Two4 – Minecraft Anarchy Stream #1

Video Information

Time to livestream a you want last year yeah I’m just gonna livestream cuz might as well what she has done nice well I’m I’m streaming crowd how did you get to the main salon way mean I went I went through the at portal and I’m in the nexus area right now you like

Slash hub or something I don’t know I just tied in that PvP a but you drowned you drown yourself uh-huh okay so whoever may be watching or streaming on mine Texas Anarchy down mine dick which is a [ __ ] server because it’s got it got a hub and [ __ ] but other than that

It’s a it seems to be a very promising and is it’s a good one and a lot of people who play on TV obviously play on this as well yeah I just wish I had a BT a name instead of mine Texas because he tells someone hey let’s go play online

Text and they’re like what the [ __ ] yeah but other than that offended oh gee how do I get you in Turkey I don’t know actually I’ve melody I’m stuck in the Nexus area yeah yeah in 1.12 yeah Oh find the portal and then just walk in

Oh I just did /a anarchy okay um I am on the yeah yes we’re cops yeah I’m um I’m on the highway that I said earlier and I’m uh I’d say roughly a thousand out oh then I’ll see you soon oh where are you I am

At mm or Ellis I’m gonna start walking back uh I have to tie for cookies so I’m maybe two cookies are we on the same level yeah okay I won’t tell you which highway come on okay well I’m actually closing in on 1600 right now so cookies aren’t

The best food in Minecraft I had to say so yeah I’m eighteen hundred ringing okay well then I’ll be there in about 30 seconds although I’m not sprinting out a message for my friends in this mine Texas group them in Decca we and and our yes I’m just going to delete that

Strange because it’s good okay straining Perish streaming hey boss yeah oh my boy take two cookies oh thank you so much hold on let me let me rename the stream real quick okay I’m just gonna create in it all right Queen calypso is also on she is a friend so we

Need to go I don’t I don’t want to say ‘i’m chords actually because well just I’m going to just keep the chords to myself but I do have equal words to the place that we love oh you can just follow me can we check it out our our private chat

Where you study the chords okay hello you know I don’t have to do I know okay a spirit Fox where are you we can do /spawn it does take you back this fall and that’s the only command that teleports you in this okay dude he’s

Really close then so we don’t have to do that duck hairy saturation 0 announced really carefully omens hunger Oh should be coming up just now yeah it’s really close oh I’m going to reload real quick because I’m a lag okay yeah you can go under is Keck would you chickens

Apparently whenever I look lagging Sue’s very pet all right let’s move on se is um hey Surya I just wish him a little bit as soon as we hit another another portal we should stop and try to get some wood and tools and kill some kill some mobs tear food all right

It was voila well uh can you guys wait for like 30 seconds hmm because I need to mess with something cuz my I’m having issues here imagine if to be had I understand if we can get food that’s a again sir okay anyone who’s watching can join us as

Long as they 1.12 an anarchy got mine texas calm hill your one-stop shop the TV tt clothes pretty much okay and it didn’t fix anything perfect just what I needed great flag like that guy anyway sure it will fix later they’re just clothes that I don’t fix all I pro okay great okay

Okay all right there is um okay there’s a problem when closing that against the sleeping pine what de Isis leave me behind oh no I think he left us behind because I just left okay very nice here um let’s wait here for smooth yeah I’ll be a all beat

Hopefully coming back Sunaina but I tell you my friends that I have two friends in the store a few but the main ones are it’s easy on right now grievously 4 4 4 5 5 4 and Queen what set of 14 they are people who I become friends with and

They’re gonna want to talk to you both probably by a private messaging you just do not get your friends to the line and that you can kind of pretty think I’m gay soon okay Do not let him know you’re kissing the screen channel this this Zoey’s Dre that we’re buddies right let’s go uh anyway so um this is Britney Highway I wish they had it this well maintained on to be because then you wouldn’t you’d probably be able to do that pig hack for

A really long time so I was just checking a chat um so they’re pretty far out it shouldn’t take us too long to get to their their pyramid vase thing but um if you guys get private message it’s the same with them for beat so it’ll be like

Purple text make sure you check that look like you’re going to auto no not important how to walk something good okay yes solar yeah hey okay Oh spirit boxes wait hi an otter walk on so kind of hard to stop it is the back button and I imagine spirit Fox is getting

Messaged by um grizzly he’s my friend so don’t uh I don’t mess with or anything last time guys I got a new a dis living room service family man you should do it that worked alright spirit Fox was he messaging you did you make a good impression

