Touring my 4 year old Minecraft 1.16 Survival World with @SmallishBeans World Tour and Download

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Hey everybody and welcome on back to building with whip today i’m joined by my friend joel and we’re going to be touring around the entire world and i am so very excited how are you doing joel welcome welcome to building with flip i’m good this is this looks mad this

Looks absolutely insane i’m very excited to have a look around awesome awesome well it’s uh there’s a lot more than this one this year is actually the first city i ever built so like this big old structure over here actually has a mob farm under it and it’s kind of like the

The spot i did all my technical goodness in learning how to build and things uh so this world’s about three and a half years old at this point and i think this is episode 313. so it’s okay yeah it’s uh pretty ridiculous what so what’s this this is a big

It’s meant to be like a palace of sorts and then underneath the floor right here you might be able to hear the mobs there’s uh there’s a few of them down there yeah so what is that mob farm under here or is it just that yeah yeah yeah yeah

If you could just like fly like straight down actually you know we’re just in a copy here we can just you can just break it and then it’s just a big old gosh yeah big ol everything you could ever need this thing is supplied more than enough gunpowder which has

Been very much needed recently i’ve been taking on the project of blowing up the nether recently and uh used quite quite a lot of tnt for it okay i’ve uh i’ve fallen and i might buy i’ve died oh my gosh you’re still in survival mode forgot the change i think you need to

Opt me there you go hopefully you’re creative now one sec oh no no oh if i lagged out i might have just lagged out well oh no no i’m in the crate okay perfect there we go i kind of forgot to put myself in creative mode it’s like you’ll keep up

It’ll be fine i know yeah that’s uh probably a little bit easier now that you’re uh able to fly and things yeah okay oh we can have a big yeah you can have a look around up here very nice very nice oh okay i like kind of wandering around the floor though

Because i appreciate everything you did from survival you would just be able to see it from the floor level but yeah yeah so everything around where are we going next show me i want to know everything everything ever well this is my first wheat field

This kept me alive for a very long time and then right over there you can see behind those little birch trees off to the sides that’s actually the starter house of the entire series so everything spawned from this little this little one here no the right right across the river

Ah so everything spawned from this guy and grew from there uh a lot a lot a lot what the heck did you make the sand mountains as well over there no those uh those actually spawned here that’s kind of why i settled in a spot i want to create like almost like

A nile river type atmosphere and then i was like there’s a bunch of rivers around here and there’s a lake back there i was like it’s perfect it’s very pretty did you so you made this river here in the center yes yeah so the rivers most of these smaller ones are all

Handmade and everything like that just kind of going throughout doing their thing and i try to make it look like they would kind of flow down into the farmland like so be like going down yeah i like that a lot so and this is all survival

Yes yeah so let’s see yeah yeah you’re insane okay cool all right let’s let’s move on where next boring place but storage room for anybody who takes a look here after here’s the storage room and everything like that if you want to steal any goodies there uh and then

There’s shulker boxes scattered around the entire world that i don’t even know where they are classic classic survival world yeah yeah and then coming outside the what is this the east side west side west side of the city we can leave out this way this is kind of a newer section

Of it i’ve uh you might i know we were playing some age of empires recently and those windmills right over here might be a little familiar these guys though oh yeah i had to i was just like i was playing age of empires one day way back when i was like no

That that’s a cool build i’m gonna make that in minecraft and then now we got them in here and i love them i like how there’s like two sectors of the city it’s like old town and new town almost this feels like the new town section

Yeah it’s very cramped over here and uh way different but it’s cool yeah and then outside the front of the city there’s like a little bit of like a market area just for everybody who couldn’t get inside the city gates and everything they can kind of hang out here do their own thing

Then there’s that colosseum right in front of it which was the old school iron farm but it doesn’t i it was like pre 1 1.14 so it doesn’t work anymore so i turned it into an arena and just left all the villagers inside and unfortunately most of them have not survived

The arena as you see most of them there’s literally no village i think there’s uh i think the last time i want to wait there might be one inside of the house i found one yeah he’s he’s chilling he’s the sole survivor he’s like people people are crumb

The champion i guess you could say because yeah he’s the the only remaining one that’s insane okay that’s nice i like that i like the desert city i’m fond of oh okay there’s more stuff over here let’s keep going which way this way this way you want to go this way we can

Go this way i saw something and it looks quite pretty over here so this little spot right here i just i try and bring a little bit of lore into the world as far as what happens when like new mobs are at into the game so this one i built when pillagers were

Added so you’ll see the other side of the village or other side of the river it’s a little destroyed over there so i tried making it look like pillagers kind of ravaged and destroyed this half of the land and then somehow the other half survived maybe

Like the city guard came over and saved him and everything like that and just trying to add some more variety into it so it’s not just hey look everywhere is a perfect shining world everything’s completed and fancy and everything yeah very cool very cool so wait so you

Said these pathways all lead off to something yeah so this one this one will lead down to we’ve got there’s like an excavation site and then there’s a castle and then there’s a village so there’s there’s a little bit down this way okay we’ll go this way then

