Ultimate Pixelmon Minecraft Challenge!

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Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hi hi oh we here here we’re here we’re here we we existing right we’re doing that we’re doing that thing do we exist We Exist We Exist guys we exist hi hello hello yeah hi oh there’s everyone more

Up there there’s a little lobster thing up there yeah oh what is that crab boy crab boy crab boy’s up there now too oh oh there’s something else inside oh there’s something else no wait oh what’s that what’s going on oh gosh but hello there’s so many things

Happening whoa there’s so much yeah okay uh hello everyone hello hello hello welcome we’re playing Minecraft yeah should we introduce ourselves yes okay good good good stuff okay next we clearly need no introduction hello everyone my name is ready um I’m from the UK and I don’t know anything about Pokemon really actually

Um yeah I I I played sword and shield and that’s because it came with my switch that’s it nice nice nice nice and and funly enough rainy is the is gonna be teaching me today yay I’ve given her teacher roll um I’m elas staria I’m also

From the UK and um I’ve played a lot of Pokemon but I’ve never played pixel one um yeah um as telling rainy before the time first time I played Pokemon was stealing fire red from my brother deleted his save data and then took it and looking back I feel really bad um no

No remorse no mercy okay no no no remorse no mercy yep Y in order to be the very best like there one ever was you need to you need to steal make some sacrifices oh I wondered why you was so mad at me for so long then I understand

Because you you became the better trainer clearly like yeah but yeah this is um Pixelmon as you can see yeah it looks really cool there’s like stuff yeah and R yeah it’s me yeah whoow that’s crazy who wait how do you Crow oh this nice nice yeah this is a siren’s

Pixelmon Ser um you might see a bunch of other people running around in the background this is this is a server that siren has set up for a bunch of streamers and stuff so we can all play Pixelmon together and catch Pokemon and be the very best I guess yeah we’re all

The bestest in our or something I don’t know believe in the heart of the cards I’m sure that’s the right one that’s it something about letting it rip through I don’t know yeah yeah um which stter did you pick ah uh you can kind of

See it on my screen but not really cuz I set the dimensions wrong um it’s fenin I have fenin fenin cute cute cute cute cute okay I went with I asked IIA beforehand you know what are you going what type are you going and I was like I

Will do the opposite of what you do so I’m say how familiar guys I’m Gary I’m the Rival gini and aelia here um I’ve chosen mine she’s chosen hers hers beats Mine by type um and then we went looking through the evolutions and decided wow all the fire

Ones are really not cute are they on when they evolve they get so like weirdly buff I don’t I don’t get it like they start up all cute and on all fours and they’re adorable and then they’re like I’m going to go stand up and it’s

Like could you not yeah they become like bip pedal like super buff shredded I don’t want that I just want cute like it’s that’s all I want yeah so I chose I chose poo because uh the final evolution is like a really cute mermaid so at least I feel yeah but even like

The Water starters I feel like all of them like end up looking really [ __ ] scary oh so we’re going to find all the cute Pokemon um it’s going to be like the we’ll try yeah there seems to be like a whole lot of crabs I’ve noticed

This is this is a lot of crabs like just so many crabs just a lot of crabs um but I I went on yesterday and I I I played a bit because I wanted to learn how to play the game and anybody who’s looking at my stream will see that

I have five Pokemon all of whom are dead I have the best teacher um yay so I guess first things first let’s take a trip over to the Pokemon Center so I can heal them y to the Pokemon Center let’s go let’s go this way follow

Me yay wait how do I run oh it’s control oh yeah we we nice why are my Pokemon dead well I had a bit of a runin with a trainer and correct I did indeed Get Wrecked but it’s all part of the learning so you can

Teach me how to not get wrecked yeah yeah yeah I I did that on purpose so that we could yeah start from scratch So yeah thank you for your sacrifice like here is the Pokemon Center you can also get here by doing slash spawn it right outside here yeah there’s no like

Um like the the travel is very like loose like if you get lost you can just teleport back it’s fine yeah nice if you right click then she will Pokemon for you t oh nice there you thank you okay so now if we head and find the pretty

Lowlevel Pokemon let’s see level five what if you you’re a frer type aren’t you yeah do you what do you think of this teddi OA teddi OA evolves into a very scary oh very scary thing aggressive bear maybe this little punk Abra you had can want

Me I broke which one is that I don’t know no you’re no no all right now you have to you don’t want him no oh wait I can just beat him up yeah oh God the music is the music is so loud yeah just if you beat him up you’ll get XP sorry

Guys you I I can’t hear anything right now oh there you go there you go it’s so loud adjust your audio setting adjust oh my god oh boy oh my goodness um wait let me turn down the music why My okay sorry that that was nothing but Panic um all oh a oh that’s cute that’s M sagi’s ret oh we can’t take that we can’t take a ret um there’s a hyena what’s this thing in the ground is that a flower no is it a Gastly it’s like oh

Yeah it’s a Gastly I don’t know why he’s in the ground Gastly Gastly I think you can like if you want to fight him then you can if you want to send out your Pokemon into a fight you like Point your cursor at the Pokemon

You want to fight and then press R to send them out oh M so if you see one that you like and they’re not starting a fight with you you can start a fight with where the heck’s that Abra gone where’d that Abra Punk go was there an

Abra yeah it was it was the punk that heing poofed away like a like a wh that thing yeah yeah yeah maybe’s down here what’s here eradicate you can’t see on the mini map like if there’s any Pokemon I think there’s an Abra over here actually yeah ah let’s see maybe this way

Uh it’s funny cuz here he is okay so I got to throw it and not get too close so R yes oh I missed maybe a little bit closer okay sneak sneak okay sneak oh oh I’m in a fight with a spinner rack okay that’s okay this is

Fine get him penin go go on pop you’re the chosen one mess him up this guy’s level 11 I’m [ __ ] what is what is the spin is he grass type I don’t have any fire Pokemon oh no oh gosh you’re right you’re ran into a really strong bug oh [ __ ] that’s

This is fine good thing we H it up can I fight it too uh I think you can just watch watch you watch me die it’s good thing I have a lot of Pokemon yeah mine won’t run away right if I just let fenin lose right you’re

Not going to leave me right no no no no fenin where you going you run away you’re not going to run away she just she’s not not standing very near me um my Pao is just walking away I don’t know why he’s just walking up what happened to just following why are

We but why is it zooming out so far oh you come back Here oh gosh that’s good thing I have five Pokemon that I can just gosh yeah I’d be hecking deaded if anything come on come on come on come on get him get him get him oh God there’s a level 22 Zubat what is this oh ABA you you get the Abra okay I

Will death perception I don’t have my wopa I have a wopa whoopa is pretty cute I guess fight fight ah what are you I see you over there they were like touching oh my God killed my Wooper in one hit oh you get oh there you are why

Is this so hard I don’t know I just want to fight this Abra this mod is really involved I don’t please oh yeah go so what do I have to do actually like throw it and it should land it should yeah if you press R you should send it out at

The oh did it work no it teleport it away ash oh what’s this I wonder how you catch the Abra then that’s weird oh you got a little sheep by you yeah I have a m oh no that’s yours I can’t take that that’s my yeah that’s my I was like that

One’s cute that’s my baby Marie good luck Marie why is this spider so strong oh no maybe we should just maybe instead of catching stuff I should just level up and find some oh I paralyzed it get wrecked nice Mari I want to get the XP so you got this get

Him this is such an intense battle this is yeah yeah oh no the downward arrows scary faced me how good go on go on attack Bo get him my speed was already really slow get him another Thunder Wave go go go come go go go go go go go Marie Thunder

Wave go go go go oh head lights blue eyes white dragon in Attack Mode in attack mode you’ve just activated my trap card a put of Greedo K is great I love I never played like Pokemon cards like I only ever played Yu-Gi-Oh cards when I was younger to be honest I don’t think anyone knows how to play Pokémon cards like they just look used to I used to get the pack and

To be like energy cards away and then be like a look at the cute cards not using any energy cards no I don’t even I really have no idea how the Pokemon game actually works like no me neither oh oh oh oh what happened did

You lose he’s dead oh he’s dead I killed him why are you so why have you got all these red circles coming off here oh there there I came now I’ve won the battle but I won the war come here Abra my mar level hold up oh it gave me some

Spider web that’s cool then I can this one get I don’t get it it’s fine it’s fine I’m fine I don’t want I don’t want I’m I should find something else to fight like well while we’re over this side of town let me show you my Widow house yeah oh yeah you said

You had a house I built myself a little Shack over here so if you ever like make yourself a little house in town and you can come visit but they said that like the plan was like just don’t destroy anything but you can like make little

Houses and shops no how do I start fighting it how do I start fighting it it should like if you press R it should like go it’s weird oh I see it now oh you got it you got it yeah I found a little version that I’m going to fight I’ll spectate on

You yeah oh there’s a spectate button I was just staring at you from the side yeah yeah if you get really close you can press y to spect I wish I knew that earlier sorry I thought you knew I thought that’s what you were doing

Looking at me no I was just stood on the side thought you were just staring at me very intently yes that was my perspective just stare nice level up a lovely easy look at that nice okay where’s this house over this way my lady be careful of this big old

Spider yes he’s very large oh yeah here’s my little house here’s Way’s house come on in come on in oh this is just my little place I’ve got like a Pokemon mug for drinking my Pokemon what’s in the box got a little box of things it’s got like some random

[ __ ] in it that’s so cool if you need like any crystals or like blocks I’ve got you covered whoa oh I can’t claim here either it’s protected oh yeah yeah yeah if you need anything you’ll have to ask me for it that’s so good though that’s um actually

I do have something that I can put on my Pokemon what the power of water type moves but also which one do I have I’m trying to save up um resources to buy a fossil cleaner cuz I managed to find some fossils in a mine oh there’s a fossil cleaner down the road

Is that yeah oh I was just G to make my own yeah oh I can’t I can’t use the door oh oh oh I locked you in hang on there you go oh outside literally waiting for you it’s like hey did you miss me um yeah there was one down the

Road um where we were earlier there was one oh my God look at this little worm po he’s so cute I kind of want my God I used to oh he’s he cute give me a one I got poo is unable to battle I know so give me a different one then okay

Never mind then how does this work I don’t know have to send out a different Pokemon I’m going to beat up stuff oh get it get it get it oh do I want Metapod do I want Metapod Butterfree Butterfree would be cute I guess I should probably try and catch something bag pokon

Full go wow I really threw it over there wa’s just leaving okay now it’s dead how dare it fight yeah no it dead it deaded that’s what it gets for resisting how dare it resist I cannot that’s so weird what’s this FL where’s where’s the fossil thingy whoa you can do so many

Things okay I don’t know how to um change the Pokemon to send out like it only does my top one for some reason oh yeah weird also oh yeah that’s cuz it’s holding something it’s over here and there’s like way more to this place as well we’re just going around

The town like you can go outside and collect stuff oh my God this little crow witch used to little witch see there’s the fal little thingy mro oh here it is oh I guess I better Teddy a cat I’m going to beat it up real quick take it yks

Joy thank you thank you okay wait where did you go sorry I went to the Pokemon Center real quick you didn’t see anything okay wait what I didn’t I didn’t my okay where is your house I want to have a house I want to become one of

Them homeowners and fulfill my dreams in game yeah so like you just be any empty building you can pretty much just like Commander it so I chose a building that was kind of like this one here you can tell it’s unoccupied because inside it’s got like this concrete

