Ultimate Surviving with God Mode in Minecraft

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These are the craziest and most scary mobs in the game and today we’re going to be playing the build to survive challenge so we’re going to build up our defenses and then all of these crazy mobs are going to come attack us oh and I almost forgot I’m going to be using

God mode superpowers and trust me watch this video Until the End because this was genuinely the craziest video I’ve ever recorded okay let’s go okay guys today we’re going to be playing build to survive and in a few minutes a bunch of scary mobs are going to come out of that

Dark cave wait how many minutes um I think like 4 minutes 5 minutes wait that’s really quick wait wait my egg girl is not going to be done in time let’s buildin what are you going to do BU why don’t we do like like a water

Themed base a water themed base like a fish tank no not not like a fish tank that’s not what I I think that’s what you want to do fish T I have a really good idea what’s the idea how about we build our entire base out of glass oh my

God you already started yeah I already started wait oh wait should I have made it bigger okay I’m going to go Ahad and build this oh wait wait what are you building is that actually a fish tank I’m actually going to build a fish tank

Bro do not build a fish thing but we already started I should make this bigger I should make it oh I should make it okay I would ahe I’m making the walls I’m making the walls of glass real quick I’m going to run through these I am cooking right out these commands then

Let me just do this and I’m going to keep reusing the same command you got the commands of Doom I am almost done okay wait right here slash up perfect all right we are cooking other than the fact you guys are making an actual fish

Tank I’m going to make a big fish tank what is wrong with that we need like real defenses guys the monsters are coming we can have water around it that’s fine I was um I was testing something and it totally works wait do it again I want to see oh um never mind

Don’t do it again I blew up the entire front of the glass and I really don’t feel like replacing this but actually I got an idea why don’t I just go ahead and leave it open and I could put these mines all over the place bro I just set

These everywhere with the monsters Cub every think is going to get blown to Smither that’s exactly what we need yeah we need to blow everything into smithin yeah yeah yeah yeah and I’m going to go ahead I’m literally going to make like a circle of these because last time bro

The mobs came from the behind they came from all the hind all um yeah you got to be really careful no they started in the front Hind and then they ended in the beeh that is like my worst nightmare it’s okay Andy we’re going to smack them in the beeh this

Time smack them in the behind I I think we need to protect our own behinds you guys have like any strategies to like protect the behind yeah the super cool underwater base is going to protect your behind oh it is not what my minds are going to protected if anything oh I

Don’t know what it sounds like to me is you guys just leave your behinds unattended no they’re not that’s what it seems like bro my behind is fully attended um what it sounds like hey B what what did you just say my behind is fully attended

I feel like you have like an issue then don’t you think no okay don’t worry this is going to be the best base yeah oh wait I have a good idea what if I filled our fish tank with fake water oh wait that would be really good here here no this is this

Is the plan trust me this is a genest idea give it to you hey what’s the plan give me the fake water what okay wait wait listen listen this is the idea of I’m listening I’m listening we’re going to fill half the fish tank up with fake water and then

The other half up with real water if we bait the mobs into the fake water and we stay in the real water then it’s like is that not genius isn’t it better to put them in the real water because maybe they can’t swim what sopia why don’t you get in the

Fake water um is this the fake water yeah this is the fake water wow it’s so refreshing wait why don’t you refesh you doing like fill fill the water like this I was just about to do that I swear no you weren’t yes I was I swear I was the

Next thing I was going to say out of my brain let him cook okay go cook go cook yeah let me cook let me cook so if I just come over here and I start putting the water in from the beeh slowly you’ll approach the front Hind and then when

You approach the front hind then you have all the hindes covered all at once that sound about right you’ve really covered your heiney okay wait we need to get rid of this glass now okay I’m going to go and select this I’m going to come to this

Corner and get this and I’m going to turn this into air okay yes sir all right there we go now this entire side is filled up with fake water uh wait can we get like a little demonstration of how this works guys okay okay um let me try something game

Mode oh my God wait oh my God your inventory is filled with poop charges you so D okay whatever you weren’t supposed to see that all right now I’m going to go I’m going to do this side Force now too I’m going to get both of these Corners

Here this is what I was going to do the first time but you you beat me to it whatever I don’t care and then instead of using a water bucket this time though now that we know it’s real water I could do this as well select both of these SL

SL set and I’m going to turn this into water it’s wet leg water it’s wet leg water wait Andy can you stand over here what happened Sophia why are youing the M I just thought it looked shiny on the ground our front H is exposed our front H is

Exposed my God Sophia start putting the fences you exposed our entire front H what well how is this my fault no one said this was here yes I did I literally said I said I was going to put the mines on the front St is yes I did oh my bad

My bad my bad my bad anything I said I said I’m putting the mines on the front Hind and then I’m wrapping them around the behind I thought you were talking about a different kind of mine what what other mile Minecraft there’s a lot of mine you

