ULTIMATE MODDED MINECRAFT 1.19! Botania, Enchanting, Automation

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Hello everybody Welcome to episode 16 of all the mods a last time we’ve set up this Farm over here I’ve expanded just a little bit with more seeds so it’s going it’s cooking and we also automated right down here plastic uh we have a decent amount so today I well first let me

Actually explain I did hold a poll if y’all would like a mega episode um I had one person say no but they didn’t want it but the rest of you said you did want it so here it is hopefully this is a mega episode because there’s a

Lot we have to do today I have a to-do list a few things one I want to get the enchantment extractor from industrial foregoing I want to automate pink slime I want to get started in Britannia automate Mana production in Britannia uh and if we get to it get the Mana enchanter

But that is the plan for today so this is going to take me a long time so I figured yes this is where I’m gonna be the main episode or not the Mana episode the mega episode out of let’s get all the stuff we need to finally finish our

Enchanting setup so yeah Mana extractor not man enchantment extractor we want a man Enchanted we might be able to get to and then pink slime that should pink slime I don’t know we may be able to completely finish our enchantment setup today that would be kind of cool but the

Mana enchanter is going to probably take the longest um we’ll see first uh Pink Slime is super easy weird probably just gonna go into here and make up or we could use another spawner actually we don’t have to use this one because this one’s for XP right which actually I’m going to

Turn this on because I died in between episodes that was AFK and zombie killed me I I don’t know where mobs are spawning in my base but they are so I have to figure that out here pretty soon because it’s a problem but let’s get started on betano so Britannia we’re

Gonna need a few things starting with some floral fertilizer this basically is how you start the mod um let me go up to like here or something where you want a bunch of mystical flowers and you get that just by well right clicking the ground with some of this floral fertilizer and as

You can see we have a whole lot of flowers now awesome and apparently I just veined mind all of the perfect so I did get all 16 colors great you love to see it so now I do need an area for this um and this I think I’m gonna put probably over

Here if not do I have another area over here I could do over here problem is it needs a lot of space so let me hold off on that we I think we’re just gonna put it over here right um this needs a lot of space so I think I’m gonna use this

Three block uh opening here that I’ve kept for Britannia um I hopefully we’re okay with that I’m okay with that so I’m gonna start by digging out an area and then I will be back you know what else I’m gonna do because this is taking a while to dig

Out is I’m gonna enchant my fluxport I think all right level 100 let’s go ahead and see if I can’t get a good efficiency on this that looks good to me I don’t like Boone of the Earth but that’s fine uh here in a minute we’ll be able to take

It off right all right well back to mining hopefully this does not take as long let’s see how fast this mines actually oh yeah that oh it insta mines in five by five oh okay that is what we like to see all right I’m also I’m now

Gonna disenchant this because it has the Boon of the earth thing which I really don’t want Foreign A little overboard on this one it’s not done yet but I honestly I think this is our best uh build by far well not by far okay let me because look at the occultism room right I really liked this room um I still really like it so I don’t

Know I think I may have a new favorite that we’ll see how this one comes together though so I was gonna go for a cave grass theme if y’all couldn’t tell I thought it was pretty obvious um and we’re gonna have a warp portal here this is probably gonna go to all of

Our Mana stories I’m still thinking about it right I kind of kind of have a little area so I think I might need more space to be on well I could put something over here no I think we’ll be okay we’ll be okay um I have a few things this will be

You’ll see why I’m doing this hole here in a minute um good to get started right so I think what I want to do is probably uh over here I want to automate Mana I think there’s something like that and then I might have my Mana I have to think about it

I still have a lot to think about that’s okay but let’s go and get started so Britannia what do we need to start in Britannia well first of all I want a bunch of drawers to hold all the petals um where do I want to put this

I didn’t think about this we only need four of these Shores I think we’ll probably just put them like over here somewhere how is that that looks fine to me let’s go and grab all of our flowers so these you want to turn into their respective petal and use

The pedal to craft different functional flowers or generation flowers in Britannia and one awesome thing you should probably get is the book for this mod the Lexicon Britannia I’m gonna get that just in a second let me just fill up all these drawers and I’ll be back all right slide these separated from

Cold colors and warm colors-ish because they like to craft in that way so now we’re going to want to do do I have a lexico Britannia I don’t oops uh I just had that we can go and craft one super easy this is basically gonna tell you

How to go through Britannia I basically know that at least 80 I don’t know I probably don’t know all of it but I know a good amount of it so like I know how to start um we’re gonna want a petal Apothecary this guy which needs we need

One of these dudes awesome and we can put this over here I like that idea we can put him over here and he’s water so I want to know can I get a sink and potentially have that auto go in there that would be kind of close you know

Bucket of water you don’t dang that sucks I’ll have to look at another way to automatically fill the pedal Apothecary I think there there are ways um for now we can leave the sink here that is that’s fine with me we can put it back here you want to put water in

This thing and that is how you start crafting flowers and generally the first flower you want is the Endo flame this guy uh it’ll generate uh Mana for you from oh this is the first flower you want but we are this will generate from coal and burnable items but we also want

The Lily something this yeah that’s not what it’s called oh pure Daisy that’s what it’s called this dude he’s just four white petals um what you can do to actually duplicate these is you can plant them on the ground and then bone meal them like so and then you can break

Them and then you you get six petals or four oh I feel like it used to be six maybe I’m just down but yeah you can duplicate pedals like this super cool super easy so I can get a whole Oops I did not mean to do that so

I get a whole bunch of um like pedals that way so we make a few pure daisies I just want to do two because we’re gonna automate this uh we also need a bunch of seeds awesome sure Daisy I’m gonna make two of these because you need the pure Daisy

For two items so pure Daisy we can we can also put this over here actually so you want these to have a one block space around them and around these you want to put Stone and wood by wood I mean logs so Stone we’ll put around like this then

Logs around like this and then you wait one full minute and they will turn into Living Wood and living Rock oh there it goes now it is turning into living Rock and Living Wood check that out so I should be able to just kind of

Vein mine this they mind this as well I really need an ax so we can use this living Rock the first thing you generally want to make with this is a Mana pool and then the Living Wood log you want to use to make a Mana

Spreader so the Mana spreader uh this is basically used to spread Mana from one place to another in our case we want to make an endo flame and spread all those into this Mana spreader to go into the into the sky and then I seemed I need an

Ax uh do I have an ax and we’ll talk about it I need an X though uh this guy we can have pacing him so you should be going to here we’re also going to want a few we’re gonna want more Living Wood in living Rock because you also need a

Staff of the photos or I don’t remember what it’s got I think it’s staff for the forest yes it’s wand of the forest this is what you need living with Twigs which means you need more Living Wood and this is so you can it’s basically the wrench of this mod so

Those are cooking why don’t we make a few Endo Flames this brown light gray and red so a little bit of this action going on I put my seeds up for some reason so one two one one and then like this yes and then we have Endo flames

And we can start cooking with this mod awesome so three Endo Flames You’re Just Gonna Wanna set these down anywhere I’m gonna pick some nice looking spots because I want this place to look nice and then if I go over here and grab my new materials that I just made we’re

Gonna make some more while we’re at it as well because we are gonna need a lot of these and we will automate this probably in the next few episodes we’re gonna want three living with Twigs then we have to pick a color and my favorite colors are if you couldn’t tell orange

And yellow so I’m gonna make my staff orange and yellow awesome check that out so I can look I can bind this to the manuscript and these are all automatically set to here so that’s good do I have any like coal or burnable items I guess coal is fine for now I’ll

Make some cool blocks so these should automatically pick up this coal and we should see this guy start filling up with Mana yes and then whenever he has enough Mana to spread he will put it into the Mana pool so we still have a long ways to go before we get to the

Mana enchanter enchanting with Mana this is yeah we need we need a lot but yeah it needs it needs a lot meta pylons are not okay can I get rid of this yeah Amanda pylons I’m pretty sure kind of expensive yeah a little bit but not too

Expensive I’m pretty sure we need Natura pylons as well for it yeah we’re getting like Sparks and whatnot I’m pretty sure and Sparks oh they’re not that bad okay but we want to automate because it requires a lot of Mana let me tell you so like this is no Mana I’m pretty sure

Our shaders are stopping us from seeing the banana in here by the way but yep we’re getting some sort of Mana obviously not that much so we need a new way of getting Mana obviously so what I want to do is make these uh let me look for it oh I don’t

