Transforming Minecraft World into a Magical Fairy Butterfly Garden! Episode 20

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Hey everyone my name is lar welcome back to my fairy Corp let’s play today is episode 20 that’s a pretty cool Milestone and I’m super excited to play today because we have quite a few things to do first things first I’m going to bring Grover over to the Village of

Esteria because I feel bad that he’s just been sitting at home all day and not even Eric comes around anymore so I feel like it’s time for him to move in to the actual town so I’m going to just give him a home and maybe he can stay in

This one over here I’m not sure if anyone else lives here but I’m going to oh there’s no beds um okay do I have any wool no oops I totally forgot to put a bed in there okay um I guess I’ll do that later let’s maybe put him this is

Not supposed to be here okay we’re off to a great start let me put him maybe in this mushroom house maybe he’ll like to live here come on Grover come on get in here there you go okay let’s see so we’re going to go to locations

And home yay okay cool so Grover you are now free to do as you please you’re officially moved out cuz you’re an adult and I trust you Grover so please be safe don’t die try to get a job okay cuz you got to pay bills yeah that’s right you

Can’t just leech off me anymore anyway uh I I hope you guys are having an awesome day I woke up pretty recently and I’m just having my morning cup of tea today another thing we have to do is name our fruity Mandrake so a lot of you left some really awesome name

Suggestions but I decided to go with the name papaya so actually I have an original character called papaya and um I’m currently in the middle of redesigning her so I should probably probably get to doing that I still am not very happy with her design but anyway anyway we’re

Going to name our fruity mric papaya and I’m going to go back to the house really quick and craft her a collar tag so she can have a name and so that we don’t forget what her name is wait do I have any torches no why do I not have any torches

Okay let me make some really quick because it’s dark right here and I do not want anything spawning and going inside the village and killing my poor villagers so let’s light it up a little bit I really should just go around and just like light everything up here

Because it’s dark I never noticed how dark it is just like literally in our like land here so I’m just going to place a few torches I know I could use Mage lights I just kind of don’t want to spam them everywhere because they’re a little bit bright they’re quite vibrant and

Yeah sometimes it’s just good to use a good old torch and maybe we can even make some fairy lights cuz I I recently discovered Star Fairy lights and they look really cute so I want to make some of those but probably not now as you can

See the Mage lights I mean the Mage lights are pretty bright in here but they’re pretty cool like these are rainbows okay let’s make her a color tag and that’s just with some copper and chain which I think we have yes we have one more chain perfect and I need to

Make her a home but I don’t have any time to do that today because it’s going to be a busy episode okay so we’re gonna call her papaya welcome papaya to the family I’m so happy you’re here she’s super cute and you know what for now I think what

We’re going to do until we make papaya a proper house is she’s going to stay over at mandor’s house because they’re both mandres or yeah I honestly remember that these were called fruity mangag goras or maybe I just misread it in the curse Forge page but we’re going to they’re

Basically very similar so I’m just going to have papaya stay with with mangora for now and um I don’t have a a tiny bed for her or a sorry a pet bed for her so she is susceptible to dying permanently and I do not want that to happen so

We’re just going to have her stay in here until okay can you stop Melody you’re pushing her around what is this this is so rude I thought you guys were friends okay so we’re just going to have we’re just going to have papaya stay here until she actually has a respawn

Point so anyway Melody I mean Melody mangora I I hope you like your new friend she’s a little bit bigger than you but don’t be intimidated she’s very sweet uh I don’t think mangor is very interested magor oh no no don’t escape oh my gosh you crazy little creature get

Inside your house it’s not safe out there you know that okay girls have fun okay I’ll get you a house eventually I’m sorry manora okay Melody come on let’s go um so speaking of of which I actually don’t know what to do for her house so if you

Guys have any ideas of what you think I should build for uh Papaya’s house let me know in the comments and I’m definitely excited to give to give her a little house because I love building all the little homes for my my pets it’s like the best part for me okay so we

Still have to finish our butterfly garden and that is the first order of business for today um I have a few other things I want to do today but we’re going to do that a little bit later because I I’ve been thinking I’ve been really wanting to go ahead and progress

With the twilight forest mod so uh later this episode I’m planning on doing a little bit of gearing so I want to try to get um a better enchant on my diamond helmet that I made last episode I think and then we can also try to get

Some diamond boots and hopefully we we can enchant that um real quick I’m going to see if my cows can breed again because I breeded them last episode I mean oh my God before I started recording sorry I’m still really sleep me okay so we can breed them again I

Need to get more leather because I want to make uh well first of all we need the XP but also I want to make bookshelves for our library inside of the tower I really want to do that but it’s going to be really expensive so we’re going to

Have to just work on that slowly over time okay so let’s go to the butterfly garden and I’m going to try to finish the oh wait wait hold on I actually need to get some leaves because I want to decorate the outside and I want to place

A bunch of leaves and maybe some Vines yeah let me let me actually get some of these um do I not have any shears why am I so disorganized I’m like what the heck oh and by the way I totally forgot but I put a penguin on my

Head look at that it’s so adorable I was getting a little bit tired of those uh rainbow orbs so I’m just taking a break I really want to get like a nicer looking hat um and once I get my full diamond armor I’m going to look super

Snazzy so so I’m pretty excited for that um okay so this is going to grow back so no worries there but yeah I think the vines are going to look really cute I’m going to go and get some leaves so which one should we use I have quite a few aelas

