TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Pet Store “2020 City Tutorial”

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make your very own pet store and not only will i show you how to make the outside of your pet store but i’ll show you how to make the entire inside of your pet store as well

Full of your furry and not so furry and feathery and scaly friends if you do enjoy this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button as it really helps me the channel out very very much and if you are new around here please do consider subscribing and clicking the

Little bell next to the subscription button to ensure that you get all my stuff sent directly to your sub box but without any further ado let’s get started so just before we start building everybody here are all of the materials that we will be using to make our pet

Shop please do make sure that you have access to all those materials and enough of them as well the amount of space required to make the pet store is a 25 by 30 block area as represented by the white concrete grid on the ground which

You are more than welcome to make if you are planning out your very own city and that’s it pause the video if you have to make sure you have all that stuff make sure you’ve got enough room to make it and once you’re ready we can begin step

One my animal loving friends come all the way over to the front left hand corner of your grid if you’ve made it count backwards from this corner one two three and this is where we’re going to start this off place seven terracotta directly on top

Of this spot one two three four five six seven extend to the right by two one two and then all the way down to the ground like this you can even connect it on the ground as well I then want you to take the block that hit the ground and extend backwards by one i then want you to extend right one and then up by five one two three four five extend right by five as well one two three four five and join all the way down to the ground

I want you to take the block that hit the ground and i want you to go right and then towards you i then want you to extend upwards by ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then right by six one two three four five six

Extend all the way down to the ground like this and then i want you to extend backwards and then right one go up by five one two three four five and then go right by five as well one two three four five and then extend down to the ground like this

Take the block that hit the ground and i want you to go right of it by one forwards by one up by seven or rather six actually one two three four five six like that i then want you to go right by two one two and then extend all the way down

To the ground once more just like that so that will give us this which is the front of our store more or less we can work on these areas i want you to take the two areas that sit in between the outer part and the middle part and i

Want you to place upside down quartz stairs joining the bottoms of them i want you to place two rows of glass pane directly on top of the upside down stairs and follow up by placing terracotta on top do the same on the opposite side so upside down stairs

Then two rows of white stained glass pane and then place a row of terra cotta directly on top of the glass i also want to make the entrance the entrance is rather simple i want you to place one row inwards from the two middle sticky out terracotta blocks i want you

To place a glass pane coming inwards from both sides block of quartz inwards from the glass panes extend the block of quartz upwards by two each join them together at the top place upside down quartz stairs in front of the top of the door frame extending left and right to join the terracotta

Frame you can then completely fill above this in using terracotta like this so it’s quite a boring design until you add the animal paw which is going to make this pop a little bit so the animal pole that we want to make is directly in the center of the

Entrance area where we have this upside down court says i want you to move upwards by two one two here place a block of quartz extend up to take the middle extend it left and right and you have a plus shape we can then place upside down and

Regular facing quartz stairs is to make a circle we then want to make the actual uh paw by placing coming outwards diagonally from both of these stairs block of quartz and from the middle top block we want to leave a gap of one and we want to place

The final part of the paw what you can also do preemptively at this point in time is you can take the top corners of the entrance and extend each backwards by six one two three four five six uh you can extend across and you can join it as well

And then i want you to take that entire area and i want you to extend it outwards like this kind of looks like a giant chimney of some sort like so and then i want you to place quartz slabs all the way around the top of it

So it does balloon out quite a bit but uh this just makes it look a little bit more uh a little bit more stood out so yeah it have we did we accidentally do oh we accidentally somehow i don’t know how we managed that i say we it was my fault i

Don’t know how i managed to add an extra row on the other side but we can just fix that very quickly there we go and then we have something which should look like that that looks a little bit better i think okay so now that we’ve done that i want

You to do two things so this might seem a little bit weird but i want you to place chiseled quartz block behind the empty space that we have on the left and right side of the build and in addition to that i want you to place a chisel

Quartz block behind the two empty gaps that you have on kind of like the two center parts of the build the two sort of like mid in between the middle parts i don’t quite know what to refer to those two parts as to be honest so now that you’ve done that in addition

