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e sh e e we got to go pretty far man uh well the book says we’re about to be there so we shouldn’t be too much longer which way is it again uh says it’s this way hold on my hores my horse likes to stop sometimes yeah yeah no worries no worries you you have enough food yeah I got enough food I got a sack and 15 bread all right oh I I wasn’t expecting people to live here but I guess so could be like that house where you know could be abandoned you never know uh let’s find a place to tether up the horses and look around on foot I see someone where I think I’m blind there uh’s not let’s not come on our horses we don’t like that’s intim let them wander they they they’ve carried us his whole way let them wander eat some grass you take a good long uh hello no hello hello hello is is your face okay uh anyways my name is your I’m VI hello we’re uh we’re kind of new around here what is as we just got here yeah so what’s this place called exactly this is the neutral zone neutral zone is that is that in the book is that no okay um well uh we are a dynamic duo who are currently on an adventure interesting I myself I messed up all right um but anyways um you sort of see like things around here I I said their name yeaha mean estra yeah no esta that’s what I said you said estra anyway oh where’ they go any so we’re in the neutral zone is that the name of the town we’re in is there another name just in settlement that everyone gathers at there’s a bunch of different places around here I’m not really good at explaining but sort of see here they have their flags up here essentially all the people around here they have their own little Nations I think they call it oh is that a cat head fungi town oh oh those are cat heads the Leia the sanctuary Mongolia okay so it seems there’s different as you said Nations around here uh well since you’re the first person We’ve ran into I think I should take the liberty of asking do you Happ to know of any any paranormal things going on around here has there been anything strange happening in your neighborhood so I just live alone in the um your okay let’s shot do you need help he’s he’s fine okay you’re just trust us he’s fine if he wasn’t fine he wouldn’t have made a hero on a horseback all right got it um what was your question sorry sorry you sorry sorry about my my my my face anyways we were wondering if there’s any we’re wondering if there was any paranormal experiences around here any ghosts anomalies entities of anything of the sort depends AR people who like witch Huns like go crazy after people or we’re paranormal investigators but we don’t hunt anything yeah we don’t go and try and like get rid of anything it’s just more documenting it’s something evil then we contact the right people people to do that but that’s like you know like oh oh it’s it’s [ __ ] or something I mean um I I guess there’s one thing maybe um oh I mean there’s someone who used to live um near where I live now and they died so I’m getting my horse would you like to go take us there so we can go wh again I mean if you guys do are you guys regular with portal travel or uh I’ve dabbled Haven really fully got through with it but I’ve tou it oh yeah I don’t know if your horses would be safe going through is there anywhere we could leave them TI up there’s a little area for the pets over here I’ve seen I tied up my horse table here a few times oh okay I’ll I’ll leave I’ll leave my horse here then let’s go you here now you behave hold on I may able may be able to help out with the with the with the half green thing I just have some uh a little bit of a a little bit of a disguise he he he carries a carries a bit of foundation better um is your eye okay or uh I can see out of it just fine these are just contacts uh so all right um would you mind if we document this like you know travel there and stuff I mean I guess I don’t mind okay well then uh we’ll get through and then I’ll start the I’ll start the recording yeah cuz honestly what I know oh God is that e gross let me that burning it’s normal burning is normal okay hold on let GNA get the recording set up yeah second I don’t I don’t think the portal liked that Foundation very much burned it right off oh dear you lost your eye contact as well oh no all yeah it’s fine I don’t makeup feels weird anyways getting the recording shut up oh dear all right we’re filming hello my name is and we are here documenting the unknown The Unexplained there’s um come over here look through this window if you want to see it I don’t know if you’ve been in one of these places before but look down there that that’s called the pigin I think called i’ I’ve heard of piglins before let me see I got the camera oh there is and there’s also a zlin back there as well I believe Zin why Z they come when they go through portals I forgot sorry I’ve only found out all about myself is this ice yeah ni it’s slippery but it’s faster what oh it is nice you know that makes sense it makes a bit faster oh my God you’re right yeah it works a bit of like a place everyone goes as you can see everyone us this area oh I just slammed into the wall be careful yeah fine it takes a little bit to get get used to here’s cental area here’s a place where essentially see where everyone goes and also um if you see Tom someone put up these signs I’m unsure who Tom is missing please bring him home we are really worried our old man is confused and off his meds please send him home all right we’ll keep an out yeah so watch out for someone named Tom essentially um yeah my place is just this way blades EST squid Sanctuary cave my way I got a document here down I pck I just picked up weing Vines what’s this blad portal that’s here and here’s portals in my area yeah we got to do it again I mean that’s when we get back to the surface it’ll be less it’ll be less Burnie on the other side oh god let’s bur let’s Bur ow oh pretty late now time really flies is the leak I mean it’s been like that since I got here so okay that’s interesting uh give me a second scff stream music is start never mind it is it’s just a very lower still it is a very loud but very quiet song loud but quiet okay act like that didn’t happen so the nether is coming through I mean I don’t know it hasn’t really changed from I tell well at least okay that’s we weird but all right yeah my house is up there but um his house is over this way I only honestly recently learned his name um he was pretty Secret at first what’s name Evan Evan name makes it easy to remember open there’s a round well these guys aren’t so scary yeah know they’re fine as long as you know how look where he look oh okay oh oh table I will hold on to this oh oh oh God got yeah I’m a bit of a boxer myself behind you I see oh no it’s com back oh dear oh he get back up oh no oh dear I got I got copper out of it oh dear it’s a little bit dangerous cuz his house is just not defended the slightest it looks unfinished I mean I haven’t really asked him too much about oh oh God watch out watch out I was you that oh God there’s more oh no watch out watch out watch out quickly I was playing back the audio to make sure that you guys are able to hear me because the music of mine is fairly loud so give me a moment to mess with the volume settings oh my God piss off there so many oh no there we go oh I’m smart you know yeah you should do that too the the okay so uh okay hold let me write in the journal um recent broken smithing table all right I feel like we probably aren’t going to get much activity as of now we haven’t even camp but it is nice to know that there is a place we can go for first for a first investigation yeah we’ll definitely have to do this once it hits night time is is there there anything strange that happens around here um well I mean I’m originally not really from here oh it’s strange how I got here is something I can say you mean like you came from a different part of the land more so the sky doesn’t look the same as when I was back home the stars are different oh so um I was also told apparently there’s stuff like IC cream and um I was T about this for music and it it’s interesting I must say I like your hair tone thank you yeah usually people don’t really like my hair yeah know your hair color is nice eye color is well I must say you have amazing eyes I’m half green not a good thing but yeah he is half green but you did mention earlier about an offer to stay at your place yeah my place is just up the hill okay we can I don’t I mean it’s no if it’s no issue if we’re not intruding I would set some bets for you guys would be too much an issue down area that’s used well I mean hey yeah have downstairs area that I don’t used to so you guys can easily take up space up down there I also have a map of nearby area Sanctuary is actually pretty close by the way um I did want to also extend the Olive Branch since it appears that you know this place um if on one of our investigations if You’ like to us appreciate it especially the one of M yeah shows up every now and then nice and Co oh wait wait wait did you say Evan shows up every now and then yeah how so oh he just walks on in says hi you he’s talking about like what everyone else is doing about how he’s been seeing what new people around like I don’t think he’s me to yet I don’t it’s mentioned you guys only just got here yeah yeah yeah yeah welcome um I believe this space is big enough for you guys to stay down in oh for sure [Music] oh helps F oh hey that’s actually pretty cool the area where you see those cherry trees that’s Sanctuary cherry trees Oh you mean right there yeah the cherry trees that’s Sanctuary oh it’s only just that way actually huh very interesting you Hest see house they have some balloons up there they’re pretty interesting I appreciate the hospitality greatly say feel free to make this area down here your own just place at me just to like has something to do you know I don’t really talk too many people here last time I was talking to people was for a lunar disco interesting did you drop this oh that is oh God that smells horrible what are you guys passing around oh uh I’m going talk about it no sorry sorry that just happens sometimes come upstairs you can start see through the window actually me stuck me stuck me stuck okay I’m fine oh dear dear dear