Ultimate Minnesota Nice Guys Minecraft Shenanigans!

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but I didn’t think about that it’ll get sorted out I didn’t put mine in there as my name either honestly so come on baby there we go sorry joinable crossplatform friends I’m coming baby boy I’m coming yeah hop in Kings I’m trying and the of us thank you thank sorry I don’t want you to get left out there heavy is the crown that wears the hood heav oh my god um okay earings are back oh no right there will no I’m not no I am not I am so sorry will I trying to check if we were alive and then a zombie came at me and then I fell down a hole God damn you’re going through an ark Luffy thank you I mean I felt like in my one piece personality quiz I got Frankie but that’s all right L you don’t got the hair to be Frankie none of us do I know what I’m going to do I know what I’m going to do I’m going to do sorry okay Meenie B beanie okay everyone on if you’re back from YouTube uh you’re watching me now you’re watching will now yeah D’s on Twitch I mine and fight a lot oh my Lanta but yeah if you want to watch Sam he’s on our twitch Channel now was quite the ass changing it up to see if uh he crashes less yeah but regardless the commentary is all the same it is um Kings and queenette when you guys are ready to sleep let me know yes I I would love to sleep because I have big plans big plans happening in my brain huh big plans Will’s going through it but he’ll be ready shortly I’m sure I just I need to protect myself oh my God fine you just let s when you’re already guy okay well question for you guys in the meantime yes m sure what’s what is your favorite junk food like if if you were if it’s like your go-to it’s like just the best for you you could be specific and say oh I like this specific flavor and brand or you can be like ice cream okay hello I’ve been kind of obsessed with Nutty Buddies lately what’s up what are Nutty Buddies again they’re peanut butter chocolate wafers oh yeah we had those in high school a lot I did at least they they were in the vending machines but I didn’t really eat them a lot I’ve only kind of started eating them so okay those have been pretty good lately what up spider human man Sam nice don’t let this ruin our friendship but I like Reese’s oh yeah oh yeah and Three Musketeers damn I’m sorry if that ruins our friendship wrong but I still love you no matter what you know Snickers are also bomb yeah Snickers I’ve never been into Snickers because of the peanuts I’m I’m way more into peanuts now than I was when I was a kid but I was like e peanuts guess what it’s time to do I don’t want one I have a peanut allergy you don’t need one now but like tomorrow you’re get a little get a little hangry Molly you better get some right now oh [ __ ] man my gosh n no for me I really really like Cheetos really oh yeah Cheetos are dope but also also sour cream and onion will always be the best chip flavor always what’s up girl yeah sour cream and on is good oh my God the Golems are just hanging out on top of my trees oh and that one fell yeah bro they’re climbing the trees like sloths yeah that’s why I have from The Goonies big glans big glands trying to span us out interesting interesting I like where your head’s at Miss Molly thank you thank you cuz I also now I like where your entire body’s at not just your head what the [ __ ] that was so [Music] weird well listen I’m just kind of going through my own arc over here I’m kind of in a fever dream yes Mr will nothing kind of glad no one heard it we’ll play Just inhal deeply after you said her name yeah yeah definitely I definitely I definitely did that that’s exactly what I did Len guy sometimes you just got to do your own thing I always do my own thing I’m going to do my own thing ah going to do my own thing and then he jumps off the train and just hits a tower oh no do that a 912 joke no that was uh that was Miles Morales talking to uh Miguel oara turning into a 912 joke yes oh gotcha oh my God this beat this syn is this beat is popping off yeah it’s going I turned my music down because it would get so [ __ ] loud sometimes 912 what do you mean uh well well it is in what we uh colloquially call in our language the sequel to 911 yep it’s a jackbox joke well yeah that just in general I condone none of this but you’ve laughed at it before so we all laugh it you’re an accessory to a crime whether you like it or not that’s true meow meow it’s too late meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow the Megazords coming in hot oh my God huh coming in hard my like it n he’s pretty he’s pretty he’s pretty flaccid right now is he you really spooked Molly with That one sorry I she’s scared of FL sorry Molly I didn’t mean to do that to you oh speaking of falling you say speaking ofd no not on stream sir that’s an off stream conversation only good old Lake flin oh my land damn bro this Arc is really just yeah it was a better last season wait yeah oh hey my old B this isn’t our worst time that we’ve been having in Minecraft there was that one day where Sam Molly and I were just death it’s true yeah my worst time uh happened last time I played so yeah I’m so close to finish I’m at the water oh yeah you are really close then and I can see I think I can see where I stopped on the rail last time but I just barely I just don’t have enough to finish it why is somebody cracking a whip at this music a crack and a whip they’re going to get you dude guess a whip there’s a way damn it No Maybe not maybe it’s still oh my God Sam yes sir I started backtracking towards the freaking new house what’s up oh hi I freaking you went the wrong way yeah you have a mine cart on you you see me as a Megazord are you supposed to be Yoda cuz you’re not Yoda on my screen am I not supposed to be Yoda you’re a pink-haired person with like gold bands on you’re a pinkhair person don’t call me an sjw am I a Megazord for you that’s what I’m asking you you are you are do you have a mine cart on you cuz this goes all the way back now I no just sad guy shoot I’m just a sad guy just a baby just a sad guy I’m just a baby I wish I could get you a mine cart I mean I have one but here Sam Sam wait wait don’t do not move do not okay all right all right all right what come back come touch tips with me I’m touching tips with you what’s up oh thank the iron don’t you don’t you touch my mine cart don’t you [ __ ] I’m leaving without you man get out of here see you come on I’m chasing you with a cooked fish come on I I I see that oh God is chasing you with a cooked fish well hey good news this will walk you all the way back so yeah but bad news is I went the wrong way is that no I’m sorry why why why why does that skeleton have different legs different there’s different kinds of skeletons now will what do you mean it’s got sword and like legs it’s got man legs oh my God yeah I see that oh yeah that’s theing at youram it’s the Wither or something I forget what they’re called but it’s a different kind of skeleton I’m putting on just kill him man I’m playing pubg now baby oh I’m sorry well I hate that for you that’s that was just making a joke where I was taking their armor and [ __ ] I’m going to run to the bathroom I’ll be right back oh my we oh my we no my wi wi U oh knock over your wi oh no we that out where I can KN it it’s nice that you still have your way not everyone does these days I got my super modded out Wei oh yeah you can play uh Project M on it it’s got a bunch of it’s like an emulator so it’s got a bunch of different games on it right don’t let Nintendo hear you say that did Nintendo recently like shut down like a major emulator or something they shut down poker Relic which had all the um Pokemon like games on it and it shut down two switch emulators okay water I mean which makes sense I guess but yeah so poker Relic just had all of them in one space they’re still out there in the universe so oh yeah I mean they’re always going to exist it’s just you know like I get it but it’s also kind of sad poker Relic was nice because you didn’t have to worry about those links have being fishing stuff but now you got to worry about whatever link you’re going to being fishing stuff yeah you got to find people that like like majority people recommend it almost oh the squid died diamonds in the water I passed o okay good to know but I needed to find the iron I was just looking at oh there it is give me the iron oh old JK haaha haa I have found Di down here though okay okay this place is really checked out well maybe not oh my everywhere I break more water comes down that’s kind of how water is it just keeps flowing thank you Molly that was insightful you’re welcome always happy thank you thank you Captain W keeps flowing like a period thank you godc you Sam if you ever come back no wonder I kept finding so much stuff around here it’s because the Golems keep killing the mobs sweet nice all right you got a site well more like a parasitic relationship why are you [ __ ] kidding me a human centipede relationship yes so sweet parasitic [ __ ] run away there’s a bunch of mobs up there that keep flowing down from the water but I bet there’s resources up there I could [Music] use no hey the only resource you need is your own is your own heart and spirit will I like this cave it is a very nice cave you’re right Evan as long as I believe in myself you can kill and you guys and the Heart of the cards and Goku and Superman and uh yep other people I’ll I I’ll always have this don’t you dare Stop Believing you hold on to that feeling stop guys want sleep uh almost hang on I even have my bed on me can I sleep on top of your yeah you could oh uh you can make a if you make a side area you can ever talk to me that way give me just a second I’ll be able to yeah give me give me a minute here yeah you got it you got it you got it Sam I’m still coming back on my rail car um so yeah hold on to that [Music] feeling oh no uhoh that’s weird will is not holding on to that feeling it’s okay I think you might have stopped belie I didn’t stopie I made it yod there I’m in a bed before all y’all I was waiting on you all right I was waiting on you slow as [ __ ] still got a minute listen here still got a little bit that’s queen [ __ ] to you well I don’t know I think she might need to rearn that title I’m sorry no oh I don’t want to do anything sure I can give that a shot later EP Diablo goodbye chest goodbye peace out s we see you in the next live see you in the next live baby boy he would that a chest would never call you baby boy a chest might call me baby boy you don’t know you don’t know what they’re up to depends on how old that chest is yeah that chess would never I know his mom know his mom that’s scary yeah he was raised better than that he would never call you baby boy I thought you were going to say he was raised by you raised better I don’t know you sound like people who say baby boy are like evil that’s Sam Sam are you evil everybody’s working for the weekend who not sleeping it’s see me I just have a torch going through my head now that I look at it oh yeah it looks like the Brett Favre pick that he sent to that one interviewer oh a a pee kind of does honestly with like the way it’s like angled in the screen oh my God you got a torch PE that’s impressive torch PP are you working towards the bed Sam yes yeah it’s just my DN bring your best bring your best no it it’s more complicated than that if I leave the mine cart it goes without me and then I’m tra on okay I’m getting up then when I when I did sleep on the thing my mine cart did stop like a few feet ahead of me okay well I’m almost back at the winter house anyway I’m going to stand up so when you get to that bed you’ll let me know boo been here this whole time Kelly Clarkson must have been in this cave just living all right I’m in bed common is that my fairy that has my pickaxe says I can’t rest backed I got in okay I got building to do beautiful calm down y don’t worry we get to building when it’s time and ready those slimes are huge is now I’ll tell you from get away from me I’m moist and red now oh whoa whoa hey hey that’s weird why would you say that say that I L us ever again I’m I’m weird and I’m I’m owning it yo chill yeah everybody well what I’m just looking forward to running in you one of these centuries um I mean I’m down in a cave if you want to come down in a cave I’m in The Watcher cave technically although I realize I need more torches so I’m going to go drop off my load and get more coal and sticks and [ __ ] oh my God that’s a lot to unpack what you just said I’m coming to you why oh to get your iron yes yeah good thing I got a lot of time to unpack it cuz I’m walking back on the rails I did you take your meds today don’t worry about oh my god oh that was scary I see a witch just the tip of her head WI a witch a female [ __ ] got her I’m so good and humble you yeah [Music] [Music] yeah oh swim oh wo wo wo wo s oh are these just activator rail things that you just used cuz you had them or yeah I just used them cuz they’re acat rails at 94 levels P Jesus I was just wondering if they served a different purpose no I I I have no clue I I just I don’t know what they do so I just threw them down because I wanted to keep the rail going uh well I don’t know is pety in chat he’ he probably my chat what do you name oh activ yeah couldn’t figure that out how an activator rail Works no yeah yeah I guess I guess that’s accurate yeah I mean just I don’t know what they do yeah don’t activator rails W they like don’t they switch sides isn’t that what an actual activator rail is probably but I don’t think that’s what the ones in Minecraft do I I don’t know I just don’t know how you get them to work in Minecraft is more so the thing I don’t even know I don’t really know their purpose what they do or how they do I get you I get you but when they do is when you’re on them I want you to know the moment I saw you first you were just murdering a [ __ ] Iron Golem and it was kind of you told me to I did do it please killed them all it was beautiful he’s admiring the beauty of it I did I did because you told me to hold on I’m getting the other one for you I see I see it I see it come as long as they don’t that it’s you shooting at them they really just stand there yeah he he just took it just says the activate Redstone stuff he says oh okay all right come here s got more for you maybe there’s maybe there’s a different type of redstone like mechanism you need to make on hold on well you could put like redstone on blocks and stuff and it can go into cute I am go little Yoda go little little man uh did you give that to me cuz I only got seven oh I guess you just gave me seven yeah I I it’s just from the ones I just got oh I see if you want the rest um it’s in the chest over here okay yeah where did you go hold on hold on I I’m just trying to fix it this while I’m here cuz he was standing there and I’m like I can’t get the thing when you’re standing there you can’t get your things when you’re standing there I can’t get my thing with your thing in the thing okay it’s in here in the front I was grabbing some iron that was laying on the ground oh cool thank you yep sweet you are welcome oh my God there’s a [ __ ] drowned making eye contact with me never never mind well you you got it no I’m well I was going to I’m not going to finish what I was saying there’s another one here if you want more oh okay but I would say you kill them this time because I’m I’m busy building wait what oh there’s more iron golems there’s another Iron Golem back here they respawn really quickly actually that’s cool you guys need more food at this house they do they need to what they need is they need to grow things and make livestock otherwise I don’t know how you’re not able to fairly quickly get food well we do have livestock there it’s just we do have stuff growing it’s just not in a spot where stuff spawns and we also haven’t really been there yeah that’s the one thing yeah that’s it’s annoying when you have to be there for it to grow otherwise it just that’s why I moved all this stuff to The Pink House because it’s like nothing is moving yeah yeah no we’re I I’ve been I haven’t I haven’t been to that house for like two streams I think yeah that’s fair okay I have to use the bathroom so go for it King I’ll be back to everyone watching me uh here’s a dog okay well that’s a little bit more iron I mean I’ll I’ll you know kill them as they spawn if I can remember but I’m I’m again I’m I’m making a project here no no do do what you got to do I I’ll handle my iron thing thank you thank you but thank you for oh my [ __ ] God that’s so many cows Molly I’m working on a thing okay okay he’s busy okay I’m busy God damn it God you’re such a [ __ ] [Music] baby I gave you iron be nice to me you did you did you did yeah you dumb [ __ ] wow Evan that’s it I’m crashing the game right now please don’t speak that way on stream come on man we’re trying to oh there’s one in here too an iron go them yep I got him nice oh never mind I’m out of arrows oh that’s I do have more in here oh it’s waning W Sam yes sir did you hear what I said about Redstone stuff uh sorry things were happening what I know so that activator rails I’m pretty sure you can put like Redstone down on blocks and they go to like Redstone structors I have a whole book of redstone stuff you can build in there like it’s actual like physical book of redstone stuff we can build in Minecraft okay got you you make like elevators and all kinds of crazy stuff with it interesting okay good to know Sam are you still over here I’m around yeah I got three more iron if you want it okay just throw it in the chest and I’ll get it as as needed yeah I’m literally just going to be leaving it there yeah that’s fine hey she’s going to do what she wants to do okay okay I know that’s Molly I I don’t doubt her not for one second I’m going to doubt you wow I’m going to doubt your nuts off Evan whatever I’m gonna I just I said whatever you hear me nope I’m not listening whatever I’m going to I’m going to give you this brush it kills me you could have given me the brush back when I was on the rail with you but you had an attitude then you didn’t deserve it I had an attitude