Have it unlocked yet even what that is that stinks maybe I need to do some other stuff first I know we are gonna need the room table to craft it uh maybe that’ll unlock it so I don’t remember what it’s called so we’re going to watch

The room uh what is it called the runic altar runic altar is made with a Mana diamond or Mana Pearl and some living Rock so we’re probably gonna use ender pearls because I have a lot more of those than diamonds so can I make yes awesome Mana Pearl so that required Mana

To craft FYI so runic alter um I’m gonna put this guy over here I believe that’s a good idea I like I that’s why I wanted to do it over here and I want to do another Mana spreader as well so I can get Mana over there so

A little something like this I should be able to bind him to him yeah yeah so he just took Mana from here and then can I link them yes they seem to be linked so this guy will shoot over to this guy and we can start crafting different runes so

Did that unlock anything yes it did um I don’t think it did the one I want thermally is lava let me look is it this one yes it is the entropinium so for this guy we have all these but we need a rune of fire and Rune of Wrath which

Needs Earth and winter and winter needs water and Earth very complicated right but very doable as well um so for this we’re going to Mana powder we need a lot of stuff so I’m just gonna get started so yeah uh let me clean up my inventory a little bit

Um and I’m gonna gather all the items that I need to craft this entrepinium pretty sure it’s a play on the word entropy which means chaos if y’all didn’t know alright so I should have mostly everything I need why is it lagging when I open my inventory I’m not that sure

That’s odd but so what you want to do is first of all we’re going to turn all this into Mana dust and Mana steel I have run out of Mana oh no hey can I get some more coal blocks on these guys please thank you it should take that

Much longer um we use a lot of meta apparently on The Meta Diamonds and Pearls but that’s okay all righty so what you’re going to want to do I don’t know why it’s like an open inventory but you want to those are the recipes here so we’ll start with the fire you’re

Gonna drop them all down and it’s gonna start going um you may need another Mana spreader yeah let’s get another Mana spreader I might not be able to reach that far is my guess or not go through walls there we go okay now it’s working we can just

Get rid of that that’s fine perfect so this is gonna craft obviously it would be faster if we had more Mana but throw this uh piece of living rock on it and right click and boom check that out we’re gonna fire hey I see I have a bunch of stuff quests

Completed uh there’s no botany questline that’s odd anyways I’m gonna craft the rest of them now so you can do water next which is like this and that’s gonna start crafting so after this we are gonna have to probably find a better way of getting gunpowder I know we have it

Automated with our trigmies we’re also gonna need sand automated which not sure how we’re gonna do that um hey does this wanna work sand it might be a little more difficult to do um we could do mystical agriculture alchemistry would also probably be a really good way to do it actually

Because I’m pretty sure we can just turn like you know we will figure it out we might just have to do a little bit of Cobble works today I’m okay with that is this done yes it is so deal with this a little bit of this and on to the next

Rune which is Earth alrighty awesome so we have all three runes we need for the crafting of the Wrath and the winter we can do the Wrath now no we can’t do that if we need winter so for winter we’re gonna need a cake wool and some snow

Snow shouldn’t be that hard we should be able to just get some water and put in the dissolver and combiner so much for keeping this nice yeah now the atomizers where we put liquids so this should make me some water and on this we could turn

Directly into snow all right so now all we need is a cake so not gonna make that cake I can’t perfect check that out and then we need a piece of wool which I should have like 500 of all right awesome so let’s get out of here and

Let’s make that Rune of winter and then the Rune of Wrath let’s make this entrepinium I’m pretty excited it’s a it’s really cool or you know we’re making explosions so I mean who doesn’t like explosions right okay so for winter it’s one one one one one so this is

Probably going to take a little bit more Mana than um than the other Roots but it’s not the end of the world and then I’m pretty sure crafting this one we keep these runes too if I’m not mistaken this is used for a whole bunch of stuff

Uh whoa I keep looking at this all the modium star thing it looks kind of cool all right boom yes you do keep our rooms check out that check that out wrath we need this one this one these two yes oh check that out and then we’re making

Wrath and then these more cool awesome and then entropinium is just two red two gray two white perfect and this makes a lot of mana and I mean a lot of Mana so once we do automate TNT it will be very worth it bam awesome and we also keep

Our runes there so this needs fire and wrath so wrath we put in here and fire and then boom entrepinium awesome so this guy will test him out real quick you should be able to put TNT next to this uh TNT this dude let’s go ahead put him

Here if this explodes all over I don’t think it’ll matter but it will take that yes that’s what it did and it puts it in here and this guy he will not take another TNT uh he will he will he will explode if he has Mana in him already so

You want to set this on a timer right that works pretty pretty well actually so yeah I mean that main Mana obviously we’re gonna need more right so to get started in the next part for Sparks and whatnot what we want um let me think because we want to

Automate Mana right now I don’t know I’d rather get into Sparks and get big Mana generation going on because we are going to need it actually to get them an enchanter running because the main enchanter like I said needs a whole lot of Mana like a a lot so yeah I’m hmm let

Me get some Mana Pearl or no I don’t need those to make the these guys again now you used to have to get Mana pearls to upgrade your Mana pool but they removed it so I’m thinking I just have my big Mana storage in the middle here

Yeah I’m okay with that I do not have an issue there whatsoever then can I make another TNT and put them in here a little bit like this a little bit like this awesome that’s so cool I I love this thing so much that made a lot of

Mana actually yeah so we’re getting a pretty decent amount of Mana obviously it’s not even close to full but we’ll get there so next we’re going to want to make some Sparks um this is so we can transfer we want I think recessive for this person these both okay so all

These do require we actually go to Elven Gateway so this we’re gonna need some glimmering stuff so the other Gateway let me let me explain Alvin Gateway is a kind of portal it’s more like a crafting recipe but it’s a portal to the elf Dimension and you throw items in the

Portal that’s at this room or this thing right here is going to be and you get items back so I’m gonna explain it here in a minute we’re gonna need a few things for this including Terrace steel Tara Steel’s expensive but I mean we’re gonna do it right so Terra steel Terrace

Steel Terrace steel um Terra steel okay so we this is the thing we want we want this multi-block and where do I want to put this I think I’m gonna put it over here right I’m okay with that we’ll put this guy here and what does he need sneak view entry

We’re gonna need a few we should have Muslims just air and Mana we need checkerboard is that living record there it is so we’re gonna need some lapis as well actually so let’s go and build this guy received a few more runes and like we should be able to get this then

Living Rock I need a few more of that hey I need a lot of living rap we’re probably gonna automate this we’re gonna play with botania for the next few episodes I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to get to the enchanting thing today uh this is the Mega episode though

So we’ll see I’m gonna be recording for a very long time okay so a little bit like this this and this this is already there now we just need the Terra amalgamation plate so we’re gonna want some iron ingots because we need a block of Mana steel and Mana steel is just

Iron I should I feel like I probably have a lot of Mana in here yep awesome perfect and then this dude makes this dude and then this dude we need three more lapis locks a little pricey on the lapis but it’s worth it and then we need

Air and Mana runes okay Air Easy Mana also easy just need a little bit more iron and this guy yeah he gets full this guy makes a lot of that’s what I’m saying so if we automate this we should have a big big part of this Mana over

Here cooking for us in like in no time I’m also gonna just do stone because I’m trying to make a bunch of Mana pools in the middle here that’s gonna be our main Mana pool all right so Rune of Mana is these and this guy he should do his

Thing awesome perfect then air is gonna be carpet feather and string and then also some more Man of Steel okay should be able to do this and we have our Rune of Mana so now I just need the rid of air which is a little bit like this that

Should be crafting that should be going awesome so now can I go ahead and make that Terra plate thing this guy can I make him I can check that out so we should be able to do this awesome and I’m pretty sure this guy needs a spark

To transfer stuff to him oh my gosh half of a Mana pool to create one Terrace deal and we are gonna want some Sparks there just some normal Sparks whoo that is steep that is very steep wow okay but Spark gonna make a few of please and thank you this

Um probably gonna watch hey can I a dominant guy which we can’t do yet because we actually need to get to the Elven Dimension so we’re just gonna have to stick with this guy so I should be able to that put him down I can’t see

Him that’s gonna cause a problem if I can’t see the Sparks I think maybe it’s time to turn the shaders off because now I can say oh wow this room does not look as good without the shaders oh I don’t I don’t like that oh it’s gross it’s gross but I think it’s