oh dear oh okay okay close the door so nothing comes in the creatures around there get a little bit interesting um hey Dolly how you doing uh it means uh weird oh um You Back That Thing by the way window I was mean balloons that’s Sanctuary I can’t see anything the render distance yeah my render distance is on 14 okay did I put up my mine’s at five but I’m going to blame it on my zombie the eyesight see if I put my render distance back after filming dadd to see I guess it was not on 14 up there Michael mie calm down it’s okay good oh no again good good f oh God I have one Spirit already so I’ll be able to set up another one I’d say hey Michael M how you guys doing I’m surprised you didn’t notice that don’t wor God oh what the what don’t worry about it anyways um sorry my bad shaving that for it there not your BRB screen oh wait I hit two wait I hit go back OBS has betrayed me when we when I put back my render distance I hit the button all all right all right guys take two oh God oh God one um well well anyways um I already have one bit oh God oh God no no no no touch it that it’s yours now no no take back pleas I’m good it’s our gift to you good I’d rather not sorry that just happens sometimes my why is it only getting louder oh dear yeah he my cat they just getting louder I my little Journal here where I just write down stuff the aing correctly wink wink oh this is my old Journal where’s my new one is my new Journal oh I lost my journal that sucks a question is there any way you could possibly call Evan here so we could say a little how to do just so he isn’t puzzled when he just sees two people living here yeah so he normally comes back home during the night so well it looks to me like uh yeah it’s daytime we go outside see how long it’s going it takes it’s pretty easy to tell where the sun is stop making creeper noises Dolly come on don’t scare people where where’s that spider noise why are you making noises come on let see where’s the sun sun is right over there oh it’s only more oh no are your legs okay yeah he’s taking worse Falls so oh it’s lowering so it’s evening okay it’s not g take too long I’d say perfect all right well um I’m get change before we do anything the EV stuff oh God sorry yeah of course yeah Chang in this so yeah we’ll quickly some stuff uh let’s let’s so uh so far recording uh things seem to be going well so far my green side is acting more yeah do you have any idea why that is I don’t know maybe it’s the Paranormal Activity in the area maybe the energy does feel off strange it’s like there’s three people here but it feels like there’s someone else and I could be Evan but at the same time I feel like there’s more not here but at that neutral zone I was getting more things yeah um you think I got to drink this because what normally helps calm that stuff down but it just hurts yeah I’d say drink that I still have the one that you gave me from earlier just like you know hold on I’ll hold off if it does it again then I’ll drink it all right that sounds good should we go check on them I mean I don’t know there’s the moon oh wow that’s that looks beautiful realiz probably pain graphics [Music] H all right I’m back sorry about the wait hey oh already coming out love the out oh thanks it’s when I made myself look ages ago Mar you guys thirsty I have some water got I would I would yeah oh I’m thirsty used don’t want any glass around because if any animals around that would be for them yeah oh thank you thank you thank I think should be getting home around now usually like yeah drink oh oh my god there there’s people there oh no oh no the bottle wait what there’s oh dear oh oh inside inside inside follow me follow me follow me oh oh God oh God go go go go go go go just run just run just run go let’s go see don’t f it don’t fight it there’s villagers don’t fight it go come on come on just run just run this way this way ow ow oh God just run just run just run oh god oh dear oh you’re okay you’re already here okay so there’s two people see you oh oh I got hit by Arrow really bad you too you may want to explain by there we go how you doing so oh uh hold on these two uh uh what were your names again drink I don’t know either I don’t know drink the potion sorry about that I’m gonna I’m gonna warn you I have this thing that helps me with that but it just hurts really bad dear oh [Music] I don’t know they want to see you well as for our names I’m VA and this is the the orock their nickname is [Music] R we were told about you and we just wanted to see if we could ask you a few questions yeah that’d be nice yeah yeah I think it’s a bit annoyed that I brought you guys here H he’s annoyed well why is that is it because we’re in his home he said hell yeah in a very annoyed tone H well we apologize but like we said we’ll get out of your hair soon we just want to ask a few questions we mean no harm and we don’t want to disturb you well any more than we already are are you okay [Music] you what were the questions wait what your eyes were the questions [Music] oh yeah is this what I think it is remember that book I had you read a very long time ago yeah that’s what this is oh hello uh I I didn’t know you were capable of doing such things yeah but we just just want to ask you a couple things questions I mean the main one is are you only um entity here or are there other things well not by any means I’m not alone at all pretty annoying actually D I could imagine are any of them good or are there negative entities here as well it’s a mix I guess you call it how many of them are there I couldn’t say for sure there’s always new people showing up never know who’s doing whatever anywhere honestly yeah we we come here um because we recently investigated a location a house in the woods it was made out of weird blue wood and we found this book in the top bedroom that pointed us here huh was it anywhere near any of the places here like how far away are you guys oh definitely a few Islands yeah you guys know about the north I know about the direction North I don’t know about anything else no no the north the destroyed nor North you don’t know no clearly not from around here that got it yeah we only just arrived today and Esa was the one who took us in mhm I see makes sense so I can assume we’ll be seeing or at least hearing more of you in the times that we’re staying here because Asa did allow us to temporarily move into the bottom area of the house yeah I see okay well just so you know um the person you’re also saying with isn’t really um normal either ha what do you mean by that could you tell that you could see me is that not enough yeah I I I garnered that but I didn’t want to over any boundaries the only reason why I didn’t say anything was because I know mediums exist and they’re well not normal per se but it’s not like they’re I mean she might be I don’t I don’t understand the Paranormal stuff myself I mean I didn’t know any of this before I was dead so yeah is I I know this was a sensitive topic if I need to be quiet let me know but is it possible I could ask how you passed sensitive talk painfully and slowly s i me if if you you don’t you obviously don’t have to share anything you don’t want to but if you ever feel like you want to tell us anything you know where to find this because just we noticed that your house here just doesn’t look like it was ever completed yeah excuse me oh also um I have this from earlier it was broken byy some random person came into my house and placed it there I I don’t know why oh okay in that case it was a person in like armor I think so it’s hard to tell like everyone here has armor it’s it’s hard to tell I see I see well I mean I don’t know if VA has any more questions for you but that’s all the questions I have for now uh you don’t mean any harm of course right well if you don’t mess with me then no all right that’s reasonable uh that’s all I have really yeah if you guys are exploring stuff up I want to check everyone else around here a lot of people aren’t from here or the time that’s what I found I mean look at this okay yeah I just thought they were going for a different kind of style that was the style from their time okay ask us few questions I mean I asked much myself so judging by I guess the outfits in the houses and what you’re telling us I guess it does make sense they did mention also she’ll have no idea what happened so yeah she did mention that she was taught about ice cream so I just thought that was the thing oh yeah yeah that was at the Disco thing that the um Magnolia people had yeah um they’re interesting from what I’ve seen they have like an ice cream truck we definitely have to check that out soon well that was all for us uh you guys are looking um there’s another ghost in area I’ve seen recently oh where seems actually be fully visible it’s something oh where um I’ve seen them bu neutral zones and other places like they go around okay I really interact with them myself I’ve just seen them I don’t think they saw at all so we’ll see it goes all right doesa know them for chance no I think I mentioned TOA but I don’t think she’s actually seen it I see yeah that’ll be interesting well that’s something we’ll keep an eye out for thank you very much and uh we won’t disturb any more of your time so you want to go back to whatever you’re doing before us goofball showed up then we’ll let you do that all right um see it stop raining hope it is still raining do you guys have anything to yourself from getting soaked or I don’t mind the rain yeah all right should I move as you can tell I’m not very normal myself Undead uh yeah I don’t know how but that’s the you could tell from the zombie like skin yeah I I don’t neither me or VA know KN know how it happened we’re on Investigation once then we got separated and when he eventually found me I was like this yeah it just kind of happened maybe you got experimented on fun couldn’t have been that it wasn’t that long but I’m just happy that this camera equipment is not is not able to be damaged by water you mean water yeah that’s what I meant to say oh was the camera it’s been a while since I’ve seen the camera yeah and the most modern stuff at this has like d box I help them make it’s crazy but uh yeah I should probably go um have fun and um yeah all right well thank you very much all right I’m going