yeah when you were in a mine card in front of you had attitude you were you were looking like you were ready to take my mine cart I don’t know what to tell you dude hey man damn that’s pretty zodist I get my view oh my God zist what is that yeah a Megazord oh I see I see I guess zist I’m sorry yeah I misclassified myself that’s my bad that was confusing yeah you misgendered yourself dude that’s your fault that’s my bad bro I didn’t mean to and sometimes I can’t see my own feet so sometimes I can’t see my own feet I got duck feet you know I’m a duck bail I’m a [ __ ] I think I got a saber-tooth and madon tooth is that is that what his feet are well one of a saber tooth I don’t remember yeah okay that was an evil cave noise thanks a lot hey Sam yes sir um they’ll never point out my flaws again like that when I could have given you that brush okay okay just try to be a little more respectful I’ll be forgetting that I had that I had a brush in there even though it’s in my hot bar come over here let me brush you boy no I’m I’m hiding from you I found a mine cart I hate how they made Maps useless sir where are you at I am in the I’m in the village that we spawned in why uh cuz I’m mining in the cave that was oh uh there naturally you’re like you’re like cocking me right now yep I am [ __ ] and ball torture baby just for you I finally got a mine cart to get the rest of the way home so nice that’s good yeah I’ll try to get more I got it at the snow the snow place yeah I’ll try to get them spread out more the snow heo it’ll be easier once the rail is actually completed yeah yeah it’s okay King but also think I need to make more checkpoints on the rail so people can like leave and go do other stuff yeah that I think that’s can be a side Thing Once you actually complete the r yeah I want to finish it first God I’m pick uping oh my God Jesus are you you okay I guess so yeah so we went to this re really good southern style food restaurant yeah that was over by the Egan shot outlet mall ah yeah so um where did we go to I got I got to look up the name hang on sure but it had really freaking good food sweet we went to what why is it not on here you stupid idiot I just yelled at my phone you stupid idiot you’re stupid idiot old man yells at phone Southern social is freaking dite dinomite huh oh yeah that had some short ribs and my friend had some baby back ribs oo and my friend was like Hey I’m literally leaving at 3:00 a.m. today going back home you get these leftovers and they were [ __ ] bomb ass nice wow just from leftovers hell yeah what the [ __ ] is this just in the ocean they were like fall off the bone good nice I also had a positive food experience today I went to um nickolet Diner um which is a which um is a place that I was with Maya last week and the food was really good then and um I brought my parents this time and it was still really good nice oh yeah the burgers are awesome especially ma’am I’m bringing I’m bringing you something oh are you no or ma’am ma’am oh hello oh my goodness sorry Sam what’s up here you go you’re going to have that what the you Dro I don’t want to know what you’re doing with that but you can have it okay I’ll I’ll use it responsibly I don’t want any update about what you’re using that for okay you don’t want any update especially if you’re hitting golems and stuff with it I don’t want to know oh my gosh all right all right will did we say went somewhere yeah yeah he’ll be right back okay once he comes back I want to sleep I’m back um oh speak of the D oh my God she spoke you into existence that was a littleit startling please I just want to break the Iron Block Please let me live please let me please God oh no well please no no no no no [ __ ] oh good news is I respond right here so okay I’m sorry I’m going to do you need me to pour one out for you are you okay I’m okay it’ll be fine I just need to get my [ __ ] that sunk to the wall I was going to say I was going to say me pouring one out for you is kind of a waste of resources but I would do it for you were here but not but the drinks bring back all the memories I um have something for you Mr William and mam Sam Madam web y I really think of you as as The Madam web of this friend group I’m the Madam web of this operation yeah so like Sydney Sweeney good to know good to know you’re really the Sydney sweetie of the spread group s what is she from cuz when people talk about her they like talk like she’s she’s in Euphoria I’ve never [ __ ] watch that show she’s she’s in a bunch of stuff she’s in Madam web oh yeah but no one cares about Madam web that’s worthless yeah he’s trying to figure out what what like where she’s like what other show well I just haven’t looked it up hang on no I just whenever I like people say it’s Sydney Sweeney it’s like I feel like they’re like talking like she’s important and like yeah she’s a celebrity I mean more important than me she had some leak on Twitter oh oh and it was some deep fake leak oh she’s known for she was who would do that you should send me that link that’s disgusting vioria the White Lotus so she’s been in a lot of like TV shows that are pretty good okay the hand M’s traila t she was oh she was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood there you go what dragon talson T yeah she’s one of the hippies in it oh was she the main hippie I think she was actually oh I know who we’re talking about then the blonde lady no I’m thinking of the one that’s the that gets in Brad Pit’s car the the iconic Tarantino foot shot of her feet on the dashboard feet on the dashboard tan she was Diane Snake Lake in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood now would in the Harry Potter character like Dian Snake Lake air to the Snake Lake Fortune I think she isn’t she one of the killer peoples oh maybe she’s one of the killers I could see that damn it I’m too impatient with fishing there a drown down there yeah she’s one of the killers okay got it got I got it yeah I mean either way she’s a pretty big name is is she the one that’s just talking [ __ ] about the movie now too like I don’t know she’s talking [ __ ] about a lot of stuff that she did it’s like that’s why you got big lady get your get your nuts out of a bind she did she did say the the and I think a lot of other actresses that or the other actresses that worked on it confirmed like it was a miserable [ __ ] experience working on that movie because of all the reshoots or whatever it looked miserable so I don’t blame them yeah I think it was like record hot too when they’re filming it so it’s just like all around not of fun time for people yeah hot outside yeah it was just one of those superhero movies that didn’t want to be a superhero movie mhm all right I need to oh oh whoa whoa easy right GG easy I’m getting solid at this fishing stuff so um I need you to know yes sir that I said I need to put this lava bucket away before I dump it on the ground in the house and I just threw the lava bucket out of my inventory and panicked that it was going to just dump out oh but it came out as an item so you okay yeah yeah I got I got real panicked but it would have been on Cobblestone so it wouldn’t have been as bad of a thing but I probably would have died Le gotcha oh hey donkeys sorry to everyone this is boring but I need food sir um where are you at I can bring you food um by our Mountain House I’m by your old fishing hole oh really that’s the really ev’s fishing hole the monolith monolith yeah I’m underneath the monoliths okay you don’t have to come towards me I’m fine man do you think I’m going to you uh I have to give you something anyway so okay I mean the majority of the rail car not a deut joke I know even occur to me but thanks for saying that I need clarify for chat it’s also good for me building up my uh my experience cuz then well yeah cuz then I can go back to Molly’s internment camp and upgrade my stuff emeralds and those are mine for now I just I want to get my pickaxe back stealing your emeralds no m Molly over here talking like rou the bat all the world’s emeralds are mine oh my God that’s why yard Park wow I found a real [ __ ] sexy iron pocket here I’m so happy before I head out do you need anything Dam no I’m good dude okay I’m leaving all right bye but he couldn’t have said that faster all right I’m leaving bye I want her to change your mind I’m out no change needs me why is this my why is this my cart in my way the hell out of here get it out of your way then I did I took care of it nice it’s dead now and I didn’t write its kids did you put it in your pocket at least [ __ ] come towards me yeah I picked it up okay keep it with you then you can use it when you get to the other rail when they split hey I need you to know something hey buddy come here hey buddy that’s a good plan and I didn’t really think about it so thanks for letting me know I I got you I’m I’m a I’m a real master now you’re the real mama the real ra Mama that we need yep not the one we want the one we need no nobody wants this but they’re getting it don’t worry I’d suckle on your real tee any day oh my God thanks Evan I see you though bye Eric like all right time to leave when the real te comes out Eric’s out y y’s out I’m out the Dr throw Trident at you yeah yeah yeah they will sir would you like a trident no I’m good ah me in the [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] face he’s dead now loser that’s the one that’s one problem with my fishing Hol is it’s also a Dr spawn area yeah it’s fine it doesn’t they don’t they don’t do a lot of damage you got some armor no they’re just annoying yeah it’s weirdly satisfying we should all play a fishing simulator we should or just boot up Sonic Frontiers again or something Sonic or stard Valley oh yeah we go hello little fairy how are you we can all fight over marrying The Goth chick it’s okay oh my word you Sam can fight over her like you did Shadow heart and and fail miserably and then now Shadow list Shadow heart’s dead in our play yeah oh my God oh my God there’s an Enderman below me that made eye contact with me and it’s tweaking out but it can’t get to me but is it twerking no thankfully not I was very concerned for you but I’m a little less concerned yeah don’t don’t worry it’s okay for now you just let me know if he starts popping off literally poping back Pop Lock and dropping popping it back yeah popping and locking mhm I will come over there I will brush I will brush it right I saw the most horrifying video the other day and I’m going to tell you guys there was a guy doing a workout and he had a bar pressed up against the back of his knees right and he was carrying what looked like a 25 lb weight could have been heavier okay and he started um leaning back to use his like thighs and knees to like hold himself up from a parall position to the floor you know I don’t like where this is going yeah so anyways audible pop and his back hits the floor oh my God and now what I couldn’t tell is I I couldn’t tell if his like like actual knees just gave out or like if they were dislocated I couldn’t tell if it was broken or just like yeah it was terrifying and like the guy didn’t scream or anything it’s like he was in shock like right oh yeah I don’t blame him okay I’m going to go back inside now wow this is a [ __ ] Cavern holy God I ain’t getting [ __ ] [ __ ] boy Cavern is it an eclipse or something the Moon looks weird in the game yeah I don’t know nothing that I can notice it’s like hollowed out eclipse in real life soon but yeah this is Minecraft not real life Sam you’re not supposed to look right into Eclipse well I mean like I’ve never like paid attention I guess to an eclipse I get you uh let me get to a yeah I got to get to a real stop spot young man sure I’m talking to will I wouldn’t call you a young man oh did you don’t know that yeah she’s not a woman so I would never call you young man young Molly D you a bed young Molly you’re kind of a [ __ ] young [Laughter] Molly is that the antithesis to Young Sheldon young Molly oh please stop that well I mean it be a story about two autists obsessing over little things and then arti yes artist yep mhm artist yeah me the artist of course mhm actually after you made that Donnie staff you definitely are that sh [ __ ] cool yeah forgot I show you guys that yeah thank you it was awesome you did a great job I broke it by the end of the by the end of the convention but it’s okay I can you know what it lasted most of the convention that’s all that matters it literally did cuz on Sunday I dropped it twice but I was so tired I’m like [ __ ] it I’ll just fix it how far does this go oh my God does it actually reach down there Yik oh are we not sleeping is everyone else in a bed S no I got to get off the rails guy I can sleep whenever you guys can know when I can you guys are cowards get get jump off that mine cart make a little path do do walk this path that I just walk it won’t walk you the mine cart will stop like 10 ft in front of you I’m already committed you got to you got to commit to us you commit to yourself you got to commit to us let’s see what can I do told you stop spamming you son of a you son of a [ __ ] oh my God all right I’m done ah you can’t get to me zombie oh Molly I want you to know if you had your own young show I would watch it a lot more I would I would watch it too yeah yeah it would be way better than young Sheldon I guarantee I like young Sheldon well I’m not I like it there’s something really it’s just yeah I don’t know why that just cracked me up listen I I used to watch some episodes of Big Bang Theory I don’t hate the show yeah not bad it’s hardly as bad as people make it out to be you know what’s a terrible sitcom Two Broke Girls that [ __ ] is ass Two and a Half Men yes Two and a Half Men what are you saying Molly I actually like young Sheldon better than Bing Bang Theory I like that there’s the tone difference and the plot takes itself more seriously where it’s like big bang it’s it’s only jokes like young Sheldon I think is still funny Fair it’s fair enough so yeah that’s my com I respect your opinion thank you I I haven’t ever watched the show so I don’t have any opinion but you still respect it and that’s what matters to me yes in in truth I just hear young Sheldon and it makes me laugh because it just seems like another one of those copout shows yeah yeah well apparently um they’re going to do a show another a spin-off of the spin-off with his brother oh my God I forgot hold about that it’s it’s not your choice I’m going to write a strongly worded letter it’s be going to be covered in tears and like mustard oh my God gross mustard gas or mustard oh [ __ ] I’m going to I’m going I’m going to cover it in mustard and then fart on it and melee my own sounds [Music] good mustard gas is crazy yeah pretty wild pretty cray cray hey uh [ __ ] oak sapling get out of my inventory no this a pretty night he watch you out of his inventory too man oh my god spider no what’s 100 py you know the fact that this works from so high up is amazing what is what works I am fishing from like 100 ft up yeah that fishing hole oh you made 100 Levels Petty nice you mind that I call you pety I think he’s said we could last time I was calling him that last time I’m pretty sure I again I have a bad habit of giving people nicknames like with Maul and EV which is like thank you all right we we I prefer ill okay my bad protein it’s wh it’s it’s shwifty Sam I do have 36 iron for you back at the mountain house if you can get here later sorry I yelled that I have 44 myself I’m currently working on fighting off some some Skelly boys that might be killing me here never mind got hey I got a rock good for you man I got the rock I want a rock I wait wait wait I I paused the game what’s going on how did that happen I don’t like that I don’t like that at all oh I know I don’t know how but one of my chickens escaped uhoh I probably just got like push oh don’t you shoot at me when I look how many chickens are in the thing four aot of damage have to kill the loose one that’s the rule oh please don’t oh my God isn’t that the [Music] why if a chicken gets loose you have to kill it oh yeah Sam started that yes high that killed I got a bow he get here’s the thing though he gets a four Infinity one what what’ you get your I got I got I got a bow with power for an Infinity one on it oh my God hell yeah it’s like almost destroyed though there should you Com when when you fish it out you have to fix it oh my my why did that well I’m going to put this in a chest before I break it yeah hell yeah fix that moo it’s great Infinity you just need one Infinity right like it doesn’t matter right yeah there’s no there’s no like better Infinity it’s just Infinity um I have an announcement yes ma’am yes EV I’m in a spot where I can sleep does it even matter at the this point yeah it’s literally daytime I just sleep in the bed I said I was going to announce it when I where I could yeah it’s daytime now hey I’m just sticking to what I said no listen man I respect it not a lot but I respect it respect oh that’s such [ __ ] the the animals can get out through the crack between oh something is coming at me the stone wall I do no it was a zombie on fire and I was like man this is some weird music going on right now and then I realized there was a zombie burning to death behind me hell yeah that’s the only kind of music you need well oh yeah Amen brother get back in there get back in there uhoh Molly is a cruel mother she Perfection calls her kids n come poops did I just get a mine cart from no that’s oh my God you okay buddy no you think you’re going to be okay I’m giving you the power of anime right now you got this the creeper keeps showing up and [ __ ] me I’m giving you the power of Bible man that’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool you get a lightsaber yeah a pretty cool costume all things considered All Things Considered yeah pretty cool pretty sick pretty swiy pretty swick pretty Swifty give me the meat boys and free my pole I want to get lost in your messy holes and drift away oh my God oh my God okay it’s it’s time for Sam to go it’s time for Sam to go no you know it’s real bad when he’s getting third person no yeah y oh my everyone’s getting [ __ ] right now well I’m almost there well EV why do you fish out here it’s a [ __ ] hell hole uh that if you’re on that island that’s not my fishing spot that’s that’s my Dr drown harvesting spot I’m fishing out here so it’s my fishing spot now yeah that’s why I don’t fish out there Jensen lady I will be right back okay sounds good sounds good guy sorry Jensen person of unspecified gender yes yes sorry I didn’t mean to laugh at that it’s totally not because she’s been a woman her whole life until we started streaming today hello honey I’m home are you here oh hey oh wow that is a nice looking outfit here you go sir here you go sir did you just give me a brush that’s what I had trying to Trent oh thank you are you sure you want to give me a trident I got my other one in my thing up there well thank you what does the brush do you okay I broke my ankle I think I’m fine all right I coming to fight for you um Molly What’s the brush do again um it like there’s this dumb item called suspicious sand and if you use the brush on suspicious sand then you might get something oh I feel like we need to find a desert biome yeah it is a desert thing hey uh will yeah um don’t retaliate I’m testing something okay are you going to push me off this Cliff no uh can you back up a little bit so I don’t push you off and I’m just trying to see if I can brush you okay how about let’s let’s let’s go up here towards the like right here okay okay I’m sorry if this hurts you I’m try NOP you’re good it did hurt okay oh that’s not how you brush hang on here hang on hang on okay it won’t brush you you do you do this this is Brushy see oh yeah I see it yeah there’s like a sleeping motion sorry man Dam it oh you’re good what hello floating cow my fishing area is right here well how now brown cow yeah it’s that Island right there right no you go underneath where this thing is and then you you don’t have blocks that get in your way and [ __ ] oh and things can’t really get you under here that’s why I dug it out I suppose that’s fair yeah but I’ve been living the dream down here EV I’m a new man yeah that island is how I get Trident if I want to hunt for trident cuz as you could tell those drown really like that area how many mothers have you [ __ ] Erica I don’t know I don’t think I have any your monolith is beautiful thank you Eric that was a tribute to my friend e good old e oh God it’s on fire why is part of the top of that on fire here do my controller have yeah it’s been on fire I don’t know why I I lit it on fire but I thought I put it all out last stream CU I didn’t have enough clearly not but that’s okay it’ll eventually all be on fire so oh yeah okay it’s working out okay I think I’ve got a couple more fish and then head back to the salt mines I summoned a demon hey oh yeah cuz my monolith on fire yeah that’s okay sometimes it be that way [ __ ] sometimes you just got grip and rip grip and rip oh I forgot I I brought you something else well are you done yeah grip and rip is that what you do with a slim gy listen not right now is it like the slogan of slim Gems or or something I think it’s Snapp to SL oh brother Sapa jam oh my god do you need that many do you sure you want to give me that many yeah I took it for the big house oh okay I appreciate it I have 44 cooked beef on me right now all right well appreciate it big guy I guess I can stop doing this now I know I know you didn’t want to be fishing so I mean I like I mean it was comfortable it’s just kind of a boring thing to watch while you know doing or like while we’re [Music] streaming now I got to figure out how to get off this [ __ ] Mountain oh there we go I was going to say there should be a little path I carved out that goes all the way up hi Erica oh my God baby zombie hello coming up he’s dead Sam I made a little stopping platform on your Thing by our by our monolith house okay because my rail cart just flew off the rails so oh my god really I made a little stopping thing yeah I went into the grass and everything so I put a little block there so I didn’t do that guess what chicken but I needed that what’s up Erica oh gonna say chicken butt to you you have what listened to oh Have you listened to it the music no no I have not I’m sorry just lie at this point oh yeah you’re right never mind I I totally do Sam yes you’re the last one the last one for what well you can item okay for you cool I’m going to just come over there and brush your ass it’s a little odd it’s fine I announced it so he knows what’s up oh I almost lost that [ __ ] cart you bastard which house are you closest to Sir um the first house man cave noises are awful original house yeah what’s up Erica what’s up skeleton please don’t [ __ ] me skeletons please don’t [ __ ] me not in the moon oh my God I’m really not well bring protection he’s not ready yeah I don’t have my condom helmet on oh my God that’s true that’s in Boulder’s Gate mhm it’s over oh you have a favor well if I can try to do it I will not something that we don’t want to do we’ll do it this an accurate statement I mean that that’s human you know are we human or are we dancer I do love that song No we’re praner bro come on can I go to the next Sabaton concert and fly a King air beachcraft into the stage ah that sounds like murder to me pal I’m sure it’s real metal but uh I’d rather not be part of that you can do whatever you want but doesn’t mean you’re not going to get jail time well here’s the thing I don’t know how to fly in aircraft so it definitely be a crash Oh I thought Eric was asking if they could do that they were asking you to do that yeah for them oh you know what they make a very good point I won’t I I won’t go to jail I’ll be dead they make a very good point oh yeah yeah that’s true that’s a good point There He Go my bad I that was an oversight on my part well you go to hell jail I want to go to hell jail I mean it’ll probably happen but I don’t want it to oh I just go to the devil it was just a prank bro just a prank the devil said well here you are devil jail is just a prank bro yeah and then we know the rest [ __ ] it there no did you know that a why someone puts in their hay means nothing yeah I I have known that for a long time make money you w’t even a why here this creeper just treding to pull up your rails no I I got away from him quick enough but he was really charging up at me oh God make won’t know why I hey you just thank you what are you saying listen Eric knows why I said mega mind ain’t no wiser hey I’m going to catfish some B oh that one’s got a baby on its back reading that I’m not reading that out loud I should have read that before I even started reading it oh my god um Eric I’m going to advise you not to do that oh that [ __ ] baby’s coming towards me it’s always the babies there always the babies and they suck so there’s one of these prank ticktockers I put it that in quotation marks cuz you can’t see me right and this guy [ __ ] just dipped his hand in this person’s freaking nachos and walked away and this lady chased the this 14-year-old kid no no no no on Kick he wasn’t on Tik Tok he was on Kick oh yeah and he just did that [ __ ] walked away and then he got banned from kick cuz everybody was like what the [ __ ] is this just had this dumbass idiot do that cuz the lady was like why are you doing that dumb ass cuz she follow him yeah at a certain point I think you have the right to just kick their [ __ ] in that’s what she was like I should kick your [ __ ] in because you’re being an idiot he also is the person who got banned from another streaming platform for just Smoky pot as a 14-year-old keep that in mind yeah yeah they really pushing their luck where all those mobs go but yeah these like like kick is like as a plat form is full of a bunch of dumb asses cuz they don’t monitor they don’t regulate that place very well unless there’s like huge media tension on it yeah I was going to say the more I read about kick the the less interested I have in streaming there ever yeah like it sounded like mildly appealing at first and then you learn the way they have their sight setup is is really nice but it’s like all the other [ __ ] with their monetary side of it is like okay but you got to like everything else about is [ __ ] cursed yes yeah that’s just it my God yeah kick is kick is kick it’s something who the [ __ ] even funds that like how can you that business model even like be a thing though yeah oh I found another L creep no okay Dam kick more like publicly assaulting yeah yeah yeah I don’t watch Mega my 2 and you got it Erica I’m watching it right now I already watched a review on it cuz I’m one of those people yeah sat down watched okay I watched the whole thing shut three times no Mom just tell us to shut up no I the gate wouldn’t shut I’m like oh my God shut olly come on I like the universe where she’s telling us to shut up you would she got triggered by Mega mine too I forgot that’s your trigger my bad Molly yeah sorry Molly what is are like favorite movie ever Mega M too yeah yeah I’m pretty sure yeah last time I talked to Molly she was she couldn’t stop talking about Mega m 2 oh yeah Erica you’re right there there’s like a little influencer kid in it that tries to convince them to stream or something it’s really done which is funny cuz like like the first movie would came out in what 2010 which yes is before any of that stuff really became relevant at all yeah and I and the movie is like isn’t it like pretty direct after the first one too like no it’s like days it’s like days after days after the first one yeah that’s [ __ ] awful so Molly yeah Eric said in my chat he said Molly you you mean the white male Wall-E yeah I was like okay that’s that’s that’s Wally’s white male Persona WALL-E WALL-E yep that’s me I like it and it’s it’s it’s w l l y so it’s take the M if you’re if you’re going to put it in Eric if you’re going to put it in there put it in there right oh my god oh more seats yeah Eric be a little more more respectful about her white male Persona yeah be respectful he put w a l l y I’m sorry I’m sorry disrespected you like that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] her WC her white original character said Eric said ER said they’re sorry okay what hit me what hit me hit me where where hey Molly you need more do you need more zombie meat I will always take zombie meat yes okay well oh I didn’t mean to do he just threw it all out I I know I acally jumped in the bed do you need zombie meat yeah for trading oh I did have a bunch of it somewhere Eric Eric you’re forgiven yes you don’t have it’s okay lais Luc are we are we sleeping I wasn’t paying attention no Sam just Sam just tripped and fell in a bed oh got it yep father one yes sir I’m here opinion on Father two which one’s father two I don’t know I’m best friend so Will’s a great that opinion take that opinion why is anend in here my god oh I am father to it has been realized what is my opinion on father father one again he’s my best friend I love him to death yeah could ask for a better guy yeah there we go I don’t know if he’ be the best man in my wedding but you know yeah oh thanks no cuz I don’t know Butters would be the best man at Will’s wedding I’d almost be entirely fine just doing one of those things where you just go to a court and sign off on the wedding and then and then I just do like a bowling party [Laughter] celebration your wife’s sitting there like we’re going to do a full wedding right you’re like mhm mhm how do you feel about one piece and bowling [Laughter] okay so I what the [ __ ] is that that is the man Infinity hey Sam can you um you look at my stream real quick and infinity yeah let me pop in let me pop I’m I’m looking what is that uh hang on you’re in front of a block oh hey yeah I guess you’ll oh yeah yeah down there yeah what is that I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure that’s where the warden is okay is is it like BL coraly looking stuff it’s a temple with blue coraly stuff around it is oh yeah yeah that’s probably where the warden is yeah yeah are you in our Mountain cuz that that was yeah yeah yeah you’re probably in that an area the warden is directly in the center of our Mountain okay he’s it oh yeah Eric says you’re in the deep dark yeah deep dark yeah that’s where the warden lives shape shap I don’t know how to pronounce that word o Diamond singular Diamond o piece of candy ooh oh man I want some rock candy right now Eric thanks for your assistance on that thanks what the [ __ ] who was out can you fight it now I’ve been waiting for a while no we’re definitely not ready to fight look at how decked I am I am not ready to fight that thing yeah just go in there and take care of it I look like Dr Franken furter Molly if I called some cows would you be upset uh which ones I don’t know yeah she’s got two in particular that you can’t touch the rest she doesn’t care I’ve got the ones under the ender portal I guess what do you want them for meat my name is louw but okay yeah I do have a secondary herd down here so you’re good okay can I have the leather is your name Louis listen listen Eric I would leave but otherwise just in case you want more but otherwise yeah go for it I’m not I’m not going to kill them all I’m going to kill them down to two and then I’ll start breeding more listen Eric if you tell me you want me to call you I’m going seconds to make um a flaming arrow then we don’t have to cook them they’ll just be cooked when I kill them but like will that kill them all or I have to kill them individually but it’s okay because I’ll have Infinity on here oh okay that’s that’s what I came up here to do actually I came up here to make a make an arrow oh no bone arrow I don’t know how to say that so you going have to say okay hold on give me a second I’ll come and uh are you bringing I assume you’re bringing food back to your other place uh yeah I’m just going to bring some food with me yeah honestly take as much food as you want we’ve got we can easily make more your other place has no food I’m coming to you baby boy Sam has or will has 64 chicken me a bunch of stuff that was very kind yeah no I know you hold TI don’t you move okay I have did you throw something at me uning hey Evan remember kids they got a gun always rush them yes sir yeah what’s up guy I’m just rushing the wood yeah watch his oh God I start I brushed that sign and started changing it oh my God brushing privileg is over I I’m out of here my brushing privileges have been taken away I’m just going to no stop it hey don’t you keep that brush on you I’m afraid of the dark stop it yeah version okay Sam how much um XP do you have right now 14 if I need more help can you more can you help me yes thank you I’m going to go put this zombie meat chest down by villagers down by your yeah your interment Camp whatever all right then Molly what do you officially call it what do you want to call it um side I’ve been calling it The Pink House but I would like to call it the soccer house no hang on hang hang on let’s let’s go back the pink house is the exact kind of name someone would call an internment camp like cuz it sounds like nice I’ve only been calling it pinks to help describe it to you guys what is that what is that oh guys I was walking on grass but it kind of sounds like a a creeper hiss so I was gaslighting myself at the thing I was about to die oh no God but yeah okay I I got you Molly I got you that makes sense girl boss gas light bro yep girl boss gas light Sam where are you sorry I’m coming I was uh I was I’m doing great Eric thank you and then there’s that [ __ ] I don’t want to go down I wonder I even have enough or if you have enough between you and me I might not I oh my you’re so little in your armor that’s funny yeah here I am what are you trying to do there big guy you what do you need me to do um I want you to take this okay hurt it sideways shove it up your ass okay and if you have enough XP also take this oh okay and combine them all together okay uh which one it’s Anil no you you passed it Anvil okay got it so I do the bow plus the book right um try to see which one is cheapest but yeah I just need to combine all three um this one will cost eight what will the two those together cost that will cost 10 so what do you prefer do you prefer the Two bows or do you prefer the book and and one of the bows um what are on the bows one is Unbreaking and the other is power I think right yes put un so use put the infinity and flame on the Unbreaking please okay if if nothing else I want that I’ll I’ll I’ll find the XP for the other one ones you got it Queen but in the meantime I can kill your cows sweet okay yeah this one will give Unbreaking three flame one and infinity one yay um Sam I have a question for you yeah did you just broker a deal with a devil you mean dear sweet molly here yeah maybe let’s let’s call her that where’s the other bow oh I have it hang on dear sweet devil m she was about to [ __ ] tear my ass up if I didn’t have her other bow too oh wait where is it I don’t have it I threw it at you Unbreak oh I don’t have it I’m going to have to take your new one now oh there it is yeah okay I don’t have it I’m going to have to take your soul now sorry oops I’m really bad those things are you going to have a contract like will and Boulder’s Gate or how’s this going to work I don’t know I might just turn into one of her villagers to be honest yeah she’ll put you to work yeah that’s probably a worst fate Sam pretty pretty worst case scenario if I do say some myself CU you’re going to have to live in a glass house Molly do we get paid time off um oh hell no how how much do we want how much you want oh uh for every hour of work work I want 3 months time off no that’s a lotto she’s going to she’s going to come over there and she’s holding a a diamond sword in her head how much time you want off again buddy yeah what did you ask what did you ask me I am negotiable I’m negotiable for what works for me and not you you get 3 weeks plus um 6 months fraternity leave maternity all right I guess does that so so that counts as fathers too cuz sometimes fathers only get like a month um maternity is for women but I believe paternity is for paternity is for paternity is for men oh by the way Sam I have your food