Ultimate RLCraft Discovery! EP 64

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What’s going on everyone welcome back to more rlcraft today we’re on the hunt for some more experience went ahead and used all of our levels on some uh wooden swords that way we could kind of Target the combat enchants that we need let’s go ahead and disenchant what we got we

Got we got some all right stuff you know nothing too crazy there’s a there’s one unfortunate one see if I can find yeah this one right here we got four on swifter slashes but it’s the bottom one so it’s it’s not going to actually piig

It up which uh it sucks but you know what it’s all right it’ll it’ll be fine we’ll be all right we’ll we’ll eventually get what we need we did get a atomic deconstructor which is another one that we need and we got a vampirism which is pretty solid so hopefully this next little

Batch of experience we get we can get even closer to the kind of weapon that we want to have hoping we can find some super Superior sharpness would really really like to have that I don’t want to put like a whole bunch of useless enchants on this on this nunchuk to be

Honest uh let’s dump all this in here all right uh of the ones that we got see do you have Unbreaking you don’t have Unbreaking yet okay so we’ll put it Unbreaking three I want an atomic deconstructor want our vampirism uh is there a can you do an automic four or

Three automic no okay you can only do two got it that’s fine let’s go oh hang on a minute I don’t know if this works for what we need it to do but I’m I’m going to do it I know it’s not one that we like uh did the did the combination

Thing about but was told to do this so I’m going to do this okay so we should have just enough experience left to get all the stuff on this right that one comic Unbreaking oh damn it we need 18 okay need to get that uh what is It upgraded something or other

Upgraded yeah upgraded potentials I don’t know how to get this I don’t know how to get this is there a way to like Target farm this is this like a like an armor enchant is it a weapon enchant is it a duck I I really I would

Like to would like to know CU I have no idea but I need it I need it like SpongeBob needs the water okay so we got that taken care of see let’s do let see we got 13 experience left so ohot I had this in there disenchant that real quick uh what

The hell happened to you bro what the hell happen how did you get is there one of those freaking weird bat monsters things oh no but I hear a bee there something in here something in here hello hello no okay oh hey pal uh why don’t you just

Chill for a minute uh we’re going to have you sit down right there where’s that bee at there’s that Javelin had some boys assaulting my stuff earlier um have any arrows on me I do that guy hey no [ __ ] okay he got him good job looks like they’re all dead all right uh

13 uh is that enough is that what we needed was it 13 I can’t remember see right our swifter slashes where did I oh God did I lose that where did I put that oh oh no where the hell I accidentally put it see where I don’t remember which box

I put it in son of a [ __ ] crap oh wasn’t in that one oh none of those you son of a [ __ ] it’s gone oh crap okay that’s fine we can find it we’ll find it just uh gonna take a second hang on I don’t think I actually sorted

Any there’s the advanced fishing she for the pickaxe Fortune there’s a level one swift slashes that is not what we are looking for though full speed can you stop pushing me around doggo uh it’s really not in here SAR I had it it’s not this one no sweeping

Okay well put all this crap in here you know it’s not in that box I put it like in here or something uh maybe no this was the other stuff that we had gotten from our adventure how did I how did I lose this thing what the

Hell where the [ __ ] did it go hey you stop pushing me around guy oh my God I can’t believe I actually lost this thing mhh well [ __ ] okay that sucks cuz that was the attack speed one [ __ ] I don’t have a way to search for it Uh come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh thought I saw it no I guess I didn’t it must have been that one right There son of a [ __ ] well I know it’s here I guess we’ll find it we’ll find it one day um drop this off here okay is it still in the it’s not in the Anvil or anything up here no that’s weird did I end up putting it in here no yeah

Okay let’s pick up our backpack and stuff it in here oh no I’m I’m also not done doing this crap thought I got everything out of here well there’s not much in it so not a big deal no I don’t want that in there just give me my thing

Okay chugging a little bit I don’t know what’s going on with that okay toss this in here these bad boys go okay not in that one this one our lapis in there it’s not not in here uh um trying to take it slow so I don’t

