TV Woman Rescues JJ’s Life! Before After Mikey

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Hi everybody my name is JJ oh it’s so good to see you guys how are you doing by the way I’m not doing so great you know my parents threw me out on the street now I have to survive under such difficult conditions I have no food no

Water and no roof over my head I’m also very cold I think I need to find some Shelter From the rain to spend the night H looks like this homeless corner is just what I need at least it’s got a little roof made out of newspapers and

It’s dry underneath and there’s a fire to keep me warm hey guys would you like to live here or is your house much nicer than mine write about it in the comments and it’s pretty cozy in here it would be Cozier to sleep in my own bed oh how

Well I used to live eating and sleeping when I wanted to the next day oh good morning everyone it’s stopped raining and it’s warm now I don’t have to think about getting warm but now I’m really hungry friend what do you eat for breakfast write about it in the comments

I’m going to eat off the garbage for breakfast at least I don’t know where else I can find food I hate to do this but I have no other choice maybe there’s a little food in here empty boxes bottles moldy Pizza yeah if I eat that

I’m going to be sick I got to find something better maybe there’s something fresh and delicious in those big garbage cans I hope there are tons of fresh burgers in there although what kind of fool would throw away fresh and delicious burgers come on where are you

Where are my Burgers I need all the food I can get stupid garbage stupid trash why doesn’t anyone throw out the food I’m so hungry okay if people don’t throw food away it’s in their pockets all I have to do is ask them to give it to me

To do this I need to make a box with a sign asking for food I look so skinny and poor someone will surely take pity on me and give me food to make me feel better psychology baby all that’s left to do is sit still and wait for passers

By maybe I should throw myself at them screaming give me food but I don’t think anyone will help me that way 3 hours later doesn’t anyone ever walk around here this is awful I haven’t eaten anything all day oh man the sun is already setting and I still haven’t

Found any food friends like this video and then I’ll stop starving you can really help me do it right now oh my God can’t anyone help me I’m so hungry hey hey boy what’s wrong you’re screaming all over the street yes I’m screaming because I’m hungry I’m still a child and

I can’t earn money for food no one’s giving you food no one at all nobody cares about me well I can give you some meat I always carry it in my pocket give it to me here eat this you need it but it’s expired but I don’t think you care

By the way where do you live uh I live in this cabin right here sometimes it gets cold when it rains and the Rats keep me awake but I’m used to it oh my God this is so bad how did how did you survive like this well it’s not easy at

All I have to work hard to find something to eat what happened to your parents why don’t they take care of you they beat me and didn’t love me it’s much better on the street than in the old family you know at least I’m free to

Go wherever I want and nobody beats me why don’t you come live with me I have a big house and lots of food seriously can I that sounds really cool then pack your things and come with me stuff haha I don’t have any stuff at all let’s go

Live at your place okay let’s go you’re going to love it what’s your name by the way U my name is JJ what’s your name um just call me Mommy okay okay Mommy so cool that I now have someone to take care of me and I will care and love you

Too that’s very nice to hear JJ by the way how far away is your house how far H there’s my house you didn’t move far did you wow this house is so much bigger than my paper house anything in the world is cooler than your newspaper Dome

Is come on I’ll show you my house and your private room it would be my pleasure you know I’ve been living all alone for a long time I’m so happy to have a little boy of my own yeah you’re not my family but that’s no problem at

All wow I thought your house was only cool on the outside but it turns out it’s awesome on the inside too do you really want to live here I thought this house wasn’t that big yes of course I really want to live with you Mommy okay

Let me give you a tour of the house this is my room and this is my work computer wow I like all the computers I like to do all kinds of cool stuff on them not bad you’ll have your own computer in your room you’ll probably play computer

Games like all kids wow I’m getting my own computer but I don’t play games I like to program on the computer games aren’t for me I’ve already realized that I don’t care what you do there here’s your room pretty cool huh oh yeah the room is great there’s a TV with cartoons

In it here’s your crib now you won’t be cold lying on newspapers outside thank you Mommy it’s so soft and comfy up there I’m glad you enjoyed it here’s your super duper Mega cool computer wow just what I need I always wanted to to be a programmer that’s exactly what I

Need a computer for not bad programmers make a lot of money of course they seem to sit and push buttons and make tens of thousands of dollars the most important thing is that you like it JJ and the rest doesn’t matter finally my life makes sense now thank you for everything

Mommy I love you I love you too JJ good night son good night Mommy you’re the best poo what a good day friends what would you like to do in the future write about it in the comments hopefully you won’t be living on the streets just like

Me ha now I should start learning how to do programming there are guides on YouTube oh my dear Mommy I’m so sorry you’re dead am I going to live alone now without you it won’t be easy for me I will always love and remember you my

Dear Mommy you found me at the most difficult time in my life thank you again for adopting me I want so badly to help you the way you helped me but I don’t know how I wish you were here for me friends I’ve become a rich programmer all because of my mom follow

Your dream and everything will work out for you and now I will call my expensive car to take me to my mega rich house Hey Driver get to the cemetery right away I have to go home okay boss I’m on my way there’s my car it’s really cool isn’t it

It’s worth a lot of dollars only rich programmers can afford cars like this bye-bye mommy I’ll visit you here often love you and here we are pulling up to my cool house now you’re all going to be shocked by my wealth I advise you all to

Become programers so that you can be as rich and cool as me here we go boss come out Co I’m finally home thanks driver he’s always in the car and won’t even come out to say hello and here’s my other car it cost a a lot of dollars too

This is the car I prefer to drive myself I prefer to enjoy driving a red Ferrari and the Mercedes is just an ordinary car for traveling and there’s my darling house we’re in the kitchen now but I’m not hungry let’s go to my workplace here I am making millions of dollars and

Watching TV at the same time so what’s on tv YouTube huh I love YouTube I make my own videos too by the way don’t forget to like this video guys the more likes the more cool videos will come out on this channel and today I’m not in the

Mood to have a good time or do anything fun oh is someone ringing the doorbell I have guests but I’ve only lived with my mom this whole time who could it be that’s weird no one’s here then who rang the doorbell uh-oh some kind of book

Maybe it was the delivery guy who called it’s weird but I didn’t order anything JJ if you’re reading this then I’m already in another world I’m glad that you grew up to be a smart and influential person and I would like you to take care of my son Mikey with love

TV woman uh what I don’t get it at all my mom wrote this when she was alive she has another son why didn’t she tell me about him well I got to find this Mikey guy just where am I supposed to go to find her other son H I think I know I

Should look for him at my mom’s old house maybe he’s waiting for me there she wants me to help this boy the way she helped me a decade ago wo I promise you Mom I will honor your request and take care of your second son and there’s

Her old house how it is aged all that’s left is to find that boy I wonder how long he’s been sitting here alone maybe he’s as lonely as I was I understand him so much at least he doesn’t live on the streets like I did when I was a kid hey

Mikey where are you TV woman asked me to take care of you oh how nostalgic I remember living in this room as a kid this is the bed where I slept and played made with toys it’s all so familiar and nice oh what a stupid computer how am I

Supposed to turn it on hey stop crashing my computer all you have to do is push a button and you’re kind of good at them a little yes TV woman sent me she took me in 10 years ago I used to live here and sit at the computer too those were the

Good old days that’s funny do you know where our mom is now um I’m really sorry to say this but our mom died today I’m sorry Mikey she was a very good mom she raised me and gave me a good environment to be become a good person her last

Request was to tell me to do the same with you what you want to do to me I have to raise you and educate you by the way I live in a super duper rich house do you want to live there oh of course I want to live there being rich is awesome

Ha you bet you we’re going to be friends Mikey come on I’ll show you my house by the way I also have my own private driver and two expensive cars it must be very expensive to hire your own driver you have no idea how expensive it is for

