Ultimate Minecraft Training with Xarrior

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to the stream today I’m here in PvP Legacy with s as you can see hello it’s me we we’ve returned the dynamic duo yes I was trying to set things up so that I would be an F5 and it would be like a nice background shot of of the

Coliseum that we’re in Zar you came like sneaking up to me and I I couldn’t keep a straight face A A nice smiley yay this is this is this is my job I’m the comic relief right the comic that’s why I’m here you’re you’re also like my combat trainer maybe I need

Maybe I need training on how to be funny too I I can’t promise I can’t promise uh professionalism at Nash try that that sounded I honestly thought you were going to go with well I can’t help you much I mean who’s the say I would consider myself you know somewhat Adept

At PVP I I don’t know about the whole humor thing it’s AO oh my God Azo is in hi AO hello okay um do you happen to remember how I was organizing my inventory really seems more like a you thing know that seems like a you job I

Remember we talked about it um I had there is way too many blocks um two two whole stacks of them yeah yes for a girl who doesn’t carry blocks ever it’s a lot of blocks you need to carry blocks blocks are important I know I’m

I’m working on it I keep I tell myself off every time I notice that I don’t have blocks on me good to do that apples can be a whole stack okay okay boss what are we doing oh goodness I’m supposed to teach you PVP aren’t I you are yes this is

This is your actual job right I forgot I was expected to work today um yeah well so we have done some PVP lessons in the past mhm um I believe the the way that we started out was by uh punching we we were working on the concept of hitting

Your target which is quite an important part of the PVP situation this is true and I needed help with it yes so I suppose it’s a question of do we wish to go over that we are we we starting from scratch here or are we we jumping up straight

To a little bit I wouldn’t remind I wouldn’t mind the refresher on like basic things because I have not done anything okay oh thanks yeah this is this is frisky um frisky’s back at least she yes she sleeps on my amplifier because it’s warm and so so

That is that’s where she sits anytime I’m playing she’s also stolen my face cam spot and I’m very upset about it it’s priorities yeah so when it comes to aiming mhm and the the most important part is tracking I would say um which is the concept of keeping your crossair on a moving

Target so if you if you’ll watch me walk around yep yep oh gosh I have to concentrate so hard how are you finding this um I can’t look at you I have to look at the Crosshair wh well that was a are you what’s happened um are you

Actually just like moving really fast cuz it looks like you’re teleporting like not now but a second ago I think there was leg cuz I’m going to do a splash ping almost looks like you teleported and it was very funny and a little unfair lag

Yeah oh I think I just saw on the stream okay you know we are we are in different continents so you know these things happen this is true but okay so you you’ve you’ve done some tracking um and the next spot The Next Step would be to attempt to hit me while

I while I am moving uh I’m I’m essent I’m essentially your your training dummy yeah well now you’re too far away I think there there you go you’re going to have to do a few more more than that to to do some damage I’m trying I’m trying

To ah you want me to just Spam it I mean I’m going to be uh this is old Minecraft skills I need to not learn that old Minecraft skill well okay then don’t SP old combat yeah old combat was just spamming right okay would you like

Me to go over the uh the the hitch uh timing your hits oh yes that would be helpful okay in which case because it’s going to be more useful to do this with an actual weapon if you go into your inventory you should have a wooden sword I’m going to

Put on this because if we’re using a sword it’s going to be annoying to okay yeah with to be with the iron armor so now you’ve just upgraded to level two okay I’m I’m in my second boss [Laughter] phase um so you see when you’re hovering my when you’re hovering your Crosshair

Over me you see uh I assume it’s in the middle of your screen the the sword icon Y and then when you when you hit when you hit with the sword it charges up yeah so that charge up from from hitting until the bar fills back up again that’s

Your timing that’s your Rhythm that you want to be hitting with essentially okay and you want to be kind of in that rhythm okay to be to be timing your hits to do a maximum damage okay so so why don’t why don’t you give that a go

Instead of instead of I’m just going to sit still you’re just going to try and hit me with that uh that timing there you go you know I might as well gapple for this as well we’ve got plenty we’ve got plenty of gapples that’s a good idea there you go now I’m

Going to you know I’m going to I’m going to shift and move around bit to make it a little bit a little bit more Challenging there you go I’m trying very hard to BL them you’re doing a great job there you go it feels a little bit like um I don’t know what have a mental image of it feels like there’s a kids game but there’s nothing that I’m referencing my

Brain is trying to catch on to this idea of almost like do you know Hungry Hungry Hippo I do yes okay it’s it’s like that like young wait you are you are that young are okay hry Hungry Hippos never went away they they had their peak of like one um popularity in the

80s hry hry hios is Iconic it could it could never it could never die that’s valid that’s valid um I was going to say hoop and stick um yeah kind of it’s got some of that too cuz it’s the actively actively tracking a thing and um I’m gesturing at my

Camera but actively actively tracking and trying to like accommodate as you and I’m now pawing with my left hand like I’m a cat but um trying trying to direct the hits kind of in a certain angle so be fair cats also do that they do yeah and I think I

Think that’s part of the why I had the cat mental image although frisky is kind of anep that way she’s not very good with her cat skills when she if she’s really excited and hunting like um a twist tie or one of my hair ties or something like that on the

Floor she kind of you’re not going to see this Zar but I’ll show chat she does this thing where she’ll like um tip her head sideways and then madly flail I have to move my mic to show you but she’ll go like she’ll madly flail around the object

With with both Paws and like her head will be sideways and her eyes will be big and she’ll be like really into it it’s really I’m I’m sure that looked incredibly entertaining it it doesn’t function it’s very funny need to get a cat lessons yes well

So um my other cat who was kind of raised as her sibling he passed away a couple years ago um his name was blue he was trying to teach her like he was so intelligent you could tell yeah definitely silly mode um he was trying to teach her and

She she sure tried she would try so hard and that’s as good as she got and then we’ll progress halted unfortunately yeah man well that just means that you have to strive to be better be the better cat be the better cat yeah or the thing how are you feeling with your your

Timing do you think you’ve gotten the Rhythm I think so I think I’m hitting it most of the time okay that’s good that’s good that’s very much very much the first step I would say of do you want more apples uh this this new combat I’ve

Got 24 I’m good okay oh you’re very much breaking my armor actually I probably should put Unbreaking on the neite armor but oh well it’s fine this this sword is down to 24 out of 59 durability oh goodness well it’ll reset when we die it’s fine this is true this

Is true yes okay so you’ve done you’ve done aiming you’ve done well timing we we did a bit of aiming it was h we did H which is which is fine and good um okay I’m going to not try to fall I’m simultaneously trying to take a drink

From my Gatorade and you’re moving to get me to track at the same time and it’s not working very well so I’m not getting to track I’m press I press buttons for fun okay you are a grean yeah this was a this was a before stream conversation you some of us just run

Around I am I am not one of those okay yeah um okay so uh that was we did aiming we did hitting um I guess I guess the next step would be aiming and hitting how about you put you put the neite armor on as

Well and we’ll do we’ll do a little bit of a spar no Shields um but we’re just going to we’re just going to take things slow you’re going to try hit me I’m going to try hit you you know or trade blows I I want I want to get you sort of

Feeling feeling out the uh you know the the process of a fight cuz you know if you’re not used to PVP fights can feel a little bit scary taking taking damage can feel a little bit scary they are scary for me yes yes but if you do if

You you do if you spend enough time getting stabbed by people eventually you get numb to It so I I this this is our next step okay all right you ready um so we’re just sparring no Shields you said yeah I might as well just take the shield off okay oh this has old Minecraft Vibes very suddenly of course cuz old Minecraft very much prominently featured never right

No um the the sword with no Shield it’s having no Shield that did it a PO blocking you we missed yeah all right ready yes good okay okay just going to be see this this is why we want to get get get you used to it

Yeah yeah a little bit of moving around little bit of hitting taking your time I’m going to make oh no oops there okay I don’t do well with the button mashing cuz I yep I just opened my inventory in the middle of it oh yes um

I am so glad so last time you were doing this you told me to rebind um my throwing to like ey or something way out of the way I’m really glad that I’ve done that because all of this like button mashy thing that I do now

Yeah the only thing still in my way is my inventory yeah you you ought to keep them fingers firmly planted on the w and the D M when do you have your fingers on the keyboard do you have like all three fingers on a a w and D mhm at all times

Okay that that’s good yeah and my my pinky stays on shift and my thumb stays on the space bar good good formation all right proceed I’m going to be making so many squawking noises this is that’s all right it’s like tennis right oh you you you went

For a crit there I yep nope and you you broke the floor in a in a in a real fight and the floor is not the priority in a real Combat situation okay ah oh you got a crit that was nice nice that was a punish crit in fact and

That was another punish crit I’m not doing it intentionally Ah that’s fine you you’ll be doing it intentionally one day oh my gosh I’m see I’m seeing I’m seeing some spam there you go seeing some spam I want you to to calm down on the spam okay um because that that’s very

Important not to not to fall into that habit um I realized it’s a hard impulse to break because it’s so ingrained in a lot of like people that play the the older versions mhm but it it is a death sent and you’ll be ridiculed on you know where the Big Boys

Hang Out is is that your official warning that you will ridicule me I won’t be doing the ridiculing oh it’ll be people far with far crer streaks than I okay but same again and I I want you thinking about that timing right okay oh that was

Leg yep it’s important to to to think about your hits trying to make sure that each hitch lands yeah almost like a almost like um if you if you’re if you’re playing a shooter mhm you know it’s it’s not a machine gun it’s a it’s a shotgun so you

Got to be be aiming you know each time make each shot count that makes sense I need to eat food okay you can’t tell the people in the sky battle lobbies that one second guys just going to back away here and heal real quick but all right fair enough onwards okay Focus the focus is real I’m glad to see and ah no stop stop dodging trying to whack you yeah no no aim is is such a a muscle memory thing it really takes like a like a long time to get a good sense of how to aim

Properly oh that was so much lag I I hit three times where you were and you weren’t there oh goodness it’s just part of my part of my ninja moves yes yeah you make noises too oh you you you’ve scrolled away from your sword oh I didn’t even notice got

To keep an eye on that I was too busy Aiming there you go okay okay um you know I think I think I’m going to call it good on that exercise okay um because there’s really there’s only so so much time of the day we can spend standing around swinging sticks at each other this is

True um I think I want to go on to crits because I quite like crits there’s this weird there’s this weird group of players of pvpers that seem to to what’s the word they denounce a thing called crit spam which is silly that’s how PVP works that there’s no reason not to go

For crits consistently so there’s really no reason not to quote unquote spam them okay it’s like complaining about sword spam it’s like oh God I hate these sword spamers it’s like that’s how swords work mhm so crits are very important and in the interest of uh

Being uh what’s the word the interest of being complete and uh total about this we’ll we we’ll begin from the basics though I’m sure you know you get a crit by Landing a hit while you’re falling mhm so that that’ll be your you know we we can just do punches for this because