To this i want you to place quartz slabs above the windows and also uh to add them at the top of the build as well so directly above the windows and then just kind of like connecting the middle to the outer parts of the build it just

Adds a nice little bit of a contrast color i really like how that looks um not only that but the kind of like pillars that we’ve created here so like on the left and right side of the build and we need to take the bottoms and the

Tops and i want you to extend them um backwards by two so like one two and we already did it with the bottoms because uh hopefully it should be quite self-explanatory what i want you to do is i kind of just want you to extend them outwards kind of like this so

Make them a nice solid 3d shape add an extra layer of terracotta directly on top of them and then place upside down quartz stairs around the top of those so we’re kind of getting a similar sort of effect as the middle part of the build the entrance part of the build sort of

Has as well and i think that it just makes the uh the pet shop look a tad bit more uh impressive so we want to do this on both sides we want to make it like full 3d pillars um same sort of effect that we have all the

Way around so like on the sides you still want to be able to see the pillow like this eventually fill the tops in or add a layer of terracotta on top and then upside down quartz stairs all the way around the top of your terracotta so very very easily easily done hopefully

You also think that it looks quite cool too so we will end up with something that should look exactly like that believe it or not that is for the most part the hard part done what we are now going to do is we are going to take the

Center part of the pillars on the left and right side and we’re going to extend them backwards you only have to do one of them because the of one then becomes very simple uh you extend the middle of the pillar any one of them backwards by 23

One two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 23 uh you then can extend across the back of the build and you can join simply just join it where uh we extended it from in the first place on the other

Side uh the terracotta wants to uh be six rows high so we already have one row two three four five six i’m pretty sure that it lines up with the front of the build so we have to take all these terra cottas and we have to add

Another five rows on them so the outside walls the left right back uh etc they all want to be six rows high in total so i do believe that matches the front yes it does that’s perfect and of course we just want to continue extending on all

The way around the edge of the build so the back and then the right side and then we can talk about the trimming of the walls that will be uh we’re going to be using some quartz slabs for that and basically continuing the pattern that we

Sort of created on the front of the build where we place quartz slabs above the window and also just simply like kind of skirting around the entire top of the building that’ll look great it’ll kind of break up the monotony of the uh just the rows of terracotta that

We have here um it will do quite a good job in doing that so like once you’ve got these walls placed for instance um simply take note of we’ll start off with the harder one which is here where the um quartz slab area is here um that

Wants to like i said uh just continue on so just do make sure that it’s nice even and level and then uh begin extending all the way around the actual edge of the build so we’ll have the one row of quartz slab like this and boom and then the other one is just

Around the top so a little bit harder to mess this one up uh but this one just goes all the way around the top and it just looks a little bit nicer we’ll be adding windows and stuff to the actual building uh later on when we get to the

Actual interior um but what i do also want you to do is just so that it is all level um i want you to take the top of the entrance part of the pet shop here and i want you to extend it down to the roof so i’m going to take this

This there we go i want you to take all of these terracottas and i want you to extend them down to the roof where it would naturally extend hopefully you guys can see where that would be basically where the chiseled quartz is so here it would just sit on top of the

Quartz it doesn’t want to um be level with it because that is uh in fact our interior roof so we just want to the terracotta just simply wants to sit just above it like so you can fill the top in here it depending on how fancy you want to be

You could even make it a little bit more modern looking in that you can take a cut out of the terracotta if you wanted to and then place some like quartz slabs here and then that would look a little bit nicer a little bit fancier if you’re not so bothered

About seeing the top of your pet store ever ever ever then you can simply just fill it in using a terracotta and that will be just fine there we go that is looking pretty good when it comes to the pet store i also like the idea of having some leaves in

Front of the two windows you may or may not like this and i like the idea of having puppies or flowers in of any description doesn’t really matter go all the way around the outside now this is a little bit impossible i’m trying i’m quickly trying to figure out what

Materials i’ll never need again so uh let me just uh just why is it so tricky uh just inside the entrance here i’m just going to place a little bit of terracotta just like this and i’m gonna smooth out this wall entirely like so there we go uh i’m gonna place