Just gave me like a near heart attack there you go let me I I didn’t do that oh my God bro what’s the point of having defenses in the front H when I have you guys as my teammates oh wait if I just put this down right

Here too if any of the mobs try to get some loot they’re going to get a little surprise what’s a surprise no maybe I should have clarified these are chest bombs they’re chest bombs okay don’t open them you should have clarified you why did you say that

Earlier I want to see what the surprise was why I literally they were for the mobs like oh my God sorry I thought you said for the noob for the noob okay guys there’s three of us so I have an idea how about we all like watch different sides of the base when

They attack oh that’s a good idea okay I’m going to watch the front hind I’m going to watch the back hind back then I’ll watch the side hind not the back hind it’s the behind I’ll watch the behind yeah watch the behind that things happen when you don’t watch the behind

That’s all I’m telling you guys I’m trying to warn you my God I don’t fit I literally don’t fit he’s too big for [Laughter] us I mean I am pretty big look I’m like triple your guys’s size god mode is insane what is it say wait what does this do oh

What what is that I don’t know it’s like a laser of Doom I mean I don’t think we have time to fortify the monsters are coming in literally 20 seconds um um grab a weapon grab a weapon I don’t need a weapon I have god mode I just one

Punched them with my hand oh oh that was that was great I’m Manning the front hind um Sophia are you watching the behind yes I’m watching the behind Isabella what are you doing I’m Manning the side hind that is not the side hind the side hind would be wait there’s two

Side Hinds uh oh wait there’s only three of us guys but aren’t you a god I am a God wait so I have to watch two hindes at once are you kidding me you you can watch two hindes at once you can handle it you’re a big boy more powerful than

Us you can do it you’re right you’re right I could do this I could do this okay I’m ready I’m ready bro bring the mobs on wait Sophia you’re not looking the right way your behind is exposed sorry I was thinking about eating food I am pretty hugry too but uh we’re not

Watching our sides wait side hind oh oh I’m touching the water wait side hine’s clear uh front oh my God wait oh oh is there some the front wait do I go over there or what front front hind right now right now come to the front Okay I have to walk

Around I let me K my flight man okay that is literally painful to control let me build right up here and oh my God it’s literally a creeper spider Army what no way why are there so many I don’t know if I placed enough mines for this you guys wait they’re going to

Touch the mines wait there so many oh God on wait they’re going to touch the mines come on come on blow them all up at once please why working wait oh my goodness I’m throwing grenades this is so cool Isabella why are you on the ground

Shing I wanted to see them yes yes okay the bides are literally broken the bides are putting in the work but oh my God they just keep coming what do we do oh no doing my best I’m trying to shoot them okay here one bow and arrow is not

Going to do anything okay it’s doing a lot look look not okay well don’t worry they literally can’t get up here wait oh oh wait are they climbing the wall wait I’m going to I’m going to one punch him I have literally one punch man you’re literally him I have

Literally him yo the one punch is broken but uh does this mean I can just sit here and you’ll do everything else I don’t if God mode is really good wait but if they all start climbing I I don’t know if I can one punch all of them at

Once there’s a lot of them wait there’s someone on the side hind too there’s someone on the side hind you’re you’re like you’re like run run wait no no no no no we just got to run get in the fish wait can you can’t you get him just get into the fish

Tank what are you doing sword why are you exploding that’s what the sword does wait no there’s holes in the bottom of the fish tank they’re getting in no no they’re floating up oh my God make it stop oh they’re on the walls too um this is bad this is

Really bad oh I might have accidentally thrown um something at Isabelle behind you literally behind you what what what ow ow ow bad water bad water don’t go that far wait why we in the good water I don’t know but we’re messing up be in the bad one wait wait I’m going

Down I’m swimming down there’s too many creepers so I think you should follow me okay okay uh I don’t know what to do I don’t know oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait B you went in the bad water what are you doing I died

First I’m going to drone I’m going to drone I’m going to drown let me out I’m going to one punch one punch wait I’m fing what is that thing wait bro oh my God wait is this some sort of boss oh I one punch him too if the front Line’s

Clear wait we need to go check the behind Isabella okay okay let’s go go go go the behind is probably the behind is probably filled with monsters where you going um oh oh wait they’re above us uh we need to think we need to think about what we’re doing whoa um um can

You please help me need to get off this I’m running Bo oh I have super jump I forgot oh oh oh wait did that hurt you it’s not even doing anything is about just bait them into the poisonous water oh I went in oh oh wait how do I fly how

Do I fly do that no no no no no I have so many hearts though oh my God wait let me fly okay perfect all right wait if we literally just lead them in here oh this is so hard to control let me exit my flying mode and wait they’re all going

