Ultimate Twitch Tips + Minecraft Q&A

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And before you guys ask no I did not wash my hands don’t touch the camera with those hands chat come over here take my piss piss sming hands everyone ah and I’m getting put into into a Steven Lynn video yep let’s just name this world um Steven Lynn just cuz um

Background if you had to eat a dog or cat which one would you eat I’ll probably eat a cat honestly I told this before on stream I would love to just like kill a cat and eat it I think it’ be very very cute weird question if you

Have a girlfriend are you fine if she’s close with other boys yeah yeah I do I mean no I I mean yeah sure yeah I mean wait what what how do you taste I probably tastes like green tea to be honest I probably taste like green tea

Which Pokémon would you smash that isn’t gavor vapon Vaporeon or low Poney damn cross out all the good ones huh jiggly puff let me get all jiggly in there who would win a boxing match you or JS okay I know a lot of people don’t think of me

That strong of a physical person but I’m not going to lie one of the things which I’m genuinely like honestly confident in is physicality like physical like things you know like I reckon if there was like a boxing event for valerant creators I would be so down to prepare and join I

Reckon like I I think a lot of people would laugh at at the fact that like a [ __ ] eate Tik tocker would be going into that but I I think I would try my best I would genuinely try my best cuz I I I used to do I used to do like like

[ __ ] Olympic Training honestly this there’s actually one video I really want to do I’ve always talked about this video like like with like with other people and stuff but there’s a video I genuinely want to do really badly called valer and streamer goes to the gym for

30 days and I just want to go to the gym for 30 days and like I think I think it could be a potentially controversial video though if I was to do it cuz I think if I did it genuinely I’m not going to lie my body has a I think I

Think like like my budy rebounds very quickly and like my recomposition period is is very like quick so I think I think it would it would definitely look like I would be taking steroids or something I think if I if I actually did do it but I

I think I think it’s something I genuinely want to do cuz as I said before like online you need to weaponize your content within a way to like build up your reputation you know what I mean and I feel like that’s something I haven’t tried doing so I think I I will

Eventually for the future of Shing a Le or whatever like I think there probably will be more like emotionally intelligent content coming out for sure pet rat N I would never get a pet rat honestly one pet is already enough I have a cat and a cat is already enough I

Feel like a pet rat would like not last like I don’t it’s a bad way to word it but like I feel like it’s just really sad to see a pet pass and I I don’t want to go through that too much within my life so just just one pet will be okay

But I know you shouldn’t think about about it in that way though like you should you should always think more positively than that yeah you would eat a pet rat low key dude I would love to just get a pet rat hold it down on a chopping board and get a [ __ ]

Butcher’s knife just cut its head off and see it just squiggle to death you know what I mean and then just like eat it in game in Minecraft in Minecraft what’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten weirdest thing I’ve eaten I’ve eaten quite a few weird things but

I feel like the weird things that I’ve eaten are genuinely normal within the cultures that they originate from like I eat like I’ve eaten lab squid I’ve eaten like ox blood soup and those are both like Korean like they’re not Staples of course but they’re not out of the

Ordinary for Korean people I would say Ox blood soup has a very like irony taste you know like when you like when you get a nose bleed and you suck back your blood into your mouth and you can taste that iron like that that orange juice iron almost type beit it’s sort of

Like that it’s like almost like a metallic taste but and when you grind your te together that’s what it sort of tastes like um it’s an interesting one yeah I wouldn’t say it’s something I particularly like at all but I would say it’s something up tried I have not tried

Horse meat no I’ve heard of horse horse shashimi I heard that is a pretty big one in Ker as well I have not tasted that one either oh my God come back here give me the [ __ ] ERS come here little [ __ ] oh yeah killed the mom and the dad

Also killed the kid too and shingly has been canceled rabbit is by far the weirdest food rabbit oh your weirdest I think rabbit is fine I’ve eaten plenty of rabbit I’m pretty sure yeah I’ve eaten quite a bit of it I feel like American cultures are very like um sort of like

Closed in with like their food taste and stuff but I think something that’s really distinguishable about Asian cultures is that they will not waste a single part of an animal’s body once they kill it and and cook it you know what I mean they’ll eat the eyeballs

[ __ ] pig brain [ __ ] the feet the tail the [ __ ] skull would just be put on the [ __ ] table you know what I mean like I feel like that’s a really big difference camel meat I’ve never had camel meat before that does sound rather interesting bro did you eat kup keup not

