Ultimate Minecraft Server Showdown

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Uh what’s up everyone uh why is my game caption not working um surely it’ll work in a moment surely it’ll work oh oh okay see we’re here why why are you saying 66 Route 66 from Cars bro I love cars cars was the best show best movie series what’s up

Rade how’s it going man we’re rocking the Christmas skin I don’t I’m not sure if I like the 3D skin mod on my face I’m not going to lie I don’t like how it pushes the the outer layer out whatever I’m going to run up some sky battle for

Now dude like low key I was recording footage for the 1.20.1 mod pack video and I was lowkey popping off in sky battle bro I was getting so many kills like just on like vanilla Minecraft bro I was cooking I don’t know if I’ll be able to

Replicate that today I’m G be honest but you know we’ll we’ll see we’ll see I’m hopeful I’m hopeful how is everybody’s Thanksgiving if you celebrated it mine was pretty awesome to be honest the rules were absolutely fire had pkin pie turkey of course uh green bean casserole hey but don’t dissing the

Green bean casserole it may sound bad but like it’s actually fire what’s up connect you got an A+ on your on all your sub subject so your brother’s going to fix your lap or so your brother fix your laptop D you bro bro my teammate’s actually a fatty

Bro taking all the loot oh there goes my snowballs whatever I don’t I never end up using snowballs in this anyway yo I’m bugging bro oh it’s explosions bro I have an explosion mod I might want to turn that off actually I can just turn lifetime for blocks way

Down that should make explosions much better and we should be chilling you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving well everyone celebrates different holidays mine mine was my Thanksgiving was pretty good though and my grandma asked what I want for Christmas honestly I don’t even really know I think I’m going to get a laptop cooler

Cuz like low key I’m just like constantly ther thermal throttling like it’s actually crazy ay no way I just got Diamond chest plates teammate let me tank teammate oh my gosh pick up the chest plate oh what’s happening how am I so low no dude that diamond sword hurts

Bro dude I don’t know the physics mode is so laggy I can’t even lie look at these clouds though I like this Cloud mod let me where is let me count my FPS at like 80 80 is probably pretty good you’re watching glowing stream also isn’t he

Ending I thought he ended at two I guess he started at 12:30 he probably ends in 25 minutes it’s uh 230 probably I don’t know we’ll See I kind of need to get good though cuz like as of right now I’m like kind of doing horrible bro I was just trying to give my teammate the Diamond chest plate and he wouldn’t like pick it up bro he just kept walking past like if I was more

Focused on like fighting instead of trying to like donate my my second Diamond chest plate to him I would have been chilling Bro I love this map dude this is my favorite map would do be the best map in a game can’t even Lie why is everyone looking at me like that what did I do bro what did I do I low key got to disable this physics mode I don’t know what’s making me bug but like I’m lowkey bugging bro it’s my CPU bro I’m so CPU bottlenecked it’s

Actually crazy bro my CPU is like overheating right now it’s actually like the temperature of the Sun and uh my GP was not keeping up bro you played MCC yesterday and it FR up kind of mid no MCC is not mid maybe you just suck at 1.9 combat bro MCC is so fun

Sky battle getting like a high kill sky battle game bro there’s like no better Feeling um ooh diamond swords sick teammate you trying to share that loot teammate teammate yeah I love you teammate I didn’t realize there was a hole there I’m not going to Lie I could do quick play yeah whatever hold on I’m going to disable the physics mode I’m going to see if the if the physics mod is the thing that’s like ruining my frames bro cuz like some wait where did my cursor go something is absolutely destroying my frames right now

Right I can’t even lie I don’t I don’t know what it is but like I’m my CPU is not keeping up it’s overheating this is why I need this laptop cooler um where’s physics I think I passed No it should be right here right let me disable particle

R at least where’s physics it’s p right it should be next to all the other P mods why is it down here what the flip dude what the flip L not flipping cool man this wallpaper was my old Banner like the banner before the one I have

Right now not like my old old Banner or like the one after that I’ve gone through like four or five different banners but this one’s pretty fire I just swapped out of it because it had an outdated skin but I like how it has my uh my cherry blossom

Tree which is pretty pretty flipping cool lowy I did the wrong thing you guys can’t hear music on that one right whoop you already planed out your Christmas and birthday present fire I don’t know what to get for my parents for for Christmas but uh I yeah I am asking for

The laptop cooler for my for my grandparents Pro tip if you’re in the market for laptop cooler there’s like only a couple laptop coolers that are actually good most of them have just a bunch of fans for marketing but all the fans spin really slow and they actually don’t do

Anything you have to look for one that uh like actually like does something although they’re kind of expensive I’m getting a $60 one but it has two it has two very high RPM fans so it’s probably going to be very loud but I can put it on like a low setting

Um so it’ll blow into the bottom of my laptop in the in in the intake and also has like foam like kind of like as an insulator so the air doesn’t get out so all the air will go into my laptop’s intake get some nice fresh air in there

Should be pretty good yo what’s up graved guy how’s it going man what mode did I get I wasn’t paying attention oh Parker Warrior ooh uh it’s fine oh actually I know it could help my CPU right now hold on cuz you know my CPU is struggling right now bro it’s

Struggling let me let me run this there we go um my I5 is good for like very like GPU intensive games like if I was if I was to play Call of Duty my I5 is fine cuz that’s like mostly on my GPU but for playing Minecraft which is mostly on my

CPU bro my CPU struggles that’s why I don’t even get that much of a performance hit when I use shaders cuz like shaders is all on your GPU and like my only issue in Minecraft is CPU bro like my GPU is chilling I kind of feel like I wasted a gift it’s been

Nice just did what you told me and now it works that’s awesome dude what’s up Bob Bob the corn it’s been a while man um I got to like not sell here parkour parkour Warrior ain’t my thing bro I don’t like it but well I think that game mode is

Fun I just Su got parkour but I’ll get better at it in time uh why is that broken I hit all and it puts me in F5 that shouldn’t it shouldn’t do that oh actually I know why it’s doing that I know how to fix

That get in my head bro um bro trapo parkour is the worst is the worst type of Parkour H actually maybe chain parkour is worse lucky hold on Snap look off I just want perspective mod that should fix it dude what the fli Turning turn turning B bear raid love you bro I’m uh definitely not selling in parkour Warrior you know just just don’t don’t be too focused on how I’m doing right now don’t don’t be too focused on how I got eighth and then ninth and like now I’m like about to start

Dying just don’t don’t worry about that what I didn’t I didn’t know how this worked I shouldn’t have gone this way this way is way slower oh I just did it again that’s fine I went I went way faster that time I add actual momentum hold on hold on just let let me

Let me let me cook all right I got to like try not to die here cuz like I might die I the damage take messed me up I swear a lot of people showed up this time that’s what I’m saying bro damage tck damage tck sold bro what do way

How’s my stream so far just started but honestly it’s going pretty good we got 12 viewers right now so honestly I would say that’s a w let’s get him to 1B Subs now for real what’s my resource pack this is just the MCC Island resource pack I

Don’t have any special resource pack I am using a Shader pack though I’m using uh t- shaders Um dude I bugging B let me just like set that a minimal but honestly it’s been pretty good it’s been a good day honestly other than the fact that my T that that my CPU is like the temperature of the sun right now bro it’s like thermal throttling like hell

What was this guy whacking me for we got gel and uh Graver I’ll just I’ll just look on Tab gra grave Robin guess guess they’re doing some grave Robin um oh my gosh bro I’m bugging what was that I had like the most delayed fall damage ever wait where did my sword

Go did I drop it yo it’s just me wondering why is it a hurricane outside do you have a hurricane outside six them from you bro you’re a w turning bear um I really need to figure out some like sword situation cuz I’m about to

Like pickaxe PVP bro I need a sword bad someone I don’t I don’t know what happened to my sword but oh my gosh there’s no chests please give me a sword what is this delayed knockback bro I’m bugging D I wonder if my brother started downloading something again at