Blocks and a Zubat I guess I so dusty and so you just like clear it out and you use your golden hoe you right oh that’s what the golden thing is for yeah you can claim your land so if you like right click with your golden hoe here oh

And then on the opposite side of the house like back here then this entire area will be yours to oh so the two corners mhm okay let’s see where do I want to live where shall I live yeah there’s loads of places that you can oh my God look at this housing

Market guys it’s free yeah holy [ __ ] that’s the biggest [ __ ] bell sprout level 50 50 heck yeah beat it up no I can’t beat them up oh okay oh but yeah those are the houses if you don’t want like a little house I just chose something small I would like a

Mansion a mansion okay let me see here is this is anyone living in this like apartment building here do I get the whole building milky is living here oh my goodness milky what the whole building milk’s got the whole apartment block to herself oh damn oh let’s see there’s another one

Over here you could just like crack open one of the walls and stick a door in it and guess I like this one oh yeah some people have been turning these big ones into like TW story houses y okay so what I do one corner like oh yeah one corner click

Right click and then opposite corner right click and then you can claim the entire area okay right click there you go oh and now I just and now I’ll just bust those open a wall or something and stick a door in it and should I put where

Should I put a door I guess this is the street I guess here yeah I think this side of the street would look are you using your hoe do I not have anything else my hands do you need tools hang on I’ll go chop a tree for

You I’m getting oh good lord this is going to be a long day here we go I got you some okay it’s okay I’m fine I got you some l no no it’s working no I’m going to break this a pickaxe bare hands there you go

Oh there’s some coal up here I’m going to grab this make myself make self what am I making with this I and maybe some tools like that would be useful how I do you know how to play Minecraft no I refuse to believe that I’m better at Minecraft than you because I’m

Absolutely atrocious at Minecraft I’m just I’m just not a Minecraft player I can’t remember I’m not I can’t remember um the last time I played Minecraft was like oh when we did the Disney thing that wasn’t even really Minecraft it was just like why full of Disney together

Yeah you can just bust out the concrete here um wait here you take my iron pickaxe I’ll make another one yay yeah I know it’s funny cuz like what is it Spa was saying she thought you know I just didn’t play Minecraft cuz I was such a

Professional and just like was bored of it and I was like no I I don’t know how to play Minecraft I just don’t play it she like such a professional I was like you you clearly think I’m much much much more professional than I am

Cuz uh there you go I gave you some stuff uh I’m going to run back to my house and grab another iron K I’ll be bag that’s okay you know where I’ll be oh and when you’ve like cleared out your house you can clear you can do slash set

Home and it will make this spawn nice right my God okay so far so good oo we’re not that far away from each other we’re practically neighbors neighbors oh my goodness hello neighbor there’s a lovely little village on the outskirts of town it’s like a Japanese themed Village it’s really pretty but I

Think all of the houses have been taken there so can we get a second holiday home I mean you could if you want to it’s very chill here like as long as you don’t destroy anything you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as I don’t destroy anything silver okay very

Simple don’t destroy things we go this place is tool waa stupid who um what else can I give you I can give you a sign to put on your door and I can give you whoa uh that’s all I can really offer you now give you some iron as well

There we go what you put so much stuff wait how long are you playing I was playing for a few hours but like I said I was basically not playing Pokémon at all I was only playing in Minecraft oh my goodness wa a green weed it’s a boss

Weedle oh I don’t want to [ __ ] with I don’t want to tangle with the B yeah I managed to get lucky and I found like a Pikachu M and I had some stuff in a chest oh my God what are you she’s in a fight I

Died to the I I died I got I got insta wagged well now if you um if you don’t have any usable Pokemon uh they won’t start battles with you oh my god a Pikachu that’s what I was fighting oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God wait up there there’s a Clefairy up there it’s level 35 okay give me oh I got hecking wrecked Pikachu I choose you all right water gun [ __ ] up this Pikachu I want to catch it so bad give Pikachu oh she’s going to get the Pikachu get it piku

Oh he’s quite strong he’s level oh he very strong he W wrecked me oh it was the Pikachu that wrecked you yeah looked at me and I died wait water versus electricity aren’t I strong against electricity or is it the other way around no you’re not

I thought I I thought water was strong against electricity oh no Zub get the heck out of here okay I’ll send out I guess teda what kind of a type is Teddy urer I have no idea Teddy urser is is Teddy urser normal I think oh feel like chat would

Know how do I place an item down I need to study my move sets cuz I don’t know what anything does it is normal it’s normal type oh okay yeah oh oh oh it’s working oh no it just one shot I can do this I can do this I can do

This I can do this I can do this I can do it I might just use like an Ultra Ball on it do it do it I’ll try with my Wooper if I can’t get it down enough I will send out my Ultra Ball no I got to get strong oh well what

ATT attack oh okay perfect perfect perfect okay I think I can get it I think I can get it ascal Poké Balls Poké ball go come on Pikachu I choose you sh it escaped oh no wait it didn’t oh you got it die it broke three

Damn it D it Dam it come on piku okay I need to make a second I need to craft I craft meanwhile Ellie is playing Minecraft C crafting table come on piku planks I got it nice I got a Pikachu let’s go yo may it never evolve oh I’m so happy a

Rer is pretty cute too I guess they did a whole episode in Pokemon about how evolve no never there we go welcome to my home it’s you can make it like a two story thing I guess yeah I think I will I need a I need to make a

Door have some Tores a door put some lights down no let me the darkness the darkness the darkness reminds me of home um I’m going to stop by the Pokemon Center real quick door door door is uh wood in a crafting table oh wait I’m not touching the crafting table whoa

Light I have a Pikachu I have a Pikachu a pika pika Pik Pik Pikachu P Pikachu door oh I’m going grab my fossils and see if I can clean them oh I’m assuming that if I have fossils a Pokemon will come out of it right I don’t know shouldn’t waste all

My iron on a door right don’t use an iron door make a wood one I give you so much wood okay bye oh my God help I was just about to make like three [Laughter] doors the door crazy the heck is the door whoa what on Earth door holy I

Think there’s like a legendary or something up there what does it look like which one is I just saw a bunch of glowing lights and also my PC lagged that’s so funny door I’m coming I’m coming I don’t see it in my recipe book oh wait oh oh you

Do you couldn’t just make it I can make a oh wait here oh sweet now I have three oh whose place is this they’ve got little oh whoa what is this thing it’s purple it’s milky’s thing what do you mean I can’t oh I can’t claim here

That’s cuz I’m using the wrong tool okay where what are we looking at there’s like a Milky has like a huge purple Dogo blink it’s glowy hang on let me just over here whoa whoa nice dog puppy I wait is is that hicking what you call it yeah gig nice re ice thank

You oh wait I just realized I just walked into your into you’re intruding Alia oh God I didn’t know sorry I didn’t mean to just walk in no you’re okay it’s a little under construction I’m still learning the ways of the world rainy’s teaching me I’m the worst person to

Teach you been working on uh surviving door door I didn’t play Minecraft this is actually my first time with Minecraft and Pokemon oh nice you both don’t know stuff but you’re doing great though you’ve got so much stuff thank you we’re uh we’re doing our best

That’s all we can do whoa I have like a a home over by the streamer Village but oh yeah it’s too small so now I’m going to make a grand home be good looking forward to it have some guest beds it would be a nice place a we’ll come over and

Visit it’s a little open concept right now yeah it’s very Breezy oh yeah where is this other Village did you guys get your starters oh yeah mine’s fainted but it’s okay do you need to go heal it yeah I got ficin what do you have um I got Piplup but I haven’t used

Him so he’s just in his box I have no loyal bu I have no loyalty what he’s just he’s there he’s enjoying his life I hope yeah he’s got like he’s like a indoor cat just chilling you know like that’s what it is yeah he’s over at

The other place at a farm somewhere I’m sure no you don’t see he’s at the f a f oh my God he likes there oh my God no I’m sure it’s fine oh yeah I should probably heal this fenin your Pokemon let’s go see you milky see you goodbye okay where’s this

Take you to the other Village yeah they’ll have a Pokemon Center and I won’t get attacked on the way oh okay yeah that’s fine uh let me get the journal out then which way is it it is east east east or is it West East Is that West oh West West it’s West

It’s West West oh the other direction the other the literal opposite wayang on before we go I need to do my fossils oh yeah yeah the fossils I assume it’s free it’s just in it’s just here it’s just like it’s just out here yeah insert fossil oh what is it a sail

Fil I mean if this is someone else’s fossil thing then I’m sorry I’m Bor it how long does it take I actually don’t know I’m cleaning one and I’m doing that I can take you to the village and then we can come back yeah okay okay so we’re

Going west This Way West yes the other Village is really pretty oh hope I don’t get oh how do I was it why why it’s okay I run away this way okay so there’s no getting tired or anything it’s all good nope yay it’s all good nice through the forest gosh there’s no

Path or road it’s just if there is a path I haven’t seen it so I’m oh someone else has fallen in here before there was like a staircase to get out I just you were there and then you were not um it’s definitely this way to the

Mountain I think at least this is the way that I went to get to it if there is a path where where where did you go how did you oh there you go you go up up over here over here up I can see it’s so dark oh you just walked

Around it oh I was going to climb it oh yeah around it yeah okay I’m going to make a road yeah they should really make a road over here I’m going to invest this way we’re coming up on it now okay I can see people have been here

Before cuz I can see the trees like chopped yeah like it is this place is super nice but I think all of the houses are already taken wow yeah it’s really nice though what oh Pokemon Center oh oh and like some of the some of the NPCs are other streamers like ah not

This one there’s like a HCA one here somewhere I saw Joel Pand made here somewhere is this they in here that poemon Center here yeah oh I’ve healed I’ve healed I’m all good yeah yeah mine too there we go but yeah it’s really nice place I mean there’s nothing to stop you

From just like building your own house if all the other houses are taken would you like wa look at a cute well we could we could have a house together if you wouldd like to house share oh like put it on Minecraft beds together oh my oh my God what’s this boss uncommon

What’s this there’s a shiny worm Poole oh yeah he’s a boss it’s like oh did you go oh oh I got him oh okay is he shiny he’s level 22 he might kick my ass okay I’m glad I didn’t fight him I don’t know if he’s shiny just a boss he’s green he

Won it killed my poo Pikachu I Choose You Pikachu oh and I can see it oh there you go it’s not much of a different view I can just see the bottom bar now that he’s just very GRE chat can’t really see cuz I’m blocking it oh oh my God oh my

God this is kind of you got this this is kind of scary slam go Kow get in Pikachu kow kow he’s so strong I mean you’re holding up I paralyzed him so nice Pikachu go go go Pikachu oh no my Pikachu no Pikachu Pikachu okay uh marip

Go Marie sorry I got to stop making Pokémon noises it’s just instinct to like respond [Laughter] Pokemon oh yeah oh oh my God this was a bad idea why did I do this cuz it’s green go whoop goo Go this wh’s a boss yeah like why did I do this oh my god oh one one HP and a dream oh it was not very look at the size difference between my worle and this goddamn worm not wor this my Whooper and this one your Wooper

Is like the size of his head minuscule Whooper the tiniest little Wooper I’ve ever seen oh it’s trying it’s trying okay go on teda oh you have more you can do it I believe in you R’s on 60.3% HP yeah this is not going to yeah

