Ultimate Minecraft Build: Ancient City on Day 1190!

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why isn’t working there we go okay sorry music did not want to start for a second but we are here winter I’ve been waiting for years you know what it feels like that to me too it really does but I’m so glad cheddar and winter I’m so glad you’re both here right at the start it means a lot to me I need an energy drink this is an Alani new highly highly highly recommend Alani new there’s no like Jitters or crashes with the L I’m not sponsored I just like the drink to be honest with you I I pay for these okay but there’s an elephant in the room and that’s my inventory I have a bunch of raw Cod okay and this is what’s going on all right I was sitting there thinking about it and I was like do I really want to keep going back and forth to this one villager for golden carrots every time I need food and I thought no I kind of don’t I don’t I I don’t really want to so um I went off to the uh Guardian farm that has thousands of free food and here’s what we’re going to do okay we’re going to put the super smelter to work okay because why not why don’t we okay [Music] so and then guess what I’m never going to have to worry about food ever again all right also check this out on Tuesday I got a new phone look at that the color green apple finally came out with the 15 in green my favorite color I’m super happy about it so um I need to see something real quick we have brown dye yes we have brown dye sorry excuse me so this stream may very well go for 4 hours tonight depending on how it goes because again I’m drinking energy drink and it’s 8:30 at night but yeah let me just try to find this brown dye real quick you know what I know I’ve got cocoa beans so nothing has really changed you could tell by the day counter the uh since the last time we streamed and that’s because I have been extremely horrendously busy new job takes up a huge amount of my time time I have practically no free time by the way look at that look at this don’t you just love it isn’t it just beautiful just every time it comes through W look at that that’s great if all these blocks are cool I’m never going to run out of fuel dude look at that just look at that this it’s not the fastest okay it’s not the fastest but I’m never going to run out of f anyway I’m getting sidetracked the new the job pays great everything’s good with it problem is it takes up so much of my time what do we call the food box num Noms that’s what it’s called that’s the food box okay we’ll come back for that when this is uh put down at least a stack well actually no we’ll come back for that when this is done which will probably this will honestly probably take the whole stream to finish I don’t think this is going to be done anytime soon this is probably going to take like forever but it’s okay we’ve got time I hope everyone’s in it for the long haul tonight because we have a lot to do you think you might be able to get a PC early you thought that that’s that’s always good news okay I’ll tell you that right now because I’ll tell you when I was um when I was getting started on PC it was a long uh difficult it was a long difficult time getting to that point because you know working and paying bills and everything at the same time kind of just eats up your whole life okay pretty much anyway we are now off to the to the ancient city because that’s what we’re doing today oh I should show you I think I think I’ve already shown everybody in the Discord server but for anybody who’s not in the server I made a couple of little changes to it over here okay so number one I put the two skulls in the front and center like that you see them right there right there uh I lit some of the fires and I put skulls on top and I outlined it in Blackstone I really like it and last thing I did was you can kind of see right here I did I put the iron bars on and look at me I’m burning myself I’m smart I put iron bars on this side just to make it easier more accessible I think that was pretty smart soz I can stand here like that and go through so yeah I I like this this is much better than the Plain Jane thing I had before anyway we going straight to ancient city let’s roll ooh should we build a an elevator first we’re going to need to build an elevator there’s going to be so much up and down Okay so we’re going to need to um get Soul Sand kelp and a magma block okay there just one Soul Sand I played some mini games on Minecraft my keyboard started glitching that’s weird shter what happened did you break it is that what happened did you know if you put carpet on powered snow it completely negates fall damage you you don’t fall into it [Music] really that’s weird I wonder if they’ll ever patch that that’s pretty [Music] cool um what block you know I know exactly what block we’re going to use wait no this way [Music] so well we only need a few of these and let’s not forget we need stone [Music] cutter okay so sorry and we’re going to need some basic blocks for construction constructing the actual whole elevator okay oh wait oh I should do I should make the whole thing nice I should just make the whole thing nice it’s not broken I hope but like move move without pressing a button that’s that’s that’s very bad news it may not be fully broken but I would strongly recommend getting rid of that keyboard when you go to Java when you have your PC because you’re going to end up if you if you go into a hardcore puzzle piece hey how you doing okay so like I was saying you’re going to end up messed up with uh if you’re in hardcore possibly getting killed because of a a keyboard like that okay so we need to figure out where we’re putting the bubble elevator that’s the first step okay I’m thinking I’m thinking just smack dab in the middle and that would be right there it looks like let’s just jump okay so we can do it like this okay I probably just scared half of you watching I’m good aent how are you I I’m doing pretty great I’m pretty happy that we’re back to doing this it it’s been quite some time so but I’m happy you’re back I’m happy everyone that’s here is here because again it’s it’s been a while actually let’s just pick all this deep SL bricks wish there was a faster way to do this okay we’ll leave that there so we look straight up right there okay now the entrance to the ancient city build now this is going to be a permanent entrance okay so this this has to be kind of perfect okay I don’t want to I don’t want to do this twice okay we want to enter facing this way okay because if you look at it that’s kind of the center and over here is just too much wall so yeah we’re going to we’re going to have it oriented this way so I think what we’ll do okay I think what we’ll do is like this okay so there will be Soul Sand here and uh sorry Soul Sand and magma block right here and here enter here exit there so that way we can just go straight up and in and out okay which means this is the surrounding area okay so and then you’d have your entrance like that okay what if you had a full drop it would be faster than magma you know you’re probably right I could do two different ones you know it’s not a bad idea especially considering it does go down almost all the way to bedrock almost that’s something to contemplate cuz then it’s going to have to be two different elevators then you know if I do that they can’t be they can’t be touching [Music] well I know it’s I know it’s a lot I mean of course a free fall is definitely going to be way faster than magma block um man cheddar now you have me a second guessing everything here you know let’s go take down some skull while I think about this so we’re going to get some before and after pictures when we’re doing this too because this is uh kind of an important time okay so this is kind of what I was talking about before um before stream in the chat for anybody who was looking at that what’s that oh okay sorry excuse me what I was talking about before was this build is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time when I first started this hardcore world I was like and I found the Mountain Base when I was like you know five or six days into this world you know 1180 something days ago I thought how cool would it be if there was an ancient city underneath my base and I built like a whole I’ve rebuilt the whole ancient city I thought that would be so cool and I thought about it a lot over the months okay so here here we are breaking ground right now on something that I thought about for the first time 6 months ago this I I first thought about this 6 months ago okay that’s how long this has been going on for in my head at least oh my inventory is full let’s go ahead and do oops that’s not an Ender Chest let’s set up an Ender Chest here for now and Sher put that there okay so this has been on my mind for a very very long time I’ve been thinking about doing this forever oh uh winter Cheddar’s talking about so usually in my elevator systems I use a magma block on one side and then a soulan on the other to have up and down the same way um and right now I’m we I’m weighing the decision on whether or not I want to go with Cheddar’s idea or my idea which is the normal way it may be slower you’re going to get so much xp I’m not going to get any XP I’m using silk touch actually just on the off chance we’re going to have our uh elyon I I okay I know that there’s no skull um what’s it called left shers left I know I’ve taken them all out but how horrible would it be if I uncovered one that was like surrounded by wool and I just was like oh there it is so yeah we are all the skull is coming out okay everything is all the skull is coming out we are rebuilding this ancient city okay I’m not just putting a couple villagers down here with a couple houses and calling it a day all the skull you see all of it is going that means the stuff on the ceiling that means the stuff up there all the way over there and everything you see here it all has to go so that’s why I call this my 2,000 Day project and I’m kind of starting it a little late cuz I had some other stuff I wanted to do you know the uh bartering Farm the gold Farm I still want to do the gas Farm but I I have to I have to do this you know fun fact takes 19 armored wolves to kill a w who found that out shatter that’s that’s crazy like somebody had to test that somebody had to sacrifice those wolves here let’s put you here Cheddar’s so guilty right now Cheddar’s you’re the one that did it aren’t you you you sacrificed all those wolves all those innocent wolves can you you break Cobble deep slate real quick please um yeah but it’s it’s going to I mean yeah why what’s up that was such a random request but you’re welcome oh I should probably stay focused in one area where did I start I started over here okay I should work my way out oh almost forgot wolf armor just makes wolves Invincible Until It Breaks that’s actually kind of cool I didn’t realize that can you put mending on it I wanted to see if you renamed your do do I have to am I going to have to rename it I look the sunshine don’t you just love it let’s go take a look at the sun oh yeah that’s right we’re in a cave game fun fact it was called cave game at first you know this is just an incredible like come on what is this ridiculous ah okay it it is so weird to me that we have sunlight penetrating the deep dark here this is not normal I can’t believe you just got me like that you’re so funny okay I like how moing actually made a mom that no one wanted in the first in the vote and made it useful yeah that that was that is prettyy cool that that that’s legitimately like I’m happy they did it the way they did it because it it makes it it makes it functional okay that’s what I like about it let’s put that there winter okay so I have finished deliberating I’m going to keep it the normal design I’m sorry cheddar I know it’s slower but I have two reasons and I think you’ll understand when I’m when I’m done number one it’s consistent all of my bubble elevators in this world are the same exact design number two if I switch my if I change my mind halfway up or down I can just go to the other side so we’re going to continue like this I’m sorry cheddar your idea was great wait no I don’t need to do this wait why am I not let’s put that there oh wait should I should I make it look nice people actually use wolves to defend themselves now yeah especially early game when that really is critical that like when it’s early game that matters a lot signs will go here okay so you know we are going to build up the corners actually it just it just looks better so we’re going to build up the corners you always you always did use the Wolves I never used them because they in my opinion were completely worthless they died too easily you can’t get emotionally attached to something that dies really easily and with the armor if it’s Invincible like yeah sign me up I might actually go get one just for this world like do I need it no obviously but it’s pretty cool to have isn’t it um I’m going to get ATT attacked I’m going to get attacked while I’m doing this I already know it I remember I remember when I say you my dog and it died to a skeleton in like 5 minutes so this is going to be much better wow that’s brutal yeah if you uh you can’t enchant it Ah that’s that’s unfortunate they should have let