Ultimate PowerWash Sim Experience – Full Skeleton Death in Minecraft

Video Information

N A He A There we go hello hello hello welcome welcome back if you’re new here what’s up if you are uh uh coming back welcome back uh we’re diving back into power wash Sim um plans had to change last minute uh originally was going to play some fortnite but um

With one of my buddies um but I couldn’t I couldn’t for whatever reason get Discord to send to OBS so I can stream uh the audio for it so going to figure that out and then um going to uh put in some games with uh with my buddy and and

And um there’s a few others that I want to play with as well so it should be fun but let’s dive back in to power watch Sim um Let me let me know if you guys can hear everything just fine and and and all that um uh with the with the mic

And with the game um I think I want to try and do the fire station because we get 1,00 bucks for it um but it’s massive so excuse me so I’m hoping that it does not take forever I almost think that we should probably get some some of these

Um yeah I think I’m going to buy a couple of these just in case uh we need it and then yeah we can’t really afford any of the extensions yet or anything like that but we already have the the soap nozzle so we’ll see we’ll see what happens hopefully it’s not crazy um

Yeah but yeah I was I was well prepared to get clapped by a bunch of 12year olds in fortnite um because I literally have not played that game in probably six years 5 years something like that um okay so we got that one um let’s see how this does I don’t

Know the some of these kids that play fortnite are insane I just I they got to a point where I was playing it um like back in like 2018 and just could not keep up with them like there was just no way um yeah especially before they had the no build uh

Version and like I mean you you would get into an interaction with somebody and like within 3 seconds they have a tower because they’re they’ve got like a bajillion hot keys that can click everything all at once and just way too much way way too much but we will play

It one of my best friends uh Trey he was mentioning fortnite and might try and get him and my other best friend Ryan and do some trios like we did back in the day and then my buddy David who also uh streams a little bit going to find

Some time that we can play once I figure out all the audio issues with Discord apparently it’s not even a like it’s a well-known thing that once they switch to OBS studio for whatever reason the disced audio was not sending properly bro I’m so trash I promise I highly doubt that Trey

Cuz I seem to remember you did a lot better than I did and you were playing on controller last time I played was when there was a giant llama pinata ah well I think that’s in every virgin I think they always have those yeah zero build for me yeah try same like 100%

100% I really don’t know if this is doing all that much um I also did get Hogwarts Legacy as well cuz cuz there is a huge discount for it right now so we will be playing that all the way through gu that soap stuff actually did pretty

Well oh I don’t know if we’ll be able to reach that you ever play up dog what’s up dog nice nice TR nice uh actually let’s try this on it this is got like rust or something on it there we go um this really doesn’t do that well with the Glass oh and uh wait I’m just not realizing ailia did you say caviar for movie theater snacks that is so that is so bougie that is also very you I like Swedish Fish IES are pretty good too bro you are so bougie it’s not even funny no I I I like Swedish Fish

Um the sour patch watermelons those are awesome awesome and then I like ices nice we didn’t have to go underneath that been watching Gossip Girl it’s not good for me wait didn’t they just remake Gossip Girl CU there’s the original then or did they reboot it or something

I could have sworn I saw something recently about gossip throw it did haven’t seen it yeah the original was really popular M ended up running 2 miles today before stream time running in a little bit okay definitely going to need a ladder for those yeah it’s not even worth it I think I already got that I feel like this door handle is its own thing maybe not nice

Oh there’s definitely some like rust or something right there For oh okay that was so satisfying oh that right there that’s why you play this game as well do this while we’re here right I feel like all the trim is going to be one piece by itself oh nice wow that just went ahead and finished the rest of it that’s cool fine

By me okay nice I have a feeling that graffiti is not going to come off oh it did last time I guess we were using CU we used the other washer it didn’t work at the skate park Nice uh it’s a fire station yeah this one we get um 1,00 we finish it there’s probably a lot up top that we have to do because even after doing all of this we haven’t even broken 25% yet Nice easy the Sprat frer in the beginning seemed to cover lots of ground at once yeah that’s the the soap nozzle it’s like supposed to supposed to help with this but like so if I just sit here and spray then yeah eventually that gets clean right

But like that’s how long it took for that just to clean that thing which really doesn’t seem like it’s worth it especially because I can just do a pass with the green nozzle in a quarter of the time yeah supposedly supposed to help with some of the

Harder uh spots like the rust and stuff but I really have not seen it make a huge difference compared to just using like the red nozzle which is the highest pressure okay that’s not part of it all right so we have that whole wall think we already did this wall right okay oh

Jeez yeah we got to do this whole thing as well yeah that’s massive and the the top part of this yeah that’s huge thankfully it’s like it’s mostly flat and there’s not a bunch of rails the rails and the fences are the what’s really annoying um

Yeah it like didn’t really clean much it didn’t even get this yeah for the way the clouds form reminds me of uh for whatever reason of cotton candy nice which cotton candy is one of my favorite uh desserts I guess absolutely terrible for you but I love it for

Nice even after finishing this map we won’t even have enough to get the the last sprayer cool all wall done how’s everyone enjoying their ear already they were doing fireworks for so many hours last night I ended up looking out the window when we were going to bed and

There was literally fog all the way uh down the street and to the park that that we live next to like it was just you could see a thick dents of or uh a thick DSE of fog or smoke um yeah it was crazy way too much I don’t remember people shooting

Them off as much when I was a kid I feel like everybody went to like one or two really really big shows for fireworks and then like you might get a couple people blast them off in the neighborhood but now it just seems like everybody spends thousands of dollars on

It and illegally shoots them off all day we’re shooting guns yeah I mean they were doing it yeah they were doing it here too that’s like that’s just always a that’s always a Problem actually uh uh my wife was telling me that somebody did ended up um having a bullet hit their head though I don’t remember if it like went through their home or if they were outside and they got hit with it but definitely happens MythBusters actually did a really cool episode about

Um whether or not shooting a bullet in the air and when it comes back down if it actually is deadly and I want to say that they confirmed that it will still kill You I think we have to get up top yep there we go we have to get the top of all that know for sure has anyone started their New Year’s resolutions yet or has anyone already given up on one hi Ray and Bella so far from Mine still am going to do mine uh in the evening tring to do the Bible in a year thing and dualingo I swear though that app you miss one day and it wants to kill you nice where do this wall nice let’s good uh yeah we’re going to have to go on the

Ladder that anyway probably have to go up top for this section cuz I think I see it over there okay so I think we can actually go up top down which new resolutions are usually the fastest to be dropped or forgotten about oh definitely the fitness ones that’s almost always

The the most common ones like somebody like the amount of gym memberships that are bought in January apparently is like insane and then I think like the the last statistic that I was reading about it is that by like I think like February or March people have already stopped

Going and they end up uh canceling their gym membership but I would say for gym memberships like I feel like you need to have a reason why you’re going and have a goal like is your goal to lose weight is your goal to build muscle are you trying to get