Into the poisonous water oh that’s good wait I’m going use my beers are any of you guys alive can you help me please oh oh oh my God I don’t even take volage oh my bro bro bro this is chaos I’m hitting everything wait I’m baiting them

All into the poisonous water I’m going to go straight up and then let me go ahead and use my meteor my lasers oh wait I’m shooting a laser beam at them I can help I can help oh yes sir yes sir don’t worry I got to s that hard

Carrie I got to s that hard Carrie wait I’ll go some up I’ll go some up this is there’s literally a few left wait you went in the fake water oh you you went the same way that I went I’m getting my last few one

Punches in and wait guys I think we just beat it bro I need to get out of this flag modat this is impossible does it count as a win if only you’re alive I mean yeah I survived right wait let me one punch this guy oh wait that took I think that took

More than one punch we won yay oh my God okay guys come on round two is about to start you guys even know what are we even building I’m going to kill don’t kill yourself you’re so OD no what are we actually building I I don’t know I don’t

Know just build walls the monsters are coming here okay listen we’re going to use this blue concrete for the outlines here I’m going to build up does this look high enough um uh what if the monsters can fly okay that’s enough talking I’m just going to build it

Uh all right let me go get my pickaxe I could get this pickaxe and I’m going to do I need to hover over it and do slash info and now I could actually right click what are you what are you laughing at I can right click this block and now

I can just use these numbers and I can fill this in cuz I’m nice with it like that okay so oh you’re sl SL Set uh her game crashed um 2 five one I’m going to put these 11 and yes you you like how nice I am with it wait

Why did only fill one wall what do you what do you mean I made the entire wall Oh you mean like the other three walls yeah wait I want to see I’m not in the game oh Sophia got to Doom she’s gone no how we have to fight the monsters with

Just the two of us no we don’t here here I’m going to build well I mean can you do something I’m the only one doing anything wait I’m going to do these commands I can do the same command and just keep reusing these and I’m just

You’re so slow with it you’re not even doing anything I’ll do something check this out 1 2 3 4 I’m check I’m checking hold on I’m on hold okay okay I’m on hold I press the wrong button I then press the right button okay check this out check this out I’m

Checking um I can’t check I’m I’m checking you’re not doing anything oh wait uh wait wait wait oh this will surely keep the B out oh yeah that’s really good good stuff oh I you finally cooked God bless oh I wish Sophia was here to see me cooking um

Don’t worry Sophia’s she’s on her way I I think I’m in the void she’s in the void come back I don’t know in is this you no no this is not a monster stop stop you’re getting distracted we to make defenses what are you doing oh this ew okay maybe this can

Be your little pet okay you’re not even listening okay I’m going to get this dispenser and let me go ahead and get some like elemental powers to put in the dispensers uh okay I could put poop in it but I don’t think that’s going to keep the monsters back what are you what

Are you using that for I don’t know okay wait I’m going to go for these elets I don’t really even know what half of these do I already grab this life drain charge scorched Fireball okay that’s got to be pretty op and I’ll go and grab an

Ice fire okay those seem like they’re all really overpowered since the monsters are going to come out of that cave maybe I could just align the entire top of our base with all these dispensers and oh this is going to look this is going to be the sauce I think

Sauce I like I like sauce you like what do you do you like crazy sauce I think I like crazy sauce I had crazy sauce once yeah that a great story sopia please please tell me more you’re in no I’m not going to tell that story are you

A back yeah wait what are you doing Isabella it’s not letting me in what did you do to me I didn’t do anything to you okay uh all right let me go ahead and make some room back here so I could actually put the Redstone back in oh my

Lord Sophia you’re finally back in the game I’m back hi everyone what did I miss what is well I’m actually putting work in and she’s literally doing nothing okay wait I’m going to trying to capture this thing yeah yeah I’m going to reuse this command okay all right now

I have a little we’re all going to die because you guys are helping come on all right bro whatever whatever I don’t even need them I’m I’m going to make this I’m going to make this myself you got it Andy yeah yeah I got it okay I’m going

To make this myself and I’m going to do it um like for my for my own Joy I think I captured it finally are you doing look look at him what is the point little Pat that’s enough okay okay like now now that he’s now that he’s protecting us I’ll I’ll do

Stuff now wait what have you built it looks like a box I’m actually going to scroll through my powers and let me just try out this power real quick and okay you need to behave as sorry sorry I’ll build I’ll build wait do that to me do

That to me do do it to me why do you want that that was gross no I’m not I just want to know what it is oh wait did you capture the did you capture the little thing you were trying to capture I captur the okay

Wait let me just press this key right here and oh yes hey it’s pretty strong it looks like your little fairy chicken got out that’s so sad now get back to building the monsters are coming bro we literally running out of time I don’t care okay okay okay okay I’m