Glass pane here just to make sure everything’s connected on the inside actually i mean we could even go for kind of like this actually i don’t like that whatsoever never mind so we’ll just do that um so anyway the reason that i wanted to just do that is

Because now i can i have the option to get rid of that play some puppies there you don’t have to do this you might feel as though that this kind of like clouds the front of the build if you do feel that way then that’s fine you know don’t

Have the puppies and don’t add the leaves because you’d you’d get to have the nice shape of the building um we have kind of taken and by the way i’m also going to place just uh two rows of stone uh smooth stone just directly in

Front of this just as a path um two rows of smooth stone and in addition to that i’m just going to have the smooth stone um extend here here i’m gonna place terracotta underneath the glass parts i’m gonna be using chiseled quartz block for the uh floor

Inside of the pet shop like this and here we go so just some smooth stone like so and i just think that that just puts like a nice finish onto the actual pet store i think that that looks pretty good and also all the way along the sides you may

Also perhaps want to play some puppies as well or not like it really so like if you do want to have just like a quick comparison um kind of hard to delete the flowers like this um if you do want to just have a quick comparison um Here we go you know whichever one you like more um i i quite like that how it is to be completely honest with you i quite like um the flowers not being there because it shows the shape of the building so i’ll leave that up to you what you want to do but

There is something now that we have to do that is going to be quite uh quite time consuming and we’ll won’t be doing it on recording so basically we are going to rip up the entire floor of the pet store all of it’s going to get ripped up i’m going to

Replace the entire floor with chiseled quartz block and i’m also going to make the roof the ceiling the ceiling is going to also be made out of chisel quartz and it will extend from the chisel quartz that we placed earlier in the cutouts directly above the window so

Uh rip up the floor replace it with chisel quartz completely fill in the ceiling with chisel quartz and on top of the roof once you have made the ceiling um i want you to place quartz slabs on top of it so those are free very big jobs ladies and gentlemen

That i’m not going to do on recording as a matter of fact i’m going to cut out right here and i’m going to pretend like like this never happened we’re just going to have everything done when i come back so that took a while but i decided to remove the flowers and the

Leaves outside i do like the look of them but i feel as though that perhaps some simple grass or perhaps some lime terracotta will look a little bit better i filled the roof in using quartz slabs as well that is the layer placed directly on top of the

Chiseled quartz and inside here i placed a layer of chisel quartz block for the floor and a layer of chiseled quartz block for the ceiling too and once you have accomplished all of those things for yourselves then we can move on to the actual inside there’s a lot of

Details to add inside here i’m noticing it’s a little bit dark so i may have to grab a potion until we can actually get some light up in this place all right that’s a lot better so the first thing that we’re going to do inside of our pet

Store is we are going to add some fish tanks along this back wall and the way that we’re going to do this is we’re going to place a layer of gray concrete extending from this back left-hand corner here extending outwards one two three and then going right we want to follow

This pattern it’s very simple place four light gray concrete one two three four and then gray concrete one two three four gray one two three four gray one two three four gray if you extend the gray concretes towards the back wall here this will give us the separation between the tanks

If you place sand inside of these then that will give a nice foundation to our little fish tanks and we also have a turtle tank as well so i shouldn’t just call them fish tanks and what we’re then going to do is extend the grain concrete all the way up

To the ceiling like this so all the gray gets extended all the way up to the ceiling this is the partition between all of the tanks like so here we go and And just this final row here on the end um i want to place sea lanterns in the tops of the tanks but the very top of the tank is going to be made out of light gray concrete so just place two rows of sea lanterns like this extending from the top

And place light gray concrete in front now this does make things very tricky by the way when we actually want to uh when we actually want to turn these into tiny little aquariums but um we’re also going to seal them up with glass and we’ll we’ll just

Deal with that problem later when it comes um there’s no easy way to do all of the tanks um with the roof still on so we’ll just have it like that and we’ll sort out sort that all out later so um now that we have the tanks we’re

