Torture Dungeon Tour with Straightest Twitch Streamer!

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All righty let me know if anyone’s here and if you can hear me hello KY penguin question mark ghost by go Rafa zerx Matco Rick James Bish Jess long leral trash Bleak werewolf draenite box tofu Willie fish trinis uncore splitcore Linux Max mix tired sloth aan the Adept and what’s going on

Fellas hello Joy of metal celis Oak Trea Phoenix link the first Phantom G evig Galactic Ron muu visman my dad is not a phone the 99th abys of spirit Matt M Moth Man Zam Monica thank you for the 9month resub I appreciate it thank you very much hello

Z Fu crep time x slaven what’s going on fellas I uh been hearing a lot about this Panera lemonade that’s killing people and I really want to try it I want to get like a [ __ ] jug of it and that’ll be like maybe my first eating slring challenge so I’m going to get

Like a gallon of the Panera like voltage lemonade just [ __ ] chug chug that [ __ ] dude hello reou ly Charizard coffee dude AF Robot Mom Rama midnight note thank you Dr Mothman the 63rd for the 43rd month in RL CL arba hello hello poptart Bruce agar Ark blue hat thank you cookies are

Awesome for the tier three resub in 91 months you’re going to chug jug the lemonade with me hello juie skylines I like to paint the 33rd y what’s up with the lemonade I I’m actually kind of surprised there are people in here who don’t know what I’m talking about it’s a

Meme right now I guess you’re all old disconnected [ __ ] like I often am but not this time uh for me I guess Panera has this like extremely heavily caffeinated lemonade that has killed two people two people have died from drinking this [ __ ] and like the last month or so it’s like uh charged

Lemonade and they didn’t the first person it wasn’t it wasn’t listed as like a caffeinated beverage or anything anything like that it was just with the normal drinks and then they were it it’s apparently very very very caffeinated to the point where two people have died so

I feel like that’s like a good Lottery to play like we should all go and see which one of us dies from the caffeinated lemonade thank you ritzier for the 13 months I just got a cat named her spicy nugget hell yeah dude it’s a

Good name for a cat it’s how I want to go out I think I hear most Social Media stuff through either the too cord or the too stream yeah I’m like I’m like the [ __ ] big fat mommy Bird that’s just his internet [ __ ] into your mouth

Hello CG Nori my tolerance is too high I think mine is too I’m a caffeine Golem I don’t think I would even feel the lemonade but I don’t know maybe I would 300 mg is about as much caffeine as a higher end of the pre-workout drink Spectrum it’s not ideal for casual

Consumption wellow I make like this concentrated nightmare black tea That’s heavily caffeinated and I’m pretty sure I’ve been drinking that [ __ ] for so long that caffeine will never affect me again unless I’m straight up like boofing caffeine pills so wouldn’t know what a single current meme phrases if not for

The stream Discord I’m sure you watch other streams that talk about memes hello caramel not the I know you watch a lot of streams Rafa I don’t think that’s true cut your tee well I’m talking about Rafa specifically I feel like Rafa is always talking about some streamer he’s

Watched doing God knows what so I’m I don’t believe him when he says that he wouldn’t know any of this without me hello sanus Cobra got [ __ ] up on stream today I Cobra will be dead within two years quote me on it December 9th 2025 by this date king cobra JFS will be

Dead I’m I’d put money on it hello Duckworth Joel Jutsu most creative name the Third don’t tend to go out of my way to figure out what the [ __ ] people are saying that’s fair that’s fair I mean you haven’t heard that the word of the year is

Riz uh I actually really [ __ ] like the the term risus I don’t know why I enjoy that so much I don’t usually like the stupid new words people come up with but rmus is pretty funny send him the pope asking for your teeth picture but change the date to

2025 I I was talking in the Discord what do you think it would take to get king cobra into the tomomo verse what would I have to do to get him to play like I think me and him are the only people who haven’t played that lethal company game

You know he could be the one person who can start out fresh with me we could do it I think that we would be very good we would be very good at that game buy him a 48 pack probably a sixpack at this point he’s desperate what’s good Recon how are you

Dude big fan risus and Riz what the [ __ ] is Riz it’s Charisma it’s a it’s a shorthand Zoomer word that means Charisma or charismatic so rmas is like a very charismatic Christmas a festival of Jubilation and happiness um I don’t know if it’s going

To be chismas in my house but we we we we’re pretty lowkey holiday people we don’t usually go balls to the wall with it coroni Massacre time yeah so funny story well it’s actually not even remotely funny it’s a stupid story but I’m going to tell it to you

Anyways I’ve been in the same spot in traffic for the last 20 minutes God I [ __ ] hate traffic I think that uh I remember having to deal with it every day and I don’t miss those days at all I’m sorry dude but at least you get to hear my

Epic [ __ ] story I’m sure it’s going to make it much better so the last time we streamed Minecraft last weekend uh someone spawned a villager type that was modeled after famous vtuber coroni Chan it was a little coroni vtuber thing and a few days later the server was lagging

People were pinging me telling me that the server was ridiculously laggy and so I downloaded like a million mods to try to diagnose what the [ __ ] was wrong with the server and it turned out in one cell there was not one not two coronis not three coronis but somewhere in the neighborhood

Between 70 to 880,000 coronis who had been like exponentially breeding over the weekend which is why that [ __ ] like the lag happened days after they were spawned there was a coroni [ __ ] cave somewhere and when I typed in the command to kill him mysteriously all of the lag went away because there’s this

Plugin you can get that shows you all the entities and rocks and eggs is aside from the coronis the number one reason the server will have any FL is rocks and eggs [ __ ] Barbie mansion with like a 100 glow frame things so uh the coroni breeding pit yeah I had to kill 80,000

Coronis never forget coroni breeding pit is a Canon part of I it dude every I didn’t spawn I know you didn’t nness they must have they must have bred I think the uniquely named villagers are not subject to the breeding restrictions of the regular villagers it’s the only

Thing that would explain why they were a I don’t think someone is going to sit there and spawn 880,000 coroni Chans I don’t think anyone would ever do that why would you Ro’s basement is so [ __ ] funny before I found out about the coronis I was tempted to Nuke her her Mansion

Honestly wonder if it was the one you inomed on the site I don’t think so they I don’t think they can occupy that space it was like a coroni it was a literal coron [ __ ] cave somewhere I never found its physical location I had no idea where it was I

Typed a command that killed all coronis within 150 radius so hello epic Noob hand the banan this never never let her get her little dog paw in the door because she’s going to breed 880,000 times and lag your server hello ilaka how are you think that in the Panera lemonade are

The only things I neglected to talk about last night I don’t really have much else besides uh been playing a lot of RuneScape uh you know I woke up I think I went to bed like one two last night I don’t [ __ ] remember but I went to bed basically immediately after the stream

And I woke up like 4 hours later so big chilling I’m starting to get burnt out on RuneScape dog that’s fair I’ve been playing Rim world again since I got the [ __ ] mod Shadows of Nagasaki now I just wish I got to see them you know know but then

Again maybe it wouldn’t have been a good idea cuz I feel like 70 to 880,000 villagers being spawned in would probably lag my computer I I don’t think it would be good I hate going to bed at a reasonable time waking up a few hours later I mean if I’m not completely

Miserably exhausted I like waking up early because there’s more time to do [ __ ] in this instance to play RuneScape rendering them in would brick your PC for sure that would honestly be really really funny like imagine if I had to buy a new computer cuz someone spawned

880,000 coronis and it blew up my my graphics card I would be pretty pissed but that would also be really [ __ ] funny too still got a few coronis at my Village just finished watching one of the most inaccessible incomprehensible movies I’ve ever seen called hard to be

A god interesting premise but [ __ ] me 3 hours is too long for that story is it better or worse than skinker in enjoying RuneScape till I got banned for no reason is it really no reason chopi were you Boton I feel like 95% of the time when

Someone says they got banned for no reason there’s a very big reason that they don’t want to talk about so I don’t know if you’re being truthful and honest with me right now chovi [ __ ] love that book but may need to watch the movie for a while what’s botting you’re [ __ ] kidding me

Right are you trying to pull on my dick right now what’s botting you honestly think I would do something I mean it’s not like someone botting in a video game isn’t some sort of extreme indictment of one’s character I don’t really get the point on like the only instance where I would

Understand botting personally is if you’re botting on such a level that you can sell massive amounts of currency for real money that makes a lot of sense and I get why you would do that but just like botting something in Runescape or wow I don’t really get

It Russian movies man I don’t know if I’ve I’ve ever watched a Russian movie maybe when I’m 40 I’ll start watching movies on a regular basis I kind of wanted to watch Shin Godzilla after seeing minus one just farming Orin fish that’s about it what reason did they

Give for your ban chovi they usually give you a reason you just don’t get [ __ ] whisked away to the shadow realm [ __ ] sh Godzilla is all right how did you enjoy minus one I thought it was extremely good actually it was the best movie I can recall seeing in a long time

I think uh I don’t know it was very very good Community guidelines broken okay so you were probably saying Spanish slurs or Portuguese slurs or whatever the [ __ ] language you speak you were probably saying some [ __ ] up [ __ ] it’s like the Venezuelans or something cuz if you’re not familiar RuneScape has an extreme

Venezuelan Community they literally bought Farm to make money in Venezuela on RuneScape so he probably encountered Venezuelans and started getting mad seeing red and started talking hella racist [ __ ] to them chy out here sling people out 110% he watches one piece and honestly out of all of the popular

Animes right now I think one piece Watchers are probably the most likely to be racist in my opinion I remember using macros to level combat skills in U while at school within the first month of it coming out you got me there pretty sure it’s the Jujutsu but there’s no

Dude I don’t I don’t okay explain to me what this jiujitsu kaisen [ __ ] is because I have a general idea of a lot of the popular ones but people are starting to talk about this one a lot and I have I mean I guess it’s about fighting cuz jiujitsu but Naro but

Better it’s okay chovi I got banned from RS a year after not playing saying I boted I think you’re all you’re all scamming me people simping for cannibal Hitler a genuinely good but that doesn’t that doesn’t explain anything to me hello sies RoR I fourth guess we’re one of the same

Because most animes are good we all agree on that right like bokun no pico DEA was a classic um the one uh yurin [ __ ] Club the one Jenna really likes is very good kiss x sister um he is my master Bible black is weird getting an email when I

Had stopped playing long ago so it solidified me never touching that trash again or in high I remember people love that [ __ ] when I was 13 years old I remember every teenage girl when I was a teenager on the internet [ __ ] loved one of three things it was either a ranh

High chobits or a Fruits Basket I think were the three for weird like that like the popet app Trinity I guarantee you she’s watched one of those I would I would [ __ ] bet $500 right now that she has watched one of those [ __ ] Black Butler chobit sucks

Ass I don’t know anything about it but except apparently they have like a button in their vagina to turn them on and off they’re like robots and you [ __ ] them to or you know Fruits Basket based huh that’s what chat told me wasn’t there a card one yeah card captor

Sakura um there was uh what was the [ __ ] other one called Magi Magicka or something it’s an interesting design Choice who’s the hottest anime character of the top of your head I don’t want to say it because I don’t want my wife to get mad at me but

Definitely the uh the blind chick from Naruto I always forget her [ __ ] name what if I’ve watched ran Fruits Basket you’ve watched Italia too haven’t you that was another one pretty sure she’s mad already from last night I don’t think so hanata yeah that one the one with the

[ __ ] up eyes uh oh banjo do you hear someone hold on I got to let him out not blind whatever dude I don’t watch that Naruto [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude calm down she’s got the same eyes as that one [ __ ] from um Avatar the blind Nudo girl has the same

Haircut as coconut head oak tree calm down no I was talking to my dog he freaks out whenever Autumn gets here oh God damn I know yeah okay all right I’m sorry I’m getting a bit heated that’s all right it’s Minecraft so that means that emotion Run High this is the

Sort of game where everyone gets really mad for no reason whenever they see it thank you Snapple Apple for the 30 months I appreciate it how have you been it’s been a while I read your stream announcement as Korean pileup I don’t I if only if only that’s

What happened tpal hello Raba how are you dude all righty so I’m going to see uh if we can get people to run the dungeon tonight if not then uh probably go to water burgers or something I want to I want people to see this but I think I I might have waited

Too long to to get people into it doing good dog finishing finals hell yeah hello genius coj jumbo excited to see what Shenanigans are going on tonight I’ve been good loving the content Mr streamer I’m just being drowned by finals right now yes it is finals time

It’s been so long maybe uh maybe I need to go back to school so I could become like a um what would I [ __ ] do be like a uh like a gender studies guy I’ll get into it just eating right now all right well I’m gonna I’m gonna be right

Back I’m gonna go see aumn real quick for for for all righty sorry I’m back I I know you probably missed me desperately oh you actually see what those are on mobile so we going assume those are nice and wholesome art I think uh I think it always is they’ve never posted anything

B there’s never been Among Us [ __ ] there’s never been bird Coxs there’s never been anything weird whatsoever they’re all delightful little cherubs I should probably scroll up and make sure oh is that the incest [ __ ] I think uh I think that is no incest porn whatsoever well it didn’t

Look pornographic to me but it definitely has the incest [ __ ] birck is so damn funny to me what’s going on Soo incest [ __ ] Chi how do you not know about incest [ __ ] what do you mean dog it’s like the only thing we talk about anymore hello

Yo Kazi I’m old homie dude I’m literally 31 and I know about incest [ __ ] so I don’t think that’s a valid excuse for you I don’t think it is at all oh man Gest I’d make lelay forget all about her stupid brother in an in

