Town Decorations & The Return! | RambleSMP – S2E09

Video Information

Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to ramblecraft we are back on the server and i want to check out my shop because i believe we have made some profit oh yeah we have definitely sold out on our netherride ingots and also a huge chunk of our glowing sac has

Been sold and a single circle box has been sold as well none of our blocks here have been sold but i’m okay with that because in today’s episode i want to make a few changes to the marketplace and what i’m selling why is there a chest in the middle of oh

That’s right i completely forgot asked if anyone had any mars and flowering a sailor or a failure in general and endovar has provided thank you very much endovar this will be useful for today’s episode specifically i assume the chest is included in the last episode we built this road

All the way up here towards kids base right here and i stopped it right here and he has given green light that i can basically continue it all the way over to his base so i want to do that but i also need to connect up the mine the

Nether portal and i also want to connect up end of us path which is right over here to the path leading down this way now the trees right here are gone so the yeah it’s a little bit blank here but that will be fixed because today i

Also want to decorate the path but first let us finish up the roads that needs finishing and yeah we’re going to jump straight into a time lapse and get this ball rolling we have a lot to do in this episode Okay i think i am pretty happy with this so each point of interest now has their own style of path and then the path leading to end of our which can i just point out does this man need any more beacons is three six and then five back there so that’s

11 beacons currently active and i’m pretty sure he said he had like 22 extra in his head the chest or something like that so he he has half a stack of beacons i have one i’m not sure what to say about this but yeah anyway this path

Leads on over to end of us path we need to figure out some way of connecting them and i chose this simple path because i think it works in all other paths i haven’t gone in any 90 degree degree angles but in this one i decided

To do it mainly because it it would have gone up like this which is a nightmare so i did it like this and honestly after doing it like that i don’t know whether or not i should have different path designs going to different things or if they should all be

One type of path i want you guys opinions of that down below the cardboard should all the paths leading up for the main path be it the same style or should it be different depending on what it leads to now the two paths that i have not made yet is a

To the storage area and b i haven’t continued this path all the way over to kids base i think i’ll probably do that in a live stream between this episode and the next but now i want to improve the look of the place because right now it it’s kind of bland we just

Have grass i want to fill out the emptiness with trees and bushes and lights and stuff like that oh yeah and we of course have the tree that british widow made um which no hate but i want a different style of tree all right the first place i want to improve well

Improve quote-unquote because this already adds a lot to it i want to add some trees that’s a bushiness to this place and yeah the spruce tree i’m sorry but it gotta go so my thought process of doing this is basically it’s going to be something like this just placing the

Cellular streak down and for each tree i will want to have some sort of lighting so maybe a chain on this one and a lantern sticking like that so illuminating the area a bit and then bone mealing the area around it something like that and that already

Has made a huge improvement i might make some changes to threes if i don’t like the shape of them but yeah something like this yeah i like that and that has already made a huge improvement i’m gonna add i’m not gonna add anything up there because i want to expand the

Nether area i think this shadow is from end of our ship And the bus ship is literally blocking out the sun that is amazing with that said though i think i want to change the terrain a little bit and then add this tree and well i think i’m gonna need some lighting because every time the sun passes an eclipse happens

What i think i’m gonna add on here however is a little bit of a potted bush actually instead of the composer i’m going to use the shroom light in the middle which is going to illuminate the area and bushes going up like that and then some greenery around it of course don’t want

Any cold grass like that can add a bone meal back here anywhere with us nut trees i think i will want to add bone meal around the path like so but no tall grass yeah that is adding a lot to it actually i don’t want to add too much

Because too much can ruin it but yeah i like where this is going look at that we have only just added a few trees and a pot plant and the view for this has already gone up but i can tell that i need a tree right down here so i think

That is actually the process i’m going to do with this yep perfect now in places like here i obviously have plans for stuff i’m planning on putting some farmlands here but i still need to design it because i do have a plan of potentially involving villagers so the

Farms are actually producing things but that will be for a later date so i won’t add anything here because there will actually be two structures here and here i’m planning a path up to like a wizard tower so i’m not gonna do too much about this specific area and i feel like that

Is something that is extremely hard to time left so i’m just gonna do it and then actually i’m gonna step my fingers i’m gonna stand right here looking at that specific lantern right over there in the mine and i’ll be right back when this place has been transformed let’s go

And boom okay i think this has made a significant improvement to the place now this is just from above but when you walk through the the paths and this i don’t want to say street but it’s not really a street it has really changed things up like before

There would not be any trees or any greenery it would just be flat now there’s so much greenery and flowers as you’re walking down the path now i didn’t make a temporary path just up to the stories yet i’m not sure how i want to do this but yeah i’ll uh i’ll

