Ultimate Netherite Automation Trick! EP45 SteamPunk Modpack

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here it goes Boop [Music] and now jumping back into is some more of the steampunk mod pack there’s actually something that I’ve been setting on the entire series and that is a mob farm but not your typical mob farm how about a mob farm that is actually digital okay okay hear me out it’s basically like a pretty over convoluted digital spawner that just kind of requires power and then well it generates the mob drops now how am I going to go about achieving this well it actually involves the spirit mod which in its own right the spirit mod basically allows you to make custom mob spawners that work very much like regular mob spawners but with the vitalize mod on top of it it allows us to take the spirit mod and well turn it digital and that is fantastic because there is nothing more tedious in my opinion than setting up a vanilla spawner Farm oh I’m going to get hit by a train it is very very tedious to do do that and I’ve done many of them over and over again but today we’re going to be diving into the spirit mod and well for good reason because there is a mob in here that is definitely worth farming and that mob is going to be the ancient Knight now this ancient Knight spawns in the nether well it doesn’t necessarily spawn it shows up in structures in the Nether and we can actually bring it to life and then we can take it down now we’re going to have to kill a certain amount of them before we can actually get the these guys in the world and start using them with the spirit mod uh but the reason I want them is because they produce netherite scrap and if you remember from last episode netherite scrap is actually incredibly important in this pack because it’s very difficult to automate if not impossible outside of this to actually automate netherite scrap so we need it for netherite ingots and netherite ingots are going to allow us to produce more of the Void steel from from the create utilities mod that I had added in here because outside of that well there’s not a whole lot that you use netherite for I mean aside from like armor and onetime use things and to be fair we are already setting in insanely good armor so I think what I want to do today is I want to start working on the spirit mod there’s that train again and I want to build an area just like the other ones but over here so that way on our map we are going to have uh three different sort of industrialized areas one’s going to be for a mob farm one over here is of course for our food and then we have our main industrial complex so yes I’m just going to start U well the slight building [Music] process and there we go nice so I have a nice flat area to start working on this mod and well there’s going to need to be a lot of work uh because this mod when I mentioned convoluted earlier I really meant it there is a lot to this um it’s also going to require quite a bit of resources in the form of something that we kind of want to probably semi-automate um let me kind of explain a little bit further so this mod right here is the spirit mod right and well we need to actually make a bunch of this Soul steel this is kind of what everything uses in the mod and also in the uh the Vitality add-on um and in that process there’s a lot of functionality into it but like I said it does take a lot of crafting now this that you see right here is the way that this mod works it’s a multi-block you basically light a fire and we toss this in and uh it’s going to uh consume these blocks that you see right here in World it actually consumes them in world now uh the soul powder block which is this right here this comes from throwing in glowstone whether that’s in block form or it is from just regular glowstone um now the block form of course is one of the fastest ways of doing it but this doesn’t actually get consumed so this is pretty nice so we can take some Soul Sand and we should be able to place it down um anywhere uh for this particular setup and I’m just going to place it down for right now right here and then we just take some flint and we light it on fire that’s that’s really simple and then we take some glowstone which I I have a little bit of we’re going to have to some more of it but I just take it and I toss it in and you see you get it back but if I was to toss a whole bunch in it does take a little bit of time and it doesn’t actually consume it right away so this is typically best done uh in some sort of automation let me see if I can figure out a way to do this so yeah I’ve played around a little bit and I think the best way to probably do this is by for example placing down a barrel right here and using a magnet upgrade and inside that magnet magnet upgrade we can set it to allow mode and only allow this powder in so if I was to toss this down that should be picking it up over here yes uh so that magnet upgrade is definitely working right next to the barrel and that’s probably one of the easiest ways to do it in this pack so now that that main crafting component is out of the way we’re going to be doing a lot of other crafting components as well because we are going to need to get ourself up to a soul crystal and a soul crystal is where we actually capture the mod and what we actually capture the mob with and um this does have a few steps so we have our actual soul crystal that we want to get to but then we also have a crude soul crystal this one is made from some other blocks that you see right here which is soul slate which is made by the way the same way that we’re uh making the the soul powder um so that’s definitely something we need and then we also need the soul crystal Shard which this utilizes quartz now this does consume the blocks on creation so that is something to note and be careful uh in stuff around this because it could potentially consume it yes depending on how close the items are but we should be able to get this to work so within this we have some soul glass that has its own crafting recipe that is required in order to actually make it uh which if I remember correctly yes is lapis now this doesn’t actually consume it but it does require tinted glass so yes when I said convoluted and rabbit holes that’s what I meant there’s a lot of multi block now I just tossed in some regular deep slate and that should be turning into Soul slate and I should be able to just pick that up or I could use this and just simply place this in as needed and then I don’t have to worry about items despawning I can just toss them in and this should start collecting them just like so now I should have just about everything to get this next part up and running uh this is allowing me to make Soul glass right here which is just going to be uh some lapis and everything uses soul sand that needs to be lit on the fire but this will lead us into our first thing that actually gets consumed so we need to toss one of the so uh powders into this fire that is going to be right here and this one okay here we go we’re going to toss it in and it should consume the blocks and just like that that is how we get our first little part of this mob farm and the next one goes over here so I can just keep upgrading and toss that in and that should consume those blocks as well so now we have a crude soul crystal and then if I grab these this is the soul glass that we’re going to need to use and I place that down with some Soul Sand like that and then toss this in that will turn into the max version now I recommend keeping this stored away for right now in a backpack because if you kill a mob while this is in your inventory it is going to bind to that mob and we don’t want to bind to any mob until we are specifically ready to do so and uh that is going to be something we do later because I do want to make something that’s going to actually help us collect Souls because by default if we take a look at the soul cage from Spirit we can see how much uh how many mobs we’re actually going to need stored inside of a soul crystal and something to