Least I have an ax okay sick that fixes my sword situation although I have a a team incoming situation I need to hit my crits okay it’s a warmup it’s a warmup swear remember when I raed you a couple months ago I do remember that my chat is going

Crazy right now I can’t keep up got to head out I’ll see you later all right see you later see you later husky you have a million alts Fire w thumbnail thank you let me see it connect he said first cuz your birthday is like on the 10th of

January which ain’t that far after Christmas so I said I’ll just take one big gift and that would be to fly to a friend of mine oh n you should have asked that just for Christmas or just for your birthday you got to separate them bro his PC can’t keep up that’s

What I’m saying bro my cpu’s actually been like struggling recently I don’t know why I’m just bugging bro but it’s mainly cuz my CPU is just thermal throttle it’s like overheating sometimes but I’m going to get I’m going to get a pretty nice laptop cooler for Christmas for my grandma so that should

Help quite a bit according to reviews on a highed power laptop it dropped the CPU temperature by like 20° so like if I even got like close to that that would honestly be a w oh my gosh those diamond swords are way too crazy bro I guess I didn’t have

Armor maybe it’s getting a little old dude mine is 7 to almost 8 years old I don’t know how old mine is but I know it’s definitely old I have a oh I don’t know if task manager will show it here cuz I have a lot of stuff

Disabled I have a uh oh no it does I have an i5 eth gen and it is a gaming laptop so it’s least it’s like the the gaming variant of the I5 it’s not like the power efficient variant cuz they have like power efficient ones and they have like more

Ones that are geared for performance what shaders are those um they’re t- shaders tev 5 I’m waiting for a new update on these he hasn’t updated them in a long time uh cuz they have a couple issues primarily like they’re meant for older versions so if you go below like y

Level zero you have really bad like fog cuz it’s supposed to be like void fog um but I just I like how they look I like the the subtle like ambient inclusion and stuff and how it changes the colors um ooh spark I’m going to join most of the

People here and leave have fun all right I’ll see you later have a good day Intel seller on Gen 2 with Intel HD graphics for 7 to8 years is still playing CS2 with 50 FPS yeah CS2 does not take much to run CS2 is pretty pretty pretty

Easy and you’re probably more GPU bound than that I would think I don’t know D I keep dropping my sword I completely lost it like last game oh there’s a whole team there actually I don’t know if I want to do that um yo teammate teammate there’s Diamond

Pants what is going on who’s my teammate and who isn’t help me please I’m alive actually I’m not going to need that I’m going to save that I’m free to heal up as much as I want right here no way teammate won teammate you’re crazy Z I got R already and

Then wait oh you got AR alerted that the hurricane will hold on my like Emoji is covering it up will hit oh damn good luck hopefully it doesn’t hit too hard but my YouTube chat has this like Emoji in the b in like like the bottom

Right of my chat and it always covers up any text that’s on like the bottom right it’s annoying all right let’s see I think we can take this guy he has an iron sword though oh my gosh I can’t hit crits I can’t hit crits I just killed myself I

Don’t want to talk about it he kept hitting me down into this thing I kept having to jump up that was not Good it’s pronounced R and O together and alert After like pronouncing R from Romania so row alert I I was confused for a second cuz my mod pack name my FPS mod pack is called remarkably optimized so people call it R o for short so when you said r i thought at first I thought you were

Saying something about the mod pack and then I saw the and then I saw the hurricane I was uh a little bit confused for a second though what are we who’s this guy baseball beans this guy actually no that’s just part of a skin I thought he had a hat

Cosmetic dude I want a bucket hat I’m not I’m not wearing I want the like the orange bucket hat I have like some like blue strip one but I want my orange one back from the closed beta bro that was like my favorite cosmetic and then they

Got rid of all of my Cosmetics bro I I wouldn’t RAR right now anyway since I have like the Christmas hat on my skin but for when it’s not Christmas time I want my bucket hat back bro that was like the most fire drip ever um ooh I will gladly take take the

Axe I’m going to just jump down here not many people jump down here but there’s a whole purple chest down here there good loot it’s honestly worth it um okay maybe there wasn’t that good loot this time although at least I got a spark so that’s not that Bad um where’s the other teamate at he’s over there he he’ll probably make his way to Mid we’ll see oh my gosh I almost just died I accidentally hot key to a different slot um teammate’s Coming eventually oh this is kind of dangerous it looks like there’s some pretty stacked people

Here might want to watch out I just put that guy on half Health o okay the knockback sword is absolutely nuts dud that’s broke broken that guy jump scared me bro come here yeah fight me bro you can’t initiate the fight and then just run away like come on

Now follow through with it oh shoot I need to eat up bro there’s so many people people here there’s Diamond chest plate people there’s everyone bro um what do we want to do here AR is my team are my teammates okay kind of want to push this mushroom guy

Off I want this High Ground you’re M data cuz your PC power got cut out rip that’s a runner for real oh what are we playing Ring Around The Rosy like stop running in circles bro what is this like bro um I don’t think there’s anybody

Chasing me but I could be wrong there is someone chasing Uh they have a diamond chest plate though so I really don’t want to push that I say that as I push a guy in a diamond chest plate ow dude he threw a potion at me bro I didn’t even know those existed that was not not good he hit me

Down into the uh into the border the bottom border really pushes you up I guess he was like pretty much the end of the game that was a long game whatever didn’t get a single kill but at least he made it pretty far what happened oh hold on the homies is online

Well we’ll see if he accepts the party invite we’ll we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens this is one of my favorite Maps though I love this map honestly might be the best guy by a map or the barn map but this one this one this one’s

Pretty fire like I really like mid hly I think this is better than bar map actually cuz the bar map doesn’t have the best mid ooh Diamond pants diamond sword bro I’m kidded out right now holy Almost sure to save some for my teammates like holy when you play when when will

You be playing bedwars next um I don’t know I played bedwars last weekend right wait I think that was last weekend I can’t remember I got like short-term memory loss bro um um yeah I play bedwars usually like every other weekend so it might be next weekend I

Don’t know it kind of just depends what I’m feeling sometimes I’m feeling MCC sometimes I’m feeling bedwars there’s a diamond sword up there hopefully one of my teammates takes that we’re still all alive although my teammates have been kind of pretty slow to loot

But at least we’re all alive so I I say we have a pretty good shot in winning in one year here for real there’s hell of diamond swords in this map never mind everyone has everyone’s going to have diamond swords bro it doesn’t even matter ooh no one’s gotten well that guy

Got oh that was a misclick I meant to use my bow kind of hard to aim when you’re being hit up by a spark oh wait mid Lo might be open hold on oh but I just used my spark pushing this is mad scary bro teammate teammate take the take the

D yeah take it take it teammate teammate y buddy then I will One V one him maybe maybe I’ll take you up on that I do do some streaming with viewers streams although not super often I’ll be honest I’ve only done one so far but I do want to do

More will you play on Blox MC I’ve never seen it I’ve never heard of it so maybe is it is it a US server cuz if it’s located in another country I I don’t know how my ping will be but cuz I don’t know I’ve never heard of it

Um that guy’s dead come here oh I’m out of arrows okay I don’t wait is this the last guy no no not even close come here stop running bro we ain’t playing Ring Around the Rosie bro uhoh teammate died and gave and gave this guy a diamond chest plate woo yes come

On come on come on teammate please teammate yes yes let’s go look at chat dum dum I am looking oh look at MC chat my fault uh where wait oh you’re doing the thumbnail W bro L key I was locked in I wasn’t really paying attention to the chat if

I’m going to be honest hey we won although I only got personal score of 10th I guess I only got one kill so I almost got more but that’s whatever a W’s a W what are all these Cosmetics is that supposed to be a candy corn actually I don’t know what has it ears do you guys like candy corn it’s kind of it’s kind of controversial some people hate it and some people some people love it but like I don’t