Hopefully you did can you crack perhaps twice would don’t worry that there should be one see if we get to another portal oh my yep in a way out okay do I crouch twice if he if it was grizzly who was messaging you okay good

Did he like you did did he approve can you crouch okay good good alright so he’s probably messaging rs-24 right now and if so hopefully he’ll approve of him as well and hopefully then he’ll give me the chords so we can start heading to his

Face I dunno it’s on we’re on the right Highway but I don’t know how far we’re supposed to go I think we still a little bit of a ways to go I know we’re not going to overshoot it look there’s some more wood here well here hi Bob

Lambert laughs I’m gonna die yeah I died I might as well run to you guys to you all right yeah we work too far I’ll sprint run sprint to you guys hopefully my saturation will go down too quickly Oh God Auto split please help me it’s

David I know my art I can’t hear rs-24 right now I know if he’s talking or if you just turn off his mic but um you um and I gotta go in a minute my parents here you do the dishes just tell me is Chester the head is something good

I need something good good only Sunday nothing good maybe this chat I’m gonna go into the set another coil here and hopefully there was something good how he just gave me the bass chords chords it I’ll do this perfect you you okay use the beatty board summer good

Jam yeah put them in the discord so we can get them root okay well I’m like just went away there for a little bit so that’s good alright it’s from the displaced I don’t show where you go to yeah when I rip it you guys I’m at big

Spot right now is the IP ending calm yeah okay good yeah is a anarchy mind Texas calm if anyone is spent nine people base and his face right now and he’s going to take the three of us so that he can help build is his base to be

The biggest one on mine Texas well that would mean that he’s about 12 and that’s one less than the entire population currently um currently there’s nobody on but his servers actually generally pretty packed yeah it’s never been full but it’s been closed before like sometime like yesterday I was playing

Like early in the morning and there was like 40 people on mmm how did you get that achievement we were you gotta I’m mining soon right now Oh with what because wooden pickaxe I went do another portal oh you don’t have to go too far away from spawn bolt to leave yeah

I gotta check the chords here see what the deal is with those okay that’s uh that’s actually that’s over overworld coordinates right yeah okay so that’s like audience ten minute walk yeah that’s not far at all okay ah I uh need other portals currently oh

Yeah that I can I can actually make sure I think you might have said it’s a bummer those worms actually masking in game well if it was 50 km if it was 50 K another that would do ya any more words if those aren’t other chords we’re going out really far

Cuz our base overworld okay yes mana for them okay yeah I’m just getting that full set of classroom tools before I hop back into the nether I’m gonna grab some food as well kill some animals okay hopefully Sun will spawn because these are beta chunks that we’re in by

Midnight now at least I’m pretty sure animals spawn in beta children’s possible I know they don’t spawn an alpha chunks or nay chunks animals don’t spawn like anymore yeah they just they get generated with the chunk looks like so all right there absolutely worse change ever if that’s

True that and pack animals don’t respond well animals don’t um spawn at night if it’s lit up oh yes that you said that used to happen if it was lit up the animals would spawn at night it’s nighttime right now perfect um that’s not good I’m going to find some food here trace

Odor um tell me that this is a there’s a highway underground here and let me see if there’s anything good in it it might be no I’m okay however the third is a melon Highway this or that probably is love melon Highway on any server thank you very

Much like there used to be on TV nope this is day one by one tunnel I might die I have four schools they are no food okay so if I go up this portal on Marty I think I’m already like halfway to the base yeah which you’re gonna get out there soon

Definitely I’d be the first one you get there no I think I’ll probably arrive first but oh well shift here please tell me it has good definite please tell me it’s good stuff we have to dig Deus another act to get there there might probably be a tunnel dug and lucky well

If they went through there there’s probably a tunnel 1:30 yeah it’s dungeon nothing here oh no I should probably suicide there’s no animals out here because these are faded chumps open your inventory please stop tutorial in me right now I swear I will delete this game so fast

Shh animals dry mouth not in taking some damage to your was in hunger I swear where’s where’s the button that I can turn off tutorials I swear I will delete this game so fast you did not even though I’m going to do I’m going to do justly kill my character here and go

Back to spawn doesn’t there’s no gluten and the what find any now you lost the portal race not really bit this come on one more out all to do a 3 a 3 block fall over you right no okay apparently those yeah okay um whoa this is new but

Is this cobble area all around it like big portal that is completely Mia co-actors – couple days but I said I said that does not look a beta stuff right there no we did here mean see school I think he’s nothing at Lisa um I need to get to

