Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Fishing Madness!

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome into the stream hope you’re having a good one how y’all doing everybody good it’s a good day I’m not late I’m right here what are you talking about late I am right here it is 12 12 z0 12 no stop showing random no now it says 12 one no it was 12 when I started it was 12 when I started uh triod with the first over on Twitch hello how you doing Sierra Christine how you doing pxr uh harded how are you Parker Lorenzo good to see you as well brain cells Ben solar louani how are you all doing everybody seconds late no no no no no no I have the entire 60 seconds in which it says I will start streaming to start streaming it that is margin of error that’s what I have that’s mine you don’t get to take that from me all right copy text paste nope P nope copy text copy text paste text we’re live it’s time for a perfectly normal Minecraft hard hardcore fishing stream publish yay ignore the man on screen no you shut it Sierra get off my account D thank you for the 100 bits it’s been a while it’s been a while uh since you’ve been to the stream can you tell I’ve been catching up on critical roll uh thank you very much for the 100 bits I really appreciate it thank you so much hello everybody Welcome in hope you’re having a wonderful day I’m so excited it’s going to be a good one I actually need to real quick reenable something uh before we can get started I had to turn off my live cam briefly CU I was testing something uh but I don’t need to do that so it’s working so I can just turn it back on so life is easy watching on both tabs let’s go yes looking good on you thank you I literally I went and I dropped the kids off at school and I came down cuz there was a lot to do today and I just sat down and I never even noticed that I took didn’t take my hat off until I went to go do the thumbnail for the video that just went live on Lagoon do go watch it after the stream it’s a lot of fun we play Battle golf I hate my friends uh but I’m like you know what it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine let’s just let’s just leave it on so yeah I’m doing good hello nuke hi buddy we should play golf sometimes that should be fun that would be fun also I’m so uh Argo first time spending money on YouTube b oh the streamer. bot’s not connected so it didn’t do the notification no hold on hold on hold on no thank you so much for the Australian 30 that’s very very kind of you I really appreciate it uh account connect now the now the alerts are working I’m so sorry that the alert didn’t go off but I appreciate it thank you I told you during a vault Hunter stream that I would never get anywhere and playing Minecraft while I started playing Minecraft uh world with sister you found diamonds nice that’s a good start uh that’s a perfectly good start it’s fine it’s perfectly normal we’re just going to fish right I’m working on I’m working on the next hardcore episode I am mostly done with it um I’m mostly done with it uh kayin I would say go check the um time to Vault stream which is an actually Vault Hunter stream right around the 12 minute Mark I talk about it more and I just don’t want to repeat it over and over if that helps but go check that out you can see it and you can see all my thoughts and then you can pop back and that’ll be fun ah byebye um that that’s that’s that’s too loud that music is too loud just fishing huh yes We’re Just Fishing right that’s it that’s all we’re going to do I’m stealing Chu’s [Laughter] [Music] thing uh let’s get in let me get D okay so I pinged on Discord I’ve sent the Tweet uh I sent a tweet hey hey you have my DMs on Discord if not hit me up uh boop boop replying to somebody on thing gone fishing so that was the other thing as soon as I realized I had the Hat on I’m like a this kind of looks like a fishing hat even though it’s a Star Wars hat I mean it’s very clearly a Star Wars hat um but I wor in the ocean and now it’s got this kind of like salt staining on it which looks very cool so I’m just going to leave it this way and I’m just going to leave it be like salt stained and battle worn and looking like my looking like my thing there’s nothing fishy going to happen except for the fish that we’re fishing that is a lot of fish fishing fishing fishing fish fishing fish fish [Music] uh Star Wars hat is honestly is now a honorary fishing hat nice okay so uh hardcore day this and that I don’t believe you that’s fine that’s fine okay we’re in z world everything should be working uh first to discover fish on the moon technically is pidb as go fishing thing with some twitch days with chose do one of his channel words just stealing back your thing from Chu maybe maybe okay so uh Argo with the a 31 uh with the a Boop $31 thank you so much I really appreciate that pod Goblin with the 100 bits and that’s everybody in the book we should be good is this for ultimate craft no this is this so okay here let me start eh let me start recording because this will be in the video this will be in the video so I have been working on a thing uh yes there’s the whole base uh Jasmine accidentally cut through a tower which is [Music] funny Jasmine sliced through one of the needles which is actually really hilarious I I’ve been logging in and out a lot to move her around to make sure she’s placed appropriately um Jasmine just sliced through one of the needles so that’s unfortunate but we’ll repair it later it’s fine she’s now now she’s over there for some reason like she’s been a bit everywhere I’ve done some small things like building out more of the Spiral towers and knowing where they’re all going to go Jasmine does as Jasmine wishes now you need to all promise to not spoil the next video right I thought it was a good design Trace that would have been funny yeah so I’ve been working on a little spot right I’ve been working on a little spot I have a little house that I’ve made I’ve just wanted to make a nice little space for us to fish so I made a little house right there’s a couple different tutorials that I combined to make this house I got the idea for dark prismarine and warpwood off of one of them and then I got a tiny little bit of detail work on the pier here and then I smushed the together and I did some other things there’s no interior yet right there’s no interior here there’s a little back porch that isn’t decorated so we still have to do a little bit of that and like I said no interior up here either and then the front porch That’s just chilling here right so there’s all of that that’s it that this is everything I’ve been building for this and I have been trying to fish up a mending book because my entire thought was what if I uh challenge green to see if I can have a better luck than he did that was it fishing so hot right now cuz I’ve gotten all sorts of comments on the one chunk video about how much it included fishing and how important that was to the story and every’s like fishing so cool so cool in the Minecraft YouTube space right now uh I’ve als Al installed a new mod to let me view my statistics better right so items uh fishing rod uh I’ve fished 1,710 times you can pin this to the HUD using this mod which is really nice so I fished over 1,700 times it’s just called better statistics it’s wonderful right uh there’s a cat here this is a cat the cat does not have a name the cat might end up being called Booker because that feels like a good name for a cat who’s supposed to live here you’re in your daughter love your videos thank you for creating thank you very much Lorenzo I really appreciate it call it catfish no Booker so uh this is everything I’ve caught as far as fish this is everything I’ve caught as far as bows I have two mending bows but I don’t have any mending books um this is boots oh yeah I had to move I had to move the Saddles over here and this block will make a lot of sense when you watch the video okay so don’t worry about this block it will make a lot more sense when you actually watch the video but just know that it’s there and then this is fishing rods and then this is books this is all the books I’ve collected so far right lots of efficiency Powers lots of looting lots of Unbreaking curs of Vanishing no books hi melon how you doing right and I also I I think I had oh yeah I had six pieces of kelp here that when I no oh shoot okay well I guess let’s do that and then I had kelp growing somewhere around here let’s check uh afternoon I’m doing good Joshua how about you dog dog oh that’s a good name let’s plant some kelp while we’re at it so that way more I mean I understand that there’s kelp over there love your videos watch them every day hope you don’t stop I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon let’s just plant kilp there ow oh yeah it’s respiration but it’s not permanent I forgot that we don’t have um what’s it called a conduit right here but we can make one cuz I have 25 nodas shells do I have any prismarine with me let’s make a conduit really quickly uh I do I could have sworn I brought a heart of the sea I did those are amateur numbers for fishing I’m working on it okay let’s make ourselves a conduit cuz I’ve wanted one for some time so there we go conduit where do we put it um do we put it do I hide it under here so it doesn’t mess with the Vibes of this place at all you think yeah let’s do that let’s let’s hide it under here actually do we hide it under here or do we make it interesting and put it out above the water keep it cozy hide it okay let’s hide it let’s hide it just to make it make it nice easy also we only need to do a tier one so that way it won’t attack anything either cuz we don’t want that so let’s just hide a conduit back in this space because we can right uh so one nope whoops wrong thing no great dolphin Massacre no conduit okay uh no get out Dolphin 2 three 4 5 2 3 4 five 2 three 4 five we can put that uh there that’s enough right does that activate or does it need does it need the top too does it need the top oh it’s the blocks that should activate yes that activates sick now enough open space you need another type of pris nope you don’t need the top and bottom you can do a conduit with with just um just this look like like it with how cheap prismarine is it never makes sense to only build the tier one right but you could basically have a tier one conduit just like this this is all you need for tier one conduit which is kind of weird right but with how how cheap prismarine is it doesn’t make sense to not just do it so let’s just do it really quickly and and have it be fully appropriate and then that can go there and then we need nope not not you uh that there as well look back do love this song uh and that is a top tier conduit there we go and while we’re I’m just going to place this gravel right here and this little bit of sand to cover up the gravel so that it actually looks kind of nice there we go perfect that feels good that feels good enough the gravel and dirt can stay back there different animation per tier of conduit that is true which is very cool I learned how everything about it already discovering how it already Works in Ni uh also I built a Wither Rose farm I built a with Roose farm for this video so we have a Wither Roose Farm in the end just a super um super powerful one nah I just upgraded it I’m sorry I just did the max tier so this is it uh I need to get like fishing rod uh Pottery shards and everything else and some other small stuff but that’s basically it did I miss anything I don’t think we missed anything I think we’re good so now nope not you yes we fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish name tag right away okay we have we’ve gotten quite a few name tags and everything else uh which is very fun yeah fish fish name the cat I’ll name the cat when we’re done I want the cat’s name to be I want the cat being named to be the end of the video right I want the cat being named to be the end of the video so I need to catch the book I need to catch the book before anything else I need to catch the book before name the cat mending no I mean we already have a mending base name in men well all the way back at spawn who is our villager who sells us both mending and Unbreaking three uh missed a fish I did not miss a fish no I didn’t it’s in my inventory what are you talking about you did no I didn’t where’s the hit box for the fish oh I missed fishing up a fish sorry I thought you meant you miss like I thought you were trying to tell me that I missed an item right you missed catching a fish well cuz I’m talking with you all you did when you looked away wait what that’s weird my mouse is disconnected Mouse my mouse is [Music] disconnected there we go Mouse is reconnected we’re good going to be a master Fisher and then this is it this is what we’re going to do it’s a chill stream we’re going to sit here we’re going to fish we’re going to relax we’re going to do our thing and we’re going to enjoy this cool build that I’ve built which is basically it was this song from three songs ago uh hold on to Cincinnati Cincinnati nope yes e so much useful fish from fishing yes uh you could also do exclamation mark playist somebody’s asking for the Discord exclamation mark Discord my friend that’ll tell you everything you need to do headed to sleep using the stream Miss Ambiance so have a great day no worries Argo thank you very much for tuning in have a great night I will see you some sometime soon hopefully Minecraft needs to give us sufficient boost I’m glad they finally said something about it it’s interesting oh fishing rod another mending Rod dang it this book here is messing with me so I need to like move it there so to the left of the fishing rod so it’s perfectly easy you got the Discord no worries thank you Ark I appreciate it you already got puffer fish I’ve gotten over two stacks of puffer fish harded we’ve had a lot I have at times tried to say that mending bows should count like mending books cuz they have mending on them and they start with b uh but I feel like if I did that people would be upset right uh I noticed your comment I just chose to not say anything about it cuz I don’t engage with that kind of stuff on my stream um on how to make water wall work I did it the other time on a wasn’t sure how the mechanic work until you there you go that’s fun it’s fun stuff right like I love it’s close enough if if I get to like over 2,000 I might just lose my mind and call it right do you like fishing IRL I’ve never been ah wait that might not be true if if I’ve been I went as a child and it is not something I remember was a very long time ago love the streams Jing your lunch bre thank you Jer this has been an exercise in patience because I have over 6 hours of footage of me standing right here oh I’m starting to lose my mind I’m not going to lie I’m starting to lose my [Laughter] mind every now and then I mixed it up and I went and I fished off the back of the house or I fish in that direction but I just exist to fish I exist to fish the ocean has claimed me I live in the ocean and now the ocean lives in my head uh I’ve been enchanting a whole bunch of stuff I’ve been working on you only have five levels where’s an Ender Chest here let’s grab one of my many many ender chests um put that there I’ve been enchanting these picks like getting all the perfect uh perfect pickaxes all done so we have excavation tools which will make our life easier in the in the future and I’ve been combining some books as well just getting like books ready for more enchants for everything else well that’s the whole the whole bit I wanted to make a hardcore episode to be like I challenged green into fishing no mending book yet which is the thing I’m trying to see if I can get one faster than green and did that’s that’s the whole point that’s the that’s the whole the whole thing of what I’ve been doing shoved into a lake by a sibling that’s unfortunate did another command you’re fine you’re fine whenever we getting a dredge play through okay so uh I tweeted about this last night but there are two there are two different car-based survival games that are either out right now or soon going to be coming out there’s uh what is it Pacific no what’s what’s the what’s the first one what’s the spooky one I can go look it up but I don’t want to right now but the spooky one uh carvas yes I tweeted about it yesterday there’s a a cozy one called outbound which is basically uh turning a VW van into like your whole house and then there’s another one called Pacific drive that’s what it is just gaming I kind of want to play both of these I I really kind of do because I feel like both of them would scratch different itches in my brain about like being able to make a video for it and everything else and I’m kind of excited to do it and I really want to the only thing is I’m trying to figure out is that’s probably dose video right so I’m thinking like do I just make a video of playing all of it and it’s just the highlights cuz if we’re going to do that what I’ll likely do is I will likely stream playing it on only twitch because YouTube have none of that but if I stream playing it on only twitch I still get to do it with you all and I can make a make a good video out of it for dose which is kind of my idea played by a couple other that upload uh big thing no worries split it up so I think I might do that like we stream it and then that’s videos that go on dose of like just breaking it up to maybe like two or three videos of just playing through all of the video exactly like the like RT game it’s funny that I I’m going to say this but despite the fact that RT is younger than me in a Content strategy type of way of how he was able to Pivot away from doing just one game to being able to do whatever the heck he wants and then really doing new and creative things and all sorts of stuff I would love for that to be my fate at some point in time in the future probably there will come a day where I don’t want to only do Minecraft I think even right now like I make videos in Minecraft I don’t know if I make Minecraft videos other than 100 days which are like the core tent pole things but I think you all know like I want to make more than just that so I don’t know I don’t know what to do oh I pulled that one too early 21 Pilots I have not listened to 21 pilots in a long time mil Hi how are you have to go find you on Twitch I’m lagundo everywhere I’m lagundo everywhere that’s the thing I don’t know if there would ever come a day because at the same time I also still want to do a lot of really cool stuff in Minecraft as well Stewart uh we should have a special thing for naming fish after people today s uh s w a RT with the sub for three months thank you so much start practicing your drifting skills yeah right any plans to try vintage story I don’t know what that one is there are so many games I would love to play right drives on uh drives on sale for only 33 more minutes uh ooh okay hold on let’s Steam I got I have to do this in a way that I don’t miss any fish this is the challenge right now ah I missed that one no okay make my steam window smaller so it fits on this screen I’m going to buy it I’m going to buy it I’m going to buy it right now store Pacific Pacific Drive oh my God I got to confirm my birthday steam you know I’m older than dirt 1st of September 1926 sure close enough Pacific Drive oh my God it’s making me do it again view page at to cart purchase for myself my PayPal account purchase no I agree yes I agree purchase Oh I missed a fish no cool it’s purchased I own it now now I have to play it now I have to play it uh there’s the PayPal notification did you mean to purchase this thing yes purchased so I’m going to play it and I think it’ll be F I missed four no oh I’m heartbroken absolutely [Music] devastating anytime I ask for content to watch you suggest me and the Dominion crew yeah I oh man like especially recent stuff but like y’all I don’t think I can put into words how excited I am for extraction I just bought Pacific drive all four remending don’t you dare Cobra no all right I don’t think I can put into words how excited I am for extraction it is such a big deal I I cannot put into words I am so excited for extraction I cannot wait uh my band is huge fan of worker thinking of putting out a song about your Multiverse story you have to tell me when it’s done that’s so cool no way that’s genuinely so sick if you’re thinking about doing that please tell me when it’s done like of course it’s just a story right like totally fine right you have to tell all of us when it’s done I cannot wait you have to tell oh yeah yeah we have to tell all of us yes of course that’s okay please do like that’s fine what’s extraction extraction is a pvpve server that I’ve been working on for like 6 months that I’ve done all the coding on all by myself and the building is being done in in like