you Enchanted it blazing you can tune back in at 10:30 we’re going to be going for a while I’m not ending the stream any not a minute before uh the 3-hour Mark I might even go to 4 hours so blazing you have got time I look forward to seeing you oh man I’m going to get attacked so much I already I can literally I I I know there’s going to be a creeper what’s going to happen to me chat what’s going to happen to me 4 hours winter I’m not guaranteeing anything but it’s a possibility yes really you couldn’t just break in my direct whatever stupid [Music] blocks but yeah um I’m not rolling out a 4our stream because I’m only doing it once a week honestly I might even stream tomorrow I I might I might stream tomorrow too I know I know I’ve never streamed on a Sunday before but I I don’t know I just [Music] might dude it’s going to be Sunday by the time stream’s done yes it will be for sure and I’m not expecting anybody to stay up and whatever you know you don’t have to stay the whole entire stream you got to do what you got to do you got to sleep if you have to don’t feel bad if you can’t stay the whole stream okay but we only get one or two days a week now realistically I want to use the most I can you know like one of my biggest goals is is getting monetized so I can actually work towards doing this as more than just a hobby you know cuz right now I’m not making any money on this this is just a hobby that I’m doing because I enjoy doing it you know and if there was something that I could say okay I should really put some time into this because it’s benefiting my life in more ways than just you know something I like doing that would be that would be something I can justify staying up late when I should it’ll be 12:54 when stream’s done well if I do 4 hours it’ll be 1:30 a.m. no 12:30 a.m. my time so yeah no not 4 hours from this minute 4 hours from um when I started Chad I did not bring enough deep sleep I’m telling you right now now I I just did not yeah your time’s a little different I’m I dude I just know a creeper is going to fall on my head I literally can just feel it in my veins there’s a creeper up here somewhere it’s going to fall on my head and I don’t like it why did I fill the corners uh I did it for looks actually I don’t have to fill in the corners anymore because I’m past I’m past the roof I didn’t think about that I don’t have to fill in the corners anymore what am I doing I’m wasting deeps s now I’m like not even thinking I’m just like so happy that we’re doing this again that I’m did my brain just kind of fell out I forgot how long you were wait I just forgot about how long you were streaming there’s a creeper in your veins you might want to get the I’m actually seeing if my friend can 3D print me uh a creeper head cuz it’s just my don’t freak out but it’s kind of like my favorite mob just cuz I think it’s so unique like in what other game is there something that’s like exactly like a creeper you know what I mean like in many other games there’s zombies There’s skeletons you know like they’re everywhere what other game has a creeper you know what I mean oh did he follow his death nope there he is I don’t want to deal with you I think Minecraft might be getting better and better if they keep doing what the players actually want yes see the problem with that like we were talking about that earlier cheddar on in the Discord the problem with it is that there’s only so much they can do that the players want you know because you got to remember there’s going to be like 10-year-olds saying hey make arrows unlimited all the time or make us invincible so like there’s unreasonable demands you know and that’s one of the things that they have to kind of compensate for because you know like you said Villages are overpowered the the the librarian specifically I’m not going to deny that I don’t think anybody can you know it’s just it’s just the reality of the situation but I still don’t like their solution and I think they’re kind of rushing into it you know what I mean granted they did announce it you know like in the summer or summer or something I don’t know I think should prove the aspects of the game that already exist yes and you know what I I don’t know how important this is to everyone else but like my brother was talking to me today about um command blocks he just started playing Minecraft and I was like yeah they’re kind of a pain and he’s like what do you mean and I’m just like well you’re you’re going to have to find out and um I mean now he understands they’re a complete night you know using commands in Minecraft is a complete nightmare why is it so hard to use commands and command blocks specifically you know command blocks are just what on Earth dude I I don’t even know how to use them because I play hardcore so it’s not important to me but like it’s just it’s just crazy level 30 enchanters are kind of op no what do you mean what do you mean they’re op how [Music] I don’t know why Minecraft chase the most random entity tags what do you mean how’s this cooking all right we are cooking okay it’s filling up though things are going winter I love that you always say you like the beacons it’s so cool that somebody like always like is is just cheering on about that you know what I mean like somebody recognizes all the world work if you had to use the new Village update would you use an enchancer um if I had to use the new villager update uh this is what I would do okay I would have that right there pretty early on I would be using the nether roof okay and what I would do is I would bring all of my villagers to my base through the nether roof now that being said I thought there was a bat that being said right up there is an enchanting setup okay and that’s how I got all my enchants that I do have before I had the trading Hall that was there so it would be very similar to what you already have seen but there would be a few different aspects just a few okay it would just be a long SLO to be honest honest like for example um right now the way I did this world is I had all of my enchantments everything all of this except for um except for uh Swift sneak I had that before I even fought the dragon Lunar hey how are you doing give winter oh God that’s so sad winter oh winter you’re doing good lunar I I’m doing great we’re back here in the Stream my first week of my new job is over and we’re doing this and you know I I’ve been sitting here kind of thinking about it I think we’re going to do a stream tomorrow possibly I I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t you know no I I I think I can do it did I get a haircut yes I did thank you for noticing nobody else said anything yet yeah it it kind of helps at my job to have short hair so oh see there’s that creeper I knew that was going to happen and there’s a zombie let’s see how far how far am i all right we’re just going to fall okay a look at him right there thank you Luna winter that was the saddest Minecraft man I’ve ever seen I’m like so paranoid about Creepers how’s the new job going uh it’s going pretty good actually so I kind of knew it was going to go good beforehand I I didn’t know it was going to be as hard as it is because you know every job is different but I know this B I know the B the boss that hired me at this job uh knew me at a previous job and obviously he knows what I can do so it kind of made the hiring process like really easy um that being said and it’s just it’s just a lot so it’s going well it’s going well they like me everything’s going good I don’t think I have anything to worry about there um it’s just really really demanding you know by the time I get by the time I get home and I’ve you know taken care of myself and eating dinner and everything it’s like 9:00 at night and I’m just laying in bed and I’m like dude h so yeah we’re getting close to the top one thing that’s always confused me the Stone Cutters it has the stone in the name but it’s only able to do like four kinds of cobblestone but with Cobble deep SL you can get literally every variant that’s because Cobble deep slate is supposed to be the nice block you’re not supposed to use the bad blocks like Cobblestone to do nice things like Cobblestone is meant to be um it’s meant to be your base block you know like use as a foundation to fill in you know it’s not meant to be a building block and with stone yeah you don’t get a lot with stone but again they don’t really want you to they want you to they want you to use deep slay and uh what’s it called I can’t think of the name oh well put a cobblestone in a stone cutter compare it to the Cobble deep slate yeah no no what I mean by that is um Cobble deep slate it’s already difficult to get compared to Cobblestone you can generate Cobblestone you know and because you can generate sorry because you can generate Cobblestone I think they don’t want to incentivize people abusing that system cuz you can’t generate deep slate you have to go mine it there’s no way there’s no way around it you have to you have to go into the mines and do it you know so yeah I mean I get what you’re saying I totally do but I I think their perspective is that they want you to use the nice blocks the Deep slate you know and they don’t want punish you for using deep slate because you have to smell Cobblestone to make stone and you have so many different variants and things like that it turns into a whole big ordeal someone’s probably watching this wondering why I’m putting lights in here when you’re not even going to be in here I just don’t want mobs to spawn I just don’t want them to exist I think Stone generators should generate deep slate in the Deep slate levels just kind of makes sense it does make sense in in a in a way but deep slate in reality is compacted Stone it has to have been there for a long time it has to spent years under pressure um come on where is that stupid Phantoms all right everybody pancake is here pancake is ready to make her appearance already pancake say hi to the stream okay she’s just going to be here while we play for a little bit as always okay well come on baby I I need you to Pancake the whole stream is happy that you’re here everybody’s happy you’re here everybody loves you Noah Noah is good gaming hey how are you doing all right so back to what we were doing uh but what were we saying lava C the new tough blocks are so cool it has two chiseled variants that’s pretty cool pancake everybody loves you she’s still sitting on me do you remember no of course I remember you how could I forget you you’ve been in like 10 of my streams all right pancake pancake what are you doing what are you doing okay I love you I have to stream okay Noah are you in my Discord check the description there’s a Discord server oh pancake please don’t lick me I’m trying to pancake I love you I love you I need I need you to go you’ve got food and water I can see it from here okay back to it let’s finish this water elevator so we can Kitty we’re only here for pancake pancake apparently is like it’s really here for me today okay pancake listen I love you okay I know you want to be the star of the show but I have to be doing this don’t you have to use you don’t have to use what you oh wa did somebody oh cuz Noah added me that’s right pancake she acts like I don’t give her attention she satad on me all day she literally sat on me all day like pancake I love you but I I mean I I I am a busy person okay can’t really join your oh I’m sorry to sorry to hear that Noah that’s unfortunate if that ever changes uh everybody’s welcome in my server it is family friendly so she is still ping at my thigh uh if your parents are worried about it lunar let them know that one of the hardest rules in my server is that it has to be everything has to be familyfriendly I don’t allow I don’t know I don’t even allow inappropriate jokes in my server to be completely honest with you because well of that exact reason I don’t want parents to feel like their kid is not safe in the server I can’t really control who joins the server it’s a public server you know so I just make it so that anybody who does join won’t have a problem you know what I mean I I totally understand your parents’ concerns and you should be respecting their rules so don’t don’t go against your parents if they’re saying not to but if they’re like I don’t know well you know let them know the rules are pretty strict I have a mod Ator no one’s going to be making any inappropriate nothing in my server just want I just wanted to put that out there in case anybody uh pancake oh my God this cat people are weird on Discord not in my server in my server my server is pretty much just like my stream chat like what you’re seeing here is pretty much what everyone’s liking my server but yes there are definitely some people yeah now there’s definitely some people on the internet you got to watch out for which is one of the reasons why I always tell people don’t share your age either because it’s really nobody’s business how old anybody is here you know and you’re better off with people just not knowing so yeah I I totally totally understand your parents concerns I just wanted to make sure everybody knows you know where I stand I don’t want anybody to have any confusion on that people are lying about ages genders Etc yeah that’s the thing there’s a lot of people who lie about a lot of things that’s