Ultimate YouTuber Build Battle!

Video Information

Lady building competition B Be sickly cheating using sl/ paste which lets me spawn in this massive Nico look how cool he looks but I’m going to be filling him up with traps like this nuclear TNT and this Iron Knight okay let me mine through the wall and see what grazy’s

Building wao look at her Shady my Shady looks amazing and I’m going to spawn in these OB mobs and tons of traps to make sure Jamesy doesn’t win the $500 wait $500 okay guys I need a win but I got to hurry up we only have 15

Minutes oh my God only 15 minutes okay I need to build the entrance to my Nico for my entrance I’m going to use these tiny little blocks look so I’ll make a little entrance and there we go there’s a tiny little hole and then in this

Secret chest I’m going to hide this a shrink device which lets me fit through my door amazing graci’s not going to figure that out but if she does when she gets into my Nico I’m going to leave a little trap for her I’m I’m going to

Spoil this queen bee which is going to kill Gracie wait I have this one as well we’ll do two queen bees this one’s definitely cooler and then I’ll make some little hidden ladders with this tool which Gracie can climb up to the next room but with the first trap done

It’s time to go troll Gracie so I’m going to morph into a worm and there we go I’m now a little worm perfect okay I just sneak it to Grace’s Shady somehow let me just break a little wall there we go wo guys look at this a parkour this

Is super scary it looks like I have to get over here oh I know I’ll do some each crafty I’m going to get some of this fake lava and I’ll make a little fake lava pathway all the way across there we go because fake lava doesn’t actually hurt you it’s like water

Amazing the first trap I can now skip wait a second guys to get inside of her base I need a lever oh wait I’ve got an idea I could just put a torch lever right here it looks like a normal torch but it’s actually a lever I like that I

Could just open the first trap amazing and then finally I want to troll Shady’s face so let me just make him a little bit ugly I’ll give him a little bit of a frown there we go and I’ll make him look a little bit silly there we go Shady’s

Looking a lot worse there’s no way I can lose this building competition now okay what should I do next wait a minute what happened to my Shady oh no guys she’s noticed his face looks so nice before and now it looks ugly y oh no she’s

Fixing it oh it’s so ugly wait is that a flying worm what uh oh she might have noticed me that’s so weird okay I’m going to get out here wait where’s it going run run run what oh no oh let me go inside yes I can escape how did I

Open my trap door there’s no lever here this torch is suspicious did the worm put a torch lever here wait it did no way oh my God where did the worm go oh it’s you Jamesy I know it’s you dang it she knows it’s me get out of here we

Only have 10 minutes left you silly silly okay guys I had to speed up not much time left I need to make my base way better I need that money pH okay I’m back to a human now okay so for my next trap I’m going to use some of these fans

So I’m going to make the entire floor out of them and if you stand on these flans you get floting into the air look at this I’m up with the bees but on the roof of this trap I’m going to put all these lasers so let me just put some

Redstone blocks and then some lasers like that and there we go if Gracie touches a lasers she’s die so she has to avoid touching the fans and the only way she’s going to be able to do that is by following a secret maze pathway so I’ll

Start off like that I’m going to use these secret dummy blocks you see it will make this look like a fan but it doesn’t actually work mean and Gracie won’t know what fans work and which ones don’t so I’ll make a little pathway out of these dummy blocks which Gracie will

Be able to follow to make it through this trap but just to make this possible I’m going to give her as stacking rotten flesh and you may be wondering what’s that going to be used for Jamesy well you can use it to detect where the fans

Are by chucking them on the floor look we know this fan isn’t working because the rotten flesh isn’t flying up but that one is cuz look it’s on the sky I wonder how long that’s going to take Gracie to solve wonderful but when she figures that out she can go to the next

Trap and in here I’m going to put three chests and each one’s going to have different armor in it so in this left one I’m going to put leather armor which is really really bad guys in the middle I’m going to put diamond armor which

Isn’t too bad but in the third one I’m going to put this protection nevero armor and grae only is allowed to open one of the chests to give her a little clue behind the chest areer some blocks and the one with pink wall is the best one because that’s her favorite color

And then I’m going to use these secret clamber blocks that she could have to use to get to the next trap look you can’t see them but you can actually walk up them like that and using the armor I just gave Gracie she’s going to have to

Do a boss battle I’m going to make her fight a redstone Golem which is super super duper powerful if she didn’t get that neite armor then she’s probably going to die okay so next I’m going to name this name tag 1 3 5 6 okay there we

Go and I’m going to give it to the Redstone Golem and that’s going to be important because I’m going to put a password protected chest over here so wait what just happened wait my orange world just turned yellow am I being crazy no way wait hang on a second guys