That it will be a better way to um get kind of get not break not break each other yeah um I have a question that’s having trouble finding words uh uh do would it be beneficial to practice the sword timing with the crit um or is that another

Step well being able to actually hit a crit in the first place is its own its own battle and then hitting crits with the right timing with the sword that will come after you you nail down be able to hit a crit while you’re falling okay because um I remember we

Mentioned this during our first training session when you’re jumping you’ve basically got an arc right you know you’re you’re raising up and then you’re at your Apex and then you’re falling down again MH only after you’re at that Apex are you able to actually hit the

Crit so it’s a very specific timing if you punch before um you hit that Apex then just not going to get a crit right so I I want you to to try that to to jump fall and punch me okay almost we we’ve got as many tries

As we as we want for that yeah so I think you’re hitting a little bit early you’ve really got to be patient with it there you go there you go little bit early little bit early patience young pwan there you go it looked to be the same timing from

My perspective except that the particles are slightly different yeah I think it’s a it’s like it it’s quite a narrow window but once you get used to hitting it you will hit it I feel like before we we did we we did something like this before yeah yeah

Yeah we did that I didn’t have to keep chasing you yeah also thank you for saying pan that was fun of course I don’t really know what a pan is to be honest but a thing people say it’s it’s a student Jedi ah you are my student Jedi then

Yeah my my inner Star Wars nerd is very happy with that does that make me Yoda uh yeah or some other you could be Yoda Yoda’s very short and green it works that’s me short and green those are my two personality traits moves around a lot too yod Yoda

Moves around a lot oh yeah he’s got like he’s got like the the funky moves right he’s he’s a very jumpy fellow wasn’t he like super old and frail in least part of it I’ve never seen Star Wars dude we’ve definitely had this conversation before

I don’t remember that and we need to fix that oh God I I just I I don’t I don’t I don’t I will I will force you to sit through it at some point maybe not all there’s so much of it there’s so much Star Wars okay well maybe I’ll only force you

To watch some of it I’ve got Okay so this no that was different again how was it different that was a proper crit mhm so was that so was that that was good that one wasn’t at all that one what was different about that

One um it didn’t seem like a a crit to me I wonder it might be hang on no I don’t think it’s a timing thing hang on I I just need to J me to stand against the wall um it’s fine I can aim sorry sorry sorry that was really

Unnecessary um no I I was wondering if it was maybe because of Landing a crit while the recharge isn’t up but I think you just can’t land a crit while the recharge isn’t up so to be honest I don’t really know it might just be a

Like a a client side how like client side you think you’re Landing a crit but server side it’s not actually um hang on half a sec I need to pause and let my cat out of the office okay does this mean the loss of cat can yes this is this is truly a

Tragedy she will probably come come back in a little bit and then C cam will come back okay yeah we we eagly await the day okay um so it could just be that the that were not quite synced or is it just like you you didn’t see it as a

Crit at all you said right yeah okay so I’m I’m receiving what the server understands your part of the feedback you receive is what your client understands but that doesn’t necessarily align with what is being sent to the server right okay because on on my side it looks like I got a crit

There were particles but not as many um yeah to be honest I don’t know the finer details of why that would be the server client thing is just my guess okay okay I I you know when I was a small child I used to pretend to be an expert at everything

And that that’s not a that’s not a thing to carry carry into adulthood that’s this is true I yes I tend to do it too and and then hubby gets mad at me so yeah no that’s very that’s very fair that is a decent guest it seems to

Make sense MH um so that would just be a case of nailing down the timing yeah that would only happen if you were like very close to hitting the timing but not yeah yeah okay onwards there you go yeah once you get into a rhythm like that then you’re then you’re golden I

Just need to back people up to a wall That’s yeah eliminate the problem with aiming That Old Chestnut yeah once you can once you can get into a rhythm with it then then you’re doing quite well I want you to okay to to sort of oh I’m AFK wow

That’s a problem I I shouldn’t beat people up when they’re not here no it’s very rude um I want you to uh I’m going to stay stood against this wall I want you to do what you’ve been doing but mix crits in with regular hits so you’re not relying on that

Rhythm um okay cuz sometimes to hit a combo you don’t want to be hit crits all the time yeah um I’m probably going to end up creating just a different Rhythm potentially well in in which case I’ll call you out and ask you to switch it up a bit

Okay oh gosh for for some reason it feels like such a um I don’t it feels like I’m more on the spot with this than anything else yet and I’m not sure if it’s just because it’s a complexity thing like yeah I don’t I will try I’m going to stop

Thinking and just like try ah you’re just pressing buttons yes I am hello hi again AO um yeah so the difficulty the difficulty is that I’m like forgetting what I’m doing um crits and how to time them sort of so that I’m actually getting we we will working on hitting

Crit consistency yeah because you got to get a a feel for the Arc of your jump and they want me to try um not relying on the Rhythm to get my aim yeah the rhythm of a crit chain oh okay but then I start um just doing the sword spam thing

Again that’s that’s what we’re working against you know if you’re aware of it that’s good if you’re aware of it that’s good that means you can you can work to fixing it seriously oh why is weather why an earth is weather and daylight cycle on in this server kind of

Ridiculous I don’t mind the daylight cycle the weather is just oppressive this is okay okay what if I just stab bued an axe in your back and you know we can reset this little day sure I I will I will stand in the corner cor off God

No oh it doesn’t even reset it it doesn’t reset it you killed me for no reason ow well at least my ego is fet TI of not going to lie oh so true as a I I have had so much rain as well it is it’s ridiculous it’s horrendous don’t like it I’m

Upset we we we have been suffering in in this win we we have also been suffering but we’re in the middle of a drought so usually by this point would we would have like 3 4T of snow we have maybe 2 in 2 Ines of snow it’s still

Significantly more snow than we have it isn’t actually there it like most of it has melted into ice and then refrozen oh that’s that’s bad that’s dangerous yeah it’s well I mean we’re used to ice but um true the the lack of moisture in general is really bad for us

And last year we had a lot of forest fires and this year we’re hoping there won’t be more forest fires because of lack of snow we will see I remember it was quite harrowing to to to witness not fun no um how about we we try the what

We what you were just doing except instead of me standing against the wall I’m just going to stand here it’ll challenge you to press w a little bit so I have to chase you a little bit okay yeah and use the the wooden sword yeah Force fires and it’s ASO the

The frustrating part is that most of the area I live in is like like thick coniferous forest like it it moves quickly when there a forest fire all right wooden sword oh yeah thank you also sorry oh W cuz I didn’t have my wooden sword come on don’t no don’t don’t be

Doing that my dad is a my dad is a driving instructor and he he bans the word sorry and I think I’m going to I’m going to take the same attitude when it comes to training you in PvP that’s very hard for Canadians are don’t understand I I realize this but it you

Know it’s got to be done sometimes it’s got to be done ah H good crit good crit oh I’ll be complimenting you and all your good crits that’s I’m going to try and just be okay with that ASO I’m afraid your your your key smash got

Got oh wait no I didn’t mean to do that I pressed the wrong button I’m so sorry AA what hang on well AO AO did a key Smash and that gets automatically um it gets automatically held for a view because I’m I’m a mod so I see

Moderated yeah and what did you do it g it gave me a show button and a hide button and for some reason my brain was like hide yes that obviously must be the correct one I’m sorry if you want to do another key smash you can feel

Free I’ll try not to that’s that’s a little bit for it a little bit like the Discord repriming you for your all caps God yeah it was very funny [Laughter] embarrassing I I said something like I don’t know LOL or something in all caps or I don’t remember what I said no it

Was it was I am here or something like that because it was it was for the nanor rimo yeah it was for the nanoro Sprint yeah there we go see I can I can press the right I can read words and just what they mean and click buttons appropriately you sometimes do think

Before you click buttons occasionally good for it oh I’m getting a little bit spammy again yeah got to got to keep an eye on that I I think those are the two main things to keep an eye on is your your your timing of your hits and being

Patient with your crits see we can even make it a little phrase timing of your hit with the crits the Rhymes it does learning is fun learning is fun Yay oh distract sorry I hate you for that what it’s going to be stuck in my head tying of your hits patience with the crits yay I can’t I can’t hear it without the yay at the end yay see this is why this is why I said you have to remember yeah patience

Patience young pan with the crits and the time of your hits which is also sort of patience it is have to wait for each pitch it’s it’s such a well-rounded phrase just a little bit early yeah just a little just a little bit I need a

Breather I feel like I feel like I’m genuinely out of breath from chasing you around this Arena even though I’ve like literally just been sitting here your little Minecraft lungs are they’re working hard mhm y they are mhm then we can we can have a

Braver in fact I swear that we we said that um water bucket clutches and general fall clutches was going to be a part of this training day I don’t know I I’m not suggesting we go into that immediately I’m just wondering if it’s on the radar I’d forgotten about that

Other than I was thinking of doing some um parkour Warrior stuff in mcci later that would be fun I would enjoy that very much just okay yeah because I need I know that I need to practice just movement skills in general um but yeah um water bucket would be fun mhm I

This kit doesn’t have a water bucket I’d have to give it one yeah but that is doable okay I I think I’m good yep oh I want to double check and see if frisky wants back in hang on a sec okay this damn cat this damn cat is so

Needy every cat’s so needy I every cat just if there’s a door the cat wants through it right I mean genuinely yeah ridiculous it’s she wasn’t there but it’s like she she likes to hang out wherever her people are right and she can only hang out so and so long

And then she needs to like go have a snack or go find the litter box or whatever then she’ll come hang that’s the these are the exact same things that you do when we’re on cool I guess so maybe she’s learned it from me quite possibly where else right I I guess y

Okay what are we doing next um well H I I I I’m trying to think of the next step I guess I guess the next step would be Shields even though that’s not helpful for MC C mhm Shields are they they’re fun they are they’re they’re a fun part of um 1.9

Combat um so you understand the gist a shield right you right click and then I can’t hit you well that’s crazy but if I hit with you with an axe you’re helpless then I run away yeah yeah exactly um so yeah and and another thing that’s important mention I can I can be

Spamming hold up your shield for me I can be spamming with the axe and it will it will still break your Shield you do not need a fully charged hit with an axe to break the shield that’s very important to know that is important I

Didn’t know that yes I think I told you it before but it’s it’s rable did forget remember that y um so yeah if someone’s just as I said cats don’t care about what’s convenient to you absolutely not which which is true but then you just said how much I behave like a cat

Yeah you you care about what’s convenient to me sometimes okay I’m not quite a cat no okay um sorry yeah okay so I I think that will be our next step we’re going to do a little spar with the wooden swords I’m going to be holding up my shield from

Time to time and and you can you can feel free to hold up your Shield as well if you if you wish to okay and when I do I want you to try and break it with the axe and then go back to the sword and then carry on okay uh okay I

Think I’m going to need my numbers to switch that so on my scroll wheel I’ve got my bow in second and my axe in third mhm so I think if I’m I’m going to be trying to switch quickly I’m going to need to try and use my numbers okay I