Regular people but not to me I have so much money I’d like to ride in a big cool Jeep like that only in the passenger seat Mikey okay whatever I’ve never been inside one of these cars friends how would you like to be a parent to Mikey write about it in the

Comments let’s go moments later somehow I’m tired of driving this car I should buy another one with gold seats here we are Mikey this is my house it looks solid give me a tour of your cool house huh okay get in here I’ve got a pool

Area sometimes I jump into the pool from the second floor when I have nothing to do and there’s a bunch of other cool stuff in the house I don’t care about any of that stuff I’m going to swim in this cool pool every day and no one can

Get me out of here come out I assure you you’ll like it much better inside the house there’s a bunch of toys and a very cool surprise waiting for you okay let’s go I like surprises you know at least I won’t be living on the streets like some

Losers now that was a shame okay never mind here’s my kitchen where I always have plenty of food you and I will never go hungry do you have burgers in your kitchen of course I do I love Burgers I’d eat them all my life and this is the

Kids Corner all these toys are yours now wow now I’m a real toy rich guy I can sell these toys and get paid in dollars these aren’t all your toys did you forget the surprise oh that’s right I totally forgot about that well show me your mega surprise you’ve surprised me

Enough today there’s a surprise on the second floor let’s go there you’re just going to love it okay where do I go over there so the surprise is your private room wow my own private room where only I will live that’s so cool it’s a bit

Messy I didn’t know anyone was going to live here there’s a TV a big bed and a powerful computer with all the cool games very cool I couldn’t have dreamed of this and the bed is so big thank you JJ you’re a really good dude and on this

Computer you can learn programming and become a cool developer of something cool n i I’d rather play computer games oh my God just look at this delicious bread I’m so hungry you know friends my family forbids me to eat too a lot they save on food and they don’t

Like me even though they eat a bunch of food themselves I can’t even eat a piece of this bread haha my stomach is full of food oh my God that’s not fair they have delicious food on their table and I have to chew on this bread I have to eat it

Very quietly so they don’t hear me wo oh what is that they left a plate of delicious and shiny fruit on the table I just have to try them to taste them again let’s not forget my stealth I’m a born ninja a very hungry and poor ninja who will steal this beautiful apple

Right now yeah I got it who’s making that noise I think it’s JJ who’s the idiot he’s playing his stupid games again uh yeah I’m just playing don’t mind me I’m out of here stop right there where’s the Apple that was on the saucer he told you not to eat hey I haven’t

Eaten anything in 2 days and you’ve gotten so fat JJ you’re grounded you’re going to sit in this closet for the rest of the day hey not in the closet please I hate you idiot he they don’t know I stole bread and an apple during lunch

That’s what I’ll be fed on for the next 2 days and here’s my delicious bread yum yum yum yum yum oh yeah this is delicious n n n n this is so good 2 hours later yeah it’s not the most interesting read you know hey freak I

Got a job for you don’t call me that please shut up you need to wash Mikey’s clothes he soiled himself in some really good food uh why doesn’t he wash his own clothes because I don’t want him to work and I don’t care about you I don’t love

You you’re only a servant in our house I will not wash his stinking clothes then you won’t eat for another week get back to work oh my God that’s not fair all people need to eat every day I hate you I’m so unlucky to have such stupid and

Mean parents hey what did you say say that again right now I said that I love our whole family very much I’ll do whatever you tell me to do huh what a deaf old man you are God why did I have to do all this washing Mikey’s dirty Underpants is so embarrassing friends

Who in your family washes your dirty clothes write about it in the comments okay I think Mikey’s Underpants are already clean and can be pulled out of this River all that’s left is to put his clothes in his drawer I’m wondering how he got food all over his clothes he’s so

Dirty he probably just smears food on his underwear for fun God while I’m starving Mikey’s feeding his clothes it’s so frustrating you know by the way where’s Mikey now maybe he’s in the bathroom right now I should check it out uh no he’s not here then where is he I’m

Not allowed in his room am I where should I put his clothes okay I’ll sneak into his room and put his clothes in his drawer there’s no Mikey where the hell is he he’s got such a big room I live in a small closet that’s very cramped and

Dusty he also has so many toys I’m so jealous of him I don’t have a single toy but he has a whole box of fun stuff okay it’s time to put all his clothes away and get out of here as soon as possible that’s it it’s done I hope I don’t get

Another mission after this one I really want one of these toys for myself but I’m going to get punished for it that’s it time to go to my closet hey what are you even doing here I just wanted to put your clothes in your drawer get out of

Here you’re not allowed in here stupid JJ okay okay stop hitting me so you’re thanking me for washing your clothes oh that’s your responsibility stupid no one’s allowed in my room I bet you’ve been touching my toys too you’re so mean don’t expect any more help from me Mikey

He beat me up for it I’m so hurt nobody loves me in this family why do I even live here hey JJ don’t bother me watching TV oh that’s it I’m getting out of this stupid house I hate every single person who lives here it’s time to pack

Up all my supplies and find a new home I have one Diamond that’s enough for a while I also have a broken old toy well that’s enough for me to live on my own better than living in a family where no one loves you now that’s a really cool

Movie moment hey JJ give me a foot massage now massage yourself I’m not your son anymore you’re a freak well friends what can I do now write about it in the comments I’m a free and independent man now goodbye my unloved family I hope I never see you again uh

Yeah let’s go a few moments later here’s your store that’ll be one Diamond wow I have just the diamond for that now I have my own personal store not bad nice doing business with you JJ you too buddy it’s time to make the coolest juice

Store in town come on come on JJ work Carter he’s so good he’s starting his own business from scratch I’d just be too lazy to do it all hi friends as you can see I’m a businessman now I have my own personal store where I sell the most

Delicious juices and here’s my store it’s really cool huh before I bought this store it was so dirty and dusty but I fixed it up and cleaned it up I put all my money in here here now I will hope that my juices will be bought and

If they don’t I will be in big trouble I have carrot watermelon and apple juices they are all sorted into these trunks in my opinion these are the best selling juices in the world and of course I’m just selling water very tasty healthy and refreshing water now I’ve got to get

Some customers hey people come and buy the most delicious juice in the world watermelon juice is the best carrot juice is the healthiest apple juice is the coolest I’m so thirsty for plain water hey don’t go away I’ve got cold water for sale what really some new

Store opened up here it just opened buy my water isn’t it poisoned no look at this wow you are so awesome drinking that water I want to buy it from you of course here you go buddy but it costs money wait if I like it I’ll pay you

What but that’s not fair hey pay first M oh yeah it’s really very refreshing water pay your money water isn’t free man okay here’s the money thanks for the water wow a diamond for a bottle of water that’s kind of a lot I have more yummy juices in different flavors I can

Sell you those too H give me some more watermelon juice I haven’t drunk watermelon juice in a while huh okay buddy I give you my word these juices taste great well I’ll Trust you get that juice over here now here you go drink this it’s an unforgettable feeling isn’t

It how’s that did you like it dude this is the most delicious juice ever I’m glad to hear that here’s your money you’ve earned it I really enjoyed it come again I still have plenty of juice left bye-bye I’ll always be here what a good customer he left me a whole Diamond

I’ve already paid off this store my store has finally started making me real money I’m going to be a real rich man very soon and here’s my favorite toy I fixed it by the way it’s the only thing that comforts me at night I’ll keep all

My money in this chest let’s see how much I’ll earn in the near future I’ll try to earn as much as I can later Mikey do you want us to buy you a couple pounds of can Cy uh no I want some burgers that’s a good idea let’s go to

McDonald’s open up police oh my God police what are they doing here Mom I’m scared maybe they’ll take us to jail stop panicking we didn’t do anything wrong I’ll talk to them and they’ll go away well okay let’s talk nobody move hands up you’re surrounded don’t make any sudden movements there’s so many