One of these another [ __ ] or ender chests I have stuff and then I believe and that’s a big drop but a lot of crap contagion something it look who’s on Garmin guardian oh my god you know Garmin’s my boy I love government he is awesome he’s been so friendly I heard he’s dangerous

Yo he’s been fun to me out of food it’s actually I had tons of food in here well food’s good perfect well I don’t know why I keep saying what when I say yo he doesn’t know who you are he knows who I am he’s always at my

Base on 4b where he was until he stopped playing motivating by yourself what I have a username I saw him on to be this morning all my channels turned into is a live stream I haven’t uploaded in twenty-fifty yeah pretty much never uploads on me only live streams near

We all will fetch live streams are good they are mine art your life streams are good if he were there because like I sent them to my friend Lee and she was laughing because she likes to laugh at my expense oh yeah choose she was asking why my

Voice sounds like I’ve been gay but my voice is worse though so I don’t know what that she’s talking about oh well let’s see only like three valves on the side I’m only like 2,000 blocks away from the destination is on you left okay I’m live behind you guys I’m going to

Another portal right now to go back to the overworld I’m gonna get some trees hopefully they’ll be some when I get through there are get some stone and cook up this food that I got here many ender chests but hundred and I’ll be able to make the journey though if I

Do not trust Garmin and do not let him come see this face because I don’t trust this guy and if anything happens these my friends Basil’s ever it will be bad they won’t trust me anymore probably coming out and killing me after I die because these guys are actually pretty

Pretty big on this there’s one the biggest groups and I’m surprised once you accept me probably because they know I’m technically a vet on to be yeah no I don’t identify as a veteran like the group if it has I should technically I’m of that but I don’t know I just don’t

Want to associate myself with any youtubers I’m services so there’s some people who you can just like fit I liked it that I don’t want to be a lot of people dislike fit I only say this as bad as rush sure because now he’s wall and making videos in theory yes he is

Yeah but he’s bringing generally more mature players to serve in my opinion B’s no I mean a little bit then again he doesn’t have nine million subscribers that’s true ah I don’t think like I like fit I like his videos but what he’s doing is the same as what Rogers doing yeah I

Think I get from what would hate it now to be honest oh he’s doing it if fit MC wasn’t an MC and fancy doing the server ball well further film see is the real fit MC yeah we saw him on 4b last night here we actually soft it on

There’s not [ __ ] you know not not fit soften em see what a fit MC and fit met and he’s mentioned a person you’d fit he’s minecraft memes gonna see that’s been truly people and so I was on I was on TV this morning and some guy called

Fit a [ __ ] in your ass was on so that’s I’m Anton fit was on it’s a few fits think everyone’s whenever someone types like if you on for be type TPA fit and then you hit it like tab yeah probably get a checked in checked true by

Somebody with it alright I’m cooking up seafood now so I can make that journey yeah I’m almost done with the journey with which were we’re making yeah will be shackled mmm tackled and shackled better than Captain Jack no I don’t know captain checked is just to tried and true a method

I need tell D auntie TPS is this live / GPS GPS yep TPS 19 yeah it’s good yeah we do yeah the teeth guess is always been really good on this server yeah but it’s pretty much to be to be but with good TPS it doesn’t okay I’d like a

Little bit of lag where every once in a while an item will come back to you but the TPS isn’t so bad that moms don’t spawn it’s not so bad that you can get killed by mobs because they freeze for a second next thing you know your dad dude

On 4b you get those skeletons and they have like semi-automatic sniper rifles yeah it doesn’t happen on here oh my back what just happened mmm diamond let’s see on diamonds whispered let’s see how much this server has changed him last year walked wait howdy how do you whisper /

Message / ms white but sir I’m I’m so confused no does Garmin whispered in gray Garmin okay guy – dude I’m really far behind whoops let them know that I had to stay behind to get food oh I’m so confused how do you what’s the difference between whispering

And messaging because he just messaged me in like a light gray he’s that you might have a special status on here for being on her so on that’s so weird but I know now he messages in pink but what you mean that servers like factions moving on so right now I’m on

Apparently my name just doesn’t show up okay let’s see I should be here yeah if you type it on none command since I know the commands don’t make me destroy you yeah oh good all right huh I started playing this server was when the rusher war was first

Starting on TV yeah that’s what Garmin said nice sees me long ago long ago in a distant land that means Garmin is a rusher he is probably well I mean would just a new player that came on because of Russia’s videos be a brush Cherie they don’t like