Probably do this path on the stream or something now of course i haven’t done anything over here in this direction just yet i need to clear up these and i need to figure out what i want to do if i want to do anything on this road right here which i think i

Do but i don’t think i want it as the same theme as that but for now this has been a huge improvement and of course we should experience this fully during the night because that is where all the lights from the potted plants and the trees are coming out yep i absolutely

I’m in love with this look at this i love it i’m really happy that i added those trees if you didn’t notice i added a bush and a tree up there as well as there and i think it really adds something to the story how a storage house as well it’s that

Yeah it’s not as bland as it was before so overall i would say a very successful project now the marketplace this is where we will be doing a little bit of work next because i want to close up things that i want to move some things around primarily

The rocky bottom firstly i’m not selling a whole lot from this place second we have a project at spawn that we want to be working on and in relation to that i am going to move some of these things um i still want to be selling my shulker

Boxes i still want to be selling the exotic items over here but what i’m actually going to do i think since both of these two booths right here are empty i’m going to move these things out into each of their own separate shop so that would mean for

Example all the amethyst related stuff they can go into there and then the glowing sag can go into there and then the network can stay here for example and i think i might want to change the wool off so it matches as well i’m not sure so i suppose first things first is

I need a bunch of well shulker boxes uh sorry people were sold out temporarily here and i’m gonna place these and i’m just going to um well empty all this this place has now been emptied the rocky bottom has literally hit rock bottom i don’t care if anyone

Thinks that’s a bad joke or a bad shot name i’m sticking to it isn’t it called sticking with it ah maybe i’m the one that hit rock bottom hey one could say that i have definitely hit rock bottom because i’m now at the bottom of the rock eh

Okay i’m gonna stop now and that’s the items transferred from the shulker boxes we are good why do i keep finding random things i haven’t cleaned up i just found this chest which is from when i did the interior of the house why i had okay i need a cleaning day or

Something all right shelter boxes are now back in stock another change i’m also going to do to this place is i’m going to remove this bit right here so we can actually so people can actually properly get inside to the shop itself so really all i need

To do is pop these out move them over to a place like this unfortunately however that color fits with the shulker boxes and i guess purple what color wool is this okay magenta so i could in theory do pink for amethyst stop there yeah i think i think i might

Do that and then the glow exact they are gonna be i think i’m going to do i’m i think i’m going to sell glowing sacks and glowing item frames so just to have more purse shop so i’m going to do that and then this can move over there maybe

And then that can move over there yeah we’re definitely gonna have to change some things around here i forgot i named it the soul king shoulders that’s that’s like that i love that that’s actually hilarious and that has actually given me a little bit of an idea instead of

Putting the prices like this i think i’m going to put a sign like this next to it with the price so i don’t have to rename items for it that is going to look i think a lot better yeah so king shulkers median to die and glowing sack

Perfect now i just need to change the wall i didn’t brings here so this is a little bit of a tedious process and the colors has been swapped i don’t know what color the nether eyes should have i guess technically brown or black would fit but brown doesn’t really fit

With this so i’m probably going to make it black now while i might be missing some oh dear i definitely need a clean day now i might be missing some colored wool that i need but i know someone who does have it what am i gonna need pink i think cyan will also

Be needed and i think that’s the colors that i actually need nice to be doing business with you okay and this time i have shears to make this process go a little bit faster so netherride is going to be black i think that suits it well

Glowing sag is going to be cyan this one is going to be pink i’m not sure how this one is going to look but i’m going to give it a shot nope nope i don’t no i don’t no magenta is taken for the shulkers but i think

Purple is going to be fit this a whole lot better oh thank you yeah i think that is a much better match the only thing that i don’t like about this is that the shopping area is now a lot less bright and colorful when it comes to the tents at least from above

But now it suits more what it’s actually selling huh it’s been a while since i’ve been attacked by those but anyways after that assault when i exit my house after a quick nap onto this marketplace here because i have done changes first of all i have

Changed some of the wool back to the more colorful types of wool i think it’s more important that this place looks more inviting and colorful and festive than it looks sad and bland yeah that that’s that’s what i’m going for here also now i have added signs

Next to every product that we sell that shows what you can buy for what price and also i have added glow item frames because it matches with the glowing sag so yeah that works i’ve also finally figured out what i want to do in this specific booth right here also um yep

We’re sold out again now i don’t know if you can tell but it has actually been a while in between the last clips that you saw and this one in fact it’s been quite a while considering i now have 170 levels as well but that is because

Something happened we had a little bit of a meeting together amazon you do realize we are literally using iron blocks listen it’s not me it end of i just threw them at me like they were nothing why are you doing this with gold blocks anywhere uh that’s quite funny you’ve got the big

