Ultimate Roller Coaster Design

Video Information

Hello there my fellow miners in crashes Catan so scar here bringing you another super awesome minecraft episode and in today’s episode we returned to the skyline rollercoaster project to work on our layout of multiple Hills turns and drops so let’s get this episode oh no way alright and welcome back to scar

Land and it’s always great to have you here for another super awesome project and we’re heading up our lift Hill heading into our Big Show building so we’re heading within the underground portion of the roller coaster where we will build some underwater scenes and of course there’ll be a sea monster and all

Sorts of other great stuff but what we need to work on today is laying out this main lift area over here so there’s gonna get giant hill and going up there then down and a big turn and then making its way back up we need to kind of get

That area laid out and I really want to get the main track built and then we can work on you know the supports the show building all that good stuff eventually one problem I found is that I was completely out of you know the woods the different acacia the milk-chocolate ward

The dark chocolate I was completely out of acacia I had a little bit of dark chocolate and a little bit of spruce so I’ve been spending just hours upon hours trying to harvest new woods and stuff so we are we’re getting there we’re getting there on what we need but here is our

Show building so this is kind of what you would think of like when you think of a ride an amusement park ride or something at a Disney park with a big show building somewhere where show scenes are hidden with you know out of view from the main area of the park so

You know you might see a pirate ship or you know a graveyard or something would be you know nestled into a show building in the behind-the-scenes area of a ride so one thing we’re gonna do here just need to clear that all out of there get

That all out of there there we go looking good looking good and then let me swap that out of there grab myself some track here we go sweet alright so we’re just going to kind of build the track up along here so this is going to

Be the underwater portion I kind of want to you know spend a couple minutes here explaining this area so what we’ll do is I’ve kind of gotten a basic you know shape kind of carved out within here in this area along here it’ll be kind of like on your underwater a little bit

You’re kind of like kind of like ooh I’m kind of underwater it’s kind of like kind of a an experience you know you’re kind of experiencing the water you know you’re like whoo beautiful underwater I’ll let good stuff but then you slowly start to realize there are things amiss

Down here are things on this so down you know down here of course there’s gonna be a sea monster that will chase you out of the water so like we were talking about before the theme of this is kind of adventure so you’re kind of on these adventures you know this particular

Adventure you’re on at the moment will consist of you know being underwater so one of the designs that I have for the upper level above us here is going to be a mixture of glass stained glass and then water on top of that and I think that’s gonna give us this really great

Impression that we are underwater and yeah so just kind of working out this stuff it takes a long time but I think it’s I think it’s starting to come out so I’m just gonna continue to work on adding this track and I’ll see you in just a couple minutes all right and

Welcome back so one good thing about making this entire cavern here is the ability to get a decent amount of iron because we are runnin already out of track so we want to go a little bit more over some of the design so the cave itself so let me just get ya that’s

That’s gonna be plenty that’s gonna be plenty so the cave itself is kind of just a basic you know height so we worked on just getting kind of a basic height in here now each of the little areas I want to kind of have maybe there’d be an area where it’s a cave

Where it’s you know the the ceilings are really low and then we’ve kind of opened up into it a more expansive area which would require you know a little bit more carving out like right in this area this area is going to be quite you know a lot

Bigger than it is now or as this might be a tunnel leading into a bigger section right here where the sea monster is attacking you so something like that I think would be definitely pretty cool so and of course the powered rail is just a temporary kind of thing here just

To kind of give us the ability to kind of cruise through here to come gauge you know speed and different things like that alright so now we’re at this point here where we need to start to work out the rollercoaster so for right here we’re gonna go one two three four all

Right now we’re gonna work it up like so and then we’re going to let’s see yes and that is 2 3 4 so we slowly have our arch so it’s slowly gonna work its way up instead of going like a jarring you know start straight up so yeah I need to

Figure out how to make a giant like sea creature you know attacking you right here and I’ve never really built creatures like that in Minecraft so some of that’s gonna be a bit new and it’s gonna be a little bit difficult but we’ll figure it

Out we will figure it out like you know the Viking longship that we need to build for where the drop comes down these are all things I’m working on I’m just not very good at those things so it’s I’ve been trying to like I don’t