Going to work our way across this left wall here so for this we’re just going to need um let’s we won’t need the glass or the sand or the sea lanterns or the potion hopefully uh we’re going to grab uh keep the gray concrete out grab the iron bars

And we’re also going to use oakwood slabs scaffolding some oak fence um we want to leave a gap of two between the tanks and we then want to place light gray concrete extending from the floor to the top of the wall leave a gap of three one two three and then place

Another row of light gray concrete extending down to the floor i want you to dig in the ground forwards by two from each of the light gray concrete pillars like this and i want you to join them together i’m going to dig out the center of the

This is this is basically like where you can keep either birds or bats and we’re just going to place some iron bars around the outside of this and um it’s actually tricky to do because you know how iron bars are maybe it’d be easier if we uh laid the foundation of this and

Then no no i don’t i don’t think that that’s made it much easier really but we want to have iron bars extending up from the light gray concrete area so here and also here here no my bad uh e yes there we go there we go we found the

Right spot there perfect um the only thing is i’ve just realized i’m a bit of a dummy inside of here i want to have like uh like a scaffolding and i want to have like uh maybe like an oak wood slab here as well just to kind of just to add

A little bit of detail inside and then seal it up again using some iron bars we may even add more detail later on so we may have to do some more destroying but you know just so that there’s something in there now next to this but kind of leaving a

Gap of one we want to have a an oak fence we actually want to have two oak fence extending up from the ground left of that a scaffolding in front of that an oakwood slab what’s a bit silly about what i did is the fact that underneath the oak fence

And underneath the scaffolding i actually want to have uh oak wood planks or oak wood slabs so i have to destroy that and place the scaffolding back on my bed i’m gonna stick an oakwood slab on top of the oak fence and i want to grab the

Oak signs oak trap doors and the red carpet red carpet goes on the front right hand corner here just in between everything and the red carpet on top of the scaffolding i then want to place oak signs around the top of the oak slab here at the top

Um i’m going to place oak trap doors on the left and right sides kind of like flipping upwards and this is just kind of like a kind of like a little cat stand kind of like a little cat house where cats might sleep on and stuff like

Little scratching posts and such uh now that we’ve done that i want to have now this is where a window is going to be i’m going to have a window directly left here and it’s going to be a 2×2 square so i’m just going to have that there

Um directly next to the window extending from the roof i’m going to place a fence gap fence gap fence just like this that’s perfect and extending down from the fence iron bars what we then want to be able to do is we want to be able to place a

Scaffolding directly below the fence so we can play some birchwood slabs and we can place some scaffolding on top now these are meant to emulate kind of like bird cages um if you want you can go one step further if you want to actually be able to use

It as a broke edge i’m pretty sure it functions in such a way in that you can place oak trap doors all the way around the top of it but i i’m also pretty sure that if you were to place a parrot directly in the center i don’t think um the parrot actually

Flies away so uh you know you we’ll have to see we’ll have to do a little bit of testing let me grab the terracotta because that’s actually a an important part this next uh this next thing um i want to take the corner of the store and i want to reinforce it

With a few rows of terra cotta this kind of also just uh quickly brings into symmetry uh the uh the kind of like the bird cages that we just made we can even use the glass here we can even use this glass to add in this window like this

Um what else do we want to do well there is the till area so the tail area what do we need to make it we need some green concrete uh we need the oak trap doors we need the quartz slab we can even use the quartz stairs i don’t think that there’s

Anything oh we can use the oak fence as well so okay the deal area is if if we start from um kind of like where we have this entrance area right so extending from the terracotta that we have directly next to the glass pane here we want to

Leave a gap of one two three and on this fourth row we want to place five one two three four five green concrete place a quart slab extending over from the green concrete place the green concrete on the end and match the length of the row that you have on the previous

Side join it together with an oak trap door like this and this is simply going to be a till area you can even perhaps delete underneath the the slab and perhaps the oak trap door and that might make things look a little bit better who knows uh we’re going to place a quartz

Stair here on this side so that is where the actual till would be like where the cash register would be and we can place no fence on this corner and later on we can place some different things for pets around the top and stuff of the oak fence so