okay sweet yeah I believe I believe in at least here in Minnesota it’s required six weeks for paternity um okay for federal government it is 12 weeks off Sam oh hi sorry yes sir nice see I can do this all at once get put a baby in there don’t even get me started okay good luck might worm welcome T TSA is a Cess pool with some stuff oh yeah oh my God T is really sitting there and be like hey Evan I need you to get pregnant I need you to get out I want the time off that much but I could get it pretty easily if I wanted it [Music] I might come back because I want to I want to fix up this Infinity bow um well so I’m on the rails right now so let me get over to you I mean are you heading my way or their way I’m heading your way that’s why I’m warning you I’m also heading your way that’s fine I’ll chill out you just wait there Sam com storing out take me a while it is raining yeah all right well I’ll go to my safe fishing spot then is it my Dugout One no I’m going to go down our little hole and then I’m going to oh I’m going to fish from like 300 feet up oh so ugly well not going to get any XP for that I get no do I not I got XP when I was doing it before but if you’re too high up you have to go down and get it ah it’s fine I’ll just get fish who called our house ugly Eric did in my chat listen Eric if you act out like that again uh our house kind of got frankensteined together because we set it on fire on accident creepers have blown up in it it’s definitely happened a lot more than you’d think some our house on well yeah yeah it was a lot nicer when Maya built it but after Maya built it it uh that’s it Eric no desert chaos happened I really did get blown up by a lot of creepers yeah there’s just so much [ __ ] ugly house ugly ass Eric ugly streamer you haven’t even seen my real face whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he really doesn’t want dessert for the next three years chatter Eric ugly yeah that’s ugly Behavior yeah come on bubble bubble up ugly big ugly face ER you got to stop do isn’t it daytime oh maybe not it’s storming out but you can’t sleep when it’s storming night you guys want me to he storming right now I’m coming I’m just about there I can sleep soon I’m coming yeah I got to get to the staing more like car wreck wow train wreck would have funnier CU that’s a phrase people use sir Sam yes Molly will it’s going to be a little bit okay okay so are you not sleeping I just no cuz otherwise I’m going to take the rail car and continue further I’m getting to a stopping point on this rail and then I’m going to sleep but I can’t right now gotta sorry just why do these [ __ ] I don’t know who hurts you but I I think you need to calm down you’re being cruel for no reason taking it out on random midwesterners that you that you talk to now then I don’t know random midwesterners hello dear hello dear we’re we’re as sweet as pie dear hello we’re sweet as pie but you know if we’re being nice to you or being mean you’ll never know listen Sam yeah I said sorry for sounding Snappy when I didn’t mean to sorry black sorry I’m blue sorry about all the things say my God what the hell just happened nothing beats Southern Hospitality yeah man some my good southern style food today listen listen man when a when a southern when a southern uh older Southern woman called you’re good calls calls you sweetie it’s it’s a nice time you know sweetie honey sugar pie sweetie sugar pie yep yep honey bun I love honey bun M yep honey buns are also good they are good or a Southern Man calls you son that’s that’s a good one Hulk Hogan calls you brother but not when he calls you the N word was going to say yeah yeah that’s right you’re right well you’re right oh Hulk you crazy old man you you silly old man you um Sam I’m going to give you a heads up on this rail there is a creeper by your rail okay hey Evan I’m going to give you head you catch up catch all up let’s do it don’t talk about it let’s you just do it it got me so off guard he the way he like said hey Sam I’m going to give you a heads up it just made me think he was going to say hey I’m going to give you head so I had to say it on my own you’ve been acting up too much lately you don’t deserve it I was going to ask yes Molly do you think you have the capability to not make any kind of inuendo in a single stream no sorry about that and your brother Erica but I get it okay been there all righty then is this a challenge Molly damn it maybe holy [ __ ] it can’t be this You’ already made You’ already made well I know but um the next time we stream Minecraft no innuendos can you do it I I can’t commit to that can I still make inuendos I I’m committing to myself on it yes everyone else everyone else can go their own way with it I don’t like being held back by my comedy I know I’m not I’m not saying I’m not saying it bothers me I’m just like could you if you tried of course I worked in a school I know I know I’m joking yeah see see that’s definitely I definitely can I work in a public facing job so I I was going to say I hold back all the time but it’s just did the game just crash it did yeah it doesn’t work oh no well actually no worky my just disappeared Into Thin Air all right folks we’ll be back I mean I’m still here you’ll just be seeing the loading screen fix my Auto mod I’m fix my auto bro fix my here’s the thing Sam too Autobot well listen Eric I don’t stream enough on here to care about fixing anything let Molly finish here’s the thing Sam with Will it it honestly it’ probably be harder with will not and and Evan not being restricted even worse if Maya is here I don’t know if if if they if they were all here it would be impossible like like my Maya being here it would be impossible Maya would know I’m doing it and try to antagonize me into she would and so would will and Evan honestly so I don’t [ __ ] know and honestly you you being the [ __ ] [ __ ] you are probably would start in window too you heard me I’m back in the game by the way her real devil would come out yeah still alive still alive she’s just a little under the weather today she’s a busy lass is she also a white male uh maybe yeah you’d have to ask her that she got to commit to her own story yeah definitely definitely can’t speak for her but I’ll definitely laugh at her mhm oh my God riding rail I guess it’s I guess it’s the morning oh yeah you guys still aren’t back ouch out are you okay was your foot asleep no I I screwed up my shoulder last weekend and somehow it still is not well so I’m I’m waiting to see is it going to stay like this for like another week or will my body actually heal itself no I toally get you I um it is like similar thing that happened to me a few years back is I I I [ __ ] up my wrist cuz I was using a leaf blower for like an hour and I was just holding it like in the same position for like an hour not thinking about it and the next day every movement of my wrist just killed me and uh I went uh I went to my doctor got it checked out and he goes put your thumb in your hand and then just shoot your wrist forward real quick you know and uh it was the single most painful thing after my father’s death that I’ve ever felt like oh yikes Jesus Christ and uh so anyways he gave me a wristband and I I’m not saying this will happen to you cuz I definitely don’t think it will but I was my wrist did not heal for like two months it felt like God like it was [ __ ] up for a while it was weird that was just from olding a blower for how long was it it was like an hour but I held it in like the same position like I just I hyp extended the [ __ ] out of it yeah it just stiffed up completely I was going to say did you say what happened or did you just say that you had to get that okay now I got you yeah yeah no it yeah yeah I just yeah it was but yeah so Molly I’m hoping yours is not that I’m sure me too was so wait was it like super painful the next day then it so it was like really bad for like the first week and then the rest of the time it was like like for like the next few months it wasn’t like agonizingly painful it was just like oh I’m moving my wrist and it’s really just kind of annoying and irritating every time I move it okay yeah but that that was like a couple years ago now okay yeah because for me it’s like it doesn’t hurt unless I try to either raise my arm to a certain height or if I just kind of jostle uh my joint a little bit so it’s like I actually have not been like in constant pain or anything but like every time I try to move it a certain way it’s like oh yeah my shoulder hurts you probably pulled a bit of a muscle then probably yeah well and and with that I’m like can I can I maybe like get away with like it’ll heal itself you could uh throw some like pain patches on there that should yeah my mom said if I ice it that might help yeah um even though it’s like not like beating hot pain but yeah it’s it’s one of those things where it’s like I know people like roll their eyes when someone our age says I’m old I feel old but the thing is like you you feel way you you noticeably feel older than you did before like when you physically do these things to yourself no totally I agree what’s up sorry oh hi um um yeah hey man my back doesn’t have scoliosis so scoliosis Curves in what whatever my back has curves out so I’ve had that for a long time oh really damn yeah does that bother walk or anything H gets stiffer when I’m driving that’s the most old man sounding thing to say it it gets stiffer when I’m driving but I’ve had it since like 19 so I’ve had it for a long time next season more or less used to it oh I’m sorry Erica that happens to you what’s up will not much I’m going to Sam are you off the tracks no I’m still on it okay but I’m also going to continue building you have a cart there young man I have a cart yeah I have one on me sounds good I just just double checking oh good looking out son I don’t want you to get real upset no I got what you meant Eric oh that was close there’s a boat come on come on open up here yeah sweep off this place dog Sam’s on his way put Icy Hot on my ice cream that’d be terrible don’t do that that sounds that sounds like poison because it is D it’s not good it tastes bad what was that thing someone did it’s like oh God what was it I’m going to I’m going to eat a chili pepper no I like I’m going to eat a chili pepper and then I’m going to have a bunch of spearmint gum it’s like hey you guys want to know what Hellfire tastes like yeah oh right because the The receptors for heat and cold in that way are different [ __ ] yes so you experienc them both of them at once that is horrific did I did they did so did they do that knowing what would happen or did they like think oh but it’ll cancel out I I think that was the the scientific experiment of they might cancel out okay someone rubed Icy Hot on their Twinkie for a dare that sounds just absolutely disgusting and it could possibly inflame your throat no sound listen somebody put Icy Hot down their pants I’ve seen people do that I mean that would just burn ow that would burn yeah but yeah no America said they put it on their oh I see what you mean okay I got you I got you I got you I was being an an old man and I didn’t pick up on the innuendo yeah that would just [ __ ] hurt put I in my condom oh it’s it’s a th% stup stop it Sam no bad boy going to be a bad bad boy you get over here I’m going to sweep that ass have children again yeah it’ll burn [ __ ] Sam no no it’s time it’s done ER I have like three monitors up I don’t know yeah Erica are you rocking like the the guy in the chair set up guy in the chair I just want to imagine no is too funny that that Eric is running three different personas at the same time yeah it’s true no I have three tabs incredible yeah man that’s getting it done yep let’s get her done get her done l the Cable Guy why did anyone ever think he was funny yeah I think was just you know what that’s me being he’s Mater okay I think it was just time and place you know it was here’s the thing here’s an assessment about the early 2000s that I didn’t really think about and it was the fact that 9911 happened and this isn’t a joke it’s literally like 9/11 happened yeah and people were just just all on board with good old American living at I mean that is that is very true like that that was that was just the culture of the time is like the entire world came together and was like yeah Larry the Cable Guy he just makes jokes about being an American and that’s funny yeah I did um I never watched Larry the Cable guys like standup comedy that much but I I I would watch the blue collar com Comedy Tour specifically just for Ron White like but they had like a little wholesome section at the end here at the end of their the Blue Collar Comedy Tour where they they sat down together and they they they had old family photos that they put up and they just give each other [ __ ] about them yeah right so there’s some cute stuff there but like Jeff Fox where they now runs a Christian trivia show yeah uh bill I don’t remember what the bill guy is bill bill engal bill engal I don’t even think he does anything anymore he does a bunch of investment stuff he’s been on Shark Tank like more recently like as a contender no as a shark oh really yeah huh yeah serious what are you saying I I I think he also does like his own comedy sketches that are different now like there it’s like a new like new comedy that isn’t like what he was in the blue collar to her you know like he just does stand up with new jokes want to try something way too much Irish cream in a coffee it was a bad idea I believe it oh God it’s almost night time it is Sam where are you at I’m on the rail building more oh trying to trying to make these Naruto connections you know go man go go I’m brushing you I’m brushing you out of here go man go Bill’s last show was last year he okay I’m just encouraging you cheering on I’ll I’ll wait till morning I’m cheering you on like a cheerleader waving this brushing you in there how long have I been going through it Eric I don’t know maybe about 55 years since I was like 18 maybe not too long oh watch out yeah see zombies got [Music] like he’s soliciting we should get inside Evan there’s oh no there’s a [ __ ] there’s a Pillager there’s a Pillager I don’t know where they came from die B me just going go insan for the last 6 months now I’m sorry it does get better though buddy good got a shitty ass crossbow oh God you snorting a little Coke over there Evan hell yeah man a fear of all cameras and devices you’re on a device right now you’re stronger oh [ __ ] I realize I don’t have BD I went to open my Yeti hang on I got and I didn’t realize I had bare skin open I [ __ ] set the metal right on bare skin that’s why I freak my God Hang on we’re going to sleep I need to go to a different spot hang on yes sir you guys need to sleep I can sleep if you want I can sleep you guys need to sleep okay give me give me give me give me oh my God okay I just need to time this hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on b a r e how am I I’m doing all right buddy how are you other than the scared of devices and cameras then yeah whatever I don’t care about cameras take a picture it’ll last longer I’m only scared of I’m only scared of ring cameras listen I helicopter in Fr damn right to be scared Sam yeah that’s right Sam you heard me I I I I’m scared I’m scared of ring cameras cuz Evan’s going to be helicoptering in front of them Evan get his face right up close to it and look like the anime psycho break moment I do okay there is one ring camera video that cracked me up and it’s the guy that’s like that’s like uh you said you were going to play video games with me tonight and now you’re now you’re not but you’re not [ __ ] online but I can see I can see that you’re uh you’re at home right now so I know that you’re just ignoring me and it’s like he gets real [ __ ] close to the camera and he’s like he’s like the boys are waiting for you the boys are waiting it’s just like some kind of wild [ __ ] like that it’s just okay the boys be waiting the boys be waiting we know you out here cheating with your [ __ ] here bitching with your cheating bitching with your cheating oh yes yes H there’s light at the end of the tunnel I see it you see you see us I I see the I see where where I started a railroad track prior oh my God are you talking about the rails that I put down yes oh okay just want my credit for that little bit that I put down okay are you seeing uh the rails that I helped make with all the iron I got you you’re good guy yeah you I already put those down a while ago listen I acknowledge you in your ballad okay boys I don’t have a boat uhoh yes sir oh yeah yes Sam the day has finally come wait [ __ ] why is there a rail missing on this one hang on hang on hangang I can fix it I can fix it I can fix her this black Dy looks like a 2p I can fix her I can fix her guys I can fix her oh I see I see I see I didn’t put the gold rails down you really [ __ ] up no I didn’t I didn’t cuz I okay you go you go by will slow down really why did you why did you oh cuz I didn’t put a torch there hang on hang on I’m coming there we go thanks buddy love you yeah yep will it goes all the way back now yeah queen I’m proud of you buddy you did good work I finally made it you’re just really a god amongst men I finally did it you know what I’m surprised hasn’t been made yet an Adam Sandler movie where him and all his friends are the Greek god stop it right right that should be a movie oh my God I’m dying oh I had to mute my mic to cough for a second I’m sorry but like seriously though Adam Sandler is Zeus No Kevin James is as as like dianis and fat and drunk Rob Schneider David Spade is like Hades and he’s just tired and upset oh my [ __ ] god that’d be beautiful oh you can or no you can have Kevin James as H Festus and then you’ll have like one of their hot wives as Aphrodite right you’ll just be like yeah I keep thinking my wife’s cheating on me and there’s like Chris Rock is Aries you know yeah yeah oh be Kevin Hart oh no no Chris Rock’s the part of the group right yeah he is he is yeah I don’t think Kevin Hart is I mean he can always join could always join that’s true all all you have to do more like Robert bobbert