Just gloss over it all right we’re going to give it one more look if I can’t find it we’re just going to move on but I would really really like to find it please game please mhm MH not uh not here huh oh underwater strer um sweeping Edge son of a

[ __ ] keep getting tricked by that Supreme Smite man really give that to the book B worms see if they pop me out something a little more useful there’s another Advanced sharpness well that’s useful uh he look at that Sur slashes five okay sweet all right well let’s try that see if this works

Uh oh God it is 35 okay I really need one of those potentials like holy [ __ ] dude stop that in there all right where are we going to go for experience man uh I guess we could try to find one of those Towers I still I’m hesitant to really go

Go crazy because we we have a little bit of healing but not a whole lot um oh the other thing I wanted to do can I this takes dragon bones let’s use some of our experience to get a better roll on our nunchuk that’ll work that will work not perfect but you

Know what I’m going to take it right now I’m going take it uh I need blood I need blood uh how’s our okay so we have two of the four lovely okay pickaxe sweet well let’s uh let’s see here where do we want to

Go uh I keep going down and like we do have the rest of this experience over here that we can go collect um yeah sure why don’t we do that we’ll we’ll go over Yonder and hopefully there will be a decent amount left waiting for us yeah let’s

Uh let’s get moving all right so we pretty much just got the witches left right that was that’s where we left off I think think we were like up here so yeah oh [ __ ] all right already failing already failing boys oh hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa listen little

Guy not interested in your shenanigan um I think that’s a spawner of theirs okay well go oh somebody throwing somebody throwing witch potions is this a this is a block of coal right see yeah is block coal I’ll take him I’ll take him let’s grab this o lag okay see I’m hearing

Them hearing a lot of them oh Jesus oh Jesus hey rude rude rude oh here they come oh here they come okay if we can there’s a lot of these guys well it looks like our our healing is back a little bit which is fantastic news uh what you got on you who’s

[ __ ] oh that was probably me all right let’s grab some blocks to build with cuz the stairs are destroyed so we’re going to need a way to get up there hey no little shitthead all right um maybe like that [ __ ] there’s so many witches just they’re everywhere all right oh come on

Come on oh [ __ ] oh no okay we’re free free we’re fre you guys should be should be oh [ __ ] okay get out of my face the [ __ ] lords no not witch okay oh oh what the [ __ ] just got me is that a rock okay where you at I see some stink

Lines there you go come on here we go ow what okay get all these little [ __ ] lords out of here all right um let’s get this okay I hear more witches what the hell all right where is this guy at I know I saw another one of them

Okay there now all our stuff is back where it needs to be that back on okay where am I my God there’s so many of these little crap little [ __ ] where the hell dude oh where am I I am lost as [ __ ] oh oh No Okay we

Okay so wait in the corner we’re just going to keep spinning I still think this is like the worst [ __ ] enchantment anybody could have ever made all right well we’re just going to start healing okay good really hope these Pixies oh you know what I should do let’s uh let’s have you

Assist just with these guys okay come on come on fire him in fire in get this [ __ ] out of here know where the hell I think I like skipped the skipped an area or something when I got launched up like that nope nope nope okay I saw you [ __ ] cheap shot

[ __ ] what’s the matter with you what’s the matter with you where am I okay there’s you we been in here maybe can’t tell um Shears uh we have not been in here Le if we had I didn’t loot it very well sharpness efficiency buried treasure map might be interesting okay let’s go get this experience before it despawns just clearing you up there’s a lot of you in there huh in all shapes and sizes see your

Feet all right let’s run in here real quick of you what where my NS go okay there we go just getting a little stressed out for a second there I thought they stole away my nunchucks I just got those back man just got those back okay so touch dep rer

Okay oh what the [ __ ] where’ you come from is there more there spawners under here um oh a spawner somewhere the hell what’s that purple stuff oh Jesus I need water no I need food um uhoh uhoh oh oh what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh

Oh my God okay whoa that’s going to make me nauseous as [ __ ] dude [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] dude who thought this was a good idea this is so stupid wow oh my [ __ ] god dude what the hell is why are there witches spawning all

