Ultimate House Security vs Ender Dragon! Maizen Madness

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Well then let’s get started once nightfalls the zombie horde will arise our goal is to protect this house let’s get building what a zombie horde we need security measures let’s do it yeah well on that note we’re going to build eight security measures to defend ourselves eight really yep we need to start

Building our first security measure will be Spike trips in lava taada look take this oh thanks this is a spike trap cool I think we should build it a good distance away from the house we can put them down just like this these traps go directly on the

Ground oh these are impressive yeah that should do it this will keep us safe here’s how the spike traps work as long as you’re holding on to a copy of the master key you’re going to be fine but if you’re not oh wow see that out of nowhere spikes stick into your feet

Seriously check it out that’s amazing when the zombies walk across this line they’ll be absolutely helpless in our Mighty trap so strong now then Mikey our mission is to protect the whole entire house so we’ll need to surround everything with a lava fil moat let’s start digging wow just like that great

Nice work now for the lava okay looking good perfect super perfect this Bo nothing will get through here yeah wo the spikes on the lava make an incredible defense nothing can cross lava and the spikes will hurt way too much the zombies don’t stand a chance sweet would you look at

That this trap is really something awesome okay now we’ll make a pitball trap a pitball trap we’re going to be using these eggs but for now we just need to dig a big hole in the ground let’s do it got it let’s get digging there’s lots to do this trap is going to

Be huge dig dig come on hurry let’s make this hole as deep as we can just like this all right sure that should be deep enough oh that looks pretty good this is one deep hole we’ll seal up the top layer with this recovering it yeah let’s

Go this is not a trap well we’re going to place these eggs inside of the blocks on top what are you talking about yeah just like that time for the eggs these eggs will make us the ultimate pitball trap oh thanks now then yes what are you

Doing you’re just covering it with snow blocks you think so Mikey drop your key for a second sure now walk over there no I’m stuck here it looks like your trap can you please let me out number three let’s dispose of the zombies that fall into the pitfall trap

What trapping zombies is the first thing we have to do but finding a way to properly dispose of them is just as important yeah but how here’s the plan we’re going to replace everything in here with glass blocks how’s this good now that we’ve installed all this

Glass we can observe this zomb Behavior at any time wo cool nice that should just about do it okay now then right we’re going to set up some special dispensers special dispensers what makes them special you can’t tell no idea a normal dispenser only has one hole but this dispenser has

Three holes you mention it I think you’re right having the EXT extra two holes means that these special dispensers can launch their ammo at three times the speed of a regular dispenser no way that’s incredible all right there that should do it yeah that’s it Mikey huh look

Awesome you can see it better from this side ready oh wow see each special dispenser launches three arrows at once that’s really something does it have infinite ammo yep it can fire forever W unbelievable now when the zombies fall into our pitball trap they’ll be completely exterminated this security Rock security

System number three zombie disposal unit is finally complete it’s finished four a secret passage there’s nothing wrong with walking through a door like this but yeah but what won’t the zombies just follow us straight inside you’re totally right if we enter through the front door the zombies are definitely going to

Follow us inside I think our next step should be to build a secret passage into the house let’s do it first things first we should probably start building a tunnel from somewhere around here sure Sweet let’s see if we connect it somewhere along here we can stop by and

Clear out the zombies that fell in the hole oh true after clearing them out we can continue to the house I see nice we’ll put the tunnel here Okay let’s go keep on digging I can’t wait to see the rest of our security measures oh it connected we’re through we can make a nice set of stairs here There great wo sweet it’s done M the entrance still isn’t hidden yet I want to make a true secret entrance right that looks about right is it clear it out first and then we’ll add Pistons sure we have to set the Pistons up around here and

Here I need to make sure it reaches this side the repeaters go up here and the Redstone Dust connects it all Together just like this [Applause] okay all Right now we cover it with snow blocks wow that’s awesome and now for the Final Touch huh the lever nice when you pull this lever the Pistons seal off the secret passage wo now we’ll Place some sand on top of the sealed pistons and on

Top of that we’ll add some some snow oh just like that now the zombies won’t be able to locate our hidden entrance it’s invisible that’s how you make a secret passage when you open it this happens wo cool it’s done number five automatic Arrow turrets that sounds strong go go