to turn off the camera hold on all right all right camera’s off got the recording so that was something I think Evan’s giving s control up are you okay weren’t we just down we were talking we we spoke to Happ oh um okay yeah it was a very surreal experience I read about stuff like that before but I’ve never seen it happen to anybody I should prob I should probably have the camera back hold on why I turn it off dang it okay camera’s back in roll camera uh we it is a thing that documents the best way to imagine it is portable eyesight that you can rewatch yes re it’s like that TV thing with the little people yes yes except except we’re the ones uh you know we’re making we’re making the TV okay he did mention some interesting stuff not only about the land that we found ourselves in but you me he mentioned that people that that a lot of people here aren’t from this time and insinuated that you are from a different time than us per I I I was trying to talk about that before you guys mentioned the ghost stuff um and but yeah I’ve been told apparently there’s a lot of stuff here that isn’t normal from where I’m from and also as I said the stars are different it’s weird I can imagine uh I mean as you I mean as you probably know I’m not that normal myself I are you okay I’m fine I we ped Evan but me and VA went on an investigation we got separated for a very long time and by the time he found me I was just unconscious and like this oh did did someone beat you up and mess up your skin or something or I’m heart Undead if you know that is like like one of the zombie things out there that just attack Andy kill yeah but I’m not but no yeah no he’s not feral my mind is still intact it’s just I have a bit of bonuses from being a zombie huh it’s just a thing of that like he’s still you know he it’s not a thing of that whole burn in the Sun but he can get sunburnt a lot quicker than the rest of us on my on my green side oh it’s raining yeah it’s been raining yeah we came we just found our way back I mean so I mean while we’re here we may as well get to know each other bit more uh I guess guys be living here then should I turn off the camera yeah I I think we’re good all right uh well this is uh VA on let’s see the time 5 p.m. Sunday wait how you know the exact time exact how I got to watch oh you you watched what basic okay you know what do you know what a clock is um yeah I I’ve seen yeah small clock on your RI yeah um how you get it that small I’ll finish signing out real quick and then we’ll answer all your questions how so small CL this is VA 501 now Sunday signing off I mean I guess the the the main the main question is do you remember what year or time you were from I guess like we could put into perspective how far the Gap is I mean year I was from it was like 16th century right that what it still is right is like or something at least least not at least not from where we are we’re from the 21st century that is a lot further yeah what century of the time is now in this particular you know the our exact our exact year is 2024 things change a lot that’s like a good 400 or four years H H well I mean hey look at it like this the world’s still around but you know 400 years after your time even though we were told that the end of the world was going to happen what three times in the span of a decade yeah it didn’t happen end of the what uh catastrophic nothing nothing nothing you got to worry about didn’t happen that didn’t happen we’re fine if we weren’t I mean so so so anyways what’s what’s your story how did you find yourself in this land um well uh you guys can for out about Evan it’s that I could see people who were and um back in no Dr they like that is that Hunters yeah I didn’t leave peacefully um I fell into the water and here here’s where I was well I can say with full confidence that we are not here to harm you for any of this if we we have no problem with that and I know I could speak for myself I can’t speak for him but I have a strong feeling that he’d agree that if anything like that ever starts to happen again we’ll be here to help you if this brings you any comfort people with your ability is a lot more common in our time mhm oh and they aren’t instantly chased out no it’s not fully accepted in the sense of people have a lack of belief but no they’re never ridic it’s a thing of it’s like a we were to see someone wearing something like a weird color that’s like oh that’s weird not my style but okay yeah in our in our time you’re called medium because you’re you’re in between the after you could see the afterlife and the you know what I mean the actual life so you’re in the middle you’re medium yeah huh well that reminds me of people around here most part they’re pretty nice so i’ say everyone else should be pretty friendly to you besides um like one person um I don’t really get it um they came to my house a while ago quite a lot like you guys um but then the next time I saw them they were hitting me and say like that’s how it feels and they were acting really faradic it was scary do you know what they like or what they’re oh um oh dang it I still didn’t get their name but um it looked like they weren’t super old it looked like they were a young teenager maybe teenager all right and um they had this weird blue suit on a blue suit all right we’ll keep an eye out well I think it’s only fair we tell you about our story and why we got into what we do mhm that to that happened to trying to figure out what happened or something I’ve come to terms with my Undead side but prior to that before I was this I used to have a lot of paranoia over things of the supernatural I can’t necessarily see things but I can sense things that makes sense I can sense changes in energy and I used to always feel like I was being watched and now I was never alone and and fly enough there were times where I saw it whether it be in my own home or when I was walking home on on the roads or anything and at first I used to try and confide in VA but he never believed me and the paranoia grew so bad that I started isolating myself until one day finally convinced me to come outside and right as we were leaving in my house we heard something get knocked over we turn around and we saw the same figure that had been tormenting me for months and only then did he believe oh being tormented by a bad spirit I was I believe it’s probably because of the property I was on because since I’ve left I haven’t experienced nothing nearly as bad but I still have issues I mean I’ve had past situations spirits who um they feel really bonded to their hes and feel like someone’s been shooting if they’re living in their home after they’re gone so yeah maybe that was the case yeah but since then to try and help Hope with the paranoia and just the fear I’ve dabbled into well I was doing I I used to do tiny little investigations in my own home and was planning on starting to do them anyways but the decided he wanted to tag along so we could both become more knowledgeable on the topic and document our find yeah uh with me it’s the thing of that once I started opening the can of worms into this world uh it’s just a thing of that I always like learning new things and this is I guess you can say my hyperfixation as of now you put worms in a can you put worms in a can 15th century you’re using modern Expressions oh yeah no that’s um since I learned about this I wanted to continue learning grow my knowledge and this is and this area of paranormal experiences is what I am focusing on yeah so that that’s mainly our our story we um our last last site that we investigated was this old abandoned mansion in the middle of the forest start swamp so the house I don’t think is going to last much longer so we wanted to investigate before everything went down huh why was the Mansion alone in the woods why wasn’t there anything around it probably probably just another rich person that wanted to be secluded yeah um while we were investigating the house looked weirdly occupied it was like something was still living there or the person who was living there got up and left in a hurry and they left all of their belongings in the in the house yeah always be situation like Evans maybe someone who did leave yeah we were searching and nothing ever happened with an entity per se and we were going through all the rooms not finding anything of use till I stumbled across the bedroom and in the bookshelf I found this book which is what told us to come here oh maybe it belongs to someone who’s here then that could be it maybe or maybe whoever left went that way maybe maybe someone of of old someone who’s gone by now because this book is very old huh the pages are basically at the point of almost falling apart yeah frankly none of the other pages are really readable all all was just a map that was like the only page that was so salable I just you guys um there’s a bik a big person there’s a what there’s a person who it’s a pig that walks on two legs can talk oh you know after dealing after hanging with him you know I and all the experiences I don’t find that too yeah when I met him he was dressed as a giant orange lizard I I had to help take him out of the seal it it was very odd okay that was at the Disco I mentioned it’s not too far away portals it’s pretty easy to get there but portals are bit sickly but Evan says it’s probably the best way to travel around here say something about it being eight less than here I don’t know exactly what he means by that but I remember reading a book on it I believe um trying to think one block like traveling one block in the nether is the same distance as traveling eight in the Overworld yeah one me me that might be one then but he seems pretty obsessed portals so I mean he help me set up that one there I mean maybe maybe he was a researcher with portals trying to get to New worlds and he doesn’t really look like a researcher honestly he just looks like a normal guy besides still like burns on his face Burns oh my my purplish Burns oh oh what happened my hot bar disappeared oh hold oners hello guys bloopers y bloopers dance popping gang now I now it’s unable to connect to Realms oh boy connecting to Realms let’s go Evan said enough talking said no you guys have sat around the table yapping too much do other thing we’re ask for coffee not a