Necessary so I can actually see the spark I may see if I can use different shaders but and what I’m going to want to do is bind him to him yeah now they’re bound as you can see yeah shaders really really helped out didn’t they we’ll figure it out oh Everything feels so

Gross but that’s okay everything’s so bright I I’m not sure how to fix this issue uh we may just not look at the spark I mean can I still see oh can I even see like I can see that we’ll figure it out is it the end of the world but we’re gonna

Need a lot more Mana so I guess you might as well start automating Mana um right because we need it so we need to automate sand now how do I want to automate sand I don’t know I do not know uh for this we’ll probably need cover works of some sort

Um well an idea did just pop into my head we could do the material stonework Factory just I want to do it just for sand I don’t want to do Club works like that again but just for sand I’m not opposed to that idea we can because we

Need to automate pink slime anyway so why don’t we do that let’s take a break from Britannia just for a few and then let’s work on additional four going are we okay with that does that sound good so industrial foregoing we’re going to need a few things for pink slime right

We’re going to want a mob Masher no not a mob Masher mob why is my thing doing that I don’t know my Crusher I believe is what it’s called not a mob Crusher oh is it the slaughter Factory yes the mob Slaughter Factory this dude is pretty

Neat he kills mobs and gives you pink slime and liquid meat that that’s it that’s all he does uh simple easy right and then I get some of this going on I need some plastic let me just grab all the plastic I have down here put it into

Here should be able to make this dude yes mob Slaughter Factory so now I’m probably gonna want to spawn her though maybe I’d don’t want one of those for can I get the dirt three footer or the light for dirt uh delightful dirt was a lot faster so we’re gonna stick with that

I’m okay with that and let’s go ahead and make a room for this um we can we can put it down here still I’ll probably just I’ll do a room like over here a little something like this going on get this guy going here and we

Are going to need as y’all can see an upgrade for this guy otherwise he’s not gonna be able to reach anything so we can do that we can make a range add-on I believe we just need the plus two it’s plus four yeah plus four so this is

Gonna require the latex that we automated last episode we need two pieces of redstone so we should be able to just slap all these in here and it should yes so it’s super easy to craft this range out on and we wouldn’t be able to do it without this latex so I’m

Glad we automated that perfect awesome and the pink slime should be super easy to do as well so now we want to do go down here we’re gonna put him in here and he should cover the whole room now yes perfect you can go inside stop doing

That we now want to put delightful dirt down here uh and this guy’s gonna need power so kind of make another Flex point I don’t want to Super to have a bunch of cables down here trying to be better about that in this series uh in Earth

Inc I was pretty bad about my cable so I thought I started with magic to get my resources so I can kind of not do that as much so you should be getting power now perfect sweet just what we wanted so if I put down this dirt and things start

Spawning we should start getting pink slime and whatnot as soon as I get some light in here um yep boom pink slime perfect it’s not that fast this is a lot faster um when I had this here before yeah I’m uh I’m a little disappointed I’ve been

Disappointed by all of this he just now spawned something yeah they give a lot more liquid meat yeah like huh I’m very disappointed by the delightful dirt and whatnot I I’d rather not have to do a spawner but I guess it’s not the end of the world since we do kind of

Live in our base and we’re around it all the time we cannot do a Strider spawner except a passive mob so it should give more pink slime which is what I really care about I should make this room bigger too but yeah it once again isn’t

The end of the world if I do this you want to spawn some Striders probably speed you up with some sugar and whatnot check that and now we’re getting a whole bunch of pink slime this guy’s working much better and I don’t even have to

Make it like the the max area cool yeah we’re getting pink slime I’d also like to be silent so can I get some wool please and then also some chorus fruit to disable their AI that sound good yeah I like that cool beans check that out

Let’s move these out of the way kind of let’s get more spawn spaces we could make this room bigger but ah I’m not that worried about it I don’t super need the room to be like here but anyways now we actually do kind of have a dilemma here we have liquid meat and

Pink slime so can I get some liquid or fluid pipes going on here I’m gonna say we have pink slime disabled on all of these please except for right yeast yes so it should push out in here provided it has a tank of some sort so some of

These for liquid meat and the other stuff so can I got my wrench uh my pipe wrench do this and you start oh you’re getting liquid meat why why did you get liquid meat you should be direction right East that’s this way I’m gonna need to have it on push let’s replace

These hold on because that’s not what I wanted to happen there we go now this should be working and then if I do this liquid meat disabled except for all this push out here perfect now we’re getting pink slime we’re getting liquid meat probably want an Ender tank as well with

That stuff so can I make another tank any more obsidian oh you would do that to me wouldn’t you okay hold on once again this will oops I just did that never get old a little something like this perfect awesome can I make the Ender

Tank now I’m gonna want two of them nope I’m going to have this guy probably just behind here like this not like that like this and you should be getting pink slime as long as right now you have lava if I do this here you should start getting pink slime

As soon as we kill something that is there we go now you have some pink slime awesome okay that’s what we want uh can I get another pink dye please awesome we’re gonna want another dissolution chamber as well so I’m gonna have I’m gonna remove all these guys I don’t want

Them here anymore y’all receptor area I’m sorry we’ll play with you in the future um this here don’t connect here do this but with this and you have pink slime perfect we’re gonna want another dissolution chamber let me craft that up real quick awesome dissolution chamber right here you should be getting pink

Slime perfect perfect perfect perfect what we want to do is you want the material stonework Factor yes material don’t work doohickey right here for this we’re going to need more diamonds one but also this guy which is going to need this guy which is gonna need a whole bunch of stuff so let

Me grab some another brick uh uh I feel like I should be able to get that alrighty so in here I should be able to put all that stuff now you should start crafting oh it’s a gold kit what am I doing it is iron I’m losing my mind now he’s gonna

Start crafting that Advance or not a simple machine frame and this guy new more diamonds um do I have diamonds of any sort we have a diamond ore sport shouldn’t get me lucky that was definitely was not enough what we needed so I guess I’m gonna grab my diamond

Sight charm and grab a few diamonds real quick it should not take me long at all let’s just say this this thing’s a bit broken what the fortune seven I’m not gonna lie I can just kind of go over here and then hey what if I wanted like

How much time is this gonna give me 23 diamonds yeah I already have like a stack of diamonds that is so silly that is so silly oh my gosh cool let me put oh this stuff uh we should be good yes can I do have you

Yeah and then this guy I didn’t mean to put you down this guy we’re going to want more plastic some ancient debris another it’s grabbed do I have any nether right or ancient debris can I get a squeezer so I can double this perhaps triplet that would be kind of cool

Um we only double that’s fine that’s all we need oh it’s the last for another right that hurts a little bit okay so this this we need a diamond gear a little something like this going on and we should start crafting the oops the advanced machine frame perfect and this

We also need a thing of pink slime which uh if I’m not mistaken a little something like this and we should be able to make the pink slime Perfect all right so material stomach Factory what do I need now a furnace I should be able to do that apparently I can’t make a

Furnace I was lied to a furnace diamond pickaxe let me just make that and then two gold gears and I should be able to make this guy just a crafting table awesome material stonework Factory that’s awesome I’m gonna want a flux plug for this guy I think why is that

Doing that I don’t know what causes that uh this system’s a little frustrating oh I need to focus Point not plug uh I’m gonna upgrade it soon and I’m gonna do something that I don’t usually do which is I’m probably gonna go AE I usually do

A fine storage because it’s easier but I don’t know I’m feeling a e right so this okay what do I want to do with this do I want to make a basement for this uh but the thing is yeah I don’t think we can super do that um here’s what I’m thinking

That’s right we’re gonna use this guy so let me let me go ahead I need to actually find an area for this side just kind of put this Source Stone down as a concept I don’t actually have a room laid out so I’m gonna lay out a room over there

Um in a new area where we are probably going to automate some stuff related to the pure Daisy and also sand and gunpowder related and then I’ll be back when that room was done and the portal is set up all right so I kind of have something laid out I’m not there

Obviously right now I just want to get on the camera I’m quickly upgrading my diamond furnace into an emerald furnace because I need a lot of stone all the time and currently uh I’m not really getting that I also said a hotkey finally for opening my storage accessor

So you should upgrade the color create this obsidian oh I can I can’t upgrade the snow right yet but obsidian should be pretty fast uh I would hope we’re getting a whole lot of stone that’s all I just want to show you all that alrighty so now yeah I I have cleared