Going to get started on making all these Redstone repeaters I’m going to put a redstone repeater behind all of these dispensers and we could put like crazy charges in these things I’m going to put all the elements in them all the elements oh I can I can help can go help

Over there I’m filling this one with ice ball Fire charges and wait that is actually going to be broken um you guys this is going to take me literally forever to fill all these dispensers on my own so could you guys please help me you told me to

Go okay well do I change my mind W okay no don’t start over here I already started here I need know what the example looks like oh just use any of the overpowered elements we have so many broken elements to use like Char like literally a full page of elements just

Use any of them it’ll keep the monsters away oh wait what page is it stop making fun of me page is it on bro just type in elements please you guys need to get it together thank God that I have god mode Powers cuz when these monsters come out

Uh I don’t think you two are going be very useful what is that you talking about it’s supposed to mean you guys aren’t doing anything all right I’m being a hater though let me stop you are being a hater I’m feel insulted you’re salted I’m salted right now like a like

A cracker like a salted cracker no I meant insulted you you you goon what just call me a goon what’s your problem what I’ve got i’ got a hack Strat bro who guys who duplicated our build all the way this way who did that oh oh is that your next strategy oh wait

Yeah wait my bad wait that was Isabella you’re not very nice with the commands we need to get it together no I can do it I can do it oh wait will you guys make the bomber I’m going to make a flying bomber a flying bomber yeah yeah it’s going to like fly

Through the air and it’s going to drop to it’s literally like like an air strike wa cool woohoo I guess what how is that any different than this these are just dispensers I’m I’m going to make a literal air strike cute that’s cute okay wait all right let me just go

Ahead and gather all the stuff I need I need a green slime block okay wait I’m going to put them all over here too I need a piece of obsidian okay there we go let me put that in my inventory okay there we go I have all the things I need

Wait Isabella why are you destroying all of the dis no no no no no no I have a plan I have a plan oh my God like I’m going to I’m going to fix this um I’m going to make it so that it’s really let me let me right click first position set

Okay I you why don’t you just cook to yourself okay oh okay guys look I found a panic button panic button oh my lording oh when the monsters come out you could press the panic button and um yeah panic I love panicking yeah that’s a really useful

Defense sopia that’s the only defense I have Andy I think that’s definitely what we need we need to just panic when the monsters come all right let me just focus I’m going to build us an air strike are you going to build us an air

Strike no no no I got this I just put a piston right there and then two slime block like this and then I have to go like underneath it and I’m like trying to do this for my memory and it is I think we should build something that

Protects us from the monsters that’ll come let build a fish tank bro why are you guys ruining the dispensers and you going to build a fish tank no I didn’t I didn’t ruin it look check that out check that out isn’t that Co you’re so good oh okay wait wait put

I’m clean with it I’m clean with it does it work though does it work hold on wait why are you putting poop charges in all bro I said it’s the simplest thing okay but we have elemental powers why are we putting poop charges in the dispensers

Let’s see if the lever works oh hit the Le and one and two and only like half of it worked did it go all the way and guys um I’m scared to see if this works right now it’s literally going to it’s a bomber bro it’s literally like an air strike like

If they walk down there this thing’s going to launch TNT onto the ground get a move on kid oh so good what are you doing over oh my Sophia what are you building I’m building a church cuz I need to pray we’re not doing to good no can you pray for she’s

Optimistic can you please pray for my um Abomination monstrosity thing to domination nice pun SL paste and oh my God this is the moment of truth are you kidding me a do have to fix the wall again and you suck at building missiles I can do a

Better one okay listen bro I swear this missile works but I think it doesn’t work on the version of Minecraft r i I swear this missile Works said by I’m telling you I’m telling you it’s the version of Minecraft rod that’s the problem don’t make fun of him he’s doing

His best he’s okay I’ll I’ll do something I’ll check this out at the end of the day I still have god mode to fall back out so no matter how bad our defenses are I could just like spot this bubble Shield denied in the bubble the

Only person who can go in the bubble God bless you guys stay out of my bubble I can make my own make own you’ve been building a church you don’t deserve to be in my safety bu thing is over let me end no stay out he hates me what what

Other superpowers do I have bro do I even need to build anything what if I just went ahead and launch this right at Isabella what are you talking about wait whoa wait what you can’t you can’t don’t don’t do it don’t do it wait why did you

Just spot a giant Dome what is this for I’m going to I’m protecting myself from you are you serious I can just break right through it this is not the bu challenge I was thinking about and then launch all my tornadoes of Doom stop it stop it 1 minute yeah yeah we’re running

Out of time hurry up you’re oh okay let’s just surround this Dome wait why don’t we just make a moat around the front of our base if I just do first selection right there and I just come all the way over here I can literally

Turn this into a giant boat okay let me go like going to go like down a little bit like here set lava what are you laughing at oh I’m not oh wow he’s so good at this it’s a pretty solid boat like come on guys you got to put your

