Ultimate Modded Minecraft Blocks: DarkWolf Custom

Video Information

[Music] yeah every time I touch the mic this man’s getting silly cuz it’s monkey time Wukong and a diddy I’m a funky guy shap sh tricky ever customized Nothing Like the Sun what we brush the side I run I’m like I one every monster fight like what a guy is done sh time cuz I’m on more levels of construction s in heaven the sck on my body that’s ath weapon and I’m sick of this CU I want to teach a lesson they just want imortal they beat in seven and I a deep depression gra say say I’m to the Beast menion 500 years as a free supension say they get into the bread it’s a yeast infection my li CU I was born from it call me you can’t be more honest they crackers we’re going to talk gr this is a legacy not a short way that a trend of the top great from my birth to the day that I rest like a rocket hate on the best in the office making myess I pay my respect to theet begin fade wish morals the demons I’ll cast them away I’m a of the heavens and Tove I’ll casts above I’m a weapon that hurts those that hit you to the they going to move to my Tempo I do what I want cuz I said so big in the yeast but I’m journeying West CR up my name the death brush them with a p monkey going right over your head like but he ain’t getting my check man I’m too well known how to do a focus group I don’t care what a God is supposed to do when they compare with the Sun the jokes on you because I go right through Lu go and I post D like there a photo boo monkey puing way I’m blowing B cuz they ain’t in the ring they don’t know L but you ain’t do a thing I don’t know about you no permission beg forgiveness that your witness head like in the cuz I could my bus man to end uplisted way too HED Monkey King God addicted [Music] the [Music] that we have roots in the dirt no matter our Origins we move along and ignore all the hate in their words they put us in places and give us the roles that they think we deserve how many years will it take them to learn power within us is something that we got to work for it’s something that we got to earn wind begin fade wishal the demons them away I’m a product of the heavens Earth sent to save you out casted to Faith the Devils above I’m a weapon that hurts those that H you so [Music] praise praise up to the [Music] of so praise up to the of the [Music] Sun yo what up we are back doing more Minecraft mod pack development I press play on that yes I did okay and this time I decided to be smart and actually pre preload this so where we left off we essentially got finished with uh tier one of a mystical agriculture multi block and we got to go ahead and create the uh other multi blocks for it I hope I hope you never forget me I mean I’ll try not [Music] to nah bro could be all good Let’s uh get rid of this rain yeah okay so we have tier one now I think now my main goal right now is to create tier two cuz this is all yeah it’s all good always waiting for my streams he man that’s this this nice okay so now is tier 2 crafting seed and everything else to do with that [Music] so uh let’s see here okay so this is going to be a lot like this one right here so we’ll give ourselves some space weev fluid hatch and put and power right that’s how it went okay and then one two three that is very loud we going to turn that down I’ll put hatch like [Music] that so this is going to be generally the same the only difference that it’s going to be is the different tiers of blocks uh I forget what was it casting machine [Music] okay put this like that and then we’re going to have the tier 2 Essence in here the difference is is a bit of a brighter green actually it’s it’s a nice green I like this one this that one just looks like Thro green that reminds me more of Shrek this reminds me of like a nature type of green and then I will change the multi- block color to essentially match what is going on here hello there Jackson welcome to the [Music] stream we just started and we’re getting ready to make our second uh tier 2 multiblock [Music] structure uh where’s the vent [Music] casing awesome [Music] how long does it take for me to usually edit videos I mean I don’t normally uh let’s see I don’t normally edit my I mean like vods and whatnot I just I just have it uploaded like normally uh but if I were to I guess oh yeah chrome doesn’t work for computers or no OBS doesn’t work for iOS devices H then I don’t know cuz like it it really just gave me an option of like hey do you want to do you want to stream with your uh do you want to stream with your camera or do you want to use like a different software and I chose like different software and that allowed me to use OBS so we’re just going to build this out a little bit this was leftover from an explosion how long does it really take me to edit videos I mean it can sometimes take a while uh cuz I do stuff that has a bunch of complexity going to save up for a computer I recommend more to like build your own computer rather than buying like a pre-built one cuz that can that can honestly be like a whole lot cheaper compared to prebuilts uh but if you have to buy a pre-built I do not like recommend alien wear they build their stuff so [Music] poorly honestly really sad really set out poorly they build their [Music] things okay so let’s get this multi block all registered and whatnot so we shouldn’t have a problem so we can immediately get started to coding in these recipes is because they’re Dell now I wouldn’t necessarily say because they’re I don’t know who actually designs the computers but whoever designs them designs them very poorly let’s put it that way like they like their their latest model ones barely have any airflow to actually cool the PC which is dumb it’s very dumb I don’t I don’t I don’t understand [Music] okay H I will say one thing though like Apple products are good for using for doing editing and whatnot is that like an alien uh Alienware type computer cuz if so that doesn’t surprise me at all poorly designed very expensive yeah that sounds about right okay we got that all registered we are going to scroll up here so we can change its name immediately [Music] rename tier two and then what I want to do is also have have its color changed as well I want it to match the blocks for a pair of Cooler Master sneaker X gaming PC desktop [Music] damn that is crazy okay so that’s going to be name t two change that to no not 32 okay uh let’s pull up our good old picker here [Music] then [Music] huh what kind of green here I wouldn’t say it’s a full bright [Music] green yeah you know we’ll try [Music] that we’ll try that and see if it [Music] works yeah like you can you can make uh Whatchamacallit you can make an Alienware computer that’s like you can like build your own computer that’s better than alien rare for a whole a lot cheaper and it’s always EAS and there’s so many like uh video tutorials on how to make an A A what I keep saying Alienware no there’s so many video tutorials on how to make a PC nowadays that I I kind of don’t see a reason for like pre-built ones just like make your own bro there there’s there’s many tutorials out there all super useful all super [Music] helpful yeah but Parts might be expensive even so the costs for every single part that you would need will still end up being cheaper than like a pre-built PC building your own will always be cheaper than pre-built that much I can definitely tell you [Music] and even if you’re not confident in building your own PC there are Services out there that can build the PC for you and it will still be cheaper than a pre-built so there’s there’s kind of there’s there’s technically no excuse for it unless you truly just know nothing about PC parts and whatnot you would have have to still research on what’s good and all [Music] that uh let’s see here I need to [Music] get that’s you you know you know [Music] nothing h nothing about PC parts nothing about computer parts oh my [Music] goodness it’s like a whole stream what do I use the code I use this uh I use Visual Studio code that’s what the software is called it’s free to download like 100% free to download and then this is how I edit all all the files in in m in modded Minecraft and whatnot and this is pretty much all that I use to code I have fluid no I need to put an we need to place the energy that’s on Chrome iOS are you thinking about making your own Minecraft mod pack home slice inputs input hat that is awesome ah I didn’t mean to copy that [Music] [Music] well that’s pretty cool I hope you hope you have fun with it uh how I’ve essentially learned the vast majority that I know uh is this uh let’s see here this YouTuber right here his name is iteration Funk and he has like a whole playlist of uh he has a whole playlist on how to just like use these exact same tools that I’m using to make to make mod packs and whatnot now what he is using is like a 1.12.2 version but it could essentially be used for newer versions as well as a baseline now like mods like modular Machinery that’s not like in 1.16 or 1.20 and stuff like that so you would have to find a mod replacement and read its uh what was it read its wikii or its source code to figure out how to make your own custom stuff so so there is there is that guess all all that is all this is done I’m going to do I re honestly yeah I should just [Music] reload I should definitely just reload the game to see if everything is all set and good just so I can get Crafting Recipes set up better actually can’t get a PC so you use [Music] eaglecraft craft I’ve never heard of that one is that is that another mod launcher than curse [Music] Forge [Music] I might face a dilemma when creating a tier 2 one but I feel like once I get the tier 2 all said and done then tiers 3 through six should should be [Music] fine it’s a 1.5.2 1.8x version of Minecraft bro that is an old version of Minecraft [Music] [Music] this is a very old version of [Music] Minecraft I remember the good old days back in 1.7. in0 1. 