Goal thumb he’s probably got more gold than i’ve got that’s a good point yeah anyway if that’s the ugliest arrow i’ve ever made where exactly it’s fun zara’s getting worse you know what i’m getting nope i’m leaving it i’m leaving it i’m leaving it this guy is selling my head is it

Hold on a minute i need an emerald uh end of our i’m just looking at your air balloons right yeah oh no i’m sorry no not are they fire proof as in no lightning rods no no no belly’s life on edge if anything happened i blame you right got it

Oh yeah oh no oops i’ve always got to say oops oh wait a minute [Laughter] i hear the jerk hold on did you do that with the sword oh i believe i didn’t see that oh i recorded that bit I mean that’s a hold on are you kidding me oh he blew up the sign oh really there’s only butters sorry oh oh okay [Laughter] i don’t have to pay for it nope no no no okay no uh call okay thank you all right all right there you have it

Now we didn’t just meet up to uh fall to our deaths and kill gas and have a laugh we also met up because we wanted to talk about a bunch of projects that we want to do we have a lot of plans but i’m not going to explain everything right now i

Will be explaining it gradually as we go also that’s one issue i don’t have any more fireworks it at all so i have to walk now but while i’m not going to talk about all the things that we talked about i can tell you that we are going to start a project

Over here by spawn as you can see there are four beakers right there which jennifer has already placed down and that’s my lovely beautiful great looking arrow but yeah we are going to do some changes to this area so yeah in the next episode i will be spending a good chunk

Of time in this area doing some work now speaking about what i’m going to do with the next episode in the future episodes i want to manage the things i do in the episodes a little bit better so far i have only been focusing on working on my

Village area here you know the road the trees the buildings etc but i want to do other things as well so i’m going to be splitting up the time in the episodes working on different projects so that can be owned projects it can be mini games it can be community stuff things

Like that so we get a variety of things done now with all this said i have set up a new booth and i have called it amethystified melted sand yep i am definitely not running out of name ideas but yeah we’re basically selling tinted glass because

Well i have an amethyst farm i have lots of glass might as well so yeah we actually have all the booths now filled out with some sort of item i love it now i have also in between clips here dock this all the way down

To the bottom here oh yeah can we just talk about how andover just casually gave me like three beacons that thank you those will come in handy for sure but yeah i’ve docked this all the way down here i have removed my beacon for now as

I need the space but i want to start working down here in the mines but the reason why i’ve dug this down is because i want to add a rail system that leads down here so i can easily get back and forth this is going to be where the train station is

Amazon has already built hills so i want to start working on getting mine set up so we can start connecting our tunnels and in general i want to improve the look of this place because uh yeah right now it’s not looking that great and i thought that as i don’t have any

Firework rockets left i might as well spend a little bit of time down here shining this place up a bit so yeah q time lapse Do [Applause] so Nowhere near done but this is already a pretty big improvement and somewhat of the style that i’m thinking of now again the training station would be over here i just got to figure out something to do there i want to do something here this tunnel obviously

Needs to get dug out and i also want to place at least two of my beacons i think from end of our down here and my old one used to be here i want to make a new spot for maybe have another one like over there in that corner maybe

Something like that as this is the place where i mine deep slate as well because i’m right next to it right here so having one in that area so i can mine out in that in this vicinity would be ideal i think so i want to set that up

And i also want to make some kind of super smelter but again i need to prepare for that as well and i have also installed this railway and it is actually working we could go all the way up at pretty decent speed faster than i can run it anyway

And there we go of course i want to change all of this as well so it looks nice and neat including the whole tunnel there’s a lot to do but yeah i think that’s going to do it for this episode i hope you are excited for the coming

Episodes because there are a lot in the plans and in the works a lot of projects that we want to do so definitely stay tuned of which one of them of course will be starting at the very beginning in the next episode so yeah really hope

You enjoyed if you did be sure to leave a like and if you do could do consider hitting that subscribe button and if you’re brand new be sure to check out all the other ramblers down below in the description as well but yeah that’s it

Hope you enjoyed and hope to see you in the next one have a wonderful wonderful day and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Town Decorations & The Return! | RambleSMP – S2E09’, was uploaded by Binary Vigilante on 2022-05-14 13:00:14. It has garnered 120 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:25 or 1285 seconds.