capuccino now that we have time for the people in chat hello everyone hello hello wanted if you’re still there to she hello and goodbye since you already gone by now love moments we love blooper we love blooper while we’re in blooper mode while we’re in blooper mode Let’s listen to this you ready to listen there’s a good reason for my glistening skin what and how I shine this is from the Marauders my pores are so clean yeah no I know that look at Dolly dance dolly is like I cream do you guys have custom stuff in this keep me light on I spring from activity if you get a goat triing that sing I love it ask you ice a feeling that when you eat for context ref they’re playing a music disc that is just the little risen’s ice cream ad and enthusiasm this I was going to say something special time I was going to say something and now I completely forgot what I was going to say oh wait he back back he’s the weer it’s the hello welcome to Welcome to my room how you doing he got experimented on again oh no not again guys what happened what happened he for being Undead to even more Undead God go back toal H oh thank you you’re welcome he anyways as we re um I give everyone loyalty a mini heart attack by sending the Wither anyways anyways anyways I spin to go back to normal okay so um yeah you are very awkwardly sitting on the chair all right there you go uh where I normally no no you’re fine now you’re fine now okay yeah um now anyways um so is there anything else we should look out for or because I know we got to start maybe oh there’s a really short Enderman who speaks normally and he he doesn’t really freak out when you look at him in the eyes some spine oh does he mind water um I don’t know i’t seen water he was a bartender at the uh disco he was also in the TV thing as a tiny person it was interesting very interesting yeah I think they called him um what was it start a at Tom Adam at it’s not like that at at atomic may maybe I I didn’t really talk to him so we’ll find out um like once or twice but I can really ask his name I don’t think well I did want to ask uh since you know you have the hospitality to take us in what what do you want you are not speaking homebody uh oh uh oh spaghettio going subtitles we’re going to subtitles play the little risen thing go go play it there’s a good reason for my glistening skin and how I shine and how my pores are so clean and clear I eat little Risin ice cream can I be heard it keeps me yay [Music] okay you have it I guess all right speak what you hit them um okay so my ear said no this is this is such a good stream everyone subscribe this is very good subscribe subscribe like And subscribe like And subscribe my mic quality to be a bit funkier now so we B funky to anyways as I was saying before I was really interrupted I have something to say to both of you mainly you yeah Evan did mention that there are other entities around this land and not all of them are friendly yeah so we need to be prepared for anything and I think before our next investigation we should at least try and prepare as much as we can so something doesn’t go wrong although don’t want to too much time because we should really jump at the opportunity because this is The Big Break we’ve been searching for for what what three years now give or take oh three years oh interesting so I have a m here you guys like gather some resources you guys resources to help I think that’ll be I think should be our next step to at least get some basic gear to get settled in and then we should go for our next investigation as soon as possible yeah I was going to ask if uh well what I was saying is uh you I we appreciate the hospitality and I’m sure well at least again I’m offering I’m not sure if he’s offering but I will offer that if you need keep going keep going it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine if you need any help around the house or anything like that just or just in general let me know and I’ll gladly help you out yep it’s all good we’re just gonna act like probably set up your guys’ place on basement um where would you guys like to stay uh wherever I find like um all right I should probably be able to move the bed from up there now okay well I’ll help you out you guys need to get some resources like iron or anything to like um a lot of people here have armor I don’t know if that helped you against the uh yeah that probably help act like he just walked in like if he like if he was there the whole time all guys I was here the whole time he was here the whole time yeah you feel free to come around here um I believe I have some um resources to start you guys least okay I have my little farm over there if you guys need more food okay use we little farm yep GL of water they a little tense here I proba probably just move this bed in actually or guys want to move the other bed out here and set that a little T for you guys oh it’s all your choice uh I mean what do you I prefer inside cuz you know when it rains when it gets cold yeah it would be a bit warmer inside yeah yeah we got to make sure we’re at our tip top shape before we start hunting yeah we don’t want to get sick or anything all right so I believe I have my mine area down here I’m ring down here using a bit of EV help he explaining what I should do like um I believe around um the lower you go the better you have odds you have for diamond yeah yeah it’s just down this way just watch your step especially where the grass is here careful it’s a little bit if you but um it works [Music] um here’s where I have a few chests and stuff so um here’s pretty safe I I don’t know what that I think Evan made that I forget what it is um do you need the armor that’s in here um no I don’t think so I think effan said something about plants or flowers with this I forget music little risen’s ice cream yeah it’s uh oh yeah I’ve seen that a few times it’s something for sure something I get you guys some Stone right quick I’d say to pickaxes maybe oh you already got armor I found I found some leftover leftover armor pieces um let’s [Music] see you should be able to start you guys off I have made my contribution behind you as you guys one I can also just give you some iron I I some upstairs you took both of the pickaxes I was going to laugh if I picked that up at there but yeah the staircase goes I believe all the way down to um point where you can’t M anymore so I’ll go start setting up your beds and would you guys let me get you some iron for after you get up sure uh appreci way might see some of the mobs down there the little monsters there so be careful might want to make a sword if you can with items you have um I have some wood here if that that’ll help from place see to stay safe down there all right there also some wood um f down here let me check yeah there should be some wood um yeah over there that way let’s see let me grab it for you guys right quick I it should be right yeah here it is here it is here you go thank you oh that’s well thank you yeah it is quite a bit be free to mine wherever you need to mine the wrong way where is the right way oh here here’s the staircase up down oh dear don’t get lost please here’s staircase and go down as low as you need to or up as high as you need to all right well thank you very up the beds you guys have fun I’ll set the bed just come upstairs if you need me or yell at I’ll just be up there all right quickly get myself all organized so you got your uh you got your ear button so we can call right yeah okay good um well I’m going to go just up here you have fun down there so what do you think about this place so far definitely not what I expected yeah I think this is the or is it the next one it’s this one this is the level I need torches that’s what I need I’m going to I’m going to cook some of the wood to make charcoal for torches all right you need any torches or you got it I’m staying more towards like lower areas that are lit up but cuz I’m assuming there’s just leftover iron that they probably didn’t bother mining yeah probably cuz I’ve already found some down here fair enough I really hope nothing goes wrong with this next investigation because this is this is going to be our first time properly dabbling into stuff like this yeah all the other stuff was been unconfirmed stuff or if if even like just stuff that we’ve heard more than something actual happening but this time we actually got this from a from a spirit themselves it’s been a while since I’ve had to do any combat yeah been a minute but we got our licks in today huh yeah seems like today or not today seems like this seems like this uh little adventure of ours is going to be a fun one do we plan on staying here for the indefinite future you got anything going on back home not really one of the main reasons why I was excited to go here is because you know get away got something to do OHP iron how much iron do you have oh I just took a lot of damage dare you kid you need me to go down for help I’m all right just my own stupidity I’m currently sitting in a nice comfortable 25 raw iron I’m sitting at a nice five iron raw iron five raw iron I’m got to keep going till my pickaxe breaks I don’t have a shovel so I’m going to use my bread I am in a bigger wider open cave and I did have to drop down into some water to get here so you may need to tell me where you are so I can find my way back okay just let me to one oh my pickax broke all right back ahead oh there was iron here a nuts back that’s why I went for the open caves I wouldn’t have to worry about breaking my way through the stone I think I’m ready to come up all right um I’ll tell you the coordinates thanks to my handy dandy watch you went to the very you didn’t go to the very bottom did you no okay um well basically negative 586 6 s oh I see you on our um thing look down oh there you are what part did you go down [Music] oh there’s some iron I miss oh yeah you reminded me of the iron MS2 I’m going go na that real [Music] quick wrong [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] I’m going to actually I’m going to put my iron thism and I’m going to go check on EST see uh wait for me I’m on my way all right I might as well just wait for this last iron to smel and then we’ll head up together can you can you quickly start heading down so I could see where you are on our look up