TurtyWurty – Minecraft Modding Tutorial 1.15 | Structures – Episode 48

Video Information

Hey what’s going on guys turtley here and welcome back to another minecraft running show for version 1.15 in this tutorial i’m going to be covering how we can go ahead and add a structure to our game now structures have been very long awaited uh they’ve been

People have been waiting for them for a very long time um and i have had a massive bug with them which i now know the fix to now before i start this i would just like to mention um that um none of this code is as such mine um i have

Got it all from someone called telepathic grunts um so massive credit to him for this all i have done is just gone ahead and refactored um a load of stuff and just changed around how a few things work and then obviously put it in video form which i know some of you

Obviously prefer which is why you’re here so yeah a massive shout out to him um for all this code uh he does have it up on github i will be linking the uh text tutorial version of this uh in the description uh which will be his

Uh if you prefer text tutorials which is perfectly fine of course it’s people learn differently so let’s just go ahead and get started so the first thing we need to go ahead and do is create our feature in it so actually i’ve already created this class right here

But in here this is obviously going to be a deferred register like normal so that is a public static final deferred register and that is of a feature and that takes in a question mark and i’ll just call this features that is going to be equal to a new

Deferred register this takes in forge registries dot features and then it just takes in our mod id so that is tutorial mod dot mod id and i’m just going to plug this feature uh into there as well Just do the good old imports make sure you import it from net.minecraft.world.gender feature um otherwise you’ll have an issue there now obviously if you’re using uh i think the most recent version of 1.15 or if you’re using 1.16 this will be a deferred register.create and not a new deferred register obviously i

Haven’t updated yet but that should be coming uh relatively soon okay so now we actually need to go ahead and create the registry object so that will be a public static final registry object and this just takes in well mine is going to take in a house structure

So i’m going to be showing you how you can go ahead and create your structures with structure blocks obviously you can create them with jigsaws but they are much more complicated and i’ll be having this tutorial on them uh in the future not right now um just

Because they are a bit more complicated and but yeah they will be coming in the future there’s a few things i do want to cover before those um but yeah and obviously there’s also structures which you manually have to code placing the blocks if you prefer those ones

Um they’re pretty easy to do you don’t really even need to make them structures if you don’t want to um so yeah i’m just going to call this house so because i’m going to be creating a house of course and that is going to be equal to features dodge

Register and this first takes a name so obviously just house and then a supplier of a new house structure and this is going to need to take in an i feature config so for that i’m going to put a no feature config dot uh no colon colon de serialize

Just like that obviously we have an error because this class does not exist um and before we go ahead and actually create that class let’s also go ahead and register the eye structure piece type so because our structure is going to be using pieces well ours won’t be using

Pieces but i’m going to show you how you can use pieces so pieces basically allow you to have multiple pieces of structure put them together and it forms the actual structure itself and so for example the woodland mansion is loads of different pieces like loads

I think i think if you have it bigger than a chunk you need another piece i think that’s how it works um so we just need to annotate this class with at mod dot event bus subscriber and this just takes in the bus which is equal to bus

Dot mod and it takes in our mod id which is equal to tutorial mode dot mod id and just go ahead and import those and then we need a subscribe event so that will be a public static void register structure pieces and this is going to take in a registry event dot register

And that just takes in a feature which obviously takes in question mark we’ll just call that event now in here we can call registry.register this takes in registry dot structure piece now sadly we can’t do this with deferred registries however if you are in the latest 1.15

Or basically if you’re able to use deferred register.create you can create a custom registry um if you want but i’m not going to be doing that um so yeah and then for the second parameter we want to put house in all caps dot two lower case and that takes in locale dot root

If i could spell um locale dot root and then for the third parameter that is just the actual structure piece so that is going to be um it will be called house underscore piece which obviously we now need to go ahead and create i’m just going to create that below the deferred register

Above the registry object so that would just be a public static eye structure piece type and it’s static so we can reference it from the actual piece class which we haven’t created yet of course and that’s just going to be equal to house pieces dot peace colon colon new

Now we have these errors right here because we haven’t created these classes so if we go into our world and feature package we can create a new package well i’m going to create a new package you don’t have to create a new package and i’m just going to call this structures