Police here it’s not like we’ve even committed a crime turn around you stupid child uh okay they’re unarmed okay everybody get over here now oh what’s going on you have committed the worst crime in our country you didn’t pay your taxes do people go to jail for little

Things like that are you serious officer for such a small thing you come here and point your guns at us you mean for a small thing you can go to jail for life for that kind of thing um and if we pay these taxes now will you leave us you

Have too much tax debt but if you give me a lot of money now I won’t touch you we’ll just take your house as compensation what where do you think we’re going to live I don’t want to be homeless but okay I have no choice take

These diamonds and don’t send us to jail ha I love money much much much later oh my God I have so many visitors and they all want my juice Hey where’s your juices quickly pour me the best stuff wow that’s a lot of diamonds don’t be afraid there’s enough juice for everyone

Drink don’t choke on it more more juice get me some juice quick I’ll pay any money okay okay 1 second haahaha that’s so cool more give me more juice I can’t live without your juice here you go who wants more juice I want to for my first

I’ll pay you in diamonds juice me first anything for your money sir I’ll pour you the best juice hey what’s taking so long for my order I only have two hands don’t worry no one here will be left without my specialty juice JJ your juice is just Divine nectar I can’t live

Without your juice well that’s good to hear from you I’m going to go count my money I have recently become much richer than I was on my first day of work just look at how many diamonds and money I have in my chest looks like I’m the

Richest man in this town I like it hey Dad stop drinking beer we’re hungry JJ we don’t have any money for food and what do we do I don’t want to drink beer we need to find a way to get money and food do you remember when JJ

Used to live with us uh well yeah then he left home maybe he can help us now we used to bully him all the time I don’t think he wants to help us now yes we did a very bad thing to him but we have no other options we live in a terrible

House and we are starving I don’t want to just sit there with an empty stomach I’d go and apologize to him first yeah Mikey’s right at least we won’t lose anything by going to him okay let’s go we’ll use his money I don’t feel any

Guilt at all it’s good to be back in my super duper cool house after A Hard Day’s Work think about it I bought such an expensive house by selling some juices that’s so cool you guys go into business too you won’t be disappointed now let me show you my rich house from

The inside this is my hallway with marble columns very expensive by the way that’s my kitchen in there and there’s my couch with the most expensive TV in the world uh-oh who’s here to see me I wasn’t expecting any guests today hello son oh no bye-bye I don’t even want to

See them now this TV is awesome in general oh my God stop ringing my doorbell what do you want get out of here JJ please forgive us for bullying you in the past we’re so sorry we also have nothing to eat and we don’t have a proper house oh my God you’re such

Beggars and you smell like you’ve been Scavenging all right I’ll let you stay with me for a while thank you my son come to my home I’ll show off my rich house okay here we go I bought this whole house for $300 million because I’m very rich and you’re not ha oh wow

You’re really cool JJ so we didn’t have to bully you out of the house for nothing if you say that again you’re out of the house and this is my billiard table I like to roll my own balls in my spare time and here’s the chill out Zone

You can relax after playing with my balls can you please not talk about your balls anymore I’m in charge of this house you will listen to what I say okay we already know you’re the boss you’re right father and this is the second chill out area but with the most

Expensive TV in the world you better buy a beer for real beer is for losers like you Dad and this is my kitchen now my mom’s going to make me hamburgers every day wow this is such a big kitchen I would love to make hamburgers for our

Whole family hey I’ve got another second floor later you can admire my super cool kitchen JJ is so good he made so much money I’m proud of you son shut up already you’re starting to piss me off come here all of you and what are you

Doing here there’s a dining area in the kitchen I prepare food and here I eat it those are some funny looking fish oh my God Mikey’s really still a kid come on I’ll show you my second floor there’s all sorts of other expensive and groovy stuff come this way this is where I

Usually wash my butt this is the bathroom this is fun I’d like to take a bath here I’ll consider whether or not to let you bathe here now get out of my bath this is where my gym is located I take care of myself and work out three

Times a week nah nah nah see what a great boxer I am oh my god dad stop embarrassing yourself this is my private room this is so much better than the storage closet I used to live in at your house what’s this this is my closest

Friend in the world my toy tiger and that’s my mega awesome pool right there outside the window you have such a cool computer can I play games on it no of course not I forbid you from ever coming in here again hey I already apologized

For my bad behavior in the past okay I forgive you but you can still play there for a little bit and this is where my barbecue area is this is where I relax and grill meat with my guests I love fried Meat and Sausage so much and who

Doesn’t love them hey that’s my pool right there JJ we are so sorry for the way we acted with you back then please forgive us we’re so ashamed okay I forgive you all you’re my family you can live in this house as long as you want

Oh that’s great now I’m going to live in this house and swim in this pool every day I’m so lucky bull bull bull bull bull hey Mikey you can swim can’t you absolutely and then you stuck me in a cage over a lake of lava it wasn’t very

Cool you’re kidding I couldn’t do that Mikey and I have been watching cartoons for 15 hours Mikey aren’t you tired of watching cartoons for so long yeah JJ I could watch them forever why don’t we change the TV to another Channel that’s a great idea maybe there will be other

Cartoons instead of SpongeBob oh it’s not a cartoon it’s a show in the woods JJ let’s see we’ve never seen anything but cartoons okay but then we’ll look for normal cartoons all right hey everybody this is the Bear Grills show today we’ll be surviving in a Boral Pine Forest and

Today I’m going to teach you everything will I survive in the woods or not we’ll find out at the end of the episode the first thing you do in the woods is light a fire fire will keep you warm boil water and scare away the animals around

You you can light the fire with a lighter or matches it’s not that hard to do tadam the bonfire is ready if you know how to start a fire you become the coolest Survivor in the woods you can be be proud of yourself a bonfire will always help you every home should have

Its own fire don’t you have your own fire yet so what are you waiting for Mikey we need our own fire I want to be as cool as this Bear Grills yeah he’s really cool you need a fire like this in the woods so we’re going to make a

Bonfire yeah let’s do it we don’t want to go to the woods we can make it at home yes we survive in the city just a little fire everyone survives in the woods and we’ll be Urban survivors okay let’s go build our fire do you have

Matches for the fire no matches but I have a lighter wow that’s awesome where are you going to make the fire you’re not going to burn down our house are you what’s the big deal we’ll have time to put it out I think it’s a good idea this

Is a bad idea Mikey oops it’s late there’s our bonfire just like you wanted JJ no I didn’t mean it like that put it out our parents will scold Us JJ we’re surviving in our house surviving what we’re going to burn put out the fire quickly oh my God what’s going on what

Do I do moments later Mikey you idiot why did you burn down our house we could have had a bonfire in our yard and nothing would have burned it was your idea no it wasn’t my idea I didn’t want to burn down our house we couldn’t survive in an urban environment what’s

Survival got to do with it our parents would kill us for all this yeah Mom and Dad wouldn’t be happy to see their house on fire are you just now starting to think about the consequences are you out of your mind Mikey well I’m sorry about all that I set that fire without

Thinking I’m so sorry what am I going to tell my mom now Mikey calm down they’ll punish me very badly where are we going to live now I’m scared JJ we’ll have to confess to our parents that it was just the two of us oh our parents are already

Here oh my God what are we going to tell them kids what happened to our house why is the house on fire what happened who set it on fire don’t swear we’ll explain everything to you care to explain did you both do it I’m very angry it’s all

JJ he set the house on fire he saw a survival show in the woods and wanted to make a fire what how could you do that JJ you’re so dumb JJ you can’t play with fire indoors I didn’t do it it was Mikey he’s putting the blame on his brother