Let’s see this one right over here is kind of like wandering trader ikea village excavation site whatever you want to call it i didn’t really realize i made ikea until after i made it and then i was like well i have to leave it now so i like how it’s a wondering trader

Zone though and you trap some in here that’s very cool yeah somehow these guys just never despawned i don’t know what it was but normally they’re supposed to despawn like 20 minutes after they spawn it or something like that these guys just never disappeared so i was like well okay i’m building this

Area random and then we got a little oasis area over here and then down in this pit it was ravine and the first ever fossil i found in this world was down here so i was like well i’m gonna fill that into an excavation site that’s kind of cool so i

Just like saw the top half of basically this amount of it poking out of a ravine i was like well now i have to build something here so yeah that’s cool i like that what the heck right and then on oh my gosh i can see stuff this way

I’m just gonna head there so this one going off the lore of the excavation site is there was a i’m trying to say so you’ll see off to the right-hand side there’s a bit of a stone pillar coming up that’s actually where my end portal is never did anything with it

But i wanted to create like a pit and say like a dr the dragon escaped from there destroyed this castle but got injured during the process of it and then was buried in the sand over there with all that stuff is so this is kind of like

Ancient ruins of a village and old farmland that we’re flying over right now and then big ol i love that ruined castle everywhere i love this this is so cool what the heck as overgrown as possible yeah oh and the eagle yeah just wow this is nuts the tree man

Yeah i like this a lot this is this this so far is my favorite part i like the desert style but this this is pretty this one was really fun i gotta say this style though just making everything overgrown just people with the different amount of blocks you have to use

To make it happen takes forever to build absolutely forever but i love it yeah that’s so cool what the heck okay where next all right if we keep going down this road we’ve got a little bit of a long route to go because i want to find new chunks for

1.14 release i wanted to find new chunks to build a village and transform one so we’ve got a little bit of a walk down the road here so this whole area down here terraformed all of it because it was like a little bit of a valley

You know with the way they just spotted minecraft randomly and i really like the shape of it and so i just kind of made the cliffs a little bit better cleaned it up and naturalized the entire area then this one kind of turned into like a sweet berry

Farm of sorts so the entire thing is surrounded by sweet berry bushes everything around here just feels everywhere because i wanted there’s like a hundred villagers inside of the place and i didn’t want them to have reasons to walk outside so there’s wheat farmers and everything inside they got their own little

Pastures in their fields in there but everything outside is all good to go for the just kind of aesthetic looks and everything so you’re laying down rating section yeah except i never really traded with any of them i just kind of made workstations and was like you all live here now welcome

And they just kind of do their thing and wander around here doing everything we could need and yeah i don’t think i’ve traded with any of them maybe some of the librarians but that’s that’s about it whoa this clock oh i like this glass texture the lime stained one very nice

Very nice oh my gosh wow this so this is just this whole area is just has no purpose just just for fun sort of thing yeah just for fun i was i meant to set up the villager trading and then i just never really did it it just kind of never really happened

Right okay okay yeah i still go with the fact that you’re insane yeah okay cool joel we’ve been playing we’ve been playing our next life for long enough you’re just i don’t know if that’s just now saying that one yeah okay i like this waterfall

Over here as well the double one as well yeah on top of that one there’s actually a little witch hut which we can use this to jump up back home so inside of the witch hut you know just kind of witchy things and all that stuff uh weird weird stuff and then there’s

Actually another portal all the way back here i wanted to just kind of make a cool little area over there and then hide the nether portal back in this area and then see any levels i’m gonna say um you’ve been warned okay is it gonna i think i’ve seen you tweeting pictures of

This and videos of oh my gosh okay yep yeah it’s not much left it’s just uh it needs a yeah it needs a sec to load in here yeah it’s not i finally i finally finished it as of like last friday everything in here got is finally broken down and destroyed all

The land is cleared besides floating ancient debris i still need to get nice what the heck okay this my frame my chunks are a max and this is still not loading in yeah it’s uh it’s massive i for some reason i was like you know what i’m

Gonna clear everything so i can make the biggest nether hub possible and then i kind of cleared it all and i’m like huh that’s uh that’s a lot bigger than i thought it would be is this like a whimsical fight file this is like everything you could get out of

Like another fortress farm which is pretty sweet so it’s it’s not quite finished yet the killing chamber isn’t quite fully functional but it’s just kind of down here you can flip it and there’s flying machines that go back and forth and if this thing works

And they all go back and forth pick up all the mobs bring it all back over and then they fall down and get kind of funneled into the center there so it’s still working progress i still gotta finish mob proofing these areas because uh as you can see there’s about a hundred

Zombie piglets over here oh my god yeah what the heck when they can always go to one spot there’s just uh there’s a lot of them the amount of lava and the mess is kind of disgusting like if you were to make this all fly