Ripped are you just trying to be fit because you can do all those things without going to the gym it just depends on what is your goal of going to the gym are you making a fitness goal goal are you making a lifestyle change goal

And abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym so if your goal is to have abs then it’s like are you talking to a dietician are you nutritionist are you just going to cut out sugar I think that’s why most of the time they all fail all the fitness ones

Is because they don’t actually know why they want to do it in the first place or they get like some unhealthy realist unrealistic goal in their mind like they want to look like Thor or Captain America and what they don’t realize is that those are unrealistic body types

Because even Chris Hemer and Chris Evans don’t like maintaining those cuz it’s a full-time job just to maintain that level of of fitness and size I was seeing uh the guy who’s playing um in the Reacher series I can’t remember his name but he got massive but he’s also been working out

For 10 years and then he even admitted in an interview that he’s taking trt um which is I believe some sort of like testosterone replacement therapy so just depends on why you’re doing it that’s why I was saying like people just need to pick a realistic

One and it doesn’t have have to be like a whole yearlong goal like a New Year’s resolution could be like in 6 months I want to lose 5 lb or 10 lb of body fat and let’s say you reached that goal in 3 months well okay cool you already

Did your you’ve already met your New Year resolution in 3 months and then you can set in your goal and then by the time the year ends if you don’t haven’t already set another goal based around losing weight or whatever it is then in December you can already look

Back and be like oh I lost the 10 lbs I actually fulfilled my New Year’s resolution I think smaller goals are always healthier like my I think one of my goals is by the end of the year I want to have 200 Subs which seems like it’s pretty difficult um right now

But I think as long as I keep uploading keep streaming all that good stuff then organically I’ll get 200 100 hopefully by the end of the year but even if I only get 100 or 150 that’s still more than what I’m starting with now and I’ll still be happy with it e e

How’ you guys like the new thumbnail I thought it was absolutely cheesy in all the greatest ways in every of all the ways yes all of every of all the ways I think that show will always be like for uh for reference that’s from the office and that show is like forever

My like Comfort show whenever I need something familiar to watch that’s always my go-to but actually recently I even added a George Lopez uh his show um that he streamed on uh it was on Disney but the office has always been my go-to for a long time can’t even count the number of

Times that I’ve seen it all the way through yeah it is it’s perfect people got to know I’m going to be dorky I’m a nerd don’t let these muscles fool you I’m the ultimate nerd and the ultimate dork oh yeah absolutely it’s so funny because there’s

Been a lot of like movie critiques about that um even in uh uh I think it was 21 Jump Street the remake with chatting tum and um what’s his thing oh wow I’m blinking on his name but yeah n nerds nerds run it there was definitely a shift from being like

The the dumb jock to the genius nerd and then if you had good looks and money and you basically run the rule which is essentially the Tony Stark character I feel like this floor might be actually bigger than the skate park okay if you go too fast won’t get everything the

Heck yeah it really is yeah it is really satisfying there’s also something about the water sounds that for whatever reason I found pretty calming it’s almost like it sounds like rain and like growing up I would always sleep that absolute best during thunderstorms the heavy rain and the

Thunder in the background was always incredibly calming so this kind of reminds me of that sounds like a heavy thunderstorm which is an amazing Vibe yeah yeah no I 100% agree I agree the only part that gets annoying and you’ll see as we get closer to the end is

Trying to find those like one or two spots that you missed and you got to scour the entire map to find it I think it was like maybe two or three streams ago it literally took us probably like 20 minutes to find it I think that was when we did the the dinosaur

Playground the dings are also really satisfying something about that sound effect is really good uh this is power wash Sim power wash simulator uh I got it on Steam I believe it’s pretty cheap too I think it was like less than 20 bucks nice already see a spot that I missed under the

Ladder okay never mind yeah that’s the only thing like sometimes it’ll finish it early for you and clearly you didn’t finish it but you got enough of the enough percentage of it done that it’s fine with it yeah like same thing with that like I definitely didn’t finish that frame but

Whatever there’s some harder spots on here okay I might actually need to use this on it I like the bubble sounds sounds kind of funny oh I ran out okay uh let’s see if is us through can’t tell if that’s dirty or if that’s a reflection oh wow okay cool yo what’s up

David uh I bought Minecraft and a polar bear drown me within two minutes dude I don’t know what’s up with those polar bears I guess it’s like in real life supposedly polar bears are I think they’re like well there’s a few different breeds of color bears but supposedly like they’re the most

Aggressive and most likely to actually attack you so I guess in that regard Minecraft is being accurate but I literally died to them I was walking by I barely looked at him and they just went straight for the kill I still think the skeletons are worse those are three of my four

Deaths I think there’s also wolves in Minecraft and I think those are also ones that will attack you like on site oh this is gross I don’t think I have okay I do yeah that takes forever to come off but it comes off instantly with the green the water pressure on that soap

Nozzle is just too low than okay I almost forgot about this thund side I to get on top though despite being a much larger map we’re like less than an hour into playing it and already almost at 50% so this washer is doing a good job

Okay I think to finish that off I’m going to have to go on top ah jeez wait oh wait can I pick up the ladder I can nice did you guys hear about the earthquake that hit Japan last night that’s one way to start off the new

Year I think there was also a tsunami threat from it was it bad um it was like a 7 two I think or 7.1 it was a it was in the sevens but the depth of it was only like I think it was like only 40 something

Kilomet or something like that so it was kind of shallow um and I think that they were saying that it would only Be like a 5 to 10 m tsunami but that was all like early on data so I’m not 100% sure I Al I haven’t seen a whole lot about it Um uh in terms of like updated updated uh measurements and and such I did see that they were they were anticipating a strong Aftershock though and usually when you have earth clicks like that you do get some pretty strong aftershocks hopefully though there’s not One it doesn’t trigger a much bigger one CU Japan just has not had luck in the last like 20 something years I mean for a long time but at least in my lifetime uh nearly 30 years they’ve not had a good luck with earthquakes actually when we were there one

Time the day we were leaving and flying out a earthquake and a typhoon hit on the same day and at the same time like while the typhoon was happening an earthquake had uh had happened and it was shaking the building that we were in it wasn’t as bad as the earthquake I

Felt in La though there was like two or three when I was living there and one of them was enough for me to be a little unsettled nice okay um oh jeez nice okay we are rocking okay good enough for me nice um I guess let’s do the wall real

Quick and then we do a floor yeah this is a huge map cuz you got to remember we still have to do that entire structure over there as well but you get $1,100 for it once you get done so it makes sense I think we’ll still need a ladder

Because we got to get the top part of this on the underside yeah okay I think there’s a lip here yeah okay convenient thing is that it’s also getting the floor while I do this nice cool I think I just heard some more fireworks at least I hope that’s fireworks and not

Gunshots find new your slightly daunting because of how old we are getting yeah tell me about it I’ll be making 30 and just over a week and that’s insane to think about feels like I only just started my 20s and they are literally just about to be

Over one thing I will say though is that like even at almost turning 30 I still have moments where I feel like a kid and I especially with the job that I have I’ll look around and I’ll be like who allowed me to have this amount of responsibility like who allowed