Mute for a second well Weedle my level two Weedle it’s up to you Now for the welcome welcome okay okay we watching an INT go yeah yeah yeah yeah intense Bug Battle oh no what happened I died oh and it started raining it rained oh God I’m sorry why you Sheed me I can’t believe this it’s it’s it’s um it’s um no I got

Nothing nothing I’m sorry it’s it’s revenge for earlier um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I just wanted to know if you could still like PVP and I guess you could what did you were like don’t Panic yeah don’t panic and then just punch followed by an absolute ton of screaming and

Panic because I got hit oh yeah here’s Joel here he is he says I’m gonna bang your mom wait what thanks Joel hey and there’s milky milky says hi darling hi milky so do these set as like to just be in the town like yeah I think

When they were making the server they made some of the streamers like NP PCS cute okay a that’s a really nice idea though like I guess having them load as NPCs um but they’re not NPCs really remember guys they are they are real people with feelings with feelings and

Stuff so if you do slash spawn it’ll take you back to the Pokemon Center in the first town oh so oh yeah one second M slash wait where am I typ oh slash yeah there you go and now I can check out my fossils oh that’s why I was like why do

We come back insert Pokéball oh wait I’m going to get a retrieve Pokemon what’d you get oh something was sent to my computer uh I think I need to go check Pokemon I don’t know what it is what could it be also can we get umbrellas or is that not

A thing oh that would be cute you can get bicycles you can craft bicycles oh wait the PC is this thing right yeah what did I get I got an AM Amura Amara Amura what is that I don’t know Su it’s so cute bring it out it’s normal normal

Type moves become ice type moves oh it’s a ice type oh yeah huh yeah wow cool nice nice yeah I’m put it in my poty and use it it sounds like fun I guess I’ll get another Pokemon too can you throw it out oh yeah yeah yeah I

Wonder if I can hang on uh let me if I switch out my oh oh uh can I like switch the load out yeah yeah I can okay okay here we go see like a little guy this a little dinosaur oh my look at those cute the little frilly FRS and the

Oh is adorable where is he going go back you go live your life little dude it’s okay okay nope whose house is this oh it’s TN stuff two’s got like pictures tn’s got some crazy Pokemon whoa you can like display a Pokemon on like a frame that’s kind of that’s kind

Of good it’s like you know when like parents put pictures of their kids all over the place oh right yeah that’s what yeah yeah it’s just the kids yeah like this is my precious job so if we go mining and we find a chest like I did

There’s a chance that you could get a fossil Pokemon cuz that’s how I found these fossils I was just like Mining and I found a chest oh okay so presumably like there’s like you could probably get them from events and things wait no you’re too you’re a level 16 Pidgey I’m

Not going to fight that oh yeah that’s a strong Pidgey I need to level I feel so weak around this town there a l l Pidgey I found a level two Ratatat ready for there’s a level two Pidgey over here too ready for some intense battle actually yeah I’m going to fight

The level two Pidgey to level up my Amma Ura whatever it is bam oh my God I won congrats you did it freaking so Amora oh it’s super effective go go go kill it murder murder another rat attack yay and so the grind begins so

Look at it nice I leveled up oh nice I murdered another okay who’s next you hicking Abra maybe I need to crouch or something is that oh the Abra yeah I don’t know how you’re supposed to like I’m going to crouch over to it hey okay

Pleas I’m going to crouch over to ah NOP that doesn’t work I just saw you trying to sneak up on it Teddy so can I un alive you yesi Mama this is my nice vinin did I just get meat for defeating a Pokémon yes oh you got meat oh um

Actually yeah you’re right I just thought it was carrying meat but now that I think about it no oh no that’s so Cur now that I think about it a bit more wisma I’ve never heard of a wisma before it’s so cute is it cute I

Don’t know if it’s cute actually I don’t know cute is subjective it’s whatever you think yeah cute is in the eye of the beholder oh waa there’s a shiny thing in the sky oh yeah I don’t know what this like come back here what this bridge is

Like how do we get on the bridge oh maybe this is taking lag it off into the distance that’s house that’s so weird it seems like there’s some stuff on the bridge but I have no idea how to get up there do we just go in this building maybe this building that’s

Kay’s house he seems to have blocked it off so we can’t go in what the heck why yeah what why would you not allow Intruders like what is this let me in I’m an intruder maybe we can get on the bridge from this side

Oh no two two HP in a dream dude no run nice don’t kill my take I got more meat it’s okay oh yeah it’s just yeah the bridge just is broken over here oh huh I can see the word Pokemon Center I’m coming back to Pokemon Center

Is Center oh it’s right here if you ever get lost you can just do SL spawn and it will take you heal this for me yay nice okay how’s my fossil doing and then we’ll do some exploring I guess 33% oh it’s going to be a while oh is

This the oh okay I’m fighting this thing I don’t want let fight it let me see run expect it oh a level 29 yeah no this one turn doesn’t turn into wait whis whis wait let me see the front if it’s the one I think it is yeah

No I don’t think this one stays cute well back to the Pokémon Center yay I got wrecked my party is full oh my God my party is dead aact yo I got an Aerodactyl nice yeah these hecking fossils though it’s not cute what leave me alone Tedy s i just the teddy has

Have followed you why Teddy really wants to be in your party I guess wait F me to the Pokemon Center like yeah that’s right you heal up you heal up and I’ll get you again oh my God this teddyoso is no mercy scary don’t worry I need to okay I need

To level up my my Whata call it my venin more oh yeah let’s find some lowlevel Pokemon that you can fight let’s see how how are these nice looking bugs you you’re weak seven level four worm you could probably take on I’m fighting this Kakuna oh we fight

The Kakuna let’s go yeah why I hate the teddy urser cuz the teddy urser hates me the wle nice maybe I’ll catch it it’s cute oh which one does wo evolve into I don’t know but it looks cute now yeah but you have to think about how

It’s going to look about the future you got to plan okay that’s another one beat up you poina nice okay do I want a poo no p is pretty cute I don’t know how cute they stay I think I might be Oh no I got bones and

Meat oh what from a poke oh no what heing r at me these Teddy urses are so Scary teddy was Scary okay I got no hi Jazz let me run couldn’t escape I got one shot oh no back to the Pokemon Center there’s no like there’s no consequences if you wi out here it’s good these Ted ears are literally me and was like run at me like why okay I can fight

You if I could press the right button I wonder if we can challenge each other to battles I have one Pokemon you’re okay you’re doing good oh a mro look he’s so cute murder time where over here this little guy he’s spinning just a little guy wait T again this are the T this one’s only level 14 you could probably take this one this one still one shot me last time wait the the the level 14 teda got you yeah I keep trying [ __ ] maybe I’ll C I don’t want to catch it I want to un

Alive it faint it oh by the way if you uh critical hit want to mute the other players you can hit n for November and it will mute everyone oh yeah yeah I did it oh no way yo didn’t even need me nice there’s a Mr mime over here

I’m going to heal he’s level 20 no let’s see oh dear wait what level are your Pokemon uh my new one Amoro is level three my poo is eight my highest one is Pikachu level 12 oh my God a Skitty a Skitty get it

Get it get it get it get it skinny you have all troubles if you really want to use them just just don’t knock it out get the Skitty get the Skitty scratch okay Scrat is good okay okay good good good good good I can do another scratch I think okay okay I

Think you can do another scratch Skitty oh my goodness we going to get a Skitty oh my God I’m so proud of you wait I have Pok b or quick bow um oh you don’t have any Ultra bowls or whatever Master BS whatever a master bow for a Skitty

You should have three different kinds of bowl no I only have two in your bag yes got it I have a Pokemon my first yay now I heal we’re just camping outside thek C let’s go oh my God yeah you got a skin how do I change out let me take a look

At it how do I change which one like if you could press e and click on um like you should see side I think you can like switch places with them like by clicking on them and then if you send your Skitty to the top slot then I think it will won’t let

Me drag them no click one and then click the other to swap it it’s not it’s not working so if you click on your Skitty and then click on your top slot they should swap places top slot yeah whoever is in your top oh it’s cuz I was on the other

Screen I was on the daycare screen oh no no no inventory oh my God she’s so cute look at the baby so cute oh so cute hi Skitty the sociable couldn’t be me y you got an extra Skitty oh let’s go murder things oh you’re too strong let’s

See Mur things Skitty best past time to Do Wah that was a good F oh wait oh know that’s level five um what have I got sing copycat fake out okay wait all I can do is make it Flinch miss m just do I don’t have any reasonable attacks Skitty not have any

Attack oh a Skitty uh skitty’s copy cat will just copy whatever move that the other Pokemon used I did it that nice nice easy easy nice I’m waiting for it to become daytime because it’s so dark yeah oh oh okay that’s a big hoot hoot but it’s only level five it seems kind

Of yeah he’s very large for level five yeah SP skinny hi SP how are you how’s it going my Skitty got passed out no I talking but I can’t oh no h you can hear me right yeah I can hear you I can hear you oh no that’s okay I’ll just talk to

Her we got here hello sponge yeah hello hello hello hello oh umbrea Umbreon wa an Umbreon can you touch it no it’s it’s oh it’s sponges no Pokemon stealing is it’s level 90 Umbreon it’s level nine no I’m not she wa how do I talk no she can’t hear you anyway no she’s Lying lies go to the Pokemon Center my favorite place no props spenge whoa what is this bee a purple bee purple bee there’s a big purple what is this a wasp boy wasp there’s a crazy like purple wasp over there is that speedr but shiny it’s so I think it’s a boss epic

Boss oh what level is it I don’t know but I’m scared of it there is another Skitty I’m going to grab this Skitty it’s a level 30 Skitty never mind oh what is that thing why so big what level is it just says boss fight it it’s yeah epic boss be Ain no

Way I can fight that a one hit k go and then oh I missed you said on the tiniest little thing I can’t I can’t get it oh it said no not us you’d have beaten it up we know you would have beaten it

Up it was scared I beat it up yeah yeah yeah yeah B about you’re going down all right it’s daytime so we could probably go on a little Adventure if you like yeah we can go to the mines or I have haven’t been to the South so we can oh

Hey sponge can you hear me oh she’s still C don’t worry about itry you can’t stick around I’m streaming love you how do I swap out my Pokémon chew okay right let’s go south I’m fighting this bell sprout that’s beating up my Skitty cuz my Skitty seems to have no attacks but

Copycat maybe if you level it up it’ll get more attacks maybe oh nice easy easy easy oh oh I did not think I was winning that okay let’s go we’re going south which is like this way is there you are sou let’s go a the rain stopped nice

Nice someone made a little dirt Shack who dirt Shack is this oh it’s G St dirt Shack that’s funny wait I have a spare door oh I can’t do that here yeah you can’t give them the door how much space do they have oh it’s all the way

Up to here oh yeah they I guess they’re going to build a little house over here it’s good oh okay no door for them we going to be neighbors with someone that’s nice oh with they dirt nice okay um yay I don’t know like I’ve just been kind of

Exploring there’s a poly wait no it turns into like an angry looking thing when it’s old yeah when it old when it grows up grows up gets all these angky wrinkles while it’s all like hurt Caterpie oh I there’s a goldine as well goldine goldine what does goldine have

Into gine evolves into like a pretty fish right a pretty fish I think it looks like a pretty fish is it I don’t know for sure is it yeah I wonder if I can change my Dimensions cuz it’s a bit off on my screen people can’t actually see things golden golden gold

