Ultimate Island Prep on Creator Minecraft Server #46!

Video Information

Yes yes breaking glass nice okay let’s get this sorted shall we cuz my issue right now is that for some reason this thing is enabled but Um don’t sh again nice did you see it did you see it not yeah but I no this nice it’s pretty cool um pretty Uh Essentials versions 221 instead of 221 Z Dev and the essential spawn that I just yoed no that’s a lie I’m not I’m not running the latest version of Essentials cuz this is that’s no that’s complete BS plugins Essentials x 20 .1 jar I don’t know where this guy got wait

Why is there two versions of essential Spawn I only just realized this now why are there two versions The Power of actually sleeping holy okay so first let’s update Essentials X let’s upgrade and update that on the Server and get rid of the old old versions so Essentials X20 and essential X spawn 20 I’ll get rid of both in favor of the dev builds which are one version newer I don’t know where that professional got that version or they just released a new version of Essentials X but

Regardless we got that going um I have to restart the server now I don’t know cuz yesterday mom didn’t cook any food they the only air fry they only air fried f um fish cakes EXC excuse me sorry good it’s okay I cough a l now we wait now we wait now we

Wait I randomized Island picker tab is not really required h that’s the server is taking ages o I’ve notified all of our creators with all of these information What is up gamer yep that that junky boonu yeah that’s my all that’s my um that thing is the Discord account that I have opened on both my Minecraft server and the other and the other Minecraft server good morning my sister my sister says hello and good

Morning my sister says hello and good morning she’s scratching my back right now yay yeah dude yeah it’s pretty good yeah all right so the the junky Boon 2 account is a Discord server that I use to basically send files from my main computer to the other

Computers cuz I hate [ __ ] you I hate [ __ ] using Google Drive hell no I don’t I I don’t know I don’t want to use that I don’t know I cuz I have to go to the website I have to rightclick and then click that download link buttons paste

It on the thing blah blah blah yeah with just Discord drag and drop click the download button Donzo yeah gaming yeah I hope it I hope it’s okay but I pinged creators saying that I’m currently doing the finishing touches on the server I’m pretty sure you’ve read the announcement that I made to the creators letting them know about the current in hindsight maybe I should have consulted with you first

Yeah hello yeah in hindsight I should have probably consulted with you first before I posted the announcement but I made it I made it so that I made it I tried to make it seem professional as possible yeah you’ve read the post right okay pretty pogers Yo you know what I can totally do since I have since I have um Whata call it the the uh what what do you call it I have the uh let me give me a second the FTP to the Minecraft server I can just download the whole ass

Server and just r on my own Hardware that’ll be funny ah yes bricks run it on my own hardware and run it off of my own domain that would be funny the only reason why I’m saying that is because the [ __ ] server is taking ages to [ __ ] restart which actually annoys me

Personally uh okay so right now I just uh I just ran the restart command on the Minecraft server and as we speak it’s still trying to close it or maybe no I’ve been watching YouTube like three YouTube videos already like I mean like yesterday restarted it three times and

Every time I have to restart I just watched a 20 minute video and then after that it’s still and I went to go and grab coffee as well and it’s still not restarted uh no I restarted it in game but I don’t know how to restart it on stype itself was the

Thing so okay so I’m logging in and I went my servers there okay what I see right now is Minecraft ryzen 9 3950x billing billing cycle four days off server offline what node and what IP address nope I ABS I I’m clicking the server settings there’s no start and

Stop button nope I went to server profiles there’s no start nope absolutely not I can only yeah for me I because I don’t know how to restart the server through stype I restarted the server through ingame command so personally with this amount of with this amount of plugins it shouldn’t take

More than a minute to start but but it’s kind of starting more than a minute it’s kind of taking more than a minute for it to start cuz I’ve done like hosted on I’ve hosted on my own hardware and it’s as easy as just stopping the server and

Then starting it again and just running this the the the start the start script again and yeah surely surely you know when I yeah [ __ ] you I don’t care when they first restarted the server I was like it’s stuck at closing server I wonder if it broke or something

When they press the restart when I ranip button I mean the restart command oh now it’s starting it’s starting it’s starting now okay yeah it yeah don’t know yeah it started now and then it loaded instantly but it took way too long to start like there’s AIT there’s like a huge time

When I the restart button and then yeah oh yeah I was actually I was actually wondering where is that 5900 5950 X CPU yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I I get you I get you it’s we’re macro M micromanaging yeah gotcha

D oh uh okay Essentials version 21 okay we’re at the latest Dev build that’s good essential spawn un build okay so one thing I had just realized is that we’re running a version uh a version old of Essentials and now I’ve update to the absolute Cutting Edge version which is a Dev

Build on their website anyways is they public they um okay cuz I have an issue and I’m not too whether if it’s the if it’s a bug so I updated it to the most absolute latest that I can get um and realized that there’s two identical plugins two version of an

Identical plugin in the plugins folder so I just rectified that just now hold on let me check okay my sister went into my YouTube chat and said cat okay yeah I’m I’m don’t worry I have Discord muted it’s h yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t like the way

Twitch is the the I don’t like what’s happening with twitch I feel like twitch is going to die for some reason un h um you can you can customize your channel to just immediately show you that you are live and your past streams on the front page of your YouTube

Channel it show it show it shows you all the live okay okay okay yeah YouTube has a separate algorithm for live streams and it shows you pred videos first there is a live section but you have to go through it you have to actually go to the live section in order to

Yeah I get you yeah I get the yeah I I get you but I’m comfortable with YouTube right now to be honest cuz it keeps my it keeps my vods alive twitch um it allows me to it allows my stream to be on the low lower quality

Twitch um cuz Okay so okay no no no no cuz Okay I’m streaming on full-blown 1080p 60 on 6,000 bit rate and what if the because on Twitch it doesn’t downscale your stream at all so whatever you send is whatever your viewers see and what if the viewer has [ __ ]

Internet yeah dude so withbe it Downs in it downscales my stream to 144p so even if you have a [ __ ] dial up internet you can watch my streams it h it it’s the it’s the benefit it’s those features that I care more about honestly than and then whatchacallit yeah slightly

Better I mean you know with the with according to asmin gold with the Bing situation in twitch yeah there’s a botting situation for uh view botting sorry on a situation twitch where they would embed their twitch stream on like some wiki page and that would count as a viewer but

Actually uh used by some random streamer so like World of Warcraft wikii and they would just stream on World of Warcraft and then they would just just embed their twitch stream on like their wiki guide and then when someone goes into the wiki guide that counts as a viewer

But they’re actually not viewing the twitch stream yeah it and then they’re boost they’re basically like boosting their Channel all the way up in the in the World of Warcraft category even though it says 21 viewers the actual amount of are actually watching him like are actually on the website like 21

People all the other 20,000 people are from the wiki and bed yeah that’s a twitch problem I think you can also do it on YouTube but it’s not as easy cuz you have bed the actual like you’re actually constantly creating another um uh broadcast so it’s an entirely new

Live stream embed to manually embed your new live stream on the website but yeah that’s so much work yes [ __ ] you Essentials yep the bug that I was encountering last night and I fixed it today let’s POG oh oh [ __ ] hell that gave I was like

Busting my ass last night 3:00 in the morning oh yeah I stayed up I stayed up till 3:00 why you want to know how much how long I’ve had Minecraft open for according to the last time I checked I’ve been working on the Minecraft server for seven hours last

Yesterday seven hours my guy dude I woke up I woke o’ went to work and then finished shift at 5 o’ and right off the bat I started working on a server from 7 7 hours from 5:00 my by the way awsd 5:00 and in seven hours on top of that it’s a

Whole look I’ve it’s I just happened I just so happen to have tinkered with Minecraft servers since 1.10 when I was a kid I’ve been interested okay so like I started Minecraft servers 10 and I had a cracked Minecraft client and I made a cracked server and then we

And then downloaded plugins and [ __ ] and then made some random weird garbage and it all worked yeah I’ve been making servers tinkering with it even though no one is going to play on it I’ve always wanted to like try it out and yeah since 1.10 10 is when I first started 1.11 1

12 is whenever I ramped up my server quality 1.13 1.4 is when I started getting into um like permissions like luck perms so that’s when I learned that you can can you want to know my issue before because people for some re people could not like have access to certain commands

Because you have to set permissions did not know how to do that before 1.13 so before 1.13 servers that I have made I don’t have no clue how to set permissions so you guess what I did gave everyone operator so I don’t have to worry about it let’s go

I no but don’t worry it’s my all my friends and S and [ __ ] so I was okay with giving everyone oper but like it was it was annoying for everyone because everyone has to every command so yeah on 1.14 onwards is when I learned about luck perms and when able

To do permissions management and here I am today what point 20.2 yes oh my it works okay so okay the issue last night was yeah sorry sorry I’m listening but like I have to get this out reason the the issue that I was experiencing last night was that um cuz

The way spawning works right now is that if to prevent people from resetting their spawn point to the Bedrock platform and getting a roll which would break the permissions and break the whole system unless I make a fix for it and make a roll function but

No um the issue that I was experiencing last night that um if you set a if you set a home on water like outside of the island like just outside just near right next to an island on near the ocean on the sorry okay I’ll get to that in a second

I’ll explain why I’m using set home um set home on water it would have an error where it says the is unsafe and it has that I don’t have safety teleport disabled even though I went to the configs it’s enabled so I updated to the latest Essentials

Version it works or maybe it’s because I have um two versions of the same plugin so maybe that’s a problem as well but either way the reason why I’m using set home not everyone has access to delete change add any homes just to be clear it’s for the sole it’s for the

Sole purpose of making sure the player stays in the island and preventing the player from going into going back and resetting their spawn point to the Bedrock platform so in essential uh like I said earlier I they absolutely have no permissions to teleport home create a home delete a home or change a

Home they absolutely have they it’s it’s just they cannot do anything about it it’s for the sole purpose of spawning because Bedrock platform Bedrock platform and getting a reroll which would add on top of it it’s which is going to give them a second island assignment and it’s going to break the

Whole it’s going to it’s going to break them blah blah blah um the reason why I use set home is that on Essentials there is a thing spawn on home instead of spawn point which instead of world spawn cuz if someone breaks a bed after they have set point there that’s going

To reset the spawn point to the Bedrock platform cuz if we use the regular spawn point command it will set the point where it set it but it’s to get changed once the bed is placed and set your spawn point in the bed but once the bed is broke their spawn coordinates their

Spawn point will be reset to the Bedrock platform which is a no no so I used set home and prevented I used set home and then went to Essentials and made it so that it would once once if a a home set what it it will spawn there instead of the world

Spawn which is the plat the bedro platform capish all right so that’s dunzo um I fixed the essential I fixed the spawning issue uh let me update the could be worth making a quick tutorial for everyone to follow that they can install so they can install a quick proxy chat

See the reason why I streamed early is so that uh and mentioned it in the islands and announced that I will be streaming should uh I only I yeah I was going to say should I have put a link in the announcements but I put I put my link

In can I should I make another announcement or should I just edit announcement do that I’m dumb dumb and forget I’m zero I’m zero I’m an unknown streamer yeah the Oblivion Theme you have violated the law then pay with your blood sorry I’m dumb dumb and forget I’m a nobody streamer here’s my channel if you have any questions or require any assistance I am very happy to help that’s is what I’m going to post okay I’m going to send it now

Is that coffee store by any chance Starbucks that’s just expensive yo my youo funny thing my sister is the only person wanted Starbucks in this house I just want to try it’s just way too [ __ ] expensive yeah Venice what did you order at Starbucks do you remember for Gore when was the last

Time when was the last time you went to Starbucks no no no you no you went with Miss Holland with onu it’s not Starbucks it was oh it was a c Okay so we’ve never been to Starbucks sorry for false uh sorry for false information CNN moment Dr it’s oh [ __ ] I [ __ ]

Up every other store but the telra store okay I so okay okay okay first of all this is my first time actually working for some huge event that we’re going to be doing I’ve never been like like I’ve second I’ve never been an actual like influential in some dis Discord

Server um so I’m this is an entirely new experience yo who gave me resume I just showed you my resume I can do server [ __ ] produced no no no they did their job nicely but for I just did not understand it so I just basically redid

What they did so that it make sense for me yeah it work it worked and it worked like intentionally it’s it’s just there are some things that I did not know that I learned now that I know now but you know so next time if some

Professional did it for you again I can I know what I’m looking at now and you know I can also do it for you instead of a professional uh but anyways dude there’s a thing called Google Man yeah use try using Google Maps as A I’m answering questions right now uh I’m helping this person who cannot get um procs chat to uh thanks to streamer mode I have no clue who this is but it has it’s a pink profile picture some Fox tailes on the help on the hope and the help channel so the optify for

Them I mean proc chat doesn’t work with um with their OptiFine for some reason uh no they’re having trouble running the simple voice chat mod with OptiFine so I asked them the no no no no no they no no so the first question I asked them are they

Running Forge and then OptiFine the OptiFine client and then cuz optify jar is both a OptiFine installer and a mod so you can just slap it to a forge mod loader and it’s just going to run the same as um as if it was client but you have mod support

Um dude one of our neighbors troubles with telra so it’s a grandma and her daughter living basically on the same house but they live on like they have they live on two properties but they’re right next to each other they both have telra and when one have telra the other doesn’t when

The other one that didn’t have telra the other one doesn’t so they it’s either or so they ask telra to like fix it and then the and then there and then stop don’t move move to the to the testra of technician and then checked if and then both um the grandma

And their her daughter like turned on their modems and it works now both their internet works separately it’s Funny yeah also T is kind of expensive so they say go dodo bro go dodo yeah how old are you 20 dude you’re you’re we’re basically kind of the same age but like you’re a year you’re a year older I’m I turned 19 this year I’m turning 20 next

Year how older did you think uh oh uh oh Nei you DC nezi Youc uhoh he ran his data plan run out his data plan run out uhoh uhoh Rro yo your data plan run out your data plan R out yeah you disconnected my guy but yeah I am indeed 19 a year how old did you think I I was that’s what my Uber one of the Uber drivers said are you 20 and I’m like no I’m 19 no I’m 18 dude I went no cuz Okay so I was on my way to work so I was wearing my work clothes and they were like are you4 and like no I’m 18 he’s shocked okay so one thing I forgot and I I should probably start working on that

Now is the um the assign the actual assignment so far all I have done is the teleportation and spawn point so now I have to do the um assignment gaming all right Eden talk to you later gamer all right let’s let’s let’s get Kraken let’s get cracking so so far I

Have uh they haven’t responded yet the [ __ ] does that anyways um that sounds so sus so I need conditional event okay plugins conditional events events more events let’s actually start on the player ass player team assignment first assign the player console uncore command let’s assign the player LP user play add jungle um

Message okay so we have uh just making sure that I have everything tiger Jungle Desert default and Ching okay we have jungle jungle and we got the tiger tiger jungle under message tyon mess and then this one is which one is this one cherry and then this one is d desert desert

Desert yep we have desert jungle okay uh that would add them to the permission group in luck perms um next is the region I’ll Al I’ve also taken notes on the command so if we ever want to switch a player going to switch a players um team

In the worst in and not the worst case in the edge case Edge case scenario uh we can remove them from that team and we can totally just we can totally just um we can just totally just remove them from that team and assign them to a

Different team so that’s going to be good r g g add member jungle player to the world to that world that’s jungle done it’s basically the same command but I’m also running through the console it’s pretty good so I’m I’m giving every so first I’m giving people the per the perms the

Group and the ad member for the world guard region I’m not even too sure if this works but I’m just off of whatever the professional worked on um so I’m just going off of their work and basically modified their work from a for selections to a random I which I got working at

Yesterday I was so [ __ ] proud of that let’s go dude bro okay this one is ah I just got a a Discord message um where in the world did I get that oh 100% for I that’s what the server it’s so nice that the server the the that this tab thing

Adapted that adapted to like specifically the um the server Time stuff that AE so good good thing that that thing adapted to This Server because um I mean it’s placeholder it’s placeholder API what but my point is I literally just copy pasted this from my personal servers just to get something up and