also note if you spawn mobs through the soul cage you can’t actually use those mobs to build the amount of souls in your Crystal and this is where there’s some requirements the soul cage itself has some different tiers so we have our soul crystal and if you have 64 Souls that is the base to be able to even start making anything or spawning any mobs from for example uh a regular Souls cage spawner um so it’s going to be pretty slow and it’s also going to require you to be there but if you go to the max tier which is 512 Souls well you don’t need to be there anymore and this thing is amazing it spawns mobs pretty consistently but that’s not how I want to do this I don’t want to do it through the soul cage but we are still going to need uh souls to be built up inside of our soul crystal in order to actually use it inside of the Vitality mod and uh I don’t know if there is an actual requirement on the soul revitalizer for that to even spawn it should be able to work off the base steer it’s just the rates will be different but instead of us just killing one mob and that equaling One Soul we can up our amount quite a bit from one an enchant and we can also do it from our sword so if we go back to Spirit there is a weapon here whether that is the axe right here which grants extra Souls on kill the bow that does it as well or the sword um there’s also some enchants here which is soul Reaper and we do have some of those enchants which going to be very nice now I want to make the soul sword and then I want to put Soul Reaper three on it to make sure we can get the most amount per kill which I think is about three Souls per kill or three or four um which is going to be very very useful it’s going to be very helpful now it’s going to take a little time to kill those mobs but having Soul Reaper is going to mean we have to kill less of them which these are spawn in special structures so yeah it’s going to be necessary and so now this is the part where I have to start making Soul steel now I think the best way to do it is by making Soul steel blocks uh this is going to be your the best use of your time as it is going to be an iron block being turned directly into this but it does require compressed Soul powder blocks uh and if you take a look at that Soul powder is four and then whenever you do the compressed version it’s a lot more so uh we may not have enough right away we’ll see to make the four blocks we need because we’re going to need four compressed blocks no we do not so I am going to have to go glowstone hunting uh that is going to be quite fun I think that was Heavy sarcasm I don’t know if it came through but but yes it was that was very sarcastic and the reason I say that is because glowstone actually is kind of hard to break in game and even with our high breaking uh uh enchants and effects it still takes a while to break uh but we do have a hammer we could possibly use a hammer for this that would be kind of nice actually our drill would be kind of nice to use this might come into play now so just like this see that this just it just doesn’t instant break yep nope uh but this might work make sure our magnet’s on ooh yeah that works so much better actually so yes the drill is actually worth it so worth it for this so now after a whole bunch of farming I hope that that is well enough um it probably won’t be though uh because like I said you just need a ton of this material um as you continue on through this mod it may not seem like it’s a lot in this mod but man do you need a lot so let’s go ahead and head back to the base and we can continue on with making our steel now in the end even though all of this is convoluted it is going to be so so worth it so very much worth all of this effort for one we’re going to be getting scrap but we could also Farm just any mob anything we need from a mob we can just Farm enough of those mobs and then bam we have unlimited amounts of it essentially so now that I have a ton of soul powder we can combine all of this together and utilize it yes for making Soul steel primarily let’s go ahead and get that in looks like my storage is running a bit low to be expected from all of the awesome stuff that I’ve put in there but now we have plenty of compressed blocks so and I believe that if you do compress these you can uncompress them so might as well get all of that compression happening now the same thing needs to happen for the Soul Sand so you do need compress Soul Sand as well and then we’re also need blocks of iron which I have so much iron that’s not a big deal at all and that’s what we’re going to be tossing into the fire so you got to make sure that you are using compressed now you can do this with regular ingots and the regular version I just recommend the compressed because it’s going to save you a lot of time so we toss that in and that should get us a single block of that material and there we go an entire soul steel block now uh we should be able to turn this back into Soul Ste ingots right oh uh apparently not okay well um well that’s unfortunate that should have totally gave me soul cell ingots but I guess not I guess it’s its own thing utilize to make certain things we’re going to need it I guess anyways for this multi block that gets consumed by the way which is what makes these pylons oh goodness what is am I getting myself into okay so uh well let’s go ahead and actually make the Ingot version then cuz that’s a little bit different so for the Ingot version you just need Soul powder blocks and then you also need a regular Soul Sand and you just need iron ingots like a regular iron ingot and then this gets consumed so it’s the same setup as this with the powder behind it and that gets us the Ingot I was really expecting the soul steel block to allow us to decompress that interesting that it doesn’t the more you know I expect like a rainbow with a shooting star to be flying over my head right now so with that then I do want to set up some sort of uh semi-automation for this and to do that I should be able to use some deployers and deployers should be able to place these blocks in um and then we can actually hand light but it it’ll automatically place the multi Block in for us so for example Soul Sand we can have that placed in and uh right here we can have the soul powder all placed in appropriately for example if I line this out this would be eight individual soul Sands that can be placed by this machine and if we used uh for example some create let’s see uh chain drives yeah if we use some chain drives we can pop that in and in a motor and these will all spin together so let’s see what what else would we need a shaft and so I just add the shaft in here Boop and Boop and then the back motor so we have a regular reinforced motor that should work just fine and a connector and just connect some power up to this so just need a standard connector cable from New Age and that should work just fine so let me see can I reach up here I’m going to have to dive up here but that should reach perfectly and now that extends up and places the blocks in I’m going to use some stairs for right now just to be able to get up here but yeah that should work just fine that’s a little bit better than I actually expected it to work um and then all I have to do here is I just have to toss the item down which this could potentially be automated um but you would have to make sure that all of this was was functioning correctly but yes if I do this that is going to create the item like that and then it replaces all of the blocks for us to go again making this a little bit faster I guess so let’s go ahead and get that Soul steel sword made just like this and by the way this thing right here repairs itself in soulfire um so as I continue to use it you don’t really need mending because you can just toss it directly into the soul fire which is kind of ridiculous but Soul Reaper um we should have some soul Reaper these are soul speed but I think yeah we have soul Reaper on this particular sword and so I can actually use a very special book to be able to remove