And in here i’m going to create a house structure okay and this is going to go ahead and extend structure and that takes in a no feature config there we go just import structure make sure it is the minecraft one of course now we want to add the constructor and i’m

Just going to rename this to config and change this to config there we go and then we want to go ahead and add the unimplemented methods now this method right here is basically whether it can be generated or not now if this doesn’t exist for you or it doesn’t come up like this

It may be called can be generated so i’m just going to add a little comment above that so it will be called can be generated if your mappings are up to date um in here let’s just go ahead and rename some of this stuff so let’s call this manager

Let’s call this generator let’s just call this rand this is the chunk x and this is the chunk z chunk z and this is just the biome of course now in here what we’re going to go ahead and do um we first want to get the chunk pause so chunk pause um

We we can just call that pause it doesn’t really matter is equal this dot gets start position for position that takes in the generator taking rand chunk x oh chunk x not chunk c uh make sure you get that right um and then chunk z and then zero

Zero so if you just hover over here uh the last two i believe are an offset but that might be wrong i’m pretty sure it’s an offset and obviously we don’t want to offset it and then we need to check if the chunk is valid so basically whether we can spawn in it

And we can do that by checking if chunk x is equal to pos dot x and do the same for z so and and chunk z is equal to pause dot z now if that is the case we need to check if uh this biome can actually spawn this structure or not

Uh because obviously if it can’t spawn this structure we don’t want to spawn the structure because that doesn’t make any sense so if generator dot has structure that just takes in the biome and this because this is the structure so if it does then we can just return true

And if neither of those are true we can just return false just like that then we have the get size method now it appears that this is unused so i’m actually going to comment that as unused so we know that it’s unused so we just want to leave that as zero

Um just in case then we have the start factory so that will just be house structure dot start which will be a subclass we’ll create in a second column colon new and then we have the structure name which is just a string so i’m going to put tutorial mod

Dot mod id plus and then colon house okay then we need to actually override this get start position for position method as we just want to change it around a bit and so let’s just refactor some of these things as well um and we don’t want to return the super

So we can just get rid of that line right there so the first one obviously is generator and then it is rand then it is the uh the x pause the z pause and then it is the is correct it is the offset so it is offset x and it is offset y

Z not y we don’t mess with y um so here is where you can do a bit of config if you wish um so you can create a max chunk distance a min chunk distance so let’s say we set the max distance to 10 let’s say we set the min distance to

Three okay so basically what this means is that the houses cannot be closer than three chunks and the houses cannot be uh further away than ten chunks now obviously uh if you don’t really want this you can just set the min distance to zero and set this to something stupid like uh 9999

Uh it doesn’t really matter um i suppose just like 100 would be the max distance because you’re always gonna get one uh between that range anyways um but i’m just gonna keep it as 10 and free so that we can actually showcase uh this feature or at least try to it’s hard to

Actually show um but yeah and then it is quite a bit of math i would say with actually uh figuring out what’s happening so i’m just going to go ahead and copy in this math you can get this from the description so we just need to change a few things

Which i called differently than what i had copied so this is the generator uh this we called rand this we called rand and this we called brand okay and then we just want to return a new chunk pause so a new chunk pods and that takes in the valid chunk x

And a valid chunk z now obviously this has an error right here this uh git seed modifier um so let’s let’s go ahead and create that method i suppose shall we so if we just hover over this we should be able to create it yes we can

Now this can be protected because we need it um in our subclass and basically what this is um so this is to make sure that it has the same uh spawn algorithm so it’s basically some random stuff but it makes sure it’s always the same algorithm that it uses

Um so we just want to make this a really big number which is unique to this structure so uh i don’t know i’m just going to type some random numbers here uh just make sure it is an integer and and that you don’t go over the integer limit because obviously that won’t work

Now if your biome only spawns in your dimension or only spawns uh basically in your chunk generator you can now go ahead and override the spawn get spawn list method which will allow you to spawn your entity in here or add your spawns to it however because our biome also spawns in the

Overworld this isn’t going to work but it’s not going to work for our overall biome anyways so the best way to do this is to actually use an event and not this method and since this isn’t calculated when the chunk generator uh since basically the chunk generator doesn’t check