This that’s good though yeah yeah it is I feel like it a lot of it is a mentality though like I I still feel like I can try new things I still feel like I can change careers if I wanted to all that nice yeah we just jumped up to 62% after

Doing that so that’s pretty good not that that um okay so I think we need the ladder on the back side right yeah we need it okay on this side let’s grab this uh I guess we can stick over here real quick ah okay I think they got that

But the one uh good thing about you know progressing in time especially for the the time in which that we live like we’re going to see some insane advancements in Health Medicine technology Computing art artificial intelligence like all the things that were in the movies from the from the

’90s and the ‘ 80s like we are going to experience a lot of that in our lifetime we’re going to put humans on Mars they’re already planning another lunar Mission there’s a lot of things that we’re going to see in our lifetime stem cell research is Insane computing power is going to be going through the roof these spots are really annoying okay do you think W type humans are coming soon because of all the technology uh we already have Wally type humans like that already happened like we definitely are already

There now will we have so there was a movie that um that uh Bruce Willis did called surrogates more dras I don’t know if you look at if you look at Wall-E um and you look at it like how especially American society is it’s really not that far off and I would

Argue like we are pretty much already there like yes like there is um a Health Community and all that and you know you still see People go in the gym to try and look like the latest Action Hero movie character but it’s a pretty small amount of the population that actually does that I would argue at least you know granted this is my opinion and and and my perspective of

How I’ve seen the world but so take it with a very Hefty grain of salt but at least in my opinion I think we’re already there now the Bruce Wills film uh surrogates was really interesting because um in my opinion that was even a more drastic version of of

Wall-E because humans had created like literally surrogate uh Ro robot bodies they can change it and look make it look however they want um and they would sit in these uh chairs that had computers and stuff linked up to it and they would link to that surrogate and then the surrogate is

What would go out uh into the world and and work and drive around do groceries whatever socialize and Um both Bruce Willis’s character and his wife you can see that they had been so ingrained in that world of living life through their surrogate that they had all sorts of health issues and and all that um if you haven’t seen the movie it’s actually a really good one

Um the the obviously the whole critique of the movie social critique of the movie is to unplug yourself from technology and and using it as like it’s one thing to use technology to assist you but it’s another thing when it becomes your total existence to where you sacrifice your health

To live vicariously through the technology so I do think that we are on our way to that kind of society but there’s some benef there are some benefits to it so like the Bruce Willis’s character was a cop and so one thing about using his surrogate is that if he got into a

Gunfight um which is you know some of the most dangerous times that a cop can get into uh if not the most dangerous then if he gets shot then it’s only his surrogate that gets shot and it’s not him and his surrogate can get destroyed and he’d be completely fine so

Like there might be some legitimate use cases like firefighters CPS things like that I don’t think kids below 12 should have Tech consumption TV is okay I mean it depends on what you mean by Tech consumption right because there are a lot of things that um um you can

Use technology-wise for kids that are actually very beneficial um and it’s funny that you say except for alltech Minus TV in school so it’s funny you even say TV because when I was uh pretty young that was the thing that you heard all the time was

You know keep your kids away from the TV they’re just going to rot their brains and and all that and then it kind of quickly shifted to video games as as they start to become way more popular so it just depends on uh on what you mean by technology cuz there are some

Really really good benefits to it it like for example like using uh Con Academy you know if if your kid is struggling in school and they’re not understanding certain Concepts through the teacher and parents are not certified teachers the one thing that they can use

Is they can use a computer and they can get on KH Academy and they can uh they can learn and study Concepts in a different format doing that they have to be they have to be seasoned with the good TV shows I still want my kids to be funny they will go to

Kuman the heck is Kuman um but like I I don’t disagree with you like I think like for me like I’m a huge Star Wars fan uh Star Wars inspired so much of my childhood and so much of the reason why I got into film making and screenwriting and all

That and so I had my dad not showed us those movies at a really early age it might have sent me down a completely different path for my life and so I think it had a very very positive effect on me and a lot of the stuff I did in my

20s uh career-wise working in New York City and LA and and across the country I can credit to the influence that TV and movies and and stuff had on me as a kid so in that way I would argue that technology did a fantastic job and media did a fantastic job

Because I credit it to all my successes that I’ve had so it just depends it just depends but like anything consumption in moderation is always the key too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing there’s a reason why that saying is so overused is because it’s it’s actually pretty

Accurate I think we actually oh no we didn’t we might have actually finished the main building as of right now I don’t see a whole lot of shiny spots if if anything at all so we might have finish something I’m sure I missed something there’s always something that we miss

But we’re 2/3 of the way done and we just got to do this massive Behemoth of a wall oh can you not even use the ladder here no there’s no way can I okay hold on can I move the uh can I move this you can move the entire scaffolding what okay that’s

Like I’m definitely going to show my kids um yeah I ran out of that okay I’m definitely going to show my kids the office I’m going to show my kids the Bernie Max show George Lopez Star Wars Lord of the Rings Harry Potter honestly probably even the MCU the Christopher Nolan Batman uh

Trilogy Pokemon like I’ll buy them probably buy them Pokemon games or at least have teaching them the Pokemon Go app if they have a smartphone cuz that’s the other thing like a lot of those things like can be used to build and develop your relationship with your

Kids I definitely want to show my kids the show Lost lost is oh man apart from when the uh cuz there was a rer strike when that show was on air and so they kind of like lost a bunch of their Riders um so the story kind of in the later

Seasons didn’t flush out all the things that everybody wanted it to but these like the first four seasons of it are so solid and the pilot episode like the first episode of that show is fantastic like we actually studied that episode in uh in film school at UT

Because of how how good it was and I think at the time it was one of the most expensive pilot episodes that had been uh aired on aired on TV e e for like all these steps are probably my least favorite cuz there’s so many angles to Them and it looks like there’s some like rust or something on these you also ailia you still didn’t say what what Kuman is is that a show unless you had a tyo it’s like an after school math reading program oh okay I’ve not heard of that before they have hundreds of locations

Everywhere interesting is it kind of like a YMCA thing more focused on academics but yes I think okay yeah I think that’s one thing that’s like really important especially for kids is to have them try out a whole bunch of hobbies try Sports try martial arts try arts and crafts try writing video

Games the biggest problem that parents have is that they uh they’ll try and keep their kids in the same program or the same hobby but people’s Hobbies change especially as a kid when you’re just trying to figure out how to survive and live I feel like we’re missing some spots jeez

Same map yeah still same M so we fin I think we finished the entire main building but now we’re in the in the tower um that they use to test fires and stuff it’s a massive map dude this one uh the payout of on this one is

1100 so that’s and that’s the biggest payout of any map so far but we’re at like an hour and 40 minutes 30 minutes of playing it so we’re actually moving pretty good the problem that slowed me down a little bit is that there’s some Rust spots that haven’t been coming off there very