We now want to make a little hutch so this could be for rabbits or perhaps some of the smaller animals it needs spruce wood so we can actually just use slabs for all of it we need the oak trap door we also need the oak buttons also iron bars and hay bales

I don’t know if we need anything else um so from the edge of the kind of like payment area the till space area here we want to leave a gap of one two three and on this fourth row we want to place a solid spruce plank block uh

We then want to place an oak trap door placed from the inside flipping upwards like this uh we then want to place a solid spruce plank directly to the right of it iron bar and then another spruce plank like so um what we then want to do is we want to

Extend backwards one row two row one row two row and then kind of join things together at the back what we can then do is destroy the inside of this and replace it with hay and then we can place spruce wood slabs directly on top of it

So this is just kind of like a little hutch um for you know a small little animal and uh it’s just kind of like displayed on this side so i’ve kind of got like a hoax we’ve got kind of like the cats down we’ve got the bird cages

And stuff we’ve got the fish and aquatic animals towards the back uh looking pretty good i think so far so the next thing that we’re going to do is across the side wall here we’re actually going to do quite a good bulk of things um with all of these materials

That we have so along this side we’re going to use the quartz block and we’ll use the quartz slabs and we can even use the glass pane and even the hay bales as well and the sea lanterns and we might even use the green concrete too okay so

Extending from this wall oh first first we should use our terracotta and we should um copy what we have on that other side so just kind of like reinforcing this wall a little bit kind of like this um just to make it nice and even with the opposite side and basically we want

To from this pillar here we want to place two block of quartz extending outwards like this and then we want to have and and this is the pattern of blocks that we have to place in the ground extending we want to place like a green concrete sea lantern

Green concrete and then we want to place block of quartz extending towards the back wall and then once again like we want to have green concrete sea lantern green concrete and you can have any color of concrete by the way and then another partition using block of quartz

And then green concrete sealant and green concrete and then another partition and then we can have um or shall we just leave it as that actually we might just leave it as that uh no i mean we can have a like enough one two three and then that would go

There and then see uh green concrete sea lantern green concrete i want to destroy inside of these and i want to place hay bales and um basically what these are going to be for is it’s just going to be for um just uh some furry animals basically so we can keep rabbits in

These we can keep we could even have foxes we could have ocelots we could have cats i want you to place quartz slabs by the way on top of the quartz blocks um we’re going to place a little glass barrier here we’re going to place um just two rows of glass directly on

Top of the green sea lantern so yeah we could we could just have all sorts of animals in these um a fox rabbit dogs you know all that sort of stuff um we’re gonna have windows um directly above um these kind of like little pens or whatever you may be

Whatever you may call them we’re gonna have glass pane like this and those are just gonna form windows so we’ve got a nice little bit of window edge on that side we’ve got a nice little bit of windowage on this side as well and we’re now going to make two kind of

Like bookcase um sort of deals so um this is basically just going to be made out of spruce wood slabs and we’re going to use spruce trap doors for this and um the idea being is that left and right of the entrance area i want to

Have is it’s kind of difficult to place or kind of difficult to describe but basically we kind of want to create bookcases by placing free spruce trap doors on top of each other like this so here and here And spruce wood slabs along the bottom spruce trap doors along the top and also spruce trap doors kind of like below the tops you kind of like make shelves and we that’s all we want to do we just want to make kind of like a couple of display

Cases a couple of shelves and on those we could like sell just sell kind of like pet accessories so whether that be a leash or a lead or whether that’s like bones or a dog or you know whatever it might be we can kind of like um figure that out uh maybe

Even like little bells for the birds to play with in their in their cages and stuff um basically just uh just some nice shelves that we can kind of have on display uh what else can we do whilst we’re here what we can mark out where the

Where we can have kind of like um puppy pits and cat pits now that sounds really bad but um it’s basically just kind of like a little separation from these things that we have here so um the way that we can place these is from the

Uh from the terracotta here kind of like where we just placed this bookcase you want to leave a gap of like one two three and then on this fourth block here we want to destroy one two three four five then you wanna leave a gap of one