I don’t think that’s how it works but I I support you in your Endeavor thank you Yoki for the 32-month resub I appreciate it thank you very much I didn’t realize she was prous wait what the [ __ ] are you talking about I didn’t I don’t think I’ve seen one where

She was pregnant unless you’re not talking about the things people are posting in the chat maybe wishful thinking on your end people are desperate for the characters that will never date them I think sooy probably only thinks about Andy and lelay like all day that’s

All he does we haven’t got to that part of the story yet I really [ __ ] hope that it’s like uh they have an incest baby I really really [ __ ] non-ironically hope that that is what happens because it would be really funny seeing all of the people who like incest

Isn’t that bad as long as they’re consenting adults and they don’t reproduce and that’s you know I don’t necessar disagree with that in theory but having them take the next step and have like [ __ ] like an actual incest baby make it extra [ __ ] up too have it be this horrible [ __ ] creature hold

On Sith just broke into my room so I had to close the door they have a baby they 100% kill she would get jealous they did talk about like reproducing to make repeated sacrifices for the devil like to have incest baby sacrifices I just don’t know if they’re

Brave enough to do that Texas Chain Saw Massacre but instead of murder it’s just a lot of incest and see people still defend it I would defend it dude if they if they’re brave enough to make a game where they’re [ __ ] out incest babies I will be the number one white knight I

Will Dawn my shining armor and I will defend that game to the death I will I will make sure nobody uh so the name of Andy and lelay maybe they could look like the [ __ ] up little autism creatures too I think that would be a nice touch they you know what they should

[ __ ] they should hit me up I have really good ideas I don’t actually have the picture of it so it’s a Minecraft screenshot but just imagine these things just walking around the house maybe they could convert to Mormonism and you’d have like a like a little pack of these [ __ ] that are

Mormon that [ __ ] would be [ __ ] awesome dude there is there see there’s so many good places to take that game door to door Mormonism but it’s those [ __ ] yeah they’re a quiverful so they have to have like 10 of them they get like the RV and one of

Them yeah one of them’s literally going to be just a stupid [ __ ] sleeping on the floor the one they hate doesn’t get a bed or an actual place to rest they’re just like the little floor demon cocacola and sister yippi God why were these autism creatures initially associated with the

Yippe [ __ ] I don’t know if I I understand the pipeline here thank you pisle for the raid I appreciate it thank you yes okay good to know they you know what they kind of look like that’s not even remotely close to what they look at look like you don’t

Know what you’re talking about they look like horse girls they kind of have that horse girl stance that horse girl energy my sister actually gave me a pin of the autism creature before all this and I look at it with disdain well she gave you a nice

Gift I don’t think that’s a problem I can see it yeah you could see them running around in the backyard jumping over horse obstacles right The Gift of Life I think that you should be grateful for any sort of gifts that you get because one day you won’t get any zarab

Backs One Day You’re Gonna one day you’re gon to miss those autism creature gifts hello apples XD and I’ll spooky dookie I don’t get any I don’t believe that do you put them down if they break a leg I sure hope so thank you Thoms the

27th for the 44 months I appreciate it how are you have I ever told you guys that I [ __ ] love Diet Coke I don’t know what I would do without this [ __ ] I don’t know why it tastes so good to me my board is full of other pensive

Pensive I pins I’ve been given I remember there was a point when I was a small child like like under the age of 10 where we went to Disney and I got really into the collecting pins thing for a small period of time I had like a little Yu-Gi-Oh card binder

Full of [ __ ] Disney pins I had this one the only one that I remember to this day is there was this really cool like demon gargoyle thing I don’t remember what show he was from what movie he was from but he was awesome and I need to

Find it got a bunch of monster on her pins from twitchcon I have a bunch of stickers of random [ __ ] on my fr got like shrimps loaches Gundams cuz sometimes they send me stickers when I order Gundams off of the internet so might as well use them right I Was A Boy

Scout people went hard on those badges I was a Cub Scout for a little while too I ended up having to go to summer camp and do like had to do archery and [ __ ] you probably talked about it yesterday but do you think Wilds is going to be like world two probably um

I feel I mean I don’t really know Monster Hunter devs always make good [ __ ] I’ve expressed reservations at the possibility of them like I I don’t know I it’ll be fine it’ll be good it looks a little more open world than the others so I’m curious if they’re doing anything with

That thank you s to even for the 32-month resub I appreciate it thank you very much add Cub Scout to the tal Wiki I remember at my first house that I grew up in we had sleepovers like everyone in the Cub Scout group was tight that was

The most friends I’ve ever had in my entire life we’d have like sleepovers I remember one time for my birthday we invited the entire [ __ ] Cub Scout Troop to my house to sleep over in the garage and play Smash Brothers eating [ __ ] pizzas and [ __ ] and we were so

Loud my dad got mad came in and screamed at us all but it was a lot of fun because we didn’t go to bed we were just Whispering playing smash like the entire night uh hello Hubert how are you hello Ash Tanga it was really fun good [ __ ] times and then we moved

And this was around the time I hit puberty and I remember I tried to I was like on the younger end of the this particular tribe of Cub Scouts I think I was maybe like 11 12 and they were like 14 15 16 and this is I don’t know if I’ve told

This story before but at the time I was very addicted and excited about a game and the game was moral wind I asked if anyone had played it and someone said yes and I started saying we should start you know trading moral in Secrets do you

Know where yagrum Bagram is and I made a fool of myself and they all hated me because I was just this weird little [ __ ] autis of creature who walked up to people and started talking about Morin did did you know that you can kill women and take their clothes off and see their

[Laughter] boobies good [ __ ] times dude and my mom found out that I was doing that and I got banned from morwin for a year or two so dark times thank you Mueller for the 41 month resub I appreciate it thank you I did not tell me more yeah you can

Kill women or or men in moral wind and take all of their articles of clothing off the Boy Scouts isn’t Cub Scouts like te yeah I was in Cub Scouts in the first uh house but I think I was like I was like a in the Boy Scouts as

Someone who should probably not be in there when we moved and I started talking about Morin would have been ecstatic to talk someone else about morind as a kid yeah I don’t know there weren’t a lot of like 11y olds talking about morind it was all Pokemon they have

Underwears you can do that in Morin too I don’t know I I still [ __ ] love that game like a hundred years later I think I probably will until I die I remember being in Boy Scout camp whispering to a friend about Final Fantasy overnight and we got chewed out over

It wait hold on Joelle said something about being molested I didn’t get the mo I didn’t get the molested by the scout leader badge only one I didn’t get unlucky I’m sorry Joelle I didn’t get that one either if it makes you feel better oh what’s good in

Perry alrighty I’m like that with Knights of the Old Republic I never got into that one just because I didn’t play it when it was new I think ugly kid yeah if anything I just end up loving more the games I used to play as a kid with

Time I I think so too I’m the same way Morin Remains The One Elder Scrolls game I keep going back to every year I kind of want to go back to Skyrim that’s where I’m at [ __ ] out of all of the games in the world Skyrim of all [ __ ] things I I

Really don’t know what the [ __ ] is wrong with me my video game trajectory has been absolutely [ __ ] horrendous I think I went from like Mech Warrior to monster horor Frontier to RuneScape which I definitely think I need to be put down Skyrim with modern Graphics mods and reshades looks incredible if you’re

Hanry for Skyrim and I [ __ ] hate end all I have tried to get into that [ __ ] so many [ __ ] times I just don’t get it I just don’t get it I’ve tried I’ve tried a few times and every time I get to the big city all of my interest

Just I really wanted to like it cuz my sister [ __ ] loves Ender all it’s like her favorite game ever and I just I tried playing it once before she knew about it and I didn’t like it and I tried playing it a second time so I could talk to her about it and

I just I don’t know what it is like there’s nothing I can specifically point to as a reason I don’t like it just don’t I’m not sure why just waiting for ready or not on the 13th I have no [ __ ] clue what that is I I’m waiting

For the chapter uh chapter three of Andy and lelay that’s the only thing this month I can think of off the top of my [ __ ] that I’m excited for Ready or Not is like ARMA well you saw me play receiver last night I don’t do good with the shooty shooty bang bang

Stuff [ __ ] I cannot [ __ ] hit the broadside of a barn waiting for the darkest dungeon 2 DLC I’m just [ __ ] playing RuneScape I’m 100 I was I I built a little bit of a Gundam today I I had a thing I could AFK and RuneScape finally so I was sitting there [ __ ]

With it and I I almost broke my fingers it’s this particular one is a real son of a [ __ ] to build so uh I had to get my um got my pliers here to [ __ ] uh squeeze the parts cuz it’s a metal frame but it’s actually unique and that it’s a

Metal frame that I have to assemble usually with the metal frame ones they just give you the entire skeleton but in this one I have to like actually manufacture it and it’s really takes a lot of force to get those [ __ ] on what are you building the Star Destroyer

Balers gate is kind of ruined for me cuz I asked all my friends if they were going to get it and they said no then I’ll bought it a week later why bother so you’ve got the same [ __ ] thing I have like the same hangup like I [ __ ] hate it because I’m

Like I’m like the second wave reinforcement too I’m the person people start asking when all of the people they actually want to play with with have dropped the game and then it’s really shitty cuz even if I’m like oh okay that sounds fun it’s like everyone is super

Experienced I’m just I have to be like the idiot baby bird the only one who hasn’t played it so it’s just I I understand the feeling you just get dragged along yeah yeah it’s like I don’t really want to [ __ ] play like the entire point of it is like getting a

Group and like figuring out the game together so if you’re coming in as like the [ __ ] man K in the back it’s not it’s not really all that fun so Andy and lelay is kind of ruined for me cuz I asked all my friends if they

Were going to get it and they said no and then I’ll bought it a week later I don’t think Andy and lelay could ever be ruined for me it’s a it’s a transcended experience that just defies everything I’ve ever played before it’s art I hope you’re all well on the

Minecraft server is going well I got one week left the semester being exam week and finally get to relax and playing dark pictures Anthology with a friend and super good story game game take it easy damz a if you want to play bald see I I literally committed to playing it with

With real life people and they’ve I never got back to me so I don’t know what the [ __ ] happen they bought the game for me so I’d feel like a [ __ ] [ __ ] if they bought me a $60 game and I’m like okay I’m G to play with these

Other people now so I it’s just in limbo though I have to message them had a friend wanting to play Divinity original sin 2 but didn’t want the group to play with customized characters want to sit through all of the voice acting I dude that freaks me out

Too I I might be a stupid Texan but I I can read reasonably fast so just sitting here waiting for [ __ ] to talk my least favorite thing in the world is when you play a game where the subtitles are like you read them and it’s like I like to go down

To the forest to gather berries to make my berry pies with all of the street urchins love it when I make my pie and give it to them please hurry up dude Christ I’m 31 years old I don’t have time for this [ __ ] anymore I’m about to

Die homie my days are numbered just get spitt at the [ __ ] out so I I understand I get that it’s my outwards voice content was perfect it covered the first sentence by the time I was done I was done reading the paragraph I guess I should have I should

Have uh been more appreciative of that game last night the what the [ __ ] Paradise killer because the voice acting was so weird because it would be like a paragraph and they’ voice the first word and that would be it and I had to read the rest tend to wait through voice acting once

Is badly done and the disgusting shift has been rehashed 300 times too do you want to play Monster or Wilds with me in two years sure I uh [ __ ] two years man that’s a one of us might die by then Hubert that’s the thing it’s hard to

Commit to things that far away and honestly maybe this is Haram maybe this is completely [ __ ] to say but part of me feels like with new monster hunter games I should just wait until they’re done like so it’ll be like four years for me because you know you the

Game comes out and then there’s drip feed content and the expansion comes out and there’s drip feed content and I I still haven’t done the end of sunbreak stuff so I really feel like I’ve got to maybe wait like two years until it’s actually done you have

To play it with me do I just wait until the title updates are all out Le with modern ones you don’t got to play the base game all over again damn I mean I feel like I don’t if you want me to I will but I don’t know I’m

Not not fun to play with I fixed the toilet cool we’ll have to hear about spoilers until it’s done then I I don’t know what spoilers like silver Rathalos is update three oh no dude do a vanilla then wait for all the DLC and updat I don’t know after the second update

Then after the no I literally just wait like a 100 years for it to be done but if you do that you risk playing vanilla poorly rebalanced for the expansion like iceborn I just don’t really dig the live service [ __ ] man I don’t know do people

Bother with the high rank prlc grind if they’re not getting fomo from it being fresh I would because I’m [ __ ] stupid I’m a I’m a dumb [ __ ] I literally play monster on her Frontier that’s a gay where sometimes you have to kill like 40 of a monster for an upgrade

So I don’t give a [ __ ] dog I’ll put my dick in the wood chipper and I you know hello lazette Destiny 2 killed live service me part of me feels a little bit of FO all that I never got into Destiny cuz I really when it was at its

Height I really [ __ ] love Borderlands way before like this whole streaming thing happened I was a [ __ ] for Borderlands one a [ __ ] for Borderlands 2 so that kind game appeals to me but I don’t know I never got gorilla gripped by Destiny I’m not sure

Why get to play sunre at all CU I modded my switch now I have to play world really like Destiny 2 but no one to do the raids with not interested on three I feel like at that point Oh you mean Borderlands 3 we played that me and

Autumn and I think the amount of annoying dialogue and characters made us never want to play it again uh it was rough your weekend going it’s going dude I’m I’m a RuneScape Golem today I chopped redwood trees I watched hell blinda Play Lost in Vivo