combination with the bakery which is they’re an amazing build team a lot of them are in one shot it’s a lot of people that you’ve seen on my streams that I’m working with to get it all done and I’ve commissioned this map at this point like it’s SE we’re several thousand if you don’t even count my time we’re several thousand into development to make this server that is going to be both a streamer YouTuber content creator event as well as a public server for you all to be able to play on and it is canon in the Multiverse Adventure so things you will find in there are part of the Multiverse backstory are part of multiple characters and it’s kind of what everything has been leading to for what book it’s kind of what everything has been leading to for everything that I wanted to do with the Multiverse for so long Argo thank you very much for the eight Australian I really appreciate with that okay book book all right everybody I just need you to chant book I just need you to enchant book just book book book book book book book I I my my camera [Music] [Laughter] disabled my camera disconnected just book book book book book book book book a no book that’s actually a good one though power four no scam scam scam scam scam that can go there but oh the bow has a punch on it we’re about to run out of we’re about to run out of bow storage oh I missed one uh Delight go watch my time to Vault stream uh from a few weeks back 12 minutes in you’ll have the full description and you don’t need to spam the same question over and over again seems weird but I Sky I have negative musical Talent I have oh did I wait speaking of book did I put I did not put Argo in the book again uh with the A8 Australian thank you so much again I really appreciate that’s very very kind of you um if you want to talk to musical people who have knowledge of the Multiverse talk to Sierra uh talk to Sierra Sierra made this song that’s playing right now Sierra made this song that’s playing right now Sierra also knows a lot about the Multiverse so he can probably helpes again but I saw a nominal say something I saw nuke said something my friends you know when when I have something that’s ready to show I’m going to I’m going to hit you up like you should [Music] know you should know my friends come on like I’m not gonna no no no no this isn’t one of those streams where it’s like you need no you need to be a cool person who makes cool stuff and I think both of you all qualify book book book book book [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what’s that okay I can update the thumbnail now uh I can update the thumbnail now because he’s finally connected boop boop thumbnail updated what who is this so many Phantoms a perfectly normal Minecraft hardcore stream what are you talking about join he didn’t connect hello hi hey how’s it going this isn’t super flat uh I I seem to have ended up in the wrong World somehow there you oh I bet you were in the house I’m like I was like you’re in there I recommend staying safe for a minute because yeah this is you can die in this one like for forever thankfully it’s about to be sunrise you’re probably fine hi M swamp hi buddy how’s it going welcome in okay come on I think you’re safe this this place is mostly safe you’re fine come on over here all right all right all right hi what’s up how you doing dude I love that we have the magic capes I I feel like brothers or it’s a Vibe good it’s so awesome having the matching capes dude cuz I feel like it means that we were in the same place in 2013 which was kind of wild we probably passed by each other you never know maybe we even passed each other maybe we even said hi to each other Poss you never know all right how old were you in 2013 oh God how long ago was that uh 11 years 11 years yeah 24 oh man I’m a baby I was 16 no I’m ancient no no no no no put that the other way around I’m old that’s fine okay so welcome to hardcore series 3 well uh for my viewers uh how long have you been going in this in this world here 1,239 days without ever sleeping dang dude that is I have a present for you too specifically if you look up in the top of that right so you can just keep you can just keep that well book is yours uh you could just we’ll we’ll deal with the book later but uh I didn’t give you any rockets and there’s a reason for it okay so grab that shulker oh is it the Zoomies too yeah okay I don’t how to do this I know you never get to do this so here I I my water my world is very aquatic that’s excellent for this okay so just don’t hit dude this is crazy wait Jam space bar to activate your wings you’ll fly who whoa yes wait now you know what you’re missing out on okay come on dude okay okay okay okay so I’ve got to I’ve got to like actually navigate with this I love how you have this Birch forest from the uh from the concept art yeah I built this oh God this is almost a year old at this point I built this all for my pink sheep where where’d you go I’m in the middle of the Birch Forest oh okay okay okay I see she I built this all for my pink sheep oh he’s so cute was is I’m assuming that’s a natural pink sheep yes no do not die pink sheep you do not breed pink sheep it’s just naturally spawning I have two in this world so yeah just got Dunkin Donut someone in my chat just got Dunkin Donuts I don’t know but I love Dunkin Donuts nice I’m new boy through through here come on follow me okay I’m following all right let’s go way so scatter brain dude that was like the craziest 20 minutes of my life I took the fastest shower I’ve ever taken we we ended the conversation of debugging this all right ready follow me this way oh oh oh yeah you got to be careful sorry cuz these things do hurt oh you’re so much better at it than me I’ve had more practice you can aim way higher than you think okay you can aim way higher than you think there you go oh okay all right I’m starting to get the hang of it yeah if you just follow these islands and follow me we’ll give you a quick little tour around before we get to the the fishing part where I called in for help my chat is wanting me to ask you about deep slay pyramids damn it dusk you knew you knew who it was every time every time I’m ever in a chat with anybody dusk will dusk will jump chats so excellent oh we’ve all got that one viewer yes we do I see a e in the middle of the ocean oh it’s a number it’s 33 oh 33 Okay I start I needed when I was mapping the area since 90% of it blue it required some numbers to figure out things got it got it okay guys in the Stream tell me how how does lagundo sound is the is the audio okay is the music too loud is legs too quiet okay hello hello mom swap viewers hello hello how are you doing wow this city is so cool hello hello welcome to leg lantis buddy leg lantis Yeah the lost city of leg lantis yes are you out front that um I’m coming to you I’m I’m almost here okay okay I’m like a little bit of lag so sometimes you jump around a little okay good to know it’s a little tricky but yeah this is my other pink sheep this is celebration they’re just chilling I’m going to live down there eventually okay they said music’s a little loud bump that down perfect oh here’s your pink sheep cation yeah and then I’m going to live down there eventually when I finish building more of the city God that’s a lot of Guardians well I mean look at this base it’s 90% pris Marine uh so it’s quite a bit so there’s all sorts of little puddles around that you can use to jump yourself oh that’s so cool right gosh here come say hi to Jasmine so I’ve devised a way I’m going to make a short about this very soon but if there if they fixed one small bug I would be able to get Trident in my super flat world really yeah and so I think I’m going to be campaigning for them to address this bug oh please that would be cool cuz these are fun they’re so fun basically so you know about the zombie reinforcements mechanic yes so right now in the game there are four types of zombie mobs there’s husks uh Ziller um uh drowned and Zombie zombified Pigman pigin um all four of those special zombie types right now when they call reinforcements they call regular zombies instead of reinforc ments of their own typee oh so if they called reinforcements of their own type you get to naturally spawning drowned and which have a chance of trident yep in theory one of them could have a trident so and this is on the mug Minecraft bug tracker as a uh confirmed bug oh I i’ support fixing that that sounds so useful to like everybody it’s low it’s a low priority bug but if we can get them to bump up the priority on that then you know everything could change you have a chance so uh how is this dragon dragon in the Overworld okay do you want to go see the one that’s stuck in the end um so you can here let we can go to the end uh I this is really fantastic here for by the way I love this like little Tiki Bar down here oh yeah we just built this is the last thing I built before vacation oh really it it’s so awesome yeah it’s just a tiny little thing it’s just a little spot that we can start like keeping little little things any treasure map I find from now on is going to live in there I just I I really enjoy how organic this whole area and the city flows like I I feel like on super flat it’s hard to do that sometimes because you don’t have existing terrain to sort of work off of no to be fair all of this was underwater yeah like it’s really it’s really cool like how you use the existing like slopes of the ocean floor to to like build up the terraforming make some natural stuff and like that little over I love this little spot over here like in front of the beach and across from it where where you just were there’s little underwater tunnels that connect them as well cuz it was all sunk in underwater there’s a little throne here too wait that’s so cool yeah you can just chill on the little underwater throne and there’s conduits you can breathe oh wait that’s so cool I’m like going back up for air I don’t even need to yeah there’s conduits so you can you can breathe you don’t even need to go but like all this is so well too what’s that is that also why I can see so well yeah okay yeah and then this empties out to like a a deep slate cave underneath but like there’s all of this little space and then it connects over to the beach through a little tunnel like just barely it’s like four or five blocks but it’s just barely under the water so you can get into the beach area and back and forth and everything the water is so nice and bright blue it’s beautiful I know I’m sorry is that a war ocean thing yep got it okay I think this is technically yeah lukewarm lukew middle yeah but yeah that’s Jasmine she lives in the Overworld we can go see her sister in the end which is uh if you head the direction of those spruce trees spruce trees I’m in the center fountain with all the gold I’m going to oh just up the street okay I see you I see you oh ow my god I’ve never had to navigate anybody around here here let me here one quick detour first let me let me go over the back in towards the ocean Monument on the left hand side okay here’s what I mean when I say that this world is very aquatic whoa no you w hitting it’s like all ocean and remember all of this land here was manufactured you got oops all ocean yeah I did it’s it there’s a massive ring of ocean on all sides and then there’s only like four or five quick Islands right here and I’m slowly like populating all of them which is really cool God it so this is where we spawned in I remember that’s where we started yeah and then you can see there’s your numbers there’s the numbers from trying to figure out which map was which what is this dude oh I can show you well I can’t exactly show you let me let me explain Adam thank you for the $2 oh for the $5 I appreciate it yeah so fly yeah out just straight out the entrance my chat’s complaining that I’m not reading their chats but it’s like excuse me I’m talking sorry y’all I’m distracting him I see your chats I just I’m not going to read them as much as usual we’re having a conversation here sorry I’m keeping his attention I apologize it’s funny they get so jealous man oh they’re like that that jealous you’re still pretty chat you’re still pretty the jealous spouse you know like uh what what am I tripping out is that black concrete what am I seeing here okay yeah it’s just black concrete it was like really messing with my eyeballs cuz the cuz the glow from the sides which is weird Okay so over this way still more this way okay so what you saw was my old and portal build and I say old I’m waiting for you to get over here I’m yeah I’m so sorry I’m like way slower than you at this no it’s fine you shoot up at like a 60° angle and then as soon as your altitude pitch down and you’ll catch a lot more momentum right what am I seeing what is this uh this is the crater of my old end build okay I didn’t like it anymore so I blew it up got it that’s why it looks so crazy yes and now I’m going to I’m going to do something different but I I I kind of blew it up uh we don’t need to go down here we can go over here oh oh okay hold on before we do that MOG it’s raining uhh okay just go just go just look up go whoa oh it’s it works like in the rain and it Stacks oh dude wo I just went so high up you can clear several thousand blocks in a few minutes this is awesome in a few seconds actually like I really want to try it you can get from my base leg lantis to spawn in about 3 seconds flat dude that’s amazing it is very nice and I’m very spoiled with it but yeah my my water is all aquatic but yeah check the like chat stop spamming read chat you there’s such there’s such little jealous little freaks all right where are you you went South so you’re lost potentially I am just like so high in the sky I don’t even know where I am I’m trying to make it back to like lantis uh 2K uh 2K neg 1500 is what you’re looking for to get to the end portal to get to me okay 2K -500 we’re on our way okay [Music] cool oh my God I miss so much who this person what’s happening yeah you didn’t get to introduce yourself to my chat oh yeah I guess I didn’t um hi I’m M swamp I play super flat which is why I’m like freaking out over very mundane things that that everybody has in their world um oh 2K sorry I’m like trying to navigate is it in this jungle there’s a jungle right next to it okay I’m in the jungle turn around slightly it’s like 18800 I think 1800 I I I round round it up a little to try to get you close you see the lights I play super flat I I uh I make a lot of shorts you guys may have seen my shorts from time to time uh that’s about it that’s about all you need to know about little he’s the guy who has to dig 2 million dirt cuz of a short yep that’s me 2 million uh 50 million oh yeah wa I forgot yeah yeah it’s I forgot it’s way worse yeah I’ve already dug 1 million dude if it was 2 million I’d be halfway there no uh-uh n 2% there 2% um oh my man you’re in trouble yeah I’m helplessly lost dude 1700 ,400 is exactly where you keeps changing no it’s not it’s close he’s changing chat is he gaslighting me no it’s I’ve said the same thing every time okay 1700 oh God I can’t see anymore wait I’m just in a black void what has happened oh have you gone too far away for the essentials mod to manage it no I just got really high up somehow oh okay wait literally I’m literally in a Black Point you’re a couple thousand blocks away from me okay there what’s your altitude how did I get so high up that was incredible I got up to like 600 blocks oh that’s nothing yeah the only problem with it is that eventually all rain turns to snow at a certain altitude so you can’t get higher right okay s you said 17 and then -4 17-4 you’ll see the crater miles thank you so much 17 months as a member I really appreciate it okay okay uh I’m finally I’m finally back 17 hello I just got so ah I was muted okay here we can I’ll I’ll show you the other dragon and then then we can go fishing so just go to the one Lantern on the thing and then just head down my my end is not at all decorated so one Lantern on the thing he says out in the water I’m sorry these Phantoms are completely wrecking my day I’m not I’m not used to these guys buddy you can’t die I’m trying so hard chat press one to to power me up over here buddy okay over here just down where where down oh there it is down they they almost got me they got me like within a few Hearts no dying I’m trying still hardcore that’s a real challenge for me my super flat world is regular old survival I’ve died hundreds of times don’t do that I spy oh here here you will need you will need some rockets for the end cuz the end doesn’t have water in it so got it so here there there’s some I I carry a few just in case con thank you okay so uh don’t look up don’t look up don’t look up don’t look up just look down okay come on there’s a few Enderman around but so you can trap the Dragon look all if you look all the way up you see all those blocks up there in the in the roof uhuh yeah you see the one over there on the left that has the three blocks around it instead yeah if you block that block with End Stone when all the end crystals are broken the Dragon Gets lobotomized and doesn’t know how to fly around anymore why why would that happen cuz that’s how it navigates it goes to one of those points and if they’re all blocked it’s like there is no valid point so it just stops flying that’s so interesting and then you can push it down into the portal and then it’ll duplicate and then you push it back up dude this is some [Music] black that’s crazy yeah I will not have the courage to try this if I World well the fun part is is in between CU basically need to do that and then push a dragon through one of the end gateways uh-huh and then you got to wait 10 minutes for game be like uh and then it spawns a new Dragon so at one point in time there were three dragons in this world and the portal was not active so I was stuck in the end until I killed one of them dude that’s horrifying yeah did you have like stuff on you uh a little bit yeah just like but not not what you would if I would have been stuck in the end that would have been the end of the hard dude that’s that’s scary Y what is this little device oh that’s a Wither Rose farm I got I got it got it yeah you just sacrifice snowman to the Wither it’s an En x04 design and you can just get tons of with rast is super fast so have you named her the dragon uh the one in the Overworld is Jasmine I have not named the one in the end well we should name her right now oh boy okay I’ll fly back no I’m just kidding you’re good you’re good should I should I jump through this uh this portal yeah jump on through you’re going to end up where you were where that Pillager is at spawn so be careful oh God okay you’re fine you’re behind the wall I’m falling I’m falling through the Earth no you’re here no no you’re here no you’re here no you’re here I’m negative 1,000 blocks down I can see oh you left again connection lost okay that was really horrifying whatever just happened no you’re fine you’re fine I got hit like 30 times in the span of like one second I only punched you like three times okay it’s not mob sounds y’all it’s just the dragon I don’t know what volume slider makes the dragon quieter but it just doesn’t work okay okay that answers my other question that we didn’t bother to test ahead of time do you keep your gear I wasn’t sure I do have my gear okay cool we’re going straight this way ready uh straight this way let’s go this way all right you got you got it and you can just fly you can just cook as long as you’re not over a Savannah Biome you’re fine cuz it doesn’t rain in savanas I’m going and then just follow the water and tilt slightly left water slightly left you got it I’m dodging this Savannah I don’t have a beacon so you’re going to just have to see it M’s really quiet I can make you louder I can also just scream there you go I can just make you louder that’ll probably get old is it this little house oh I find I found a little house on the water yes oh yeah I see little house wow it’s so it’s so Cottage core yeah it’s so cozy cozy mashed up a couple tutorials to make this one oh dude I like it all right so uh pick your poison poison uh oh these are you’re uh okay I see well here’s everything I’ve caught so far cou two with some levels I think I’m going to yeah I think I’m going to do Unbreaking mending luck of the sea or is lure good uh lure just makes it that you can pull it back faster like things will catch faster but luck of the sea and luck of the sea is the important one are they exclusive I can’t remember no they’re not no like I have both okay so I could I can combine this lore com on to get some levels yeah okay there’s an anvil right behind you I may have to do that um Anvil behind me I have zero levels so I’m going to have to catch some fish first well but it’s a mending Rod so it’s going to be a while it begins And