thing I saw you for a second oh I see there you are hello if you just mine directly up you’ll find your way here I found the staircase I took down I believe or or not okay I’ll just start mining up all right you got it buddy [Music] you can do it you can do it yeah all right I got a iron hello is there another furnace that I can use I’m going to use this one yeah go ahead uh do you want to just let that one smell while we go quickly check on stuff uh I’ll be all right I’ll be all right down all right everyone can go check yeah I’ll go check on I’ll be I’ll be able to hear you both through the interc thing yeah yeah all right well that’s going to be a fun thing to explain to us St H one of the first things I’m doing after we’re settled down is I am making a staircase not being stopped believe this is the right [Music] way yay made it EST esta hello JP I’m coming back down here I’m my way oh that’s wrong way here hello yeah I think I’ve got you guys set up okay area mhm uh just letting you know that uh ref can hear us because I have a modern device called a earpiece which is a little thingy that goes in my ear which is basically as if we were talking but he isn’t next to me uh it’s a modern thing it’s it’s definitely dangerous um but yeah set up some areas for you guys I only have like enough for a nice black and red bed so yeah perect got bed here then on the other side yep I also set up some chests for you guys I don’t know what else you guys fill up in these areas but I mean it’s cozy enough uh ref what color you want what what what are the color uh red or black uh I’ll take black all I know you like red yay all right well I will put my stuff in here I also have some other chests here just random stuff I forgot about these there’s some turtles in here I I should probably set the to help them grow what oh you shouldn’t have said that he has a hatred for Turtles oh you don’t like turtles why not uh wait really quickly in in lore I don’t want to have to be like oh because my my name i’mna i’mna yeah have zombie zombies step on turtle eggs we love breaking the fourth wall anyway I hit the wrong button um I will leave well it reminds me I should probably has some iron to also help you guys so they have some we have let’s see I also have some of my ORS in here if you guys want to go that chest um bit of copper and quite a bit of coal there hold on I’m on my way back up I’m there it is um this help you guys oh this is bit heavy here we should get off oh God I can pick it up that’s heavy that is very heavy yeah that should be fine yeah I’m you fall don’t worry oh God Upstairs Downstairs get out of here anyway I got it I got it oh dear are are you okay I just need to take a breath Where’s My Water Dolly stop making creeper noises doly stop please okay just be careful care careful yeah thank you do you need me to carry it strling more than I was no no no no I got it I got it I am Tak half half I got it don’t worry uh any help while we’re or any help all I’m still up here i’ say I’m all good for now I me I’m coming back okay so okay so I can just wait up here with this thank God probably um maybe sit down oh God okay you okay yeah yeah yeah do not yourself stair not hold careful not the oh oh dear oh oh oh dear got it yeah maybe just put on the table and try and take a moment oh he dropped it on the floor oh God you are you feet okay almost dropped on your foot oh okay all right okay oh it’s stormy out there we need need to do a little bit of exercise two oh oh lifing them okay okay more oh the weather’s stop it’s nice okay I’ll go put this okay um maybe I’ll go on the bottom you toss them down to me so you don’t get hurt I got him I gotta learn somehow stairs did I close the door upstairs we see these stairs there it down these stairs there we go okay I’m putting that’s the random stuff I’ll put the iron in my down there yeah I got it y oh that was a big weight taking off my back I just need to grab some more water I’ll go find some water let’s see stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck okay you okay you okay up there yeah I’m fine I’m going to go grab some water is want going to the water [Music] oh I can just make them think I’m someone else they could be devious oh you devious devious rap SC oh oh what are you wearing is that H back I got my water okay um so what are you doing I’m setting up armor stands for you both since you’re making armor right um this should be yep there we go Lu only the Bottom Stone so it’s not too bad luckily they’re Mur of wood mostly mostly except for the son yeah okay okay and ah there we go one of them perfect I’m back I almost dropped it no ah there we go I returned for my I returned for my Endeavors oh it’s holding a carpet oh oh what the oh oh okay I see you’re pretty good is there any wood around here I have wood quite AIT my trust all right guys I got my armor I’m also to go um you’re just ducking your head I’ll set to go where’s the crafting table I’m all set to go there’s one up here in the floor oh pretty easy to organize with it here what you oh no I oh here oh that got Happ here oh I have nine blocks I you still got wood right uh yeah you want me to carry those those youve always give them to me you’ve always struggled with me carry I am strong man yeah just be careful keep away from the from the stairs keep away from the stairs don’t want to fall again okay need to make they already fell the stairs once let me do something eful yeah I got it one two swords two have tools I have backups of sword and axes pickax shovel don’t need a uh Merry Christmas oh um I I already have stuff yeah I’ve been here for a good few months I already have everything I need I wanteded make sure you walk carefully and don’t drip over in iron armor stuff it’s pretty heavy be able to tell when I fell over once it was notun is heavy I will have you know that I am an expert at falling over and doing things that I shouldn’t he want this I can do that too oh oh oh dear ow oh God I landed on the probably should have done that do you need to sit down you to sit down oh I landed on the wrong ankle oh that was I’m fine no I’m fine I’m fine oh dear F also I no something if you click them they change pose yeah you can change their pose this is praying now oh bro dancing he’s out attention quickly out of lore my music stopped I love the insinuation the entire time the or is down there we get handed stuff and then falls down the stairs and then the orra shows up in full iron like man it’s not even that heavy but um yeah I don’t sure if the sanctuary people are home right now but I I haven’t really n myself but they live in that area they’re only across the river behind the house well it’s nice that we are now more settled in that reminds me your horses should we go pick them up oh yeah so I mean I I know how to get there via horse so I can probably bring my horse over and you guys just go there and wait for me okay let me put my arm on the stand since we don’t need all right I’ll go pick up my horse before you guys portal I’m going to take my armor with me just remember follow follow the portal go towards neutral zone that’s where you have to go y so meet you guys there hey sa we’re going for a little ride yes we are girl up there we go where’s the portal this way Port down this way you just need to go up and then um when you get up through the vines take a right and then just go straight so you see where it says neutral zone oh all righty there you guys will be there quite a bit early before me but I’ll make there sometime okay come on table let’s go have fun happy travels why is I doing that where oh yeah let go up here okay hold on out floor what is going on aren’t your horses are she get horses no I no I mean I I was talking about the music oh I’m music and then it just isn’t playing anything damn that’s what I’m saying is it playing for you just not stream no no it’s it’s the other way around or not even the other way around so not playing at all yeah I wasn’t playing at all I that or is the song itself oh dear probably think of that this song is just incredibly the other songs were louder oh there’s a do oh man I should have brought my B uh oh all right back we go Neal Zone wait always hate that always take one I know the music’s too loud We Gots man if only had my bones I can same this doggy right here guys been running around all right I got my HS got eloms we’re going to go way up here we taking your seats what’s going buddy I hope I still is okay I’m getting here I’m I’m sure they’re fine I’m sure they are too but always always worrying I’m looking for a skeleton so you can get bones for your dog yeah have armor I’m not as scared of you know I’m not scared to going any combat there’s got to be seeds here singular seed I’m GNA get this part where’d he go there he is I have seed for youon no okay out of thaton did not drop anything is there anything in here 47 seeds and 32 bones almost there almost there oh hello youres are pretty nice well thank you your horse is very nice as well waiting on uh for to come back cuz he went looking for Bon for a dog and I found some I looks like the moon’s going down so hopefully it’ll be morning by the time we go that’ll probably be smarter yeah spring the night it’s easier for things attack you saw there was a par around here and I want him I fed him a seed and he disappeared there he is there he is I’m here here where’s that dog what is the dog bones give me the bones me the Bones hold there’s a dog where bobbert yes comp B come here where did little buddy go come back no oh did he leave we’ll pop back up I’ve seen wolves around the tiger that’s near my home so I be find one there I just want get one we get back if we need bones I I know a place for bones I I was very lucky when I went mining cuz I did find this ohy okay um this is totally not actually happening more that’s totally not more oh wow suddenly I know the way you know the way going this way come up this way unless it I mean’s go over here sure I think there’s a bridge okay this way I know got your friends yep name I believe one is just over there by that’s the house of Blade well stand back this is normal okay come along this way oh you are in the trees right go for this I’m not sure if the person there has experience with parmal activity but um now know where