Um I I didn’t really do a whole [ __ ] up a lot today I was I’ve been up since six in the [ __ ] morning and I’ve done literally nothing it’s impressive how unproductive I’ve been today Borderlands 3 is best played on mute hype for Destiny 2 by real life friend group we

Got into session one night and then played again after it’s really hard to have like a prolonged campaign of playing something with people read something about them making a new Borderlands already isn’t the Tiny Tina one like a basically a Borderlands game Borderlands 3 had some pretty good

DLC but the main game was really atrocious I mean I liked the game play I just you know I’m going to say something completely [ __ ] up I know that the characters made to be irritating but that big fat [ __ ] the whale really pisses me off I don’t know

What it is about that character in particular Ellie yeah yeah that one and she’s one of the First characters you encounter in three and I’m just like oh my [ __ ] god her and scooter make me want to die those two characters oh my [ __ ] god scooter is yes scooter is pretty [ __ ]

Bad I hear Borderlands 3 is the best when it comes to gameplay but the worst when it comes to dialogue I remember what it is with three there’s this one Quest early on where you you’re doing a quest for the hippopotamus and you have to figure something out at a tower I don’t

Remember the specifics but if you don’t figure it out within literally like 5 seconds she starts like she literally starts backseat gaming hey you why don’t you look over here for the thing and it’s I I wanted to shoot my myself in Minecraft and I I guess you can’t really

Turn that feature off and I was like okay well I don’t really [ __ ] want to play that much anymore on other Borderlands games you just leave most dial three they lock you in a room so you’re forced to listen you got to uh you got to listen to all the funny quirky dialogue

You have to it’s necessary I don’t know if the writing’s actually gotten worse or if I’m just old and cynical and jaded now but I didn’t laugh very much at Borderlands 3 dialogue from what I played it’s definitely gotten worse he has kind of like flanderized almost I

Think is the term it’s like a uh it’s like a mockery of itself replaying that game is 10 times more fun with the mods it gives you a skip dialogue button everyone is clap tra in Borderlands 3 they tried to lean into it yeah you you can’t buy into your

Own hype it never works NPC’s back seating everything is what may me quit the recent God of War I also want to play the yeah I like I’m a dumb [ __ ] you know I don’t give a [ __ ] if it takes me 200 hours to solve this puzzle I’ll do it just leave me

Alone that worse for me and my GF only play it with a dialogue skip tweet she’s a huge Borderlands head and I remember I used to sit there I was one of those virgins who would sit there and [ __ ] actually Farm bosses in Borderlands too we got to make sure

We uh maximize our our chance is for for for for mixus the varid to spawn don’t kill those cocoons gamer we got to sit there and we got to farm them so get a perfect sham I don’t remember probably not it’s like BL2 is parting a bunch of things and bl3 is attempting

Like sort of parody BL2 and it results in a weird incest baby which is weird because we were talking about how appealing incest babies are so you would think I would go for Borderlands 3 but I guess not I had a buddy who do nothing but gamble his money away at the

Slots in Borderlands too you should [ __ ] introduce him to coin game holy [ __ ] that game had me by the dick for like a like a week the big base wheel sitting there spinning that [ __ ] thing Have You Ever Seen The Walking Dead IRL where there’s like a

Congol line of old people with the like the penny slot sitting there with like the oxygen tanks [ __ ] full of the slots for hours dude that [ __ ] is so Bleak hello grx legitimately horrifying but at least it’s like yeah okay at least this getting addicted to

Video games thing is not it’s not just our generation sad it’s here in Japan too with Pachinko God damn wall to wall slots and like we should do slots for Toom would you would you be down for that would you play Slots with me was pretty disappointed when I saw gambling

Machines and gas stations in my state coin game return when we already returned to it though saw that when I went on my work trip to Vegas old people in their gambling in order a thousand balls for Pinko really shouldn’t be trusted around slots only if it’s slots

For hot anime men Bingo and Slots we truly are a community of oldies I had a stereotypical Hispanic Lobster steel three wait wait wait what is a quote unquote stere typical Hispanic Lobster what does that mean I’m not sure I’m I’m picking up what you’re putting down slots KN and

Tower unite I need to go back and start watching videos in that Pinchy Gringo I like slots I think I would probably like them too but then again maybe not because there was this one slots thing you have to do in stardew Valley that pisses me

Off actually I like that video of the old guy in a mobility scooter going around in a circle playing four slot machines at once that’s literally the epitome of human existence that’s the Apex none of us will ever be as enlightened as that [ __ ] four slot machines at

Once godamn the theme of a slots machine was like from the 90s a Caribbean Lobster oh okay I I thought you were referring to Hispanic people as lobsters for some reason we need to watch the Godzilla analog wait there’s no Godzilla analog horror is there when the [ __ ] did that happened

Are you talking about neses Godzilla man in the suit oak tree needs to take his [ __ ] medicine I think new slur just dropped I used to call Europeans European lobsters so man in the suit I don’t Slender Man so there’s like some weird Slender Man Godzilla collaboration I

Suppose John Romero made another Doom wad we need to watch that video you dropped in blind’s chat and Tower unite it’s a good [ __ ] video it’s a good [ __ ] video man Christ almighty when I met ior yeah that’s a classic I think everyone in here has

Seen that one though shown it a few times ah trying to see Godzilla so bad and I haven’t got to yet yeah that was me with Five Nights at Freddy’s I’m never going to see the Five Nights at Freddy’s one I had not seen it until then well I’m glad

You mentioning it now so I’m guessing it had a considerable impact on you which I’m happy about I hope you’ve been thinking about I and ior for uh the last 24 hours I’m so sad I didn’t see FNAF in the theater me too dude I was going to get the nine

Glizzies I was going to sit there what is ior I guess we got to watch the [ __ ] video huh hold up let me get this [ __ ] up what’s up Sheena I work at the cinemas and had two members of the band Ghost come in and see Godzilla I don’t

Know who those people are but that sounds cool I’ve never met anyone from a band although one time me my sister and a friend of mine ate at a steakhouse and the waitress said we looked like we were part of a band which was weird uh hold

Up give me a just a moment I have to figure this out it’s pretty swag so are they what kind of ban is it is it like like some 100 gex [ __ ] is it like a cool band at least okay hello ankrom mancer happy birthday did she say open the door or something

In Japanese okay so I’m going to ask you guys the question I asked blind’s chat you think he you think he uh you think he got a piece of that loves to collect things from Japan literally me when tomomo comes to visit for my birthday all

Right thank you s for the 69 months this is I me ior Dude oh this is the best part of the video get ready look at the Grandpa [Laughter] dude hold up dude all right all right hold on one second we got a we got a let me let me hold on hold on hold on hold on we need to do

Like a zoom in enhance here I know the video quality is is leaving a little bit to be desired but just look at this [ __ ] guy this is literally how I look whenever like ceroni posts something in my chat like just look at his [ __ ] he’s not even looking at him his eyes

Are wandering around the room he wants to die and that’s why I don’t want to eat healthy because what if you live long enough to have to endure some [ __ ] like this a lot it’s best to die early bro this is how our family name mens

Hide the pain judgmental gaze of a dance coach what do you mean I don’t think so we all wish he had his confidence you you think so he didn’t seem all that confident I don’t think okay so no no you know what I’m going to refute this you can’t pull

These no no I have more confidence than this guy legit uh straight up straight up hold on we’re going to we’re going to watch this really quickly again I’m going to show you exactly why this guy is a [ __ ] okay my OBS browser is not working so give me a second I

Wouldn’t call this confidence just just watch though I’m going to show you why it’s not actually confidence at all why is this not [ __ ] working okay well what I was going to say is that the uh it was it was all body language when he was dancing he was

Not looking at her he was facing away from her that’s not that’s not a sign of someone who has bravery if he was Brave if he was confident he would do the dance while looking her in the eye but he was facing away because he’s a he’s

He’s a [ __ ] hello mad no hello doofus draw the lines too you still did it I mean true but world is backwards is the grandpa who supposed to do and say weird [ __ ] and kids be embarrassed I bet the the grandpa could have done the dance better too closed off looking forward strict

With his movements afraid to open up afraid to show off yeah yeah hello Salo [ __ ] yeah more dungeon you are what you eat what do you think he was eating do you think it probably wasn’t her after that performance if he was a chat he would have been staring the Grandpa straight

In the eyes why he was so disappointed [ __ ] he was like man this guy can’t dance for [ __ ] I want maybe maybe the grandpa wasn’t actually judgmental maybe he’s like you know how old people are he he was probably 100% on board until the the the grandson didn’t bang

But when he saw that girl show up he was like okay maybe there’s something to this this [ __ ] like these Japanese dance rituals are summoning Japanese women to our house maybe maybe he’s right about this [ __ ] but then when he I don’t know fought Wars for this [ __ ] kid

Probably just confused hello key and dark old man thought it was a mating dance I don’t know twitch is [ __ ] up for me these emotes aren’t showing showing for me okay and te dog hat just have like a [ __ ] up little picture thing like the unable to load image image the girl’s

Face was absolute steal though didn’t let even a hint of cringe through okay so let’s be honest about this it’s a young woman in a Japanese musical group that is presumably young women what do you think their fan base is like this is not almost assuredly not her first

Rodeo hello dirty Dam what kind of a burger bro this is just this is business as usual the only thing that’s different here is that he’s white Baconator hell yeah dude weird Idol otaku 14-year-old and 40-year-old not a range the porcel smiles and bottled up feelings point taken but it’s still impressive sure

Sure you know what I just realized I’m a terrible person I’m looking at my dog right now and she still has her harness on from yesterday I haven’t taken it off but it looks kind of stylish she looks kind of good in her her little little

Red harness hey Sith what’s up big girl me to get this off he a little stinky oh it’s so cold as long as she is yeah she doesn’t care maybe maybe it’s like one of those idiot blankets I cannot find the hey hey come

Here hold on I got you I got you chicken strip harness for a cat that’s a lumberjack red and black pattern yeah ours is just like hey hey it’s okay just red with a little bit of white are we doing anything on Sunday the 24th is there anything what’s on Sunday the

24th is there some sort of thing I need to be aware of for that day Christmas Eve oh um probably Not Christmas just a week away yeah I need to start ordering presents bro what the [ __ ] it’s already like almost halfway through December risas Eve no don’t why can we do something well I floated the idea of doing like a Toom oon in what the [ __ ] is it

VR chat like a VR chat toio con uh Christmas special get banned for Christmas that [ __ ] would be kind of funny quit being a scrooge otter bug that would be something so I’m having trouble launching Minecraft right now I think my internet might be on the

Fritz my [ __ ] might be [ __ ] tooch gets groomed live can’t wait to see who’s the most [ __ ] up Avatar it’s going to be um sir pisle for sure 110% yeah you know what [ __ ] it Christmas Eve or Christmas we’ll do VR chat I don’t I don’t [ __ ] care uh

That’s I don’t know which day but we’ll we’ll do it one of those days we’ll play it by here so just get ready for it downgrade the game version yes I already did that it’s not loading at all like it’s not even connecting to the Minecraft mother server hello gum jar

Can someone make a king cobra VR model for the Epic streamer I think I’ll probably be like a like a Pickman you have VR chat isn’t it free I don’t think they charge for that [ __ ] right like you just [ __ ] we played it twice see the hype got a very basic

Character it’s free yeah you could just [ __ ] walk in and yeah my internet’s completely [ __ ] like I can’t get on Steam either it’s a mystery why my my [ __ ] uh stream hasn’t shut down because I’m having trouble connecting to literally everything weird is my stream like

Dropping no Okay can get my Roku yeah our DNS is [ __ ] or something what’s going on empty perspective play with mouse yeah you don’t need like I don’t have a VR ninja headset or anything like that either you could just play like a normal computer game and laugh at the people who are

Sitting there doing whatever it’s streaming perfect I need to reset yeah I’m not going to do that someone’s torrenting in the maybe keep getting a DNS error at the moment it’s weird that the stream is fine and I just can’t get into anything else and make epic gestures and VR hell

Yeah what are you gonna be in VR chat joy we need to get a 02 Avatar so jazal dude gizal needs to do uh Riz Miss on VR chat tooon with us we need to get jazal and on it for sure bring back the DSP panties I remember that why are you question

Marking me sooy something’s already going when it happens it’s fine but you can’t open new connections God damn it well I guess we could just talk about how we’re all old and dying you know the what so when I did VR chat with Russ way back in the day a lost toite

Named tan man made a uh a model and he was a little anime girl but he came up to me and said look at my panties and so I did um I did look at the panties and it would he had like little you know how there’s like panties with the [ __ ]

Like print on them right like the cry merchandise where his face was on the panties uh he had dsp’s face and it like the texture was stretched where it honestly like I don’t I don’t think dsp’s face looks like a vagina whatsoever but the way it was kind of

Like halfhazard stretched across it made me do a double take it’s like oh [ __ ] a vagina oh no no no it’s just Phil okay all right that’s not so bad it was really funny it was really [ __ ] funny have you ever seen those things where it’s like a dude makes his like

Some random part of his body like his stomach rolls look like titties or like an ass or whatever the [ __ ] and then he posts like a cropped image to bait people into going oh my God nice boobies but it’s like a dude’s ass crack kind of like

That wow I don’t know why I’m not able to connect anything hello demolition Daisy what’s up I think uh I think I might be getting cancelled by Twitter right now unlucky yeah even the twitch emotes aren’t loading no it’s my internet anchr maner I can’t get on Steam twitch emotes