It’s horrible JJ I don’t want to see you around here again yeah get out of here now get out of here JJ you ruined our house you can’t even admit it I’m sorry I didn’t do this Mikey you’re going to have your own room now you’ll live

Without your brother and he’ll be living on the street he’s so stupid we hate him so much why is it always such a problem with me I didn’t do anything did I did they take Mikey’s word for it I’m so hurt are you still here get out of here

I don’t want to see you get out before you set something else on fire but I didn’t set the house on fire Mikey did that’s not fair what am I supposed to do now my family disowned me I’m alone on the street again is there no one to help

Me oh my God maybe in the dump I can make my own house friends please support me with likes under this video it’ll make me feel so much better 4 to 6 days later oh my God sleeping in this stinking tent is so uncomfortable it’s

So cold and dirty in here friends I hope you’re not playing with fire it’s not a toy write about it in the comments living in a dumpster isn’t easy I’m running out of food and the Rats around me scare me oh the parents are out there with Mikey where are they going they

Look so happy I see a box in my mom’s hands what is it a gift a present for Mikey he burned down your house and you’re giving him presents when I eat off the garbage cans he gets gifts and kisses and love it makes me sad to see

That thank you for the gift I love you both very much and they hardly ever gave me gifts even before the fire do you guys like presents what kind of gifts would you like to receive at least I have my viewers it’s the most valuable

Thing I have but I’d like to go back to my family I wonder what they’re going to do now Mikey let’s get you on the swing it’s so much fun to play with our favorite son yeah Mikey get on the swing and I’ll swing you it’ll be fun okay I’d

Love to oh that’s great mom dad I love you I feel so good with you guys apparently they don’t even miss me I’m even jealous of that TV so I was really redundant in the family all right then if they don’t need me I don’t need them

If they don’t love me then so be it I’ve got better things to do I’m out of food I need to start begging people for money or food otherwise I’m starving everyone needs food not some stupid bonfire I hope this box will help me at least

That’s what I’ve seen in the movies now we just have to wait 2 hours later guys I have some very bad news nobody let me eat my stomach’s rumbling a lot he wants to eat too and it’s getting evening there will be fewer and fewer passers by

By on the street looks like I’m going to be without food tonight oh is that Mom coming maybe she’ll have food you is that you JJ you live in a dumpster you stink you’re disgusting how could you set fire to your own house you’re so stupid I didn’t set the house on fire

You’re the one who stinks not me is this your trash is there food in there just dirty leftovers from the table you’re awful I hate you I hate to see you outside our house if you set fire to anything again I’m calling the police I didn’t set fire to anything you stupid

Woman you’re all stupid stupid family I hate you all too and now we’re going to have a nutritious dinner from what’s left at their house that’s how you survive in the city thank you for that at least it’s so nice to sit in front of a computer all day you don’t have to

Share it with any brother I’ll be installing all the games now but I wonder how JJ is doing my mom said he was living in a dumpster I miss him a little bit already still it was fun to play together besides he’s my brother he’s not responsible for the arson but

He’s the one who got beat up it’s my fault he’s living in a dumpster right now it’s always my fault and he’s trying to save me and understand me I should check on him oh my God he looks so lonely and pathetic and Sullen I have to

Help him why didn’t I help him beforehand when I put all the blame on him I’m so stupid Hey somebody get some food I’m really hungry if I bring him home my parents will beat me up too there’s no way they want him back in the

Family but I have to do something it’s already night time outside and it can be chilly at this time he could get sick out here I need to hurry up oh hello again everyone I have good news I learned how to catch rats and eat them

Alive it doesn’t taste good but I won’t go hungry this note hasn’t helped me once yet JJ please forgive me for lying to my parents I’m so embarrassed I’m the reason you’re here asking passers by for help thanks for the apology Mikey but you can’t put them on bread it’s not

Going to solve my problems it’s really hard to find food in a dumpster but I’m surviving it’s just like that TV show no no JJ it’s not right you don’t have to live in a dumpster you’re my brother come home I’ll feed you and keep you warm Mikey are you crazy my parents

Kicked me out on the street they won’t let me live in their house again that’s too bad but I can sneak you in unnoticed secretly while they’re busy we’ll go to the second floor and I’ll put put you in the pantry they don’t go in there at all

In the pantry you say hey that’s a good idea I’ll take it let’s go oh that’s awesome let’s go just be very quiet they can’t see you otherwise they’ll kick me out too okay okay we’re like two Ninjas I’m the stealthy one going on a secret

Mission at night this is so cool I love ninja cartoons remember when we used to watch them all day long it was fun Mikey don’t get distracted we have an important Mission okay okay okay you just keep your head down so you make less noise with your shoes anyway I’m

Telling my boss he’s a complete idiot don’t make a sound JJ and then I got demoted it’s a shame oh darling that’s all right you didn’t have to say it to his face yeah I didn’t think of that now I have a smaller salary and we’ll be

Poorer JJ get up here quick before they see you okay I’m going up they didn’t seem to see me all right uh-huh go upstairs and sit in the pantry and I’ll come and see you soon well they didn’t seem to see us hey Mikey what are you

Doing home so late are you okay oh man looks like we got a problem uh hi Dad hi Mom I’m good I just wasn’t looking at my watch uh I’m sorry okay don’t stay out late like that again okay Mom I won’t go out like this again all right son you

Can go to your room brush your teeth and go to bed okay Dad whatever you say good night love you good night Mikey woo I think I’m fine they didn’t suspect a thing I got them talking Mikey that was close they almost saw us yeah but they didn’t notice that’s cool and here’s

Your closet this is where you’re going to sleep and hide from your parents well it’s certainly not my spacious room but it’ll do thank you Mikey you’re welcome JJ you’re my brother again I’m sorry I messed you up with your parents Mikey I forgave you a long time ago it’s okay

Good night to you you’re the reason I won’t be sleeping in a garbage can with rats in my arms good night JJ sweet dreams to you good night Mikey well things just keep getting better and better friends outdoor survival is smoothly transitioning into Pantry survival my TV show is cooler the next

Day oh this is so good sleeping on a warm bed in a cozy house that’s what happiness is all about of course I was nicer in my room but thanks for that now I got to wake up Mikey hey Mikey wake up anyway I tell him at school get out of

Here hurry up get away and the teacher ran out of class in fear wow Mikey you’re a brave kid you’re just like me oh my God I almost got caught I shouldn’t let my parents see me honey did you hear the sound from the pantry yes I heard everything perfectly what’s

Going on in there uh maybe it’s the mice in there screaming let’s not open it mice we need to see oh my God JJ what are you doing here we told you not to be here get out of here now okay okay I’m going to go now we hate you so much are

You going to set the place on fire again get out now stop that’s your son don’t kick him out it’s not his fault whose fault is that yeah Mikey you’re the one who said it was JJ who set the house on fire it’s his fault yeah that’s what I

Said and I lied I set the house house on fire so you wouldn’t scold me I didn’t want to end up in a dumpster like JJ oh my god did Mikey do it oh okay we forgive you then JJ you can live here again yes we forgive you you can sleep

On your bed and in your room again do you forgive me I’m the one who should forgive you you should be on your knees apologizing to me well we’re sorry we kicked you out on the street are you happy now don’t yell at your mother you’re still our son okay mind your own

Business we don’t care if he lives here or not it’s good to have a full family again I don’t care at all you know okay thank you for welcoming me into your home I hope we don’t fight again yeah thanks for not scolding me yeah I love

You Mikey it’s a good thing I didn’t get punished at all and you can live with me again everything worked out perfectly how come you didn’t get punished and I got kicked out of the house I’m just the favorite kid in the family but most importantly I love you like a brother