Out the area um it’s a decently large area I’m not going to Super decorate this area right here so we can always make it bigger if we want to and then now I kind of just need to do this and this do your thing thank you I need to get back there and

I don’t know why the portal is not working it’s so I don’t know it was working before dang it I may try and back Port the version of ours to vote except maybe why but I don’t know if that’s super good idea but they should

Take me back to the base and then I have another whoops go right here that should if we put in our Britannia area should take us right over here check that out cool awesome all right so where were we uh I believe we were working with the material snowboard Factory yes

It has been a little bit I have had to do something in between cuts but over here material stonework Factory so material stonework Factory this guy’s pretty day neat um he’s gonna automate sand for us we’re gonna need lava and water over here though so lava I should

Have some yes and then water also have one check that out I’m already prepared so I’m just gonna put this guy in the corner here we’re gonna hook up a flux point on my network he is going to hey you are a crush crush and then stop

Right so this should make sand given it has the stuff to make Cobble three perfect and you why you feel like you should be more stable than that but as long as it’s getting power I guess it doesn’t matter you know what may be causing the problem is this guy no he

Should be fine um interesting whatever anyways we have this guy now he’s making sand he’s gonna push on bottom and I’m just gonna get a drawer how does that sound you just get a normal drawer here so this guy’s gonna automate Sam now we are going to get

This sand over to the intraprinium area um how do I want to do that I don’t know um is there a TNT related thing that drops TNT automatically and we got the place and then okay let’s see what I’m gonna do I want a detector

Um oh no we actually need no I lied I lied I lied we’re gonna want a Mana detector that’s what I was thinking Amanda detector that shouldn’t be that hard to do perfect Mana detector and then we’re gonna have to move some stuff so hey what if you moved right and moved

You to okay we’re going to move a lot of the stuff like yeah there’s a lot of stuff that has to go down here but we’ll have the intrapinium sort of here we’ll have the Mana spreader here a commanded detector here and with the Mana detector does is it

Detects or it sends a redstone signal where’s my foot in steel would I break my foot and steal I might have this watch it will send out a redstone signal whenever a Mana burst is shot through it uh oh you’re not on the right one so yeah whenever that gets sent through he

Will shoot out a redstone signal so what I think I’m gonna do I don’t need this sensor I need a timer so timer will have him here so pause while Redstone Active yes so we want this probably I’ll do five seconds if I’m correct let me get a

Piece of redstone are you you should be empty yes yeah if I do this light you up this should not get a redstone signal or it should get a redstone how do I want to do this actually um oh no it will send a redstone signal in

Five seconds after this is done right so whenever this empties uh it shouldn’t take that much longer it’s almost empty I want y’all to catch it so this is gonna stop shooting Mana it’s almost done let me count to five so one two three four five we should yep see that

Red cell signal that’s what we want and we probably want to extend that as well but now it’s sending a signal every five seconds which what we can do is actually route that Redstone hey give me a few more pieces of redstone to a piece of TNT let’s move the entrepreneurium yeah

Let’s move the edge opinion you should be still not that one you should be on this one no no no no you you here is I need to move it further and move it right here and you’re still on that guy okay perfect if I do this

And this this should work that’s going to ignite the TNT yes key is gonna pick this up yes he’s gonna make mana and this should not do anything like this is not gonna do a redstone signal until this is all out of mana and for safety

I’m gonna make this six seconds just in case um so when this is empty and this is empty wait six seconds this TNT should go off and we should just be getting more Mana is is what it’s looking like so it’s almost done wait six seconds and

We should be good you should do your thing yes and then boom check that out we totally just like automated Mana right there and it’s going to do it again perfect I’m the reason I have this at six seconds because we have to wait for the TNT to actually ignite

Um once again just in case I’m probably gonna make this I’m gonna do eight seconds or just 10 seconds we’ll just do 10 seconds for safety and now we want a Placer a Placer Placer Placer this dude should suffice so this guy we can just set him right here

Um and you know Redstone you should do your thing you should place yes he’s gonna Place perfect this timer’s gonna go off and we should be good I think we just automated beta right here and then he places again perfect but what I’m going to do right

Now is I don’t I need to test this a little bit more so I’m going to hold off on this a little bit um because I need to make sure this doesn’t fill up because if this fills up then these are going to fill up and well

That’s obviously not good so we are gonna have to prevent that with a little more Redstone control but right now this system’s working I’m gonna put like 10 pieces of TNT in here for now um that’s not good he’s gonna do that and I need a comparator on this guy I

Would it doesn’t look the nicest obviously but I mean is what it is is there a signal reader um okay so what I think I’m gonna do I’m gonna have to move this Mana pool which kind of stinks so let me get a Mana tablet we’re gonna turn this off for now

So I have an idea so Mana tablets basically it’s a portable Mana storage kind of you there’s like bobbles and stuff as well in Britannia that you can that need Mana that you get from the Mana tablet so if I do this throw that in there it should start pull pulling

Mana out of the Mana pool yes okay okay we’re gonna move this guy and then oh that had a spark on him that’s fine I’m gonna move this guy too we’ll move this a decent further bit away like here yeah that’s fine and you should still be set

To him yes okay cool so we can now can I do this so I can put the Mana back in there I could get into integrated Dynamics for this by the way but or I think there’s another mod what is it called it’s integrated no it’s not

Integrated MX it’s another RF tools is esk mod is it um xnet that’s the mod I’m looking for okay let’s make a few excellent things shall we we’re gonna want a controller controller and then some red network cables so should we make some of these okay awesome and then

I believe I need a connector as well maybe two can I get rid of you I don’t need y’all actually anymore get out of here I want a red character here this should connect to this guy yes okay this will be Mana pool me from the future

Hello mega episode Watchers if you made it this far comment down below join the Discord by the way um our with this because of stupid stuff um I know how the wad works right but I forgot to hook up the power I forgot to think of another thing it was a whole

Jambo so instead hi guys I’m gonna show you how to do it right in front of you in a creative world hello me from the creative world I’m going to quickly show you how I set this up in my actual world because the quote it was kind of a mess

All over the place I think this is just easier for y’all easier for me it’s much better of a watch trust me basically the way I did it is I used xnet yes so let me also go ahead and uh do a little bit of this action going on this is

Detecting when the Redstone signal from the comparator is greater than one this will output on the white when this is enabled on the white so this should work now that I have this guy connected to the Mana spreader so if I go ahead you

Should be on I need this to be on 120 so that’s six seconds this should work you are going to ignite this TNT this is going to create Mana in the intrapinium which is then going to make this burst through the Mana detector which is going to reset the timer every single time

Stopping this TNT from going and then it is also when this is full so if I were to grab a tablet do this this should raise the Redstone symbol for my ear so it’s about to be greater than one right so we should see that here in a second

Yes this is going to be two in just a second once this fills up so this is the technique that this Redstone signal is greater than one yes so you a positive is an actively so this shouldn’t go anymore now there’s a signal is active so this is detecting the rest of signal

Is greater than one right and then in here we are detecting in here this is where you set that when Redstone signal is greater than one output on the white Channel and that means basically activate on the white Channel a redstone signal and you could do multiple things

With this you could do items but this is just for Redstone right it could be more complicated obviously so that’s all this is It’s a detecting the rest of something from here stopping this so TNT is stopping when they this is at a certain level and when there’s Mana

Going through here so this never overflows and explodes this has been future me thank you for watching my testing world and back to the episode I really feel like this should be working are you getting a signal no yeah no it’s getting a signal we can just do this

Um and then have this here as well wait that is figured out I think this this is the solution I wish I could like undo that but this should be the solution and if I set this guy to maybe greater than 12 you should no longer be getting a signal you should

Be receiving signals again we can turn this up to six seconds again and this should be working now all we really need is TNT right so let’s test this out if I grab some Gunpowder from over here which we have a decent amount of and if I said

I don’t want this at 12 anymore let’s just say we’ll put it at four if it’s greater than three did I put a three or four three so you’re at three right now so when it gets to the next level right so let’s go ahead and do this uh TNT in

Here when this gets to the next level of comparative so when this gets to four this should shut off like this system should shut off so now I’m just kind of waiting for that we’re gonna see how long that’s gonna take but this should be working