that just like so and we now have ourselves boom a soul Reaper three book and there we go perfect enchants Soul Reaper Unbreaking looting and sharpness that is going to make this sword pretty decent tin base damage but its sole purpose let’s see what I did there its sole purpose is to well fill this the soul crystal with some very special mobs that we’re gonna have to hunt down in the nether now back in the nether if you remember correctly from a few episodes ago this area right here had some very special well mobs that were kind of laying on the ground you couldn’t really tell but they were uh they were kind of just like piles of scrap or at least that’s what they looked like but whenever you broke them it actually spawned in a mob now I’ve got to find more of these structures right here and this one was actually really close by but I’ve I’ve got to sniff out more of these places ah and for example right here here’s just some more of them armor piles so I guess we better go ahead and get rid of these guys real quick and we we got to be careful cuz we don’t want to kill anything whenever we put our soul crystal in our inventory aside from the thing that we actually want to kill so I’m going to go ahead and summon this guy these guys are pretty powerful by the way but with that this should now be set to the ancient Knight oh and we got five Souls on that one kill by the way so this is probably not going to take as long as I thought oh that’s going to be fantastic I love the animations on these guys but so long as we do this like can find these structures we might have to find at least another one so long as we do this enough and get at least 65 inside of the soul crystal we should be ready to go in start actually making the mob farm part of this uh this whole mod which I’m pretty excited for that way we can just start getting scrap but like I said this can go for any mob that you want to farm so any of these mobs that you might want and there’s a lot of mobs in here that can grant you some really interesting things now after a bit more searching I have managed to find another one of these structures and there we go so I don’t need a whole lot just from that one we ended up getting 40 Worth and like I said I think we just need to get up to the 60 64 I think it is so we are almost there like a couple of kills away and we will be able to get unlimited netherite scrap oh that is going to be fantastic so I think literally one more and there we go this is now at level 65 uh which we only needed 64 Souls in order to get it to the first tier oh man so I can keep going uh and it might be worth to to at least clear out the rest of this area there’s not a there’s not a whole lot left here but might as well see how high I can actually get this Believe It or Not these structures are actually fairly common now that I’m back well this is where things get a little bit more difficult because well we have the soul crystals and the souls inside but I was doing the math and well to be able to make the soul revitalizer which requires Soul steel blocks that get consumed by the way and also the soul cage requires the soul blocks and then you’re going to need eight pylons in order to activate this thing these also require four we’re going to need over 44 steel blocks 44 blocks yeah you heard me right and right now I only have enough compressed Soul powder blocks well for 12 this is going to require way more glowstone than I initially expected so it looks like back to the nether for me and well it does seem like I’m going to need about 24 Stacks over 24 stacks of glowstone in order to well make all of the stuff for the pylons and with that yes uh what a journey already this has been uh I get to go ahead and tear this down because what I’m going to do instead I’m going to go ahead and take all of these out is I’m going to be replacing them with the compressed version so I’ve already compressed about all of the blocks thankfully the uh the glowstone compression happens very fast or the glowstone conversion over to the soul powder is very very quick uh but all I need to do now is take these blocks which I have all of these compressed blocks too many now I kind of over farmed but I’m going to be using this same setup but I’m going to be making the blocks look at that oh uh yeah this if there’s a block above above it will place underneath or it can place underneath uh there it goes okay perfect and then the middle is going to be the compressed Soul Sand which I did have to go far more of that too and perfect so now I just need iron and we are very very good on iron so I am not worried about that and it’s just a matter of lighting this on fire and tossing in the block and letting this happen over and over again 44 times I think a little maybe even more over 44 but at least 44 so I just hit the 44 Mark and I’m I’m still continuing to do this it it’s it’s it’s over and over and I’m just going to make some extra here um even though I can’t downgrade I’m still going to make sure to make some extra and I’ve also started making some glass and so this little Contraption here has definitely made this process a whole lot easier so let’s go ahead and make the actual uh spawner now if you’ve broken some spawners you’ve probably gotten some of these broken spawners from Spirit um and so all we have to do is toss this into the fire as well grab some more flint and steel because we are slowly running out there we go and then all I have to do is toss this in surrounded by some soul steel blocks that we just made and there we go now I I don’t want to Discount how much glow stone this actually takes it is absolutely absurd how much glow stone you need um to be able to get through this now this is where the part of uh basic Spirit uh kind of stops so you have yourself a soul cage and then of course you level up your uh your soul crystal and that soul crystal is ultimately what uh increases the tier of your spawner but in this case we’re completely bypassing the fact that this is going to turn into a standard spawner and instead are going a little bit above and beyond and making the soul revitalizer and pylons basically this is going to allow us to farm these without actual entities invading our world which is what that spawner would do it work just like a a standard Overworld spawner so now at this point we should be able to make this thing like I said this is the so revitalizer and the multiblock here it doesn’t show you all the ins and outs but it does give you a pretty good idea of what this actually is going to look like and just kind of show you it’s going to be just like this so we’re going to take some slate and that is going to go around the outside and then we are going to use the actual Soul steel blocks just like so and this is what the actual multi block is formed from uh and then just like everything else we light the center and then we toss in the soul cage and when you do that we instantly get the soul revitalizer and this thing is going to be amazing but it doesn’t work on its own uh we still need to provide it with some pylons and this is where we have some options these pylons here um believe it or not can be modified and changed you can see we can add ingredients to them or we can use these ingredients to actually craft it with um now one of them I’m interested in is the experience that would allow us to get experience off of these mobs looting also sounds good good use for our Enchanted apples to get looting however it does cost more power to do this um and then we also have beheading and we also have some efficiency and some speed using some rabbit’s foot now all of these can be change and upgrade it after the fact so I think what we should definitely do first is just make our standard pylons and this is just going to require Soul glass because later on we can just craft these together and yes you can go ahead and do this but once once they’re changed they’re changed forever right um but we need eight of them so this is where I got my calculations from and this is going to require that slate