For this structure because um oh it doesn’t know that it exists so um we can’t use this however we can use an event so there is an event um I’m not sure what it’s called if we just uh ctrl shift t i think there should be some spawn events i’m not sure um i’m sure i have put the event on screen right now anyways um because i’m not sure off the top of my head exactly what it’s called

So the next uh thing we want to do is create this start class so that will be a public static class start and this just extends structure start structure start there we go oh i don’t know what i just did oh i deleted a bracket that’s what i did okay

In here we want to add the constructor and add the unimplemented methods and as you can see we’ve got to do some refactoring here so the first one is just obviously the structure the second one is the chunk x then it is the chunk z this is just the bounding box of the

Structure and then it is a reference as an int to the structure and then it’s a long which is just the seed and let’s just paste these into the super real quick so structure chunk x chunk z bounding box then reference and then seed okay then we want to go into the inlet

Method right here and in here we basically this is basically where we put the pieces together so it’s what it does when the structure starts spawning basically so we first need to go ahead and create the rotation so rotation rotation is equal rotation dot values

And then we can get it from this dot around dot next int and that will be rotation dot values dot length this just allows us to choose a random rotation for the structure obviously if you always want it to be a specific rotation you can just do rotation dots clockwise whatever

But we can just choose a random one then we need to go ahead and convert the chunk x and chunk z to actual uh positions so it will be the center of the chunk so positions that we can use basically in a block pause so to do that

Uh we use uh int x and then we just need to use um i think it’s called bikewise operations i think that’s what they call it i’m not too familiar with them but i kind of understand what’s happening so it shifts it left by four i think and then it adds seven

And to get the center of the chunk as a block pause i’m not entirely sure how it works i i think i kind of understand how it works um but it’s not really too big of an issue because you don’t ever want to change this as such so

That is something you want to keep the same unless you don’t want it to spawn in the center of a chunk for some reason i don’t know why that would be but and then we can create the y which is obviously slightly different so that will be generator dot

Func and i believe it is c func c that just takes in x and z and then the height map i’m going to use height map dot world dot type i mean type dot world uh surface wg however obviously if you want to you can go ahead and experiment with

These different um height maps if you wish i’m just going to use wg because that’s basically the recommended one for structures i would say and then we can obviously easily create a block pause from these uh x y z so new block pause x y z not y u very good

And then we can actually start um putting the pieces together so that can just be house pieces which is obviously a class we haven’t created yet dot start that test takes in the template manager the block pause the rotation and this stock components which is the different pieces and this dot rand

And after it’s done that we want to recalculate the structure size so that basically sets it to the new structure size containing all the other pieces as well since the current structure size only takes an account for the first piece and by recalculating it takes an account for

All the pieces and then um obviously if you want you can go ahead and log the position of it so we know where it is i’m just going to do this so i can find it a bit quicker and just like that and that is it obviously we have an

Error because we haven’t created this class uh we have an error hidden here because we haven’t imported okay let’s go ahead and create the house pieces class okay this class is not going to actually extend anything and but in here we basically put the pieces together so we can create a private static

Final uh resource location and i’m going to call this part one is equal to a new resource location this takes in our mod id so tutorial mod mod id and then uh house or whatever the name of the exported parties now if you want well i assume you

Do if you are actually going to use multiple pieces then you can just create a second part quite simply and then just do that i’m not actually going to use multiple pieces so i’m just going to comment that second part out and show you how you could use it

If if you had multiple pieces so then we can create a private static final map of resource location And also the block pause we can call this the offset and that’ll be equal to immutable map uh immutable map there it is and just delete these generics we can be we can be raw here of and this can take in uh our part one and then a new block pause zero one

Zero okay and then obviously if you wanted a second part so let’s just say i had the second part we can copy this and we can paste it change it to part two and obviously that would work fine i’m just going to go ahead and comment this out um

So it will still be in my github if you need to see how you can do it oh i need to comment out the comma as well there we go okay then we can go ahead and create this start method so that was a public static void start that took in

The template manager which i’m just gonna call manager then a uh block pods which will be the pause then it took in the rotation which i’m going to call rot and then took in a list of structure piece and we can call that pieces oh dear and then it took a