Think I’ve got that sorted out we’ll try we’ll try give it a go see if it works for you the rain now rain is I just about started singing that you beat me to it yeah okay it’s the most basic reference I could have made it really is yeah anyway fighting

Noe that’s the wrong there you go I switched to an empty hand empty hand won’t do much good for you no ah no ah no the little spamy yep oh jeez okay that doesn’t work I absolutely took my hand all the way off my keys that’s not helpful no no I was like

Hitting my I almost hit like F2 or something take a screenshot remember this moment forever yeah yeah remember getting beat up by Zar even though they’re not trying I’m pressing a button every so often ah [Laughter] play why is me holding my shield so funny to you I don’t I don’t know I

Don’t know I think um where do we oh yeah it moves us um it does I think I’m laughing there’s there’s something about you being crouched holding your Shield that and maybe it’s the angle that you’re looking at me I don’t know but it I’m in Turtle mode

It’s just really funny to me you’re you’re you look you look very determined and and short and and you’re like I don’t know you’re like peeking over the edge you it’s just very funny I’m just a little guy do I have little guy energy you do I’m sorry it’s part of the

Cuteness shortest night reporting for Duty yep um okay are we continuing on that how’s our what’s our time we’re at 46 minutes in so yes umang on two more rounds to win we might as well just go to two more do two more okay two more guilds yeah okay um how how

About I guess we could do that but I I I try a little bit harder not much harder sure yeah but a little [ __ ] as long as so one of the things that I’m a little bit worried about is you getting bored and I know I’ve said this before and you said

That’s fine I just need to say it yeah that that’s all right it does not matter one bit to me okay okay um I’m I’m going to say we uh how about we switch to the the Diamond Sword for this and you know how about

Never right axe if you want to go for an axe crit you can you can try okay is there is there much different with an axe crit yes an axe crit is a a big big hit if I can just demonstrate quickly so how much health did that do

Two hearts two hearts all right and then um I’ll wait for you to regen let me yeah okay and if I do a a sword hit that was one hit one yeah so axxe crits are very significant if basically if you have an axe mhm if if you get an axe you

Want to be using the axe if you if you feel confident in using um in hitting your hits essentially Axe crits are highrisk high reward CU if you miss that means you have to wait a long time for it to recharge but if you if you hit

Then it means that you know you do a big chunk of damage um so it basically rewards good aim okay so it’ be worth juicy practicing it would be worth practicing the timing of ax crits maybe um yeah yeah how how about we do like a how about we try that actually

How about we try like a an axe duel okay um with shields or shields uh no Shields because that will just um frustrate us okay so yeah if if you’re if you’re using an axe you don’t really want to be going for reg regular hits unless you’re

You know you can see the health above their head and you’re finishing them off right okay um but yeah you want to be going for axe crits right so I’m glad yeah ooh ooh that was a that was a that was a good set of hits thank you ooh very

Nice that was a really good set of set of hits thank you um how about we try the same thing but with with shields hey after your exam you’re going to get back into Minecraft yeah when’s your exam Minecraft M exams are temporary Minecraft is forever this is

True all right same again but with shields okay so if you see me holding up your Shield you just you can just do a little a little bit of a Spam to to break it and then you go the CR so that’s interesting I always thought

Wrongly clearly that you had to crit a shield to break it but it actually just needs a little tap just a tap which is a weird game decision I’m not quite sure like how much sense that makes logically yeah 11th soon um but I mean maybe there’s some

Sort of game design um standard reason for it but no idea anyway okay yeah so same again but with shields okay sorry I have it’s just me I’m not that much of a little guy no no no I I have personal discomfort with being like in somebody’s

Avatar right and so running into you like that is like it doesn’t it it it it’s just a game it’s not I don’t know why it bothers me so much it’s so funny cuz it’s just a dumb little like hitbox glitching into each other thing um um but it almost weirds me

Out and so when I’m if I’m running at you and I end up like in your hitbox a little bit I don’t swing I don’t Shield I don’t anything I usually back up and laugh shut shut down yeah I feel like I’ve just like invaded your brain or something

It’s well to be fair you you don’t you don’t really want to be that close to someone anyway ASO ASO true aso’s taking notes this will be very handy that’s what AO sounds like yes I can’t why pa with the crits oh that was very

Close was it it was I I had half a heart oh nice yes hello Mo is that how that’s said mo hi mo mo mo is somebody that I know from Blue Sky actually I thank you for for popping in hello hello okay we are

Brawling we are I’m I am not good at PVP so Zar Zar is teaching me we’re doing PVP Legacy for this first bit um okay so same thing again yeah same again I want you trying to hit your crits CU I I think you were going more for the regular hits not

Intentionally but yesir axes are all about crits okay you didn’t even I didn’t even try didn’t even try Okay in oneir out the other right no rude made me waste my crit now cuz I finally did One ow ah ah o there we go on okay and we’re back in the lobby

Hello I’m I’m glad you popped in move PVP is a a hard a hard Beast to tackle but we are it is yeah we are tackling it taking it slow okay I’m going to add I’m going to add a thing to the to the kit what do we want how about

We do so are you have to move on at this point to the block clutching yes I that that would be helpful yes um don’t waste your crits when The Shield is up I think wait till it’s down so you can get good use of the

Damage yes this is true there there’s no need to to break a shield with a with a crit as it was very correct Miss where’s our water bucket um one of the things I’m having trouble with is even paying attention to enough of the factors that I can tell that their

Shield is dropped so especially if if Zara is crouching I don’t necessarily notice that their Shield is up or not because I’m I have to focus so hard on um like the timing of things and I don’t know it’s just it’s a lot of factors for my poor brain

So it’s just going to it’s I’m I’m a memorizer it’s going to take a lot of like muscle memory kind of practice I think um Zar while you’re still pulling the kit together I’m going to double check and see if my cat is at the door cuz I

Know she might want to come back in and I want to make sure she can if she wants to hang on a sec okay I’m going to switch out the on we had on by default for uh never right armor just because switching that out every time was

Annoying I’m pressing so many buttons and you guys you can’t even see them this is I’m I’m so sorry whoops um there we go I wasn’t taking it as criticism ASO no worries it’s I like to be um I like to be open about my learning

Process because I know I can’t be the only Minecrafter in the world who is where I’m at skill level wise um Unfortunately they don’t have cobwebs or scaffolding I I really feel like they should oh I do have cobwebs amazing do they have scaffolding thank

You AO that was a that was my birthday present last year here’s a F fact I turned 40 last year um and that that um Minecraft dirt block pillow was a birthday present um okay I think I’m I’m all set on the on the kit okay kid has been saved excellent I’m

Very glad it did not just erase all the things that I did there we go yeah that would be yeah the co I I assume that the cobwebs would be in um MK but they’re in blocks they’re in blocks I found them and why do cobwebs count as blocks that

Doesn’t make sense to me cuz you can place them okay I’m adding more Cobblestone real quick just more just just so we have it cuz I I feel like I like to just Bridge randomly and okay oops that’s the wrong button um there okay there we go okay so if you

Open your in in I don’t know we’ve got a random neite helmet don’t know where he came from okay I boat is good cuz I don’t know how to do boat things boat things are boat things are very Niche very rarely will you be required to use a boat to clutch um

Um okay so I’m just going to make us a little yeah this seems like a decent height to to start with why do we have eight empty buckets uh just because we have um that’s a great question I just thought I I it’s a great question really just just a phenomenal

Question well done on the question okay all right um you know why don’t why don’t we make some stairs I don’t think you can actually add stairs to the kit but we can make them so I’m just G to I’m just going to make some stairs going to make stairs okay

Yeah I’m going to jump off your little platform with my water bucket to show you that I have been practicing oh good thank you ASO yeah I can do it I I’m okay I am okay I’m not great at it but I’m okay okay oops there we go there’s some

Stairs you made a button I did not make a button I got the button from the tree okay you needed more butt you needed more buttons to push of course there we go now we now we’ve got a nice staircase up to our platform okay so yeah really the thing with you

Know these clutch is to just you just got to do them until you can do them in your sleep mhm you know mhm till you just you just know the know the timing of them whoops that was not a good example I wasn’t watching so you’re okay nobody noticed nobody would have known

Except that you said it ah yeah I mean to be honest I think one of the hardest bits I I think it’s relatively easy to to get that first water place at the right time I think the I think the the the the [ __ ] that you know at the point where you master

It it’s like the double click where you’re picking it up and it’s like it’s yeah so that was good um you seem to be pretty good with with this this height all well I’m I’m thinking it’s the height I think you built this let me see so one two this

This is about the height that my building’s roofs are I got you I got you I I put the button there to see I put the button there to see if you would click it and you did um I think this is the height that

Most of my roofs are so it it’s a familiar height for me well in which case why don’t we go a little bit higher this why I gave us more Cobblestone mhm hang on I’ll just make it staircase you can have stairs I don’t need stairs

Well no one needs stairs I still did it yay okay I have been so when I was doing all of my um the ancient the triple ancient city the ancient Metropolis when I was doing my exploring and looting I was in um this is in havencraft um I worked really hard to practice

Periodically mhm so I feel like that’s paying off that’s good do you need do you need more Cobble no I got plenty Cobble okay this is why I added Cobble mhm how about you give it a go from here there you go nice I feel like this is begin’s luck at

This time you were saying you didn’t know I I feel like you you’re smurfing me no I am not I’m not I’m not like that server’s yelling at me because I I was going too high hang on okay this is this is the highest we can do it from oh

No okay this is the highest we can do it from okay okay so I think this a is that over the second layer of dirt um no it’s not it might be it can be you can land wherever you want there’s no target ASO I really do need the training my so um

Ponus my husband built like a really cool tower for me at one point to to practice my bucket clutch stuff and it was basically it was like a central tower and there were platforms off to every angle at like different levels and stuff and I’m missed all of them

Except the closest one it it I I do need this although idea how about how about you you do you do a few of those you know get your get your groove on few practices and I’m going to make a little I’m going to make a little course for

You okay well that’s a good idea like an obstacle course kind of idea yeah exactly okay I think I want to try jumping off like in the middle of the stairs so that it’s a really unusual height maybe I have more competence than I think I do I don’t know I don’t want

To jinx myself by saying maybe I can do this but it’s important to believe in yourself it’s idiot is I’m so glad this is the song playing right now this is the oh you can’t oh there I just definitely very much failed that one it happens you do it until you don’t

Fail anymore um it’s the it’s a oops I don’t need to eat all the apples it was a Zelda song that um has been one of my favorites for a long time and it’s very chill and pretty I can’t remember what it’s called sorry nope very much missed that one too

Okay I did myself the UN the uneven train is kind of what I’m going for at the moment you’re with my little my little obstacle course yeah hoay I’d like to thank my mother my father who who’ve always been supportive of me support of me is that what it’s called Mo is it

Actually called Zelda’s Lullaby that that makes sense yeah this would be a cover I’m using um my STS slowy so that it doesn’t get flagged with YouTube you die and got rid of my stairs oh I’m sorry but on the bright side I do have more blocks now

