mean just look at it it’s made out of snow the faces don’t even look like faces this is absolutely pathetic well you’re real nice Mr flying toilet and I guess I kind to see what

You mean yeah I honestly think we should just start over with this build what do you mean by that let me just go ahead and throw this physics Dynamite at it cuz this is a piece of junk are you serious I worked really hard on that

Well I mean you just agreed with me that this thing was ugly so why would we keep it around cuz I could modify it to make it better I don’t want to start over no this is absolutely trash I’m sorry you’re going to have to build something

Better stop it stop it I worked really hard on this I only have a minute left in the challenge how am I going to build a whole new thing well that’s not my problem uh see see you later wait no you have to help me no nope sorry I’m

Leaving oh my gosh guys that was so funny and we just blew up Zoe’s all build okay now let me just transform back into my normal self and perfect we’re back to normal Dax the craziest thing just happened uh what happened Zoe are you okay a flying toilet came and

Blew up my model flying toilet came and blew up your model Zoe that sounds like a bunch of hoopla no it’s not hoopla I swear it happened and now I don’t even have something to show you it’s all broken up into pieces well Zoe you only

Have like 10 seconds left so that kind of sounds like a personal problem to me this is not fair Dax I need more time well you’re not going to get any Zoe cuz the time is up let me come over and look at your build and see how bad it really

Is stop right there what’s in your hand oh uh that’s just a lollipop Zoe don’t worry about it it didn’t look like a lollipop at all it looked like some Dynamite uh no I don’t even know what Dynamite is but let’s just check out your build okay okay let’s see and E Zoe

This is like the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen what is this well Dax I told you it got blown up uh I could see that but I mean I could tell you try to make a couple faces but they’re kind of like all over the place this is really

Bad Zoe because it got blown up but I swear it looked perfect before it was blown up uh I don’t know about that one Zoe this is really bad I think I’m going to give you like a one out of 10 for this round I think it deserves a one out

Of 10 but before it was an 11 out of 10 yeah I don’t know about that Zoe there’s nothing here to prove it so we’re just going to say you get a 1 out of 10 and you’re probably just going to lose this round this is not fair Dax but okay fine

Let’s go see yours all right let’s go Zoe okay Zoe welcome to my bolt I head toilet Dax there is no way you did this in 10 minutes what Zoe I mean I built this in like 4 minutes actually I even had enough time to take a nap are you

Serious this is amazing you’re going to have to teach me sometime uh yeah maybe I’ll teach you sometime I don’t know Zoe you’re kind of a slow learner and that’s kind of a waste of my time that’s not nice Stacks okay so show me around well I’m not actually going to show you

Around there’s another little challenge but I doubt you’re going to win this one Zoe wait if I win again does that mean I win the round uh yeah sure Zoe you can win the round if you win again heck yeah boy I’m going to win we’ll see about

That but as you can see there’s just a little bit of Parkour here so best of luck here I go okay you’re actually doing pretty good at this parkour this is actually kind of impressive oh wow that was actually pretty impressive Zoe that was close I almost fell well you

Did pretty good and now you have a little bit of ladder parkour oh man Zoe you’re doing really good you got this thanks Dex okay Zoe now you just have a few more jums before you get to the iron bar part iron bar part I don’t like

Heights well you’re going to have to figure it out because there’s a bunch of lava below you I don’t like lava okay come on zo you’re almost to the iron bars and perfect now you just want to shift and go all the way across these super cool iron bars here I go don’t

Look down Zoe there’s a bunch of lava o my stomach hurts come on Zoe you’re almost all the way to the end here I go Dax this is too easy I thought there was going to be something harder oh just wait and see Zoe okay Zoe and you’re

Almost to the final fan you got this here I go all right and there you go and oh what the it blew me back Dex Zoe you didn’t beat the challenge you failed Dax that wasn’t fair I was never going to win that challenge well you lost Zoe I

Don’t know to tell you and that makes the score one to one so now we have to go to the final round that’s not fair but fine you get that win let’s go let’s go let’s go back to the dispenser okay zo well since you obviously just messed

Up that whole challenge we’re on to the final round so why don’t you hit the button and see what we get all righty here I go come on give us something super cool sweet looks like we’re doing Titan TV man oh my gosh that’s like one of the strongest skimy characters okay

Zoe you have 5 minutes once again best of luck this is going to be awesome good luck oh oh my gosh guys we completely tricks the way last round that was way too funny well we have to win this last round since it’s obviously the final

Round so let’s go super hard bu on this one of course using our super cool stick again we can spot in our awesome build and oh my goodness look at our titin devv man this is awesome okay well of course we’re going to have to move

Around a little bit cuz he looks kind of weird right now let’s just go ahead and place him down right about there and now we have to press r two buttons and perfect he just came into our world this honestly might be the best build yet but

I don’t know what do you guys think you can let me know which one of these builds was the best by commenting the name of the build down below but this is so cool we even have the super cool claws in the back and we have a bunch of

These little speakers and this upgraded TV Tian is like the greatest thing ever he’s probably my favorite character it’s gimy I take back what I said earlier but we’re going to add a few different things everyone’s going to struggle with this I’m thinking we have like a big

Battle arena so what I want to do is grab some fences like this and we’re going to make a huge Arena okay we’ll go ahead build it out in this direction we’ll build it this way and then we’ll go ahead and connect it to the bottom

Leg and now what we’re going to do is spawn in all the characters from the builds that we did let’s go ahead and spot on the multi-head toilet and the upgraded TV man and even our infected speaker man these are so awesome and Zoe’s actually going to fight all three

Of these characters if she wants to beat my challenge but of course if she wins she’s going to win the round so how about we go ahead and spotted like a bunch of these guys oh yeah there is no way zoee is going to be able to beat all

Of these let me know if you think she’ be able to beat all these down below you can either comment yes or no let’s confuse the people that haven’t made it this far yet okay well lastly we’re going to have to give her a chest with

Some armor so let’s go ahead and put one right here and throw some cool stuff and I’m thinking for cool armor we give her some ni leather armor since that’s like the weakest armor ever she’s really going to lose but just to make up for the weak armor we’re going to give her

Netherite sword just because I feel a little bit bad we’ll even give her a shield and how about I give her a couple golden apples as well and I don’t know that stuff might be good enough to win yeah just kidding these guys are absolutely op since my build is complete

And looks perfect I think I’m going to take a nap cuz Dax is taking way too long wait did Zoe just say she’s going to take a nap because she finished oh gosh guys I got to go check this out but of course I can’t go over there looking

Like this since I’m super big so I’m going to use this thing called the shrinking device and basically I can make anything as small as I want including myself and with one click of the button I instantly become small now let’s just run over and see what Zoe’s

Talking about okay let’s go check this out and what in the world is this thing Zoe calls this a tight TV man are you serious wow my build looks so good I even added the TV to make it look super realistic I mean the TV does make it

Look realistic but this thing is like five blocks tall this is the worst build I’ve ever seen I think I’m just going to take a nap for the last minute oh my gosh guys Zoe is actually asleep you know I want to do something funny real

Quick let’s just go ahead and break this couch and then I’m going to go ahead and find a lime green couch since green is obviously the best color ever and now once I come over she’s going to have a green couch on her side and she’s going

To be so bad okay let’s quickly run back to our side and now I can call Zoe to see if she’s ready okay Zoe well the time’s up I’m going to come come over okay Dax you can come over uh Zoe wow you actually have a nice green couch

This thing is perfect thanks so much for adding it for me green this thing was purple when I went to sleep well I appreciate you for adding it in a green couch it’s obviously you know it’s the best color ever but so what in the world

Is this maybe I made a color changing couch this is my build deck uh this doesn’t look anything like the tide TV band this thing is like five blocks tall and these TVs are like super old this is gross no it looks so good I even put the

TV to make it look realistic I mean okay I’ll ad the TV does add a little bit of pizzazz but it’s still a piece of junk Zoe that’s not nice Dax I’m sure yours isn’t any better okay Zoe let’s just walk over to my side we can check it out

All right Okie do all right Zoe just walk over here and now you can see my tied TV man this isn’t that whoa this thing is huge I know Zoe aren’t I just such a good Builder you really are you really need to teach me sometime uh I

Don’t know about that Zoe obviously with your building over there I don’t know if I can even teach you you’re just too bad that’s not nice I’m sure I could learn Maybe maybe you could Lord Zoe but I do have one challenge for you of course and

If you can beat it I’ll let you with the entire challenge let’s do it well all you have to do is walk up to this chest here and grab everything inside first are these a bunch of skibby characters oh yeah Zoe you’re actually going to

Have to fight them so go ahead and grab the stuff from the chest okay let’s see what’s in here leather cap leather tunic looks like I have a bunch of leather armor yeah you love leather armor don’t you yeah it’s like the most powerful uh yeah we’ll see about that once you get

Ready to fight okay Zoe now you look great are you ready to fight all of these guys I’m ready to go well I’m going to let them go let’s see if you can win they’re all attacking me you got this Zoe come on and you died well nice

Try I guess Zoe that wasn’t fair there was too many of them well maybe if you were better you could have won but since you didn’t win that means I win the Build Challenge let’s go whatever Dax your builds were really awesome though okay Zoe were you excited for today’s

Skib Build Challenge I am so excited okay Zoe we have a dispenser here and iside this dispenser I have a whole bunch of different builds that we can actually be making so whenever you’re ready you can go ahead hit the button to see what we’re going to get okay here we

Go and what did we get Zoe what did we get we got the speaker woman oh my gosh okay we’re be the speaker one for the first round Zoe you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your build best of luck good luck deck okay guys and now that

We’re over to our side I can actually go ahead and hire the speaker woman and in order to do that I need to go to this huge speaker woman head right here okay so let’s go ahead and go up to her front door and then I can just open it and

Let’s see where she at oh my gosh look it’s the speaker woman oh hey D did you need my help building something today yes I’m having a Super Ultra Mega build battle with my girlfriend and I totally need your help to cheat and win ooh so

What do you need me to build well the first thing I’m going to need you to build is the speaker woman see this is the first thing that we actually got okay I can definitely do this but it is going to cost you about two stacks of

Diamonds wait two stacks of diamonds you think I’m rich or something uh yeah I think you’re rich uh now what if we just do like one stack of diamonds no way three stacks of diamonds three okay no two stacks of diamonds is fine there’s no need to get mad about it woohoo I’m

Rich okay let me just go into my inventory here and then I can throw you down two of those and okay come on we have to go make the build already let’s go well okay speak world but how in the world are you even supposed to make this

Huge build anyways you’re supposed to be like a professional right yes and I actually just have a command that I can type in so the build will just pop up wait a command you can type in what the heck is this going to do wait a second

Oh my goodness wait you actually built the whole speaker woman yep and this thing is huge it’s all the way up to the clouds what in the world this thing is literally so cool you’re so Tal ented thanks Dex I hope you think you got your money’s worth yeah definitely but I’m

Going to need a few more things what is it well we’re going to have to make a challenge for Zoe to complete so why don’t you go ahead and build some parkour and I’m going to go ahead and prank Zoe while you do that okay I can

Do that have fun pranking Zoe okay guys in order to prank Zoe I obviously can’t go over there looking just like this because Zoe will just see me so all I need to do is go into my inventory just like this grab a potion of visibility

And then I can just splash it on myself like that okay let’s just head over here and see how Zoe’s build is coming and what oh wait a second Zoe’s actually built something a little bit cool it’s not as good as my build but this is

Pretty good for her wow my speaker woman looks amazing honestly it is coming together pretty nicely but it looks like she still has a few things to touch up now I’m just adding the inside challenges for Dax to complete I wonder what type of challenge Zoe’s actually

Trying to build for me first I got to make some signs the first one’s going to say who is better Jax or Zoe wait a second is Zoe literally building a question room for me to try and complete this is so easy okay guys while Zoe’s actually making this question room why

Don’t I mess with her a little bit let’s just go ahead and go into our inventory and then I can type in toilet because I’m going to be spawning a bunch of skimy toilets on her so let me go ahead and put a bunch of these toilets down

And oh my gosh look she’s getting jumped waa what the heck where did these toilets come from oh my gosh guys look at this she’s getting completely jumped and wait a second did she just grab a diamond sword stay back heathens oh my gosh he’s literally taking all these

Toilets wait a second why are there a bunch of little baby villagers in here what theck he is this ah little baby villagers my worst fear wait her worst fear is baby villag okay as long as she doesn’t take them out I guess she’s okay but looks like she’s doing a pretty good

Job with the toilets and wait a second I just saw her take out a baby villager what’s wrong with her die baby villagers you nasty little gremlins oh my God Zoe is literally going crazy she’s just taking out everything I think I’m have to spawned something a little bit

Stronger than all of these what if I go ahead and spotted a camera digim man these guys supposed to be way stronger let’s go ahead and see it look at this zo he’s getting jobed what the heck Cameron NES are you serious oh my gosh

She is getting beat up in the corner but wait a second how in the world is she even still alive why are there so many of them I can’t even see where I’m swiping yeah she can barely even see where she’s going there is absolutely no

