Ultimate Power in Minecraft: Majin Buu VS Dragon Block C

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Hey guys it’s fion Timmy here and today we’ll be surviving a 100 days as a modin in my previous videos I’ve covered the cell race the errosion Sans of course neans I even used a secondary mod to add in a god race but now we’re going to be

Doing our most requested video today the Majin Boo 100 days our goal for this video is defeat the entire Dragon Block C story defeat the Broly Side Story absorb everyone that we possibly can and gain as much power as we can obtain the Majin symbol allowing us to become even

More powerful summon shinran to possibly obtain the evil Spear and finally take over the world however before we begin I have to ask you guys to please leave a like comment and subscribe this is essential for the growth of the channel and if you want to see more Dragon Ball

Minecraft videos you need to support the channel finally I’d like to announce my Discord server if you haven’t joined it’s still relatively new and you should go join it in the description or the comment section below now it’s time to become the most evil Majin that has ever lived

I’m when I feel like rolling up I’m guys I’m already here at Kam’s Lookout and I’m about to blow your mind Sands usually charge normally but majins look at this it starts steaming like a kettle but there’s literally steam coming out of my head right now looks like a

Tornado it’s so cool okay but where already at commies so we’ve already got a head start also you may notice I think if I’m not mistaken we might be near a dinosaur biome we may have gotten extremely lucky darn it it’s not a dinosaur biome it’s some kind of red

Desert bro it’s just normal Minecraft stuff get me out of here we’re going to go and get us a nimbus and a CSU Bean before we get out of here hello Corin give me that Nimbus give me that sinu bean and I’ll be on my way we’re pretty

Weak currently but how long will that last you know what I mean once we’re able to absorb people it is so over for anything that is in our way nothing is going to have a chance imagine if we absorb Broly or beerus or whis or literally anybody bro we just need to

Start absorbing people I can’t do it yet I have to unlock it which means I need to get my forms up it should be like my top priority is getting my abilities each forms a little bit different so we just need to try and unlock those also

I’m noticing a weird trend of you know the trees not having the bottom what’s going on here just a bunch of trees that are just totally destroyed looks like some kind of meteorite crashed here like what is this supposed to be dude I don’t know where I am but this looks nuts

Wello there’s dead chicken meat everywhere I mean I’ll take it cuz I’m hungry I’m definitely going to need the food all right we need to find some stuff to kill to get our TP up so we can finally go into the time chamber and get the real XP that we need look it’s

Pumpkins speaking of which happy Halloween guys it should be uh Halloween pretty soon for you whenever you watch this video it might even be Halloween let me know how your Halloween goes woo okay we can already make a bed this is huge this is massive I should lower my

Power instead of just one shotting them I’m just going a little too much on them there we go at least two hits what is that witch wearing like a I swear to God it had glasses on or am I crazy whenever I edit this video roll it back did did

He have glasses on and a giant nose there is no way this witch had That I swear that witch was wearing the goofiest glasses and nose combo I was like man she stressed for Halloween cuz she looking like a clown you know what we’re just going to do some Shadow dumy training while we’re out here oh yeah this is where we’re really going to get

Our power I should probably charge up a a little bit let me know uh are you guys hyped up for Spider-Man 2 the game that just came out man I know so many game plays are coming out of it I might have to watch it I don’t know if I’ll be able

To wait to play it man I don’t got a PS5 yet that game looks so good though still not enough TP okay I think my goal is to try and train up get the mo fly and try and find the dinosaur biome as quickly as possible cuz I need

To be able to eat so I can heal up I can’t absorb yet so hang on I think I found Goku’s house what well that’s one place found absorb absorb absorb imagine if I just absorb Gohan right now let me just absorb Goku real quick okay well we

Definitely have enough TP to go back to the Time Chamber now so I think we’ll go ahead and head there we can’t stay in here too long because we don’t have that much food but we do have a cinu bean and some pork chop so I think we can make it

Work we will go ahead and get ourselves a weight just to get a Little Bit Stronger put the weight here now we have a temporary weight on and we’re good to go train now that we’re in the Time Chamber I just have to try and get stronger in here at least strong enough