Know I think it’s all right it’s not horrible but it’s not like handy of choice you know I I would it’s like I would never like pick it out but I I don’t think it’s horrible like I would eat it although it’s like lowkey like eating

Wax but like okay I just I just killed myself huh I just 100% just killed myself I wasn’t really paying attention to be honest you don’t like it I can understand that honestly it kind of tastes like a wax I don’t I don’t know I don’t think

It’s that bad but like I would I would eat it just not over like any other candy unless it’s like an Almond Joy or like any like black licorice candies those suck who actually eats those to be Honest I don’t know hope I get Candyland again that’s the best map would would be pretty far oh I got like the worst well no I actually hate this map it’s way too big and it takes it takes forever to get up the tree and also it’s fine it’s fine if you’re using

Like if you’re using a mod pack with like more coing or coal leaves but if you’re not dude you actually just get screwed FPS wise this is the laggiest map cuz there’s just so many leaves leaves are incredibly laggy with my mod pack I have more coing which helps with

It coals leaves but it’s not leaves are so stupidly laggy bro dude like my frames are actually going to die um I don’t think disabling shaders will help cuz it’s mostly on my CPU rather than my GPU but like my GPU is honestly so chilling Um actually I’ll take a fishing rod what hey mister what’s up I thought you were going to playing I’m editing oh I’m just coming to say hi hi oh my who fishing roded me bro they sent me I ended my stream uh oh that would make sense if you’re

Editing push me bro push me where you at where this guy oh he’s up here um oh this map is way too big is it new map or is it the the giant tree one oh yeah yeah so big and so laggy dude my CPU usage doubled when I

Like loaded up this map bro yo I’m being like cross teamed oh there’s three separate teams bro I was being hit on by so many different dudes what the jartex is a really cool map I don’t really know the maps by name I just like

I just call this one tree map and then you got like Barn map you got Candyland well that one’s probably called Candyland but like that one makes sense so well I thought you was playing the new server hasn’t this been out for a minute it’s still in beta

If it’s a beta server then it’s 100% still new like it ain’t even released yet like I mean it’s an open Beta now so anyone can play but it’s still in beta when are they going to release next update probably to guess I don’t I don’t know

If it’ll be I don’t think it’ll be next update I don’t know I don’t think it that soon I feel like if it was that soon they would talk more about it in their Discord not that I really follow their Discord but I’m in it I’ll check it

Occasionally I don’t think the release is like super close it’s definitely 20 24 probably like honestly it could it could honestly be like mid 2024 oh my gosh this teammate is humongous bro so fat you Lally just like looted every chest in like2 milliseconds bro it was

Fatter than me I didn’t even know it was possible he went through all four spawn chests within like the matter of a second like bro he he was actually opening them so fast where two of my teammates are AFK okay well now now only one the other one is is back I

Guess bro these aren’t like long cues how do you how do you queue for a G for a game and then go AFK do you use your eyes to aim what do you mean I don’t don’t know if I’m understanding that question I mean I

Have to see my screen if I want to aim my bow uh by the way that uh that chat message has been there for like a while the eyes one yeah I was renting by my teammates I got raided and then I went up to like 12 con current viewers for a

Bit by who uh same guy the the bear guy uh what’s his name how did I already forget some of them are still here so like what what’s his name Chad what’s his name something Bear right burning Bear yeah see that that that’s a w streamer

Right there he raids me like every time I play MCC Islands wait I shouldn’t do that find me wait this is a three-way I don’t I don’t like three sums threeways H I mean I know you like three sums yeah especially if it’s with that bad oh

My no one more hit one more hit we are both we both we both the one how did you die to technoblade Bro technoblade Skins are easy kills no bro he was actually pretty good hey we basically just traded hits but then he got the last hit off

First using your eyes to aim equals .1 Ms and if Reaction Time 1 ms then you will have bad PVP aim or you could drag click and aim with your monitor what I’m really confused right now honestly he just that’s more confusing than miles going on his weird

Like rant things bro he just got to 1,200 Subs like 2 minutes before you got raided dude W congrats yeah I did I saw the title of it and then well how many Subs he had and I was just like yo that’s sick I don’t even know what I’m at it

Changes so like inconsistently cuz like just a random one of the mod pack videos will just pop off and get a couple thousand views in a week and then it’ll kind of like Plateau for a bit so like it’s kind of inconsistent like one week I like there’s there’s probably been

Weeks where I’ve gained like almost 100 Subs in one week but I don’t know like I’ve honestly been steadily gaining like two subs a day I think I’m at like 1300 or something like somewhere in the 1300 range like about 5 Subs a week actually is what I’m averaging it’s not bad

Nice you need those yeah your last video did pretty good right you needed the iron boots you just kind of left them I can go grab them if you actually I’m not going back to that it’s way too far I don’t know where the iron boots were to be honest but they

Weren’t at that Island no they were at the other one the one one more back using your monitor htz being 144 Herz good aim if you get 100 plus FPS you can aim with the monitor you can even use a potato because potatoes can I don’t know what this guy’s talking about

With the whole monitor or eye thing teammates why’ you where that guy came from where did that guy come from bro he came out of nowhere well he he came from the side over you what all I’m saying m is that you should be editing I am actually actively editing

While talking to you and watching the stream using your monitor hers being 144 good aim and if you get a if you get 100 plus FPS you can aim with the Monitor and you can be better than potato cuz potatoes can’t aim uh yeah having a

Higher ref refresh rate can help you aim cuz then you have lower input delay but not like a by a crazy amount I only have a 60 HZ monitor which is why I C my FPS at 80 cuz I don’t need above 60 FPS you need choose four wheel oh potato

Item I should have honestly call me splud man what yeah bro cuz I be I be throwing potato no I said spudman like Spud yeah call me call me sped man though I’m actually not going to go that way teammate just got AB teammate just got absolutely destroyed and my other teammates went

This way um ooh Diamond pants sick I’m Ked out right now can’t even lie all I need is a diamond sword and I got I got like best gear I guess technically a diamond chest plate oh two Sparks bro I’m pimp chimping right now I I need is somebody to fight me

Bro I’ll take that fight and win yes sir here’s a potato all right now you can really call me now you can really call me spudman uh call me SP man teammate teammate’s on the other side of the map teammate teammate ha get hit off get hit off

Actually such a bot ain’t no way you went for that bro ain’t no way it’s F A we win wait there’s two people hdden on me that’s too many usually I would say there can’t be there can’t be enough people hidden on you but like that was pretty

Scary are those are those uh Road names modified a potato to be a mouse just made the best mouse ever for okay what was that fishing rod no please please please no please no you you have to understand please I’m begging you I’m innocent I’m an innocent man I I don’t want to

Do I don’t want to cause any harm I’m being bombed and fishing roded from everywhere bro stop hitting me with your Rod damn it bro what was that bro I was literally being I was every team was like targeting me bro like what did I do what

Did I do that’s what I’m saying well he that one guy chasing me but I swear I was being like bowed and rotted from everywhere give him potato what do we that potato will be better than my $60 Mouse did you see that orange guy’s play there that was

Actually like crazy what I wasn’t paying attention placed a TNT fishing roded it flew over another guy and fish rotted the TNT at the guy oh that’s pretty that’s pretty smart I was doing like the the dream the dream man head dream Manhunt techniques I dream probably did that in

A Manhunt I don’t know probably I low key I haven’t watched like any of them so I I I couldn’t tell you I Jeff’s the dog huh bro look at my Minecraft chat Jeff the dog I don’t know all they’re doing that remind you of Mister uh

Jeffrey okay just say just cuz someone’s name is Jeff I have to think of Jeff plays no Jeffrey the dog the dog oh you’re right I did have a dog named Jeffrey and I made a whole video on him dude I forgot about that guy took me a second I thought you