Over here but no flowering aelas and I don’t really want to go and harvest any so we can use the aelas and maybe we can also get some Oak I don’t really oh I don’t oh wait no I have a stack okay that that’ll be fine okay so I’m also

Going to I’m going to grab my butterfly Nets from the chest next to the butterfly garden because I still need to get some butterflies I can’t believe yesterday I mean oh my God what the heck I can’t speak last episode when we went on an adventure I did not find any

Butterflies not a single one I was looking for them so I’m really upset and also a little bit worried I hope that they’re not glitched so m yeah I’m a little bit nervous and he oh I’m sorry I did not mean to do that okay so actually really quick Melody I’m

Going to have you hold this I’m going to test something I’m going to see if while I’m building this butterfly garden if I put Melody inside of the cow pen and just set her to farm if she can just start or not Farm to breed the cows if

She can just do that and we can get some more cows going just automatically oh no no no no no no no oh they’re following her oh okay Melody wait can you come inside Melody M okay there we go cows you need to get back in here I’m going

To break this so it’s not in the way I want them to have adequate roaming space so where is she oh my God she’s going to get trampled Melody Melody where are you oh my God oh my God okay so okay let me put her on home mode

Is enabled I think think this means she won’t follow me I’m going to make her pick up stuff and we’re going to set her to breed the cows um so hopefully this works I’m going to oh oh my God this is getting really crazy let me ah let me

Try to escape oh my gosh okay that cow totally escaped okay I’m going to have to kill you buddy I’m sorry I’m really sorry okay so hopefully this works Melody good luck I know this is really um this is a very disgusting job but need to do it okay I’m sorry

I’ll be back for you okay so I hope she doesn’t teleport to me I don’t think she will cuz she’s she’s not supposed to follow I think we’re good so hopefully that works I’m not actually sure but in theory it should right so okay I’m going

To leave her there for a little bit and see if she gets the cow population up I still don’t know what to do with this animal fat I really got to look into the other mods in this in this mod pack we have so many mods to play around

With so guys this is going to be a very very very long or yeah big Series so I hope you’re not going to get tired of it because I’m going to keep going until we basically do everything hi you stupid manora oh my gosh get out of here no no

Okay let me break some of this grass cuz this is like too close to our build okay hi Eric okay so we’re going to we have our butterfly in here I am going to try to explore a little bit later today and see if we can find some

Butterflies and I’m going to be specifically looking for them because I really need some it’s not a butterfly garden without the freaking butterflies of course so okay my inventory is so freaking full I’m going to put this aelia inside okay and I actually have some Moss here and bone meal which means oh

Wait you know what okay hold on hold on hold on I’m getting too aead of myself let me place this here awesome let me put some more so the inside is is just going to be like a natural I want it to look like a natural environment for them

So they’re all nice and comfy um okay this should be good enough I don’t want to like uh replace all the grass so we’re going to let me grab this I’m going to try to place one in the middle I think this is the middle I’m going to

Try to grow the tree okay get out of here no I don’t want the seeds stop okay and we’re going to try to yay oh my gosh I’m so glad that worked woohoo all right so now we have an awesome little tree in here I don’t think I can probably fit

Another one it would be nice to have one here okay you know what I’m not even going to bother let’s just save the bone meal and you know what I’m just going to here we go can I grow any flowers here oh there we go we have one uh do I have

Any on me I don’t think I do oh we do have some of the saplings we could probably place like a few just around the uh the outside really quick but let me do that a little bit later so I’m going to bring some flowers in here from

Ferdinand’s flowers most likely and just plant some so it’s nice and colorful inside um and then uh okay let me put this away my inventory is like so cluttered oh my gosh this is a mess okay so then we’re also going to try to get

Some bees in here I want to have this to be a dual purpose building cuz the butterflies they’re not really that useful to me I know they have some uses if you put them in jars and stuff but I’m not really interested in that for

Now so what we’re going to do is try to get some bees and then we can actually have like a proper use for this place so it’s going to be a bee and a butterfly garden uh technically more officially known as The Butterfly Garden but yeah so I’m really excited to finish this

Build it’s going to look so pretty oh my gosh I’m excited so yeah yeah we’re going to try to get some bees as well so maybe um I think I could just use my my spell book to break it to break the nests and hopefully it’ll just keep the

Bees inside and everything um so we can try once we’re out looking for butterflies I can also look for some beehives and see if I can collect them uh that’ll be really awesome then we need to make some campfires and like the little stations for them I I think I can

Just use some what’s it called scaffolding and just put the little campfire under it and stuff like that so yeah I I love beekeeping in Minecraft I think I’m just so glad that they updated that and like added that to the game because it’s such a cute functionality

And it just feels so nice to be able to take care of bees and like have like a little station for them and then you can like make them a nice habitat and then and then and then and you can like and you can like go back and like ah I don’t

Even know what I’m saying anymore but what the heck is that I just love bees I think beekeeping is such a like fun activity and I love when MOJ adds like like little little things like that little activities you can do and like you can take care of animals and it’s

Just so fun and then you can get honey and I don’t even I’m just rambling dude I I just I’m so excited okay okay so let me plant some more hopefully this is going to look okay I should probably take a step back I think I don’t want

That there uh let me just there we go and we got the leaf back woohoo okay I should probably take a step back for a second just make sure this looks okay yeah I think it looks pretty pretty nice the oak leaves are quite yellow I

Think we’re in Autumn right now so that is going to look a little bit nicer once the Autumn is finished or I guess like when it when it’s spring and summer you know I do enjoy having Seasons but oh my God the leaf and grass change like in