Running hello I only just checked the chat because I was busy talking to someone hello tiger and chicken Mist I’m currently doing the finishing touches and adding functionality to this like finishing the functionality Island randomized picker that’s pretty POG so far I think I’ve done all I have all I need

Okay uh console command LP user anything to get the server up in this the functionality that we want from running I’ve worked on it for the whole day yesterday despite having five hours of work time at work I am now working on this LP list groups do I not have up

Uh just for everyone’s knowledge absolutely cannot see the YouTube chat right now uh group up okay I do have op why it’s saying zero oh no that’s the weight yeah that’s the weight yeah okay like the priority of the thing okay I don’t have coffee but I’m nice

And fired up to get this server up and running ready for launch later on SI 6:00 AED guys 6 o’ AED 6 hours from now is the launch time of the server there are some things that are optional to get things that are optional but I’m trying

To get the core functionality out of the way before I work on the miscellaneous functionality okay that’s cherry console add member desert World guards can I get a list World guard please man there’s RG info oh it that’s I guess that’s pretty it’s pretty nice um not info that I want right

Now list list hey you go okay have desert we have looking for Cherry yep RG Cherry um tiger right there and we have jungle okay so let’s first center teleport is only available in spectator game mode okay so according to the thing this is the center of the region not that that

Which I’m kind of sad about but hey which means this whole island is protect and this is the Cherry Island okay desert yep there’s the desert of the desert um the enchant table that’s this is apparently the center which I’m actually mad about but hey it is what it is uh

Jungle yep spawns it teleports me to the Jungle region there’s the jungle up there spawn is at spawn and tiger here’s the snowy biome so that’s pretty good all right all regions are correctly assigned uh okay double checking LP user RG LP user RG LP user RG jungle

Jungle jungle Tiger Tiger Cherry Cherry desert desert all right ready for launch I mean ready for deployment rather not sure if it’s ready for not sure if it’s ready for um I mean I can test it now I can I can can test it now and then just delete all the

Stuff that it made reset it I’m going need to make a custom command for that to make it easier for myself to test however conditional events events I am in need to piss I’ll be back uh always use this action Here we go a okay I have exist me breakfast oh that’s I like how you’re using the trade that I made back in in year 10 they’re using the serving trade that I made in year 10 that’s pretty cool okay I’m eating noodles so that’s pretty

Cool I’m going to eat it over time Though pretty good did I upload it for so a really good a really good sign that it worked it gave me this notification right here now I have to remove myself if I go yeah it now says I’m part of the Cherry team that’s good now I have From the I thought I already disabled creepers or are those creepers from from last time either way I’m pretty sure I disabled creepers ever comes to it I will make a command block that will kill all creepers if necessary I have to check the okay I always have to constantly check

The help Channel because I’m the only person right now that can help Singularity knife on valerant yeah what’s my shop I can’t check right now because I can’t open the game what’s my shop absolutely dog L shop L shop diting in to lurk so that means you’re that means I’m in the background

And comment um to my what’s the word commentation huh uh I don’t know the word is but something to do with comments uh am I am I using the correct y yeah I am okay good uh I’m trying to get R myself from the thing I’m currently a cheres I’ll select that command

But why did it work that sorry I e I don’t even know how I’m planning on streaming yikes dude yikes no nei’s internet died new modem from tsto but telra said they don’t offer loan modems anymore hold on here here’s what I’ll ask him this nzy one one does your i port third

Allow third party if do do to to get third party modom router I I gave him a quick solution that he can do right now right this second to get his internet working if his ISP supports if his ISP uh telra supports thirdparty modems he can totally just buy a new

Modum and then ask for a username password thing and VLAN stuff and get the modem connected to the internet through their through telra and give them inter access for is is better than a standard modem depends if your modem is old as [ __ ] it is better than a standard

Modem if it’s latest model it will only have the ABS solute stuff you need to get basic networking stuff to work port forward FTP server Lan see whiz a third party like what I am using it offers stuff um quality of service would prioritize certain packet over other internet packets or better um

Service better interface and latest ches such as wpa3 plus add blocking plus um anti virus all that goodies not have the features I list but that’s what $200 is going to land here okay Discord chat uh Discord chat no one has joined the voice chat yet for any

Assistance nor is anyone in the YouTube chat chatting and asking so I’ll proceed with what I’m currently doing so I’m currently a part of yeah I’m trying to figure this out so currently I am oh nice it it shows what type of uid this is it shows if it’s an official

Minecraft account or not parent groups so what if I just why is it that on the console group add cherry and remove so if I do info I should not have parent groups up anymore and if I do LP editor I should not have cherry anymore that’s good

So now I’m not a part of the Cherry also Dell player spawn and then RG remove member okay RG remove member Cherry in in the World wait what’s the command again for oh okay I why is f awe getting updated the hell does that mean fast async world edit Well either way we’re gonna I’m going to check also there are Nether and End um world folders I’m not too sure whether it it’s probably running them in the background but it is disabled from what I recall if there is if there are people going into the

End or to the nether for the end or NE for some reason I can make up a patchwor that basically teleports them out of the nether or actually just changing Dimension and then preventing that event from happening I can just set it to that um uh via version I don’t know what that

Is but I’m World guard worlds neiv let’s get the regions file from This see that okay so if I add myself to Cherry for what region file is it changing What fast asnc world Edit For Whatever it is it’s working and I’m not too sure why but fast async world edit is editing World guards configs for World guard I mean come to think of it look I I I saw this just now now F A we World guard okay so then it’s okay then so now if I if I reload World guard again I should not exist in the regions file okay I don’t exist in the regions file anymore that’s good I’m no longer a member of cherry nor do I have the Cherry parent group from LP nor do I have the home set to Cherry anymore therefore

[ __ ] I should spawn just back here okay everything works as intended the only thing I haven’t tested yet is the Z the zones the region is the region files um like entry and exit deny stuff uh that’s for late that’s for a friend of mine to test why is that my

Thumbnail for the stream oh well it’s fine doesn’t matter I plan to change that at some point anyways okay the team selector Works randomizer works the teleportation and then randomized teleportation opet works the team assignment using lock perms and region files are also working as intended the only thing that

I am that I cannot test right now I mean I can but I cannot be bothered to up and deop myself all the time I want to every time I want to test it Um it’s better if I have all the access while I’ll have some other player to test it um the region files should be okay essential spawn should be okay to my knowledge everything should work as intended okay I think we’re ready for launch I think we’re completely ready for launch hello Nei yes

Nezi I cannot understand what you’re saying now cuz noise suppression is also considering you as noise and I cannot hear anything you say I did not understand what you had just said because it it cut off like 10 times uh are you by any chance using your car mic because it’s not

Working I can hear what you’re saying now but it’s choppy as hell so uh to be honest you might need to turn off noise suppression on Discord I can hear him properly hello hello I can hear him I can understand him anyways so server update and everything

Works just just play testing for um for a non opt player so I need Ender Sack Boy I need Dev to be online I need him to test the regions like I need to test the region stuff if they can walk inside the region that they’re Assigned um if they are allowed to the exit and entry should work as intended but I just need to test whether if a player can walk inside their region that’s the only thing I need to test literally oh you got butt [ __ ] by them real hard didn’t you bro bro bro

Bro you’re a [ __ ] dumbass you know nobody guy that doesn’t have any network knowledge blah blah blah you’re trash you’re garbage bad yeah that’s garbage dude so yeah you can either just call your ISP and probably order a modem from them which would take weeks which is

Isn’t oh [ __ ] okay so then your only bet as to the thing that I told you about uh okay so the way okay Mo you can just plug it into the modem it can plug in whatever that gray cable is the DSL cable into the modem it’s not going to

It’s not going to enter the internet yet but technically it’s connected to the internet so don’t worry about it just all you have to do is get the modem set it up uh to work set it up and the Wi-Fi will work work but the internet

Will not you can log into the you can go into the Wi-Fi yes so you can just log into the Wi-Fi and then go to and then log in using the credentials that is under the router I believe and how would this what uh once you set up the proper internet stuff

Yes the one that I’m using right now is an Asus modem which is $200 which I don’t think you would buy uh it has an app that makes it makes the setup easy it asks you for things that you need but I’m not too sure Telstra so I I

Know nothing with telra nor do I know what your modem is going to what modem you’re going to use yeah that’s that yeah but this is yeah I understand that which is why I said that you can also do that but that also depends on on

You but the problem is that I’m also out of the dark cuz I’ve never used any other modem nor have any you nor have used any other isps I actually can’t believe that this just happened dude so Literally what was the issue that you’re having with your modem anyways is it just not working not turning on no nothing like when you turn it on no internet or like when you turn it on there’s nothing no lights no anything just abs okay that’s bu that’s [ __ ]

Um oh yeah it happened on the day of the launch or the day that it’s the server is about to launch holy [ __ ] so basically NE okay I’m S I cannot help you on this one but the only solution is to yeah uh the only solu the solution is

The G the one that I gave you just now but it’s a gamble because we have to learn everything about what your ISP allows call the ISP for the information we need and learn whatever the interface is for that modem that you’re using which all would take about four hours right now maximum

Minimum uh to be honest yeah either either either the way they work the way it works is they order it and then it gets shipped to them and then they ship it to you just kind of that’s kind of weird that’s kind of weird to be honest actually and you know what telra

Yeah telra a big company like that in their way cuz it ALS it’s the same with dodo that I’m using right now they it took them like one or two weeks to ship a replacement modem when mine got [ __ ] over uh have you tried calling ISP and

Then asking them if I can if you can order a modem and then just pick it up on the warehouse itself and uh internet service provider AKA call up Telstra oh okay good okay good good good hold on sorry sorry sorry I think I missed something because my [ __ ] internet just combusted

My Wi-Fi for some reason just disconnected and for some reason I have an unidentified network on my that I’m connected to an unidentified network oh that’s a GoPro anyways um my internet decided that it should disconnect and reconnect me um so my stream so kind kind of cut

As well I hope that it did not just end my stream yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay good good good good okay because one time it took me it took me too long to reconnect it took me too long to reconnect that it actually cut off my

YouTube stream and then I had to make another broadcast and stuff that’s the only Annoying Thing about YouTube if I’m G to be honest but it is what it is I chose it and I’m sticking with it [ __ ] so uh you’re it’s actually quite clutch that um that I talked to you about

Server helping and stuff then Bro well the whole server’s performance is pig backing on my own competence and work and stuff and things so it’s the whole Ser the whole event is piggybacking on how well I did everything well isn’t that a bit more stressful like I’ve I’m like when I do something I

Change one thing I test everything so I now I just need someone to just test some need my friend to test everything also I also can’t believe that I’m actually managing like I’m actually managing my the prioriti I’m actually prioritizing some functionality over the other functionalities for example the

Auto kicking for the session session lock and stuff so like if the session is is currently closed it’s going to prevent a player from joining but if the session is open you can join like I can’t believe I’m actually [ __ ] managing my time and managing which one I should prioritize

First that’s a first for me it’s also a first that I’m actually managing let’s say rather a a rather large server such as this oring a server for a large scale well a larger scale that I’m used to I’m managing a server for a larger scale that I’m used to and creating

Functionality that I have never done before like I’ll tell you this I’ve I’ve only tinkered with the plugin that I’ve that I’m that we’re using right now but I’ve actually never made a fun uh I’ve actually never made functionality such as this never made a randomizer before I’ve never used civilization uh citizens

Uh plugins I’ve never tinkered with Deluxe menus before like I had to learn it all on the spot on site like bro I’ve all it’s all I have to learn I’ve also just learned how to use uh call events on condition events which would definitely help me in my personal

Servers but yeah everything works as it should and I’m actually laded from the amount of work and how I am with the amount of work I put into this and everything is working as it should the erratically you’re making you sound like a [ __ ] dumbass to beond not going to

Lie that’s what the that’s that’s what that’s what dodo to to my parents to be honest until until I me spoke to them in like the most like I am FL in English plus I know my networking networking [ __ ] so you can’t talk me down like asserted my dominance over my a ISP

Tell them you need an I need a modam ASAP what can I do tell them that oh you have but then they’ve okay that’s they go I mean it’s their training to go through the basic stuff so like is your NBN working Li they should have here’s one

Thing that they should have asked instead of asking if NBN is working they should have asked what exactly is not working what that’s that yeah you have an act you have an actual like case of you need it now you have an actual case of you need

It now not because you can’t stream today for Minecraft um creators Islands but you actually have an actual like world yeah sacked like [ __ ] you oh your mom ah so you can’t that’s extremely unfortunate wait so if okay by the way way if you get a

New modem you’re going to have to set up all that smart stuff again tell them what is preventing me from Up the modum now rather than rather than getting it delivered within 3 to five business day no no no no no that’s that’s technically that’s no no no they they’re

Going to need the thing back because that’s what what our what ours did they they asked us sent us a new one and then asked us to send the old one back you can’t Tru it in a bin I still haven’t eaten my brunch yet

Like on my face right now it’s noodle so it should be easy to eat okay I’m a little sad that no one is asking me for help about their setting up their Minecraft and stuff yeah yeah I know but I’m I’m at the same time I’m

Like I I guess they know what they’re doing I mean I’m not saying that they’re stupid I’m not saying stupid no no no just saying yeah I mean I’ve kind of answered most of their questions already yeah the only person that I need to help

The only person I need to help is the person that is going to be up at that’s going to join the voice chat at 4:00 a DT because um their um their thing doesn’t want to work by the way I like looking back at the stuff that I’ve done and I know I’m

Slacking off right in the server stuff but I’ve done all the stuff that I needed anyways the the the ones that are required to make the server running or at least functional um I I’m looking back at the stuff that I’ve just done in one day yesterday and last night what the

[ __ ] I did all of that in seven hours like one day on top of that I worked five hours prior like that’s since saying like I don’t want to sound some sound like a weirdo but like I’m kind of proud myself here like like I got the I learned how to use

Deluxe menu for this screen and changed it to be just one option and figured out that you can it runs commands when you click it so that’s pretty good when you click it it runs the spe custom command that I set in conditional event as a uh it runs a command as a

Player which then that would that event would be cancelled by conditional events because it’s going to throw an unknown command error and then it’s going to run the other call another event with the variable randomized number and then using that randomized number it’s going to check every

Number and once a number aligns with uh is true it’s going to pick that and run the corresponding code let’s just say C Simplicity sake in my side explaining and then the corresponding code corresponding commands code and commands and actions and then assign that the

Team you just did that didn’t you I mean you didn’t you just go to telstra’s store right now didn’t you wait wa wait wait wait they’re sending you one right now and you can’t cancel it EX yeah that is an option but in all realistically I think that’s going to

Have a bunch of like background stuff I can’t explain it there’s a lot of things that go with reimbursing a purchase and all that stuff there’s a bunch of stuff in the background it is possible though but it’s a lot of work that’s the only thing

Oh my God like I know it’s not I know it’s not like my problem but I’m it’s Al I’m turning it problem now can’t help but help bro bro if I was in your situation i’ be I’d be switching isps regardless I’d be switching isps from that [ __ ] bro you’re

Breaking you’re switching isps what the [ __ ] you doing our Wi-Fi is getting hacked by a different ISP no we’re ISP mom no we’re getting hacked no I’m not I don’t know that’s just a scenario in my head uh no uh actually you need you say it’s a mission

Critical it’s a mission it’s Mission critical and require a modem as now now now tell tell them that like like my life depends on this and I need it now [Laughter] dude you’re like my dad who went to like the car maintenance people and then and then got the car back and

There’s a bunch of oil splattered on some parts of the car and he was like yeah if they ever ask for like rating we’re going to give them like the [ __ ] possible rating cuz just of how messy they [ __ ] did the work my dad was like I’m going to lower

Their ratings so hard and I’ll just ask my trusted technician my trusted technician that would do a better J cleaner job than the [ __ ] maintenance people at uh at the car place all right Um everything works now to be honest the only thing that I have to check now um the only thing I have to make work now is the um the in the IND uh hold on uh uh what time is it right now it’s currently 1 2 o’

AED so in two hours that person that requires help is going to be in the voice chat I’m just going to have the command prompt there uh wait can I use placeholder apis on the condition you can use all variables even placeholder API conditional events okay placeholder API right there okay so I