Know put that off or I’m like oh I’ll work on this or I’ll work on that but it’s like time where I really need to decide on how to do those so let’s I’m really really trying to work on that stuff and it’s a little bit difficulties I’ve never tried you know

Making these ships and sea monsters and different things like that my craft alright so we’re going 1 to sub 2 of 4 and then for this one we’re gonna do one so these are three so one of those two and then let’s do let’s see bring up

Four more there we go so what do we got here so this is three so it’s one two yeah I think that’s probably good and now we’re going to work into a set of two so we’re gonna start working in a set of two like that so then we have one

Two three let’s do it to four beautiful and then we’re gonna start to work our way upwards like this there we go so we just start bringing this guy all the way up so I carved out this area just to give us a little leg up today there we

Go and then trying to you know make it so we can actually make it out of the water which is a little bit difficult you just kind of make a little box within it and then you start getting it out and there we go we’re out of the

Water we’re away from the sea monster eventually the Kraken though will be attacking us so yeah so now we just need to work our way upwards now and yeah so now it’s just kind of going back and forth here like so jump enough here like so without dying

Ah so yeah we’re just need to work our way up now into our next kind of lift and drop alright and we’ll come back and I just realized being how cold it is the snow and all I have no pants on it’s very drafty it’s very cold somebody

Please give me some pants ha ha ride and welcome back so what we’re working on here is getting this pieces all put together and rolling so we’ve got this all the way up to here now just that simple pattern back and forth now we’ve gotten to here and I’ve done a little

Bit of scar math which translated to is a little bit of a fuzzy math so we’re trying to figure that out trying to get this to line up appropriately so that I can do another idea that I have eventually Wendy you know once we do this big lift that makes it arch across

Here goes down and goes all the way nearly to the bridge over there I’ve got a you can see it’s just a little you know marker right over there it’s gonna loop around here again and then cross under here in a head chopper design and then go back down around and then under

The ground all sorts of good stuff anyway let’s get to work here so I’ve got a little scaffolding built up here of course because uh whoops Carly I wouldn’t be complete without a little scaffolding now would it all right and now we’re gonna work this guy up here like so

All right and now at this block ready here all right so we are at what I believe to be so we’re at 21 let me double-check this so we’re at a height of 21 okay so we’re at a height of 21 and now I’m gonna go like this

There we go and I’m gonna work this out like so – – and that’s gonna be one all right and that is – we’re gonna do three of these beautiful three those and now we’re gonna go two three four and then we’re gonna do two more of these whoops

I don’t want to do that there we go clean that up there we go work that’s there beautiful it’s an ode to those never gonna go this is four so this is two three four and then work that up one more time double check one two three four like I always

Say it’s always important to double check double check double check all right so one two three or five six seven all right there we go I think that is good let’s jump down onto our scaffolding and work out that other section so I mean jump over here beautiful

Right so I just want to double-check this section right here so I’m gonna scaffold up here and then we put that down and then I guess we would work it out from here right yes there we go it’s looking good looking good all right so let’s jump on down here and now we’re

Gonna work on from here of course is bringing this piece out forth so of course we’re gonna go one two three and then we’re gonna scaffold back here a little bit alright and there’s four beautiful all right and then work that out to about three so continue the

Scaffolding now if any of you are afraid of heights I do apologize of course I do apologize because we are way up here and we are right on the edge we are right on the edge there we go anyone’s across there and knowing that I don’t have any pants on this is getting

Scary okay so let’s see one two three and then we’re gonna do one more of those and now we’re gonna start into our twos there we go so let’s jump down here and we’re gonna need one more block there and now we’re getting there now we’re getting there one more section

Beautiful beautiful oh oh we’re right on the edge almost walked right off there almost walked right off there all right I believe we needed one more section and now we can start to work our way down and there we go looking good and it’s

Quite snowy up here in the in the top of scar land and look at how beautiful it is up in the Ewok village area over there and looking good looking good actually don’t we call that pan scar I think over there actually something like that after like Pandora but we kind of

Stuck scar on the end I think that’s what we called that but anyway I’m gonna keep working there and I’ll meet you at the bottom now does anybody have the number to an exterminator we’ve got a mob problem we’ve got mobs everywhere so we’re just gonna stay up on the