Hands down or something put my hands down my hands are down oh my God there’s a dinosaur wait uh wait our moat should totally go all the way around so nobody could get in okay you do that I’m doing it okay wait let me bring it down here again and I

Could literally stick and come in and I’m going to reuse the same exact command yes sir oh wait my moat is like so skinny what are you laughing at what a problem it is a bro my moat needs to be wait look at this look at this I can

Make a big moat so easily oh wait that selection tool is nuts what the heck it’s nuts why aren’t you on that uh I don’t know you’re just cooking at the Comm are you ever going to finish this Redstone creation I was going to I

Was going to I just had to like say that I was better okay wait let me go ahead and apply this command to my pickaxe now if I just do this command just like that and okay wait let me try try this out are you going to

C I’m cooking hard right now wait guys we never fixed that you guys extended our base in the Narnia that doesn’t matter that wasn’t my idea okay whatever I’m just going to finish this boat it’s almost done all right let’s wrap around that back and hit it from the behind and oh yes

Sir wait what I’m just I’m just giving you the same energy bro why are you being weird when I hit it from the behind don’t hit my missile from the behind I hit it from the behind I literally wrapped around and I hit the lava from the behind is your problem against behinds

We are going to die we going to die and you think it’s my fault look at Isabella she’s trying to like one up me cuz what are you talk yeah I’m trying to one up you okay but this thing like bro it’s not my fault okay it I think it most

Certainly is we’ll build something else not it’s not my fault it’s not oh it’s one another TNT oops what the heck is aella wait wait uh I put it too close to the lava and then it ignited you blew you guys fix I was fixing my missile and you blew it

Up is not funny my bad oh it’s okay Andy you want to go to the bouncy house the bouncy house it’s never going to be my carpet bomb of Doom I try this thing out it’s better this bouncy house is this is awesome what are you talking about I’m having so much

Fun you’re having fun you’re having fun right laugh laugh Andy get me out of here bro I wanted to make my carpet mom and bro now I dude I don’t know if I have time the mobs are coming I’m scared I’m scared it doesn’t work I’m going to

Cry oh that’s so cute it just went into the lava just went to the lava does yours work Isabella I I can let you you do the honors you have to put two TNTs right here I put I fill in both the gaps yeah fill in these gaps okay and what exactly

Does you quick you do it really quick it’s it’s going to missile over there you have to make sure you put it down really quick okay um okay let me go a and test this out then I’m going to fill it with TNT and what it

Work bro wait it’s a working missile are you kidding me it’s not going off though is aella it’s too low it’s too high up though look you put it way too high in the air oh you wait then what what’s this going to hit this supposed to hit

Then I can’t put it lower after a carpet bomb it just doesn’t work I L spawn them in a quick copy paste a bunch of them the mobs are coming literally right now you can you can try this one you don’t have to be careful keep spawning the

Keep SP okay okay this is actually W defenses all right so we have some poop levers and we have missiles wait how much time do we have left have you done anything I put a fish bow and I made a bouncy house what do you want for me

What are you blowing up down there oh no your T is getting it’s getting touched by the lava look at what your Mo did fix it don’t blame my is not my mod fault this is your they’re coming they’re coming right now they’re coming right now oh my God the MS are

Coming already oh no oh no I fell I fell wait how do you how do you wait Isabella how do we even light the TNT missiles wait I have to you have to put TNT in it oh yeah my boat is coming through big time though the spiders can’t even get

Across wait are we going a win because of the moat that that is so silly well well looks like your missiles didn’t come in handy after all well you’re shooting them into nowhere Isabella your missiles are trash oh no my moat is shredding all of them wait there’s more

Coming wait what the okay wait I’m going to use my flying ability oh my God I can fly oh oh wait that’s that is really fast um can I can I try to use some of these missiles I don’t even know you have to guys I fell outside of the wall

And there’s no door the boss oh oh no wait bro oh my God the god mode prevents against lava too I’m going to turn off the flag think that thing’s really hard to control but well Isabelle there’s literally a giant boss behind you oh my God he’s shooting

Missiles at me oh launch the bo launch the Boop launch the get you got to get him I’m launching the boop I’m launching the poop uh I don’t think it’s doing anything um oh I hit the creepers let’s go ow oh there’s literally a bat thing

Oh my God it’s it’s oh wait let me use my Powers ow ow ow this stupid flag thing is hitting me Sophia do you have a sword please please help I don’t have a sword I don’t have one dude I have God Bo I literally just one hit these mobs

They can’t touch me wait that’s really good but I just got a bow and I forgot to get arrows so I I need to heal up though so let me Spawn this healing Rift and oh oh that feels nice W um guys I think our defenses are like too overpowered the Monsters can’t