Um as I keep having to manually show your key Smashes in the chat YouTube does not does not trust You all right yo it’s a manay hey man thank you move I didn’t remember what it was called but that makes so much sense that it’s actually a lullabi it sounds lullaby it does yeah I used to use it back when I was a Drama

Teacher um it was the song that I used to use for one of our improv games that was kind of like um um it was like a musical chairs kind of idea except that when the music stopped you had to take a pose based on what instructions I gave you like musical

Statues yeah like musical statues and it so and it was all like cuz I’m a medieval nerd um it was all medieval based poses so it would be like um night and shining armor or Lord and Lady or something right and they would have to strike a pose that represented that

Somehow and it was very fun and then the last person to strike a pose was out I love that you’re able to just impart your own interests in your students they didn’t have a [Laughter] choice you would you would fail them if if they did

Not how you doing on on the clutches by the way um pretty good since I I think Manta brought my luck back um all right yeah I’ve been doing pretty good all Manar is building an obstacle course for me to practice yes we you missed all of our combat training stuff earlier

But yes all right the the course is done I wish it was night I wish it was daytime would love if it was daytime you all right yeah I only lost three and a half hearts well probably more that’s I’m I’m down 3 and a half and I need to

Eat have I was trying to land on this block and I clipped the edge of it instead ah yeah clipping blocks is just an annoyance with bucket clutches it it it just happens I didn’t even try okay so what am I what what what is this supposed to

Look like hang I’m just I’m I’m checking I’m checking that it works I guess okay checking the flow no pun intended yeah well I mean ideally you don’t have any flow when you’re bucket clutching cuz you got to do the the second click real quick okay I I think this works

Basically I’m I’m hoping it should be clear enough where you’re supposed to go you just go up the stairs you jump to the next platform catch yourself on it and then run up the next yeah we’re trying to trying to sort of smoo out the okay the clutches

That I am not just flexing it’s it’s important they they are flexing see Azo agrees with me too um and we have this is a much larger jump than I am used to doing you have your your Sprint Key yeah um I’m just very like I feel like making

The jump in the first place to say nothing of a bucket clutch is something to practice okay I mean we can we can make them a little bit closer I I was sort of just jumping off of the platforms and then putting the the next platform wherever I

Landed um yep and you just forgot to account for this being you right well how about we see how it goes come on okay okay okay manay thinks that I’m just going to be playing wipe out in some ways yeah that that’ll happen I I think

The the key thing is you want to be aiming for like a specific block of the platform instead of just clicking what so what what was that was you were you not sprinting or did you not jump I don’t know I will try again okay you don’t have to go back to the

Previous platform you can just you just move on to the next one no I have to fail or fail I have to pass a stage before I can go to the next one that’s that’s how these games work that’s how these games work no that one I didn’t even jump

Space bar is an important button and mo definitely has a point you you can no longer bucket clutch on leaves which is irritating to say the least I’m kind of glad I’m kind of glad I hadn’t practiced bucket why are my words not coming I’m kind of glad I never practiced bucket

Clutch on leaves when it was still a thing there we go that was more complicated than it needed to be I have landed beside your landing pad I don’t think you’re sprinting that might be oh I you you were sprinting there I saw the particles underneath your feet there you

Go it was not in line it was di you got to look you got to look before you leave ah I missed that one how do you get over there from up I I went up the middle one it’s not the middle it’s a circle it’s not it is

A circle it is a circle I don’t have to do it your way do I well if you go up that one you’re not going to get to the next platform I guess it for that that would have been an early click I’m like I’m managing to place the water

Most of the time and then jumping past it like Landing past it yeah I guess in that case you would want to be moving your cursor down when you land so you’re accounting for that additional it’s it’s a little bit of where are you it’s a little bit of like

When I had to track you with my with my cursor except that I have to track where I’m landing sort of I don’t because of how this lines up this looks like the next one stop but I like the tall one problem Sol look you can still access it it’s still

Accessible that time I landed just providing additional guidance that was better nope right all right on to the next uh there is someone at my door hang on one second okay yeah it is like the bobbing in water versus swimming it’s man it took me so long to figure out how to actually

Swim it is fine my brother got it oh good Mo do you make music that’s a super cool o hobby to have it is very cool music people blow my mind like what do you mean you can just touch this thing and it makes noise I used to the noise sounds

Good I used this this is what I’m consistently missing actually and I don’t know why there I extended the platform a bit is you think that’s why um well it’s because landing on the platform shouldn’t be like the challenge here it should be hitting the clutch so if the

Platforms need to be moved closer I think that’s fair enough well that one I missed like the the platforms are just to give you like guidance for the the course mhm okay um when realistically if you can bucket clutch on any block you just you just do it yeah um I’m trying

To didn’t even click my bucket I’m trying to talk about music with move and do bucket clutching at the same time and it doesn’t work very well um but my my husband ponus does um does digital music and has um oh I’ve totally lost my rhythm because I’m chatting

Yep didn’t you okay I have to go back and read that one um okay most of the music that I use in the backgrounds of my recording when I’m recording a series are his so it’s always fun to me when I meet somebody else who does music man what’s the what’s the weird

Screaming music note thing how would this help me what screaming music note M says that they think I need that weird screen music no thing and I don’t know what that means I have no idea what that would mean they said it with so much confidence that that everyone would get

It this is some rather specialist knowledge oh this one shall not beat you I I don’t like continuing I want to successfully land it even if it’s not on the platform I took my bucket out of my hot B to place the stairs was not ideal no that doesn’t function very well

No okay that’s better this is the grind yeah I’m not honestly I really as as annoying of an activity as I’m sure this is um I really appreciate I really appreciate it because I don’t have enough just normal hours in Minecraft to do this kind of thing by myself m

Which’re is we’re brute forcing skill here we are yeah um do you want to do you want to have a go at using the other site types of clutches yes cuz we’ve got cobwebs and we’ve got scaffolding and these are big things in sky battle um

Okay I picked up one of your blocks it’s in my way I I I don’t think I would have missed it but thank you so with cobwebs the the thing about cobwebs is if you’re at this height it’s not really worth it to use a cobweb unless you’re literally going to die

Like if you’ve got like a heart left and this fo will kill you there’s no point using a cobweb because it’ll just you know get you stuck mhm um so but in in this height you would use a scaffolding because okay um yeah that’ll be that’ll be quick so

Essentially what you want to do is you want to aim for a very specific block if it if it helps you know uh look at a moss block because then you can see your specific block easier like that um uh yeah you you need to be shifting when

You land on it it didn’t look like it was shifting you didn’t take damage so I didn’t take damage but I was not shifting um I don’t quite know how that happened then you’ve unlocked a hat there that that time I was drifting okay yeah whoops yeah and if you don’t

If you don’t land it right in the middle yeah um it’s yeah it won’t work cuz you’ll just fall off the edge that was that was a good effort okay there you go oh that’s a weird okay how about how about we go up to the next level Next Level okay yeah I

Don’t know if we need a level that’s sort of in between these two levels but oh well ah it’s it’s just just a question of time um I definitely like shouted at the Block when I landed and then put and then with the the scaffolding onto it it’s like take that

If you hurt the B feelings enough it won’t cause you damage exactly that’s that’s the whole principle here um as to why don’t just break the cop a sword so you aren’t stuck for so long the the reason is if you can um I want to demonstrate this cuz it’s a good

Question um so if I’m if I clutch like a if I clutch like that and I’m still like if you hit the cobweb clutch instantly you can just or perfectly I mean you can just break the cobweb like that but if you’re a little bit off with your timing which

It’s very easy to be you know you place it while you’re still falling so you’re I’m a little bit off the ground um and if that’s the case uh I need to take the shield off that’s why things are annoying things these things are much easier to do without Shields so if if

You’re you know if you’re stuck a little bit off the ground it it takes much longer to to break the C which is time that you’re just stuck not moving um and if that is the case then your foes will simply will simply murder you mhm which is not what we want

Nope so this is why um yeah this is this is why you don’t want to oh yeah and it’s yeah okay this is this is why if you can avoid using cobwebs mhm it’s it’s best Toops um but yes tiate over it wasn’t a tiate it was a lecture not the

Same fair enough instructional lecture I did not Crouch you can actually you can break cobwebs with um water buckets though that’s not normally an option in mcci there are Niche scenarios where it is an option but Discord keeps pausing my music and it’s quite irritating and I don’t know why that is irritating

Nope um we are we had said like an hour and 20ish in PvP Legacy and we’ve just passed that we’re at24 yes um which means I think break soon we’re just about at our halftime and I’ll do question of the week here in a minute um was there anything else in PvP Legacy

That you felt like we should probably tackle today um nothing that strictly needs to be tackled I don’t think okay like the stuff that we could but it would be doing it for the sake of doing it yeah okay and we can do this a different day yeah okay

Um ah okay I want to land one more herb before we do question of the week all right I believe I need food all right nope that was not the one what do you what do you think happened there were you a little bit too

I was too slow I think I was too slow to place it and I didn’t line up my block quite well there there you go yeah that was good okay um question of the week oh let’s take my helmet off then you can see my pretty face ha okay sorry you’re right

In my way okay um question of the week this week uh comes from Maple Oak um and it was what is your favorite Minecraft mob um and I actually wasn’t able to break it down to just one so um my favorite I think my favorite like tame non-hostile mob is the chicken

Not surprised cuz they’re the chicken yeah they’re really I I love chickens like IRL if I was allowed to have chickens in the city I would have a couple chickens in my backyard but it’s not allowed I would have thought that I’ve never heard of chickens not being

Allowed yeah yeah they’re not allowed well you have to get like a really fancy special permit for them um because apparently they’re loud yeah they’re loud and they’re stinky e is is what the concern is plenty of people alloud and stinky but you don’t need to have a a people perit

I know um so that’s my favorite uh friendly mob and then if my favorite like hostile mob is probably an Enderman and that’s just because when they were put in the the game um I was very much a doctor who fan and they have so much weeping angel vibe to them like the

Whole being able to pin them in place by looking at them thing and how terrifying they were when they were added all of that stuff um well actually the end is a neutral mob um Fair okay then I would say probably the spider jockey because that one’s kind of rare

And also terrified me a lot because I don’t like spiders and it would shoot you from a long distance this is fair yeah um um this is uh this is this is a good spot for quick break I don’t have I don’t have a frisky cat to entertain people in my break

Screen yeah do I get to answer the question do you oh yeah you wanted to answer I’m sorry I do go ahead yes what is your favorite Minecraft mob my my favorite Minecraft mob is because it’s a it’s a mob that I have you know you need you’re AFK be not

AFK my favorite Minecraft mob is a that I have a little bit of a history with it’s actually the turtle a relatively recently added mob um but soor I just realized I have not had chat open for a little while but anyway I like the turtle because um it

Was either God it was either just before the lockdown happened or just before I got into hermit C I think it was just before I got into or like around when I got into hermitcraft it was like my my Resurgence back into Minecraft when I started playing Minecraft again