So It Begins so we’re trying to get mending right a mending book we’re trying to get a mending book and have you’ve been keeping track of uh imagine I fish it on the first try I would have lost it not stream over stream over I’m not going to lie I have fished 1,779 times wow including cast and I’m like I I was losing it right I’m just like I can’t I can’t do this anymore this is going to drive me insane I can’t I yeah I think fishing in this game is really only tolerable with a friend yeah so i’ I’ve done it I have 6 and a half hours of me just standing here footage wise that’s a lot of hours but I can’t not record cuz I never I never know which cast will be that gets me the book so let’s let’s talk about fishing in Minecraft okay okay here we go how do you feel about how what is your satisfaction with fishing in Minecraft on a scale of 1 to 10 currently yeah two a two you know why it’s a two cuz at some point it will stop at some point I will be done if you weren’t doing this challenge do you think you’d ever like organically just do some fishing in Minecraft I I I had 120 casts of a fishing rod before starting this video yeah like over like a, of somebody redeeming a go fishing reward on my twitch stream got it I’ve never manually chosen to go fishing yeah so like I think about games that I really like fishing in oh I got a book Smite 4 okay oh G I was I was going to lose it I think about games that I really like to go fishing in I think of like stardew Valley or Animal Crossing which have very different little mini games attached to them but they’re both really fun and satisfying I mean and the stardew valley slider can be a nightmare though oh yeah it it can be pretty annoying but it’s also like really fun in a weird way like I can spend a whole day fishing in that game and I’m having a blast um having a blast yeah whereas in Minecraft like I just it it’s missing that little dopamine hit that you get like even in animal crossing right where the the little Shadow comes up it nibbles your bobber a couple times and you got to get it real fast like even that mechanic when I catch something in that game I I feel good yeah it makes me feel good and I could I could spend like a solid Day fishing Thorns 2 efficiency 4 okay you already got another book dude dude I got the luck they call me luck swamp you didn’t know you’ve gotten two books you’ve been here for 5 minutes less so I’m I’m trying to think like what what could they do and chat you’re in on this discussion too yeah what what could they do to make fishing in this game like a little more entertaining cuz the miname as is just like doesn’t do it for me yeah no I I’ve relied on fishing a few times when I didn’t have another option so like a couple hundred days videos mhm like I had no way of getting a book cuz I had no leather so it’s like let’s try to fish up three books to get a bookcase to make a lecturn to be able to trade for books I’m like that was the whole that was the whole plan and I spent a long time doing it but that was like for a very specific goal right just fishing here nah cuz there’s a mending villager living on an island over there I can get everything I want so it’s it’s it’s interesting like someone in my twitch chat says up the rewards someone in my YouTube chat says make the loot table better but like just making the reward for fishing better doesn’t solve the fact that the miname of fishing itself is like really boring and repetitive like how could we change the actual mechanic of catching the fish to make it so that even when you’re not getting a good reward if it still feels good yeah like you know the the Homer Simpson push a button being your whole job literally you can only increase the salary so far before it’s still Soul crushing like for for a while it’s it’s like oh it’s getting better oh I like this job more oh it’s getting better I’m getting paid to do what this is fine there’s a cap yeah it only goes so good for so long so like what if see the mob hitting your lure yeah what if there was like a shadow like in Animal Crossing instead of just the bubble particles like some sort of like actual shadowy fish Mob More different fish with different recipes I think that I think that’s the thing I think better food would make fishing more interesting that’s that’s what I’d say like if you could have you ever I know you don’t play much mods right there’s a mod called aquaculture where you can catch all sorts of different species of fish oh so you can catch snapper and mackerel and lobster and salmon and all these different things yeah you know what would be really cool is like Nets and like lobster traps like different methods of of fishing having truly passive fishing would be really cool too yeah yeah cuz like it would be really fun to like every day in the morning when you wake up go check your fish traps reset them uh and then go off and like you know chop wood for the day you come back and your net is just teaming with lobsters and CLS because right now the only passive food is wheat or is is like crops right right and after a while even that gets just outpaced by trading so having something that could be passive or increasing the value of the thing that you’re getting so like the other half of it is so the aquaculture mod lets you catch different things there’s another mod called Farmers Delight which lets you cook so many different recipes and they all have little passive perks I’ve seen that one I’ve been wanting to try oh my God pixel ribs thank you for the raid oh wow dude thank you so much uh what’s up pix um we are actually fishing with my good friend lagundo here and we’re trying to we’re trying to figure out first of all how long it’s going to take to fish up a mending book but second of all how to improve the fishing mechanic in the game so we’re we’re having a discussion about how Minecraft could make fish more entertaining rewarding in general and uh yeah I actually was looking at Farmer Delight um farmer Delight looks like a ton of fun and I i’ played couple times right being able to be like oh I found rice so now I can make like these it’s it’s very much like breath of the wild cooking I can make these spicy rice balls so now I have cold resistance or like make F or or you what I was thinking is like what if you could access the your fishing rod in a little inventory like a UI and you could add different lures like you could craft like iron and like a feather and get like a feather lore and all the different lures could have like different properties based on what you like what you craft them out of or something yeah like one one will CRA that would require more fish right but like one will catch more like deep water fish versus yeah yeah like trade lobsters or something like that there’s a bunch of plugins that do that for servers too we actually have something like that on my community server really oh that’s so cool yeah but there’s there’s I think just it’s a matter of not like make it better loot like now you can fish up netherite right just make all of it more useful or more unique I think is like yeah more more things that you can only get from fishing would be interesting cuz I have like I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I have like 15 stacks of cod in here I’ll never use it right right like the Saddles is nice don’t get me wrong but at the same time you can get saddles from so many other places now in the game right it doesn’t make sense do you have a saddle chest over here uh there’s saddle barrels over here because I started getting too many okay uh I’m going to mute real quick and just thank some uh Dons sure here give me uh give give me the rod I have 14 levels I can probably combine it to get your better one oh sure boop boop those are the two I was going to okay mending so you just need lure yeah I had I I threw one on the ground right behind you right be right back oh lure three perfect boop boop boop 24 do it this way 18 okay so I need four more levels um do we just leave MOG for a second here I’m just going to leave for a second watch this going to fly over here I’m going to get the levels and I’m going to fly back fishing makes nether fishing makes sense for a netherite loot prize nether fishing would be interesting I really like the idea that dusk just said make it so that you could also fish up hostile entities right Guardians drowned Etc like make it so that you can fish up something that it’s not just a Mindless activity that you’re standing there and not doing anything and you can instead get something that’s like oh I have to engage now I have to do something have you told M SW about the fish th not yet right it’s completely optional yeah okay I’m out of rockets we got to skim the ocean here yeah I like that it is optional I just I do think that you can find some more interesting things okay uh got a little lost cuz I turned down r distance cuz I think my computer is working a little harder than normal hosting it in this way because of the essentials mod so I have to I had to bring my render distance down a little bit one more visitors to the hardcore World MOG has a book right now um that I haven’t told him about it yet but he is going to be able to write something to go into the library for forever and that’s just going to be there uh but yeah finally got to catch the stream hey dud how how you doing all right let’s just get levels okay okay I’m back where’ you go hi I flew over to my to my traders to be able to combine the levels because I was a little short and I didn’t want like I figured I could just do it quick while we were both talking to our individual chats okay okay great great great so Boop 18 levels uh the only thing is you’ll need to name it um I didn’t name it wor you want to name it I yeah I I could go either way on that okay I I’ll try to save up the levels for a name yeah I I’m I just got to get to the water and then I can get get there faster I think what happened was all the uh experience I was getting was like repairing all my stuff with mending oh 100% yeah yeah someone says to name it Roger okay you got it the the fishing rod okay yep Rod Roger it’s kind of clever Rod Roger Rod Roger with the 6:00 news coming at you live Roger desk back to you in the studio [Laughter] Kate yeah I it would 100 100% be like I do like that fishing is optional I do like that you can engage with it but I think there’s no reason to engage with it right now and all lot reasons unless you’re doing wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be bad to uh to like just add a few like a fishing net would be is so cool I crab pots oh if they had added the crab and had crab pots that would like it would have been there’s so much potential with that what’ you vote for I voted for the crab yeah I I sold my vote uh on a YouTube short and was forced to vote for the penguin but if it were up to me I would have voted for the crab ow listen it’s just one vote all right hey look I I appreciate the grind it’s fine no I literally I was so confident the crab would win that I was just like I’ll just give my vote away this year to my viewers like whatever they decide that I have to vote but um that could have been fun yeah I was wrong I I really thought that crab would win I I did too everybody was talking about it everybody was talking about how armadilla was awful and then it was just silent majority just protect our dogs to be fair the latest snapshot makes wolf armer not completely useless so I’m kind of here for that you know what I think happens sometimes I think we forget that there are so many people across the world who play this game and I think maybe out of the english- speaking countries like yeah everybody was going for the crap like the the vast majority but maybe there are other cultures or other um countries that like really wanted to see like maybe in France like every French Minecrafter was like for the armadillo you know what I mean M look at this I don’t know how that fish ended up there but it went right over my head you fish that straight out that’s so awesome what is is this guy hissing at the Phantoms oh yeah he is okay yeah cat cats get rid of phantoms so this way our one friend here is making it so that we can stand out here in the night considering I’ve never slept in this world Phantom repellent yeah I love it and repellent too but I think most people only remember it for that cuz of like the Farms mhm yeah but yeah that’s my theory I think that like when it seems like something’s going to win we might just not be seeing like you know all the Indian players who are like obsessed with the armadillo or something you know what I mean possible or just like all the kids who are playing Minecraft on their iPads who don’t interact with YouTube at all cuz they’re not old enough that too that too for sure my daughter voted for the armadillo ah see there it is she plays on her iPad we we have a a realm that we play on together just the two of us right it was the iPad kids it’s always the iPad kid it’s always the iPad kids you can blame him for everything no it’s okay uh I I had a nice long conversation about how she needs to make better choices oh man that’s F okay it’s okay she’ll be fine we all make mistakes um diet thank you so much I’m glad you’re here this is a good this is a good stream for that this Good Vibes what mod do I use for statistics it’s called the better statistics mod that’s literally all it is and there’s a way like my stat screen looks so much more useful than vanilla now I just installed it for this video my chat’s saying your daughter rigged the vote yeah she did she has unlimited power I knew it man I mean daughter of a YouTuber when second she turns 13 she’s going to have more subscribers than me I’m ready for it it’s okay like even now she’s like she’ll take a picture she’s like can can I post this I’m like no no not yet no you just want to hold on to your uh higher follower account for just a little longer yeah it’s it’s entirely selfish right I have everybody else convinced it’s like good parenting no it’s just like no I need more subscribers just for your ego yeah entirely wait you’re on Twitch too yes I am now mult streaming moonrose mother woo I I can’t remember you multi streaming too or no yes yeah you have been okay yeah yeah yeah I thought so um Quick Charge feather falling for respiration ah I saw the book I’m like I’m just looking over I want to catch it on camera triple whammy over over here yeah no I I started multi streaming before it was technically allowed sorry Bezos don’t get mad at me but you make it you made it possible I guess I should apologize to Dan Clancy um sorry Dan sorry Dan but now you just Ahad of the curve you you had Future Vision you knew it would be allowed eventually I know I was small enough that twitch didn’t even notice me so I was like I was fine I can get away with it hello chat everybody’s begging me to say hi I hello I think I will not watch Bluey why it’s a great show Petro do you watch Bluey at all yes oh such a good show it is very good as long as people listen to the lesson at the end and not just the silly game in the beginning that gets everybody in trouble right like I’ve been attacked by Tina quite a few times the end of that episode has not always stuck yeah we’re working we’re working there we’re working on it the bluey video game was actually passable too which was there’s a video game there’s a video game it’s on switch and xbx I think it’s on Game Pass right now no way uh if you want to play it it is literally just like four episodes of blue that you kind of clumsily run around through but it’s it was a good like time to spend an afternoon with the kids yeah was nice yeah my niece was just here so uh we were watching lots of blue yes and uh not uh you know I don’t want to give any spoilers away or anything oh don’t SPO watch made it to the end yet we watched uh like the baby the double babysitter episode and the like things started getting interesting there was some lore behind the scen there actually deep Bluey lore if you pay attention in the background yes dude I I didn’t know it went so deep yeah no it is actually somewhat comical of things that you noticed as you have to watch the show so so many times someone says what’s your favorite blue episode the one where at the end they break the fourth wall and like show how blue is animated oh that one was good that one was good uh yeah I really enjoyed that as a as someone who studied animation in University that was just cool to see cuz I think a lot of people don’t like quite grasp how it’s done I do really like that one there was oh God what’s the one I’m thinking about oh book book book you got a book all right chat chat book book drum roll book book book I have to wait 15 seconds for them to get engaged book book book book everybody’s spam book okay I’m just oh okay the books have started power is being transferred I I’m going stir crazy I’m at 1860 casts right now Smite four ah worthless curse of binding that would have been funny was lurking in pix’s stream now I’m here dude well welcome welcome to the stream thanks for being here hello hello um okay someone says there are 500 soft and friendly cats in this room you you have 5 minutes to pet all of them if you don’t the Rope around your ankle will drag you out but you will never be able to pet the rest of them the clock is ticking I thought this was going to be like a like something where we had to decide what the best strategy was but it seems pretty straightforward no that’s just a Mr Beast video that’s not that’s I think I saw that one I’ve seen that short wait what are you talking about I’m putting this man in a room with 500 cats I’ll pay him $11,000 for everyone that he can pet good for All Stars is a new video game yeah but for everyone you don’t pet they get sent to the shelter the opposite of uh of one of the videos where he rescues animals yeah I doomed 500 cats book book book b b book piercing ah piercing my heart more like it ah oh oh did you see uh in the new snapshot crossbow and bow enchants cross populate no what what do you mean yeah yeah yeah yeah like multishot bows multi wait really yeah what other only in commands so you can’t do it on the Anvil yet but ah but it’s possible that that’s intentional that’s interesting I wonder yeah whatever happened to those um combat updates they were doing wasn’t there like a cleaving enchant for the axe that they were going to make so far hasn’t happened huh have I seen the new UI I like it it’s a hot take but I like it um Samuel great question there is a goal to this fishing session we’re trying to see how long it takes to fish up a mending book and basically uh legs here had already fished like what over a, times 1,871 way worse 1,800 times and so um he called in reinforcements and I need help yeah we’re uh we’re now double double teaming this and trying to see if it goes any faster double fishing double fishing it yes instead of double fishing double fishing double fishing double fishing we’re double fishing it yeah I wanted help I figured out how to let people join hardcore worlds and I’m like hey M you want to come over and and fish and we could talk about like pseudo podcast fishing it’s like okay cool let’s do it so it is it is relaxing it forces us to get to know each other yeah it’s a nice and it’s a nice chill chill kind of stream of like doing something different uh y y with a brand new membership ehop Teamwork Makes the DreamWork uh Samuel would love some background to this world that’s all you I was thanking somebody for becoming a member one second take time I appreciate you didn’t green push over 9,000 times yes that’s why I thought it would be a fun video and I’m like I could bang this out in a week nope mhm I’m regretting it uh so this is my third hardcore world ever I’ve been in this world since April of 2021 I’m only 12200 days in cuz I keep getting distracted with like other projects and servers and all sorts of stuff but I’m trying really hard to hit 2K days before the end of the year I’ve never slept in the world all and the whole lore of this world is tied to all of my 100 days series which are all actually interconnected in the 100 days Multiverse and soon to a server that everybody’s going to be able to play that has a really cool like escape from tarov kind of like extraction game that’s all tied into this whole big story wait so I didn’t you tied together all your 100 days that’s so cool yeah there’s there’s like an actual narrative behind them and there’s all sorts of little like puzzles in them some that people found some that people have found and not yet solved well now I want to do that for my 100 Days videos yeah oh you Haven it no now I want to it’s F I’m being much more extra work yeah I bet but it’s it’s that sounds like a lot of fun yeah but there there’s this really cool story about um being uh about me being chased