10 was a real golden age of modern Minecraft it was so easy to a add in mods into the game and then like something it was either somewhere at 1.8 or somewhere in 1.9 where essentially uh how items were coded into the game got completely redone and it almost killed the modded Minecraft scene because everybody would have to redo their mods to update to that so they really didn’t and then uh like 1.12.2 came along and it became easier again to implement mods so people updated there and people just essentially like skipped like the one skipped like they essentially skipped like 1.8 to 1.11 and just went straight to 1.12.2 which is the version of I’m on right now it sucks cuz ne’s the laggiest thing in the game God D bro I mean that’s that’s a Macbook for you I’m not going to lie that’s definitely a Macbook for [Music] you Apple products really or Apple Computers really weren’t built for video games they’re built for more like editing per video editing purposes really video and photo editing [Music] purposes 5 Seconds at your one friend for a minute yeah I think I got a good green [Music] yeah that definitely looks like a good green okay uh let me type in cultivator here cultivator tier [Music] two oh I forgot to do the output not even one FPS one per minute spreading democracy dude as much as i’ uh love to play more hell divers Jordan uh that’s right now we got to got to get developing this mod pack I forgot to do the output so let me go grab the output where [Music] is okay that one I don’t need to reload it for because I know only one item will pop out and it’ll be fine and then this still reads it so it’ll be good dang one frame per minute that’s actually that’s actually just unplayable homze that’s that’s bad very bad okay let’s get to modding in more stuff why I say modding I mean coding in more stuff so what was this oh it still falls under the line of cultivator recipes and well you know we’ll just well uh we’ll still separate [Music] it we just have cultivator 2 two so do I have a whole gaming setup with a double screen and mic yeah yeah I do that’s how I’m that’s how I’m able to like read the chat have video games right here like I keep uh like I keep this over here on my second screen and then I got my OBS right here helps me uh keep track of it all okay so cultivator tier 2 so essentially what I want to do is not only so cultivator tier one you can uh you can craft the tier one seeds and then you can also use it to craft the tier 2 Essence now what I want this to do I want everything to craft what this can craft but faster as well as crafts the the next tier of essence but slower so my main problem is well I wouldn’t say it’s a main problem I’m I’m just really going to have to just change the names to it [Music] all kind of sucks the Box only thing the game that plays music yet they don’t work dang bro so I’m going to be in a bit of a [Music] dilemma so I think it’d just be easier [Music] if you know hold on I think you know I’m I’m going to do a test I’m going to just copy all this right here we’ll paste it uh we’ll have it be on the tier 2 thing then as a test we’ll just we’ll reload the game with just this recipe and see if any errors pop up if any errors pop up then I’m most likely going to have to change the recipe name as well other than just the machine but we cross our fingers that we won’t have to and then I can just edit the values and make it faster got me on the side will play a we all play Minecraft Okay so let’s see this will work I hope it does I have my fingers crossed on this one any who what’s good Jordan how how you doing [Music] oh okay well that’s fun I can’t believe you lost my level on Creek bro I can’t believe this [Music] you lost my level on Creet hell divers man we’re going to have to try extra hard now just so we can get it back that’s my content farm and those democracy Hing automatons took it away from me that can’t stand that can’t be [Music] allowed [Music] building a dungeon [Music] nice [Music] can’t can’t be Minecraft without building something [Music] bro what you uh what you going to have in your dungeon huh oh hey it’s done yeah that’s a bigger air than I thought okay uh shoot why I put C [Music] seed you know I I I understand I know what we can do we can put underscore uh you can put underscore tier two there we go that that should actually do [Music] it many villagers locked up in some of abandon things bro he’s going to he’s going to have a whole villager breeder bro could you even breed villagers back in that late version I don’t think you can or at least not the traditional way we have in the in the newer versions what am I going to oh you know what I think I know what I could do with all that stuff I will welcome back Jackson I think uh I think I use the Advan the more advanced crafting tables to craft all that stuff which should be [Music] fine no you can’t ah dang so what Trad they have is what you get I see I see I [Music] see understand [Music] now but now I cross my fingers and hope this loads popularly because I changed the names if two recipes in the same names the game’s just going to you know grab itself which is bad you can’t have that apparently can’t got to level them up at the same time they breed you know you put an item framed down with a star with the stair facing down then [Music] put dang it that’s oh then put a torch on the same block then you get a m torches oh yeah you mean what what I did was that uh you put the torch down and you put an item frame on the same block and then you put a half slab on there and then it looks like the torch is being hung up by the half slab that’s what I always did anyway it it was a nice design I liked it a lot it’s pretty good pretty good almost done loading here I think it’s safe to say that yeah I’m going to have to to have the names changed which is fine cuz like I I figured out a way to change it so it shouldn’t be bad I just got to now make it [Music] faster yeah it seems like it works [Music] now got to go for a while all right bro take care have a have a good [Music] one [Music] okay so which one did I do oh CC that was crafting seed that’s that’s what it was that’s why it was like [Music] that crafting seed tier one cultivator tier 2 cultivator tier one okay I understand now okay well glad to see it [Music] worked so now what I’m going to do is edit the speed 360 what’s 360 divided 4 360 divid 4 that’s 90 seconds so that’s a minute 30 I want it to be like 30 seconds now but I just want to do it to a minute cuz I think what I’m going to have happen is once we get the tier six crafting multi block I think I’m just going to make it instant instant crafting I think hold on let’s see here let’s grab everything here oh six no I need six stacks of [Music] coal so what is this mod supposed to do uh well in the ba in the base thing mystical agriculture is a way to grow ores from Plants here I I’ll I’ll give an example uh let’s find ourselves some seeds here we’ll do we’ll do a seed everybody understand these are diamond seeds here okay so now let me just where is it so let me grab not a scythe grab a hole we getb some water and let me grab a watering [Music] can okay so these are diamond seeds we plant them down uh I’m going to use this to speed up its [Music] growth you can look in the top left there you can see its growth percentage [Music] here 42 57 71 okay so when it fully grows you can right click it and out comes its own seed in a diamond Essence if you get nine Diamond essence you get a diamond just like that so what’s really cool about mystical agriculture is that you can essentially get free resources like you you got one for let’s see here you got nether essence you can make nether out of this cold to get coal iron nether quartz glow stone Redstone obsidian gold lapis endstone experience Diamond emeralds zombie pig Stone dirt uh nature wood water ice fire it’s essentially a way to get free resources free unlimited resources however something like the diamond that’s a tier five seed and you’re going to need stuff called Supreme Essence which is all which is something that’s uh fairly challenging to get money really does grow on trees heck yeah with this mod yeah it [Music] does it really does grow on trees with this mod baby and it can get very powerful even with like uh the essence you can you can turn the higher TI your essence into ingots and make armor out of them and these armors are fairly good by themselves however if you manage to get like the uh the red armor here the supremium armor let me I’ll show you something really cool let me just [Music] uh let me take off this armor SL game mode survival so I am in survival right now if I put a full set of this supremium armor on you can see down here at the bottom I have a whole lot more AR armor than say like a diamond but what makes this armor really cool it lets me fly like I was in like as if I’m in creative mode and I don’t take fall damage which is absolutely [Music] amazing so this armor is really really cool and there’s another set of armor that I’ve been wearing this whole time called The Infinity set so not only does he give me that only doesn’t give me like double full armor Stacks but uh if I wear the helmet it’ll grant me night vision if I wear the boots it’ll give me a speed boost and then the helmet not only gives me night vision but the helmet also gives me saturation as long as I wear this helmet I won’t go hungry if I wear this chest if I wear this chest piece right here it lets me fly like creative mode again not to mention I have faster flight speed I can fly faster and these legs give me step assist if you notice here I’m not going to jump it already stepped up for [Music] me it’s a it’s it’s somewhat like the default jump assist but way better cuz the default jump assist in this game is so annoying so incredibly annoying this one just step up step step up like [Music] that yeah essentially like a faster Auto jump which is really really cool so yeah that’s the power of mystical agriculture but you can but based mystical agriculture you can uh get all the really high tier stuff fairly quickly can you step over fences no I cannot step over fences but it doesn’t matter cuz I can fly I just fly over the fence it so you can get all this stuff fairly easy though so I’m making multi blocks and just to make it uh just a bit harder for it to get and all that stuff not like insanely hard where it’s not worth it but just harder to get just like the crafting seeds and Essences and whatnot cuz like you’re going to need like you’re going to need a whole bunch of like the essence block which already takes nine of this Essence to make one block and then you got to uh make the it’s regular block and that’s nine of the ingots so you need yeah more balance so you need to make its ingots and its Essence block and when you get to something like supremium uh let’s see here uh let’s see here cuz like to get supremium you need four superium to get one Sue supremium you’re going need four of the in intermedium to get one of the intermedium you’re going to need four of the prum to get one of these you know you’re going to have to use the uh cultivators and all that what whatnot and I want to make it to where you need to get cultivators for everything thing so but yeah just like you said I’m trying to make it more balanced and make it more worth getting cuz like obviously by the end of it with with armor like this cuz like if you were this armor in Survival Mode like you truly will not be able to take damage from anything nothing will be able to damage you if you wear the infinity armor so yeah by the end of it you’re going to be very powerful but these recipes are going to be more