Need placeholder API Place holders luck perms okay what well what’s your move Chief what’s your move this is a chess game now this is a chess game now what’s your move what’s your next move guy okay POV goodbye gas it isn’t gas isn’t gas like expensive as [ __ ] I my learner

Permit yes well okay no okay no because I I work you know I work 11 hours pretty much on and then on the weekends and then on the weekends there’s just virtually no time because most of the time my parents would be like hey let’s go fishing and it’s always nighttime so and

I’m not allowed nighttime Learners so uh well 12:00 p.m. I’m not allowed no learn as a learner’s permit I I’m not allowed 12:00 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew Learners curfew thing mybob well where I am yeah cuz uh yeah yeah Wern australas W Luigi yeah I’m not allowed to drive at

Night and we can get Dad can get a fine for that we did that for a month Though and and we didn’t get we didn’t get caught it’s fine we we slightly did that we slightly did that I yeah that’s the thing I did the test I did the uh the Practical test and I forgot the most crucial thing and I got a little complacent did when he when the

Guy when the instructor told me to stop at a at a side I did not indicate or when I’m exiting aside when I’m pulling side I also did not indicate no I I touch indicator when I’m turning left and right but I just it completely slipped out of my mind that I

Have to it when I’m pulling to the side I’m going to cry because that’s the reason why I failed it I was I wasn’t even half through or I think I was half through the test it’s mostly my fault then after that I didn’t I I didn’t have enough

Time to book Because all the bookings are [ __ ] and filled uh they did not terminate me but I can book another I well I at huh yeah they finished my test early oh yeah they finished my test early and then I have to book another one and pay another 200 bucks or

So did what twice oh the indicator thing oh six indic six indicator errors I don’t know I don’t remember what the errors were but those are the two that I remember oh when okay when at the very beginning okay I remember one at the very beginning at the at the [ __ ]

Parking lot I forgot to inter indicate out of the [ __ ] parking slot oh oh no looking it looking back now I’m so [ __ ] stupid yeah I know I know how stupid I am now and now I know about that I shouldn’t get complacent in my next

Thing but like I know how stupid I was I like I know that was so stupid and I’m such a dumbass look I wanted to get the driver’s license so that I can [ __ ] go to tap or some [ __ ] myself but then like I got a little

Complacent with the test and made six indicator issues it’s just indicator issues everything else is fine indicator [ __ ] huh well I the plan was to study but right now I’m not too sure whether if I want cuz the one that I want to study is programming but I can just learn that

Myself by hand so maybe maybe I can just selfstudy hello that’s yeah yeah I to be H I’m not to be honest I’m not I know that’s a thing like getting getting certificate for the for so I can have a higher chance of getting to job but at the same

Time I want to do streaming all right you buy the most expensive one reimburse before if if it ever if they ever bill you for the excess I’ll you out with that honestly I’ll I’ll buy you the I’ll I’ll reimburse you instead for the remaining money no no no you you need to

You need the Wi-Fi so I’ll support you as best I can all right all right you better dude you [ __ ] better yes yes it’s that hand sign yes yes yes oh my God yeah catch you later Bros hello noal I I don’t know how long

You’ve been here for but yeah as you can see I’m currently as you can see from the title I’m participating and also kind of managing slash setting up the server right now I’m just doing the miscellaneous stuff before um the miscellaneous the miscellaneous uh tasks right now the

Stuff that does cuz the stuff that doesn’t that isn’t exactly something we need now now but I’ll work on it now since I have time hello you doing I’m just doing the miscellaneous tasks I’ve done pretty much everything now I’m going to make it so it checks every one second and

Do really tell me anything to be completely honest this doesn’t tell me how to [ __ ] use the the oh that’s probably why it’s not [ __ ] working because I forgot that I have to send the configs I probably misspelled repetitive okay uh there are some things that I’m going to I’m testing right now so I cannot instruct you to test anything aside please select a team and I want oh yeah so you okay nice that you can in here I want you to tell me if you can move

Inside okay did did it tell you anything great off to a great start see this is why I needed to test it real quick okay I’m going to completely disregard what I was testing just focus on fixing this by the way do not change do not do not another thing because because

Um it will give you another team is not good uh regions yeah it’s going to give you two teams at once and the spawns are going to get [ __ ] over uh all right let’s focus on trying to get this one fixed all right um world guard regions at tigga you Are what if I just make it so that I just get rid of the entry deny but you just can’t okay Cherry exit deny deny I can see that your U ID is also inside tiger Center entry is denied ancient jungle exit denied desert exit denied okay regions. yml slorg guard reload

Okay let’s get rid Of your team stuff you are no longer part of tigga and LP and there sa boy LP User it’s just a double check you’re just you’re no longer part of that anymore nor prefix on the thing anymore let me reload World card okay you are no longer part of the

Tigga cuz the uid is gone now um okay oh I need to also Del delete okay I want you to try again okay uh can you try to go to the edge of the island try exiting the island okay first of all you can move so that’s good uh I’ll find you the

Nearest like ocean because you’re going straight into the middle uh you know from yeah uh oh my God this map is massive bro speed 10 this [ __ ] island is massive where the [ __ ] am I I’m stressing out the server by loading a [ __ ] ton of chunks okay I found the edge let me

Check if okay there’s no defined regions here defined regions here no defined regions here okay I’ll TP you here Dev so I want you to go this direction right here is the wall is right around here I think I’m just at the board yeah yeah okay

So you can move all the way up to here by the way like right in this block okay now try exiting okay that’s good good so you can move and you cannot exit the region okay so the issue was entry the issue was entry you cannot

Exit but you cannot you cannot entry so you can’t go to other places anyways like if you do get into another place you can’t leave your specified region anyways so if even if other regions do with the other regions uh you can’t exit your current region until the walls are down okay uh

It all makes sense in my head it’s s explaining though all right it works as intended do you want me to reset your thing okay I’ll reset your your stuff this is also a practice for me a practice for me on how to reset players assign um Team assignment all

Right you can you can do this later when Once uh late after the session starts at around 3:00 hour time just this once today but just to just for to time for us is 300 p.m. but the rest is going to be what time again and that it’s uh hold on it announcement

Info so yeah just for to okay just for today it’s 6:00 p.m. AED to 2 a.m. a but in regular times it would be on the weekends 8:00 p.m. at aedt if you can do sure yeah if you go to the info and look at the uh updated server session

Times yeah you can do what you can do uh with the thing today’s session it’s six a so 6 S8 that’ll be plus two hours 5:00 p.m. for us on a regular time wait maybe I should do I should do the um the session close like later

Because today is a special day today is a special session where the time is not um is not the regular schedule I should set the set up the thing later or at least I’ll disable it for now until I’ll make it and I’ll disable it uh for now and then enable it

Later but uh I’m still trying to figure out the permission the permission checking and Stuff I’ve contacted you I’ve contacted you for warranty now I CH me oh [ __ ] until we meet again speed 10 by the way you’re the first person to oh wait no speed what’s the normal value one uh speed one okay [ __ ] sake death I mean you did die a

Couple of times and lost the [ __ ] thousands of like like food hunger hunches here uh orig okay so the idea I’m not too sure when the temp ban is going to happen but it’s it’s going to happen later on the so for now the temp band stuff is

Set to you get temp ban but then you can join back in again uh or to respawn uh the original plan was later on on the event you get temp baned for 1 hour because it’s a 1H hour respawn penalty for dying later on and then

After that I believe the it gets it’s turned into hardcore where everyone gets permanently banned pretty much so it goes into hardcore and everyone just gets banned like per like temp like perm band like you know thing I’m not too sure whether to set the world on Hardcore or on or just or

Just Perma ban I’m going to have to ask them about whichever one they want and I’ll try to make it happen I can always just modify the world on the world uh settings MV game rule that’s yeah I can just modify the world settings this too sure how to set the worlds

Um I might have to go into the actual World file under like to the actual world the configs file to actually set it to hardcore either way everything’s GNA everything is now working as intended H that’s pretty good can you break can you break the carpet okay but you can interact with

The stuff cuz I made it so that you can interact with the levers Lo petals but I make it so I I added levers instead of like actually like keeping them might be some players that have potato computers and particles are something that they can’t do if they

Ever have it enabled for some reason if you have a potato it off if you want performance but either way if there are some problems with people than particles they can just turn that off I mean I have it off by default but they can turn

It on for or some [ __ ] if you want if they want say if they ever for for if they join for the first time they should be able to spawn they should Spawn I’m gonna message nezi if should I announce everything is in working order and is ready for launch later only thing that isn’t a thing right now to kicker me look through the let me look through the um to-do list uh yeah it’s literally the issue with the home not

Being set on water is fixed team assignment I’ve finished it up the only thing is the auto kicking for when a session ends and preventing when a session is not when the server is not in session yeah Auto kicking is the only thing I haven’t done

Yet I’ll set it up in due time but for now I think we’re fine I think we’re good we can trust we can trust the creators to not be cheaters and log in during off off session okay guess who just finished setting up the server righto the server is basically

Ready to play uh we just need a list of wh list players I’m just going to I’m going to have to message nezi about that why you leave cuz your job is done what mod oh yeah I have to I have to update some I have to go and get some mods as

Well simple voice chat that’s Nice I need to get that thing is a must for my ball uh okay um fabric better F3 Point point2 point2 memory leak fix is there a version for 1.20 nope 20.1 which is 112 yep uh there’s is there a dash loader nezi should I should I make the

Should I make the thing now the thread and ping everyone what you what did you get bro what did you get what did you get yes you have Wi-Fi again let’s go yo you’re a beautiful you beautiful man I’ll turn on my camera wait wait wait this is the

Wait yeah hold on let me dis let me disable my hold on you beautiful man is my camera turning on you can’t just like casually say that R into a red light well you’re gonna see that in a month you’re gonna see that in a month you’re gonna see

An wrecked up a few anyways you turned on your camera I turn on my camera because you don’t The Flash you don’t see the flash yeah you know you know you you need to do what you got to do to get out of the situation so anyways dude the server is

Operational the thing the auto kicker is not urgent so that and you can always shut off the server uh can you repeat that yeah uh When You tab it shows it does certainly say I’ve tried it I’ve tried it before yes it does work it shows when

You tab it shows your current region team that you’re in in the chat It also says that also your name tag also says that I have no [ __ ] clue what plugin does that but it does it on its own so I’m just going to leave it as is if it

Works it works if it works it works yeah it works it works so uh achievements can I can reset achievements I believe let me just have to delete a file oh I can definitely I can definitely change that for you I’ve I’ve practiced the commands that I needed to run

So I know the commands that I need to run and I’ve done it for Dev so um yeah I just needed you I just need you to be online and everything would be smooth as butter I just did just then and the issue was people wasn’t able to move or

Teleport to their region as they are assigned uh the reason being is there the a flag saying deny so I got rid of the entry flag deny and everyone can teleport in every uh the player can teleport to the region that they’re assigned to and the only thing that they can’t do

Is exit the region which is okay so if they can’t exit the region they can’t enter any other regions yep so the board the walls are okay everything is functional I just checked earlier everything everything works as intended if it works for work with all the islands because they’re basically the

Same uh I checked the center of the regions they are all the correct regions any questions way more [ __ ] zero [ __ ] given anyways you don’t mind me eating that’ll be great don’t mind me eating yes yes I’m eating right now so I hope you don’t mind what what did what did he say

What did he say hold on I need to piss right now hold on the thing is uh I’m not too sure if that modem is preconfigured or to remote into it and then configure it themselves so you’ll still have to you have to first try out

If the internet works and if it doesn’t work you have to you have to call tell that you’ve got the mo the new modem I mean you spoke to this guy and I now got the modem now the modem doesn’t have internet I’d like you to fix it they um

With yeah yeah yeah we we we use NBN okay so is saying that the modem comes preconfigured with their stuff okay if it doesn’t you can always call them and they can just uh remote and they can fix the settings since it’s their OEM T stroem so they

Should be able to remote into it cuz in dodo uh they said that they can remote into it since it’s their OEM modem so it’s pretty good I I knit I I net more like I I tell them why I IET sucks then you should ask them and say

Consider switching to a different ISP do do dodo because I can help you with dodo stuff and I mean I mean I’m a Dodo user and it hasn’t caused me any issues aside from their shitty modem [ __ ] up the 2 point well it’s it’s like a [ __ ] four-year-old modem like the unit itself

Is like four years old the firmware in it is also garbage I’ve used it for port forwarding and all that networking [ __ ] that I try to do it was horrible h a somehow a [ __ ] crab walks into the middle of the [ __ ] desert better animation collections fac verion honestly that’s the only thing

That I’m going to need let’s see if those mods work oh yeah with the domain things you’re going to have to buy that you’re going to have to buy that domain I would rather that you not buy a do because I’m pretty sure a do ending is very

Expensive do like net or something or XYZ right now I am I’m not too sure because I I’m not sure I haven’t I haven’t tested the thing yet I’m about to yes let’s okay for now stick with the I we stick with the current

IP uh for now please don’t cuz I will be testing my theory yeah keep it as yeah keep it as new nezi for me just for now and then change it later before launch domain settings DNS okay I because the reason why it it did not work before is because the

Actual the IP address and Port is actually different from what I had set so I’m going to get the IP address now um N n no mine mine uh yeah it’s a it’s a completely different IP address okay DNS add a new record SRV I want this to be Minecraft TCP the name would be Islands uh the host don’t main would be this IP address no I’m I’m you I’m assigning I’m

I’m it’s not redirecting now cuz I have access to the IP and Port of the actual server I’m actually no no no I I tried doing a I tried doing that but it did not work with the way I thought but I have access to the IP and Port which is exactly what

I need to create a new uh service um Ser a new DNS record service for my domain H what what what I can’t see hold on I’m looking at you look like Lin it’s red wait it’s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did you just

Buy and then now it’s working are you [ __ ] serious Smite what the [ __ ] if it ever does [ __ ] up actually keep it though okay yeah okay so get your what do what do whatever you might to do now to get a refund on that thing and keep it in the case

That dude okay dude on I’m a I’m a tech person I have no clue what had just happened the ghost is in your walls they’re going through let me just plug it in for you let me plug it for you let me plug it for you what does the red

Mean oh okay mobile network yeah that’s that shit’s never going to work Dev is not a good boy you wasted like twice the petrol from I mean quadruple the petrol from going there going back home and going back there again and then going back home and then Money like well at least um even if even if it did or did not work your the your Ser the server is all up and running anyways well tell him that for some reason it works now but it still doesn’t change the fact that that thing that

Happened wait NBN has NBN has not nothing to do with your modem except for the internet connection oh God oh God oh God and you’re paying for that I bet okay good if you’re paying for that [ __ ] I’m G to [ __ ] myself [Laughter] your let me do it for you

What if I just do link mc.net yeah upload is what you need Okay add a new record SRV hold domain is link mc.net z z Port is ah your mic is Godly yes my guy you know when you plug it and unplug it back in you know just works I don’t know

What happened with your I don’t know what happened thingy all I know is it works now all that is important is it’s working now and that’s PG kek W uh yes kek w is um give me a moment this is kek W I’m teaching you the internet

Lingo cuz I live in the internet for too long I’m a digital I’m a digital human being that’s kek W it’s that it’s that uh expression that facial expression that you know yeah oh there’s a get rolls oh this is for is this for um is this just to

Like uh get specific channels for specific islands and stuff or is it just to get another one okay it’s more like statistic gathering on how many players are in the thing right it’s what what is it going to do is it going to open up channels that are specific to the island or She k w yeah um the C I have a GoPro camera but my camera is currently being used by my V2 model so uh yeah uh no unless I do unless I do three unless I DOD unless I do 3D also this is just some model that I found on the internet

So it’s not mine uh it use I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll show you I’ll show you this the program it uses a open cace and it uses my camera and then does some machine Snapchat filter pretty much actually it tracks your face so yeah here you go I’ll paste the I’ll paste

The screen the the the thing open SP so it it looks for my eyebrows it looks for my eyes and it also looks for where I’m looking at where I’m looking so in my pupils will also move mybe pupils will also move to where I’m looking but I’m not too sure if that’s