Automatic wao wait a sec do you have your key uhoh I left mine behind we need keys got it all good yep okay they’ll shoot us with no keys as soon as drop it for real we need to make it a habit of having our keys on us at all times we

Can’t drop it no matter what I’ll be extra careful well if the zombies happen to break in down here we have these automatic Arrow turrets to protect us that way we can safely get to the house terrific are we done not yet what else lots of things let’s see yeah if the

Zombies happen to break in destroy our turrets and swarm us then eventually it would be up to us to enter the battle for ourselves but how an automatic equipment system oh cool this one is actually really easy to build all we need is a couple of items dispensers some redstone

Dust and a button that is easy the only other thing is the equipment what armor should I use diamond armor sure why not let’s do it cool I’ll put in full diamond armor and an enchanted golden apple just in case we need to use it of

Course Place one of each item into the dispensers put some Redstone Dust on the bottom and a button up here all done wow okay great it’s perfect the automatic equipment system is complete just push this button and you’ll armor up in no time that’s just a safety net I doubt

We’ll actually have to fight right right Mikey just to be safe just to be safe we should build one final weapon a powerful Last Resort I think we should start building it right away yeah let’s do it seven The Last Resort these eggs are the key to everything wait what are they

When these eggs are used they summon one of the most powerful weapons ever known to man yikes we need some dispensers I see that’s good they need to be able to reach everything right now we need to place a single one of these eggs in each dispenser I can do that thanks now

Then this circuit is a bit messy W nice this looks good yeah if we pull this lever it’ll activate Our Last Resort so be careful I will be I don’t we need it yeah we should set it up on the second floor as well the basement is well

Secured but there’s a chance that the zombies might break down the door upstairs we need to fortify the top floor as well let’s do it all right this is how you extend the signal upward wow looks good really good I think that’ll work yeah there there all connected

Nice now around this area we could use some more dispensers yeah just like that cool H now inside the dispensers we’re going to place our eggs that was quick yeah all time me too now to complete the circuits wow that’s impressive that’s good now if we pull this lever it’ll activate the last

Resort but let’s not try to use it unless we need to all right I won’t touch it the reason for that is because our house will become super dangerous huh I don’t like how that sounds number seven The Last Resort is finished so we’re dead not quite one more thing in

The unlikely circumstance that we have to use our last resort we’ll need to make a break for it right away or else you’re right eight the emergency life fls Mikey come on where to the room yeah we’ll just head up there for now oh we’re going to need obsidian

Honey blocks observers and sticky pistons for this final security measure oh right we’ll also need note blocks too now then I guess we can remake the roof sure I need two rows of obsidian to make the runway for our emergency Lifeboat this is it it’s pretty cool isn’t it yeah

I’ll place a note block right here then an observer a sticky piston and a few blocks of Honey next on this side we’ll add another Observer another sticky piston and two more honey blocks wow fancy When We Touch the note block the emergency light boat will

Activate we can only use it once so we have to save it for when we’re in serious trouble we should probably just leave it alone for now I won’t touch this or the last resort guess that means our eight security measures are finished well done now we just have to wait for the

Zombies let’s do It all right looks like the night has come already wait a minute that’s a lot of zombies seriously yep now I’m going to draw them towards us let’s do this thing huh are you kidding is this safe I’ll try and get them to notice me time to use our

Security measures yeah our security measures will wipe them all out wow there’s so many W they’re following me that’s a zombie parade ouch uh-oh I’ve been hit you good I’ll be fine because this place is equipped with traps yeah nice watch this well bring it on zombies how’s it look I have some

Time to eat it worked oh look at that wow amazing hang on a sec they’re breaking through make them cross it again sure wait what about the pitfall trap drop them down there more zombies just spawn seriously this isn’t good but the traps are catching most of them Mikey stay further

Back right around here W they’re falling in it’s working that’s incredible got them I want more to drop in even more they keep spawning I think they’re spawning faster and faster what do we do wait Mikey try not to fall in the oh Mikey bad I’m coming to see you Mikey oh

No the zombies got you they actually got me I’m dead check out the automatic arrows Mikey come look at this that’s awesome it works sweet it working not for these two nice job now it’s finally working well Mikey the zombies are going down but we’re getting caughted AC Cross

By we be fine they hit us oh ouch that hurts we’re definitely getting caught in the middle let’s just exterminate the rest of the zombies let’s do it punch that zombie into the arrows I’m on it nice job now dash through while it’s clear I can make it almost ouch that hurt