expensive than what they are originally to [Music] acquire but right now I just got to figure out the speed on this one so let’s get some coal [Music] yeah 1 two 3 4 5 6 we’re just going to put it all in here then we will have it smelt whole or don’t know if you’re serious but your stream is really blurry uh let me look at something am I honestly am I honestly be your side because I am streaming at 1080p 60 FPS so there’s a good chance it just might be the internet side for you that is very [Music] fast this supremium already goes pretty fast so how fast should I make this I think I should dial it down to like a minute [Music] then yeah that’s already done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh that was super fast I like it okay I I think I I think I don’t know so what did you just hear that was me that was me making noise because you know this this uh this furnace right here was really fast like watch this watch this we’re want to smelt the whole stack watch this look look done we just smell two stacks worth of things on one [Music] coal it’s that is that fast also hi how’s it going got to do some I got to do some quick math here furnace has a Need for Speed yeah it does it has a heck of a Need for Speed okay so 360 that’s a minute 30 uh is it 60 * 4 right okay yeah 240 the furnace is on something no no no the furnace the furnace is fine bro it’s all it’s all good it’s all good there’s no there’s no need there there’s there’s no need to panic okay so this is its fast [Music] version so now what I’m going to do here is change its name once more just so it can it can match with it the same thing here I’m probably oh oh M no we don’t we don’t we don’t sh bro keep it to yourself man it’s it’s yum tier two and then change this number to tier two so it knows it works on the tier 2 multiblock and then this one was 120 it’s 120 divided by four that was 30 seconds make it 15 we’ll just straight up cut it in half 60 I mean ryers way God dang it okay that will be 60 seconds must be getting the stuff from California bro you got no idea how I put an e at the end of that that’s [Music] weird so I did that next is this that’s 720 okay I just I don’t know why I keep giving myself the headache I just just 720 4 it’s 180 that’s no no no no no 60 seconds 60 time [Music] 120 740 divided by 4 what no 740 / 4 equal 185 it’s 185 seconds uh divide that by no wait what no I am yeah no it was 180 I am confusing myself with this calculator in my hands okay so 720 ticks divided by divide that by four that’s 180 seconds uh if we divide that by that’s 3 minutes okay some of the stuff the furnac is on that’s 3 minutes so I’m going to I’m going to cut that down to a minute 30 that’s 90 seconds so 90 * 4 90 * 4 = 360 just so that can be cut down by half what is it oh I see yeah we’ll just we’ll just cut it down and I think we’ll continuously cut it down by half until we get to tier six tier six I’m just going to make it instant and I won’t even oh I guess by the time you would have the crystal shipping [Music] cost that’s one two three should I make the power requirement the same or more expensive though that is the [Music] question do the modded furnaces work with Hoppers yeah I mean yeah they do work with hoppers all this stuff can work with Hoppers very easily uh but you know what hold on let me just [Music] just but like there are more better things to use than Hoppers like uh where is it like item conduits from Ender iio these things are absolutely amazing so uh then let’s get the [Music] chest watch this so we you going to have this thing EXT extract all the time this thing right here is going to extract all the time this is not going to extract in fact these two things are going to insert and we are going to have it insert uh coal and ore so we’re just going to so watch what this what what this is going to do so I’m going to put the coal in ore into this [Music] chest yep and it puts it all in the furnace just like [Music] that pretty nice right and even better what I can do is I can I can have this extract and insert and then I can also have this one insert and extract turn it on to always active and if I give it a second maybe it might work or I might have to put it on somewhere else okay yeah no I’m going to have to put it somewhere else can it work right [Music] here no okay so it’s going to it’s going to have to be in the bottom which is [Music] fine ah okay oh yeah that that is a problem okay that is a problem I would have to put like uh a filter on that so that I would have to put like a filter on this just so it wouldn’t uh it won’t extract any of the smelted stuff but yeah item conduits are pretty dang awesome but for now we got this I think what I’m going to do here is possibly double the power input [Music] and then have it just be doubled every [Music] time going to going to pretend you understood everything I said hey man I know stuff can be very be very complicated when it comes to coding especially well coding in general yeah but then like when it comes to creating custom multi blocks and whatnot this can be very complicated you know what uh I will I will give like a rough explanation of how awesome this mod is uh which is called modular Machinery it’s a mod that allows you to create your own custom multiblocks in Minecraft and essentially do whatever you want with it so there’s really two you need a minimum of two main components for a machine you need you need the Machine controller it’s self and then anywhere else that has that’s touching the Machine controller you need an item output it doesn’t matter what size this is just a normal one right here and then I can take this wand and select the both of these and it will what language am I using uh I forget what the language is called it’s the language that the mod developer used I’m using uh Zs files uh whatever the crap tweaker there’s a mod called CRA craft tweaker which allows me to create custom recipes and [Music] whatnot K orange blocks got it I mean it doesn’t have to necessarily be orange you can change the color to whatever you want cuz you can see these two are green but long story short uh I can have a machine just like this and I can have it to where it’ll just automatically output say like diamonds for free an unlimited amount [Music] so yeah that that that could be the power of this mod it is [Music] insane getting complicated you don’t know your colors bro what are you color blind or [Music] something h you know what I I’ll I’ll think about times later need to learn to Taste the rainbow bro just eat Skittles you know the Skittles ain’t [Music] bad uh I completely forgot to do this I have to change this name otherwise uh the game’s not going to like it when I reload it next time which is bad Jolly Ranchers are good but Jolly Ranchers are pretty good I like Jolly Ranchers I I’ll agree with you on that one Jolly Ranchers are pretty awesome R ranchers are very delicious that I can agree with you on that I can 100% agree with you on okay so where is this okay so next will be you you by now I’m subbed thank you for the sub that is greatly appreciated and then you you have a you have a good one sir mug Nitro mug you have a very very exciting good one I will proceed to change up crafting recipes for this custom modded pack so that me and my homies may enjoy this on my private [Music] server hopefully it will generate numerous amounts I don’t know why I’m going in here cuz I’m not done with this yet so hopefully it will generate numerous amounts of [Music] content next is its fast version and then that should be [Music] it oh I completely forgot I got to adjust how fast this thing is uh what was it you’re 360 you’re 120 I don’t know if I want to keep dividing it in half every time okay cuz that’ll be fast this right now is a full minute that’s 30 seconds if I take that to 30 for tier three that’s 15 seconds and then 15 for tier [Music] four h you know I might have to up the times just by a little bit might have to up to time to the times of these and then up the times of these as [Music] well am I had my daily lava yet o o [Music] o we’re not not going to go down this lava route here [Music] I don’t know if that I might have to increase the times of it a little bit just so it could be right maybe 15 you were 20 minutes behind and you thought it was live let me look at my [Music] thing bro mine’s behind a mine’s not even behind 20 minutes bro why I be behind like a minute I need to check your internet over there hom thought it is live this is [Music] live your view is 20 minutes behind cuz I clicked to the Past oh you just you just uh re round it a little bit I see you know I I’ll be right back while this loads I got to I got to go see something everything okay I’m back no I’m not getting my lava oh you re wounding iot to go back okay that’s why you’re 20 minutes behind but no I’m not I’m not getting my lava I am not getting my lava anything How have been getting the water bro I like water water water’s good for you oh yeah another thing uh I started uh going through I recorded a lot of Hell diverse footage and then uh I started to go through it so I can edit it and actually get a new video out on on this YouTube channel here cuz even though I have been live streaming on this channel you know putting content on it still I still I still like to make videos you know I still would like to do that but it’s like so much footage I think it’s like 10 hours that’s so [Music] much water is lava o water was lava my insides would have been I would have been dead all right I would have been dead if water was lava i’ have been severely dead very bad very bad for one’s [Music] Health lava’s melted rock but that water is not melted rock water is water ice is a rock why do I have two FPS what’s going on here okay there we go I just had to let it think for a [Music] second okay [Music] so I’ll look at this stuff [Music] now yeah [Music] yeah this is definitely faster but a [Music] lot that still will need just as [Music] much h now why are you why am I balance in the mod uh I mean why not cuz I’ve been through these mods so many times I just uh am really good at getting all the op stuff at a alarmingly fast rate like uh there was one time where I put a mod pack together where I edited like a couple recipes but not like too much and I got I got stronger than like everyone at an alarming Pace it took me like 5 minutes to be stronger than [Music] everyone [Music] so yeah I’m balancing the mod for not only just to keep it more fresh and entertaining but also for my own sake as well as everybody else’s on the server cuz I have far too much modded Minecraft knowledge crammed into this head of mine and it’s very alarming okay now at that being said I need to make corn stuff wait a minute okay I need to make this seed need to make this [Music] Essence and