Way Zoe could survive this and wait a second she is completely destroying these guys how does that even work what the heck I can’t even see oh my goodness she’s taking at least half the Army okay she is definitely destroying all these people I think we’re going to have to do

Something else because obviously Zoe is just way tooo strong perfect that was way too easy oh my goodness okay I can’t believe Zoe was actually able to take all these guys out but what if I go ahead and mess with her build a little bit since her build is all black and red

Right now what if I go ahead and change it to be a better color like green so the first thing I have to do is type in this thing called position one over here and then I can fly all the way to the bottom over on this side and type in

Position two next I can just type in this command called replace lime wool and oh my goodness guys look at that her whole build turned a li buol now this is hilarious what the heck why does my build turn into such a gross color wait a second did she just call this color

Gross what in the world is wrong with her and there’s only one person that could be behind this de oh hey Zoe what’s up why are you yelling my build turned lime green wait your build turned lime green what are you even talking about Zoe my build turned lime green

Wait what the heck it turned back to normal wait it turned back to normal uh Zoe have you been getting enough sleep or anything no I’ve had a really hard time sleeping uh yeah okay well I don’t really know what’s going with their build over there but I need to focus up

So uh stop calling me my gosh okay dck sorry okay guys that was so funny we were able to undo all the stuff that we just did really quick let’s just go ahead and head back to the speaker world and see how her build’s coming along

Okay and before I get over to this side let me just grab myself a bucket of milk so I’m Not Invisible any longer and perfect there we go and man this build still looks super impressive and wao it looks like she had it in parkour let’s

Go ahead and see where the speaker woman is uh Hey speaker woman where are you hey Dax I’m right here right here oh gosh there you are I didn’t even see you you silly goose you need to get your eyes checked and wao it looks like you

Built a little bit of parkour with fans this looks pretty cool yep I built fan parkour okay let me go ahead and test this out since I am like a parkour Pro I need to be the first person to see if this is actually doable this is going to

Be awesome oh my goodness this is actually kind of hard uh speaker you know Zoe’s really bad at parkour right yeah there’s no way that she’s going to be able to do this but I guess we’ll be surprised if she does yeah I seriously D

See look I just messed up a jump too Z she never mess up I know I thought it was like the parkour King but these jumps are actually really good and wao what in the world is this over here wait why are these Blocks made out a purple

Speaker woman because Zoe loves purple what the heck we are literally not using this color this color is so disgusting we are only allowed to use lime green colors if we’re not using like different types of blocks and stuff okay Dax whatever you’d like let me go ahead and

Change that and perfect that looks a lot better but what is the point of this huge thing over here and wao why are there two blocks of water down there because she’ll have to jump into the water down there but one of the waters is fake wait one of the waters is fake

Okay let me go ahead and guess I want to go with the right side first let’s see this is the actual right one and here we go and what the heck I fell in the void uh Dax it said you fell out of the world

Oh uh yeah Zoe uh I actually just kind of tripped and uh fell into the void yeah it was crazy Dex you need to be more careful and I told you you need to get your eyes checked yeah yeah I know Zoe I’m trying I’m trying wow speaker

But that was actually a bunch of fun and now I know that the right side is actually the fake side and I bet that’s what Zoe’s going to pick yeah I bet so too okay Dax time is up wait a second so wait is the time seriously already up

Yep we have to see each other’s builds now okay let’s go ahead and meet in the middle and uh speak Rin you’re going to have to go hide somewhere cuz Zoe cannot catch you helping me cheat okay I’ll go hide in my head okay Zoe I am super

Excited to see your first build okay Dax will come on over okay well I’m turning my back Zoe I don’t want to spoil it for myself and taada let’s see and wao Zoe this is actually pretty good uh for you I guess for me it’s pretty good in

General uh yeah I mean it’s uh pretty solid I can’t really tell where the arms are or the legs are or kind of the body but it’s pretty good well I think you need to get your eyes checked I think you did pretty solid so just accept the

Compliment okay I guess I will thanks Dex but uh what are all of these Builds on it for is there something like cool for me to do yep there’s a challenge oh where does the challenges start at it’s just starting right up here so follow me

Uh okay well what did you build inside of here Zoe and wo it looks like a bunch of questions Yep this is a question room oh this is so cool and uh wait why is there an iron door here because you’ll have to go through it at some point But

First you need to ask yourself some of these questions uh okay let’s see who is better Zoe or Dax wa Zoe did you make these questions no I swear to God somebody else did oh okay then well the obvious answer should be Dax then nope wrong wait what how is that wrong

Because I’m better Dax oh my gosh okay you definitely did make these questions this is so rigged it’s not rigged go ahead and ask the next question okay let’s see who is shorter Zoe or Dax Zoe you are literally like 2 feet shorter than me what are you even talking about

Dax I hate to say it I think you’re shrinking I’m not shrinking at all how am I shrinking settle down just because you’re shorter to the me doesn’t mean you have to be so mad oh my God so we are literally like the same height right

Now though so I mean am I really shorter than you yes you are okay next question okay whatever let’s ask this last question what color is better purple or green Zoe literally everyone knows that green is way better than purple wrong wait a second so I got all three of

These Rock how the heck am I supposed to move on well I guess you can redeem yourself with one final question uh okay well what’s this one final question what is 11 – 1 wait 11 – 1 oh gosh that’s like a super hard math problem uh can I

Write it down on a board zo so I can see it nope what the heck I can’t write it down fine I guess you can okay let’s see 11 – 1 I think 11 minus 1 if you carry the five and do a little bit of addition

Should give us 10 is that the correct answer Zoe yes that’s the correct answer good job Dex and perfect that means I’m the ultimate winner nope not really you still have to complete the next challenge wait I have to complete the next challenge what in the world is

Through this door and oh my gosh is this iron bar parkour yep and you’re trash at it oh gosh okay I have to go super super slow I way to make it all the way through because this is really really easy to fall through yep it’s super

Tricky actually you know what I feel like super confident what if I just run through all of it like this and wo look how good I am wao he’s a madman and perfect and wo what is this next challenge supposed to be Zoe go ahead and take a look inside the chest let’s

See and wao there’s a bow and arrow am I going to have to hit every one of these targets yep you sure are and you’re awful at archery uh Zoe I’m like the best Archer ever look at this I can do this like with no trouble at all I’ll

Hit this and look for this last one I’m actually even going to jump off it because I’m so cool let’s see how it goes and I jumped and oh wait I completely missed and boom look I hit it on the floor looks like you failed Zoe I

Literally hit the ball what are you talking about looks like you passed ah easy but since I’m done with your challenges I can go ahead and give your build a score and I think I would give you like an eight out of 10 for this round it was pretty good and the

Challenges were super fun woohoo an8 out of 10 y that is a good score but I think you’re going to give mine like a 10 out of 10 so let’s just go over to my side and check it out okay welcome over to my super awesome build what the heck how is

It so realistic and so tall uh because I’m like the best builder ever Zoe duh it’s all the way in the clouds this is insane I know I’m like a professional builder aren’t I you are super talented and what is this fan doing here oh this

Is a little bit of fan parkour that you’re going to have to do basically what you have to do is go up the fan here and then land on the next fan oh my gosh that shot me like super high I didn’t even expect that oh no I’m not

Even good at regular parkour I don’t know how I’m supposed to do parkour well look it looks like you’re doing pretty good so far and H no you fell off Zoe come on Zoe you can do this how about I give you a checkpoint right where you

Landed you can start right there I’m going okay and it looks like you’re doing pretty good good job Zoe thanks Dex you only have like three jumps left you should be able to do this oh gosh three jumps left I know only three jumps left Zoe and then you’re done with

Parkour forever forever you won’t put it in any more challenges uh no you’re probably going to get Mar parar eventually and oh you were so close Okay so go ahead and try again since you were super close and what the heck zoee you literally can’t fly and cheat I didn’t

Fly oh I literally just you know it doesn’t even matter Zoe you can move on to the final part yay I passed the parkour okay Zoe this is like a big jump and you’re going to have to jump all the way down into a couple of those blocks

Of water down there okay we’re so high up I can barely see them okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can go ahead and jump down there and see okay here goes nothing come on Zoe oh gosh I think she picked the wrong one and there you

Go no I’m dying Zoe you picked the wrong side well zo you did fail my challenges but you still have to give my build a rating so what do you want to give it well this is a pretty perfect build so I have to

Give it a 10 out of 10 oh a 10 out of 10 that’s perfect that means I win the first round yep good job Dax but the next round I’m going to win all right let’s just go back to dispensers and see what we’re going to build next okay Zoe

Now we’re on to round two andever you want you can go and hit the button to see what we’re going to have to build okay here goes nothing let’s see and what did we get Zoe what did we get oh my gosh we just got a normal toilet

That’s kind of boring a normal toilet okay I think I can build something good with this okay Zoe you’re going to have 5 minutes this is going to be a really fast round I got to move fast then speaker woman speaker woman speaker woman stack stack Stacks we just

Completely crushed the way in that round oh yeah okay but I’m going to need you to build something else again can you go ahead and build a skib toilet for me oh my gosh I can build a skib toilet in my sleep ah perfect okay well while you’re

Building that I’m going to go ahead and mess with Zoe real quick I’ll be right back have fun okay guys and of course in order to mess with Zoe let me go ahead and get another invisibility potion just so can sneak over there let’s go ahead

And see how Zoe’s build is looking at what the heck wait how did she build this thing so quick well my toilet build is starting to look so good I just need to build the head wait what in the world she’s literally already almost done I barely even started how does this even

Make any sense okay guys there’s no need to worry I can still mess with Zoe and totally throw her off let’s go ahead in our inventory and see what I can do oh wait a second I have these things called super cool dynamites and basically I can

Throw a bunch of these at Zoe let’s see which one do I I want to use and wo these three sound super cool okay the first one is a lightning damate let’s go ahead and see how Zoya reacts to this super cool lightning storm wo what the

Heck where did that lightning come from oh my gosh guys okay let’s go ahead and throw a few more at her ah more lightning there’s not even that many clouds where is it coming from oh my goodness this is so funny and this is perfect cuz she’s getting like super

Distracted while she’s making her build that was super weird but it didn’t mess up my build at all so I guess I’m just going to finish up the head I guess it didn’t mess up her build too much what if I go ahead and throw this physics

Dynamite let’s see what this ends up doing and wao look at that what the heck some more explosions happened and now my water is overflowing this is not good oh my gosh this is literally so funny let’s go ahead and throw one more at the side

No more water I can barely swim okay while always trying to fix this I’m going to go ahead and check on the speaker Woman real quick and oh my goodness wait this build looks absolutely insane speaker woman where are you I’m right here dck where are you

I’m right above you how in the world did you even build this I told you I’m super skilled do you need me to build anything else though what in the world this is literally so cool okay this build is definitely way better than Zoe’s build

So why don’t we give her a little chance to actually win this round oh yeah and how do you want to do that can you build like a little Arena down here where she’s going to have to fight a bunch of different skibby characters if she ends

Up winning I guess we can give her the round win a that’s super nice of you yeah I can build an arena okay while you building that I’m going to go ahead and check on Zoe one more time wow guys this build is absolutely insane

But in order to go back to Zoe side let me Splash myself with this invisibility potion one more time okay let’s go check up on this build I doubt it’s anywhere near as good and what the heck how in the world did Zoe Even build this thing

This thing is insane I am so glad that I paid for that cheat code that allowed me to paste this thing in wait did she just say she paid for a cheat code in order to past his whole thing that is totally messed up and I almost know for a fact

That dax’s build is nowhere near near as good as this one what the heck okay guys we have to get back to the speaker one but before I leave real quick why did I go ahead and make a bunch of this side green I just said that one position on

That side now let me go over to this side up here and oh my gosh guys look at that everything just turned green okay quick we have to get back to our side what the heck some of my build turned green it looks like it’s getting sick

What an awful color what the heck Zoe is so beat for saying that but you know what it’s really not that big of a deal since I’m totally going to win and wo this must be the little battle we know that the speed woman build hey speaker woman this actually looks really cool

Thanks Dax where are you oh there you are I’m glad you like it this thing looks pretty awesome but I’m pretty sure the time’s almost up so uh you’re going to need to go ahead and hide again you can just go back to your head I guess

Okay I’ll hurry let’s just go ahead and check out the rest of this and man this is super cool there’s even some cobs that kind of get Zoe stuck it man she is such a good Builder Okay Dax are you ready oh yeah I’m totally ready Zoe

Let’s just go ahead and be in the middle again okay sounds good okay Zoe I am super excited to check out your bill but I’m pretty sure I’m going to win this round yeah I don’t think so but come on over and take a look let’s go ahead and

See and wao Zoe this build is so big how did she even make this I’m just super talented and I’ve been practicing and wait a second you added in a bunch of green this makes the build even better yep because I know that you like green

And you think it’s the best color ever I knew it would win some points from you what the heck this is literally such a cool build zo this thing is awesome I can’t believe you had enough time to make this thing thanks DX so uh what do

You rate it let’s see since you added in green I have to give you some really good bonus points so how about I go ahead and give you a 9.5 out of 10 woohoo almost a perfect score yeah it was almost a perfect score but I think