why the rules have to be so strict because there are a lot of liars you’re right there are a ton of them and I don’t like them and I don’t want anything to do with them so you know fortunately I haven’t had any problems in that area at all um so hopefully it just stays that way but you know anything can happen right all right this is the final layer right here no one’s really there just people talking about Minecraft mostly me yes most people using Discord under 13 Even it’s 13 plus yeah if the if the terms of service say 13 plus you do have to be at least 13 to join my server I’m not going to I’m not going to all allow rule breaking because again I have to be pretty strict with the rules on on the server you know what I mean there nothing to do with anybody it’s just I have I have to be like that because if I’m not someone might misinterpret something and I’m not going to allow that but so those who can join you’re always welcome uh just remember follow the rules family friendly be nice yeah whenever your parents allow you to to there’s no there’s no rush I don’t plan on quitting this although I I I mean I’m sure you’ve noticed by now Luna that I’ve not been as active I promise you it’s not by choice I just have not I have not had the um the time I started a new job you know so that’s why I’ve not been able to stream because I’ve just been obscenely busy make like a custom cave looking entrance out of skull and Det s that’s kind of what I was going for I mean if you have a life yes it makes sense yeah it’s just it’s unfortunate because you know this is this right here this is my passion this is what I like doing okay and I I don’t care what anybody says this is just it’s me you know this is what I like and I wish it could be this that I did for a living I wish it could but obviously you can see the view count that’s uh not happening not anytime soon at least I have got to do something about this cool looking fish that I brought where can I put it oh oh I forgot to grab the grass so we’re going to use grass blocks okay how many like that make it’s simple we have stone and dirt empty out the inventory once I’m done with the stack of golden carrots I’ll be moving on to the cooked Cod if anyone’s wondering why I’m using cooked Cod and we’re in the uh beginning of the stream it’s because we I I’m using the food from the guardian Farm we need some clip worthy moments cheddar I’m trying so [Music] hard I I’m trying I forgot the glass see this is the problem back forth back back forth that’s what kills it and then most the time they go to YouTube mostly oh yeah I mean that’s that’s the thing there but there are some who yeah they they may have a job but there are some who don’t you know there are some who do this fulltime like I I think the best example of that is lyy linky is able to do this completely fulltime and I’m I’m very happy for him in his success he what he’s achieved is absolutely Bonkers it’s it’s incredible I had a heart attack rereading that what do you mean what are you talking about lunar okay so what we’re going to do here I should have put the water one up [Music] let me fix that there y agent one of random history facts sure why not I had heart and then the most of them I don’t understand what could have been misconstrued there lunar but okay I’ll just take your word for it guy that oh don’t worry nobody nobody’s going to really get on your case about gramar here I don’t think [Music] anyway I my brain is so huge that I just fell okay let’s focus on not falling how about that I I I think I can try that it messes my brain a little bit oh I get what you mean all right so what we’re doing right now is we’re covering this up okay which is why I’ve been putting all the lights everywhere because we’re just gonna we’re just covering this up is what we’re doing I’m not even GNA bother oh I can get my scaffolding back I forgot about that the thing I hate about watching this on my phone is delete button is next to the inst so I’m trying to delete something I actually send it you know I could see why that’d be super annoying I really could I have to fix the spot and I’m not going to worry too much about up here I’m just I’m just covering it up right now and I’ll worry about making it look nicely did you know Angelica show Elizabeth slap Thomas jeez I actually think I remember you mentioned that one on the server that one sounds [Music] familiar ah we’re going to go ahead and just I I’m a professional Minecraf no more guys do you know you can move your buttons on mobile oh you’re talking to CH I needed way more than this you know what I’m not even going to fully worry about covering this up at least not now I think we’re just going to you know what we’re just going to we’re just going to cover this up right now [Music] okay I knew it are you kidding me why did I miss every single one of those that is such a weird way to say that name sound it looks like soer or something like that ah frustrating okay so need the class for this part there okay so we’re just going to cover this up to the best of our abilities [Music] here Curr making stu around public Minecraft server Ops stre that’s pretty cool ah you’re going to be able to see in here oh well look I’m not perfect I’m just I’m just doing my best okay oh God had to delete that please oh oh my God please please get rid of that I know that was a typo I’m not even mad at you I I understand oh oh my God everybody pretend you didn’t see that message it’s it’s okay it’s okay don’t don’t don’t freak out oh my god look chat is one person he’s doing the best he can to mod these messages okay oh my gosh oh okay I’m just going to use up the last of the grass blocks here I want to try to cover up the stone make this look a little bit more natural than it currently looks like just a little bit you know that way it kind of looks like it Blends in at least a little tiny bit oh that’s all I got he’s practicing to mod people yeah ex exactly it’s practice everybody needs practice there you go see cheddar you have a reason it’s okay oh my gosh okay well I for one am glad that this is no longer just a horrible hole in the ground and I was able to make something something out of it I think it looks a lot better now than it did 20 minutes ago what why didn’t you die what sword am I using why aren’t you dead that should have killed you that was concerning all right so now we need to go to the bottom and turn this into a proper elevator but before we do that we need signs let’s go with tons of signs and they’re all over here we’re going to need four actually do I want to use Cherry signs yeah I do that’s my signature thing to do okay look at that the terrain looks so much better over here I could so I could technically use tinted glass right here I could but that would block the beacon I don’t want to do that so now we’re going to take the long slow way down this is going to take a minute I’m just warning you right now because we’re going to bedrock so that’s like 130 blocks away don’t worry I’m not going to drown actually I can’t drown because I have the beacon with regeneration so it’s not I don’t I don’t think it’s possible to drown with the Regeneration Beacon okay here we are so the signs go here oops here here here here okay [Music] so I love when my favorite song comes on I’m just putting it out there um we’re going to do the Soul Sand here and the BL there it’s it’s not really chish fault since it’s how Mobile Works yeah you know what it actually was auto correct it wasn’t a type but it was auto correct you’re right oh that’s right you can’t plant kelp on a magma block that’s fine we have dirt all right to the [Music] top hope I brought enough bone [Music] meal this is kind of what I’m doing the exit [Music] first yeah I saw that I thought about that afterwards oh wait I didn’t finish this [Music] one if it costs you money don’t buy it please don’t shter oh my gosh look at all that kelp yeah oh yeah this is so if anyone was ever wondering why I have so much kelp this is why it’s from all my elevators that’s that’s that’s the [Music] truth I am out of bone meal let’s [Music] go four Stacks was not enough wow we literally didn’t even get [Music] halfway and now we have all this bone or this uh kelp goodness wow okay so first off agent go n yes indeed agent does go n let’s get another two stacks that should be plenty enough oh it’s about to be sunrise hold on a second it’s about to be Sunrise let’s let’s just let’s just wait I can’t help it I’m a sucker for the sunrise especially since I’ve raised my settings I’ve raised my my Shader pack settings um a little bit blazing you’re back welcome welcome I’ve raised my Shader pack settings um after the last stream or I think it was during the last stream and ever since I’ve been like oh oh my gosh it looks so good like when the the sunrise is my favorite time of the game it really is so we’re just going to watch the sunrise real quick and just admire what the brilliant creators have done with this pack I’m I’m a fan of it we’re already an hour into the stream where is the time going oh my gosh just look at this it’s freaking perfect man it’s just it’s just Flawless look at [Music] that I all right I have what have no I have no idea what that means winter ate you ate it you ate what I’m conf I’m trying my best here disco how are you doing come on look at look at the sunrise here man look at this the people who did complimentary Shader pack they did such an incredible job like you got to give them credit for this how is this Minecraft you know you ate the time okay you know what the time has to have been eaten comp Unbound is way better than the other versions honestly yes I agree Unbound is how you get those clouds and they’re my favorite I love them I am giving up on trying to join your Discord I’m sorry [Music] blazing I’m good Agent how are you I I am doing pretty great I’m here with the best uh viewers ever and I’m happy that that everyone’s here still have to be careful with the garbage okay look at this just look at how good it looks in the high settings like this come on man it’s incredible all righty so now back to the bottom the long slow Journey to the [Music] bottom I triy Jing rocket league but it needs so much space I don’t think I’ve ever played it oh no I have played it but like not extensively and there we go to the top so now should be good to [Music] go all the kelp is making its way down probably some at the top yeah flowing down the water over there isn’t that doing job background insert cricked noises I’m I’m trying I I’m trying my best lunar I don’t think I could have lined this up any better look at that actually I could have lined it up better I could have moved the beacon this way oh well I think it looks fine so now we have the entrance actually looks proper looks good in my opinion much better than before so now we’re going to go in and oh wait hold on I have to get rid of some stuff hang on psych all right we’re dumping the dirt we’re dumping this we’re dumping that and the scaffolding is going away okay all right okay so here’s what we’re doing all [Music] right this again has been a build that’s been on my mind for pretty much the entirety of the last 6 months and today today is an important day okay because I mean this is the beginning right here what you’re witnessing right now is the beginning of the 2,000 Day project okay so I don’t know exactly how long it’s going to take I’m going to kind of try to hurry and make this a priority for the next 800 days in this world because it’s it’s kind of a massive project in actuality um we are doing a pretty serious overhaul here okay so for those of you who weren’t in the beginning of the stream all of the skull is coming out all of the cracked blocks are coming out and being replaced with new ones like that right there and the floor is being remade into deep slate tiles so there’s kind of a lot that has to be done here I got a keyboard that is basically the same as before but it’s kind of worse I see what is a piano tuna and glue don’t have a what when I have no idea what the answer that question is meant to be I should have had my scaffolding out okay so let’s go ahead and knock all this out you know what I just had I just had a realization I have a better name boom all right there we go all right we are farmers hopefully they don’t Su me now yeah winter what’s the what’s the of that riddle like you have me on the edge over here here bedge my seat much better name yeah you’re right it is wow look at all the skull that I’m now trapped under great what about the glue what about anything I have no idea what that joke was meant to be I’m I’m lost oh this is all under here isn’t it the whole bottom of this horrible thing is Skull okay so that’s how this is going to be all right uh I need to get oh wait you can tune a piano but you can’t piano oh I didn’t see the answer okay you already had put it in the chat and I just missed it yeah now you’re asking me if I you’re asking if I I saw it I’m sorry I I can’t always see everything that’s going on in chat I’m sorry I’m try my [Music] best I’m just glad we have a water elevator now like come on but the glue what about the glue I’m everybody’s got me confused now look I’m just here I just work here oh I knew you get stuck on oh that’s clever that’s clever I like that that’s a really good one