I will not kind of yeah yeah are you are you a fan of elder scrolls games like skyrim and all that stuff i i played fable that’s probably the closest thing okay so in skyrim there’s this giant mushroom cavern called blackreach and my goal is to transform the nether

Into that because it has like glowing mushrooms and bioluminescent stuff all over the place i thought would be really cool for another hub so the initial plan was to coat the floor in blackstone but uh we’ll see if that happens because that’s um that’s a lot of stuff okay yeah yeah yeah

So these portals all lead somewhere yeah so this one right over here is back to the desert village which we can jump out over there and walk onto the next place gonna start him back at square one okay i don’t know really what to say i’m just

Taking it all in that’s fair that’s fair hey you know it’s fine oh you good yeah back over here nice little hidden spot with all of it yeah oh it’s a lot it’s it’s it’s all it’s all it’s all the same there’s it’s okay that’s not even all of

It i just started throwing away the junk then the next next sorry over to the right here isn’t it this stuff yeah so the road’s going to lead off to the right and then it’s this is the area that i’ve worked on the most i think this is okay

So down here is i started i created a village or i transformed one of the old school villages because it had a mending villager so i was like that warrants me transforming the place and it’s close to home so we’re gonna do that and then it spread out into a

Terraforming project which you’ve probably heard me talk about mountains that i’ve been building and then it’s into a city with castles and everything all over the place and so coming in over here we’ve got a little bit of a winery and now now that the new news is out for

The mountains being updated i feel like i’m out of a job but i’ll find something new yeah i’ve heard that yeah i don’t know how they’re going to do that but i don’t think they’ll be able to compete with what you’ve built over there by the looks of it that looks insane

Yeah hopefully i’ve still got a little bit better but yeah down here we’ve got a cool vinyl winery vinery whatever a lot of vines in the winery very nice very nice little table there yeah just a nice little spatula very italian oh totally yeah and then i can see the castle

Yeah big wizard magically castle thing over there which leads into the whole city and everything so coming over this tree line you kind of enter into the farming village and everything like that over here and you get a good full glimpse of the mountains and everything behind it

Everything going on in here would you like to go to the mountains or the city first let’s go look at the mountains first because i feel like the city is the the big big thing even though these mountains look absolutely ridiculous which way do we go up to them uh

I would say land on land down down here lay down we can walk walk up kind of get a little bit of the scope for all of them yeah cause it’s about to stay when you’re flying it doesn’t make it look as big as when you’re actually walking along the heck yeah so

Everything up here on all the land that we’re on all the trees and everything has been hand placed uh at this point it’s we are uh way above ground level so everything in here is hand placed below us is pure darkness that we don’t go down there

Just you just don’t go into the darkness i know i saw her on the other side i assumed it wasn’t filled that would be yeah so i’d say let’s walk on down this way and get a good glimpse of like the full mountain so i tried making like a

More of a natural way of going from like some hills into the actual mountain so it wasn’t just like flat land mountain and everything like that and then so if you look out you got a little bit of a mountain lake over here and then you get the first glimpse of

All of the all of the big stuff going on up here yo these mountains are ridiculous wait i’m gonna have to go look up closest for these because is it just you place stairs on these as well what the heck yeah originally i was trying to mod

Proof them because i was like maybe that’ll make it better but i was like no the darkness is below me no matter what i do the mobs are all spawning down there so it’s fine and they’re i’ve textured in the side down here and then i just kind of stopped going

The rest of the way so eventually eventually i’ll get around to doing all that but so far not quite yet yeah those are already so i love the plane as well the plane’s very nice i tried uh i want to do like a christmas village so right behind the plane is

Like there’s a little christmas village up there but i didn’t want to go with like santa’s sleigh or anything like that because i felt like that stands out too much so these guys are up here i tried going with like it’s a bunch of dwarves instead of elves and they just deliver

Delivered goods across the world in their bipolar oh my gosh very cute very cute yeah just a small small nice little spot up here to hang out yeah what the heck okay these mountains are addictive and i didn’t realize oh my gosh in the waterfall what i you still haven’t finished so it

Looks like over here oh god no no god no will they ever be finished that’s the question that is that’s uh that’s a dang good question i don’t know does that have snow is there gonna have snow on top of it yeah eventually i just kind of place the

Dirt down and i come back and replace the snow blocks because it’s easier to get a lot of load of dirt than snow yeah this light mountain village what there yeah i wanted i would make like a nordic village and everything in here and so we got we got these guys they’re chilling

I wanted i want to go with like mountain nords of sorts so the very snowy atmosphere up here just something like that i love one thing i’ve realized since doing this one i love working with like height in builds as you’re going so if you walk up this village like you’ll see it

Constantly just keeps growing upwards and i just feel like that the atmosphere it creates just purely up of every few blocks you go up a half slab is just so cool i love it it’s very much like a ski resort almost in here it’s very nice what was this is this

Just a little chest that was the that was the storage room we’re working on this big enough to be honest with you that’s why the shulker boxes are on the walls it used to be um you they used to be everywhere wow the fun part about this one though was