Scaffolding oh look at those Bob’s down there so many creeper inspectors all right so now what we’re gonna do here is we’re gonna jump over here we’re gonna jump onto this block here and then from this block here so we’re at about 80 for that right oh no we should be about 85

There we go should be about at 85 at this point right here so from that block or there we’re gonna work our way down here like so so now we’re just gonna get back into that pattern of making a slowly declining slope so they’re gonna go down

To a buyout let me get right here into the appropriate and line up there we go click on the side of that torch there we go beautiful and then work on getting a set of three built up so let’s double check to make sure we’re all good and

Ready to go so one two oh no no we need to do one more set all right we’ve come to the end of this scaffolding line looks like we’re going to have to brave our chances down below now oh hello guys how’s everyone doing good great go play over there on fire there

You go good good little creeper inspector all right oh you tried that you try but you failed oh you got friends all right so that is one two three and now we’re gonna work our way down into a set of three and that’s gonna be two of them there we go perfect

Perfect and now we’re going to just slowly touch the the ground so we’re just gonna barely gently get towards it I don’t want to actually get all the way on the ground because I might want to do a little bit of a terraformed area below

It so I don’t actually want to touch the ground so I think everything should work out with my scar math but don’t count on it because you know how that is all right whoa oh you tried to touch sky but you can’t can’t touch this no you

Can’t I get out of here okay so this one is gonna be one two three four oh oh you’re you’re uh you’re a hardy one aren’t you you made it through my fire raid all right there we go so one two three four and then we’ll drop dead down there and

Then Regatta me got me they finally touched the sky they’ve finally touched him all right so one two and that’s gonna count that as three or five beautiful wonderful cut that out right there awesome so now ring around the sky all right let’s move him out of the way get you

Out it get you get you over there okay so right here we’re going to let’s see let me scaffold up a little bit okay and now we’re going to work on bringing this up so that same pattern that we did along there now we’re gonna start that

All the way up this way again and I’ll meet you at the fair all right and good morning here this is quite a spot to sleep on we’re right on the edge here all right so we’ve worked our way up from the bottom down there to

Here and I’m starting to run out of our attract we got there’s nothing out still enough but that’s pretty awesome that all the iron that we got out of our excavation project down in the cave has given us enough track to make this whole loop across here which is actually

Pretty cool all right there we go and bring up two there and then bring this up one more all right so now we’re just gonna double check here make sure we are on the appropriate block we are and then from this block right here we

Are going to go up here one and then we’re going to go to so we’re gonna start to do this side just a little bit different we’re going to start to make these arches just a little bit smaller now that we’re starting to lose a little

Momentum from our big drop you know as we go along these all these little drops are gonna be a little shorter a little shorter as gravity starts to take over so that’s one two and then we’re gonna do one more right here there we go and then I’m gonna transition into the three

There we go there’s a three section and now I’m going to do a four no that’s two three four and jump up here double check one two three four perfect perfect perfect perfect and now I’m going to work this piece out here just a little bit there we go

Looking good looking good all right so now right here I’m gonna cut that out and I’m gonna start to work these over here now I don’t really have any particular way I want to do this now I can always kind of refine it as I go as

You can see down below we are eventually going to need to terraform this section right through here so that our supports have something to sit upon when we get to that phase all right so I’m going to work over here and I’m going to count

This out here so this is one two three four five six seven eight so that’s eight I think I’m actually gonna call it there I’m gonna call it here I call it right there all right so this is one two three four five six seven eight beautiful beautiful there we go that is

Looking super fancy and then from here what we can do is just slowly kind of walk this piece just like we did on the other side there we go and you might be wondering hey scar what happened to your levels yeah I died I

Know I know it’s sad but you know we are working kind of high and your finger gets a little slippery every once in a while and yeah so that happens no all right so I’m gonna call it right about there for now and let’s just double check this to make

Sure that it’s looking good Oh perfect so when the roller coaster car comes along here you’ll be able to see kind of water down there maybe even just some trees we can plan along there and then you kind of get up to about here and then drop down ah ah that is

Pretty cool so let’s count this out because I think we may have went a little farther than the other side so let’s see here so this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 still feel like we may win a little bit farther but I think that’s pretty good I

Think that is pretty good so let me finish up this section as similar to what we did here so as we kind of wrapped it around here we’re gonna drop it down at that same height so 3 so 4 3 2 2 2 and then drop it down so let me