Mine’s actually get a perfect score so why’ you come check it out okay let’s go okay Zoe go ahead and come check out my super awesome toilet build this thing is huge and it’s so realistic this looks like a real person yeah it is pretty

Cool it pretty big it took me a lot of time to build this oh my gosh this deserves like a perfect score I may not even win this round oh uh Zoe if you think this does deserve a perfect score I might still be able to give you one

More chance to actually win wait seriously what do I have to do well come down here Zoe I actually built you a little Arena where you have to fight a bunch of different TV Twins and if you can beat them I’ll give you the round

Win do I have to beat them with my bare hands oh no Zoe look come over to this side over here and I actually have some armor and a shield with a sword in it for you ooh diamond armor I look so good in diamond armor and wo so you do look

Super awesome with all this diamond armor thanks St I feel awesome I’m ready to kick some butts well go ahead and go inside and try to beat them all up die die and wait what the heck you literally so strong how are you destroying all

Them in a few hits I don’t know but they’re not even after me wait a second if these guys under attack you I’m spotting in a different mob these guys will totally destroy you no that’s not fair come on come on guys beat her up

Beat her up oh my gosh there’s so many of them you are getting absolutely jumped there is no way you can even pull this off Zoe Dex you need to start Believing on me because I’m super strong wait you’re actually doing pretty good how in the world are you still alive and

Oh wait a second I gave you enchanted golden apples yeah you silly goose I have the odds in my favor oh no come on I totally cannot have you win this round my build was so much better you can’t go back on your words so if I beat all

These mobs I’m the winner oh no there’s only a few of them left oh gosh I guess you took out all the Hostile Bobs so uh that means you’re the winner woohoo winner winner chicken dinner whatever Zoe there’s still one more round so don’t get too confident oh Dax I am

Super confident because I keep winning and you keep losing okay let’s just go back to the dispenser okay Zoe well this is the final round go Ahad hit the button to see what we’re going to actually have to build okay please be something good come on what do we get

What do we get wao it’s the TV woman what the TV woman that is so awesome I know and how much time do we have to build this time H let’s have another fast round let’s say 5 minutes sounds good to me good luck okay speaking woman

This is the final round and since the we was last round because of that little mob battle arena we really have to focus up okay Dax we got this and how about we don’t give her a second chance to win yeah we’re definitely not going to give

Her a second chance to win anymore but this is what we have to build for this final round it’s the TV woman do you think I can do that oh my gosh are you serious she’s like my sister I can build her easy peasy oh perfect and I actually

Kind of want to see how you build it uh so can you go ahead type in your command again sure all the command is is SL SL space and oh my goodness wait you actually built a TV woman she’s so huge yep and she looks super realistic what

The heck you are literally like the best builder ever speaker woman thanks Dax if you really think so you could slide me a few more diamonds if you’d like uh you can only get a few more diamonds if we win but I’m going to go check on Zoe’s

Build real quick I’ll be right back okay have fun okay let me go ahead and grab my potion of invisibility and now I can just walk over to Zoe’s side without her even noticing and wait a second what the heck this literally looks like my build

How the world she get this and wait who is that oh my gosh T woman thank you so much for all your help with this build I don’t know what I would have done without you oh you’re welcome girl I mean I knew I had to beat the speaker

Woman wait what the heck did she just say she knew she had to beat the speaker woman wait did she just copy her build yeah you did a really good job at copying the build so I think I’ll just go ahead and relax until the match

Starts wait a second did Zoe just say she’s going to go ahead and relax until the match starts wait that actually gives me the perfect idea while she’s going over there behind her build what if I go ahead and build something in the front over here and for this I’m going

To be using the color purple since that is her favorite color after all okay now that all this is made out of purple let’s go ahead and get a chest for the edge of this and we’re also going to grab a pressure plate let’s go ahead and

Set the chest down right here and then we’ll put a pressure plate right in front of it and now we have to dig out below it and that’s because below we’re going to be putting a super cool death rate TNT basically as soon as zo we stepped on this pressure plate the whole

Entire build’s going to blow up which is going to give me an easy Victory okay quick before my visibility runs out let’s go ahead and run back to the speaker woman as fast as we can okay and perfect and we’re back and hey speaker woman I’m back hey DX welcome back how

Is Zoe’s build oh my gosh you literally won’t believe it she hired the TV when it completely copied Fe your build no I hate her yeah I know it’s absolutely crazy but don’t worry I have a super cool trick up my sleeve with this super cool death rate TNT so we’re totally

Still going to win woohoo that’s awesome news you are so good at thinking on your feet exactly okay I’m going to ask zo she’s ready to check out each other’s builds early since I know hers is already done you can go ahead and hide inside the head okay sounds good okay

Zoe well my build’s already completely done can we just check out each other’s builds a little bit early yep mine is done too so come on over all right Zoe I’m running over let’s go ahead and see how your build ended up turning and wo this build is super big yep it’s super

Big and super realistic probably some of my best work yeah you are a super good Builder man I can’t believe you built this in 5 minutes yep and we even have this little purple room that you can kind of look at the build that from made

Out of these nice purple blocks and wao there’s even a chest over here and uh wait a second Zoe what in the world does that sound oh no what is that noise uh I don’t know zo we on your side you should know this is so weird what is the TV to

Do uh I’m just going to back up a little bit and oh my gosh look at the sky hey it’s purple what the heck is just destroying everything oh no my build oh my gosh half your build just got sliced and look there’s a bunch of lava coming

From it now would you believe me if I told you that was planned uh I don’t think that was planned at all Zoe you sounded pretty surprised uh no it was like a ending with a bang situation anyways let’s forget about my build look look at your build wow this looks great

Zoe I still have to rate your build yeah what would you rate it uh well considering there’s only half of the build I think I can only give it like a 5 out of 10 Max it would have been a 10 out of 10 but you only have half of it

Now what the heck I’m never hiring the TV woman again yeah that really sucks but hey at least my build’s fully intact what the heck that’s not cool what do you mean it’s not cool I spent a bunch of time on this build really did you actually you didn’t get any help from

Anyone no Zoe why would I get help from anyone that’s totally stupid okay whatever you say well now you seen my build and obviously your build is completely sliced in half what do you want to give me as a score well considering your build right now looks

Exactly how my build did before it exploded I have to give you a 10 out of 10 and perfect is you give me a 10 out of 10 that means I won this Build Challenge whatever Dax next time my build won’t explode and you’re going to

Be in trouble wait what did you say Dax oh Zoe I said you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your first build and our first build is going to be the TV man so good luck fine good luck Dax and perfect guys now that Zoe can’t hear us I’m

Going to go ahead and hire this speaker woman to help me with this whole build hi Dax are you so excited to defeat Zoe this round oh yeah we’re going to completely Crush Zoe speaker woman what are we supposed to build this time well we’re supposed to be doing like a TV man

But I think we can do one thing better what do you want to do we should make a multi-head TV man that would be super awesome that would be super cool and I know exactly what to do and uh wait what are you going to do speaker woman Follow

Me This Way Dax uh okay why are we going over here cuz we need lots of space and I’m just going to type in my super secret hacker commands and wait a second speaker woman do you actually just build this huge multi-ad TV man yep doesn’t it

Look amazing what the heck this thing is literally so ginormous this is an awesome build how in the world did you even do this I just have a lot of experience building wo this is absolutely so cool but you know what would be even better than the speaker

Woman what is it de if we added a challenge that Zoe would have to complete in order to get past our build that would be awesome what type of challenge are you thinking of well I think the first challenge we should probably do is to added a bit of Parkour

Ooh Zoe’s awful at parkour let’s do it yeah she is super bad at parkour so let’s go ahead and grab some of these live wall blocks and we can start building out the course right about here and I want this course to go really really high in the air basically all the

Way to the top of this build and then she’s going to have to jump off of it into a pool of water ooh Ann’s always afraid of height she’s not going to like that one bit yeah she is super super afraid of height so let me go ahead and

Keep building this parkour up as high as possible just so Zoe gets super terrified when she’s up there and now I want to throw in a little ladder parkour piece where she has to jump around the entire ladder in order to get up higher okay speaker woman this is where the

Coolest part of the entire ire thing is going to come into play what is it Dax so what I’m going to do is get some black concrete or some black wool just like this and we’re going to build out a little ramp a ramp what is the ramp

Going to have well I’m going to put a plane on the end of the ramp and she’s going to have to fly the plane to the top of the building in order to get past it what the heck that’s going to be so funny okay and now that we have this

Huge ramp built out let me go ahead and get something like a plane and then we can put the plan in the middle of this where she’s going to have to fly off from and perfect now we have our super cool play that she’s going to have to

Fly and I think we should make that platform that she has to land on all the way towards the top of the entire build that is such a good idea okay let me fly all the way up here and I think I should make it out of green since that’s

Obviously my favorite color right speaker woman yeah that is a pretty good color okay let me go ahead and fill this out with a few more blocks and perfect this looks like a Landing Pad but just to make it a little bit more obvious I’m going to add some glowstone around it

Okay and what she lands up here this is where her final challenge is going to be speaker woman this is where she’s going to have to jump into the pool of water yeah she’s going to have to jump from all the way up here down into a few

Blocks of water so let me go ahead and grab some water and I’ll jump all the way down here and then I’ll make a little pool that she’s going to have to jump into and why don’t you go ahead and try to jump in here for yourself okay

Let me go back up to the top okay speaker woman whenever you’re ready to jump you can go ahead and jump off and try to land into this water okay here I come let’s see if you can make it w you’re coming in so fast and wow you

Completely missed I’m not very good at aiming yeah I can kind of tell by that but if you can’t do it I really doubt that Zoe can do it yeah probably not she’s even worse at aiming than I am yeah and actually speaking of Zoe I

Still think we have a bit of time before we’re soci got each other’s build so I’m going to go over to her side and check hers out okay have fun with that okay guys and of course we can’t go over to Zoe’s side just looking like this

Because obviously she can see me so let me go ahead and grab myself an invisibility potion like this and perfect now I’m completely invisible okay let’s just go over here and check on Zoe’s build and wao what in the world is all this perfect my build is coming

Along quite nicely if I do say so myself what the heck this thing literally looks so bad it’s supposed to be a TV but there’s a bunch of weird stone blocks and a bunch of glass this is not a TV you know what since we still still do

Have a bit of time left I should probably go ahead and prank Zoe but let’s see what do I want to use oh what if we use these really cool TNTs I think there’s this one called like the Zeus TNT let’s see where is that at whoa wait

This one says the lightning store but this one says the wrath of Zeus it sounds way cooler okay let me go ahead to the top of her build so she can’t see me and I’ll place the wrath of Zeus down and then I’ll go ahead and light it up

And oh gosh I have no idea that this is going to do but I guess we’re going to see it any second what the heck what the heck there was an explosion at the top of my build oh my gosh that was so much lighting that was really insane but it

Looked like the explosion didn’t do any damage so I think I’m okay okay yeah I guess it really didn’t do any damage huh is there a better TNT that I can use oh wait this one says the water flood that sounds really really annoying let’s go

Back to the top of the TV man head and then we can light up this water and please make like a huge water pool around so’s build that would be hilarious and wao look at that what the heck I’m underneath water now what’s happening oh my goodness there is so

Much water and it literally Destro destroyed Zoe’s build this is too funny my build is completely submerged in water how did this happen okay guys and what we’re going to do next is get rid of all this water so Zoe think she’s going crazy let me just hop inside of

Here and then I can type this out and everything should start going away what the heck I was just swimming in the water and now it disappeared oh my goodness guys that was so funny and man the top of her TV man head is really destroyed she’s probably a little bit

Angry about that oh no the top of my build is gone this is not good and you know what guys I thought about something really funny that we could do to Zoe I have this one spotted called the speaker woman I’m sure if I spot it it she’s

Going to get completely destroyed okay let me just go ahead and spotted a couple behind her and oh my gosh look at that what the heck where did these ladies come from she is getting completely jumped by all the speaker room and she looks so confused right now

Why are there speaker women attacking me but man it looks like Zoe’s actually doing pretty good she just took out all the speaker women that was super weird I don’t even know where they came from okay Zoe took them out pretty easily but what if I go ahead and spotted a whole

Bunch more around her she definitely can’t take out all of these oh no they’re going to attack me and there’s so many more this time wait she’s actually doing pretty good how in the world is she taking out so many of these tight speaker woman die speaker woman

Die what the heck Zoe is beating the mess out of all of them this is absolutely ridiculous man they went down super easy I guess I’m just getting super duper strong what the heck this is so stupid I think we only have a few minutes left so I better fix my build

Before we have to show each other our builds wait did we just say we have a few minutes left okay guys I should probably go ahead and back to my side and put the last few touches on let me just go ahead and drink my milk bucket

And perfect now I’m completely back to normal okay Zoe well my build is basically done for this first round are you ready for me to come over and check out your build no Dax I’m not ready yet what you’re not ready Zoe the time is up

No way can I have like 10 more minutes uh no you can have like 10 more seconds what how am I supposed to finish in time well that’s not my problem okay Zoe time is up it’s time for me to check out your build okay come on over let’s see it wo