You can use snow layers and everything to yeah like mob proof at all so most of this air is actually pretty safe which is nice instead of uh all the other builds i make they’re just i don’t i don’t like putting torches on light everywhere so they all just kind

Of turn into mob spawning areas it just keeps going i was expecting it to stop there but no it goes all the way up here as well i’ve still got a few trees to finish and then oh my gosh you’ve expanded over to here yeah so the plan was to create like a

Mountain pass so i want to have it go back further and then eventually drop down the other side so it could actually like have an area to hide inside of it i want to do like a lord of the rings style like dwarven fortress gate is somewhere in here and so it’s gonna

Keep going back and eventually we’re supposed to have a few valleys and things but under here you can see all the dirt that i’ve gathered ridiculous from the back this is just like you can see how far it goes like the original land that’s insane

What it looks so nice on the other side of this side it still looks insane but it’s just like the amount of spiders i can see right now is yeah they uh they’re yeah i’ve unfortunately got stuck down there a few times and uh barely made it out

Please go up to the block limit or not they are uh the highest peak at the far corner is i think like eight or ten blocks shy something like that and you can see the minecraft mountains down there they just look tiny and compact yeah i’m excited for

The new ones because it looks like they kind of come up a lot higher with the clouds and everything they were in the screenshots but yeah so we got the little fortress thing over here how high does this go up i’m curious i can never remember it’s like 40

Something yeah so we’re up at uh 45 right now so there’s another 10 blocks up that i can go right yeah okay this is like i feel like everything i’ve ever built is not worthy of anything now this is just ridiculous like i’m just i’m very inspired at the same time but

It’s just it’s nuts like it’s so much taken like it’s actually kind of crazy yeah it’s been it’s been a long time it’s been a long time in the works yeah okay wait do you oh are you well we’re on the server but do you know what

Have you seen on the statistics like how long you spent in the actual world building like uh i should have the stats because i copied them all over where is the uh total time played on here is 91 days of time i feel like now you said that that doesn’t seem like

Long for how much stuff you’ve done here i feel like you’ve been very efficient yeah 91 days i’ve played games longer than that and i feel like i have not achieved what this is happening i don’t afk in this world at all really until recently i was trying to blow up the nether

Like i i really did an afk here so if i was on i was building something and tweaking something like i got to the point where like blocks mind i’ve i use diamond pickaxes over a million diamond shovels like over eight hundred thousand netherite pickaxes already at 330 000 so

They’re all they’re all getting up there and it’s yeah it’s it’s just kind of it’s just insanity and then i tried making because obviously i need all the stone for this i tried making a quarry over on the north side of the whole area we kind of

Skirt around the city for a second and there’s a massive yeah you can see the beacon beam and then i i the one the one of the few very very few redstone circuits i’ve ever made it’s just a door and the bees i don’t i don’t know if you see these bees

Everywhere they’re flying around this entire place i built a bee farm up in the mountains by the village and the bees hated being up there so they just have escaped and have been wandering the world ah okay wait so there’s redstone in here yeah so if you stand on the cobblestone

Down there it’ll we can yeah it’s the oh my gosh oh and i see what and then this is uh yeah this is where i get all of my blocks for the so as well i feel like if i was to just collect blocks so it was this amount it would

Just be an absolute mess in here i guess you don’t need this is the most efficient way to do it is just to clear it out yeah i just kind of do the whole beacon everything i can do and then i move it along so like the

Beacon got moved over and set up farther down there and then i still have so many shulkers of stone that i just need to eventually get through them eventually this area down here is supposed to be absolutely massive but we can just take the soul sand elevator all the way out so

Here we are inside of the city oh my gosh right yep okay a little cart that’s very cute i like that it’s a little little tiny cards they’re the best the absolute best so i will say not many of the interiors are done not my specialty uh i can i can’t blame

You for that to be honest oh these windows are really cool i like the white stained thank you yeah oh i actually you know what speaking of which this building actually has interiors look at that i did them oh wow so we got like a weaponsmith over

Here and then this one’s supposed to be like an armor smith i tried making it like it was like two sisters or something and they both are like competing to see who is the best blacksmith and then so they got their blacksmith forwards that they share back here and have to

Split it all and then they got their shop fronts and everything out there yeah that was a fun little random story thing in here i always try and find like just how can i make a random stupid story to come up with a reason to build something like that’s

Been my that’s been my go-to recently so like we got a stable way to keep yourself yeah the horse poop yeah we got it got the donkey nice nice yo this is nuts okay i like how like dense it is and stuff and like how it

Just feels like it feels like a very old city like how crowded it is totally like york where i come from in england haven’t haven’t been out there myself but i’m sure i’ve been looking at pictures online i’ve been like the amount of time i spent on

Pinterest being like how are old cities set up it’s just insane so we got a little bit of a market in here just random stalls and everything and funny enough there where i started selling a villager trading you might be able to hear them is there um