Finish this just drop up and then we’ll meet up and take a look from afar alright and welcome back so as you can see we started off down there we worked this whole hill all the way up there we’ve got that beautiful arch going down

And then down into the drop back up and into that little turn around there now I haven’t brought down that section yet because we’re going to need to do a little bit of terraforming in this area right here to try to you know get rid of

Some of the sand so we have a clean entrance into the ground so this section is actually gonna go underground for a little bit and then pop back up and then go up to about here and then into a head chopper through there once of course the supports are there and everything but

Yeah that is starting to look super fancy we’ve got a really great layout and it was such an added bonus to get all that extra iron from our caving project down below where we’re going to do our underwater section but there we go guys I thank you so much for watching

Today and hopefully you enjoyed it and I did forget to mention that my new shovel is actually called the Matterhorn I’m gonna talk a little bit about that in the next episode well guys once again I think this has been times with scar and I thank you so much

For watching and until next time we’ll see you later and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and to once again like I was talking about we place these thinner sections at the top just to give it the impression that you know it’s just a

Little bit higher up it gives it that a little bit more force perspective feel we’ve tried using that design on you know different areas of builds previous like the suspension bridge in scar land and it came out fantastic by the way I looked how we did that

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Roller Coaster Structure Design Layout (Scarland Coaster Build Ep.24)’, was uploaded by GoodTimesWithScar on 2015-05-23 15:00:00. It has garnered 18430 views and 558 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds.

Well hello there, GoodTimesWithScar here bringing you a Super Awesome new Minecraft building project. I’m going to show you how to build a cool Minecraft Roller Coaster in my survival building tutorial world. The Roller Coaster will have a massive automatic redstone station house and other surprises for the ride! In part 24, I will show you how to make a Minecraft roller coaster’s support structure. ——————————————————– T-Shirt Shop: http://GoodTimesWithScar.spreadshirt.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Goodtimeswithscar/398390416904741 My Texture Pack: http://youtu.be/NSSIvXbIjXk ——————————————————– Send me mail at: Good Times With Scar PO Box 966 Washougal WA 98671

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  • DracoNova

    DracoNovaWelcome to DracoNova! We’re a small smp server aiming big – a hybrid server/player driven economy, free to earn ranks, custom gear, bosses and more that is to come! DISCLAIMER: Currently we’re in a beta period with not much to offer, but with a soft-reset coming soon we hope to meet everyone’s expectations. Everything’s explained and updates are shared on discord. We provide land claiming for a comfortable experience, but for those interested in more exciting gameplay, we hear you, and we provide – wars. draconova.com Read More

  • SummitSurvival Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4

    Updates and Reset Notice In addition to the latest updates, the outer end islands will reset next week to replenish the elytra supply. About Summit Survival Summit Survival is a SMP server that focuses on creative gameplay without limits. Build redstone contraptions, large-scale builds, or simply explore and collect. We have a no griefing policy in place and minimal rules to keep things productive. Joining Process Connect using the IP summitsurvival.org. Cross play is supported and you can connect via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules Do not hack or use x-ray. Do not modify player builds or entities. Do… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block Bro’s Minecraft Adventure

    Looks like that skeleton upgraded from bones to swords real quick! Watch out, he’s leveling up. Read More

  • School’s Out, Minecraft Kids Gone Wild!

    School's Out, Minecraft Kids Gone Wild! In Minecraft, naughty kids cause quite a stir, Skipping school to play, their grades a blur. But the teacher’s on their tail, ready to school, In a movie-like showdown, breaking every rule. The kids build forts, hide and seek in the halls, Crafting potions, climbing walls. But the teacher’s no fool, she’s got tricks up her sleeve, To bring them back to class, make them believe. With laughter and fun, this tale unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So join the adventure, hit play and see, The clash of naughty kids and school, in rhyming glee. Read More


    I PUT MY ARMOUR ON... HOT DAMN! When you put on your armor in Minecraft but still manage to die from falling off a two-block high ledge. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftlogic #gitgud Read More