Even get inside ow ow there fly let me punch this guy okay oh God bless I have god mode wait what the heck they’re blowing up the TNT wait I think some of them ly now well that was like kind of too easy wait oh is is Sophia they’re they’re

Inside of our base what the heck when did that happen what are they doing here who let all the crepper spiders in our base wait I don’t like these guys they’re gross um uh here I can try to use my tornadoes I’m using tornadoes oh my oh my God wait

Wait oh I just fell in the bouncy house uh no I’m in the Bounty house with them they’re looking at me they’re looking at me I don’t like it guys I’m trapped in the bouncy house with creeper spiders go kill them wait what the heck they’re everywhere where where are these com

From um uh okay uh wait I can use my missiles I can use my missiles um new missiles I can use my asteroids oh they go so slow on the Slime oh my God the stupid Dome is preventing my asteroids I’m just Spam I’m literally spamming it

Oh my god um help help help help I’m going to die help me I can’t help you there’s too many of them oh Sophia died uh uh I don’t even know if God mode is enough to stop this what the heck is going on let me out of this

Glass oh my God they’re blowing up I have poop charges what are poop Charges going to do I have the poop charges wait from this oh I can’t throw I’m on fire I’m on fire awward um guys uh our defenses are really bad they’re they’re literally destroying everything this is your fault

And you couldn’t make a missile oh is this my fault oh they’re everywhere H bubble Shield oh oh wait this is they can’t even touch me uh oh wait um when the bubble goes away this Isabelle help me help me the bubble’s going to go away I got a chicken

Sword oh my god um help get out of the lava bro there’s too many of them I supposed to do e oh wait the lava is literally my safe place they can’t touch me wait you no no I got pblk and MOB wow the lava’s your safe place huh yeah good

Defenser Sophia you built a bouncy house well you guys are building so much stuff I didn’t have any room what what are you talking about your build literally took up the entire inside I didn’t make the [Laughter] Dome see it’s doing St yeah nice miss it it just blew up

Nothing okay let’s build a better def he the trash missile of Doom if you guys enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like this like the video it’s subscribe

This video, titled ‘BUILD TO SURVIVE But I use GOD MODE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2023-12-01 14:33:09. It has garnered 6852 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:28 or 1888 seconds.

Today I did a build to survive challenge in Minecraft with Sophia and Isabella, BUT I’m also using GOD MODE SUPER POWERS! Watch until the end to see us defend our bases against different mobs like mutant creeper spiders!

YouTubers such as Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, Techycraft, Dream, Craftee, Maizen, PrestonPlayz, xNestorio and MrBeast are my favorite people who upload videos. Who’s your favorite YouTuber?

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Minecraft Crazy Build Hack… #105 Description: 🌟 Ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! 💡🔨 In this in-depth tutorial, we’ll guide you through a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Like, Share, Subscribe… Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Are… Read More

  • Minecraft vs. Original: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 2 Trailer

    Minecraft vs. Original: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 2 Trailer The Magical World of Minecraft and Harry Potter Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft as it collides with the beloved universe of Harry Potter in a side-by-side comparison of the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer 1. Witness the magic unfold as iconic scenes are recreated in the pixelated realm of Minecraft, bringing a fresh perspective to the epic tale of Harry Potter. Exploring Hogwarts in Minecraft Experience the grandeur of Hogwarts Castle in Minecraft, with its towering spires and intricate details faithfully recreated in blocky form. From the majestic Great Hall to the mysterious Forbidden Forest, every corner… Read More

  • Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++ Minecraft

    Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++ Minecraft Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++: A Comprehensive Guide Are you looking to build the ultimate sugar cane farm in Minecraft version 1.20++ for both Java and Bedrock editions? Look no further! This guide will walk you through the materials needed and the step-by-step process to create an unlimited and fully automatic sugar cane farm. Materials Needed: 1 Lever 5 Regular Pistons 5 Observers 4 Hoppers 5 Redstone Dust 1 Water Bucket 5 Chests Slabs (any type) Planks (any type) 3 Sugar Canes 5 Sand Building materials (stone, wood, etc.) 2 Lanterns for decoration Spruce Fence for decoration Glass panes… Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More

  • Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness

    Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Craftsman Dragon and MasterCraft, a dynamic team. Block Crazy VS Build Craft, the battle is on, Each game unique, with adventures to spawn. Craftsman Mobile Game, Android delight, Survival mode, shaders, and pets in sight. Craftsman 2024, the future is bright, With endless possibilities, day and night. Craftsman Survival Mode Series, a journey to embark, Exploring new maps, with shaders that spark. Craftsman Mod, a twist in the tale, Adding depth and challenge, without fail. Craftsman Texture, a visual treat, Enhancing the gameplay, making it sweet. Craftsman Advanture, an adventure… Read More