The color it kind of bugs me cuz it sets off like the color palette you know what I mean like it just does it doesn’t always look very nice but you know what it’s okay it’s part of the whole the whole you know environment you got to you got to have

The changing colors so I’m going to do a little bit more ah no break come on come on come on there you go I think I need a little bit more right here so yeah I hope you guys are having an awesome day um I recently posted my Q&A to celebrate

100 or 100 what the heck uh 10,000 subscribers I don’t even know like what the heck it’s just so crazy I can’t believe I have 10,000 already it’s really awesome so yeah I just want to say thank you again for um supporting my channel and to everyone who watches I’m

Just so happy that I could actually make this into like a reality and you know I I really enjoy making my videos and sharing it with you guys and then also responding to your comments and reading all your nice comments it just it’s just it feels really nice it’s like a very

Lovely community and I’m I’m glad to see you guys are genuinely enjoying my videos and everything so yeah I’m just I’m just very happy I’m very thankful and I just wanted to say it again because seriously it’s true okay um let me Place some Mage lights up here um but

Yeah another thing is I’m still working on the mermaid Series so don’t oh my God I could have almost died there what the heck um but yeah don’t worry I’m still working on the mermaid series I’m hoping to get the next episode out soon

Uh but you know as you know it does take a while so just be patient with me that’s all I can ask for um and yeah so I’m really excited to you know keep working on the series it’s really fun it’s just a lot of work it’s very very

Tough um where is that hole where did I just fall through what where is it what I’m confused oh it’s here oh my gosh okay there we go ooh that’s very dangerous I hope that there’s not any other holes okay let me put one here there you go

Make it more bright up there yeah think I like that okay now we can break oops now we can break this little dirt Towers okay I’m just going to grab my shovel I wonder if there’s a way to increase the Mana of the spell book or perhaps if you upgrade the spell book

It’ll just have bman I think that might be how it works I’m not actually too sure um but anyway okay so let me put some torches around here there we go all right so I should probably sleep I’m just going to sleep in one of these houses oh hi Grover just going to

Stay over really quick for the night hope you don’t mind I hope one day you’re going to have your partner sleeping in this bed okay oh wait he has a job he’s a farmer why why are you unhappy why are you unhappy is it cuz you’re is it cuz you’re working now

You’re a working man okay now he’s happy he’s happy to see me that’s so sweet okay I I don’t even bother reading what they say anymore it’s just it’s too much but he hugged me which is really cute a that’s adorable I I see that you guys always read what

They uh what they say in the chat in the chat which is really cute and then sometimes I see what you guys say it’s like oh Grover said this it was so cute I don’t read it just because like I don’t want to just sit there and be like hey

By but anyway it is really cute um what else can I put in here I could put some leaves like inside but I used them all up oh the vines right okay so I’m not going to put the you know what maybe I will I don’t know let me just put some

Around here first going to have some pretty Vin ah oh you know what I should do I should put a windchime yes okay we’re going I ran out of vines okay it’s fine we can just get some more later oh hey it’s Stefan how are you doing buddy hello let

Me talk to you why is everyone unhappy is it cuz Winter’s coming up do you guys have seasonal depression okay so we need to get more Vines oh well only like half of the building is covered in them okay so what was I going to oh yeah Windchime

So oh you like you like new place to fun yeah oh I got to make sure that they don’t open this door okay wait let me make a uh let me make a uh what’s it called fence gate I need to make a fence gate cuz I don’t

Want them to let the butterflies Escape that would be really bad all my hard work just flies away okay let me oh wait wrong thing no okay hopefully they have a recipe for this yay all right so this I actually don’t know can they open the fence gate I

Don’t know whatever we’ll just just who cares not much I can really do about that honestly if they do open the door but hopefully they don’t hopefully they just leave it be um okay so we’re going to make a wind chime and you know my favorite wind chime is always going to

Be the iron because it sounds amazing so we got to make some chains and I believe it’s like this no that’s that would be ridiculous of course it would be like this I knew that and I don’t have any planks for some reason that’s interesting okay there we go I see you Eric

Hello okay so now we can make this and we can put it inside of the butterfly garden and I’m going to probably hang it on this tree can I do that oh there it is yay oh my gosh I love the Windchimes they’re so pretty so

I think I want to get some more leaves in here and maybe we can place them around um do the butterflies need anything for their habitat I wonder um there’s not really like any specific blocks I can place really so I think I’m just going to have

To uh ooh oh I can’t even make this cuz I don’t have any paper wings okay well I think this is pretty good progress for now so what we’re going to do next is because obviously it’s not done oh I have some of these wait I’m going to

Okay I’m going to use this inside oh my gosh but wait I want to put some of the um the budding leaves okay yeah wait hold on let me just a that’s so pretty okay wait I’m going to replace a few of these with the budding just a

Few and then we could put the rest inside cuz they’re so pretty and pink and I love pink I love pink but I love purple more I’m always going to love purple more okay so oh yeah this is um that reminds me I actually recently just dyed my hair

For the first time and I I used a semi-permanent dye so also I didn’t bleach my hair so it looks really uh subtle cuz I have really dark hair but I did dye it like in the color is called arbra Jean so it’s kind of like a warm

Purple color uh it’s not like super visible I don’t think it’s very visible especially on photos but it does actually make a pretty decent difference I can definitely tell that my hair is like a different color and I’m really excited because I feel like this is the