Now we have a shared computer in our room again JJ I’ll always help you out in tough situations no matter what happens I’ll be on your side oh Mikey I really appreciate it thank you for everything you’re the best brother ever oh JJ you’re the best brother I’ve ever

Had too oh that’s so nice to hear what a terrible day I’m so tired I’m so cold I’m so hungry oh I mustn’t give up I must survive but why is fate so cruel to me it’s been raining for so long not only are my feet wet my pants are wet if

I don’t find a place to keep warm I’m afraid my feet will go to the next World before I do but where am I going to find a warm place now uh this can’t be happening am I lucky oh my God thank God for giving me hope there’s a fire so I

Can warm myself soaked pants in peace they’re soaked from the rain aren’t they uh well it doesn’t matter speaking of important hi everybody my name is JJ and as you can see I’m in a very bad place right now I have to survive at all costs because I want

To oh it’s so warm in here hm wow the weather’s getting better I already felt like this downpour would never end uh I’m very hungry so I’m going to try my luck and beg for food maybe someone can help me in my predicament oh and how

Nice that I was able to make a little box for passers by to put food in for me oh my God it looks great this is going to work I’m brimming with confidence that it’s going to work hm uh but so far I don’t see anyone around I’ll sit and

Wait it must be rare for people to pass by here well I’m willing to wait as long as it takes 2 hours later ah of course I said I’d wait a long time but this is too long I’m going to starve to death oh my food box is still empty at this rate

My stomach will never be full H oh oh it’s a villager where would I sell that leather hello hi don’t pass by my Misfortune help me I’m very hungry oh sure beggar I’ll help you I’ll be happy with any food you give me please stray dogs only bones for dinner uh what’s

This a bone what were you hoping for you’re a beggar I don’t have time or money for you how can you be so mean I can’t eat a bone have fun being a beggar oh my God what was that why is he so angry I just wanted to eat I don’t

Believe it hm are all people like that my car Goes Vroom Vroom uh oh and some people are much luckier than me oh H still I can’t get past such a hopeless situation oh what hi hi my name is Mikey my name is JJ it’s a pleasure to meet

You uh what’s your problem I’m very hungry I don’t have any money you don’t have any food at all also some passer by gave me just a bone and called me a beggar dog what a nightmare can you help me please oh uh I’ll have to think about

It I won’t be indebted to you if you help me please hm interesting interesting I really will do anything you want just ask me to do it your situation is really serious so I’ll help you really come on oh you can do one thing for me uh what exactly am I

Supposed to do follow me don’t be afraid this is a simple task for you uh okay so we’re in the right place uh why are we here you’ve got to entertain me out of boredom for that diamond wait what Diamond yes it’s one diamond oh my God I

Can eat whatever I want all day long only trouble is that diamond fell deep into the trash uh Mikey why did you do that huh it’s your job was a beggar to find this dirty diamond in this filthy trash wow Mikey and don’t call me by my first name it’s disgusting but Mikey

Have fun digging in the garbage beggar I see he’s just as evil as that villager hm but I know there’s a diamond here I have to find it it’s not here and it’s not here either oh my God where’s that diamond ew oh I could do it I found the

Diamond but what did it cost me jeez I saw things I’d never want to see again in my life Mikey’s an incredibly cruel guy if he’s going to mess with me like that I don’t hold a grudge but it’s very unpleasant the next day ah yesterday I

Was able to eat properly but today I’m hungry again I can’t go on like this forever but I don’t know what to do I will definitely think of something I just have to endure this difficult moment in my life I have to survive I’ll be asking for help from passers by until

I find a solution to my Hunger problem vro oh it’s Mikey I wish he wasn’t here anymore hey still starving why did you come here you want to mock me huh you’re such a popper I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t believe a word you say

Oh I was going to apologize and actually give you a chance to earn some food but if you don’t want to I’m not taking you for a ride in my nice car you want to go for a ride with me in this cool car and I won’t give you some more diamonds to

Eat you wanted it sorry ah okay I agreed but please let’s not make fun of me it’s not very nice okay okay yay this is going to be so much fun where are we going don’t worry I found the coolest place for both you and me wow that

Sounds awesome come on sit down and hold on tight wow I can’t believe what’s happening we’re going for a Joy Ride uh ah why are you yelling you started picking up speed so abruptly I was a little scared huh I drive like that all the time so I’m fine with it cool oh

Here’s that cool place I was talking about earlier uh okay well your assignment is going to be pretty simple tell me more about my assignment you’ll have to clean up some stuff for me uh but Mikey it’s not just stuff it’s garbage that won’t be a problem because

You were born to do this kind of work right what do you mean huh look you just have to clean up this obscure Brown horrible smelling puddle oh my God what if I don’t want to there’s no such word as don’t want there’s the word must you

Want food so work for food uh but how do I do that no ah ew oh my God e Mikey W oh my God you’re right where you’re supposed to be you beggar Pig did you really think I’d help someone like you yeah you’re a dreamer huh what do you

Know who you are interesting interesting you’re I’m who you’re just an insufferable and Wealthy guy and you’re the kind of guy who can’t have any real friends I don’t care you’ll regret what you said no one can live long without comrad around oh what a nightmare he

Managed to trick me and humiliate me again hey aren’t you sick of this Injustice oh my God it’s the skib wizard I have one offer for you you can’t refuse let’s talk no no I can figure out my own problems he’s a dangerous criminal I’ve got to run I must survive

I must survive stop and listen to me I can switch you and that green rich guy back and forth your life will improve and you can get your revenge oh I’d really like to switch places with Mikey please perform a miracle Mr Wizard Oh Mr Wizard uh where am I I don’t look like I’m in the skibby Wizard’s Lair wow there’s a TV in here uh and so much cool stuff if this isn’t his lair then where am I oh that’s right that wizard said he was going to switch us with Mikey this

Must be his computer cool in a previous life I would never have had the opportunity to get a computer like this wow the views are beautiful wow he had his own pool and his house is so huge I’m shocked I’d probably be spoiled too if I had that many amenities viewers

Would you start humiliating others because they are poorer than you yes or no write in the comments oh this room is so cool uh JJ oh you’re awake already yeah great how’d you sleep you were screaming strangely so I came to check on you uh I slept fine but who are you

This is the first time I’ve seen you oh JJ you’re having another nightmare wait what I’m your dad and your mom’s waiting for us oh my god so let’s not keep her waiting and let’s go downstairs hurry up hurry up wow is this real I have parents

You all have no idea how happy I am to have a family JJ me and your mom will have to leave for work by now so you’ll have to be home alone for a while uh yeah okay no problem come on breakfast is waiting for you uh okay honey I

Brought him finally I was beginning to worry uh good morning yeah good morning JJ you’ve been sleeping a lot lately so let’s make a pack that you’ll be sitting at your computer less tonight uh and since we’re coming in a little late today here’s some pocket money so you

Won’t miss us we’ll give you more money tomorrow so don’t be shy and spend as much as you want oh my God cool thank you so much it’s time for us to go darling let’s go uh what am I supposed to do while you’re gone maybe do some

House cleaning or dishes huh JJ we have a robot vacuum cleaner and a dishwasher just play and have fun you don’t have any other tasks really yeah bye-bye oh JJ we’re really in a hurry uh okay we’re going to miss you so much bye have a

Good day at work both of you I’ll look forward to seeing you at home bye bye bye wow my parents are so great I used to live all alone but now I have a family that loves me how great is that now I have the wonderful life I could

Only dream of what should I be doing right now oh that’s the car Mikey used to drive this car but where is he now H I just have to check out the place where I used to live if Mikey and I switch lives he’s going through a very bad time

I need to get there and see it all in person wow I love being behind the wheel of this car so much and I’ve already driven so fast to the very village where I used to live uh Mikey oh huh oh it’s really you well I’m not going past him