Gold gold there you go guys is that better can you guys see now hello hello go me just chopping trees okay oh this what’s this little bird he’s so cute a also turns into an Angry Bird when it’s older of course they all turn into Angry Birds they all turn into these

Angry looking Earth things like I like that one bird that carries the leak though he’s funny wait is it no that’s a Pidgey that’s a Pidgey we want oh there’s like a really cool looking cave over there maybe we could check that out yeah to the cave to the cave maybe we’ll

Find the cave oh wait come over here you can water stone fragment oh yeah you can swim as well oh is that that thing there yeah this like thing in the Rock if you mine it I think it’s like a a stone fragment and you can get thunderstones and stuff

Oh so we can level up your Pikachu mhm speaking of there’s a level five Pikachu if you want to fight it okay yeah wait how do I oh yeah I can fight it now get it Pikachu Pikachu oh I could do I want to catch a Pikachu do I

Want of course you want to catch a Pikachu Pikachu is adorable fine we’ll catch a Pikachu it’s not evolving though heck no even though right I think IU is so cute too H I keep it as PE can I you can’t unevolve it down to Pichu can you

I don’t know actually I’m not familiar no I don’t think it’s possible I like Pichu Pichu is hecking cute o o you got It yay nice nice nice nice for my one HP Pikachu one HP Pikachu let’s go oh I didn’t see what I got from what stone did I get I got a leaf stone Shard oh nice so that’s I think if you get a few shards then you can make a leaf stone oh

Okay but I found like full like moonstone in a chest so who what is this thing a cers skit C skit I can’t remember what cers skit evolves into he looks kind of cute but he probably turns into something creepy I don’t think it’s

Too creep oh is it oh is it I don’t know oh my memory lacks wait I shouldn’t fight it it’s water and I’m making fire but there’s a Whooper over here if you would like a Whooper Whooper I guess if you’re going to go fire then maybe I should stop pointing at

Water no I remember trying to play I tried to play Pokemon Emerald once where I exclusively just played Torchic to Blazin this is very dangerous wow I want was someone digging here or like this seems like weirdly man-made out how do I I don’t know I would like to go down we’re going

Down I’m just going to dig down I’ve got so much Cobblestone what the oh I think this is manmade cuz someone built their way out of here with Cobblestone oh oh yeah yeah we can still check it out I’m going down we’re going down I’m yelling timber

You better move are you already down there I’m just digging I’m digging I’m coming now I’m down hello ow it’s okay whoa oh it goes even further down it’s so dangerous let go oh my God you’re going to dig straight down all right then it’s the first rule of

Minecraft no yeah the first rule of Minecraft dig straight down I mean this is Pokemon Minecraft so the rules don’t apply right why do I hear p p p p oh there’s a cave oh nice see digging down is definitely the only way o cute to like grab any iron and stuff if

You want it oh it goes deeper what’s all this oh the lag oh W goodness gracious wa if I see any coal I’ll have to grab it otherwise I might run out of torches who okay look this place is so cool maybe we’ll get lucky and we’ll

Find some chests or something oh there’s lava down here I hope we find diamonds that would be cool oh a Sab ey does does he have to go like a certain level to reach diamonds yeah I think there’s like a level that diamonds spawn at I don’t remember what it is

Though I do not know you okay yeah I’m just in my dark hole um you enjoying your dark hole don’t mind me just in my hole just chilling this is so you I’m just used to the darkness like gring in the hole ordering McDonald’s at

Mid night oh yeah ick 500 a.m. oh this must be must be McDonald’s deliver to my Gremlin Hall please literally just just e it down there don’t worry I’ll grab it arms will appear and it’ll be fine and nothing stopping me from Catching the McDonald’s honestly it’s reached a point

Where my dog gets really really excited now when she sees someone getting McDonald’s even if it’s not me she starts like crying and I’m like oh oh no oh what’s this need to meet your red what’s this yellow red I think it’s just a different color of cobblestone

Honestly I got redone redone oh wait I actually kind of need this if you wouldn’t mind me taking a piece enjoy welcome to my Gremlin Hall woo yeah I got all this yellow look at all this gold what’s this making oh gold gold y let gold ah there’s some lava here oh

Careful o this is danger um I would like to go slightly up again wait I can just go this way oh yeah maybe we’ll find I can’t get the hicking gold though if it disappears into the lava okay I grabbed it there is a um oh what did I pick up Platinum

Yo uh so if you like get like rubies and sapphires and stuff you can actually make like the Team Rocket uniforms and stuff no way really yeah so we can we can be like Team Rocket or Team Aqua or team magar or something if you want

Aren’t they the bad guys yeah exactly I don’t want to be a bad guy we’ll be the bad guys that only have the Cute Pokemon literal NBCS you know like I’m bug catcher ellia my entire team’s just bug nothing but it only cute things yeah yeah okay into the cave oh more Redstone

Oh nice good find yay I’ll be able to make my own fossil maker oh and more Redstone oh amazing you’re so lucky what the hell’s so what’s there’s more stuff there oh yeah oh oh yeah oh that red stuff is kind of creepy I think you can actually

Go to the nether cuz there’s like nether stuff okay we’re at Bedrock so nether oh yeah you can go to the nether in this the Pokemon Nether and I’m assuming like it has maybe a fire Pokemon in it oh wait what did you see by Bedrock is it this is the you can’t

Dig down anymore yeah oh wait there’s a way of knowing yeah it just looks like this this is the bed then I shall go sideways oh I’ll go ah ah ah ah ah but ah it’s okay I can make another one can you yes do you have the materials do you need

Materials I don’t know wait how do I craft it wait how does this work okay so I’ll make a crafting bench and we can why is it only lurs in my weapon area I’ll make us a furnace and we can SN oh okay oh gosh you go oh thank you there you

Go but I’ve already got iron ingots oh you already have how many uh 16 the ones you gave me oh right okay here you go then have a couple sticks then sticks oh sticks you can keep that crafting bench with you do I need the crafting Ben bench to craft yes

Oh my hands are full let this smell out Are You full or your inventory full I just have a lot of stuff how much stuff did you bring with you everything I own at least you’re very prepared there we go oh my goodness so what do I need a pick axe

Mhm pickaxe pickaxe a pickaxe there you go I will don’t need these bones right I don’t think you need bones I have a lot of stuff I don’t think I need but have um I don’t have room for the crafting table I’ll be honest I’ll take the

Crafting table I mean it’s it’s a crafting table like it’s not oh lava White oh is okay is okay okay then I continue this way I mean I’ll take the buds actually maybe I can make something cool with it going this way okay someone found you found diamonds yo where

Diamonds I’ll find diamonds I will I’m going to mug you no we’re not the bad guys all those diamonds what’s this one it’s in my British instinct no it’s not we we’re over those days no no no no I found Crystal but which is nice yeah Crystal and like Sapphire and Ruby and

Like silicone you can use for crafting like um crazy things crazy things what this mod adds so oh what is this brown water I don’t know it’s brown what is this crey water hang on let me I found this sewer I kind of did though uh get through so that I can great

Some’s dying through in here what’s dying I don’t actually know oh I’m going to drown uhoh okay I want to try and get in there and me get my dirt here we go all right oh something died what di oh a Pokémon died Pokemon died yeah oh

There’s some big gasses here oh there’s nothing really in here except for that one Pokemon that died oh there’s there’s tons of Pokémon up here oh they all appeared there’s a Diglett Sab ey goly Diglett diglet Geodude Geodude Aon who’s Aaron who the heck is what he’s level 38 and I don’t

Want to tussle with him uh wait yeah it’s the Pokemon it’s the little metal thing oh you went up okay I’m coming oh yeah some of this you you you know I’m not very organized as a person what did I get I got a oh uh fire stone Shard yeah

Nice I’ll probably give that to you cuz you’re fire fire excuse me Aaron y why can’t I pick this up oh have I got too much stuff again where’ you go I lost you there is a map what you’ll find me can’t I pick up this red stuff

Dig gly oh wow yeah yeah there’s so much stuff hey what are you trying to pick up these red circles is your inventory full yeah yeah you have to drop something okay maybe I’ll just eat this mutton you can eat stuff I can’t I can’t eat it oh no just drop something you

Don’t need how do I how do I drop um I’ll go press e and then click and drag something out of your inventory oh just drag it away yeah be gone M ghastly attacked me no not the gly I gave it mutton you didn’t like mutton no fny can fell

Asleep fine fine I’ll catch you gly it’s fine we’re catch you we catch you it’s okay hey you get a free gly pcking yay there you go and I got rid of my mutton so maybe I can pick this yeah rubies there you go that’s what it was

Rubies boobies no no boobies rubies Bo Bo boobies you can’t mine for boobies I’m booby Mining mining for boobies just sounds like you know I don’t even know how that would work or going going out to the club to get get a I’m mining for boobies tonight L get out pickaxe think we impressed want to see my pickaxe no I didn’t mean that I mean a lro pickaxe

Oh my God where are you are you sorry I just went down to I’m coming back I got a bit distracted that’s okay I’m just chilling with oh what is this thing a drowsy he’s kind of cute drowsy oh yeah what is does drowsy evolve into something why can I I really

Need to brush up on my Pokemon knowledge like you evolves into big drowsy big drowsy okay angry drowsy probably big Angry drowsy okay that sounds it’s it’s drowsy it’s sleepy it’s seven dwarves oh oh do I need light like is light important oh it evolves into

Hypno oh does Hypno like gosh why is the music so dramatic if you need light I’ve got some coal I have coal okay I S some tor torches torches that’s a big name for a traumatic microsopic sosis mon ultra microscopic silic Volcan oh my

God H is it is it sticks and coal is sticks and coal yeah sticks and coal oh nice oh yeah there’s like dungeon raids and stuff as well like sometimes the music’s got really loud suddenly I got my music turned all the way down let me turn that back down

Again like even more so it’s like sudden Orchestra out of nowhere like okay I found another hole I’m in a hole if you need if you oh I’m coming if if you need to know where I am I’m coming for your hole what oh a this hole

What what oh requested to teleport to me okay I guess spongy can come yeah to Ho Hey sponge hello H hello wait it’s still not working oh okay no problem oh I can’t pick up any of this stuff I don’t know what it is oh it’s

Books it makes aluminum oh I don’t want aluminium it’s yours okay you will probably want aluminium at some point why what Ed do I have for aluminium you can use it to make stuff for your like Pokemon needs my Pokemon need nothing but they need stuff they need nothing but love and affection

Yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing is okay like yeah yeah you don’t sound very sure of yourself I’m never sure when when am I ever sure of anything where’s all this stuff mine the heck out of this place I will find stuff I’m going to find them diamonds

And then I shall build a diamond house oh ambitious one of the handy things about like the mini map is you can see where all like the cave structures are just oh so I can see when I’m this ways lava yeah kind of like it could be

Tricky to see which level it’s on but the way you’re digging yeah I’m heading towards the lava diamonds usually spawn around lava so oh okay I see found the lava I found it yeah but maybe that means the diamonds are in here let’s see Diamonds oh you playing close to to

The to the lava playing a dangerous game wa there’s loads of Firestone shards here oh these would be so good for you okay hang on I have an idea what’s this uh it’s just some rock what’s in here these for you I should really get rid of some more stuff um

Ryal salmon don’t need feather where did you get Ry salmon from rabbit don’t need I don’t know oh I put it all on yay I pick up let me get you some of these big then we can find out how many shards it takes to make a fire stone yay where are them