Aren’t loading I can’t get into Minecraft I don’t know why the stream is working can you hit anything in the browser let’s go it you know what it was it started happening when I [ __ ] did the ey and ey tour thing that’s what [ __ ] me I tore did

He couldn’t [ __ ] that Japanese waifu but he sure as [ __ ] [ __ ] me and now he’s having the last laugh godamn it ior you son of a [ __ ] do I look like my name is I Chan to you need to finish the video to fix it iore dosing you

Man unbelievable it reminds me of the first time I met a girl on the internet I was a I think I was like 11 or 12 and I I frequented this forum called which was a Pokemon forum and I there was a girl a couple years my senior who I

Begged her to be my girlfriend I was like yo not beg but I would like constantly bother her to be my girlfriend and she always said no but for some reason she’s like We’re Going on a school trip to where you live let’s meet up in person and I was like okay

That’s weird like I I don’t know why the [ __ ] I don’t know what she was thinking literally have no idea why like cuz I was an annoying little [ __ ] I am now catfishing no no it’s even worse like what you’re imagining is not as bad as what actually

Happened so it’s a school trip and her and her friend who I also know go to this restaurant the Hard Rock Cafe my parents take me there and I’m too afraid to go ask for her so my my mom has to go hey is there a

You know their names here and ask for like a random child from the [ __ ] school party and you know against against anything you would [ __ ] expect she was there and we met and she she insisted on referring to me as my internet handle because it was too

Awkward to come me by my real name and it was maybe one of the only instances where I felt like the the the girl was more of an embarrassment socially than me cuz I thought even then like back then when I was that young that that was really weird and embarrassing I don’t

Even want to say what my name was at the time because I don’t want you going and digging [ __ ] that I posted when I was 11 up but it was embarrassing my name was not so it was uh at least 15 characters long so says our Gateway is offline yeah I guess

Our shit’s just [ __ ] now H God doesn’t want Minecraft to happen parents just complain about having to drive me there in the first place to yell at me for asking for that [ __ ] they have XX in it no Vaporeon enjoyer no nobody liked Vaporeon like that back

Then no incremancer Kyle Dark Souls need a crash for the night unfortunately have a good rest of the stream everyone good night Galactic I use different names for almost everything can I reset it I guess we can end the stream here um [ __ ] give it like five more minutes to

See give me maybe it’ll just fix it 15 characters long as a weird username I agree s Sith what are you doing what are you doing you stinky little dogum hey oh you making piggy noises huh little freak oh come on get the hell on out of here get

Lost I’m back what did I miss I’m having one of the world’s most bizarre internet issues where my stream is fine but I can’t connect any website including Minecraft so oh what about bingo games some internet shittery going on according to down detector have you heard of the Minecraft Alpha 1.0.1

16.05 versions AR no no I’ve never heard of that in my entire life what’s your internet provider AT&T we’re off the Spectrum at least as as far as the internet provider is concerned hold on okay if I refresh YouTube it works so I could do at least YouTube so one of my favorite things about new windows all right let me know if you can hear me my internet’s [ __ ] up if it if it disconnects again I’m done uh but I’ll give it one more try I don’t I don’t have a lot of patience for internet stuff

So Minecraft allows me to connect now at the very least and should be fine now well that’s just one I don’t know it doesn’t really matter the power of real Magicka let me boot this [ __ ] up I’m pegging this is actually a no pegging Zone I don’t know if you’re

Aware of that or not but we don’t do the whole pegging thing that’s ban it’s a forbidden practice hold on let me capture the video wayo we used our energy I don’t I don’t know if that’s true finally yeah this pegging [ __ ] has got to stop it’s no

Good what were you saying about new windows oh it doesn’t matter uh let’s see pegging is Bann are using the new fangled modem or old ass I have no idea it was just whatever they gave us it’s for fiber so the server have epic New Creations maybe I have no

Idea Biv rag Bay expressed that he found something completely horrible and terrifying so I’m very excited to see that if I can find it okie dokie well let’s let’s play some miny crafty I suppose um for the people who are left usually with the when see now there’s some it’s [ __ ] because

Like whenever there’s a uh like a stream DC sort of thing most people just like leave it’s done please TP to me in Minecraft I made a very special cloud in the sky why are there coronis here I still what the [ __ ] is wrong with her name there’s like a zgo coroni here

Wonderful that’s the special one what are these and now oh my God there’s going to be breeding Toral Ducks now too awesome enchanted books take one huh what the [ __ ] it come on bro what the hell is this you you want me to get banned that I don’t give a [ __ ] ban

Me all right Rick James wanted me to see what they made so let’s TP to Rick James it’s very cute she’s such a cute dog the the best dog I think and everyone’s dog is the best dog but that’s that’s I don’t know if I’m ever going to

Be able a to love an animal like that one ever again nice Wiki how dog thanks better than Mimi anyways I mean it’s not that I don’t it’s not that I don’t like or love the other dogs it’s just SI is special cph is my my special little

Baby wow this is very elaborate don’t say that banjo can hear you [ __ ] banjo I don’t have a dog so I’m going to take the title for my myself all righty so if you have anything you want me to see I want to I want to find the [ __ ] up creation I’m

Very interested in what Biv was talking about when he was referencing something terrible the igloo is still a work in progress I made a new thing too really like that Crystal thing like the J crystals that you shove up there TP to me all right we’re going to go see moth man’s

Okay I think that’s a tale but I was confused at first what the [ __ ] is okay um who’s this lady what’s uh what’s happening what’s happening with her is this supposed to be coroni dang I thought for sure that was a dick have you seen the anime girl yet which

One dog girl Velma I think this is the coroni glue factory yeah the big one I don’t know I don’t know if I have seen the big anime girl so when we say big are we saying like it is a large depiction of an anime girl are we talking

Like TP to me to see okay TP Toom torle duck what the [ __ ] what the hell is this holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that’s a big pakora what the [ __ ] is a pakora who did this that’s depressing and impressive it’s a bunny girl what the [ __ ] is wrong with this

[ __ ] why does she have carrots in her hair a bunny vber oh don’t okay uh I didn’t can I what if I like what if we pretend this is like a Tik Tok stream you know the ones where it’s like oh thank you for the Gizzy uh thank you for the

Gizzy you know what if we play like a what if we just play like a little game of pretend where we’re like uh you know what if we feed her oh tomomo thank you for the TNT you know like that would be that would be be kind of fun

Right what do you think would it be [ __ ] up it would be kind of [ __ ] up huh she would approve a bit too please who made this hold on does it say if I try to break a block no they didn’t claim so I can’t see who made

It please do it something yeah I don’t want to ruin someone’s hard work but I do want to bomb her if I squint it’s kind of like a Sonic totem no torpal definitely didn’t make this I made it too you can blow it up is he lying to

Me all right I’m going to take his word for it nobody would lie to me I all of my viewers are 100% honest all right I’ve always wanted to do this damn damn I I think it’s it’s a good look she can rock it pakora on The Walking Dead coming to

A theater near you new FNAF character anime f finally over me when buk she ate that Pocky chip so uh anyone else has anything you would like me to see before we start the dungeon any epic creations I think torpal had something he wanted to show

Me you can TP to me all right TP too to xlth I hope it’s not a uh what are you doing to that why why is his name corn well he seems happy at least oh this is kind of sick what the [ __ ] oh that’s a frog I

Thought it was a flattened rabbit dude I wasn’t sure what the [ __ ] I was looking at for a moment that someone [ __ ] like put a put a rabbit in the flattener hold up I’m going to follow him where are you taking me would you take the offer of Jesus’s

Real ask you to make a path to Heaven this [ __ ] and ball torure from Hell sure I like this little Moss Temple it’s it’s so RuneScape it’s like I can Envision fighting Moss Giants in here very good [ __ ] I like it I’m a big fan of the stone ziggurats I I like

Making those too I don’t know what to put inside get like coronis like find the remainder of the coronis and imprison them in the Moss Temple I think that would be wait what the [ __ ] is this what what is this supposed to represent died with 40 coroni eggs did

She so when you say coroni eggs do you mean that exit spawn coroni or did she deposit 40 eggs into you and you died it’s an urban Mac Christ okay TP talomo to Toral duck this [ __ ] made Helms Deep he’s recreating all of Lord of the Rings here god

Dude and there’s just little baby Toral Ducks everywhere inhabiting it we need to have like a war here like Toral Ducks versus coronis that would be [ __ ] awesome who do you think would win show the cave where’s the cave I’ll follow torpo you show me

Bro no one I I think there’d be winners in that exchange TNT would win did not make a cave fake fan torpal but coron lays 90 eggs on one of them so the cycle continues says the server still on 1.2.2 how do I fix this go to installations and make a

New one and it’ll let you pick which version no glittering caves one day we need to try like okay hypothetically speaking if we got as many people as possible to play this game and we all had to work on the same building together do you think that would have a

Good result or a [ __ ] result oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this looks cool ew maybe it would be really cool a [ __ ] result but good content make a [ __ ] Fountain somewhere jump now oh it’s not bad at all okay I was hoping I would die but I’m actually all right

Your gay man most certainly have some kind of result it’d be cool he’s has a single individual on the server had the minec con cave I don’t think so I don’t think like actual Minecraft heads are here this is neat I dude are you using Elder Guardians for eyes that’s actually

Pretty [ __ ] insane I would never have thought of something like that it’s a shame this one’s stupid they’re literally even named eyeball huh why is the water so stinky here I don’t think I was supposed to go this way so a minec con Cape huh haven’t finished the nether Zone Follow Me Hold

On where are you here you are I ate too many chips now I want to die I feel that I’m not gay beanie come on dude don’t call me gay boy I’m straight believe me warning entry underwater no safe way up at the moment that’s very considerate why is there a sheep

Here what the [ __ ] oh what’s this supposed to be what is this yeah I don’t know this is this is uh there’s a warden in here too this is kind of based it looks cool don’t get me wrong I’m just not sure what I’m supposed to be looking

At like sheep there’s CH what the [ __ ] did this chicken do to you what the [ __ ] is this slavi that poor little [ __ ] total the name wait wait wait what was the name he’s going to get [ __ ] he’s going to get [ __ ] he’s capable of terrible war crimes he’s just a McChicken dude

Come on okay reapy wanted to show show me uh the balers gate tour show me this [ __ ] what is the McChicken of video games Call of Duty I would say h it looks nice at first admittedly I was a little disappointed you guys settled on my cool

Ass Arch you made it cooler Makoto Bala is never worth it I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is I don’t know what makota Bal is chickens making me crave McDonald’s yeah dude McDonald’s the Leaky sock oh my [ __ ] god why would you name the tavern The Leaky sock uh

Oh see how but hurt the death Z kot over Chris J joke at the game awards no no I didn’t I I don’t really care about the game awards but I’m interested in what you’re talking about so tell me about it you mean it’s a great

Name why is your sock leaking it’s a Joe reference for people to set spawn okay all right so uh reminder the reason we’re doing this stream is to send poor people into the dungeon and I want to show you that they’ve made a diagram of the dungeon so far let me see

To find it on my desktop give me just a minute this is uh they’ made one of these [ __ ] things Chris George was a guy that went on for like 10 minutes last year they joked about letting him back up there he made a joke to the speech last year was

Longer than the new campaign in the Call of Duty that’s funny that’s funny there’s nothing wrong with that that’s funny it’s not mean-spirited like there’s no reason to get ass chapped over that short campaigns can be good that’s what I tell myself in the mirror every [ __ ]

Day he has better matri okay yeah whenever you start whenever you make a joke and someone’s like my numbers that’s when you know you’ve really struck a [ __ ] nerve when they start bringing out the spreadsheets and the [ __ ] graphs you know they are pissed that is how you

Know for a fact that they are mad what the [ __ ] is this this is awesome live service you know what dude I didn’t play the new God of War but I watched Autumn play a lot of it and it looked pretty good I like Thor especially I like that the the last well

I I guess spoilers for God of War um the part where uh Odin katos and Thor like kind of reach the conclusion of their Arc it was was pretty cool Hello AR noodle very good but the yeah no I agree with you playing it with the back

Seating would piss me off too that’s why I was okay with just watching Autumn play it a bit especially when they’re a game like trying to compare theirself to a whole other type of game damn and like it’s he’s a voice actor it’s not even that’s why it’s even

More embarrassing right isn’t he just I I understand that a voice actor is important to a game like that and I’m not trying to diminish his contributions but it’s not like he’s a lead developer or anything uh they’re like throwing metrics at the voice actor that’s really weird dude

Okay devs who program the dust particles and soaps ball sack really do be get mad people didn’t like the game what is he voice acting grunting when getting shot that’s important dude like the most memorable thing about Dark Souls 1 is your character getting hit and going

Oh oh oh you know that whoever did those moans deserves a raage straight up okay I actually give me a moment I I realize now that it’s been a bit since I have like gone in and reset the dungeon so I’m going to hold on I’m going to go

In and make sure everything’s working really quick before we start can I show my terraforming project yes just give me a moment to do this it shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes Spider-Man fans on Twitter get really salty about bg3 winning game of the year to I think

Everyone knew that that’s what was going to win I don’t know how uh how it could have been anything else like that is just a shoe in It’s actually kind of funny that that Zelda game came out and that’s that’s not the big one that everyone’s talking about like it it is a

Big one but it’s not uh hold on thank you cynical dude for the 46 months I appreciate it thank you thank you I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened here I’m trolling myself okay I think that one’s good I’m laughing Starfield got nothing it looked like Todd was about to