I need to make this thing it I think that’s the only three that I need yeah it looks about [Music] right it’s going here oh okay we good for him so what was the last one here wait oh yeah that’s right that’s right I remember I remember I I loved it to craft like that because it it needed to be like that is this one I got to look at yeah there we go okay so this one you know what we’ll just have it have like this for now put that together so that it can create the Ingot uh how did I have this Essence be made this Essence was made so one two three 4 one two three four and then we’re going to need five extra ones and then what this will do is make the essence we got the ingot then we are going to have the seed where can I get this mod pack uh nowhere this is a private mod pack that I’m making for me and my homies cuz there’s there’s a lot of procedures into posting public mod packs which I have no idea what to what to do but I’m not really in it for the mod pack development to get people to download it I’m more into the mod pack development just so me and my friends can have a good time that’s that’s pretty much [Music] it the base mod pack uh I mean I created this mod pack by uh downloading curse Forge creating custom profile and downloading and downloading all the mods that I want that’s it I’m not like taking an existing mod pack and uh editing that I I’m straight up from scratch making my own private mod pack for me and my [Music] friends CU in here there’s like yeah 180 mods that I downloaded [Music] so there is no like separate mod pack that I downloaded in and currently editing I mean I I am also currently playing a mod pack it’s uh this one right here Nomi uh Nomi Factory ceu this one has 147 mods this is an expert type mod pack [Music] this is an expert type mod pack where the main goal is to create the creative chest a lot like mine but this one is taking a vastly different approach for it because this one here is a fully technological based mod pack whereas mine is like a mix of tech and Magic so [Music] now need two of [Music] you [Music] uh and then two you for the base and then I think that’s is so let’s put everything up in the chest again I’ll put you right [Music] there because now I essentially don’t eat you guys right now what I need is all of this okay so let’s get into crafting the new recipes these recipes are not going to be like as fast as these These are going to be like normal speeds as if I was crafting in the tier [Music] one so I guess we will start with the crafting seed so what did I do here okay uh I had this that that and then the stuff over here to make it faster and as well as double it right or not it wasn’t Prosperity shards to create the [Music] seed [Music] that and then four again okay YouTube app sucks what’s what’s going on homie tell me the problems of the YouTube app okay that yeah that makes sense so first things first we’re going to do uh we’re going to do recipe dot remove wait is it recipe or recipes PR a peas with an S at the [Music] end okay I understand that mod looks cool which which one my man’s C SP hand okay so now that recipe is removed from the game so now we give the new re uh we’re going to add a variable and then how was this spelled it doesn’t let you go over 360p PR dentium no I got a question Jordan are you still here are you are you still watching got I got a got a question for you Pentium and then underscore C seed is that how I did it yeah cc2 and then we will have it be you know we’ll just copy all this just like that recipe Builder let’s see if Jordan is in here and then I will have [Music] him I have him take a little look see 360 what’s this 360 perfect awesome [Music] he doesn’t seem to be answering he might be in the game but hold on let me just uh do real quick see how high of a resolution you can live stream [Music] okay I just DM him asking see how high of a resolution he can go on my stream and if he can if heing is has the ability to go all the way up to 1080p then it it is a year problem it is a year internet problem which is something I won’t be able to solve and I’ll be very sorry for that yeah he said he can go all the way up to 1080 so it it is a it is a year and a problem so I’m sorry to arm to say about that buddy very very said very upsetting okay so now that we have this buil it’s going to cultivator tier two it’s some sometimes works until you reset the app [Music] ah I see so now what we are going to [Music] do the cc2 we are going to what is it add item input we’re going to add the item input but and what do we need to add first to get the SE to pop out we need one of [Music] these we need the previous tier of seed then now we’re going to add another item input now we need to add the newest tier of essence before these to be exact so we put that in there and then we do times 4 put the semicolon at the [Music] end and then we will do mystical fertilizer it’s only going to be one of [Music] these add item [Music] input and then we will do energy per tick here let see here add energy per tick and then it is going to be a crisp [Music] 1,000 again though these values are probably set to be changed I do want to make each tier like have more expensive to run and what not as well but have the recipes be popped out f a whole lot faster so now what we’re going to do is add an item output wh let’s keep these separated so it’s easier for me to read I’ll have an item output and and that is going to be one of the new seeds just like that and then we [Music] build uh dot build and then that’s it okay hello NEX how you doing CC build okay yeah that’s it done so now theoretically this should all work if I didn’t misspell anything it should all work then now I’m going to make its fast version so we’re just going to copy the lot of this and then at the very end here I’m just going to put an F that’s going to stand for fast I am so glad I caught that that energy for tick right there it had it had this Arrow instead of the period dot which is which is bad you you can’t have that okay so this all right how about you I’m doing fine going through this whole mess of code 360 you did it to I did it to 120 huh okay 1208 is but these are still probably going to be raised maybe possibly tier two and essentially everything is the same except this [Music] Crystal that’s a lot of words that is a insane amount of words and I’m so surprised that I can find anything within this which is nuts but at the end of the day it’s going to be be awesome and then the two two of those is going to pop out so Master Vision Crystal blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah your code doesn’t have in instances uh refresh me on that what do you what what do you mean I’m okay I’m going to reload this game and see if the uh and see if the recipes work but know yeah this is an insane amount and this list is only going to get longer the more multi blocks that I make which will be fine I’m only up to line 314 you know that’s not a lot that’s not a lot compared to what I usually do or compared to to what a bunch of other coding stuff is how much longer multi blockwise I don’t know cuz like this is the fourth multi block that I made and I got I’m not sure cuz I’m making I’m making seed cultivators I’m going to make a total of six I’m working on number two right now so I got four of those so that’s going to be eight and then I’m going to make super Crafters so it’ll be easier to automate higher tier recipes there’s going to be three of those and then uh I’m also going to make a super smelter that alone is just going to be its own multi block uh I might make a fusion reactor just so we can have better power increase but honestly I don’t know how much longer I am working on this mod pack weekly I try to do it like every once day and I have been keeping up with that so far which is pretty good but yeah I I truly don’t know how much longer but at the end of the day I feel like it’s going to be worth it oh and some languages that auto tells you errors and spell checks um so this won’t uh well at least for when working with the Zs files for craft tweaker it won’t tell me until I reload the whole game but like if I go up to like uh into jot Json files and whatnot it or into like config files it will tell me in real time time if something’s messed up or there’s an error it used to be uh back in 1.7.10 you would run a command that will then look at your Zs file code and then it’ll say if it’s good it’ll say nothing but if there’s an error uh it’ll tell you where the error is sadly that doesn’t work in 1.12.2 so I’m stuck I’m essentially stuck constantly relaunching the game and Crossing my fingers that the code works for the first time so that I won’t have to fix it and then reload the game [Music] again damn that’s tough yeah it it’s it’s it’s a bit tough but like I said I feel like in the long run it’s going to be really fun the this mod pack is going to end up uh being really fun cuz I have a lot I have a lot of things in here and I’m putting some real elbow grease into this [Music] one but if all goes well I should see no errors in the chat box it’ll pop up in red if it does have an [Music] error you absolute PE of crap line 305 modu re line 305 recipe Builder oh okay I see where the problem is I fixed the problem okay there might be an extension that can do that in Visual Studio code I mean would it would it work for craft tweaker stuff because technically cuz technically it doesn’t when I’m doing craft tweaker stuff I’m doing it in a Zs file and I think technically speaking Visual Studio code doesn’t know its language so my only bet is to go through through here that didn’t work wait a [Music] minute’s not [Music] right the recipe [Music] huh [Music] huh huh hold on nope not not got to reload this whole game cuz now all its recipes are gone and that’s actually that’s not good why was it because you because I forgot to put an F there was it really because of that no don’t do that [Music] you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re [Music] good turns out Zs is in Zs in Zen script is Zen script oh okay let me let me reload and cross my fingers cuz all the recipes just disappeared that wasn’t supposed to be like that that is a real oh [ __ ] moment that was a real oh [ __ ] what did I do why did I do that that shouldn’t have wor that shouldn’t be happening I am now in panic [Music] mode so now let’s reload the game hopefully there’s no errors cuz I think that’s what’s I think because of that error it also just didn’t load in up any of the own custom [Music] recipes so figur F crossed we did it fingers crossed there’s nothing bad [Music] happening fingers cross the code please please please please please just let it just let it work what a fusion R look like it might be pretty cool and then there’s the super crafter why do I want the super