  • NYC Minecraft School Showdown

    NYC Minecraft School Showdown Minecraft 5 Borough School Battle: A Sustainable City Creation Competition Students from across the five boroughs recently showcased their creativity and gaming skills in a unique Minecraft competition. The event, part of an e-sports competition, challenged students to design sustainable city spaces that would make their boroughs more future-ready. FOX 5 NY’s Kendall Green brings us the exciting details of this innovative competition. Building a Sustainable Future With Minecraft’s endless possibilities, students were able to let their imaginations run wild as they designed and built virtual city spaces. The competition not only tested their gaming skills but also encouraged… Read More

  • Minecraft RP Hostage Crisis ft. Cisko G

    Minecraft RP Hostage Crisis ft. Cisko GVideo Information This video, titled ‘GEISELNAHME IN MINECRAFT RP’, was uploaded by Cisko G on 2024-04-14 16:00:00. It has garnered 115421 views and 6313 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:42 or 1002 seconds. Play Minecraft RP: https://www.pizzaland-rp.com/minecraft-rp/ Minecraft RP Discord: https://discord.gg/pizzalandrp If you laughed, it would be cool if you left me a thumbs up. thanks ^.^ MY REACTION CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8AgvbfoAaFhkTLMxfow My shop: https://lolingo.de/pages/cisko-g 3. Channel (Rare Videos) https://www.youtube.com/c/Ciskoo Minecraft RP is actually something completely different BUT I definitely wanted to try it out. It was interesting to see RP in Minecraft instead of RP in GTA. Enjoy… Read More

  • SwiftySloth Spills Tea

    SwiftySloth Spills TeaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lets Talk.’, was uploaded by SwiftySloth on 2024-04-13 02:17:26. It has garnered 656 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:31 or 1711 seconds. Just A Discussion About The Channel And A World Tour Music By: C418 https://discord.gg/gCHBeewq #minecraft #nostalgia #minecraftnostalgia #legacy #building #survival #old #stampy #minecraftlegacyedition #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #dantdm #diamond #classic #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuilding Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SERVER WITH SUBS #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NO NOVO SERVIDOR SURVIVAL JOGANDO COM OS INSCRITOS #minecraft #murilintv’, was uploaded by MURILIN TV on 2024-03-20 11:37:50. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:36 or 4776 seconds. 🔥🎮 Minecraft Survival with LIVE Subscribers #Minecraft #Live 🚀 @murilintv #JogandoMinecraft #Minecraft Subscribers #minecraftlive #liveshorts #shorts 💬 Join our community on Discord! https://discord.gg/9eGuwExu5j 🚩 Server Rules: No disclosure without permission! Autoclick, Macros, Hacks? No way! Respect is the law: no offense, no prejudice. Zero tolerance for griffins and trolls. Come to have fun, not to cause trouble! 🌐… Read More


    EPIC MOB FARM on ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT! Ft. aQuiltyBirdVideo Information This video, titled ‘One Block Minecraft Episode 7. Mesa and a Mob Farm’, was uploaded by Minecraft with aQuiltyBird on 2024-02-23 19:38:30. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:55 or 475 seconds. We move on to the Mesa Phase. The beginnings of a mob farm at -17. A base inspired by the sculptures of Ursula von Rydingsvard, https://nmwa.org/art/artists/ursula-von-rydingsvard/, rises out of the void. Granny plays One Block Sky block. I enjoy many hours of exploring and building in Minecraft. It satisfies my need for adventure and is easy on my… Read More

  • 🔥Unlock Insane Minecraft Builds! Join My Journey! #roadto250Ksubs

    🔥Unlock Insane Minecraft Builds! Join My Journey! #roadto250KsubsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Road to 250,000 Subs! Help Me Build in Minecraft! #shorts #short #trynottolaugh’, was uploaded by EZ Gaming on 2024-05-03 19:51:35. It has garnered 167220 views and 575 likes. The duration of the video is 07:16:45 or 26205 seconds. #trending #live #gaming Membership Link Below! Become A Member to support the Channel and get customized perks like Priority Replies, Shout-Outs, Custom Emotes, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FeaWgMWngiv5zlteRSPAw/join EZ Gaming Merchandise: https://www.redbubble.com/people/ezgaming/shop Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30FN4EVWHTP5G?ref_=wl_share Read More

  • FREEZE in Hell: Ultimate Modern House Tutorial!