To go ahead and get fly so I can find the dinosaur biome I think I’m just going to goe and put some into mine so I can get TP quicker plus I need that to unlock skills anyways we need a lot of TP in mind to be able to get to my first

Ability so we have a ways to go well time to train I don’t want to be in here anymore I’ve been in there too no I’ve barely been in there that long it honestly isn’t that long compared to what I’m used to and now let me get Fly potential unlock endurance meditation

Key oh I have no okay no mind left uh either way as you can see now I can fly and I’ve gotten a little bit of stats not too much but it’s something we’re going to go and just put a lot into our mind so we can grow even faster when we

Get back because we’re not even close to done yet we can go ahead and go to 60% of our power now so that’s pretty nice and now I got to start looking for the dinosaur biome so I can get some dinosaur meat because everybody knows dinosaur meat it’s one of the best ways

To actually get yourself some health it’s secondary to sensu means when it comes to how good it is we have to find the dinosaur biome no matter what anyways because it’s a part of the story so we just need to find it like for food

But also just to find it for the story so we can progress It’s a necessity that we have to actually complete if we don’t find the dinosaur biome we won’t be able to complete any of the challenges so we definitely need to do that if we find

Bob’s house along the way we can even get the Majin somewh so we need to keep an eye out you never know when we might stumble upon Bob okay so it’s been ages but I did find K’s house I have yet to find a dinosaur biome but I’ve now

Apparently found Bob ship I don’t see it yet but I know it’s nearby oh it just spawned in okay okay this means very early on we’ve already got the ability to get the Majin symbol which I think makes sense because I mean we literally are Majin Boo it makes more sense now

More than ever here he is subject yourself boom we now have the Majin ability which gives us a lot better stats forever it’s permanent so look at our head we now have the Majin symbol just tattooed right there that gives us a huge power buff we just need to find the

Dinosaur biome and then we’ll finally be able to do something I did it I finally found the rocky biome not only that this means I can actually have dinosaurs and I can continue the story whenever I actually begin I haven’t started and you may notice that I’m flying a dark Nimbus

Now if you don’t know why well anyone evil can’t actually fly with a yellow Nimbus a yellow Nimbus can only be for someone a pure of heart where a gr is anyone that’s like normal like neutral or evil also we have the Majin symol now

Which is a huge power buff I don’t see any dinosaurs though which is not a good sign they probably just haven’t spawned yet we’re going to go a and make a biome here we going to call the dinosaur biome it’s not actually called the uh the Rocky Mountains it’s called

The biome is actually called Dirty Stony I don’t know how they got that name but apparently that’s what it’s called they probably know more than me to be completely honest I don’t think they call it the Rocky Mountains biome now all I have to do is just kind of sit

Around wait for some dinosaurs to show up and maybe go get some cinu beans I can just keep teleporting back and forth pretty easy once we have enough CSU beans and dinosaur meat I can cook the dinosaur meat and then I can start training and get some actual power

Because as imagin we have so much untapped potential right now we don’t like your kind but as I am the only one who can teach you I will teach you if you want man I don’t need your teaching yet I needed it earlier I’m going to be taking this time

Chamber now no all I have to do is just train in here for a while and just keep putting it into my mind every bit I put into my mind the more TP I gain the stronger I become the faster I grow I just need to keep putting it in mind and

Then try and get my abilities because these modin abilities are going to be huge way more important than like let’s say a Super Saiyan form this is like my identity being able to absorb people okay I’ve just escaped the Time Chamber escaped because I hate being in there

I’ve got up to 100,000 TP my TP gain is set a little bit higher than normal so if you’re wondering why I might grow a little bit faster than you if you play the game it’s because I went to the cigs and changed it there’s simple videos out

There to teach you but what I will say is we’re going to go unlock our first ability I’m kind of curious of what this is I don’t actually know where it’s at but we’re going to go ahead and just unlock it again okay wait it doesn’t

Show it but I see the form now look oh my God I’m not mistaken right now we’re evil boo we’ve already unlocked a huge upgrade plus we have the Majin symbol look at our stack so normally my strength will be 57 it’s 114 now I don’t think I’ve learned the move absorb yet