Zoe why is there a bunch of lava here because that’s a parkour area what the heck wait is this supposed to be a TV zo why is there so much Stone in the TV I don’t know it looks kind of off because somebody came over and destroyed it but

This is the best I could do with the time I had uh okay Zoe I mean I guess it looks decent for a TV I don’t know mine is way better but you said you have some parkour for me right yes go ahead and try and complete this parkour round okay

I am super good at parkour so this is probably going to be extremely easy if I big artist yeah I seriously doubt that whoa you’re going super fast uh yeah like I just told you I’m like a parkour King Zoe this is way too easy well Dax I

Didn’t have a lot of time to make it super hard okay fair enough but it looks like there’s only a couple jumps left and now I I’m on the ladder and perfect is this the end Zoe yep it’s the end you did it Dax congrats uh okay like I said

That was pretty easy and I don’t really like your build so I’m only going to give you a 4 out of 10 I mean I guess I kind of deserve a 4 out of 10 considering my build is incomplete all right zo well now that I seen your build

It’s time for you to check out my build let’s do it what the heck how is it so so big you had enough time to make a build this specific uh yeah Zoe I’m like the best builder ever duh and he has multiple heads that’s insane yeah and I

Also have a bit of stone I guess someone might have messed up my TV too what the heck somebody’s out to get a Stacks yeah totally a little bit weird but hey I have some parkour for you to do as well seriously I’m not very good at parkour

Well I mean you can start right here and how about this if you can beat by parkour I’ll give you the round win seriously then I’m going to try super duper hard okay Zoe well like I said the park course starts right about there so you can start whatever you want okay

This first part looks super easy just a few jumps I can handle that well like I said you have to beat the entire thing if you want to get this round win so I really doubt you’re going to be able to do it well if it’s just easy jumps like

This I think I’m going to be fine well Zoe just wait till you get up to the next level there is something super difficult waiting for you are you talking about these ladders cuz dax’s ladders aren’t that difficult uh no way I’m not talking about the ladders I’m

Talking about the thing next to the ladders thing next to the ladders what the heck is that an airplane Dax yes it is and you’re going to have to use the airplane to fly to the very top and find the landing platform are you serious Dex

How am I supposed to know where the landing platform is well you’re going to have to use the plane and find it Zoe it should be super easy if you’re good oh no I’ve never flown a plane before and what the heck and wao Zoe looks like

You’re already found it is it that green thing right there yeah it’s that green thing but that’s not the end of the challenges you’re going to have to jump out of the plane in order to make it on the platform seriously I have to practically Skydive onto the part that I

Need to land on yeah basically Zoe and wo it looks like you jumped out wao I made it I made it was that it for the parkour does that mean I win this round uh no Zoe like I said there is one more part for you to do what is it you’re

Going to have to jump all the way from this Edge all the way down into One Singular block of water oh my gosh Dex you know I’m afraid of height well let’s see if you want to beat this build you’re going to have to do it okay I

Guess here goes nothing and oh it looks like you’re about to make it Zoe and good job thank you does that mean I win this round yeah that means you win the first round Zoe good job heck yeah boy okay Zoe it since you that route what do

You want to build on the next one definitely the TV woman oh the TV would be so cool okay how about this time you only have 5 minutes Zoe let’s do it oh my gosh guys I can’t believe Zoe actually beat that parkour on the first

Try and wait a second where is the speaker world I need her help to build the next thing I’m right over here Dax oh it looked there she is okay speaker Rob but I lost the first round but I kind of gave Zoe that Victory what the

Heck how did you lose well she kind of beat all the parkour the first try I didn’t think she was going to be able to do it yeah I didn’t think she could do it but I guess if she did it she deserves the win yeah but for the next

Round we’re going to have to build a t but do you think we can do that I can definitely do that she’s going to look awesome and oh my gosh wait did you just instantly build a TV woman yep isn’t it look phenomenal this thing is absolutely

Insane but we’re going to need to add some stuff if we want to defeat Zoe for this round are we going to add some more challenges yeah we should add some challenges but what type of challenges should we even do let’s build a question room oh a question room would be so much

Fun okay let’s go ahead and get some wood blocks that we can build it out with and I’m going to start building the walls for this question room and perfect now we have the first room in our Quest room I think a good question to start

Off would be to ask Zoe what color she think is better oh and you should definitely make the colors purple and green exactly I’m going to go ahead and throw purple on one side over here and green on this other side but obviously green is going to be the right color who

In the world would even want purple um Zoe would like purple yeah she would like purple but that’s completely wrong so let me just go ahead and place some paintings down in the front so now if Zoe wants to walk through she can just walk straight through the painting wow

That is such a good trick but now if Zoe actually ends up picking the purple side I’m going to dig down and make her fall straight into the void wao that’s messed up DX she’s going to have to respawn yeah and then she’s going to have to

Come all the way back over here and pick the right side which is going to be green that’s going to be so funny and then for the next question we’re going to ask her who is better and on one side we’re going to be putting in the TV

Woman and on the other side we’re going to putting in the speaker woman and which one are you going to say is right uh obviously the speaker woman’s way better yeah I knew that was the right answer I was just testing you all right let me go ahead and put our save little

Sides down right here and then I can throw in some pain on both of the sides let’s just go ahead and cover it up with some Oak planks and once again if she goes ahead and picks the TV woman’s side she’s going to fall straight down except

This time she’s going to fall into lava lava that’s going to be so funny but of course as she picks a speaker woman she can just walk straight through to her final question and what’s the final question going to be we’re going to be asking her a super super difficult math

Problem oh yeah what’s the math problem we’re going to ask her what is 44 time 0 wao that’s a little tricky I’m not even sure if I know the answer yeah it is super tricky but actually the answer is zero so on this side over here

We’re going to put it zero but on this other side we’re going to put 414 okay let’s go ahead and break out the walls again and I’ll put some sides down just like this and then I’ll throw the paintings on so on the 400 of 14 side of

Course I’m going to break down some blocks so she falls straight into the void but if she picks the right side which is zero she can walk straight through to her next challenge what’s the next challenge going to be the next challenge is going to be a trick with

Fake water and real water oh my my gosh what does the fake water even mean well let me just go ahead and build the walls and then I’ll give you a little demonstration okay speaker what we’re going to do is added something called fake water on one side we’re going to

Put in this fake water and if you didn’t know as soon as you try to jump in the fake water you actually take a bunch of damage seriously that is so cool yeah it’s super super tricky but on this other side over here we’re just going to

Throw in some normal water and we have to see which one Zoe’s going to pick okay but for the next one we’re going to trigger by adding in some real lava on one side but on the other side we’re going to use some fake lava which

Actually gives you a bunch of Health if you step into it wo that’s super tricky okay and for this next one I’m thinking huh what should we do what if we add in both fake lava and we added fake water that’ll be super super confusing that is

Kind of confusing so let me go ahead and added that fake lava on this side over here and then on the other side I’m going to add in this fake water and finally for our last challenge I’m going to add in some fake lava but I’m also

Going to add in some normal water so that way either way she picks is the right answer and once she gets through these little doors over here she would have officially beat our challenge ja do you think she can actually do it honestly I have no idea but I guess

We’re going to find out okay we’re almost at a time speaker woman I’m going to need you to hide so Zoe doesn’t see you okay I’ll hide okay Zoe well my whole tvwood build is completely done are you ready to check out each other’s

Builds yet yep Dex come on over oh I am so excited to see how your build turns out Zoe it looks super good probably one of my best builds yet okay well I’ll be the judge of that and wo Zoe is this your build right here yep it sure is

Doesn’t it look amazing honestly it does look super good and whoo whoo whoo wait what in the world are these things those are multi-head TV women what the heck this is the multi-head TV wait why are there a bunch of them here Zoe because you’re going to have to fight them wait

I’m going to have to fight all the mobs zo I have no armor or gear or anything what what am I supposed to do well Dax you’re just in luck I put armor and gear over there in that truck oh gosh okay let’s see what’s inside of all this it

Looks like you gave me some diamond armor and wait all the TV wood are fighting what is going on what the heck they’re not supposed to fight yet maybe cuz you’re getting close to the fence yeah maybe so okay okay let me go ahead and grab these golden apples and oh gosh

I guess I can go inside let’s see what happens good luck Dax wao there are so many wait they’re Sho be with bow and arrows isn’t fair it is fair they’re allowed to do what they want come on come on I can definitely win this I have

To keep taking a bunch of them out and wait they’re fighting each other this is actually super helpful yeah so they should be going down by themselves too but Dax there’s still a lot of TV women left what are you doing I know I am trying my best but they’re completely

Jumping me yeah and you have a lot of arrows in you are you okay uh no I’ve been hit by a bunch of arrows and oh gosh one of them is stuck inside my head that is not good can’t feel too comfortable okay I think there’s only

Two more of them out here and I should be good to go come on let me take you out and you’re the last one and perfect it looks like I beat all of your mutant TV woman Zoe good job Dax well Zoe your build was pretty cool and your challenge

Was super fun so I think I’m going to give you a solid 8 out of 10 for this round yes an 8 out of 10 that’s an excellent score but don’t worry cuz I’m pretty sure my build’s going to get like a 10 out of 10 a 10 out of 10 I

Seriously doubt it well let’s go see and so if you walk this way you can see my awesome TV woman build what the heck this looks so realistic I really tried my to add as much detail as I could you did you really added a bunch of detail

And what’s over here oh this is a little challenge area I built out for you looks like a question room yep so wait this is a question room and you can go ahead and answer your first question right there what color is better green or purple Dex

You know I’m going to choose purple cuz purple is the best color ever wait you actually picked purple Zoe what the heck I’m falling into the void well yeah obviously I’m not going to let you pick purple fine so what color is better you really want me to answer which color do

You think is better and that’s obviously green uh no Zoe everyone thinks that Ken is better not just me that is just not the truth Dex okay next question who is better the TV woman or the speaker woman Yep this is a super difficult question

Zoe who do you think is better I think the speaker woman’s better oh wow that was actually the perfect choice in the right answer woohoo I’m so smart Okay Zoe this is your last question so you better make this count what is 400 4 * 0 think that it’s

414 wait Zoe no it’s not 414 what are you doing what the heck I fell into the void again Zoe that is like first grade math you should totally know the answer you’re right it’s zero I just made a mistake uh yeah sure you did Zoe but now

You’re on to your next challenge which is a fun guessing game guessing game it looks like my two options are both the water yeah Zoe they’re both water but let me just tell you some of these are different so why don’t you go ahead and pick whatever side you want I think I’m

Going to choose the right side first cuz right should be right right uh yeah sure Zoe what the heck the water’s hurting me yeah Zoe that’s because that is fake water it actually acts like lava fake water Dex are you serious yep so you’re going to have to go on the left side

Which is the actual water and then you can go through this door to move on to the next part that is super sneaky okay so I take it one of these as fake lava yes one of these size is fake lava but which one is it I’m going to go with the

Right side oh my go so you actually guessed right and that is the fake lava as you you can see seriously it looks just like real lava yeah it is super super confusing but I guess you’re doing pretty good so far H and then this one

Is water in lava is this real water in lava or fake water in lava I don’t know Zoe you’re going to have to jump into guess I’m going to hope that it’s real water and let’s see it up Zoe you obviously picked wrong what the heck it

Killed me that means it was fake water all along well if that’s fake water what do you think the Lava is I’m hoping fake lava why don’t you go ahead and jump in and see it yes it is is fake lava perfect okay Zoe this is your final

Guess which side do you think is correct okay so the last one was fake water and this one is water and lava again I think it’s going to be real water and good job Zoe you made it through yay I did it I did it but let me just tell you the side

Of lava was actually fake too you could have went on either side in pass are you serious Dex yeah it’s super super tricky but what do you want to go ahead and rate my build honestly your build is probably like a 10 out of 10 but your

Challenge deducts at one point so you got a 9 out of 10 wait what was wrong with my challenge I just thought it was pretty lame and I fell into the void like six times oh my gosh whatever I mean I still won the round so it doesn’t

Make a difference no it doesn’t you still won okay and we’re going to have to go to our final round to see who the real winner of this Build Challenge is Zoe who do you want to build I want to build the Titan speaker man wao the

Titan speaker man will be so cool okay this is going to be like a speed round let’s see who can build the best in like 2 minutes how does that sound 2 minutes I better get going okay guys and before I get the speaker to help me in this

Last build we should go ahead and check out Zoe to see what she’s going to try and do let me just go ahead and grab an invisibility potion like this and splash it on myself and now I can just walk over to her side without her even

Noticing okay let’s just see and wait who is this and whoa what the heck is this thing thank you so much for helping me with my build Titan speaker man of course zo it was really no trouble at all a I really appreciate it I hope you

Have a good day what the heck did Zoe get the tide speaker B to help her with this final build this is ridiculous and since this is a quick round and I’m already done I’m just going to relax before it’s time to go what in the world

Guys I can’t believe she actually got helped to build this this is so messed up you know what I’m actually to get this thing called the TNT 200 I’m going to place it on her side whenever I go to check out her build she is going to be

So angry when it all blows up hey Dax are you ready for this final round oh there you are speak R and yeah I’m ready but I need a little bit different of help this round what do you need help with well Zoe actually got helped by the