Coded in but it shows where my mouth nose is and my my where my face is generally and the one at the bottom is hand tracking so I can use hand gestures to trigger facial expressions uh know but we’re moving into a world where this is now a piece

Of software that is convenient and it’s becoming the norm so like if I do this face okay wait hold on if I do this hand sign you would see me blush okay I’m G to do this okay so right now look so my face is nothing but

If I do this hand the gesture I’m Now Bing yes in the camera or then if I do this hand gesture my eyebrows would go down like and if I put the sh up it’s going to go normal again yeah okay yes they can do that or

They can press like um a key bind which I don’t have set up yet or like stream deck yeah that’s actually what I just did that that’s um you I’m not that’s not that those are the gestures that the thing is not looking for like do like per like it’s going to

Add a queue for each sign and it he just going to play through the queue but yeah uh it there’s a preset amount of um there’s a preset amount of um hand gestures that you can do also I kind of want to fix this real quick because it’s actually [ __ ] annoying me hold

On file Zilla go to the root of the server server. properties going to yoink that okay server. properties I’m going to go to the motd let me do it for you let me do it for you let me do it for you let me do it for you [ __ ] okay let me fix

That let me replace that and to be honest that should do the trick is Hypixel down today cuz Hypixel is not showing up Hypixel is not is canot cannot connect to Hypixel but uh but uh yeah okay the fact that I cannot um I can’t I’m I tried to use the IP and

Stuff I cannot set it to a different domain Okay the server. properties has now been changed I also uh do you have any like icon that we can use hello he did oh he’s like physically not there is there um yo yo is there like a server icon that we can use or have a plan to use or nothing yeah yeah

Yeah it’s not exactly important but I can make it so it shows that um uh 34 32 by 32 uh let hold on I need to remember remember me CU I used to make um Minecraft server icons I’ll certainly have to trim this down this is a yeah okay hold

On I’m totally GNA trim this down yeah way I can’t the fact that I can’t yeah I can’t change the thing we’re going to have to go through or stick with the ne uh stick with the islands. LMC dot we’re going to have to stick with that for now until we figure out

The thing because we need cuz we have to get the we’re we’re starting the season so we’re going to figure it out next season uh or at least the season finishes we’re going to figure out the domain stuff the how to get rid of the link the link MC

Stuff no no no no the picture the picture is easy yeah literally just drag just tweak it and then drag and drop let me do it for you let me do it for You sorry that’s it’s been stuck in my head for a while because my [ __ ] coworker like uh what is the absolute Center of this it’s not even centered let me do it for you in the most Like yummy Yummy okay hold on dev you know I’m singing Surely it’s stuck in your head now is it stuck in your head now bro 32 32 let me do it for you let me do it for you let me do it for you well you’re welcome um let me you it more [Laughter] you it’s going to look super duper [ __ ]

Hell is it J is it k no it’s the okay pencil get that [ __ ] out of here fill these areas photo sharpen it a little thank me later thank me later thank me later [ __ ] you that’s true oh god let’s go I’ve Infected I want to add designs to the side because it feels empty on the side you know what here’s what I’m going to do Color Picker more and then darken it slightly and then use a line that is the size of one it requires a server restart though for

This for This Server icon to for the server icon okay I’ve I’ve deployed the server icon into the server so it just requires a server restart and everything should be good uh yes please yes what time is it oh I was going to go into the game and then check the AED

Time what time is it now yes aedt playe 3:19 about an hour left until the person that I’m trying to help comes onto the voice chat and I’ll help them out with the voice chat and optify and stuff I’m just G I’m just I’m just going

To make it that it works for them not recommend a whole new different fabric loader with all the sets of mods that I’m using as well I’m just going to make it so it works for them they can do whatever they want with their mod their Minecraft client

Yeah I can’t just give them what works for me I’ll make it work for them much F much better for them oh that restarted pretty quickly yeah I I think restarting it restarting uh in game does take longer than just restarting it manually on where on your

End yeah but I don’t have access I don’t I don’t have access to restart the or stop the server oh you okay okay let me refresh Let me refresh the co the neutal panel yes I see the buttons now let’s go yeah Oh yeah y it is quick it is yeah yeah I know it’s I know stop and just start is much faster but like it’s just I don’t know how to it from because in game I cannot just stop it I cannot start it in game because you know I don’t have access to

The thing but you know I had to use restart because that’s the only command I can use in game so now that I have access to the start and stop I can now freely add remove plugins and not have to wait like 10,000 billion

Nan to uh just to get to the thing and server restart stuff okay that’s good um we’re good to go honestly I mean how it would they it would just upgrade it right and then it can just it’s just going to work out right or do you have to wait like a certain

Like imagine we have to wait like one business day we have to postpone the [ __ ] event that would be [ __ ] I’m a guy with money yes what is it oh yeah h nope nope uh nope all right okay by the way since I have a PL I have a that when you press

Tab do have you seen the tab yet would you like me to screen share oh we’re upgrading to that wait hold on wait no we have 3950x right now we’re upgrading to an epic server you’re up epic is a line is a lineup of AMD server CPUs which has a [ __ ] course and

A [ __ ] ton of ram so do you want that basic Yeah so basically the Epic CPUs have 64 cores and 120 they’re perfect for um for like let’s say Plex servers or like anything that requires data streaming or crunching through thousands of data currently and that’s essentially what a

Minecraft server is cu you’re constantly sending and receiving um data and you server is processing that so oh yeah good thing you should do it now because um I don’t know how cuz we don’t know they’re going to take on the on the migration but but pretty much the server

Is good to go and you just need to upgrade the server yes uh just cut while we while we wait for the migration while I’m still in game all right again I’ll say this again like this my you know this is a whole new experience for

Me cuz uh for the rizon one you’re you’re definitely and most certainly going to have to migrate to a different one but yeah connection throttled please wait before reconnecting again well I’ll say this again but like you know this is my I’m making a server for a server for um for the use

Of for this use case like I’m making a server like this and managing it and making it work everything is a new experience for me it’s pretty pogress uh and so far I’ve enjoyed the whole process oh yeah so do you see my screen yes look at my

Screen this is the TBL list right now uh this is just temporary but what do you what do you want to change I’ve only just copy pasted whatever I have on the thing the kdr I’d uh I’d say keep the TPS just in case just to see like you know the server

Performance if it ever chugs which I don’t think will uh you can I think I hold on TPS ah never mind okay we can just check it with um okay that just mean that just says welcome in Japanese y i just copy thing I’m that’s why I’m

Asking if you want to to change anything so that we can change it that’s that’s a per each player yeah so that junken your pH will show the player’s name and then that Yokoso one will just animate that constantly and do that stuff okay uh I just copy pasted and

Made it work and I I needed I need this model that I need to show you and then I can work from there uh where’s it tab Config transfer is complete time to Modify oh and I also need I also need animations that y am I don’t need the team menu anymore I don’t need that anymore I also don’t need that anymore okay okay so you wanted to get rid uh the Yos welcome one uh we’re going to get rid of

The statistics Dam damage dealt KD ratio and mobs killed uh time and play time is going to get removed total chunk is no longer needed ah yeah right TPS is going to get removed How’s that look to you oh okay we can change that to um I believe the team like your current uh I can change that to current team and stuff but current Dimension I just need to go and look for the placeholder uh where is it is log perms hold on is lock

Perms the prefix prefix okay yeah I’m going to I’m going to clear out your stuff uh you can flick them F them Fleck them flect them and then look around yes so you only have jungle I can just get rid of that uh if you flick it on you can keep

It on I have it I have a lever there I put the lever there so that players can turn it on and off if they have problems with the pedals I don’t know I don’t know don’t ask don’t ask the kid that last night go ask the kid

Last night aka me last night go ask the ask the me from last night I don’t know what I was doing I was brain dead uh okay so you are no longer in the chat in the tab it doesn’t say your thing anymore can you come where I am so

I can see your username username now doesn’t have that thing so okay and um and I’m pretty sure the regions are completely White wiped anyways regions are wiped the regions are wiped anyways so there to to get rid of you in that region okay so yeah that should set you To uh try try placing a bed and then set your spawn point and then try and get rid of the bed to reset your spawn point well you’re in Creative aren’t you when you teleported you were in creative mode you were in survival and you got spawned in the air

Oh worried for a second it spawns you where you first with even though your bed is destroyed or obstructed or anything okay good LP user remove tiger LP what’s the other one do remove Member remove member from Tiger new nezi and uh dell home new nezi player spawn okay completely wiped Your Spawn your is reset uh your username is reset your region is reset everything’s reset now I got the commands ready for H reset ADV I haven’t done that yet uh it it’s

To give me a moment is it uh okay okay okay okay okay I can I can delete I can I’ll delete all of the advancements for all players and then it requires yes gamer yep how long is that going to take okay gotcha gotcha oh I was so close to pressing the

Restart button not the stop button oh whoa whoa uh can I send it now um I’ll I’ll do I make a thread do I make the thread on help or uh I don’t think I can make a thread hold on I don’t a text Channel wait hold on hold on

Help make okay okay okay uh hold on uh hold yeah I’ll do that um gotcha yes yeah I’ll see you yes gamer player username I’m going to reply wait I have to create a thread for for e e e e for yo okay can I can I send this can I send this

Announcement I know but like that’s why that’s why I’m asking you it’s for the username listed in the server yeah that’s what I’ve heard aren’t we doing white lists well I yeah that’s what the thread is for in the help in the help channel uh okay okay you can do that uh

Nezi suggested that you should just make a thread in help and then it’ll just you know well respectfully can well I well I didn’t ping everyone to go into the thing I just sent the I just sent the thing PE two people are already using the threads to send their

Usernames okay can you do the pinging or whatever cuz I don’t want to be the one doing the pinging and I don’t want to sound like I’m in it’s your turn please I don’t I don’t want to spam ping them I don’t want to Ping them three times cuz

I’ve already pinged them three twice today uh people on the thread I’ll just redirect them to the channel that you made Hello Venice going on we’re getting ready no we’re we’re we’re we’re using this for proper launch now I don’t know what that is oh Myers yeah okay

Yes you forgot to send oh wait send your Minecraft usernames here and we’ll Whit list you you they you should you should have also said viewer trusted viewers right uh let’s ask nezi later let’s just get the Creator’s username and then we’re just gonna yeah we’re yeah we’re just gonna get the we’re

Get usernames later and figure it out once we get all the creators we’re going to go view The Trusted viewers in the community while while that’s happening I I’ve I’ve reset Advancements I’m I’ve reset the advancements now and now I I have to what was I going to do okay gotcha thank you the the okay I’ve reset advancements for everyone I deleted the advancements folder so the advancements are reset now I just need to go let me do it

For let me do it for you let me do it for you luck Perms prefix I’ll just send this over to the server see reload Is it a different FTP did the FTP change all I’m going to have to Ping him because I can’t change any of the config stuff that I do is not changing I’m so brain dead right now okay who are you playing with right now insert if an F1 music call oh hello welcome back I’m not playing with anyone I’m currently setting

Up wasn’t looking at the the YouTube chat I hope you’re still here but I am Minecraft I’m setting up the Minecraft server For an upcoming event later later in about two hours yeah two hourss a yeah in about two hours and I am the one that set up the server right

Now insert FF one phone call call here what does that sound Dev well I’m going to have to wait one hour do any changes because the FTP doesn’t seem to be the right FTP let me check what’s the it’s still the same food tastes so good after some hard

Work yeah it does it does but it tastes even better Oh guess who’s the dumb and I was reloading conditional events rather than rather than the tab I’m reloading the wrong plugin yeah that that’s when you know I’ve I I think I’ve had enough of server doing server things for now I feel like I know the mailman from

Somewhere I just could put can’t put my finger on it the I met the man in the mail I opened up the would you like some penies with pills huh so four arms four hours is that enough I’ve heard you can go lower no I’m

I’m hungry yeah I’m exus see all of a sudden I’m just hungry it’s excusing for [ __ ] okay it works dynamically now also Dev you know what only just made sense now you know so in luck perms there’s this thing called weight the bigger that number is the bigger the

Weight does that mean the bigger the number the lower it is prioritized cuz in kilograms 100 kilograms weight is like heavier than zero so you can you know like the literal meaning of weight like you know like you know you know is that what it means anyways the it works now

Didn’t he say that he wants to change from yeah didn’t he say something about that yeah okay I’m sad that I have to get rid of it doesn’t it’s not something that is important the man on the mo yeah I’m going to set it to a fancy color though and make it

Bold that man on the moon on the moon okay hello you’re the person that I’m helping with the voice chat to work they are 100% 100% the person that I was going to help yeah yeah yeah yeah you just joined nothing happened it’s okay so I’d like you to go and walk

Through what you did there’s a v if you can share your screen because it’ll be easier for me to point out what you need to do yes yep yep okay so number one optify does not work with fabric two there is a fabric you’re going to have it’s called Opti fabric

Yes um you can do you are you or do you want to download 100 more mods you know what no G with Opti fabric if you’re comfortable with that but yeah OptiFine you need Opti Fabric and pretty much you’re good to go after that it’s up toy fabric yes as

To put it in the mods folder in your Minecraft folder so you have to go to Minecraft mods folder and drop the drop the fabric API and simple voice chat in that folder in the mods folder in your Minecraft folder and make sure that you are running the

Fabric instead of regular Minecraft all that stuff yes you have to go to Minecraft launcher and set your profile to fabric loader which should be the one that you installed just now and then load fabric loader and then load fabric API your Opti Fabric and simple voice chat mod

Yep I’ll go to the Minecraft launcher and make sure that the profile is set to fabric loader and then just click play and things should be smooth sailing from there theoretically op to Fab exactly the same as OptiFine it should be because there it should be it just should be so you don’t

Have to change anything no need to settings or anything it should copy it should use the same settings as the one that you were using before what wait wait wait wait hold on give me two two universes give me two universes moments okay mod rinse is there a where

Downloaded an old version of Opti fabric hold on Opti where the [ __ ] up world do I get the download for that great curse Forge I hate curse Forge uh files I’m not sure whether if hold on come on please please uploaded the latest version of opta fabric that

Is currently available is for 1.20.1 but it theoretically work with 1.2.2 would you like me to send you the file I’ll go to your Z file itself if it doesn’t work can I just send you my whole mod pack which basically does the same thing but it’s Fabric and

Stuff yeah there’s op to fabric if that doesn’t work um it’s up to you but I’ll send you my mods list and then you’re just going to have to slap it in the mods folder but the problem is you’re going to have to help I might just give you a mod list of

Like list of hold onck oh no that’s the that’s the optic 13.25 that’s the version of the fabric I mean of the mod not the the thing uh Iris lazy dfu sodium Reus oh [ __ ] uh okay you need call less leaves continuity indium Iris you logical Zoom for that Zoom mod

Menu rees’s sodium Starlight sodium voice chat chunky ke is it up to fabric yes no which is which is incompatible up to fabric okay so up to fabric 1.20.1 is not compatible with 1.2.2 usually there is some backwards compatibility with some of these mods but in this work so we’re GNA have

To we’re going to have to um have to use something else would you like M would you like a list of mods that I can send you just two mods that you just have to download yeah okay so you already have voice chat it’s okay uh okay so I’m going these are pretty

Much a bunch of mods that would be doing the same thing same job just separated into a bunch mods cuz thanks fabric but incidentally it performs better than op to def find hogers mods List chunky chunky chunky there go download that zip file and place the contents inside the mods folder you’re going to have to since it’s going to be using a different settings you’re going to have to go through the settings and check if all the settings are right it’s it’s

Not it’s going to be using a different settings things so you’re going to have to go through the video settings again if shers the shaders uh the shaders options is going to be the same as before anything that is OptiFine shaders compatible is a compatible

With so it should be fine if you use shaders it’s going to work it’s just going to work oh wait I might have I might have included fabric API in the zip file you might want to delete the old one Oops meet you At it for you okay and tell me what happens Next would you like to send a screenshot or can you how in the world I need to see the error I’d like to see the error can you do the funny okay you have 1.2.2 that’s good yet another config oh sorry I forgot that one of the mods require uh