But we’re getting there I could go ahead and upgrade my ability and you know what I’m going to do it let’s see what it gives us does it give us absorb so far it doesn’t but if I hit G we’ve unlocked another stage we are now super boo I

Like how our energy turned to Pink that’s pretty cool we’re literally just like our normal self but bigger plus we have the Majin symbol so it’s like is is this better than our other form or is it not I think it is we’ll look at the

Power level to kind of Judge that so we got a 1,563 let’s go down and then let’s go ahead and transform again this only gives 1,279 so yeah super boot is even stronger plus we have the Majin symbol which gives us another buff on top of that majins already pretty

Broken now I would love to get absorb but I don’t think I get that until my next move even though I don’t believe I can absorb yet it’s okay because we’re already strong enough to take out most of the normal story at least up until the actual saian Saga plus we still got

A lot of TP left over but I think we’re going to go ahead and do full potential unlock as much as we can oh we now have 100% of our potential unlocked so now our power level is going to Skyrocket cuz not only we have unlocked super boo

Not only do we have the modin symbol we’re now 100% of our power and we haven’t even unlocked absorption yet see you know whenever we get absorption it’s going to be a game changer let’s go and just put a lot of constitution cuz I feel like that’s what we’re lacking the

Most in like we’re just going to get smacked around there we go we’re just going to put everything we can into that absorption our health is getting massive enough my damage might not be super high but it should be high enough with all these stat multipliers

To at least be able to do most of the normal Dragon Ball story and if you’ve seen my past videos you’ll know that I usually do the original Dragon Ball story off camera because to me it’s kind of boring not that I don’t like the normal Dragon Ball story I’m just saying

In the game it’s kind of slow paced there is like a thousand easy guys I have to kill and I just feel like it’s better to just do those off camera so I’m just going to cut until after I get done with the entire Original Dragon

Ball Saga all right so quick update you can see I’ve gotten quite a bit stronger cuz I’ve done a lot I did a little bit of training I completely finished the Dragon Ball original story now we’re up to the sand Saga you may also notice I have six of the seven Dragon Balls

Meaning I need to keep an eye out for just one more but I won’t be able to do that within these next few days because I’m going to be training in the Time Chamber so I can get up my next boo form because if I ever want to get strong and

I want to be able to absorb people I need to start unlocking my abilities as fast as possible because they are very important to how strong I can become see this next one even though it’s very expensive I think it might allow me to absorb people I guess let me go a and

Just get out of my form here now we’re just in base you’ll see that I’m wearing Goku’s outfit if you’re wondering how I got it from from the actual normal Dragon Ball story and I think it kind of fits because there’s been a few instances where he’s absorbed different

Z Fighters like Gohan and he’s wore this outfit and I just think you know what it kind of works so for now we’re going to rock it but I have a lot of training to do so I better power down and it’s time to get to work boys because we’re going

To be going to namk very soon okay so I think now we have almost what we need we have enough mind because that’s mainly what I’ve been putting my stats into the last like 20 30 days so now we have to do is put in our TP get the next ability

Will this give up absorption it does we can absorb them when I use the button it absorbs oh this is massive I’m excited to go try this out but I’m also excited of what this does next but I’m going to leave that for later for now how about

We leave that a mystery and we just work on our stats cuz if we’re going to have to fight Frieza we’re going to need better stats than this all right hopefully us going to Super boo should give us a bit of a power increase go and go to Evil Boo and then

Super Boo and now we can also enable absorption and now if I try transforming I should be able to absorb people and we haven’t done that yet so I’m wondering how good it is I also need to find another Dragon Ball so how about we do

Both at the same time attempt to do both at the same time it’s not like I can guarantee a dragon ball is going to spawn near me but I’m going to keep an eye out I do get a dragon radar once I get to namk so no matter what by that

Point I should be able to find a Dragon Ball a lot easier all right well you know what we’re just going to start doing the sand Saga we’re just going to get right to it got some Cy can we absorb I’m charging it up absorb them it worked and it follows