Diamonds them diamonds up diamonds diamonds diamonds give me diamonds diamonds diamonds okay so oh oh no don’t come back did you I acent set my Pokemon oh God can they what happens if they go in the lava um if I put down my oh bless

You no fire stone oh it’s uh nine fire shards so I have seven right now so if you find any more fire shards I can make you a fire stone you can use it to evolve your Pokemon why is there a raw chicken over ellot

Um why do you have chicken know I didn’t know what we need like oh it broke oh you make another one I make another one mhm what is it a stick two sticks and three iron you might need a crafting bench here oh oh sending out my Pokemon sorry

C Pokemon keeps coming to say hello I might as well make one too oh what’s this a ruby axe ooh a ruby shovel a Crystal Sword yo Crystal hoe yo plasma boots yeah so it’s like Team Plasma there’s Team Rocket you can make their you can make

The outfits with like ayst and stuff oh I see so you made the Poke B oh this is so cute there’s so much there’s cake she’s going to be baking cakes oh my God yeah why do I Diglett Diglett diglet dig can I get rid of I can get

Rid of this real salmon and keep this I’m trying to find some more fire stuff for where did that axe go did you drop something I don’t know I seem to have accidentally picked up all the stuff I was trying to get rid of I don’t think I made it wait do you

Need anything I can help no I think I just dropped it I don’t not too much stuff I’m thinking okay string no feather no salmon no spider if you want you can TP home by using slome or slash um spawn put your stuff in your chest at your

House and then just teleport back to me where did the iron ingots go I think I might have picked them up sorry you go cake was already in Minecraft but this is Pokemon cake guys it’s definitely completely different um even though it looks exactly the same Pokemon cake yeah that’d be the coolest

Birthday party would you say you know more about Pokemon than Minecraft or the other way around I know more about Pokemon than Minecraft okay feel like I know more about Minecraft than Pokemon so maybe we’re good team how do I pick up this how do I pick up this this

Thing how were you trying to pick up the crafting bench yeah it’s okay I’ll grab it your inventory is full oh thank you I dumped some stuff over there so oh actually you did I can make sure I just don’t pick that up again string actually be useful nice W

Yeah I own a Minecraft server yes guys I own a Minecraft server doesn’t mean I have to know how to play Minecraft I know how to set things up um but where’s My there it is there we go who oh so much coal yeah we’re going to be stocked up wow I like the little jingle noise it makes jingle tinle tinle tinle tinle satisfying sounds tinle it’s like yep I’ve succeeded I productive okay where the Diamonds though I’m looking around the lava pool

And I’m not seeing any hoping that maybe I’ll come across more fire Stones this kind of looks like fire is but oops it’s just got a red Vibe coming off it I don’t know if that’s oh good or bad what have you found uh it might be more

Rubies yeah maybe if it’s got particles coming off it I think it’s Redstone yeah that’s red stone oh no it’s dark now it’s dark turns out it was the light as well there you go well at least we’re getting lots of red um yay red okay let’s see okay I will find these

Diamonds I will red stone well if anyone wants any rubies red stone I’m stocked up this man we’re not having any luck are they usually quite EAS to find or I mean I’m I usually don’t have very good luck when it comes to finding diamonds but other people

Seem to find them no problem so I don’t know H maybe I’m just not very lucky maybe I’m not on the right level maybe I need to go down get on my level yeah yeah I’m going to go down down down is the option down there we go we go

Down more red stone a trail of cobblestone behind am I actually it’s so you can find me I always know where you are give me a little bread crumbs oh you can find me at the gingerbread house or whatever it’s called where’s the okay Down oh sapphires hello you found sapphires I’ve already ever seen all I can find is red that’s a big old Sab ey Sab ey is a bit of a scary looking BL yeah does Sab or I don’t know he’s a bit creepy probably evolves into something creepier no usually no yeah you’re

Right is it like a ghost type rock type I mean he’s made of gemstones but he also looks kind of ghosty it’s that noise is oh you’re above me hello don’t mind me oh I’m mining things excuse me saai you’re in my way excuse me

Sir excuse me what level are you I can’t even see what level you are my way scoot oh it’s just a bunch of iron oh don’t oh just hear chime I wonder if I can get that chime Pokemon that would be that one’s cute there a CH Pokemon yeah I literally

Um what you call it I have one that I bought from the Pokemon Center when I was in Japan and I love it it’s like a literal wind chime it’s so cute but my windows are always closed so it never Chimes but is nice really is a Pokemon for

Everything yeah the trash B bag Pokémon oh my spirit animal key the keychain Pokémon oh yeah there’s was it I I don’t really like my knowledge I don’t know too much about the newer ones like yeah pretty much like the newest gen I’ve not really knowledgeable about um I know a

Bit about the first gen cuz I feel like everybody does yeah it’s like requirement knowledge you must learn the first 150 but I’m the same like the newer ones I have no clue Clefairy do I hear Clefairy a Clefairy down here is that what I hear

Or did I imagine that no yeah wait no there’s an egg why do you have an egg I wait was is there a cfair and it laid an egg no that’s my egg oh that’s you laying eggs sorry I just brought it with

Me and then I just yeah I I don’t know I thought maybe we’ need it or ell Ling no no not cuz I’m like a bird or anything like no no no not bird no no nothing like that no what’s all these noises I’m hearing there’s a lot of there’s a lot of

Pokemon around here I ran out of my thing broke again I broke your pig wait should I make more I should make more than one maybe that’ll help me maybe that would help yeah I’m going have to drop something again um what else have I got to drop

I’ll also make another one why not I dropped some wheat actually could you spare three iron I think I gave you all of my iron Yeah how do I spare you some iron um do you have it in like your bottom bar yeah okay so if you come out of your inventory and press G on the item you will drop it one by one I’m pressing G and then it says join or create

Groups is it G G oh it’s not G oh Q sorry q q q there we go one two three thank you yay I mean it’s yours I need sticks sticks sticks nice sticks I’ll call this trip a success if I can find just two more fire fire shards and

Then we can like level up your Pokemon or something it or diamonds or diamonds yeah diamonds how do I make a a stick a stick I make more sticks and then I shall make a pickaxe and another one just INE um oh I can drop this nice okay oh

Thanks all right you can just find the trail of crap you keep getting the weirdest stuff where did you get rotten flesh from um I think it’s from all the Pokemon I keep on aling who who died Pokemon drops rotten flesh so scary I don’t know which one

Did it I don’t know oh my God uh it’s okay maybe it rotted from how long I held on to it for maybe like that’s so cured I hope I hope it didn’t turn up rotten was weird Pokemon sound yeah I heard something like oh it’s hecking dark there we go I

Can see again hecking freaking fracking dark oh it’s a COR fish oh corish corish oh look it turns into an angry one again doesn’t it but the little one’s cute it’s kind of fun oh there a diglet down there oh that’s the Diglett we can

Hear okay you want to get it the Lavar no no no is I think I’ll too angry I’m going to go this way Zapdos has appeared yo what that’s so co yo Zapdos appeared oh that’s the raid thing you’re on about yeah that’s the

Raid oh we I’d be no help in my level seven Skitty yeah our little baby Pokemon is not going to be very useful for us I’m helping I’m not helping Lavar is strong oh people want Lavar oh oh I’m catching him now it’s yours you can have it it’s long long

Strong long and strong oh why do I more can I get rid of if I switch out I don’t know do I not need balls at it Yeah there we go caught it nice now you will have strong dinosaur Tyranitar that’s it oh it goes into a dinosaur that’s kind of fun you’re getting a you you’re the what it the trainer with the dinosaur team at this rate I guess I am I don’t know how I

Ended up with weird dinosaur Pokemon all of a sudden I guess I’m the dinosaur trainer the dinosaur life chose you like again it’s just a dude named Aaron Aon what is I know Aon evolves into something again like oh wait it’s a Garian Zapdos should

We go there can we can we go I don’t know if we can do it no no just to look at it we can just look yeah hang on I’ll I’ll see if we can ask to just like just be like a tourist just look at it like

Oh look at the slids they’re beautiful let me uh can me uh okay just come to look watch We’re noobs [Laughter] out oh there’s a purple Gastly aren’t all they aren’t they all purple no there’s a it’s like he’s like really purple oh he’s like purple purple

Yeah well I’m just mining for coal at this point nice we really not not had any luck I mean it’s a good resource to have I’m going to build a nice house of it like is this thing oh that’s that weird thing a wisma wisma oh that thing what

Does it let me see your face he doesn’t want to look at me oh he’s kind of interesting looking interesting cute Google this guy poor one wisma interesting evolve into Jesus Christmas it evolves into Jesus heck yeah have you seen what it evolves into

No oh my God hang on let me take a screenshot and send it to you real quick cuz it is it starts off really cute and then just gets really terrifying really quick why yeah put it in this good thank you um have out and have a look see I

Knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it that’s why I just when I had to look at the face and I was like yeah this is the this is the likeing weird thing let me um what’s a silk touch pickaxe oh uh so that means

That when you mine blocks it will pick them up exactly as they are so you won’t get like ore or anything it would just grab the block that makes sense this is seem to have bringing to up on my stream so people can see this

Is it why do they all turn angry when they’re older it’s so scary looking it’s some kind of message like when you get over oh my God I found more fire stones for you oh my God you’re going to be able to evolve your Pokemon wait does fenin look nice well I

Think fenin looks good in all its Evolutions it looks kind of cool hi GI dude what you doing down here with with me you making friends with a GE dud I don’t know he just appeared behind me oh yeah oh gosh where even am I fenin doesn’t evolve through Firestone

Why wouldn’t he he’s a fire type oh wait is it cuz it’s part other type like oh is it psychic as well or something oh well like a magic stick like’s I’ve got fire Stones I’ll give it to you anyway you you’ll have more use

For fire things than me maybe why do I hear goldine oh you found water maybe oh no am I going to drown I’m not going to drown I think I’m above you I’m trying to go up to to be honest I’m just going to dig straight down on top of you and

We can go up from here yeah I’m digging up so maybe we’ll meet in the middle yeah right uh right oh hello where hello almost hello where’s hello I’m on the staircase that you made I made a staircase the first staircase that you what on Earth did you go up I went up

Okay I’m coming up oh what I found water um oh oh are you okay oh my God how did I end up over here are you okay I don’t know um okay you must be here then I I’m this is why I heard goldine oh this is dangerous I see lava right there

Um um uh if you do what’s the command let me see I do SL help I mean I’m out I’m fine I’m chilling out here okay so if you ever get lost if you do slash TPA and then you type in my name it will it will request to teleport

To me oh someone’s got like bed here and stuff what on Earth you went all the way over there I went up you went up are you in outside I’m outside you’re outside yeah I’m in a pond I’m going to do not like a goose or anything but

Tpas staria when you get it do slash uh TP accept hey nice one oh W whoa there’s an alock over there oh oh there’s a Magikarp Nick oh is it aens whoa that’s a big ass Magikarp get him okay fenin this fight’s going to be fine mess him up good it wasn’t very

Effective perfect that’s what I need cuz it’s level five all these berries Poke Ball go oh someone’s someone’s living out here that’s that’s what I meant there’s like a home out here but I don’t know who yeah weird like huh got it I have a Magikarp nice now I just need to evolve

It and then boom I’ll have a really cute Gyarados yes very cute super cute hecking adorable Gyarados yo what’s this there’s a door over here you’re getting you’re running off I like have to chase after you do I need to be one of those like