Kevin Hart’s going to be oh God that got me but yeah no seriously and it’s oh what would they call it though yeah oh my God Mount Olympic I know that’s that’s Gods Among Us Gods Among Us gods among mened all for the God’s like one of us like the song oh yeah maybe damn yeah are you still building on that rail um no I mean okay so I got excited because it was finished and I got back on the track and now I’m Ling back to the other house oh no [ __ ] I need to come back why because I forgot my Infinity B that’s the whole reason I was coming this way all right well will will stop me halfway and we can go no I’ll go all the way I’ll go all the way don’t go back don’t go back will I’m I’m coming over there so I’ll bring it all right we can we can all ride the rail it’s in the farthest chest to the right you got you got thanks buddy beautiful Molly you got to take the rail and come see the new house oh you guys been working on it no I I mean no but come come see the cavern where where the monolith yeah you can see the monolith but but let us come back first and we can all ride together yeah I I got to get up here with Well’s Goods I also brought you a bow you can combine it with Will that’s my problem is I had the bow to combine it with and I forgot the actual bow oh whatever hi Panda but thank you we appreciate it I will come see the house once I finished my business here when she’s done murdering innocent Golems for their sweet meat purposes I I mean I don’t need it anymore to be fair really actually keep doing it I want to make to make we need iron but yeah I need to get as strong as I was before what that suppos to me man I I had my diamond sword of like power four and Unbreaking I have a better bow now my diamond pickax has [ __ ] nothing on it I’m cover I’m covered in just [ __ ] armor I look like a hobo I’m getting so many feret kisses WAFF hey um what did you need this ratten flesh for uh trading purposes yeah is that how you can get um emeralds oh my God I can’t speak yeah yeah I think you can trade flesh for so I’m taking I’m taking that cuz I need some emeralds you make a nice concoction with it you dip your tampons in to get rid of the Moon sickness oh my God okay well it’s so wrong but he’s so right that’s because they used to like do that with like old tampons like dip them in like cocaine and [ __ ] mhm yeah Will’s cooking right now dude damn you cooking he cooking what’s he cooking I want no I mean I made pork chops yesterday a you son of a [ __ ] what happened you didn’t die no what happened oh I wanted to turn around to do something yeah the roller coaster does have a very nice view and I my mineart The Horizon’s beautiful please will I’m in the middle of geving did you drop something even I got out of my mine cart I went to break it and fall into the water I’m sorry buddy you could drop down there and get it yeah it should build my way back here we go hopefully I die I don’t want you to die cuz if you have my Infinity bow on you I just need to die now well and I think maybe you should just walk back to the house on the on the [Music] trail just don’t lose wills’s Infinity bow I mean you can it’s not like I made it but like that seemed like a pretty lucky drop it’s okay I forgive you no matter what happens oh my God but I’m going to be just want to know where where this thing went off oh my God I’m going to kill myself for real cuz it’s in my inventory your your mine cart either I fell on the mine cart which I don’t think was in my inventory or it was in my inventory the whole time when it broke you probably it probably just went into your inventory dude yeah probably we’ll watch the footage and we we’ll do a slow zoom in of where it is it’s okay at least Eric sorry I was going through I was going through a um end life crisis so I couldn’t read my chat he was going through a one piece AR you know I should have set up a timer I’m kind of curious how like long it is from like the this the uh the mountain home to our old home I know right I am going to do a little checkpoint here in a second yes sir well I’m going to build a check I should say Eric is typing gibberish in my chat I can read parts of it he’s like mistyping stuff on purpose like it reads parts of it other parts of it I’ve registered I will not be able to sleep considering where I am yeah yeah until I get to an island my life is over I’m sorry Evan one day I’ll get get to your with your bow it’s okay buddy Day Jesus [Music] somay nice watch you oh well yeah no matter what happens you I gave you a brush and I love you love you too buddy oh there was my little spot that I actually made for my bed I saw it it’s getting darker and darker so I don’t know Molly you see Godzilla versus Godzilla Kong yet of course Godzilla sex Kong of course not of course not of course not I’m sorry I don’t have the exact same interests as you guys do it’s fine it’s okay I watch the stuff you it’s all right it’s so good though Molly it’s so much fun Molly if you want the best like like honest to God a controversial opinion it’s the best shut your brain off movie it is it’s so much fun it’s I want to watch uh Godzilla versus Kong and Godzilla xcong backto back and that will be like the perfect 3-hour shut your brain off experience that be amazing leg so wait is it back at the SN house is it as good or or would you say sleep Sam uh no I’m not sorry is it the same experience as um uh the Kong versus Godzilla movie it’s better it’s better it’s more fun it’s it’s that it’s the same style of movie but distilled into like what it should cuz I’m not going to lie that that movie it’s like I only went because of you guys I I would never have gten to see that movie otherwise and coming away from it I was also like that was a movie I like Ninja Turtles you weirdo I have the things that I like and you have the things that you like I know what guys like and it’s Godzilla they also like Ninja Turtles Godzilla is way better than Ninja Turtles I’m sorry [ __ ] you it is he is W hey let’s keep it civil on these parts but she got so mad oh yeah she’s pissed but you know what got s us better no no comparon he doesn’t do nothing I don’t care you broke your elbow he he is the protector of Nature and balance how dare you he is yeah protect I’ll protect these nuts Spider-Man protects New York City they’re out of the job [ __ ] yeah well you know what kidding Spider-Man will die the Ninja Turtles are forever the turtles they their most like popular comic right now is where they’re all [ __ ] dead yes Eric thank you Godzilla is better Godzilla ER knows what’s up no I actually don’t give a [ __ ] about Godzilla that’s but what about monkeys you know I’m so glad that that that this is happening cuz now I can say I don’t give a [ __ ] about Ninja Turtles I know you don’t give a [ __ ] about Ninja Turtles I do [ __ ] I know you Godzilla’s way better I hope you step on a Lego I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to take that picture of Godzilla through shoulder pain I don’t want physical pain on her I just want her to Rack her brain I’m going through back pain so me and her are on even playing ground right now I have back pain from Carrie in your ass every day I peed earlier and it was kind of hot so like a little bit bro Evan I don’t I don’t want to talk carrying I don’t want to talk to you about carrying right now did you hear me yeah I did and you know what I’m going to suck you off so [ __ ] get over it that’s good thank you Erica good looking out y I see our house in the distance yes Erica there’s a light in the distance I do I do like both T Ninja Turtles and Godzilla though I do I do like them both at the end of the day too but Godzilla Kong did something for me that a lot of movies haven’t done in a while yeah well Ninja Turtles changed my DNA so there trust me we know hey Once Upon a Time Godzilla and honestly just Kaiju movies in General changed mine too are you in indeed are you indeed a teenage Bo Ninja Turtle now Molly not a Ninja Tur she was she cosplayed one you cosplay weird she she’s a female adult human male human male female adult human male yep that’s it yep yep good old Wall-E yeah that’s how you know I’m male I like Ninja Turtles girls don’t like Ninja Turtles Molly are you in the pink house um yes you don’t ever ask Molly that again I no it’s okay I’m just coming to smack her hey hit her really hard you make sure you do it with that brush I gave you okay okay I’m going to hit her with a salmon I’ve got a diamond sword [ __ ] come get some I got a diamond sword too I was going to say so does will so I think I’ve got a flaming arrow I’ve got a I got a flaming butthole oh my God are you okay Evan Listen I just needed to let it out okay all right I am Eric I’m not read sorry I was I literally I literally was about just throwing an egg at the wall you came right in front of me God oh wow you really took my wall advice to Heart huh oh I just the second floor oh that works too cuz then if you just got on the rail you can go and see um we have a little tower now you have a little tower look over here here oh God what nothing we were inside each other and it was just clip my eyes to death oh this oh this is the tower okay got it got it got it it’s just so we’re down here we should be okay we can we can do a little crouchy but we can also jump up and see yeah it looks good there’s a creeper coming oh well do not let him blow it up do not let him blow it up I’m not going to let him blow it up all right y’all I’m going to be sleep okay Molly Molly your thing has a [ __ ] flaw that had that’s a major flaw Molly don’t get in my way when I’m killing a creeper I know how to do it I wasn’t trying to I was trying to get inire don’t you ever don’t you ever Gat keep will like that okay but yeah your your Tower’s got a flaw Molly it’s so that I can get over there if I need to okay well if a creeper can sneak in through the corner that’s not very defensive now is it you need to stay to the sides where it won’t come in never I’m never as an architect that Golem oh there’s two of them now uh I don’t have any more Arrow they can’t get past here they they literally can’t if you shoot arrows them they can I I don’t oh I got like one more Arrow damn I guess we’re not sleeping oh wait I mean I are you sleeping Evan I thought you said you were on the rail I said I I said I’m sleeping oh well I’ll go in a bed I’ll go in a bed all right come on oh you left the door open you [ __ ] I’m sorry oh my God I don’t know how or why that happened to you I don’t know either I didn’t hit it what is going on I don’t know she Som hey guys it’s morning can we can we still attempt to sleep because otherwise we’re going to start having the [ __ ] idiots I’m in the bed I’m in a bed I don’t know who else isn’t sleeping right now I’m in well somebody some [ __ ] left the door open I don’t know what that has to do with the you dying oh my God they were behind glass how did you die sorry I was reving up my engine CU I was behind the glass with them when did you get behind the glass because I because Evan kept saying sleep and I’m like okay I’ll sleep and the are there you should have come with me to our real house well maybe you should have left the [ __ ] door open listen just blame me nothing to do with you dying I’m not mad about dying I’m mad that you left the door open okay all right I get it yeah death is just a number to her I apologize and I’m going to do it again in the future harder okay that’s great I love that for you will you should set up some Redstone switch if you turn it on it’ll just keep opening the door that’ be funny I feel so at peace that my uh done I’m done I’ve beaten Minecraft hey Jesus of the rail you did some great work that’s your new title Jesus of the rail will this make you forgive me what yes thank you you welcome I want I want to I want to drag Molly over here now so so we can all experience it together we should all ride your rail to together okay okay let me put my stuff away and I’ll get travel ready once I get once I get back with Will’s bow yeah Evan and I both got to get back here and we got to oh my God I just glitched backwards on your rail I went forward and then I went backwards and I went forward again God God it was a time to be alive I’m invigorated fully invigorated I don’t like how you said that I almost said I almost said it a worse way and I caught myself CH my invigoration is at full mast yep that’s right well you know I love looking at our house and I just see the again the bridge in the distance where we just jump off and die hey it’s iconic it is Iconic it’s been hours of my life making that bridge not the not the bronze bridge and then there’s will and Will’s penis and vagina also iconic that’s Maya’s penis and vagina ion built it will built it it’s it was for for her yes so it’s it’s both of their they share it you be respectful vag it’s really nice you can it’s it’s it’s I’m proud of that vagina I put detail in that vagina you should yeah yeah you did got a big c and everything that was that was that was uh the biggest [ __ ] in all the land that was one of God’s creatures hands right there that’s God’s Sam Sam I almost murdered you I thought you were a little Gremlin creature coming and I was so ready to just [ __ ] start beating your [ __ ] in God Sam you do have the ter a terrible Taste of having skins that make it look like you’re a mob that we should k look almost your Yoda and armor and like just you running around like that is just no I’m sticking to it you can stick to it I I’m I’m just saying days kill me that’s he he he already did when I was uh [ __ ] um the gas the one time yeah I was I was trying to shoot between his legs cuz his body wasn’t there and I [ __ ] shot him oh my God Panda don’t turn off my PS5 please oh my God she’s sniffing the button like girl you want to hear like a weird story and cuz like in relation to that uh back in the day when I was uh playing on my PS2 me and an old buddy of mine we’ we’d like chat over the phone while playing the same game and like help each other beat levels and uh I want s to him hey has your cat ever like sprinted and like taken your PS2 like right off the shelf while it was running you know like hooked a cord and the moment I said that butter my lovely precious cat grabs like my [ __ ] like PS2 controller in his teeth and rips the PS2 off the shelf while sprinting oh my God it was like an act of God it was really funny you really will that into existence I did he what I did there he like heard me and he like hey watch this Dam you hear what I did there yeah that’s the power of will you know EV made the joke first I just I did I said will oh well good job both of you no chickens what we no chickens has in I threw a bunch of eggs and no little chickens came out that’s all that’s all that’s all no chickies all right no chicklets no nuggets looks like a dagger floating in the air God’s work out here why is there a llama kill it or don’t you guys are so bloodthirsty it’s Cusco he’s a dick but he got better in the end kind of then he made a TV show he St a dick for a good chunk of that movie listen oh yeah he did David Spade voice is that thing still a dick at the end of the day J listen I wouldn’t replace John Goodman David Spade for anything bab Bo is that your Dan arroy in the Yogi Bear movie whoever you want it to be well okay should try my crystal skull vodka diluted with diamond gas you I don’t even know how you dilute things with diamond oh there’s a traiter kill him uh you guys he’s got bubble Coral block he’s got magenta die he’s got a wait what is that that he’s got a fern I thought it was a scarecrow Molly Molly says they don’t matter kill him Molly said call them I don’t want to kill them there’s only one Traer in this lands and that’s Molly never said to call them well where are you uh to the side of our house oh I see I see you I see you I see you it’s right there M’s running a monopoly look at him everyone look at him he’s a little like Gremlin man hey is that me he dies so easily and the Llama doesn’t do anything nope don’t care ow what the [ __ ] it’s spitting at me oh you’re on it them llamas ain’t loyal what the [ __ ] is that witch here I I need to get off where did that where did she come from I don’t know oh my God ow Molly we need help is getting revenge for that there’s a there’s a fire zombie where are you gentlemen that’s what’s called G Karma it felt like it no clue where you guys are that Traer called I need milk I want to be h fine we’re fine mommy milky we’re fine all right I’m going back yard okay sounds good am I fine you can use our body as fertilizer yeah I was going to say same the poison wears off at the last heart it’s do does it do that really just every time I don’t think you can die from Poison I don’t take your health and scare the [ __ ] out of you yeah you can get down to that half a heart and then you can die from something else but not from the poison I got the L Gavin how close are you to the house oh I um I am at negative 1700 oh got it he’s got a little bit but he’s he’s getting there he’s making Spa a chicken you had to go you had to go on an adventure it’s all right yeah yeah I had to go get my mine cart that may or may not have fallen in the water it’s okay I made a bunch of mine carts that I’m going to place around along the way so also Molly are you down in the pink house no I should Bu The Garden I’m gardening by our garden sounds good got you what’s up I’m going give you something you giving me my cut I’m giving you your mine cart yeah he’s cutting your jib why am I taking this you can when we travel we can we can travel together are we doing that soon I think so whenever you what do you have going on where you where you can’t well she had us in her planner and then she wasn’t ready anymore I’m finishing my gardening cuz I need [ __ ] to trade with my villagers yeah you’re going to come with us you’re going to like it we are going to do this as a family a family yeah no when whenever Evan whenever Evan gets here we’ll do I’m at the snow house right now so okay yeah all right when he gets here I’ll be ready I’m family my Infinity bow and then and then we can sorry about that I had to get a little bit harsh with me God damn it yeah it