This is kind of like the gateway to my like to me dying my hair I’ve always wanted to have dyed hair um just never really gotten around to it yet um but I really want to have purple hair at some point I’m thinking of having just

Kind of like a dark purple hair as you can see on my Minecraft skin hold on if you guys can just it’s pretty dark it’s very like desaturated um but I think that would look really good on me in real life and hopefully if I can just

Find the right sort of Tint that’s a little bit more Violet in color like a little bit more cool tone hopefully I can just do that without having to bleach my hair because I do want to dye my hair I just don’t want to have to maintain like damaging it and then also

Bleaching it and all of that cuz it does get really expensive and also very damaging and I don’t want to damage my hair so I hope to figure that out at some point and just have a good hair dye that’s not going to require that much maintenance so yeah I’m excited but yeah

So my hair is a little bit purple now it’s a little bit more warm uh toned than I would have liked but I’m still pretty happy with it so yeah I just wanted to share that with you guys because I think you all know me as my

Minecraft skin for having purple hair um but I don’t actually have purple hair until now now I do kind of it’s not the exact shade I would like but you know what it’s it’s totally fine and I like it so yeah um I’m going to grab these

Nets and okay so that’s all we need we just need the nuts to grab the butterflies and then we need the book to break our beehives so if we want to find bees um you know what I don’t really even know where to go because I didn’t

Have any luck where I went last time so maybe I’m just going to go this way and we’re going to climb over that mountain and we’re going to probably run into that other Village which is going to be interesting I haven’t been there in forever since I adopted

Um what’s her name oh my gosh what’s my cat’s name we have Luna and oh Yuna until so yeah I haven’t been there since I adopted Yuna oh my gosh my poor kitties I totally forgot my first cat’s name I haven’t I haven’t been really taking

Them out of the room um but yeah so I don’t know if I mentioned this before but that reminds me um one of you guys left a really cute comment that said that if I find a third cat I should name her tuna and that would be so cute cuz

Then we would have Yuna Luna and tuna and that that is absolutely what I’m going to do so if I find another cat I’m going to name her tuna and it’s going to be so cute and I’m still really upset that I didn’t see the freaking black cat

When I went to the witch’s Hut and you guys told me that it was there and I just missed it which makes me so like it makes me feel like an idiot but oh well I guess it happens it was raining to be fair so I whatever okay also I wanted to

Collect some flowers because we want to place some inside the butterfly garden so I’m going to collect probably just pink and purple ones and maybe a nice blue one if I find any but yeah I want to have some flowers in there and who is

This I see a guard hello I like your skin Lawrence wait Lawrence you used to be in my Village what happened to you why are you all the way over here what why is he here did he leave my Village he’s married to someone Rita I

Wonder if she was in my Village too how did this happen buddy oh my gosh I’m going to have to kidnap you I’m sorry but you belong to my Village that is really weird okay I’m going to kill these cows because I need their leather and I got eight which is

Pretty good okay so the Sun is setting I have my sleeping bag um okay I’m going to keep going I’m going to go to the forest and hopefully we can find some butterflies there I really hope we find some I’m like really nervous that they’re not spawning I mean

They are spawning in inside the uh our forest but only the red ones so that’s not really good enough for me all right so we’re in a forest now um I I still don’t see any butterflies oh this is a really pretty flower oh my gosh you’re like a lone little purple I

Mean pink flower that is a very beautiful one okay so I’m just going to keep looking around and hope to find something um let me there we go okay so I my inventory is full of flowers now uh ooh a bunny okay I don’t need to kill

It wait I do wait hold on I still want to tame a fet hold on wait I need to kill you I’m so sorry little guy yes he dropped meat okay wait I’m going to be hunting bunnies cuz I actually need the the raw rabbit cuz I still didn’t tame

That one fret that I found like way way way ago yeah so I’m going to just look around and I I don’t know I just hope I can find something wait there’s a fet right there oh my gosh I don’t know if I should risk it just trying to tame him

With one one uh meat I mean I’m going to try I’m going to try to tame him I doubt I doubt he’s going to be tamed with one raw rabbit okay let me try come here little guy you want some ah damn it and there’s another one I’m sad oh my God

Whoa whoa what is that oh my God is that a freaking dungeon I think that’s a Dungeons or rise dungeon oh shoot wait is that the Thorns Tower oh my God it is dude do you see the size of that thing that is crazy oh my God I was just

Talking about this last episode I was like I really want to find a Dungeons arise dungeon oh my gosh that’s awesome wait oh my God it is really freaking big wow okay so I’m going to mark this on my Waypoint I’m not going to be able to go

In there just yet I’m not geared up for that but I’m going to mark it and we’re totally going to come back here and hopefully defeat it at some point I’m gearing up I’m still working on that so hopefully we can do that all right I

Guess we’re going to have to come back here one day guys oh my gosh this bird is carrying its baby on its back do you see that oh my gosh oh my gosh that is so cute oh look at the baby oh my gosh oh oh my gosh look oh

There’s some butterflies here oh this is a good sign okay they’re just Apple flies I’m still going to there we go I caught one okay one caught two to go well I I want to try to get some more ooh I should have probably brought some string okay it’s fine we

Can just Shear some sheep and try to get some there uh if I need to make more Nets doesn’t look like I’m going to even use all these up I only have like two more left but okay it’s a good sign we did see some apple flies it’s a bad sign