Consistently um I was playing on a server with um a couple of really good friends of mine from like a my previous internet friend group MH um and on the one of the first days of that server we created a a turtle hole essentially it was a turtle breeding pitch and I

I I sort of made that turtle hold my my brand and and ever since then I’ve just I’ve just had a little bit of an affinity for the guys and also the babies are just so little and cute I kind of love them they really are cute they’re they’re small and green just

Like me that makes a lot of sense yep um ponus ponus also loves Turtles I don’t know if they’re his favorite mob but um he only wears Turtle helmet hat helmets Yeah those things are cool I I quite like those things he does every time we’ve got a new server started up

He um one of the first things he does is find some turtles and breed them out that he can have his Turtle helmet so they’re not easy to get so they’re not no okay um we’re going to do just a little 5 minute break will be just enough time

For me to move around a little bit use the bathroom um and stretch my back gets really stiff um I don’t know Zar if you want to entertain chat or if you also want to have a break uh I can entertain I’m all good okay um it’ll just be a couple minutes and

Uh then when we switch we will be going to MCC Island excellent okay I will be right back can’t wait all righty right hello chat it’s just you and me isn’t it hang on I I need Kell’s not made this the easiest for me I I

Need to I need to make myself like a little platform so I can I can properly say hello hello chat hello how are we all doing just you and me I’m sure you’re all frilled about this turn of events actually wait oh I know what I could do hang on I second I

Have far more control here than than than I thought I did there we go there we go now we can get all close and personal ah uh-oh oh that this this may be this may be a problem this this may be this may be a bit of a problem um I I

Don’t have any way to solve this problem from you know A Thousand Miles and an ocean way it’s going to that this this this may be a bit of a a a short-lived um experience for for us I’m I’m I’m very sorry um how long how long has it

Been I don’t I don’t have very good timekeeping really maybe about 40 seconds 45 seconds how much longer do we have well 07s in the chat I’m I’m I’m sorry you’re you’re you’re going to lose you’re going to lose this this this beautiful Visage of mine I I don’t

Actually know what’s going to happen to you we’ll be killed in one minute oh I think the round’s just going to restart never mind we’ll be fine there’s no see I win amazing I guess I could just beat up Kell see not to worry get ponus I

Have no way of getting in touch with ponus I’m going to be honest I’m going to be honest um I’m trying to think what what what things could I do I can I can move K with with water that’s a bit of fun I can I can throw

Potions ah how much did that do I I have no way of knowing hang on how how far can I throw a potion whoa oh that went that went straight path you can actually get like a mad lob on a potion like look like look at

This oh nailed it nailed it I’m I’m out of potions I’m afraid this is a great shame that that was fun while it lasted but I’m afraid all good things come to an end um do this that’s fun look there’s there’s cobweb in your face now look it’s like a it’s like

A what is it like I don’t know it’s like it’s like Halloween come early who’s excited for Halloween I know it’s January and it’s you know you know quite quite a quite a distance away but yeah Halloween it’s a fun holiday what’s everyone’s favorite holiday I like

Easter cuz I like chocolate and it’s also it’s the holiday that people care the least about so there’s the least pressure to do it well this is this is this is why I like Easter I’m just going to beat Kell up for fun

Now this is this is this is what I do I want to oh hello hello I was entertaining the people yes I I can see did I do a good job they’ll tell you that I did a good job it’s fun I haven’t streamed for a while

So I haven’t I haven’t got to do the whole stream of Consciousness thing mhm in quite a while is it the downside you you took this down um one of the downsides the respawn took it down oh uh oh that makes sense how many times did you kill

Me uh no you’re you went AFK so it killed you for a minute oh that makes sense um oh now it’s raining we should leave whoops all right NCC Island time yeah I think so um hoay oh um MCC Island I was hitting replay mod things were you recording that

Yeah you could do an epic Montage um oh gosh I haven’t been here so long that I don’t know it’s giving me all the update things oh of course hang on I’m and I okay I’ve invited you to my party sure I don’t know how to click out of what I’m doing

Um is escape yep okay there’s only so many buttons yay um oh there you are hello [Laughter] hi okay um I had a whole thing that I was going to say and my brain just completely derailed that’s okay oh I know what it was going to be I

Wanted to check in with um with chat because I this has actually been um since we’ve got like several of you here at the moment uh how are you guys doing with the loss of jelly um if it’s okay for me to ask that was something that um unexpectedly hit

Me a little bit harder than I thought it would and I cried a little bit yesterday and day before um and I think part of it I think I was talking to Zar earlier about this part of it was um frisky is almost the same age

And she’s my gamer cat and so there’s that awareness of like this this can hit close to home and I know what it’s like to lose a pet that’s super close already because we lost blue a couple years ago so I wanted to check in with you guys

If it’s okay if it’s not don’t answer me and we’ll move on right away um but it was it was definitely a heartbreaking thing um and public grief like this is is important to acknowledge so um Zar how how was it for you um yeah it I guess just surprising

It’s one of those things that’s really sudden like there’s no way to anticipate hat it as from like you know our position as fans mhm mhm but yeah it is it’s very very rough news yeah yeah and that’s that’s how it is with with public figures even though like it’s not like

Jelly was my cat umh but we end up in these like I think the official term is a parasocial relationship with these um icons that we only know online and yeah yeah we can yeah we’re we’re being greeted we can move on we are with being

A costage yeah but yeah it’s good to acknowledge these things who is this guy who are you what are you what do you want from us [Laughter] okay let’s I made a friend yeah apparently um shall we [Laughter] actually um shall we move towards something productive yeah I forgot that was my job

Um are you so you said you wanted so we’re doing PVP and you said you wanted to also try some Parkour Warrior I definitely want to do some Parkour Warrior and I think that’s more the mode I’m in at the moment um and the

PVP I kind of we because we did like an hour roughly in PvP Legacy if I want to jump back into to that it would be towards the end um but even like ho in the wall or something else I don’t know I don’t know movement things is kind of

The vibe I’m feeling right now so all right I’m going to get us into parkour Warrior then the park Warrior Lobby this will this bring you with me I I don’t know you just disappeared I can I can summon you okay oh I think you can you can accept the

The teleport request yes cuz we we’ve got some options here and I I think I know what you’re going to want to pick um but I’ll give you the option anyway we can either do the the dojo courses which is you get as much time as you

Want to just finish a stage okay um or we try parkour Warrior Survivor which if you don’t finish a stage in time you get eliminated oh that sounds like a lot of pressure assuming yeah I’m assuming you’re going to want to go with one of these okay um I I actually haven’t done

These courses so I have no idea uh what to expect but let’s do this one okay I’m slightly disoriented because the texture pack changed um I can just oh I can just collect oh it has an icon yeah okay well this might bring you in

Um oh there you are hello hi I’m here oh my god I’ve got the most I’ve got the most medals out of everyone here I’m such a sweat you you are yes on the tab menu in in case that was confusing oh you have zero medals I have Zer I’m

Not the only one with zero I’m okay with that good well s well that’s not a not a great [Applause] St okay it’s all right I believe there you go you know what new personal best we take those little victories okay but it’s oh wow lag

Lag yeah um I think it was the other people well they they’re gone now yeah they’re gone um I’m excited for tempt I was I’ve already passed you have you no you you are very much just stood in the lobby for me okay or in the starting oh God someone my trophies has

Joined yeah it does appear that we oh you have disconnected that’s very cool it would appear that you are having internet problems I seem to be Okay there we go you back in I am yeah I think I can summon you here I couldn’t teleport what I couldn’t accept request as the leader is in a game U okay because I’m in this uh parkour Warrior course in which case uh I’ll just bring you to the dojo it’ll be

Easier okay there we go you accept that okay there we go and we can enter the same course again okay there we go yeah I was so when I suddenly had a bunch of people in front of me that’s ah it made a noise at me and it scared

Me um oh I like the froggy statue they they are very cute um this might be a bit much In fairness you know what the bonus paths might be a bit much how about we stick to the um the main path I didn’t even realize it was a different thing I

Didn’t read the sign so okay about I explain how these courses work that would be helpful so essentially can you see in the bar uh along the top along the top y yep so each one of those circles is a course the three circles stacked on top of each other are

Bonus paths bonus courses essentially okay um so in this direction there’ll be three different stages to do okay um but the end of the course is this way along the the main path and that’s each of the three horizontal dots and those are quite those are reasonably lowlevel challenges okay

No do you have your your sprint button yeah I just keep forgetting to hit it it’s it’s important are you using toggle Sprint or hold Sprint um toggle toggle okay if you you just toggle it on and don’t touch the button again yeah but then as soon as I stop

Actually moving forward it toggles off that’s not how toggle Sprint works well then I don’t because I then you are using hold Sprint Sure hold Sprint does I to me hold Sprint means that you hold the button down but I’m not doing that I’m clicking the button once to start

Running and as soon as I stop moving it stops holding yes that is how hold Sprint works okay but toggle Sprint you toggle it on and then if you’re moving you will Sprint um you could try using that but the change might be a little bit weird

Yeah oh gosh this is more than I expected all right yeah I I’m afraid the server doesn’t really have any lower levels I guess you sort of get what you’re given the server isn’t built for scrubs like me well expect you know a basic level I am moving so much

In my chair right now I’m like I’m doing the whole like Lurch and move sideways thing if it if it helps it helps oops it it [Laughter] doesn’t all right you go all the time in the world yeah but now I’m like like getting super self-conscious ah

No I almost just ran off the edge would would it help if I looked away no it doesn’t help I I would quite like to see how you do with toggle Sprint there well there you go okay one last jump up here okay there you go nice and will not jump me I

Lied no you did it that was messy but yes okay hold up okay can we see how you do with toggle Sprint um uh sure okay or or would you rather not if you’d rather not then you don’t have to no we can try it we can try it um okay

Okay it’s prob probably going to throw me off if you you okay so press your press your sprint button mhm there you go now you’re sprinting just don’t touch the sprint button again okay there you go there you go okay this is a this is a

Glass pane so it’s going to be you got to aim yourself right yeah uh that’s all right you made the first two jumps you made the first two jumps super easy yeah go oh it’s all right oh I can I think I see why toggle Sprint is so useful cuz you can crouch

In land yeah no well I mean I can Crouch and land cuz my sprint button is the middle Mouse button right but I realiz why that would be case I can if I’m actually running I can Crouch and land I just got to keep oh my gosh Chad I’m so Sorry it’s all right there you go nice perfect okay okay and the next one this one’s quite a long jump there you go very nice all right so if you you want to be on this glass pane here okay and you’re jumping to this glass pane here

Okay now is when the the Sprint is bugging me there you go okay nice um let’s move to the edge a little bit more no oh I feel like I was close to a checkpoint too um yeah we that was that was right near the end but it’s all

Right you you made it you made it there and you can make it there again no for for jumps like that you don’t any need to move all the way to the very end and doing so might actually harm you because it gives you less time to react

And press the space bar cuz it’s not a lot oops like for a four block jump four blocks is like the limit that you can jump so you do want to be near the end right for doing that sort of thing but but that jump is only it’s like it’s