Too sure holy [ __ ] we’re getting too many [ __ ] big raids today oh my God racist I mean Shanks raid oh my God Shanks raid if you guys don’t know me and Shanks we actually used to go to the same high school and I remember we used to be on the soccer

Team together and something that Shanks would do is that during our weekend matches it would literally mid game if we were losing he would take off all his clothes and run around naked on the field and distract all the other players and a Bo just score for free it was so

Funny that [ __ ] was so funny we need to do it again sometime key we need to organize a soccer match and we just have I just have to see that little wiener again you know what I mean that little Tic Tac do a live stream again low key a

Twitch rival soccer match would be hard bro Conor [ __ ] prod he talks so much [ __ ] about being the goat of soccer back in the day but on my life I cannot imagine seeing that guy run I don’t know bro I feel like he would just like come

In contact with like a Defender and just get obliterated just get into like a million grains of sand just like instantly get flattened out I don’t know dude we thinks he would win he would have been in the Premier League keep dreaming Bud keep dreaming I

Met prod for the first time actually at twitch gun Ryan you didn’t get twitch gun either didn’t you can I call you Ryan I’ll be tight like that or no do I still have to address you like Shanks TTV was Pro awkward uh he was drunk yeah

He was drunk I met him at the offline TV party and he was there with his um with his girlfriend Vanessa I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about this actually I I think I have said it before I don’t know if I am oh no no Vanessa Veronica Veronica yeah

Veronica yeah sorry Veronica sorry I was thinking but she no no no no no no no actually going talk about it we have too many like like Shanks prod viewers in the chat now like I feel like it it’ll be you know [ __ ] it let’s talk about

Let’s talk about it last year I I met Veronica I I I met Veronica last year at twitchcon and at the time at the time she was she was she was she was dating another another valerant streamer and then when I met her again like a couple

Months ago like like like at the at the offline TV party like she was like the first thing she says she said like as you can see a lot of things have changed I was like yeah a lot of things have changed little things have changed you know

Oh it’s probably going to DM me and be like why the [ __ ] did you say that on stream well that’s a stream PV your average views mean a lot for sponsor yeah for sure yeah yeah for sponsors that is true that is true yeah yeah I don’t really do sponsors that much

Though I never really like find sponsors which I genuinely feel like strongly about you know what I mean I feel like you don’t really do sponsors as well Shanks but I think that’s CU a different reason I think you’re like legit a Brin risk not going to lie your chat would

Probably just be like [ __ ] on the game you probably play rage Shadow Legends and then like the chat would just be getting racist and [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t think I’ll do like sponsors uh that that frequently yeah unless I really want money for something I don’t

Know we’ll see Asus Asus monitor I’m poor in need money can can someone send me a million dollars please drop the act shinky peo all right you literally gamble all the [ __ ] time you’re an addict okay we know you’re [ __ ] Rich okay how many Subs do you have somebody

Go type in his chat esmk Subs if that is any number over the like 1,300 he’s Rich trust me yo ory thanks for the prime appreciate it BR Subs what is mine right now oh sh okay Shanks this is the power of like Paras social relationships okay

You know what I mean these Southeast Asian viewers and like if you like show them Japanese girls and like you tell them you love them like they bye Shanks bye shank PE I’m not going to lie you know in that gym video that I was talking about earlier I was literally

Going to use him as a reference I’m not even kidding one second I actually have a I actually have a script I actually have a script write scripts for all my videos and I included Shanks in the script but basically I was going to do a

Video where I go to the gym for 30 days and I go from a transform from a twink into an actual like oh what the [ __ ] I thought you want to go eat food dude thought you want to go eat food where the [ __ ] is that what do you mean

What the [ __ ] is that what do you mean chat that photo was edited that [ __ ] is not edited bro that [ __ ] is not edited oh the sh she go I get7 to Shanks by and now that Shanks is gone I can show the rest of the script right so pretty much

Um I wanted to like basically give the image of like what valerant plays look like and then eventually like like you know like I wanted to like like you can see the script here like it’s actually crazy but uh that video will probably come out like probably like late December like

Early December this year you know what I mean yeah Le I’m a pretty small content creator actually I started working on it can you give me some tips to make my content better thanks Spirit genuinely if you want to make like better content I don’t even know I don’t know it just