where he lives pretty close to my ey please actually good to know good to a little wrong way I guess I think so I can’t see probably not yeah be careful help just make sure you around it stay careful makes sense watch out there a little jump there’s a little jump here watch out oh hold on good stuck are you’re stuck all right watch out for theom there this way continue Along by this area watch out for the big hole oh are you there oh watch out big we’re nearly there go around this area [Music] [Music] oh there we go watch out what’s a car by the way uh you can explain uh is a machine that in our time replaces the use of for drop people still do by hor but not nearly as common I see originally they were powered by uh steam now they’re typically but typically now is powered by a combustion engine which is very complex machine I don’t even know how it works and electricity huh sounds interesting yeah you got you you have carriages right yeah of course it’s a carriage without the horse that moves on its own huh yeah wheel inside that you turn to make it turn left or right that’s something yep right little jump fores don’t have to work as hard these days which is nice for them like bridge over there I believe this construction that’s going to head towards neutral zone is it’s going to make things a lot easier in the future oh oh dear okay bobbert Bob use your leads that’s probably best way to do it I’m planning to put a little stable where stable lives so your will stable as well once it’s finished follow the bath right there so I believe you said you wanted to get a dog right yes I want a little buddy all right you yeah I’m going to set this up as a little stable soon in future for now just them on to here so they relax here you go good job for ride you want to right down here bring the horse down here please we found this perfect place for El Hans hello yeah come down here hello okay hold on let me bring Hans well H wasn’t drawing his don’t bring the horse in the house I’m taking the horse out of the house you’re doing what in the house oh de careful the let me let me feed the horse real quick to help them here you go yeah let’s put them on the lead make this into a stable in the future right so I believe you said you wanted a wolf so there’s a little Tiga area back here that you also be able to see the sanctuary from the outside as well while we go get this wolf it’s say after we get the wolf it’s probably enough Shenanigans for the day so you guys need some rest after that yeah yeah we got we got to s in got start planning our next investigation out of just let you guys no streams been going on for an hour for w so you know yep that’s why I said that no figur they just want to confirm time anyway back into character Sanctuary there they have some interesting like balloons where’s bobber bobber what are you doing there down here Mister bobert you get down here right now the dog should be just over this way on bobbert where are you guys you see the sanctuary just across yeah that’s Sanctuary later yeah come over towards the tag of trees come upt this way I’m wow I lost you turn turn around turn around oh my bad right right here I’m right here okay so I believe um there’s woles in this area most part they’ve seem doile pretty peaceful um that a sheep that’s a chicken doggy should be around here somewhere that’s a sheep you know honestly I can’t remember last time I just wasn’t worrying about a lot of my responsibilities back home just running through the forest like this with no aim a littley I’m I’m pretty surea doesn’t mind having more people to talk to wooo that’s a chicken w he’s not my shoulder there’s a cow oh that’s all turtle Dogo ah ah hello Fu spawn we’re looking what how they don’t spawn we’re [Music] looking maybe in this area since it’s pretty open oh I heard something doy nothing down there no entering the they do show around here don’t they you shouldn’t oh I okay you said that you said that as I jumped in oh god oh there got serious seriously we’re wolf everything wolf it’s getting dark there are my [Music] budy God my legs oh I’m okay if everyone’s doing it oh God oh ow what was that for that last part was necessary didn’t know it maybe tomorrow we can find you a good friend yeah I guess say hi to me right now not right now because guys sense it’s more of a get him what oh oh dear no R think of it like this instead of it being a thing of that they don’t want to see you today it’s a thing of that they got to get themselves ready to see they got to look their oh there’s a baby one there’s a baby one there’s baby one little buddy little buddy get the little homie B I get someon little puy may I get some bones so get dog than than you little do we know was the friends made along the way look out God I’m just let’s go pun me they gave you a little love tap oh there’s another one oh no oh no back off at least the angry gray guys aren here anymore yeah what was their problem I don’t know they show up every now and then they just grunt at me it it’s weird BT let’s got your little friends here sound I got my little my little my little buddy what are you gonna name what are you GNA name I think I’m going to name her lunar I should be able to get a name tag for you probably do in the morning I’m going to go B upstairs all right I do oh you’re so small we’ll see okay oh let see through the window you got the windows open yep the window’s open oh I can have them sit in this window yeah I keep it open for fresh air you have to do this have to do this got to do this oh it go back on you might need a slab might need a slab let me just there you [Music] go push him on the yeah yay you don’t have all right that totally didn’t take any time you did it perfectly yeah I grabbed him and set him down there that sounds zo violent quickly had a character have we not seen a video of a guy just gripping onto it like just quickly grabbing his bird and dropping him oh dear that’s funny should we go to the puppy before you guys to go to sleep yeah I gotta name I gotta name my horse and my and my dog you got a name tag the same place in the morning Fair takes in the morning get the chat inside okay you guys Tex in the morning just take time to Sho the names I’m gonna name my horse I GNA name my [Music] horse the oh little wait hold so I love animals they’re adorable real quick out of characters is a is is he on the bed for you is the dog on the bed he’s on the bed he’s on the bed am my the dog is in the bed oh no is he okay in the bed or is he just I just see is he in the blanket I just see little ears oh no oh dear um let me see can we save can we help him uh it’s fine it’s Fine’s she’s fine say is as if she’s under the covers there I named my horse and I’m coming back to name the dog my horse is shall be called el hansy let me check my um so we have El Hans and El hansy I’m G to go name my doggy those are those are names elans El hansy where where’s my little buddy T oh you’re so small hello Bob hello we are going to become the best of friends you and I B nothing will ever be able to take us apart I’m getting them name Tes Robert got five D TS awesome there one horse is leaving CU they don’t have it settled on lead wait is he on okay he was just going outside the door okay he’s good name tags awesome nickname your birds well oh I named mine already but thank you okay I sense a lack of anvil oh I’m prepared for this well I think I’m gonna go get some sh all right rest well occas of naming my burden my hor I just ran down and name my horse real quick you can just do that yeah that’s what I’m going to do wait up here with your bird he zoom in oh is he on the window yep for me he’s in the stair for me your dog is inside of the bed what you name your horse El elans elans see I’m probably to redo this after the is over by the way I hate it good bobt bobt Bob yeah bobbert nice bobbert all right well thank you I’ll the other I’m exhausted we got a really long journey here took um like two days take yeah although I have noticed that time does seem to move different here yeah the same as home for me personally but yeah uh oh imagine how long a day is here and times that by five but by five or may probably more that’s probably I’m probably under UND shooting it and when when you say it took two days getting here you mean your two days or two days here our our two days our two days uh sleep sleep our days to last 24 hours so basically that you need sleep go take sleep hold on now I got hold I’m doing the mental math you need sleep luckily I have practice running off of low energy because I think you noticed this stuff doesn’t seem to bother me we have been traveling here for exactly well in your time 1,440 Days please please all right all right all right we’ll go to bed but genuinely thank you for everything you’ve been an amazing host problem amazing C person that gives us house and just I hope that we get to be I hope we get to be closer friends you’ll see us around we got downstairs you’ll rest yeah you should take off that chest plate I’m B well I will we will see you next time thank you once again right there if you need anything just ask no problem bobbert St out of trouble today was a day y ready for yeah I mean we made it we’re we’re here yep there’s no there’s no telling what what can happen now out okay out of cheing something guys oh okay okay I mean yeah this is what we’ve been waiting for and so I think we should just rest rest up for a couple days plan out our next investigation and I think we should just keep the momentum going because we’ve already documented more here than we have anywhere else we’re from the energy here is just surreal something everything’s different the fact that there’s people from different times we’re living we’re living we’re living in a 15th like 15th century house that isn’t like worn down and like we were just talking about earlier the fact that days go by here a lot quicker a thousand days like for us that’s like what four years uh in our like in just days yeah but it took us a thousand days time one day our time it’s just crazy and I don’t would feel any older well you know doesn’t feel like aging is any different so who knows yes strange really strange I’m get sh and we’ll find out the next next one yeah high five high five all right night man good night for