Children you put on a leash yeah have to put you on a lead I love that that’s one of my favorite memes the mom with the on the lead I mean like my mom used to have my little brother on a lead cuz he’ just run off

So it’s very common here lead as well apparently you were on one I appar it’s not common in other places like know which is really weird slow pooke you found a Slowpoke he’s so cute look he’s right here do you want him no no is all yours I threw D at

Him hang on come back Slowpoke this running away from you very slowly go go go go slowpoke what is this Uncle huh p s there you go oh no you disabled but it failed get [ __ ] there you go oh he’s level 15 he’s quite strong critical hit let’s go

Oh gosh this is taor get away from me you’re too strong I need to fight things is there any like XP share yeah there is XP shell but I don’t know how to um I think maybe it’s like a really rare item or something ah I’ll level these up is there a Max Level oh Pidgey actually you’re going down they adding new generations every day so like a few hours we should maybe get Gen 4 that’s the thing I was worried that we were going to be really late yeah I

Think we’re kind of right on time which is good good yeah it doesn’t seem like a lot of people have started playing actually okay so we’re still at the okay good the server is going to keep going until like mid January anyway so okay like a Christmas time yeah kind of thing

I mean hopefully they keep it up because it’s really fun yeah it’s nice let’s see where am I going I need to look up how I get XP share oh yeah yeah yeah when you find out let me know I say look up dear chat

That would you would you like to look up and and provide knowledge by look up I mean ch ch good oh oh my God I caught a Slowpoke let’s go this place is all kind of Tim looking oh hey wer on a lighting Psyduck chat don’t know wait now what do

I do you’re suppos supposed to be all the wisdoms bro if Chad don’t know we got no hope ah here we go it has a chance to appear in a spawn burus chest or as a tier two three or four special drop it is also possible from rare epic

And legendary boss Pokémon or from a wild arus thank you um I guess we got to find the um bonus chest how does one find a bonus chest is that what you found I think so I don’t know I just found like normal chests in like the mines so okay oh what

The heck’s all this pumpkins oh oh this is like a swamp mhm oh oh you’re going down Wooper oh for existing kill the Wooper we got to level up Himin oh wait oh oops I’m just like staring and your fenin is going off into the sea scch oh uhoh okay cool scratch nice nice I got 7 HP I didn’t realize I hadn’t healed my Pokemon okay uh I’m stuck oh there we go right okay

Which way were we going I was just going to keep going wait hang on let me check the map there’s a ven guess although what does vena evolv into oh you found a vena is that what is what is it oh a that’re kind of cute isn’t vanana Butterfree no that’s that’s the

Caterpie metap CLA oh right yeah I can’t remember oh I really need to brush up on my Pokémon knowledge I should have studied for this a Venom Mo oh well Mo oh yeah some kind of butterfly Pokemon no moths thank you a bell sprout a bell sprout bell

Sprout oh right a tap no wait my Pokemon aren’t got much HP I don’t wish to fight yeah oh look a poke all the [ __ ] Pokemon Poké stop Pokémon go what do you why the Pokemon go what on Earth is this what is this that’s so funny is this someone’s house

Maybe oh they buil it this this is lovely this isn’t someone’s house is this just free stuff I think I don’t know there’s nothing here though I guess someone looted it maybe there’s like like Poké stops around the world and you loot them oh shift I think can I take

This yeah have it how do I maybe need to use a oh you right click on it it’s a poer stop oh no way oh my God oh my God I got so much oh gosh wait o I’m going to take XP can I can’t you can take everything I

Can’t I’ve got too much stuff put your stuff in the chest uh over here what over here chest chest yeah anything you don’t need in the chest there you go okay thank you um this uh I guess I don’t need this much stuff there we go got it okay wait wow

Cool it’s on cool down now wait you couldn’t grab everything oh how long’s the cool down I don’t know damn it I don’t know huh 1.5 catch rate on bug type Pokemon oh I got sport ball I didn’t get anything I got you didn’t get anything didn’t you

Get like a blue thing oh I got XP candy small oh that’s what you got okay how do I uh honestly everything that I got would be pretty use useless for you that’s okay how do I use this thingy oh actually this might be useful here have

A couple of these what are these ice heels oh if you get Frozen they’ll unfreeze you oh thank you wow I’ve never seen a pokop before that’s so fun how do I I want to use this take this does that work how do I do I combine my Pokemon wait how do I

Give it an item here eat the C uh if you press e yeah um and then go to the uh the Pokemon screen and then you can give it an item in the box there hm do you see what I mean no maybe maybe it’s how it says sneak for more info oh

Then have a uh press shift and it will tell you more about it oh XP candy when consumed it will gr a Pokémon yeah take it Magikarp oh how do you consume H Magikarp eat it eat it oh the Poké St has a 24 cool down hall 24

Hours okay if you press e and then you see all your Pokemon on the yes left right yeah if you right click and then hang on I’m just looking for you no um Su can you not uh click the candy and move it into the box icon to the right

Of your Pokémon that’s what I was trying to do a I don’t know I don’t know yeah I’ll have to look that up that’s okay I’ll just hold on to it oh get rid of some of my rubbish here yeah maybe I need to what you call it put stuff in my

Home yeah we can head back uh so if you do slash spawn SL we go every any grass types they want to give a metal plate to oh yeah you want a metal plate oh nice job trying thank you is it can I level 12

Skitty I can get this one get it I can’t do this here why not ohy where’s my home give me Sky get it oh it’s a spinner rack no I wanted the Skitty a d it let’s see where is my house it was around here uh did you do

Set home when you were at your house no okay when you find your house first thing you need to do is slash set home okay and it will when you do the slome command it will teleport you straight to your house okay slash set home I will find it there you go where

Is it I found my way to your house oh for me if you like oh oh no this is not a well it’s not public server it’s like a streamer server yeah yeah let’s see where’s the yeah server for famous and cool beers what am I doing here so famous so

Cool so cool the coolest of of of of cool is that the Alia staria oh my god oh mying goodness oh I died ohing where’s my hicking home I hang on I can help you find your house in a minute I’m just trying to catch the Skitty oh I

Found it I live in the I live in the corner of this place why did I pick somewh St I guess I got room for expansion that is what I was saying yeah yeah yeah yeah you can go up and out and yeah I’m going to expand this home um

Okay um I need a chest um uhoh I need uh a chest how do I build a chest oh okay now I can now I’ll use my balls yeah my balls nice go go catch the Skitty give me Skitty oh wait that didn’t work oh clay um yay I got a sky didn’t

Work woo are you okay yeah I’m fine what have you done I just oh I already have one it was behind me a crafting table oh oh my goodness this is gonna be a long day I had one all the time oh boy it was behind me oh this one pool is holding

Something I didn’t realize okay a chest instead of Teddy there we go I don’t know why it need so much Cobblestone to be honest maybe I don’t need this much Cobblestone maybe I do this one let’s do this this is kind of a weird put all this but a weird

Team a cute team you mean my team is not super cute right now it will be I believe although my Lavar is kind of cute right now whoa I got Platinum Ore when did I pick up Platinum guys yo PL noral where do you live again what the

Hell is a bear usering Jesus huge oh oh yeah you live over here yeah chest delious house oh let me in okay let me in hello hello why did I build another crafting table you T me I don’t want another crafting table I want a chest this thinging is

What Teddy so evolves into oh okay oh all right I’m going to dump some stuff in my house I do oops can I unbuild a crafting table I don’t want this no you can’t unbuild a crafting table unfortunately you cannot why I don’t want it I don’t need three Oh oh dear is that you it’s a pine cone a literal pine cone okay getting attacked by a pine cone it’s all right I can fight the pine cone yeah I’m not going to lose to Pine Cone that would be sad that would be so

Sad yay I won wink okay if I come over to you I’ll give you these fire Stone shards that I have and you can use them to make a fire stone and hopefully at least one of your Pokémon will be able to use it oh thank

You you really do live in the corner I know right I’m got to make it a spectacular Corner don’t worry [ __ ] what is a spoink [ __ ] is it the one that goes into a pig it’s a pig with a spring cute oh he’s so cute come here

Get I threw a rock at him oh why that’s not how you catch Pokemon a cute name SP he kind of looks like the mascot for my chat oh you should get it and then can you nickname stuff here I can call him kwot he’s kind of strong maybe I should

Switch up I’m Minecrafting yes chat I am I hope you’re very Minecrafting SL pooning is that a Abracadabra Kadabra did you find a Kadabra he’s 26 o I’m fighting him hello let’s do this Pikachu I choose you I got one shot oh go the it teleported

Away I will get one I will one day but it hecking ran away cuz it was scared of my me that’s so scared oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yay I got a [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] whoa so many things just spawned behind

Me Jesus it heard about the [ __ ] and it wanted Revenge holy sh look at this big boy a big old Kadabra was this the guy oh yeah that say Kadabra who oh that might be the one that teleported yeah hello let me in oops how do I there we go knock knock

Hiah uh I’m going to give you these Firestone shards and if you put them all together in a crafting table just like fill up the the the the spot with them then you should make a fire stone and then hopefully one of your Pokemon will be able to use it

Whoa magic done fire stone A peculiar Stone who how very peculiar so peculiar put stuff in here who’s fighting me a spinner no go away why these spinner AXS W my ass so bad they just really like you they really like me I too much you so

Much I guess I put all this stuff in here and then I’ll make another box well a box another wait no wait yeah box a chest please oh there’s a chest another chest another one more chests I have storage Bridge Okay my crafting tables in there and all the

Wood there we go wow there’s so much stuff in here so many different kinds of berry oh what was I going to has been here for ages maybe it’s just lonely maybe he’s lonely there we go oh no someone tried to swim in lava oh no rip there go hello I have oh

Sorry you ha can [ __ ] me no it’s okay I found a lady bird oh uh it’s in the sky though I don’t know how to catch stuff in the sky yet is that a Clefairy oh it is actually a Clefairy get it get it get it get you

Get it get it you get it okay come on Clefairy oh dear are you fighting it I’m fighting it I’m fighting oh you you did successfully fight it I’m fighting it I’m fighting it oh it fell down good I haven’t set my home yet you told

Me to do something about setting my home oh yeah go into your house and do SL set home okay I’ll be right back oh no I’m poison [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t stop spectating okay I go in here Teddy urer don’t you hecking dare okay what was it oh wait what’s this chest

Open okay set home yay what the heck is this what this hecking giant Alakazam oh wasn’t that the guy that kicked trash no this is that was Kadabra this one’s Al Kazam oh a different one sorry I’d fight it if I wasn’t so weak oh come on Clefairy come on

Clefairy come on Clefairy come on cfy yay I got a Clefairy nice I need to go Pokemon Center oh my goodness so cute oh yeah I’m coming too holy you not kidding oh my God is is is codu gonna fight it Jesus gu is it is a

Fight happening right now does it I don’t think so I think just looking at it looking at his butt oh okay Pokemon Center yeah Pokemon how do people get like the Pokemon writing on their head it’s so cute what poke wait Pokemon writing on oh writing on their head I said writing

People have Pokemon riding on their heads I don’t know oh yeah wonder if I can do it why is the teddy Ursa so strong yeah I can beat no can I beat this one up no these Teddy are too strong oh why is everything

So okay p p i can fight you oh it’s already in battle you’re in battle who are you fighting poo wait really oh he’s been sitting there for ages maybe he’s bugged oh oh there’s a Pikachu yeah it’s strong oh he’s very strong Kaka P I can’t fight that pidy