Talking about Jeff plays if I’m going be honest no no no I I really confused if dop pickle is a pickle then graved guy is a grave and that means you can pickle Dill there’s also another guy that’s named like aelex but that means sky battle versus Reaper pickle versus

What is bro yapping about here’s a potato another one guess I’m just collecting potatoes bro can I have a potato no oh M can I have a potato Mossy MOS you seem like way too disappointed when I said no I wanted a potato uh still no you can

Yes everyone can have fresh potatoes see Duncan you’re just not kind I mean my grandma’s mashed potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner those were delicious bro those were fire I’m still eating those cuz you made a lot so we had a lot of leftover mashed potatoes I make the mashed potatoes for

My family every single H like day where we eat mashed potatoes and I have a I have a recipe and it’s literally like everybody comments on it and it’s yeah dude the best mashed potatoes i’ ever I’ve ever had though on a Mexico trip when I the Steak House there uh they

Have they have these like mashed potatoes with truffle or something dude it it’s so good it’s actually so good ruffle is just Pig turds no truffles are mushrooms dug up by pigs and they look like Pig turds well I don’t know that chuffle mashed potato was so fire I took went to

The Italian place for an appetizer they gave us like a honey and truffle Pizza that was not good honestly I I don’t I did not like the sweet honey that was like weirdest pizza I’ve ever had I mean it was all right but like I just like my meat lovers Pizza

Bro by the way you have like 500k potatoes in Hypixel wait how much how much did technoblade get in the potato War how much were they competing for again like over a million I would see a video hold on I got to lock in

As I was saying I had to lock in um I would see a video about making mash mashed potatoes with d pickle for real bro I mean honestly I love D pickles and I love mashed potatoes so like put them together that’s probably fire honestly he’s talking about with you

Like like you making mashed potatoes not you would watch a cooking potatoes with yeah I don’t think I’m doing a cooking stream many times soon I mean I haven’t even showed my face you Know I’m showing my face pretty soon I’m not making a big deal out techno got 500 million that’s a lot of potatoes have a lot of potatoes oh dude glowing did I tell you about this other SMP content that I’m thinking of doing after the hardcore

One no well I’ve done it before but I kind of want to take it to a larger scale before was just like beat the aner dragon now I kind of just want to do like kind of like Mega bases with it I mean of course beat the ender dragon as

Well oh is it like under the is it the underground thing yeah all right so yeah we we can’t touch the surface I think how we had it set up with commands Kaden helped me set it up he basically did all the command block stuff but it was like you just die if

You go well it it’ll kill you but three blocks before it kills you it’ll give you poison as a warning so so you’ll take like poison tick um wait is it hardcore or not we wouldn’t do hardcore I kind of want to do like Mega bases but last time we

Started with every with every sapling and like every plant like in a chest that’s what everyone got but this time I want to start with nothing I’m going to have to like either like loot a m shaft cuz you can get like you can get food

From M shaft right you can get like plants right you can get like seeds yeah what about mountains can you go up into a mountain like is that possible no there’s just there’s just a y limit cap so it’d be like 60 or something couldn’t you technically also do that based on

The biome and then you could change it uh maybe probably not with just command blocks you would have probably have at that point you would probably have to do like a data pack or something I don’t know if that would be possible only have like a limited reach

No oh my gosh bro I just sold bro people in chat just keep giving me potatoes bro they’re filling my whole chat with just potatoes Parker would like this his Discord username is lit Potato Man oops I actually un you now I have to wait let me look at my quest real quick

Got to blur the whole top of this damn screen Place top five and why do you have to BL the top of the screen because it shows the outside of where we are and also people’s faces place oh wait I’m not using this place top five and three on side I don’t like

That 6 hold in the wall I can do that complete leap six and one game of Parkour Warrior Survivor surv at least 1 minute or win four games of dyball I’m going to reroll the the parkour Warrior Survivor one cuz I don’t want to do wait no is Survivor the the competitive One yeah oh okay I I won’t roll that I’ll just keep it make a stream arming potatoes well I was thinking for the underground one we’re probably going have to farm there probably a good chance we’ll end up farming potatoes cuz you get those from like zombies either potatoes or carrots cuz I

Don’t know if we’ll be able to get wheat seeds I don’t know but eventually we can get eventually we’ll probably be eating golden carrots cuz all we have to do is find two zombie villagers and cure them and that’s possible but I think the underground would be cool likeing making it would be

A lot of mining last time Huh Oh God my dad wants me to help him hang ornaments outside right now it’s like the worst time bro why do you bake potatoes but you can’t bake any other vegetable people bake vegetables all the time bake potatoes but people people bake vegetables oh my gosh what was that lag

Spike eat a potato to Win okay if you say so you put a blur effect technically couldn’t I just like get a get like a blur with like mask out behind it uh yeah you could do it like that there’s probably there’s probably a a blur that you can just set the size

For I don’t know just you could just do mask and then do a gan blur I don’t know how you pronounce it goian I goian I don’t know the the Box blur is kind of bad it makes everything look like pixelated not really pixelated but like

I don’t know it just it doesn’t look good I guess it is called Box Bar I guess it makes things look kind of boxy okay we can chill out with the Snowballs bro what the what the what the flip dude what a flip dude what what I’m saying what a flip dude

Oh my gosh skib did you just say skib un ironically I just randomly said it that wasn’t really unironically your power is back what does that mean oh did he lose power is that what happened I don’t know I don’t care there I go

In a fight eat a potato to win it’s that easy I wish you my bit Ray is bugging whatever um darn it let’s see Parker where Survivor wait weap six in one game that shouldn’t be too bad hold on I don’t want to keep this game

Again not for like the eighth time in a hold on well I guess I didn’t finish my whole in the wall Quest that’s 19 more walls I have to do to get to the other side d a ball okay whatever I’ll just do uh I’ll just do quick play and get my

Quests through that like remember when your power went out oh that’s what you mean w his power went out cuz there’s a hurricane Ah I’m a little slow I lucky forgot about that but that’s a w now you don’t have to watchg mobile data my fault I was locking in in the game yo I just cut sky battle from from quickplay I don’t like I’ve like never gotten that bro swear quickplay never cues you for

Sky battle it always cues you in Parkour game modes cuz nobody plays those I wish he was random instead of just King you in game modes that need more players yeah exactly like this is just be what is there five game modes this should just be a 25 a 20% chance per game

Mode just a roll of the dice whatever you get what you plan and if it is like that we’re hella unlucky it’s definitely not like that we’ve done quick play like every stream unless they changed it recently well every mtci stream TNT W that was random what uh seeing

That you don’t think yes I’m random I’m like dude you’re going to give me copy white sted bro what a with a flip my singing is that good yeah bro hell no you’re on point bro what is love love baby why my te I don’t have that I don’t have like that like

80s sort of like graininess in my voice uh why my teammates just like circling the map bro like we can we can we can go to Mid border is shrinking you know we don’t got to go around the whole map for for nothing for loot that we already got oh rpt

It I don’t know what he did he did a 360 and then he fell off the map stream delay I want to see this oh yeah I saw that that’s pretty good eat potato yeah they they really want me to eat potatoes now I can watch your stream and

Eat at the same time are you eating a potato a potato am I eating a potato no no I’m talking about CH woo wait that was actually hella effective what if I didn’t have a spark I would be dead yeah well it killed your teammate yo you’re fighting potato

0980 bro there was so many people bro I’m eating french fries and you could eat salad too bro you got killed by potato 0980 that’s pretty crazy L a quest meter is available have not eaten anything today what’s a quest meter what do you mean you don’t know what a quest meter is nope oh crate token meter I got crate tokens nice oh was only I only got a standard one it’s 60% chance for

Standard 30 for boosted and 10 for ultimate hm it’s just from Gaining faction yo Chad does anybody know where the the green gecko base is in the lobby cuz you know how like each faction has their own base where is the green gecko base like