This video, titled ‘We finally made it. [Loyalty SMP]’, was uploaded by VA on 2024-05-13 13:36:15. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:29 or 7109 seconds.

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    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar! Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATIVE FLIGHT & THE BLOOD ALTAR! Embark on an exciting journey with Nik and Isaac in Minecraft Encrypted_, where creative flight and the mysterious Blood Altar await in this modded questing survival adventure! Unleashing Creative Flight One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to soar through the skies with creative flight. Imagine the freedom of exploring vast landscapes from a bird’s eye view, uncovering hidden treasures and secret locations with ease. The Blood Altar Delve into the depths of the Blood Altar, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient power. What… Read More

  • Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft

    Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a legend is told, Of signs disappearing, a mystery to unfold. If your notice board vanishes into thin air, Delete the world save, don’t just stand and stare. Game Koala shares this urban tale, With a warning that’s sure to prevail. Subscribe to his channel for more gaming fun, And remember, in Minecraft, the story’s just begun. Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2

    Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive in various environments. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves. They can mine resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build structures, and survive against hostile creatures like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Building and Crafting One of the key… Read More

  • Monster Marauder: Unpredictable Finale

    Monster Marauder: Unpredictable Finale The Mystery of Pendragon’s Explosion Uncovering the Enigma Yesterday, a sudden explosion shook the peaceful town of Pendragon, leaving behind a small crater adorned with mysterious inscriptions. Authorities and daring adventurers swiftly descended upon the scene, discovering an epoch time etched within the crater. The revelation of this cryptic message has sparked a frenzy of anticipation among the townsfolk and treasure hunters alike. The Quest for Treasure As the clock ticks down to the enigmatic epoch time, a sense of urgency and excitement permeates the air. Authorities have issued warnings to steer clear of Pendragon, citing fears of another… Read More

  • Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run!

    Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run! Minecraft Shulker Farm Tutorial: Efficient and Easy Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key to success. The new Shulker Farm tutorial promises to revolutionize your gameplay with its speed and simplicity. Designed by the community, this farm is a game-changer for players looking to gather resources quickly and effortlessly. Key Features Shulker Shell Production: This farm boasts an impressive output of over 6,500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Compatibility: The farm is designed to work seamlessly on versions 1.17 to 1.21, ensuring that players across different updates can… Read More

  • Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze!

    Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze! In the depths of the mine, a glimmering sight, Shiny ores sparkling, a true delight. Diamonds, emeralds, and gold galore, Adding to the mine’s allure. Crafting with spruce and oak so fine, Creating a space that’s truly divine. Lionfish, rockfish, and more to see, Swimming in the waters, wild and free. A spruce table, chairs of sakura bloom, A cozy spot to dispel the gloom. Join me on this journey, a thousand days strong, Subscribe and let’s play along. With Better Minecraft mods, the game’s a thrill, Sildur’s shaders adding to the skill. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For… Read More

  • Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods

    Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods Farming and Raids – Minecraft Episode 56 German: With Shader, Mods The paths are long, the world is endless. Starting in a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode on Hard, let’s see where our journey takes us. Why Watch? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are valuable tips and tricks to learn here. Engage with other Minecraft fans in the comments and enjoy the stunning visuals of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to stay updated. Have fun watching! Leave a like if you enjoy the video… Read More

  • Icefyre Lands

    Icefyre LandsIcefyre Lands is a community driven server, with a friendly staff team, and several interesting plugins. icefyrelands.mcserv.co:25600 Read More

  • GoldenAge SMP: PVE PVP Modded SMP

    GoldenAge SMP Server Information: Server Software: Better Than Adventure! 7.1 Babric w/ mods Whitelist Status: Over forty whitelisted players, looking for more Type of Server: Mostly Vanilla SMP with outlined guidelines Rules: No tolerance for griefing, PvP allowed with diplomacy and dueling Mods: Bonus Blocks, More Features, Custom Music Discs Joining Information: Join the Discord server here IP can be found in the #the-code channel on Discord For whitelist requests, fill out a form on Discord Q&A Event: Watch the event here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Maximum Efficiency, B*tches!

    Minecraft Memes - Maximum Efficiency, B*tches!Looks like they really mined their own business in there! Read More

  • Craft a Free Aternos Server: Minecraft Masterclass

    Craft a Free Aternos Server: Minecraft Masterclass In the world of Minecraft, a server we create, Using Aternos, it’s free, no need to debate. Just follow the steps, sign up and log in, Choose Java or Bedrock, let the fun begin. Give a unique username, a password too, Click create server, it’s all up to you. Select the game version, don’t make a mistake, Options to customize, your world to make. Start the server, wait for it to load, Invite your friends, on this adventure road. In Minecraft multiplayer, type the address in, Join the server, let the games begin. Share the IP, let the fun… Read More

  • GLASS!!!! Most Annoying thing… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts

    GLASS!!!! Most Annoying thing... #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts When you accidentally break your glass in Minecraft and suddenly become the most hated person on the server. #oops #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Baby Zombie’s Heartbreaking Tale

    Baby Zombie's Heartbreaking Tale Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a vast sandbox to explore and create. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous creatures, the game provides endless opportunities for adventure and creativity. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players find themselves in a procedurally generated world filled with diverse biomes, ranging from lush forests to icy tundras. They can mine resources, craft tools, and build shelters to survive the night when hostile mobs emerge. Building and Crafting One of the core aspects of Minecraft is its building and crafting mechanics. Players… Read More

  • Uncover Zultan’s Insane World | Hardcore Minecraft

    Uncover Zultan's Insane World | Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information ah honestly I’m not even going to I don’t need to pull anything up oh actually I do on my computer never mind I forgot I do need to pull up the YouTube chat let’s see let’s see hopefully it’s live I don’t know sometimes it’s a little weird but we should be good yeah there we go all right boys how we doing how we doing welcome back I don’t even know what day this is of well I guess this isn’t even really the same hardcore world so it doesn’t really necessarily matter but yeah you… Read More

  • Escaping Cursed Minecraft Entities

    Escaping Cursed Minecraft EntitiesVideo Information the last episode ow shoot bro bro you going to back up off me with that ow wa New Day Day fresh nice World let me check let me check how he doing where’s that dude missed at oh my gosh bro who supposed to get started watch out welcome to another episode of us surviving crazy scary dwellers um turn around look at that tree over there you’re going to that oh oh yeah there’s a brother up there yeah yeah there’s a brother up there oh there’s also a whole lot of sounds happening I think… Read More

  • UNLOCKING SECRET WOLF ARMOR?! – Hardcore Minecraft S2 #5

    UNLOCKING SECRET WOLF ARMOR?! - Hardcore Minecraft S2 #5Video Information dames en heren op de basisschool leer ik als kind om klok te lezen ehm dat is heel handig want nu kan ik heel goed klok lezen en kan ik zien dat het tijd is voor Minecraft Hardcore Survival aflevering 5 vandaag gaan wij naar huis eh wat interessant hè Ja ik dacht ik ga dit eh behind the eh ja gewoon achter de schermen behind the scenes ehm dacht dat jij mag dacht ik dat ik dat ging doen Ehm maar nee ik dacht ik ga jullie gewoon de full Experience geven Ik ga niet eh achter… Read More


    CRAZY MINECRAFT LOVER BUILDS INSANE RTX HOUSEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX 127% house #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-05-09 03:34:58. It has garnered 475 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where players must fend off creatures and maintain their health, and… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Revealed (OMG!)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Revealed (OMG!)Video Information m 1.21 अपग्रेड इज सो बैड बिकॉज मैं करने वाला हूं तो चलो वीडियो की र बढ़ते हैं तो यहां पे पहले आया था 1.21 अपग्रेड में मॉब वोट उसके बाद आर्मरर डिलो उसके बाद आया था एक शार्ट जिससे कि आप वल्फ आमर बना सकते हो जो कि बहुत ही तगड़ा है और मैं इस अपडेट को बुरा क्यों ब बोलने वाला हूं वो वीडियो में पता चल जाएगा आपको वीडियो में बने रहो लाइक और सब भी ठोक दो और दूसरा है कि ये अब वल्फ आमर अपग्रेड हो चुका है और इसको अगर आपने वल्फ… Read More

  • Avernon’s CRAZY Secret in Hexxit II!!