That I’ve not found any other types and they’re also really rare it seems like I I don’t know what’s going on so you know what I’m thinking of going to the flower Forest that I found and just kind of waiting around there and seeing if any

Lawn um I’m thinking that maybe it was just because it was my first time loading in those chunks that maybe it didn’t initially spawn any Apple I mean any butterflies um so maybe if I just kind of stand around there for a little bit it’ll spawn something so yeah I’m

Going to go over there and we’re just going to see what we find okay so I teleported to the Waypoint and what do you know there’s a beehive literally right next to where I spawned so uh honey level too interesting I’m not sure what that means per exactly um there

Doesn’t seem to be any bees in there but I’m just going to wait there we go okay I’m going to grab it and hopefully we can find some with actual bees inside I don’t know if there is any bees in there oh another one yoink be location move a be with yay we

Have three bees well at least three bees there might be more in the first Nest but that’s awesome um okay so we have some bees now um I’m going to stay away from that mangora so I’m just going to look around and see if we find any

Butterflies if not I’m going to be really sad but yeah I’m not giving up I’m going to keep looking until I find some butterflies I don’t care how long it takes I’m just going to have to cut out a lot of footage guys look at how colorful this

Is oh my gosh look at this that is so beautiful there are just so many flowers oh my goodness wa I just want to live here I want to be a little bee and just like live in these beautiful flowers okay so what what is that I’ve

Never seen that before oh oh my God there’s like a big Airship over there wait oh my God I still haven’t found any butterflies but I really want to check it out okay let’s go let’s go let’s go check it out ah I’m getting so distracted God dang

It um I’ve been just wandering around that uh flower forest and I still don’t see any uh no be I mean no butterflies but I did find four nests and some of them did have bees inside so we’re definitely good on bees I don’t need to collect

Anymore um I feel kind of bad cuz I I saw a nest and there was like a bee wandering around outside of it and I just stole the nest and I felt really bad so we’re not going going to take anymore um but what is this thing oh my

Gosh I’ve never seen a castle structure before and also look at the mini map do you see how big that freaking Airship is oh my God that is awesome I know it’s hostile so I’m not even going to bother I hear an LA I think I think I hear laay is it in

There oh it’s a Pillager thing oh no okay let’s go see what we can find some potatoes you know what I’ll take that I need the food anyway so I’m just going to take the potatoes here you can have my sage oh cake Don’t Mind If I Do

Delicious ooh there’s is that rabbit give me that give me that now give it to me I need it yes oh my gosh we can try to tame a ferret okay this is exciting uh let’s see what else there is where are the pillagers why are there

Not any okay I’m going to take this o oh my gosh yes awesome ooh it’s lava um what else I guess we go up Hello whoa oh my God that’s a lot of stuff onion crate I’m going to take that ooh I don’t know what any of this is but I’m taking it

All okay wait I need to like clear up some space also look at how much leather I have now cuz I killed a bunch of cows okay I’m going to take the music disc ooh wait we can make an enchanter’s bow right that’s like a thing oh oh we have

To make it oh my God wait we can actually try to do this can’t we can be described with a spell oh that sounds so cool okay wait so I’m going to take these arrows I’m going to take these arrows I’m going to take this and this

And O bottle of enchanting don’t mind if I do okay what else is there oh more loot oh a goat horn that looks so pretty look there’s like flowers on it ooh another goat horn I’m going to take this oh my god dude there’s so much

Stuff hold on I’m just going to sort everything really quick okay um o iron I think that’s everything I don’t really like what even is this oh there’s a bell that’s interesting um so I guess that’s it there’s no pillagers which is really weird um

I swear I heard an laay though so I’m going to try to see if I can find it maybe it’s in that little cage that I saw where is it uh here hello oh my gosh be free LA be free oh look at how cute it is it’s so Derpy

Okay I’m going to keep looking for butterflies I still don’t freaking see any which is making me really upset oh my gosh I just want some butterfly ni oh my God just as I said that look there’s another Apple fly all the way over there okay so they’re spawning Apple flies but

Where are the other ones I just don’t see any why are there Apple flies spawning in the flower Forest let me catch you let me catch you please please please give me up give me up give me up yes okay ah oh God wait but why we’re still

In the flower Forest so why are there only Apple flies is that another one I swear I just saw one another Apple fly what the heck oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s freaking yes finally oh my gosh you are so Beautiful wait wait I really want this one too oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait wait um hold on I’m going to put the h there give me now yes okay oh my God we found them we found them I’ve been looking for you everywhere you

Stupid little purple guys oh my gosh I’m so happy I was honestly getting so worried I was like do they just not spawn are they like glitched I am so freaking relieved right now we have it Crystal puff butterflies okay so they do spawn they’re just super

Super for rare okay I’m very I’m very glad um I would catch these Apple flies I mean they’re literally right there but I I don’t have any Nets and I don’t think I have any string no okay it’s fine we have we have apple flies back at the forest so I’m

Just going to let them be uh is there anything else interesting um okay so I see a little Cloud up there and up oh hi there’s a little little Jacko Jack not Jacko um just a gorg wait what are they dude what are they call Just gorg gordes Right gorg gor hi

You’re so cute okay so there’s a little Cloud up there and what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our gy gyd and we’re going to go all the way up there and we’re going to tame um an inventory pet our first inventory pet I

Think I don’t think I found anymore in this series so I’m going to go up there and we’re going to try to get one because this is where they spawn and I’m excited we’re going to get a little extra treat after all of our hard work looking for these butterflies okay