This is terrible we’ve been Shipwrecked we can’t find land in any direction to make things even more dire it’s said that at night hordes of zombie sharks appear in the ocean wait seriously I don’t like the sound of that so we need to build a floating security

House yeah okay here’s the plan let’s extend our boat into a full-sized high security base cool I’ll use blocks of concrete to extend the air area like piss nice we’ll build our security house on top of this platform now to fill it in we’re already off to a good Start there now that the platform is done let’s start building the house on top oh I’ll just build it out here like so almost done yep that looks like a good size I’ll use glass for this part a nice big window oh I actually want to make this part concrete

Oh something like that that will make the house stronger there H now for the wall on this side I’d like to make something fancy I want to build it out of fences this is going to look really unique all right then next up I should give us a door or maybe

Two oh and can’t forget the roof I can help we don’t need anything too flashy just some more Spruce Wood thank you Mikey I think I want to cover it with a layer of slabs okay I think an overhang would look nice okay it’s almost done now nothing

Can spawn on top of our roof nice thanks for the help Mikey before we add security features I want to make it fancier huh does this look good maybe I’ll add a pillar here something like this sure that looks good enough next up Mikey I think our house needs an underwater area

Yeah here’s what we’ll do for the underwater part oo the underwater level of the house will be really important for security thanks Mikey MH the fence partk will extend down too this will look even cooler underwater and then below that part I’ll put more Spruce planks what do you think

I like it I think I’ll make this part All Glass oo yeah it’s going to take up the whole wall it’ll be great oh yeah now that looks cool the floor should be something strong like more concrete blocks concrete is probably zombie shark Proof and the floor is done I think I should reinforce this wall though to make it stronger oh awesome with that our underwater room is complete woohoo almost we can’t use this room if it’s full of water right let’s use sponges in here to quickly soak up all the

Water Mikey uh-huh huh watch what happens when I place a sponge huh hang on a second what hang on Mikey there’s too much water for them to soak up really maybe we should go from the top down let’s try let’s try again I can’t tell if it’s working huh

A huh maybe if I just oh look it is working oh let’s keep going I see we just need to put them at the top of the water wo it’s draining let’s keep it up yeah check it out this side of the room is mostly drained let’s keep placing sponges almost done

Wow you did it that’s the last of the water awesome now let’s clear up all those leftover sponges all right this part’s fun all done finally all the water’s gone we did it all right now Mikey I’d like to turn this into a storage room oh storage help me replace all these floor

Blocks with slabs on it we’ll split the lower section into two levels and put storage on top I see the slabs will let us fit in more chests all right now let’s divide this with another level this will be the floor for the storage room see oh

There we go just like that thanks for the help Mikey of course before we add chest I’d like to give it some finishing touches huh I’ll replace these slabs with wooden blocks Oh maybe some more on this side uhhuh and some slabs along the top this is really starting to come together but I still want want to make it look a little fancier so I guess I’ll add some walls to this space oh finally I want this wall to be

Wood that’s much better we should also raise this part up with slabs so the chest can go on top let’s put chests all around the sides of the room oh good thinking Mikey thank you there’s room to fit chests in the middle too next for our storage area I’d like

To make a secret entrance so cool to start I’ll place a ladder that leads into the storage area and next to it a lever then I’ll have to make some room behind it for some Redstone I guess this outer wall will have to be thicker that’s easy

Enough it’ll look nicer if I extend it all the way there we go now let’s get out the red stone dust nice let’s see right here I’m going to need to place a sticky piston there we go then place a wooden plank in front of that and replace this nice

Wow now if you pull on the lever the secret entrance opens up that’s awesome thank you all right then Mikey we’re all done here we’ve completed the secret storage area what’s next good question for our next task let’s work on the first floor interior I think this needs a glass railing

Yeah I want this to look stylish what else will we need in this room maybe a TV for when we want to relax I think this wall will be the perfect spot and of course we’ll need a sofa to sit on of course H how about a gaming PC

Over here that’ll be fun don’t you think think oh yeah I think so too there oh and can’t forget the chair that’s better perfect next I think I’ll Place some carpet here like this wo a carpet always ties the room together oh thanks Mikey yep okay looking good I like it now