  • Crafty Jenny’s Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox

    Crafty Jenny's Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build and explore, with blocks in our veins. Jenny, the mod, crafted with care, In Build a Boat, a treasure to share. Join the empire, full of fun and delight, With Discord and Roblox, our community takes flight. Instagram and Twitter, where we connect, In the realm of gaming, we show our respect. The video unfolds, with humor and charm, As we build Jenny, with curves and with charm. The narrator speaks, with a playful tone, Describing the process, in a style all their own. From the head to the… Read More

  • Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10

    Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10 Exploring the Minecraft World: Building a Spa and Horse Carriage Creating a Spa Inspired by Beitou Hot Springs Museum In this episode, the Housewife embarks on a new project to build a public bathhouse for her village residents. Drawing inspiration from the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, she carefully designs the exterior with red bricks, arched windows, and a faux tile finish to mimic the iconic spa’s architecture. Inside the bathhouse, she incorporates a hot spring source that powers a waterwheel, adding a touch of realism to the spa experience. The Housewife also includes a cozy tatami hall, a relaxation… Read More

  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

    Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here In the depths of Minecraft, a horror map awaits, The Orphanage, where fear dominates. Shadows lurk, friends turn to foes, Every step taken, danger grows. A chilling narrative, a tale of dread, In the darkness, where fear is fed. Worse than Herobrine, Cave Dweller, or Siren Head, This horror map will fill you with dread. So brace yourself, for the scares that lie ahead, In Minecraft’s first horror map, where evil lives and spreads. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and swords, while Minecraft girls are just running around with a flower in their hand? Priorities, ladies! Read More

  • Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video

    Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Discover Exciting Features From building towering castles to mining deep underground for precious resources, Minecraft offers a wide array of features to keep players engaged. Create intricate redstone contraptions, tame wild animals, or embark on epic quests in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Imagination With its sandbox-style gameplay, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and published on May 17, 2009, is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the game allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world full of endless possibilities. The Origins of Minecraft Markus “Notch” Persson and Mojang Studios introduced Minecraft as an Early-Access title for PC in 2009. Since then, the game has expanded to various platforms and consoles, receiving regular updates with new content to keep players engaged. Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft King Strikes Again – GXC’s Devastating Depression

    Minecraft King Strikes Again - GXC's Devastating DepressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobey – The King Of Minecraft Brainrot…’, was uploaded by GXC Is Depressed on 2024-05-10 18:00:17. It has garnered 1007 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. Modern minecraft suck man 😔☕️ ===Shoutouts=== Channel’s Artist: https://twitter.com/AsteraSuccubus Channel’s Banner Done By: @JeffSkyward Weasel: @DeWiesel ===Music Used in this video=== -glue70 – Coral Fumes -jinsang – Summer’s Day [v2] -You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version) -C418 – Droopy likes your Face – Minecraft Volume Alpha -Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld Theme -Terraria OST – Sandstorm [Extended] -Persona 3… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey’s Door!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: https://streamlabs.com/mqryo/tip – Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UzCHHWPMQv – My Site: https://www.mqryopacks.com Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » GrieferGames.net Do you like the episode? Play now on the GrieferGames.net Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address GrieferGames.net and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

    Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 - Minecraft Jumbled Chunks - EP. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-18 06:14:38. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:13 or 10573 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

    ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN - Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIERNES HOT DE L4D2 FORTNITE MINECRAFT CLASH ROYALE con SUSCRIPTORES 🥵’, was uploaded by CesarHDv on 2024-04-06 04:35:16. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:00 or 20340 seconds. Playing GTA 5 STORY MODE, FORTNITE LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ROBLOX 🤑 YAPEENME XD playing Fortnite and Minecraft RooooAHHHHH :v My friend code on Steam: 993910620 My Discord server: https://discord.gg/Nkbmh74 FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE CHANNEL NEWS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CesarHDvOFICIAL Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cesaraycaya/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CesarHD_v Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cesarhdv #gaming #minecraft #fortnite TAGS… Read More

  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

    🔥 Yaezer's Insane Late Night Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LATE NIGHT Minecraft, Roblox & More! Join Yaezer’s Epic Livestream Adventure!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-16 15:45:03. It has garnered 5364 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:07 or 20887 seconds. Welcome to Yaezer’s livestream extravaganza! Dive into the enchanting worlds of Minecraft, embark on thrilling adventures in Roblox, and explore a plethora of other exciting activities with us! Join the fun as Yaezer navigates through a mix of gaming delights, showcasing skill, creativity, and endless entertainment. Interact with us in the chat as we celebrate crossing the 1000… Read More

  • The Analog Network

    The Analog Network| Discover The Analog Network 1.20.1 | Freshly Wiped Server with Player Shops, Warps, and Dynmap! Vienminer & Timber for Effortless Mining! Custom Generation Awaits! Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Today! play.TheAnalogNetwork.com Read More