Like two and a half blocks so it’s yeah you you’re fine to give yourself I am not good at measuring that distance in my head yeah I I can do it because I’ve spend hours upon hours doing High pixel housing parkour which is just a lot of very repetitive

Jumps to be honest Hypixel housing parkour is probably a much better way to learn parkour than this oh because Hypixel housing it basically starts with like the most basic jumps you can possibly do and it’s a very slow buildup to harder jumps it’s how I learned to do

NEOS that’s a Neo you know what a NE no it’s where you jump around a block oh gosh it’s yeah it it sound it sounds tricky but when you when you have the technique down it’s like solving a Rubik’s Cube you know you learn the technique and it gets a lot less impressive How you feeling I had to take my hand off the keyboard and like stretch for a sec and I gave that’s I gave the chat an apologetic look it’s all right okay but compared to I don’t know how many of you guys watched my my first

Um life series for fans video um double life when I was soulmates with asteris that very first video when I’m trying to do my intro I sucked at jumping it was terrible so I feel like this is progress you’ve come a long way yeah [Laughter] no I just belii that statement

Is it is it your just being a little late with the space bar I I can’t tell because sometimes sometimes I’m on Space you’re either pressing the space bar or not and there’s no such thing as being early with it then maybe I’m being a little bit

Late I that this would be the case cuz I’m I’m not not pushing it there you go all right right give you give you you’re fine to give yourself room there you go nope it’s all right I think what’s throwing me off too is that there’s a bunch of other people

Here and they’re like I don’t mean chat I mean like these other players in Parker Warrior that are unfortun no unfort they’re they’re paying no attention to you they’re doing their own thing um unfortunately there’s no way to vanish players like there is on Hypixel mhm another reason why

Hypixel really might be the preferable setting but I digress um maybe I’m giving some of them hope that they’re like oh if if Celtic Angel is this bad I’m all right too I’m not Asad as I thought I was well hey you got you got one medal it hasn’t updated

Yet because it only updates when you complete a course mhm but after you do that then you can Bank your medals okay hello okay uh nice no No ah okay coffee break coffee break is fine it’s very Fair okay I spooked myself because I hit shift partway through do you think do would you like to try being a bit smoother with it maybe not for these ones but specific but for specifically this one well what what do you mean by smoother I’m I mean doing it as one

Fluid motion because momentum is very much a thing in parkour yes if you have momentum it’s it’s much easier to you know make the next jump you’ll go further mhm I am actively trying to do that and just missing okay well for this last one where where you’re you’re landing on

This last pain and then stopping I I would like you to try as soon as you land you you jump again turn your mouse and go towards the end oh gosh um okay there you go all right so if you but so okay so what’s tricky for me is that I can

Barely see that last pain right well it’s the would it help if I would it help if you could so you can see my outline right yeah I can see you can it’s it’s this this pain is the one I have trouble seeing um would it help for me to stand

Here cuz I I won’t impact your your jump at all okay that’s fine then no I my brain tells me I’m going to run into you so all right yes M exactly exactly exactly is what I’m saying coming across like that only a little bit I’m trying I know

It it’s it’s not that bad I’m just hitting space bar late and I haven’t figured out the timing of that piece and I haven’t consistently made it to that cloud I’m my brain says they’re clouds they are clouds oh good that’s literally what they are okay okay I I

Would like you to try doing this as one smoo motion so you you there you go I’m I’m doing the same thing that I’ve done this whole time as a smooth motion and still failing jump in the same spot that’s F it’s fine it’s it’s just a question of getting the getting the

Timing yeah it’s it’s all timing is everything I read a book where the whole the whole the whole concept was not about timing it was about there was a guy stalking a woman but also he was obsessed with timing so he kept repeating the phrase timing is

Everything aha wa there we go I did it I bet my rambling about books helped with that it actually did it took pressure off good but first line of the book was timing is everything and the last line of the book was timing is everything

Which is why I thought of it yeah that’s that’s actually a very good way to bookmark things or bookend things um man R is right it is all just teasing it’s good it’s it doesn’t it truthfully does not feel like you’re just saying come on kill get

Better it it doesn’t feel like that ah um can you found a you found a spot I did you can okay there you go okay okay so the the root hang on actually you know what it it might be easier to go the non ice way so I I I is

Slippy yeah let’s keep things simple here so we go up here there you go over this way okay yeah when it’s not glass paints I think you you do fine yeah glass paints are just like really narrow yeah hole they take yeah there’s a bit of a mean hole there yep that

There’s like okay do you remember in um the recent last life of for fans and I kept spooking myself cuz I would land on the edge of a hole or like jump over a hole and not notice yeah I had some of that heart attack just now yeah it it

Happens um yeah so this is another bonus path do you want to just have a look and see what this path is I I hate this particular stage they keep repeating stages and this is one of my least favorites oh so you climb up you climb up the

Vine I’m not expecting to do this this is it’s it’s ra much ah I just I kind of just wanted to to show it to you I can’t even yeah this is it is I almost had it I actually like I I I did me

No okay there you go a yeah just SL pass yeah this that stage is silly and I do not like it and I I recommend we we leave and never return maybe not never return at some point return eventually yes has something happened to your mic I feel like you sound different

On I bumped it oh you bumped it it’s fix now it yeah it’s the the boom just slid away from me like that I the way I have my mic on the boom if I bump it with my shoulder it’ll just swing it it’s a little bit loose

MH well all better now okay so this one this one’s mostly an exercise in navigation great I’m jumping i i respawned in time to see you like just looking down where I had fallen your favorite Direction yep okay uh this one there you go where’d you go oh I I

Fell well in doubt could have SW I saw you make it nope there you go um yeah you got to be mindful of these little pain poles in the middle they can be an irritation okay okay no you’re not really you’re not really shifting when you land no that

Might help you I’m not yeah I was noticing yeah if if you if you try and get into that habit um I I personally I find it easier to go for um hang on I’ll I’ll stand on the one that I find it easier to go for

For this one thanks for the tip [Laughter] M oh oh a on the pain okay no oh you went a little a little bit farther he did yeah I guess that’s one of the negatives of using toggle Sprint it’s that you’re more likely to overshoot the little jumps

Mhm okay I I find it easiest to go for this one that I’m standing on not the one of the pole not the one of the pin okay yeah did you did you un toogle your Sprint I not that I know of cuz it I cuz you definitely did jump it just seemed

Odd that you you wouldn’t have made that um let me see yeah you’re still sprinting I’m sprinting Okay I’m doing this thing where I’m hitting shift instead of space bar oh yeah it’s like my my fingers are like mash buttons only the right buttons yeah there you go no pink one a I like spun around it it’s actually this is easier for me if I don’t shift I’m

Discovering except for that one is shifting just giving you too many things to think about I think so okay and I have been practicing no I’ve been practicing jumping on roofs um with without shifting yeah shifting it’s just it’s a good habit to get into but if it’s last one there you

Go okay okay this one I hope you enjoyed the last pain last pain Adventure yep my hands are sweaty now I need to like breathe the block broke under me um it definitely didn’t [Laughter] okay there are stages that do do that that’s terrify yeah cfee break okay um yeah I

Think I think think I know how to tell you to do this one it’s just it’s going to it’s going to be a it’s going to be a process okay um what is even going on so essentially this is these are two symmetrical glass panes so you know we

See a pole here pole here is on the the same side okay um so I want you to jump here in fact how about you how about you do it you jump on the the blue one and just match where I am so I’m not in your

Way hey he you’re going to stand in line with where I am you’re going to look diagonally to the the pink pane mhm and you’re just going to run and jump and then well I missed I I can do what you did happens you sure can run and jump on the

Diagonal and yeah it’s this is where shifting does help yeah he you want to see me do a Neo [Laughter] well just like that yeah you don’t need to doing Neo’s will it’s not necessary but it’s fun just like knowing how to solve Rubik’s Cubes isn’t necessary but it’s

Fun yeah if you it sort of the the steeper your angle will be I I think the easier time you’re going to have because it means you’re less likely to fall off like how how about I how about look at me and jump towards where I

Am okay there you go yeah um yeah and then just move towards the the next one and we can we can do the same thing again there you go perfect okay okay um yeah this one’s going to be a bit tougher cuz you don’t have you unfortunately don’t have quite as much

Room yeah um did did did aiming towards me help um it gave me a sense of what the angle should be so I don’t I don’t need you to stand for me to aim at anymore um because I can see the angle doesn’t mean I’ll get

It but you know the angle you know the Steep angle whoops yeah yeah the this one it’s just really annoying perfect give yourself space to jump nice excellent how you feeling I’m good I’m just my so when I get um when I get into something my hand

Hands get really sweaty and now doing this it’s just the intensity of it I think um yeah and so I’m like flapping my hands yeah that’s that’s fair you got to you got to keep the blood flowing you know yeah y um all right so these one

Are you ready for the next one yeah I think so oh no coffee coffee coffee coffee is important coffee is important very important I don’t have coffee but I I can I can accept the spirit okay um so this one it’s yeah this one’s a little bit tricky I think it’s called

The Thin run actually unless that’s a different one but these These are walls essentially so you only get this little bit of block to stand on it’s it’s helpful if you sort of stand on the angle and jump towards the wall makes it a bit easier to make it that makes

Sense yeah so for this one you essentially just want to go they’re kind of in line almost yeah pretty much if you just jump forward in a straight line not like that yeah just straight line don’t overthink it there you go this one you’re going to have to run jump and

Sort of turn your mouth moue towards the the next wall mhm okay oh you’re you’re on oh that’s fair okay and run and turn there you go perfect okay and then this is another straight shot I guess that was an early shift you don’t really need to shift for this one

I I don’t think um it’s not if if the shifting is is making it difficult for you as another thing to think about no I don’t even know what that was you you kind of you stopped and you lost your momentum I think momentum really helps for especially for like the

The going round ones yeah friction is the real killer for this one cuz if you’re rubbing against the wall then it um oh that might be what’s throwing me off yeah it it spoils your Sprint yeah like the more straight you’re going oh did you click the restart

Button I did oh well this is unfortunate Okay it’s you’ve done it all before you can do it again extensively I can do it I think You’ hit your shift key or your your Sprint Key rather yeah I probably should have noticed sooner that you were holding the restart button and told you not to You love the noises this is I I make lots of squawking noises when I’m concentrating I guess m although I do it when we’re off-roading too a very [Laughter] close okay no oh I’m just consistently missing that I I always find I I don’t know if this would help

You but I I always find when I’m struggling on a parkour jump I sort of intentionally change the way that I’m doing it mhm because you Einstein’s definition of insanity and all that I guess I guess trying a new thing won won’t won’t hurt essentially mhm how did I used to for some reason I’m just not catching I’m good to here yeah for this one I I tend to I think it’s easiest to drop down here and then do the jump up okay

Where I had done it from before no okay there and no yeah just take the time to drop off to the next level or that’s fine there we go nice right give yourself space yeah take take your time take your time with that one give yourself space