Cry what that’s kind of mean-spirited like what the we shouldn’t be like ah this this dude project that he really wanted to make good is not getting the praise he received now we’re laughing at him haha that’s kind of [ __ ] up right kind of bummed Alam W 2 didn’t win

The action adventure game but happy that at least one best narrative art Direction and game Direction Starfield is [ __ ] okay I’m not arguing against that but it’s just like I believe that Todd Howard wanted it to be good maybe you don’t and that’s okay but it’s just I don’t

Know can’t believe Liza P wasn’t nominated for best action yeah I heard Liza P was really [ __ ] good hold on okay I’m I’m just making sure everything’s running promised so much and deliver nothing at this point to make no mention about how much he enables Emil I don’t know who Emil

Is why is a p seems amazing from what I’ve yeah yeah I’ve heard basically on so I’ve heard nothing but good things except from Stow which to be fair I respect sto’s opinion a lot but most people seem to like it Emil is my favorite near character just just making sure just

Making sure that everything’s ready cuz there’s some things in here that kind of get like desynced and [ __ ] up well I I should only have to do this once um and if I didn’t get everything that’s okay because I do it’s it’s nothing that would be super massively impactful um wait a

Minute what the hell happened here t dog huh Liza P okay except for the level design towards the end I feel like that’s uh every game ever made like that especially the souls games I feel like there are a lot of them where it just kind of starts [ __ ] the bed at the

End I don’t know Dark Souls 1 is the example that immediately comes to mind latter half of DS1 is so wide okay I think I am ready who is going to be the first victim today lies of he look boring mechanically I didn’t play it so I have I have no

Idea oh my god there are baby Toral ducks in here okay Biv wait wait BB’s here okay T PE I don’t think bib is here is he I have hybr I hate it when that happens all right should probably make it to where you can see the video game that would be

You just been on 24/7 you take some thums orm is a bad fight I’m not afraid to say it mechanically it sucks but it’s cool thematically like thematically it’s really awesome like when you go in there that awesome cut scene and the music starts playing

It it it doesn’t hold on we got to [ __ ] we got to kill these torpal ducks I don’t know why why we’re we’re just spawning villagers everywhere kill them I I’m trying wait isn’t the this is what she use right the [ __ ] nasty potion yeah only put the one coroni in that

We’re we’re [ __ ] I’m going to be honest with you like the Villager noises are really annoying like I don’t want to the entire time you know okay so are we having anyone do the dungeon or am I dismissed for now the Villager noises are my favorite in the

Game they’re good every once in a while but not like 20 of them making the noise at once you know I wish to perish okay what does that mean TP computer the C to uh game mode Adventure computerless citizen okay so computerless citizen made it pretty far last time time whenever you’re ready

Brawl also is the volume okay are the fireworks and everything really loud and annoying all right computerless choose your path wisely brwl it’s good okay can you point me towards ladder parkour no no you just got to figure it out bro that sounds unfair you chose right use yeah there’s

A map bro you can literally read the map this is this is still like just the most epic room ever secretly change anything like questions maybe maybe not there’s a map yet it should be in Discord I showed it on stream too they made like a little diagram okay dude is

Computerless good at Minecraft Parkour holy [ __ ] I didn’t I didn’t think you could do that he’s a god oh I wait wait wait wait wait I [ __ ] this one up I have to reset this one hold on I for I always forget about this one I’m sorry this should be the only

Thing I have to reset I think I got everything else I [ __ ] hate Redstone bro all right okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good let’s go I think my taste buds are [ __ ] they might be maybe you got covid maybe it [ __ ] your taste up you you were sick

Recently internet died did I miss something no why is it so dark dark is it is it dark on stream can you not see negative I think you can get uh I think you can get it negative and still have it right like the test can give you

Uh it can [ __ ] up I thought uh oh computerless this guy’s trolling what is he doing andw got Co and he dealt with the same thing for a while they’re not 100% accurate is what I’m saying so if your taste is affected and you’ve been sick and you’ve been coughing I don’t

Know said Co it made meat taste really weird [ __ ] that dude all right let’s see how he does I wonder how much progress is going to be made fakey got owned by a creeper also if people who are in Creative want to switch to do the dungeon you can how are they playing

Without a computer I think you can play on mobile I ain’t paying $70 for the doctor to swab my nose that’s what I’m talking about thank you leonitis for 51 months I appreciate it thank you thank you going creative after stream you can get them mailed to your house it’s a

Deep dive L behind creepers sex offenders I think they were just like I don’t know he like Notch just made like a funny mob and it it just stuck all right there is a skeleton game War in here can computerist survive this treacherous wait he’s fine man these

Skeletons why the [ __ ] do they they do this [ __ ] creepers are a model accident from one of the original pigs so they’re punished Piggies all right there’s literally no way this can go titop also what’s good balder skeleton shoots another mob on accident they get into a

War he’s going to go all the way do we start with some gear you have to ask the survival people they’re the ones who provide the Sugar Shack I hope there’s no BTS constructs on the server got home from work I’m wiped out get some rest

Dude there’s a good deal of armor and food yeah there should be a decent amount all right but can you kill the witch there’s free gear for people want to attempt the dungeon so last time computerless went this route and got [ __ ] on the room after this basically

Not this room but the next one this is one of my favorite rooms I really enjoy this room a lot isn’t he beautiful I think I did really good big pig this room is will this one is a mystery wild yeah it kind of is pig doesn’t have enough

Nips is that farm pig Giga farm pig is a sex symbol see there’s signs I don’t know maybe it’s farm pig maybe it’s not all right computerless what the [ __ ] what is your okay is this all right yeah I don’t care go for it dude

Where did he go I don’t know it’s a mystery is he a white orus this is like metal gear solid uh oh uhoh where you where are you going bro you think come on I knew you were going to try to run away you I wasn’t born yesterday bro you

Got to be more clever than that come [Laughter] on I’m not just gonna let you rub past everything dude okay TP too to oh God is someone one by the uh the dungeon yes meanie I I I am a little bit of a meanie but it’s it’s funny you

Can’t just run past it I’m here again okay thank you ghost who’s next I think it’s incremancer right holy [ __ ] what is going on over here okay hit me all right TP incancer to talomo R game mode Adventure all right ink let’s see it let’s go thumbs up let’s do it big fat

[ __ ] [ __ ] Whip It them out I don’t know what the hell you’re doing with that Shield I think it would be really funny if no progress whatsoever was made maybe you wouldn’t find it as funny as I would but that would get a chuckle out of me okay incremancer is going to

The uh the [ __ ] this room can’t play on the server if I’m on the updated version you can uh if you go to installations there’s a tab on the launcher you can make a new installation of of o2 it sounds complicated but it’s really easy

I can show you pictures if you need me to it’s a lot easier than uh down versioning any other game I was worried about it because I had to do it too because sometimes with some games you have to go into steam and type all this dumb [ __ ] incrementer dog are you on

Drugs puff puff pass bro what you doing Inc is not on his aame right now is a diamond [ __ ] allowed in the dungeon yeah of course we love all [ __ ] here Diamond coal iron gold just got raided raid boss okay well I I thought ink was a platforming

Master I think he might he might just be having some some trouble now you got me worried I actually got the vid well I mean you’re doing okay so it’s not the end of the world I have some rice with chicken and peas for dinner I’m excited that sounds good what’s going on

Theodore everyone don’t look he’s nervous dude rice and chicken sounds great right now honestly get a bowl with some rice some chicken some [ __ ] ghost pepper sauce oh my God I was surprised how good rice is with hot sauce I know that probably sounds silly but it’s just godamn

Okay Inc you got this [ __ ] damn I jinxed it poor in TP too ghost Rice is awesome yeah I’m I’m a little bit of a rice [ __ ] now too my dad made mashed potatoes with baked salmon and asparagus though because I’m sick I just had a bowl of

Potatoes all right who’s next I was nervous that’s okay there’s nothing to be nervous over bro I’ll take it on TP Tech storm tomomo R game mode Adventure text okay let’s let’s get it oh [ __ ] is this the server yes what’s the raid HP it looks like it’s almost

Dead I don’t know anything about raids in uh Minecraft though get in VC Runners we need to collaborate very important join VC so I guess if you want to do the dungeon there’s a a voice chat going on for strategizing all right let’s see who’s got the furthest today computerless

Citizen died in the same spot he did last time that room looks like it’s going to be really [ __ ] up I wish my mom could make me some chicken and dumplings it’s the perfect sick food I’ll try to get dude maybe I could make Tech Storm’s killing it right now

Look at this guy but can he kill Shrek urethra that’s the [ __ ] question I will eat it even if burnt I would not let you eat burnt food okay Tech Storm’s been labbing this [ __ ] dude he watched the VOD and he recreated every obstacle one to one to practice so

He could not [ __ ] up at all look at him look at this God [ __ ] okay maybe maybe I shouldn’t I I shouldn’t talk everyone up wow this guy is uh what is he doing is he is he uh is he perhaps stupid he won’t get this in a million years it’s

Impossible I think that I I could sooner understand quantum physics to the point where I could explain it to each and every one of you before he gets through shrex urethra uhoh this is my favorite oh he [ __ ] it up now he has hit the pressure

Plate again he no he’s choking oops oops four waves of skeletons bro oh no it’s a disaster uh-oh uh-oh bro you’re looking like a pin cushion oh no oh no dude what oh this is so [ __ ] I’m surprised you’re still alive alive holy [ __ ] clutch it out yeah I believe dude

You can make it work holy [ __ ] this room is kind of [ __ ] up huh because the skeletons are now spawning more skeletons that’s the beauty of it like once it goes tits up the tits are just permanently in the sky they’re like in outer space this room in particular is vicious oh no

Man there’s a strong gust of wind under those tits I believe though he’s not dead he can make it just got to be patient holy [ __ ] look at all those arrows you got this dude gun it gun it just send it just [ __ ] send it bro oh he’s picking each and every

Uhoh I’m not sure what the did did the arrow hit the pressure plate oh my god dude that is completely [ __ ] if that’s what happened holy [ __ ] is that a mechanic wow this is [ __ ] up what kind of [ __ ] would make something like this you’d have to be completely deranged

Potions are a godsend here he wants to get back to that one room an arrow has enough Force to press down on the plate he survived though he did it I’m not sure why you’re crouching I I know I’m backseat gaming but you you should just [ __ ] send it

Bro these block slow so the [ __ ] up part here is you’re slow and you can’t jump so even though there are gaps here you have to walk all the way through this with the [ __ ] skeletons so it’s annoying must to stand on the edge of the pressure plate to not trigger it

I respect that but that hasn’t really like you can’t let perfect be the enemy of good you know okay he’s got it for sure see it’s not too bad I really should you it should spawn to of the pigs that launch you at the end here as well I

Think guys clutching out yeah yeah he’s made it through this before I think he’s the only one who’s made it through this no I think there were others but he’s made it the farthest in this one this one route this is enough yeah I mean it’s an

Early game room so it’s not supposed to be too terrible man’s gone through hell yeah I like this next part a lot by all the chests at balder’s gate it’s so funny to me that you named it balder’s gate it it would be kind of funny if you

Got killed by the random spawns here balder’s bake dude I wish balder was baking me a cake I bet he’d make a good [ __ ] cake okay all right don’t press the it should be going see if it’s going and I can fix it if it’s not all right so this is the farthest

Anyone’s made it in this part of the dungeon I think it was also Tech storm all right so this is this is the challenge here you got to uh good luck bro oh oh baby he did it what a [ __ ] god Legend uh oh I I guess you’re [ __ ] now

Unlucky that kind of sucks dude well uh next next uh just soft locked himself hold on can I can I pick that up oh [ __ ] I don’t want you to see the room hold on got to wait no I can I can I can simply pick it

Up oh okay uh wait wait wait wait wait oh yeah rip bro are you invisible no that if you [ __ ] that up it’s done uh you did good on the first jump I respect the attempt TP too to I I guess I [ __ ] it up cuz you’re supposed to die if you

If you miss that um can I get Survival yeah hold on so who’s next who is the next victim that was armor that saved me okay I got you so when I go into spectator mode I’m invisible but normally I’m just kind of floating around and creative behind them

It’s a harsh way to find out how that works put kill spikes I don’t are there are there kill spikes in Minecraft I I I don’t isn’t that Terraria there’s spikes okay maybe I should put spikes there uh oops it’s faster to just kill them anyways all right so we got Phoenix link

The first he is going this way okay I believe in him what is this armor is this armor good that he’s wearing is this is this a is this a fit oh he didn’t mean to go here [Laughter] leather I love this room dude what the [ __ ] is

This can we tell them yeah you you the the exit’s open you don’t have to do this but it’s I I appreciate you uh rocket crossbow I would have been so [ __ ] funny if you died there it’s a [ __ ] up room it’s not that bad I think that it’s

Manageable royland managed to do it while eating a bunch of berries I think I’m not sure what what smos link is doing here make it look impossible just have the exit open the whole time okay okay what what is that [ __ ] noise in the background are those the horns again God damn

It what’s with you freaks in the [ __ ] horns oh damn unlucky he had a lot of [ __ ] on him all right TP talom to ghost by go okay who’s next creative player poor guy let me in okay reapy is a Minecraft head if reapy can’t make progress I think it’s

[ __ ] there’s literally no way reapy won’t make an immense amount of progress here I’m 100% confident in him hello Nacho Man let’s get it dude oh I’m so [ __ ] hungry I kind of want talking about rice and chicken [ __ ] I’m in Starvation mode okay let’s see it reapy I’m hungry