the same setup that we just did however the Soul Sand is going to go in the middle and then we’re going to have the steel blocks on the outside slate on the the outside here and then the glass on top and then that is going to be how we produce this and then we’re going to just toss a single sole glass right in the middle and that’s how we get our first pylon and you can see right here eight pylons Max now this might work with fewer pylons I don’t actually know um it does say eight Max does that mean you can have less than it I don’t know without actually setting it up but I do know that with eight it does work and so that’s what I’m going to build it based off of now if I had to do this process more than just eight times I would probably use a schematic Cannon to Simply place the structure in and this can also be done with a schematic Cannon as well you just have to make sure you’re constantly refreshing it um and if the structure was a little bit bigger but in our case just hand placing this it’s not that big of a deal like it it’s really not that bad I I and and I’ve already got it memorized I’ve only placed it down once and here we go this is the last one and uh just crafting up the final things light it on fire toss it in and there we go we now have all of our pylons and it looks like it does something kind of weird having these in your inventory for some reason cause like causes like these items to go dark for whatever reason but I’m going to be placing it right here this is where I found to be roughly the center and you can see it does highlight the places where these pylons need to go so we put a pylon here here here here in this stair area which I’m going to tear this down just like that and after all is said and done we now have ourself a soul revitalizer and it doesn’t have a storage attached or power but I’m going to get that set up as soon as I get this all torn down now I also want to get power to this thing because it is going to require power so I kind of want to pull a connector from up top here and I want to drag it down underground and thankfully this will actually go through blocks um and then I want to connect that all the way over here underneath all of these blocks and power it from the bottom so we should be able to do that just like so and this should now have power we can start to see that power increasing and that is just what I want and then I can cover all of this up and we won’t be able to see this wire because oh the new age wire actually allows clipping and allows it to go through blocks which is fantastic now as far as a storage goes well it just needs to have for example an inventory I believe connected up to it so I now have a barrel attached to the back and all we have to do is put our soul crystal in and this should start working and we see right here ancient Knight common tier and then we have our our tier right here and how long it’s going to take and how many mobs it’s actually going to summon every 130 seconds now if we look this right here is only 15 power per tick which is very very low in my opinion um so definitely upgrading these pylons is probably going to be worth it especially for looting and also speed but we can see that these are slowly making their way towards the center and this is definitely the timer it’s it’s pretty cool once is all set up like I said very expensive but the fact that we can Farm just about any mob that we put into a soul is pretty darn powerful so I’m going to head over here to Jovin for a little bit and grab myself some rabbit’s foot from this guy and uh that is going to allow me to make some speed pylons and then also we should have some apples Some Enchanted apples yes and if not if you don’t have uh the enchanted apples you can craft them by the way with deorum ingots um or you can go the capitalism route right here and you can make blocks of capitalism yes and uh apply that with some blocks of experience and that will also make them and then there’s also a sequenced assembly recipe for it as well which is not too difficult looking in its own right and then whatever this is the scavenger loot bag which looks absolutely insane and that would be an insane mob to have farmed in this thing if you could ever find it I I have no idea what that comes from but ow I’m going to run into trains good I need to make some barriers but uh I should be able to now take these pylons and hopefully start upgrading them cuz looting is ultimately what is going to affect the amount of scrap that we get and look at that we’ve already gotten three scraps so far just from having this run so I definitely want three of these pylons to be looting pylons 100% um and then the rabbit’s foot we want to turn I don’t know if I want to do all five but it does I did figure out what that pylon Max means it means the max amount of pylons you can have of that particular tier uh I do want to have at least maybe four and then that last one being that extra experience pylon which I think is pretty darn cool it’s going to require skull I believe and I don’t no actually it doesn’t require skull what is the material it requires yeah skull Catalyst um which we should we might actually have that I do I have this skull oh I do have it so yeah we can actually just craft this and this will give us experience off of this um supposedly and we can have up to three of those um so now that we have these we can go ahead and lay these down I’m going to put one here here and here and then we’re going to have experience pylon I’m going to put that in the back and then the other four will just be speed upgrades and now this is going to cost a bit more power whenever I put this back in and it costs 171 now and it happens just about every minute um so that is going to be way way nicer and then it’s going to also apply that looting so we should start to see way more scrap buildup and we should also start to notice experience also buildup in this from this mod now of course as far as experience goes well we’re already doing quite well because our whole nuclear reactor setup actually does produce an unlimited amount of XP for me um and that is plenty but I do want to see what this has to offer and I think it is it’s about to do its first operation and I don’t know if it’s 100% guarantee that every operation we will actually get ourselves some experience but this is about to complete and here it goes Boop and no we didn’t but we did actually get a a scrap that time so hopefully that means our looting is working and those mobs by the way are affected by looting and the amount of scrap you get is affected by looting as you can see right here so already in a matter of a few minutes I now have basically enough scrap to make a netherite Ingot so this is probably one of the only ways to actively automate the production of scrap if you really wanted to do that and so was it worth it well if it wasn’t worth it I probably wouldn’t have done it it is 100% worth it and so guys with that I’m going to have to bid you farewell for today’s episode and I hope you did enjoy and if you did and learned something new be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already and give this video a huge thumbs up and with that being said it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that amazing things is going to go out to Celio is that how it’s supposed to be pronounced CX e l thank you so much by the way for your amazing support and choosing to support me over on the Discord by becoming a Discord premium member and getting access to all kinds of cool stuff including the world downloads so be sure to check that out if you haven’t link down the description below if you do want to join the Discord of course you don’t have to be a premium member in order to join we have an amazing community over there that is willing to help you regardless we just love to have you as a member so definitely check it out and also check me out on Twitch twitch.tv/ chosenarchitect and and uh well I hope to see you there or here in the next episode and as always thanks for watching bye