you know what I have an idea okay we’re going to turn on chunk pors okay and this is going to be for my own organization because I think it’s going to help me to like really stay focused okay because this is kind of a hugely ambitious project that we’re doing here and it’s going to take a long time and I think if I just focus on chunks it’ll help me to stay in line like for example the SE the ceiling is its own project though passion you are back how are you doing agent get the physics mod no thank you I will never get the physics mod it is a place where you go to die because your world will eat you because things will fall on you so yeah no I I’ll never you’ll never see me with the physics maybe in like a separate world you know but not not in the hardcore world can my main be unhidden um yeah passion we can do that yeah you’re you’re here you’ve been you’ve been doing fine the last few streams so that’s fine I’ll have to do that after the stream passion so you’ll have to you’ll have to wait oh I forgot you were in a normal survival world oh technically it’s a hardcore survival world you got to remember this is not just survival this is survival with anxiety you can disable the falling oh hey hello won’t say no to that oh hey hello won’t say no to that this is probably going to happen a lot throughout the whole thing yeah I I I I fully support what cheddar just said this is your your last chance don’t please don’t mess with up oh hey look at that that’s diamonds here this is a neat Place neat place I thought my audio glitched when you do that I did that on purpose ju just to mess with everybody to be honest oh and I I just want to put this out there um whether it’s for anybody who’s thinking about saying breaking news or just be passion um I fully stand behind cheddar as my moderator because I’m I’m not going to go against him so if he if you do something and he has to ban you I’m not you can’t come to me and say hey cheddar won’t L back in because if cheddar decided to ban you he had a good reason I’m not going to I’m not going to go against him I’ve got Cheddar’s back I thought I replayed the Audio I definitely I I did that on purpose I I turned on chunk borders and now look at me I’m just running around randomly what come on look at me I I’ve wandered so far away there’s no point to even having a chunk boards on like I’m not even staying focused okay point is though I have to clear out all the skull in one area before I move on to the next and if you’re wondering why this is it’s because I put it there when I was done um ched bam me and he’ll accept it lunar I hope you don’t don’t do anything to break the rules lunar I like having you here you’ve been a you’ve been a good viewer wow look at that you know I got to say um for the first time I I looked at queso’s stream I think everybody here might know who who that is he’s kind of blown up on um twitch lately for a while but um I looked at his stream last night cuz I was just curious what ises he doing on stream that he’s so popular on Tik Tok right now you know that man has 60,000 people in his stream at one time 60,000 he’ll have it one single time in his stream queso c a s e oh 60,000 viewers okay now his his stream is not a family friendly place so don’t go there expecting what you see here K Winter you saw that Tik Tok I know you did most people do jokes about he he encourages the jokes he he does it on purpose he he he released a video talking about [Music] it your friend’s video went that’s pretty cool well the reason he encourages the jokes is because it causes him to go viral it it’s it’s it’s purely a money play you know you got to think about it from the perspective of queso he’s doing it to grow his viewership it’s kind of something you just you mean case the cheese oh my God that’s so funny so some guy said quado oh my god dude oh wait that don’t make sense what doesn’t make sense passion are you talking about about why he encourages it I don’t know you’re talking about is winter it’s it’s hard to not know who I’m talking about if you watch streamers queso is huge um in the streaming Community God that sounds so bad I’m I’m so sorry uh queso gets a lot of viewers queso myo what Sam he encourage it to get money since people donate a lot saying jokes exactly lunar exactly 100% correct what what lunar just said is completely correct we need to stop buling qu so he clearly is in a rough relationship with with I got it’s like I got as people in my sh you guys just see pancake right there right there just pancake just walked by I just saw that I only watched you scar you and Scar streams I mean he he’s huge on um on Tik Tok he’s like always going viral on Tik Tok every day every day anyway the reason I brought queso up is because I can read my chat I can look back and see messages from you know maybe a minute or so ago Roar hey how you doing um I can read my messages and look back and be like oh I missed a message you you you won’t be able to see a message in queso stream the only way he can see your message is if you donate it’s the only way because regular messages are gone he’ll get about 50 to 100 messages per second on stream per second like that’s insane there’s just Bonkers good how about you agent you know I’m pretty happy Roar because like I was telling everybody earlier what what you’re seeing here what about what I’m doing here is this this is the ancient city build I’m rebuilding this whole thing from the ground up I’m removing all the skull okay everyone every single one of these is going on the ceiling on the walls all of the skull is going away I am then changing the floor to deep slate tile I am removing all the cracked blocks and I will be building houses where it would be appropriate to so there’s kind of a lot that’s going to be done here and that’s why I call it the 2,000 Day project because I mean here we are coming up on day 1200 and I’m finally just getting started you know just go be back in 15 no worries all right he she’s the one saying yeah he does see those yeah sounds like a huge project yes it’s going to be a massive project yes if I’m not back by disco thank you for stopping by I appreciate it I’m glad to see you I might be streaming again tomorrow so disco I don’t know if I um mentioned my Discord to you um if you have Discord you can join my Discord this anybody who’s on the stream you can join my Discord server it’s in the description down below is the invite um please follow the rules everybody um a village it’ll be a lot bigger than a village this will be a lot bigger than a village this whole thing is going to have villager houses uh what else did I miss anything else I’m you got banned what do you what do you mean you got banned passion I think you should make the ancient city look like a lush cave but this is um no and the only reason that I I’m saying no to that blazing is because I have a different idea okay so I I’ll just I’ll just kind of put it out there oh pass I can unban you sorry um I’ll just put this out there what the plans are okay just so that everybody knows okay so I have three major projects that are in the works okay number well that are in my head number one is what we’re doing right now the ancient city build it’s the biggest one I think out of the three that I’m going to be talking about and um number two I wanted to build a mega how do you call it a mega Overworld nether fortress but not not using regular Nether Bricks I want to use red Nether Bricks so it’s going to look more Overworld I don’t think anybody’s done that yet so I think it should be a good one um I can start that okay um I’ll put the diamonds here for now I don’t feel like dealing with them so the Overworld um the Overworld Nether Fortress uh it’s going to be another gigantic build it is I I don’t have a kind of an idea my head how it’s going to look yet like it’s still it’s it’s in it’s just a thing that’s in my head that I’m kind of planning you know the Overworld nether fortress but it’s supposed to be huge it’s supposed to be like massive um asan do you have any ideas for people you want might want to m in the future when you get more viewers uh cheddar yeah I was actually thinking about winter if uh if he’d like to winter so I mean the So for anybody wondering how you can become a mod here um there’s a few requirements I don’t have an official application number one but if somebody does want to become a mod the important thing is they have to be available for every stream I hate to say it but um I can’t have someone who’s not here you know what I mean mean so like chatar has been to every single stream for a long time like Cheddar’s been here since day 869 okay so Cheddar’s he’s been around he’s not miss a stream how to be mod be me yeah cheddar exactly uh also you can’t have had a history of any kind of rule violations in here I can’t have somebody on The Mod team who you know I’ve had to constantly tell them hey you can’t say that hey you can’t say that you know basically it’s someone that H that has to have the common sense to not say things that are bad in the first place like cheddar has never once said anything bad intentionally intentionally ever you know because cheddar knows and understands and respects the rules that’s that’s what makes cheddar so great that’s why cheddar is my favorite cheese you know um so um further more than that they have to be on the same page as me about rules and what they look like so the rules obviously are pretty simple the the stream is familyfriendly uh inappropriate jokes are not allowed no kind of language racial slurs any any of the things that you know if you’re being honest you know are wrong you can’t say you know and if if if somebody’s ever said anything like that then I would never consider them to be mine in the first place ever it’s nothing personal no it’s just if I’m going to give somebody that level of power I have to know that they would never in a million years Break The Rules themselves because that would look bad on me you know what I mean if I if I have somebody on The Mod team who has a history of rule violations like that would look really bad on me like who who’s going to take that rule seriously if the mods don’t you know I have clumsy fingers okay chatar well I don’t even think CH I don’t even think it was your fault because I’ve had that exact auto correct happen to each other so don’t don’t even don’t even sweat it it didn’t even happen as far as far as the chat history is concerned it didn’t even happen so it’s okay uh let me see what else I miss um cuz I’ve been missing on the chat uh I was here when you first started Pion you were yes you were you were the first one when I restarted yes today what a demonstration about how he doesn’t break the rules you know lunar that’s exactly why I said intentionally there is 100% exactly why I said that because cheddar did not mean to do that I guarantee you cheddar typed s EC and he typed it correctly but auto correct was like no that’s not a word you meant to say this other word instead I I I can guarantee that’s what happened um what about links though what do you mean lunar what what do you mean what about links we aren’t allowed to make queso jokes I think we I think we should just move on from queso jokes it’s not really something we should be too uh talking about yeah have to get better for your to become mod for you um yeah I I I don’t I don’t I’m sorry Bion but you know want to make sure they don’t want say anything bad well mod yes but further more than that uh disco Beyond just while they’re mod I don’t want them to even have a history of it because if someone like you can go back and watch all my streams and see the chat replays you know so if you’re going back into the chat replay and someone has been worn multiple times for rule violations and then boom you see wait a minute this person’s a mod now it’s going to make it’s going to reflect badly on me you know what I mean I can’t I can’t have that you know look at this I love all this deep slate diam or this diamond changing topics yes let’s see what we got as long as their family friend don’t Target any viewers in part I i’ be for the job when you get more viewers if you want winter I I would I would very much appreciate that yes I don’t want to put all the workload on cheddar either because you know CH chat is one person you know if I if I do end up growing this channel a little further then yeah that’s that’s something that we could definitely talk about win would definitely you’re definitely on the honestly if I had to if I had to add another mod today right now winter would be my first pick saying you have two mods sounds better than saying I have a mod yeah winter it definitely does you can never missed a stream yeah you know that’s another thing it has to be someone who’s here like a lot Cheddar’s been here a lot and I have always since the beginning appreciate that Cheddar’s shown so much dedication to this channel like that’s going to be remembered forever got to AFK real quick no problem passion you listen don’t beat yourself up about it you’re here and I think everybody likes you so don’t worry too much what is a message CU I didn’t delete that message it means somebody probably deleted the message themselves someone may have sent something that they didn’t mean to or shouldn’t have and realized it and deleted it and