But I have zero appetite I always have an appetite I’m starving all of the time I’m like a I’m like a devil Jamal from Monster Hunter there some monk fish no I got a lot dude I got sea turtles and Manor Rays too cuz I had to do the

[ __ ] uh fishing tler by myself how’s the weight loss been going talked about it yesterday uh I had a come to God moment in the summer because Autumn’s uh sister and brother came to visit us for a while and we all went swimming and I was described as a Wallis

By her brother and so I’m like okay maybe I’m [ __ ] fat so I was 210 in the summer I got a scale in like the last week I’m down to 183 so so I lost way more than I thought I thought I was going to have lost like

A couple pounds but that’s like a pretty considerable Improvement do you really say that yeah so maybe like 20 more pounds maybe this time like in March I can [ __ ] uh get to where I would like to be how old oh no I I’m joking I don’t

Really it was funny I’m not actually deeply offended by it but I did need to lose [ __ ] weight I am fatty an extra cheesy pizza with cheese it with stuffed Che no dude I’m gonna have a heart attack what’s going on cool 109 yeah he’s like he’s not even a

Zoomer he’s uh he’s like 14 he’s like a generation Alpha that’s just what 14-year-olds do they say [ __ ] like that and it was funny today is his birthday [ __ ] you need to get him under the stream so I can sing him happy birthday he’s 15 yeah dude hello team

Teo all right reape let’s get it dude Reap is going to [ __ ] dominate this I have a feeling I got a feeling monkey they really want to go through this route for some reason I think that like this is one of the most annoying ones I made with the little [ __ ] jump

Rooms I specifically made it like annoying as [ __ ] so you wouldn’t want to do it and they seem like I guess that’s just how it [ __ ] goes huh you tell someone they can’t do something and they do it took him a short time I think it’s been like my eating has been reduced

Since like October I would say so from like October to now is when most of it happened but I’m not sure all right reapy let’s see it bro oh come on all right fair enough fair enough I didn’t know that was a thing let’s see if it helps you here

Unlucky I think that literally is counterproductive I think uh I don’t think you want that potion for this part all right that’s [ __ ] up I mean it’s I literally described it as a [ __ ] and ball torture dungeon it’s not okay fun fact you want to know something that

Happened while I was building this I didn’t realize that wool could catch on fire oh hold on slth is here oh that’s it’s not no no no no kill don’t use this [ __ ] to scope it out please um I burned this entire [ __ ] down basically I made all this and I

[ __ ] the lava burnt the entire wool structure down so like I had to build all this [ __ ] twice because I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] hello Evan I heard it’s your birthday you know what we do here for birthdays happy birthday to You happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Evan happy birthday to you I remember being 15 I was playing World of Warcraft and uh participating in Guilds uh marriage disputes Good Times all right so that was a good a good you know those potions are [ __ ]

Up I guess I should have paid more attention to what kind of potions are in this game but I that’s fine that’s fair a bit far from Spawn okay who’s next I can’t just be like well you can’t be you can’t use this and this and this

And this and this and this and this and this and this so okay T we’re going to let truy go and then Salo because they haven’t gotten an attempt yet you can go again though L I think Troy is going to dominate this for sure what the [ __ ] wait wait wait wait

Wait hold on let me see Troy he’s dual wielding Shields is he [ __ ] stupid there’s no way okay try’s going to do the quiz that’s what’s up also what’s this I made it to where if a person beats the quiz you can just [ __ ] skip

It now you don’t have to do this every time so if you want to do [ __ ] on this side it’s not a complete [ __ ] nightmare will truby be the one to open the door and save everybody from the quiz I don’t know what the [ __ ] are you doing dude

Try my [ __ ] God okay uh TP Toom ghost okay uh s Go’s next tr’s some [ __ ] troll dude he did that on purpose I’m in third person m why TP Salo to too uh game mode Adventure Sal all right Sal let’s get it let’s get it bro let’s do

It come on Soldier we don’t got all day false profit try is such a [ __ ] troll it’s insanee okay Sal’s going to try the quiz it’s dark in here I’m going to jump scare try are you ready honestly like if you’re in the zone vegging out playing Minecraft and a

Server admin randomly kills you I can see myself legitimately like jumping like a Scooby-Doo character because that [ __ ] makes such a [ __ ] loud noise when you just die all right can Sal go do it you guys have got to be trolling me right now stuck in this hell okay so really

Quick the quiz has been figured out and there’s a map of explored areas if you care for that sort of thing oh my God this Minecraft server I think we can all agree that it was a mistake this never should have happened um it’s an Abomination I should have just played

More five night Fetti who’s next I think it’s uh Phoenix link right all right let’s get it let’s get it bro I want to die to the skeletons again no I got nothing dog okay TP computerless you could you guys can go together I I believe in you all right

Computerless if you get to the end of any of these parts with smash link alive I will tell you an extreme extremely hard to figure out secret make it interesting so you have to protect the twink you will fail but there’s an incentive do you think he can do

It oh that’s a brave route to go for protect protect the twink it’s hard to protect the twink it is they they they’re like flies into [ __ ] light mods love your food battle videos smos link you’re going to make he died in here he literally you brought him in

Here when this is the room he died to I tell you to protect him and you’re like hey you like ladders you little [ __ ] huh how do I help him dude you’re such a piece of [ __ ] you’re so mean to him dude all right I like hyper bow is better

Dude you guys think they’re going to beat the dungeon tonight I don’t even think they’re 1/4 of the way through with a total I I probably shouldn’t give like progression but they are they have a long [ __ ] way to go and honestly I will I’m surprised how unobservant they

Have been with certain things it’s kind of funny not with twink escort I’m pretty sure the twink just [ __ ] owned him so you know you know it’s a map of the dungeon if anyone needs it never going to know that password probably not and if if it never

Gets figured out I’m never I’m never talking about it don’t spoil your own [ __ ] well I could be lying I could be lying it’s an important thing to keep into consideration my entire thing here is to [ __ ] with you you could be really close to figuring whole thing

Out what if this entire thing was speaking of coordinates what if this entire thing was to give coordinates to like a chat member I killed and I buried somewhere that’d be kind of funny right oh no computerless uhoh all right Good night beanie okay well now this is smos you

Have to go down I’m sorry bro is that where Joe really went I wouldn’t kill Joe I like Joe need something more juicy okay what if it was like need more bullets con at the coordinates like that guy’s just waiting there for you not an ass guy yeah that’s

Fair dude he’s a god smash link anyone who has like a like a smos link kind of name like smos Annoying Orange Fred is going to be absolutely cracked out of their mind on platforming and Minecraft specifically all right can two people survive Shrek urethra this part’s going to be [ __ ]

Impossible I think they can do it these two are good at games is there enough room for two people if they cooperate they can get through it only doing the plate once I’m pretty sure now if it gets chaotic and there’s a [ __ ] up it gets really messy really

Fast good 19 po I’m pretty sure you could fit two [ __ ] on there not a Minecraft expert but I think you should be able to I want to see Joel do the dungeon joking about the size of Shreks your ether all word do you guys think you could fit a

Hot Cheeto and your Ure like if you if I paid you $100 cave to S of money for wait he wants Roo that’s what he wants for his birthday yeah can you buy Gundams with Roo it’s like 15 yeah wanting roox hey hey dude that’s I’m literally you cannot insult anyone for

What they want at 15 years old you were watching a streamer who plays [ __ ] Pig game for Americans runscape at 31 like 30 1 years old playing RuneScape uh oh no it is dude the tits are going Sky High what are we hypothetically putting in our dicks [ __ ] I can’t talk about

This while while Evan’s here a hot Cheetos when well no the stream is gay but like I’m straight you know it’s kind of how like it’s kind of like how Einstein had mad tongue game but he was known for his wiener game switch me back to creative yeah oh creative

S if you think about it l it’s all fake currency all right Computerless I think computerless as an individual has seen the most of the dungeons so far nice dungeon by the way thanks I was at the end and arrow shot me in the ass all right we’re going to he’s taking too long so I’m going to do something [ __ ] up hold on

TP all right tr’s here [Laughter] everybody TR you can tell he’s just like what what the [ __ ] he just starts jumping on the plane what the [ __ ] this oh my God okay did computerist make it through that was so scary wait okay hold on where’s computer oh oh yeah he’s here he’s here

Okay you got this bro don’t [ __ ] up don’t [ __ ] it up are you easy baby imagine how strong you’d be if you had a computer you no one would be able to touch you all right succeed where I failed I don’t think he’s familiar with this

Route all of our hopes rest on your shoulders not the jump scare house not familiar at all what what do you guys think about this area it’s it’s cool right can I get tpd to someone at the dungeon spent like five minutes on this place it’s comfy uh oh okay computerless I think

You’re going to make it all the way I have so much [ __ ] Faith Sif is grumbling in her sleep yeah she’s been cranky she just burped to those house. wad the [ __ ] do I go go into the cave just keep going just keep going I I

Swear I don’t think I have like untra falling it to your death in the entirety of the dungeon um so you don’t have to worry about that all right can he make it wait wait wait wait wait hold on computer this no don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it

Don’t do it wait wait we need something something’s missing hold on we need music we need to get you hyped bro hold up all right bro go dude send it oh can he do It oh all right dude can he do it place your bets ladies and gentlemen is he a bad enough Dude oh he knows he knows oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh Baby [Laughter] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s too good so but no there is a telegraph there is there is a telegraph I don’t it’s it’s not super apparent but there is a telegraph I mean what would what is the lever attached to you see this one this one’s you

Know oh that’s so [ __ ] funny dude I’m so [ __ ] glad someone died to that dude oh man okay uh oh man that’s so good dude do you think computerless are you mad how does it feel to Ace all of that and to just [ __ ] die to that stupid

Ass lever oh my God I’m I’m a game design genius hold on okay uh game mode Adventure XX fish lover XX 69 our boy Willie let’s do it dude let’s do it it’s ryland’s turn oh oh my bad TP black royland game mode Adventure black all

Right let’s go let’s go is it amazing yeah he did really good he didn’t do he played straight the entire time and when I he didn’t use like potions or anything he actually just did it the way it was intended so Props royland why are you bringing 70 dogs into the [ __ ]

Dungeon what possible [ __ ] reason could you have to are just breeding canines in to help you with the fights strategy all right I mean let’s see let’s see if it works some of us dogs work for a living emotional support dogs they all die to wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold

On royin can you can you slow down all right just stop for a second Tech storm what was that music you wanted Legends of the Hidden Temple let me see if I can find it is there like an extended version I don’t know if there’s an extended version of

It I guess I could just probably replay it I try to find it hold on I mean you can just sorry I know this is probably super exciting royin right click Loop that’s what it was okay let me get this up is that it okay all right royland let’s get it bro

Where the [ __ ] did he go all right No I I thought that he was going to be stuck there so I switched Tech I [ __ ] up what’s good heated milk way I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was bro but I was ECT the attemp that was like I’m not sure what the game plan was

There okay okay I should be no you’re doing great R I need to be nicer nice isn’t funny it can be definitely not going to make it without a running start this is so Ure rore Okay Ro are you having fun dude all right all right he’s got this he’s got this it’s okay you can burn all of your dogs in this pit oh he’s got the [ __ ] okay he’s ready only okay all right all right all right sorry let’s not get carried away with the

Music One tries to crouch jump here I’m not sure why yeah I don’t know I I guess there’s like a very small margin where you can get on the Block and not hit the plate but I don’t think anyone has accomplished it it’s pretty well we got to save it

For the actual hype moments black royland he is how do I say this his spirit animal for sure is the tortoise what the [ __ ] is this guy covered and [ __ ] turn on New Vegas radio I don’t I don’t think that would be fitting chain mail oh oh okay that makes sense

Black is slow yeah no he’s the tortoise dude that’s his totem animal he’s going to [ __ ] this up I guarantee it oh okay there’s a cat too all right right royin let’s get it you think he’s going to [ __ ] it up NOP he got it okay I’m curious how roin’s going to do

In the carnival room that’s [ __ ] he brought all of these animals for like a combat advantage and he’s he [ __ ] up the uh the route and now he has to do the [ __ ] fun room thank you chovi for gifting a sub to woodkin I appreciate it the dogs will confer no Advantage

Whatsoever are all of the dogs going to fall to their death someone should take one of the 8-minute water breathing potions and dedicate an entire run to mapping out the pool TOS maybe you should do that bro maybe maybe you should uh you should be the change you want to

See wait we we need there is one area we absolutely need this music for because it’s high stakes all right royland let’s get it let’s get it what the [ __ ] is he doing thank you Lefty Jack for the 38 month resub I I appreciate it sometimes I’m really convinced that

Royin is an AI like if there was one person in the chat who’s legitimately like a program it’s royin I have no [ __ ] idea why he’s like this he’s using hunger so we can eat an apple why the [ __ ] would the Apple help here Regen I they’re just going to kill each other they’re not even [ __ ] hitting them holy [ __ ] he’s Tanky okay okay okay um all right this will work for sure there’s no way this will go tits up yeah damn that was woooo okay who is next it’s it’s Willie it’s Willie Willie yeah okay he’s been waiting all right Willie let’s get it took an army to take Rand down yeah

He was very durable I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just here to die that’s okay I’d like to get in line all right you will be next lyola I hate constipation yeah it’s no good you don’t have to go that way they open the the route down there uh oh

There’s a yeah because there’s been a few times where people haven’t haven’t uh they they just uh it just D no no no no uh is fish new he this is his first time doing the dungeon what’s going on Zer back congrats on the unemployment bro all right you’re good now you’re