Easily I’m hoping I unlock another like car or something small cuz the other map that I have unlocked right now is uh is another house so if we unlock another small map I might do that one before switching to Minecraft but we’ll see depends on the time I’m trying to finish around

Like maybe like 10 10:30 11 at the absolute latest I got to fix my sleep schedule tomorrow before we go back to work nice I’ve not seen a single set of stairs ding yet so I’m wondering if they’re all connected which would be a little weird how many levels is this

Jeez this thing is huge yeah like this is not just quickly coming off that’s really annoying the angle of this is really annoying I might actually have to get up and stretch after this map pick up equipment what equipment what is it telling me to pick up yeah I really hate

Rails cuz it’s really annoying to get underneath them for okay so hopefully the majority of this can get clean from this if I can get the angle right I can probably get on top for okay now let’s see we can get up top get the angle right without having to go on the

Scaffold because I don’t think the scaffold is even tall enough otherwise we can just jump the whole time but I really don’t want to do that Uh good thing there’s no fall damage nice okay I think that bar over there might be the last one nice okay so the bars are Done okay so let’s see the annoying part is going to have to be going up and down the scaffolding move it yeah okay um even though I know there’s no fall damage I don’t want to test it I know I can survive that uh yeah let’s do okay that should be fine now

How he move that whole thing I mean how does he have an unlimited source of water you know think just part of the part of the lore of this game I think realistically you would have this thing Beyond wheels that would be able to lock and that’s how you can move

It and you wouldn’t be picking it up game fake yeah yeah it’s just a game it’s just a game I would also be charging way more than $100 to do this map there’s no way this is a lot more work than $1,100 worth um let’s put it the sound that

Makes 20K minimum yeah for real yeah just the cost of the water alone is going to be incredibly expensive is I also probably wouldn’t do like if I was doing this in real life I would not probably do one this large by myself I would have an assistant or something

I didn’t hear this one didn’t ding it must not be done on the inside Nice okay next level hello hello whatever there is on this wall is disgusting looks like somebody was flinging their poop up here uh let’s go up actually did we do probably okay hello you like random the character randomly get stuck on some parts nice okay I think this side is done

Actually ah didn’t Die man the the sound that that makes when it drops is funny oh jeez we’re getting there though we’re about to hit 90% yeah see this is what I’m talking about he’ll get like stuck like right here and you can see when the screen Jitters and on the other side something with

The the Box interactions on those Lo okay we’re getting there stop it it wasn’t doing that as much before so I don’t know why it’s doing that now oh my watch is digging into my wrist getting too focused well we passed 90% so we’re almost done but we still got up the whole

Inside and all those dang stairs are going to take forever make sure y’all hydrate guarantee y’all you have not had enough water today espcially ailia I know you haven’t had enough water okay ni nice I think we have to do the other angle on the other side cool boom boom uh let’s put

It SC nice there’s that real quick go up here yeah it’s always this spot right here that the character keeps getting stuck on uh let’s do boom nice let’s go one more easy more of this disgusting whatever this Is I remember there was one point when I was in high school where I wanted to be a firefighter the graffiti is actually coming off with the green nozzle which is nice oh nice oh I need tojust my seat I worked out shoulders chest and triceps yesterday uh yeah yesterday

And I’m definitely feeling it today especially in the shoulders nice I think that’s I think that’s all the outside walls nope okay so I got to do This how did I miss this spot nice okay did I do this one no I didn’t oh I might have plac that awkward position okay cool cool all right so that’s done now we’re back in here we at 95% so honestly I really think it’s just going to be the stairwells that are

Left we should be good think I’m going switch to Minecraft after this though yeah want to check on our farm that we got going and hopefully not die it’s kind of cool the way it kind of splashed oh man I really really don’t like these steps the most annoying part

Okay that’s the first time I saw one of those ding in the in the corners nice That’s jeez that is so dark How’s everyone still doing don’t forget to get your popcorn your snacks and some water or soda we got some sweet tea from Pluckers that I cannot wait to have some oh nice did we do the underside of this no we didn’t 99% should be the last floor and then uh barring anything that

We missed should be good hello Okay um let’s do did I not do the top for nice actually I don’t even see the the floor shining there uh drill Tower ground floor drill Tower window sills and drill Tower walls so okay here we go the fun part of hide and seek with what’s

Left CU I think this is all the drill Tower so we got to do window sills okay there’s another window there hello please go don’t see that one shining see if there’s a wall we missed I don’t see anything shining no oh that one okay we must have missed the under part

Underneath on the outside okay we can grab that okay so we know it’s this window sill it must be an outside Pole and then ground floor drill Tower FL oh yeah all these okay cool uh so window sills oh yep there we go and then Tower wall ah

Perfect okay I guess we did miss this one uh let’s see if we can get it this might be too high up let’s just move this real quick ah now I can’t get in can I reach it from there nice yes man that was a long one that was yeah like over two

Hours that was tough tough tough tough tough tough here’s the playback I kind of like watching those they’re pretty cool I wish there was a way that you can get like an a fullon replay though that’d be cool okay so we unlocked uh Grandpa Miller’s car we had already unlocked this one and

Then we have clean the fire truck yeah I think though for the sake of time though we’re going to switch over to Minecraft um yeah because I do want to get in a little Minecraft I want to check the farm uh to see how that’s growing and then I want to check

Um I wanted to check one of the caves to see if we can get some some more iron real quick yeah cuz we need iron to farm diamonds um and we need diamonds so we can get netherite armor since that’s our best armor in the game and I kind of

Want to take on the Ender Dragon having netherite armor instead of just diamond armor and then obviously we need to enchant it so we need enchanting table there’s a lot of things that we still need to get um and I kind of don’t want to do any exploring uh like shipwreck exploring

Yet until I have some decent Armor see I need to switch the game title to Minecraft save that so that should switch uh think yeah we’re in this one accidentally ended up labeling it the same huh okay so where we at all right so we got more potatoes we have pumpkin seeds got sand let’s put the sand away

Hello uh let’s put that away uh we don’t need that let’s put the sugar away for now um let’s put the apples away cuz we’re going To end up making those into golden apples so we need to plant the the potatoes um we don’t need those really don’t need the dirt so I’m going throw that away yeah we need to plant the potatoes the uh don’t think we can plant that I think you need the beetroot

Seed then we have our iron ingots let just set that in there right now okay bro if you don’t stop opening and closing these doors stay in there okay so our wheat is doing good I actually thought wheat grew a lot faster than this um it seems like it’s taking longer

Than I had originally anticipated so we better get a lot of it oh yeah we need another hoe forgot to make one of those um boom uh let’s just put there okay so cuz we’re going to come over here I think the potatoes are starting to get done too um yeah leave

That okay so our pumpkin is starting to grow so hopefully they grow to the left and the right and we don’t have any issues with that um I don’t know it should be another pumpkin okay So for potatoes let plant these the potatoes seem to grow a lot faster than the wheat actually cuz I’ve already harvested these um a couple times These are all still growing yeah I’m a little confused as to how some spots grow a lot faster than others even when they’re closer to the water which just seems a little interesting okay so let’s plant that plant that plant that okay that should be good that’s