Depends on the person you know what I mean but I think uh I think you need to learn how to edit your own videos that’s for sure I think you grow more off twitch than you do like you you grow more but the activities you do offline

Then you do online I think a lot of people think that streaming is just playing games but in reality I think it’s like marketing and [ __ ] I think I think it’s like it’s about like uh I definitely have a different approach to it but yeah my my view on streaming is

Like marketing if you’re a smart marketer and you know how to edit and like do that sort of stuff then you’ll be pretty successful yeah okay my Twitter I’m not even kidding as of recently it’s just been like horny tweets people in car crashes and like literally like jumping off buildings

Like crazy oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and also cats those are the three things on my Twitter and bebers and porn every now and then and then no porn wait like like just like titties yo 67 thanks for the Big 10 bro appreciate it man thank you

So much for the Big 10 titties thank you for the Big 10 vtubers thank you for the Big 10 big ones thank you so much thanks for the Big 10 wimers oh wait mods do something about it mods no take down the VOD I never said anything

Mods play all the clips mods honestly being a twitch streamer is a lot okay it might might like a troll but I think it’s genuinely a lot harder than it than it may seem to a lot of people a lot of people undermine it and and think that

It’s like um like easy to do but it’s not it’s not I don’t think it’s luck nowadays I think nowadays if you want to become a twitch streamer you need to have intention you need to have like skills and ambition in my opinion you know I feel like there’s so many kids

Nowadays and probably so many people listening right now that would genuinely want to become a twitch streamer if they had the possibility of doing it you know but they have the skills to become it and stuff you know Twitch streaming is um it’s a it’s a bit of a gig nowadays

For sure it’s a bit of gig it’s going to get Hella competitive and even more crazy honestly content creation 5 years from now is going to be way harder than it is right now you know it’s it’s just going to get perpetually harder cuz like everyone’s going to want to do it

Everyone’s want to do it I feel like it’s already happening like like like car has already come came around and like [ __ ] going crazy and and I think 5 years from now there’s going to be another [ __ ] like class or Arro speed or whatever you know there’s going to be

Another one in my time in content creation I I started doing what I do at the perfect time I think you know like Tik Tok was just popping off and like like valerin just came out and eating was fresh so nobody was doing it and nobody

Thought that it was like cringe and [ __ ] but like nowadays like I I I didn’t think there’ll be another like e dat like pop off in that time oh yeah that’s that’s like a five vein that was insane what’s this one three two three damn I never seen anyone create videos like you

At that time yeah at that at that time I was definitely a bit Innovative for sure be a YouTuber than a streamer yeah that’s true yeah you youtubing is uh is pretty nice as well youtubing you can take things a lot more at your at your

Own pace I feel like you can like not upload for a month if you wanted to you know but streaming definitely feels like a gig that you need to like do every single day which is like a dragon that you need to constantly feed it feels bad

To not stream you know and I feel like if you miss one day of streaming it like weighs on you mentally you know like for me if I if I miss one day of streaming i l like feel bad you know and I feel like to have a live audience always like

Catering and waiting for you is like a hard thing to like sort of like address like easily but youtubing is a lot more privated uh private a lot more closeted I would say for sure but I feel like nowadays like in content creation if you do one you’re going to

Do the other like I feel like if you’re a content creator it’s also including YouTube twitch like Tik Tok Twitter like everything you know like nowadays more than ever if you do one thing you have to do everything you know cuz like everyone’s doing everything nowadays that’s actually something I heard from

Like my my um my Talent adviser like they said like like one year ago or two years ago people it was unheard of to hear a Creator editing all their Tik toks all their YouTube shorts and all their YouTube videos like bys and like getting like to like a million followers

And like I was sort of shocked to hear that but like honestly it’s it’s the new standard nowadays did you have a plan B if which didn’t work out honestly no I didn’t I didn’t I wouldn’t recommend doing what I did but I dropped out of University and I stopped working just to

Pursue twitch and luckily I did a good Gamble and it ended up working out for me but if it didn’t if it didn’t go well it would have been really bad but honestly I feel like it’s not good to like fully dive into twitch unless you genuinely like know it’s something you

You really really are going to pursue and stuff you know like I feel like a lot of people like especially like vtubers and stuff like they’ll like commit like $1,000 to like getting a vber model and like streaming and getting all these assets and then they don’t even stream anymore cuz like they