Good now you just IQ too load of poop that doesn’t make any sense how can your IQ be to too load of poop called at my boss and told him to [ __ ] off wait he doesn’t want to answer that question people not hyper fixating on the dungeon and researching it yeah I

Know how dare they I definitely think I made this too too much at this point has anyone figured out what’s going on with the farm pig room there’s an iron door there I I you know some things are maybe just for decoration you shouldn’t look too far into every little detail

Right and some things are levers that kill you what do you mean homie uh oh well at least you’re going to find some fish down there maybe you’re trying to deceive I want people to see my dungeon why would I deceive what’s the lore implication of

The giant pig you think the dungeon has lore there’s a quirk to the new toilet handle okay let’s hear it this is kind of [ __ ] up with his gear here hold the hand a little longer okay one lies and one tells the truth what’s up cassley uh oh this isn’t this isn’t looking

Grand but I believe dude he’s the blade there’s no way this can go tits up do you think putting a spawner for these Guardians in here was too mean you think I’m a sadist people in diamond armor have died yeah he’s being he’s being calculating all right good attempt I

Don’t think you you uh watched other attempts so that was pretty good didn’t know how to get up no it’s all good dude uh okay who’s next it’s ly it’s ly uh TP ly too all right ly let’s get it let’s get wait game mode mode Adventure

I don’t remember if I switched you or not I do think I okay maybe I’m a little bit of a stist thought I had a chance but then I saw the spawner it’s time for me to eat all right good night baby come give me a kiss please come try

The dungeon everybody we need help you this is this is a [ __ ] flacking right now you guys made progress on the the carnival area you did enjoy killing all those coronis [ __ ] coroni all right he’s going to do the quiz there’s literally no way he’ll fail

It I have complete face so I’m going to wait for him night baby good night oh so how’s everyone doing I got you hot cheetah by the way thank youst I’m going to get obese off of them no going to swell up good night doesn’t help I play on track dude

Who the [ __ ] plays on trackpad man ready up for the Q yeah you can go next since you haven’t gone not so great but oh well a humble Cottage Corp build that’s okay I know not everyone wants to do the dungeon like I only play I would not do

A dungeon if someone made it for me either I just like to build just so happens that I can build horrible nightmare torture devices think I bit off too much to chew I mean the server’s not going anywhere so you can take your time play league on trackpad as a kid

There was a pro who had a trackpad at one point I forget his name but there was a period of time where there was someone playing pro League of Legends with one of those [ __ ] things mind doing a dungeon but having everyone watch makes my balls Invert please do not finish the dungeon 2 night I literally bet ,000 that this dungeon will not be finished tonight people modded in to play controllers with league and they play Riven I’m just waiting for lyd to open this door for me man he’s gonna do

It this is proof that I’m a sadus though like I could have simply just made the door open but I wanted people to do the quiz again and it caused two deaths so hello fuzzy Marlin right now I’m hoping this is a long ongoing series dungeon content is very goated

Too maybe I don’t let’s not get Carri it away troop caused their own death wait Loyola are you [ __ ] kidding me what hold on okay it made it it made it seem like you had gone and pick Skyrim you got this bro you got it it’s the easiest jump in the world

You literally cannot [ __ ] it up and I [ __ ] it up cool but I was also floating so I wasn’t jumping the little head shake who would [ __ ] up that jump well you only [ __ ] it up if you hesitate if you just run and jump it’s impossible to overshoot if you do oh

Oh he picked Misa Coco for this one you only need to finish One path to clear the dungeon no I don’t want to explain too much who I wish Misa would play the dungeon that would be funny to watch I think she’d do good okay lyola wish that too I wish Misa liked

Us oh we’re okay Misa needs to enable vods sepharon con Carney why are you yodeling at Me needs to play lethal company with us you’re in gamer status hell yeah that game looked fun I think it’s gotten to the point where everyone’s played it so I wouldn’t play it now but it did look uh it’s weird to me too because that game I’ve played indie

Games from the lethal company to have two of them as a matter of fact want to try lethal company one of these days hold on I gotta got to let the dog out she’s literally farting and gassing me out right now this candle is only working so much

Oh I’m I’m missing the the the bug [ __ ] I I never want to be the man who misses the bug [ __ ] what what’s happening here why are you throwing eggs at her he just thrw a it would be so funny if that [ __ ] killed you dude

Botfly girl yeah yeah I mean you know she’s just chilling she’s kicking it oh he’s taking damage it would be a shame if I summon piglin brutes right here right where is tubir you got to get farther into the dungeon for that okay lyola I can tell that he wants

To do this one I knew this is where he would go poisons are [ __ ] up specifically because of people using this strategy I added a little bit of uh I changed it up a little bit why is the window loss I don’t know what you mean

I’m curious if he’s going to get through [Laughter] this oh good times dude wait a minute [Laughter] oh man this is the most [ __ ] up I don’t think this room’s bad at all honestly but it is it’s easy to [ __ ] it up the funniest [Laughter] thing oh [ __ ] you survived what’s this

About did you make squid game no the idea is correct the implementation needs work all TP to oh by the way um yeah too to ghost oak tree what the [ __ ] are you doing my launch grows up in 20 minutes who who is next who’s the next

Victim let me redeem myself okay Inc romancer tomomo game mode Adventure in okay let’s get it Inc I believe it no [ __ ] you know what Inc I’m sorry I’m sorry I told fakey they could go I I I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] I’m sorry but fakey hasn’t gotten a

Chance so I’m uh that’s fine yeah yeah I that was my mistake I apologize all right so it’s fakey it’ll be quick no you’re going all the way dog I can feel it in my loins two for one I’ll hang out here yeah I’ll get back to you once they die

I’m rooting for fakey can me and ink do a Duo later no you guys are too good to do a Duo damn unlucky all right ink you’re up the quiz room has like that [ __ ] is stons I really am surprised that that [ __ ] is uh is is is potent as it has

Been have my boners cool you open the shortcut yeah but not everyone’s watching not everyone is you know all right Inc let’s see what you’ve got we need some music let me think what what’s a what’s a good incremancer song Let me let me think yo I got it I got it

Bro do think iend I know i’mot and all but like you know I’m surprised it took people so long to figure that one out dude [ __ ] congrats in oh see I’m not I’m not that sadistic I’m not that evil yes you I’m not bro come

On you are pure evil I do no come on you’re pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] you I am not [ __ ] up all right I wish Misa was here so we could do a chat poll on whether or not I’m [ __ ] up I ain’t looking like Shinji I never came on someone in a [ __ ] hospital

Bed against their consent sadism puts Bundy to shame on someone’s pillow that’s normal dude that’s just teenage angst like level what the [ __ ] come on dude how am I I’m I’m not this is so [ __ ] up changing setting one sec God damn it what kind of what kind of music should we have

Here I know the perfect [ __ ] song incremancer likes math all right that’s about as much of that as I can take oh okay ink got this uh oh oh no ink looks like he’s getting [ __ ] slapped right now oh oh oh no uhoh baldi’s B no that’s from Jimmy and the pulsating

Mass okay how about the Ben Shapiro WAP song I’ll never get past that I no Inc you literally had it you’re good you’re good dude don’t even worry this shit’s I mean it’s not meant to be easy it’s not meant to be last try for me tonight okay Tech storm

Tomeo not the Kermit song Oh no hold on hold on hold on it’s his last attempt he specifically was the one who requested the music so we’re gonna we’re goingon to we’re gon to oh this isn’t it this is Temple Run Legends of the Hidden Temple theme all right let’s get a tech Storm holy [ __ ] it’s a speed Run we’re already in the urethra Yeah I guess out of context it’s kind of a bizarre thing to say huh eat that chicken boy vote for whether or not I’m [ __ ] Up I know you’re going to vote Yes [ __ ] you got this bro I voted no I don’t believe you D I don’t believe you for a second oh ink is not sorry Tech is in It this is such a good room isn’t it I [ __ ] love this room so goddamn much look at this this is [ __ ] in the head holy [ __ ] dude the name is adequate I wish I could see their health I have no idea if he’s like full health or on death

Store bottom part no biggie the top Part love that the arrows stay I know the pin Christian [ __ ] is hilarious wait this got to be a gas spawner I might have used gas spawners from time to time Tech storm bro you just got to gun It too’s [ __ ] up dude [ __ ] the people they don’t know what they’re talking about okay name three [ __ ] up things I’ve done all right pillow okay that’s one beat that no he tripped me dude he was the aggressor that was self-defense [ __ ] pit lever that was not [ __ ]

Up Gabe bait okay gay bait not true come on Mom’s pillow true wor a blue Hawaiian shirt true pissing on your parents care okay okay how about this you can’t you can’t invoke anything I did to my parents showed your that was a mistake that wasn’t me trying to

Actively hurt a homeless man’s feelings uh thank you storm doing stuff to your parents is no dude a dungeon no the come on Forest to play he liked it all right computerless let’s get it your schoolmates uh I mean i’ I I had things that I did to

People making the stream listen to the entire just an RPG to Saga okay that’s fair didn’t you hold a girl over stairs I did do that yes that’s true um that’s 100% Fair definitely did that piss in the do okay but I wasn’t the one who chose to

Drink random diet or Dr Pepper can in someone else’s house oh he hit me first Joel you let it I didn’t know I don’t have like a comprehensive list of C like I don’t have like a [ __ ] RuneScape like pissan indicator interface over my vision I don’t [ __ ] know I just do

Things I’m not keeping track of this [ __ ] TI your sister’s friend up in dangle I did do that yes I I 100% did do that all right but you’re noticing a trend here all of these things were things that I did as a minor none of the [ __ ] you cited is

Things I’ve done like we’ve all done [ __ ] up [ __ ] as like a teenager right oh [ __ ] hold on I got to I got to teleport over to him so that I don’t trigger the thing again okay can he make it you just haven’t told us yet I mean maybe uh oh

Okay cuz you don’t tell us the [ __ ] up things you do I do though like what is the most [ __ ] up thing you think you’ve okay most [ __ ] up thing I think I’ve done [ __ ] probably the thing where I told my dad I hope he I hoped he died it was to

Prove a point but it was it it was not a like it was not a worthwhile sacrifice to prove the point I didn’t really want him to die and I explained to him that I it was because he was saying like who cares what people say it doesn’t matter like

If I I can say things and you know it doesn’t matter it’s just words and so I said that to him and I’m like did that hurt your feelings but that was still [ __ ] up because he was about to die he did it good job hello Mr Chicken good

Morning I want to get owned again I believe in you but does he how goes it I’m torturing people by making them do my Minecraft dungeon damn it he’s good see I told you there was a method to it I told you it wasn’t [ __ ] just got to be [ __ ] patient

You just got to go Ops want some initiative blew their entire quadrant I’m moving like yeah I remember that from the Godzilla movie thank you for the 66 months Ashlin why is he in viz cuz he tried to sneak past them all right well this is new no one’s

Been here computerless how does it feel like I’m going to die I’m I think you’ll be fine there’s nothing to worry about you got this bro dang well completely own unlucky evokers are hell bro died to one fairy fairies are strong dude I know a strong

Fairy hold on am I able to try yeah one second I have to [ __ ] all right game mode spectator we’re going to see zarab back vexes are one of the most [ __ ] up mobs in the game I mean you guys are supposed to be Minecraft Elites you you can’t handle one of those

Dudes come on I I believe you can you were just surprised all right Zer let’s go let’s get it it’s a normal mob I think so it’s just like a a little [ __ ] is there nothing else at the bottom of the in no no that was it

It’s a normal very rare mob stop trying to break my lily pads you [ __ ] I [ __ ] I didn’t type his name I’m a Fool all right well you know what you’re dead too all right so I look like a fool but you know all right game mode

Spectator was trying to give you a gift whatever Zary okay get over here where’s my gift bro how embarrassing what the [ __ ] was that the helmet that’s the gift tea dog Crown slightly used thanks bro thanks I appreciate it all right you know what I’ll give you a gift too you

Know what I don’t get gifts very often here you go bro for Dungeon use only let’s get it dude raw chicken dude raw chicken sounds so good chicken Sushi maybe I should just start giving people armor for this bro no bro yes all right Zer thumbs up it’s a real thing I

Know oh dude zary’s got the platforming Hops look at look at this [ __ ] guy here for the boys only kissing club yeah dude uh talk to Joelle he’ll let you know I can book you in what’s up PLP on a salmonella speedrun dude okay but like you know what’s really good crispy fried

Rice with spicy tuna and jalapeno on it only if you feel dude I want sushi now God damn no it’s literally called crispy fried rice it’s an appetizer it’s several places I go to that has that sort of thing the Poke Balls are sick too some Fancy Sushi for my birthday

Hell yeah dude that’s what I’m talking about all right B zarbex make it to shrex urethra I think he’s got it uh oh oh no TP tomomo to ghost by go all right we got a we got another [ __ ] who wants in what the hell those things are strong

Depending on doing a run of Dragons Dogma which vocation do I play um Epic Magic let’s go let’s get it assassin do a solo run on hard mode it’s fun says torpal duck yeah do that I agree with toralo all right ree Warriors all no Warrior is the

Opposite of fun dude Warriors jump attacks you that’s the only thing I’ve played through that game with it sucked maybe I should play it with a real class holy [ __ ] look at this guy he’s he’s gaming what game Dragon’s Dogma he’s gonna [ __ ] it up H holy [ __ ] hello cth what’s

Up she just like Kool-Aid Man into my room breaking an ening yeah it looked really funny all right reapy what are you you don’t have to do this it’s it’s done for you as much as I would enjoy everyone having to do the same [ __ ] every time I don’t know