Random which i’m going to call rand and let’s just import those things okay now in here we want to uh just get the x on z pause so into x is equal pause dot x dot get x uh int and just remove this there there we go

Then we can create a block pause rotation offset is equal to a new block pause zero zero zero dot rotate and that can take in the road rotation and then we can go ahead and create a block pause from that so block pause block pause is equal to rotation offset

Dot add that takes in the x plus dot get y and z and then you can just add that to the pieces so pieces dot add a new house pieces Dot piece which we haven’t created yet which takes in the manager Part one so this is the part that we’re messing with then block pods and rotation which is brought okay now obviously if you have a second one you can go ahead and decide how much to offset it by so i will just use the example that telepathic grunt has

For his on the second one obviously it might be slightly different for you so he actually uses a negative 10 on the x right here um and then if we have a look let’s just make this on a correct line um yeah and then it’s the same

Except it uses the second part that we have okay then let’s just go ahead and create this piece class really quickly so that is a public static class piece extends template structure piece now instead of writing this all out since we don’t want to be changing

Any of this really i’m just going to copy it all in so this whole piece class will be in the description now here um you don’t want to change anything other than um this method right here so this is handling the data markers so basically with structure blocks uh you’re able to set

Data markers and give them a name so let’s say you set one to chest you can check if it equals whatever this takes in and then it sets that block state to a chest um and then it checks if it’s a chest so here is basically you you can set a loop

Table for the chest now obviously it doesn’t have to be a chest it can be a spawner a furnace basically anything with data you can actually set it here instead of doing it in the world but either is fine because obviously you can set a chest with a loop table

In the world instead of doing it here um but that shouldn’t be too much of an issue really now this method right here so this is actually the create method if your mappings are up to date it will be create and not this function thing right there so you will just need

To change that if you’re on a later version but that is now it pretty much um let’s just import our pieces now the the final thing and probably the most obvious thing to everyone and we haven’t created the structure now i’m not going to show you how to create the structure

Um and there’s hundreds of tutorials on how you can go ahead and create a structure with structure blocks well yeah actually use structure blocks to export it um but once you have uh the different pieces if you’re using multiple pieces of course you just want to put that in data tutorial mod

And then structures and in here as you can see i put house mbt in there and in the house pieces um house pieces you can see that we read house and obviously house two if we had a second part um but yeah there’s a bunch of tutorials i’ll link

Uh probably one or two in the description for how you can create a structured block uh how you can create a structure from a structured block if you wish now obviously um the final thing we have to do is actually add the structure um so before we do that actually i

Suppose we should init it so just like all our other deferred registries we can call fluid in it dot no feature in it.features dot register let’s say using the mod event bus that will just register our features for us so we don’t have to go ahead and do that ourselves um

Now i’m going to create a new class in gen and i’m going to call this structure uh i suppose a feature no structure gen you know let’s just do it yeah let’s just call it here sure um i was thinking about doing it in the origin but it’s slightly weird

So we can actually just copy our origin right here and instead of checking if it’s planes we can just check if it’s our biome so examplebiom.get and instead of all of this configured placement and jazz we can go ahead um okay so what you do is you can do biome

Dot add feature um now add structure and that will be feature init dot house dot get dot with configuration and that takes in um i feature config dot no feature config okay and basically you need to add the feature to every biome but only add the structure

To the biomes you want it to spawn it and this is to make sure it doesn’t spawn across chunks because obviously that would be a slight issue um because otherwise it will cut off at chunks and then you get a bunch of issues so basically what happens is add streak add structure

Uh it tells minecraft that the biome can start the generation of the structure so this actually starts a generation and then by them to add feature tells minecraft that the pieces can be made in that biome so um we need to call biome dot add feature outside of this

Uh if statement and we we want to do uh decoration dot surface structures since they’re surface structures obviously if they’re underground you can do that but you would have to have changed a lot of code for that um and then it is just feature in it dot house dot get

Dot uh with configuration it once again takes in i feature config dot no feature config and then we can do that with placement a placement place mint dots nope is the one we want and then we can configure that placement to i placement config dot no placement config