To jump plenty of run up plenty of jump favorite moment of secret life that’s a question I can answer um favorite moment of secret life I can the the biggest thing that’s coming up is my biggest it’s not really a favorite moment it’s more of a biggest disappointment moment not in a serious

Sense but there I think Etho had a task where Etho had a task where he had to ask a diff another person to give them a task and want to give him a task and um that would be his task and I really liked the task that Martin gave

Him Martin gave him the task to um G it was something along the lines of Gaslight other players into believing There Was You Know making up a bit from a previous SE series like making up a reference um then ether I I I thought Martin explained this AR really quite well but Etho

Just did not have the the listening comprehension skills and he ended up doing just completely not that task he he brought back aha which was a real [ __ ] from a previous series it’s the way Etho played it off in my I mean I am an

Ether going to be defending him um I I am also I think you’ve moved your mic again oh thank you um yeah yeah it’s I I think as soon as he realized that um he wasn’t quite doing things correctly he really hammed it up and I thought that was oh

Was the ah habbit the ah habit yeah like I I think I think I actually missed that episode of his did you watched yeah I I I think I was a bit less consistent about who I watched each week for secret life cuz I was watching so many different perspectives

Mhm which is a testament to how good a series it was I I wouldn’t normally watch that many perspectives mhm he did do um I I was also looking forward to how Martin’s task would play off and then disappointed initially that that Etho just didn’t quite grasp um what the point

Was but um when he realized that he wasn’t okay I’m good when he realized that he wasn’t quite hitting it um he went really really cheesy with it and um I can’t remember what the line was it was like I’m very sneaky aha or something like it

Was was it was really that I don’t think that was the line but it was something really like it wasn’t even an attempt man is just not capable of doing a pun it was really funny and and he he knew he wasn’t getting it

Oops so yeah it it I thought he did a good job of that I need to like flap my hands for a sec okay I mean we’ve done well yeah I got I got caught back up I don’t know how long it took me but oh is my timer at the bottom for

This run yeah so it took me about half the time to get back to where I was which is pretty good I would say hello I realized hello welome here um I realized I actually do have a favorite moment of Secret Life ooh okay

I want to hear it was inspired by um I guess talking about Etho being slightly awkward but it was when so Scott had the task to say I love you to free people and they were talking about how that’s really just not that weird and then they

Were saying like oh what if Etho got that task and when grian said grien said I love you to Ether I think he he just said like thanks yeah I I just I I enjoyed that very much yeah that was good I I like um Etho going up to Joel cuz they they

Tested him and Joel’s Joel’s pause before he had an answer there’s like a pause and he’s like Etho I know you’re obsessed with me but come on like move on yeah I they’re such a good Duo mhm oh all no I didn’t even try you were holding shift that whole time I was

Okay I ran into the pool okay and jum no okay they all very narrow yes there you go okay very nice very nice plenty of room for the last jump I’m ready to get yep there you go very nice okay I think this this is where we were when we had

This is where we were accidental reset Jo you’re a failure yes yeah that way I enjoy Jo a lot okay so yeah like I like um I think we were saying before friction is a big problem you don’t want to be rubbing up against the wall so if you can maybe if

You can like shift to the edge to to give yourself like a bit more of a a gap I feel like I want to be the other side of this um no it’s it’s the same thing that you did before just the other direction just yeah just going the other

Way some of us aren’t ambidextrous I’m not ambidextrous my dad just likes to believe I am H chat doesn’t chat doesn’t can I tell this story to chat yes yes you can basically my dad has a bit of a a habit where every single time time handedness comes up in

Conversation he will insist on telling everyone present no matter how many time he’s told them before cuz we don’t have that many diff distinct groups that we you know spend time with but every time it comes up he’ll say like oh we’re we’re actually you know a little bit

Ambidextrous we we do things with our left-and that most right-handed people wouldn’t it’s like okay cool dad no I don’t want to demonstrate the way that I open a bottle I open a bottle left-handed yeah we know I’ve done it a 100 times whatever but every time it’s like oh oh

Show show us how you open a bottle CU I open a bottle this way as well look we we open a bottle left hand that’s so crazy that’s so quirky of us no one cares I think I think my favorite things are is how how intense your rent gets by the

End it’s ridiculous it’s been such a longstanding thing in my life m i get it and I mean it when we say we we don’t you know any we don’t we don’t spend time with that many groups of people so they’ve all heard this we don’t have a big

Family I do water amazing water is important water is more important than coffee did you know that you need twice as much water as coffee to hydrate rehydrate properly I mean that makes sense because coffee isn’t or does coffee like dry you out in some ways it does yeah it actively dehydrates you

Mhm my music automatically paused again coffee break oh so man thinks your dad needs friends my dad doesn’t have friends this is this is a true fact because my my brother was his best man at his wedding you know that’s he just doesn’t just doesn’t have friends no I

Think that’s a common thing though cuz you want to honor your family members like for I guess so for wedding attendance that’s pretty common to have your your kids as like when it’s a second marriage like that have have or third or whatever have your kids as your wedding attendance that’s pretty common

Well yeah but he also didn’t you know have any friends invited he didn’t have groomsmen or anything I was I didn’t even I had to be an usher for that wedding and the the best man got to go up he got to like sign some documents

And be a witness and everything were you sit there in the audio like some Chum were you old enough to sign yeah it was like a year ago oh okay I was capable of holding a pen I don’t know um you have to be of legal something age to be a witness for

Weddings I I was definitely 18 years old okay what’s a best man what’s a groomsman I really know to be honest I I guess a best man is like the groom’s favorite man um yeah kind of the best man is the person who um Witnesses on behalf of the groom

Witnesses the marriage and like um it’s kind of like a character reference sort of in a very broad sense it’s more tradition these days than actual anything actual but the best man still has to sign as a witness on the marriage license um or on the marriage certificate and

Then groomsmen are just like really good friends of the groom that support the marriage it’s like they’re um they’re your closest people who vouch to kind of be there for you and support you is the idea I mean in reality in reality sometimes like so

When I got married my my maid of honor and one of my bridesmaids I’m still pretty close with the other one I don’t even talk to anymore and not because we had a falling out but um just like our lives drifted yeah so these things happen yeah it is definitely the friction

That’s growing me I’ve figured out how to use it to stop my momentum when I’m like Landing mhm that’s good but yeah it would be a case of giving yourself a little bit of space to do the jump yeah soad of Shifting away from the wall a bit very nice

Oh oh very close I’ve made it to that last one like yeah you good yeah coffee breaking sweaty hands okay I guess I should say that chat can see what’s going on I think you moved your mic again ah oh my mic is what are you doing your mic is so

Very particular about where it is it really is this is this is kind of what I get for well it’s a secondhand mic and so I think some of the tension is worn off or worn out I mean um and so I just like it has to be

Placed in a certain spot and can’t be moved moved cuz if it gets moved then it starts to migrate on its own oh Okay I’m going to have to make sure ah okay I haven’t tried to actively do the like shift away from the wall thing like you suggested mhm it might help I’m starting to think you’re right I I I know many things about a great many things you do especially Minecraft

Parkour ah no it didn’t help me I tried it mean you tried it [Laughter] once oh my gosh okay I’m starting to make Zar Noises my influence yes I I wish some of your skills would rub off and not just noises and your accent what weapon with Gemini taay wield it’s been very confusing um in what sense like in a like in a character sense Manta are you talking about your au

I think I told you Zar about at one point in one of our in one of our collaborative streams m is writing or creating oh you were going to do a comic book an au where everybody’s weapon um kind of fit their personality and manifests once they turn red M oh yes I

Remember um what weapon Will T well h i I guess I do very much associate her with swords but that’s just cuz she does PVP um and you I imagine you’ve probably already got someone with a sword um she actually strikes me as a

Two sword person a two oh like a like a dual wielder yeah I I was going to say scy but I I don’t I don’t have like a I don’t have a rais in between that that was just like my first impulse um yep a SP um H I’m I’m getting worse as I got I don’t know if you’re if you have ever done that where you practice so much that you start to get worse yeah yeah I’m hitting that point usually the uh well usually the the cure to that is just take is

Stepping away for a bit yeah I think I don’t want to be well I mean we’ve got half an hour left in my stream time that I’m wanting to still um I’m wanting to still run out my full my normal 3 hours um but maybe maybe just go hang out or actually

I was thinking of doing a hole in the wall or something right H um not not sky battle not interested um I’m trying to tell how tired my brain is um Um I think I want to do new things actually and I know I know the viewers haven’t seen me do sky battle um but maybe we can maybe we can plan well I want to do more mcci and PVP Legacy things on stream anyway so we can plan for those at some point

Um so I think I want to try hole in- the wall yeah okay we could we can do that how how do I leave this that’s a restar I I leave us you you leave okay if I do if I do Lobby I don’t think this will be good to know

Actually if me doing Lobby um it doesn’t it doesn’t you’re still in the course right I’m still there yeah I’m still waiting um I don’t actually know if I can summon you when you’re in a game ah okay so I guess we’ll find out I don’t use parties very often

Oh this command can’t be used while in a game okay so what you need to do is do SL Lobby slash Lobby lobu I mean techically I could just cute like I don’t know it just felt right to bring you to the pole in the wall Lobby I’m in the park where we’re

Lobby yeah I don’t I don’t need to I don’t need to bring you to the whole the W Lobby to get us into a game of hole in the wall but it just feels right you know the thing the villain has in the last wish that sish I actually haven’t

Seen that movie isn’t that the Puss and Boots movie oh aren’t they the two like sickles um oh it’s teleporting me that’s what the countdown was it is hello hi so hole in the wall is is challenging and it takes getting used to okay um but yeah you can jump twice as

High so you can jump over two blocks essentially yeah technically I think you can jump two and a half blocks but it doesn’t give you two and a half block jumps okay because when they try to do that in the main event it confused everyone yes so you just want to line

Yourself up with the the gaps typically if you don’t have to jump you don’t want to okay I’m seeing people crouching is that generally a good idea cuz it might push you up um no it the people Crouch because it helps to align your so oh oh

Yeah this um what the heck so there are traps basically the there they’re like randomized events that try and sabotage us right that one was the The Matrix where supposed to like Dodge bullets this one is one where everyone’s very mean to each other no I just fell oh did you I did

Um well it’s probably not very entertaining to just someone’s calling you out oh I didn’t even see um okay if you if you’d rather not watch me play this I don’t need to finish this game um if you’d rather get into a new one um no I’m

Okay okay then I will try and destroy the bua person who called me out will appreciate you finishing cuz they’re also purple so um I actually changed my faction oh they they sabotaged me I did because I didn’t like the purple boots they it didn’t feel like they suited me ah I

Wanted the green boots so I’d have green on the top and green on the bottoms that makes sense I like the idea of a transforming sidee manay oh transforming into a St that’s very cool mhm transforming and like summoning weapons that’s just a very cool Concept in general is it Steven