Two three and then you wanna have one two three four five like this so that’s quite evenly placed um what we’re then going to do is we’re going to extend these across by one two three and we’re just going to ma oh my bad and we’re just going to make uh it is

Literally uh like just two little pits two little storage areas for uh for our little furry friends um we’d need some colorful concrete for these and um we also need quite a lot more stuff to be able to be able to finish this off ladies and gentlemen and luckily enough

The potions running out so i’ll tell you what we’re going to get rid of all of these materials we may be seeing some repeats we may be grabbing some stuff back um you know how it goes you know quite often you need like a multitude of things just to complete one one little

Bit of detail so here is everything that we are going to be grabbing so that we can now finish off the build lines enchantment please do make sure that you have access to all those materials and enough of them as well and then we can add some of the final details to the

Build so now that we have all of that stuff ladies and gentlemen hopefully we can get the majority of this build finished so the first thing that i’m going to do is as i mentioned i’m just going to place the colorful concrete inside of the two rectangular spacers

That we made so just like this there we go i’m going to dig these out one row further because i don’t want anybody escaping and i’m going to line the bottom of these with white carpet you could use any color of copper you like or anything actually for the bottom

I’m going to play some glass pane around the top for the mention for the reason that i mentioned earlier which is just so that nothing is able to escape just like this here Here there we go that’s looking pretty good and now we are able to store some furry friends in there too uh so what else do we have so we have a lantern we have ellington frames we have flower parts we’re going to decorate this desk area a

Little bit so i’m going to chuck a lantern here flower part with a flower in there i’m going to chuck a heavy weighted pressure plate next to the till just because i like how that always looks i’m going to place some item frames kind of like around the actually

I i don’t want one there because that doesn’t make sense i want an item from kind of like here and here and here we’re gonna fill that in with stuff a little bit later on um have a couple of item frames kind of like spread about on these shelves maybe like

Even the lantern on this side here just to provide a bit of light maybe a bell here birds and stuff like to play with bells maybe even like cats and dogs and stuff um what else can we do with these current set of materials that we have not really

Not really too much actually so we’re going to chuck these away and we’re going to grab water seagrass coral we’re going to need different colors of coral i’m only going to be using one just for easy in the sake vines kelp name tags feather string

Leads so why why do we have the name tags and the string the leads and stuff well that is basically just to fill in these item frames this is just stuff that like animals may want to play with and of course a lead so that we can uh

Take our animals out for walks i love walking chickens um what is the uh water and the sea grass and the fire coral and stuff for well basically this is to fill the fish tanks so um we’re going to have to just reconstruct some of this a little bit

But basically we want to fill the fish tanks in with water like this so just got to get in the fish tank it’s easiest if we do this from the top like this and then once inside if you just decorate the inside the fish tanks with some grass some sea grass some

Coral some different stuff like that you’ll make some really nice enclosures so like if we do that that’s one and that oh my bad um most of the most of the seedling is still here and then from the outside um that just looks pretty good and the kelp will actually uh

Continue to grow a little bit and we can just have uh have a fish in there or a turtle and we’re going to do this for every single one of these so um will this bring us in yes it will okay so we’re just going to do this for every

Single one of them my recommendation would be to uh alter the uh alter what you actually do inside here like use different coral you see grass in some don’t use some of the others in the turtle one i’m gonna be doing a turn to one you know feel free

To chuck a couple of turns likes you know just make them a little bit more original than i’m doing now um but again like just just for the sake of not having to grab a million different materials i’m just going to decorate it this this way right now and then i’ll

Probably alter it a little bit later on when we have another look around but all that’s important is i just want to uh want to show you the method in which we I want to show you the method in in which we actually go about doing these so uh oh god i didn’t i didn’t uh destroy the glass there so like here here here there we go all right so um again we can just play some car i mean

It looks fine just like reusing the same stuff over and over again but um i think it will just look a tad a bit better if um if we don’t do that you know so let me let me get back into the actual pet shop and we can take a look at what