Me what the heck this got to takes I’m getting used to absorption 50 does it give my does it make my stats that much more look how much it just there’s no way modified 74 9 tell me it’s not what I think it is tell me I’m not getting as strong as I

Think I am cuz I don’t think that’s normal even though I’m in super boo and I have the Majin symbol I don’t think it gives me that much of a stat multiplier that’s a 4.4 no that’s not normal this is because I absorb people interesting I got to keep the absorption

Coming all right how about this uh creeper over here how about we try absorbing him all right it takes a second to charge up absorb the creeper it worked but it didn’t give me any points he must not be strong enough no it did

I’m at 750 now it gave me a very small bit of energy this is going to be so fun I’m excited because I haven’t done this before are you serious how about if we try and absorb this guy what how like what’s the limit of what I can absorb can I just absorb

Anything no matter how strong get him it works I didn’t get a stat increase from that though maybe my absorption has to be a higher level for it to actually go into effect either that or maybe it has to be someone stronger than a camman well I think I know exactly

Who we’re going to try rits someone that’s definitely stronger than a Cyberman he’s right here he’s not even attacking us apparently can we absorb him we absorbed him but we’re not getting any stronger what could this mean huh something I have to find out very confusing maybe there’s a limit

To how much I can absorb currently I absorbed that Cyberman and I haven’t been able to get stronger since okay I totally understand now so 50 is my full power I looked that up so once I get to that 50 Mark that’s as high as my

Absorption can go at least for now as far as I know so basically it actually helps my form Mastery I’m pretty sure which is pretty useful as you can see there is a full power Mastery and it will go up over time and I think me

Absorbing does help that go up faster so that is going to be fun I actually don’t know the full effects of Mastery cuz I’ve never really had to do it before however it did give us a massive power buff as you can see we can onot most enemies not to mention our

Absorption can onot most enemies so like I’m kind of wondering just how strong our absorption can be what can it not defeat all these guys how about I just try and throw out an absorption and just absorb them all I know that sounds crazy but I think it can take out more than

Just one person and if that’s the case let’s see how this works it’s not absorbing wait wait wait if it catches me is it absorbing still I don’t think it is yeah no that’s not absorbing anymore so the absorption only works on one person at a time but we are one-shotting

Everything Frieza might need to be afraid at this point cuz this is crazy wonder what happens if I drop a Cyberman seed be beside Frieza it’s probably just going to attack me right like I don’t see it attacking him I don’t think that’s how that works here’s Nappa and

Vegeta let’s just see if we can just straight up absorb Nappa wouldn’t that just be hilarious all right here it comes wow it literally one shot him hey Vegeta you’re lucky I can’t absorb you m yummy and took me three hits to kill you but you’re dead that absorption is really

Helpful and every time I put anything into my stats it just it’s so much more than normal I just put in like maybe three points in the strength and it went up by like 20 so having the form the Majin symbol plus absorption at 50 yeah we’re pretty broken we just need to

Train more that’s really about it but I think we’re going to take a little trip to Namek now Namek is so good with these shaders man I just love how it looks there’s dinosaur meat everywhere now I can get healing wickid which allows me to heal up while I fight in the Time

Chamber without using food so that’s going to be nice and now we just got to kill a bunch of freza soldiers so that shouldn’t be too hard I mean they’re not nearly as strong as Frieza or the ginu force oh I am one shotting them okay

Twoot I got to be specific I’m twoos shotting them and they’re all dead and then look my strength is 766 click once 771 it’s going up by 10 every time so yeah my strength is like unparalleled I think boo might actually grow faster than Frieza in this I think

It grows faster than any other race to be honest like especially if you have the Majin symbol this power boost is insane not to mention if you have the absorption it’s like that absorption is huge way bigger than I thought it was going to be it’s like having Super Saiyan 4 on

Right now cuz we’re literally getting a four times boost oh I got a a Mech and Dragon Ball now Zaron little tanky but it’s fine and now we just increased our strength a whole lot there we go we got a dragon radar which allows us to get that Dragon Ball

When we get back to Earth and the g you force get them out of here they really don’t stand a chance n they stand no chance right now they’re all gone and now we have even more strength another thean Dragon Ball and finally we have Frieza okay we better get ourselves