Realize it’s not something they want to particularly do I like the community and friend part of streaming yeah you do meet a lot of friends through streaming for sure I not going to lie twitch as of recently twitch is a dating app bro twitch and valerant are both [ __ ]

Dating apps dude so many of my friends relationships like they’re not even streamers they’re just [ __ ] viewers and they they like they they meet other people in chat and [ __ ] wouldn’t the stress of not having a backup affect your content yeah but I think um I was so sure thought that streaming was

Something I wanted to do because it was the first thing in my life that I genuinely put effort in like I don’t know if many of people would like uh relate to this but like for me I never like genuinely put effort into anything until it it came about streaming you

Know I think growing up I was always good at particular things like I played games I did Sports it was okay in school and stuff but I was never really passionate about the things that which I did I didn’t really care for them you

Know and then I think when I was like 7 months into streaming I genuinely realized that like wait wait a minute like I like care about this quite a lot eh like I look forward to it and that’s when I realized I was like you know [ __ ]

It D let’s just like send it you know like I’m just going to do it [ __ ] it it’s like the first thing I actually felt struggling about I think I think I was like 70 viewers on Twitch at time I think I was like 70 viewers on Twitch

And I just got partnered on Twitch and then after I got partnered I quit University I quit school without telling my parents and then I and I [ __ ] and then the next year I went from 7,000 followers to 900,000 followers so I got I got very lucky yeah I I think the the

Growth was rather explosive for sure I think um something else that streaming taught me was uh streaming taught me that like I needed to be confident and be sure that I could succeed on my own and it gave me it gave me like self-confidence to realize that um when

You really put your mind to something you can do it I feel like a lot of people nowadays they say like wishy-washy in the things they do and they never really truly commit to something but honestly like you’ll be surprised like everyone has the potential to like if you genuinely want

To do something like learn a skill or like like learn how to like you know do a certain career path or something like that and you put your effort into learning like learning it like you genuinely try you’ll be very surprised as to how much you can do like I never

Thought I would ever like uh stream I never thought i’ would ever be able to talk and like for hours and then to like people I never thought i’ would be able to edit I never thought I’d be able to like you know like do YouTube thumbnails

And think about videos and stuff but uh eventually every time you just learn you just learn if you if if you if you’re willing to learn for sure do you have a religion no no I don’t I know in Korea there is quite a few religions I I think

It’s sort of split with like 50% like Christianity and it’s like 20% Buddhism and some other ones and stuff like some interesting churches and stuff but I’m I’m not religious uh at all I I did go I did go to Catholic school for 13 years but it wasn’t something that I felt

Particularly strong about but of course I um I still respect religion and stuff overall I think religion is a very um it’s something that’s needed in the world for sure was streaming a slow increase in viewership for you I think comparatively to other people it was extremely explosive it was not it was

Not slow it was explosive yeah I think within one year I went from like 70 viewers to like a peak of like like like like 5,000 or something and then shortly afterwards like I hit my alltime Peak my all time Peak within viewership was 12,000 but honestly it’s not like really

Um something I can replicate again you know cuz that was for my face reveal and that’s like a one time event um Le are you planning on reading any philosophy to improve your outlooks on life um honestly I don’t really like read that much I have read some books but like

Honestly like I usually just like improve my views on life through experiences rather than reading to be honest you know I sort of just like go with the flow and then like as things change like you know yeah yeah I think it’s better to like re uh live out your

Experiences and learn through that way as opposed to like learn from like just reading and stuff I think reading is really good and it does improve your like um outlook on like seeing other people’s experiences but overall I think the ones that influence you the most are

Definitely your own I’m trying to think what was the most like influential like changes to my mind I think one of the points where my mind changed the most was when I hit rock like Rock Bottom like like I think like 2 years ago I genuinely hit so rock bottom that I it

Changed everything for me it actually changed everything yeah I think uh I think two years ago the biggest change in my life was uh I lied so much to my parents accuma ofely over the course of like a couple years like I told them I was still studying even though I dropped

Out and all that stuff and I thought I did I did so much bad things and then eventually like they found out about everything and then I my dad sat me down and then he made me say like every single lie and then he forgave me for it

And then that that was probably the most like influential like change in my life uh I I I still think to this day yeah cuz like that was probably like the first moment where like I I felt like everything got lifted off my shoulders and that’s that’s a pretty real