Uh require that so sorry about that yet another okay please download that jar and slap it to your mods list mods folder see the problem is with the fabric as opposed to OptiFine OptiFine you just download one mod but with fabric you have to download an up same

Experience but but just with fabric everything is just fast and better your forger those murderous eyes yes your forger so now I should Copyrighted okay mix in transformation of that doesn’t sound good I would like you to view the crash report please this is the only bad brain uh sponge powered call back Injector replay mods is there anything that you’re missing from the replay mod is there any comp is there any dependency mod that you forgot to download is the replay mod using of Replay mod is this the latest version yeah it’s having issues with the replay mode right now it’s 1.20.1 so

We the latest version of that let me okay mod Rin mods replay five months ago y what’s the version 2613 there’s no updated version uh Le description um unfortunately Point 20.2 uh there’s no version for 1.2.2 for replay mod so replay mod is a nogo unfortunately version for one point there’s no for there’s no 1.2.2 yeah no no cuz it was last updated five months ago and there’s no other

Versions so unfortunately you’re going to have to live without replay mode crying emoji that might be no but then it says incompatible mod set though with OptiFine so it should be working now right yep it’s an entirely new screen so go ahead and get yourself com comy

With with your um with the new screen brother stence yes okay BSL Shader yeah hello what’s up gamer would you do you need help or you just hopping in to see what came to say hi yeah I’m here assisting um streamer mode is enabled so I can’t see names I’ll just go to

The yeah yeah your your nickname is Neo on the server so that’s why I can see it yeah Neo charcoal potato I’m assuming I’m assisting I’m assisting her in her Minecraft stuff me if you have any recording software and Discord detects it it will turn on streamer mode is our three do in

Them oh wait is it just you don’t get notifications when someone join and or leaves are you you’re okay so according according to Discord you’re in Idol I’m not too sure if that impacts anything she knows what Li guys you’re using voice are you a voice meter for your dis to separate Discord

And um and stream and like Des oh my God this guy is act this person is like typing in my YouTube chat and I have not been responding I’m very sorry I have on my second screen let’s see their first introduction greeting from the company I’m supposed to read

It’s kind of a legal thing blah blah blah Freddy fasbear what is this that’s the entire FF one phone call God my fingers hurt what are you talking to starts playing her I’m sorry that I can’t that I wasn’t replying because I have Discord over OBS and I can’t see

Chat skill issue shut up Dev what’s what’s your computer specs if you don’t mind me ask asking I’ll let me do it Mar you just go to your channel and then go to about section gaming ryzen 75800 X uh gForce R 36 CTI you shouldn’t be you shouldn’t have much problems with cranking all the Minecraft settings on Max settings to be honest when you’re streaming when you’re

Streaming is your is your OB is your streaming using CPU or your your GPU to do the encoding cuz if you’re saying that your CPU dies when you’re streaming and playing Minecraft at the same time that means you’re using CPU for the stream instead of your graphics card I

Swear open Minecraft and in stream okay I swear I swear the more I meet people the more I find unique problems that I cannot solve solve what the hell is this 100% that you 100% talk to your ISP about it they’re going to send you a replacement modem you want to know what

Happened to mine everything works fine except for your PC have you tried forgetting the network and then forgetting the network and then re-entering the password again I’m not going to ask I’m not going to ask whether if the BIOS network drivers is installed correct correctly because probably is who set up the

Computer like who who is it a pre-built okay so you have no control over the drivers um my suggestion for your Wi-Fi issues is to look up your motherboard’s name and go and download the network drivers for it does it is it a Wi-Fi motherboard or do you have like a

Separate Wi-Fi card plugged in so does your motherboard at does your the back of your PC have antennas yeah where is it at the top or at the very bottom what oh okay okay so it’s like so um wait hold on you mean it’s like um you plug in the

And then your antenna can just go whatever wherever wherever you want okay it’s it’s those things I’m planning to get one of those because my [ __ ] Wi-Fi sucks bro my problem with mine is the my my antennas at the back of my computer is surrounded with wires and that actually

Makes my internet go from 50 megabytes to just dog [ __ ] one megabyte download bruh okay you might you bro steal her steal her Wi-Fi antennas right now go sneak into her room just grab the Wi-Fi antennas replace it with the ones that you’re using right now why is my internet [ __ ] R today

Nothing’s changed no totally there is like I swear the more I meet people the more I get the more um issues I see that I have no clue what the [ __ ] is happening like like in your case is like so specific if you run Minecraft first and then stream with like

OBS it your computer dies but then if you do the other way around your computer’s fine like math ain’t mathing how do you want oh yeah logical Zoom logical Zoom is basically optify Zoom so you press C it’s going to be the same Zoom B BSL shaders you can just drop it

Into your Shader pack wait you want to press your control button press your control button again maybe there’s a slight bug one of one of the one of the control buttons is pressed right now the Ctrl button is pressed right now something’s wrong what doing what has that ever happened before

Are you seeing a visual difference during the times that it is yeah but you seeing a visual a visual like thing like right now you’re playing the game no not really right it shouldn’t if if it looks fine then it shouldn’t really be a problem if it’s just a big jump look it’s

Consistent now look at that it’s consistently inconsistent in that area so uh did you recently update your graphics drivers did you change any video settings in game was there a recent update what the [ __ ] are you on about okay then why is it doing that then is your GPU like [ __ ]

Overheating or some [ __ ] like also have it it’s control that’s doing that Zoom by the way do you have like do you have like shift Locker in bu or something cuz try pressing your control buttons once like all like left and right control buttons unplug your game

You know what might actually work try and plug in your keyboard it’s it’s stupid if it works nope it still does the thing okay uh um did you actually press the two control buttons on the left and right on your keyboard okay there’s something Wrong and I I swear actually burnt out right now because I’ve been doing I’ve been doing server configurations for like yeah you can do that for a Sure Fire fix all righty here off she goes yeah I’m like super super burnt out right now in terms of trying to fix other people’s problems

Relating to computers because I’ve been doing server configs since Le since yesterday bro setting up the server setting up regions setting up randomizing the selection of islands and teams stuff now it’s on a f it’s now functional and everything’s ready just waiting for nezi to come online what did you do this time

Though then what’s the dang difference uh he plays it for a living uh yeah there you go 2015 question mark that was like last month you still you need to change you need to change that uh thing Dev you need to change the thingy yeah but like welcome

Back I need to eat my food I haven’t eaten it it’s meant to be breakfast and now it’s afternoon shut up the reason why I haven’t eaten it because I’ve been doing server stuff wel come back you’re using that shitty Wi-Fi thing right H oh you’re asking hold on there you

Go would you like me to send the whole last Thing super super hogers mod list I’m going to send it to your DMs oh wait this includes you know what it doesn’t matter you want to know what it includes that is totally something you don’t need here here I’ll show you but make sure you’re looking at my screen

Wait for my Minecraft to start up it’s totally it’s so it’s not it’s something that you actually don’t need but I accidentally put in the mods list but you said to just add it all so uh loading it’s loading give it a sec give it a sec it doesn’t do the thing anymore

Yes did you see that yeah that’s a mod that have that I included in the that is in the mod list you don’t need it but it’s in there you have to configure it manually though but anyways I’m back I got me some Captain Crunch cereal welcome back

I’ve been talking to people on discords I wasn’t able to I wasn’t able to talk to you call them H uh plugins everything is plugins no mods at all uh yes cuz I’m the one that that set up the server I’m not the Ser I’m not the one

That is hosting the server it’s nezi that paid for the server hosting and I’m just the one configuring the whole server making it all work the way it’s intended so yeah we’ve got some of these Stu going to what uh yes I I plan to participate I’m I’m just um I’m I just

Have op wait Dev is it is there in game voice chat wait what did she say restarting her internet okay but yeah I to parti ipate so I’ll definitely relinquish my operator my operator um thing once I’m done with the once uh I’m done making sure everything works when everyone

Joins so once everyone joins I’m going to deop myself and then I’ll participate in the event or at least I plan to participate but most of the time it it’s only going to be on the weekends that I can participate on the server hello welcome yo yeah we’re just counting

Down we have we have list of player names uh Dev yes I have only one person yeah I’ve had Ender Sack Boy basically test basically test um everything that I have done um we’re we’re now doing the randomize we’re using the randomized thing yep I found the holy Grill and I’m so

Glad I’ll show you I’ll show you the thing that I did CU okay so my issue was I will I can’t store I cannot store value into a variable or at least I cannot find a way to store a variable until I found that one thing that the

Plugin supports and so glad that it does yeah I know like it works now and I’m so [ __ ] I’m going to send wait hold on should I just send a screen sh well you can read it uh coaching yeah um when a person interacts with the NPC and then click the thing

It’s going to run that that whatever that command is that I put in there and it’s going to cancel that and then call an event and then pass on a randomly generated number into that um event and when event is called the number that is passed the variable that

Is passed with the random number is checked whether if it’s 1 2 3 or four and if one it’s going to run one if it’s going to if it’s two it’s going to run two so and so forth and the actions are the one two three and

Four so if it’s one it’s going to run action one and then it’s going to run those commands and assign the teams and stuff it’s also got the random in there as well has has randomized teleport like there’s a c there’s a point and then there’s a 400 blocks

Offset and I’m using set home for player spawn as you can see from the name of the set home it’s to prevent from resetting their spawn point to the Bedrock platform so there’s that it’s only it’s going to go to the it’s going to go to the first block that

They like when they TP to the island and that’s where they’re going to spawn instead of the plat everyone has just to be clear no one has access to slash home or to slash home delete home create a home they don’t have any access to that at all

There it’s just there to exist and prevent players from spawning into the platform it’s such a scuffed roundabout way and it’s working yeah that’s what I’m slightly scared About but in but theoretically it should work all as all in uh should work as planed cuz I’ve only ever tested with just one player joining which is Dev Ender Sack Boy the the server is right now open just the link has not been the the server IP has not been uh given

Yet um I’m waiting for nezi right now to confirm whether he wants to change the name of change the name of the IP from from new nezi to Islands okay with the custom domain stuff take longer and the custom domain stuff is going to take longer and it’s

Going to go over the it’s going to go it’s not going to be time for the launch um so they provide they provide a a list of or you can have their your own custom domain let me look into that real quick hold on you want to use your own DNS Servers welcome back server node name oh wait wait hold on a minute let me let me just wait hold on let me test out this Theory let me just log into my own domain now let me log into my own domain see if I can see see if I can

Actually bind domain to This Server because I just read I just read their documentation I just read their documentation uh can close what’s popping node name it says node name Speaker server speak server.com okay I actually did not know about that so I was just minant I’m just going to copy this DNS

Management mint 10 and the server Port would be server Port is this priority is zero okay save DN record has been add server you got topaz and numy and honai star now time for a test run of that uh DNS record okay okay okay yep okay I’ve done

It I’ve made a custom I’ve i’ I’m now using a custom domain I figured it out I figured it out I figured it out I figured it out out I figured it out now I just need nezi to buy a domain that he wants to use and I’ll set it up for him

Who left oh okay he left I’m going to I’m going to just go to the nezi I got it to work so now I just need you to get your domain and we can get it all sorted anyways I got the custom domain thing to work I just need

Him to buy a domain to whatever the domain to be and I can set it up for his I can set it up on his domain and the domain is no longer going to have that that domain that was given by the server itself what your leaves are glowing maybe that’s

God let me do it for you let me get rid of because it we’re not going to use we are not using my domain that I’m paying for you want waffle fries Dave right de is no oh Dev you’re here nice I was just about to ask um that is not

Good oh I I think I know what that is it’s call less leaves that’s probably causing that you can turn it off or you can just get rid of it it’s a mod I do wonder why it’s why is that the latest version of um I mean I’m not exactly too sure

Either if it’s that’s causing that wait try try having your quality set your like what was it called try setting it to fancy yeah yeah okay never mind still there I love your timing when you paused also were you using an old H what are you talking about UI you mean

Windows I cannot see what you’re looking at right now because um the stream closed that might just be a bug with BSL if it doesn’t f if the mod that I asked you doesn’t work I mean if it does then that’s good your forger look at that assassin paulers okay you’re getting

Killed was this does this did this happen when you first when you turned on your resource pack or wait there’s ions that black icons for the thing now try logging in I mean playing the game without the resource pack oh um since uh yeah because since the how old is that

What was it originally made for so uh yeah 2020 around 1 point so yeah um because of the recent um like after 2021 there has been a change in resource packs it does try to make it so it works but since 2020 are you only using it Now I don’t know how to fix it because I’m not really a resource pack you can try and look for a latest version of it I’ll can’t be bothered well then I’ll bother myself see if I can find anything U plug in state pack changers woooo cross woooo totem these are two months

Ago there’s no there’s no ooo anywhere there’s no o here so back let’s go to Planet Minecraft all right thing come up uu Edition Hello Kitty buttons botchy The Rock oooo c o TNT Minecraft pack resource is it ooo texture pack 1.18 yeah it is exactly it’s a 1.18 resource pack sadly in between 1 and today there has been a change in resource pack format so that’s going to be a problem for for any old so you’re going to have

To look for either make your own and make it sure it’s the updated version Or yeah only 5 o’clock so just literally one more hour I’m still waiting for nezi to actually do the announcement I’m just here waiting for him you’re back in your board well unfortunately I’m here waiting for my fellow server admins to announce that that the event is

Now going to start and taking the server for a test drive for um not really a test drive rather we’re practice now I’m the one that set up the server and I’m kind of scared whether if it would break or not uh it took me all of yesterday and all

Of the remaining time before launch today for everything out wait isn’t this the Old Village it is wait no no it’s yeah it is is it no it’s not okay yeah no no it’s not the old village I’m tripping yeah it’s just a waiting game now time to watch YouTube on my phone

Through my headset using voice meter that’s poggers for now we’re going to manually kick people when the session ends or manually stop the server or when the session ends um next time that we next time I’m going to like when I when I have time for it

I’m going to set up the auto kick stuff for when ends and prevent players from logging in when the session is not when the server is not in session going to set that up but for now is working as it should or in theory it should work

Okay my Wi-Fi is busting in not again there it is furina is too strong is the next level it’s basically a better yon jeez H hm Ain’t No Way Ain’t No Way Alan Becker just recr everyone m so I’m going to do something funny I think this is funny

Bro I just got a message hopefully it’s from nezi it is from nezi nezzi um I figured out the domain stuff you just need to buy the domain you just need to get a domain and I’ll set it up for you we have we have um about 30 minutes 40 minutes left until

The planned launch T minus t- minus oh I’m scared right now what if what if something breaks like what w Break um I’ve tested it with ERS saac boy one player they can move but they cannot exit the region unless they delete the unless we delete the walls let me just double check

H so uh so when okay when a player teleports and gets assigned a team they cannot exit the the region that they are assigned unless the walls are broken or at least when the walls are removed no no no no no no no no they cannot leave the island is I’m just saying

Like yeah I I I know know I know know wait what was the problem huh huh yeah I know no no no no the only thing I’m not exactly too worried about anything really everything H we just have to put it to practice yeah I I personally I’ve gone

Through it infinite amount of times like in my head what else could go wrong and right now it seems to be fine and dandy it’s just the um the player limit yeah but we’re limited to 100 but what if the creators invite more than you know all right yeah okay okay okay

Okay NT AFK I can I can probably set that up yeah I can I can make I can in in the case that we’re going to have to in the case though I can make it happen because there is a there is a check that I can

Can do if a player is AFK so and then and then if the player and if the players are and if there are a 100 players in the server it’s going to check if there are any AFK players and if and if there are any AFK players they’re going to get

Kicked I can make I can totally make that happen if it ever comes down to it uh hello Venice uh currently we’re just waiting we’re just playing the waiting game Let’s Play waiting we’re just playing the waiting game o all the internet typical all the internet

Yeah he’s had a wild ride and I was there watching him uh oh speedrun speedrun speedrun you have we have 30 you have T minus 30 run through red lights get more tickets get more Dem merits get more until you get your driver’s license uh terminated please don’t what

Yeah yeah I can I can even go to I can literally go to the server properties and disable IP logging or whatever I can disable that but you know it makes sense for it makes sense that they want to use a VPN nope IP no no no if you IP ban them