ChosenArchitect on 2024-05-10 16:00:38. It has garnered 15580 views and 724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:50 or 2090 seconds.

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  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

    Briokart's Villager News Special Celebrating 100 Subscribers with VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS! Congratulations to ‎@briokart for reaching a significant milestone of 100 subscribers on YouTube! The journey to this achievement has been filled with dedication and creativity, and the celebration is well-deserved. Let’s dive into the details of the special video that marked this exciting moment. A Fun and Engaging Video The 100 Subscriber Special video, featuring VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS!, was a delightful production that showcased the talent and effort put in by ‎@briokart. Despite the busy schedule, the video was finally released, much to the delight of the audience. The collaboration… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • Block Rock: Türkçe Dubaj Minecraft Concert

    Block Rock: Türkçe Dubaj Minecraft Concert In this episode of Animation vs Minecraft, Necmettin tries to give a concert, but trouble he’s in. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, in every line let the truth take flight. Yo, our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes with a grin and a spin, Describing moves sharp and keen, in every update, a rhyme within. Keep it fierce and funny, sprinkle emojis light, Minecraft facts in rhymes, each one a delight. Narrating the scene, with eyes sharp and keen, Crafting Minecraft news, in rhymes that gleam. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the… Read More

  • Winning the Competition in Minecraft

    Winning the Competition in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Competitions When it comes to Minecraft, the thrill of competition is always present. Whether it’s battling mobs, completing challenges, or showcasing building skills, players are constantly pushing themselves to be the best. And when victory finally comes, the feeling is truly unforgettable. The Build-Off Challenge One of the most popular competitions in Minecraft is the Build-Off Challenge. In this event, players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to create the most impressive structure they can. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the creativity on display is always astounding. Key… Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Mario’s Fantasy House

    Minecraft: Build Mario's Fantasy House Exploring the Mario Fantasy House in Minecraft Imagine stepping into a world where Mario’s iconic design motifs come to life in a fantastical house within Minecraft. This unique creation offers a blend of creativity and nostalgia for fans of the beloved video game character. Layout & Materials The Mario Fantasy House features a layout that captures the essence of Mario’s world. From the vibrant colors to the whimsical shapes, every detail is carefully crafted to immerse players in a playful atmosphere. The materials used in construction add to the authenticity, ensuring that the house stays true to its inspiration…. Read More

  • City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali’s Arresting Adventure!