Good I really want to get a fishing pole so I start getting those fish and you can actually get a lot of cool stuff when you go fishing okay so that’s good let’s check the other side although the music just suddenly disappeared again oo okay H excuse me oh yeah

Plant okay so we need the carrots so we can feed the uh the animals and that has that makes them reproduce faster okay steal that plant those bro what are you doing here man I’m doing your job for you hello thank [Applause] you all right okay so that’s going

Yeah these are all growing actually pretty good and our sugar cane is growing nice um what was I about to do I don’t even remember how much potatoes do we have okay so we have 15 carrots oh yeah I was going to go feed the uh yeah so since they already um

Since they already have a bunch of animals here we can ah sorry how do you do they not eat carrots or was it pigs that eat carrots Paper Diamonds feather falling oh yeah there’s another Farm here and then let’s from there okay there’s a pig over

There oh no it’s not time nope nope nope got to go back go back and sleep I swear if that guy’s in my bed again I might kill him he stoen my bed three times now bro I told you before this is mine okay here we go go Uh let’s go so I think for a lead don’t you need like a rope and slime I think and I haven’t run into slimes yet thankfully but but let’s just feed these pigs over here and see because I can’t remember what animal eats what do you not eat this

Either is it potatoes what do you what do you guys eat did they take away the mechanic where you can feed them is it hay like did they eat wheat what about you do you eat Co do you eat it no I don’t remember who eats what it’s

Frustrating there’s a lot of horses over here though um okay since I’m over here I do want to go check and see ow bro what what are what are you oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no absolutely not absolutely not back up back up back up back

Up die die oh jeez I need to eat okay got that that there’s a creeper he’s still following me nice oh no it’s raining my heart rate definitely spiked yeah my think my heart rate heart rate went up 20 beats no I think if you go to sleep this makes the storm go

Away is this not considered a thunderstorm okay weird triple homicide yeah no it was a double I killed The Spider and the um and the creeper although my sword is okay I have a backup sword I was about to [Applause] say that was pretty close though I hear some like low Rumble

Thumping wonder if that’s the Golem moving around did we get string no we need string so we can make a a bow this dude is still just chilling up here acting weird okay this is actually kind of a cozy spot kind of like it what’s down

Here I’m might actually use this to to dig let’s put some torches down so that way creepers don’t spawn down here oh okay some more spots let’s eat just make sure we’re at full health what yeah there’s definitely a zombie or something over there I don’t like this I don’t like

This oh there’s a skeleton nope nope nope nope not today nope nope not doing it no no no no no no well that was a different spot that was over there so long as he doesn’t come over here we’re Gucci get out of here go get out of here

Go but he was definitely down there so different spot not as cozy bro what are you doing okay let’s what was that I’ve gotten all creeped out now now that I saw a dang skeleton over there okay let’s farm this up cuz we need more coal anyway ah water stop

It okay flooded a little bit it’s okay though okay so we got more coal which is nice um I’m going to go back and make sure nothing is spawning over here cuz I thought I remember that stuff can spawn in the rain oh is that another egg I need those all these grasses

Huh huh yay they’re growing I feel like the carrots are growing really fast is that beets oh yeah we got beets nice I don’t know where we’re going to use that for might as well just grow pumpkins those um yeah let just grow more potato hello thank you okay so that’s growing that’s

Growing and grab [Applause] those [Applause] those uh let’s grow more carrots thought I heard something okay yeah the wheat is taking forever this all should have already even done by now okay so those are done that’s done not doing that one it’s all good so this one is

Growing these all should grow here and this one should grow that way yeah these are doing good these are good although I’m going to be curious to see where this one ends up cuz that one should go over there this one I’m confused if it’s going to end up

Going on top of one of these other ones and just kill it we’ll see more caves uhhuh although yeah it’s night time let’s go reset the day again no stay out my bed weird okay yeah this is my bed why are you in here I claimed

It um okay let’s put this way this way that way put that there uh just go that there we need a compass that’s what we need oh okay so we got spider eye um let’s put the food stuff here I think eventually I’m going to have to make another chest let’s put the

Dripstone there I really don’t need this but whatever ingots can go down here goes there FL go there sacks okay I don’t even know what what can you make with Beats do anything with be bro stop pushing me oh you can make beet soup so you

Need that’s a lot of beets for beet soup okay okay uh fermented spider eye what no no carrot on a stick what do you use a carrot on a stick for campfire campfires are cool though that’s kind of Cool maybe we can make a little campsite that might be fun uh okay Boat have we made a boat yet I don’t think we’ve actually made a boat yet okay so we got a boat we don’t need a ladder uh I think the one of the other buildings already had a felting or Fletching what is it called Fletching table so we don’t need that uh there’s

Already a craphy table so we don’t need that um uh don’t need that yet okay let’s see our stuff is done all right sugarcane is growing these are still taking forever this one too I feel like I planted this a long time ago and that one’s taking forever hopefully our wheat is done

Is is this what it looks like when it’s done I feel like it doesn’t look like that I feel like the yield is higher and I remember it being like yellow like a bright yellow when it’s done yeah C the creepy music yeah always the creepy music yeah I I

Like how fast the potatoes are growing they seem to be the fastest thing but I think like the only thing you can make with them is like baked potatoes so those are getting good I kind of want to go explore over there we have a little bit of

Food let’s just go see what’s over there there’s another cave over there I think that connects to the bigger one so there’s one down here okay can’t get lost pink trees follow the pink trees oh there’s a black sheep you want a carrot you want a carrot or a potato hello

No I got look up what they eat I really don’t remember now what is that yeah it’s just a pig another sheep okay let’s just go looking over here nothing crazy we’re not going to do anything crazy I love how many horses are in this in this area that we spawned like

It’s pretty cool all stop it thank you okay So there’s some pumpkins over there dandelions over there uh we I only got a little bit more time before we got to reset the day again oh what’s that okay cool there’s lava that’s catching everything on fire but in the event that we need lava we can always come back over here

Okay okay okay still got a little bit time there’s an interesting biome over there no no more Piggies and a baby pig look at the baby pigs a little tiny piggies is that a baby sheep that is a baby sheep uhoh what’s down here okay lot of

Animals a whole row of pigs yeah I really like how many animal if we can find uh a lead um or run into uh a slime and kill it to make a lead then we actually can get a lot of animals in our area and start breeding Them lot of chickens okay it’s almost night time let’s head back cuz this is not the area that we want to be in by ourselves oh my God I almost fell in there Pig I feel like you burn through food so much faster in this uh in this this

Mode which is I guess supposed to this part of the difficulty is is the food character swims really slowly sometimes even when I’m pressing shift to Sprint and run feel like he swims a lot slower cool made it back definitely a lot of exploring to do in the area but I

Really want to make sure we have enough food and stuff before we start going crazy with it cuz like even right now we really actually don’t have that much food we can make more pumpkin pie um well actually not even not even we can’t can’t do that