crafter to look [Music] like what would the super crafter need and then there’s also the super smelter I feel like the super smelter in itself which is use power as fuel but then I can have it use coolant I can maybe have it have different modifiers for that would be a lot [Music] though I can also maybe have the super smelter duplicate the output items that wouldn’t be bad maybe have it as a fluid maybe have it just pump in Resident Ender if I want it duplicated and then and then I’ll pump in liquid cryotheum have it use as a as a coolant because that doesn’t seem [Music] bad then I can have it be instant this it’s a it’s a super smother or I can have it pump in more expensive liquids and have it beup quadrupled that doesn’t seem bad either or quadring you piece of crap what else is [Music] wrong oh oh * [Music] 2 I’m going to read it very carefully this [Music] time okay are the recipes back or is it just all messed up still yeah it’s all messed up still okay got got to got to reload it now see if it’s all see if it’s all [Music] good [Music] cross my fingers please let it be good bro please don’t please don’t mess up my coding recipes man I like [Music] them I like my recipes so [Music] much [Music] [Music] [Music] putting Good Vibes in chat so my code is good pleas the this is this is the life of a programmer just just does it does it work no okay well you know no no no there’s there’s a little song that I found it’s uh what was it oh yes 99 bugs 99 little bugs in the code 99 little bugs take one down patch it around 117 bugs in the [Music] code it’ll never end it just keeps increasing all the problems you fix one problem 20 more show up it’s like a Hydra but worse and the randomst fix Works yes like H honestly the random fix does work and then there’s a couple times where it’s like you you make your code and then you launch it it works right and then you go to bed and wake up the next morning make no change to the code you launch it and it all of a sudden doesn’t work like no changes have been made and all of a sudden it just doesn’t work anymore why because [ __ ] you that’s why that’s that that’s exactly why but this is almost unloading you once deleted your compiler how did did you manage to delete your own [Music] compiler triple dot oh you know want to [Music] say is it a bit embarrassing [Music] and uh oh am I uh has [Music] image uh after in ch in memes and let me see if I can find a specific image that was actually really funny it has something to do with [Music] coding let me see was it this no no it’s not that one uh nope that’s not for me trying to see if I can find it not on this one go to the next page I don’t know if I put it in memes if I can’t find it I’ll try to type out like a rough version of it [Music] yeah okay I can’t find it I’ll try I’ll type out a rough version of it so I saw a meme where it was it was it was like just like three lines of code it was just like this isn’t the code exactly I’m just going to type in a uh I’m just going to type in like uh R random just going to Rough Draft it you know so it was like random integer of uh between 1 and six and then they did an if then statement it was uh it was uh if1 if it was like if one then it would uh Delete s it would delete system 32 that that was basically what the code was and so I I I screenshotted that little bit and send it to my friend who also knew Cod was like Hey home slice you feel [Laughter] [Music] unlucky oh the amount of pain that that image uh the amount of pain he had in that one image was amazing he experienced that one image was so funny tried to reinstall his Visual Studio code but I messed up a a lot a bit want to know how I got the computer back how did you get the computer back not to mention how did you mess up downloading Visual Studio code you download it and then you go to your downloads folder and run the exe let’s go baby at work [Music] yeah bro tell me please tell me how did you manage to get the computer back I would like to know oh you messed up the uninstall okay yay success indeed we got it we did it and that was just one part so going to keep this but everything else gone okay now I was say get made okay yeah now what needs to happen is the next tier of essence needs to be made I got it back by going to my old computer and emailing the file it had to my newer computer huh okay well hey man if it works it works all right if it works it works ah I see okay why am I getting rid of this okay so to make this I I don’t I had a bunch of that that’s weird [Music] boop boop okay so now we’re going to make the new Essence this would be needed to make the tier three tier three of this so let us first [Music] uh get its name straight from the code and now what we are going to do is remove its recipe going to remove it recipe. [Music] remove okay now I got to figure out how I’m going to spell why is it all in this it shouldn’t have been all in there weird now I’m going to figure out how to spell and I’m fig how to do it bad i n t e r m oh wait i n t e r medium okay no just intermedium that’s what it [Music] is let’s go did I make it say essence or was it just [Music] okay that was a weird thing OBS Studio turns out Visual Studio code does not like Zen script well that sucks I’m still going to use it because it’s very useful to just straight up edit all all the files in here rather than just using something like notes cuz I could use notes but you know still streaming I am Nitro mug I am still streaming right now I need [Music] to I got to see here at the very top we are at the very top he did seven what I say he me I did [Music] 720 I did the whopping sood good cuz you’re still on oh you me to say Jolly Ranchers probably wait a minute the r and the J are so far apart in the keyboard how did you typo [Music] that those darly ranchers really do something to you don’t they no you meant it so you’re you’re on Raleigh you’re on Raleigh janers oh you switched the two first letters together okay you know f [Music] you know what you should also do to like confuse people you should just say instead of saying like uh what was it I think I sent it to the Jordan one [Music] time yeah so instead of saying something like uh warm regards instead of saying like warm regards say say say warm regards you know that way when people be like oh he meant to say War regards and then they look at the keyboard and they see the AO so far apart they’re just like did they typo that or did they meant to say it that way and then if they ask don’t answer just let them think about it and let them stay up all night thinking about it too it’ll be nice it’ll be funny got that from Pirate softwares it’s [Music] funny kitty I know you like your bed on the desk but you got to stop moving around CU you’re want to fall off that [Music] someday okay so what’s going to [Music] happen your friends call you Rax and junter oh my dates are not good answering y’all are crazy I’m just going to tell you that right now so it’s going to need four these [Music] four of those and then four of the prosperity shards when did I learn what one caps locky I figured as like bro you seem uh pretty tense there buddy maybe she uh maybe should go relax or something you know take might take take a nap yours Runner screaming after you take a sip of lava I feel like a lot of people would run race screaming if they saw you take a sip of lava a lot of people would probably just run away screaming if you took a sip of lava which is bad [Music] don’t don’t don’t superp your [Music] lava sipping lava is good what do you mean don’t don’t don’t join in on them next okay I know the kind of person that you are and you would so join in on them just despite me so don’t please don’t don’t join in on them after looking at your face I’m going chug some don’t sip lava chug it don’t sip lava gulp it a there there you go you got the chat riled up you feel you feel good about yourself please say no I I I hope you feel [Music] good [Music] add item output y’all are weird y’all are weird then one of these is going to be outputed go with that sus among us amongus us [Music] okay all that has been saved and then now what’s going to happen is that I’m going to create its fast version so at the end of this oh no wait at at the end of this we’re going to put an F just to make sure they know it’s fast so [Music] it’s going to be doubled [Music] uh s 14 no uh that’s a lot uh uh 240 go says watch the last M VOD for watch the last [Music] content I’m trying to reproduce with the lava lava paaths during Reaper oh goodness y’all are it made me forget what number God dang it 240 yeah [Music] 240 y’all are weird never start no no no no no no no no no no no no no you’re not going to confuse me with numbers okay you’re not you’re not going to get me with this all right [Music] going to put the fast in here we’re going to add an item input make it that and we are going to completely save it now with that being y’all are just spamming numbers I looked over to the chat and y’all are just spamming numbers what’s wrong with y’all oh please then I think that’s it that’s I want to say that’s it that’s it for that one I m the energy still 1,000 yes I did uh yeah I want to say that’s it I want to say next I now go ahead and make the uh [Music] [Music] chaos is your middle name uh I don’t I don’t think you had a middle name it’s your name is just Nitro mug unless you count that as just one name then which yeah sure I’ll I’ll believe you C is your middle name y’all are still counting okay so that should be good I think next is just reload the game once more reive the two new recipes work and then nitrogen mug to you mister I am so severely sorry nitrogen mug that one is my be you dang you just gave her the wind like that [Music] Jordan oh but you do got to spread democracy you got to you got to go get malev on Creek back and I got to get that planet back too God dang it they dare those God dang automatons dare think they can take away my content Farm my favorite planet to form content on Democracy does take priority you’re right I completely forgot we got to go we got to go get my level on Creek back that is [Music] unacceptable I thought that was communism no bro democracy democracy is where it’s at we got got to protect our way of life through [Music] explosions a win is a win you you would you would take a win as a win your grandpa exploded a car once how did he manage to explode a car once drink lava while committing democracy no oh grandma what did I say grandpa was Grandma either way how did she manag to do that how’ your grandma manage to explode a car did she do it like by by accident or does she just want to explode a [Music] car how dare you call your grandma and grandpa simple C4 ah you know what yeah C4 listen listen buddy reading isn’t my strong suit okay this the chaos bug to you oh man