I couldn’t find it I know where the lime llama one is typical did you eat something um for breakfast I ate a banana and oatmeal which is low key what I eat every day um and then for lunch uh I ate Thanksgiving leftovers so that was Turkey some mashed potatoes and gravy

And some green bean some green bean casserole and the green bean casserole is lowkey so fire probably cuz it has a lot of cheese so cheese we love cheese bro I’m being lag backed oh my gosh what’s happening oh it’s the bomb

One go go go go go go go go go go go go wait did I just get first oh my God I’m so good I’m actually just better that was Ving bro might just be better than everybody else by the way the explosion are hell loud I’m getting out bro back it

Up the whole map is just gone bro I guess at least if you fall you can swim up well that’ be really slow I guess it’d probably be worse than dying actually where the best part about this this Vlog is is that like we played each other first round

Damn do you exercise like push-ups and those no wait uh no well yeah no I don’t honestly the main exercise I get is playing Beat saer VR you may think that’s funny but the hard songs you actually have to like swing your arm so fast that the long song that like some

Of the songs are literally just urance songs if your arms can like last long enough bro cuz my arms will set to slow down and then they can’t keep up with the fast blocks I’m actually lowkey crazy at beat saber I can almost beat every single

Song in the game on Expert Plus except for the camela songs cuz the camela songs have such a like huge jumping difficulty you guys actually probably don’t know what I what I’m talking about but like spin eternally in like the last free playlist is so hard an

Effort plus like the the difficulty jump is just massive over like any other song I L had to mod my Oculus which is annoying to do I wish I just had it on Steam um so I can custom songs so I can like work my way up to those

Songs you play OSU Mania trying to beat go on last difficulty nice I’ve never played OSU I do have a drawing tablet actually but I use that for drawing actually I know U players use those you know you got you got to click faster you Know oh my gosh I saw this Tik Tok of a valerant player who uses a drawing tablet to aim and he made it to the highest rank that’s cringe no he’s it’s actually crazy though no it’s cringe cuz he’s playing valerant valant isn’t a bad game making it to the highest rank is

Cringe like it’s cool that he did it on a drawing tablet but like yeah he definitely had to know life it but like I know life Minecraft I know life editing like I L just edit all day like you could say I no life YouTube seventh I hate that map it’s

Honestly one of my least favorite actually was the best game for real o Mania it’s based on keyboard only oh I’ve never I’ve never heard of osum mania only the original OSU potato is the best game agreed I think Roo players are cringe for spending $400 on Robux no fortnite players are cringe

Bro uh if you’re talking about money spent on a game it’s fortnite and valerant that are the weird like the gross ones uh uh Roo is really bad I would never spend my own money on roblo I the reason I have roblo is cuz Parker Parker will give me like a Roblox gift

Card or like like not anymore but like when we used to play uh a couple years back he would like give me money or like a roox gift card to get roblo what the and I wouldn’t spend it I wouldn’t really spend it on Cosmetics I would just spend it on like private

Servers or something cuz you know like just a server that him him and I can play on or whatever or like just friends for like a game I never buy a Minecraft cosmetic 2 I have the feather cave but I got that in a Discord giveaway it’s also how I got access to

The feather client early I got I got all four of the beta capes access to the client and uh four invites to invite four people to get access to the client so I invited bed Corp and Parker I think I don’t remember or maybe Parker bought his way in cuz I

Know he has a cave I can’t [Applause] remember nice seventh I think I gave one to Matthew Rowan I don’t know I can’t remember but I got the F Cape I also got the other Betty ones although I only really like two of them um I have these three this one’s just

Too like plain for me um I like this one I I also like the glitch animation the glitch animation is cool I don’t like this one it just changes colors but I don’t know I I just like the plain black ones cuz I go with my skin better as well a

Green cape would be fire oh shoot it’s bird if it was early bird I would have played this 100% different I wasn’t even looking out for chickens uh six isn’t horrible y what’s up 911 Samurai how’s it going toilet Tower Defense are you just going to say every message starting

With a potato cuz I don’t even potato unless you were including potato in part of that sentence and you were saying potato toilet Tower Defense still don’t know what you’re talking about either way kind a kind of BL can’t lie how’s the editing going I hate it editing is not that bad bluring

Things is that’s a fair point but honestly for well for me the most like monotonous part of editing is subtitling but honestly subtitling isn’t even my least favorite part cuz of low key I can like I don’t have to listen to the music of the video when I’m doing subtitles cuz that

Doesn’t affect it cuz like normally you want to sort of edit to the music that’s why I have to listen to the music but then when I’m doing subtitles I can kind of just listen to my own music and kind of just like get in the zone you know

Like I just got to like get locked in in and then like honestly subtitles aren’t that bad I didn’t realize it was low grab and it messed me up so I’m about to get a really bad score better to get like 10th tops cuz like the entire Lobby passed me

Bro like bro with the flip and that’s on God I hate low grab on this map because it’s literally a dropper at the end and it woo yeah just fall for so long bro I have to turn off shaders cuz look void fog I can’t see the

Chickens I didn’t know Islands you got exactly 10th I mean I guess right I didn’t do too great this game sth 6th and 10th pretty bad you should make your own song with lyrics just hire a music producer for 1 cent um is that your rap name one A friend of

Mine is 25 cent kind of a music guy Captain Dions he’s made a couple tracks but not any like lyric tracks kind of just like just music like not songs I’ve honestly I’ve been getting into that recently low key he also helped me with like Reverb on my 1K special

Intro um he like put it in actual like sound editor instead of D resolve he put it in like FL Studio tap is actually such a cool guy yeah I want to be more like him yeah you should what is this map I’ve never played this before I’m not sure if I

Like it or I absolutely hate it there’s no in between it’s like a playroom or something it’s you know what it is it’s the McDonald’s play place is it the ones that always throw up I don’t know those kind of just smell like plastic to me they always smell like throw

Up I would get up there and I would freeze like there’s so many stories of me as a there’s always that kid that gets up to the top of the playlist and starts banging on the the plastic wall to get their mom to look at them that was me but it wasn’t because

No it wasn’t because I wanted her to look at me because I was at the top it was because I wanted her to get me down cuz I was terrified fall on a potato 10 potatoes oh like me that means I use literally

Like a a dog stuck in a tree bro like a cat stuck in a tree they get up and then they can’t get down apparently my older brother uh saw he was at the play or was at the play place one A kid had like diarrhea down the slide and just

No and he was it was just crap all the way down and then a NE kid went down and got absolutely covered on his way down the slide why is it like a water slide and why does it smell like a sewer ah bro what was that that was the

Perfect punch BR I always I’ve always been dying on this map recently it’s always on the log part someone like punches me perfectly like in between the logs and there just nothing I can do actually so annoy oh my gosh I will literally beat you up if you punch me

Bro okay he fell off I’m going to have to punch you in real life son I want you to beat me bro what bro my whole chat is just potatoes he’s got the he’s got the samurai guy on it too bro why you doing this me why you doing

This to me bro why you doing This oops I almost just accidentally self promoted I was trying to copy and paste the tomatoes and it didn’t copy the tomatoes the potatoes I mean I’m Miss spoke oh my gosh the whole chat is just potatoes oh someone someone threw a pair in there oh there’s a

Pear that’s that’s fruity I guess there also skull up there too I mean it is fruity pray PR of skull uhoh I keep getting lag back move okay what was that L got like spiked down into the lava bro dude I I literally got lag back like eight times in a row bro

No yes bro people kept placing like blocks inside of me and I place my block inside sorry that one doesn’t even make any sense I’m going to place my block inside of you bro like still oh my double Buck extension D you thought you could hit me

Off buddy you thought you could hit me off that’s what I thought I’m like that I got F surprisingly it it wasn’t that impressive but he went back to punch everybody like a loser and I clutched up and pass him oh fork and knife eat the