Yet yeah but once the wheat gets made then we can make a lot more could go looking for more iron but without having food like a good amount of food it’s going to be a little difficult although could just make a bunch of baked potatoes oh wait that didn’t finish it

No finish the chicken first what are you doing I don’t even know what you use charcoal for I you can use it for the campfire but is that the only thing you can use it for yeah okay so while that’s cooking um let’s go check on our stuff these can come

Down hey what you doing what you doing out here H but hey you better not touch my stuff huh better not touch it actually what we should do is start expanding our base I want to add like a second part to kind of Encompass this whole area so

That way we can set up the um the enchanting table once we get it and I kind of want to make a uh an XP farm although I got to do a little bit of research on in this Edition that’s the most efficient one h h okay so we got

That why is that not growing although you got some you got some beets for me some more carrots o sorry about that yeah now that’s mine there make some more beads for you there grow grow your beads grow a potato and another one hey bro why why am I doing this for you

Huh you should be doing that there get off my garden go get off a poisonous potato what the what do I need a poisonous potato for and how did it even get poisoned uh shoot we might as well just grab more potatoes honestly at least with that we can make baked potato

You doing though and with how fast those are growing we can actually have a comfortable amount of food yeah I don’t know why these are not done yet I’m a little confused unless I’m just dumb and those are done but if I remember correctly they’re supposed to be yellow when they’re

Done and that’s brown okay that’s all good that’s good that’s not done well they’re growing they’re just taking forever yeah some of the like this one over here might uh it’s close enough to the water but like why is why hasn’t this one grown that’s what I’m confused about okay

Um let’s we have 46 potatoes already actually um and these should all be I think potatoes too yeah 49 let’s go make some more biged potatoes I might even start actually growing like half more of these um let’s do there we go yeah let’s do that um beat root seed

I guess if we make another Farm we can grow some more of those the beets seem to be growing pretty fast and we can make that into beetroot soup and we have a lot of sugar cane uh let’s go plant this I don’t know what the heck we’re going to do with a

Poisonous potato um the eggs we can make with sugar to make more pumpkin Pie um we could go plant the carrots the carrots seem to be going pretty fast we can actually probably start converting some of the sugar cane to paper um okay we’re running into sunlight um where do I want to grow this I could expand this some more and then add another row

Here yeah let’s just do that seems to be EAS and we’ll square this up okay so if we do that here let’s uh replace the torch so creepers don’t spawn hey there is some more over here so we could do some more over there

I think we okay one two three I think we can get away with doing four this one might be the only issue one two three four should be fine actually and let’s just plant all this stop trying to eat it um what do a row of those and finish out with

Carrots yeah yeah let’s do that cool okay so okay so we have this side growing um yeah you know what let’s want to put dirt here yeah let’s do that so then we can do let’s do that okay let’s reset the day no get out of there my bed stay off of my

Bed sir okay what do we carrots carrots carrots what do you use carrots for I know can use it for that I could have sworn we use carrots or something I know you can make a golden carrot but I’m not remembering what that was used

For um oh yeah we said we would plant the beetroots let’s plant there’s a pumpkin Nice the first pumpkin of 2024 is that the only one wow okay okay so I guess for the beets we can plant them over here let’s close out and then let’s leave a walking path these this one right here like these right here might be too far from the

Water you should be be fine but yeah those might end up being too far from the water might actually just have to do this okay um beets beets beets beets beats and then scw the rest of the potatoes and okay and then we’ll just plant some more of this

Ah I don’t I don’t I feel like you should be able to do the corner I don’t like that you can’t do that okay so that should give us a lot growing oh we have another pumpkin yeah that there nice there’s some more Awesome we can make more pies we have the sugar nice cool okay so I don’t feel like we don’t need to plant more pumpkins cuz this is already plenty of them so we don’t need to convert these to Pumpkin Seed but I feel like we should make them them into pumpkin

Pies yeah I I does anybody know if this is what wheat is supposed to look like when it’s done in Minecraft Java because I feel like it’s been stuck here for like a day or two yeah it’s been like a day or two and it’s been stuck here and I thought that

When it was done it’s supposed to be like a bright yellow and it’s not done yet nice uh oh wait no yeah we need this right so we need eggs and sugar nice uh let’s just do that and that Cool let good um we already have some more pumpkin seed so we can go plant those real quick and then we can either make more sugar or we can um turn that into paper the sugar cane and it looks like some potato is already getting done oh

Nice they’re all starting to pop up now okay so let’s put these on the outside and then let’s just do that Cool let’s wait for both of those to get done yeah we’ll wait for all of those to get done at the same time cuz we don’t need them at the Moment that’s already growing over here is growing what is that oh okay guess some potatoes flew off okay how’s your farm looking bro you got one job literally your whole job uh okay it just killed itself that was weird so baked potatoes almost give you three full ticks on your hunger bar H

Bro stop it okay those are almost done those are getting Cooked okay oh more pumpkins okay we’re going to harvest these pumpkins and then I need to go back and check and see where those other bookshelves were cuz we need to know how much paper we actually need to make um cuz I think we need nine bookshelves in order to make an enchanting

Table um yeah uh we’ll cook that later that’s good don’t need that don’t need that um we’ll cook that later don’t need that that’s fine that’s fine I don’t know why I have so much dirt just need to throw these away okay throw that away throw that away we’ll keep that in

Case we need blocks um all right let’s organize this a bit because this is starting to get disgusting that goes there um actually we’ll put blocks there because we need torches we need torches that’s what we need okay need that uh let’s just do that for now yeah and

Then uh yeah let’s keep that on us okay keep that there actually we’ll put that there put that there will stay there Cobblestone okay cool okay um we have a quick second I could probably go check okay so this one did not have it it was one of the ones over here had

A whole bunch why why is there so many trees blocking this entrance what what is going on here trim your Hedges bro trim your Hedges okay was it over here oh I forgot there’s a farm over here too no it wasn’t here okay let’s just go reset the night real quick no

Creepers again with you I might just make a second bed for this guy just so he can leave me alone okay let’s go find those shelves okay so we checked that one we checked that one I need to remember oh you got beat I’m getting distracted I’m getting distracted hello

Okay all right uh did we check this one okay this one’s good okay wasn’t down there so it has to be one of the ones over here what are those okay those are my torches okay eggs okay uh nope not this one oh wow look at how many pumpkins are up there that’s

Cool we’ll go grab those get out of here what you doing over here okay um am I tripping chat I swear I thought there was a place that had a bunch of bookshelves was it this one oh yeah it was this one okay here we go

Hey hi I just need to borrow a few things I really hope you don’t mind I just really really need to borrow this yeah thanks you’re you’re doing great you’re okay never mind you’re leaving that’s cool is there a cave down here okay so we got that I think those

Were the only bookshelves that I remember So think we’re good ah sorry chat that probably bumped you actually might well move these out of the way okay let’s get these pumpkins hi piggy okay do you eat these no you guys don’t eat why aren’t you eating them do we put the parrots in the