Over me right now okay you know what we’re going to [ __ ] we’re out of here I’m not dealing with these [ __ ] oh my God I’m like I get nauseous super [ __ ] easy like it’s it’s not a good thing okay that a [ __ ] windigo there’s a windigo in here why

Are why is there a windigo okay what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ um I would like to continue but honestly there’s too many witches and I know the Aphasia was one thing but that spinning enchant or the spinning debuff is just going to send me [ __ ] spinning basically the

[ __ ] whoa whoa what the [ __ ] is your problem okay are you serious Okay all right well that’s fine that’s fine come on get the [ __ ] right box okay that let’s get some backup armor don’t even have backup armor at this point uh sure we’ll do that one okay and we’ll get a backup weapon uh sure we get this great sword okay where the [ __ ] am

I okay okay this what this crap okay pick that up actually dump like as much of this [ __ ] as we can in here I need that I need this need these things equip this stuff real quick before the other stuff spawns my trinkets okay bubles right the rest of my crap there’s a

Mutton stuff in here my other bobles okay that everything oh my God these [ __ ] cobwebs dude I don’t know why I got so saly at that but I did like oh my God okay oh oh Jesus all right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here going go find a

Different space to get some experience at I got everything right at Le close to it uh yeah cuz I was wearing like this thing on my head or something like that right yeah all right let’s go find a new yeah yeah hey [ __ ] what was that sound is that CU I

Like went in here or something oh I must have like clicked on that guy or something I don’t even know dude What’s even in here huh lock of emerald can I like wait where’s our bow um oh my God our bow where the [ __ ] is our bow uhoh

Uhoh uh I got to find I got to find that let’s go this okay where’s the bow can’t believe I didn’t notice that before where’s our bow should be right here this is where we died um okay maybe uh I guess where the [ __ ] did the bow go was

It did I like oh you know what maybe it got yeed when the witch hit me with uh a scramble oh [ __ ] you Jesus all Um that that uh is it in here is that mine that is mine where the my God what the [ __ ] happened to all my [ __ ] how did this even oh don’t break completely okay okay so where the [ __ ] is my stuff you got to be kidding me

Man no [ __ ] way where’s all my crap okay not in here oh nope not in there it out here somewhere oh no [ __ ] is your deal I have my I do have my Med kit never mind okay but my Bow’s gone MH okay you know what note to self we

Are never coming to one of these again ever this was not really worth the experience experience that we got from it um and now my [ __ ] [ __ ] is just missing even though it should be right where I died uh which is right here I’m not like blind or anything I’m not

Just okay cool our [ __ ] is just gone nice very nice this [ __ ] oh oh my God dude oh okay yeah we’re getting the [ __ ] out of here you don’t screw the bow screw the [ __ ] bow I don’t or remake it we will remake the dam bow it wasn’t even that

Major had some power on it had mending [ __ ] all right let’s [ __ ] let’s just’s get the hell out of here we’re going to go find a new new Tower or something all right we found a beautiful little Tower and it kind of looks like there’s another one of those dungeons that we

Got our vitamins from hanging out over there I found an enchant dungeon over there too uh is there anything in here this is just I don’t remember what these are remember if these are dungeons or if they’re just like structures I think they’re just structures right uh yeah looks like

It some wood some Spears nothing major nothing doesn’t seem like there’s anything that cool in here enchants enchants anybody enchants oh it’s just the same room I was just in son of a [ __ ] hey little Pelican guys oh and another one of these cool all right so this is the one that

Has Golem at the top yes it is is sweet so let’s start spinning boys let’s start spinning uh before I forget though oh did one of those [ __ ] I guess we spawned and we already killed him nice I love that efficiency right all Right guess we chilling away for these guys to spawn huh this is less oh there you go now they’re spawning now we’re going it did occur to me though while we were flying over here like I have no range weapon now cuz I don’t have return on my

Javine so that’s kind of a problem uh I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about that entirely um yeah that is an issue we do like range weapons here okay was kind of hoping this would be a skeleton spawner but that’s fine that’s fine there we go there’s some more there

We go that’s better keep on going hey you got to like get out of here man passive back to passive with you all right all right easy oh back to sitting in the corner I guess hey there you go there’s a bz nice some more dust