y’all are wild yall are so [Music] wild fire plus car equals explosion I mean shoot you [Music] right why breeding didn’t hear that right no reading how did you get reading from [Music] breeding how did you prob just too wild one’s better than the other [Music] okay no errors all right that works reading oh shoot I forgot to input the ingot both of them at the same time is best oh [Music] boy how did I do it okay so I need this need that need that need that I took four right yeah I completely forgot to make the Ingot okay so first things first we remove the get from scouting recipe okay it was so now we do recipes do what no no no no recipe do remove put that in there and then now the Ingot is gone from the game what’s everybody’s favorite flavor La need recommendations oh good lord here we go oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy blue y’all are like Orcs from Mor Hammer where they label their machines different colors depending on what they want you like melted uranium that’s not even lava that’s just melted [Music] uranium blueberry is is a good color blue blueberry no color what no blueberry is a good flavor blueberry is a very good flavor I totally forgot to put the variable sign at the beginning here RB Builder that’s just going to be I uh let seed 360 no no not the tier 2 stuff you get 720 240 [Music] okay P burp col even longer like it without the lava piss yellow is and definitely is definitely [Music] wild that is wild to a very high extreme what is this I know this is [Music] like like a minecraftone but it sounds like it could be unsatisfactory why I put it equal no we got to uh add item input ultraviolet lava you mean like purple lava purple’s a good color I like purple purple is an amazing [Music] color you Chu that for sure you so would and I item input and then we need four these can’t believe I forgot to put in the God dang inot it’ll be fine uh then now energy prot TI it’s going to be [Music] 1,000 I we’re going to add item outputs going to Y you put you in there that do [Music] build and then uh before that we just going to copy all this so we can paste it in here then now I’m just going to turn this into its faster [Music] variant pass this and get 240 that was 240 and then [Music] now fast add item input that’s only going to require one of you grab that where is Master infusion Crystal there you are must have not drank his lava good Lord guys you are you all are too wild okay that should have worked I’m just going to put you all up in here well I’m now going to make you this will be the last time I use regular machine casings after that we’re going to be using reinforced machine casings one two three one two three three three okay every single one of yall wild fluid item power [Music] output fill in the rest with regular machine casings this one I could just keep Orange feeling zesty we make new multi [Music] block whoa no you’re supposed to be this it feels like I got a Babys SE [Laughter] y’all I just attract wild people you know what I do feel like I am constantly losing my sanity and that that very well may be attracting Contracting crazy people that is a very strong and good possibility boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop okay we’re good get on that front get all this highlighted don’t tell the block what he can do and can’t do huh I had sanity to begin with uh I don’t know I don’t even know if ADHD people have have sanity to begin with my mind’s always constantly racing at a million miles hour and sometimes it’s hard to get words pumped out you know I Tred to be all crazy and whatnot H is this bright orange good enough or should I make it a darker orange I feel like I can make it a darker orange I feel like regular orange might be good enough okay that was registered you’re just really high right now I can believe that I can 100% believe that going to rename [Music] you tier three [Music] rid of all [Music] that get rid of you get rid of you and get rid of you oh no wait a minute see you down here great of VI and buttering but move you’re all gone just like [Music] that oh it doesn’t get you high but uranium does I feel like uranium uranium is well very radioactive but also contains a lot of [Music] calories is it the lava is it the lava count of 1982 2 no no it is not the lava count of 1982 why would it be the lava count of 1982 what is the lava count of 1982 please [Music] explain flid [Music] input mother chaos mug was being pop of the mug in 1982 good days so it’s just how your parents met huh is that is that what it is [Music] your [Music] grandparents they were 14 [Music] a [Music] wait a [Music] second [Music] ER 14 [Music] me they’re still texting you sometimes it’s not add up I mean you say mother chaos mug meeting Papa friendly mug that just makes me assume that they’re your parents something F straight order whatever that crap is yall are weird okay let’s start from the bottom here so we got item output go into here output then that’s going to be pasted in there it’s going to be saved we got cased fluid input we’re type in fluid the fluid’s going to be there that’s going to be saved then we got energy input go back in here want type in [Music] energy okay this going to be saved and then now we got the item input now I can’t just type inputs so I’m going to type in block block input there we go safe now it should all be Gooding where my mom’s name is Mom CU she’s smoking hot can you guess my dad’s name I honestly don’t think I will be able to guess your father’s name I I I somehow don’t don’t think that don’t think I’ll be able to guess that oh wait I forgot to register [Music] this try okay that’s better uh hold on give me one [Music] second let me get this game to reload [Music] here no it’s alen I didn’t even try man what bro didn’t even give me a [Music] chance over here didn’t give me a chance what the heck is that all right well that’s going to load then and he didn’t give me a chance I’ll be right back I’m going to go grab a [Music] water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up with you guys I go get what I go leave to get water and check on my sisters and I come back to see you guys spamming lava and you have new people in here doing [Music] it [Music] but what is this and it doesn’t it doesn’t look like you’re going to stop okay all [Music] right imagine drinking water I like my hey what didn’t work line [Music] 343 oh that’ll do it that’ll do [Music] it yall y’all are so [Music] wild but no yep that’ll do it and let me [Music] guess got messed up okay how to reload your grandma is chanting with [Music] you your grandmother is chanting lava with [Music] you and there’s Jordan Jordan I thought you were spreading democracy what what’s did you stop democracy spreading so you could join in huh I highly doubt she’s saying that I highly doubt she’s saying that I’m not even going to repeat that don’t worry you’ll get back to [Music] it God I think I think I’ll play I think I’ll play like a mission or two after the stream and then I got to get back to editing man huzzah democracy yes democracy got to get my level on Creek back bro all right they they took it away from us those automatons you guys how would I know how would I know what I I know they took it because that’s where they came from the came from that direction no the automatons took it because they were the last people there they were the last robots there and we can’t have that we cannot have that the water drinking do I want to hear a fun fact sure what is your fun fact [Music] shun the water Jer how about we don’t yeah how about I really like drinking water most raccoons can’t pilot a helicopter yeah I think that they wouldn’t be able to but what are the type of raccoons that can cuz you said most and that just means there’s a there’s some that can do you have proof of the ones that [Music] can you know a guy you know a guy that can train raccoons to fly [Music] helicopters they can train a trash pad is [Music] you know a raccoon who can what’s his name rocket hi ghosties hi buddy Maybe hey the recipes are back does this work this does work what the crap [Music] uh what was this the Ingot crafting cuz this is fine this for some reason isn’t fine it’s missing the essence missing this Essence [Music] uh but it has [Music] it [Music] it has it it’s good they can pil a helicopter with their little thumbs huh that’s weird 32 42 oh there’s our problem there’s our problem that’s our problem this was set to a fluid input and not an item input that’s what it should have been that is what it should have been anyway this should be recognized right cultivator tier three baby this is now recognized there a tier three cultivator which is good okay so I want to put you back I want to put you back we’re going to put all these things [Music] back if it has something to a pilot a helicopter that’s why you can’t pilot one I have thumbs though I have thumbs are you trying to say I don’t have thumbs who I got rid of my stick I need my [Music] stick do you have thumbs yes yes I do have thumbs or aren’t thou stick here we go [Music] stick it should be fueled by lava I have I have this magmatic Dynamo this is fueled by lava what do you mean no he doesn’t yes I do have thumbs I has [Music] thumbs [Music] uh huh could I swear I had like build oh you know no I had building gadgets that’s what it was that’s what it replaced [Music] it [Music] here we go amount of space I’m [Music] capping don’t lie it’s okay no what I’m not [Music] lying what reason why what I have to lie if you drank lava you’d have thumbs I just have such hes in this world why do I have such huge holes in this world because this was the aftermath of me exploding a TNT times 1,000 okay that’s why I have such use hold in my world TNT 1000 was no joke and you know here hold [Music] on yeah there it is TNT * 1,000 also have like chunk Buster TNT uh I have like World Buster TNT I have Wrath of Zeus TNT which I’m not going to explode because it nearly crash my game and that was [Music] bad why do I feel like oh yeah black hole did all that huh place the 1,000 TNT 10 times how about no because I’m not going to have it destroy the multi blocks that I have worked so hard on use the world Buster you want me to use the world buster [Music] buug I’m going far [Music] away it’s a buck how did you work hard on it blow it up um I’m going to you know to answer your question no okay I’m just going to go this way for a long time why’ I stop playing I’m going to go this way for a long time okay how many blocks away over a th000 that’s good okay okay a three by three by three okay if my game crashes it’s your ass okay here we go you feel better you feel better about yourself okay you feel better what do you mean me right other then to to please please next here here’s here oh hold on I’m waiting on surf if you look