I’ve got a lot to say to him let us see who he has become and who I am now hey you uh you remember me huh are you ignoring me oh I’m sorry I’m starving I can’t think straight stranger could you give me some food you really don’t

Remember me at all do you oh okay well where are your parents I’ve been living alone for years I don’t have parents oh now this shelter made of newspapers is my home that doesn’t look very cozy yeah don’t you think it’s not cozy at all you

Have a campfire cool but it’s warm at least I won’t die of cold but of hunger no I’m not going to let that happen I’ll help you you can have a full meal whenever you want no one has ever been so kind to me yeah I know how you feel

I’ll do anything you ask you just say the word and I’ll do it you’ll do anything I say sure I gave you my word oh what and you’re so good to me I can’t break my word let’s be friends Mikey stop what are you serious yeah holy

Mother’s spaghetti wait what of course I want to be your friend but wouldn’t I be a burden to you of course not how can my friend be a burden to me o my name’s JJ what’s yours my name is Mikey it’s a pleasure to meet you JJ nice to meet you

Too finally I won’t be alone yay cool and this is Mikey my little brother hey everybody I’m not much younger than you by the way it doesn’t matter let’s go watch cartoons at our house cartoons again but we’ve seen them a thousand times we’ll watch it for the thousand

And first time what else do we do besides cartoons I don’t know maybe do homework read books do something useful you’re such a joker JJ yeah read books what kind of stupid idea is that hey Mom hi we’re home and where are you hiding I don’t know maybe she’s busy with

Something mom where do you go your kids are home meet us wo kids hi I’m making dinner for the whole family I totally missed you guys I’m just really hungry let’s go find out when lunch is how are you doing Mom we’re so hungry please feed us oh kids don’t worry dinner will

Be ready soon now we should wait for Daddy to come home from work then we’ll all eat together it smells so good in my Mom’s Kitchen I want to eat right now yeah JJ our mom always always makes really good food oh what flattering compliments from you don’t worry father

Will be here any minute why would we wait for this Dad let’s eat right now no we have to wait for our favorite daddy he’ll come home drunk again no our dad is very good he stopped drinking a long time ago hey family I’m home meet your

Father ha is he drunk again ouch I fell on the floor quickly ran over to me and picked me up what is he drunk again we have to help him quickly oh my God no way I don’t like it anymore JJ what are we supposed to do with him he’s drunk

Let him lie here and we’ll go eat but it’s cold on the floor we should put him on the couch I think he’s feeling pretty good right now no he’s very sick why did he drink again because I got fired from my job you stupid woman you don’t know

Anything about life and why you were fired from your job because you can’t drink on the job what a stupid rule oh my God how are we supposed to live now it’s going to be fine you’re whining again you stupid woman I’m going to punch you in the face so you’ll calm

Down hey Dad you better calm down honey don’t yell what now shut your mouth you don’t understand me you’re all so stupid Oh my god daddy got drunk and Rowdy again what about you you think I’m a drunk don’t you do you want to get

Punched in the face too no no no we don’t want that it’s okay Dad okay I got fired that’s not okay at all get over here JJ run away from him stop right there you stupid little kids Mikey run faster otherwise he’ll beat us like he

Beat our mom you stop right now JJ he’s so slow when he’s drunk stupid drunk we’ll notify the police Mikey only the sheriff can save us I think our dad is going to jail for hitting our mom I hope so too hitting people is generally prohibited by law I

Don’t want to be friends with our dad anymore and where is the sheriff sitting here who will help us I do not know we need to knock on all the doors maybe he’s sitting in that office I’m guessing that I don’t know and what should we

Tell him our dad got drunk again send him to jail that’s what you’ll say the sheriff open the door we have a problem it looks like it’s open JJ hello Sheriff help us hello children what’s WR wrong again an army of scabi toilets invaded your house again no our drunken father

Hit our mother what a horror is she okay no she’s unconscious that’s a terrible thing to do let’s hurry back to your house I have to arrest your dad right now you work fast of course we’re the police our father is very dangerous is he dangerous I’m the dangerous one I

Have a gun and handcuffs and I have every right to shoot anyone I want oh that sounds too serious so let’s go to your father stop wasting time yeah JJ let’s go let’s show our daddy that drinking too much alcohol is bad come quickly children your mom’s in danger

Yeah he’s right let’s go Mikey 2 hours later and this is our house dad’s probably asleep right now after a drunken binge okay I got it let’s go and arrest him kids stay away from me there might be a shootout wow so our dad doesn’t have a gun that’s not the point

I just want to shoot shooting him is not a bad idea are you ready kids yes Captain sounds like you like to watch SpongeBob too wow our Sheriff watches cartoons too hey darling please forgive me I’m sorry for this it won’t happen again oh oh my God my mom has such a big

Black eye what’s going on here arrest him right now that Dad stung our mom a couple hours ago I’m going to cuff him and put him in jail that’s what’s needed I’m sorry there’s been a misunderstanding what what is he talking about right now don’t arrest my husband

I’ve already forgiven him he won’t do it again did our mom forgive him he was beating our mom how can you forgive that so I came here for nothing it goes like this I’m sorry sheriff it won’t happen again you have my word okay I forgive

Him thank you Sheriff you’re going to be okay okay kids if Daddy fights again call me I’ll be here to help you okay thank you for your help and remember fighting in the family is against the law good luck with your family life goodbye Sheriff thank you for joining us

Too bad he didn’t shoot dad what are you doing have you all lost your minds how dare you complain to a policeman about me you’ll regret it how long has it been since you’ve been hit with a belt what you said you wouldn’t fight you gave

Your word dad stop did you call the police you idiot no I didn’t no you’ll know how to cross my path stupid woman you promised you would wouldn’t fight oh my God mom’s unconscious again I’m going to punch you too no oh my God that really hurt where did I wake up that’s

Our basement under the house looks like Daddy hit Mikey too get up Mikey we got to get out of here looks like he locked the basement from the outside wake up already uh what where I am right now our daddy put us in this basement we’re

Hostages now he threw our mom in here too what a bad father he is I hate him oh my God Mom wake up we have to get out of here oh what my whole face hurts I’m so sick you already have two black eyes he punched you in the face again hitting

Women isn’t cool you know I should have listened to that policeman I should have put dad in jail yeah Mom you shouldn’t have trusted our Dad how are we supposed to get out of this basement I don’t want to live here all my life we don’t even

Have the tools to open that door and run to the police station I’m getting scared what if daddy beats us again and he can do it he’s got a lot of alcohol left in the bottle oh my God I don’t like this hey family how are you guys doing are

Are you comfortable comfortable until you got here oh my God he’s come to beat us up again take cover take it easy Dad we’re not going anywhere now you will sit here you don’t love me I will make you love me with Force stupidest idea

Ever you know let us out please get away from me now you’ll stay here as long as I want you to haa you’re all stupid and don’t understand anything why do you need us all you want is booze the police will find us sooner or later is he going

Upstairs okay you can talk all you want in here there’s no way you’re getting out of here I’ve got to go get another VOD only a bottle makes me happy these days bye-bye losers what we’re the losers we’re just small and we can’t fight back we need to see if he closed

The door after him come on Mom try to open the door maybe he forgot to put the lock on no JJ he closed that door solid we can’t just open it we have to find another way out of here Mom think of something you’re an adult yeah all the

Adults are smart except for our dad our dad’s an idiot there’s always tools in the basement that’s what we’ll use a shovel we’re going to dig a tunnel from here yes we’re going to get out of here that way here’s a smart person’s thought we’ll dig a tunnel and go to the police

Yeah then the sheriff’s going to put our daddy in jail stop talking let’s start digging there’s a reason we live in the world of Minecraft any block can be broken wow and I thought adults didn’t play Minecraft JJ every single person on this planet plays Minecraft it’s the