Either can I fight this Kakuna yeah fight the Kakuna yeah Kakuna Matata Kakuna Matata I did it that was quick Jesus I one shot it oh Flame Charge tail whip in the bin I’m going to try and fight this boss just for fun okay I think it’ll be hilarious I’ll come join

You with my level eight oh it’s level 45 I’m watching oh wait we could take on 45 of eventually oh no no I get one shot it into the oh my god oh I forgot to heal my Clefairy it’s got chance uhuh oh oh gosh my God this thing is

Crazy go Skitty uh um uh use copy cat on it then I can use sbeam nope nope it used it first Pikachu go oh my God stop public go I what again oh gosh oh no this thing is crazy lava go rock throw oh rip critic stop he’s already

Dead wow that thing is nasty to the Pokemon Center favorite place go again yay we love the Pokemon Center M Joy is probably so fed up with us oh they’re back again and it’s like yes oh yeah they’re on the head Joy yeah I wonder how you put it on your head uh

Oh the Dragonite yo it’s taking level 69 noce on it spins oh yeah he spins head okay so what you want to want uh what you want to do is find a camera and then you’re going to take a photo of your Pokemon and then use that photo he said it out

Loud please don’t get keep craft a camera I don’t remember I will relay the instructions okay okay he said um but you should find a camera somewhere or maybe a shopkeeper might be selling it or something oh a camera yeah you oh think thank you okay okay I muted everyone again

Okay I will make a camera for next time and then I will shopkeeper’s right here oh yeah maybe they have one welcome to the Pok Mark a glass like a pain glass oh why do I have no money I have no money s a Pokemon oh relearner okay no I

Don’t want to learn anything new oh no this is the person’s over here on this side yeah we got no money though that’s so weird what what can we sell poor s how long have we been poor for forever I guess oh my goodness this realization

Hurts I have so many Pokémon and no money how has this happened but what the heck we’ve been doing our job so well oh my God apparently not good enough oh no oh no oh no oh look at this blue oh yeah fight it he’s a boss I

Don’t I don’t I’m scared okay what back to the P 35 No run away oh no I can’t escape run couldn’t escape no please let me escape please run why oh no Jesus are you getting wrecked again yes okay there we go you’re getting wrecked again the Pokemon Center is my

Phone oh there snacks wonder if this works oh from the vending machine this is too wa I want to claim it just want to use it oh it cost money oh mo milk berry juice any snacks no Cola though a oh that giant that giant Alakazam is still there by my home

So big is it cuz I kept trying to fing chase after all the is he an Alakazam I don’t even know what he is he is Alakazam that’s crazy abaaba Alakazam he’s so big there’s um something is on fire mil Milky no milk oh no the pie a cold fire

No milk is a death trap why is there lava here that’s so funny oh dear it’s a murder pit it really is I think she’s she wants like a lava pit flooring which is kind of edgy honestly what’s this place this place is called comfy thighs this is comfy thighs

This place where are the thighs comfy where are they where are the thighs oh this is the upstairs oh there’s even a basement wa they’ve got so much they have lawn and there’s a rooftop garden a lawnmower I can see there is a lawnmower that’s so

Cute waa nice they have a little rooftop garden with berries on it how oh I really need to up my D yeah I need to oh gosh I need to up my up my decorating game this is how people get into Minecraft guys why did you

Never tell me chat what do you mean it’s kind of addictive whoa this Basement no thighs though I’ve been bamboozled comfy thighs I don’t think it’s online no not online right now but I want actual thighs actual Pi are they talking to me I don’t know you need I think you need uh some film to reload it for more photos oh thank you so much thank

You y I have like another five um film so thank you whoa okay hang on if you pass me the film let me figure out how to use this I give you camera oh I’ve got a camera fil I gave you the film for the camera sorry okay

So if I how do I use it if I send out my Pokemon okay take a picture of it hang on I took a picture of it cute then attach it to your head did can you see oh yes press F5 twice to see yourself oh my god look so

C okay okay he I’ll give it to you you take a picture of your Pokemon and put it on your head okay maybe that’s what those photos were in Twin’s house let’s see um okay so first wait no how do I I need the I need

To I want to have Skitty on my head the Skitty on your okay so first I go send out Skitty and then how do I take a picture uh you just have to uh uh uh I think it’s right click with the camera okay got it and now in your

Inventory you should have a photo of Skitty yep and now put it on your head look at you it’s so cute look at us oh my God so cute we’re so cute oh my God look at us we’re so cute mil’s running in the back I’m buing she just run

Around oh boy going have the nicest home for us yo there’s a torque Co it looks very more torturous than nice but you know it’s a work in progress okay having a Pokemon have been dying in here by the way oh yeah they abely milk’s Bas is literally sporting fire type

Pokemon yo You’ done worse milky oh no I think yeah ibody oh no everybody just get everybody let me See it’s a fire party Pokemon pool party why do I hear screaming from them they’re not screaming they’re cheering that definitely doesn’t sound like cheering puy purple puppy don’t are these happy cries they’re yeah I think so I think they’re having a nice warm bath where did they go after their bath

God not again well no okay oh my God oh my God milky oh milk’s on fire are you okay you’re on fire it’s it happens it’s okay okay as long as you’re okay I need more lava I got to get back to the Pokemon Santa that’s like our favorite place

Yeah love that place we heck can love the Pokemon Center yay and there’s been about 2 hours if you want to call it here yeah I’m happy to do so yeah yeah yeah we did a good adventure to your house to my house okay okay yeah this

Follow me let’s go let’s go if we find anything cool on the way oh gosh there’s just a bunch of Pokemon in the way out the way why are you so oh it’s cuz you’re jumping tried to swim in lava oh no oh God it’s so funny oh yeah

What’s this mystery place is that a question mark or just no that’s just a place I don’t know I think it’s just a building someone can like why didn’t I live there you can live there if you want to here we are here we are come on

In yeah t oh my God okay now I’ll swap the view so it’s both of us with our cute little nice little hats yeah yeah yeah Yeah wow we did good we did good thank thank you so much for sh me the ways I hope you have fun and you’ll like continue to play on the server yeah yeah yeah yeah I may run to you being like I’m going to figure out how to do

Raids and stuff next yeah maybe yeah we’ll see how far we come next time um prepare guys we’re going to be so hecking yeah that’s it the best the very best like no one ever heck him was that’s really dramatic for ending music it really okay everyone check out ‘s

Channel check out my check check out right now don’t check out mine wait why why would they not check out yours oh yeah the Link’s in the description make sure you click and unsubscribe you do it let’s go let’s go I’m going I’m going to end the stream now

Okay I’m going to um just just talked to my chat for a little bit so yeah thank you say bye bye bye we’re still in Minecraft though wait where’s Minecraft here let me set this to end okay hello chat hi chat chat hello oh wait rainy is still here technically let me

Uh let me okay cool cool hi hello chat hi hello hello hello we are there we go where’s the music I this hi hi hello chat how’s it going how’s everybody everybody Okie doie I’m playing Minecraft I’m Minecrafting I’m I’m doing the Minecraft thing thingy like you have a few Pokémon suggestions

Y if you have any please feel free to to give me them any advices and stuff feel free to leave it in the comments and I’ll definitely read it okay like for real I know I didn’t reply to comments but I do read them um oh my God it’s the famous

And cool be tuber yes I had a nap I feel much more rested thank you thank you um yeah it was ooh o the only thing needed to get me into Minecraft was Pokémon a game that I really love um but yeah don’t have much please accept honestly just being here is

Already more than enough anything extra is Like yeah and there’s also some donuts I need to read as well Um don’t leave your moms alone with [Laughter] Professor surrender now we’re prepare to get Goose honk honk HK that’s right now all you need is a goose Pokemon for get Goose Pokemon oh gosh oh go oh go no not a goose not a goose we yeah and

Thanks for the fun and comfy streams today really appreciate you streaming for us even after having a rough night last night I hope you have some good sleep and dreams my yo I would not cancel stream even if I got those 3 hours sleep and whatnot okay like always okay

Always hi love the collab also would love to see you in Minecraft with multiple streamers if/ when you’re comfortable of course multiple streamers multiple we already had multiple me and rainy yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t know who else I need

To find out who the heck is in this server I’ll be honest I don’t know I got invited and I was like Pokemon and then and then I joined and I was Like R I know [Laughter] R so yeah um it’s not my server to invite people to though um this is siren’s server so that’s why um I don’t think the the btic girls are in here um but I know there’s be that on Minecraft but what if I get

Really good at like what you call it Minecraft and then and then surprise v data by being hecking Minecraft professional is it like a vber community thing yeah I was ran by a siren siren she’s super super super super super super super hecking lovely like um I got to meet her um the

Other week um when we did the we we sort of met up with a bunch of of people and and she’s so nice she’s so nice oh yeah I make a pretty nice de yeah we’re on the same British British wavelength yeah yeah yeah I have just I one thing to say I

Think you’re very cute hug hug would be great I do it my best this I just hope it was okay yeah thank you for the amazing stream my Hing favorite d By yeah I hope it was entertaining to watch I know cabs can be hard because I um what you call it don’t get to interact with chat so much but yeah like I still see you guys and I tried to include you as much as I can I hope you

Notice that like I was trying um because I wanted you guys to feel part of it you know um and R you’re so good you always work so hard and do so much and today was so much fun thank you as you saw I did make the thumbnails

Um I did make the thumbnails um of well basically um what happened was I made the thumbnails um after stream very quickly and then I went to sleep um I see see you I see you I see you yeah Minecraft is a cozy one right

It’s nice and cozy um but yeah I managed to have a little catchup on my sleep um and then luckily tomorrow I I will sleep in I will sleep in um yeah yeah yeah also also also also also nice thanks for the stream today hel I

Hope you had a good day even if we did put you through some up and down sometimes it’s okay it’s I put myself through them by overthinking and like what you call it trying to like trying to do the impossible of pleasing everybody but never giving up on that

Either so yeah yeah our thumbnails hard Um I gu this is any sort of like thing where it’s like if I can think of an idea and make it quickly then it’s pretty okay but if I’m kind of stuck it can take a while um so I hope the ones I made were okay um I’ll be honest I was

Pretty you like oh I have food piics to show you I have food pcks I actually took picture of my food before I ate it I’ll send it I I I’ll post it after this stream I actually I actually um I I I I’ll show you I’ll show you

I’ll show you my food pck so finally yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember to to take a picture before I ate so yeah food picss just for I thought I was thinking of you guys so you know I um I remembered I may have eaten one I

Ate one before um and then um yeah and I was like oh luckily there’s more I can take a picture of yeah yeah yeah yeah but um I’m really happy to be able to speak to you guys and see you guys thank you for spending time with Me always remember okay always always always always always remember okay I’m thinking of yall okay you’re super super super super super super super super super super super super super super heck and important okay think about you all all the time and yeah I appreciate you so Much Am I late well you call me right at the chatting part of the stream so not late at all um no such thing as late we’re all wizards here this is a cozy stream it’s been a while since I did a little Donal this is a

Pom May the BM it’s cozy is it possible to have yeah the BTM is called a peaceful Christmas by DOA syndrome I beloved yeah yeah yeah yeah um by the way take care s am I stinky I don’t think I’m am I am I am I