It’s only going to ban that IP they can just switch the VPN again and they can log in again with a different IP that’s the problem with vpns oh yeah yeah yeah yeah IP bandom I know I want to trust I want to trust everyone in the server I want to

Trust everyone in the server was in inviting proper players yeah huh mhm huh the whole time bro hey venies no com no comments no comment hey why are you saying no comment this yep do hello gaming gamer Um I can make a quick written guide there should be I helped two people today with their mod stuff one is uh charcoal just now and Neo I basically gave him my whole mods list but um I wonder if this would give the fabric or the forge

One okay this one yeah this one uses um this one uses the fabric one it’s fine then if they’re using OptiFine though like like charcoal earlier there might be some other thing that you need to do in order to get something similar to optify cuz with you they can do the

OptiFine one as well it’s just it’s an entirely different tutorial cuz this tutorial is for fabric and some people on the server are using OptiFine because that’s what they’re most more they’re more familiar with so that means we’re going to need a forge mod loader uh tutorial for

Forge like this one is for fabric users and the other one is for um we need another one for Forge users we’re up to find users specifically hello hello hello hello what need to uh yeah okay enough of the of the hello hello hello how are we doing welcome back okay it says

Fabric um right now Opti fabric does not exist for 1.2.2 so I would it would be great if you can it would be great if you can Find no no no no no no no no that’s the version of The Mod not the actual uh Minecraft it supports it’s okay it’s okay yeah there’s no there’s no 1.2.2 and as you’ve seen earlier it doesn’t work that’s why I had you download the sodium stuff if you want shaders

And some similar performance to OptiFine yes 1.8.2 it should be fine welcome back to another video yeah you talk to him about that stuff cuz I don’t remember much about rolls anymore anyways uh if you go to the group chat I replied the two videos that are good for for fabric and

Forge so okay they welcome back Dev H didn’t really miss much nezi is finally home we can finally do things should I start on whitelisting player names hold on hold on let me yeah hold on let me hold on uh quick question should I start on the white list

Now all right I’ll start with the white list now okay they told me to start on the white list now so I’ll do that um the the up the the most latest one as of today yes Dev you’re going to be my talking person because I’m going to be speedrunning typing in white

List that’s funny there’s a player named the the tree stick why isn’t that your username why isn’t that your username Dev charcoal potato one charcoal potato one added pushi dearest synr synama underscore origami tiger i l y Le El Chan BX earning row the the Le the project tyoo um r x

Enzo uh m y HF talki okay just to double check Dev can you go through the white list for me and can you see the white list channel can you go through all the names oh wait hold on hold on I missed one I missed one wait wait hold on A okay please go through the names Cor correct yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep type yep just say Renzo or something Renzo mhf and talk toi in I uh I’m here let me know I’ll work around for optify with fabric okay so just go and download

Forge and the optify jar all right all right all right mhm um I’m not too sure cuz I transferred my domain from Google domain so I’m not too sure whether if it would be ready to go after you buy it I have to eat my noodles sorry I’m Asian unnecessary but funny Yes Roy E just a reminder that the server is about to open in a few minutes yeah hey yo hey yo oh yeah I why would I remove you from a white list and add you back in again hello yeah of course I have you on the white

List what about me everyone is in a white list everyone that joined the server before is in a wh list all right I’ll send you the wh list. text do you want me to send a wheless do I have I have the FTP

Oh yeah I B the wait I the um let he i b the server upgrade how’s that going H uh no it doesn’t matter if it’s a website or not no need for a website um what do you mean send me your Don

Domain no no no I need to I need your I need to log in I need I need to I need to have pause pause I need your um I need you to log in to your GoDaddy account and then go to your domain and go to the DNS

Yes and then add a record and then type then put all of this stuff in yeah don’t worry I got you brother I got you okay yeah you have the domain immediately okay uh add a new record add a new record uh choose an option SRV that one underscore

Minecraft and then pcol is TCP uh the name name is the the name is the the the name on the right is the thing that you like nezi new nezi or Islands so you can put MC in there or something no no get rid of the ad get rid of the

Ad wait okay so hold on that by having by having the islands as the name it’ll be the islands.the islandst tv.net okay yeah it’s the it’s the one that goes before the domain change it to something else cuz I just leaked it not that anyone’s

Watching I mean yeah we can do that now set the value to to the go to to the um to the thing that I sent you go to the go to go to the group chat and then sent it and then type it go to the host and Tye in that mint

Thing yes no no no not the number it’s just the Mint one all right bye uh priority zero weight zero no no no no no no no no uh priority zero weight zero and then the port is uh the the port is this okay the the Ping that I sent you in the

Group chat is the port uh just leave it as is and then click save uh once that’s done it’s live okay hold on let me try it let me try it let me try it let me try it hold on hold on can you scroll down cuz I can’t see [ __ ]

Uh is it net or what is it that net yeah net okay it functions it works you can use that um yeah yeah that works as your IP address you should you should stop the stream now that that we have it head up thank you we should have done this in the

Private DM but hey who cares it’s okay you’ve been streaming for so long yeah I have I’ve been streaming for like how long six hours and now the event is starting cuz all all I’ve been doing right now is just wait chicken can nugget hello oh now nervous

A rocket League match right now then is it ranked don’t tell me it’s ranked dude if it’s ranked I’m going to cry all right oh God here it comes H hold on hold on hold on hold he just sent he yeah he just did oh it it yeah we have the IP

And it’s join was it play did it to play can you do join Dev yeah I’m gonna I’m it’s it’s join yeah I’m just GNA like put a bunch of um stuff on it okay people are joining oh yeah [Laughter] leaves all right is everyone’s is everyone’s oh wait hold

On do we have to do that thing again yes uh can you hear me in Game Dev hello oh that’s oh that’s why I know I know I know I know why I know why uh uh hello yeah all right guys hello Gamers hello just making sure everyone’s voice

Chat’s working we’re going to be turning on voice chat if you need if you need assistance just ask get you sorted real quick your particles with flowers yes it’s the sakur pedals my guy are they different uh no they’re all the same it’s the only tree in Minecraft that has these particles

Anyways should have put should have put dragon’s breath somewhere hell no that that kill us just kill us off rip no that’s lingering potion okay the island uh it’s the center Island below us guys once everyone has joined and sorted out we you guys can go and click the

Team selector everything and everyone is ready got two steak for you huh oh or those are the steak that I gave you I’ll throw it away yeah what does it mean it’s the it’s the particles can you see the particles have if you have it it’s it’s for it’s

Literally for nothing I just have it there because I thought it’s cool anyways um the double A it’s also so that you guys have something to play around with with just lever just flick it around you just hear the clicking noises can’t run uh what replay version are you

Running uh rep uh replay doesn’t have a 1.12 1.2 1.2.2 who just well seems like you do you want me to reset you want me to reset you I’m talking to Charcoal yeah unfortunately replay mod is available for 1.2.2 so charcoal remove she joined desert Dell home player spawn what’s the RG

Command RG remove desert uh charcoal potato slash TP charal potato to me I’m so sorry it’s all right I got you I got you I’ve practiced the commands not yet at least unless everyone is ready I’ll be okay dude protect him at all cost

All right get rid of this [ __ ] why is it raining it looks ugly on shade it looks good but I don’t want it what the [ __ ] hell this yay the rain sto experi it’s open already yep no what’s up how you been been good yeah

Six 6 o’ AED and it’s currently 6 o’ is your M your microphone is not that loud it’s not that loud in game it’s not oh turn it up it’s live no you just go and click it now uh everything every everyone has joined all you have to do is just click

This thing and then you can join but once ready is everyone ready though like is everyone in and all that stuff give me a minute I’m just changing my key bones which I know sounds really really need but that’s some aggressive keyboard Ty sorry about that this dude got the clickies what the

[ __ ] got the clickies I also have I’m not showing any pictures of my someone said they could hit someone what the [ __ ] okay it says sorry oh what have we done what is this whated why you ganging up on me what is this cuz you’re the guy who who’s hosting the server right

Now got no skin buly him oh my god oh sorry about the dog hold up where’s a cam I think not yet not yet oh okay and I manage toet more that’s great I see the islands down yeah that’s the center Island guys I can’t see

It um you have to turn your chunks up all the God yeah I think I I still have to set my voice chat mod settings properly but it works revagade mine’s functional I think for nut how do how do I change my voice settings press V press V as in uh

Valen very v as in very or valerant yeah or valerant am I nice and Loud um if you go to on the to help there should be a link or you can ask I I feel so I feel so powerful on Discord we can yeah yeah we can help you get we can

Help you fix up your stuff oh my God I’m if you guys have any issues you can always go to the and go to the live chat live voice chat we can help you just the players yo junky you haven’t heard back on a ticket yet so you haven’t heard from the

Ticket yet so we’re still using the the 30 the ryzen yeah that’s right it’ll they’re strong enough for this right now with the uh 10 gigs we’ll be right I don’t think that’ll be problematic yes I was was it yummy I might get on the piss tonight what you what

You yo give me some apple juice what the [ __ ] we might be a bit special sh we should totally go out for some apple juice soon though you know yeah yeah Fortress and apple juice yeah I’m down [ __ ] as well that’d be tough it would be like 5 years ago yeah not

Really would you like me to just send you the ones that you need was our ability to drink apple juice yeah y this guy is I love the map mail man he is so he is a mailman hello I am indeed the mail I deliver the mail you’re the mail

It’s the mail man would you like me to send would you like me to just send the stuff that you need or or are you absolutely not comfortable with using mods oh then go fabric Forge Forge is kind of cringe right now yeah but fabric there isn’t much of news

In there and I’ve been using fabric for a while would you like me to walk you through the fabric or not at all okay so it will look sketchy but trust the guy that set up the server hold on let me I’ll I’ll be with you in a

Moment okay so do you know how to install fabric loader and fabric API stuff okay all right then if you think so then I won’t help you any further unless you want more help all righty just spec just make sure that you specify to others that you you know

Yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s okay it’s all right we got you I’m here to help gamer Shir chir e in N okay Shad is going back on I guess anyone having any issues always ask I’m here to help I’m having issues uh oh it’s happened again not

Again I’m sorry I I forgot I was supposed to be protecting him don’t touch sah I don’t know what that chat validation error means wait okay so is it similar to how like like you can’t see chats 100 blocks away from you no chat’s just going to be

Global okay there’s going to be a lot of people we want to we want to encourage collaboration yeah yeah so we’re going to keep chat Global but uh I did we did think about that idea maybe next season but um maybe next season uh hello can you hear

Me yeah I was just gonna say clicked would you like to reset and go back to the platform I misclicked it’s all right I got you I got you you’re currently in the brink you’re currently in the predicament I see yeah I misclicked CU spamming uh it’ll take some time just please be

Patient that’s okay I have to run three commands by hand I don’t know what happened there oh hello hello that that issue might have been uh hold on uh let me just T to spawn and then double check later [ __ ] [ __ ] ow ow [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ow

You need to turn okay you need to go into your settings and then you turn clouds off it’s not it’s like in your video settings why would I want to do that they look so nice they look nice okay junkie yes you need to put a sign front this guy saying don’t

Touch just get rid of the guy no he’s important move him somewhere else move him somewhere right oh I don’t have any shap oops hold on already in the voice everyone let’s stand all up like up against the wall let’s do some like team exercises all right guys it’s time for Team go

Everyone up against the barrier up against the barrier everyone now yes ma yes ma’am one do the Simon says no you can do the Simon Says and then like you get you get temp banned we taking a screeny what what we doing the guy behind you isn’t against

The wall there’s one more he’s not a real guy okay yeah are we doing screeny what are we doing all all right Simon says okay Simon says they can’t hear us they’re in a they’re in a they’re in a group we can hear we can hear oh what the [ __ ] I can

Hear everyone it’s an open group there’s a muted there’s like a muted um thing oh it’s kind a password what oh wait why are they in the group wait can you guys hear wait Renzo and to to me are in a group yeah I’m a bad [ __ ] you bad bad [ __ ]

Welcome bad [ __ ] yes sir oh bad [ __ ] let me get to that bag against the wall back up against the wall damn s says Crouch once wait I’m still l no you’re not there’s a practice round there’s a practice round there’s a practice round all all okay okay okay this is proper

Guys what what is actually the punishment if they don’t listen uh do you want what do you want they’re just out all we’re doing last man standing well then okay if you if if you don’t listen you stand against this barrier okay yeah I was going to say Joy

What what are we what are we what are we waiting for again aren’t we waiting for to be in the server no we can go where this everyone no we can go this whatever if people Rock up or they’re late they’re late we can go all right all

Right okay then you you guys can like the thing now that yeah y’all can start all right bye guys all right here we go I wish you luck so we’re going to we’re going to click the guy and then we end up where we end up yes everything is randomized I did the

Thing here we go that’s pretty much it Cherry Cherry desert jungle jungle jungle desert oh man it’s all going down all right enjoy guys good luck I’m on the last one so I’ll I’ll de up myself now should I de up myself cuz if I if I stay oped

I’ll be able to move all over the borders I mean you can stay oped you’ll know uh what’s it called [ __ ] how to like you know where the borders are like you know you just don’t leave the island I guess yeah but I feel so I can pretty much just accidentally

Walk around yeah yeah I got you the leader board not being organized is my new pet pave leaderboard is not being organized I will figure something out how do do I do I bother playing with shaders right now are they with ma is he who’s in

Tiger mailman tox me dude what do I want what do I want I lowkey want tiger cuz mailman is in Tiger that guy’s a g he’s a g yeah I can I can go and run the list and set you to Tiger if you want no no

No no no no I’m not I’m not choosing I’m not choosing okay no chance am I choosing I want this [ __ ] random huh well huh so do are you going to leave the voice chat Dev oh we just going to mute okay okay okay okay mute working yes cowbot has made it

Work all right I just real desert players yeah dude I don’t even know what do I want what do you want jungle what do you want I feel like I’m going to be upset with what I get but what you get is what you get and you don’t get

Upset 13 players I mean if you want like for your sake if you just want to fly around the map and just [ __ ] spectate her I low ke might it’s annoy replay no you good bu all right ah yeah yeah yes I’ll eat it later for now I’m going to finish my

Noodles anyways hello I’m back all righty for my sake I can just I can just PE to everyone I mean like roam around is that you just go spectator and just have fun with it just see what’s going on all Abus abuse that why would I abuse

Saying for like yeah yeah I’m just saying for Content sake like if you join an island you’re desert and then you go to tiger and you’re just having a look and then you go back to the desert and go right guys tiger are doing this yeah I’m not going to do that I’m

Going to do as little interference as possible that’s come that’s come yeah uh I don’t want to uh I I I don’t know I play but at the same time I’m like I think I feel like I’ve done enough for the server no you’ve done more than enough you’re a j

Man you know I I want to see what people are up to instead of being participating you know and you know people could have issues all the time so there needs to be a guy that is available for fixing people’s problems so how about that no that’s fair that’s

Fair yeah if you want a roam go for it all right I’ll do just that then all right I want to go ahead uh and hop to it are you going to deop yourself uh or you’re going to stay up I’ll stay up just in case all right you

Know you know where you can’t and can’t go anyway where you can and can yeah I’m don’t worry I’m well aware hello fornut can you hear us all right I love that I just that small Bob in head all right yeah that great everyone is starting everyone um currently doing their thing and

Everyone’s already on the island and if you want to join if you want to start playing Just interact with this y yo what’s up here and right click the guy and then select the island randomizer and whatever team team you’re in is the team you’re stay

In there goes goes the jungle is a huge player Advantage all right well every time every time every time someone Jo like you get a not LP and lock perms oh yeah that’s only for op by the way don’t worry yeah yeah yeah yeah spawn on the ocean oh it’s safe

Oh yeah at at least it’s right next to where you’re supposed to spawn oh yeah no it did it job had to swim all the way over here I was like way out there two seconds ago yeah it’s okay at least you spawned right you’re supposed to

Anyways yeah its job is to like randomize spawns so it did its job all right have fun have fun with the event ah my God I’m nervous hello hello hello oh hello can you guys hear me I’m chill CH can you guys hear a voice inside your