    City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali's Arresting Adventure! In the city of Minecraft, chaos did reign, Efekan and Ali, the police, to detain. Arresting everyone, causing quite a stir, Their antics and pranks, oh how they were a blur. With laughter and fun, they filled up the screen, Their adventures wild, like a crazy dream. Subscribers tuned in, for each new episode, Their support, like a bridge, helping them to unload. Kare Kafa, the narrator, with a twinkle in his eye, Describing the action, as the story flew by. In Turkish, he spoke, for all to enjoy, The essence of gaming, like a favorite toy. So let’s… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?間違い探し(かんたん)118 #shorts #マインクラフト #マイクラ #minecraft15 #マインクラフトでマイクイズ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All]

    Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All] Autumn Breeze here, ready to dive in, To uncover the secrets, hidden within. Top 10 uses in Minecraft, let’s begin, Each one a surprise, a clever win. From redstone to obsidian, tools of the trade, Creativity flows, in every upgrade. Furnaces for cooking, chests for storage, In this blocky world, there’s never a shortage. So join me now, as we explore, The hidden gems, we can’t ignore. In Minecraft’s world, there’s always more, To discover, create, and adore. Read More

  • Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures!

    Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Ocean Depths Welcome back to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on an underwater adventure like never before. In this unique world, players are submerged from the overworld into the depths of the ocean, the nether, and beyond. With a customized world filled with diverse mobs and structures, the challenge is to survive and thrive in this aquatic environment. Questing and Survival In this latest episode, players embark on a cold ocean quest line, completing tasks such as setting up strainers, expanding their base using the Room Opis mod, and automating… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Horse Armor Struggles 😞 No Netherite

    Why isn’t there a “build a house in 5 minutes” cheat code in Minecraft? Would that be too OP, or would it just be super convenient for lazy players like me? Read More

  • Kira MC’s Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos!

    Kira MC's Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos! In the latest episode of Minecraft Mega SMP, Kira MC invited herself and Tinnt to see. Together they planned a dark mission to complete, With mods and challenges, their skills to compete. The mod link was shared for all to see, As they embarked on this thrilling spree. Contact email for inquiries, they did provide, For any questions or feedback, they’d be by your side. Happy viewers watched as the story unfolded, In the world of Minecraft, their adventures molded. MonsterMiner, Minecraft YouTuber in the mix, Surviving and thriving, with each new fix. SMP VN, the server they played… Read More

  • Just a normal MINECRAFT video…with lava! 🔥

    Just a normal MINECRAFT video...with lava! 🔥 When you tell yourself you’re just going to play Minecraft for a few minutes but end up building an entire empire and neglecting all responsibilities. #minecraftaddict #procrastinationstation Read More

  • Gay Steve’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Gay Steve's Epic Minecraft Adventure The Evolution of Red Corp in Minecraft Red Corp: A Leader in Redstone Technology Red Corp has long been synonymous with innovation in redstone technology within the Minecraft community. Their creations have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the game, inspiring players to explore new possibilities in automation and mechanization. Adapting to Modern Sentiments As the world evolves, so too must Red Corp. In a recent interview with CEO Firelightfly, the company’s approach to social awareness was brought into focus. While maintaining their commitment to technological advancement, Red Corp is also recognizing the importance of social issues… Read More

  • TropiCraft: Minecraft’s Hidden Gem

    TropiCraft: Minecraft's Hidden Gem The Tropical Paradise of Tropicraft: A Minecraft Mod by Mojang Developer Imagine a world where warm sandy beaches, palm trees, and crystal-clear waters are just a step away. This dreamy tropical paradise was brought to life by Cory Sheviak, a developer at Mojang, through the creation of the Tropicraft mod for Minecraft. Inspired by his vacation in Puerto Rico, Cory set out to craft a whole new dimension within the game, filled with exotic landscapes and unique features. Discovering Tropicraft Tropicraft is not just another biome in Minecraft; it is a separate dimension that offers a refreshing escape for… Read More

  • Insane Update! Minecraft PE Beta with EPIC Enchantment!

    Insane Update! Minecraft PE Beta with EPIC Enchantment!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pe new update official beta update Released |minecraft new enchantment added ❤️’, was uploaded by Avi on 2024-04-11 11:56:50. It has garnered 809 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. Minecraft new beta update minecraft official beta update Minecraft update | avi new enchantment added minecraft pe new update release minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft pe minecraft pocket edition minecraft beta version minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft 1.21 minecraft beta version nueva minecraft bedrock minecraft pe1.21.0.21 minecraft… Read More

  • Jayjay & Mikey DRAGGED Under Scary Bed!

    Jayjay & Mikey DRAGGED Under Scary Bed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who DRAGGED Mikey and JJ Under the Scary Bed in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Jayjay & Mikey on 2024-01-29 19:37:15. It has garnered 2828 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:24 or 4524 seconds. Who DRAGGED Mikey and JJ Under the Scary Bed in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Read More

  • Ultimate Fortnitepossu 1.8 Insanity Montage!