Tide speaker to make her build and I want you to copy that same exact build over here what the heck I hate that guy yes I can definitely copy his build and oh my gosh wait it looks like you actually built it and wait you did a

Better job because you got rid of a lot of that stone that was there thanks Z I needed to one up that guy cuz I really don’t like him well this is a really really quick round speaker woman so I think we’re about to check each other’s

Builds already if you just want to go hide somewhere that would be perfect okay I’ll get going good luck Dax okay Zoe well my build is done and I think the time is up since we only have a couple minutes are you ready to check out each other’s builds yep come on over

And how about this Zoe you should check out my side first serious seriously okay if you want to switch it up that’s fine okay zo just go ahead and head on over and look at my super awesome build what the heck this build looks like mine wait

It looks like yours no way yeah Dax must have hired the Titan sperman as well wait what did you say Zoe I said that you did a really good job this is a really awesome build a thank you Zoe I tried my best and I think it’s super

Super awesome but what do you want to rate my entire build after seeing again um I probably rate it like a 7 out of 10 it’s missing some Stone wait a seven Stone Zoe there shouldn’t be Stone on the Titan speaker band I just gave my

Opinion you don’t have to argue Dax oh whatever it doesn’t even matter let’s just go look at your side so I can give you the final score okay come on over and see the even better build let’s see about that it wo Zoe there is a lot of

Stone on this doesn’t it add just like a little Personal Touch uh I mean yeah I guess so it’s a little lame lame what are you talking about I don’t know it just doesn’t look that good and wo zo wait do you see that huge fire over

There wao wait there’s a fire okay guys quick while her backs turn let me go ahead and light up this TNT and oh Zoe I think the fire must have cleared out or something yeah I didn’t see anything wa what the heck Dax my bill just blew up

What in the world just happened your bill got completely destroyed did you have like a self-destruct button or something the Titan speaker man must have put some TNT in this build what the heck is he thinking wait why would the tit speaker man put TNT inside of there

Zoe nothing Dax I said that I accidentally put some TNT in there oh okay well I mean I guess since your build is now completely destroyed I’m only going to give you like a 2 out of 10 for this round since there really is

Enough a build to judge a 2 out of 10 are you serious you can’t give me a score that was based off of what it looked like earlier uh no Zoe I actually don’t remember what it looked like earlier so this is the only thing I can

Base it off of fine I guess I’ll take my loss wait what did you say Dax oh um I said we have a water park build challenge today and you’re going to have 15 minutes to make your water park so good luck Zoe good luck Dex okay speaker

Are you excited to help me in today’s Build Challenge yep it’s going to be so much fun but wait what are we even building we’re going to be building ultra awesome some water parks ooh water parks are so much fun I can definitely help you build that perfect and while

You start building it I’m going to go ahead and mess with Zoe a bit it sounds good sounds good have fun okay guys and while this speak woman is actually going to build part of our water park I want to prank Zoe a bit so in order to get

Over to her side let me go ahead and grab an visibility potion and just splash it on myself and perfect now I can walk over without being seen okay perfect let me just go over to Zoe site and wo it looks like she’s starting to build out her water park this is

Actually looking kind of cool okay I’m going to make this first water elevator that’s going to send you up to the first slide okay this is looking pretty cool but like I said I want to prank Zoe a bit so why do I change all this to be

Grass blocks all I have to do is type in position one right here and go down to the floor over here and then type in position two and once I’m done with that I can just type in replace and then I can type in grass and it should alter

And look at that what the heck my blocks turned into grass this looks so ugly now oh my gosh this is literally so funny okay while she’s freaking out let me go ahead and undo it just so she thinks nothing happened what the heck are my eyes deceiving me now they’re back to

Being purple oh my goodness this is literally so funny what’s something else funny I could turn it into what if I just turn it into like some diamond or something and wao look at that wo now they’re diamonds we’re rich okay wait a second she is a little bit too happy we

Do not want her to be rich let’s change it back into something worse let’s go with some coal and oh gosh what the heck are these what the heck now they’re like a gross gray rock this isn’t worth any money uh this is really weird you know

What I’m just going to leave it like that for now okay looks like I can’t waste any time I have to keep building on this and you know what guys while Zoe’s actually building on her little course what if I spawn a spider skib toilet on her let’s just go ahead and

Put a bunch of these spider toilets right behind her oh my gosh he’s getting jumped what the heck where did these people come from it wait a second she’s beating up with a purple wool block how is this even possible this is not good good thing I had my super strong purple

Wool block on me what the heck okay let me spawn in something better what if I just spawn in a bunch of Gans to completely beat up Zoe what the heck why are there so many G in here this is not good and wait how in the world is she

Even beating them up so easy this is absolutely ridiculous stay back demon oh it’s all gone what the heck Zoe is literally so strong this is so dumb I don’t know where all these skibby toilets are coming from let’s see if Dax is dealing with it hey Dax hey what’s up

Zoe are you dealing with any mob attacks right now oh yeah I just got attacked by the Gman in fact it’s super weird it is so weird but they weren’t really that strong yeah I guess they weren’t really that strong cuz I took them out too did

You take them out yeah they’re all gone now okay well I got to get back to my build Zoe uh best of luck with fighting off all that good luck Dex okay guys she took those out way too easy so I think I want to do one more thing I should have

Some really cool TNT in my inventory and oh perfect here we go I have this one TNT called the wrath of Zeus and I wonder what will happen if I put one down over here and just press on it let’s see what goes on and oh my gosh

That was so much lightning what the heck was that just lightning okay okay Zoe definitely looks so confused which is actually pretty funny she’s getting all distracted while she’s making her build this is like the weirdest build battle I’ve ever been a part of I don’t know

What’s going on okay guys I think I’ve done M with Zoe for now let’s go ahead and check up on the speaker one to see how she’s doing okay let’s just walk over and wait what in the world are these signs here and whoa what in the

World is that thing uh I don’t see the speaker woman anywhere I wonder where she went let’s see what these signs say the skibbidy Army attack I had to leave as fast as I could wait no way she got attacked the skimy Army okay let’s keep

On reading I was only able to do the start and the Finish best of luck decks no way I can’t believe the skimy Army actually attack but it looks like she actually built the start and the end to our water perk so basically all I have to do is build everything inside the

Middle which shouldn’t be too bad let’s see what this first thing that she built is I see a couple sides wait I see some soul in wao this must be a water elevator let’s just test it out by walking inside and wao look at that this

Is definitely a water elevator so so I can just walk in here and get automatically pushed all the way to the the top of our slide this was definitely a great first addition that she made and wow up here I can see everything oh my gosh we’re even above the clouds this is

Crazy and that looks like the end over there o I can’t wait to see what she buil okay well now that we have this huge thing built out we should probably start building the first slide go ahead and add some sides here that way the water doesn’t actually spill over

Because that would be really bad now we’re going to start building up our first slide and I think we’ll make it out of diamonds since diamonds are just super cool and shiny and of course our slide is’s going to have a bunch of different turns and twists that’s he’s

Going to have to do it and of course there’s going to be a bunch of challenges that she’s definitely going to fail over and over okay once we get down here I think this is a good part to actually start our course and for this

First challenge I want to have a bit of Parkour that Zoe has to do so let’s go ahead and build oursel out a big ring of course if this is a ring it has to go up and meet in the middle over here let’s go ahead and extend this out pretty far

And I think I ought to do like 20 blocks like this of course we have to add in a bit of RA just to make sure Zoe doesn’t fall off because that would be really bad for a water slide now that we have this section built out we can go ahead

Let’s water loose because we want this to be a connecting water slide after all let’s go ahead and addit a little wall right here that Zoe is going to have to climb over and then we’ll just grab some ladders so she can actually go up and

Like I said earlier this is going to be parkour but this isn’t going to be any normal parkour this is going to be boat parkour so let’s go ahead and put some boats on some things like this and she’s going to have to go all the way across

Our little water wake in order to win okay let’s go ahead and put down a few more like this and I think this is looking so good it just to scare zo I’m also going to throw some different skiy toilets in here let’s make sure to cover

This last part up so no one can actually get through and then we’ll add our final boat jump right here at the end but once zo’s actually done with this part her next piece of the slide is going to be entirely out of gold which will the

Coolest blocks in the game and man we have to make it all the way over there at some point so we probably want this slide to go a little bit lower let’s go ahead and have this next section keep wrapping in like a coiled Circle that

Way we can make it to the bottom let’s go Ahad add a bit of the railing just to make sure Zoe doesn’t fall off once again and our next challenge is going to be called pick a side basically we’re going to have Zoe pick from two different sides which are two different

Paths and if she picks the The Rock path she’s going to fall straight down all the way to the floor let’s go ahead and build a few walls and perfect this room’s looking pretty good now let’s go ahead and start building those actual walls I talked about now on one side for

The first challenge what we’re going to do is put in something called fake water and if you didn’t know as soon as you actually step in fake water it starts to hurt you a bunch so Zoe’s going to be super confused why the water’s hurting her but on the other side over here

We’re going to put something called fake lava and instead of hurting you this one actually gives you heal and at the very end of this we’re going to have something called ghost blocks that way she can just walk straight through but for the other side is just going to be

Some normal gold block so she’s going to get stuck in there okay let’s go ahead and build this out again except for this side we’re going to be using normal water and then all the other side we’re going to be using real lava that’s definitely going to confuse Zoe because

We just had it reverse for the other one let’s make sure to add in our ghost blocks and perfect that room’s built now let’s go ahead and do this one more time and for this last side neither one of these sides are going to be the right

Answer so let’s go ahead and throw down some baked water like this and then we’ll throw out some real lava on this side but the real way to actually beat this room is by going through these GL blocks right here in the middle as soon as she walks through this she’s free to

Move on to her next piece of the slide now once she’s done with this let’s go ahead and continue out the slide again and for this next piece I’m going to go ahead and use some lime green wool and we are getting a bit too close to this

But we’re not down there yet so let’s make sure to curve this a little bit let’s curve it out in this direction and actually for this green slide since we have to get down further we should probably have some type of little dropper that would be really cool let’s

Go ahead and stack this dropper really really far down because I want Zoe to really struggle figure out which side to pick okay and now once we get to the bottom of this water slide let’s go ahead and fill out all the floor some lime green wool now this is where the

Dropper is going to come into play so let’s go ahead and split this into four different regions we’ll make all of them two blocks high just to make sure if she does pick the wrong side she can’t actually climb out now in one side we’re actually going to fill up with normal

Water but on top of the water we’re going to throw in some glass which will actually be pretty hard to see when you’re up that high for the other side we’re going to throw in some light wool which is obviously once again when you do that high up pretty hard to see we’ll

Throw some fake water in on this side over here but then for our correct side we’re going to throw in some fake lava that way when she actually jumps out it’s not going to hurt her at all and perfect once she gets through this she’s

Going to be able to walk through to our next piece of the slide and the next piece of the slide that I want to built out is going to be a question room so let’s go ahead and get our slide to go down a bit and I want it to curve all

The way back towards the middle okay let’s go ahead and built in the side really to make sure no one falls off and perfect this is looking like a pretty good distance down and down here is where we can actually build up that nice question room but before we do that we

Should probably also add in the water just so we can continue the water slide okay and it looks like it’s glowing pretty nicely so now we can start building up the question room down here okay let’s go ahead and make a big wall where I’m going to ask the first

Question let me just go ahead and throw in some signs because we need to put paintings right there so that Zoe can walk through and our question is going to be what color is better on one side I’m going to go ahead and put in green which is the obvious right answer since

It is my favorite color but for the other side we’re going to put in Zoe’s favorite color which is just purple now if Zoe ends up picking the purple side we’re going to have her fall straight down through the floor because obviously no one actually thinks purple is better

Than Green but if she does end up picking the the green side she can just walk straight through to her next question next up we’re going to say who is taller on one side we’re going to be putting Dax which is the right answer but for other side we’re going to put

Zoe and I’m even going to write Rong here just so she knows it’s the wrong answer let’s go ahead and add in those paintings to the sides and now if Zoe picks the wrong side which is Zoe she’s going to fall straight through the floor

All the way down to the ground but as she picks the Dax side she’s free to move on to her last question her last question is going to be are you subscribed to Dax and guys this should be the most obvious yes I’ve ever seen

In my life so on this side over here we’re going to put yes with a bunch of exclamation points but over on this side we’re not even going to put anything because you should be subscribed and if you aren’t subscribed to me you should go ahead and subscribe in three 2 1

Thanks okay let’s go ahead and add those paintings like this and for the other side we’re not even going to throw in anything like I said there’s no other option except yes okay for our next part of the slide we’re actually building out a little TNT run and of course for TNT

Runs you need a super strong block so let’s go ahead and use obsidian and I don’t want to get too close to that M slide over there so let’s start turning it out in this direction and now right here is where the the beginning platform

Is going to be let’s go ahead and add in the side railing and then I’ll throw in some water and now that all of this is taken care of I said this is going to be a TNT run so let’s go ahead and grab a

Bit of TNT that we’re going to use now let’s go ahead and build the actual TNT run section what we need to do is put a bunch of TNT on the floor just like this and on top of all this TNT we’re going