Um like right now you’re gonna do your thing you’re not gonna do anything because you have this signal coming from here but if I get this signal coming from here it’s also going to stop it yeah no I I mean I would say this is pretty successful in the automation

Area uh yeah I like this and then I have the spark back here and then are you automatically bound yeah you are okay good so we still have nowhere near enough Mana for this by the way it’s gonna take a lot um very much a lot so we’re going to let

This run for a little bit right let’s go ahead let’s check on our sand I didn’t load these chunks did I I did not oh hey why do you not want to push down you should be wanting to push down does it think it okay that’s so weird that’s

Okay that’s a weird bug that’s fine we can just get some item pipes I think it thinks it since there’s only one slot can’t hold more that’s fine this I want disable disable disabled same with this so you if I can push here do this should be getting sand

In here yeah I’m not going to configure tools as well okay how many chunks did I make this in four of course I did okay we’re gonna Force out all these chunks this should be the whole area yeah that’s fine that’s not the worst in the world so we have this

Sand here now we need TNT right we also need gunpowder automated probably faster than what we have now this might be a little more difficult which one we can Crush Flint which is not hard to automate uh that’s a it’s a little hard we may just have to use the gunpowder

From Arctic Bean Farm I don’t know how fast the exact temperature from is it may be fast enough it may not be fast enough um we’re gonna find out so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to make some ender chests uh gender just I messed it up

Under chest Ender Chest under pouch under pouch I want these on Gray right for for gunpowder but I want some dye more please so I’m gonna have an Ender Chest probably I guess just have this on all gray and I want to make take a transporter

Guy yeah we okay with that making a transporter from a cultism real quick I think that’s what I’m gonna do and I’m gonna have him transport gunpowder into that Ender Chest I memorized the recipe let’s go all right cool we have this guy so I guess I can just have him running

Around on my base um I’m okay with that so we’re gonna have him deposit in here extract from here but I want him to only do gun powder so white list gunpowder and then I can set him to extract from here it should start putting gun powder in here

Can you not reach it he may not be able to reach this which kind of sucks if I put a block there can you reach it will you oh no he’s reaching it now he doesn’t see this guy as an inventory that is a little funky uh new idea

You’re gonna come with me you are going to instead probably end up just extract from here that’s really bright wow and put into a system we okay with that I’m okay with that all right uh yeah I think that’s what I’m gonna have to do we’re

Gonna do a little thing here we’re gonna can I do this apply the there we go you can hold gun powder in here he’s gonna export into an Ender Chest right here right so yeah because he doesn’t the transporter guy doesn’t see this as an inventory which is really weird to me

But it’s fine you were going to set deposit into here and extract from here and you should be just on gunpowder you don’t want to climb up there why that is so strange do you really need like a slab or something now we work there we go okay so we have gunpowder being

Transported into our Ender Chest Network so now I need to automate the crafting of TNT which I am going to do over here let me just do this and then a little bit of this going on let’s see the gunpowder in here perfect it’s working phenomenally now if we want a crafter

One of these dudes awesome so I can just probably put him here that’s fine with me we can have this on extract so you should be getting gun powder and I want gunpowder and like these first slots and then sand and these so I want to split it here right

And remember this and we’re going to teach it how to craft tnt apply and they should start making TNT provided he has power which I can go and get power pipes uh is it energy pipe this dude right I can do this and you should be getting

Power uh oh I have to do this don’t I yeah there we go now you’re getting power now you’re crafting TNT perfect we can do this remember this formation so now we’re just waiting on Sand which what we can do I do this a little stupidly but that’s fine we can just do

This let’s connect this please do this and you should be getting sand as well perfect now can I make some upgrades uh actually no this is probably getting TNT way faster than we’re gonna end up using it so yeah no no we’re fine this is fine

We’re getting TNT that’s what I want we have automated TNT right so now the question is though how do I want to transport this TNT to the botania area this is so messy I need to clean this up now we’re not we’re not doing this like

This we’re gonna clean this up hold on here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna get rid of this do this yeah that that works fine and then this we can do here awesome massive cleanup perfect and we make it look a little nicer so we should be getting gunpowder we’re getting TNT

Why am I not seeing gunpowder getting in here our transporter has messed up again okay we we may just retire the transporter because he’s being funny what are you doing man this guy sucks okay no you get out of here you suck dude you suck we’re just gonna I

Probably want a logistical sorter right and then this part’s gonna be a little hard a little tricky I think what I’m gonna do do I wanna do that yeah that’s fine we can logistical sort out of the bottom we need to get this gunpowder right here we can get rid of this into

The Ender Chest so I can actually move this and move the ender chests and I could probably actually get rid of this too and I should be able to just do this you should be getting a better yeah perfect that system is much better than

It was before so now hey you can go in here um let me see you over here if I go over here I should be getting gunpowder in here and in here perfect awesome now sand is our hold up but obviously we’re generating sand it’s fine it’s working

At a somewhat decent pace uh we could make this faster actually we may do that but not now okay so I think I’m gonna do more ender chests uh does that seem like a terrible idea I don’t think so under chest ender chest and this one we can do

Red dye and white so it’s like TNT so I can put this probably here I don’t like that they do that I don’t know this mod is I don’t like the center chess mod as much as the others at the Ender storage one so I can

Do red red like that and that will be our TNT Network so I don’t I want you to not do anything so you we should be good yes and then if you do this you should start extracting TNT into here perfect and then I can just do this so right

Here right here you should be getting TNT awesome I believe we just automated Mana guys so if everything is working correctly we should have automated Mana like it’s almost for free actually yes for free so you you’re doing your thing oh you’ve read some signal does that

Mean we’re on res check that out we’re on power of four so this guy is being stopped that’s awesome that means everything is working perfectly so I’m gonna do now is I’m gonna have this here Ender Chest here and we’re gonna have this on export so you should be getting

TNT awesome yeah no that’s uh that’s done that’s done everybody that’s perfect right I mean yeah so now all we have to do is change this from greater than three we can do greater than 10. so you should start doing your thing again right so you should tick do your thing

Yes you’re gonna set that off oh my gosh check that out guys did just automated Mana I’m yeah Pat to my back if this is the first time I’ve actually done it this way I’ve wanted to do it this way for a while so I’m very pleased with this when this

Does get the half Mana pool we can actually craft our first Terra seal and get back to botania right I know we’re gonna protect for a minute I was kind of like off the Britannia thing but now we’re getting back into it so we showed the spark over here yeah we just can’t

See it I I may look into new shaders I don’t know I don’t know uh if that we may have to play without shaders from this point forward so I can see the Sparks because it is a little important let me know in the comments is it worth

Turning off the shaders yes or no please let me know please let me know because I will be deciding based off of y’all it’s working and then that’s so awesome and the TNT should all be going into the dropper down there So eventually hypothetically we will back stuff on TNT

Because we have a automated gunpowder automated sand right they’re not the fastest we will probably upgrade them in the future when we want more Mana generation but for right now this should be all we need um we are definitely gonna need more for the Mana enchanter going forward at

Least if we want to I mean this if we AFK for a while we should be fine but we need this Terrace deal for this stuff and this stuff Tara steel like I said very expensive there are there is other ways to do it but I mean why

Why right half Amanda pools worth of Mana we’ll start trying to create accelerate the process we don’t need to we just have one spark that should be fine we need this to get the half so I kind of just have to wait here I’m not

Gonna lie so why don’t we do a few other things while we’re kind of waiting for this Mana I like that idea uh and then hey can I I need like a light right here it’s a little dark right there okay so why don’t we automate obsidian and I

Want to do this in a better way you know we do have a lot of blaze rods in the pure Daisy we can do it with okay yeah we’re we’re gonna use our blaze rods to automate obsidian I really like that idea actually kill me I’m glad I thought about that

Just now I I guess I didn’t think about it I saw it but still okay so I’m going up your Daisy which means I need four more of these dudes yes and a seed of some sort this guy okay and you know do we want to automate living Rock and

Living Wood at the same time or do you want to wait because we don’t have automated Stone yet we’ll wait on that let’s go ahead can I make you floating actually I need for that need pasture seeds which is just grass cool okay pasture seeds awesome we’re definitely playing with alchemistry soon like

Within the next five or six episodes it is coming up so pasture seeds and then can I make gay floating dude I just need another flower make this glimmering and then I should be able to make this dude this guy and then I can attach this to