Just like that and that should basically work so um i’m actually now going to run the game and i will see you guys there okay yes i am very stupid um i figured something was completely wrong because this worked perfectly earlier so if we go into our structure then as

You can see i’m not calling this um anywhere so we just need to go into our main class go into our setup right here and in here we can just call generates well i call it generator generate structures let’s go into their generate structures and obviously make sure you’re calling this

So actually that’s on register biomes no no that’s not that’s set up so make sure you are calling setup right here by adding as a listener to the mod event bus and then when you close and reopen the okay so as you can see if you just check the log

Down here you can see it’s already said uh we can find a house at blah blah blah find a house blah um so that’s two then there’s four more yeah as the chunks keep generating it’s gonna find more so let’s uh teleport to 777 um so slash tp at s7 77

And we should see our house so this is my amazing house it’s a bit floaty um obviously you can fix that because you can do fillers below it if you wish uh the majority of it is on flat ground as you can see so that is why um the front

Isn’t um so it’s okay um this isn’t meant to this is more meant to be a ruined house anyways but if you can do what vanilla does if you wish so it adds basically filler blocks below anywhere where there’s air below it and so you can do that if you want to

Because getting it to generate on actually flat ground is very hard so as you can see um i have the entity spawned in here so that’s nice uh the furnace has items in it because i set it to have items in it so just as a quick

Uh tour you come through here you’ve got a nice staircase you’ve got your bed with a nice orange carpet around it with a shelf and a pro lamp you see it doesn’t look like a mushroom on a flower pot at all um you’ve got your furnace you’ve got your crafting table

You’ve got two lip furnaces with coal in them which is nice and you’ve got some chests with uh generated loot so if i actually control middle clip i think yeah so if we open this you can see uh it’s some nice loot obviously it isn’t actually generated because

It’s different from if i do that um by the way if you didn’t know you can do that you can control um middle click a chest so if i just place this one down and control middle click then it will basically give us random things every time which is pretty pog

And because i’ve set a loot table to the chest i didn’t know you could do that maybe everyone knew that you could do that other than me but yeah um so we’ve got some nice windows of course you can see out into the land of the weird weird dimension um

But yeah that’s about it so we now have structures spawning and as you can actually see it’s working in the desert bone so if i’m right here i should be able to see the biome is beach well not desert it’s beach but uh over here is our example one so it’s spawned

In our example biome but that has actually gone ahead and perfectly worked fine in in uh in the desert planet or beach biome i suppose it’s calling it so yeah that’s quite nice um we do now know it works and there should be a chunk boundary here as well so every note every

Uh much chunk boundaries let’s have a look f3 and g we should see it is able to cross chunk boundaries which was a massive issue we had previously but obviously that worked perfectly now um so yeah it’s actually in four different chunks which is very neat and it’s having no issue

Uh converting between them so yeah if you guys did enjoy this tutorial please do be sure to smash your face into that like button and subscribe if you really enjoyed please do be sure to share it and uh yeah i will see you guys in the next video good bye

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This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modding Tutorial 1.15 | Structures – Episode 48’, was uploaded by TurtyWurty on 2020-09-12 17:15:28. It has garnered 3418 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:31 or 2611 seconds.

Hey guys, I’m back with another video. In this video, I am going to be covering how we can go ahead and make structures for our mod. I would just like to emphasise that I take no credit for this code, and all credit goes to Telepathic Grunt. All I have done is some refactoring and made it in video form. The link to Telepathic Grunt’s text one is below, so be sure to star his repository to give him some recognition.