We’ve made because it makes so much of a difference like even using the same stuff over and over again like it still looks cool so um yeah we’ll be populating that with fish a little bit later and we’ll fix what we’ve destroyed um you might want to throw some lanterns

About the place as well like you might want to have a couple of um choice places for some lanterns just to kind of like light the shop up a little bit um you might want to do the same with sea lanterns as well a little bit as perhaps

As well so you can see how we have these um like windows on the side the build kind of like here um perhaps you could use these windows to kind of like figure out where to place a um a few sets of sea lanterns so like here for instance

Like if you took say the middle of the windows because lighting almost always looks better if it corresponds to something else like it’s all fine and well placing just like kind of like random lights everywhere which you know perfectly fine but if it corresponds to something like it just seems to look

Better in my opinion it seems to make more sense so we don’t even need any more light in here to be honest like it’s very very light as it is um you may want to have kind of like a little bit of a red carpet kind of like strewn down

The middle of uh stream down the middle of the pet store but for the most part i mean that’s that’s pretty much that um yeah we’re looking pretty good in here ladies and gents i mean there’s not really too much more that you can add um

If you wanted to you could add like you could um add like i don’t know like in here maybe like you could say like if you wanted to give them some light you could have like a lantern you could have like um item frame on the ground you could put some seagrass in

Here you know and depending upon whatever you want to keep in here of course you could even have like have like a bell kind of like just here just as kind of like a bit of a toy but um and again you could you could even use

Flower parts but for the most part ladies and gentlemen we we all we have to do is we just have to kind of like fix all of the roof and stuff that we’ve kind of like destroyed here but that will be done after the animals go in and

We just have to populate this place with some animals i mean it it’s a pretty simple build license chapman um hopefully you have enjoyed making it and uh you know what i think i’m actually i’m going to place some animals in here and i’m going to show you what this

Place should look like once it’s been 100 fully completed i’m going to leave it up to you to decide which animals are going to go where but we’ve actually completed this build minus the animals let’s take a look at what this place will look like now that it has been

Fully finished so this ladies and gentlemen is what your pet store will look like once it has been 100 fully completed as you can see we have the flowers outside of the store now linking together around and connecting to the pillars we have the windows we have grass now instead of leaves and

Flowers out the front and as we enter the inside the store you might be able to notice a couple of changes so now inside of these two pits i have some dogs and i have some cats on the sides here we have a chicken we

Have a rabbit we have a fox we have an ocelot the ocelot is a little bit nervous at the fox i think or it might even be the other way around actually uh inside of the hutch here this is meant to actually be just be like a display

But we actually do have a rabbit inside of this hutch we did have parrots in the cages but they actually flew away i thought that they would stay i was wrong so we have parrots in here originally i was going to have bats in there but hey

Paris it is and inside here inside the little aquarium we have a sea turtle with some uh touch lags we have a puffer fish or two we have i don’t know what a salmon i want to say or cut cut actually i think and we also have

Some tropical fish as well so uh very very simple well put together great looking somewhat realistic pet shop i hope that you guys have enjoyed this tutorial if you did enjoy this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button as it really helps me the channel out very

Very much if you are new around here please do consider subscribing to the channel and clicking the little bell next to the subscription button that will ensure you get all my videos sent directly to your sub fox and if you want to make anything else by me whether it’s

A modern mcdonald’s a pet store whether it’s a car wash or petrol station i do all sorts of stuff on this channel please check it all out in the card system description below the top of the comment section for more uh thank you so much for watching everybody i love you

All very much and i’ll see you guys in the next one good bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Pet Store “2020 City Tutorial”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2020-03-14 12:30:04. It has garnered 597566 views and 10050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:59 or 2459 seconds.

In this video i show you how to make a pet shop! and not only do i show you how to make the awesome looking building that is the pet shop but i show you how to make the inside and the ouside of this lovely looking animal sanctuary!

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

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    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=c84d9d5e-2f5a-4d6a-8ca9-60ef1a9b17ac 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at play.purpleparrot.pro for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! play.purpleparrot.pro Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: atm9.ihatemy.live Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

TSMC – Minecraft – Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Pet Store “2020 City Tutorial”