So there’s going to be a blaze that spawns I’m going to have to be really quick ah damn it this way come on come on come on oh there it is oh diamond diamond yes oh my gosh I’m just going to grab everything okay did anything spawn

No okay I’m glad whatever okay so what do we get end portal what what dude what that’s crazy oh my God we can teleport to the end should we fight the dragon oh my God I might be ready to fight the dragon honestly if I just get some more

Armor oh my God that is awesome well I kind of wanted to look for an actual stronghold but that is pretty cool oh my God that is awesome okay um I’m going to go home and we’re going to get ourselves situated I have a lot of stuff to sort

Through cuz I got so much like random loot um and then we’re going to put down our butterflies and I’m so excited okay so I put my uh little ender portal guy in here um sorted out my backpack this one is still unorganized but I’m going to do that a little bit

Later okay so I’m going to put away the animal fat and the beef but I’m going to keep the raw rabbit on me oops um just in case we see another ferret because I I really want to tame one I just haven’t been seeing any rabbits SL fets but

Anyway let’s go back to the butterfly sanctuary and we’re going to place down our bees and our butterflies I’m so excited I need to actually make some campfires but I should have everything that I need for that um okay I’m really really excited I can’t believe we

Actually found them I was getting so worried I was about to give up but I’m just glad that I finally found them hello Grover oh this is an awesome day woohoo I’m just genuinely so excited okay and I have another one in here so we’re going to grab you oh we can

Actually wait hold on I really want to grow these pey bushes this is going to be so pretty okay yay awesome that’s kind of big but you know what it looks pretty cool so I’m going to place another one here oh shoot oops come on oh damn it okay I

Guess it’ll just stay tiny for now all right so first let’s place down our bees just cuz um they’re a little bit more or less exciting cuz uh yeah so I’m just going to place them here for now and I’m going to have to come back and make some like

Little wait do I have to put the campfires I think it’s going to be like there right and then the scaffolding on top or something or maybe they just need a be okay honestly I don’t really know um we’re going to figure it out though so

I’m just going to leave this here for now hopefully they come out and hopefully they don’t kill the butterflies or vice versa cuz I I don’t know how they’re going to interact okay so are you guys ready to see our butterflies first let’s put down the

Apple flies oh there you go and the bee came out yay oh little butterfly hello and our second one oh so beautiful oh I’m not going to lie the red butterflies are very beautiful and now the crystal pups oh my God they’re so pretty they literally look like amethyst butterflies oh my gosh

Gorgeous oh my gosh oh my God why are you outside wait wait wait wait hold on are they escaping oh no no no no no oh no no no no no how did you escape where is there a hole oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait which one is

Empty this one okay no no no no no come come okay so there’s a hole it seems I don’t what I don’t see any wait I got to look no not there where where’s the hole I’m confused do you guys see it I don’t what okay hold on I’m going to go into

Spectator mode and I just need to check cuz I I can’t really see wait oh oh is it cuz I left the freaking door open wait did I do that I I honestly can’t remember hold on our bee just escaped oh no where did it go okay you

Know what whatever be escaped not a big deal so hold on I play a butterfly I’m going to just follow it and I need to make sure that it can’t escape think it’s just cuz I left the door open is that what I did I must have oh my God I must have

Just left the door open like a freaking idiot oh here’s the culprit oh my God oh my God there is a hole no okay that’s not good I don’t know how that happened wait do I have any I uh glass no I don’t oh my God that’s not good um wait maybe

We can place oh I don’t have any leaves okay wait ooh so there was a hole I’m not being an idiot but I am being an idiot okay wait I’m going to grab this and we’re going to just Patch It Up with the leaf that is horrible I can’t believe

That okay at least we found it it was so hard to see though there we go okay hopefully that’s that’s the only hole and um they don’t escape oh we have a bee that escaped though but it’s okay there’s more and we can breed them um I think

That’s yeah hopefully that’s the only one okay so let’s place them back again um that was really nerve-wracking now I’m like going to be paranoid okay so there there are butterflies once again and our bees should come outside once it’s day so I’m just going to sleep really

Quick oh they all came out look at at that okay so now we can place our flowers I’m going to grab them I’m going to put the butterfly Nets in Here okay let’s place them down oh and they like the flowers don’t they uh okay maybe not the ferdinant flowers but definitely these Peis I think they would like so I don’t know if they can pollen oh you Enderman better not steal my freaking glass that would be bad anyway

I hope they can pollinate the ferdinant flowers I’m not sure just in case we’re probably going to have to grab some default flowers like uh maybe poppies there should be some poppies around here somewhere so let me go grab some and we’re just going to put them inside okay

Here we can place down these Azure blettes and the corn flowers which oh my God I love how the corn flowers look in this texture pack they’re so pretty such a beautiful shade of blue okay oh hi okay they definitely like the Minecraft flowers okay so there we go now we can

Have them pollinate those and it looks like our butterflies are still chilling that one is going crazy oh my God okay so we have our first butterflies and bees this way is looking so pretty already I’m so happy oh did he did he escape what just happened did he escape

No I don’t think so okay that was kind of nerve-wracking okay maybe we should have two doors instead of one maybe we can just I don’t know anyway we’ll figure it out okay so that’s our butterfly garden done for now we’re going to obviously collect more

Butterflies um okay so I’m going to grab this oh here we had some glass right right here did I just not see that okay whatever so oh and we have some cooking okay whatever we patched it up with leaves it’s going to be fine so now what