Yeah all inside of there it’s full of uh shepherds and stone masons so i could get a lot of bricks because that’s how did you get up uh it’s actually through the house over here so connected um briefly over the top or barely barely connecting at all

And then you can just walk right in so they’re all in here there’s two there’s two layers i think with uh stone basins yeah the snowmason’s got a second layer up here now so they’re just kind of chilling during their thing very noisy very noisy and what you use to get emeralds

That’s uh i underneath the mountains there’s a very very terrible carrot and potato farm that i use i just trade with those i need a better way that is one of the things that i have uh i’ve never had like more than a stack of emeralds to my name because i just

Never have so make a pumpkin and melon farm that’s your next oh my gosh yeah that’ll be that’ll be it so yeah we’re back on the main street the area where we came in is right down there uh and it’s just kind of everything over there we can actually wander out this

Way another little tiny market off to the side yay this is so lost you must know your way around lace hufflepuff no i i need to go in here i still get lost oh yeah that’s good to know oh oh so very nice the docks yeah

I like the wall and the rays and the ships and stuff what’s that over there an end crystal yeah i tried making i wanted it to be a wizard castle so i use end crystals to decorate and uh it was the worst decision i’ve ever made because skeletons

Have blown them up so many times when i was building this house right here this little like inn of sorts skeletons came through and blow up blew up this window so many dang times it was so frustrating the castle is not so is it castled interior deck uh no of course not

There’s there’s a tree in the middle and that’s about it still yeah that’s still decent like comparisons i was expecting nothing you got the flooring and stuff it’s just i get that far you know somebody else can come and decorate if they want to wait so is there any oh my gosh i’ve

Just panda zoomed out is amazed this place it’s massive yeah it’s most of it’s just kind of in this vicinity so far the maisy part after that it’s just kind of structures that are stretching out i’ve been really focusing on doing the waterfront and getting that stuff

Finished up so it just looks more polished from the water my my city viewing boat is the little fishing boat out there with the uh yeah so i just kind of stand on the sail and look back at it yeah that’s insane wait i where the

Mountain is because i think my fov is not high enough the mountains are off to the right so kind of behind the castle and everything you need yeah you do like 50 chunk render distance to be able to see them why not i can’t see that what the heck this is nuts

Okay and then over here oh this looks like a sort of new block section yeah this is uh i tried creating some dry docks and just kind of more of a work work area i guess for all of us we got some boats being built down here

And then very very recently uh created like an admiral’s mansion up here using i want an excuse to use the new warped woods and everything like that so we got the this fancy fancy place up here and this actually the whole thing inside of heroes interiors that’s that’s one that i did

Wait how do i get in uh right in here yeah all of these different buildings have completed in tears all all just decorated and fancy spots to hang out very nice very nice wait i’m i’m lost in it oh there’s a staircase wait is it upstairs decorate as well oh my god

Yeah of course i i promised i promised everybody that i would do the entire thing and every single area here is completely decorated by my neck what the heck it just keeps going i feel like oh yeah i’ve finished this bunk bed no that that that’s that’s it on this one there’s

Like a room below us but you have to get in from a different building it’s kind of amazed there we go very good to jump out now so that one’s all in here uh then the i can oh i can show you something i can show you one thing right over in

Here i’ve been creating a giant map room of this world which has been uh pretty entertaining to do it took way too long but it’s it’s been cool being able to come back and check out it and oh my i love my neck right so wait what i’m confused where are we

Okay so we’re in the upper left that’s so tiny in comparison to the scale of this map what the heck wait yeah palace oh it’s a it’s a bank i love how the blackstone blocks like create like this black outline there yeah that building stands out so much in

Comparison to the other ones yeah on the maps they kind of freak out so we’ve got a few areas left to go to uh we’ve got a castle right down in this spot which we can go check out which is one of my favorites uh that was

The first castle i built in this world and then we got a village right here we can check out and then we gotta fly all the way over to this corner where we’re gonna have what i started as a 116 like fantasy asian area over there okay

What the heck is when this is this village here what’s this no that’s just default okay just default yeah it just made the road go through it all the way how many blocks away is this the are these um uh the fantasy village is about a thousand fifteen hundred blocks away from

Everything else like from here about something like that yeah this is nuts i like this whole viewing system as well this looks cool i i wanna go like um let’s use incredibles when they’re going across the thing and all the all the incredible screens are on there

Yeah a little bit like that i was trying to go like some old ancient race that was like super like high technology it was like controlling a whole map of the world and so like they came in here and whoever the ruler is of this city found the map and

Has control over it or something i don’t know that’s how they keep their power and can watch everybody yeah this is mad okay so where where are we going to that castle yeah wait what about that i want to see that palace building i saw some

Palace yeah so we got a big old mansion guy right here which is pretty cool and then there you probably saw the bank this one right over here oh this is it yeah yeah this is what i was thinking i like this i like the the pathway

Up to it and stuff yeah i never got i meant to i meant to turn it into my new storage room because i need to upgrade for my old one because it’s a little overflowing right now and i just never got around to it that