on [Music] the uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh I’m at zero [Music] FPS where did it go where did the world Buster TNT go I think I made [Music] a I might have done a [Music] whoopsie there’s a good possibility of whoops he might have been [Music] done well if we see a there it goes [Music] again the wrath of Zeus No a whoopsie has definitely been made [Music] I’m so glad I made that TNT so incredibly expensive to [Music] craft yeah I’m so glad I made that TNT so expensive to [Music] craft are we good now is it okay is it safe it’s not safe the world’s still having trouble kind of loading oh no cuz we’re still going I see I understand that’s my fault I am so [Music] sorry mhm [Music] mhm 9 by9 by9 what was what was that oh no not not not that was a 3 * 3 * 3 that was 27 tntx [Music] 1000s [Music] now there there there we [Music] go not 28 now do a now do it a 100 time I’m not going to place down 100 TNT Time 1,000 I actually like this world and I would like to keep on going but as you can see right now we’re in a bit of lmma this thing is still going right now the world’s just having a bit of a hard time keeping up BC will blow up like the TNT did yeah I feel like it would so I’m not going to do [Music] it are we good did it finish blowing up [Music] chunks are starting to load oh no kind of struggling again but he we’re very struggling oh in the wood coward shame no shame on the coward well I’m sorry if I actually like my PC okay it feels like we’re done okay nothing then I’m going to try to get in the middle as best I [Music] can okay [Music] uhoh uhoh we good I can’t place blocks no no we’re not good we’re still going we’re still going I can’t I can’t place a [Music] blood your PC I if you put your PC I’ll unsub and resub so you’ll gain one sub that [Music] what unsub and resub for me to gain one can I pleas block now still waiting for okay we’re still waiting for Ser oh no okay [Music] okay we are still blowing up Kayla you spice up the deal [Music] a firm handshake huh you’re going to spice it up with a firm handshake that’s that’s that’s your that’s you spicing it up PC is having so much fun yeah you can tell can’t you you can definitely [Music] tell and one sub you know what how about this then oh that that [Music] disappeared that uh that disappeared you’ll throw in a nickel too huh oh there it is waiting on server this is World Buster TNT by the way it’s going to take a second just just give it a second and some high quality lava huh I’ll throw in something you’ve never gotten from anyone and what would that be throw in something that I’ve never gotten from anyone what what would that be please en enlighten me respect oh my Nitro mug I’ve gotten hugs before I’ve got multitude of hugs before of friend I have a friend his name is [Music] Jordan we play hell Dives together we’re battle buddies you sure I am 100% sure [Music] yes a life if I had a life I wouldn’t be streaming is he like 60 uh Jordan are you 60 years old are you an old [Music] man do we meet on the weekends no you’re not 60 oh [Music] man never met Jordan so he’s not real you’re 69 [Music] Jordan oh dang Jackson just called Next an old [Music] woman that’s a that’s crazy bro tell Jordan you said to give me a hug I’m going keep AI man he doesn’t like hugs he really doesn’t the last person to give him a hug got gut checked so hard he about blacked out and a little kiss oh no no no no see if I were if I were to do that I’d be dead I wouldn’t be here I would a 100% be dead we’re still uh waiting for the world to catch up from the aftermath of the world luster TNT by the way we’re still just sitting here [Music] waiting that’s what you all do on the weekends right just homies being homies just a couple guys being dudes you know battle buddies and all oh man [Music] this uh TNT taking a second to kick in Bros game is exercising yes my game is exercising trying to uh you can even see on the map look at this the aftermath we are at uh crisp 30 frames right now oh 47 oh no there we go 20 37 40 and we’re jump we’re jumping all over the place sarlac pit from Star [Music] Wars you love Star Wars but the way you spelled it I kind of believe it I kind of believe it so uh I guess while we wait for this uh this world Buster TNT to kick in here anybody uh ging world the sea oh it’s still it’s still exploding that’s cool anybody got uh some funny stories to tell while we still wait for the effects of the world Buster to kick [Music] [Music] in in the end the only thing that would be left is the lava actually it’s getting rid of the lava yeah the lava’s going away lava is definitely going away only thing that’s getting loved is the [Music] BOK your friend was eating mustard when you hanging out with [Music] them your grandma likes mustard when time you deleted a compiler yeah yeah that that was pretty wild I’d say you know pretty [Music] crazy so I said they were like your [Music] grandma huh and did they take it as a c or an insult it looked to it said I’m your grandma oh so that was your grandma so now they’re grandma huh so they just got to eat mustard and then all of a sudden they’re your [Music] grandma once a coup on a time you convince the stream to do something stupid I’m just going to take a while to get am I that streamer H is it me [Music] this just a wild guess just throwing it out [Music] there just a bit of a wild guess uh one time you got bored and created a plague and people got to sick it was funny this random streamer called Dark have you heard of them can’t say that I have can’t say that I’ve heard of him please enlighten me about him while I’m at a crisp six frames per second [Music] [Music] oh that dragon is dead that dragon is dead huh this is a lot he’s really cool but does not drink lava mm I see well glad that you think he’s cool though at least fny Story one time you’re ban in over 58 countries and have done over 21 war crimes wow bro that’s [Music] crazy you’ve heard you heard of him next he’s a legend and has no thumb man wild it’s still happening now you’re still getting banned in countries dude pretty you’re going to be Bandon all of them man if you don’t stop need to have nowhere to [Music] live he got a dup claw you heard you can’t stop and why can’t you stop huh please enlighten me why can’t you [Music] stop the Bro cannot compare to this I have committed that’s quite a big number you wrecked up there I’m guessing by that big number are you from Canada cuz their drugs are so [Music] good I mean Char the ranchers dang it [Music] you’re from America well D I figured with the amount of war crimes you WR up you from Canada man why do you he birdies big yawn uh cuz that’s part of a mod where it’s just just adds a bunch of sounds to the game which is why like here hold on we’ll go down here which is why walking sounds like this does someone need a nap no I don’t need a [Music] nap there’s the block I’ll stand on we are still uh you know if we look up it’s not bad the frames go up we just uh [Music] huh it seems to not be [Music] loading the world seems to be having trouble there’s a video called Mario doing shoot bro don’t shoot bro and you’re [Music] recommended it’s not past my bedtime you know we’re just going to go we’re just going to go back going to go back to our multi blocks because I’d like to get at least a couple more re oh hold on a God dang it the stream’s almost over it’s almost time for me to end stream [Music] it’s going to going to take a [Music] second going to take a second for everything to load here I’m just [Music] uh yeah that didn’t that didn’t work you like it here is the one place where the FBI doesn’t watch your movement man stay at the world SE I can’t I got to get back to developing the mod pack if the chunks load before I have a chance you know what hold [Music] on just exit the world and go back in it okay my Minecraft’s not responding [Music] I uh are you threatening me with a water [Music] gun but it shows up as a revolver on the stream okay okay you like water guns huh I figured you’d hate water guns because it would cool it would make your lava back into rock you know mans mean serious business yeah he probably [Music] does they melt witches like me I’m a am I a witch huh [Music] I think my Minecraft’s actually broken yeah it broke it it broke my [Music] Minecraft there we [Music] go my Minecraft broke well done guys you made me break my Minecraft you made me crash it you made me crash my Minecraft world how do you [Music] feel that’s what happens when you don’t drink lava good night man all right well it’s pretty much the end of stream anyway so I’m going to load up the world I’m going to load the world and if everything’s still fun and dandy then that’s then that’s going to have to be it for stream cuz I do going to have to leave I has work tomorrow should stay the wood no I got to I got to be efficient spam water guns oh [Music] boy yep there it [Music] is you guys in your water guns huh you like them melt the witch I’m not a witch guys that’s why your water guns are are not affected they are not effective they do not work I’m I’m still here it doesn’t work you’re you’re puny little tricks won’t work on me cuz I’m not a witch these are rigged they’re not rigged they don’t work cuz I’m not a witch you you can’t you can’t harm [Music] me I also like you know drink water as well you think I if I was a witch you think I’d be drinking water [Music] that’s what a witch would say he’s bluffing he’s AFF you’re going to throw sharks huh I’m not I’m not in in water though I’m just drinking it think that just spamming sharks are going to work huh those are dolphins dolphins are nice and friendly so what are the Dolphins going to do huh they’ll actually protect me from sharks you have so many weapons oh I am back here so many chunks okay well that was the destruction of TNT you use the one thing that I’m not good at if there’s water there’s sharks I mean like if there’s like a puddle you’re not going to see a shark if it’s a puddle of water there’s not going to be a shark Sports uh okay I will admit I’m not good at sports I’ll give you that I’ll admit that much I’m not good at sports but other than that that’s that’s honestly going to have to be the uh a really small shark I feel like even the smallest of of sharks would not be able to survive in a puddle okay I’m going to be honest with you but that’s going to have to be it for stream if you do enjoyed please do leave a like and sub if you haven’t already and you know if you want a place to hang out I do have a Discord server the link for it is down below so you can go there and click it uh other than that I will be streaming again on Friday I’ll be streaming Nomi Factory with the boys so that’s that’s going to be fun uh and that’s that’s pretty much it that’s all I got to say uh we seeing you guys all on Friday