Ready Frieza uh I can definitely beat him it’s just if I want to let him go up through all the forms that’s the wait I’m going to try and absorb him that’s the only way I’m going to let myself take him out before he gets the full transformation I have to absorb

Frieza see if it works wait did did not work on him let’s try this again cool down 5 Seconds oh he’s forming up please absorption come on I don’t think I I can absorb Frieza I think frieza’s too strong for me to absorb him and the longer I take the stronger he

Becomes oh it’s on cool down I’m surprised he’s not attacking me yet are we just cool like that CU I’m evil we just chill all right we not that chill okay I clearly cannot absorb him he’s too strong and he’s in his final form okay we’re taking him down before this

Gets any bigger oh my God bro I can’t believe we couldn’t absorb him that was like a major plot twist there he was too strong for me to absorb him so I can only absorb stuff that’s weaker than me I got to keep that in mind but now we should be done with

Namek I can collect some of this healing uh liquid and we can use it for the time also we need to get back to Earth and look for a dragon ball so we can make a wish and try and get the evil spear just because I think that’s a pretty cool

Objective so we’re going to do that I have to hunt down a dragon Block okay for some reason my radar has been bugging out but I do see a Dragon Ball here it worked for a little bit and now it’s like whatever this is so we’re just

Not going to question it too much we’re going to grab the Dragon Block and another objective complete we just need to see if we can get our evil spear from this you have awakened the can I absorb you and I’m going try absorb what is your desire I couldn’t absorb them can you

Imagine if I could though that would have been funny I don’t think I can get the evil spirit just how it is but I can get some Gena Essence which can be built into it I don’t know if we’ll get the spear but at least we collected all seven Dragon

Balls the spear we’ll see by the end of it maybe I’ll go out of my way to go get the spear just as a flex because I want to get every achievement we possibly can but before we go up to the next stage I need to go get the healing Wicket and I

Also need to go train so that I can get stronger because currently even though I’m strong we’re not even at the top of our boo abilities here we’re not even at the top of our boo abilities yet and also why is there a Santa hat here I’m

Just realizing this it is Halloween it is not Christmas why is there a Santa hat I’m so confused you know what the biggest Flex would be not only getting the Earth’s dragon balls but getting Pera Dragon Balls I have five of them I just need two more so if I go look

Around I should be able to get the two gather them we’ll have all seven and then we can not only get the evil spear we can get some sensu beans and stuff to help us with our next upcoming battles to make us that much stronger I think

It’s absolutely worth it so I’m going to go do it okay I’ve gathered all seven of the nean dragon balls they are huge dude but now we can actually the dragon and gred one evil spear look is your desire he’s huge he had 50,000 HP we’re going to get the

Evil spear has been granted we’re just going to get oh wait three sunu beans we have a ton of sunu beans now and a 14 attack damage evil spear does that fit boo not really but it’s evil and I think it it just fits someone who

Is perfectly evil I feel it could be fun it does add a little bit more damage onto our attacks so I don’t see any problem with it we’re going to go ahead and just start putting stuff into to our M again so we get more TP cuz it’s

Getting to that point and I am going to get actually yeah I got to get the healing liquid still but then we’re heading back to Earth and I need to train okay as you see we still got absorption 50 and you may notice our power level is a little bit higher it’s

Because I made sure to put in a lot of stats already plus I have 10 million I made sure I came back completely strapped and ready for what’s about to come I put 100 into my strength and it jumped up I think like 800 to 1,200 in

An instant so we’re about to have such a huge power buff just because the fact absorption is so broken but how about we go and upgrade our abilities to their Max ability is evil whoa ability is pure huh okay nah we got to like d transform and now let’s transform

Again whoa whoa whoa we’re kidb now oh snap okay this is cool I like this being kidboo does seem to make us weaker though I don’t know what’s the advantage of being kid bu it looks pretty pretty mid to Me Maybe instead of being evil I

Could have been pure and that would have been a cool play through that’s really cool to think about though maybe instead of being an evil Majin I could have been a pure Majin I think oh well super boo does seem to be stronger than me so