Head yeah I haven’t seen any animals so I was going to go up I think I on there and that’s good at least um oh this is so fun just watching people play there we go look guy professionals is it does it have to be Jon need that thank you

Top oh my it has to be Jon beans test test my favorite my favorite I my oh my god did I steal something what did I steal you picked up my St pickaxe you had pick up priority which is Mak CU I’m pretty sure I have better Pig than

You I got a copy paste that somewhere one pickaxe please is that a fish it’s a fish a fish never mind don’t go do that that’s that’s not a good fish I can make you a pickax let’s go this is how this is how you start friendships in give each other pickaxes

I’m backstabbing you in two and a half minutes not with the pickaxe I’m it for I literally made an announcement template to use it’s very dark and somehow screwed up the announcement it’s okay are there creeper holes I don’t like let’s go to the these [Laughter] people all right it’s time to go Around is it safe it is not safe I’m going to be staying down here I’m one Cher I Got This I’m kind of stuck down here this guy it’s just this guy is just stuck down here in okay I I should probably move to like different players I’ve just been I’m so

Underprepared for this oops how’s your gaming helloing with monsters No think I think I may have overdone it bro all I did was he died GNA ping him cuz there let’s check on I need your help please wait wait wait hold on why did you spawn at the platform didn’t your spawns got set to no it’s ow

Ow wait it’s [ __ ] back up there it was me to be fix it’s meant to be fixed so did you get a notification is unsafe when you first joined yeah where did you spawn again [ __ ] we’re going to have to [ __ ] yeah okay so maybe the first one when you first joined you room was set to a unsafe place and it did not set your spawn there so when that happens please do not do the roll thing cuz it will give you it

Would give you two and then that it’s going to break some things we’re just lucky that you’ve been given Cherry again I’m going to have I’m going to set I’m going to set a sign up ever happens yeah I’ll be back with you in just a moment people are dying

Yeah just um the temp B is so just join back in when you die at some point we will do one our temp bands when as a penalty for dying so join I don’t know how to get rid of the T band stuff yet for Iris negative are what with your

Shaders oh your screen would just flicker um the fix for that is Turn on vsync yeah I’ve had that issue with the same had that issue with the same with my mod list and all fixed is either go full screen mode or borderless or V or vsync happens again turn off

Vsync I don’t know I don’t know what the source is right now it’s not having the issue but yeah just go full exclusive full screen border just change your resolution a bit it’s a problem with it’s a bit finicky so it’s a bit painful To is that a valant noise effect I hear yes it is I have a resource pack that makes it so that every time I hit something it makes the valerant Noise yeah yeah you like you know when you kill someone in valerant that’s going to play H do you want me to send you my resource pack hold on resource packs um do I’ll send it to your DMs uh it’s uh it’s mixed it has my

Voice in it every time you take damage it’s just going to be me saying [ __ ] uh so and Jeb saying no every time you fall off and take big fall damage so uh it it’s not just the valerant noises also when you yeah pretty much have fun have

Fun it’s just it’s my voice by the way if you on here please notify admins um if it does come back to it though ra uh update sodium and update sodium and all the related mods and up so there is an issue where players for some reason are spawned at the spawn

Platform it’s not good it is it is a such it’s it’s a very very very minuscule chance that it would happen but if it ever happens I put a sign in the thing or actually I can add a wait I can just up oh hold on I can

Just change it right now hold on I’ll change it right now I’ll change it I’ll add a check if the player already has a team I can actually do that what the [ __ ] am I doing I can just do that um I’m stressing out on team at once when I can just check if the player already has a team or Roy E all righty I have not tested this yet nor will I ever be able to test it because everyone’s there’s no um actually I can test it with you Dev but then the

Problem is um you’re going to be uh a check for when a play has a team uh cuz uh so there is a very mini Skol chance that a player gets respawned back up to the platform because the the the home the set home did not set home properly

To add hello Venice I have to check I have to make a check admin test cancel the event message lock terms prefix I’m going to go by the prefix Okay um I like how I’m adding changes as we’re in the event yeah I’m going to mute I’m going to mute everyone seems to be having their good times and everyone’s having a great time everything’s working right now that’s pretty Pog oh it’s not going to of course of course it’s not going to work CU I [ __ ] up I’m G I’m just going to check the console for That’s oh nice of course I misspelled my Username for I for for I think I just [ __ ] up okay okay now that lock perm St you know I should have just tested this on De I that’s the reason looking up like that I forgot that it does that embarrassing so basically I made everyone do the

Command at the same time and everyone is sending me the same message oops [ __ ] hell Dev is currently in the jungle okay got it I think chat because um I we [ __ ] with it so that’s cool g i y n x c d brutal banana X Cave spiderman two three just for

Hello would you like some assistance this is tech support all right so are do you have any mods such as optify anything just nothing no no I’m just okay so using a bad line client here’s one thing I’m not too sure about can you install your own mods in bad lion if

You okay so I’m not cuz I haven’t I’m not too familiar with like bad lion learner client stuff so we’re going to have to go through installing the mods by hand using Forge or fabric so which one would you like to CH would you like to use Forge or fabric doesn’t matter which

One all right go and install your Forge version yes just install it into your just install it just get the latest version version just get the latest version for me and I’ll L to the voice chat mod and I’d like you to pick the forge version yes so if

You the forge loader it will create a new profile in your Minecraft launcher and you have to select that Forge loader it would run the mods inside your Minecraft mods folder which where we would put our simple voice chat mod is it the 1.2.2 did you run did you did you run the

Installer hello uh you just just run the jar the installer and install the forge mod loader yes that would be a fantastic so I’m talking to brutal banana as of right now all righty hello brutal banana so where is Forin that is the latest version okay so no

No Forge Forge loader that you downloaded so yeah do you use any mods such as um OptiFine or anything hello gamer I I was gonna I was going to ask if you don’t have the mod but you yeah I got it on H anyways um seems you’re you just joined today you just

Join now um I’m currently helping two players get their voice mod sorted uh for just good uh since you’re here in you you can right click this NPC and it would randomize the selection of your team all right well enjoy thank you your time en enjoy your time in

Here also by the way you need to restart the launcher after you’ve installed um the thing so brutal banana are you currently using any mods like OptiFine sodium all that stuff or are you just using plain old vanilla Minecraft so would you like to um would you like to

Um would you like to use Forge mod loader hello elchanan welcome to the server and welcome to the event just for you like you to rightclick this NPC so that you would be select you would be randomized into an island so you can join an island to to get started

PC looks like you have the voice chat so you should be able to hear me just to get you started just right click the NPC benana would you like the voice mod or cuz you you already went into the island all right all right all right just just ping me when you are

Ready all righty later gamer I’ll I’ll get the forge installer for you forge install trying to look for the forge and download I’m not I’m not going to be surprised so we’re running a 1.12 1.20 if that makes it easier for you ah hold on sorry I sent you the installer file and

I would like you to run it and make sure that the Minecraft you run it and once it’s done doing it thing install to do Minecraft just go to your do Minecraft folder and download the forge version and you’re pretty much good to go if you need if it if any of the

Things that I have said confused you you can always ask for help I tend to talk a little too fast so my bad and some a little too brief and it would confuse many people but uh anyways Ali I let me check that VC group oh they changed the name okay that’s good

Desert what I’ll check that out in a second I’ll I’ll go for a toilet run going to speedrun toilet did my music just stop oh yeah right because my parents are using spotify great I’ll be back have returned all right I have returned dropping past to see if there

Are track and if there is an IP there is indeed an IP all right what just happened help Chan join the why did she jo why did El Chan just join oh no did she die what no Jerry and tiger it announced it twice okay let me double check anyways help Cho

Okay that’s very odd though why did it trigger twice yeah I don’t know why this thing triggered twice anyway them ping hello Jinx are you still working on The looks like you’ve muted that you know and you can do the stuff that you need to do just all right once I sent this one mage everyone seems to be having a great time okay so an anomaly has appeared brutal banana brutal X2 status offline CH so yep that’s

Correct I don’t know why this thing got announced twice there must have been a slight off chance that that happened okay right time to look or go go time to go around it wasn’t doing something okay so I got the value that I want if their prefix is empty allow this

Thing to run if it doesn’t it’s going to throw exe stop terms does not contain an empty string execute stop else it’s just going to run the default when the command is this if the prefix is not empty and if it is not empty it’s going to execute stop you already have a

Team an admin all right more events C reload I’m going to also delete that also delete this upload it to the server C reload kaboom suam everything should be good now I’m pretty sure insom is disabled to clear what yeah yeah give me like two seconds I’ll make a pronouncement on the screen

For that’ll make them extinct anyways I think that’s enough think it’s fair finished I think all the stuff that I all my job is done pretty much I like how desert just has a gray name wait how many desert players are there well ain’t that kind of big oof LP group list it doesn’t tell me how many players are there in uh in anywhere but anyways everything seems to be working I’m not going to change anything else [ __ ] eight month Hiatus and uh yeah it’s been a minute it’s been a big minute it’s been a big big big

Minute yeah I mean it was mainly just focusing on uh uni and running my own business those it took up most of my time in B go thank you so much for the raid damn he got raided let’s see how everyone’s doing picking flowers should probably just go to spectator

Mode is it on hard it’s on normal yeah it’s fine come going to make a poll uh ideas and suggestions I hunting you when barriers drop only two players are in the desert biome nothing much so far everyone’s just getting stuff done oh they need probably definitely like start do

I’m finding a lot of redstone I’m on y 53 how do you message people what’s the command let me just hello hello you can just say your reply to me hello hello you can just say the reply right here so are you guys in a

Discord voice chat or in a no we’re in a we’re in like a group group CH oh proc proc group yeah ah okay okay you know I haven’t used this mod at all so I know nothing thank you for the information I vanish so they are in a group so if I

Want to hear what if I want to hear what they’re talking about by the way if I want to hear anything in their group I have to join their group I’m finding the little caves oh so the redstones count in those oh did you guys all guys I’m starting my

First Monopoly sweet berries they’re all real yeah I see I have an idea oh fishing you’re so real okay tell who’s been playing Minecraft a very long time I mean everyone seems to be having their time in their life where’s them they’ve got tiger jungle and Cherry does Cherry

Not have a group that they’re using there’s pigs and I’ve been want to see what they’re been up to I mean it’s not exactly procs anymore because it’s not exactly proximity chat anymore because they can talk over oh over islands and stuff but it they seem to not really care that

Much a bad little enchant we can always do we got we’ve got 19 iron the optimal level for iron I know it’s all different for like um it’s before deep it’s the same as PR you is Desert or is deserts desert’s group just died look at the amount of fish in here what

Gaming you just just ignored me Dev just ignored me can I hit well I can’t hit him start getting Villages cuz that’s crazy I still haven’t eaten my food yet I should probably do that let’s go let’s go visit n what the [ __ ] junkie what I you’re inv VI I can

See you junkie what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sorry I can hear you too I forgot that you’re oped and I you can see me yeah you know you had invis p on or something I I was in SL vanish oh yeah I could see particle

Effects sorry is um are you were you in spectator uh I was in vanish not in spectator you want to do a a cheeky favor and to see if you can find me many many diamonds just all of them in the whole Tiger Island please bro that’s

Cheating we have we have a plugin that catches x-ray by the way we we we we just found our first Iron vein like there’s we we can’t find [ __ ] only Redstone hey yo look y’all can have a like you can y’all can have like a power company with all this redstone

Yeah look this ain’t cutting it did you hear that cutting what can you hear that junkie hear what okay clearly not then the cave noises or something no I don’t hear the cave noises I think that’s client side no they died pean died yeah when when are we going to do what’s like

The timeline all the things happening like in the hardcore and stuff um are you GNA like provide a of like the time we me and Finn me and Finn made a Gant chart I don’t know if you know what that is I don’t remember what a Gant chart is

But I it’s like a timeline graph thing I I yes I know my computer science uh what is a Gant chart again yeah it’s like a timeline graph yeah yeah yeah I’ve used a g chart before in school so not that I remember but how much time we got it’s 8

7:30 close at 2 um I realized that there’s a great imbalance of players especially desert lacking like any player desert desert’s got the least amount of players in it yeah but it’s random what we got one two three four five jungle four tiger three Cherry two desert that’s not

That bad it’s not that bad actually yeah but uh I think it’s going to be uh first I think it’s week one no PVP week two PVP and then we’ll drop the walls at some point in week two um how the Ser going I still haven’t figured out

Whether wait I might have to just enable on the regions I might have to just enable the PVP cuz the reason why we can’t I can’t the reason oh [ __ ] we’re you’re up and I’m up and we can both heat each other uh the reason why I can’t hit anyone that is not

Up it’s because the I think the region is is preventing Me Maybe yes let’s go gaming want diamonds no even if I had diamonds I couldn’t find him so you absolutely have no diamond I mean no iron at all anywhere it’s really hard to find man yeah it’s harder than you think to

To find I mean this is a custom map after all so I’m not too sure about the or distribution I don’t think I don’t think there’s a way we can like lace it a bit more CU it is really difficult there is a command probably to replace some blocks at random but like

Percentage Yeah I’m not exactly too sure on how to do that I haven’t played enough M to know we can always look into it outside of this session like I might played Minecraft moded so yeah okay I might just going to be build focused any I’ll check up on I’ll check

Up on other players oh oh you actually found iron I’m x-raying let’s go oh that’s not what I meant to press make I’ll I’ll see what other people are up to everyone is using um proc chat like proc chat groups which allows you to talk to people through

Yeah yeah we’re using it as well I just left mine so I could chat with you bro is there only one eyon here though oh no hold on you should always okay three I can get pickaxe and and bucket all right that’s IDE deal I’m happy with that oh

More let’s go I can get a shield oh he’s insane he’s insane all right let’s go I got nine 10 I’m have 12 after this oh more oh oh no no we oh my God there’s more oh no we’re good we’re good oh my God oh my God we’re good oh I’m

Going to get pinked in x-ray this is a lot of iron let’s [ __ ] go we’re going to get on my boys if you get 32 I will get a warning or you will get a warning is it like a time limit on you know it’ll just flag you it’ll it’ll flag you

It’ll flag the player as a potential xrayer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what you can have this shovel you can delete those off the face of the Earth of me I’m not a trash can you know yeah but you do have a creative inventory all right I’ll check up on

What others are up to enjoy yes enjoy or not I still have to eat my food Bro so far the jungle teams more together more or less they’re all sticking together and doing stuff I have to join their um the [ __ ] did I just do anti ghost uh 100% gonna have to [ __ ] disable that hold on two seconds I’m not really exact anti- ghost just Del doesn’t work

My client just crashed one of my mods were broken what was that that I just ate and there it goes there it goes yeah they they’ve got Their they got their um farming set up no don’t tell me me burning just lost the diamonds a No Way Cherry uh two Cherry two desert we’ve got what four five of us in Jungle yeah there’s four in Tiger also don’t forget there’s quite a bit of kelp

We can always eat kelp and we can bur it man I can’t believe I I just accidentally I think we’re set on wood I’ve already got a stack of jungle nothing’s nothing’s happening he still doesn’t have wait wasn’t he the is he the one that want to have a voice chat

On I think so it’s fine what is everyone up to underground Moss there’s a bunch of clay in here from or is that a modded thing pretty sure one of these places have like a bunch of clay or at least the big caves ones but there’s a bunch of these good for

Ad good for atmosphere does he have he doesn’t even have um doesn’t even have voice chat on okay is that why the group for Jungle just doesn’t exist I mean for desert and I I will continue to not die I that for d how long since

They it took me an hour to respond to that right list it’s going to have this white list open in the case that someone needs to join they are all in a group so I can’t I can’t I can’t hear them because they’re all in the group hey junkie bro how you

Going I I came to because I can’t hear anyone because everyone is in groups I have to join the group so I can hear what there’s what they what y’all are talking ah gotcha well I I found more diamonds it should probably be the same for

Others if you’re in a group and you’re Not so if you’re in a and you’re in a tiger group and someone else is in a jungle group you can’t hear each other so I think you guys have to leave the group in order to hear the other teams theps or G me tiger um right just trying to