Sweet that up what’s this one what do you got on here magic well this area this this level is done next oh hey bud you’re sitting up here waiting for me huh that’s cool hey buddy oh hello where’s there a lot of stuff in there you got to peek around the corner

Man got some levels up beautiful oh I need water huh let’s get some sipps some sippy sipps some of that and we’ll get some of this boom boom nice all right hello why yes thank you I will take your souls give me all your experience oh no I don’t want your freaking web

Bro your [ __ ] out of here nobody wants that crap oh a blighted oh oh my God you’re so quick holy crap [ __ ] zoom in he’s fast as [ __ ] boy fast as [ __ ] you know that that saying doesn’t actually make a whole lot of sense fast as [ __ ] like your [ __ ] shouldn’t be

Fast at least not in my opinion like you got to take your time and like enjoy it that’s like the main one of the main things that makes you feel I guess human it’s [ __ ] you know you don’t want that to be fast get down here

Get down here hey no I didn’t want you guys to get down here I’m sorry we had miscommunication okay uh H some wool I’ll take the wool let’s put some this random crap that we don’t need in there spider eyes get the livers out of here

Can I can I I can’t do anything with those huh okay all right uh let’s try he now take it easy gentlemen take it oh holy crap oh hey oh nice I’m dropping on my head like that oh my God I’m dumb it’s right in

Front of my [ __ ] face it was in my Bag I even remember doing that than God all right you know what maybe we don’t pull an all nighter tonight I have like not slept in several days for the most part like I’ve had a couple hours here and there but for the most part I’ve just been chugging energy drinks

And trying to stay awake and get get [ __ ] done dude think I should just take a nap or something man like I feel so much better now that we have our bow back God thank you past me for giving future me something to be grateful for

No I’m kid I’m grateful for a lot of things I’m grateful for a lot of things life is good at the end of the day I got a got a roof over my head I got enough money to get the occasional treat you know got a lovely wife we have roof over our

Head we are good things are going well all right what you got in here nothing oh hey hey hey hey nice be nice be nice of that get rid of that hey pal how you doing oh God lord [ __ ] guys well let’s uh hop up one more

Level keep spinning there’s a lot of spiders this time a lot of spiders in this one man can you stop like slowly creeping up the wall and just fight my ass and the rest of me too fight all of me that’s a song isn’t it um what song is

That oh I don’t even remember okay so we got one more spawner up here I’m sure the things above are getting I hear zombies that’s a positive okay there was the last spider uh Hey vampirism level two let’s go oh hey hey no no no you want some

Vampirism well you can have my nunchucks they have vampirism Vamp can’t talk god damn it o there’s a lot of bonies in here okay you guys going to cycle through and pick up the same bow over and over again what you got on you power well I don’t need

That that zombie looks so sad he was just looking off to the side like he had been [ __ ] scolded or something God damn bro cheer up man cheer up it’s not that bad out there it’s not that bad you got to you got to take soless and small things you know enjoy

Life come on now come on now spawn for me baby spawn for me where we went today I took my wife to Cracker Barrel for the first time today uh it was surprisingly better than I remembered we had they have this like cinnamon roll pie thing which is literally just a cinnamon roll

In some pie crust not not anything too crazy but it was [ __ ] delicious their cinnamon roll is top tier dude but it was the first time she’d ever been into into Cracker Barrel we used to go out there all the time as when I was a

Kid but she had not been so we were out wandering around today just chilling trying to find something to do and it was it was a good trip you know cracker bars got some pretty good food she loved their pancakes so the they were some of the best pancakes

She’s had in a long time yeah it was a it was a good time we were just chilling you know like you do hey no you picking up bones you’re going to hit me with bones I want you to hit me with your bone not into of that

All right you are that’s fine just leave me out of it get out of here get out of here no bad zombies bad zombes no I hear you B behind me I have 40 levels so far huh how many more wonder how many more levels we got to go oo

Spy man you guys are falling you guys don’t fall through Holes in the Floor hello gentlemen would you like to talk about your lord and savior nuk out here get out of here hello you guys are very friendly oh damn it we don’t have any freaking lock