We’re just going to go for super boo here and stick with super boo because he’s still currently the strongest and we have absorption so we can just absorb stuff I don’t know if now our cap has been raised but I doubt it and our form

Mastery has went up a good bit to say the least it’s still going up every so often but with this 10 million I think we can go ahead and start just spamming some different abilities trying to get some things that we don’t have and we’ll be able to Breeze the rest of Dragon

Block C like it’s nothing because we are the Fearsome Majin Buu meditation endurance key sense jump we’re just going to go ahead and just max out pretty much all of these cuz it’s not even that expensive and I have to use my mind on something

So might as well make it worth it I don’t really need a higher jump oh my God but I have a higher jump now jeez I probably could have get something better than that let’s be real but you know what it’s okay how about we just put 100

Strength in here and see what happens oh oh oh my goodness guys the multiplier is so high it is so unbelievably high if I’ve learned anything you always want to put a lot in the spirit if not you won’t be able to with hold the form

That well so definitely got to keep that up I wonder if like Willow makes our absorption stronger I don’t know that for sure if you know it let me know in the comment section down below cuz I have no idea what I will say is we can go ahead and make our strength

Unbelievably high like it is stupidly high it’s going to be my highest stat for no reason just cuz I think it’s hilarious and we have jump maxed out we are cracked right now let’s go and use a ssub bean now our power level is 88,000 we jump so high we’ve unlocked

Every form every ability Max absorption evil spear we’ve summoned punga we’ve summoned shinran we’ve actually even have the Majin symbol I think the only thing left for us is to try and go and defeat the entire Dragon bloy Story and then take down Broly I would really like

To absorb like a God of destruction I think that’d be freaking hilarious so we’re going to at least try and do that even if it means I have to be a lot stronger than them I think that’d be really fun so we’re going to do that just going to show absolutely no mercy

And just see what happens we’re just going to take out everything we possibly can we absolutely have to train I’m a little bit curious of if my absorption can go higher now I will say I think form Mastery allows my forms to be even better than they are so I think

I’m actually getting progressively stronger as we speak it’s just you won’t notice it until very certain moment all right we got Frieza and King cold let’s see if we can just casually absorb up Frieza right now cuz we couldn’t do it earlier it worked but he doesn’t seem to have wait

Did he I saw my stats scope it could be because of the form Mastery I believe it is but then again it could have been because I absorbed him I don’t know but I took them both out super easily it was no trouble at all we just got to

Breeze through the cell Saga and the Android Saga and then finally the boo Saga and then we get to Dragon Ball super which a lot of that I’ll skip because I just think it’s kind of just repetitive but some of it’s worth actually showing on camera like Frieza

Coming back golden Frieza beerus you like Battle of God now you have to kill Androids 19 and 20 so let’s just see what happens oh they really don’t have a chance I’m not even using my evil spear yet Android 18 ooh she actually took more than one shot so they are slowly

Going to progressively be able to tank my damage just not enough not even close to enough 16 and 17 both dead in an instant and finally cell fully perfect cell never mind it’s semi- perfect I was wrong all right now we got to kill the cell Juniors we’re finally in the final

Showdown oh no I feel so bad I just killed every single one of his children like it was nothing and now it’s time to kill cell along with them i i two shot cell okay yeah no this is kind of ridiculous and now we have to

Talk to master Boby what a joke who are you you think you stop me good joke um well I mean you did give me the Majin symbol so I would like nor allow allow you to live but since the story demands I kill you I guess I’m going to have to

Kill you now but it’s okay because I’m actually Majin Buu boy boy dead we just killed the Bo and now we have to fight ourselves let’s see if we can absorb fat Majin Buu though that would be hilarious hold on watch this watch this did he cancel out my absorption how

Dare you how dare you he actually had a bit of tankiness this guy again all right now I see how it is absorption come through come on absorb it worked and I think it did give me a power buff we’re also going to put all that in

There use a cinu bean we can keep doing this all day I think we might get all the way to uh the super SAS possibly then we have to train oh look at him he looks so much cooler than me what the heck why don’t I look that cool I want