around chased around the Multiverse by this entity named desim who wants me wants me back but you kind of have to dig into the puzzles to know why this is crazy the lore goes deep this is deeper than Bluey lore over here Elon broke my lore cuz he ruined Twitter so one of the puzzles can’t be solved anymore and it really breaks my heart a Nessa thank you for resubscribing for 5 months I really appreciate [Music] it sorry is really intense guys I’m learning that it’s it’s a fun thing uh e SS a five months uh by the way so that book I know you have a library in your world you’re trying to recreate all the internet um I also have a library in my world you were flying over it it’s the one that had the dragon egg on top uh um that book is yours to write in what you wish to be added to the you’re the first person I’ve ever had visit this world and I figure it should like you should have be able to leave a leave a mark back on it so heck yeah I will I will start thinking about what I’m what I need to say yeah diet elf thank you for resubscribing as well and re thank you for the $2 post on YouTube yes yes yes yes yeah I think most people think of me as a YouTuber not a a streamer I don’t know same here same here yeah I actually so there was like this weird streamer popup event in my city uh yesterday yeah uh and meiru and extra Emily uh were like selling sandwiches and I popped in interesting it was yeah it was so interesting and ever since then I’ve been thinking like okay if I did that like a stream where I started running a restaurant for a stream like what kind of food would I do so I want to pass that question to you if you had to do a stream were like live you were trying to serve customers what sort of food would you serve them Pizza Pizza I’d make pizza pizza’s easy enough to make that you can feed a whole bunch of people pretty quickly that’s yeah that’s pretty true you just kind of slide it in the oven yeah yeah I mean if I if I was only feeding like a half dozen people I’d probably make like a really nice pasta dish of some kind like I I love to cook I love to cook oh yeah right yeah I’m getting more into it as time goes on yeah it’s it’s my favorite thing I probably love to cook a little too much I just got back from a cruise and I stepped on a scale and I saw a number that I’ve never seen in my life before and I’m like I need to invest in one of those desk treadmills uh that’ll happen on a cruise that’s that’s part for the course I might need to because it’s uh it’s a little bad yeah I got I got a tread desk it does help I I I definitely think it is it is in my future cuz I I cracked my next hundred and I’m like I don’t like that it’s like yeah I’m at I’m at that age I’m at like I I’m going to turn 28 in June and like I’m just feeling my metabolism start to really give out and it’s like it’s probably the scariest part of growing older so far the last 6 months I have not changed my diet at all but my metabolism has told me this is no longer a good idea yeah literally it’s like it’s like oh no I haven’t changed my behavior it’s my body that that’s changing which is the problem cuz you have to kind of like evolve as you get older and you never know until it’s way too late say 28 y are babies okay I’m the baby I think leg’s got some years on me I’m 35 yeah yeah I for the Minecraft YouTube space I know I’m on the older end that’s totally fine but my community I know is like oh definitely cuz I feel like an old man in the Minecraft YouTube space dude mentality though right yeah for sure yeah I mean I went to vid Summit uh last year and there was maybe one other Minecrafter by age well vid summ is a weird one to go to right like that one definitely Skuse a little younger I I think so um especially cuz vintage not old I appreciate that the main reason I ended up going to that one over any of the other cons or whatever was cuz it’s like very close to me couple power drive but uh yeah that makes sense yeah are you planning on going to anything this year I if you don’t want to say you don’t have to I’m trying to decide if I’m going to VidCon or not um or twitchcon I I can’t I can’t decide I will probably end up going to vidsummit again because it’s like again just like a couple hour drive but the tickets for that one are really expensive they’re like $1,000 ticket wait what yeah I think it’s to keep out um like casuals cuz it’s like supposed to be Insider industry like only basically you must be this important to join this thing yeah so they they don’t have like any sort of check on like oh are you an industry person do you have a channel but I think the way that they keep people out is by just making it prohibitively expensive for anyone not writing it off as a business expense oh that’s that is funny that is the good thing about doing this though is like if I do go on a trip it’s tax right off yeah but it’s just committing to the trip is the problem cuz literally twitchcon on my birthday yeah that’s how the vid Summit is like literally a A or not vid Summit VidCon this year is like Day within days of my birthday I’m like I don’t know if I want to I don’t want to know if I want to be away from home for that right yeah in Anaheim on my birthday maybe I don’t know and then the Baltimore one VidCon Baltimore is the weekend after twitchcon it’s like oh that’s a hard sell I didn’t even know there was a VidCon Baltimore okay yeah yeah they’ve been doing it for I think only 2 years now it’s the smaller one but like that’s driving distance for me I could drive up to Baltimore in like an hour hour and a half yeah so I contemplated I like just going there for a day just to like screw around and then driving home by the end of the day but I don’t know that would probably be the play if the tickets aren’t too expensive that’s the problem Creator tickets are like $500 for VidCon they’re expensive same strategy I think just make it prohibitively expensive for yeah so that way they don’t have to do a subscriber count yep yeah is it like uh and that’s like tiered tickets too right like it’s like um oh yeah it’s like the Creator tickets is like tier two or tier three or something there’s only one that’s more expensive and it’s a grand jeez dude and I I thought I thought the VidCon tickets were expensive but then you said that the other ones are are just as much yeah the vid Summit like made sense vid Summit made sense financially because it’s like when you factor in the plane ticket VidCon would end up more expensive and like hotel or whatever and everything else yeah yeah but I don’t know man I want to like I not to trash vidsummit but like the valuable part of it was meeting people and networking I found the panels to be pretty uh I mean that’s always the thing right you go to you go and you see all the things yeah it’s more about meeting up with people and and seeing people in person and getting that face t- face connection I think that’s really where they get you it’s pretty hard to provide like a lot of value with with panels and stuff unless you’re very new to the space I guess yeah no 100% right and even not being new in the space like a lot of people and entirely valid a lot of people if they’re going to this thing they have a group of friends they’re that they’re like going with and they want to do stuff with them and like being confident enough to just Ed your way in and being like hi we’ve never talked before let’s go hang out it’s it can be a thing it can be privative for some people yeah for sure luckily everybody that I met at VI Summit was super duper friendly it was a lot of um the LIF steal guys I don’t know if you watch that server at all but oh yeah lots of those guys were there yeah yeah yeah um also a lot of people from Outcast were there too they’re all really nice I keep seeing about that server and I keep seeing all the crazy videos that are coming off of that server and I I have yet to be able to sit down and like dedicatedly watch the full series yes I do I do like outcast in that they take up an approach that’s more like uh you can just jump in at any point and like it’s it’s a lot less episodic than like say like hermitcraft where like if you miss 10 episodes you’re kind of like oh my God what’s going on like what what did I miss uh more modern YouTube videos where everything’s self-contained yeah exactly they do they do sort of like a more you can jump in at any point type of thing but no I I do how where do you land on that whole oh I missed the old style of videos versus the more edited more well-refined stuff that we have now ah I mean so like I for 10 years did the old style and it didn’t work for me and the second I started doing more highly edited content that’s how my channel popped off you know so I owe everything to that style um but there’s like a lot of nostalgia that I have for just being able to like sit down get a video done in a week and upload it that gratification was so nice um yeah I’m like I’m definitely I I think I I never want to stop doing highly edited videos um but I just don’t think they can be every video uh I don’t I don’t find that super sustainable at the moment like my what I’m trying to do this year is sort of find more of like a okay like every three videos will be like a big one but then the ones in between are like a little lighter a little bit easier to get done and like that way I’m not stuck on a project for two months yeah this was supposed to be a lighter video for me yeah take a that’s kind of what always happens isn’t it like I recently did a video about building a house for the wandering Trader I’m like ah this will be like 2 days yeah like a week and a half later yep I’m like trying to wrap it up like how did this happen you can’t not right there’s there’s a bar that you hold yourself to exactly it’s really hard and like ah I as much as like I can say before I release a video like yeah this one wasn’t as much effort so I’m okay with it getting less views then when it actually gets less views then I’m like oh wow maybe I’m less okay with it than I actually thought it’s really easy to say like oh yeah I’m fine with getting a lot less views on this one you see all the gray arrows on YouTube studio and it’s like what am I fine with this eight out of 10 oh right okay so yeah no it’s a thing just the struggles of the job hey I will take this job though like oh yeah you saw that whole argument that happened on Twitter last last week I think is this about uh them taking Hassan out of context or whatever yeah about being out of context but also just like everybody seeing things from their own perspective of like oh it’s not a real job quote unquote I’m like right right oh I have so much to say I have so much to say I don’t want to agree with him but I have so much to say the the thing that I’ve found a little bit irksome is that as my subscriber count has kind of skyrocketed from doing YouTube shorts yeah I think people assume that I’m like really well off when like my the amount of money I make on YouTube between like when I had 400k subs and when I had like 2 million Subs has not really changed like I am pretty much making the same more or less like my view counts are pretty similar to what they were I just have a lot more subscribers now and and I think people see subscriber counts and they think like that’s money and no it’s all the it’s all on the views yeah it’s all views and so like I’ve noticed that people start to treat me slightly differently the higher my sub count gets and I’m like okay but my views are like pretty low this month so like you know I used like so in a video recently I like used like one or two AI images um uh for like the book it was in the library video like I I came up with some funny book titles and I just like gave them AI book covers because I just thought it would be a funny visual mhm and people were like how could you not like pay an artist to like do this and I was like dude like I don’t know how you how you how much money you think I have but like I can’t just be commissioning like 10 different artists for these book covers for like a two second gag in this video like yeah no I it it is there’s very much a line there and there’s a lot of nuance to it which I definitely agree and like the whole infinite craft have you played that game um maybe it’s the one where you just it’s like the newer version of Little Alchemy where you just drag everything on top of everything on the grid no I haven’t played that one okay that one’s fun a lot of people have tried crafting themselves oh book oh oh piercing for fire aspect too [ __ ] right um a lot of people have tried crafting themselves myself included cuz I thought it was funny and it was a good way to do another kind of chill stream of like just kind of doing having a nice relaxing first stream back so that way I didn’t need to worry about much right um that’s all powered by AI too and that’s like just AI data entry and I don’t think anybody would disagree with that yeah I’ve been seeing people talk that’s that’s why I recognize what you were saying because I’ve been seeing people say like oh this is the use case for like ethical AI usage 100% I think that’s like 100% valid I mean heck half the stuff I use for like cleaning up my audio on a stream or like the assistance when I’m developing something like that’s all quote unquote AI there’s there’s a line that you can play there I definitely agree like I don’t think people should be actively Trying to minimize artists or or not work with artists if they can afford to do so 100% for a 2C gag in a video yeah yeah my my whole thing was kind of like it was either no visuals or AI visuals there was no world where I was going to either spend the time to do the art myself or pay someone to do the art cuz like that’s just not a worthwhile investment for like a two second gag but I felt like getting a good video out like at the end of the day that’s the important thing yeah it’s an interesting debate though like I hope um purpler says YouTube shorts gave you inactive Subs MOG like probably it probably gave me a ton of inactive Subs but does that like I’d rather do that for YouTube shorts than do that for 100 days videos yeah I mean does I spend 60 hours on on the big 100 Days videos I’ll spend like 20 hours on another video and people don’t watch because it’s not that one specific type so like that that could be true of anything at least you did it on videos that you can like work on in a day or two yeah like does inactive Subs really HT as much should we be as afraid of them as people seem to be that is a question I have there’s two catches I think that are valid for inactive Subs if you’re posting something completely brand new there might be a reason to not send it to your subscribers right if it’s meant to find a new audience because if YouTube pushes pushes it to your existing subs and they’re not going to watch then YouTube people be like this video is bad don’t push it any further or don’t suggest it any further so like then you might want to like either that’s when you consider if you want to really pivot either starting a new channel or just taking the hit for a long time until you kind of filter out that’s like option a option b is the people who think who only think bigger number better person and will only value you based off of your subs and will’ll look into your subs and your viewer count and go this person has value or this person doesn’t have value that’s it and people who are that superficial and that actually helps with if um that actually like literally helps me get ads it’s well it’s a good filter too right like if somebody won’t talk to you CU it’s like oh you don’t have X number of Subs I’m like okay cool you’re not the kind of person I want to work with anyway yeah it works that way but it also like I’ve found that the having the higher sub count I can go to an Advertiser and be and ask for a certain amount of money to do a mid-roll ad and they’re more likely to give it to me now even though my view counts haven’t changed yep because they see that subscriber number and it just looks better from their end so like there is value high potential right yeah like there there’s still value in having that number be high as far as advertisers go yeah purpler says it doesn’t hurt you but it doesn’t help you either sub as a whole is a dying metric and it is a it’s a vanity number yeah for sure it’s 100% it’s a vanity number because uh what rise just said 90% of the people I watch have less than 30k subscribers I’ve seen I actually just got recommended to me here hold on let me let me pull this up in another tab I just got something recommended to me of somebody who rewrote the Game of Thrones series they rewrote the last two seasons like they this is their pitch for rewriting the last two seasons and the video has like a million views it just got recommended to me I’ve been watching it in the background today while doing stuff um I checked that video like doubled their subscriber count which is Bonker but like views have stayed pretty consistent with exception of this one outlier but it’s still a really good video yeah like and and I definitely think like it’s 100% valid um never watch Game of Thrones but I have heard that the last two seasons really it’s really crazy that they canceled it after season six and never showed the ending uh it’s bad man it’s bad yeah it’s kind of like scared me off of getting into the series because like Game of Thrones fans hate it so hate the ending so much that I’m like why would I get into a a series that like everybody just despises the ending the the thing is like I’ve never seen so much Goodwill on a project squandered so quickly as Game of Thrones it should be a cultural phenomenon people should still be talking about it getting Game of Thrones tattoos naming their kids after Game of Thrones characters all of that should still be happening and it was just gone one week after the finale dead to the world nobody wanted to talk about it anymore it’s pretty crazy and and it was just purely the people at the at the lead of it no longer caring yeah about what they well and they didn’t they get ahead of the author yeah but they got like the spark notes of what was going to happen and ran them up to the end of season six cuz um that’s always tough cuz I think that happens with certain animes and stuff like the anime gets ahead of the manga or something and like it all it’s always like a weird thing to try to figure out yeah like they they had they had content until the end of season 6 and you can tell cuz the second season 7 starts it just it takes a d it’s not good it’s just it’s just not good just it’s just so it ends so badly but hey if you do want to watch like the first six seasons of Game of Thrones they are all really good there’s some really good moments in there but like yeah I don’t know it it’s kind of if you don’t see the ending and not seeing the ending would be very unfulfilling then don’t do it but if you can enjoy the episodes for what they are I mean it ends in a bummer kind of way but it is a good story yeah maybe if I ever have time there’s just so many shows in the world oh my God list what’s your go-to rewatch uh I’ve been just rewatching sance over and over again um oh I keep hearing about it and I want to go watch it I’m watching also uh you know if I want something light I’ve watched the office like five or six times and then uh Twin Peaks is probably my favorite show of all time well wait hold up doesn’t the office have a similar thing where like the last season of the office people didn’t like it as much yeah I mean I I think it’s like not as drastic um like oh yeah yeah not like burn it all to the ground but like yeah I I think once Steve Carell left the show they kind of struggled to find their footing but I still enjoy all of the um all the story beats I think I think the beat that bothers me the most is the whole like uh Jim and Pam marriage troubles that they try to introduce and it just like doesn’t really land oh okay oh B book yeah I I don’t think it’s like as drastic as some other shows yeah book and my hype song is playing oh there’s a chance so it has one of the one word enchants on it aity Infinity INF dang that it’s a good book but it’s not it’s not a good book Milam me thank you so much I appreciate it so purpler said you gained more subs from shorts but that doesn’t mean they’ll watch your long form videos so your videos don’t get any bigger of an initial spike in viewers I think that tracks very valid I don’t think um like having exclusive shorts viewers is necessarily bad either though like some people just won’t be converted oh B book book fire protection Pier oh dang books are over here I’m going to need to start adding more barrels to this place we’re about to run out of supplies Supply space yep we’re uh we filled the book chest I’ve got another book to put away here I’ll put in this pot here you can’t