Gracie is building Shady which is yellow did she just turn my whole face into yellow world to troll me no way she must be around it somewhere I need to find her where is she wait a second what just happened she just replaced all the blue

W with yellow as well oh no no guys she must be around here somewhere okay I’m going to look down here okay I need to find Gracie she’s not in here where is she maybe up here there’s signs shady is better than Nico wao wao wao no he’s not

Nico is better than Shady wait why is there a bee in here that’s kind of weird how do they they get in here H okay okay let me go to the room above wait what’s this be doing wait so Jamesy isn’t here right now and I’m going to put amazing

Epic Loot in all of these chest oh my gosh um hello be hello I’m just a bee Gracie you’re not fooling me I know it’s you demor right now I didn’t know you were here crazy just because I trolled you doesn’t mean you’re allowed to troll me now get out

Of here we only have 7 minutes left hurry up oh my gosh I won those $500 okay there we go I managed to fix all the blue and orange world that’s a little bit better oh there’s some more here as well go away okay like I was

Saying I’ve named my Redstone Golem 1456 and then in here I’ll make this 1456 to open this password protected chest and in here I can put some even better loot for example I’ll put a dark matter Minun and I’ll also put some G apples just a

Few and Gracie’s going to need that to complete future rooms trust me and finally I’m also going to put eight ladders in there which she can use to get to the Next Room in this room I’m going to make Gracie answer some questions about shady and n and see if

She’s a real fan okay so for the first question I’m going to ask what is Nico’s old Channel if you guys didn’t know Nico used to have an old YouTube channel before his current one and it was called not Nico I know it’s ironic and on the

Other side I’ll put hm I’ll just put Nico Vlogs there’s no way Gracie thinks it’s with this one right but if she does then I’m going to make her fall into this lava if she gets it correct then she can swim through this fake lava which won’t hurt her amazing okay next

Question the next question is when did Nico post his first video guys let me know in the comments down below what you think the answer is was it November December January I don’t know so on the right I’m going to put September and on the left I’m going to put October and if

You haven’t already commented the real answer is October he posted in October 25th his first video so I’ll make this the fake lava and beside the real lava but before I do the next trap I’m going to go troll Gracie because she trolled me a minute ago so I’m going to come

Over here and I’m going to spash myself with invisibility there we go and then I can break through the wall and sneak into our base whoa guys look in this room there’s fishies everywhere wait oh my gosh guys Gracie’s right there oh no if she spots me I’m so screwed hopefully

She doesn’t smell me E I haven’t had a shower today ew P what is that smell oh my gosh guys she smells me okay I need to run away oh I can’t let her find me there we go I’m in the room below wo that is a lot of spikes this is scary

Okay guys I’ve got a perfect troll idea you see all these spikes they are super deadly and if I touched them in survival mode I would instantly die but what if I replace them with secret dummy blocks look this looks like a normal Spike but

It won’t do any damage and CH is going to have no idea so let me just replace all these spikes with stummy ones and that way I can just walk straight through this massive trap okay there we go I’m done all the Spikes have been replaced oh amazing guys graci is still

Over here she’s building some sort of underground water cave but I’ve got a super funny way to troll her so you guys know what happens when you lava over water right it turns it all into obsidian so let me just do that there we go yes look at it go it’s covering up

All this water amazing she’s going to have to spend ages fixing this wait lava on my Roan no no no no no I need to block all of this off guys I have a feeling she might have figured out I’m trolling her oh no no I had to get out

Of here stop it’s killing all of my fish too Jamesy did you do this guys she’s f fixing it no this is no good let me Place back the lava again this is so funny Jamesy your invisibility ran out silly oh oh my gosh my visibility ran

Out ah I to get out here how dare you do you want me to draw your base too okay guys I need to win I need to win this video I have to do some more traps before the time runs out and for my last question I wrote how many Subs does

Jamesy have which is me and for this one I’m going to use a keypad door we could Curr have 78,500 subscribers but if you guys subscribe while watching this video that number will change which means if Gracie tries to cheat and checks on the channel

It will be wrong meaning I will win this video so please please please subscribe right now so I can win but if you guys don’t I I guess that’s okay in this next room I’m going to fil it with Mountaineers and Whisperers which are super cool mobs that are going to try

And kill Gracie I wonder if she’ll survive so let me place a bunch of these down and there we go and then over here in the corner I’m going to place some of these ghost blocks down which Gracie won’t be able to notice cuz they blend

In super well but if she finds it in here I’m going to put a sign and this sign is going to say 266 1 2 4 23 4 which takes her to some quarts over here and where those quarts are I’m going to put down a secret chest and inside I’m