To add in sand and on top of the sand we have to add in pressure plates and let me give you a quick demonstration of what this does if we had a piece of TNT on the ground like this and a sand block on top with the pressure plate and you

Run over it all just falls down but now we need to go ahead and build her out a little safe room cuz once she beats the challenge we don’t want her to get blown up by all the T throw in an iron door with a pressure plate and then we can go

Ahead and surrounded with more obsidian and actually we should probably be adding a roof to this just in case the T goes flying everywhere and now what she’s done with this we’re going to be building our final part before we go to this super awesome slide but in order to

Do that we’re going to need to curve it back in the direction of the slide over there so let’s go ahead and make this slide drop down a little bit we’ll turn it off in this direction and go down a little further and perfect this is where

The final choice is going to be she’s going to have to pick between two different sides one side’s going to be the purple option and the other side’s going to be the green option let’s go ahead and have them going out in two different directions and at the edge of

Each of these hallways we’re going to throw in some ghost blocks that way she’ll just fall through the floor but of course the only right answer for this is going to be picking the green side so for this we’ll go ahead and add in another little water slide that leads to

The ground and perfect this looks really really good but now we have to build the purple side if she does end up picking the purple slide she’s just going to fall all the way down straight to the void because you know I’m never going to let her pick purple but hey what she

Does this she gets to move on to our final part which looks like another awesome slide let’s go inside of here and wo this is like super super fancy and W there’s another water slide to go up so this should be a water elevator so once she steps on here she’ll get taken

To the top of this water slide and wo that was actually super awesome and up here seems to be her final water slide where she can just go all the way down through this big dropper definitely looks like one super cool build and I really like our water park a bunch and I

Think the time’s almost up so let’s go ahead and check and see how Zoe’s doing with her build okay Zoe well my water side is is completely done are you ready for this challenge to begin yep my water slide is complete oh I bet mine’s going

To be way better but how about we check out your side first that would be really fun Perfect come on over I am super excited to see your water slide I hope you did a good job I did an amazing job come check it out okay look I’m going to

Keep my back turned I don’t want to see it right away tell me when to turn around Zoe Tada all right let’s see it wo this is very very purple thanks I know doesn’t it look amazing does look pretty cool but wait why do you have three different Ladders because you have

To go up all three of them to get to different places wait there’s different places did you make like three different water slides Yep they’re at different heights so each one gets scarier and scarier wait each one gets scarier oh gosh this one’s super super high up

There yep I know but you have to do that one last start out with the short one all right let’s see with this one it says the small slide if you’re scared wait you’re only supposed to ride this one if you’re scared yep and I know that you’re really scared yeah you’re not

Lying Zoe I am pretty scared but I guess I can do this one ow why’ you punch me cuz I want you to hurry up oh my goodness don’t worries I’m going up the ladder and this is already way too high for you I’m honestly a little scared I

Can’t wait for you to go down it and I’m guessing the water slide just starts right here Zoe this is kind of scary already go ahead and go down okay let’s see it wo this water slide is super super slow but this is kind of fun isn’t

It fun okay looks like it’s going around in a little Loop and man this is such a cool water slide I’m honestly liking your water park so far Zoe good and you still have two more slides to go it wait zo what the heck is down here oh gosh

There’s a bunch of skimy toilets get me out get me out get him skimy toilets get him what in the world zo they’re going to kill me oh my gosh you’ll be fine and uh they just took me out zoy what’s wrong with you Dax you were slain by a

Toilet you have to get stronger what the heck do you mean I have to get stronger wa this is supposed to be a fun water proc not a death slide it was super fun to watch oh my gosh that was absolutely ridiculous I don’t like that stupid

Small side that would suck well go on the medium one hey don’t destroy my sign well it was a piece of joke but sure I’ll go on the medium one and wo this one already looks like two times taller than the first one yep isn’t it crazy it

Is crazy and you know I’m afraid of height so why would you do this to me Dax it’s a water slide what do you expect fine you might be right and wait it says pick a side let’s see okay there’s a water slide and there’s a lava

Side well Dax duh read the sign you have to pick a side uh Zoe I don’t know why you think i’ would go in the lava side that’s literally lava of course I’m going on the water side okay well good luck here we go this one’s going to be

So much fun and ow wait the water’s hurting me what the heck is this it was fake water the entire time Dex you are so dumb what the heck that’s literally fake water then wait what is the lava is supposed to be fake lava wait it’s

Actually fake lava and oh my gosh look at this I can swim in lava this is like Breaking All the Rules of the game wow and you look super cool going down the slide but B I feel like the lava slide is so much slower oh my gosh I can fall

Asleep right now is it kind of relaxing uh yeah I guess but you know what I can just run off the slide like this and get all the way down to the bottom and ow it burnt me a little bit what the heck ooh that’s kind of weird uh okay Zoe

Something is definitely really wrong with your slide you know what the second slide was a little bit better than the first one it was pretty cool thanks X now you have to go up the third one oh no you’re going to make me go all the

Way up to the top of this third one this one’s super high up well du Dex oh no I don’t want to do this okay come on let me close my eyes and climb up the ladder I can’t even see anything right now and man I’m already about to pass up the

Second slide oh no this is already way too high I hate this Zoe sorry Dax okay and waa what is this up here is that a diving board at the end yep and you’re going to have to jump off of it what you’re going to make me jump off a

Diving board at a water park what type of crazy water park is this a dangerous one oh my goodness and wao wait there’s a bunch of water down there am I supposed to land all the way over there yep you’re supposed to land right in the

Little pool of water okay let me see how high of a jump boost I can get come on I can totally do this but man it is so far away you got this STX okay 3 2 1 come on let’s go and whoo I’m falling I’m

Falling and boom I made it in the water good job Dax and wait why is there a door behind me go ahead and open it uh okay and well there’s more doors wait there’s a chest what what the heck’s in the chest open it and see let’s see and

Uh Zoe why is there a bunch of armor inside of here because you’re going to have to fight something wait I have to fight something are you serious this is not a fun water park Zoe Dax it’s super fun for me go ahead and go through those

Doors uh okay let’s see what’s behind there wao there’s a bunch of acid toilets you got this Dex you have to fight them what the heck they’re all beating me up why are they so strong because they’re acid toilets oh my God and they broke through the door come on

I can take them out I only have a few Hearts left please please please be careful Z there’s only a few more okay let me go ahead and break this side of the wall so now I can hit them from up here yes this is super smart good job

You are so Innovative only one more left let me take out these last few guys and perfect Zoe I think I just beat your challenge congrats Dex you did amazing okay this water park was a little bit fun but it was super dangerous though you’re going to get a lot of trouble for

Having this much dangerous stuff okay so what do you rate me I’m going to give your water slide a 7 out of 10 it was pretty awesome a 7 out of 10 woohoo what a great score okay now that I seen your watch water slide it’s time for you to

Come check out mine let’s do it okay Zoe come over to my super awesome water park what the heck what do these signs say the skibby Army Zoe don’t worry about these sides there’s uh nothing for you to read what I wanted to read what the

Signs were oh sorry Zoe it’s a little bit too late but hey at least you can start my water park wo it looks like your water park is huge yeah it is pretty huge I spent like a ton of money on this but hey you can start the whole

Water park by walking into this water elevator right here ooh I love water elevators here I go yep there’re super fun and it takes you all the way to the top extremely fast this is so fun I love swimming but Zoe when you get to the top

Be super super careful cuz like I said it is very high in the air and you do not want to fall off wo this is super high up I feel like I’m all the way in the clouds yeah we are extremely high up and I mean the clouds are just right

There so this is extremely extremely high crazy and then do I go down on that slide right there yep that’s the next part of this challenge you can just guide down this slide right here to move on okay here I go and this should be super fun let’s see it wo you’re going

So fast fast I feel like I’m going super fast okay zo welcome to your first challenge which is going to be a little bit of boat parkour boat parkour this is going to be crazy and are those skippity toilets yeah and they’ll attack you if

You get too close to them so you might want to hurry up and oh gosh zo you’re already getting jumped oh no you have to go super fast come on Zoe get me out of here and this dumb skiy toilet’s in my way wait are you literally just riding

The boat to the end what that’s cheating how is it cheating oh my goodness you only have one boat left what in the world and look at that okay I guess that counts as a win you know what you can just have it yay I did it I did it and

Now there’s another slide oh yeah there’s a ton of slides and a ton of different challenges so whenever you’re ready you can just slide down it here goes nothing and wo you’re going super fast and look this one’s made out of gold yeah you’re super rich okay it says

Pick a side yep you’re either going to have to pick the water side or the lava side Zoe I’m going to pick the water side that would be a great idea if that was normal water Dax I only have one heart left oh you only have one heart

Left and oops I just punched you Dax why would you do that okay I’m sorry Zoe but hey at least you already know not to pick the water side right yeah I guess I learned my lesson so now it’s time to use the lava side let’s see and look at

That Zoe you made it through wow so fun but where do I go from here oh uh just keep walking straight into there some really cool Ghost blocks oh that is so cool yep and now you have to pick again what side you think is going to be

Correct well I’m not going to choose the water side again so I’m going to ah choose lava D Zoe I just tricked you and I flipped it are you serious Dax so now it’s actually real water yep I knew you would fall for that one that one was too

Funny oh my gosh and now there’s another one Yep this is your final turn Zoe which side do you think is correct I’m going to choose the lava side you’re going to choose the lava side and oops that isn’t right I’m still on fire yeah you’re going to burn well obviously if

The lava side wasn’t right you might as well try the water right unless the water’s fake too wait you think the water’s fake Dex are you serious a mano it looks like you lost again well if both of those sides weren’t right which side do you think is right maybe oh oh

My gosh I just had to walk through the middle wait how in the world did you guess it that fast because I know you very well Dex probably know you better than I know myself oh my gosh whatever oops it looks like I forgot to add in

The water Zoe you’re just going to have to walk down this part it’s under construction this is lame definitely getting some points deductive for this a come on don’t take off any points for that oh my gosh and what is this this next part is a dropper and you’re going

To have to pick the right side to jump down okay well I’m going to start with the bottom right side the bottom right side you think that’s a good idea oh my go so that is literally light blue wo that isn’t water oh my gosh I can’t

Believe I died again zo you have literally died like 50 times on my water slide you suck at this maybe your water slide is too dangerous well maybe you just have to get better and wait are you about to jump on the water y oh no Zoe

That is not the right choice that is fake water help oh man I didn’t want to die again Dax this is not a fun water park well Zoe that obviously wasn’t the right side and you’re really bad at this water park so you might want to pick something different yeah I think I’m

Going to go with the lava this time because I think it’s probably going to be like the lava that was from early where it was fake wait you’re really going to jump on the lava you think that’s a good idea yep here I go oh gosh

And look at that zo way you survived wow I am so surprised okay well good job Zoe now you can move on to the next part of the water slide yay an actual water slide yep and you’re getting super super close to the end so you better get ready

For some cool challenges this is so fun wait did you say more challenges yep there’s like three more challenges that you’re going to have to complete in order to win this is the question room what color is better green uh or purple purple what you actually think purple’s

Right ah Dex I fell down oh my gosh so obviously purple wasn’t the right side whatever Dax this is so lame go ahead and pick the actual right side which is green green is a gross color Dax what the heck you literally take that back

Right now who is taller Zoe or Dax I’m definitely taller than you Dax what Zoe that literally says wrong on it why would you go on that side because I’m supposed to answer the questions correctly and we measured and I’m an inch taller than you Zoe you are

Literally not an inch taller than me I’m an edge taller than you yeah that’s just not the truth Dax but whatever it gets you through at night and perfect you walk through the Dax side which means you obviously know I’m taller are you sub to Dax yes I am and perfect Zoe it

Looks like you beat the question room and now you can move on once again yay water slide is this obsidian yes this is Obsidian because you’re going to have to do a TNT run a TNT run what the heck yep you’re going to have to run all the way

Across and get to that iron door before all the TNT blows up so best of luck Zoe is this even possible it is possible you got this go ahead and there you go oh my gosh wait you fell in Zoe this is not good come on run run run and oh it looks

Like you got blowned up well uh you kind of failed that course and I can’t really restart that course so I think I’m just going to let you go even though you failed yay thanks Dax but you did fail so I’m going to have to take out some

Points for you what the heck all right here is your final challenge you either have to pick the green side or you have to pick the purple side which side do you think is right ooh purple oh no wait did you actually pick that purple side

Again Zoe what’s wrong with you I fell into the void Zoe obviously the purple side is not right why don’t you go on the green side okay here I go and perfect there you go now you can go down ooh water slide yeah but you have one

Final piece of this but it’s not really a challenge it’s more just fun what is it come over to my last gorbis water slide okay and once you get inside I have a little water elevator that’ll take you to the top ooh and you know how

Much I love water elevators yep so go ahead and fly all the way to the top and then I’m going to get a boat for you for this water slide wo like a WFT yeah and you’re going to have to go down super super fast so let me go ahead and grab

That boat for you and then you can go ahead and jump in and have fun here goes nothing and W Zoe wait you’re going backwards oh my gosh Zoe turn around turn around I can’t see oh my goodness Zoe you have to turn around this is not