that’s okay if someone’s deleting their own messages I’m not going to complain about that let them stuff like that makes me like feel like I’m beg what do you mean you’re begging what do you mean you’re not begging what are you talking about when you have millions of viewers Millions Subs will you remember cheddar cheddar will be here for that what do you mean well I remember cheddar cheddar will be here for that cheddar will you leave the channel if you if I start having a million subscribers come on Chad I don’t think look at all these skull sensors going off trying so hard to get a warden here they’re like hey Warden hey Connor you are here welcome how you doing I wouldn’t leave until my funeral cheddar see that that’s the kind of unwavering Dedication that we need here that is exactly I’m talking is that diamonds yes it is we’re going W mod yes cheddar is the Big W in this in this uh server or in this everything will you remember how much cheddar helped you I would I forget I I I I can’t forget what cheddar has been here for how much it’s been Cheddar’s been like I can’t forget cheddar it’s impossible Cheddar’s been around too much there’s just no way as soon as you hit a million Subs I’m out Vora I’m going to miss you cuz you’ve been around since the beginning too you know I really am not looking forward to when I have to take down the stuff on the ceilings and walls sorry I was playing Mario Kart 8 that’s okay I think I missed one stream since I started being here lunar you’ve been you’ve been to a lot you’ve been you’ve been quite a bit there’s no doubt about that all right let’s go back to the Beacon cuz I’ve been just wandering around looking at chat aimlessly okay I need to work my way out so I don’t think I don’t think you’ll miss me passion you were the first one what are you talking about how could I forget you pretend that’s the Iron Golem one Shadow you’re so funny uh M my bad I meant 1 billion if I get a billion subscribers I’m doing that means I’m doing this full time forever I I I would never stop be five six s days a week a said I think most of us would be able to have M then I said I next I would come across begging no no no no I don’t wa oh oh no you’re not begging disco I I kind of know who I would give mod to if I had to like like I said winter is definitely on that list like if if I need another mod right now it’s I I would ask winter for sure I I’m not I’m not a big enough of a a streamer to have an application process and yeah exactly Chad is right you are allowed to have a life outside of this outside of this don’t don’t feel bad because you’re not here like everybody’s got things to do these streams just so happen to line up with Cheddar’s schedule that that’s 90% of it if the streams don’t line up with their schedule there’s nothing you can do about it and it’s not your fault you know it’s okay good I’ve been in a situation where someone thought I was begging no no no I have had that before but um we’re not going to talk about that everything is okay now there’s no bad blood it’s okay we’re not going to talk talk about I missed a lot of streams um I mean yeah but it’s okay you’re back no you must stay on YouTube 24/7 no missing anything well you heard it from The Unofficial mod the self-appointed mod before I watch your streams I either just slept or scrolled my phone so yeah dang well that that is kind of perfect then now guys get $1 billion to be fulltime Agent X Watcher I would love I would okay if I could do this why am I not able to find the right way there if I could do this as a fulltime thing every day 8 hours a day five six days a week I don’t think I understand how I happy we’ll fortun this at the end oh forgot I might up a profile picture I made of my profile picture I have right now A I started watching on day 1061 disco yeah you’ve been around you’ve been around for a bit disco I think you’ve been to a lot of streams uh passion no that that topic is not um something we can talk about here and it’s not that there’s anything wrong with it it’s that it can lead to nobody I I’ll tell you right now we have like what five six seven people in here right now there’s not a chance in the world that every single person in here agrees on that topic no uh don’t worries no worries um but there’s not a chance in the world that we can get everybody to agree on that that topic it’s just it’s it’s impossible there there’s too many different people in opinions um I think I should probably just clarify that for anybody who is wondering it’s not that some things are bad or against the rules but I think we should oh disco you’re leaving take care disco thank you for being here I appreciate you it’s not that that’s a bad subject it’s not that anything is wrong but it can cause people to fight so to kind of clarify what I want to do on that on that note um I would ask everybody who’s in here if you think a subject may cause people to argue I would just say maybe try avoiding it because I don’t want arguing in the Stream you know what I mean that that would be terrible and I appreciate you asking instead of just assuming and doing what you wanted oh is it done already oh it’s done nice cool I don’t want anyone feel un comfortable they believe or think is wrong exactly cheddar cheddar just said it exactly correct okay I don’t want anybody to think that what they’re saying what they believe is wrong it’s better if we just say hey you know what what you believe is completely up to you and nobody can tell you otherwise and that’s just how it [Music] is and if anybody on this if anybody in stream ever does tell you that what you believe is wrong uh let me know we’ll deal with it pretty quickly was passion the first official washer uh so passion is right when he said kind of with that actually I’ll explain okay so I had two streams okay they were late last year year and then I didn’t stream again for months okay but then I got serious about streaming again and I made a regular schedule that I kept up with until I got busy and you know had to have a job that was more demanding of my hours you know like now I’m not just working normal hours I’m working and getting home much later so because of that I uh where was I going with this oh yeah so I restarted my stream after the first two streams I restarted my stream and passion was the first one that started when I rejoined or when I restarted passion was the first viewer when I restarted my stream I’m so sorry I’m messing this all up everybody blazing can I become mod um not right now and the only reason I say that is because if I do need another mod the first one is going to be winter my first viewer was my sister well that’s an important person so right like I’m not Blazer I’m not saying that you could never be a mod never Michael welcome to the stream how you doing what do you think the best way to get getting uh exp early uh so I’ll just go up and show you this is this is why I built the elevator like this cheddar uh I’ll go show you Michael so early on what I do what I did rather was I built a mob farm okay this is a design by W okay and it is an incredible I overbuilt this is this is way bigger than it needed to be way bigger than it needed to be okay and um I Did It For Speed like if I go over there right now you’re GNA see like compared to some other mob Farms this one works a little bit faster than it really needs to so I’ll just go over here and show you real quick um just did a quick history lesson on the streaming history I see disco I’d recommend you make a big farm to kill the monster yes blazing is exactly right where would I be on the future mod list uh potentially yeah I could see that you’ve been here quite a bit no while we’re here let’s heal the elytra so it takes a little bit for enough to spawn that you get a lot of them but yeah you start getting it pretty consistently like I what I’ll do is I’ll sort through the chest um in the beginning Michael when it’s early on I have my enchanting setup sorry and I’ll have this for that reason wow that’s a lot of creepers so I build this it’s Waddles design he did an incredible job with it huge huge shout out to Waddles for that um let’s see I thought you meant I show speed when you said what I don’t know if it’s good or not what are you talking about lunar so now the Elija is already healed up um so this is the best way in my opinion to get XP early on because it’s just so safe and reliable you know now that’s for Java there’s also other ways to do it there’s a there’s a good Bedrock R to do it too I don’t know if my website is good or not well that’s completely subjectively that that’s that’s entirely up to opinion you know use Java okay I would recommend the design that I just showed you uh Waddles posted it somewhere around 6 7 months ago 8 months ago you’ll have to look pretty far back but maybe if you search Waddles mob farm maybe that that’s how you’ll uh find it it’s a really simple design really simple um agent any ideas how to filter out the armor that comes out of my spawner so I only get flesh IR what you do cheddar um is this so in and what you’re trying to do you have four items you want okay so what I would do if I was in your if I was in your situation I would put all my stuff like this line it up in the top right and I would set up like this like this like this and then like this okay it’s not completely even but you fill your inventory okay like that and then you fill in your hot bar okay and then you act as your own item filter by doing that what I’ve been doing is AFK fishing when I do daily responsibilities you could do that too um it depends on if you want an AFK in your world like me personally I don’t I don’t like to AFK in this world I’ve done very very little of it like I’m talking like less I would say I probably AFK less than an hour in this world so yeah but I use a hopper to collect the items oh you want an auto sorter oh yeah the auto sorting system is so easy cheddar I’ll show you when we get back up yeah I didn’t realize you meant like that that’s that that’s easy a hopper Hopper system is easy to manage AFK real quick I’m going to go get apple jam fi croissant I hope you enjoy it lunar I’ve never I can’t say I’ve ever had one but you seem pretty passionate about it I play on Console Nintendo switch passion a gold XP farm is the way to go for you I’m going to search up Auto sorder for bed the auto sorder for bedrock and Java is the same P you know what we’re talking about it I’m just going to go show you all I’ll I’ll just show [Music] everybody wait what Passion Play you get what what are you talking about first let’s dump this okay so I have this auto sorder set up everywhere I think the best way to visualize it let’s go let’s go to the gold Farm let’s go to the gold Farm because it’s the it’s the it’s the easiest way because there’s nothing around it there’s no distractions you know so we’re going to go to the gold Farm we’re going to hop over there real quick to any console mobile players my experience the switch to keyboard made the game so much easier if you use W absolutely agreed cheddar 100% keyboard and mouse is the best way we go destr how are you doing okay so we just go here okay oh God that thing was dispensing right in Flash in my inventory okay so this is the best way to visualize it okay so if you I hate this stupid dispenser put him right in fles my inventory okay so we’re going to pause and I’m going to show you all okay so this is the easiest way to set up an auto sorting system okay you have a right here you have Hoppers that are pointed into comparators okay and those Hoppers I’ll show you how you’re supposed to set them up okay you we back we have a small headache okay that’s I’ll show you how you set up the Hoppers real quick but it’s a really simple build you have three blocks and on those three blocks you have the comparators pointing this way okay then Redstone Dust Redstone Dust Redstone Dust down one block okay so if you if you need to you can always uh take a picture of this you should get free can mod no way that sounds like a hack client thing um down here is a redstone torch okay the redstone torch is goes directly underneath the comparator you have a repeater pointing into this block it has to sit on something of course and that’s all it is okay so to really show you there’s there’s the torch right so let’s go up here these these things are going to start dying and they’re going to be making noise I’m sorry oh my gosh the gold Farm is kind of busy so the way you set up a hopper to point into a comparator and again you’re going to want to do on that side you have to point right at the part of the repeater or the comparator so it looks like you can see in my outline that I’m highlighting this side of a block you know what I mean that’s how you set up the hopper to point into it and what you do is you set it up a filter okay so 41 junk items and then three of them another and then whatever you want to go in there okay will be in this slot first you put your 41 well you can do either way you can either put three here and then 41 whatever it has to look like this and that’s all it is you have your items traveling over like that okay really simple setup I’ve used it for absolutely everything I’ve built so yeah and we’re just going to put that back because I’m not trying to run this all righty and we’re out