Was that was intended to be it but it just never happened is the old one the one in the desert yeah yeah true okay okay and then everything that we’re on top of right now is hand place blocks as well uh if you fly over here you can

See the underside of the city oh yeah what the heck i’ve been trying to make some sewer systems yeah i’ve been this is kind of turning into my storage room of sorts of i was too lazy to build an actual one so it’s just turned into a massive shulker box everywhere

Down here nice and then sewers and everything and these things were just they’re very they’re very dark so they’re kind of hard to show but it’s supposed to be like a closed-off sewers environment where some people are ruffians does this go on for a while okay uh it’s kind of just

This little section for now there’s somebody growing some netherwarts and everything off in that corner and then it’s just kind of exits out into the ocean okay very cool very cool yeah and then we can actually jump out right over here behind the house oh my gosh oh yep all the way

Claustrophobic people would suffer yeah it’s uh it’s um yeah it’s a little good could be improved and then yeah so that’s kind of everything out here we got all the boats random diagonal boat oh yeah very nice very tricky okay and then yeah that was uh actually easier to build than i thought

Regular boats would be i really struggle with building boats just because it was just like oh it’s a diagonal it just you just it’s just about you know it just kind of does the thing it was easier to like it looks okay so it’s fine to this side

Where i briefly started a swamp village or a house not quite a village i needed i needed food i ran out of food uh and so i i had to make a cow field fair enough and then yeah you think after this time i’d have all that stuff sorted definitely don’t

Then out here we got some more fields of course because i didn’t want the castles alone and then this one is castle bleak rock i tried to go with like a whitewash theme to the whole thing so i i changed diorite to like a whitewashed stone of sorts so a little bit lighter

And then actually brought the original diorite back because texture packs are awesome wait you can what how’d you do that so you can make a different texture for you double stack a slab so if you double stack like a direct slab it’ll give you the original dye right texture in my

Uh in my pack so that’s how i’m able to get like this super whitewashed look to this one over here and i love it i i wish i’m so hopeful for those new stones that we saw in like minecraft libraries oh my gosh i can’t wait for having like more just white

Stones to work with yeah it’ll be good because gosh yeah this is massive what the heck wait so i’m guessing all of this was just placed on the water by hand all these rocks actually this island was here that’s why i built it here so it was like this weird little island

And that sea that went with the city and everything like that this is the only water access into there so i was like you know at a castle castle belongs out here it’s going to defend the entire city so that’s that’s how it got out of here built up this whole one

And i’ve been slowly coming back over the years and doing interiors in here very very slowly so mostly outside spaces like we got little cubbies like this like a little blacksmith in here he’s got he’s got his thing going on and all that sort of stuff

Wait and then wait so that most of the interior is done in here uh i know it’s some parts very very few parts like this one’s like not fully complete but it’s gonna be like stables in here how some donkeys horses and all that cool stuff and then why do you

Have enough donkeys and like horses and stuff to bring back like sure i’ve seen so many so far yeah it’s i’ve i’ve scoured the lands to be able to get most of them and then inside of here is like a little dining hall of sorts oh oh

Like this is very hulk walls yeah very cute i i want to get like the upper rafters and everything like that so you can have like people up here like the musicians could be up here singing and dancing and doing their thing entertaining the guests as they eat way too much cake

What the heck i say it’s more game of thrones actually yeah it was a little bit of red wedding vibes hopefully without the without the death shoot there’s been a lot of death in this world it’s been happening three years actually i’m on i i did die last friday i i

Died in the lava in the nether last friday but that was death 35 so i’m uh well that’s pretty good too yeah so i’ve been pretty hopeful of that one so i started the interior in here and then i built the throne room and that’s kind of uh

That’s where it that’s where it stopped very nice very nice wait this oh it’s glass yeah so i’ve been click tweaking some of the glass textures to be more like just foggy stuff so i can do more yeah like that magically artworky things with them so i

Unfortunately i use red in here and then i changed it like a year later i just haven’t come back and fixed it yet but it’s actually using yeah self self closing doors i want to make that i like having these like big thick doorways for the castles and everything

So i figured i needed to have like some way of being able to have the door on both sides yeah that’s cool then as it it’s a village over here isn’t i sorry over on the left yeah talk about the castle still uh no i was just gonna say there’s a little

Fishing village down there and then some sea cliffs and things just a little spot i figured that as the castle was here it probably attracted people and so they set up a little set up a little town for themselves oh purple very nice oh i like these flowers i like

How these feels like they’re cool yeah i wanted like giant feels like the what are these called like the peonies or i i never say it correctly um yeah i don’t know but i want to do a big thing like that almost make it look like cotton

Or some sort of thing i don’t really know and so that kind of spread to this whole village here i want to do something colorful and springy and just very very cool with that and i i’ve got to say what i love the most about

Working on this one is i spent a lot of time on the beach the beach areas out here just making it look like a tiger i’ve got to say they look like tide pools instead of just being a classic sandy beach so you got all that stuff over here got all the