Potato dude my chat is never going to recover from this no it’s just going to be like this the rest of the stream oh swords they brought they brought one pronged Forks really sharp one pronged Forks infected by the potato virus One Life on this what what if what

If there’s a a drought so now there’s no more potatoes there it going to be like a Great Famine in my chat the dop pickle potato famine Allen Parker a famine what’s what is even the definition of famine um starfish starvation all right I am uh I’m a water pirate I’m stealing all of the water now no more potatoes can grow uh your potato stock is dwindling and you’re running out of potatoes no dill pickles now D

Potato no a dill potato probably actually probably wouldn’t even be that bad potatoes kind of go with any flavor to be honest cuz potatoes taste like basically nothing on their own yeah exactly oh my we got the crumbling blocks modifier which is actually cringe on this map give me timbers yeah bro

Bro everyone’s hit boox is getting getting in the way of me placing blocks literally not flipping cool oh my gosh how those blocks not disappear cool and that lamp’s in my way there’s a lamp in your way yes hanging from the sky from the ceiling from the sky yeah the hanging from the

Sky no I can’t no I hate this map this is why this is my least favorite to get to the other side map it actually sucks EIT the chicken thank you I hit the chicken like a minute ago Dog stream delay hit the chicken I’m just like

Standing over here stay staring at the MCC sign you ain’t got you ain’t got a [ __ ] Weise whoa I said fuging I know that’s not better but just so you am fried potato what does that mean hi water everyone’s just spamming potatoes in my chat for some reason yeah

Uh also there’s a potato there’s no more potatoes yeah now there’s like a potato famine or something I don’t know it’s got like a whole lore like probably like a 20 Page lore bro they’re duplicating the potatoes by someone could make a whole video essay on the potato lore honestly essay hey essay

What’s up a h oh there’s also no water so now you’re uh also um thirsting to death is that a thing thirsting to death you mean dying of thirst yes I’m thirsting to death for men pickle virus is going to win for real well but pickles also need water dude

They’re made from cuc cucumbers bro have you ever eaten a a cucumber that thing is like 100% water bro ice how are you making ice there’s no water I love how water joined and the first thing we said is yeah there’s no water bro his chat message is gone bro

It’s covered by all the Emojis what the oh my gosh move doing bro no oh well that just so the game I’m not kiding anything above 10th how did I not place a block bow swear I was swear I was swear was clicking uh bro this is really not good

L yeah bro I have to have this video done by tonight because it takes way too long for videos to like upload bro it’ll probably upload sometime tomorrow it Tes like buddy my 2 and 1/ half minute video took like 3 hours to upload yeah well that you know that’s probably

Because my Wi-Fi was horrible you must have like bad upload speed bro H I was at my grandparents oh okay yeah it does not take long to upload YouTube videos it’s 15 megabytes 15 megabytes that’s tiny bro that could be the size of an image that’s a big ass image

Oh are you 15 megab a second yeah or 15 gabes I don’t know no 15 gabes is so fast what I I wasn’t sure if you were talking about like the size of the video or like Wi-Fi speed you didn’t say like per second you just said wii speed it’s 15

Megabytes accent for real they pick oh can you make a British accent uh uh it’s a British accent going you start mate have a cup of tea you don’t want a cup of tea just have a cup of coffee I don’t care bro honestly British accent Bri British accent

British accent M British with a British accent M I feel like when when you’re saying M I just I just I just feel like that’s just Australian bro at this point I just do a European accent and I call it a day Australia isn’t even in Europe BR I know I mean

Like yeah but I mean like Scotland and and like Irish and and Brit and just all of the UK all together that’s that’s what my accent is have a cup of te cup of te mate a bottle of water bottle of water mate you want a bottle

Of water no get a bottle of tea a bottle of tea I can you even get a bottle can you even get a bottle of tea I feel like you you can get you can get a a juice box of Ry beina yeah what’s that a roina it’s like a cranberry mix drink

I’m doing like 15 accents at once I’m just going to go back to my normal one I just real I’ve been queing to get to the other side like eight times in a row this is my least favorite MCC Island game mode actually I think parkour

Warrior I I hate more I have more fun on the faster paced uh to get to the other side parkour watch me win this game I have a cup of tea I have a cup of tea I have a cou of tea afterwards with my bottle of

Water bottle of water bottle of water bottle of water boys bottle of water don’t forget your bottle of water boys you got to get your bottle of water and your your um your B your orange slices cuz we’re going to play football all right boys let’s play football let’s play football yeah

Bro please make a potato accent that would just be a not talking because uh maybe maybe you take a whole potato put it in your mouth and see how well you can talk with an entire potato in your mouth my mouth isn’t even big enough for that can I do a rubber duck

Accent I have a rubber duck I’m going to stick it in my mouth and then I’m going to do the accent okay you do that all right it’s a rubber [Laughter] duck rub du on standby bro he was he was ready he prepared it before the start of the

Stream I currently have a rubber no we got low gravity on the tower map this is going to be the longest game of my life all I stuffed it in my cheek I almost choked on it look at this game bro everyone’s just like slowly falling how did somebody already finish

Yeah I wouldn’t be cheating okay you can take that you can take the rubber duck out I I know you like having I know you like having duck in your mouth but there’s actually a potato beside me I could try I don’t think you’re fitting a whole potato in your mouth unless it’s

A very small potato potatoes are pretty pretty big I me it depends what type of potato but like yeah potatoes are pretty big I have a mouse can I do a mouse accent not like the animal like a computer MK I think we’re good with sticking things in our

Mouth I did it anyway you just got to stop your gag reflex I know how to do that it wasn’t my gag reflex that time it just forced it out of my moue so you gagg like it just no it slipped it slipped um oh I can’t I can’t open my

Mouth with it in my mouth and then it whoa can’t open my mouth with it in my mouth well I have vampire teeth hold on I have vampire teeth from Halloween I didn’t go trick-or-treating I watched the FNAF movie instead why are they sweet they’ve just been sitting on my desk for

Like a month oh they are they edible no they aren’t they’re plastic I don’t think plastic is sweet buddy oh there goes that guy you know when you were a kid you would like s to Narnia bro you know when you’re a kid and you and you

Like oh my God uh and you like suck on the flower to cuz it it’s sweet on the inside have you ever done that no what were you doing as a child I was sucking on flowers apparently you sucking on flowers cuz they’re sweet no the flower

Nectar it’s sweet anyways so it tastes like that if anybody on your in your chat can relate to me in any way we never played toet it’s the worst game mode never mind the parkour one’s worse I’m going to put your Discord I’m going to put on your Discord server funny

Moments of the live stream okay can you make a potato baby or a potato family uh I’m I made a I made a sheep family dcan you know the lore of that right I sent that clip to you I don’t remember that clip I would just focus on

How you you sounded like a how you sounded like a little girl dude your voice I literally thought that was that was a different person cuz you sounded you just sounded like a woman you’re sound like a little girl have you seen your first video uh I was a squeaker but you could

Still tell I was a little boy you just sounded like a little girl bro like I don’t know you just had a girlly voice bro are you voice shaming wow yeah I am voice shaming he K this is your streamer yeah there are types of flow that tastes

Sweet all flowers actually they have nectar that when you just need to learn how to get to the nectar and then it’s like really sweet on the inside I don’t even have to go to the lobby to queue anymore but I always forget that I like forget that I bought this

Rank to do that literally just turn into a bee cursed for my CH is cursed I’m telling you it’s never going to recover from the potato thing I’m going to come back to for tomorrow’s stream it’s just going be more more potatoes bro potato potato Ang Lizzy what you going to come back

Tomorrow uh tomorrow is Sunday so I’m going to stream again tomorrow as per usual I thought I wasn’t allowed to be on stream uh yeah not really whatever so what am I doing right now well you were editing well you’re edit you’re editing right now so yes and