it might not be worth it just for a simple Spawn from chatter it it depends on how much you want to use it completely depends on how much you want to use it if you intend on using that farm a lot it’s worth it it honestly does not take that long to build it’s a very simple build we’ve been going for an hour and 45 minutes come on what is happening to the time what are we what’s happening it’s my main source of XP right now but that’s going to change chatar I I’m going to keep telling you you need to build that gold XP farm like it it seriously it’ll take you like an hour at most and you’ll get to level 30 stupid fast it’s awesome you got to go to bed passion thanks for stopping by hope you have a great night see you next time I uh may be I may be streaming again tomorrow passion so keep an eye out you ate it again winter you ate 45 minutes what have you done to me I’m going to build the gold Farm okay good I’m going to keep reminding you until I see it I want to show everybody my gold Farm I’m going to post screenshots in the Discord just so everybody kind of knows what I did just be patient no everything hinges on you building a gold Farm look at all these poor spoke sensors wait do I even have any clip worthy moments I don’t know see part of the problem is that we’re doing work here this is really that’s what this is you know getting rid of all this stuff you eat it all winter There Goes My Time Luna you are back awesome how you doing the world depends on you young FR yeah exactly the world depends on you to build that that XP gold Farm got to get it done I had to search throughout my entire fridge for croissant well I’m glad you’re able to find it lunar all right we’re going to get there eventually I wonder how long it’s going to take me to remove all the skull you know what let’s do a poll let’s do a poll hold on give me a second here come on let’s do a poll hold on why is why is chat not showing up come on show up chat we’re on pause here are you actually kidding me right [Music] now okay well we’re apparently not having a poll it’s unfortunate I want to dou a pole a I can’t pronounce that but um welcome to the stream what’s what’s uh what’s crazy which one and of course always I ask how are you doing oh 1190 days yes we are we are Trucking along I keep the day counter on the top left so you can see uh we’re at day 1196 now uh actually if you think that’s crazy I have something I need to show you so you probably seen a tier six Beacon before but that the coolest part the coolest part about my world is not just how long it’s been going it’s what I’ve gotten done in the time that I have used and the reality is that I put beacons absolutely everywhere I have beacons everywhere in this world like it’s any everywhere like on my Common Grounds I should say say that’s that’s the crazy part it’s it’s been a long process it’s and I’ve been through a lot I built my big old trading Hall over here I use look I use diamond blocks to decorate my trading Hall okay show the S sting sorting system okay let’s go to the sorting system this is my iron farm one of them all right so here’s my storage it’s 128 blocks in length and it sorts 256 items this took me a month to build because I had to build two other Farms blood Lags from the storage yeah you can see my FPS counter yes and also it’s not just storage it’s Auto sorting I had to build this all from scratch and it was a nightmare building this was horrible it was it was it was so bad I had to build a big iron farm I had to build a wood farm and I had to build a stacking raid farm for all the Redstone because this whole thing uses between all the Hoppers and all the double chest inside it this thing used about 4,400 chests so yeah it it was kind of a lot and this is the library I actually finished building this just last week got a nice sitting area with a skylight got some pixel art on the ceiling yeah this is kind of my nice little Nook in the in the base right here this was pretty nice that I like beacons everywhere man just everywhere I keep beacons all over the place I I never I never go without my beacon effects and the actual main base is here this is it and yes I I very much do lag from all the Redstone you can see my FPS counter in the top left up there um it’s all the Redstone and stuff it’s kind of a lot we when we go away from here you’re going to see how fast it all goes back to normal so yeah it’s it’s been quite a bit we we’ve done quite a bit here been been through a lot of cool times here in this uh in this world and we’re hoping to make it many anymore at and and the item frames too yeah really to do the item frames I made the bartering farm for the leather you know because I don’t I don’t have a proper cow Farm I just have some cows that are sitting off to the side and um it takes a lot of leather you know to make all those uh item frames e why are people saying e are what is everybody doing what what am I missing anyway so what we’re doing here today uh actually is we are starting on a project that I’ve had my mind on for the last 6 months and that’s the ancient city build e La what on Earth are you all spelling yeah I agree with win let’s keep the let’s keep the spam to a minimum and shed of course it’s okay no worries um I have no idea what just happened there but you know if you guys are happy I’m okay with that lunar you won’t have to do it if you don’t spam don’t worry about it it’s crazy that I’m finally finally doing this you know like when I first thought of this I wasn’t sure when it was going to happen you know and haven’t gotten as many farms as I have done and M making all the progress I have now I feel like I’m comfortable enough to do it you know and get this project going it’s pretty cool there is so much skull am I not scared of the warden uh no I’ve removed all the skull shers there are no skull shers in here so like if a warden were to come I can get out very easily I know my beacon is over there there and that’s where my elevator is as well so yeah no I’m not I’m not worried about I’m not even slightly worried about the warden the song is starting over so that means we’re almost at the two-hour Mark I’m not going to start over here what am I doing Focus Brandon Focus agent I should say everybody knows me as [Music] agent all right all [Music] right hello try creating pool now yeah let’s let’s let’s try that there we go um pull start a pull [Music] name reveal I mean technically it’s not actually a secret it’s in my old videos I said I’ve said my name like a 100 times in my old videos I used to open my videos by saying hey everybody it’s Brandon again I that’s how I used to do that okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] pancake please not [Music] out okay start po all right everybody Ving the poll I can’t see um the first five chat messages until the poll is closed so I can’t keep it open for very long because I do want to be able to keep up with everybody uh that is chatting we have one vote there are five of you here everybody vote four votes now we’re talking five votes okay everybody’s voted the votes are in let’s go look at what we got we’re going to end the poll what’s there it is Justin Time got three votes 1,600 1800 got the other two winter no worries thank thank you so much I appreciate it always happy to have you here you know I’m kind of with you all I do think I’m going to barely finish this in time because it’s such a massive project you know like you all know blazing what do you mean bro oh my gosh I feel like I’ve done nothing in here I’ve removed like hundreds and hundreds of skull things possibly over a thousand and there’s still so much but you know Rome wasn’t built in a day okay so it’s okay later winter 2K is way too long to be honest I hope not could I possibly get head mod um I’ll look into it and see what it does if it even is worth it I think head mod is only if like I have multiple moderators I don’t know I I I’ll have to look into it though I’ll tell you for sure um next time I look no CH you’re not begging it’s okay you’re you’re right now I mean basically are the head mod so oh my eyes are itching sorry yeah I’m pretty sure head mod is something I have to I I don’t know maybe I have to multiple people but I think I may maybe able just give you the give you the roll anyway now if you guys hear a shrier okay I’m I’m just going to say it right now if you guys hear a shrier okay I’m going to go very silent cuz you’re going to you’re going to see panic in my eyes okay because I don’t mess around with the word I don’t I simply don’t oh that’s a lot lot of diamonds nice nice ni nice um head mod is under head mod is definitely the most like highest level yeah look at that oh You’ love to see it oh you serious okay well how many iron months has this been going for uh it’s been going since uh September so 6 months it’s been going for 6 months now when I say that um so to answer your question a little better actually you’re probably asking because I said I’ve been plan this build for months this build that we’re starting today I kind of I’ll tell you the history why not you know I’ll show you um z0 is that direction okay that’s where I spawned and spawn was kind of garbage in this world so I got on a boat and I landed about here and I looked and I just looked right there and there was a big hole in the wall right there and I was like that’s the spot it’s got to be right there that’s where the base is okay and I went there and I was like you know what it would be so cool if there was an ancient city under here I didn’t know at the time that there would be one I just thought it’d be cool if there was one you know and I thought it’d be cool if there was one and there is one so I was super happy when I found that out but when I first thought about it when I first thought how cool it would be if there’s an ancient city under there I thought man I should do an ancient city build I should do like a whole like rebuild the ancient city get all the skull I should do all that that was like day five or day six of this world and we’re day 1196 we’re probably going to hit day 1200 on the stream tonight so um yeah it’s like what you’re seeing tonight right now on stream this is history in the making for this channel because this has been in the works for the last 6 months I think your managing moderator just does most things you can do yeah I wonder if it it’ll if I wonder if I give it to you if you can make polls for me [Music] I’ll look into [Music] it all right back to it my gosh all this stuff underneath I’m not looking forward to getting see I didn’t know there was skull underneath the Deep slate I have to remove it it’s part of the it’s part of the thing I’m doing here you know I can’t just not have it all right I can’t just leave it there if only I can make PS that that would be pretty cool if you can make PS it would save me quite a bit of time this is so much skull I’m just doing the surface level stuff but deep down I’m afraid of having to do this underneath part this is a lot lunar um please please don’t do that I I nobody can read that that’s kind of gibberish she but I would definitely read it if you can type it out without with space with spaces cuz I do want to know what you’re saying this is the longest tag and make sure able to make POS see LS oh yeah I’ll look into it after stream is there something about editing permissions oh it’s probably like um like verified users so like for example I could make it so that subscribers only mode but I could give permission to someone that I know is someone that I would want to have the ability to comment you know you know I think that might be it blazing says e okay I’m not sure not sure what to say it’s in channel settings yeah know I know where it’s at I just have to I don’t want to do it in the middle of the stream I’ll do it I’ll do it after stream you all know that when once I do this I’m going to have to put beacons underneath here I’m going to have to start doing beacons inside the ancient city probably underneath to be more exact I don’t know we’ll see [Music] o so much diamonds love it my gosh there’s just so much of it what do you even do with this much kaido you are here welcome how you doing did you know you had an anxious city under your base when you made it no I did not know so I’ll tell you what happened uh lunar It’s Kind of a Funny Story So when I first uh like decided on a location for my base I thought it would be cool if there could be one but I figured there was a super low chance of it actually happening because we were right at the edge of the mountain you know and I went and looked and oh I should probably put that I’ll get that later um I looked and looked and looked for an ancient city and I’m going to show you what happened I would dig a 2 by two tunnel or a 2×1 tunnel like this basically to go and look for ancient cities and basically I I I looked like here or something like that and I was about 15 blocks off I was about 15 blocks off from finding the ancient city and then I went into replay mod to get a a shot of me building the storage system and I I went down below the floor and saw the skull and I was like oh my gosh it’s right there it’s literally right there under my base oops and that’s that’s how I discovered that it was by accident I didn’t mean to it just kind of happened but once I knew it was