✔️ RambleSMP is a private Minecraft SMP currently in Minecraft 1.18.1 for a bunch of YT creators. It’s an invite only server and we play to have fun and collab with each other. Here are all the members: ——————– Amradorn: Camystic: Chaseter: Wander: Hocus: Orgeron KITT: Skorpios5: Spirit: Superturtle: ——————–

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    Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, RedXypher’s the king, living out his dream. With BoomyDamovi by his side, they rule the land, Creating content that’s always grand. From Burger King to smp wars, They entertain us with their Minecraft scores. So hit that like and subscribe button tight, And join them on this epic gaming flight. Follow them on Discord, Twitter, and more, For updates and laughs galore. In the world of Minecraft, they’re the stars, Spinning rhymes and crafting bars. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Just let the beats and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin'! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 The Epic Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, two mysterious and powerful entities have captured the imagination of players worldwide – Herobrine and Entity 303. These enigmatic figures have become the stuff of legends within the Minecraft community, with players speculating about their origins and powers. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the epic showdown between Herobrine and Entity 303. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is a legendary figure in Minecraft, often described as a ghostly entity that haunts players in the game. With piercing white eyes… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft Build Hacks to Enhance Your Survival World Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, survival is key. To thrive in this blocky universe, players often rely on clever build hacks to make their journey easier and more enjoyable. Here are five useful build hacks that can help you improve your survival world and achieve your goals faster. Armor Swapper One essential build hack is the Armor Swapper. This ingenious contraption allows you to quickly switch between different sets of armor with the push of a button. Whether you’re gearing up for battle or exploring the depths of a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】 We aren’t addicted–‘, was uploaded by Mika Akatsuka Ch. on 2024-06-05 15:13:32. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:27 or 18567 seconds. I’m Mika Akatsuka, owner of Nightfall’s Bloom florist and cafe. Vampire cat boy VTuber who likes flowers and sweet things. Won’t you let me make you a bouquet? ✧ Jason Free ✧ Youtube: @JasonFree ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✧ Links ✧ Support me: Twitter: Twitch: Tiktok: ━ ━… Read More

  • Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7

    Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7Video Information This video, titled ‘компанейские шевеления pt.7’, was uploaded by съел деньги on 2024-03-13 21:47:22. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #raft #goosegooseduck #valorant теги: funny moments, funny, minecraft, try not to laugh, comedy, compilation, funny videos, gaming, epic moments, чикен ган, meme, gameplay, fails, helldivers 2 gameplay, new brawlers, sands of time, brawl stars funny moments, brawl stars funny montage, brawl stars 2024, football, den19k, funny moments brawl stars, top 200 funny moments brawl stars, memes, brawl stars funny moments and fails, top 200 brawl stars,… Read More

  • Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIRTHDAY Live Stream | Let’s explore and chill in Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-06-01 04:41:50. It has garnered 48 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:51 or 5031 seconds. Today, we’re going to just hang out and have fun in Survival Minecraft. We are going to get as much as we can while he hang out and explore! Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini… Read More

  • FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!

    FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FUNNY BREAKING NEWS EPISODE 1 | Breaking Your Tenda Funny Minecraft News | Minecraft News’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-06 16:21:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! – Minecraft Monday SMP

    EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! - Minecraft Monday SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-05-12 06:54:23. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:56 or 11456 seconds. BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” “You’re pretty good” “Kept you Waiting Huh” ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! —————————————————————————————- #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Souls-Like Universe Tournament – Mob Battle | 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Aool on 2024-03-28 15:00:01. It has garnered 1031 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. ✅ Subscribe to the channel: 👉Watch the videos on my and Anonima’s gaming channel! (Daily Videos at 18:00) ✅Support the Channel by being a MEMBER: ​✅Donation Via Pix – ✅Contacts: 📌 Email: [email protected] 📌 Instagram: 📌 Discord do Canal: ✺ Discover other series on the channel: ✺ Minecraft: THE NECROMANCER: ✺ Minecraft: POISON:… Read More

  • Fian DC – INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shorts

    Fian DC - INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MENGKREP CERIA | Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fian DC on 2024-05-27 18:49:12. It has garnered 1137 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:55 or 10135 seconds. Thank you for watching this video. For those of you who want to support with donations, you can click this link: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Discord : Instagram : ____________________________________________________________________________________ Spec PC Kentang : Mobo Asrock Steel Legend B450M CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X CPU Fan Cooler Master ML120L V2 RAM G.Skill Trident Z 8x2GB SSD WD Green 120GB HDD Seagate… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined PvE PvP 1.20.X Economy Cross-Play Competitive Friendly Community Jobs Apartments Community Goals Houses Businesses Daily Quests

    Billionaire City NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP: IP: Discord: About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience, aiming at setting new Standards in the field of Minecraft Servers! There’s lots of features to find on Billionaire City, also ones like you’ve never seen before: Buyable Ships(Yachts etc.), Proficiency & Collection System for Progression, a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the intoxicated update

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  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

Town Decorations & The Return! | RambleSMP – S2E09