Let’s do the interior for the underwater room yeah we could make this a bedroom what do you think of that idea that’s perfect great my headboard will go right here nice that’s tall enough I think I want a double bed how about you and there you go thank you oh and

I’ll give us some side tables nice and then we’ll need something to put on those tables like these lamps there we go one on each side table oh yeah this looks like the perfect spot for a painting yeah what do you think should we put carpet in this room too

Definitely this is starting to look really nice it looks great let’s carpet this entire room woo that’s perfect oh we can’t forget to add a ladder back up mhm otherwise there’d be no way out of the bedroom we’d be stuck down here that’s much better H I think some flower

Pots would be a nice touch what do you think totally cacti are my favorite plant I want one in every pot maybe one more over here so cool all right and with that Mikey our underwater room is complete nice does that mean our security house is ready to go not quite

We don’t have any food yet so we should set up an underwater Farm oh yeah Farms need a source of water so I’m going to let in a little bit from outside right here careful okay now the underwater Farm is is going to go over here an underwater Farm sounds really

Cool I’ll make a hallway here this part’s just the hallway leading to the farm the actual Farm is going to be at the other end the ocean has plenty of room so I’m going to make it really big why not right let’s make it huge yeah then we’ll never have to

Worry about food yep we can spend our whole lives down here and we’d never run out of food there wow for the walls of our farm I think we should use glass blocks sure if we use glass then we’ll have a really good view of the ocean good point

Filling in the walls sure does take time but it’ll look really good when it’s Done okay now the ceiling thanks Mikey all done there the glass room is finished but it’s still full of water so we can’t Gra grow crops yet let’s drain this room using sponges right one by one these will soak up all the water there we go looking good wow the room is slowly

Draining very slowly finally w wow they soaked that water right up now we got to get rid of them all Right the water has been drained oo our crops will need plenty of light to be able to grow underwater so let’s use lanterns okay these lanterns should provide all the light we’ll Need all right that should be enough of them thanks Mikey what’s next oh we can’t forget the water I’ll go ahead and dig some holes in the ground a thanks Mikey I’ll add some water here too nice there we go whoops there the next step is to till the field I’m ready this

Part’s easy just grab a hoe and hold down right click on It hey that’s looking pretty good what crops should we plant maybe some carrots to start sure okay this step is really easy too just start planting carrots all over the place that’s good it’s nice to have multiple types of food so we should plant some wheat too okay

There next up let’s plant some Potatoes all right done thanks the final two rows let’s plant pumpkins and watermelons oh yeah my work here is done oh Mikey oh hey JJ I’ve been hard at work prepping my security wo what did you make well this is the first thing huh I made armor

Oh iron armor H all right let’s put this on then yeah awesome thank you Mikey you’re welcome but wait there’s more take these oh carrots I gathered the carrots from the farm thanks I’m going to eat some right now good idea we should eat before the zombie sharks show up these are

Good there’s more this is the last thing oh Tada is that a rocket launcher Mikey actually it’s a multi rocket launcher uh we’ll have nothing to fear from zombie sharks if we have these I don’t know Mikey rocket launchers are powerful but are you sure they’ll work against

Underwater targets what do you mean of course they’ll work work JJ rocket launchers are the Ultimate Weapon the strongest there is I thought you knew that huh what look over there oh no Mikey the swarm of zombie sharks is here and they’re attacking oh man I was

Hoping they wouldn’t show up but it’s okay I’ve prepared for this moment Bring It On watch me JJ yeah here I go go get them I’ll deal with these zombie sharks bring on the Rockets yeah ready fire take this you lousy fish wao why isn’t it working H it’s the

Water it’s slowing down the Rockets So they miss the Sharks no way oh man youve got to be kidding no effect at all the Rockets are just fizzling out Mikey rocket launchers are useless underwater so all my prep was a waste don’t worry I have just the thing let’s activate the Tesla guns

That one’s close 3 2 1 fire wow yeah so cool wo it’s working yeah look at him go this is awesome yeah they’re dropping like flies game we can just sit back and watch the zombie shots don’t scare the chance just like I hoped woohoo Tesla guns are awesome this is