    Ultimate Fortnitepossu 1.8 Insanity Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘1.8 Montage’, was uploaded by Fortnitepossu on 2024-05-05 07:45:43. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. minemen.club ignore: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: CRAZIEST Minecraft SEED 🌱🤯 #viral #gamingfun #mindblown

    UNBELIEVABLE: CRAZIEST Minecraft SEED 🌱🤯 #viral #gamingfun #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best seed.. 🤣🤣 #minecraft #gaming #mincraftfunny #viralvideo #memes #minecraftmemes #trend’, was uploaded by It’s AG shorts on 2024-05-24 02:18:39. It has garnered 6025 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Watch Gods Bicep Get Scared in Minecraft Mod

    Watch Gods Bicep Get Scared in Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft – Cave Horror Project Mod – COME WATCH ME GET SCARED!!!’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-18 13:19:19. It has garnered 757 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:25 or 5485 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Paypal.me/godsbicep Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Ai Memes – Last One Will Blow Your Mind 😱

    Mind-Blowing Ai Memes - Last One Will Blow Your Mind 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Ai Memes You HAVE to See the Last One is Shocking 😲’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-18 17:44:21. It has garnered 5878 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #memes #minecraft #comedy #funnyanimals #music #animals #cats #fortnite #landscape #nature #shorts #comedy #slowmovideo #funnyanimals patreon.com/ParadigmaGav cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny… Read More


    SHOCKING: ENDER DRAGON'S BAT REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘AAJ TO ENDER DRAGON KI BAAT LAGEGI 😁 LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS’, was uploaded by Mr.Buddy2.0 on 2024-02-19 02:58:57. It has garnered 403 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:41 or 7001 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android)! Join my Club on Turnip Mr. FACT: https://profile.turnip.gg/yfeNuCv6ypn9arHG6 Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel… Read More

  • “Ultimate Monster Showdown in Minecraft!” #subscribe

    "Ultimate Monster Showdown in Minecraft!" #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC MONSTER BATTLE MINECRAFT #minecraft #monsterbattle #subsribe’, was uploaded by favNut on 2024-03-22 11:57:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe and comment for an epic monster battle that will crash my PC!! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Vehicle Indicator Circuit Animation! #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Vehicle Indicator Circuit Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Vehicle Indicator Circuit Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe’, was uploaded by Alee_Electrics on 2024-01-08 08:36:06. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚡⚡⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Some ideas, and experiments can be dangerous. And for that you don’t risk and damage yourself and the environment, I’m a professional in my business. With a lot of experience! Every video, even that is completed with Compliance. With the all safety measures. Enjoy the video. Warning! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ The video is not for demonstration and education purpose only. Each demonstration… Read More

  • Originalni Server

    Originalni ServerPokud hledáte server s dobrou komunitou a chcete se skvěle zabavit, tento server je přesně pro vás. Nabízíme zde klasický survival, PvP arénu, obchody, které vytváří hráči na serveru a prostor pro nalezení nových kamarádů. mc.originalni-server.cz:26771 Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. We value community input and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are taken seriously, and decisions are transparent with community input. Welcoming – We aim to create an inclusive environment where all players feel accepted. Stability – Our server uses dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Updates – We release frequent updates and stay up to date with Minecraft… Read More

  • MineChest

    Welcome to our server with survival Customs theme, we continue adding new things to the server that is waiting, join now, the modality has*SERVER CONTAINS*1- SERVER MONEY STORE 2- ZONE PVP 3-MINA SIN PVP 4-MINA CON PVP5-RANK SYSTEM6-MONEY SYSTEM7-WORLD OF RESOURCES8-PROTECTIVE STONE SYSTEM9-SYSTEM FOR CREATION OF OUR OWN WARP 10- ITEM SALE SYSTEM11- CUSTOM CHARMS 12- WEB STORE [​DE PAGA CON DINERO REAL]13- BACKPACK SYSTEM14- BOSES SYSTEM15- CUSTOM WORLD 16- TPA SYSTEM, RTP, 17- CLAN SYSTEM18- BLOOD MOON SYSTEM> *IP*[​minechest.srvmc.net]> *PUERTO*[​25687]Bedrock 1.20.40-1.20.82Java 1.16-1.20.6I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS SERVER 🥳👌🏻 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pillager Dad adopts Villager Son, Villager Son dies

    Minecraft Memes - Pillager Dad adopts Villager Son, Villager Son diesWell, at least the pillager tried to be a good dad before he went back to his pillaging ways.’gc-4giikyhs8f9d-0t7wyadpbnm-0s8weizrvqd-0-0 Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 47 is here, Wood Challenge 365, let’s give a cheer! The seed of the world, a number to find, Join the channel, support the creator’s mind. In Discord we gather, a community strong, On Twitch we watch, as we game along. Tik Tok dances, a playful display, But in Minecraft, we’ll always stay. IrlandesGamer, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in rhythm and time. Trolling the plateau, a playful jest, But in the end, we all know who’s best. Greetings to all, in the virtual land, Minecraft unite, hand in hand. Juancarloshernandezgomez9340, daelvalencialabrada3989,… Read More