This dude cool floating pure Daisy so I don’t have to put this on grass so over oh it makes light that’s awesome okay over here for obsidian uh we can put this next like over here maybe there’s water under here that is pretty terrible I don’t like that it’s fine though I

Mean whatever it’s not the end of the world but like these only be able to carry one stack of the blaze stuff because yeah I don’t want to have all this just be blaze rods have it all backed up so maybe we to a little bit of

A laser eye o to kind of help with that this is gonna be not too bad I hope I need just a bunch of these dudes she’s clay am I out of clay oh no am I really out of clay I’m out of clay laser IO really neat mod really awesome mod

Actually this mod is phenomenal at what it does it’s basically Advanced item Redstone fluid energy routing once again really nice mod I’m going to show you how to do a little bit I guess real quick because why not right it’s I’m not gonna do too much with it because we

Have a lot going on this episode right um we’re gonna want eight probably nine of these dudes nine of those we have these we’re probably gonna want some of these as well all right and then I know so like there’s like a backpack thing isn’t there card holder yeah let’s make

A card holder real quick this should make my life a lot easier awesome okay and then that this is it a bobble no but can I put this in my backpack I think it’s like an ender chest is it not and then nope nope definitely not like another chest

But can I see it yeah I can see them all from here okay perfect so laser IO super super cool mod um I want yeah we should put this in a different spot I’m gonna put this in a different spot because there’s water under here and I don’t like that

So we’re going to put it here instead you know what I’m gonna do don’t want to have it higher up yeah because I need to be able to access all this so I’m gonna need once again another end of chest making a lot of inner chests today this

Is for obsidian though while we’re waiting for Mana we might as well right hey you know what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make one of those blazing meshes and then we’re gonna make some obsidian real quick because I don’t I don’t want to wait get a little bit of this going on

Yeah because I don’t I don’t want to go craft Obsidian and while that’s happening we can set this up okay so I want all these block placers like this right break this Cobblestone I want these here is a re there’s not a card for restock right it’s just a setting

Okay good um I probably want a counting filter actually uh hold on let me go at Blazer IO again uh we probably want counting filters yeah we probably want some of these dudes uh which is gonna be normal filters which I should be able to make yes and then our obsidian’s done

Make eight of these dudes perfect hey obsidian thank you okay so hey why did you not place the right way okay so these dudes um what we want I don’t I want the purple uh dye for these inner chest for obsidian are you okay with that I think I’m okay with that

Um we may only need one laser node actually uh yeah let’s I actually might do it like this so we can uh no but these one the ones in the corners are gonna need more laser iOS uh you may have to do a little something like this it’s a little Derpy but ah

Whatever okay so we’re gonna watch our item cards right so we can have one here so on South we can see it made a connection here south we will have shift right click right click okay we want insert right we want Redstone ignored yeah we’re gonna want a counting filter

So obsidian can I make this 60 uh remove this please can I get blaze mesh 64 of those yeah but I probably don’t want 64 of those we’ll stick with like 10 in each of these yes so this should if I put an Ender Chest under here we’re going to crafter

Though actually do a little thing down here so oh my gosh we can we can connect the chest to it that’s fine we can get a chance here and we will then fill it with some hey can I cover this back up there’s a blaze meshes and then we can

Have the where is another laser node this guy okay I want you on the down to do extract right and you should be fine on this we can just do transfer mode eight yeah whatever and this will extract let’s just say blaze message The Blaze Masters will be the only thing in

Here I’m gonna do a drawer but for examples right now I’m just going to do this so if I grab a stack of these and do this and then I connect you to you you should get Place meshes yes and he will only get 10. that’s working

And then he’s gonna place this guy okay awesome I may not do all eight though just because it’s a little this is a lot going on it would require a decent amount of stuff so we may just stick with one of these dudes and it’ll make obsidian slowly uh because I have an

Idea right we have this here okay perfect this is gonna do that so we need to autocrap blaze meshes but we’re gonna do that in a second I now want a sensor this guy can I make him write a sensor and a sensor here what it’s going to do

Is it’s gonna detect this guy I can detect a block right I want to detect obsidian right so when it detects obsidian it should release a redstone signal because right now yeah it’s not gonna release Redstone signal but wait here in a second right ding ding ding

Ding come on hurry up obsidian and now yes there is the Redstone signal we are looking for so then I can attach this into a Block Breaker we can just do the Block Breaker from this mod uh oh I am out of redstone wow I apparently have used that much Redstone

Really okay we really need to get to the point where we can repair our magic lamp we’re getting there that’s what all of this is coming to by the way so hopefully it’s worth it I’m hoping it is plus it’s really cool I haven’t done it before okay Block Breaker I want you

You’re gonna do that um we can have you just like buff here so like this and you are probably gonna need power if I had to assume but you did not place in the way I wanted you to are you facing upward you are stop doing that now you should be facing downwards

Can you break obsidian you can okay so I want to do run with redstone signal and we are going to send just a signal up to this guy uh we’re also going to want the crafter and then craft that up real quick all right crafter this guy we’re

Gonna set right here we’re gonna set him to blaze mesh and then here I need to apply so now he just needs blaze rods which we are going to get uh from in here right and I only want this I don’t want this to do that many Blaze

Meshes so I’m just going to do this remember I don’t want it to hold that many blaze rods I’m not super about that and then this I think I’m gonna also have a drawer with a downgrade on it because I don’t want to use thousands upon thousands of blaze rods if I don’t

Have to so get me into the drawer get me a downgrade awesome should be able to put this here everything should still be working again put this here we want Blaze meshes and then I need my configuration tool block this dude perfect so you we’re going to export out

Of here but I don’t want Cobblestone so remember remember I should be able to take this oh I might have forgotten it remember now you remember the oh shift clicking okay shift clicking forgets it so nothing’s gonna go into the slot but Cobble right which is what we want uh I

Need blaze rods hey can I grab one of you make some blaze rods Blaze Rod will go in here right remember I might have to put Cobble back in here I’ll do this and then I need he needs power as well so can I get some energy dudes then oh

My gosh it’s so Jakey it’s so janky you should craft that hypothetically if I had this guy I like this yes you’re gonna craft that okay but give me another one any more blaze rods remember everything should be remembered yes okay now you can go again um you’re gonna

Craft that right we want now we want you don’t do that please we’re gonna put blaze rods into here into this Ender Chest yes that’s gonna craft Blaze meshes that’s gonna go in here and that’s gonna Auto go into here why no worky though is that not how

Redstone Works idea came to head we’re gonna use the Redstone transmitter and receiver because they’re easy and they make less of a mess so receiver we want the transmitter here transmitter yes okay receiver we will put right on top of this guy I just need some sort

Of block to actually put it on put them here so you should break yes he’s gonna start going again he’s gonna break that obsidian perfect now you shouldn’t getting risk of signal so you’re gonna stop okay this is finally working okay automated obsidian we can item pipe the

Obsidian out somewhere I guess just oh my gosh Jank Central over here everything is so janky oh my gosh we’re gonna have to clean this up so you if I do this you should be exporting the obsidian to here yeah yeah okay you’re crafty Duty you’re going you have

Gunpowder you’re doing this you’re doing this you have obsidian perfect now we just need to get blaze rods over to the dude I’m in the wrong part of my base Blazer odds I would like them to come from over here that’s not that big of an

Issue so let me get down here by our drawer controller which is right here we’re going to want another logistical sorter we’ll have him on blaze rods so he can submit you please new item stack Place Rod save and then the Ender Chest right here awesome okay that sound is

Really annoying we’re going to gently turn that off we’re gonna off of that so boom you’re getting blaze rods you’re gonna start it looks like it’s crafting its stuff right now we just automated the city in guys awesome sweets that’s pretty cool you know what else I’m gonna make is a feeding upgrade

For my bag are you okay with this I’m okay with that and then we can put that in here Advanced feeding uh only feed feed player would immediately hurt yes please can I do this so it should feed here and then I need to hey go back I

Need to refill my backpack all right cool so now we should be getting auto fed I know right UPS perfect we don’t have to waste time eating anymore okay now if I how much Mana are we at because that’s kind of the main focus uh hey can I grab my this

Dude almost at half a Mana pool this thing is working amazingly how much by chance TNT do I have a decent amount too I have a good amount of TNT and here in a sec we should see it make another one let’s make that up just made another one

Awesome yeah we’re gonna let this run and I feel like I could put this all Underground it’s the Redstone but I mean it’s fine right here for now we just have one intro Pentium this isn’t the fastest thing in the world this guy is what we