To look that cool he looks he looks way better than me go TKS no chance I’ll prove that I’m the robu I’m the one and only boo Piccolo you’re going down I can absorb your absorptions so that means I all absorb you and I am the absorber Get Wrecked hey come here go

Hey hey hey Gohan hey yeah boo ultimate whatever whatever he wants to call himself kid boo oh man he is doing some damage though they’re getting progressively stronger quite a bit fast Prim Kai’s warning now beerus is coming I have to absorb beerus I think it would be

Freaking wait super boo boots we have our boots guys wait maybe I can get the boo outfit that’d be sick I’m going to look into that I’m going look into trying to get the boo outfit oh beerus what they do to you I definitely need to absorb you now to get

You away from this universe like you are some kind of exe malfunction in this world I don’t know what you’re supposed to be absorption please it didn’t absorb him it’s not absorbing him my absorption just wasn’t enough he is stronger than I expected him to be he a lot of hits I’m

Definitely going to have to train again soon but it’s okay because my training I get so much stronger than I normally would look he’s taking so many hits if I’m not careful he could actually do some damage and possibly kill me whis this is the golden Frieza

Saga all right we’re going to do the golden Frieza Saga and then I’m going to go train again cuz then we’re going to be going into like the actual termin the power territory and that’s going to be something else there are soldiers no there’s so many jeez look at these Guys I can’t let them my stamina can barely keep up it can’t keep up there’s just too many okay I killed them all it just took a while because it was so many we’re going to kill golden Frieza though I’m not quitting until golden frieza’s dead chami down tooma just progressively getting

Stronger and stronger although TOA doesn’t really strike fear it’s the hearts of the enemy you know what I mean he doesn’t really look that fearsome and finally Frieza it’s funny how Frieza is like that one character that’s died a couple times and he just keeps coming

Back like he should not be coming back but bro always seems to find a way way to come back he thinks he’s the purple guy and now we have to kill golden Frieza and the moon setting so once this is done the day will be ending and we’ll

Go train and then I think we just might have enough to pretty much finish off this video well we might have to train one more time for br but that’s about it all right it’s training time okay we finally gotten as strong as we can oh

Not really we can still go a lot further but we got strong enough to I think finish up this video and really test our abilities oh it doubled it doubled in strength oh my God I got 200 million cuz I didn’t know how much I was going to

Need I think that was the right call because clearly I’m going to need It I think now we might actually be able to solo pretty much all of the super sagas and then go straight to the tournament of power oh yeah oh it’s getting crazy we still are in our super form I’ve been trying to stay in it to get the Mastery

Up our Mastery is at 11.76 right now so looking pretty good our stats while they might not be you know totally insane I think they’ll be enough to get us through the entire tourament of power and then maybe even to Broly we might have to train one more time before Broly

And then we’ll be I’m going to go get through the universe 6 Saga I’m going to get through the Goku black Arc all that and go straight to termin a power and I’ll see you guys there okay guys we’re ready to finally finish this up so I haven’t gotten any stronger really

Other than like let me just okay I haven’t got any stronger than that that’s literally all I’ve done I just went and breeed through the entirety of the Super Saga up until the ter of power and now we’re about to Breeze through the ter of power I’m

Probably going to just train one more time to take out Broly but I think I should have no problem taking out jiren with my current power so we’re just going to go ahead and just Breeze through kale done look at this we’re just so strong that we take them out in

Seconds and I mean I probably could absorb one matter of fact how about we try absorbing Khalifa Super Saiyan just to see how it goes it’s a little risky just standing here but you know what we’re going to do it oh my God she just standing still

There we go instantly killed her the charging time is the only thing that makes the absorption kind of annoying cuz they’re just going to keep fallowing I have to stand still to absorb so it’s it’s a little tricky disp disos I’ve made that joke so many times

I just had to keep it going all right too done and now I think we’re getting near jiren finally jiren okay okay okay luckily he’s a very slow attacker compared to me but man he has high Health but we’re nowhere near the end of this Tesla she’s dead kefla Super Saiyan bro