Russia or as videos they just thought like hey this is cool but screw you Russia I like what the vets are doing I am doing something on you well that means you’re still a rut if Russia brought you in a kind of solo rusher mmm because it’s rushers fault that you’re

On the server and even though you just one person you’re still contributing to them to the lag the queue and everything which is which is the downfall of to be the key is actually a good thing because before you would just this little just constantly be packed the fini happy like

Just server wasn’t the server was not packed before the server was when when the Russian work them started more yeah the queue is a good thing but if it didn’t have to be implemented would be better like when Russia got on at first like you’re like 10 people on there

Won’t be four people online Russia this demon yeah for like the first week their own like 10 to 20 people and at a time and now it’s there’s never like you click and then get in first try if you don’t have priority queue you see if I

Can let me see speed hacks look going to it I’m on my climb ok I should have arrived oh I actually overshot okay let’s go back you know what maybe timer timer usually works pretty well that is oh yeah I see the tunnel they dog to their cords yeah yep

I’m walking down it now it kind of works you gotta stop over a little bit and starts lagging you heard once it starts wishing you an item or you I don’t know should we dig or should we go with another well the tunnel ends and it’s

Just open another I don’t don’t go up another dig well I can’t really date no well I’m almost died in lava right there I don’t like this I’m gonna go back um now I’m losing lives if I go to timer and 11.5 maybe oh that I got a dig with would pick it

Works if I do well looks like I’m going to be egging a lot of blocks with a wooden pick yeah it doesn’t work I get it soon I’ll be there yeah once you once you get there do you know what the chords in the nether our ticket

Thing I know they’re an overworld well yeah just put them in a calculator and divide by 8 done I’m running right now [Applause] George 23 is also love would pick broke ah miss grandma calculator yeah we need to ended make a lot of wood picks three

Wooden picks we did he just post it oh yeah hey all right I got I got my three wooden picks that I can use to uh to mine I am a digger I will dig to the world border and now is there ginger boy on this is I bet oh maybe I’m an

Probably actually this one’s older than four be and people have been oh he is actually in for view of Tokyo of Tokyo I was off to be on here no it just sounds once it does make sense Autopia and then beyond the certain I’m dual wielding picks loss

They don’t make me dig faster though two picks is not better than one pick and I’ve already broken if you do we do wield a sword nothing roses nothing you can’t swing twice no I’m actually pretty awesome probably but it’s probably not F active you can dig about three blocks

Before your would pick brakes however oh if you wait for me I got oh man fast I got timer on and they don’t they also don’t kick you for cheating on the server I believe so you I talk to worry about getting bush countin oh man

Oh man oh my god oh my my my mm nothin okay I’ll be catching up with you cuz I’ve got got all my hunger back now I already spawn right now yep oh crap cue okay I’m just gonna spend yeah the server’s just a little bit older than 9

B apparently 9 B is a lot worse than this one though like in terms of destruction this is that destruction worse on 9b mmm-hmm it is stuff in that link so it’s 250 so let me get to 6 to 15 either can everyone’s watching this three mags no one can find out the

Chords this place I doubt they are in either way they don’t even know what access and they don’t know what the other axis is yeah so I mean we could tell them yeah it’s six to 15 other bit oh well can sprint jump Oh probably not best let

Them know that your screamer yet because they might not take too kindly to that no problem okay let’s see well that chest has been loaded what did I just start going on wait oh hell yeah what are your cords curtain ah mm method okay I’m I’m catching up yeah I’m

Glitching out it really sucks I wish that I could run if I actually do timer and do it just as fast as it goes in one – yeah all right don’t kick me hunger is broken grizzly left oh right uh you must be back or something he’s

Like oh I don’t know it’s a good spirit chest um let’s just go look up the TV check for be out now you come on walk plan listen and everyone play left 4 dead right now Almost a muscle dead – no do young really up today ok nice kiss and massive urge to play left on it you suddenly wants to play delivered fit MC is the real fit MC thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy Stream #1’, was uploaded by Two4 on 2017-06-15 23:12:39. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:18 or 2418 seconds.