Bat I I don’t know what I just did something something something happened oh okay he did eat them okay okay okay so he did eat those we can make a bunch of pumpkin pie out of this does it go faster when you use the axe okay it does okay 10:30 going to harvest

These and then probably call it cuz I need to get to bed at a decent hour tonight there’s a cave did I go down here NOP I’m getting distracted nope nope nope focus focus is I actually do need this tree though okay I’m going to get this tree and that’s it

Okay my pumpkins are growing why am I swimming what did you have did you have anything good no you didn’t okay these are growing these are growing those are growing potatoes carrots everything’s growing that’s almost done pumpkins can make more pumpkin pie I don’t know how many um how many how

Many of those yield before the plant dies I don’t think it’s infinite okay I’ll Harvest those next time okay so not really a whole lot of craziness on this playthrough for today but okay rain um but we did expand the farm added more stuff we’re growing a lot more we have a

Lot more food now we got books so now we have 13 books we have eight papers so we can make a lot more of those we can make a lot more pumpkin pie with all the sugar cane so that can be pumpkin pie that’ll be beetroot soup uh we’ll bake these

Potatoes uh probably later cuz we need to save the coal that we do have so we’ll bake that later carrots we can feed to the animals Um oh yeah we need the egg there we do that apples are going to be turned to golden apples and then wheat will turn into bread got that I’m going to hold off planting more wheat seed because oh chickens eat the wheat seed that’s what they do okay okay

It’s starting to come back to me now okay so chickens eat that Okay cool so honestly not in a really really bad spot this time so um doing good um so no stream tomorrow but going to be streaming um on Wednesday probably barrowing nothing crazy going on at work so we’ll

Stream on Wednesday um but thank you guys for watching thank you you for the chat um and just keeping it fun and interesting and yeah I appreciate you guys uh being here and and watching and just hanging out and chilling uh I want this to be a safe place for everybody to

Just hang out and um have somewhere to talk about movies film video games whatever it is so thank you guys uh see you probably on Wednesday I might do a post about it on the channel so make sure you turn on notifications and um

And do me a favor and just share it with somebody um so the more subs we get the the closer we can get to monetization and we can add emojis and all sorts of things and um and all that good stuff so appreciate you guys have a good night be

Safe and enjoy your New Year’s N [Applause] The

This video, titled ‘First 2024 Stream! Ultimate PowerWash Sim experience then Minecraft where I die to skeletons’, was uploaded by ThatFilmGuyAJ on 2024-01-02 04:57:58. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:03 or 12723 seconds.

#powerwashsimulator #gaming #livestream #youtubegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftjava #chillvibes #newyear2024

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    Jaizen - CRAZY 3am exploring JAX RABBIT TITANS in Maizen!Video Information [Music] well I think we’re done but you better get to class on time to keep up with our curriculum I won’t always be able to give you extra help okay we understand you can go home now thank you for your help bye I’ll see you tomorrow morning all right so what are we going to do JJ hm I don’t know maybe play video games at home that sounds like a great idea great then let’s hurry home of course no huh what’s going on you’re a nobody you’re new and you don’t know the rules… Read More

  • Mayhem in Minecraft: Mustard Mangos

    Mayhem in Minecraft: Mustard MangosVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what’s up can you guys hear me let me oh Barry thank you so much for the Prime thank you so much goat what’s up everybody we’re about to lock in this is about to be the best Minecraft event you ever seen in your life let me make sure my audio is working it is working let’s go okay um does he see chat yeah I do hoop monkey I do in fact see chat and I see you specifically cuz today we’re going to lock the [ __ ] in chat… Read More

  • Dronio’s Compote Prank Makes Mobs Dance! #Viral

    Dronio's Compote Prank Makes Mobs Dance! #ViralVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайкам и подпиской меняется блок на который мне нельзя наступать Итак я заспавнился и пока что я могу наступать на все блоки Но если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь то появится блог на которой я не смогу становиться и теперь мне нельзя наступать на камень вы серьёзно я же чуть не проиграл Кстати а наша цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет ну очень сложно прямо по курсу деревня И что теперь мне нельзя наступать на блок земли Не ну вы издеваетесь и как мне теперь попасть в деревню кажется… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nana Bey uncovers End Dimension in Minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable! Nana Bey uncovers End Dimension in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Exploring the End Dimension #shorts’, was uploaded by Nana Bey on 2024-03-23 21:15:28. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash the Power of the Enzity Machine – Minecraft Tutorial | #shortsfeeds

    Unleash the Power of the Enzity Machine - Minecraft Tutorial | #shortsfeedsVideo Information वेल तुम लोग एंजाइटी मशीन बना सकते हो इसके लिए जस्ट एक स्टिक पिस्टन के ऊपर नटी प्लेस कर दो देन एक रिपीटर के आगे रे लगा दो देन यहां प कोई भी ब्लॉक लगा के उसके ऊपर स्ट पिस्टन लगानी है ना रेडस्टोन का ब्लक लगाते एटी मशीन तैयार हो [संगीत] [संगीत] जाएगी This video, titled ‘Enzity Machine Tutorial Minecraft | #minecraft #shortsfeeds #shorts’, was uploaded by NIGHT on 2024-04-01 06:00:24. It has garnered 412 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Enzity Machine Tutorial Minecraft | #minecraft #shortsfeeds #shorts This… Read More

  • Monster School Love Curse Apocalypse Season 3 – CRAZY ENDING

    Monster School Love Curse Apocalypse Season 3 - CRAZY ENDINGVideo Information [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] no [Music] [Music] uh- [Music] h [Music] go no [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Monster School : LOVE CURSE GIRL APOCALYPSE SEASON 3 – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by CR Minecraft on 2024-03-25 10:43:42. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. Hello all be love friends on Youtube . Today I show you an animation that talk about ” Monster School : LOVE CURSE GIRL APOCALYPSE SEASON 3 – Minecraft Animation “… Read More

  • Lurani_KF makes shocking decision in Gacha Club + Minecraft!

    Lurani_KF makes shocking decision in Gacha Club + Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Seguindo em frente… #gacha #gachaclub #minecraftshorts #fyp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lurani_KF on 2024-01-05 17:00:08. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. “Whoever lives in the past is a museum” a phrase that can be used to not live in the past, but sometimes, looking at it makes us think about what could happen now or in the future… Last episode: https://youtu.be/ukdw-ED6Z8E Kibouno Family Part 0: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvLjUEktCVOVmBUAmMFcn6tu&si=suA_bEiMZleHb5ks Latest GCMV: https://youtu.be/QFA8NB-21AM Learning from Marks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvK_PLKPC2wkx6xF-sXTZB3V&si=DTUt4C-rgMJyagpi #gacha #gachaclub #gachaedit #gachatiktok #gachalife #series #tiktok #shorts #anime… Read More

  • Click NOW for EPIC 1v3 Fight in Minecraft! 😱🎮 #ViralMadness

    Click NOW for EPIC 1v3 Fight in Minecraft! 😱🎮 #ViralMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘intense fight 1v3 wait for end🤣🤣#viral #minecraft #tencent #krafton #bgmi’, was uploaded by Live gaming on 2024-04-14 08:40:12. It has garnered 333 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Survive Insane Zombie Apocalypse Modpack in Minecraft