Picks I should have take some of that freaking uh H the wood that we found earlier we can come up and break that uh water oh we need water oh this dungeon is like right on top of the other one okay that’s actually really good to know can you take me back up

Please let’s see oh I got a lot of experience in there is that is this the level we were at I don’t think it was I don’t think it was some of this food yeah stuff’s despawning already what the heck was not the level we were at was it no

Just experience chilling on the ground what the heck what the heck what you got on you see that’s heating dep oh you’re masterful nice very nice if only you were like diamond armor or something see hey here he was hanging upside down down backwards what the [ __ ] hello

Boys come see me in my corner there we go hey buddy yes it’s your turn next there we go get your get your ass out of here Spin to Win baby spin to win a lot spiders oh [ __ ] okay well going back up hey there you are

What you what you got what you got great sword little mass of spiders over here I see oh he’s just spinning guys are just spinning there’s more [ __ ] more locks the [ __ ] out of here all right well there goes a spider spawner very nice very nice indeed ooh ooh special Z special

Skeleton I wanted that experience oh oh you dick that was a real rude move man that was a rude move all right so oh God Dam it hey there you go wow all right just blow yourself up apparently Hey listen just give me a second okay I got to pick up your little

Thingy here we go and I can’t believe how long it took me to actually find one of those and now they just drop like candy at this point all right hopefully it’s hopefully it’s that way with the [ __ ] tier five dragons probably be doing that next honestly like once we get

Some more enchants going we’ll finish up as many of the enchants that we can for our Javelin and our nunchuck cuz our Bow’s pretty good for now I don’t really need in that chest Um hello skeletons oh this is the second level okay wait oh what the [ __ ] did you drop Winter’s gift the hell is that subject English I don’t need that the hell is a Winter’s gift what did you knock somebody down there you’re there’s a Bez down there I

Have to go get that real quick hey skeleton skeleton head there’s a head okay this do here’s your presence little bit of glow stone huh what the [ __ ] stop it my God are you serious right now how many more are you in a spot oh my God they’re just dropping like flies okay

Um this real quick okay [ __ ] uh multishot nice put our backup armor in here more [ __ ] go take those out go boom very nice hey you guys like Cracker Barrel I don’t know if it’s all over the US I think it is right I think it’s a well-known chain what the [ __ ]

Oh can I can you let me down there we go there we go hey more Winter’s gift wonder why they’re just spawning oh cuz it’s it’s uh L1 here so maybe they’re set to spawn starting on the oh what the hell salty tree and an evil looking

Penguin what in the hell is going on here what the [ __ ] you can’t trust [ __ ] in our craft goddamn okay you didn’t even drop anything good you drop some wood and some sticks the hell kind of crap is that [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] You I have oh I have nunchucks that heal me here we get them oh we did nice um um I got to be quick oh no quick quickly quickly collect stuff flare gun ammo teleportation Aussie liner cool get that get that uh that’s that’s good for now okay oh [ __ ] oh no

Oh woo okay run okay now remember the water isn’t safe water is not safe uh can you teleport to me there we go all right is there well there’s some some diamonds let’s see is that it okay I think they’re I think it’s done exploding all right put you down

All right we’re just going to toss all this crap in here all right my pickax is oh wait hang on a minute hang on a minute I think I know where my pickax is think we just solved this mystery yeah there we go I remember damn it I remembered okay diamond

Oh a holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of stuff okay don’t need the paper don’t need the playay don’t need the bookshelves don’t need this don’t need that don’t need this thing yeah I got one of those too pal it’s not Enchanted don’t need that or this no no NOP nope nope nope nope

Okay pick that up don’t need that this that empty Outlets might actually be useful someday screw it don’t need Redstone TNT mushroom that diamond lock apparently okay golden horse Armor bucket clock music disc Compass glass actually I probably needed the glass to be honest that would have been useful uh I don’t actually see anything else that I want so we’re just going to go ahead and try and mount our Rock where’d you go buddy all right well teleport to

Me crash into me that’s Dave Matthews right think that’s Dave Matthews what are those guys those uh what are you what are you the campus interesting interesting okay and we’re coming over here because usually some cool stuff in this this area we’ll heal up oh I see a