It never ends we’re going to have to use a San real soon our power level is slowly increasing I’ve noticed like very quickly increasing all right go destruction Topo let’s go and heill up put that into our strength watch our power level go up and oh God

He’s tanky but he stands no chance now jiren is the last one we have to be able to take out jiren and then we’re done with the universe of power I said the universe of power the tourament of power oh my God he’s tanky and there’s

Still one more he comes back one more time unleash jiren we’re going to try and absorb them we’re going to go for it we’re going to go for it we’re going to go for it let’s see if we can absorb this man oh so it’s like that

Absorb they he tunk it he he he he literally just took he tanked all of that I could not absorb J he’s too strong he’s just too powerful for me to absorb currently but there’s a chance I might be able to consume Broly I’m going

To go train and I’m going to meet you guys at the Broly battle we’re going to finish this now and I’m all out of sunu beans I don’t think I ever mention it but I do actually have the super boo outfit on now I don’t think I mentioned that

Earlier when I definitely should have but we have the super boo outfit so that’s another thing we’ve unlocked and now our stats are just this High mhm that just happened so now we just need to do the Broly Saga all right it’s time to kill Broly I’ve went through Goku and

Vegeta who shot him but he gets stronger he gets progressively stronger and stronger I just wonder if I can absorb him with how much stronger I’ve gotten now I’m not at my Max stats but it’s still really high got buff Broly now Broly Buffs Super Saiyan I

Think he has one more grade above this oh yeah he’s getting powerful I think he has one more we’re going to try absorbing him at his final yep Broly Legendary I have an idea and then we’re just going to go like this I don’t think it worked have to charge up the absorption

Again come on absorb I don’t think it works when he’s up on top of me like that dang their battery is too strong let’s try it again it sounds cool down are you serious let’s try this again get back oh oh oh it doesn’t kill him he’s too strong

Dang the absorption does have its limits it can only do so much if they’re that much stronger than me it just it isn’t enough to absorb them in one shot it has to be like equal to my power maybe a little bit greater I guess Roy was just

Too strong to be absorbed but we’ve officially completed all of our goals we’ve unlocked every boo form the evil Spears the Dragon Balls the original Dragon Ball SE Saga the Broly Saga you name it and I got to admit the moding class might be I don’t know if it’s my

Favorite cuz Sans are so good but this has got to be at least my second favorite class in all the Gam like this is honestly amazing and I didn’t even use kaio-ken and I didn’t even use the god of destru so I would heavily recommend playing a Majin race whenever

You play your next playr it’s just really cool it’s really fun to try out and it’s a lot different than what most people would choose I highly recommend it and if you do I recommend getting the Majin symbol definitely worth it it helps increase your power and it just looks

Cool however that’s going be for this video I hope you guys leave a like com subscribe and I’m going see you guys in the next one fuchia Timmy signing out

This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Dragon Block C As MAJIN BUU For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2023-10-22 14:34:43. It has garnered 18031 views and 824 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:55 or 2455 seconds.

Today we play as Majin Buu in Dragon Ball Minecraft also known as Dragon Block C 100 days.

#100days #dragonball #dragonblockc

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    SECRET Minecraft Server - Join Our Elite Team Now 👾Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Whitelisted Server. (Members Only)’, was uploaded by Team View on 2024-04-09 04:13:40. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:03 or 10743 seconds. Game: Oaklands In this stream I play Minecraft, Only Members can Join. Who Can Join? Members ▶Roblox Team View CREW Shirt and Pants: Shirt: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/12590288700/The-Official-Team-View-CREW-Shirt-2023 Pants: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/12513447780/The-Official-Team-View-CREW-Pants-2023 ▶Oaklands Game Link: https://www.roblox.com/games/9938675423/Oaklands ▶Subscribe to Typical Developers: https://www.youtube.com/@typicaldevs ▶Join the Typical Developers Discord for more info: https://discord.gg/typical ▶ N8te’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@N8te. ▶ Hoofer’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvTls1vFQIjWXvQUEBYcGg ▶ Theofficialbrick: https://www.youtube.com/@Theofficialbrick My NEW Discord Server is OPEN to the… Read More

  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Manamc.net Read More