    Survive Insane Zombie Apocalypse Modpack in MinecraftVideo Information no vídeo de hoje estaremos começando uma provável nova série aqui no canal eu chamei o Gustavo e o vasto Boy para jogar um Mod Pack insano de apocalipse zumbi eu acho que é o Mod Pack mais insano relacionado a zumbi que eu já vi no Minecraft no Mod Pack é cursed Walking E qual vai ser o nosso objetivo nessa série o mundo já está devastado tem zumbis por todo lado para vocês terem ideia não spaw nem Creeper esqueletos são raro de encontrar e eles têm medo dos Zumbis para você ter para vocês terem… Read More

  • Industrial Earth 5: Renaissance – vanilla roleplay, Geopolitics, Plugins, Dynmap

    Industrial Earth 5: Renaissance Industrial Earth 5: Renaissance Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server heavy in roleplay set in the 16th century. Join as a nation leader or citizen and engage in wars, sieges, diplomacy, and roleplay. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features If interested in the Ottoman Empire or becoming the new pope with custom features, join us! Join Now!!! Discord Server Read More

  • rexhalla

    rexhallarexhalla is a minecraft server world in a free for all no rules pvp environment, with some modification to the vanilla survival gamemode.rexhalla is a minecraft server world in a free for all no rules pvp environment, with some modification to the vanilla survival gamemode. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Boots Snatched: oh well

    Well, looks like this meme is scoring higher than I ever did in math class! Read More

  • Hacktastic History: Minecraft’s Mischievous Masters

    Hacktastic History: Minecraft's Mischievous Masters In the world of Minecraft, hacks and hackers abound, From cheat engine to SIM-swapping, chaos is found. Exploits and glitches, the game’s evolution, Notorious hackers causing quite the commotion. FitMC, TheMisterEpic, and Sipover in the mix, Inspiring news reports with their Minecraft tricks. From world of Minecraft to the dreaded cheat engine, Players tinkering with hacks, a wild scene. 2B2T, the Anarchy server where chaos reigns, Popop with Thunderbolt exploit, causing pains. Inventory edit tool, MCG, and MC cheat, Changing the game, making it hard to beat. Reliant client, Nodus, and the infamous Adolf, Hacked clients causing servers to… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and enchanted weapons, while Minecraft girls are just out here collecting flowers and building cute houses? It’s like they’re playing two completely different games!” #MinecraftGenderDisparities Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT ENDER DRAGON IN MINECRAFT 1.2 | MEMBERS SPECIAL | Epitome Gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly got us thinking – what if you could unleash your creativity and build something truly epic on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft, collaborate with like-minded players, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s the… Read More

  • Awkward Moments in Minecraft!

    Awkward Moments in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Embarrassment of Opening the Wrong Door! Welcome to the world of Minecraft where unexpected adventures await at every turn. Join the fun and excitement as you navigate through the blocky landscapes and encounter hilarious mishaps along the way. Unlocking the Laughter Imagine the laughter that ensues when a character opens the wrong door in Minecraft. From unexpected surprises to comical encounters, every moment is filled with joy and amusement. The game’s unpredictable nature keeps players on their toes, ready for whatever may come their way. Turning Mistakes into Memorable Moments Even opening the wrong door can lead… Read More

  • UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!

    UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information uh all right cool bot RZ just join the channel shut the [ __ ] up NBO uh I will keep my camera off right now just because I came home and had the [ __ ] so I just said [ __ ] it and went ahead and took a shower anyway I was going to do that I was going to do that later and anyway like before I went to bed but [ __ ] [Music] it so I got the uh I got my fan on me right now so um yeah I I… Read More

  • Hypixel Ruined Block Clutch

    Hypixel Ruined Block ClutchVideo Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL RUINED THIS BLOCK CLUTCH! #bridgeduels #hypixel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Good Guy Sly on 2024-04-16 20:15:01. It has garnered 2347 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Experience the ultimate ASMR clicking sounds in this action-packed Minecraft video featuring Hypixel Duels, Bedwars, PvP, and more! Dive into the world of Hypixel Bridge and witness epic block clutches and intense battles. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, this video is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on YouTube for… Read More

  • “Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱” #shorts

    "Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱" #shortsVideo Information huh [Music] H woo wow oh my God no God no God please no [Music] what wow This video, titled ‘Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rainbow Noob on 2024-04-19 13:48:02. It has garnered 17763 views and 809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss the video! Read More


    ULTIMATE XP FARM - RULER TAKES ON ASSASSIN IN MINECRAFT 🔥🔪 || #minecraft #survivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइ स्वागत है सभी का 100 डेज सर्वाइवल वीडियो के डे नंबर नाइन पे तो भाई पिछले वाले वीडियो में हम लोग गए थे नेदर फोर्ट्रेस में और वहां पे भाई हमें ब्लेज रॉड मिला था ब्रो हम लोग के पास टोटल दो ब्लेज रॉड हुए थे और फिर एक स्कल विधर करके कुछ भी मिला था भाई बट वो सबका यूज भाई आगे करेंगे तो भाई लोग आज के वीडियो में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपना एक्सपी फार्म क्योंकि भाई हम लोग का सरवाइवर वर्ल्ड में अभी तक एक भी एक्सपी फार्म नहीं है… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funny

    Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funnyVideo Information hey Villager willst du Hiden seek mit mir spielen du bekommst auch 64 Emeralds wenn du gewinnst ich heie Hans okay okay Hans dann versteck dich ich zähle 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 ich komme so wo könnte denn Hans sein ist er vielleicht in diesem Gebäude hier drin Hans komm raus bist du hier nee da scheint er wohl nicht drin zu sein Hans bist du vielleicht in diesem Gebäude ah Hans da bist du ja los Hans ich habe dich gefunden du hast verloren Bro du kriegst die Emeralds nicht hey Hans wo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!

    Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!Video Information अरे भाई भाई मा बट आई कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स सो गाइस तुम्हारा स्वागत है मेरे न्यू वीडियो में तो गाइस तुमने सुना हां हां मैंने सही बोला एकदम कि वी कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स गाइस तो देखो यार अपन मॉब्स के साथ ट्रेड कर सकते हैं और विट द वट ये क्या है बोनस चेस्ट भाई तो एक मिनट बोनस चेस्ट में क्या है ओके एमरल्ड है और ट्रेडिंग आइटम है तो गाइस देखो ये वाली चीज अपने को इने बोनस में दी है क्योंकि ये काम आने वाली है इस चीज में क्योंकि एमरल्ड अप लोग… Read More

  • Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemes

    Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemesVideo Information [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘USELESS LOGIC IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftmeme #shorts’, was uploaded by Canyon Gamerz on 2024-04-29 14:45:03. It has garnered 2692 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Thanks For Watching Plz Like and Subscribe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds… Read More