We’re going to do is a little bit of gearing up because I really want to fight the Lich King soon I want to fight him real soon so we can get some more progress on the twilight forest mod and yeah so I looked up how people fight him

Like a little tutorial and a guide and it’s going to be a big pain it’s going to be probably really difficult and also scary and he might kill me so I’m not really uh sure if I’m ready just yet but we have 33 levels oh my God wait I need to check on

Melody is she doing okay in there I see her talking she has a little chat bubble what is she saying oh she’s happy oh my go oh my God that’s a lot of cows wait oh my God Melody you’ve been going crazy thank you she literally used up

All the wheat that is insane thank you melody you did a good job okay so let’s go kill some of these cows there’s so many well it definitely worked who needs fod when you can just use a maid dude that is crazy okay we’re going to kill

These cows get some levels and also the leather and maybe we can even before we enchant we can make some bookshelves and place them down in our library that is so many cows I can’t believe this actually worked I wasn’t expecting it to that’s awesome okay so uh let me grab

Melody so you can follow me now and oh wait uh okay I think it needs to be disabled and we’re going to put her just to Idol there we go um hm I wonder if we can have her just Farm a little bit H okay let’s let’s have her do some

Farming I hope she can just pick up all this stuff here so I’m going to set her to home mode and farm go ahead girl I’ll be back for you okay so while she’s doing that we can grab some armor and I want to make some boots and we’re going

To enchant them and also try to roll the helmet cuz I wasn’t very happy with the helmet enchant um so let me go grab it hi spook um should be in here right no in here where’s my helmet oh it must be in the in the tower okay so let me also make

Boots and then I’m going to make some yeah so we’re going to need some uh sugar canane we’re going to make it into paper and we’re going to make some books bookshelves well yeah books and okay anyway oh so we have quite a lot I’m just going to turn this all into into

Paper we can even have Melody Harvest some sugarcane later all right so now we have 28 books do I have any more leather or is that is that all of it okay maybe that’s everything so now we can make some bookshelves we can make nine awesome nine bookshelves that’s a pretty good

Start all right let’s go up there and we’re going to en really excited oh my gosh this is going to be so awesome we’re going to actually start working on our library which is the best part I’m excited I want to fill it all all the way up with some books

And maybe we can decorate it with some of our Furnishing mods our decoration mods we have so many like seriously so many Furniture mods all right so let’s go in here and I also need to fix the floor oh my God there’s just a lot to do and I’m

Just going to put them around here there we go so now you guys kind of see the vision we’re just going to have everything covered in bookshelves and okay we still need to do the floor I’m not going to do that right now uh maybe

A little bit later let’s go up here grab our helmets and I’m just going to disenchant it and we’re going to go for it we’re going to go for a new enchant let’s see what we get ah literally the same thing uh okay fine let me do the boots m

I don’t want that I want to just have regular protection but now I don’t have enough levels for it ah damn it okay so maybe we can try to get some more levels really quick oh if I collect the glass from the furnaces we can get some of that um

H there’s another Apple fly uh yeah and I guess breeding and killing the cows is like the oh and we can also cook the meat maybe that’ll help right we can probably do that oh um so let me grab this let’s cook this whole stack and I’m going to

Just I guess we’ll just put it in the furnace and there we go all right so let’s go Harvest some wheat oh I didn’t mean to put it [Applause] on Melody did you did you finish you didn’t even finish the potatoes what’s going on there’s more crops girl okay fine whatever

Um she’s just what is she doing what are you doing follow me can you can you harvest these okay there you go she’s harvesting it okay so she’s just like stupid she doesn’t know how to move okay we’re going to breed this oh the only thing is

I didn’t get any XP from from Melody breeding them cuz I I don’t know I guess it must have despawned or I don’t I don’t really know cuz I I do believe she does give me XP when I make her breed the cows but whatever okay so let’s kill

Some I’m just going to use my you know what no let’s let’s use the knife cuz we we do need more leather Still okay there we go we got to level 29 Melody what are you doing she’s like going crazy oh look she has some XP here right okay Melody just stop just stop it okay so I honestly don’t think I’m going to get to level 30 um for a little

Bit maybe I’ll have to do some mining but um we’re going to do that later um so I don’t have any diamond pants do I I thought I made some maybe not or am I just did I misplace it maybe okay honestly I don’t remember um but we’re

Just going to worry about that a little bit later um so I do do I not I have any pants I could have sworn I made some H Maybe not maybe not okay well then let’s make some cuz we’re going to oh man we’re running out of diamonds already no okay

So there we go we have some pants we’re going to have to enchant that and the boots ooh okay last thing we’re going to do for now there’s a bow mod that I installed called more bows rung and I want to make a cool bow ooh so I don’t know what they’re

Supposed to do so maybe they have special abilities but oh what is a liia bow that sounds really cool blazing bow maybe that has like fire aspect on it or flame sorry frostbite bow okay so why don’t we make a AIA bow that sounds doal and

Maybe we can I don’t know what it does I wish it would say um so we need to make a iron bow first so we need a bow string and iron right I think we can just use any bow so let me make um the thing is

This one has pretty good enchants but I’m just going to make some more bows probably going to need a bit more string I’m going to get some with the with the wool all right there we go and then I think there we go we can make one and I need another One boom Oh don’t use that oh God that would have been bad okay and now we can make AIA bow so I don’t know what it oh oh shoot it shoots two at once that’s pretty cool so double the damage I assume all right all right well