Too easy but finish them off Hey good morning Mikey how are you Doing what’s the matter believe it it’s so sad Mikey tell me what’s going on I should get going hang on why is he ignoring me I better follow him great buddy here I brought you some flowers oh it’s a grave but who’s grave is It oh JJ how could you leave me JJ it’s my grave but how wait I just noticed I’m seethrough does that mean that I’m a ghost I must have died at some Point H oh okay I see yeah I’m on the right track H Mikey never comes to the library what could he possibly be reading about is this it huh eure I found it I found a way to bring JJ back to life you’re trying to do what all right no

Time to waste I got to hurry can he really bring me back to life this is it this is the place there should be an orb at the top of this mountain that can bring people back to life wow no way Mikey is really going to try and bring

Me back to life what a good friend there’s a terrifying monster at the top apparently I hope I can beat it well I don’t have a choice I have to try have to for JJ Mikey is so sweet I’m going to do everything I can as a ghost to help

Him reach the top what’s your plan Mikey yeah I’ll use these Vines to climb my way up I don’t know Mikey that looks dangerous okay as long as I’m careful I should be fine just in case something happens I’m going to put some of these down slow and steady oh hang on

Wa what happened to the vines pH weird wo was there always slime down here H I don’t know but it saved my life I need to be more careful that was close I barely made it in time to save Mikey all right to the top okay I can do this just keep moving

One stone block at a time careful that’s heart aw he’s trying so hard to reach the top Focus I’m going to bring back JJ I have to actually reach the top yes that’s it yeah you’re doing great Mikey just a little further W I’m on a Roll that’s super super hot push through the pain looks like he’s going to be okay maybe I should use this water to make it safer for ready woohoo little more okay wait where do I go from here oh I can’t cross this down how am I supposed to reach the top of the

Mountain with this in the way yeah he looks stuck it’s up to me to help him out then I’ll make a stone path for Mikey to Walk On By pouring water on the lava there I’ll pour some more what’s going on that’s enough seriously moving the Water

Source I think you can cross now what just happened where did all the water go and where it even come from in the first place so we that said it did turn the lava to Stone which means I can cross now woohoo Yi onward to the top that’s

The spirit Mikey I’m counting on you I’m on a roll bring me back to life huh what the pth splits in two which way do I go oh I see one of these doors leads the right way while the other is a trap H which should he pick I got to find out

Where they lead let’s take a peek hold up what’s this behind the door on the left no it’s a super tough bad guy oh no it’s a trap pick the one on the right Mikey come on go right okay I’m going left yeah I’ve made up my mind

This is bad that’s my ticket to the top this is really really bad oh I know I’ll use this to lure him towards the door on the right let’s hope he takes the bait oh h Huh cake h h yes I think it’s working M actually I’m going

Right delicious all right my plan is working out he’s going through the door on the right woohoo that was lucky cotton word Mikey I’m so glad he went with the door on the right if he had chosen the other one he would have been a goner everything’s working out seriously that guy over

There is bad news he’s just staring at Mikey all right I got it keep forging ahead he didn’t even notice the big baddy staring at him nothing can distract him from his mission I’m getting close I just hope I can bring JJ back there’s the summit oh what’s that

Up ahead who are these people yeah guys I’m under attack you’re up Mountain Bandits how do I get past them he need a weapon stat here’s a good one go go go go go take this Mikey please notice it h a this yes you picked

It up wo oh not bad get up yes sick huh that was awesome what’s all this he destroyed them maybe I shouldn’t have given him such a strong weapon oh well and look at that Mikey looted the Bandit’s diamond armor now nothing can stop me I’m

Bringing you back JJ go Mikey I can do this get that orb and bring me back you’re almost at the top hang in there I’ve got a good feeling about this this is it he’s made it to the top great job I see something that’s a scary looking monster they must be

Guarding that orb that will bring gy back to life I’ve come this far I’m not giving up now oh he’s still using the weapon I gave him go Mikey all right you can do this you’re dead meat now take that wao it’s fighting back hang in There no I’m out of ammo seriously how am I supposed to beat it now Mikey needs help step it I think I have to step in what do I do Mikey’s in trouble and it’s up to me to save them I’ll use this this energy launcher

Should do the trick Bab back Mikey come on out of the way first I got to charge it up to the max then aim and fire yes I did it that monster is out for the count it’s not getting back up I think I killed it but how oh well

Better focus on the mission I still need to get that orb that will bring JJ back to life but wait where’s the entrance I still have to get in inside if I’m going to save JJ oh what do I do so it’s in there there’s no way in hang on AET oh