Cliffs and everything terraformed in this area and just magical magical stuff all over the place very nice very nice i like the bridges everything it’s just all linked up so nicely so everything’s just so so so well done i’m very impressed i’m also like i’m not inspired but also i’m like it’s like

If i was to try something like this if i ever wanted to i’m just the amount of time is insane yeah it’s uh i’m at that point with it where i’ve absolutely loved working on it but i’ve kind of made the announcement like i need like a little mental hiatus from it

So i need like a month or two away because i’ve been i’ve been working through this thing every single week of my life for the last three and a half years if i’ve been anywhere near my computer i’ve most likely been building in this world i’m

Just like you know what it’s time to i just need a breather and come back with like rejuvenated and ready to go and all that you do all the building like in the video do you ever do anyway it’s just like you know this is not including the video but

Most is time lapsed uh once i get like a halfway through a project where i’m like all right i’ve done like all these things like all these houses are like it’s just like the same thing i just need to fill more space with more of the same house but

The style’s already kind of like i did everything is usually some of that will be off camera but most of it’s time lapse or something like that i just try and keep it trying it’s hard to find when you’re doing these big villages and they take like a month to do each at

Least and it’s just like well it’s kind of hard to be like well i need to i just need to finish building houses and not everybody’s been interested in it for the whole month uh anyways to save ourselves some time of walking around we can jump down in here this is a little

There’s a little spot for another another place and we can run on through the nether really quickly again and jump over to the 116 area and how do we get there i am waiting for it to load in so i can tell you that [Laughter] uh this way over towards the basalt

This okay i can’t even see the bus wait uh behind you other way yep closer To get to these portals quicker i’m guessing why you’re the lead obviously but still like yeah it’s lost so many times that’s what this was kind of here started for was this was actually to unite all that all my portals used to be in the ceiling

Of the nether and i had like those like two by two tunnels to run around i was like that’s a little boring well yeah obviously when the never got reset as well you changed it then yeah so i deleted my whole old nether and i was like well

We’re building an actual nether up when we come back but anyways this village here is i decided in 116 that i want to do like a full on reset so i went back to like just iron tools lost all my stuff and came back and started developing and

Just kind of regrowing and i was like every single time i get a netherride ingot i can bring back one tool from the old world and then just kind of slowly build this area up so get like the starter house area right here got my puppy dog and

All that we’re just and then i just kind of slowly expanded and actually you know what funny that you mentioned the melon and pumpkin farm i forgot i actually built one of those out here i think that’s right in here isn’t it i did yeah it is oh it works i heard it

Working yeah look at that big one wait how big is this one this is all melon pumpkin yeah if you fly up uh on the outside you can actually see you can kind of get a little glimpse into it oh my gosh this is pretty massive for a melon pumpkin

It works really really well i think this is uh i think that’s a nem bomb or ill mango design i think it might be a mango yeah i think i’ve done one similar but i’ve just not built it that big like i do like like three like five by five not like

15 by 50. yeah that was i was just like well if i’m going to build it i’m going to build it and just have it completed but anyways that led to kind of everything in here led to me building up a castle because there’s this really cool mountain behind me

And i want to get like an asian castle using the basalt and blackstone and crimson woods and warped woods and everything and then that turned into way too much concrete somehow yeah just a lot of castle what the heck and wait so this whole mountain was here before and you just built

Yeah yeah all of this was here before i just chopped spruce trees on and kind of cleaned up the edges with some cliffs that’s nice this is one that i still want to come back to i plan to make it like a really cool like lush atmosphere along

The rivers and everything and kind of slowly had started it and i want to come back and add in like some farmland and stuff and take the land back away from it so there’s like more room along the river to actually build things yeah i love this style i love this sort

Of asian sort of temple style is this is this decorated inside this cabinet not even floors didn’t even do floors no it looks nuts on the outside though yeah that was one rush just like it’s uh it’s not it’s not gonna happen very quickly but it worked out really well

I really like it the wall this is cool i like this how it goes up that’s very neat yeah and then up here was like i built like a mini super smelter of sorts and then i had my netherite forge because i want to have some cool way to make

All my netherite stuff and so whenever i do that i’d always have to fly back over here and build it from this point i don’t know why just kind of do yeah very nice very nice brian this isn’t actually this works it’s a super smaller oh yeah rails very nice

Oh my gosh wait and there’s all these trees i don’t know these are the vanilla trees it’s just the texture thrown me off yeah the the bushy leaves yeah they make it look so much nicer oh my gosh yeah i might have to nab that if i ever do

Vanilla stuff this is nuts yeah man that i know it doesn’t seem like much but that is actually the uh the entire world as far as i’m aware yeah this isn’t nuts you’re insane um very inspirational but also like just daunting just looking at it all but i

Love it i love it so much i love that never act here as well it’s called edition the carrots yeah i just i needed some color i saw some other people do that and like some like on my patreon server and everything like that i was like it just