  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

    Welcome to Off The Block! Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative. Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull. What are you waiting for? Join today! IP: play.offtheblock.lol WEBSITE: www.offtheblock.lol Read More


    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition"Looks like this meme needs some mining for more laughs! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

    Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft because I couldn’t find my way out of a tower. #struggleisreal” Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6

    Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6 Minecraft Original Survival 3 Ep6: The Beauty of Cherry Blossom Trees In the latest episode of Minecraft Original Survival 3, the player embarks on a quest to transform their home into a true sanctuary. With a plethora of transparent passageways, the question arises – can a home still be called a home if it’s so open? The player decides to elevate the aesthetics by planting cherry blossom trees, aiming for the highest level of sophistication. Planting Cherry Blossom Trees The player showcases their creativity by planting cherry blossom trees in their Minecraft world. These trees add a touch of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: https://ko-fi.com/luxandtuxlive Discord: https://discord.gg/eMNVXfAa 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgbo80SKvq4GF__yUGVCF6b9vVL31joYA Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: https://amzn.to/3OUGMf5 CPU+MOBO Combo: https://amzn.to/3DTPRy9 RAM: https://amzn.to/3OTTtqi Watercooler: https://amzn.to/3QwbqfS Case: https://amzn.to/3DUkung Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3QDF3Ms Mouse: https://amzn.to/3qxDgh2 Monitor: https://amzn.to/3QBJeYV PS5: https://amzn.to/444mynq TOTK Switch: https://amzn.to/4546hQI Gaming Chair: https://amzn.to/456VCVa Contact for… Read More

  • Top 20 Spooky Minecraft Secrets

    Top 20 Spooky Minecraft SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Account 671 Creepy Pasta’, was uploaded by Minecraft Creepy Facts on 2024-05-18 04:06:36. It has garnered 490 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. 🔍 Uncover the Mystery: The Haunting of Minecraft’s Account 671 🔍 Have you heard the chilling legend of Account 671 in Minecraft? Join us as we delve into the eerie tale of Ethan Greene, a brilliant developer who mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only his active Minecraft account. What secrets lie within the worlds generated by Account 671? 👻 What You’ll Discover: Strange biomes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay – Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay - Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live🔴 – Hive – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers – Minecraft 1.21 Survival Realm’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-05-20 00:04:10. It has garnered 159 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:54 or 12774 seconds. Minecraft Hive with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Bedwars – Skywars – Treasure Wars – Survival Games – Custom Servers Discord: https://discord.gg/xCzr7MZAyV Thank You for 3000 Subscribers! please subscribe I do use Horion, I use it for utility purposes, I have not and will never condone hacking or… Read More

  • ZonaiBoy – SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱

    ZonaiBoy - SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Es geht weiter mit ner Runne Minecraft! 😍’, was uploaded by ZonaiBoy on 2024-03-22 23:19:11. It has garnered 282 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:23 or 15203 seconds. I love this game! Discord: https://linktr.ee/zonaiboy #minecraft #Stream #Christmas #Realtalk #New Years Eve #Chill #Zelda #nintendo #gaming am Read More

  • Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!

    Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!Video Information This video, titled ‘i like to pump it | Hive Montage’, was uploaded by Neudex on 2024-06-03 12:42:41. It has garnered 28 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. what the sigma tags texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike client,zoomx,zoomx client,horion,horion client,chron,chron client,sova,sova… Read More

  • Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!

    Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT STEVE OVER POWER LARI MENUJU SURGA DALAM 1 DETIK TAPI DI KEJAR 1000 WARDEN !’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-03-13 11:39:37. It has garnered 7211620 views and 158852 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hello guys, this is a minecraft reaction! I hope you like it, don’t forget to like and share, thnkyuuuu Original video: https://www.youtube.com/@Alexa_Real Join the Azuya Surya membership so that your skin can be animated, join here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUEgIDXk_ZuimcU1DMU9wqg/join -Follow first, friend, the link is: www.tiktok.com/@azuyasurya01 or just look for the photo where I… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE – Yahiamice vs. the HARDEST

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE - Yahiamice vs. the HARDESTVideo Information This video, titled ‘facing the HARDEST minecraft modpack… BETTER THAN WOLVES’, was uploaded by Yahiamice LIVE vods on 2024-02-07 23:58:37. It has garnered 13187 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:56 or 8156 seconds. February 7, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/yahiamice Read More

  • EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander Bono

    EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander BonoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battles Teams Hypixel’, was uploaded by Alexander Bono on 2024-04-14 17:32:36. It has garnered 279 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:58 or 898 seconds. #buildbattle #buildbattles #buildbattleminecraft #hypixel #minecraft #tryhard #proplayer #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New Remix

    Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New RemixVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #edit #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by HACKER ABDULLAH on 2024-05-21 16:10:53. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More