Good and there you go Zoe you got it now you can go down all fast wo this is so much fun and there you go you made it all the way down to the bottom which is the end of my water park wow that was super fun Dex but now that you’re done

With my huge water park why do you want to rate it probably rate it like a 9 and 1 half out of 10 and that would me I actually win the bill challenge nice try Zoe thanks Stacks well anyway Zoe are you excited for today’s skiy mob battle

I am so excited okay Zoe you’re going to have five minut spoted your mobs and you can just go right through this wall right here and you can go on that side over there okay Dax Good Luck Good Luck Zoe okay well now we’re on to the very

First round and I need a way to figure out what Zoe’s actually putting in over there hey Dax why don’t we use those security cameras that I set up uh wait a second speaker woman what type of security cameras are you even talking about here take this camera monitor okay

It does say camera monitor on it let me just see what it does and wao wait a second there’s like a bunch of different options here let me just click on this number one here and what the heck wait you actually set up cameras on Zoe’s

Side I can see everything over here and look there’s Zoe I think for this first round I’m going to spawn at the skibby toilet wait did she just spawn in the skib toilet for the first one oh my gosh that guy is so weak there’s no way he

Can actually beat me but of course I need to spawn in a whole bunch of them in order to have a super powerful Army oh my goodness okay Zoe is spawning in in a bunch of these skim toilets I need think of something really really good

And I need think of something fast well speaker it looks like Zoe spawned in a bunch of default skim toilets over there but I have no idea what to spawn in do you have any like good ideas or anything yeah you should definitely spawn in the Titan speaker woman wait the Titan

Speaker woman who in the world is the Titan speaker woman she’s kind of like the Titan speaker man but she’s even more powerful because she’s a woman wait she’s even more powerful okay let me go ahead and put her down right about here and oh my goodness she is so tall what

The heck yeah she’s super tall and super power F there’s no way that Zoe can win with those skiy toilets yeah I really doubt Zoe could win but just in case our army is a little bit stronger than they look over there what if I spawned a

Whole bunch of these hide speaker just we can have a G’s Army of them that is such a good idea oh my goodness and honestly I feel like this is enough right here we have like 20 of them already and they’re like five times my height which means they should be like

Five times my strength right perfect we’re definitely going to win this round sweet I just found an upgrade potion uh wait a second did zo we just say she found an upgrade potion let me go ahead and check these cameras real quick and wait a wait a second Zoe say she found

An upgrade potion what the heck is she even holding in her hands that means if I use this on my mobs they’re going to get so much stronger wait there’s no way this is actually going to work right and what the heck wait they actually turned into like multi-head TV toilets what in

The world is this perfect they did get upgraded the potion worked oh no oh no this is a good speaker woman what are we even going to do Zoe’s Army looks too strong over there now Dex calm down all you need to do is get my spawn egg so

Then you can spawn in a whole bunch of speaker women uh do you think that’s going to be enough are you even that strong I’m super strong why would you say that uh okay well I guess I can just grab your spotting just uh stand right

There so I can grab it real quick and wao look at that I actually got this speaker woman spotting okay I’m going to go ahead and spot in a bunch of you and hopefully you’re as strong as you’re saying you are I am super strong why

Don’t you believe me I have no idea I’ve never actually seen you fight a battle before so you might be super weak or you might be super strong I honestly really don’t know when we win this round you owe me an apology okay okay I’ll definitely give you an apology if we win

This round but wao look at all these speaker woman this is so cool I don’t even know which one you are anymore I’m right here uh where is right here and oh I guess you’re the one flying aren’t you yep sure am okay well that makes a lot

Of sense let me just spawn in a few more of these and I think I’m pretty much ready to go for this route but you’re definitely going to need to hide otherwise always going to get mad that I’m cheating but technically won’t I blend in uh yeah I mean I guess you can

Blend in so yeah you can just stay in here okay okay sounds good okay Zoe well I work super super hard on my Army and I’m pretty sure I’m ready to go for this first round well let’s get this thing started well here we go zo the walls

Have officially dropped and wo your multi-head TV toyss are super scary I know they’re super creepy but hey did you spawn in two different types of speaker women yeah I spawned the Titan speaker woman I also spoted the normal speaker woman who’s supposed to be like one of the strongest speaker woman ever

Wao that is so cool and what a good idea where did you even think of that uh I don’t know I’m just like a sutur Ultra Mega genius I guess so come on we have to take out these toilets and man no one is dropping all these armies must be

Super super strong yeah we definitely chose some good mobs and oh no I’m seeing a bunch of people start dropping Zoe this isn’t good but whose people are dropping mine or yours I have no idea but I have to win this I think all like my normal speaker woman got taken out

Zoe I basically only have these Titans left yikes this is not good the Titan speaker woman is so powerful I know she has completely cooking everyone I totally think I’m going to win this round come on there’s only a few multi-ad TVs left and boom just like

That I think I took out your whole Army Zoe dang those Titan speaker women are so powerful I know they were crazy powerful oh wait a second what my security cameras fell off what security camera Dax uh nothing let’s just go ahead and move on to round two okay I’m

Keeping my eye on you and perfect speaker we actually won that last round like you said so uh I guess I owe you an apology but I do have bad news what is it Dex our security cameras fell off look they just fell off the wall and now

We don’t have them over there anymore how in the world am I supposed to cheat now oh I’m not worried about those dumb things I can just go ahead and make the wall see-through wait you can make the wall see-through how in the world do you

Do that because I can make the wall into oneway glass what the heck we’ll go ahead and do it come on we need that oneway glass and oh my goodness wait a second the speaker woman actually turned this wall into oneway glass and oh my

Gosh look at this I can see zo way through the wall and now I know exactly what she’s going to place down for the second round I need to try super hard so I can beat Dex so I think I’m going to spawn in the Astro toilet what the heck

See literally spawn in the Astro toilet this thing looks so creepy wow this guy’s perfect I need to spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my goodness she is spawning in a ridiculous okay I didn’t think of something super super good for this route so hopefully the speaker

Woman can actually help me out speaker woman this is literally not looking good Zoe has like a super strong Army of UFO toilets over there what in the world are we even going to do de I’m not worried about Zoe’s mobs at all you should just

Spawn in the TV woman wait the TV woman how in the world do you have all these crazy spawn eggs Jax I’m prepared for stuff like this that’s why you hired me okay true that definitely is why I hired you cuz you are prepared for stuff like

This let’s just see what the TV woman looks like in oh my goodness wait the TV woman looks so cool I know and she’s super powerful so you’ll definitely win is she like more powerful than you uh no definitely not why would you even ask something like that I don’t know I was

Just curious see if she was more powerful or not but I guess if she’s not as strong as you I should probably spotted a bunch of them right yeah probably so okay let me go ahead and start making a big army of these guys and then we should be pretty much good

And perfect I think our army is actually coming together pretty nicely we have a whole lot of troops yeah but Dex you know what goes better with the TV woman uh I don’t know what goes better with the TV woman the TV man what the heck

Well you have the TV man spawn egg too yep I sure do and while he’s not as powerful as a TV woman them together do amazing things okay well let’s go ahead and see let me put that the TV man and wao this guy’s like super jacked yeah he

Is super jacked you better spawn in a whole bunch of them okay come on let me go ahead and build my Army as fast as possible and this is probably going to be like a total Smackdown rounde there’s no way that so we can actually win you

Know I think I should spawn in one more thing wait a second what in the world do zo just say she already has a super strong Army why does she want to spawn in more I’m going to spawn in the toilet man wait the Toilet Man and what the

Heck this guy is so freaky wait he’s even holding an iron axe how in the world is that even fair wow this guy’s surely going to deliver me a win oh my goodness this is literally absolutely ridiculous Zoe’s Army is immensely powerful okay I got to think of

Something really quick okay speaker we literally don’t have that much time left what in the world are we even supposed to do versus all of that okay DX time’s up H wait a second Zoe did you just say that time’s already up yep sure did Zoe it’s been like 2 minutes this supposed

To be like 5 minutes at least no DXs time is up it’s time to drop the walls oh my gosh okay speaker well since everyone looks like completely TVs this round you’re definitely going to have to hide so uh just go ahead and hide in the

Floor or something okay okay I can do that and oh my goodness Zoe wait you actually dropped the walls yep I sure did oh my goodness I don’t know if my TV family can actually take out all these toilets you just have way too many yeah

We both spawned in a whole bunch of mobs this is madness come on I have to wait and wait a second where in the world is the rest of my Army are they all getting taken out yikes Dax looks like your mobs weren’t that strong wait a second what

If I just wanted a bunch more TV woman come on come on come on go ahead but they’re still not going to win come on they can totally win we have to do this come on come on yeah it looks like they’re dying deck oh my goodness this

Is it good Zoe how do you even get an army this strong you like an ultra genius or something obviously I’m an ultra genius Dax it’s like you don’t even know me what the heck I literally didn’t know you were that spart oh my gosh I even spawned in two waves and I’m

Still losing somehow sorry Dex looks like I won this round and yeah it looks like you just took out my last TV woman so I’m going to go ahead and say you actually won this round Zoe so good job woohoo round goes to Zoe we’ll see about

That Zoe let’s just move on what in the world guys I can’t believe we actually lost last round okay Zoe’s Army was super super strong which means I probably need to focus up a little bit let’s just go ahead and spot through our oneway glasses see what zo he’s going to

Try and pull off for the third round for this third round I think I’m going to spawn in this zombie toilet what the heck she just spot in the zombie toilet and oh my gosh this guy looks super super scary honestly don’t even want to play in this bom battle anymore Yik this

Guy is super creepy looking he’s like dead I need to spawn in a whole bunch of them oh my goodness if they’re creepy why in the world is she even spawning it anymore you know what it doesn’t even matter I don’t really care I got to think of something Ultra good well

Hopefully the speaker woman can actually help us out cuz I really have no idea what we’re going to do and what the heck where in the world did this come from and wait why are there signs right here uh let’s see what it says BRB had to

Fight skibby Army PS check the chest wait what the heck who is that wait there was one more sign over here let’s see what this one said PS I left my brother to help oh um I’m guessing that’s the speaker man since she said she left her brother well I guess we can

Go talk to him real quick hey uh you are you the speaker man or anything are you like the speaker woman’s brother oh yeah she left you aside obviously I’m the speaker woman’s brother hey hey hey there’s no need to get mad or anything but she told me to check this chest

What’s supposed to be inside of here well you can just go ahead and open and see for yourself uh okay let’s just go inside and whoa what are these two things these are two of strongest gity characters on one side you have the Titan speaker man and on the other side

You have the Titan cameraman what in the world these guys literally sounds so powerful thank you so much well honestly I didn’t really do anything that was all my sister’s doing well either way it’s totally going to help me out a bunch and hey since you’re here now do you want to

Help me out this mob bat a little bit oh yeah I’m sure I can help you out a bit oh perfect this is going to be awesome okay well first up let me go ahead and spoted this tight camera but I want to see what he looks like first and whoa

This guy looks super powerful look at him he looks so cool he has this huge hammer and he has his wings and wo his head looks really cool too okay next up we have the Titan speaker bear let’s go ahead and see and wao this guy looks

Even cooler than Tian cameraman I think actually looking at them again honestly I don’t know which one’s cooler they’re both pretty awesome if I being honest and I also have the speaker man over there helping me let’s go ahead and start spawning in a huge Army to destroy

Zoe and having a bunch of these Titans there is no way that she can actually win okay well the speaker B did say that he would help us so let’s go ahead and check back up botom and what the heck wait where in the world did he go did he

Literally just leave oh my gosh this guy is literally absolutely ridiculous I can’t believe he just took off but you know what as long as he gave me these two super cool Titans I don’t think it’s that big of a deal and actually I just thoughted something super super funny

Since there’s still some time left what if I go prank Zoe real quick and using this one mod I have I can actually transer to one of Zoe’s characters let’s see I should be morphing and oh my goodness guys look at that I’m literally the zombie toilet okay so let me just go

Ahead and sneak over the wall and I should be able to press and oh my goodness guys we actually made it over to Zoe side and look at that this is so perfect I literally bled it with all of Zoe’s Army and oh gosh guys

Look there she is wow my Army is so big and strong there’s no way that Dax can win he honestly is just going downhill this my battle what the heck she really thinks I’m actually going downhill okay guys we’re definitely not going to let this slide but she is right she does

Have a lot of characters and they’re all pretty scary so the only thing I can think to do to actually hurt her Army is to take a bunch of them out using this one thing called the mob killer I can just walk into a bunch of different

People and start clicking on them it’s basically like a one shot kill so I can totally take out her whole Army without her even noticing it oh wait a second guys she was literally right behind me hey you I saw you take out some of my

Mobs oh quick let me change my voice real quick uh no I didn’t do anything what are you talking about I saw you you were walking past mobs and they were dropping like flies why are you doing that oh no uh that wasn’t me uh that was was Franklin see he’s right here

Franklin I told you to stop doing that after last Tuesday I’m never going to forgive you after this oh my God she’s literally beating a Franklin in the corner what in the world is wrong with her and what the heck she literally just took him about oh my gosh Zoe is