There’s a secret door I need to find a way to let Mikey know but how yes I’ll use gold to lure him towards this button and hope he notices it I’ll leave one here right in front of it perfect then I’ll make a trail like so now to make my way towards Mikey

Couple more a come on Mikey look down yes he sees it what cool there’s gold on the ground H there’s more today must be my lucky day yes he’s following my trail there’s so much gold it’s amazing oo has he noticed it no more gold but

There is something else oh is it a Buton yes a secret door amazing I’m going in too wo this must be it this must be the magical orb I need to bring tranger back to life yo time to head home hi I hope this works here you go JJ oh did I really just come back to life yeah I must what a relief the grade’s empty and I’m not see through anymore you were gone but I brought you back using a special item I’m so glad to see you thanks Mikey you saved me don’t

Mention it you’re a hero but uh what there’s one thing that’s still bothering me how did I die in the first Place hey there something seems off about Mikey lately he’s acting weird where is he now oh there he is he’s really been freaking me out huh is that rotten flesh ew that’s disgusting he’s really pigging out on it I’m going to talk to him hey Mikey

Dude hey why are you eating rotten flesh something seems different about you lately is something Wrong huh I’m not eating rotten flesh I’m totally fine see no way there’s definitely something wrong look at all the rotten flesh that’s it I’m going to figure out what’s going on with Mikey it’s a stake out I’m going to find out what his deal is where is he oh there he is wow he is acting weird he keeps looking over his shoulder but why where is he going I’m going to follow him all right where are you headed off to

Mikey we must be going Somewhere no wo he’s really on guard today what [Applause] For huh Mikey went into that abandoned house it’s been empty and vacant for a while but he walked right in uh what he disappeared I’m sure I saw him go inside where did Mikey go H oh there’s a button that’s unusual maybe it’s a clue in this big mystery

I’m going to push it click wa what it’s a pit it looks really deep too maybe Mikey went down there I don’t know where it goes but I’m going in I have to all right 3 2 1 go wo huh What whoa what where am I is this the abandoned house but I just went down the pit I what’s going on I need to focus I’m here to look for Mikey find out what’s wrong and stop it huh this isn’t Right what everything the whole village is messed up what happened I need to find Mikey maybe he’s in here a skeleton Mikey no another one why hey is that my field oh no the farm it’s ruined I don’t remember planting these here’s my house but that’s messed

Up too should I go in Mikey might be in there it just doesn’t feel safe should I go inside I have to be brave I’m going in the light keeps blinking a skeleton Mikey that’s not Mikey right it can’t be I have to believe he’s safe even if this place feels dangerous I

Have a really bad feeling it’s so creepy oh that’s right I always keep a weapon in the nightstand just in case I should check yes my emergency supplies are still here even my TNT and bread okay I’ll take the weapons with me I feel safer already it’s certainly seems

Dangerous around here now where’s Mikey he has to be here somewhere there H wait is that huh oh wow huh they’re calling for the most massive eruption in history tonight and they expect the volcano to be active for a Month what a gigantic volcanic eruption starting tonight and it’ll last a whole month let’s go check it out for ourselves Okay wa they weren’t kidding it’s smoking up here oh this is getting out of hand we can’t stay Mikey we have to find cover as quick as possible but but there aren’t any shelters in our village you’re right buddy so I guess it’s up to us H since there’s no safe

Place to hide nearby we’ll have to hurry up and build a shelter ourselves let’s get moving yeah and back to the Village quick Sprint come on we don’t have much time that’s right we are in for a world of trouble okay now uh that’s not Dilly J

The volcano’s going to explode come in here Mikey check it out I need you to put on a helmet and take a pickaxe done and done good now let’s get cracking on a shelter under our house got it we’ll start here all right get digging I’m on

It step one uh-huh keep tunneling down we have to hurry though the eruption could go off at any time do you think this is deep enough mhm we’ll clear some space in that case and begin working on a room yes sir let’s do it yay shelter making yay indeed Mikey

We have to make this space magma ready then let’s get Building okay we want to make sure that lava can’t get in totally that’s the last thing we want in our Hideout I think we’re almost done with our first space how’s this nice maybe a bedroom over here sure I’d also like to have a living

Room wo this ought to be big enough for now M and woo finished is it really check it out oh wait not quite actually we can’t forget the ladder true that wo there I added a hatch and now it’s done not bad huh it’s great H Ah that’s right this stuff up here