Original 1.15: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/StructureTutorialMod/tree/1.15.x Original 1.16: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/StructureTutorialMod/

My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/d5cGhKQ Episode 47: https://youtu.be/O-YJstE3b6Y My GitHub: https://github.com/DaRealTurtyWurty/1.15-Tut-Mod Tutorials I will be doing: https://trello.com/b/LNQlC0l1 A Free Java Course that I would really recommend: https://www.udemy.com/course/java-tutorial/

HousesPieces.Piece code: https://pastebin.com/GAfzyVAk getStartPositionForPosition math: https://pastebin.com/9DLUdKpR

Minecraft Forge 1.15.2: https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.15.2.html

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    Crafting Legends: Chapter 9 - Legendary Cave Dive In the legendary cave, danger awaits, Monsters lurking, ready to take the bait. But fear not, for our hero is brave, With sword in hand, they’ll conquer and save. Exploring the depths, treasures to find, Diamonds and gold, a true Minecraft grind. With friends by their side, they’ll never be alone, Together they’ll conquer, in a world of their own. So join us now, in this epic tale, Of adventure and courage, where heroes prevail. In the legendary cave, where legends are made, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams never fade. Read More

  • Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embarked on a challenge, a trash panda’s dream. Surviving 100 days, in hardcore mode, With paws of determination, on this winding road. Spawned in The End, a place so bizarre, But I stayed paw-sitive, reaching for a star. Solving mysteries, with each paw and claw, In this wild adventure, with no time for a flaw. Join my discord server, where gamers unite, To create amazing videos, in the Minecraft light. Together we’ll conquer, with laughter and fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. So come along, on this… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥

    Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥 “Who needs real friends when you can have a whole squad of blocky buddies in Minecraft? #FriendshipGoals #MinecraftIsLife” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft pixel art like the one featured in the YouTube video “Падающий пиксель арта в Майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the creative community at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in building amazing pixel art creations and exploring a vast virtual world together. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, PvP battles, and unique events on Minewind without limits. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Minecraft and unleash your creativity in a supportive and friendly environment. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server… Read More

  • Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft!

    Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 20w10a: Smithing Table and Hoe Finally Useful! A new snapshot of the Nether Update for Minecraft, the 20w10a, has been released! This update brings significant changes, making the smithing table and hoe much more useful. Additionally, there are new ambient sounds in the Nether, adding to its eerie atmosphere. Smithing Table Upgrade The smithing table, previously a redundant block, now serves a clear purpose in the game. It functions similarly to an anvil but is specifically used to upgrade diamond gear directly. This enhancement allows players to retain enchantments on their diamond gear, making it a valuable… Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorah

    Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorahVideo Information [Music] [Music] hey [Music] n [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right hello everyone my here and we’re starting with this screen here because we have um because we have Origins to choose and actually I already know what version that I’m going to choose but um if you guys have any if you guys want me to choose a different origin then I can but yeah so we got first off we have wood elf and then we got Goblin um Goblin and then we got arid which is spider um we got shul related to shers… Read More

  • Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft Steampunk

    Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft SteampunkVideo Information [Music] is [Music] welcome to a dream [Music] everybody ah okay so welcome welcome welcome jyz welcome Kyle I I got the ship in the air we’re like ready to go right now this second leave our home for a while we’ll be back it is our home after all not for a [Music] while he it’s some very small improvements to the base quickly over I added a wall here upstairs and made it a little more comfortable everything has a wall between some extra detailing the pond the furnace this is our emergency supply of fuel… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!

    Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!Video Information [संगीत] यो यो न टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक लाइक थक अब मी आ लाइक द आ लाइक टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक आ लाइक थक अब ए आ लाइक आ लाइक मेरा मु निई तो भाई तेरा भी हाईलो लगी है चोट जिससे जाके थोड़ा साइड रो आया फम में आने वाला साइक्लोन ब्रो पता इने भी सब मेरे बारे खाने वालान में डरे बैठे सारे व कहानिया तो बहुत सही मारे बचे सब फ मेरे बजे गाने ये तो शुरू वाली हाइप है आ लाइक आई लाइक मेरे भाई सारे साइक है आ लाइक… Read More

  • Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let’s Play Part 19

    Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let's Play Part 19Video Information hey guys welcome to Shell and we’re back with some more Minecraft I think today is the day we’re going to go over and explore that mountainous region that I found whenever I picked up Normandy and then I think next episode we’re going to go looking for another Fortress we’re not quite to the point where I need the nether fortress but I will eventually need it and it may take us a while to find one so I’d rather go ahead and start looking um yeah I need way more ender uh ender pearls to uh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing Challenge

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing ChallengeVideo Information Minecraft but you draw My World this world is completely flat but coloring The Village will make a village appear which means I need to draw my entire world back sorry if I paint this awesome looking sword my sword will appear what if I draw the biggest base in the whole world that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted it to what if I made the most powerful Warden ever a run what’s this a new brush wo this brush just made me a professional painter dinky I can finally draw myself some friends uh that… Read More

  • Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!

    Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!Video Information today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to ruin that by traking him as a bush of super op bses but first we’re going to be a super cute little penguin that is actually super dangerous don’t let his cute looks fool you because he’s going to absolutely destroy you so let’s see what Dino is doing so we can figure out what to prank as first oh but I want to catch super big fishies today and I don’t want to catch two I want to catch all of them he wants… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Survival Stream – UNBELIEVABLE Moments!

    INSANE Minecraft Survival Stream - UNBELIEVABLE Moments!Video Information Угу [музыка] Угу угу так Алло алло проверка звука алло алло алло алло алло о всё нормально так угу Ага ага угу так Ладно всё разучивают у тебя выключит всё [музыка] всё охуел осуждаю нельзя ти если я не буду с Всё я мучусь тогда всё всё я замучился он нас офигел что что это было за выражение Я сказал Нельзя мы как бы снимаемся если что нам запрещено он на съёмках А мы на стриме нельзя подавать плохой е же снимать я пошёл водички налью да ё х не старша Сейчас секунду я понял ничка ой Ванечка… Read More

  • Unbelievable Combos: ZA & Fortnite…🔴

    Unbelievable Combos: ZA & Fortnite...🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘ZA & FORTNITE… 🔴’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-03-13 18:31:03. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. cashapp $jahdawn7 iff u wanna support #hungergames #prison #lunarclient #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars… Read More

  • Birs Neo – Unleashing Chara Virus 17 in Minecraft?! #shorts

    Birs Neo - Unleashing Chara Virus 17 in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 17 #charavirus #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-26 09:08:13. It has garnered 465 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock #mincraft #review #minecraftmemes #minecraftmonsterschool… Read More

  • Speddle

    SpeddleAn awesome zombie killing RPG, kill zombies, sell the flesh, get weapons! The server is currently in beta so play testers are needed, and if you want mod, play testing gives you a good chance. speddle.minehut.gg Read More

  • SkyMata SMP – smp network minigames creative

    Welcome to SkyMata SMP! Join our friendly and relaxed community for a fun SMP experience. We have economy, quests, custom biomes, and player shops. No restrictions, just pure enjoyment! Features: Open SMP server Custom biomes Player shops Come join us at SkyMata.games or join our Discord here. Feel free to message me personally for more information! Read More


    TGPIXELThis server is created by T.GAMING and his age is 12 year's old and I have survival server and my server name is TGPIXEL and is server is crossplay server and it is undercontrustion and I have many bot Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “iMinecraft – The Real Blocky Deal”

    Minecraft Memes - "iMinecraft - The Real Blocky Deal"Looks like this meme is mining for some serious laughs with that score of 44! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: O kurczę, on to jest niebezpieczny! 😱 #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Meme: O kurczę, on to jest niebezpieczny! 😱 #minecraft #meme When you see a creeper approaching in Minecraft but then remember you have a guest who you don’t need to worry about because they’ll just respawn anyway. #minecraft #meme 😂 Read More

  • Blocknetto Commercial Parody | Minecraft Animation

    Blocknetto Commercial Parody | Minecraft Animation The Nostalgic Blocknetto (Cornetto) Commercial in Minecraft Animation Reliving Filipino Childhood Memories In a heartwarming Minecraft animation, the Blocknetto (Cornetto) commercial from the 2000s is brought back to life. Filipino viewers will instantly recognize this iconic advertisement that once graced their TV screens. Character Cameos The animation features familiar Minecraft personalities such as @pink_fox247 and @AdelCraftplayz, adding a playful twist to the nostalgic commercial recreation. Blocknetto vs. DVD The storyline unfolds with Sean, the protagonist, opting for a DVD with his 20 pesos. However, Pink Ender Boy interjects with a witty remark about the calendar, leading to a humorous… Read More

  • Minecraft Tower House Build – INSANE!! 😱🔥

    Minecraft Tower House Build - INSANE!! 😱🔥Video Information oh This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft : : Tower House 🏠 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-02-14 13:00:28. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. How to build an tower house in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!

    Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!Video Information [Music] H another beautiful day JJ H let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful okay huh uh huh what’s that is that a crowd in our village huh what’s this about what’s with all the puppets should we run huh oh what’s this wait w huh oh no uh I couldn’t move at least hang on Mikey I know what they are these puppets huh what what are they JJ these puppets attack people when the Sun goes down really they’ll attack us yep what do we do during the day they seem safe but… Read More

  • EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned Carpet

    EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned CarpetVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build Patterned Carpet in minecraft’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-04-19 13:30:14. It has garnered 5009 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process of crafting everything… Read More

  • Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!

    Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!Video Information what makes Minecraft fun Minecraft allows you to freely express your creativity you can build anything you can imagine and this helps you de-stressed and just have an overall nice time Minecraft has no real end yes you can beat the game but there’s always more to do even if it’s something small like just killing a bunch of mobs or enjoying a nice sunset or sunrise and if you get bored of another Minecraft you can always add mods to make it feel like a new experience some mods even overall certain parts of the game completely… Read More

  • Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯

    Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯Video Information I’m going to start my stream just so you’re okay I mean like man was kind of salty not going to lie also I made an e chest it’s in our house so stashing a thing that you deem valuable in your in your chest okay currently I have five diamonds I’m trying to find some more Diamond I’m pretty sure they’re watching my Stream So me I just don’t go to our BAS I mean technically everyone our BAS yeah true they broke our portal but it was like so easily fixable didn’t even matter one block… Read More

  • The Ultimate Fire Devil Server – Non-stop Action!

    The Ultimate Fire Devil Server - Non-stop Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our new paid hosting server 24/7 active . BedWar,SkyWar, Skyblock,Oneblock,Survival,Headsteal etc .’, was uploaded by Fire Devil on 2024-02-04 16:15:19. It has garnered 316 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. ————————————————————————|————– Decord link : https://discord.com/invite/V9MjTkSXff Your search history, Minecraft Bangla, Bangla Minecraft, Minecraft gameplay, Bangla gaming, Bangla Let’s Play, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft tutorial Bangla, Bangla gamer, Minecraft building Bangla, Bangla commentary, Minecraft survival Bangla, Bangla gaming community, Minecraft adventure Bangla, Bangla commentary gameplay, Minecraft funny moments Bangla, Bangla gaming channel, Minecraft exploration Bangla, Bangla Let’s… Read More

  • Zels’ FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraft

    Zels' FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraftVideo Information me cago me cago en su madre corre corre si no me acabo de salvar de milagro estoy muerto eh No no no no corre corre corre su madre Cómo acabo de escribar eso no me cago en todo tío menudo buc que había ahí This video, titled ‘PRIMERA MUERTE CORRUPTED HARDCORE @xpayr0 #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames’, was uploaded by Zels on 2024-01-15 11:00:23. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #fyp #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames #hardcore #CorruptedHardcore #drownedminecraft #fail Read More

  • Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!

    Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maybe Psycho | PvP Training #4 | !zxAlinaTRRx’, was uploaded by JustALINA on 2024-04-13 12:48:18. It has garnered 213 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a star streamer – https://get.turnip.gg/become-star-streamer 🎮 Streaming via Turnip… Read More

  • Ajmal’s Insane Husk Revenge!

    Ajmal's Insane Husk Revenge!Video Information [Music] first there was fire then there was smoke then that Preacher Man was hanging by a rope and then they all fell to their knees and beged that drift and begged him pleas as he raised his fist before he spoke I am the rightous hand of God and I am the This video, titled ‘Husk Revenge Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Just Ajmal on 2024-04-10 04:30:18. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft animation, minecraft animation movie, minecraft animation steve and alex, minecraft animation… Read More

  • BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)

    BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)A non p2w survival server that is nearly 100 percent vanilla. Here at barebonesmc we feature a diamond based economy with player trading shops and land claiming. No gimmicks, just fun! play.barebonesmc.net Read More

TurtyWurty – Minecraft Modding Tutorial 1.15 | Structures – Episode 48