Best game ever don’t talk nonsense okay here we have already dug down to the surface it’s time to get out of here we were finally able to get out of Daddy’s trap it’s all because of our smart Mom oh thank you so much kids now we need to

Call a cop to come to us yes except the phone is at home we’ll call him quietly and discreetly are you sure our dad won’t notice us we’ll quietly see if he’s asleep now that’s a good idea mom what if he wakes up he’ll beat us up

Again if he wakes up we’ll run in different directions he can’t catch us all okay just don’t scream JJ who’s yelling oh my god did he fall asleep what a drunk that’s good for us so I can yell all I want and no one is stopping

Us from making a call to the police what happened to the phone it’s not working why isn’t it working oh my God he cut the wires to the phone what do we do he’s going to wake up soon we don’t have a second phone at home we’ll have to go

To the police ourselves we don’t have any other options oh how did you get out of the basement you want me to beat you again you’re so stubborn hey husband calm down the police are on their way here you’re lying you couldn’t have called them I cut all the wires in the

House hey take it easy don’t touch the kids they’re my kids I can beat them as much as I want and I’ll beat you too you filthy drunk oh my God kids run away from here I’ll hold him off what did you say nah take that oh my God Mom are you

Okay now it’s your turn Mikey we got to run run stop right there you’ll regret this oh my God stay away from me Mikey run he’s behind you you know where I’m going to put that bottle I don’t want to know let’s get away from him I’m going

To put you on that bottle oh my God that’s got to hurt Mikey close the door behind you open the door quickly we’re not opening that door for him we got to figure out a way to get out of here we have to come up with a trap for our dad

What do you mean what kind of trap I don’t know we should find something heavy and hang it over the door would an anvil work I’ve got one in my chest Anvil sounds great we’ll hang it here and it’ll fall right on Daddy’s head yeah that’s a great plan now it’s our

Turn to punch him in the face he he he he Mikey you and me we’re such pranksters how those kids piss me off I should have put them in an orphanage I hate my family oh my God we turn this lever and then the Anvil Falls right on

His head this is going to be so much fun we just have to wait for him to finally break down that door and he’s so angry I can hear him threatening me from here oh he’s going to break the door down I’m going to get you kids nah here’s Johnny

That’s where you’re hiding from me this is going to hurt you so much Mikey pull the lever now hurry up he’s going to beat us okay okay okay don’t yell at me what is that over my head surprise baby how about that you old Dr drunk our plan was perfect Mikey

We’re two little Geniuses we were able to beat such a big strong adult yeah the Anvil punch is much harder than the daddy punch I agree with you he’s still out serves him right he’ll know how to raise his hand on the week by the way

Where’s our mom oh my God our mom’s passed out on the first floor too we need to help her oh my God we totally forgot about her what kind of day is today our house has turned into a fight club what do we do JJ she’s still not

Awake mom wake up daddy will be back soon we have to go oh what is Daddy coming back no way where is he by the way shh Mom calm down we knocked it out in our Nursery our Anvil trap hit him in the head oh my God that must really hurt

But that’s what he needs he totally deserved it I want to see it come with me I wouldn’t go back there he might wake up and start hitting us again even though he’s got such a heavy anvil on him I don’t think he’ll be able to get

Up nice work guys he won’t be waking up anytime soon now we should call the police to arrest rest him and we’ll never meet him again yeah I don’t want a dad like that hello what’s going on here uh the Anvil fell by itself yes it was

Hanging there and fell on him by accident and my dad also beat us up and locked us in the basement please arrest him yes he beat us a second time he lied to you Sheriff JJ is completely correct Okie I’m arresting him I’m arresting a man who’s ready to go where was the

Anvil the ceiling is that where you always kept it yes it was always hanging there it was hanging there for a pretty interior okay I believe you don’t worry you’ll never see your daddy again cool thank you kids can you take a walk outside we need to talk to the sheriff

This won’t take long let’s go for a walk JJ there’s some grown-up stuff that adults need to talk about I found some diamonds while playing Minecraft can you believe it let’s not distract them this is a very important conversation yeah I’m so glad it ended well I thought we

Were going to be in that basement forever no one’s going to beat us up now yes life begins with a clean SL ah another beautiful day in my life it’s good to be rich I’m the richest and coolest kid in the world I have interesting toys my own room a TV with

My favorite cartoons and of course I have an awesome expensive computer I don’t know how much it costs though I was just told it was expensive huh but it doesn’t matter at all I also want to ask my parents for a PlayStation 5 let’s buy it please honey we don’t have to buy

This but why because uh hey JJ hi you came just in time your mom made breakfast I did my best for all of us cool I hope there will be pancakes sit down at the table and enjoy your meal thanks Mom anyway we can’t afford to buy

It because you’re offering too cheap an option but I thought it was a great option for our son and I think we should buy something bigger and more expensive what could be more expensive than a private helicopter private jet um if you’re interested and I’d love a PlayStation 5 huh we totally forgot

About JJ’s opinion mom and I thought about getting you a gift oh really but you decided good for you honey it’s time to go to work okay let’s go oh we have plenty of money already why are you you both even working JJ there’s no such

Thing as too much money and money tends to run out here you go it’s for your expenses have fun and JJ we’re going to get you a helicopter and an airplane after all oh my God we have a lot of money buy whatever you want cool there

Are so many things I want to buy I’m going out on the town honey we have to go to work time is money yes let’s go quickly oh today I’m going to buy myself in game console and eat fast food and drive around just one condition JJ you

Have to be home by tonight okay Dad no problem we’re very worried about you you don’t have any more restrictions mom put lunch in the fridge there’s mashed potatoes and cutlets all right we got to go JJ have a great day okay thank you uh

Call us if you need to give more money bye okay bye-bye hope you both are having a good day too and have a good day at work it’s nice to live in a rich family and I’ll soon have my own airplane and helicopter awesome I have

The best family and life in the world I’m going to drive around town and throw money around because I can afford it and if I run out of money I can ask for lots and lots more oh I certainly don’t have the coolest car but that’s good enough

For me for now let’s go because even with a car like this I can go wherever I want whenever I want that’s rich freedom and the best part for me is that there’s never a dull moment I always have something to keep me busy oh my stomach can’t even Rumble anymore I haven’t

Eaten in a week I’m so hungry how did I Mikey get so unlucky in life I’m poor I have no family at all and all I can do is beg for food and money from passers by I wish a miracle would happen I’m so tired of living like this I would just

Be given the opportunity to get out of this poverty and I would be immensely Grateful by now but there are no good people in the world 2 hours later hm except when I’m alone because I have no friends uh but I don’t need friends after all why do I need friends when I

Have lots and lots of money money is my friend I’m so hungry uh no no no no I just can’t pass in a situation like this I just got to have fun apparently I’m going to starve to death hey hi what’s your name uh hi my name is Mikey and my

Name is JJ what’s up JJ I don’t have any money for food please help me I won’t stay in your debt I’ll do my best oh that sounds interesting where’s your house funny that’s my house how what it’s just a bunch of paper well that’s

How I live my life Mikey I’ve made my decision I’m going to help you I would really appreciate it as I can barely feel my stomach anymore I’ll give you one diamond is that true yes of course yay I knew there were miracles in life I can finally eat properly thank you

Kindly JJ give me that please but first you have to do something for me uh what do you need come on it won’t be that hard for someone like you I’m sure Mikey don’t you want the diamond no I won’t rant I’ll do whatever you want cool

Here’s a look it’s pretty simple you’ll have to do what you normally do well if it’s a task I can handle I’m all for it give me the Diamond nah I’m not just going to give it to you huh now it’s all in place uh JJ wait why’d you do that