there of course I was going straight into it uh what’s up dude you missed oh you missed me okay kaido I I’m glad glad to have you back it it’s it’s been chut it’s been um it’s been a long week it’s been a very long week I’m probably going to stream again tomorrow I’m just putting that out there um but I was literally right here okay you know I I can I can literally I can actually show you guys I’m just going to show you guys why not let’s go okay so we go to replay viewer um we’ll go here no that’s too long here you cut out a bit that’s weird uhoh this is not a good spot let’s here okay so what is happening oh God please don’t crash please don’t crash blazen take care I hope you have a good one wow what is happening oh my God game please don’t do this to me right now come on okay apparently I have to relaunch Minecraft that’s terrible I I think having um I think having the stream going and trying to load replay mod was too much at once so we won’t be able to do that it’s it’s rebooting right now sorry about [Music] that okay let’s just go back to the regular world let’s just get into it that was ridiculous to put it simply my tunnel to where I was looking for the ancient city it was like over here somewhere down okay and the anxious city is about 15 25 blocks that way your world loads so fast it’s the graphics card it’s all the graphics card it’s 100% the graphics card and it’s really it’s really nice that it loads that quick all right what can computer do you have my laptop I built my computer um myself uh you can see my PC specs in the description I also use sodium yes yeah every everything you need to know about my computer to make it like mine is is in the description so if you want the really fast loading speed yeah that’s the that’s that RTX 40 470 right there laptops are horrible I mean yeah you have to pay a lot of money to get a good laptop it’s kind of difficult unfortunately but I mean there’s not much you can do about it um I need to get up here yeah it it really does depend I mean it depends on the brand and how much money you’re willing to spend on there there’s so many factors with laptops with my computer I built it I built all the stuff I ran all the wires I did I did everything for my computer because I wanted it to be like I know what’s going on with it and I’ve never had to fix anything on it except the one time that I had the water pump go out and that was it most of them are I was lagging in Roblox my old laptop normal PC are better that’s unfortunate lag honestly is like the most most infuriating thing ever to occur to a gamer I think I think we can all agree that like if you’re lagging it just kills you inside like everybody probably notic that the stream kind of like had a blip where I my voice was cutting out it was during the time right there where I was trying to load replay mod that’s what caused that I don’t know why I plan Mac and it’s so crack sorry I’m not from your generation what does that mean agent how much do the components cost your computer uh I actually got the graphics card for $550 um the CPU you would get a better CPU than I have now my CPU is a little older but the CPU is probably like $400 $500 I’m not sure it’s not a cheap setup by any means at all and that’s just for those two parts you got to factor in that the cooling system is probably like another 50 $160 something like that you got the water cooler you got all the fans my dad has the worst PC has cost 2,000 how do you get a worst PC the mine for $2,000 goodness wouldn’t be able to live myself I have a cheap PC that I got for like the whole thing was like $500 $600 and that was my starter PC that was like when I first got into it that was my very first got into PC gaming I did not build that one I upgraded it but I did not build it it was a scam that’s unfortunate that’s really unfortunate uh the first one chatter how do you build a computer um it’s actually a lot simpler than most people realize to build a computer um you need to one research how to research what components you want to buy you got to ask yourself what are you going to use it for okay if if you’re going to use it for gaming you want a really good graphics card and a CPU that is equally capable so that you’re performing adequately so you’re not bottleneck in the system okay then you got to research what power supply you’re going to need okay you don’t want to cheap out on your power supply okay do do not buy a Chinese knockoff power supply okay they start fires don’t do that um you got to decide what kind of storage you want and how that there there’s a lot that goes into it there there there’s a whole lot that goes into building a PC I was researching this stuff for like weeks before I really put it together you know months probably months but it was totally worth it I put this thing together a little over 4 years ago it’s been great it’s been awesome to me no CH that that that the tore T has always been crying because the bottom part of the te is the tears my gosh it’s like everywhere I look what was that [Music] I could have SW I could have sworn I just [Music] heard I could have swor warn I heard a Sher just there see the problem is see what you all are hearing is not what I’m hearing in my headphones I couldn’t get the volume balanced out right like the music in my ears is way louder than what you’re hearing like way louder and that’s not usually a problem I don’t see the blindness effect so I I I mean we’re good just have me a little you heard it what do you mean you heard it you heard it too well that means I’m not crazy that’s a little scary what happened why didn’t we get the blindness effect if a striker went off why didn’t I get blindness oh wait a minute is it these oh it’s the skull sensor is being broken you hear that oh you checked okay thanks Luna I was like uh wait a minute that’s a little bit concerning yeah that was a little bit worrisome I had me at the edge of my seat bro was ready to zoom out of there yeah you’re darn right I was I don’t play around with the warden at all I mean Lun I’m pretty sure you saw that I bombed my way into this ancient city I didn’t just dig a tunnel I bombed the whole thing so I could fly out I I play exactly zero games with the warden never it is not worth it it is not worth it M no no um cheddar you probably noticed do you remember when I took down that scaffolding and there was that dirt tower that was right about there that’s that’s where the TNT the first one was a thank you so much for stopping by I hope to see you at the next stream I believe I should be doing another one tomorrow so tune in join the Discord server link is in the description and you can get all the updates you want about what’s coming up um yeah no cheddar this was all TNT one once I ran out of uh like how far down it would go I just built it again Lower that’s all that is that’s all TNT duping that’s the only kind of duping that I’m okay with because it’s not like it’s not something you’re keeping you’re just blowing it up you know what I mean I have a problem with duping when it’s something you keep you know oh yeah why do you keep oh where do I keep my dragon egg it’s just in a chest string duping is annoying in public servers yeah I could see that just remembered I got to put away this I had to add an entire anti-st string dup plugin just because kids were duping that’s such a weird thing to dup just make a just make um make a bartering Farm I don’t know it’s such a weird thing to do everywhere I look there’s just skull this is going to take so long I’m going to look back on this be like I can’t believe I got myself into this like what was I thinking yeah I know there’s there’s a sunrise in the cave like literally in the middle of a cave this is a great and what’s crazy is if you look up there’s a roof now there’s no reason for there to be sunlight in here why do we have a sunrise in the cave like how absurd is this when was the last time you saw the ancient city portal thingy and there was a sunrise behind it when was the last time anybody ever saw that it’s beyond me it’s beyond me okay it is kind of cool no there’s no doubt it definitely looks cool it looks super cool never you’re the first honestly I don’t know if any if many other people have done [Music] that oh man what are you going to turn the giant statue into are you talking about that is that talking about [Applause] [Applause] sh yeah that portal thingy um it’s a very good question shat open of suggestions how about [Music] that I don’t have any uh ideas it has to go into the thing okay so here’s what we do whatever it it becomes it has to play into the theme that this is a rebuilt City okay has to lunar you got to go thank you so much for being here I appreciate your [Music] time oh SP so sketchy have fun with the stream I I’m I’m going to try my best been for 2 hours you yeah you you were here for a good chunk of that stream thanks lunar I I appreciate your viewership I really do make sure not to get F from that streer objects right that that’s that’s for sure hey I’d rather be too safe I’d rather be too cautious can you imagine how dumb I’d look if I was down here like oh I’m rebuilding the anxious City and then I di to a warden you know how dumb that would make me look wow now I really have to be careful now that I just said that and uh yeah we’re actually exactly at 2 and 1 half hours right now lunar it’s totally up to you don’t feel like you have to if if you if you’re tired and you want to go to bed don’t feel bad in the slightest no one’s going to hold it against you I’ve had one person told me that they like will fall asleep to my streams if it’s too late and they they can’t step up anymore I thought that was funny don’t don’t do that though don’t don’t don’t I shouldn’t say that I have room for one more okay let’s go over here oh my gosh now I’m getting tired it’s not good no we’re not we’re not we’re not Conor right now I think I do need to go heal the uh we are farmers before we get too close to the breaking point of it yeah you guys are causing me to yawn here come on someone yawned and now I’m yawning oh my gosh no Johny is like I don’t know it’s like contagious I don’t even know how to explain it just is let me get some cold water maybe that’ll wake me up you’re not streaming on weekday kind thr oh my gosh Chad that’s so funny lther I’m trying anti yeah cheddar always gets on me about that ah yeah I don’t know if I care about the lime carpets I’m sorry okay we need to open up the Federal Reserve here and heal I’m sorry lunar I got you all tired now with all my yawning oh my God all righty what are we going to get today probably glass let’s go for some glass I’m pacing around my room because I don’t want to get sleepy I wish I had that luxury right now but if I get up in Pace we don’t have a stream so oh my gosh this is like the curse of my stream I get too tired oh this is also the uh this is the this is the one villager we have named after cheddar last member here no Cheddar’s Cheddar’s still here Bluetooth headphones yeah okay we a little more we need good enough I mean from oh last n mod [Music] gotcha all right let’s go back put this glass away I’m I’m so tired maybe I won’t be able to go to 4 hours today tonight I I wanted to but I just don’t think I have it in me to answer your question Chev you’re St construction yes kaido didn’t you see um there it is there’s my dragon egg I don’t have any we special for it I probably should I don’t know but yeah kaido um so far on stream what we’ve gotten done is the water elevator is built going into the ancient city we have covered up the TNT hole like this was a TNT hole all the way okay we’ve covered it up though so might make a cool stand for it yeah I can’t take up too much space but I think I think we can do something with it make an Ender Shrine with it ah know about a shrine oh God okay maybe 3 hours is going to be it so kaido I am I’m in the process of removing all the skull okay cu the first part is removing all the skull and making this place habitable then it’s uh removing all the broken blocks stop I’m trying trying my best here okay I’m tired it’s been a long week my body is sore like I’m just U Kyle you you you did a lot I remember that you did a lot of those house designing things you were sending pictures in the Discord and everything of all those houses that you built you did you did really good job still not done your C you need to finish that LUN [Music] I appreciate that L I was just getting busy cuz I’m close to graduating I totally understand that kaido no I’m not trying to blame you at all it’s it’s life happens things get in the way it’s okay we’ll still be here I forgot to sort the glass my inventory is almost full because I forgot to do that this is the one spot where I’m a little bit concerned still can’t believe you’re graduating two months kind of that’s life begins after graduation that’s best I can tell you I normally type in landscape view so I can see the stream better but now I’m watching it vertically whatever’s easier for you cheddar no worries oh my gosh yeah we only got a 3our stream tonight I’m so tired [Music] why don’t you drink coffee doesn’t it’s it’s 11:10 p.m. kaido I had an energy drink at the beginning of the stream and um yeah it’s it’s only able to do so much for [Music] me I don’t want to have a heart attack either yeah