Conversation honestly but that was probably the that was probably the that was like the first time I was like set free from all the lies I told cuz I feel like when you tell a lie you need to tell another lie to make that lie a truth and then it just keeps snowballing

And snowballing eventually the LIE and the standards get bigger and [ __ ] larger and to have somebody like forgive that for you was a very strong feeling back in the day so like that that was that was probably the most influential point in my life to change things around

And then I think from that point onward I became extremely painfully honest with myself and nowaday whenever I see myself slipping off and like getting like a bit delusional or like getting a bit like cocky or something like that like I try my best to think back as like who I was

As a kid and never want to be that person again so like I I try like back that might be relatable to a lot of kids nowadays for sure cuz I know I know a lot of kids Yap and lie and want to be something more than who they actually

Are but eventually like you need to actually Step Up have you ever F of your older brother I have as a kid I have I have my older brother quy he was like so different for me one thing about my older brother that I always aspired was

That I think like again every now and then he lies but like it’s always like a bit harmless you know but like he always like when it really came came down to it he would always genuinely tell the truth and snitch me out and I think back in

The day I used to hate him for it maybe like yeah yeah yeah but um but but now but but now he uh he’s actually the G yeah that that was one quality that I never really had back in the day I felt like and then now like I Tred to Aspire

To have it more so like yeah it was a snitch but it was like a good snitch it was a good snitch what a snitch okay the biggest snitch that he did I still remember to this day I told my mom that I moved directly in the middle of the

City to attend University and be closer to University but in reality I actually I actually moved on the other [ __ ] side of the city and I moved in this area called does anybody know black town in Sydney I can say it now cuz I obviously don’t live there anymore like

It was like that was like 3 4 years ago but like like when I first moved out of my house I told my mom I was living in the city and I I I secretly asked my brother can you please drop me off to this area black town and he was like why

The [ __ ] am I dropping you off here and I said like this is where I’m going to live but you can’t tell m M he went back home and he told my mom immediately and oh my god oh [ __ ] I got so I was actually so [ __ ] pissed at

Him at the moment but like in the end like I I wouldn’t be the person I am today without without that but I got I got actually [ __ ] snitched bro I got so snitched what country you want to visit some day I want to visit EU

Someday I want I want to go to um London is London country or a city wait London’s a a city that I just testing you you know what I mean hey it’s a city right London’s a planet what do you mean what watching any animes yeah I’m watching freen and J Caron I

Don’t know I used to watch anime a lot as a kid I think something that influenced me today is that like I’m not even kidding as a kid I watched too much rumcom anime I watched all of it I’m not even kidding I watched so many that I

Can’t even like name like I don’t even know like like I don’t know I think the first rumcom anime I remember watching was like I remember I watched like Tora the [ __ ] boy that turns into a dog and I see like and and the girl with the

[ __ ] scissors like the maid girl and the but La boy [ __ ] um Kim I remember [ __ ] watching kissis I sh was fire okay oh this like Good Times eh I don’t know I I remember watching that [ __ ] and now we’re talking now we’re talking kissis down my alley bro

Down my alley I know that one Love is War Love is War is recent bro that sh’s recent H me it’s recent bro r no P now we’re talking watch this what is this rat clenches fists of Rage holy Alpha do not mess with me oh yeah yeah you want these [ __ ] hands

Boy these [ __ ] hands boy oh I forgot I had this open your head is out of the camera oh [ __ ] what the hell oh oh right if you tier one sub uh you can unlock the rest of the camera yeah yeah tier one Subs get to see the rest of the

Camera tier three Subs get to see the feet camera and then if you’re patreon and tier three sub cck cam yep that’s that’s available I’m not even kidding back in the day I just thought it would be like such a good video to like do playing valerant with my feet like I

Just thought it would be like a [ __ ] good even now I still think it’s a good video like I reck I should do it and I just do a stream where I was like oh bro but I feel like I would need like if I’m

Going to put my feet on Bloss I need to get them like penic like not penic but like I I would need to like cut my toenails saave the toenail hair and [ __ ] you know get rid of all the foot fungus make my feet look really nice and

Suckling on camera you know what I mean cuz right now I’m pretty sure if I show my feet like you guys have probably feel like disgusted you know maybe some people into that I don’t know what are you waiting for do it low key might be a