Need to upgrade and we can upgrade that once we get an Elven Mano pool or not a Alvin Mana spreader uh these dudes are there’s also the guy Amanda spreader which needs Gaia Spirit we had to kill something for that so Elven Mana spreader this needs Elementium which apparently there’s mystical agriculture

For all this stuff you throw into here how much money do you have we’re getting there let’s check up on our other stuff while we we’re almost there we already have six obsidian check that out hey actually I want to lock you alrighty well

Um once again I’ll be wait but I guess I can do is I may set up a wormhole guy over here that’s gonna take so long I might do that in between episodes uh hey I have a thing can I grab that please I think five XP so much you know I’m just

Waiting so I just probably turn this guy on now that we’re using these police rods but I’m not using that much so well I guess I’m just gonna wait here so I’ll be back when this is ready or when I have it up man up to grab the Terrace

Deal all right guys we’re just gonna try it out I don’t know if it’s working or not so I think I just do this oh oh it’s definitely doing something uh and this should be draining this a lot so it is currently making the Terrace

Steel I look at the spot okay maybe we don’t need enough shaders so we can see the spark effects look at it go you might need more Mana oh we do need more Mana the it’s done we have the Terra steel and get so now we can go ahead and

Make this dude we just need some Terra steel nuggets that feels expensive I’m not gonna lie to y’all so we need the Elven Gateway core we need some Bliss glimmering Living Wood I think we just need two of them and then we should be able to make this portal to the uh elves

People so the way you do this is I believe it’s just like this right do a little bit of this action going on over to this action going on and then to open it you also need something else though at the moment so this guy now let me see let me grab

My book my lexicon Britannia portal Alpine yes this is what we want we need at least two mini pools and a Tura pylons okay and those need a little bit of Mana okay good thing it only needs one pair of seal for this actually that’s pretty nice and I need one more

Glimmering uh dude okay I was almost right almost right on the glimmering wood but you I can just turn into this so now we’re going to need those Natura pylons these the normal pylons which need Man of Steel and Mana Diamond so that I’m gonna need it’s a few diamonds

But I don’t think it’s actually that much Mana it’s just a little bit and then you don’t ever need to use man again so can I make those these dudes now these and then can I upgrade these into these dudes yes so naturopylons these give it Turner Max 15 I can put

One of them okay then we need two Mana pools do I have any more living Rock by chance I don’t so I need to put some Stone around these dudes wait for these guys to do the thing I love this thing so I’m so happy this y’all have no idea

How happy I am that this is working we have automated Mana fastest thing in the world but it doesn’t need to be the fastest thing right not yet at least um we’re getting there I don’t think we’re gonna be able to get to the Mana enchanter today I think it’s a little

Further away than we want I do think we can make this right now though and I’m gonna kind of redo my enchanting room over here as well I’m pretty sure I might even go as far to say I make my enchanting room in here I yeah like I

Said yeah I’m I’m still thinking about it right I’m probably just gonna redo this whole room because obviously it’s not it’s not where it needs to be I have a few enchanting things that I still want to do but like I said we’re getting there it’s all coming together and all

Of this for the magic lamp which I think is in the chest somewhere and by the way that’s gonna be a whole nother process of automating the repairing of the magic lamps so I mean and I could automate the magic clip now I have what I need but I

Kind of want to complete the enchanting setup as well just because um it saves me a lot it’s more efficient there’s a lot of stuff but like I said we’re we’re getting there right and then I just got 16 pieces of living Rock so I

Should I’m gonna be able to make a few more manifolds does that sound good two of those awesome and then I’m gonna put these just behind here I don’t I don’t think it matters where they are um yeah it doesn’t matter as long as they’re within the area here so I should

I might put them here because it might look cool like here and here this and this I can’t see that is so funny to me that is so funny to me I can’t even see it that is pretty goofy I’m not gonna lie this okay anyways um I think we’re

Definitely gonna expand this Britannia room by the way it is pretty large or we may move this in the future I think is what we have to do and we’ll have to put the enchanting apparatus here or somewhere like that but anyways we need to get Mana tablet hey do you want

To switch to tablet here do this and then do this and then you cool check that out we just got the Elven Gateway and I don’t know if these need to be here again but I’m going to keep them there oh I think maybe I needed more Mana definitely need more Mana

It costs a huge amount of Mana okay so yeah we need a lot more Mana okay pause on this for today and we’re gonna instead work on this dude yes are we okay with that the enchantment extractor you know also I’m gonna do let’s get

Some in a steal again so iron hey can I get like eight of these is what I need I make even all this no I have no Mana I am completely out oh gosh this is rough because I want to make these lenses okay well I can make one of the lenses right

Now so I’m gonna make the potency lens I think yeah uh which just needs this dude I do that yeah I’m gonna make the velocity real quick while that’s crafting uh can I make all of this no I I’m almost there there you go uh can I

Make another one of these I should be able to make the velocity lens and then I want you’re done yes you you you and you and then I can get a slime ball and combine these two into a velocity potency yes and I could put him onto

Here and now you should be doing your stuff lot faster so let’s watch oh yeah we’re going real fast again perfect and we can even upgrade this more obviously uh when this guy is open but right now he’s obviously not open so we’re gonna let that run

Um right we’re gonna let this guy do its thing we’re gonna get some mana and we’ll come back next episode uh we’re not done with this episode yet not not yet um to finish that up so enchantment extractor I guess we might as well get started with this dude right we’re gonna

Need the gold gear we I think we have everything yeah we just need this guy which means we need more netherright doesn’t it yeah it does so I’m also gonna need a diamond gear I’m gonna need another eight scrap gold gold yeah okay we’re gonna let’s figure this out okay

Let me go to the nether uh we should have our another right site this guy yes okay let’s go to the nether let’s grab some nether right and then I will be back okay so I have another right alrighty check that out I have a successfully

Made all the way up to the advanced machine frame so come on hurry up hurry up there we go so I should be able to make this an extractor perfect okay this dude we are gonna put it in here I need to make this room bigger for starters so

I’m gonna mine all these I know right uh get rid of these dudes get rid of you for the time being we also have a free light in here from the room below so uh yeah I’m gonna make this room a little bigger I might do a little something

Along these lines right but I need like what the main enchanting gig to be like right here uh does that sound good all this stuff we’re gonna have everything Enchanted related in here I like that that is a good idea to me let’s have a little something like this one it’s a

Little bit fancy in here right I like that um question do I have power down here I do that might be a little hard to get it up uh without it looking a little bad but it’s possible yeah let’s do it I want the enchantment extractor right

Here uh can I get the power let’s say hypothetically the cable should be under here so can I get some of those cable dudes all the way up to here yes we like that perfect so you should have power and check this out this is where things

Get a little bit broken and this is not even the start we can take the enchants off of this pickaxe that we don’t want right and there’s another item I’m going to make here in a second um called the enchantment Library I’m gonna put these in a chest as well for

Now because we haven’t we’re gonna make the enchantment library right so the enchantment library is a really cool block I probably want this one uh wait to infuse it but I can do that so we’re gonna need some infused Health shelves so can I make some health shelves I

Should be able to library or enchantment Library I want this Library which needs a lot more XP which I should be able to do hey you want to give me XP and then also you guys want to give me XP a few of these and then a few of these dudes

Should be able to make some melon shelves I think I’m gonna need more than that though yeah all four um and this is going to decrease our Quantum right because we want this to be lower because we want to be able to infuse this but this I believe Quantum

Needs to be at least 45 but no more than 50. so all right so you and you and I should be good to infuse this no I need one more now can I Infuse it I can’t Infuse it check that out sweet okay so now I just

Need a little bit of XP which I should be able to grab from over here do I have enough over here no definitely not and with the level 100 we can upgrade this guy into the library of Alexandra which is just a better version of the enchantment Library I’m going to show

You how it works um very cool block very overpowered block but well is it overpowered yeah I would say it is but it’s pretty expensive looking at it now okay so I should be able to do a little bit of this a little bit of infusion check that

I can get rid of all these now library of Alexandra um this is a really cool block basically you can store your enchants in here so I can store all these enchants in here right and I can take them out so this I can get level

One out or I can get level two out or get a little three out or level four out however high it was before right same thing with all of these so Fortune if I wanted just Fortune three or four I could get that out too easy right I can