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    Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global IdeologiesVideo Information Какая идеология самая сильнейшая в этом мире у нас есть демократизм фашизм анархизм коммунизм консерватизм либерализм монархизм Социализм синдикализм и у каждой идеологии по 1.000 человек и у каждого человека в своём государстве есть определённая качество отключим Восстание отключим голод и старость отключим природные катаклизмы и другие бедствия а также отключим все ненужные эпохи и Как видим уже каждая государство построила себе костёр и несколько домов ещё хочу сказать что каждая черта в каждом государстве даёт свои какие-то определённые качества и Как видим анархисты уже основали второе поселение например черта анархист даёт плюс два к военному делу плюс… Read More

  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

  • EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft Parody

    EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft ParodyVideo Information look JJ it’s a whole bunch of diamonds pick up your pickaxe and get to work we don’t have much time it’ll be night soon and the zombies will attack us yeah Mikey we found a whole mountain of diamonds and now we are extremely rich now you’re super rich all the villagers will be jealous of us do you think I can buy a whole box of carrots with one Diamond definitely with this vein of diamonds a new Village I hope the villagers won’t take all our diamonds away from us but we’ll be open to… Read More

  • Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant – 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug Gaming

    Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant - 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug GamingVideo Information ब हेलो हेलो हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम बैक टू द स्ट्रीम और आज फिर हम लोग मा नहीं खेल पाएंगे क्योंकि मा ही नहीं क्या करें हमा दो के सामने हम चिल्ला चिल्ला पर क्या करे बताओ [संगीत] थ सिपल तो आज खेलने वाले है या ने वाले है य अभी बस सा साइड हो जाए हमारे दोस्त पता नहीं क्या है या चलो य लोग बलोर ब कर रहे तो बता तुम लोग बता अलग से ता मा चल नहीं रहा आज पास होया नागे या फ ना चाहोगे गु जोर से आ रही है पर क्या बोल… Read More

  • Unveiling Lilyville’s Top Traitor RON9IE – Minecraft PvP Drama 😡

    Unveiling Lilyville's Top Traitor RON9IE - Minecraft PvP Drama 😡Video Information This video, titled ‘Revealing Biggest Traitor OF LILYVILLE gamerfleet pvp god RON9IE hacker 😡 Minecraft Live’, was uploaded by Happy Adi Gamer on 2024-01-14 06:52:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags :— gamerfleet live stream lilyville day 9 gamerfleet live stream herobrine smp gamerfleet stream lilyville lilyville new member … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RA

    Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RAVideo Information [Musik] kebanyakan malah hancur [Musik] semua [Musik] kebanyakan terus diapain Buset Kaget gua Anjing Lah iya kocak ini adalah orang-orang yang [Musik] tolong Gimana cara cancelnya [Musik] cancelnya I’m so sorry my friend foreign This video, titled ‘Hal Stupid yang Gw Lakuin di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-23 05:50:00. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Stupid Things I Do in Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play Minecraft games, brothers and sisters. Donation link: Link… Read More

  • Pixel Planet 21+ Bedrock SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist

    Pixel Planet Gaming: Future Server Join us at PPG in creating a new Minecraft world for the next big update! We aim to have a friendly SMP server with various gaming channels on Discord. Let’s work together to choose the seed, resource packs, and world name. Come join the fun and make new friends! Discord: shackfu Read More

  • Worldborne

    WorldborneWorldborne is a plugin based Nations server where you will join a group and try to rise to the top. Several nations have already been founded so far all with rich lore and really cool people. We also have the plugin for Simple Voice chat so that people can easily communicate. We offer a non-toxic community with an anticheat, as well as several moderation tools. Also unique to the server are custom Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – GAMERS, I GOT A THEORY

    Minecraft Memes - GAMERS, I GOT A THEORYGuys, I have a theory that if we keep upvoting this meme, we’ll all level up in our meme game! Read More

  • Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More!

    Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More! In the world of Roblox, we aim to win, With Death Ball battles, let the games begin. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers so keen, Crafting content that’s fresh and clean. Join us on YouTube, for gaming delight, Minecraft, BTD6, we play day and night. Our channel awaits, subscribe and see, The fun and excitement, for you and me. In the heat of the game, we fight and we spar, With uppercuts and gems, we raise the bar. Defeating opponents, with skill and with glee, In Roblox Death Ball, we’ll always be free. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Ronaldo’s Recipe for Minecraft Motivation

    Ronaldo's Recipe for Minecraft Motivation Why did Ronaldo go to Roblox for a recipe? Maybe he’s trying to cook up some motivation to score more goals! Or maybe he just wants to listen to some motivational music while playing Minecraft and Mobile Legends. Either way, he’s definitely got his meme game on point! Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire

    Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire Welcome to the Imperial Amphitheater Building the Underwater Kingdom Welcome to the Empires Mode server, a creative multiplayer server where builders can create their very own kingdom. Jake Kelton embarks on a new Minecraft Creative series to showcase the process of building a mega base Kingdom. Whether in a creative test world or survival mode, these videos aim to inspire and provide tips and tricks for creating your own incredible Kingdom. When starting on the server, Jake had to decide on the type of Kingdom to build. After considering options like a flying city and a city built into… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever found yourself craving a new and unique Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “The derpage will happen #shorts” by Music Free Gaming, you may have noticed the sense of community and… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost! Minecraft’s Easy Auto Kelp Farm: A Versatile Solution for Fuel, XP, and Food Looking to level up your Minecraft game with a reliable source of fuel, XP, and food? Look no further than an easy auto kelp farm! In this tutorial, players can learn how to construct a dried kelp farm that is perfect for Minecraft 1.20. This innovative farm features an automatic harvesting system that is seamlessly connected to a smelter, providing a hassle-free way to gather resources. The best part? This farm doesn’t rely on Zero-Tick technology, ensuring a stable setup without the fear of breaking or… Read More

  • Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling Mod

    Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling ModVideo Information but now not more goblins all right sure let’s put the Venom Fang on [Music] oh it does answer the question it does we can apply our poison to our magic or wait maybe it was just burning I think the rate I think the rate of those hits are literally yeah I think the r of those hits are from the poison thank you silver car for Prime thank you thank you come the T we’re just chilling out with some more goblins but you know just chilling out with some goblins just not a big deal… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted Realm

    Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Myth: haunted world’, was uploaded by TymaxgameHD on 2024-03-01 13:50:35. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. If you have scary myths or bedrock seeds/ video or photo footage from any Minecraft version, you can show it on my discord server and I’ll upload it on YouTube if you want that! (: My discord server: Copy the link and join (: Subscribe, like and commend if you want more! It’s a great support for me! Thank you Read More

  • 1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper Farm

    1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper FarmVideo Information welcome to 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft established in December 2010 2 b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos Reigns Supreme with no rules and No Boundaries players are free to explore build and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination prepare yourself for a journey like no other where danger lurks around every corner and Only the strongest most resourceful players can Thrive welcome to 2 b2t where history is written by those brave enough to venture into its unforgiving landscape I never slow up no I don’t take I… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!Video Information hey guys this is Karina and today welcome back to my channel and I’ll be playing some more Minecraft for you guys oh oh this is where we are okay okay we’re building our cherry oak house here should I continue working on this house H we got some oh yeah we got diamonds in the last episode we got three of them we got a ton of iron cute I’m going to make myself a little hat since I’m already making more iron so I can make a hat her I’m going to try and take down… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back guys to another stream today now we are here on Minecraft um on a new survival world called stream so pretty much I’m going to stream this world a lot and a lot um throughout the week um and also now I’m going to do a thing now where I let you guys choose a game on Fridays that I should play so it be pretty fun I want to finish the FNAF one that that is a tall mountain guys like um I will met I we do have cheats on… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon Ladders

    Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon LaddersVideo Information I found colorful ladders and so many characters in Minecraft hey guys it’s Zach here today let’s take a look at the new Rainbow staircases to different colors lots of different interesting portals at the end of them and the most interesting characters look I won’t even list them all there’s all sorts of minions and rainbow friends and ladybug and all sorts of good characters like lunk Angela and Jimmy netron anyway we’ll see it’s going to be interesting I think you should enjoy it I suggest we go probably all the way to the first one… Read More

  • Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!

    Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!Video Information well well well hello the KD is already here saying I’ll join after the Minecraft stuff maybe dot dot dot all right today we are playing agario instead of Chess okay because I tried to play Slither I tried this last stream and I tried it right before this stream and it turns out you can’t play Slither in Chrome apparently which is a crazy thing I don’t know why they haven’t fixed that but if I press play here doesn’t work so instead we’re playing agario okay which is a great game I imagine we’re probably not… Read More


    "💎UNLIMITED DIAMONDS IN FF WITH COMMAND BLOCK!🔥" #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNLIMITED DIAMOND WITH COMMAND BLOCK #viral #minecraft #technogamerz #gamerfleet #shorts’, was uploaded by OCTAPLAYZ FF on 2024-01-02 17:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraft

    Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraftVideo Information he [Music] he ow h [Music] yeah [Applause] oh that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] k [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft|’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-03-25 22:00:26. It has garnered 4086 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft… Read More

Two4 – Minecraft Anarchy Stream #1