The point was to get you to edit so like how do you blur stuff I’m looking this up I was just adding the you started from My what you started from your tots from a potato Mouse and now it’s a cult huh oh you start from your thoughts from a potato Mouse and now it’s a c I guess op M kind of turned it into a CT I can’t lie oh L like the freeze game or

Whatever how does somebody already die like I barely had to do anything any of these walls we do that will do we I’ll fall off ow there’s like way too many eggs right now um this wall is nice and easy waiting for these walls to get

Faster paced so I guess they kind of are faster now springy shoes what does that mean does that mean we just get jump boost yeah hella jump boost I’m going to break my mouse actually one time I slam my mouse down really hard on my desk and the bottom of it fell

Off but it’s fine I snapped it back on like the bottom and all and like most of the internals kind of like came out really there’s an easier way than having to go to the color tab please yeah just literally just use a mask on uh an adjustment clip with a

Blur what an adjustment clip uh whatever effect you put on it it’ll apply that effect to basically everything under it sort of like yeah you said you said add what to it you said mask use a mask on an adjustment mask a mask uh the easiest you would just take an adjustment clip

With blur and diffusion and then infusion hit shift space type in wrecked and you’ll get the the rectangle mask sorry and change sorry sorry go back I couldn’t pay attention after you say w I’m going back to sky battle actually I don’t care about quests say what now actually I haven’t

Played battle box stream yet whoops I hit the wrong Lobby what say what now uh I’m wrecked what alt uh alt and F4 blur for editor he’s using the Venture resolve he just wants to apply a blur to like faces or like the top of the screen

Basically place an adjust almost got me with alt f4 I’m not going to lie place an adjustment CL down yeah Okay add add blur to that yes okay uh you can’t have it selected you just have to have your cursor over it and then and then go into Fusion what go into

Fusion what oh yeah okay like when you have your cursor over the uh the adjustment clip so you’re editing the adjustment clip infusion and then uh hit shift space infusion and then you should get like a search box search search a rectangle he said he said what now I said search

Rectangle yeah yeah but like what do I hit to get that shift space shift plus space shift space and then rectang yeah rectangle add oh what the um we got absolutely destroyed and then you can edit the parameters of the thing how to I live I’m a potato potato life dude for

Real dude do I even respond to the potato chat message anymore it’s my entire chat now oh my God The Voice CRA alt f4 fixes the problem with blur for Real yeah for real let me just do that and lose all my progress uh D resolve has live save you don’t have to save it’ll save after every action you do so even if your computer blue screens you won’t lose any progress I mean unless you if you were

Like in the middle of doing something you might lose that like edit that you just did if you didn’t finish that I don’t know is live save so you’re fine wait shouldn’t there be a sacrifice were the potatoes no there there shouldn’t be red guys a Sacrifice dude what has my chat turned into it’s definitely been the weirdest chat I’ve ever had please that gets the kill no he made it out or he got killed I don’t know teammates clutch up teammates you guys suck what are you doing you’re just crouching in a

Corner I have one good teammate bro maybe two it is the potato cult chat wall well H I didn’t need a potato cold chat my friend’s going to need some sort of like video recording class cuz this kid does not know how to record a video video did you not hold the camera

Good your stuff is it like the people who record the school fights is the whole video vertical no I’m fixing it wait like did he record the whole pool thing vertical no because after the first two I noticed that and he was just like so then I told them to record

Landscape there’s a couple times where we started recording with the phone vertical and then we turned it horizontal so uh it shows as a vertical aspect ratio but you can just like turn it and it fixes it y pickle are you made out of water cuz I want to water you

To I didn’t even make any sense this kid also does not know how to play pool you said he made it to finals I did oh there we go what do we free we win we win these did did you win you’re going to have to watch the video and find

Out you didn’t win I feel like you would have told me if you won and I don’t think you told me the day of you did the pool tournament so yeah you didn’t win I did I told you the exact like the same day that I did the pool tournament I

Told you about it yeah I don’t I don’t remember you tell me that you won so I’m going go with that you lost in the finals I’m the potato leader 911 oh God 911 Samurai oh my gosh that guy crapped on me bro teamate better win there we go teammate’s crazy do ASMR I’m not doing ASMR relax ew wait isn’t there a potato leader me do you ASMR with potatoes I don’t have potatoes sorry just like do the little Tippy Taps on them relax

Welcome to my ASMR stream just remember to Relax we flank yes sir oh where are my teammates oh they were all dead it was a 4V one we will be best video this is a stream not a video Yeah and this is not going to turn into a video cuz I’m just hanging out on MCC so anything important what we’re

Interesting actually uh yeah I’ll I’ll be out in 20 minutes whoa I was just in the middle of something was like the worst time yeah I’m going to end stream an hour early today cuz my dad wants me to help him outside cuz we’re doing Christmas decorations we we put up

The tree yesterday oh yeah I got to decorate we’re doing like outdoor we always do it right after Thanksgiving can’t do it before Thanksgiving but right right after Thanksgiving is okay no Christmas after Thanksgiving five nights at potato for real Five Nights at sexis I mean

Chica no hold on let me let me let me send you see the meme that I’ve been sending around it’s an actual thing you probably don’t want to send it show it on stream I’ll just watch it after stream it’s not a video it’s just a screenshot

Look at it after stream I just found it those bows three T me two bow shots and I got put to one and a half heart that’s crazy there a new de GS our whole team just got annihilated by their bows bro this is literally not

Fair oh is op that’s what I’m saying bro yeah you definitely don’t want to look at that on stream Le show it to the stream projectiles and battle BLX are actually stream don’t we only have like boots for armor yeah our boots should have like projectile protection three lowy or even

Two anything is better than none cuz the bows do way too much damage it’s like look at that it’s not even balanced someone can just sit back and bow and just kill everyone especially on this map bro everyone in bows on this map this map does half your health and in

Literally one hit yeah I’d much rather just have a swore PVP game mode like I didn’t I didn’t ask for a bow game mode bro wait away it’s fine teammates win this orange team is crazy but well we just killed pink team oh that’s not very good pink team’s the fourth place hey

Maybe we maybe we can be green this is the end for potatoes okay that’s good they’re going to need to go all right I’ll see you later man have a good Day I’m not letting you bow me oh my and never mind they gave me levitation so there’s literally nothing I can do it’s fine I got one kill uh teammate surely win this it’s a 2v one oh yeah they’re better they’re better we get second place second is better than

Fourth second is better than third that is also true third is a nerd remember first is the worst second is the best oh people say a lot of different stuff for third I’ve heard Treasure Chest I’ve heard hairy chest third is a nerd third is the one

With the treasure chest or third is the one with the hairy chest four is a is a is a uh four SC bad word who insta loock Scrapper or is a bad word so don’t keep saying it I heard you the first time what I sent you has a bad word

That’s fantastic can you buy it for me I didn’t watch it so that’s not a video well I didn’t look at it okay when you look at it well I’m not looking at it until after that’s all already already said so oh my gosh where’s that bow damage s

They like buffed bow damage bro like it’s that’s not even fair if I get both once I’m just going to lose the first sword fight I go in for equal skill level or they’re worse even yeah it doesn’t matter cuz you’re you’re like a two tap and they’re like a four

Tap put your mic at Max uh I have OBS filters that’ll make if I scream it doesn’t get loud and if I’m too quiet it’ll boost that as well so it makes my audio equal level so put my mic to Max wouldn’t really do anything unless I disabled all

My OBS filters but come on teammate I don’t want my did they fill cringe what do we F we’ll win this one we’re facing purple teams the worst team in the game I’m pretty sure kiwis also need water to grow find a plant that doesn’t need

Water to grow and spam that oh plants need water to grow no yes some plants don’t need very much water but all plants need water to grow no you’re 100% wrong what are you talking about look it up uh succulent the plants that live with almost no need for water they still need