Choose what level and I can also Filter Hey only put something go in a sword which is just these really awesome really neat right so we’re going to enchant probably enchant extract put it into here right but we also want the Mana enchanter the Mana enchanter is

Really neat the Amana enchanter makes it to where basically we don’t have to use the book to put the enchant on the pickaxe or whatever it is we need the book to put it on there we don’t use the book to put it on there so we can kinda

Upgrade the enchants for free because we can disenchant the duplicated enchantment and upgrade that as well so I could get you know the highest level of stuff basically for free but that’s besides the point right uh how are we doing over here on Mana uh pretty decent actually sweet yeah no

That we’d like to see that okay I think we’re gonna stop here right we got a lot done today this whole entire Britannia setup we upgraded our enchanting room we have the Library of Alexandria we have the enchantment extractor next episode we’re gonna come back I’m gonna have

More Mana we are going to get the Mana enchanter and then we’re gonna start enchanting stuff I’m talking all of our armor probably all of our tools right we’re gonna upgrade our Mana spreaders right we’re also we may start working on upgrading or not upgrading but our automating system for repairing this

Dude and you also need to make a new room for this stuff but I haven’t done that yet obviously we also need to work on the form um yeah that was my oh broken I hope it’s broken you know what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make an all the modium hoe

Because that’s unbreakable and this will just stick in here forever yes so hey can I get back into there you you should be on again and this is unbreakable whoa we just harvested all of that check that out I need to get this away into my system

Um so I might build another Wormhole get a transporter dude in there if not we may get into AE before that starts so anyways um for now though we’re gonna wait we’re gonna come back next episode we’re gonna probably finish our Britannia setup actually is what we’re gonna work on

Right we’re gonna get this started we’re gonna get our Mana here to start flowing we’re gonna get sparks we’re gonna get the Mana enchanter and that should be good yeah so anyways thank you guys so much for watching if y’all did enjoy please hit the like button down below if

You like the mega episode comment down below make sure to hit like subscribe if you want to see more all the mods eight and I’ll see you guys next time for even more modern Minecraft later Thank you

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 8 MEGA-EPISODE | Modded Minecraft 1.19 | Botania, Enchanting, and Automation | 16’, was uploaded by jzells on 2023-02-02 13:18:09. It has garnered 838 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:47 or 4787 seconds.

Join the discord! https://discord.gg/gbGfucbesU Vote for next series is in discord 🔼🔼 Thank you for watching!

ATM8 Modpack Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-8

Music 🎵

c418 – Aria Math – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atgjKEgSqSU c418 – Chris – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=197X5CGHEZQ c418 – Mutation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ChvaSe6aK0 c418 – Danny – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2ajI96FyAk c418 – Clark – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EookC5tOhxE c418 – Dry Hands – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_vk7UwFBhc c418 – Mice on Venus – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5-faDLv1Vs c418 – Subwoofer Lullaby – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibUOxEBxVsE

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation

    Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation Minecraft: Crafting Adventures Await! Embark on exciting crafting adventures in Minecraft where you can build everything from cars and rockets to TNT launchers and planes. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities that await! Crafting a TNT Launcher One of the thrilling creations you can make in Minecraft is a TNT launcher. This powerful cannon allows you to launch explosive TNT blocks at your enemies or structures. Gather the necessary materials and follow the crafting recipe to build your very own TNT launcher. Watch as the explosions light up the sky! Building a Rocket… Read More

  • NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! – Episode 3

    NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! - Episode 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Do NOT mine at night! | Hostel Of Time – Episode 3 | MCTV’, was uploaded by TwistyPrideP on 2024-04-18 21:00:11. It has garnered 202 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:17 or 1637 seconds. Hostel Of Time is a fantasy MCTV / Minecraft Roleplay based around the common tropes of isekai concepts! Twisty’s note: 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits! Directed, Recorded & Edited by Twisty Thumbnail Logo art by Twisty & PeeblesMeebles Music/sounds used in this video: https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/ways-of-the-wizard https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/the-blue-nebulae https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/our-happiest-day https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/relaxing-ambient-scene https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/woodland-bunnies https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/illuminati-conspiracy https://www.purple-planet.com/dreamy https://www.purple-planet.com/playful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actor Credits! Atlas: Twisty (you’re already… Read More

  • LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creation

    LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My fanmade part in NERAFELL // hosted by : @kiyaless // #geometrydash #gd #minecraft #anime #top’, was uploaded by 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙𝕮𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊2𝕲𝕸𝕯 on 2024-05-11 10:01:05. It has garnered 1024 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. ID : 105115815 song : crankdat – party all night (NONG) *TAGS* (do not read) : #anime #amongus #dora #extreme #vernam #geometrydash #gameplay geometry dash, gd, neiro, top 1, 4k, extreme demon, aod, impossible level, hell, hardest, 4k 60fps, бесплатно, скачать, загрузить, rtx, видео, good quality, asterios, fusion z, abyss of darkness, impossible demon, upload,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog Horror

    INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog HorrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added Sanity To Minecraft’s Analog Horror Mod’, was uploaded by Jamsteo on 2024-04-02 15:56:46. It has garnered 1105 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:55 or 13735 seconds. —————————————————————- Hi my name is Jamsteo! I Make Gaming, Comedy, Commentary, Trending topics, Challenges and anything I think is entertaining! I Hope you enjoy my Content C: follow all of these and I’ll kick your depression • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theofficialjamsteo/ • Twitter – https://twitter.com/jamsteo • Discord – https://discord.gg/ZcsWbf5cNd ——————————————————————– Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOz2IjzHIGYD-GMuEb7AEw/join oh your still reading?… Read More

  • Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraft

    Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘(हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ACHHI-SHIKH on 2024-03-27 18:38:34. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. (हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft 1) Motivational video 2) Inspiring story 3) Motivational quotes 4) Inspiration video 5) Success story 6) Creative things Subscribe to my youtube channel grow and 🤦🏻🤦🏻🥺🥺 #motivation @smeditorsvsm @smeditorsvsm Read More


    MODULUS GAMERZ vs TECHNO GAMERZ: EPIC Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘🌍 TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! 😵 | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival 🚀 #TechnoGamerz’, was uploaded by MODULUS GAMERZ on 2024-03-07 02:32:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival #TechnoGamerz … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!

    EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: I Cheated In a CATNAP Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Melon – Minecraft Animations on 2024-04-10 06:47:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has … Read More

  • INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating The Factory In SMP Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by TheTechnoJelly on 2024-04-09 08:36:58. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:26 or 7646 seconds. Trying to get Create with the Create mod! Almost at the point where I don’t have to mine manually anymore! Or at least not to much! So here we go! My Links! https://www.patreon.com/TheTechnojelly Twenty https://www.twitch.tv/thetechnojelly TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@thetechnojelly Twitter https://twitter.com/TheTechnojelly Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thetechnojelly/ VTCraft Members! https://docs.google.com/document/d/11C9s5j785ybhIEdgPAa7BNgXQoYm3UERDZvliYjyErQ/edit #minecraft #minecraftgame #minecraftgameplay #minecraftstream #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftserver #minecraftmods #minecraftmodded #minecraftmodpack #minecraftgaming #minecraftfunnymoments #minecraftmoments #minecraftfunny #minecraftletsplay #minecraftplays #minecraftvtuber #minecraftvtubers… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BASE BUILD!!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY SURVIVAL BASE 🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by GS GAMER ZONE on 2024-04-22 02:30:07. It has garnered 109 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hey guys! Today I’ll be playing (game) and in this video I will be showing you free fire . If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe! YOU CAN FIND ME ON : 1. Instagram: https://instagram.com/gs_karan_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= 2. Maine channel subscribe here !! https://youtube.com/@gsgamerzone?feature=shared YOUR QUERIES – hello guys.In this video I will teach you how… Read More

  • 🔥 BLOODRÆGE’s Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shorts

    🔥 BLOODRÆGE's Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sheep As Anime character #shorts’, was uploaded by BLOODRÆGE on 2024-01-28 08:54:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. so i did it Cursed Minecraft image created by ai prompt! Minecraft sheep as anime character hope yall stop with that weird contraption now 🙁 @youtube #shorts #ai #minecraft #funny Read More

  • SpaceSMP

    SpaceSMPSpaceSMP is a friendly, application only SMP with a little twist: The players vote on an update each week and our developers code it! mc.spacesmp.net Read More