Spawner doesn’t look like it’s active though which is beautiful yeah let’s go oh it’s just a skel zombie spawner there we go okay this guy out of here okay I don’t know if that’s actually Spa I want I don’t want to fight the oh you know what we’re actually going to stay up

Here we’re going to use that to our advantage is that the only Spawner in here I think it is what what okay we’re going to leave this spawner here and we’re going to there is more spawners we go okay there we go all right okay uh apparently I can’t open

Stuff oh [ __ ] that’s what I was trying to avoid I was trying to get rid of this guy okay oh but we got night vision so I don’t think we’re we’ll take damage from blind or not damage from blind but I don’t think we’ll get the blind

Effect okay but I can’t open stuff so I think we got to restart yeah we’re going to restart real quick and now we get on things we’re good now so let’s uh oh guys are fighting huh little holiday gift again I want to open the thing thank you uh we’ll take the

Skull go pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up through the cactus here we go okay oh where are the other chests again oh hey hey is there one over here oh there is it’s just cocoa beans love it uh yeah right this is this aay spawner

Okay is this uh where we came up oh it is okay guy was just chilling here waiting for me ah here you go here’s the other chest okay nothing nothing I heard a oh I did hear something hey pal hey nope nope no no no nope not going to let you spawn

Beautiful where the [ __ ] I heard you there he is there we go sweet so are there any more O what are you and why are you on fire it’s a witch damn witch okay no he didn’t drop a ring thought he did for a second there oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh out here oh there’s a bunch of them there a bunch of you

[ __ ] that’s fine I want more rings so I’ll take them take what I can get oh I’m full up pot we don’t need the pot uh is that all that’s oh about a few of you here now huh heart shard s and oh there you are hey pal dang

It no rings what are you get that are you wither skeleton skull you are a wither skeleton skull there we go grab that okay so this area is done it’s more I don’t know why that hippoc campus is uh chilling like that okay pick up these all

Right where oh here we go here we go so I think there’s some stuff up here I think or no we’ve only been in one of the us before so wheat potatoes mutton nothing useful so Far a big ass Tower nothing huh guys what’s in here jump boost potions um there we go I’ll take those I guess uh this ladder doesn’t go anywhere fellas did you know that that ladder does not go anywhere okay and nothing huh okay oh wait isn’t there aren’t there boats over here

Somewhere uh damn it are we going to have to wait for oh no we got to there we go I think there’s boat somewhere isn’t that a isn’t that a thing uh maybe not oh no here you go there’s a boat there’s the boat who okay of levers oh don’t die

Okay is there a spawner of any kind anywhere in here doesn’t look like it o well don’t mind if I Arrow uh this in there anything else we can stack there’s not okay we’ll get this this out um that out of there nothing else we can stack

Huh yeah we need to eat yeah we need to eat okay we’ll take some sips all right let’s finish looting this area see got some Arrows some more arrows don’t need any of that uh I don’t think I need oh wait there’s arrows in there hang on a second you power five nice very nice what about these guys what you got in here nothing ender pearl oh and some experience potions get the experience potions thank

You okay is that uh is that all I think that’s all yeah all right hey pal come on right let the enchant dungeon did we actually we actually filled this area on the map uh I can’t tell what is this this a boat oh [ __ ] there’s a boat under here what’s

Uh what’s going on in here dude uh okay oh oh [ __ ] I don’t think I have enough speed oh my God we’re going to make it holy [ __ ] we made it really need to get a SE a SE Stone I’m going to do any of that

Stuff uh okay we got to fill in this area a little bit O what this uh oh just one of these houses okay wall okay all right oh [ __ ] ow come here thank you all right uh a gray Dragon no oh [ __ ] he SE me [ __ ] [ __ ] sh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s leaving me alone he is leaving me alone all right

Well we’re going to go back to base home sweet home we are back so let’s go ahead and cash in the levels we have uh we’ll try and sort out our inventory a little bit as well um is a can’t really stack too much in here