This video, titled ‘Custom multi-blocks are the way to go for modded minecraft’, was uploaded by DarkWolf on 2024-02-29 02:43:28. It has garnered 72 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:37 or 10837 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraft #minecraftmods #codeing #live #livestream

I continue on making more multi-block creations for my mod pack. The coding never ends.

Discord: https://discord.gg/9kGaza58Xu Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xxdarkw0lfx

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  • stellersmp

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    Looks like this meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Checkmate, haters! Read More

  • Infinite Craft Mastery: Rhyme Time Blast

    Infinite Craft Mastery: Rhyme Time Blast In the world of Infinite Craft, where creativity reigns, We build our dreams with blocks, breaking all chains. From towering castles to sprawling cities so grand, Every creation is crafted by our hand. Join us on this journey, where imagination takes flight, In this digital realm, where everything feels just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s embark on this adventure, with no limits to how far we can go. Subscribe to our channel, for tips and tricks galore, To help you build, explore, and so much more. Infinite Craft awaits, so let’s dive… Read More


    SPRINGTRAP FAILS IQ TEST #minecraft “Taking an IQ test with Springtrap from Five Nights at Freddy’s? Good luck trying to outsmart a murderous animatronic rabbit!” Read More

  • Reviving Dead Fish with Lightning in Minecraft!

    Reviving Dead Fish with Lightning in Minecraft! Lightning Strikes!! Dead Fish Come Back to Life in Minecraft! Have you ever imagined a world where lightning can bring back the dead? Well, in the world of Minecraft, that’s exactly what happens with the Frankenfish datapack! Reviving the Dead With the Frankenfish datapack, players can witness a fascinating phenomenon – when lightning strikes the water, dead fish magically come back to life! This unique feature adds a whole new level of excitement and unpredictability to the game. Exploring New Possibilities Imagine the possibilities this opens up for players – creating underwater lightning rods to revive fish, setting up… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Netherite Bejibun in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Discovery: Netherite Bejibun in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘NETHERITE BEJIBUN ! [ Minecraft Indonesia Poisonous Potato Part 2 ]’, was uploaded by Rigel The Recorder. CH [ VIP ] on 2024-05-04 12:33:52. It has garnered 1956 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:11 or 8351 seconds. pertanyaan / question put it here : https://marshmallow-qa.com/rigel_model_09 Support me on : Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/rigelll No-Fi Store : https://ko-fi.com/s/1bf5a5626e Trajectory: https://trakteer.id/rigel-ch-29wtn Karyakarsa: https://karyakarsa.com/rigeltherecorder – Server Discord : https://discord.gg/TxB3XHsQMd – – – https://linkr.bio/jl75n – I’m on Soundcloud ! : https://soundcloud.com/rigel-411248616 Also spotify~ checkout my original song ‘w’ : https://open.spotify.com/artist/4pJDAnN04Vn2C8gd0oeelb?si=j5MdKABzRxqr-PjZFlL_xA – Socmed Account : Twits… Read More

  • Minecraft Chaos: Uh Oh Spaghettio

    Minecraft Chaos: Uh Oh SpaghettioVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】uh oh spaghettio 👷’, was uploaded by William32158 on 2024-04-21 15:35:10. It has garnered 73 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:00:11 or 21611 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io it’s gonna be a loooooooong night Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of the Evil MOB in Minecraft 🗿

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of the Evil MOB in Minecraft 🗿Video Information This video, titled ‘🤔Какой САМЫЙ Злой МОБ в Майнкрафте 🗿 Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 14:00:22. It has garnered 2048 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Jumping Parkour Map! MUST WATCH! 🌟 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Jumping Parkour Map! MUST WATCH! 🌟 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Jumping Parkour Map|| Is Was Fabulous 🤩 😄 maza Aa Gaye Ise Khel K #shorts’, was uploaded by Trabidex Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:37:00. It has garnered 363 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft Best Jumping Parkour Map|| Is Was Fabulous 🤩 😄 maza Aa Gaye Ise Khel K #shorts Read More

  • Potato Goes From Spud to Stud in 0 to 💯%!! 🥔💥

    Potato Goes From Spud to Stud in 0 to 💯%!! 🥔💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Potato – from 0 to 100% 🥔💯 | Minecraft Animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by PotataChannel on 2024-03-25 22:00:04. It has garnered 22130 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Potato – from 0 to 100% | Minecraft #minecraft Potato’s Crazy Animations Read More

  • Insane Kpop Gaming w/ Hell Hound in Minecraft🔥

    Insane Kpop Gaming w/ Hell Hound in Minecraft🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘just 😝fun #kpop #gaming #gameplay#minecraft’, was uploaded by Hell hound on 2024-04-26 04:00:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft with Crazy Music!! 🔥

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft with Crazy Music!! 🔥Video Information hello good morning every good morning what the [ __ ] it’s night how’s everyone doing it’s been a while since I streamed AKA it’s been like a couple days I got to get my Minecraft world more up it’s you got to play more and more and more It’s never enough it’s never never never ever ever ever never ever let me send the link to squidy um uh so from the last time uh think I need to do the most oh wait I need to start my music uh last time the [ __ ]… Read More

  • Escape the Abyss – Ultimate Minecraft House Tutorial

    Escape the Abyss - Ultimate Minecraft House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build A Survival Starter House’, was uploaded by Pixelated Hell on 2024-01-09 02:28:23. It has garnered 212 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:55 or 775 seconds. 🏡 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft House Tutorial! 🌟 Build Like A Pro! In this epic Minecraft tutorial, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a stunning house that will elevate your building skills to a professional level! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this tutorial is designed to inspire and help you craft an exceptional structure in… Read More