Am I never going to give you never going to let you down a die die SK die ski I wanted to use this bgm I found it I used it this morning and I thought I’m going to use it now as well um cuz I didn’t know if I could use the

Music in the game rainy were actually really early and ready and like on point but we got distracted like chatting and then we were late but we were all set up okay we were all set up and prepped and so proud We were literally talking about how proud

We were of ourselves for being so ready we’re like wow we’re so good we’re ready like like you know we got like 7 minutes to spare we’re so hecking good we’re going to be so on time and then yeah um oh YouTube is buffering oh YouTube yeah is okay it’s back hello hi I’m back I’m back I’m Back hi great to see you having fun with rainy and Minecraft good work today at the cab have a good rest by by SK YouTube is mean sorry I’m hearing like bell sprout bell sprout but I’m I muted it for you so you didn’t get jump scared by Bells Sprout noises

Um we’re back now I don’t know what you heard did you hear me telling you guys that I was me and Rainey were early we were actually early and ready but ended up being a little late because we got distracted just chatting but yeah yeah um and then Ry

Helped me with like getting this all up and stuff and yeah yeah yeah I only at the end of it that’s all right I I over ramble when it comes to stories so that’s the concise version um yeah yeah yeah but yes um I guess I should get

Try try and get some sleep I’m going to try and find the Do Not Disturb button on my doorbell like yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t know if I’m I’m as good a person as I like we all I think I think I think people all people

Are good we all just we all just a bit dumb sometimes like yeah and I know I can be dumb sometimes and I try my best to not be dumb but you know we’re all human and we all make mistakes so I like I am doing my best is to be good um

Um I need to check I know yo coer eggs for the first super thank you thank you thank you thanks for cheering me all of my exams I’m done for this year nice nice I’m finishing is like congrats is it good job good job good job remember

You don’t have to study your exams are over and I know you know that but just in case you get that feeling of oh I should be studying now um yeah I’m done for the year so now I can catch your streams and I’m here like every day Depending on time

Zones thank you so much thank you I’m honored I’m really am honored and anyone that does have exams or work I do hope it’s going well I do I do um oh gosh oh gosh I really want to just stay here and chat with you guys I know I should sleep

But Happy Seven mom just want to say hi hi hi I hope it’s a okay it’s more than a k I love it when you all say when you all say hi hi hi I have a wish that I want to make this exness will you try and Grant it

For me say something nice about yourself every day that’s my wish take care of yourself you punk you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me in life and I want to see you happy okay I will only do that if you do okay only if you do I

Won’t do it if you don’t that’s that’s the deal okay so only if you guys do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know yeah um um what was I going to say um please be mindful well maybe it is on topic I don’t know um

What night um oh gosh there was so much I needed to do today I still haven’t done It I guess I should finish up and do some work on some stuffs um yeah um but I will be back tomorrow evening um at well this time um I’ll be back tomorrow evening at this time we’ll be playing potion craft which is really nice okay um I watched a few

People play it and it’s like got like really nice like I don’t know like sounds to it um so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know ni got lighting up but here’s the nice thing I’m going to say about I’m proud I’m proud to have supported Elliot today as well thank you

For supporting me thank you thank you thank you so much like really thank you I yeah uh yeah yeah I was a little nervous about this gam so so thank you for all being so kind and wonderful Um but yeah but yeah I got a nice kitty I got a nice Skitty ch ch is is Skitty oh yeah I happy with my cute Skitty I’m in rainy’s home rainy’s left though but it’s okay but yeah um I hope you have a good morning which is good morning after

Eating good night wherever you are okay and um I guess for now for now for now for now um I’m already excited for tomorrow’s stream maybe I’ll start it early I don’t know oh yeah what I I just want to spend a day with you guys

Like we you if you’re not going to say it I will thank you I know these Peeps are Ellie’s friend but please don’t bring up other vtubers yeah it’s in the rules um yeah I know there’s like yeah yeah and Ellie it’s all right to speak up when you don’t like something

And if you can’t just know that we’ll try our best to help you thank you um yeah I guess the rule is only bring them up if I bring them up um I know I know um ID’s been doing lots of co-working streams too um and has been studying for

Her exams and if you want to go to those you can go to those it’s like but yeah you know um um it’s I can’t force anyone to do anything um but I guess it makes me extra appreciative if if you are here with me Um Like who are still spending time with me even when there’s so many so many really really really hecking cute YouTubers out there um I’m not a very Confidant person Confidant different word confident person so yeah um I appreciate it like yeah it’s scary when it’s like why

Would anyone want to spend time with me when there’s so many awesome ones out there and so many cute ones and all that so thank you thank you um appreciate it that that you do choose to spend any time with me at all um yeah yeah yeah um okay um I guess on

That note um on that me super thankful you here no um I I will go work season stuff you’re my favorite YouTuber YouTuber person I don’t know person thank you for giving me that honor thank you thank you I’m you know I’d always be here for

You and you know I’ll always be here for you guys okay okay okay like no matter what no matter hecking what okay I’m here I here thinking of you all you know okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay so for now it’s not a bye-bye I don’t I don’t like byby um gosh

There’s a hi poana in this place ah um yeah it’s um I will see you later okay I’ll see you later bye SK by SK Who shall we ra who shall we Raid so we were chatting and be D about expanding who we raid you know cuz like normally we all just rate each other but we we’ve been looking into like ooh we should try and also rate other people too so I’m going to try I’m going to try

Raing a British a British another British because you’ve already had two British so so maybe like a third British yeah yeah yeah yeah a Brit let’s go to a Brit let’s go

This video, titled ‘We wanna be the very best like no one ever was【 Pixelmon Minecraft! 】’, was uploaded by Elia Stellaria【V-Dere】 on 2023-12-18 21:51:01. It has garnered 3529 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:40 or 9700 seconds.

Hi! Welcome to my stream!

Today we’re playing Pixelmon Minecraft with https://www.youtube.com/@dokuganP

Please check her out she’s definitely maybe perhaps not a cat and super super hecking lovely ;-;

【V-Dere VTuber Group】 https://www.v-dere.moe/

【Schedule!】 https://www.v-dere.moe/schedule/elia-stellaria

【Merchandise】 https://www.v-dere.moe/store?vtuber%5B%5D=1&orderby=asc&orderby=asc

【Stream elements Donation】 https://streamelements.com/eliastellaria/tip

【Throne Gifting】 https://throne.com/eliastellaria/wishlist

【Fanarts】 Tag #StellARTia

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/EliaStellaria

~~♡~~ 【Opening BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jjZwbZ192Q

【Background BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7Zu2IruAq4

【Ending BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLJluy-WQN0


Rule 0: Be Kind Rule 1: Take care of yourself Other rules below – No spam or self-promotion (If you see spam or trolling, don’t engage with it. Please block, report, and ignore it) – Bringing up other vtubers is fine if relevant to the discussion, but please don’t bring up other vtubers unless I mention them – No bullying / disrespectful behavior or language towards others – Please chat in English – No spoilers / back seating. If help/backseating is needed I will explicitly ask time to time ^^ – Please understand that I try to respond to every comment, but it’s not possible for me to ​engage with every comment. Don’t take it personally if I miss yours – Please keep the conversation relevant to the stream content. Although I will do my best to welcome any questions as long as they are appropriate – Please don’t cross the line with overly inappropriate/sensitive/sexual comments – Please avoid bringing up viewership numbers


【Mozumi Pichi】🍹 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MozumiPichi Twitter: https://twitter.com/MozumiPichi 【Airi Viridis】🩰🦇 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYtmMNdJczCvQNoPy-gjw Twitter: https://twitter.com/AiriViridis 【Kirispica】💭💗 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kirispica Twitter: https://twitter.com/kirispicaa


Credits listed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jbXy_K80QrEQZjJggeX6osTjtFT5Ulm9mawAd5a2gX0/edit?usp=sharing

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    SECRET FIRETANGLE ALEXA MINI GAMES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Games Minecraft murderer mystery Bed wars’, was uploaded by Firetangle Alexa on 2024-04-26 18:00:16. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Read More

  • Fufiworld’s Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!

    Fufiworld's Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Trial and Error” | SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above #3 | Minecraft Modded Skyblock’, was uploaded by Fufiworld on 2024-03-15 17:18:11. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:13 or 6313 seconds. Ello! We bring you our newest series called SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above. This is a Minecraft modded Skyblock using the Modpack called “Create Skies Above”. Hope you enjoy the video/stream! Consider becoming an EGG by Subscribing and being part of the Scrambles Community! We’re just a VTuber Couple gaming for entertainment and laughs! Like and Subscribe for… Read More

  • “Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds” #minecraftlive

    "Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds" #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:44 or 9824 seconds. Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #gaminglive #chillstream #relaxinggaming #adventure #livestream #gamerlife #virtualescape #communitygaming #onlinegaming Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging Gameplay:… Read More

  • Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!

    Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cubecraft Live Until MONEY’, was uploaded by Cubes on 2024-04-06 23:47:47. It has garnered 365 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:01 or 8821 seconds. Playing Cubecraft Live with Viewers and BEDWARS on Minecraft Bedrock with NEW MAPS. I FINALLY Reached VIP Level 30. Including Eggwars, Skywars, Bridges, Capture the Flag, Minerware, BEDWARS etc… with viewers. This challenge is difficult because of all the combos and clutches and learning to DRAG CLICK! MY LAST STEAM UNTIL IM MONETIZED (hopefully) Watch my terrible speedrun skills for FREE! Can we hit 2000 Subscribers… Read More

  • Watch Steph Noko’s AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!

    Watch Steph Noko's AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Destroy your PC with Minecraft! Steph AI reacts to Realistic Difficulty Minecraft’, was uploaded by Steph Noko AI on 2024-01-12 01:30:09. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. This “mod” makes your Minecraft like real life (probably blender animation)! Watch your woodcutting dreams come to life! Complete with tiny explosives to seal the deal… ~Credits~ Original Video by Alexa Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UxMSSQoV-8 Music by Toby Fox, extended by Elu Tran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcamjcoRmrQ Art by Deva or @pawtoonstudio https://www.fiverr.com/pawtoonstudio Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Introducing JustBucket Minecraft Server: Where Community and Quality Meet! Are you tired of searching for the perfect Minecraft server? Look no further! A Home for Every Player: Join our active and friendly community at JustBucket. All players are welcome! Endless Possibilities: Rise through the ranks and find your place as a builder, redstone expert, or entrepreneur. Unparalleled Gameplay: Experience seamless gameplay on our lag-free server. Choose between survival or Skyblock. Economy and Beyond: Trade, set up shops, and earn in-game currency to enhance your gameplay experience. Constant Evolution: Stay engaged with new features and exciting events on JustBucket Minecraft Server…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The ultimate Minecraft companion!

    Minecraft Memes - The ultimate Minecraft companion!“The best Minecraft pet? Clearly, it’s the diamond pickaxe. It never runs away and is always there when you need it.” Read More

  • Crafty AMA: Architect Player’s Minecraft Mastery

    Crafty AMA: Architect Player's Minecraft Mastery Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft scene, Where creativity reigns, and dreams take wing. In this AMA, we helped an architect player, Crafting builds so grand, they’ll make you say “wow” later. From towering castles to intricate homes, We worked together, no need to roam. With blocks and tools, we shaped and we built, Creating a world where imagination is gilt. So join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and more play, And together, we’ll make each and every day. Thank you for watching, for… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether!

    Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftrelationshipproblems #boom #minecraftmemes Read More