  • “Creepers be like: ‘Hotter than the Nether!’” #minecraft #memes

    "Creepers be like: 'Hotter than the Nether!'" #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme Read More

  • Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft

    Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft Minecraft: Building a Sakura-themed House Exploring the creative possibilities of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, a content creator recently showcased their love for cherry blossoms by constructing a charming Sakura-themed house. Let’s delve into the details of this delightful creation! Embracing Cherry Blossoms The use of Sakura trees in Minecraft is a testament to the player’s appreciation for nature and aesthetics. The delicate pink petals and lush greenery of these trees add a serene and picturesque touch to the virtual world. Building a Dream Home With a keen eye for design, the content creator meticulously crafted a cozy and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!

    EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FTB Skies (Modded Quest Skyblock) Lets Play Episode 12 Hostile Mobs and Rockets’, was uploaded by ShdowDragonHD on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:12 or 2772 seconds. Welcome to my Lets Play series on Feed The Beast Skies a Modded Skyblock With lots of quests to complete this is the non expert version of the modpack so its freeroam for the quest format comparted to Expert Mode which is more locked down Subscribe and follow me as i undertake this adventure and see… Read More

  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

    Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by DarkPlayerGame on 2024-03-06 21:08:49. It has garnered 771 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:24 or 984 seconds. Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android) Minecraft Walkthrough Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFfZzcXkzrAeGMZs1bHvh_no9EOR4jD8 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Paid Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor… Read More

  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

    Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAWVideo Information This video, titled ‘RAPY.PL | BOXPVP | MONTAGE #12 |LOSOWANIE | pvpdres |’, was uploaded by pvpdres on 2024-02-16 11:40:22. It has garnered 6006 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. #boxpvpv #minecraft #pvpsmurf #pvpdres dc clan ROXA: https://discord.gg/KtUD34fXPe contact dc : pvpdres – pvpsmurf – ramboo_ – rambo txt – squeru – kajzus – kajzus txt – rybentjusz – gedzu – dudziu – kerdziok – Affer – macro – trombapowirusna – txt – KAMPER – KAMPERR – MALTI – trombapotrzna – Noway69 – Noway txt – tikk99 – txt tikka… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

    UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rare Anomalies in Minecraft #6 (FINALE)’, was uploaded by Rovant on 2024-05-20 09:51:46. It has garnered 42682 views and 3171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:59 or 959 seconds. Thanks for watching! Astralex Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/astralex-shader-bsl-edit DylanDC14’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DylanDC14 DamDuck’s Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/DamgodW_-_/ Anomaly 1 – The Tallest Mansions Seed 1 (2nd tallest mansion): 2578614041115360742 Seed 2 (tallest mansion): 3436809468143172779 Versions: Both on 1.20.4 Locations: Both at spawn Anomaly 2 – The Smallest Biome Seed: -2673084626516474955 Version: 1.17.1 Location: 357 70 482 Anomaly 3 – Strange Witch Huts Seed 1 (Longest legs hut): -327284582683722602 Seed… Read More

  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

    Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2’, was uploaded by ItsBlackYT on 2024-02-28 14:15:29. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2 Subscribe Now Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Day 11 in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by EpicError on 2024-01-01 09:56:15. It has garnered 11463 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/error-ki-haveli-1078173289559642215 FOLLOW KAR LO INSTAGRAM PAR- https://www.instagram.com/mr_error_100k/ Other Channels 1- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVTGH0v-EnNd7RLxkK_DQw 2- https://youtube.com/@ErrorRao?si=DJeJ-MnwOHLojlxB Read More

  • INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #roblox

    INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zrone Gaming on 2024-04-24 06:00:31. It has garnered 16521 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft THIS VIDEO IS MY REACTION FROM VIRAL VIDEO THANKS FOR ORIGINAL VIDEO @_BunnyFunny Music by : Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.comCreative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/Msm-KmMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/GQCoV1TarO4 #skibiditoilet #skibidi #skibidibopyesyesyes Read More

  • 🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼

    🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼Video Information This video, titled ‘Messing with flowers | all the mod 9 | Minecraft #minecraft #live #atm9’, was uploaded by cowommunism on 2024-04-14 19:47:37. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:11 or 19691 seconds. Welcome to stream **Donation** If you want to tip me:https://streamelements.com/cowommunism/tip Upi: rickyfernandes2003-1@okhdfcbank **CHAT RULES** -Be kind -Respect other humans -Include everyone -Listen to the moderation team -No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat -No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs -Don’t spam words -Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the moderators -English only… Read More

  • Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱

    Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie ATTACKED Stickman ( Dymon ) @_@’, was uploaded by Katoon Studio on 2024-03-15 19:45:39. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. What happened if minecraft zombie attacked the stickman ?? was stickman prepared for this or zombie will kill stickman ?? watch video to found out !! Subscribe for more fire content !! Comment if you didn’t liked the video & like if u like the video 👅 More Tags: minecraft zombie,stickman,minecraft vs stickman animation,minecraft vs stickman,stickman fights,stickman fight minecraft,stickman fight animation,minecraft… Read More