Literally crazy that’s right everyone if you jeopardize my Army I will kill you oh my goodness okay guys let’s just walk away a little bit slowly and blend it with the rest of the crow I think I going to do something else on her Army since she is literally going crazy over

There let’s go to our inventory and see what I got come on there has to be something really good and who wait a second there’s a bunch of TNTs and wait this one says the lightning storm that sounds kind of cool let me just go ahead and put this lightning storm down right

About here and then I guess I can light it off and oh gosh guys let’s see what it’s going to do this is probably going to be insane and wo look at all that lightning what the heck where did that big explosion come from oh my goodness

Guys Zoe is so confused okay quick while she’s on that side let me go ahead and light one over here this is going to be so funny and wao there are so much lightning what the heck I was just over there I could have died oh my goodness

Guys so is literally freaking out this is so hilarious but this doesn’t even make any sense there’s not even any clouds in the sky where is the lightning coming from wait a second guys she’s literally absolutely right there is no clouds in the sky okay how about we

Don’t use that one again so she doesn’t get all mad let’s see which other one looks really cool oh wait a second this one looks super cool it’s called the gravitational TNT let’s go ahead and place this one down right about here and let’s see what this does and what the

Heck is pulling us all the middle I’m stuck in the middle what’s happening oh my God goodness this one is literally so cool and wao it just launched everyone in the air and oh my gosh zo’s whole Army just got taken out what the heck I

Only have one mob left oh my goodness guys this isn’t good what in the world is we even going to do I need to spawn in a whole bunch more oh gosh okay I guess she can’t just spawn in a bit more but is there anything else I can do to

Best with her and I have to be super quick to spawn in more mobs cuz we only have 30 seconds left wait a second she said we only have 30 seconds left okay while her back is turned let me just go ahead and fly over this wall and wo guys

Perfect we made it back just in time that was super super close but I think I’m pretty confident even though she has a bunch of those zombies I have a bunch of Tide so there’s no way I can lose okay zo well I think the time is

Basically up are you ready for these walls to drop yep let’s do this thing and wao you spawned in a bunch of zombie acidic toilets these are honestly super creepy yeah they’re super creepy but they are super powerful well don’t worry cuz I spawn in a bunch of Titans and I’m

Sure they’re strong to take out all of these guys yeah Titans are super powerful I’m a little worried and wow it actually looks like they’re doing a pretty good job we’ve taken out a good amount of your zombie toys but you still have a good amount left so I honestly

Don’t know who’s going to win this yeah this is a pretty close match come on guys we totally have to pull this off come on uh Dax what was in your hand uh what are you talking about I literally just foot and steel Zoe no I saw TNT was

That you causing all that trouble on my side uh Zoe what trouble are you even talking about I literally been on my side the whole time getting all these Titans together okay but I swear I saw some TNT in your hand oh no zo it literally wasn’t TNT if you were talking

About a white block all I was holding in my hand was a snow block see a snow block but why do you have a snow block oh uh because I wanted to decorate my area but I didn’t have enough time because obviously the walls dropped yeah

That time sneaks up on me too okay and you only have a few of these zombie TS left and man I think all of my tis completely took out all of your zombie toys they just got crushed dang it that means it’s 2 to one yep the score is two

To one and I’m totally going to win the next round and win the whole b battle Yeah right Dex and perfect guys we completely Crush Zoe which means if I win this next round I’m the ultimate Bob battle Champion so let’s go ahead and spot through a oneway glass and see what

Zoe’s going to try and pull off I’m going to have to pull out the big guns this round and spawn in the Gman wait the Gman and what the heck she literally just spawned in the Gman what this guy is’s so strong and he’s like one of the

Most powerful skibby characters so I need to spawn in a whole bunch of him oh my goodness guys this is Absolut Ric this I didn’t know she has access to the Gman the Gman is way too strong what the heck am I going to do I don’t even have

The speaker woman here oh Dax I’m right behind you wait what the heck and oh my gosh the speaker woman is back let’s go yep my battle went pretty good and I even bought you some really cool spaxs wait you brought me some really cool spaxs like what did you even bring me

And wait I saw this side here that says your brother was supposed to help me and he was completely useless he literally just disappeared yeah I don’t really trust that guy but the spawn eggs I bought you were the multi-head TV man and the upgraded TV woman wait the

Multi-head TV let me go ahead and see what this guy looks like and wa what the heck this guy’s literally jacked yeah he is super jacked and use the next one that one’s super cool too okay the upgraded TV let’s see what this looks like in wao she’s super tall and she has

Like a bunch of TV heads how in the world does that even work I don’t even know but I know that she’s super powerful oh my goodness okay this is literally one of the coolest things ever this is awesome speaker woman thanks sex I’m trying super hard and maybe you’ll

Even give me a raise uh no I don’t think I’m giving you a raise actually I should probably give you your payment which is a stack of stack of dirt I have plenty of dirt I need diamonds uh no you don’t get any diamonds yet you’ll get some

Diamonds if we win how about that sounds good to me okay but we do have a little bit of an issue right now if I end up losing this rounde it means Zoe and I have to go to the tiebreaker but if I win we’re going to be the mob battle

Champion so I have to spawn in a bunch of people probably right yeah probably so that’s a good strategy okay let me go ahead and spawn in a bunch of these people like this and then I’ll spawn in a few more in the back and this should

Be pretty easy since you said there strong spot EG there should be no chance I lose right yeah probably not what what do you mean probably you were so confident a second ago and now you just said probably did I say probably I meant definitely oh okay well I must have

Misheard you or something perfect I made my Army invisible because dax’s Army won’t be able to defeat what they can’t see wait a second what the heck wait how is my Army supposed to hit what they can’t see that’s totally cheating Dax time’s up got to drop the walls wait

What we already have to drop the walls Zoe it’s been like a minute Dax if you don’t drop the walls right now I will oh my gosh okay sorry just give me like 5 seconds nope time to drop and oh my gosh you actually did drop the walls and uh

Zoe wait a second where in the world is your army and wo some of them are popping up randomly yep cuz they’re invisible wait what you made your army invisible Zoe that’s totally cheating says who says me how am I supposed to win a MoP battle if my mobs can’t even

See who they’re fighting against it’s a battle that’s why we have to use different strategies oh my gosh this is totally messed up wait I still have one TV woman left come on go ahead and fight why are you just standing back here oh come on you can totally do this and wait

What everyone’s just just ignoring her uh why in the world is she still alive yeah I don’t know why they’re not attacking her but I’ll just go ahead and kill her for you wait Zoe what the heck you literally can’t take out my own mob

Dex you had one mob left and I have like a million so you lost this round oh my gosh whatever well you’re like a dirty cheater but I guess we can move on to the tiebreaker round but I’m not taking it easy on you anymore Zoe woohoo

Tiebreaker what in the world I can’t believe I actually lost that last round Zoe’s arue was way too strong but I guess it was the git after all so it makes perfect sense but since is the last round let me go ahead and focus up and spy through the wway glasses see

What Zoe’s going to try and do for this round I have a cameraman smacked him with a toilet and then I made a camera toilet wait she made a camera toilet what in the world is she talking about and oh my goodness wait a second this

Guy looks so creepy it actually is a cameraman books to the toilet this guy looks awesome just like I imagined and now I just need to spawn in a whole bunch of them this is totally messed up Zoe is absolutely crazy for this what in

The world am I going to do d why don’t you make a tri Titan wait make a tri Titan how in the world I supposed to make a tri Titan what the heck is this thing behind me you use all three of these spawn eggs and with the combining

Machine you can make a tri Titan wait with the combining machine is this thing right here supposed to be a combining machine yes I built it while you returned around uh okay I think all I have to do for this is put like something on this side so let me put the

Titan TV bed here and then I can put the other two on the other side yep that would work perfect okay let’s see let me put the speaker B and then I’ll put the camera B in here and then all I have to do is flict this lever I hope this works

Speaker woman I know it will and oh my goodness wait I think it actually made the tri Titan of course it did why don’t you trust me what the heck this guy literally looks so cool okay let me go ahead and grab his spotting and then I

Can go ahead and build a huge Army of these guys and wao it literally says triti in a okay let me go ahead and start putting them down and wa look at all these Tri ties this is so awesome speaker woman and the tri Titan is so overpowered there’s no way that you’ll

Lose yeah he’s like one of the strongest ever since he’s a combination of all three of the tis he’s like extremely powerful okay let me go ahead and put in a few more of these guys and I think I’m pretty much ready to ask Zoe if she’s

Ready for the wall STP but you’re going to have to go hide speaker woman so go hide somewhere okay I’ll hide okay Zoe well my arm is basically ready to go for this fin round are you ready to lose the mob battle once and for all I’m ready to

Be the mob battle Champion we’ll see about that I’m dropping the walls and here we go the walls have officially dropped and wao your people are super scary wao is that the try tight I’ve only seen pictures of him yep it is the tri TI he was the combination of all

Three Trident so you’re definitely going to lose yikes that means that he’s super overpowered yeah look he’s just completely crushing her Army oh my gosh Zoe this is like the easiest fight ever Dex look I found a chicken wait you found a chicken what the heck where’s

The chicken at no one of your mobs just killed the chicken well he was probably worthless anyways and wao look at that I think your whole Army got taken out Zoe no way I was too worried about the chicken yep and that means I’m the ultimate mob battle Champion whatever

Good job Dax and if you guys enjoyed that video and want to watch more Dax and Zoe make sure to click one of the videos on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘I Cheated In A TITAN SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2023-12-12 15:40:36. It has garnered 2407 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:52 or 11392 seconds.


Today Daxx and Xoe are doing A TITAN SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE in Minecraft!

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    Minecraft:TV in Minecraft - You WON'T Believe This!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘mincraft:TV in Minecraft but it’s NOT what you think…#viral #minecraft #trending #shorts#gaming’, was uploaded by Its_smash_ kk on 2024-05-21 23:48:55. It has garnered 1138 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this Minecraft video, we explore the concept of having a TV in the game, but with a twist that you wouldn’t expect! Watch as we take the idea of a TV in Minecraft to a whole new level. Join us on this unique and unexpected adventure as we showcase a creative and surprising way to incorporate… Read More

  • GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6

    GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-02-28 11:26:21. It has garnered 218 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6 Discord My videos My Minecraft house Brain it on Guess the YouTuber by their smile ______________________________________________________________ About Myself My name is Aarav Gupta. I am 14 years old. I am studing in 7th class. . ______________________________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie #trending #viral #minecraft #technogamerz… Read More

  • Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!

    Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft with friends – Day 1’, was uploaded by CallMeCarsonVODS on 2024-04-01 02:59:49. It has garnered 25141 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:11 or 19871 seconds. Streamed on 3/30/24 Follow me on twitch for more! ♠ Social Media Links ♠ → Twitch – → Twitter – → Instagram – → Subreddit – → Discord – Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XD

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Когда игра дает тебе… | #shorts #minecraft #game #epic #funny #twitch’, was uploaded by Default_xD on 2024-01-03 16:19:44. It has garnered 556 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe to the channel and come to the streams And a little discord Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Our Best Ideas with Minecraft’s New Mace! (ft. Conraz and The Numenorian)’, was uploaded by MrCrisper on 2024-03-18 18:00:31. It has garnered 204 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:44 or 1784 seconds. Mojang has added the best and most overpowered weapon to the latest snapshot, and we’re here to test it out and see just how much potential it has. Enjoy! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Disclaimer: Not that I should… Read More

  • Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!

    Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Minecraft 3d Character Model With Item in Android 🤯’, was uploaded by Alex Adi XD on 2024-04-19 04:30:22. It has garnered 354 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. *Title* – Minecraft 3d Character Modelling With Item in Andriod *⌜ Tags ⌟* #AlexAdiXD #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftinhindi #mcpe #mcpecommunity #prisma3d #minecraftmodel #3dmodel #howto @AlexAryanXD •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• *💙 ⌯ Follow Me On*  *🎯 ⌯ Discord* ‣ *🖼 ⌯ Instagram* ‣ *⚡My MODS & APK Download Links * MCPE 1.20.50🎯 – OptiFine🔥 -… Read More

  • Constantiam – Semi-Vanilla Anarchy – No Rules – No Map Resets – 1.19.4

    Connect: You can join right now at: Description: Constantiam is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server running version 1.19.4 with no resets. It features an infinite map size, no gameplay rules, and no admin interference. Established in February 2016, the map is persistent with no resets. Rules: Absolutely no rules, anything is permitted. Survive one of the greatest anarchy servers of all time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

    Wow, that meme must have some serious XP points to have a score of 215! Read More

  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you finally find the Totem of Undying in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to die instead. Looks like even the game knows you need a little extra help surviving! #WiFiWoes #MinecraftStruggles 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial Exploring Basic Shapes in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities of building? Join 牧飛 as he guides you through the basics of creating various shapes in Minecraft, from circles and rounded edges to triangles and polygons. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build stunning structures in the virtual realm! Building Circles Creating perfect circles in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve smooth and symmetrical shapes. Start by outlining the circle with blocks, then gradually fill in the interior to form… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft magic 2 skoro’, was uploaded by Feis on 2024-01-16 16:52:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. _- Read More


    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family: Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More