Whatever happened to Kool-Aid Man solo hard mode run a couple months ago and I’ve now conquered the game so I’m ready for Dogma two I’ve only done two runs I did a normal run and then bitter black and then I did a bitter black challenge where I only played

That I enjoyed the the ladder isn’t cool man homeless and a piss jug man now I don’t [ __ ] know want to do the I thought you I mean that makes perfect sense considering what we’ve been talking about but for some reason my dyslexia is like the big the Brazilian butt lift

Challenge why are you [ __ ] farm pig up should have given farm pig a lever penis me there are you happy give him an End Rod dude he’s got a good good [ __ ] sword uh-oh holy [ __ ] the triple holy [ __ ] this guy is video jaming right now all right Reap is in

It reap he’s ready I think he’s gonna I think he’s going to do it will he fall to the same thing computer list did I don’t think so but we’ll see what is he doing nope uh oh well those things do look really [ __ ] annoying huh uh oh

Damn that was harder than I meant for it to be all right the lava pit VR are no joke said that about several sections in the dungeon yeah the [ __ ] is this guy doing I think I think this reapy Soul dude is trolling that armor he’s wearing makes you super

Resistant to fire [ __ ] right I think that’s what it does and blast uhoh that sucks dude holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] out of all the places to falter I mean I guess that’s a good one because there’s no real risk but uh oh Troy why are you dying to zombies is this guy

Trolling I think this guy might be trolling tr’s not okay truy you’re not a noob bro try you just you know I get it okay Reap is 100% trolling I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was ree ree bro bro br br bro look at me

Bro Bruh Bruh bro bro BR bro look at this and imagine Farm pig’s penis do you feel better do you feel empowered do you feel enriched in your lane good let’s get it they’re just lagging I feel amazing yeah we got this [ __ ] he’s not going to [ __ ] up at all

Damn thank you Optimus Prime for the 14mon resub I appreciate it thank you very much he actually got that first try now he’s having a lot of trouble with it this is what sex with no noise feels like ever played catamites of the killer series no I have no idea what that

Is it would be kind of sad if you like all of your [ __ ] broke because you took too long on this and you wasted all of he is 100 he’s choking right now I can feel the nervousness Spa oh I played space funeral was good oh did you hear that my

Knee just popped so [ __ ] loud get the penis out of your mouth yeah dude Sasha Gray cosplay here in the tomomo dungeon we got some Chokers I’m I’m sorry place I didn’t know there was a second one these guys are kind of cute aren’t they thank you Lucas for 38 months I appreciate it thank you very good [ __ ] hell yeah brother all right can he do it realize I hit four years here today it time flies dude

Uh oh I think re’s about to [ __ ] exit this Mortal coil there’s a baby poor reapy dude reapy you got this dude come on uh oh oh no it’s it’s done it’s [ __ ] oh maybe maybe maybe uh-oh no he’s got this I believe I I choose to believe in him oh oh

No oh no maybe maybe oh damn that was a good run though a salty run back sure damn good run yeah got to offer the judge of McChicken the judge huh TP zerack oh not you okay let’s get it for me it’s the McChicken dude McChickens are pretty good for [ __ ]

But that’s about it I still really want to make a tier list for sandwiches in ter like for how good they feel to have sex with you know think it could be good don’t [ __ ] dot dot dot me I gotten the furthest today well people have gotten far in different in different

Parts uh oh what’s this boom just did who’s that did someone take my [ __ ] idea good job Zary that make a mistake no I’m surprised it took so long for someone to find this part have you ever had sex with a MCB no this is Virgin Territory Zary you

Should feel it home what the [ __ ] are those what the [ __ ] are what oh those guys little piggies home turf are those farm pigs I don’t think so I love MC rib sex oink oink I’m a little piggy zeri I need you to stop being a [ __ ] uh

Oh this looks like a tough situation it’s look like a it’s kind of Fu holy [ __ ] all right he’s got this they’re like warthogs Miracle Johnson they’re like like aggressive bores every time I throw an egg it’s a 50/50 either an abortion or a new little

Nugget yeah there he goes there goes my hero oh no uhoh nice I like how they’re immune to Lava so they just kind of chill down here uh oh Zary dang so not fit for this hey you found something uh found something no one’s gotten yet so why they go into the lava

I think uh I think he [ __ ] up the jump okay so moving through flowing lava’s hard TP hello GIF talomo art game mode Adventure hello GIF all right let’s get it really like the way the cave looks well I’m glad you like it let’s see let’s see how this

Goes uh oh are you Confused Choose Wisely wait oh okay all righty dungeon slowly but surely cultivating more skilled Minecraft players you you think so maybe Minecraft Olympics balder I know you’re tired the dungeon would be done if you were here you would have beaten this already it would have been completely destroyed

We’re like Goku we only get stronger I don’t know if that’s how Minecraft Works dude stream started late uh my internet [ __ ] out and died so what’s going on JFC I’m terad no you’re not you told me you were going to beat the dungeon you said you were going to beat the dungeon

You you uttered those words to me I’m pretty sure I want to dude you’ll have your chance dang unlucky how [ __ ] do this job oh I [ __ ] that one up can’t believe JFC is finally here looks like I was saying earlier whenever you have like the stream disconnect like that it

Just kind of [ __ ] everything up this is like a chicken gotcha game but it happens game mode survival reapy soul I want to see Joel’s new building I’m glad you like it Sushi did you play test this yeah for the most part all of the platforming is

Possible when is the next build showcase we showed stuff earlier we can look at more after next week I spend more time running into the meat grinder play tested have died in the first room no dude that’s not true that’s not true I have no problem with the ladders unlike you smos link

The first yeah uh oh ladders are like a Minecraft Knowledge Test you think so just want to know how much time I had to finish oh you got time dude don’t worry I’m full of beer and hot Cheeto yeah dude I’m supposed to be on a weight

Loss journey and my wife got me Hot Cheetos how [ __ ] is that like I appreciate it but I’m I can’t have them tonight like I have that has to be the only thing I eat tomorrow hello talky boy what’s up dude cold front finally came in hell yeah she’s a feeder

Yeah I mean all right don’t tell women I said this but like I don’t know dude they kind of like you a little bit bigger something I’ve noticed I don’t know if they like skeletons how’s the weight loss going it’s going all right I’m 183 now as opposed to

210 in the summer copium no that just shows you’ve never been with a woman they [ __ ] like there’s a lot of them who really like the dad bod [ __ ] and I don’t know man it’s weird I don’t get it either just don’t want you to be fit that’s

Honestly probably part of it maybe it’s one of those things where it’s like I want my mate to be less desirable than me so I can be powerful that is a thing people do make you too fat to fly it’s the huggable pod we love fat dudes here yeah dude it’s it’s

Uh oh okay I have a feeling this is going to be the more popular route for a while I start my new job tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. and my sea schedule’s [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude that’s the best all right let’s see how this goes hello it says it’s me your dog by the

Way I mean I I like dogs jack off three times you need to go into like a dopamine frenzy where you play RuneScape and while you’re playing with your right hand you jack off and you just [ __ ] jack off like 10 times and also have a clicker

Game don’t you get bigger no I haven’t added anything I it was just this this has been here what a nice Piggy when did they add these things these are like new monsters never seen these in my life until like a couple weeks ago when I was

Making this is that my left hand on my balls when I play lrs That’s The Meta nether update I don’t remember them being their NE I thought it was just gas is it dunging yeah I mean it’s done you could beat it right now theoretically what do they get if they

Make it I mean you’re going to have to find out it not gonna tell you hold on we need music for this hell yeah anyone know what this is from you better I’m going to be disappointed if nobody knows this turac one hell yeah thank you Arizona Harry Potter it’s really low all

Right let me turn this [ __ ] up yes it’s turo one uh-oh oh No Mario’s n dude this is turo bro this is a turro cave for Sure I Believe In You cereal War kills were F yeah yeah turac 1 and two were both amazing I don’t know what that was bro but I appreciated the attempt I think this time they’re going all the way I can feel it magore Caverns yeah kind of maybe a

Little too well there are open areas there turac I got to play for a while until my dad found out I was raid M and took it holy [ __ ] the strats you got this bro I believe all right I think the music is stressing them out I have a feeling see

I didn’t even realize like I had no idea this was a thing uh this was an over I figured that would happen in this room because of the like what it is but I had no F I did not see that so that is that is not the honest

And true route that I intended but that’s okay wheelchair girl jamming in the background accidental CBT parkour have you played yeah I mean I had dude it’s literally like right there it’s is right there can you play unrl the Jimm’s music for YouTube no anate no yeah I like it I’m I’m not

Complaining whatsoever I’m just oh my God no I definitely think that way is easier don’t get me wrong you can take either way I think that getting to the Top This Way is harder but dealing with the pigs will be easier that way whereas the pigs seem a

Lot more oppressive if you take the unintended route so it ended up being kind of a tradeoff which is cool I think not really a Minecraft expert gamer you got this he didn’t but I think you do I believe in you don’t know how to downgrade my Minecraft just go to installations in

The launcher and do a new installation and pick one 1202 I think it is it’s not too bad it’s pretty easy good job okay they’ve got this they’ve MC [ __ ] got this there’s literally no way this can go titop actually hold on I I need to check

Something I need to make sure the next room is okay it’s a good thing I did I wasn’t expecting anyone to get here TP too hello all right sorry about that love the Unreal Tournament OS I’ve never heard it is this a [ __ ] up segment maybe I’m a bad

Person maybe I’m a terrible human being I’m really [ __ ] holy [ __ ] little ceiling right there is [ __ ] yeah yeah the pole the pole doesn’t matter the pole is rigged okay I believe Hello glitchy you got this just tap into the power of your [ __ ] that’s what I would do in this situation all

Right uh oh okay total oh dude the tech oh no oh no oh it’s a disaster that was almost really [ __ ] good I would have been so impressed if you if you managed to to to nail that one all right could to I could do any individual

Segment I think but I don’t know if I could do the entire thing all the way through but here’s the thing about the dungeon is well no uh don’t worry about it okay so TP doing it back to back is rough but I made it to where it’s not like you

Have to do every single room in a row you know there different ways to go it’s not linear so it’s not like you have to go through this long narrow Corridor where you have to repeat the same [ __ ] every single time okay uh TP Zan tomomo game mode Adventure Zane all

Right what if there’s a shortcut at the very beginning to the final room that would be stupid why would I do something like that all right Zane let’s see what you got what if it’s in the lily pads there’s nothing in the in the lily pads bro there’s absolutely nothing that has

Anything to do with the dungeon in that room prior all right Zane let’s see these platforming skills feel like I should be worried about my new neighbors why what are they doing uh oh it’s all of Helms oh that’s torle yeah no dude he’s cool he’s he’s

Chilling all right Zane let’s see if you can succeed where the last two have failed I think this is going to be the last attempt unless someone who hasn’t gone uh wanted to go the Cheetos are calling to me they’re screaming at me they want me to eat them I hav’t

Goble get on bro no all right might see about installing a turret or two you’re gonna install a turret for Helms Deep what the [ __ ] bro I believe it’s kind of [ __ ] up isn’t it God what a nightmare come to incest Village we have the vtuber coroni incest Village huh honestly I don’t know what a ravager is I don’t have extensive Minecraft knowledge damn I don’t know see I I

Don’t know if this is possible because I never [ __ ] did it this way and tell them what a rabit hold on what’s a ravager wow that thing looks [ __ ] stupid big tanky and do a lot of damage cot it does kind of remind me of a Cotto they didn’t seem that

Tanky you know now that I think about it that’s really [ __ ] funny can you make that jump I know you can make it the other way but I don’t know if you can actually get over there using this technique do the screen always have Daddy on the bottom yes it’s [ __ ]

Up this is a 131 what what what the [ __ ] does that mean are we using like Minecraft notation for platforming challenges what the hell is a 131 unj jumpable why don’t you just say that not unj jumpable I’m oh he’s mad you can tell by the way he’s typing that’s the angry speak

Why is there a chicken room in the gate I think incremancer made that to feed everybody I’m re I’m reading Pizza what the [ __ ] does that okay will you survive oh you know originally I didn’t have these piggy things here but but I I play tested this and it was way too easy

Without something to to attack you at the end yeah they’re like zombie boore things Jimmy all right TP me to Ink R okay TP Zer to Ink oh he made it I’m gonna ask no Fire Res what do you mean like you can use the potion I don’t give a

[ __ ] yeah go for it dude knock yourself out [Laughter] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh man it’s so [ __ ] po pot I am not pole pop man oh good good [ __ ] times am I right definitely play tested it’s funny like these this is one of those things where you think you’re smart but you’re not uh it is play

Tested what is this monster is that tile a spawner I don’t know the Minecraft experts uh should figure it out impossible all right well it’s impossible that means we can wrap it up and I can go eat uh case closed I suppose play tested by too in creative mode all righty well

Take it easy dudes I am going to uh bounce thanks for playing

This video, titled ‘the straightest streamer on twitch invites you to his torture dungeon (in minecraft)’, was uploaded by Tolomeo’s VOD Archives on 2023-12-19 20:00:10. It has garnered 126 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:16 or 13156 seconds.


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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

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  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

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  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

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  • Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2

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  • MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi

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  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

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  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

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  • Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure – EPIC #14

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  • 100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!

    100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-04-06 11:59:20. It has garnered 148 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:03 or 4623 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. If you have a single mod to add, suggest it in the comments below or in the Discord! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 11 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!

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  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : INSTAGRAM : DONATE : ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More