I’m too much caffeine so we’re going to get what we can done as a 3our Mark we’re going to call it but kind I’m glad to hear everything’s been going good for you you know I only want the best show buddy it’s m is it it’s midnight by you lunar yeah it’s getting late Chatter’s just over here fighting to stay awake 15 cans of red bu nobody ever needs to Chu down 15 cans of red don’t do that that’s not good you may not live you Bouncing Off Your Grave probably I knew a guy who um he would have six Mountain Dew kickstarts a day and um despite everyone telling him six a day is like way too much and um didn’t end well for him I feel bad for the guy he was a nice person don’t over caffeinate yourself it’s yeah no like like I I would see him bring six a day and I would I would physically see this guy drink them so I know he was drinking them like he wasn’t he wasn’t lying about it he was definitely doing it it was a horrible decision and he should have never done it may he rest in peace let the the point the point of me bringing this up right now is telling you don’t over caffeinate yourself don’t push yourself because your heart can only take so much even if you’re young like don’t it’s not worth it just don’t do it don’t ever don’t ever over Caff yourself two you have two coffees a day fine three is pushing it don’t even do three don’t ever do three one ideal two if it’s absolutely necessary don’t go to three um yeah lunar he um he didn’t make it unfortunately that’s why I’m telling you this because don’t following his footsteps he did not I I feel bad for the guy he was a nice person you know it just made some bad choices and um I drank 20 coffee straight I didn’t sleep for two days Kyle don’t ever do that again that terrible that’s terrible for your heart you’re young and you can bounce back from it right but that can cause permanent damage that lasts for the rest of your life and you can’t come back from that once you’ve caused permanent heart damage like there’s no there’s no going back it’s done so yeah don’t don’t ever don’t ever play around with caffeine it’s it’s just a lot of people in this day and age have this mentality of just just drink more coffee just do this just push yourself it it’s not going to work it it’s it’s just never and it’s never worth though Bros going to um lunar when I say he didn’t make it he’s he’s not going to get [Music] older that’s kind of what I was getting out [Music] there oh you mean kaido when you’re young I’m talking like under 20 you can kind of get away with doing horrible things to your body and you’ll be like wow I’m okay but never post yourself like that never it’s not worth it because you might feel fine now but what if you caused heart damage that could not really show itself for like the next 10 15 years you know kaido please never do that again never never ever [Music] you don’t know why you drink 20 coffees I I you couldn’t you couldn’t pay me to you couldn’t pay me to drink 20 [Music] cofes and I’m definitely not young enough to be able to do that if I drank 20 coffees I would legitimately die it’s just there’s just no way I’m not I’m not young enough to bounce back like that I hope I’m making a dent in the skull here oh my gosh it’s day $1.99 wait we need to go top side is it is it morning night what time is it we’re about to hit day 1200 people hold on a second what’s going on you slept for 40 oh my gosh K that’s very concerning oh it’s about is it about to hit day 1200 or did it just tick over to day 1199 it must have just ticked over to day 1199 yeah wow okay 20 minutes we hit day 1200 we call it okay so we’re we’re going to stay a little past 3 hours but only by a few [Music] [Music] minutes [Music] all right let’s do this oh my gosh 40 hours of sleep was like heaven K you almost went there don’t do that again please please please please promise me you’ll never do that again cu is very very bad for your health yeah sleeping too much can definitely cause some kind of atrophy on your muscles don’t do that your body has a natural circadian rhythm and sleep schedule and all that for a reason trust me you want to you want to use that [Applause] [Music] you saw a bright light while sleeping someone might have turn on the light in your room 12 hours when you were a teenager I one time stayed up for like I think it was like 30 hours straight when I was like 16 and no it was longer it was like 40 something hours but I don’t remember exactly how long it was it was over 40 I don’t remember exactly how long though and um I slept for 16 hours after that and that was horrible I felt like I wasted the whole day that I stayed awake for that like yeah when I was 16 I I had crazy energy when I was younger like the way you see me getting tired right now was not how I was I was so much more energetic back when I was younger it’s all gone [Music] now you’re back to your sleep schedule that’s good Kyle glad to hear that I am shocked at just how much skull I knew there was a lot of skull oh my gosh when 16 post bids at midnight yeah that’s what happens to aging trust me lunar I I get it it’s unfortunate just reality you know it’s how life [Music] is I was a wild person when I was 16 it’s time for my favorite song I Feel i’ been in the same area a million times for watching glad we have all of you here really am oh my gosh you know I feel like we’re making pretty significant progress considering this is one stream you know four is not me shouldn’t be I don’t know why it would Count Me In my own stream you also got to remember lunar not everybody um not everybody comments some people just put on streams for background noise you know my gosh this project is way too ambitious but we’re we’re in too deep [Music] now to read chat no um I have OBS open on my second monitor that’s how I’m reading chat obs [Music] [Music] I don’t know how to make my screen exactly like lunard you stream what are you talking [Music] about how to make your screen exactly like your monitor like you did what what are you talking about sorry I’m like I’m like so tired I’m trying my best here see how much it accumulated guess what if you’re tired one of your streams you’re sleeping wait did how did you know if you’re tired one of your streams are sleepy you increase chances of dying yeah yeah what stretch out from side to side but not the entire screen is it not the entire screen screen should be my gosh this is so many this is where all the shers went see I brought all the shers into one spot oh that’s so much skull [Music] fan are you talking about I field of view wait my is in the middle what are you I told me I feel the view is this what you’re talking about oh that’s the feel of view that’s what you’re talking about the screen looks all yeah that’s the field of view look [Music] see no kaido you saw many hardcore streamers push themselves yeah that’s unfortunate that they would do that no not that what are you talk I’m so maybe I’m too tired to understand once we once we get night time we’re going to probably go top side one more round like a I’m trying my best to interpret this lunar I’m I’m [Music] sorry I really am so [Music] tired I wish I could help you the ah lunar you tri maybe you’re sleepy yeah maybe you’re sleepy lunar maybe it’s not me you know your stream show your monitor yeah OBS captures my monitor that’s how but it’s it’s capturing a window that’s what it’s doing at the top and bottom for that mon thing there black lines let me go I’m just curious what are you talking about there’s no black lines there’s no black lines It just fits the screen just not all the edges it’s okay CH no worries there’s no black line yeah I don’t I I can see a preview on my screen of what you’re seeing before you see it on OBS I don’t see any black lines I’m not sure you’re talking [Music] about it shows black lines for you that that’s probably just your monitor your your monitor is probably doing that cuz there’s there’s no black [Music] lines go on um lunar are you I can’t remember did you say you can’t join my Discord if I’m if I’m correct I was going to say if you can join that would be where you would send it h i don’t know if you can send that on YouTube all right let’s go top side and [Music] [Music] see what time is it oh my God it’s raining are you kidding me okay so we’re in the early part of the night uh lunar please don’t say that that’s n that that’s against the rules I don’t raining and Savannah is c yeah I know I hate it I hate when it rains [Music] here it feels like it rains too much hate that you got all these nice views can we have it no it’s [Music] raining okay now we need to focus [Music] here let’s do some topside chores until daylight when the day count rolls over to 12200 we’re calling it [Music] [Music] well it technically can’t rain here I mean you can see there’s no rain on my screen it can’t actually rain but when it is raining this is what it looks [Music] like lunar take care have a good one um if I’m stream tomorrow I should be see you then [Music] [Music] no worries though you’ll be here to the end but we only have a few more minutes cuz I’m I I’m I’m really tired right now I want to go to [Music] bed it’s up to you lunar we’re we’re only a few minut we’re like 5 minutes away if that by my calculations we’re about 4 minutes away from day 1200 cuz yeah maybe like five where we’re getting [Music] there sounds good Luna oh boy I’m very much going to fall asleep over here here in the middle of the stream Steve is 5,000 plus years old K how do you get to that conclusion that sounds [Music] [Music] crazy okay wool sorting we got to take care this no wor a normal day Minecraft is 40 minutes I thought it was 20 minutes oh I was like wait a minute what happened with the diamonds there you go yeah you say it is 20 minutes isn’t [Music] it we’re almost [Music] there no it’s not 20 minutes in daytime 20 minutes in night time it’s 10 and 10 Google [Music] it I’ll put it to this one K I know they’re 20 minutes because we hit day 1191 very like a few minutes after stream started like maybe like 5 and it’s been 3 hours 3 times 3 is n so we’re about to hit day 1200 people it’s day 1200 people we made it it’s raining but we’re here on day 1200 and with that being said everybody we all need to go to bed the world has completed 1,200 days thank you all for being here it’s just it’s a small milestone in the grand scheme and things but um we have made a tiny dent in the progress of things having seen the progress I’ve made I have my doubts about the timeline but maybe if I just focus and that’s my only project for the next 800 days I might be able to get it done in time maybe I don’t know we maybe it’ll only take me 300 days to do the skull you know maybe maybe it won’t be so bad but we’re here we made it to 12200 days it’s a happy moment happy Milestone I’m glad everybody was here lunar you made it even though they said you weren’t going to be able to kaido Roar cheddar thank you to all of you for being here I appreciate every single one of you you’ve been amazing um but that being said everybody is time to go to bed let’s all go have a great night I will see you all next time take care and uh next time is likely tomorrow night I’m thinking about Saturday and Sunday as my streaming days so take care oh

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft – Day 1190: The Ancient City Build Begins!’, was uploaded by AgentX on 2024-03-10 05:50:25. It has garnered 53 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:15 or 11295 seconds.


Shaders: Complimentary Unbound

Mod List:

Iris Borderless Mining Cloth Config Continuity Enchanced Block Entities Fabric API Indium Malilib MiniHUD ModMenu Paperdoll Replay Mod Sodium Zoomify Villager Leads

PC Specs: Intel 9900k Nvidia RTX 4070 (Gigabyte) 32GB DDR4 RAM

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  • 7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from Harrydallama

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  • Insane Dutch Gamerz Challenge

    Insane Dutch Gamerz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAN YOU DO THIS 😈💀 #viral #shorts @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by DUTCHER GAMERZ on 2024-04-14 10:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CAN YOU DO THIS #viral #shorts #minecraft #dutchergamer #viralshorts #dutcher @YesSmartyPie @DREAMBOYYT … Read More

  • 🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More – Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More - Join Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Gamers so OBS crashed but how you guys doing fortnite won the vote fortnite did not win the vote door stream not tonight thank you most likely door stream tomorrow most likely tomorrow I very cool fortnite only won the vote because I applied two of my votes to it it did not actually win bro why do you want fortnite so bad do you actually want a fortnite stream Gamers none of you even like fortnite I legitimately couldn’t care… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

    BLOODBASH Explore a mysterious world full of secrets and dangers Features: Killstreaks Events Different perks Ingame item shop An interactable map with secrets Several unique and interesting items Player trading Weapon enchanting (custom enchantments) PvE boss encounters DISCORD: Join our Discord community SERVER IP: bloodbash.se Read More