Missed opportunity the time might pass I might need to jump on that sh low key is it crusty low key I’m pretty sure like my okay guys I’m not even kidding my left big toe is like missing half the toe now because like in soccer I got studded like soccer or football whatever

The [ __ ] you want to call it I got I got stuttered when I was like like 18 years old and then it never grew back like it grew like half of it back like I remember like it grew like like it got so inflamed and the nail

Like got so purple and like so bruised and I peeled the nail off and I had like a to I had like a nailess big toe there was no nail on my left big toe and do you guys ever do the thing where like you guys like have to

Nibble like something like that you take out of your body like for me like whenever like I pick earbags or like like Snot or something like that like I just Lally like inspect it you know like pop a pimple or something I ate my toenail I ate it like I nibbled it over

Time like I left it on my desk and it was like a snack that like it was like a smelling Soul like I I had to smell it it like it gave me like a boost of energy and then I’m just playing I’m just playing I’m just playing but no but I’m really

Serious though that that that my that my toe did disappear though I I don’t I don’t have a big toe keep talking I’m close what the [ __ ] and you guys call me the weird one I’m just kidding nobody said keep talking I’m close I just said that randomly just to like verify myself

You know what I mean I ify myself you know like nobody actually said that you know like that’s the good thing about being a streamer is that like you can just say anything as if you’re reading a chat message and like and like pretend that like it was actually a chat I do

That all the time I’m going it’s actually one of my Biggest Secrets y you actually make my day you make me so happy oh thank you dude I appreciate it man thank you so much y Le I saw the patreon your [ __ ] is actually so massive

Oh thank you what the hell yeah usually people say it’s small but I know the real patreon though they they know my [ __ ] is massive I’m not going to say anything about you actually okay fine [ __ ] it yeah fine because I don’t ugly or fat shame you guys think I’m fat holy

Pick me yeah a tiny bit what the [ __ ] oh my God I’m not even kidding I called I think I called Mirror fat as a joke like once and I and I think she got really sad I think we’re eating oh no this is what mirror does mirror legit does this

Okay I I was staying with mirror for like a lot this year mirror will make me eat food with her even when I don’t want to eat because she says that she’s fat if she eats by herself she does not give a [ __ ] about like how hungry I am I was

I’m going to say like I want to say I’m full and then she’s like she she makes me eat with her otherwise she says so you’re calling me fat so you’re calling me fat I’m like what do you like what like the [ __ ] you saying and I end up

Getting gaslighted into eating with her even when I don’t want to [ __ ] eat actually she [ __ ] up bro calling a girl fat is Cardinal yeah lucky it is it is it is but I I said it as a joke on once I’m pretty sure and then I think

She still holds it against me perhaps oh my God I want to pick my nose and eat it on stream I’m not going to lie guys sometimes I in stream I immed stop picking my nose do you guys believe me yes or no I don’t do that I was actually

Just joking something I realized about streaming on Twitch is that you just need to like just just say everything bro just air it all out you know what I mean just just air it all out you you become a better streamer the more that you don’t give a [ __ ] share your first

Love story ooh ooh now I’m good now I’m good bro we’re going to be here n I’m good we’re going to be here for a while we’re going to be here for n I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good n I’m going to fortnite battle pass on

That one share I will not be sharing I will not be sharing this stream might go for another 3 hours and I wish I was kidding but I’m not no am I going for like 3 hours maybe not no I think some of my buds know not a happy ending not a

Happy ending at all 100 gifted will convince him no I actually would not actually would not I don’t think I’ll ever tell it again I I would never tell it again actually for for the rest of the time I I think I don’t think I’ll tell it again maybe if there’s like a

Really like Mo big moment in the future maybe if if I’m feeling really [ __ ] like for it for like if I’m maybe one night of the 1 million sub million million subathon like 1 million follow subathon if I’m really really feeling like it I will not talk about it yeah

Never mind I will not never yeah I’ll never anyway let’s talk about something else talk about something else what is everyone else’s uh First Love Story actually no I will say that okay this wasn’t like my like I didn’t I never dated this person but I did have a crush

On somebody for 13 years and I and I I never asked them I I never asked them out like it it was like a harmless Crush for like a long time 13 years yeah 13 years was crazy yeah yeah 1 was crazy yeah and the weirdest thing was is that

Now looking back on it like genuinely like no dulu I’m pretty sure they liked me as well because like I heard things about it afterwards like when I started doing content creation and they heard about it they reacted in a particular way that was indicative that they regretted something and alsoo