    Avernon's CRAZY Secret in Hexxit II!!Video Information starts streaming wow she’s real oh dear she wa what he’s he’s real oh I heard I heard I heard she no OB no no women on this channel just kidding I was about to say uh that’s Jerome John wasn’t like that Asia has oh but I mean she still identifies so I mean I don’t know man you say that think she’s an action oh boy what a way to start off welcome in already dropping frames God I love this [ __ ] [ __ ] wa no [Music] hooray um oh you activated the… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Mad Hatter Gene Survives Minecraft Jumbled Chunks!

    Insane Challenge: Mad Hatter Gene Survives Minecraft Jumbled Chunks!Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-17 14:04:36. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • “Unbeatable Minecraft Strategy to Crush Mobs 🎮” #gaming #minecraft

    "Unbeatable Minecraft Strategy to Crush Mobs 🎮" #gaming #minecraftVideo Information the mobs as Minecraft grew as a game more and more creatures were added to the world the only ones really requiring anything strategic when it comes to non-hostile mobs villagers as you can trade with them very specifically in order to level them up as well as give them a certain job steering them towards having exactly the stuff you want for sale in order to help you further down the line however when it comes to Hostile Mobs the situation is the polar opposite you can get killed very often very easily if you’re not careful… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT TRAVEL HACK - EXPLORE LIKE NEVER BEFOREVideo Information and I was running far away what i r Off the Wall someday nobody knows nobody knows I This video, titled ‘Realistic Travel – Minecraft’, was uploaded by PROT31Nn on 2024-05-14 15:14:12. It has garnered 1064 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #survival #minecraftmods #challenge #beatingminecraft #diamonds #minecraftrealistic #minecraftsurvival #camman18 #minecraftspeedrunner #camman18shorts #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftmanhunt #camman18minecraft #minecraftbuticanttouchgrass #cavesandcliffsupdate #cavesandcliffs #howtosurvive #newminecraftchannel #grian #fastestdiamonds #enderdragon #minecraftupdate #craftinginminecraft #craft #craftee #newminecraft #crafter #crafty #craftingrecipe #crafting #custom #diamond #familyfriendly #customitem #customitems #emeralds #tiktokcamman18 #camman18tiktok #camman18twitch #camman18clips #minecraftbutyoucanttouchthecolor #gaming #minecrafthitmen… Read More


    Welcome to Civ SMP! Civ SMP is a new Minecraft 1:1500 earth server that offers various ways to earn money, such as jobs and player-run shops. Explore the dynmap showing all towns and nations on the map here. Join our small community by connecting to our discord here or directly to the server at Read More

  • The ‘Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}

    The 'Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}⛏ Welcome to the ‘Minelanders! ⛏ Server address: ml.newmineland.comVersion: 1.20.6OverviewThe ‘Minelanders is a semi-vanilla survival server. We believe that Minecraft can be a political game as well as a creative and PvP game, and our server is intended to lean into that. This means our server includes this general structure:* Griefing is allowed, except in protected player plots* Stealing is allowed, everywhere* Player clans can be created for a small in-game cost, with access to clan chat.* Protection plots can be purchased in four sizes for not-so-small in-game costs- The world is restricted to 6,000 by 6,000 blocks, to encourage… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bye bye Minecraft Console Edition!

    I guess I’ll have to resort back to playing Minecraft on my mom’s old flip phone now. Read More

  • Blaze it up with Minecraft Memes!

    Blaze it up with Minecraft Memes! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • JUGGERNAUT ASTRO TOILET Portal in Minecraft

    JUGGERNAUT ASTRO TOILET Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Juggernaut Astro Toilet Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the creation of the Juggernaut Astro Toilet Portal. Join the community in this exciting journey filled with creativity and innovation. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the wonders that await! Donation and Community Links For those looking to support the Minecraft community, consider donating to All via Saweria. Join the Discord group for lively discussions and interactions with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to UzeMing’s YouTube channel for exciting content and updates. Additional Channels and Social… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Upgrade & Blaze Burner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Upgrade & Blaze Burner! Minecraft Encrypted_ | POWER UPGRADE, QUARRY & BLAZE BURNER! Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Encrypted_, where power upgrades, quarries, and blaze burners await! Join Nik and Isaac as they navigate through this modded questing survival world filled with challenges and new discoveries. Unleashing Power Upgrades One of the key features in Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to upgrade your power systems. With these upgrades, you can enhance your abilities, unlock new technologies, and progress further in the game. Utilize these power upgrades strategically to overcome obstacles and thrive in the world of Minecraft. Exploring Quarries Quarries play… Read More

  • 🔧 Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Mastery Guide!

    🔧 Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Mastery Guide!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (12)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-06-14 19:53:42. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Elly Fakes Death in Minecraft

    Elly Fakes Death in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Elly FAKES her DEATH in MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Elly on 2024-03-06 14:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Elly FAKES her DEATH in MINECRAFT! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! Read More

  • Insane Tricks on Day 2 of Minecraft Survival #EpicStream

    Insane Tricks on Day 2 of Minecraft Survival #EpicStreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival DAY 2 #chillstream’, was uploaded by Yauma Hidayat on 2024-05-02 15:32:39. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:46 or 7306 seconds. Hi friends who have just joined, you can support me by watching or support by donating via here friends: support yaumahidayat here: saweria: https://saweria.co/Yaumahidayat join discord: https://discord.gg/GC4K27ZNnP You can also use the nightbot command: !spec !donate !origin !discord Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts…’, was uploaded by dayta on 2024-03-23 10:32:46. It has garnered 10413726 views and 644056 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts. This was HILARIOUS! dayta does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2022! Today dayta plays not Minecraft, But… Read More

  • Ghxsty’s EPIC Minecraft SMP with FRIENDS! 👻

    Ghxsty's EPIC Minecraft SMP with FRIENDS! 👻Video Information This video, titled ‘👻Minecraft SMP!!!! Chilling with friends !!!!!!👻’, was uploaded by Ghxsty on 2024-03-09 19:17:02. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:09 or 5829 seconds. 👻Im livestreaming a minecraft smp (vanilla) and hope you will come join the smp 🙂 if you want to join the call with me join the dicord 👻 this is for something dif but plz join the discord 🙂 👻Discord: https://discord.gg/RKHrjUDf Read More

  • 🔴Shocking Reveal Live! Mining in Minecraft Amikatsu #15

    🔴Shocking Reveal Live! Mining in Minecraft Amikatsu #15Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] MINING AGAIN – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #15’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-31 01:15:13. It has garnered 206 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:03 or 5883 seconds. Link saweria : https://saweria.co/NikoHite – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Chaos! Prepare for the madness with BlueRainCloud

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Chaos! Prepare for the madness with BlueRainCloudVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Chaos’, was uploaded by BlueRainCloud on 2024-02-07 00:29:58. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:05 or 19385 seconds. During this stream we start on the Jungle world. Made some progress on the build before going mining and sadly dying to a skeleton. Then we started another world and was trying to mine. I then got blown up by a creeper while talking about smps. We then decided to take a break by going on Breaking Point SMP. We chatted with a friend and got some… Read More

  • Unbelievable! I spent $100 on SOTW to become the wealthiest player!

    Unbelievable! I spent $100 on SOTW to become the wealthiest player!Video Information This video, titled ‘SPENDING $100 ON SOTW TO BE THE *RICHEST* PLAYER! | Minecraft Universes | Versus EP #1’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-04-21 20:57:06. It has garnered 4743 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. SPENDING $100 ON SOTW TO BE THE *RICHEST* ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Oplegends.com (Universes Realm) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Universes! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More