Universe inspired by chance I feel like I’ll probably ask this the first time I heard about it but I’ll ask it again cuz I quite like step univ I’m noticing Zar that this this is more intense than I’m wanting so I don’t think I want to do another round after this okay

Um yeah it’s a chicken hello chicken hey chicken okay this one requires a jump there you go you got it oh no ah ah got it it’s scary is scary I I’m at I’m like okay this one you will want to shift because you are now

Fast so you do not just run off the platform yep yep yeah I’m I’m not a big hole on the wol F at all no oh my gosh oh yeah those on you can you can Crouch under I I physically ducked no [Laughter] okay six you do have to keep your head

On a swivel yes oh I’m winning of course you’re winning I’m just so good yeah I I didn’t like hore cuz it just felt very repetitive mhm I think it would be a good thing for me to practice just oh God for the awareness just for the

Awareness yeah also the the traps are frustrating because it can feel very arbitrary yeah um oh is this the lobby um no that’s this is like the you know the podium oh where I can Revel in my second place very nice yes I need um oh this is the l oh yes I

Remember this okay saw a whole five minutes ago no I never did go to the hole in the wall Lobby oh did you not I never no I was in the I was on the main island and then just kind of t ported into the game and it was super

Confusing oh my phone is blinking does that mean I have a friend I have no idea no that means you got something that you can unlock badges bullet time badge oh yes that means you made an achievement I did a thing hoay survive being hit by The Matrix trap during a

Game of hole in the wall cool um thank you okay so 20 minutes I need something chill actually and I don’t know what that would be um would do you like to try Hypixel housing or it that it would be very lowlevel parkour like very low level to

Start with I think I’m parkour out okay maybe it’s actually okay this is this is I know I’ve said that I don’t really get embarrassed very easily but this is an embarrassing ask can you show me how the shops on the main island work cuz I don’t even understand any of that

Uh I can indeed if okay I guess will this just bring you with me I don’t think it will actually no um I will where should I teleport to no no no I can I can use my okay if you go if you right click the

Compass and you go to the sun icon it’s the second one on the bot bar booster Bazar okay booster Bazaar yes okay so we won’t oh it just brings okay that that shouldn’t bring you there it should bring you here it’s suppos to bring yeah okay yes so this is the General Store

Okay um how many I I I assume you don’t have many coins cuz you haven’t really played this much I I have like that’s just the little bar above my bar is that the only place to see number the number is zero the number is zero yeah right that’s that’s not very many

Okay what are the what are the what do the gem things do the gems the gems are for they’re like the the current you know in like a mobile game where you can buy gems typically to you know speed things up to unlock things like microtransactions that’s pretty much the

Um that’s the microtransaction currency of This Server okay um you can earn them in ways from things like big coin pouches um you got you get very small amounts of them I normally just use them to unlock the battle pass cuz it gives you bonus rewards right um they changed

It so that you can’t do that so easily anymore which is irritating but oh well it’s their Minecraft server they can do what they like with it um but yeah gems aren’t really that important for what for what you typically do I Have oh yeah okay you have it looks like 100 gems yeah yeah I have gems on on logging in they can be used to like speed up Forge things or I seem I seem to remember that I had other hats and I I just have this crown and

Hair yes the I imagine the other hats will be from before the open Beta yeah probably so this is a rat hello he deals in silver which I assume you probably also won’t have very much of I don’t where what I even find silver you get silver

From Quest Scrolls you get it from Scavenging items which is um there’s like a scavengers Hideout full of rats okay that you can go to to scavenge items if you have items I I can you open up the the little pack in your hot bar

It’s in the middle of your hot bar I’m curious what you have in it I have none the things nothing nothing at all nothing at all so here’s here’s the problem I got a a tour from yanban like a long time ago and we didn’t do anything except for

Explore like the different lobbies and then I got um that one little series of games where we were playing sky battle I think it was um where I think like you and I did three games maybe and oh yes I very much I very much died every time and then today

And that is all I have done because I not brave enough to come here by myself right fa yeah so you know you don’t get those things by doing nothing basically yeah um so yeah this guy he sells crates for silver um there used to be a lot more

Shops they kind of they kind of ruin the the shopping thing I think they’re still tweaking the economy of the server but I I don’t like that they got rid of quest Spirits cuz I had a lot of them and now they’re gone um I can buy a

Treasure chest I bought a treasure chest oh yeah this guy sells treasure chests if you collect enough keys this isn’t how Keys work you don’t you don’t buy chests free opened with enough keys you know just in life generally Ty you just have one key that opens a chest

Typically but this guy Merchant sea do just I me wants to be special clearly Pirates don’t know how they’re supposed to do things so this is true this is true um all right do you want to H we can so that’s pretty much all there is to see in the shop actually

There’s the the crate machine um I could I could could pull some I could pull some crates okay you just spat out a common quate common quate and this one’s a boosted crate it makes a cute noise yeah and I just got oh that that was a material thing what’s in my uncommon

Relic crate some relics I don’t really know what the relics do the relics are new hang on how about we go to the um what nothing okay how about we go to the workshop workshops over here oh splinters Workshop yes this is there’s law with the splinters couple I think

They’re like divorced or something uh this is the fusion fors you can create things which I don’t really I used to be be obsessed with this thing I was on every day to you know reset my reset my uh my my forges but oh you

Can get some you can get some free items from uh this lady you can get a free component bundle and a free binding Gel so that will put some things in your backpack oh I’ve got some red I don’t really know what I don’t really know what to do with them but I’ve got them what do I what do I do with these Relic oh I can scavenge them I just okay well in which

Case uh Rat Smith oh yeah this lady she sells materials for material dust um basically crafting materials are like you put them together to to make make other things that makes sense y I’m giggling periodically because your stream of Consciousness Thinking Out Loud kind of deal I like that guy’s lightsaber um

Is very amusing to me there’s you will you will stop and explain something very thoroughly to me and then Breeze right past something that I zero context for oh okay it’s so I’m just along for the ride at the moment it’s fine let’s see I I think

I’m getting tired to be honest that would make sense um we’ve only got like 10 minutes anyway and I know we’ve lost some of our viewers but we had an announcement we wanted to make while we had viewers in in chat still we we did indeed mhm

Um do you want to do that then I I do but do you want to like actually be facing the camera or do you want to keep running around um I we can face the camera okay so um you guys had asked um for a repeat

Chicken you guys have asked for a repeat of a series or at least another another attempt at a series um survival series with Zar and I so that is starting with our next stream we have a new Survival series that we’re going to be starting and this one doesn’t have a Sorry’s just

Dancing um this one doesn’t have a set end we’re going to keep going as long as we feel like going so um that’s not next week that that starts it’s the week after and and you guys will be invited to the island of Avalon to watch usom yeah that’s our fun announcement so

Yeah hope you’re all excited cuz I’m excited it should be fun I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and it’s not it’s not in hardcore so I have a decent chance of actually killing the dragon yeah regular regular SMP pretty much vanilla s SMP I think there’s

A I’m back to making noises oh there you yeah just a shop I I was going to oh there’s no shop it’s just like a secret area I I was sure if that was like an announcement for the end of the stream or um just doing it while we’re

Yeah we I’m pretty close to done to you you’re getting tired I knew we’d want to wrap up soon and I wanted to make sure like while we still had a couple of viewers kicking around that we actually did announce it so yeah well we did the thing we did yeah

Um I do think maybe I will what how’s our time yeah we’re just a couple minutes out so maybe this is a good time for a goodbye and to wrap things up um while we’re chilling in this cool B Billiards room with the rats sorry you did a rat’s thing did I

Didn’t you I I was little little that little I can’t do the voice anymore that sounds like it’s R boy sounds like it’s a little rat boy yeah you fit right in little rad boy strikes little rad boy rain Supreme it was a thing I did during sky battle it

Was an iconic sky battle round and really I should do it more often that’s super fun yeah okay um this is so I’ll get my camera turned around here so that we can say goodbye with the rats um thanks for hanging out with us and

Um yeah I I hope you guys show up in a couple of weeks that you’re able to join us for the beginning of our Avalon Series yeah should be super exciting it should be super fun um in the meantime have a really good rest of your weekend and we’ll talk to you guys

Later yeah bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Training Day with Xarrior ~ Minecraft’, was uploaded by KelticAngel on 2024-01-07 07:35:16. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:00 or 10440 seconds.

Today’s all about working on my skills. PvP Legacy is a fantastic place to learn combat, and MCC Island is the perfect place to practice movement skills and maybe even put that combat practice to use! Special thanks to Xar who will be coaching us as we go along!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

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  • Life in the Village 3 Modded

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  • 🔥DEOWorld Network – Survival, Factions, Prison, Creative and MORE!🔥

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  • Minecraft Memes – RETURN THE DIAMONDS

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    INSANE RUBY FARMING IN MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK!!!Video Information all right guys before this episode starts I just wanted to mention that we are going to be doing a giveaway on this video I completely forgot to open up the brand new crates in this episode but we’re going to be giving away three brand new loot boxes so if you guys want to enter in that just comment your IG down below and again it’s going to be three of the brand new fantasy loot boxes that just dropped again I forgot to open them in this episode but we will be opening them in the… Read More

  • Nova Rates My Skills, Must Watch!

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  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour Compilation – Pixel Art Galore!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Vlog! Subscribe Now 😜

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  • Patreon Server Hijacked by THE PINK PRANKER!!!

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  • My Husband DESTROYED Our Home in Minecraft!

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  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.4

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  • Prismatic Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not salty, just blocky banter

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  • Battle of the Century: Creeper vs Short Creeper

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  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Looking for a thrilling Minecraft experience? Are you a fan of horror games and looking for a new challenge in Minecraft? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an adrenaline-pumping adventure like no other. Imagine exploring a world filled with suspense, surprises, and jump scares just like in “The Conjuring 3” horror map. Get ready to test your survival skills and bravery in a dark and eerie setting. With a community of dedicated players and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re up… Read More

  • Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!

    Join AxelGamerXX20 in Epic Minecraft Hive Friday Gameplay!Video Information like that last pick I don’t I don’t think get armor [ __ ] I forgot to buy a he is iron arm you know please help me kill pink please help me kill pink they’re a pain in the ass you know what wow like you just got raped I’m just gonna go places I’m not going to be bothered by that person how the [ __ ] do you break a bed you know what never mind you yeah I [ __ ] realized D I’m so glad I got that he’s dead he’s dead [… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox Cobblemon

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Paradox CobblemonVideo Information today I’m going to be spending the next 100 days in Paradox only cobon and of course to start us off on the server we have our trusty shiny iron hands which we caught in the previous 100 days if you haven’t already seen it make sure to go check it out and I’m just admiring all of the amazing new Cosmetics that are chilling around the spawn area right now like look at this now if we talk to the Luna traveler it should teleport us away up to the top of this red Rayquaza I think… Read More


    JACK NEARLY DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | INTENSEVideo Information This video, titled ‘JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by Anshu Bisht on 2024-04-19 19:31:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!

    Minecraft Pro gamer builds ultimate village in record time!!Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-04 06:00:17. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:03 or 123 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3136 Read More