Looks so awesome just adding in that like red crop in there because the soul sand still kind of looks like dirt it just yeah it works don’t really do it as well do they yeah yeah not quite very nice very nice well i’m thoroughly impressed uh also quite jealous

And also quite inspired because i just love the whole designer’s thing this texture pack is cool as well i love the touch back i want to see what it looks like without it for a second have you ever done that i have a few times not much in this area

Is actually too different to be honest this area is uh if you’re wearing out of the city or back over the desert city is the one that looks the most different because i tweaked sandstone and red sandstone was changed quite a bit but otherwise it’s it’s pretty vanilla

It’s i try and keep it very vanilla focused do you shade this i do occasionally just for like time lapsey things actually no not too much no it’s cool it’s very cool very cool all right joel well thank you so very much for joining me today i really do appreciate you

Around what the heck i’m impressed i’m also yeah yeah i’m lots of words to be honest yeah very cool very cool you’re nuts you’re insane uh but i like it i like the insanity perfect i’ll i’ll keep going with it yeah in a few months for some reason my break is hardcore

Mode we’ll see how that one goes and there we have it folks please be sure to click that like button down below if you did enjoy today’s world tour if you would like to get your hands on the download it is available to all twitch subscribers youtube members and patron supporters

Just so i can protect the download a little bit more because you know i’ve had some issues with that in the past but if you would like to get your hands on it it is available through all those things links are down in the description

If you got all that stuff it’s free with twitch prime that still works or gifted twitch sub hang out in my streams thanks bye but anyways folks subscribe if you’re brand new and i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Touring my 4 year old Minecraft 1.16 Survival World with @SmallishBeans World Tour and Download’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2020-10-06 17:45:01. It has garnered 850191 views and 20056 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:57 or 2637 seconds.

Touring my 4 year old Minecraft 1.16 Survival World with @SmallishBeans World Tour and Download!

Today we are taking a tour around my minecraft 1.16 survival world that I’ve been working on over the past 4 years! a download will be available to all supporters (youtube members, twitch subs, and patrons) you can find links for these below!

Let me know what your favorite build is!

Thank you for Watching! Links and everything below!

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#Minecraft #Survival #Letsplay —————————————————————————————————

:: Building with fWhip ::

Vanilla Survival Lets play :: Minecraft 1.16 This is a long running let’s build series where fWhip focuses on Minecraft world building with all of you!

🌎WORLD TOUR AND WORLD DOWNLOAD: 🌎 World Download is available to everyone who supports me on Patreon, is a Twitch sub, or Youtube Member. you must be actively supporting on one of these platforms to get the latest download. Afterwards please join the discord and link your accounts to gain access to a channel with the download.

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Season 2 Playlist: Season 3 Playlist:

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    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring vast sewers and building dark altars, just like in the video you watched. Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build your own unique world within the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part… Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: Server IP: Read More

  • OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!

    OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-27 20:29:57. It has garnered 138729 views and 5483 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:49 or 10669 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are doing a PRIME DRINK HOUSE BUILD BATTLE! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥

    Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PE 🔥 Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi 1.20 |Made OP Survival Base & Iron Armor🤩 #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by A gaming op on 2024-03-02 09:12:06. It has garnered 991 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. Minecraft : Survival series EP.1 in Hindi || Minecraft Mcpe Gameplay #1 || #minecraftsurvivalseries _________________________________________ replay mod link Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SEED HUNT!! - SL YAKA® 1.16vVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft EP:1 create new world to vifary seed fine 1.16v.’, was uploaded by SL YAKA-® on 2024-05-20 10:07:52. It has garnered 40 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. Hey Everyone! Wwelcome to @SL YAKA@youtube channel . You can Watch mobile game play videos on My CHANNEL~~ ®my mobile @RAM : 3.0 GB– @STORAGE : 32GB– @android–phone Read More

  • Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!

    Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!Video Information This video, titled ‘op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Angry bob on 2024-01-05 12:14:40. It has garnered 2545 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku – MUST WATCH!

    EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘akaza vs rengoku minecraft version’, was uploaded by cust uzb on 2024-01-05 05:48:10. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    BEATING FNAF ANIMATRONIC IN MINECRAFT!? 💥😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PRODRIAS VENCER a un ANIMATRONICO?? 💥✅ #minecraft #fnaf’, was uploaded by iShadownplay on 2024-01-06 01:22:09. It has garnered 6624 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. Credits to Danny Fox for the Add-on ✅ 💎My Networks!!💎 ✅PvP Channel: ✅Edits Channel: ✅Music Channel: h ✅Instagram: ✅Tik Tok: ✅Twitter: ✅Discord: 🌐Servers that I recommend: 🦄 🔹Mi Team!!🔹 💥SirJavir6086: 💥TriangulitoG: 💥PatoPrime5379: 💥Joségaiden: #fnaf #minecraft #addon #fivenightsatfreddys #fun Read More

Touring my 4 year old Minecraft 1.16 Survival World with @SmallishBeans  World Tour and Download