What let’s make this part out of stone cuz the lava could burn Through the Wood how does that look really good okay that should do it uh-huh so next up since this eruption is supposed to last for an entire month we have to be able to spend all that time down here that’s

Right let’s set up the space with everything we need to survive for 30 days sounds great I say we start with the bedroom sure we’ll definitely want beds I know I will the villagers will be staying here too you know right right right let’s set

Up bunk beds woo this is what you have to do to make them take these out there stunning adding a ladder in the middle and of course the bottom bunks very nice that about does it we’re done well let’s build another Lair there are going

To be a lot of us after all true this might not be enough for everyone how’s this looks good Triple Decker bunk beds coming right up awesome put this here fix this yay is this Better yes it’s great now we have room for six people to sleep amazing what we need now is a toilet and a shower for sure it would be embarrassing to have them out in the open drew that so we’ll make a dedicated bathroom for them great thinking something like this m

Okay the toilet can go here uhhuh we’ll wash our hands in this corner yeah great idea we’ll put the bathtub over on this side and the only thing left is the shower there it’s a tight squeeze but everything we need fits so it’s finished then yay fantastic we’ll place a door

Here and that’s the bathroom the bedroom’s done too aha so the next thing on our list is the living room oh what will we need for that well it’s also going to serve as a kitchen so we’re going to want to store a month’s worth of food or else we’ll starve good point

So let’s make a kitchen area sure here we Go so for the kitchen corner let’s make something along these lines okay how’s this very nice it looks great then it’s done wo we even have a fridge so we’re going to spend a month in here yep but I almost forgot we’re going to need some food right let’s get Some there should be some in the supply shed oh let’s have a look see wow there’s so much these are our reserves oh potatoes carrots some of the meat and potatoes are rotten unfortunately but whatever let’s grab it all all right that’s a ton of rub we

Also have a large wheat Supply let’s take some with us it keeps well and we can use it to make bread wow it’s just wheat buddy and it’s all coming with us come here all right done not quite there’s still some growing over on the farm let’s Harvest it okayy grab everything

You can sure thing woo well done lers we gathered up so much food now huh let’s put it all away before the volcano erupts good idea huh let’s put the carrots and the fresh meat in the fridge go for it pack them in there the potatoes too why not there

Now H yes we’ll store the rest of the food as well as the wheat in this chest excellent idea that should be enough to get us through the month we forgot something super important what is it hang on a second what else do we need hang on I’ll show You okay one of these oh a TV and of course we got to have a couple of these count this here and then yay uh what are those they’re computers for gaming oh now we can take it easy I see if we didn’t have our gadgets we

Couldn’t spend a month down here in this shelter it would be way too boring this stuff will definitely help us pass the time mm we’re ready now we have everything we need right we can just sit back and relax not quite Mikey you’re forgetting the most important thing H

What could I possibly have overlapped for ordinary circumstances this would be more than enough but the whole region is about to be covered in lava so well the inside of our shelter is going to heat up like a sauna what that’s no good are you saying it’s going to get boiling hot

In here cuz we can’t survive that are you so positive about all this don’t worry Mikey huh I have an idea we’ll build an AC system let’s head to the Village we’ve got some shopping to do Okay this is the place are you sure this guy only sells ice I’m positive that’s what we want to stock up on I brought my savings 100 diamonds W I’m going to use these shiny things to buy as much ice as we can all right we bought a huge supply

From the market wow we have more than enough to make an AC System okay this is the bedroom let’s carve out another space on this side sure this is where we’ll set up our system let’s do it got to make some room first of course so now Mikey uhhuh we’re going to place some ice on the ground okay now on the

Wall even just this will have an impact on the temperature I’m gling down already but it isn’t enough though oh I’ll Place some iron blocks in the Back okay the lever’s going to go here and the man will go here wow amazing watch if I flip the switch like so whoosh wo great huh fantastic it’s so much cooler now the fan blows the air off the ice and into the rest of the shelter That’s How we’ll

Counter the heat from the lava yay we won’t have to boil down here that’s right now let’s go round up the villagers I’m on it Is the volcano really going to blow tonight do you want to go above ground and take a peek okay even if it does how big of an eruption could it be anyway Okay H well how does it look do you see anything no no way it really is a massive eruption the lava’s pouring out so quickly run miky get back into the shelter yeah I’m going I’m going wao hurry this is bad okay we’re sealed in I’m scared JJ really