    FREEZE in Hell: Ultimate Modern House Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BEST Modern House Tutorial🏠🛠️’, was uploaded by Hell Frozen ©️ on 2024-01-02 17:09:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial ✓ Download Build https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download -My Socials- … Read More

  • “BIR-SHORTS Goes VIRAL! Guess the Cartoon! 🤯” #shorts

    "BIR-SHORTS Goes VIRAL! Guess the Cartoon! 🤯" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘comment cartoon name ❤ #shorts #viral #shortfeed’, was uploaded by BIR-SHORTS on 2024-06-08 07:51:05. It has garnered 9 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. viral #viralvideo #trending #minecraft #shortfeed #food #sohigh #shorts #ajjubhai #art #anime #asmr #attitude #animals #army #animation #amazing #artist #bgmi #bts #bhojpuri #bollywood #baby #breakingnews #beautiful #blackpink #best #bjp #challenge #comedy #cute #cricket #cat #cutebaby #cooking #comment #capcut #cartoon #desigamer #drink #drippy #dance #dance #drawing #dog #diy #dailyvlog #dj #durecorder #edit #explore #entertainment #explorepage #education #education #emotional #english #easy #editing #enjoy #food #flyingbeast #football… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft House Build TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a house in minecraft (tutorial) 👷‍♂️👷‍♂️👷‍♂️🛠️🏠’, was uploaded by Nomis180 on 2024-03-08 17:00:00. It has garnered 6970 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. how to scam bro for a house 🗿🗣️💯 Subscribe and like for more high quality videos lol #minecraft #memes #shorts minecraft, minecraft meme, dog minecraft memes, memes, meme, cursed, cursed song, Where is my mind song meme, cursed minecraft, timelaps meme, hypixel meme, skibidi toilet meme, minecraft but, minecraft trolled, minecraft dog died, minecraft dog taming, minecraft funny, funny, minecraft tnt,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Jeffrey’s Criminal Chaos!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Jeffrey's Criminal Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ZAFIROLAND | Capítulo 18 | Jeffrey el criminal’, was uploaded by Slam Craft on 2024-06-05 14:00:59. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:14 or 3434 seconds. Welcome to ZAFIROLAND, the MINECRAFT series where we live a new life in the role! 🌟 In this series, I play alongside other streamers like [nombres de los colaboradores] and we explore a world full of adventures, challenges, mysteries and fun. 😎 Do you want to know what destiny has in store for us in ZAFIROLAND? Don’t miss any chapter… Read More

  • Kingdoms at War III

    Kingdoms at War IIIWelcome to Kingdoms at War:III The Final Frontier, a truly immersive fantasy factions modpack designed to transport you to a world filled with adventure, magic, and epic battles! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey and establish your dominance over rival kingdoms? In this modded Minecraft server, you’ll find a plethora of exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end. One of the highlights is the diverse selection of advanced RPG classes that allow you to customize your playstyle and master unique abilities. Whether you prefer the brute force of a warrior or the mystical… Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    🌭 Hotdog Water 🌭 HARDCORE VANILLA SURVIVAL Hardcore: Votes for world reset are held on our Discord. Vanilla: No random teleport, bed TP, or land claim. Rules: PvP, griefing, stealing, and fun are allowed. No cheating or hacking. Join us! IP: play.hdw.dog Website: https://hotdogwater.dog Discord: https://discord.gg/5FwnHSYHex Video Intro: https://youtu.be/vG0hjhuSSpE Read More

  • A mole

    It will take place at the beginning of the summer holidays an unforgettable event to mark the launch of our server. Come to our Discord server for details!We are a starting survival server and we are preparing interesting events for you.Krtminec – your server for the summer!ktminec.cz/discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft 2 Meme Madness!

    It’s so popular, even Creeper’s are jealous of its explosive success! Read More

  • Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft!

    Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft! In the dead of night, a sight to behold, A scary thing on the ceiling, a story untold. At 3am in Minecraft, panic sets in, As the fear of the unknown begins to spin. What could it be, lurking up high? A mystery to solve, with a curious eye. The viewers await, their hearts aflutter, As the narrator describes, with words that stutter. But fear not, for our hero is brave, Facing the unknown, with a rhyme to save. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, The story unfolds, as the fear slowly slows. So join us now,… Read More

  • Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend

    Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the village. #minecraftproblems #villagerjustice 😂🤣 Read More