It’s going to use that more arrows it would be really nice to get infinity on it I suppose um I’m not going to enchant it just yet cuz I’m still focusing on the gear uh but I guess this is something I’m going to have to do as

Well but for now we’re just going to use our regular bow um so yeah I I’m just going to try to get some XP really quick so we can just try one more shot at the enchanting and yeah I’m just going to cut it out for you guys so you don’t

Have to watch me do boring Minecraft tasks but yeah I’ll be back in a second yay we got to level 30 all right I am very scared right now so let’s go back and try to enchant ooh there’s another wear a cat oh my God you’re like the fifth one I

Already killed tonight get out of here stupid all right let’s go and enchant I’m going to do the pants cuz I feel like the pants are a little bit more important than the boots so hopefully we get something good ooh hell yeah prop 4 I’ll take it that’s

You know it’s a little bit better than my current ones I wish I got uh Unbreaking on it but maybe we can try to find like a enchanted book or something okay so I’m just going to put this here for now and we’re going to come back to

It once we get level 30 again um but yeah so I am going to end this episode here I hope you guys enjoyed it I try to make it a little bit longer because I know for the past few episodes it was a little bit shorter but I really hope you

Enjoyed our progress on the butterfly garden and everything so yeah I’m really happy with today’s progress I hope you guys are too be sure to leave a like if you want to see more fairy Corp and also leave a comment letting me know what you think I should build as Papaya’s home um

Because I still don’t really know but yeah thank you so much for watching I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you all later bye E

This video, titled ‘Making a Butterfly Garden! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 20 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-01-10 22:00:21. It has garnered 472 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:35 or 3515 seconds.

hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the mods myself, trying to stick to a fantasy, rpg, fairycore, magical and cottagecore theme. please enjoy this magical series!

today i completed my butterfly garden! i found some beautiful butterflies and bees!

in this relaxing modded let’s play, i am going to be living in a magical world with fairies, dragons, woodlands, dungeons, and other whimsical things! this is a fantasy, fairycore, RPG style let’s play ♡

🌷JOIN THE FAIRYCORE SERVER! IP: (uninstall Mystic’s Biomes mod before joining) ===================================== 👾my art instagram: 💜my etsy shop: 🎧support me (or request an art commission!): 🖤for business inquiries: [email protected] 🐈‍⬛my art channel: @AngelLuvstarArt =====================================

🌸music credits: all music featured in this video is composed by Adrian von Ziegler. find his music here:

🍓RESOURCES USED: shaders: sildur’s vibrant shaders texture packs: mizuno’s 16 craft, froggy hotbar, gothic medieval RPG font, monsters & girls cottagecore edition

🌼DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

Live in a fantasy, RPG-like world where you can play Minecraft through a magical lens. Choose your own Origin to customize your play experience! Explore a fantasy world with new creatures, fairies, dungeons, dimensions, woodlands, magic, and other mystical secrets! This modpack focuses on exploration, creativity, and magic. Go on and play your own fairytale!

ignore tags! modded minecraft,cute minecraft,kawaii minecraft,minecraft longplay,modded longplay,cottagecore minecraft,fairy minecraft,minecraft fairy,fairycore,cute minecraft mods,cute minecraft house,cottagecore minecraft house,aesthetic minecraft playthrough,minecraft fairy aesthetic builds,minecraft fairycore,minecraft fairycore lets play,minecraft aesthetic lets play,relaxing minecraft longplay,aesthetic minecraft,celtic,magical minecraft,luvstar,fairycore builds

Making a Butterfly Garden! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 20 ✮⊹♡

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    EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. - (03.30) off/season part 5Video Information [Music] welcome to the monastery fishing feel confused to tell you about it just catch whatever fish requests have till the end [Music] of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you caught one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to get the Su with the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is [Music] evil [Music] I tried to get the suit the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is evil [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]… Read More

  • SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts

    SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by SG GAMING PRO on 2023-12-29 04:31:14. It has garnered 5864 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

    EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez's Ultimate AdventureVideo Information you know how the sign of a really good movie is when you think about it throughout the following day I think this is the first time that’s ever happened to me with a Minecraft map this is kacha Labs 3 and after thinking about it the last day I pretty firmly believe it’s the best Minecraft map ever made obviously that’s a pretty bold claim and we played Maps like diversity 3 Canadians escape map on the main Channel and even that recent box pushing puzzle map this channel but in terms of an overall experience story… Read More

  • INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!

    INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!Video Information [Music] e [Music] d [Music] o [Music] o oh [Music] a [Music] This video, titled ‘British Armored Cars (1) – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vitiv on 2024-04-23 16:00:32. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:06 or 246 seconds. How to build British armored cars in Minecraft. – CHARACTERISTICS – ⊳ Type: Armored car ⊳ Nation: United Kingdom – VEHICLES IN THIS VIDEO – From left to right: ⊳ Morris Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Scout Car ⊳ Humber Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Armoured Car ⊳ Daimler Dingo ⊳ Daimler… Read More

  • Join HearthCraft SMP – Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Server About: HearthCraft is an economy-based SMP server that has been providing a griefer-free experience since October 2018. Key Features: No server resets, world dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Monthly resource world resets Live map available at Active economy system with player shops, warps, and auctions Technical Information: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Additional Details: Website: Discord: Rules: IP: Statistics: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Torching Minecraft memes!.

    That’s more points than I’ll ever get in a game of Minecraft! Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess! “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a piece of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your weapon of mass destruction.” Read More

  • Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMP

    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More