Scared Mikey we’ll be safe in here I think all right no use panicking I need to keep myself busy I know what we should do let’s stop our faces and play computer games yay I guess we could might as well this is so much fun you said It come on come on almost there just a little F there yes I did it I won computer games Rock and shelter life is the best time for another round let’s go Mikey you’ve been playing for a while you should sleep oh I guess you’re right I can pick up

Where I left off tomorrow let’s let’s call it a night sure ah it’s nice and cool and the villagers are already asleep let’s join them sleep eat game repeat thanks computer spending a month down here is easy huh du what was that sound I think I heard an explosion in the living room

Seriously Yik go it’s it’s lava and it’s sting in how’d that happen seriously oh it burnt a hole in the ceiling and now it’s seeping through we have to plug it before it gets any worse I have some dirt blocks but will they do the trick will they stop the lava Flow oh Mikey I think it’s working let’s see will we be okay we might be able to use dirt to seal the hold it worked the leak it’s stopping look look look wow pH I thought we were done for is the lava level still coming down yes I think we’re safe wonderful we

Managed to survive yippe now every in the shelter is back to normal I’m just glad we were able to protect the food yeah fortunately it’s a Okay uh Mikey yeah what’s the matter JJ everything’s all right isn’t it no look the shelter is back to normal it isn’t the computers and TV they melted oh no they’re Dead

This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Safest ENDER Security HOUSE vs ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft ! Best of Maizen – Compilation’, was uploaded by Perfect Maizen on 2024-01-09 22:00:03. It has garnered 4351 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:09 or 3609 seconds.

Mikey and JJ Safest ENDER Security HOUSE vs ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft ! Best of Maizen – Compilation

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

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    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

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  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

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  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

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  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

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  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: play.evrimcraft.com Web site: https://www.evrimcraft.com Discord: discord.gg/evrimcraft play.evrimcraft.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Lorthorn: New Enemies GALORE in Minecraft Mod!

    Lorthorn: New Enemies GALORE in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Enemy Expansion Mod!’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2024-06-02 14:00:32. It has garnered 1631 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:09 or 2049 seconds. Enemy Expansion is an Enemy mod for Minecraft . In this spotlight Ishow of the monsters the mod adds to MINECRAFT. Rank them on there looks and do some lore dives into the game of minecraft itself. I also show of the new gear the mod adds and i talk about game mechanics. You know what basicly no one reads these it’s all for the yubtube… Read More

  • Nature Conquered: Explosive Delusions

    Nature Conquered: Explosive DelusionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Defeating Nature with Delusion and Explosives’, was uploaded by thrite on 2024-07-22 20:00:13. It has garnered 366427 views and 28419 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:59 or 4379 seconds. never have i ever spent a month and a half on a minecraft video aw —————————- Mods I used: Pollution of the Realms Advanced Chimneys Ambient Sounds Distant Horizons Optifine Create all this for forge 1.20.1 Also “Complementary – Reimagined” shaders Music used: Omnibound – Heartbound OST (i looped a part around the middle for the intro again again) Thunder Dreams – Kevin MacLeod… Read More

  • Uncover the most INSANE 2b2t Alternatives with herbond

    Uncover the most INSANE 2b2t Alternatives with herbondVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring MORE 2b2t Alternatives. It was still cursed.’, was uploaded by herbond on 2024-09-17 16:00:47. It has garnered 1317 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:20 or 860 seconds. 2b2t is the oldest anarchy Minecraft server ever. If you don’t know, an anarchy server is a server that has no rules. However, the server is so popular that queue times can take hours or days for a person to join. So, instead of waiting days for me to join 2b2t, I am going to other servers like 2b2t and exploring those… Read More

  • INSANE! I Created a Mini World Hardcore!

    INSANE! I Created a Mini World Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Mini World in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bunny Muffin on 2024-05-21 01:14:45. It has garnered 1730 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:37 or 2857 seconds. Hello! Welcome back to Episode 2 of my hardcore series. I made a mini world and I think it turned out awesome! I actually started this right after episode 1, it took me a month to record and even more months to edit. I was trying to go for “smaller” projects in order to upload more, but that didn’t work haha…. Read More