yet oh right I forgot yeah that’s a that’s a feature in the next update that’s the next update hold on I’m just going to make some more barrels time to time to start decorating the inside I guess i’ I’ve not I’ve not decorated the inside of this place yet cuz I’m like I’ll get to that when I have more stuff to do lots of potential for this interior though yeah it’s a nice shape I I meshed together a couple tutorials to make it and then kind of just played on it from there where oh we can put more barrels out back H that’s too far to walk though hold on uh where else can we stick more barrels uh uh over by this [Music] scaving there two more back there nice uh yeah one two three sure couple more barrels over there I’ll I’ll move bows to over here I got to make sure to not move my main bow though where’s the fishing rod oh there it is okay oh the the yeah right there which that’s about to be full now too it is let me combine two together there you go that don’t have enchantments there we go leing long vide most time shorts your brain and your brain yeah that’s the thing like shorts are an entirely different mentality than watching like a 3-hour Minecraft movie yes the goal of the stream is mending we want to get a mending book mending book or 20 minutes whichever comes first cuz I got to go pick up my kids at 250 so we’ll probably be done by 230 even if we don’t get it which would be heartbreaking how many fishing rod casts are you at now I’ve got cuz we’ve been at this for like good 90 minutes no statistics oh my God what am I looking at oh uh that better statistic mod yes I guess I do uh 150 oh yeah fish CAU oh fish CAU you go you can go to fishing rod cuz that’ll show you your actual treasure if you go to items in the left and then you can do that you can also clck right click on that and click pin to HUD and you can put a little counter up on the screen too so go up too fishing rod how do I uh pin to HUD and then you can move the little thing I’ve used it 202 times I’m gonna click it no that didn’t pin it hello Al how are you doing yeah oh uh so you go to items you grab the fishing rod and then how do you pin it right click it and then there’s an option for pin to HUD there we go okay and then you can just drag it and put it somewhere it’s like right smack in the middle how do I how do I drag it just drag it just like get your mouse and just drag it it’ll move it’s not working uh uh yeah I I it’s just in the middle yeah no you can’t move it I can’t figure it out if you’re still on the screen where it says to pin it you can drag it then exit that then it’s just there got it okay I did get another book I haven’t checked it yet oh book hold on book book book book book book book book I’m doing the dance book book book wait hold on there’s actual emotes in this thing hold on controls I have it pinned twice what I accidentally pinned it twice how do I rid of it how do you get rid of it oh there’s so many now oh God I have to I going to have to pull up your stream to see this now open emot we is on oh there we go there we go I got it I got it oh that was hilarious okay wheel put that on no that’s taken that’s taken that’s all they’re taking P sure P okay nope that’s something else ah no controls cubides hold on emote wheel cuz this is a thing that we get because of this silly mod that we had to use okay no that turns off my shaders I’m done what was on the the book uh it was like everything but mending efficiency 4 Infinity knock back to fortune 3 oh my goodness okay so I told you I went to this sandwich shop yesterday yes and I never get recognized really but we started talking to the uh people next to us about like who we watch on YouTube what we do for work came up that I was a YouTuber I ended up showing them my channel they didn’t recognize me right away but then the guy the kid pulls up his phone goes to my channel and goes to the shorts Tab and he had watched like 10 of my shorts you know how it has like the Red Bar yeah so that was like an instance it was really interesting it was like a case of someone who’s seen a bunch of my shorts but like just doesn’t remember like the name of my Channel or like wouldn’t ever recognize me in person obviously but they had literally seen my shorts before so I’m like it was just another another swipe another yeah so I’m like I is that like a positive thing is that a neutral thing a negative thing like I feel like it’s it’s fine right like and I feel like those shorts viewers like that’s an example of a shorts viewer who would probably never watch a long form oh yeah no and and that’s true in other ways and other things too cuz I’ve had people be like I loved your 100 days video where you did blank and I’m like I’ve never made that video and they they were just confusing me with another cuz the so predominant right there’s a lot of people who only watch that one type of video that I make and not the other stuff or they don’t but it’s like views are views you know like that’s probably fine but I don’t see it as harmful the lights are on in my house everybody’s eating at the end of the day yeah that’s what matters right like yeah it it’s weird um it’s weird it’s weird YouTube’s weird this is a weird job it’s a weird weird thing to do I think the the thing about this job that is the the weirdest in 2024 is feeling like I am trying to do three jobs like I’m trying to be a shorts Creator I’m trying to be a YouTuber and I’m trying to be a live streamer and I feel like traditionally like in years past it was like either you’re a YouTuber a streamer or a Tik tocker and now it’s like oh you’re just a content creator who does all of them yeah not to mention behind the scenes like your your own accountant your own HR department customer Y and that I mean that part was always a thing but I feel like producer all of the above It’s Tricky yeah over the years like having all these different forms of content though has just like made it so that like you said not only are you doing the behind the-scenes stuff and videos but now you’re trying to do like other forms of content too for $10 Super Chat I really appreciate that how you um decide what to what what amount of time to spend on what oh man I do not want to show you the not document I have uh of getting all of my stuff in order also I I’ve gone the route of having a team and having people and delegating a lot of a lot of work and everything else cuz there’s just not enough hours in the day right there just genuinely isn’t but but appreciate it um and yeah I’ve got my partner as well she helps me with a lot but exactly right that’s my team right now yeah I have four people I have one person who does all the merch designs cuz I have negative artistic talent uh I have two editors and a third person who is starting to help with replay mod stuff and everything else on that and then I guess one and one other person who helps me with like reaching out to other businesses and like managing and and all that kind of stuff and like coordinating on the kind of like strategic level so that’s like the whole the team I guess yeah I do have I do have a thumbnail person uh who I only use for thumbnails and then I do I have like a a management team that does my ad reach out you know like a network oh yeah agency kind of stuff yeah agency that’s the word I’m looking for yeah like everything else is me I guess that’s a whole team yeah like when you think about it I got my editor thumbnail person my manager and then my agency yeah wild wild job it I we I was trying to describe my job to somebody when we were on the cruise I’m like I’m just an online media production is just like that was just the easiest way to explain I’m like I’m not going to talk about I but to your point I had a kid go up to me and be like why do you have Minecraft tattooed on your arm like it’s my job it’s like what do you mean do you work at do you work at Microsoft I’m like no I make YouTube videos oh okay and he just walked away that’s so funny cool I’m like cool neat that’s that’s an interesting conversation then he then the same kid walks up to me like 3 hours later it’s like oh hey what’s your channel tell him my name he’s like thanks he walks away whole conversation I’m like wait what that’s so funny dude someone in my chat goes kid is an NPC maybe oh that’s funny Pro amateur it’s not a death notebook I write thank you books for anybody who supports the stream I have it in a book it goes in the library in the in in my main base it just lives there what if it is a death notebook though and you just don’t know it I’m just slowly killing my subscribers one by one you’re like huh Channel growth has been slow this year man no one’s on the stream this this is weird this explains so much they’re dropping like flies but no it’s fine you got to think about what’s going in your book too you only got we only got about like a half an hour tops okay okay I’m I’m focused you you know I think I might just fill it with all of my statistics my fishing rod St statistic it’s just something to leave cuz this is the first time I’ve ever had anybody else join the world so this is this is kind of cool I actually really like this this is being able to do stuff in this world and having somebody to talk to yeah it makes me want to try it with my fly world I so this isn’t like a backup it’s like the true this is just your world this is the true hardcore world yeah it’s it’s nerous cing this is what I’m playing on all the time whenever I’m in my hardcore world this is it like this is the world M look up oh my God I heard them but I didn’t realize that how many there were cuz you have a resource cuz I have a resource p and you do too that makes them quieter ah got it okay but um yeah you you only get that many Phantoms from not sleeping for a very long time and they’re just kind of vibing and the cat helps us it protects us good kitty hi Michael and hello Vanna don’t you dare yeah that was the one thing I messaged M I’m like and don’t kill me that was the one like prerequisite to even proposing the idea well if I ever need to end our friendship forever there you go easy way to it gaming thank you so much for the 10 that’s very kind of [Laughter] you no that would be an interesting video it’s like is it because cat yeah I think I would fall out of good graces with the entire Minecraft Community cat that would be one of the rare cases where I’d be like do I just respawn myself yeah I feel like that would be valid to be honest there there’s a couple there’s a couple cases there’s a couple like rules I’ve always had for myself that if a glitch ever happens that I didn’t know that what it was like if it was not something that I could account have accounted for that um that should let me resurrect yeah I feel I feel basically it or like if the world corrupts or anything restoring from a backup or something is okay like that those are the only the only two cases I have where it’s like I also I saw this YouTuber that just decided like you know what I like this world a lot I’m not really that interested in hardcore anymore I’m just going to convert it to a normal survival world oh was that fix I think so yeah yeah yeah yeah I know fix and I was like that is so valid like I I thought it was such a like awesome idea i’ thought about I thought about doing that with this world at some point at a couple points of being like now I don’t want to lose it yeah cuz like at some point if you’ve built enough and you’re just like yeah you know what I feel like I’ve defeated the hardcore challenge by now yeah I feel like it’s a valid route yeah I I I think I don’t know I don’t want to put a number on it but at one point in time I think I said to myself if I ever hit 10,000 Days in a world I just keep that I feel like that’s a pretty cool goal like if you can hit the 10K Mark you get to keep it you should just keep it like you win hardcore at that point but then imagine dying on like day 999 n or whatever right day 999 I do this but I make the world public and I’m like come get me and and if I can survive that I’ve earned it just uh get dream in his team to Manhunt you or whatever yeah I’m [Laughter] good I I will say that is like the most iconic music that music has become its own meme right like it really has I think it’s from like some old Flash game too yeah it is it’s some like Kevin McLoud audio Jungle open source music or something license attached to it and like you’re fine yeah I can hear it I can hear it as you’re talking about it the number of videos I’ve used it in is pretty comical cuz oh same but I only play it for like 3 seconds as like a gag usually yep every so often you just like all you needs that one chorus it’s one of those Evergreen Minecraft memes this just never gets old nah dude I haven’t gotten a book in forever and neither of you you’ve been slacking it’s been it’s been a hot minute it’s not looking good Pro amateur gaming says do you have a death notebook as well I want the demons to fight thank you for the five man that’s hilarious they they had said something I was just waiting for a moment to bring it up in the conversation without just like completely taking us off track they’re like I want MOG to make a book as well do you plan to make videos on servers I’m not on many servers but if I was on one I would definitely make videos on them yeah just just starting to uh SOS going it is it is awesome dude I have not played on like a a Creator SMP in so long it’s been years and years I mean and that’s a heck of a one to join too like yeah that they’re all so nice and friendly it’s been it’s been really awesome so far cuz um a really good group I was pretty nervous about it cuz that’s pseudo hardcore for you now right like cuz you got to get resed if you die yeah I was the first one to die of course but uh I didn’t want to spoil your video one oh no you’re good you’re good yeah I was the first one to die it’s it’s well it’s I think everybody expected it anyway so even if you haven’t seen the video it’s not really a spoiler yeah um but I got revived I’m doing okay good I literally I just can’t believe how it happened I literally just left my game open it’s the the most embarrassing thing it’s like not even good for Content you know yeah I I’ve had that happen not in this world but in my last one I I like somebody rang the doorbell and I forgot to pause the game and I got knocked off of what I was doing and him the um the thing that got me is I’m so used to single player that I think I I don’t know that this is what happened but like reflexively I’m just used to hitting escape and the game is paused that that is 100% valid like I I thought I was going to give away this stream cuz early in the Stream I paused and it didn’t stop oh no because the server was running in the background from or just like spawn like 10 10 Theory videos about how lagundo is cheating in hardcore oh yeah right like oh God I I I mentally caught it after a few seconds I’m like oh wait ah see you did notice somebody did somebody in chat is already like I noticed that huh weird that’s why cuz I’ve had the world in this like open to the internet mode I don’t know how Essentials does this I’m going to be completely honest I I genuinely don’t know how Essentials does this I think it just hijacks open to land somehow yeah but like they have to be hosting it somewhere like do they have their own servers that they’re just doing this with I think they just got to be like forwarding the traffic to me because it’s still local on my machine right you’re black magic I swear yeah I I genuinely don’t know how it works right it proxies it okay so it makes a proxy server that you’re connected to and then it forwards the information to me that makes sense that makes sense yeah like it’s really cool and and at first when I had this thought I’m like oh I’m going to have to upload the world and that changes inventories and then like the statistics are all going to get messed up and all sorts of other things are going to get messed up and it’s like oh I’m so like I reconsidered it and then I remembered somebody mentioned this mod that makes it so you just connect and it’s really cool I might I might have to mess with this model bit more I’m just going to keep this I think for a while Cosmetics so cool yeah I need to figure out how to access the emotes yeah I have a I have an outfit cuz I did a thing here let me show you uh boop boop h check check check me out now whoa dude that’s sick yeah so I this czy the red Creator cup a couple years back they used the essentials mod and they gave um a bunch of Cosmetics for like specific to Red to all of us dude that is when I loaded it up this was like preset and I’m like oh I remember this thing we broke that we broke that event with boats that was fun there’s like a mob wave protect the core kind of thing we real quick I just want to say pikao I know you’re driving right now stop giving me gifties while driving that sounds extremely dangerous please please drive safe dog yeah please Safety First safety safety third but like also first and second safety above wherever gifting me is on the list [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] look I have to do the dance I I have to do the dance I’m at 270 okay the year I have a book I have a book I haven’t looked this is the one I haven’t looked this is it I know it is no no piercing piercing efficiency maybe I jinxed it I shouldn’t have said that maybe I’m going to put the fishing rods back here and the barrel back here now um so now all the books can live here cuz we’re we’re out we’re out of a book and Barrel space yes this is a challenge we are trying to fish up a mending book and um it’s not going well so appar pikao I said no more gifties not 10 more gifties God this guy man he’s going to you’re literally please drive safe like unironically jokes aside please be safe dog Drive save P I’m driving to Vanessa drive safe please drive safe everybody do not get into accidents for for us wait I love that pixel riffs just got it gifted that’s so funny nice Hi Sam how you doing hey wait what did we just hit 25k on Twitch I think we just hit 25k on Twitch I’m going to have to look it up followers I think so dang you’re way ahe of me who’s that Melody Pond you are you are sub number uh you are sub number 25k here’s a year of subscribership dude that’s so hype there you go you officially have here oh here that’s totem gang Melody would you like first person or third person oh for anyone worried about pikao he’s at a gas station okay good okay we’ve got the update back to you in the studio legs copy that hey you know I love playing around with uh with this hardcore World hey M you want to see what I do when I somebody subscribes for a year yeah can I have those Rockets back oh are you going to are you going to fly into the ground yep be right back oh that makes me so nervous dude is he going to take for One prepaid year of subscribership thank you so much for the support we’re going to take the Wings off now to um okay I don’t know I I I don’t know I’m not built for hardcore dude I that made me extremely uncomfortable no it’s fine toes that’s why I’m holding two I’m simply not made for that I think my heart almost just gave out I don’t know how you hardcore players do it ah we got grunts to 1 million pets on Tuesday wait really oh that’s adorable my dog is on the my my dog is on my hardcore uh hardcore not hardcore Community server Hub and you can pet the dog so dog now has a million pets oh that’s awesome thank you a lot of pets yeah thank you I wonder if I’ve given my cat a million pets I wish I had statistics in real life maybe yeah dude statistics in real life would be sick like how many actually what I’m going to ask what would be the statistic you would check first in real life IRL statistics what’s the thing you check first hours slept book book book book got a book book book should I check it book book book you want me to check it yes okay I’ll check it uh efficiency 4 piercing 4 respiration 3 fire aspect 2 that’s a really good book is not what we need I keep getting some crazy books honestly here uh top chest over here I made I made book space Oh okay I’ve been putting them over here whoops start stat to check first deaths wait what deaths yeah time since last death um I mean you you hear all those stories about like how people died for like a minute and then came back or something like that number maybe that happened in your sleep who knows yeah cuz like I guess being resuscitated ated like is kind of like popping a totem how many times yeah totem defibrillator same idea they both think Sparks uh so so here’s what else dude what other stats would be interesting to know like distance walked would be cool times jumped um a distance sneaked time stealth uh yeah no I think H or like door open would be a really cool one doors open would be really cool see I’m going for something a little bit like