Huh all right do that put that in there where those swords go they they’re in one of these right um crap are they these yeah there you go there’s swords okay oh oh Laging some lapis boom yeah what we got we got sweeping Edge lesser we’ll do fling because we don’t need it and venomed there you go already got swifter slashes on there okay oh you [ __ ] hate that I hate that it does that bling AR pods uh clear sky favor come on don’t

[ __ ] me all right s strikes less arthopods okay Do that in there pull up on diamonds in that one apparently we get these out of the way while we walk um you uh you no okay well I guess we’ll start off here um oh no well very well that’s fine that is totally fine

Okay back to 42 which means I think we can actually put the uh swifter slashes enchant on our uh our nunchucks what do you got flame that’s not even worth it also not worth it nope all right sweet uh what do you got in here you got sharpness write the vamper ISM okay

Let’s in one of these right yeah switch for slashes toss these on to oh you know what hang on a minute I don’t know this is actually going to do anything once again but we’re going to do it s slashes one of these boom there’s that this guy here thir five

Okay that’s a lot that’s some quick damage man that is some quick damage all right well there goes all of our experience so we’ll toss all this in here all right well I’m going to go ahead and sort out our inventory as per the usual and when we come back we’ll

Probably go on the hunt for more experience you know like we want We want to get our stuff pretty high up there you know I’d like to get Advanced protection on the the armor and get some more like maybe some Advanced power on the bow or something like that but yeah we’ll probably be hunting for more experience next time but I think that’s

Actually going to do it for this one thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed please consider like comment and subscribing really help me out thank you for being here and I’ll see you in the next one later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft RLCraft [EP 64] It was right In front of my face’, was uploaded by Herbbutterinc on 2023-12-10 13:00:45. It has garnered 69 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:50 or 3770 seconds.

#rlcraft #rlcraftminecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraft Blind Playthrough of RLCraft. Thank you so much for watching!!

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest

    Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Our lo-fi beats create a peaceful home. Moonlit melodies and lunar dreams, Study sessions filled with calming themes. Join us on a journey through the Minecraft night, With Steve and Alex, everything feels right. Echoes of the moon and whispers of space, In our playlist, you’ll find a tranquil place. So subscribe now and let the music flow, For a day filled with joy, wherever you go. Relax, unwind, and let your mind soar, In the world of Minecraft, forevermore. 🌙🎶 Stay tuned for more lo-fi vibes, As we… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

    15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft! Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Unveiled! Excitement is in the air as Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary with a special event. Let’s dive into the details of this milestone celebration! New Features and Additions The anniversary event brings a plethora of new features and additions to the Minecraft universe. Players can expect exciting updates, exclusive items, and perhaps even limited-time challenges to mark this special occasion. The anticipation is high as fans eagerly explore what Minecraft has in store for them. Community Engagement One of the most remarkable aspects of Minecraft is its vibrant community. The anniversary… Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Changes Portal Changes In the latest Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 2, several fixes have been implemented for portals. Now, using an ender pearl to leave the end no longer skips the credits, and entering the end portal plays the portal sound once again. Additionally, issues with the obsidian platform spawning inside terrain have been resolved, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. Enchantment Updates Soul speed enchantment now activates immediately upon landing on soul soil or soul sand, and ceases to work when landing on other blocks. Ranged attacks no longer trigger the Wind… Read More

  • Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod

    Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod Automating the Andesite Age in Minecraft Create Mod In a thrilling Minecraft Create 1.20.1 adventure, Stam1o has successfully automated the entire Andesite Age! This feat showcases the creativity and ingenuity of players within the Minecraft community. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this remarkable achievement. Automating Andesite Production Stam1o’s automation journey began with the creation of an impressive Andesite farm, thanks to the guidance provided by LegendCraftB_. By utilizing the innovative features of the Create Mod, Stam1o was able to streamline the production of Andesite, a crucial resource in the game. Modpack and Resources The success of this… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-1-18-2 Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/16819234096 Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: fmine.fun / 19132 Website: htts://pay.fmine.su VKontakte: https://vk.com/fullm Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server:https://discord.gg/fZ3NQ4Udu5 ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: https://silentclient.net/ref/fe9becbfbb ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More