Every single time we saw each other like in class we always locked eyes and and then never said anything about it yeah it’s it’s weird cuz even kids from the lower grade DM me on [ __ ] Instagram are you screw them ninja Liam are you [ __ ] screw them tingle p is this you

On YouTube you went to freaking this school you went to this school I was I was I was in the grade below you I remember you a [ __ ] off you know what’s crazy even my family friends like my cousins and [ __ ] like they all know and stuff they all know

Like it’s crazy and even more crazy is that they tell their friends at school that they’re cousins with me and those people like I literally remember seeing somebody say do you know this person and it was like my younger cousin’s name and they said apparently he is your cousin

Is this real and I was like I was like what the [ __ ] are my little cousin saying like are they treating me as if I’m I’m some sort of [ __ ] trophy or some [ __ ] and this is crazier because this is even before my face reveal as

Well it was like way before my face reveal it was like I was like I was like what the [ __ ] but like they’re like little kids they were like they’re like 13 14 11 at the time it was sort of cute I’m outing my okay my mom is sleeping

Right now but my mom alwayss her workplace friends that her son does YouTube and she shows them her my YouTube videos and it’s [ __ ] me and Cel [ __ ] moing into the mic bro and I’m like bro mom how how do you show this and represent your son like this

Like sure the views are good and sure the numbers are good but the content itself this is Haram this is this is pure disrespect to your lineage like like I would never like I would take it to the Grave my son doing that sort of content valerin eating like I’m so glad

My mom and dad don’t know English as their first language cuz if they did and they knew the [ __ ] I was saying would it would be completely unforgivable it would be completely it would be completely Haram like my my mom and dad like okay so my mom is my mom is

Indonesian and my dad is South Korean and they met in English school in Australia and that’s that’s why I was born in Australia but they they speak English of course really well and fluently now but like some of the lingo that I say on stream like yeah it

Doesn’t it goes over their head yeah yeah and like they don’t really understand what’s happening some of the time you know especially when I’m playing valerin my mom doesn’t like me playing valerin actually she she like she says like she gets confused when she watches it and she doesn’t know what’s

Happening she she said she gets dizzy when she watches it and she just hears the voices that’s what she says yeah but my parents are very supportive of content creation now actually which is a good thing it’s a very good thing dude my dad is like secretly a parasocial my

Dad like yeah he legit like he legit like eggs me on to like like so when are you inviting a l when is a Lui com into Australia and I’m like what the [ __ ] what are you saying my dad wants to meet miror oh my

God but my dad thinks Mirror Has a nice voice and like she studies lore as well and like oh my God she stud his LW she has a nice voice and she’s Japanese like holy [ __ ] oh dear I’m actually not even I think probably early next year mirror will probably come to

Australia yeah but it it is it is funny it is funny my my my parents really are Paras socials oh of course they are the they’re my parents you know they want to get in my business yeah yeah my my dad does look a lot he pretends that he doesn’t know

Much but in reality my dad does know a lot and I think personality wise I think I’m very close to my dad I think my dad and me are very close I think the main difference is that I’m I’m a bit more of a rat so like I’ll keep my room a little

Bit messy at times and he’s like he’s a bit more of like a neat freak he not he’s like a neat he’s not a neat freak but he’s like a neat oh yeah something else my dad reallya as well is that like mirror is a neat freak like mirror when

She sees when she sees a single hair on her floor like in her house like she will like like she would like tell me to pick it up you know and I think my dad my dad Loki likes that my my dad Loki likes me getting bitched around and and

Cleaning the house cuz like it it puts me into shape you know what I mean you should give him VIP and sometimes it comes and oh no is he not mod is my dad not mod in my in my chat I think he’s mod in my in the other one not here he’s

Not wait actually I’m [ __ ] griefing wait actually oh that’s actually really bad cuz sometimes I check my viewer list right before I’m about to say something crazy just to see if my mom and dad are watching like I’m not even kidding this is what I do like I go to my viewer list

Okay is my mom and dad watching all right she’s not on the VIP list and mon okay so like as a kid I used to eat my smma I’m not even kidding I was so addicted to eating my smma that I would like purposely Farm it up like over the

Course of like weeks and then Farm like like like you know what like like things that are not meant to be said in front of your parents like I would just say like if they’re not here you know what I mean and like lowy if my