Think I’m here what we’ve got in way this place is large and everyone can pretty much just build anything you’re cooking trying to cook coal all right I need to go back to spawn I think I want to be a Builder I have returned hello tree stick welcome to get started to get started you can right click the NPC and select the Hello sup gamer to get started just right click the team selector and select the only op there is randomize whatever you get is what you get now please

Proceed where’s my music where’s my music where’s my music where’s the music oh okay hey there you go just press V to enable to go to the settings any so just just right click the interact with the NPC and select the only option and selected to a randomized

Island good luck um it just says I already have a team but I just joined oh you just joined okay hold on let me let me fix that that’s a problem problem I’ll just I’ll it’s a it’s a way to prevent players from doing funny things fix it up

Right yeah sorry for the [ __ ] up I’ll be with you where is it did I just get rid of it I just did didn’t I all right all right okay I just got a notification I’ll be with NI second vs code I’ll just get rid of that check and then just

Plugins conditional conditional events events I’ll just disable this yep more events upload to server see a Reload okay now you may attempt the thing again amazing we jungle again too much roll junglers playing League now okay the the check didn’t work proper why did that why did that not work he she just

Joined but it said that you already have a team that’s a problem know I’ll switch this around so if the prefix is currently empty then it would execute randomiz That it’s because I’m not that’s for hello first qu oh first question are you using any mods right now such as OptiFine any of that stuff all right so we’re just you up with the base basic one we’re just going to set you up with do you know how to install

Mods yeah I’ll talk to nezi about that I’ll help you out throughout okay yeah I yeah but I’m going to talk to nezi First about that I’m G to talk to nezi about that first I just got a message from Island Hub let me read that all right all right all right let’s

Get you sorted um it is recommended that you share your screen so I can you’re looking it your your message cannot be delivered this is actually this usually because server okay I cannot send you a DM that’s great that’s pogers um I’ll can I just where can I send

Where can I send you send download links or would you like me to send it or you can just add me that also works let me resend it to your DMs all righty yes I’m human Discord yes I’m human it thinks I’m a posted the link twice the largest animal lion all

Right there should be the two links you know what I’ll re I’ll resend one of the things I’ll resend one of the things just to make it easier all right you’re you will need to close Minecraft and restart the launcher for this just a heads up Al

Righty okay so first thing that I’d like you to do is click the download for the forge on the Discord DM that I sent you damn sure than the discords frames per second yes just download that jar and run it for me yeah Opera GX gang Opa GX

Gang and once that is downloaded just run the jar and open up the launcher hello let it sit let it sit hello yo so yeah um fornut suggested that we block jungle team for a little to teams out because there’s a bunch of jungle and then desert still has

Too let it sit write it out that depends on your decisions and I reckon we let it write it out it’s still even so just needs more people that’s all okay I think I think we’ll be fine okay so whatever you decide me cuz I’m going in this

Way so yeah whatever you decide is going know what’s going to happen all right I don’t think yeah I think we’ll we’ll be fine if he’s worried about that um um yeah you go he’s worried about that we should be chill yeah all righty

Then I don’t I don’t yeah I get I get his initial concern but like there probably will be some desert people yeah did I oh over here I I wanted to talk to you about it cuz before I make any changes I have to consult the M you’re you are the

Majority man yeah that’s cool no I appreciate that uh no mods installed in this mod pack all right so like to go I’d like you to go to the simple voice chat I’d like you to go to the simple voice chat uh link sent you all righty what are you trying to

Uninstall why have I done that see there’s it a thriving they got spe up one one has one has a voice chat and one doesn’t one does it yeah rxn has voice chat while IL Ali doesn’t have a voice chat yeah I got you I’m not too sure what they wanted or

Not might ask them later now the only reason I just don’t want to interfere with the RNG [ __ ] it’s RNG for a reason I guess simple voice chat oh nice you you’ve got the curse Forge stuff you already know how to use in download mods so that

I do need to make it not going to lie I didn’t I didn’t think that would have would have already got would have easy easy it would be that easy to download and create a new profile with your own mods in it uh how do you the

Forge from the link that I from the file that I sent you you can just uh delete it I don’t know if you guys have been doing it but I found it really handy to mine around ORS cuz I keep finding like a free here and there you can just delete

The you’re going to have to go to the do Minecraft though [ __ ] hold on let me let me look for the folder for I feel like we have the potential to be very strong just based on landscape like maybe no one wants to [ __ ] with us that kind of

Vibe I don’t know I guess we kind got wait and see at the same time though you’re going to have to go to that um um that folder and then you can just delete the delete the forge if you want or you can just get rid of the

Profile in the Minecraft launcher for the vanilla Minecraft launcher by the way vanilla Minecraft launcher you can delete that if remove the forge one that you just installed so yeah this there is something that I’m currently testing right now and I got this what’s it called dripstone oh they’re

Breeding something that I’m currently testing right now and if it doesn’t work I’ll just disable it for the time being it’s not exactly a big concern just join when you are ready Why is there true in my e alrighty can you hear me press V press V to open up chat settings and you can unmute and disable all voice chat sounds from there anyways would you like to interact with interact with this I’m not too sure what you mean by that it is daytime

Though you like to get started all righty C with this NPC and select your only choice which is randomize Islands interact with this NPC right here please cck if there’s any errors just tell me and I’ll get it sorted okay I’m just going to disable that alt together give me a moment please

Just going to default X I’m just going to set a random string to that give me a moment all right would you like To interact with the NPC once again there you go [Laughter] alrighty good luck have fun get to meet what a nice Lodge they’ve got here I’m just going to disable that check because it’s not [ __ ] working and that’s all I’m going to do for now on the server there and I’m not

Not not going to do anything at all anymore hello oh hi sorry I have my voice chat enabled I’m up here watch out Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Run I was like’s talking to me sorry dude sorry no not not you going to kill junk

This video, titled ‘Stream #46 – Doing last few things for The Islands – Creator Minecraft server, and participating!’, was uploaded by Junkynioy PH on 2023-11-12 09:36:20. It has garnered 30 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 08:31:08 or 30668 seconds.

I’m JunkynioyPH, your local degenerate. I am currently entertaining 0 viewers! And i also used to entertain 0 viewers at Twitch! Tipping and Music links are just below!

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  • When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes

    When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes Exploring the World of Minecraft with 兔兔 Join 兔兔 on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft as they showcase their creativity and skills in a short video. Dive into the realm of #mineimator and witness the magic unfold! The Adventure Begins 兔兔, also known as the first-day player and a master of explosive magic, introduces themselves amidst flames and excitement. The origin of fire, the end of fire – their name is etched in the annals of Minecraft history. With a resounding cry of “EXPLOSION,” the adventure kicks off in style! Supporting the Creator If you enjoyed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!

    Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!Video Information these are the scariest myths in Minecraft you should never test starting with a terrifying seene with some strange generation this is the myth of the corrupted nether roof all right man okay so the Overworld seems very normal so far all we have to do is make ourselves a little portal get some of that obsidian Place her down and oh oh hello wait this is convenient bro I got a ruined portal that just spawned in front of me I mean the only thing that would be more convenient than this is if we had like… Read More

  • Minecraft Myth Busters

    Minecraft Myth BustersVideo Information these are the scariest Minecraft lies that will keep you up at night starting with a terrifying lie sent in by Kenny on Discord who says Everyone has missed this there is something very wrong in this Dimension ooh wait a second a new dimension don’t go here followed by a very random string of what are these these look like the unknown Pokémon oh also version 20 w14 infinite oh wait so in this seed you can make any type of portal you want all you have to do is write anything into a book and throw… Read More

  • BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!

    BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!Video Information salutations everybody if you don’t know what mod Observer is then you are missing out because this mod Observer mod is going to change Minecraft servers forever it essentially eliminates the possibility for cheaters to even join your server how it does this is by checking the mods that the user joining your server has installed and then checking the those mods against the whitel list or Blacklist that you have created that way people can only join your server if they are following the mod guidelines so if they have mods that are Whit listed or if… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!

    Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!Video Information [Music] even all right P the gamer let’s go get some stuff bro we got to go get some stuff for the craft hey the homeless man’s here hello my homeless counterpart me and you me you and me we’re out here homeless all around all around the scene so happy making it dirty we’re in the middle of the wants [Laughter] [Laughter] us whoa whoa whoa you’ve been here for 5 seconds you’re already blowing everything up is that a fer wolf I just heard in the distance I heard explosion are you sure can we be… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia – MINECRAFT SERVER!

    Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia - MINECRAFT SERVER!Video Information all right hello guys welcome back to another video um it’s it’s my Earth person p with France the active countries or Italy Germany France Spain and Portugal and Hungary and me as Estonia I’m going show you around this was my old house this is the Estonian dock you can see it right here Stone do this island is called Sara is called Huma and this is the pan European Railway which goes through almost every country Estonia La Lithuania Poland kaliningrad Russia Italy France Spain Portugal Germany Romania Hungary and much more but let’s show you… Read More

  • Minecraft Mob Armor Addon – OP Abilities!

    Minecraft Mob Armor Addon - OP Abilities!Video Information we are going to be reviewing the mob armor add-on this is created by misio Studios this add-on will cost you 830 Minecraft coins which translates to £419 it’s roughly $5 this add-on sits with a 4.5 star rating out of five with over 160 ratings so far and 76% of those giving it a fstar there are over 20 different armors the players are able to craft all represented mobs in the game all of the armors in today’s video can be applied to pre-existing or brand new survival worlds and some of these armors even come… Read More


    CLIX REVEALS ALPHA GIRL IN FORTNITEVideo Information This video, titled ‘CLIX SHOWS CUTE GIRL WHOS THE ALPHA #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #funny’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-06 11:35:53. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Gold Farming Trick in Minecraft!!!🔥🤯 #shorts

    Unbelievable Gold Farming Trick in Minecraft!!!🔥🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make a gold farm in Minecraft 🤯🔥#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prashant Tech on 2024-01-13 11:43:20. It has garnered 7469 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Today I am going to build a gold farm in Minecraft. This was insane. Like and subscribe This is not Minecraft but challenges. This is not Minecraft 100 days. This is a Minecraft short and tutorial video This video is a joke. So don’t take it to serious. #Minecraft #short Read More

  • “BirS Neo Discovers Deadly Chara Virus 19 in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "BirS Neo Discovers Deadly Chara Virus 19 in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 #charavirus #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:38:45. It has garnered 178 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock #mincraft #review #minecraftmemes #minecraftmonsterschool #tnt #evolution… Read More

  • Flicked SMP

    Flicked SMPThe #1 Minecraft Lifesteal SMP! Kill a player to gain a heart… This an amazing competitive server where you can attempt to take over and rule the server! flicked.net Read More

  • Altitude Community SMP McMMO Land Claim Econ 1.20.4

    Altitude Community IP: play.alttd.com Website: alttd.com Rules: alttd.com/rules Discord: discord.gg/TGqpzCJ Blog/News: alttd.com/blog Who are we? Altitude is a community-centered survival network that focuses on providing a home-like environment for players. Our server is designed for older players, but all are welcome to join. We’ve been serving players since 2015 and have created new worlds for every major Minecraft release. Features: 1.20.x Survival Map Land claiming with GriefPrevention Basic teleportation (/home and /back) McMMO & MyPet Dynmap: alttd.com/map Economy with player shops Custom warp plugin for towns Monthly server events Explore our custom features suggested by the community and built in-house:… Read More

  • Survival Legends

    Survival LegendsHello! Survival Legends is a community brought together by a group of friends who decided they wanted to open a Survival SMP that was free-to-play at its heart.The server is open to all, and we wish to craft an amazing experience for every player within our abilities!We are constantly trying to fine tune and improve the server and make it all the better!We hope you join us in ushering in a wonderful experience!Welcome to Survival Legends! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’ve all had that one friend who never finds diamonds”

    Minecraft Memes - "We've all had that one friend who never finds diamonds"“We’ve all had that one friend who takes forever to find diamonds…and then falls into lava five minutes later. RIP diamonds, you will be missed.” Read More

  • Neighbor’s House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem

    Neighbor's House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a son who blew up the neighbors’ abode. With beats and rhymes, the story sings, Of a news reporter who only responds in rings. Crafting Minecraft news with a grin and a spin, Icing every update with a playful grin. In every pulsing line, the truth takes wing, As the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art, they sing. Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord

    Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord Why did Erika go to war in Minecraft? To mine for diamonds, of course! 💎 #miningforvictory #minecraftwarrior Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting gameplay experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who are dedicated to creating a unique and unforgettable Minecraft experience. With a variety of game modes to choose from, including survival, creative, and PvP, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner just starting out, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community ready to help you along the… Read More

  • Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it?

    Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it? Minecraft on PlayStation Vita: A Hidden Gem Exploring the world of Minecraft on the PlayStation Vita is a unique experience that many may not have had the chance to discover. Despite the handheld console’s discontinuation in 2019, the collaboration between Mojang, 4J Studios, and Sony Interactive Entertainment brought forth a special version of Minecraft tailored for the PS Vita in 2014. Exclusive Features and Gameplay The PlayStation Vita boasts impressive specs for a handheld device, including a 5-inch OLED display, 512MB of RAM, and a 4-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor. The game cartridge for Minecraft on the PS Vita is… Read More

  • New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! – NordBerg Minecraft

    New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! - NordBerg MinecraftVideo Information time for another trip see what I did there another trip another trip we now you got us throw a fit oh yeah oh yeah throwing a fit to save the world I think if we do the Hamachi Nord host it and we copy his Hamachi ipv4 address and put it in our [ __ ] to connect to it’ll work and then we have per Nordy servy that won’t go a wordy and the hell do I have a stone sword for for stoning for getting stoned see I see what you did there all right… Read More

  • Baldwin’s Crafting Mishap

    Baldwin's Crafting MishapVideo Information my intrusive thoughts won this battle This video, titled ‘Whoops…’, was uploaded by Crafting Baldwin on 2024-03-17 14:30:15. It has garnered 8797 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Trolling in Minecraft is hilarious! LOL! Villager climbing trees, tree climbing, tree climbing minecraft! Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft accent, Minecraft staring competition. Minecraft jump scare, Minecraft scary, Minecraft lit, Minecraft Realm, Minecraft Survival Realm, minecraft tryhard, minecraft sweat, minecraft nerd, vanilla minecraft, modded minecraft, swag minecraft, minecraft drip, minecraft edging, super lit minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftvideos #viralminecraft #minecraftrealms #viral #minecraftcomic #minecraftcomedy #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • 🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 14:59:40. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:04 or 7444 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky follow it for join k4f https://youtu.be/xDtmJPwiDRc?si=R-Ool8xSaCjcGRqZ #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!

    Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!Video Information everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my [Music] dudes hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 52 of hardcorn parth Series 2 uh we are in a Yellowstone biome here with uh my bunch of uh doggies here I’m not sure what their collars are acting weird hm that’s odd anyway we are on the road or well actually going across country heading back towards home uh I hope to get all these guys back with me so far we’ve lost a few though to uh creepers and such… Read More

  • Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft Lags

    Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft LagsVideo Information Minecraft Java Edition has been around for nearly 13 years now and has grown from a small inding game back in the day to the number one best cealing game in all of history so you would think that a large game raking in all this money from people across the globe would use it in a way to make their game better than it already is right well not really a Mojang’s case it seems it seems today that with every passing update Mojang puts out we see less and less actual content and an even bigger… Read More

  • Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!

    Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!Video Information finally oh my God okay okay what is the yeah can I have the stick please can I have the stick please it’s sharpness 255 and you didn’t even kill me directly why are you [ __ ] how can you be this bad at this game I know it this isn’t the clip I just want to know what it is why you sh why are you [ __ ] totally yeah totally and my dick is chocolate yeah wait is this it no where is I used where is it can I have the stick at… Read More

  • Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft – Episode 191

    Insane Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft - Episode 191Video Information what’s going on everybody welcome to another ha the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy GG and I let this run for quite some time and I have completed my emerald block uh five times um by little bit of time um probably about four hours just letting that do its thing for four hours AFK I had to turn my uh reactor downstairs or the low side down to like six burn rate so let’s go ahead and set this bad boy up and then let’s go ahead and turn off [Laughter] our turn… Read More