times remembered times that people have like thought of you thought of you times thought times thought of that would be a crazy one I I would check it but also like I’m not sure for whatever the number would be I’d be mentally prepared for it yeah okay well also like I don’t know if I would have a frame of reference 5 minutes you you got 5 minutes left 5 minutes left and then you’re going to I want time for you to be able to access the book or do anything else you want to do before we call it okay okay chat help me out what what are more interesting statistics yeah what’s good statistics for real life yeah oh screen pick up the kid until 3 I just want to be done like for sure done before Before Time actually yeah I would love to know how much screen time I’ve had in my life screen time ooh that that one would probably be really make me depressed uh wandering Traders killed wait a second hey zero uh water drank how many times in love times hugged money spent times I’ve stubbed my toe Keys lost items lost oh oh Red Bull drink would be a really disturbing one for me ooh money spent oh wait that one would be really cool to know thank you how much money you’ve spent in your whole life five months see I mean you can kind of you can kind of figure that out you could get close close word guess like most of it’s going to be in my adult life when I had like a big missed oo wait that would be crazy that would see here’s the thing though that could be like a lot cuz then you’d be second guessing every conversation right right yeah yeah like misconnections yeah misconnections that’s a really interesting one how many times people have had a crush on you uh how many times you’ve been sick without knowing Keys pressed on a keyboard oh man that’s got to be like billions probably maybe not dude I don’t know of one which is funny distance to Nemesis oh book book book book book book oh book book book book book b b wck charge knock back sorry I it got you got quiet and I didn’t notice you the same thing happened to me I was like what is he oh oh book oh book book book the whole reason we’re here yeah wa Mythic thank you for the two can you watch shorts Wars reanimated I didn’t know that was a thing I will check it out thank you so much for the 2 PBS that that’s the coolest part of our job yeah people making like animated people making stuff about the stuff that we make is 100 genuinely the coolest part of I think actually you were asking me how SOS is going I think my favorite part of being on there so far has been the fan art cuz like oh yeah I have a few fan artists in my community but when you take like 15 creators or however many 12 creators put them all together and combine all the fan artists in their communities collectively and it’s not linear too right cuz there’s there’s this immediate Drive of just everybody wanting to make so yeah yeah and they start to feed off each other and also the the people that I’m playing with have a lot better of a Twitter presence than I do oh B B book B book book Quick Charge sharpness is that two quick charges in a row that’s two quick charges in a row oh we’re going to have to how many times you made someone’s day oh that would be good like how many times you made somebody feel better that’ be interesting I wonder this one would maybe screw with my hat but I would like to see like time spent actively being sad versus time spent actively being happy and see which one is bigger I’m I’m guessing happy cuz I’m like happier way more often than I’m sad in general but I don’t know maybe Maybe I’m Wrong Time sneezed that that would just be a fun stat time sneezed would be hilarious yeah cuz here’s the thing we’re not saying you only get to know one it’s just which would be the stat you would check first like what would be your time started oh my gosh what times farted would be awesome times farted two stats right next to each other times farted times farted that people noticed number of farts that people smelled timeart farts noticed yeah that I like a stealth that’s a stealth check right there like that is is like how high is your stealth dude my I would have such a high number your boy’s lactose intolerant and just completely ignores it I mean I think my fart stat would be like [Laughter] legendary and the notice part is the tricky part right like the notice I don’t know how I would do on that I think my family and friends could answer that better than I could advancement received whoever smelt it dot dot dot he yeah he SM it times I’ve come close to being rich accidentally ooh I wouldn’t want want to know that I would want to know cuz at the end of the day at the end of the day like there’s being rich and then they’re not having to care about money I would much rather be in the second category than the first I think the first is purely a vanity metric I think the about important what about like calories eaten and then calories burned like totally your life called the scale that’s just called how much you weigh yeah that’s just called weight and I’ve seen that number and I don’t like that statistic okay you would not be checking that one first no I checked that yesterday and I’m like ooh we we talked about that a bit ago I’m like oh I’m not sure I’m okay how many times you’ve clogged a toilet oh no I think I remember that statistic though that’s the thing yeah I uh I have like Vivid memories of most of my toilet clogs cuz it’s always a crisis it never happens and you’re like huh I’ll deal with that later I guess no that is always an emergency I’ll never forget I got my first ever apartment uh during college and my roommate we were like at the store and he immediately bought a plunger and I was like wow I would have never thought to do that and he just said to me like this is the one item you never want to need but not have and I was like oh my God you’re so right I I can think there’s a ve that’s a very small category like plunger parachute fire extinguisher yeah I think that’s basically it right else you can probably make work yeah right like those three those three feel yeah that feels like you never want to not have those oh stairs climbed yeah that that would be a good statistic distance or overall distance travel or like vertical distance travel would be very interesting as well yeah it would skew if you’ve flown planes but like think about that cuz even like a pedometer or something like that or like all of those they only count when you’re walking right right so if you get in an elevator that’s you go up five floors that’s 50 ft but it never gets counted for anything yeah you could have like total distance traveled but then distance traveled on foot like a separate stack I think those would be really interesting ones how many socks eaten by dryer uh that could also be fun how much yeah how much money have you just lost like in terms of like change lose change money have you cost people oh wait yeah like how much how much money did your parents spend on you to raise you oh I don’t think I want to know that I lines of oh book book book book you’re gone I’m okay I’m back okay ready book book book book book b b b b b come on Quick Charge sharpness are you kidding me what what is with the quick charge it literally matches your book it’s identical why why so much Quick Charge one minute one minute a okay one more book come on baby come on baby how many times you said sorry and then also how many times you said sorry to an inanimate object [Laughter] mine would be through the roof the number of times I bump into a chair and I’m like I’m so sorry sir yeah oh yeah 100% just comes out hey Logan yes we’re trying for ending it’s not going well I even called in backup and it’s not helping grains of rice eaten yeah to cuz to quote Mitch Hedberg rice is one of the few things you can eat a thousand of and still be hungry such a good one it’s so good all right Legend B book book this is the last book book all right last book ready ready chat every I need everybody to spam sevens in lago’s chat in my chat I need your luck lucky number sevens come on baby [ __ ] I’m not going to open it until we see the sevens [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu okay I’m seeing sevens the sevens are rolling in we got so much good luck this is it flame no I saw the one word and I I got so excited show you what I think of flame burn it burn it burn it bck bck bck bck bck B we don’t want to be bck burners those I feel like only really bad people burn books book in history if if you look at the course of history only the bad guys burn books wait a minute are we the Baddies oh no I think we I think we’re the baddies dude oh no I mean look at the amount of fish we’ve un alived yeah I think we’re the baddies yeah oh no okay well dropping everything off oh that’s just anger that’s just anger I tell you what that if that’s the worst thing I have to apologize for on Twitter I think I’m doing okay yeah that’s not how I expect it to be cancelled but lagundo Burns book while chanting with people there are no cult in lagundo Tavern there are no Cults in lagundo Tavern it’s fine okay uh so what else would you like to do cuz we got we got like maybe 15 minutes before I got to go all right well first of all I got to put all my statistics in this book so okay um okay while you’re doing that I will fish if we’re staying here okay cool cult made SL joined that is that number would actually be high that would be an interesting one there are please let go of my family jeez book book book no the next time you fish it’ll be 2: a.m. and that’s when you get mending the clip’s going to be so underwhelming at this point cuz it’s just going to be exhaustion right you’re just going to be too tired to pop off oh yeah the name of the rod is called Green’s Bane um green bane yeah nice uh let’s see fishing rod uh picked up 10 used that to look up deity angered ooh deity [Music] angered that could confirm some things pro amateur thank you for another $2 heading out buy your kids ice cream with the money I will I will thank you with another two boop boop in the book in the book book book book we have numerous clubs churches corporate entities and cool folks but no Cults all right I’m going to read you my book on the 29th of February in the year 2024 M swamp joined lagundo on an epic fishing Quest the rod was cast 360 times 274 items were caught many of those were books but alas no mening was found to be continued to be continued do you want to sign it or do you want to leave it to be continued I feel like you should sign this so that way it says buy M swamp I I feel like I’ll sign it and then like we’ll continue it in another book if if if the saga continues I’m I’m here for this this is fun this is nice to be able to do something like this fishing fables part one there you go come on let’s go put it in the library oh I cannot fit the part one so just fishing Fable this is day 20 12:36 signing my book day 12:36 signing clothes okay come on put them in the library let’s do it I’m going to try to I’m going to try to try and it even though I have Rockets you got to aim a little higher there you go and now pitch down pitch down right there and that’s how you catch momentum too nice nice nice nice am I going the right way yep yeah okay straight this direction oh books red that would be an interesting one books red would be interesting too yeah uh mine mine would probably be pathetically sad in the past 5 years or so yeah I don’t want to think about that I I don’t think I’ve read a book in years legitimately not since preco ooh that was I was doing a little bit of reading during Co times but I was mainly making videos and stuff yeah all right day 12:36 when you’re a YouTuber you you just listen to audio books I don’t know if that counts yeah so so I haven’t picked a section for guests do you want to be up on the top floor or do you want to you want to be like pick a corner this one is where I’ve been keeping all the day books so not over here oops I that too just for fun there’s also a whole second floor oh it’s this thing it’s making scary noises okay um yeah I definitely want to be up here okay there’s elects you can even put it on too I can and I can get more oh yeah I’ll put it on elter that would be cool I’m going to put it on this like turn here there’s my book fishing fables there we go the very first the very first book sick Library dude I like it thank you I was making this actually funny enough right around the time that you made yours really I built this all on stream and the whole the whole idea with with this one you can go out the back so we can Trident up a little a little bit here and you can see the roof the whole idea is the roof is cracked so it has that kind of kitsu gold pattern intermixed with it oh yeah yeah like the whole idea like this has been damaged at some point in the past so they put gold through through the little yeah fill in the cracks and up here right here is look dragon egg yeah I didn’t I didn’t know where else to put it so we put it up here cuz I thought that that would be cool om let do fromage yes oh a fellow a fellow connoisseur of great animation I see always always yes let all right my egg is in the lamest place in my world I really should find a better place for it’s literally just like on and end rod in in my base in the middle of nowhere yeah I mean that’s special like that’s the thing yeah like at this point it’s been there for so long that I almost don’t want to move it cuz it’s just like it’s tradition actually thinking about something right here let me check something I don’t think that the fishing house is on the maps cuz it’s do s no it’s not I’m going to have to put that on the maps before the end of the video oh my goodness it’s due south of the of the actual main base yeah oh there there we are gooses I’ll have to put next it’s not there yeah I have M I’ve have so much more to build around this place and then like replacing this crater this is what it used to look like is it looked like did you play Minecraft Legends um you remember it no I sorry I was just trying to think dungeons or Legends um no I didn’t play Legends at all okay yeah so there was like a big teered Fountain kind of vibe and that’s what was there and then I and then I stopped playing Minecraft Legends cuz the game was disappointing so I blew it up got it I’m going to I’m going to do a different end build I was going to say it didn’t look like this is it was all sort of trees and overgrown leaves and bamboo growing up and a bunch of like calite and skull and prismarine and layers and then I blew it up cuz I didn’t like it anymore it’s happy but it’s sad yeah it was it was fun it was it was being able to acknowledge that hey what I wanted in the build has changed and who a giant totem oh yeah that’s over that’s over right near the raid farm that thing right there what about did we see this little cherry blossom Island I don’t think we did uh oh no oh yeah let let’s go we can log you out over there okay cool so come on this way do like North 11:00 from where you are okay cool I’m right behind you can you see me yep yeah I this is this is one of the few things cuz I really have like consolidated a lot of my builds together I don’t have like a ton of builds all over the place but right here is a little like cherry blossom Island I built as like a little 10 hour challenge and to make the whole island and everything and gather all the resources and all of it from oh it’s just starting to load in oh it’s so pretty the Tory gate yeah hold on I want to share two great statistic ideas from the chat okay number of times you’ve clicked a pen and number of times you flushed a toilet ooh that’s an interesting one this is like the whole are there more uh doors or Wheels de have you heard that one here’s the thing pen clicked like clicking a pen was my go to like high school and college fidget toid yeah fidget toy yeah yeah D I really like the scale of the story this is just all our little pandas all all the little pandas here we have one brown panda named cookie oh wait I’ve never seen a brown panda like legit let me see oh yeah cookies right here a cookie literally as I was finishing the video I was doing the outro of being like and I guess we didn’t get a brown panda but the timer’s up and then cookie spawned in right behind me dude that’s so epic which is so this is this a natural Island like this was just here so there was a tiny little island so right like over here where you see all this little podz all right here there’s a little lump of an island it was only like maybe 10x 15 blocks eight blocks tall and that was it but then everything that you see that the islands on now was still all bamboo forest biome mhm so I just replaced all of it if you turn off the shaders you can kind of just barely see the Ed I I can see actually no I went under and I can see cuz you you’ve done like a floating Shoreline here I’ve just never gone and connected it to the ground yeah that’s a pain I I feel like that’s like you can see kind of where the island lump was that’s a stream project if you get really bored yeah that’s like when I’m out of all other projects too yeah exactly that is not a good watch that is just that’s bad for all parties yeah yeah no so tell you what uh do you still have your shulker box yeah here why don’t you throw your stuff right here oh sick okay cool I’ll I’ll hit the what I’ll put it in the Shuler and then I’ll put the in the thing wait hold on yeah that one’s just named W okay cool yeah thr in there I’ll hit the gong I don’t have a I really should have a bell somewhere that would be cool if it actually like made it like well what we can do is with wind once wind charges become a thing I’m going to make it so that you throw wind charge here and that’ll trigger a skull sensor and then that’ll just ring a b cool here you go just yeah those the chest you could put it down on the ground and wait wait wa I could even do this there you go oh and it’s glowing cuz the glowing item frame yeah that’s me hitting the um the gong right there oh wait hold on hold on hold on I have a Gong I Qui you’re being attacked I can’t protect [Music] you I don’t know if that got through the microphone but oh Chris must have nerved it but I’m sure it was Majestic yeah all right well thank you for helping me trying to fish up a mending book yeah dude I’m sorry my luck didn’t quite get you there n it’s fine if anything it made the last two hours way more manageable than when I was just sitting here doing it by myself yeah if you ever need a fishing buddy again just let me know I’m here for it could be cool I’ll do this again thank you I’ll go go say bye to chat are you going to end stream or you going to keep going for a while I’ll probably say bye to chat and then yeah I’ll probably end you want to find somebody to co- raade oh yeah we could double double whammy raid that could be fun yeah um you thinking YouTube or twitch oh I think woma might be streaming on YouTube let me check okay uh I’m looking around yeah wom’s wba’s streaming on YouTube side so we could do woma um for the sandwich is streaming on the twitch side we could rate over to sandwich Lord sandwich Lord do I do I know them sandwich was going to be an MCC Rising with me I’ll send you the oh okay I found them sandwich Lord underscore yes I found here I’ll just I’ll send you the link just to be sure oh they’re doing like some crazy PVP is awesome at that stuff dude I’m so bad at that stuff I should learn I need lessons really really really cool okay cool we have PL so raid Channel okay yeah sandwich and WBA that is the plan start raid and then I have to edit customization oh redirect why is there so many extra clicks I’m going to die I have to log out okay see you all right I thank you again dude I will see you later all right and then you said Wombo right yeah yeah one uh WNBA WNBA yeah W NBA yeah yeah uh n not M yeah common misspelling y WN videos from other channels and I have the redirect there too so both of them will go over as well thank man I appreciate it I’ll see you later man see you have a good one bye bye so yeah a perfectly normal hardcore stream everybody a perfectly normal nothing yeah it was fun so this one is a little bit different I really appreciate it uh thank you all so much for tuning in thank you for bearing with it as it was kind of like more podcasty than stream We’re Just Fishing we were just fishing and doing some stuff and chilling but that was a lot of fun like I I really enjoyed it I I hope you all enjoyed it too it seemed like in chat you did which is fun it’s always nice to have people and now I know that this mod works we can have guests join us in the hardcore world that could be fun until next time everybody uh thank you so much our raid message is never skip leg day I will see you all soon take care of yourselves be good to each other and I’ll talk to you next time good [Music] night