Dig through the trash beggar did you really think I wanted to help you funny and your tears won’t help you beggar and I believed you huh how silly you are that stupid boy really thought I’d help him he’s a beggar what good is he huh no

Use oh that was a lot of fun I’m starving myself so I’m going to go out and get something good to eat I’m going to eat my fill of junk food yay JJ why are you so bad uh JJ ah he’s already gone I don’t want to go through

The garbage but I’m afraid this is my last chance for survival I’d like to buy something useful with this diamond so I have no choice e who threw away a moldy tomato ew I stepped in it I found it that’s the diamond that’s right this

Offering will pay off for me and I have a great idea what I’m going to buy with that diamond I’m going to open my own lemonade stand and make my first money success the next day hello again everyone I decided to take another ride around my town I’m thinking of buying

Myself a couple of new Rolexes come on over and buy some lemonade from miky’s a cold delicious and refreshing drink at a low price what is that Mikey he was living in a dumpster yesterday that can’t be lemonade buy lemonade just what you need in hot weather oh hey JJ hey

Mikey where’ you get the money for your lemonade stand you opened it all for one Diamond no I’ve been saving for a long time to start my own small business you’re a homeless beggar you couldn’t save up you must have stolen money from someone okay never mind pour me your

Lemonade quickly oh you want some of my lemonade that’ll be 10 diamonds buddy what 10 diamonds for your stinking dirty lemonade from the dump I’d rather drink from a puddle than from you if you don’t want it don’t buy it look how many diamonds I have 64 of them I’d rather

Burn them than buy your disgusting lemonade don’t you have anything better to do don’t do it I’ll do it that’s it those diamonds could have been yours but now they’re gone why did you do that you know I don’t have much money and you burned it because I’ve been trolling you

You’re ridiculous you’re a popper you stink get out you’ll scare away all my clients with your pranking you won’t have any customers I should really get back to my business in my sports car goodbye loser it was really funny making fun of a lowlife like Mikey how dare he

Not sell me his lemonade but I don’t care about him maybe he’s right I have no clients at all nobody wants my lemonade I probably shouldn’t have opened the shop so to today I have to sell my slime for 15 emeralds oh what’s this lemonade I’ve never drunk lemonade

Before that’s worth a drink hey buddy could you pour me some of your lemonade I’d really like to try this unusual beverage never sold it and don’t know what it tastes like what you want to buy my lemonade it stinks and it doesn’t taste good a previous customer said some

Really nasty things about this shop I’m disappointed in everything no one needs lemonade buddy you’re wrong I want to buy your lemonade never give up and never give in if you don’t succeed right away now if you could pour me a cup of that drink don’t give up you’re the

First person who ever believed in me thank you lemonade yes now I’ll pour you the freshest most delicious lemonade I have you know I like you I could sell you lemonade at a discount if you came to my place more often okay buddy 6 months later here I am again one of the

Richest men in this town I’m out for a walk in my high-powered car should I get some coffee no I don’t want to oh there’s a new bank here I think I should go inside I want to put my money in it it’s not cool to keep everything in cash

I wonder who’s rich enough to open a whole bank I wouldn’t mind meeting a rich guy like that so I walk up to him and I knock him out oh you’re a cool guy hello I want to go to your bank let me in wait wait not so fast do you have any

Money we don’t let poor people in here yeah if there’s no money get out oh I don’t have any money I have diamonds 64 Grand look I’m a rich guy can I go in now yeah I think you’re rich enough for our bank you can come in now sorry to

Bother you okay remember me I’m the richest man here and you’re just the servants okay now I need to find the owner of this bank here I should make an interest bearing deposit I’m sure he knows all the smart words maybe he’s in the Vault counting his money right now

Oh is that a new visitor to my bank what JJ what are you doing here Mikey wow you’ve gotten so rich in the last 6 months you started your own bank when you started in a dumpster yeah JJ it’s my bank and my money did they tear down

That stand you’re such a loser and it’s not your money I bet you work here as a janitor you were in the vault to mop the floors and you’re still funny okay first of all this is my bank second of all you’re terrible you’re not welcome here

And three you’re about to get kicked out by my guards what you wouldn’t dare guys come here we’re here boss you called us yeah why’d you let him in here because he has money you’re wrong this man is on The Blacklist what blacklisted yeah get

Him out of here I don’t want to see him around here again okay come here man now we’re going to kick you out no you don’t you wouldn’t dare I’m rich I’ll have my revenge don’t ever come here again loser head in the mud nobody wants your money

If you’re acting like an idiot yeah you’re a complete idiot for coming here you’re right Chief he’s a complete idiot nasty horrible rude JJ yes yes he’s very rude and he’s also very nasty I’ve noticed that me too oh my God my head hurts so bad those two guards beat me up

Pretty bad H you got off easy we could have knocked you unconscious get out of here you’re not allowed in all right then I’ll find another bank where my money’s safe you two losers you know I’ve been beaten over the head pretty badly I think I was mean to Mikey I want

To apologize to him but they won’t let me in the bank anymore I’ll have to wait until closing time I hope Mikey forgives Me 3 hours later I’ve been waiting here for Mikey for so long my legs and my back are stiff I’m not used to apologizing to anyone but right about

Now that bank is closing Mikey has to go home and my parents are already waiting for me at home oh there’s Mikey he’s locking up his bank it’s a good time to go to him it was a good day hey Mikey Mikey stop let’s talk I want to talk to

You about something JJ what do you want to talk to me about I was rude to you at the bank today yeah that was rude Mikey I’m so sorry I’ve been acting really bad this whole time insulting you humiliating you I’m so ashamed I won’t

Do it again I’m sorry Mikey oh I didn’t expect you to say that JJ I forgive you can we be friends again like we used to be don’t fight and live PE peacefully yes of course that’s a great idea then let’s go out tomorrow it’s been so long

Since we’ve seen each other and talked like real friends yes of course I’d love to walk with you oh that’s great and now it’s too late I have to go home I think you should too yeah I got to go home too see you tomorrow Mikey bye-bye JJ see

You tomorrow my friend goodbye Mikey and you friends put your likes on this video subscribe on our channel do you know how to put up with your friends write about it in the comments we love all of you very much Oh

This video, titled ‘TV WOMAN SAVED POOR JJ’S LIFE! BEFORE or AFTER JJ and MIKEY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-01-10 19:55:47. It has garnered 120551 views and 2933 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:11 or 4031 seconds.

Today, JJ was left without his parents and was very hungry! JJ, an orphan, found a tent at a dumpster and decided to stay there. A pregnant TV WOMAN noticed JJ’s baby and decided to feed him. After a while JJ grew up and decided to visit TV WOMAN, but she died and left the baby to MIKEY! BEFORE or AFTER JJ and MIKEY – Family Sad Story

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel –

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #titan #tvwoman #speakerwoman #babyjjandmikey #baby

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    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** 📸 Socials ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Testing CRAZY NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by KYLEBIRK MC on 2024-05-28 15:30:06. It has garnered 609 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. In today’s video, I decided to hop in to Minecraft 1.21 to test whether or not any current duplication glitches work in that version. And, to my surprise, the result was not what I was expecting… If you enjoyed this, please consider clicking the SUBSCRIBE button. I’ve got many more tutorials in the works, and you won’t want to miss them!… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥

    🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft PVP Legacy’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-16 18:56:28. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:56 or 2876 seconds. Playing Minecraft Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival,… Read More

  • Snowee’s Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!

    Snowee's Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-03-31 16:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft! Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend … Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌

    Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘¡El Verdadero Tamaño del Universo! 😮🌌’, was uploaded by Papelitoyt35 on 2024-02-28 15:00:26. It has garnered 396793 views and 18202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. #shorts #curiousdata #universe #minecraft #reaction #reaction #universe Read More