Dad is a VIP and I don’t see him on the top of of the viewer list it is actually like cursed it is is Haram by the way I I simply said that for comedic effect I do not actually eat my smma do not think

Of any less of me is smegma a Pokémon really oh low key that’s a w Tik Tok I like I like I like bring like a no on stream I talk about like we talk about Pokémon I’m not even kidding okay like okay don’t genuinely you guys are about

To see the inner workings of Shing Ali sometimes I script conversations and I think about the conversation and how it’s going to play out before I even like do the stream you know what I mean like I’ll say like I’ll like think about the voice line and like write like what

How it is in Japanese and stuff and like I’ll predict as to what my friend is going to say in response and lead them into a trap within a conversation you know so I can like go to a KN and be like like yeah what’s your favorite

Pokémon and then and then she’s says like I don’t know like Pikachu or something and like I I I double back and say like and she says to me like oh what’s your favorite Pokémon Lee and I’ll say smegma and that would be like a million view Tik Tok yeah I know

Everyone’s emersion is broken everyone’s emersion is broken but ly like that that is how I think within content creation for Tik to at least I usually like I usually do think about the conversation a lot it is not a genius as a manipulator yeah but legit like that is

How a lot of content creation does go down sometimes guys when this video gets out just act surpris yeah just act surprised yeah just act super surprised and this is something else I actually admit to doing as well some of the chat boxes that I put into my into my Tik

Toks they’re not even from the moment I wish I used them like like in particular like just from like a like they could be from like another funny moment that I just felt like suited like it was faster the chat was faster so I’ll just use

That one no stop talking Shing a harm genius and he plays Val in his no stuff look he’s real guess what this entire time have you guys ever seen me and Ani in the same place in person the reason as to why me and Ani can never meet in

Person is guess what I am a Noy I am a Noy it’s just a voice changer I simply do mimicry and I just like you know just like yep I know I know the re the real reason as to why I can’t do the face cam

Is because you guys will see my lips moving when I use my voice changer and I talk like a nocky yep yep yep I’m sorry the truth is out the truth is [ __ ] out no stop speak Japanese right now le you sorry okay wait one second

Why is perk calling me hello yeah hello what is this e daddy kiding voice that you have on right now okay so the reason that’s the why I called you earlier is cuz can you please whimper what’s that it wait can you hear me oh it’s not picking it up hold up

Yeah turn that sensitivity up you know you got to be used to this [ __ ] you like you what the [ __ ] oh that’s the cool are you guys Happy are you guys [Applause] Happy

This video, titled ‘SchrodingerLee | How To Be a Twitch Streamer? | Minecraft Q&A’, was uploaded by schrodingerLee Highlights on 2023-12-20 14:00:11. It has garnered 655 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:24 or 2304 seconds.

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Clips from 11.20.2023.

Source: https://www.twitch.tv/schrodingerlee

Author of outro music: TheFatRat – Xenogenesis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ax_EIb1zks&t

tags: #schrodingerlee #stevenlin #enoki #mira #valorant #japan #schrodingerleefacereveal #schrodingerleecottontail #schrodingerleeenoki #schrodingerleemira #schrodingerleevods #cottontailvaschrodingerlee, #schrodingerleehokkai, #schrodingerleerena, #schrodingerleejapan #schrodingerleekoala #schrodingerleeandrena #schrodingerleenako #miraschrodingerlee #schrodingerleeandenoki #schrodingerleevrchat #schrodingerleefacerevealreaction #hokkaischrodingerlee #valorantschrodingerlee #schrodingeru #hokkai #enoki #cottontail #cottontailVA #mira #miratoniin #nako #mirajapan #valorant #miravalorant #schrodingerleeandmira #leeandmira #rizz cottontailva schrodingerlee,enoki,hokkai schrodingerlee,jasontheweenie,lee and enoki,lee and enoki valorant,lee and mira,mira schrodingerlee,schrodingerlee,schrodingerlee and enoki,schrodingerlee and rena,schrodingerlee cottontail,schrodingerlee enoki,schrodingerlee face reveal,schrodingerlee hokkai,schrodingerlee japan,schrodingerlee mira,schrodingerlee nako,schrodingerlee rena,schrodingerlee vods,schrodingerlee vrchat,schrodingeru,valorant schrodingerlee #vrchat

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

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  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

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  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

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  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More