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Fishing with @Mogswamp’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-02-29 19:48:20. It has garnered 5770 views and 258 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:39 or 9279 seconds.

Time to return to the Hardcore world as we prepare for a whole new 100 Days adventure tomorrow!

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  • Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player’s Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem

    Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player's Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem In the world of Minecraft, where players roam free, There’s a cheater among us, causing quite a spree. The moderator’s on the case, ready to reveal, The truth behind the cheating, it’s time to deal. Join us on Ares Mine, where the action’s hot, With giveaways and updates, we give it all we’ve got. Server IP at mc.aresmine.ru, come join the fun, And see for yourself, the battles to be won. Follow the rules, stay sharp and true, On Discord and Telegram, we’re waiting for you. Ares Mine is the place to be, where legends are made, So come… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the BEST BONEMEAL FARM in Minecraft, producing a whopping 8,300 Bonemeals per hour! The farm is compact, fast, and self-sustaining, making it a must-have for any Minecraft player looking to up their game. But here’s the catch – this incredible farm might be affected on some servers due to limitations. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind provides the perfect environment… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Arrow Challenge

    Minecraft's Sneaky Arrow Challenge The Exciting World of Minecraft Minigames Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Among the myriad of activities available in this sandbox game, minigames stand out as a popular choice for players looking to test their skills and have some fun. One such minigame that has caught the attention of gamers is the Simple Arrow Minigame in Minecraft! How to Play the Simple Arrow Minigame In this thrilling minigame, players must showcase their archery skills by hitting targets with precision and speed. Armed with a trusty bow and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Gaming Experience! Are you tired of the same old Minecraft survival series? Looking for something new and exciting to spice up your gameplay? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for a unique and thrilling experience like no other. With a variety of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From terrifying creatures like The Man From The Fog and The Midnight Lurker to thrilling challenges like The Mimic Dweller and The Goatman, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why settle for… Read More

  • If Games Could Cross Over: Minecraft Shenanigans

    If Games Could Cross Over: Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft: A World of Interconnected Games Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe that offers endless possibilities. Exploring Different Game Worlds In Minecraft, players can immerse themselves in various game worlds, each offering unique challenges and opportunities. From the fast-paced battles of a chicken dinner in PUBG to the strategic gameplay of League of Legends, Minecraft allows for seamless interaction between different gaming universes. Value of In-Game Currency While different games may have varying in-game… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and truly stand out in the Minecraft world, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of seasoned architects and beginners alike, Minewind offers a platform for you to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine implementing game-changing build hacks, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will blow your mind. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, Minewind will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become… Read More

  • Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!

    Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!Video Information like that last pick I don’t I don’t think get armor [ __ ] I forgot to buy a he is iron arm you know please help me kill pink please help me kill pink they’re a pain in the ass you know what wow like you just got raped I’m just gonna go places I’m not going to be bothered by that person how the [ __ ] do you break a bed you know what never mind you yeah I [ __ ] realized D I’m so glad I got that he’s dead he’s dead [… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox Cobblemon

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox CobblemonVideo Information today I’m going to be spending the next 100 days in Paradox only cobon and of course to start us off on the server we have our trusty shiny iron hands which we caught in the previous 100 days if you haven’t already seen it make sure to go check it out and I’m just admiring all of the amazing new Cosmetics that are chilling around the spawn area right now like look at this now if we talk to the Luna traveler it should teleport us away up to the top of this red Rayquaza I think… Read More


    JACK NEARLY DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | INTENSEVideo Information This video, titled ‘JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by Anshu Bisht on 2024-04-19 19:31:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!

    Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-04 06:00:17. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:03 or 123 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136 Read More

  • Minecraft 2021: Ultimate RTX Ray Tracing Mod!

    Minecraft 2021: Ultimate RTX Ray Tracing Mod!Video Information hey what’s up guys welcome back to Minecraft now I know what you’re about to say um zombie where’s your world and other question whatever happened to um the other things that not just about your world but what about the other things that also happened well um I guess if you guys didn’t know or at least heed my warning about um what happened to my world so basically this is what happened okay this is what happened so approximately around uh midnight I think it was around midnight but um yesterday around midnight I um was… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hell Hound vs Golems Showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft Hell Hound vs Golems Showdown!Video Information [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] help what This video, titled ‘How Strong HELL HOUND vs ALL GOLEMS: Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by Sevenberi on 2024-05-13 11:00:00. It has garnered 10502 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moon Monster Showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft Moon Monster Showdown!Video Information the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there’s a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby who that’s pretty scary I better be careful I hope I’m [Music] safe h oh that’s the doorbell who could it be oh Mikey JJ let me in what’s wrong there’s something weird with my house today I keep trying to take a nap but all these weird noises are keeping me up like what… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Guide: Modern Mountain Base Build in Minecraft

    🔥 Ultimate Guide: Modern Mountain Base Build in MinecraftVideo Information this is about to be the best day at the beach ever clear skies calm Waters and all of my friends H I wouldn’t be too sure about calm Waters look it’s a tsunami what oh my gosh a tsunami is coming guys and it looks like it’s going to grow higher we have to run what do we do what do we do we need to make a base inside of the mountain to protect us all right everyone let’s go before the tsunami gets to us we do not want to get washed out we have… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: More Wood Quest with InfernoTitan

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: More Wood Quest with InfernoTitanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: Finding More Wood (Episode 5)’, was uploaded by InfernoTitan on 2024-04-17 10:27:06. It has garnered 11 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:56 or 2096 seconds. Like and Subscribe! Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.1.0 Mods included: Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle) Adaptive Performance Tweaks Core Adaptive Performance Tweaks Gamerule Adaptive Performance Tweaks Items Adaptive Performance Tweaks Mods Adaptive Performance Tweaks Player Adaptive Performance Tweaks Spawn Appleskin Athena Better Chunk Loading Better Fps Better Ping Display BetterF3 Biome Music Biomes O’ Plenty Chipped Chunk Sending Client Crafting Cloth Config… Read More

  • ⬆️ Straight Up ⬆️ Anarchy SMP 1.20.4 Five Year Anniversary No Map Resets

    Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best Watch our server video Located in Dallas, USA Join us on Discord: Join our Discord server About Straight Up: Founded in April 2019, Straight Up is a small anarchy server designed for a laid-back survival experience. PvP and griefing are allowed, with no land claims or land protection. We offer stable server performance with no world resets, minor quality of life changes, and an unobtrusive anticheat system. Enjoy the true survival Minecraft experience without any additional plugins or features. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Piglins: Discriminating or just misunderstood?

    Minecraft Memes - Piglins: Discriminating or just misunderstood?Well, pigs have always been known for their discriminatory behavior towards other mobs in Minecraft, so it wouldn’t be surprising if piglins were racist too! Read More

  • Europe or Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unearth

    Europe or Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unearth Are you from Europe, upside down you stand, In Minecraft world, exploring the land. Streaming on Twitch, with viewers in tow, Playing games together, putting on a show. Variety is key, Among Us and more, Keeping it fun, never a bore. Dead By Daylight, Marbles too, With chat by your side, always true. Dytolan is the name, search and find, Join in the fun, leave your worries behind. Like, dislike, comment away, In this gaming world, we all play. Read More

  • MrBeast’s Nether Portal Pranks! 🔥😂

    MrBeast's Nether Portal Pranks! 🔥😂 MrBeast must have really gone off the rails if he’s resorting to using cursed nether portals in Minecraft. I guess even the richest YouTuber needs a little extra help sometimes! Read More

  • Herobrine Haunts Minecraft! (The Horror) #2

    Herobrine Haunts Minecraft! (The Horror) #2 The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft Herobrine, a legendary figure in the world of Minecraft, has been a source of fascination and fear for players around the globe. In a recent video, Herobrine made a chilling appearance at 05:30, sending shivers down the spines of viewers. Who is Herobrine? Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting the game and causing mysterious occurrences. While some believe Herobrine to be a real entity in the game, others dismiss it as a myth or a hoax. The Horrifying Encounter In the video, the player encounters Herobrine in… Read More

  • Unleash Golem Steve in EPIC Minecraft Battle! 💥🕷️🔥🎮

    Unleash Golem Steve in EPIC Minecraft Battle! 💥🕷️🔥🎮Video Information please leave a like And subscribe for safe puppy thank you you are very cool Golem Steve presents Enderman Planet hell hello hello everyone my name is andman welcome to my Planet okay let’s go check it wo really cool oh challenge for me okay guys let’s go come on my friends it was easy for me let’s go teleport okay oh it was was I hit come on okay let’s go and come on teleport really cool okay let’s go run I did with my friends let’s go open this chest oh Diamond I like it so… Read More

  • The Ultimate Manhunt Showdown

    The Ultimate Manhunt ShowdownVideo Information excuse the beasts they are barking oh well um so what should we watch first I mean I guess guess I can watch that I just better what can I say you were the one who was meant to like I don’t know not to hit Miss what a Miss yeah she not being fell off a tree nice okay myself you’re about but he has skill I mean I mean I just randomly open my launcher Hiser installed it too hold up hey Jenny use your P to get to there [Music] first you don’t have a… Read More

  • LITERALLY STUCK on ONE BLOCK for 50 HOURS… Can’t BELIEVE this happened!!!

    LITERALLY STUCK on ONE BLOCK for 50 HOURS... Can't BELIEVE this happened!!!Video Information I survive 50 hours on one lucky block yes the block that is designed to blow up spawn a supercharged creeper and drop you into a pit of lava is my home for the next 50 hours in my time I wish to make an amazing Island for myself along with one dedicated to the lucky block in hopes that it likes me better alongside that I’ll be beating all of the bosses in the game at the same time Yep this adventure could be my toughest yet join me as I survive 50 hours on only a… Read More


    DALLAS BOB'S EPIC MINECRAFT DEATH RACE PIXEL ART!Video Information hey what’s up guys this Dallas here and welcome back to another Death Race For Love pixel art tutorial if you’re new to the channel welcome and hopefully join us for some more pixelart tutorial videos okay so in the last video we were working right here on the R so we’re going to try to get this done and then move up top start working on the Death Race part um yeah so let’s go ah a and hop right into it we’re going to start over here on the left side the are on top of… Read More

  • 🔥 Don-Poison Super Smelter Hack 1.20+ 🚫 No Fuel Limits! | Minecraft Tutorial

    🔥 Don-Poison Super Smelter Hack 1.20+ 🚫 No Fuel Limits! | Minecraft TutorialVideo Information [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] he [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey a [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] a This video, titled ‘EASIEST Super Smelter with UNLIMITED Fuel Supply 1.20+ | Tutorial Minecraft’, was uploaded by Don-Poison on 2024-03-04 15:00:34. It has garnered 1126 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:42 or 462 seconds. EASIEST Super Smelter 1.20+ | Tutorial Minecraft In this… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Hell in Minecraft with this Viral Texture Pack! #gaming #trending #viral #packreview

    Unleash the Power of Hell in Minecraft with this Viral Texture Pack! #gaming #trending #viral #packreviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘texture pack #gaming #trending #viral #minecraft #packreview’, was uploaded by Hell boyy on 2023-12-31 13:16:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “HEROBRINE BOXING SHOWDOWN: Pro vs Noob vs Super Noob” #clickbait

    "HEROBRINE BOXING SHOWDOWN: Pro vs Noob vs Super Noob" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] [Music] woohoo oh This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine BOX vs NOOB vs PRO vs Super NOOB #shorts #herobrine #boxing #noob #minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Shorts on 2023-12-26 07:00:16. It has garnered 153 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. HELP Herobrine BOX vs NOOB vs PRO vs Super NOOB #shorts #herobrine #boxing #noob #minecraft #gamexpanda7m #gaming #shorts #short #india #op Better Beacon in Minecraft! #minecraft #viral #games #minecraftbuilding #short How to make a Better Beacon in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts minecraft mein ghar kaise banaen minecraft mein… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Chair Tutorial in Knite X!” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Chair Tutorial in Knite X!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Chair In Minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Knite X on 2024-03-07 15:01:35. It has garnered 4759 views and 150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Jai Shree Ram 401/365 Days So We Complete Our 365 Challange already this is 401th short 😁😁 So I Hope U Subscribe Me For ……… ( Reason On Your Choice) And if u like My this video so Please Like the Short And subscribe The Chanel Our Goel Is Reach 2000 Subscriber in March So Please Help Me To Do This… Read More

  • Kostya SHOCKS with EPIC live cover! #MusicMadness

    Kostya SHOCKS with EPIC live cover! #MusicMadnessVideo Information Добрый вечер Эй полегче Пусть он длится бесконечно нам сегодня было хорошо этот праздник не подвёл Я почти уже ушёл и тут она выходит на танцпол Ну почему я просто не пошёл домой зачем сказал This video, titled ‘я старался оцени #music #топ #live #cover #ютуб #minecraft #мем #дуэт #brawlstars #бравлстарс’, was uploaded by Костя on 2024-05-16 15:45:55. It has garnered 405 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Edited by YouCut:https://app.youcut.net/BestEditor Read More

  • VirusGamingMC

    VirusGamingMC[!] Servidor Survival Custom 1.20.1 [!] Nuestro servidor cuenta con: Misiones personalizadas. Sistema de protección único (No encontrarás nada igual en otro servidor) Clanes Trabajos Habilidades Recompensas diarias Y mucho más… Discord: https://discord.gg/UtxkN26UCs ip : play.virusgaming.gg (1.8 hasta 1.20.1) Puerto bedrock: 19132 play.virusgaming.gg Read More

  • Vanilla Playground SMP Vanilla Anarchy

    Welcome to MCVPG A Public Vanilla SMP With No Plugins. Rules: No Hacks IP: play.mcvpg.org Version: 1.20.4 Discord: Join our Discord to find a team: discord.mcvpg.org Classical survival on modern version that has been up for 3 years. You can grief, explore, and build with friends. Join now! Read More

  • 🥓 BaconSMP (1.20.x) 🥓⛏ Crossplay ⛏ – ⛃ Economy ⛃ – 🔥 Active 24/7 🔥

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: baconsmp.minecraft.best (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mincraft vs. Real Life: What we see vs. What we get

    What we see: someone flexing their meme’s high score like it’s their IQ. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 13 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 13 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 13 is here, Chopping wood without an axe, testing the fear. Surrounded by trees, a challenge to endure, But still, the time it takes is not yet pure. Greetings to Elizabeth and Natanael, so kind, Their comments in the video, a treasure to find. The wood challenge continues, each day a new feat, 365 days of creation, a journey so sweet. Join the channel, support the creator’s art, Enjoy the benefits, be a part of the heart. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to bring, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More