happens you had to show me the business mhm I need you to know should we all sleep when Evan gets here sure sure oh my God we got to clear out that damn tree that I keep going through n you’re fine that’s fine it doesn’t block anymore I’m block you come at me bro you going to huh with a brush you you heard me [Music] right over there Evan come on I’m just laying in a bed so when we do sleep we’re ready yep I can sleep whenever you guys I walk like 15,000 steps today so walk walk like an ation the new Mandalorian show is going to be Mandalorian and grou oh really yes because they can’t do the Mandalorian anymore cuz the Mandalorian can be anybody and by anybody they mean batan yeah Len creeper sorry hang a squeak it was it was me oh that’s Panda I’m I’m summoning Panda away from my switch Panda here wait maybe I can get her to D you guys hear that yeah that rustling is that her yeah do you hear her noises though I heard a russle and then I heard something go what are you doing silly girl it’s okay some someday I’ll have a face cam and then I’ll hold panda in front of it I don’t get it will they’ll be like Sam yes sir my friend wanted you to me to let you know cuz they had ferrets before but they don’t now because they travel a lot obviously he wanted or they wanted it’s not a heat so she wanted you to know that Panda’s her spirit animal okay up good to know Panda’s pretty great Panda’s adorable and and they they really like that I have Excuse excuse me sir let’s sleep who said you could move in next to me I moved in M Chan all right the brush is out to night Sam so get ready Swan I’m coming cuddles Spirit cuddles sir yes yes I have a delivery thank you kindly you’re the [Music] best oh my God Jesus Christ I don’t really know what’s going on with me right now [Music] but can you put mending on it flame one power three and punch one bow in my chest [ __ ] me efficiency so will yeah there is this chest that I have open that has books in it that I think are for whoever wants to use them yeah no I actually just stole a book from there that’s good except for don’t use any of those curse of Vanishing things yeah I kind of figured not to we should get rid of those things cuz if you die with curse of Vanishing then see you later whatever it is oh yeah right right Sensei Molly I wasn’t listening what curse of Vanishing once you die is gone whatever is on it yep well that’s not whatever on it the item itself is gone yeah yeah well that that would also include so it’s just like on it a completely negative thing it doesn’t add any bonuses curse of binding and curse of Vanishing both suck okay they’re really only for a competitive whatever so if you like get have someone take it then it’s like like haha you can’t take it off or whatever okay gotcha gotcha well Molly are you travel ready um no okay uh well what’s your ETA on um I want to put mending on my my Ming and Unbreaking on my diamond pickaxe Sam really fire infinitely can can we go and intimidate her yes well will us to I guess no I was just checking if this is you know Infinity you know it is it yeah it it yeah so I I only have one arrow on me so thck bro it’s pretty cool like I can see why wanted it so badly what’s up what’s up never mind I give up no no no no no where are you what don’t worry about it never mind you’re right here hold come here what there I gave it to you I have two now yeah two what no I’m kidding give it give me give me that one back I hold on Molly have your thought about just saying thank you I it’s taking up inventory space it went back to you God she such a baby oh my God throw it and move what is this it’s going to keep going back into your inventory Molly [ __ ] throw it and move sorry [ __ ] godamn it Molly I’m sorry we’re going to R you up with these we’re going to rough you up with these B carts this is what you get for [ __ ] around Sam you guys at the pink house ev took it this time that’s fine I’ll put it in the I’ll put it in the chest I know where the chest is we’re we’re we’re at The Pink House Andy let that be a lesson to you efficiency there’s a Golem on top of your Tower yeah a prison where efficiency at here you go no it’s too expensive I want a fish let that be a lesson to you Molly we’ll come with more mine carts next time if I kill the librarian do I get their efficiency book no no no hold on let me put the stuff on my pickaxe and then I’ll go Sam did I do that right I shut your door do what right that is that what I supposed to do to intimidate her oh my god oh man [ __ ] I saw I saw you get your [ __ ] rocked yeah did you hit them or something yeah Sam thought he was tough I thought I you know I thought it’ be funny if I tried and it didn’t oh my God no they hit like a freight truck and you got got Sam all right I did I got diddled is it two up there now yeah yeah no there there have been two oh yeah yeah well why do I hear cows crying hear sounds like when cows cry Molly did you set up like an automatic like Butchery no no not yet she’s working on it that that sounded like a [ __ ] lie if I’ve ever heard one it it kind of sounded like a [ __ ] lie yeah I does anyone have at least 11 experience they can give me I have 12 and I mean enchant something for me where did my sword did it fall to the ground or anything it might have did anyone pick it up I didn’t touch any of your stuff did anyone pick what up oh wait my sword’s here mind where are you mly never mind everything’s here I forgot Evan has the other mine cart m m no I don’t I put it in the chest hello hi I forgot had the other mine cart excuse me please combine those okay that I’m breaking three and fortune 3 I should have four things on there mending Unbreaking efficiency and Fortune I see mending one on the diamond pickaxe and then Unbreaking three and Fortune three oh did I not oh wait wait not efficiency yeah I that’s too expensive okay yeah so just Unbreaking mending [ __ ] Unbreaking mending oh my godune Unbreaking fortune and okay damn come to the back of the house where my um thank you you’re welcome copper structure is your Bridge no no behind the house where the little lightning rod thing is oh yeah Panda that tickles oh my God Panda bite him in the nip oh my god get them in the Stones girl ah no she’s trying she’s biting my feet the tickles that’s so cool I guess I guess I guess well what I’m looking at I’m coming to you well well well well and Molly can come and look at it too if they want I’m coming up here where are you what am I looking at behind the house with a nether portals you see all that oh are you talking about that yeah yeah yeah yeah I noticed that earlier when I was back here what the oxidizing yeah yeah I saw that too ear yeah it’s pretty neat there’s another Trader this my bridge is going to take forever to do that cuz there’s so many to get next to wow these guys are worthless yeah yes why I say end him well I mean worthless as Merchants maybe not their lives worthless as lives hey alpaca here from the Minnesota you don’t trade good you’re worthless yes what happened to People’s Accents in 50 years no one talks like that anymore I know right what’s up random dude you beat Luchi congrats buddy hey he did it oh cried with the going Mary S yeah right are we uh are we ready Gamers I’m ready I think so yeah I’ve been ready okay should we sleep before we travel yeah yeah yeah yeah okay it’s just it’s coming down no I got it and yelling timber bro I’m going down I’m going timber you better get out of my bed no better wasn’t casan like uh oh man hang on in practical jokers for like one episode about she was on an episode and she looked terrible that’s all I wanted to say yeah was that when she was like in a really bad State before she quit music cuz her record company [ __ ] I have no idea probably yeah that’s what I did earlier too it’ll stop near the bottom hey Evan we’re not all going EV yeah yeah get out I know I’m trying hang out H out got to do this in unison Ms Molly yeah you guys ready yeah come to the rail hang on let me get that Lo get yeah get the two loose ones and we all got to come up here and prepare coming but EV we’re going to to that’s really why I took off to get the other loose one I just didn’t get off in time gotcha right good good look I’m going put the I’m going to put the loose one I’m going to grab some loose ones and grab a chest and then I’m going to put them in the uh I’ll bring them with us to put in the uh will you do it okay buddy the masculine urge to grab a lava droplet out of the my God I know that’s why I was a little worried um what do you want me to do with the extra one I grabed Sam oh yeah you can do that too oh my God what the [ __ ] I’m going to bring it with us to add to some other places all right are you all ready boys and girl uh Molly is not ready yet she’s coming she’s coming mhm got have your cart Ready’s lined up y yeah can’t put it down right there no I couldn’t there we go now she’s on all right go forward let’s ride go forth friends the Minnesota nice train yeah chug Chugga the the Minnesota Trans Continental railroad oh I probably should have grabbed a bed nah we’ll be yeah there’s beds at the there’s beds at the end area okay cool plus we’re we’re going for a night drive with these things we’ll have a couple stops along the way so you can’t even see out of your cart yep yeah Yoda you’re short ha yod yod yod Yoda small enough to crawl in your ass yeah you can only see the top of your head Yeah It’s morphin time Mor time Chocolate Starfish ha what Yoda wants to kiss a Chocolate Starfish you get out of there Yoda’s about to get a timeout little George is getting roasted little grou it’ be funny if they did give you a grou skin and you were even smaller oh yeah right it’s not our fault say I’m short I’m a shy it’s amazing the first time I like heard his name was Gru I’m like that’s so stupid but then it grew on me like I like uh yeah me too P what you doing girl yeah I agree yeah about the gro yep that yeah definitely takes you a minute you’re so used to just calling him baby Yoda or the child or the child oh god oh that was yeah least you’d think you’re going to go backwards for a second yeah I know it worked out as long as we got them power rails mhm Panda yep the only other Yoda species we saw was yattle I mean you know yeah she had that neat stuff in that tals of the Jedi thing with Dooku yeah that was the coolest thing with her ever and then it was oh no oh Molly you got to get off and break it jump out jump out jump out jump out everybody jump out I can’t I can’t remember oh there we go and you got to rep put it down [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they’ll stop they’ll stop on their own they’ll got it I got it okay gra all Molly stay stay at the top we’ll join you soon Queen y um but yeah it uh they’re doing tales of the Empire now oh which is some of the inquisitors stuff but like who was ahsoka’s best friend in the show Baris the green lady green girl so it’s like her thing cuz I thought she died but I don’t know and then um all right excuse me are we going to keep going yes yeah yeah here keep going I’m going to pop right here oh no all right let’s go let’s go go go go go go go I’m in it um but the other one Sam do you remember in Mando season 2 when Ahsoka showed up and she fought that one lady with the best car staff mhm I think the other story is that lady for some reason okay so not going to lie not that excited for it I mean TS of the Jedi like at the end of the day the best stuff was the Dooku stuff yeah the Dooku stuff was good the Ahsoka stuff was just kind of stuff we kind of already kind of could know or figured out like but it’s David filoni’s Dave felon’s like o favorite OC ever so yeah yeah he’s not going to stop putting Ahsoka and [ __ ] no you know I mean she’s a well-received character she’s a good I like aoka at the end of the day it’s just if you do Tales of a Jedi we should like okay we got Dooku’s backstory that stuff we didn’t haven’t seen in other stuff so it’s like show us more stuff you know show us M wind back story show M wind’s backstory show us like you know anything I’m tired of the [ __ ] Jed I’m a [ __ ] champ you wish he was that energetic he is Mace Wu is the most boring Sam Jackson character ever like really is look there’s an Ender portal over there you’ll see a few of them yeah there was while we were walking here you can see where there was a Pillager tower that we fought at right oh there’s another one oh there is I didn’t know that one was and there’s another one Catt not me here in beerus you like beerus Lord beers Lord beers Lord Bills Lord Bills dookie count poopy dooky we’re losing our minds yeah been on the rails too long working on the M yep that’s when we fought to get over to where we were going when yeah there’s a lot of [ __ ] along the way you’ll find there’s so much good stuff around here yeah I know what what a thing we’re just we’re doing our own thing buddy what a thing when you can see everything from above pretty pretty tight bro damn did some fine craftting [ __ ] you did this is a beautiful little ride it is it’s very Serene it is it’s calm peaceful it’s all the peaceful parts of Minecraft without any of the horror until it’s night time and a creeper spawns on one of the tracks yeah I was going to say until these creepers spawn like to the track once we get to the woods par yeah I think the Redstone torches provide just enough to not spawn creepers but I why is the forest burning over there don’t ask questions did it oh yeah oh look at that yeah weird wonder why that happened wait what do you know why that happened that not just lightning yeah yeah no when we walked this way to go journey I [ __ ] set fire of Ste yeah thanks for joining random dude take it easy buddy your one piece Adventure dude you have five diamond blocks we fishing good job JC those broken ender portals are you know ju fairly common but just special enough where you get excited when you see one oh yeah I’m sorry you don’t like one piece JC but you don’t need to be rude to people about it oh there’s another one down there yeah uh so this is the new stop I created coming up here so just be ready for getting off again okay okay yes sir this was this was my halfway point when I was building the Rael oh and I needed resources but I figured I’d make this another stop yeah yeah man will in the words of a wise man on last stream about five times in a row everybody who likes one piece is welcome here everybody who doesn’t isn’t kidding except for mine she’s the exception well it is really funny going back to Old streams of ours and I see you say something one piece and I go yep I get that now this is this is just a stop guys we got to keep going straight yeah what hang on oh no go get it careful guys careful Sam did not don’t keep pushing me Sam did not make this thing safe No it’s it’s it’s it’s not be really careful it’s not designed for four people oh my God we should just keep going yeah let’s do it Go boy I’m going you got to push me that make me ramage to that hard again are you hitting the air over there dog C looks like you’re glitching out well I I’m not trying to Sam it looks like you’re in the air too everyone if you got bows have them ready if there’s a an enemy on the [ __ ] railroads don’t you just see I don’t happens can you just go through mobs yeah you could just go past okay well get your bow out if you want I’m going take a Napp F Well work for that ghost Blaster ride it is the ghost it kind of is yeah you’re totally right not the bomb PE PE PE Pew love that [ __ ] and random dudes back with the Vengeance oh screaming one piece doesn’t one piece yep yeah it’s okay random dud everyone’s allowed to their own opinions as long as they’re not mean about it yeah just yep just be respectful everybody’s so pain I don’t L to like and not like what they like just like when people like teen me Turtles more than Godzilla yeah it’s okay to be wrong sometimes she’s looking back at I can shoot this oh my God you’re going to miss and hit me yes listen no friendly fire on the rails the ra the rails are are neutral zone this this here’s the thing I’m not gonna I’m not gonna even get to you because I’m gonna accidentally think I’m shooting over Sam when his his avar it’s true you will you will murder Sam mid trck especially with your bow like you will murder Sam yeah my my bow ain’t playing it’s it’s got flame and Power on it wait does Minecraft have the actual like constellations in here or any of them uh I don’t think so that’s cool I thought I saw like the Big Dipper for a second but it’s just kind of Dipper adjacent it’s kind of just your human eye and Mak it you know making new things oh yeah it’s the it’s paradia where you see faces out of nothing I see faces my windows I see dead people yeah I can’t see with my back turned the comfy way I like it now because of that one video about The Entity or whatever go Central get out of here you stupid zombies hey as long as they’re not touching me I’m fine they touched me they are you okay well yeah I’m fine did they actually injure you though yeah I got hit oh wow you shoot rail well you know I didn’t want to disturb the ecosystem or something or other oh yeah I forgot it’s neutral gun unless you’re an [ __ ] mob then you get killed by the way I I love the tree or going through the trees I do love that that’s a great detail you’re a good guy same it’s fun why was there just an arrow it makes me think of those like oh that’s from when I got shot on the rails from the giant like or they YT trees oh yeah yeah I was getting sniped by um skeletons on the rail one time Molly that’s why those there there was also a couple times where Evan and I got killed in this specific area when I was building the the rail originally hey I found my iron sword from that time good job did you yeah I’m surprised it still [Music] around man this rail is chug in yeah Lally chug I Molly how is like the frame rates on your PC when you play this what what uh does the game look like it’s moving in stop motion when you play on your I don’t think so okay as long I’m just asking you don’t feel like you’re glitching out on parts of it no what don’t worry about it are you okay I went to scratch my chin and pressed Circ and got and like got out of the cart and like almost fell into the water oh [ __ ] oh God baby boy you can’t you can’t see me anymore if you look back yeah baby boy look at look at this guy we lost them he’s long gone don’t worry I’ll fire an arrow into the distance please please don’t cuz you’re going to hit me God I don’t think it’ll reach there a lot of listen just shoot a fire arrow up in the air so we know you’re okay we going yeah that’s that’s the new house yeah that over there yeah the monolith you see the monoliths no oh you’ll you’ll see them don’t you worry yeah they’re Straight Ahead okay but looks like you guys have hit up the other mountains too because there’s just random spots that are lit up yeah we kind of been around yeah yeah a little a little bit not of it’s lava though but yeah some of it’s lava and stuff this is what’s called Extreme Hills biome so this is just kind of how they look okay but but yeah the uh the big mountain here that we’re entering where the rail cars stop that is uh and the Darkness if you oh my God sorry sorry bro oh my God I didn’t mean to Ed you like that that’s my man where do we go guys it is dangerous out here and there’s a creeper oh [ __ ] sh where do we go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu get get get get right here right here right here yeah get in get in get in get in get in get in get in if you have a diamond SW got solicited okay well oh oh my God I fell in where where the [ __ ] hold on okay hold on hold on hold on holy [ __ ] calm down Jesus okay this is our farm terrible doorways you’re out of time you know no that’s one of the doorways yeah so this is our house damn we’re going to have to fix the other doorway by the rails doorway we did did it blew up yeah a creeper blew it up does someone have all the mine carts uh I have one I have two okay I put a chest up there so we can put a and I have a I’m going to this up if you want to come on I have a spruce door by the way this place is horrific here Sam oh m Molly Isn’t in the sanctity of her own comfy home and now she’s having an anxiety attack hey if you don’t behave we’re taking you to the deep dark I’m going to mute you next time you do that a fear guess we don’t have many other beds huh Yeah we actually don’t Sam stay out of that chest I think we have like three wool somewhere maybe well you want to make a respawn Point by at least hitting the bed you can can I use the same one that you guys have used I can make a bunch of hang on I can make a bunch right now okay here Molly do you know if you don’t have a bed here take that hang on I can I can make okay my respawn point is set at least I was going to say I don’t think we can all use the same respawn point I think it resets for whoever does it last okay you got it will yeah one two okay four I’ll make a fifth one oh yay we only need uh you only need the four at least for a respawn well if m is over here oh I suppose yeah that’s a good point all right why are they in like dis like Discerning colors like this is clean this is this is like kind of dirty this is kind of really dirty and this is really [ __ ] dirty it it’s literally goes down the gradient is it because of the light disgusting maybe hold on let me check yes yep that’s funny okay I need to take this trident back with me I need to take this loyalty I’m actually going take this place is a maze my god well it’s built in a cave you haven’t even gotten to the cave part of it I’m going to get so lost in here you guys uh yeah trust me you are yeah but here let me let me here come this one okay I’m coming this is our man thing other than the little farm in the monel you if you come out here you can see why we don’t have very much food here cuz our farm is Tiny yeah I mean I we haven’t been putting as much effort into it really since I start building the rail and you can see my fishing hole that’s really not a fishing on a Dr spot drown SP down here Molly this come on the water is fine this is our waterfall down to the deep dark what’s up you beautiful monolith and there’s another one over here y we got to get you armor girl yeah um ow one more water I’m having I’m having a little bit of an issue going on right now so you okay oh you guys if I go down here know right now if I go down here I’m going to struggle to get up because I ID because I’ve seen guy it from your perspective where your controllers however you do it it’s really easy for you to get up water without having a wall behind you but I can’t do that I always fall out okay you don’t have to but this is where all the Watcher and stuff is down here right that’s yeah that’s down where the where you found the city with the warden yeah um well I’m good now that’s good to hear buddy there’s a creeper right next to the door that that another creeper blew up so I was slowly luring him down to the water where he could blow up like an idiot and die nice good call some extra iron oh shoot I I wonder if I can get up this one oh no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I feel like a god um okay I’m going to have to fix this oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to screw you no it’s it’s good it’s okay whoa whoa you can it’s probably just because of the controls but it’s if I cannot get up a waterfall unless there’s a wall behind it to prevent me from falling out uh if it helps you for the most part if you just get into the waterfall and like be in it and hold up while you’re not hold up but just press the button to go up while swimming okay you will Glide up the waterfall hold the jump button yes when I oh oh God [ __ ] so if you’re if you’re just in the waterfall hold the jump button you will go straight up touch anything right and then once you get to the tippy top then you can move okay even I struggle with it I was going to say I had the same issues when I first started playing Minecraft so H it’s still not quite I’m just going to Glide up the wall yay I here I come but hey I mean you learned how to do the jump and place a block thing learn to climb like very different who I know you hear I asked you we’re trying to compliment you what you asking are you leaving I’m I’m up at the top I’m going to add a thing to my other thing so all right man there’s so much [ __ ] down there that I bet would be good oh in the under darkar yeah I also don’t want to go down there I was going to say you got to deal with that [ __ ] down there yeah yeah it’s probably not worth it I’ll be right back not yet at least oh God you’re really twitching oh my God oh my God you’re really twitch.tv Sor seizure warning for Sam Jesus oh what the hell it’s not I thought stuff that you broke and dropped in water was supposed to float back up depends on what it is some stuff does not or is kind of just drop straight down damn oh well at least that’s what I’ve noticed from yeah metallic stuff kind of drops straight down okay yeah I think if it’s your personal items most of them tend to stay floating but I don’t know right yeah I don’t don’t remember well this is a uh nice little setup you got here it’s gotten us a lot of resources I’ll tell you that much I bet yeah if you go over by the monolith and there’s that little island there that’s where all the drown stuff is coming from um okay yeah actually spawn right there be interested in checking that out Molly did you mind some coal yeah okay well I found it all right good for you ni I I really want of the experience because my um my uh pickaxe is not at full health oh I got you I’m back welcome back than God you’re back in time I thought I was going to end up almost hitting you to try to get out my mineart no we still have a ways to go on the rail are you guys going back ready well I’m going back to do one thing I’m going back to drop off my Trident at the house Molly did you head back um I don’t know I mean I came all the way here but well will can show you where that drown thing is if you want to see it I am interested in seeing it yes it’s not very interesting I mean no I mean a lot of drown do spawn there but yeah I want to grab something over here real quick sure doggy doggy dog world you like that Evan did you like how I put those torches down while we were riding along I didn’t I really notice your person is your person is like vibrating like really heavily for me vibrate on your dick you Jack ass through it don’t you ever put a block down when I’m block I’m riding again what’s wrong with you did you hit it or is it still there yeah I went right through my head and I didn’t hit it off stop it get some psychiatric help okay well I’m coming back over okay God with the ra on the rail with you today where are you I’m out on the outside I you’re asking for a real smack acting that way oh I got a trophy uh can you get back in the house uh yeah I should be able to what did you just do nothing oh I see the you’re really asking for a peee smack yeah it’s actually kind of buy [Music] the all right try it again I want to see if I can actually hit it with this shovel yeah can you can you break it nope not enough time too slow okay well I mean at least it doesn’t affect us at all it’s just got we’re just going to have four fling tring to find the door you’re good you don’t need be like what yeah oh you’re little tiny garden yeah and there’s a dog that’s been stuck there for like a year now I want you to see this D you see what I’m doing I didn’t bring any BL I see you swing in your shovel any what your shovel this [ __ ] H nothing I didn’t bring any like blocks to like help us climb but over here in this General spot right here I’m going to lasso you especially that weird like sperm whale Island over there uh a lot of drowned like fall area for some reason okay not at the moment for some reason cuz they’re Ling there were some over where I was just at and I’m like get the [ __ ] away from me yeah but yeah generally speaking now yeah lucky I don’t have a fishing pole what’s all this then what’s all this then over here i’ be catching the rarest prize of them all po I’ll be your bodyguard oh thank you yeah this is I guess we could get up I’ve never I’ve never had like a full look at Evan’s it didn’t stop me what didn’t stop you peace out bro the rail car didn’t stop me going the other way oh I’m coming back Sam careful Molly’s getting a little laid up yeah we should go back your rail car is in my damn way but if you want uh that the wait till the water falls I showed you before damn I’m going to leave this you can fish from the top of that okay if you’re bored and we have fishing routs here see me yeah all right I’m coming back well hang on let me get the r the mine cart the time after you yeah I can get up all right buddy I’m back in I don’t think they’re gonna sleep yeah Molly I don’t think they’re gonna sleep oh sorry Sam I was going the opposite way bro oh right um oh yeah we can do that thing in here where we could like oh you can like Sprint you can like Sprint jump when you have the right amount of height yeah I do that all the time when I’m navigating the nether it’s really fun yeah speaking of do you guys have any um if you guys had nether or not obsidian and you can make you do you have obsidian got you just need the thing I think we have Flint steel somewhere the thing is you guys don’t have the same setup I have because I have like a room where I can work towards I don’t know what the coordinates are I would have to all right well here’s the thing I could show you cuz we have a a portal outside the door that’s the one that led me into that cave that I don’t know how to escape out of right sorry what did you say something Anan yeah Mr well I used up the Flint that’s fine we can easily make more y yeah and I have a bunch of Flint back at the the first house I think I already got iron on me I think we have a single Flint somewhere there’s a flint in there yeah yeah I mean monolith is partially try to do it yeah it’s not going to help me really right now but if I can make a setup in the nether the way I have it back at our base and then come back here and make one we can connect it to I think it might be smart to destroy this current nether portal and reignite it oh [ __ ] you could because where the position is right now is just well I guess no that wouldn’t work either I’d have to like go into The Nether destroy the portal and then die so it respawn at a different location are we okay with having our um items scattered between here and their other place or do you want to consolidate them at all I don’t care either way uh these places just have yeah it’s whatever area is closest to keep the items pretty much mhm okay yeah I mean when it comes to like food and like basic stuff that’s fine I was more so like wondering about like the diamonds or anything um I mean I think yeah I think it’s kind of good to just keep a little bit of both everywhere you know sure yeah I think it’s good to keep a spread and then we can kind of it’s also fun to kind of see what you got in each little area yep I did take uh the rotten flesh that I found because I know you guys aren’t going to use that anyway yeah go for it yes take all the rotten flesh take it take anything you here I’m going to use that rotten flesh here guess I need to do my thing yeah I already took some what’ you give me oh thank you I’m going to rot in your flesh Evan oo nice Sam you want attention you just ask you don’t have to ask that I always want attention from you okay you just ask me next time have to act up yeah but my God it’s like if I go like too far in it just like keeps going and going need Le uh I actually have plenty of leather but I’ll take some if you’re giving it to me I mean I I can give you three it’s not exciting number but you know oh my oh okay oh my God so oh this must be where you like were trying to strip mine Sam because it just keeps going you can always tell where Sam’s been because that guy’s a master of strip mining yeah he a master stripper yeah it just it just goes on you know it’s so clean though it’s always like so satisfying to look down like the holes you make but also kind of scary like you’re looking down in an infinity mirror yeah Dam I put on a new skin just for you a new skin for me fairy Molly sorry I just wanted to say that okay God we have so many furnaces but nothing in them oh there’s gold in this one oh yeah oh I took the I took the charcoal no it’s okay o could I have this gold yep yay yes you can have whatever you want listen the railroad’s finished we beat Minecraft it’s done y yep we’ve done what we needed to do we beat Minecraft now that we have a far away connection again I think what a what Molly’s alluding to is we need to make that like nether portal travel system we really do and we need to find a [ __ ] Fortress yes yeah yeah for God’s sake we can’t we can’t get to the end without a fortress no yeah unless there’s some way to get blaze rods by like trading with villagers like crazy can’t the only way you can get blaze rods by all that makes sense but yeah I really do so I I’ve been kind of using the rest of this time to kind of set up my items and everything but honestly I do have plans on how to set up a nether system where it’s like what’s up [ __ ] I don’t know exactly how we’re going to do it but it you see what I’m dressed as no I I I I Trust You Well what we’ll do is we’ll make like first we’ll Dey ourselves out in like armor and [ __ ] just to like give ourselves a chance at survival you know mhm yeah and then like as much of a pain in the ass it is as it is we’ll have a plan of like we’ll have Builders and Defenders right we’ll have someone making the damn thing and people protecting them you know yeah yeah just being smart about where we are and not you know pot shotting each other in the back of the head yep yeah and with the nether stuff I’ve I’ve actually had created an a pretty good Network on my game but also I haven’t found any um fortresses yet but I also haven’t been looking because I I mostly use it for navigation I don’t really peek out it’s like is there is there a fortress there is there a fortress there but I anticipate if I make it then you guys being a bit better at like you know looking around you’d be able to find them pretty quickly if I just make the navigation system right okay um with that in mind I actually am going to go back and probably start working on that however long however much longer we keep going for tonight yeah what it’s 11:06 y okay it’s tempting tempting temp okay I’m off bye will good luck Molly thank you Sam don’t ever call Alpha 5 gross like that again Alpha 5 is disgusting get him out of my face what the hell is Alpha 5 oh the oh I got it sorry the Power Rangers Guy questions Alpha 5 oh well you know I usually just call him Alpha yeah that’s fair this skin is called Alpha 5 remember when he was like Alpha 10 or whatever in the [ __ ] I think it’s Alpha seven like yeah like whatever he the point is he died a bunch he died he died Rita repulsa took over the Old One’s body like it was weird it was bad that movie sucked and and the triny’s daughter really sucked like yes here comes the [Music] I love that song when it’s accompanied by like a video of like an explosion hitting somebody oh my God it is daytime now oh zombies Sam yeah need anything from the house big guy I’m good I’m just doing doing my little side quest here all right sweet sounds good don’t never make me talk to you harshly when I drive by you again I’m going to talk to you harshly whisper harsh nothings in my ear it’s not it’s not harsh when you like it I’m going to give you I’m going to give you a kiss and slap you on the ass and send you away okay and all I got he we waiting okay I’m just going to pull the pants straight down get right to it my God all right I got an idea make sure you hit both cheeks bro if I die in the nether I respawn on my last spawn point right yep yeah unless you have a respawn anchor uhoh my game just crash yep The Game just crashed I stopped yep well did we want to just call it yeah maybe we’ll just call let just call it a night all right okay okay folks all right since you can still hear me we’re going to call it a night but we’ll be back tomorrow with day gone so hope you’re ready for that y take it easy folks y all righte