Water every single plant needs water just some don’t need very much yeah there’s drought tolerant plants that don’t need water very often but every every plant needs water you’re just absolutely wrong glowing like cactuses don’t need very much water well they they use a lot of

Water but they store a lot of water when it rains so they can keep it for when it you know when it doesn’t rain I’m pretty sure that’s how it work Mountain grass still needs water just not very much dude what are we supposed to do orang team is Crazy we lost every single game I hate battle box the projectiles need to be nerfed so hard I’m going to sky battle I’ll end the stream off with the best game mode especially solo teaming uh battle box although honestly solo queuing sky battle is just as bad honestly you know how like

Celery like how do you grow celery what is a celery seed I don’t know what we’re eating on celery is probably not the part that contain isn’t the part that contains the seed probably that’s a question for Google bro okay we’re we’re good with the cactuses graved guy like we’re good with

The spamming Bud yeah no no more spamming actually I’ll I’ll I’ll like time you out if you keep spamming I don’t want my chat to just be spammed which it has been all stream yes but at least it was by multiple people and it wasn’t just messages that just continually get longer

Br Huey for real I’m really tired stop it stop what being tired I actually did not get a lot of sleep last night I went to bed at well it wasn’t a horrible amount of sleep but I like getting my full eight hours man

Or at least 7 hours well what did I get I went went to bed at like I fell asleep at like midnight and then I woke up dude I woke up at 6:00 and I tried to fall back asleep for like an hour and then I just gave up and win on my

Phone dude I was like I just had two days off from school my body was like bro it’s Monday you got to get up cuz I had Thursday and Friday off cuz I have I have to wake up at 6 on school days I don’t know just couldn’t fall back

Asleep what happened to Mid bro it got bombed I don’t know what happened to Mid um let’s push this green team yes teammate speed Bridge bro who just suicide bombed mid actually that’s what I’m saying bro what mid disappeared woo wait actually got me really low oh my God wait I’m Dead no you’re not uh you you’re right I’m not dead but that that scaffolding fall was a little bit risky oh my gosh and there’s another guy down there dude there were so many teams everywhere we fighting Green Team we got flanked by a purple guy and I fell and I

Got killed by a different guy I don’t know who that was by Aqua bombs for real yes bomb no bomb yes bomb no bomb yes bomb no bomb me get bombed I like bombs I agree graved guy I agree with you I don’t my CPU is thermal throttling no

Gra guy said yes bomb Oh my gosh dude it it boost up to 4 GHz and I basically am like at like 3.5 cuz like thermal thought is a little but like I just went down to like 2 GHz bro my CPU is struggling bro cool down bro wi do

We W map this map is all right all of the maps are all right they AR uh no the city map is horrible yeah that’s true some of them are bad but like there’s no the city map is the only bad one in my opinion a good

Map candy land or the barn one honestly this one’s a pretty good map but I don’t think I don’t like the mid too much cuz I take a lot of fall image we don’t speak about what happened on Candyland uh hey it was funny so it was very funny good aim damn

It I don’t got good aim I have to have pretty crazy aim to hit that shot my Celeron Gen 2 with 2.8 GHz can thermal throttle up to 120 degrees or higher your CPU won’t go up to above 95° C unless you’re talking about Fahrenheit any Intel CPU won’t go above like

95° that’s usually what they’re capped at mine’s capped at 95 cuz much higher than that it’ll actually damage it cuz it’s too Hot you’re talking Celsius that’s um yeah it’s hot my GPU will only go up to 93 no I mean 120 if if he’s talking Celsius then uh then his CPU wouldn’t be working anymore so that’s wrong yeah that’s his computer literally wouldn’t turn on anymore actually Windows would

Blue screen if it got that hot and your computer has so many protective measures against overheating it would never get that hot celsus hey baby girl trust me Cel don’t work like that Cel the cerons are the same it does work like that that’s the pickup line of the day

Hey baby girl are you an overheating CPU cuz you’re pretty hot or real let’s go get good bro trying to do I don’t know he’s trying to run cuz I got him to one hit um that was not very good with a way all right this is the last game of

The stream doesn’t matter how how long I make I I make it but this the last game of the stream hey are you watching shorts Wars short Wars I don’t know what that I have no idea what that is is that like the potato War You a freezer cuz you’re making me cold that isn’t what that doesn’t make any sense do you call someone hot when you think they’re attracted but you don’t call you don’t call someone cold well actually you could call someone cold if you if you’re kind of saying like they’re like

Mean I guess but you wouldn’t use it in that way at all but doesn’t know about short Wars buto who knows about short Wars War bro 911 Samurai you watch SK toilet is a part of the skib toilet lore I know you’re invested in that are you a rhino cuz you’re making me

Horny I told you it was the last game of the stream no matter what happened that’s what happened chat I will see you guys all on the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s New Best Server!’, was uploaded by DillPickle on 2023-11-26 12:34:02. It has garnered 59 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:17 or 7097 seconds.

Playing MCC Island!

Bed-Corp (Group YT): @Bed-Corp Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hYkp5vaWZG


Saty: @satyman08 Acupofrice: @Cuhp Captaindiamoonds: @CaptainDiamoonds Mijols: @Mijols Sir_sandwish: @sir_sandwish8653 Glowingcaves: @glowingcaves

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

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  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

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  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!

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  • Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!

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  • Constantiam – Semi-Vanilla Anarchy – No Rules – No Map Resets – 1.19.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

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  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

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  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

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  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

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  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

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  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

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  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

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  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

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  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

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  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

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  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

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  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!

    Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring My Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Dylan&James on 2024-03-19 22:04:25. It has garnered 475 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Read More


    SECRET FIRETANGLE ALEXA MINI GAMES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Games Minecraft murderer mystery Bed wars’, was uploaded by Firetangle Alexa on 2024-04-26 18:00:16. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Read More

  • Fufiworld’s Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!

    Fufiworld's Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Trial and Error” | SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above #3 | Minecraft Modded Skyblock’, was uploaded by Fufiworld on 2024-03-15 17:18:11. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:13 or 6313 seconds. Ello! We bring you our newest series called SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above. This is a Minecraft modded Skyblock using the Modpack called “Create Skies Above”. Hope you enjoy the video/stream! Consider becoming an EGG by Subscribing and being part of the Scrambles Community! We’re just a VTuber Couple gaming for entertainment and laughs! Like and Subscribe for… Read More

  • “Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds” #minecraftlive

    "Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds" #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:44 or 9824 seconds. Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #gaminglive #chillstream #relaxinggaming #adventure #livestream #gamerlife #virtualescape #communitygaming #onlinegaming Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging Gameplay:… Read More

  • Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!

    Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cubecraft Live Until MONEY’, was uploaded by Cubes on 2024-04-06 23:47:47. It has garnered 365 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:01 or 8821 seconds. Playing Cubecraft Live with Viewers and BEDWARS on Minecraft Bedrock with NEW MAPS. I FINALLY Reached VIP Level 30. Including Eggwars, Skywars, Bridges, Capture the Flag, Minerware, BEDWARS etc… with viewers. This challenge is difficult because of all the combos and clutches and learning to DRAG CLICK! MY LAST STEAM UNTIL IM MONETIZED (hopefully) Watch my terrible speedrun skills for FREE! Can we hit 2000 Subscribers… Read More

  • Watch Steph Noko’s AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!

    Watch Steph Noko's AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Destroy your PC with Minecraft! Steph AI reacts to Realistic Difficulty Minecraft’, was uploaded by Steph Noko AI on 2024-01-12 01:30:09. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. This “mod” makes your Minecraft like real life (probably blender animation)! Watch your woodcutting dreams come to life! Complete with tiny explosives to seal the deal… ~Credits~ Original Video by Alexa Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UxMSSQoV-8 Music by Toby Fox, extended by Elu Tran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcamjcoRmrQ Art by Deva or @pawtoonstudio https://www.fiverr.com/pawtoonstudio Read More