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Friends (Part 11.5 Will)’, was uploaded by Minnesota Nice Guys on 2024-04-07 04:17:27. It has garnered 111 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:47 or 11327 seconds.

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  • Coralplus

    CoralplusWelcome to Coralplus the ultimate server experience featuring lag free gameplay and multiple different gamemodes. play.coralplus.net Read More

  • SweetVanilla SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 18+ Hermit Like Reset Soon

    Welcome to Sweet Vanilla SMP! We are an 18+ tight-knit community that enjoys engaging in a drama-free Minecraft world. Make new friends, create, and hang out with us! Player shops, events, and collaborative projects are all encouraged. We use quality of life add-ons similar to HermitCraft to enhance multiplayer gameplay while keeping it vanilla. An optional resource pack allows players to submit custom models, hats, and items for minigames and events. How to Join: Fill out an application on our Discord to join us for the upcoming 1.21 season. New applicants will be whitelisted after the world reset planned for… Read More

  • MagicVanilla SMP

    A 100% Vanilla Minecraft experience! Unlike other “Vanilla” Minecraft servers, this is actually no mods at all. Join the Discord server to apply today! https://discord.gg/xEAEUTMjy6 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft base upgrade complete!

    That’s a pretty high score for just a bunch of blocky pixels! Read More

  • Block Xuan Beats: Minecraft Sound Bonanza!

    Block Xuan Beats: Minecraft Sound Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks do talk, Fangkuaixuan brings the news with a playful walk. Animations that are funny and convey pure glee, Child-friendly content, for all to see. With every update, with every clip sound, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a joy to be found. No pirated videos, only originals here, Bringing happiness, spreading cheer. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, Crafting Minecraft news, let the rhymes begin. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a place to be, For all the Minecraft fans, come and see! Read More


    TNT BLOWS UP FROSTMAW! 😂🔥 TNT: “I’m gonna blow you up, Frosty!” FROSTMAW: “Oh please, I’ll just chill and let it go.” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 40

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 40 Day 40 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft: A Forest Adventure 🌲 Hello, fellow gamers! Today marks the 40th day of the wood challenge in Minecraft, where our dedicated player creates a new world every day to gather more wood than the previous day. It seems like luck was on their side today as they spawned right on top of a lush forest, making it easy to gather the necessary blocks. Greetings to the Community 🌟 Our player took a moment to send shoutouts to some of their loyal followers. Special mentions go out to Mauricio Acevedo, Marcos Morales,… Read More

  • Monster Marauder: Unpredictable Finale

    Monster Marauder: Unpredictable Finale The Mystery of Pendragon’s Explosion Uncovering the Enigma Yesterday, a sudden explosion shook the peaceful town of Pendragon, leaving behind a small crater adorned with mysterious inscriptions. Authorities and daring adventurers swiftly descended upon the scene, discovering an epoch time etched within the crater. The revelation of this cryptic message has sparked a frenzy of anticipation among the townsfolk and treasure hunters alike. The Quest for Treasure As the clock ticks down to the enigmatic epoch time, a sense of urgency and excitement permeates the air. Authorities have issued warnings to steer clear of Pendragon, citing fears of another… Read More

  • 🔥 Minecraft Mechanics Mastery – Pixel Builders Guild!

    🔥 Minecraft Mechanics Mastery - Pixel Builders Guild!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (107)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-11 16:05:51. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Respawn Anchor Tiktok Hacks

    Minecraft Respawn Anchor  Tiktok HacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Respawn Anchor Tiktok Hacks #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RG Mine Shorts on 2024-03-30 11:58:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft respawn anchor tiktok hacks #minecraft #shorts RG Mine Shorts rg mine shorts Minecraft But 7 Ways to Die minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Noob-proofing prison in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable! Noob-proofing prison in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information I finally trapped Nob and he is never going to escape this water prison so first thing first we have to open the diamond door and show that you cannot go in that way noobs would totally pick it but dirt is the right path Steve thank you for standing guard let me just grab this flower that we need later go ahead and open the gate Steve thank you in this room we have some diamond armor but you already know we have to pick leather because noobs would never pick leather they always want diamonds so… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Power: Dark Nether Tower Build!

    Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Power: Dark Nether Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build Dark Nether Crystal Tower’, was uploaded by Kenny LiR on 2024-02-26 18:59:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How To Build Dark Nether Crystal Tower In this Minecraft building tutorial, learn how to construct a striking Dark Nether … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Bedwars Clip Exposed: Kapito ZK Goes Crazy

    Mind-Blowing Bedwars Clip Exposed: Kapito ZK Goes CrazyVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏k This video, titled ‘There are many things wrong with this clip #bedwars’, was uploaded by Kapito ZK on 2024-03-26 04:00:03. It has garnered 531 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Have you found them? Enjoy the video and subscribe for more videos. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft #funny #funnyvideo #shorts #funnyshorts TAGS: hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars… Read More

  • Epic Battle: Minecraft Warrior takes on Golems! #gaming

    Epic Battle: Minecraft Warrior takes on Golems! #gamingVideo Information the longer you’re in love then if you were alone memories turn into Day Dreams become a taboo I don’t want to be afraid the deeper that I go it takes my breath away soft Hearts electric Souls hard to heart and eyes to eyes is this [Music] taboo baby we built this house our memories take my picture now shake it till you see it and when your fantasies become your legacy Pro This video, titled ‘Minecraft Worden Vs golems #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-16 12:05:00. It has garnered 16867 views and 467… Read More

  • Shanz508 destroys server in epic raid! #minexata #minecraft

    Shanz508 destroys server in epic raid! #minexata #minecraftVideo Information так момент X И что же вы думаете произойдёт а фир как я надеюсь вы уже догадались сервер крашнулся в момент спавна дракона момент X под номером два Как вы думаете что же произойдёт льно у меня Пинг 61 кикнуло This video, titled ‘РЭЙД ЭНДА НА СЕРВЕРЕ | Полное видео на канале!#minexata #майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафтстрим#shorts’, was uploaded by shanz508 on 2024-01-05 05:12:25. It has garnered 2289 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. RAID END ON SERVER | Full video on the channel!#minexata #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftstream#shorts @firilare tried) #minecraft #streamer #minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE!! Building a self-sustainable house in Hardcore Minecraft!

    INSANE!! Building a self-sustainable house in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information today I’m going to be starting my very first hardcore world and for the first episode I wanted to put myself to the test I wanted to challenge myself to build a fully self- sustainable house that not only includes a crop and Animal Farm but also a tree and iron farm as well so we can have all of the Necessities that we need to survive all right so before we get this project started there are a few things that I want to go ahead and do the first thing I want to do is find… Read More

  • MUST SEE: Jack Black’s Unreleased Minecraft Anthem! 😱🔥

    MUST SEE: Jack Black's Unreleased Minecraft Anthem! 😱🔥Video Information I am placing blocks and cuz I’m in the Minecraft I am placing blocks and cuz I’m in Minecraft oh my God is that pig This video, titled ‘Jack Black Unreleased Minecraft Song 🎸😱’, was uploaded by The Man on 2024-03-25 03:34:23. It has garnered 10093 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. {Hey dumbass, write a description} Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_ManYT/ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TtmQpUefvt Website: https://forver.org Subscribe or die People in video: {PEOPLE IN VIDEO} Tags: The Man, The Man Official, The Man behind the slaughter, The Man is following me, The… Read More