Going to put an ender pearl which graci is going to have to use to Ender pull up this Gap and if Gracie makes it to this final room I’m going to make I’m going to make her fight two of these Ender Golems there’s no way she kills them but

With that said that’s time up now I have to go to Gracie’s build Gracie Gracie ‘s up ‘s up okay what are you doing what is it uh yeah not as good as my dance though look at me go wait H you’re right wait no okay Gracie remember Whoever has

The best base inside and out wins the money so your outside is looking uh not great but I’ll assess the inside first H well Gracie I seem to see there’s a secret entrance here but the lever to open it is on the other side it sure is

So you definitely need a lever on your side H okay I have to find a lever let me see if I can look for one wait crazy what’s this doing here there’s a random like dirt slab I didn’t know that those existed wait it’s not a slap it’s a trap

Door you figured it out wo it has a lever okay I can use that to open this trap door amazing perfect let’s go wait Gracie I can’t get in using this I I won’t fit I’m too big hi you’re so fat sorry Jamesy but stop making fun of me

You’re going to make me cry J I’m sorry wait I’m sorry I was just kidding you’re just really tall and that’s really cool you I’m you that’s true and you need need to find something that lets you get in h okay so I need some sort of ender

Pearl or something like that noted I’m looking for something maybe it’s over here Mr Ender pear where are you come on Jamesy I’ve going run in a circle and I found nothing are you serious maybe you are short just look up wait oh my gosh

There’s a chest but how am I supposed to get up there there must be a way I can’t reach Jamesy what about something that you can’t see maybe there’s something that is invisible that could help you oh you want a barrier block right now yes there’s barriers okay guys I have to

Need some Parkour H there’s a barrier here oh I see I’ll jump from here to there oh my gosh fell I thought parkour was your thing okay Gracie I’m getting close Okay you sure are try not to fall cuz then you have to restart all over

Again it’s here I’m nearly there come on come Stop Dancing look funny sorry wait that’s not an edot that’s a shrinking device oh I know what this does I know what this does okay Gracie I’m going to fit through this hole wait I’m stuck oh barrier block in the way what are you

Doing silly okay let me shrink down there we go I’m now a little tiny guy go you’re so cute jimy I just want to eat you up okay I’m going in I’m locking you out goodbye no I want to go in too Gracie oh my gosh this is scary I know right

There’s so much in lava look I’m burning wait guys guess what this is where I replaced the lava with fake lava and I bet you Gracie didn’t replace it which means I can just jump in right here and I’ll be fine wait what you fixed it of

Course I did silly I’m not that dumb oh I’m going to die yep you are okay well I I guess that didn’t work but there must be another way across H wait there’s some Parkour over here I should just do this yeah there’s parkour you should definitely try that wait a second have

You shrunk yeah I did that means I’m a lot shorter now but it also lets me see you better that’s so funny graci you’re so cute okay I’m going to do this parkour now there we go to here and then finally to this one wait what what just

Happened did you just fly away that’s so weird it’s like the whole pushed me where did he come from that’s weird I think it was just a glitch how about you try again wait a second I know what’s going on what is it there’s some fans or

Something isn’t there yep there are look there’s fans oh no okay there’s one thing I can try and do I don’t know if it will work though nope definitely did not work Gracie that’s not going to work there is something interesting in me though what do you mean there’s some

Really weird lava down here it’s like hanging out no stop looking at the lava look at me that lava’s just there randomly no it’s not I think this is some sort of fake lava or something so I’m going to jump on it no don’t no don’t do that don’t do that wait wait

What it’s actually killing me I Told You So H I guess if it’s not fake lava maybe there’s something around it or underneath yes there is oh my gosh you fig I should have found that out earlier Gracie I’m silly you really should have but you know what it’s okay so these are

Sticky boots they make me slower but they allow me to completely ignore the effects of fans which means I can just jump straight up there well I’ll just give you a path instead thank you Gracie yes I made it over good job Jam jump to there and I’m ready for the next room

Let’s go get trolled lol this isn’t funny I’m not laughing out loud this is not cool Gracy I didn’t order that for nothing this is hilarious you just got troll JY you just got troll I don’t like you right now even though you’re my girlfriend you’re very very pretty

Sorry get me out of here take me to the real entrance well it looks like that is the completely wrong entrance but maybe there’s something hi in here dang it there’s a hidden wall how was I supposed to know that well if you looked from the outside you could tell that hey this

Original room is a little bit skinnier than it looked from the outside I’m not that smart not what am I supposed to do here okay Gracie I think this is fake lava yeah because if it wasn’t then there’s no way across so I’m just going

To jump and yes you think I’m silly I do actually but you’re so brave for jumping in good job Jamesy oh thank you Gracy that’s so nice of you well could you hurry it up please I want to see who wins the money so do I I need to see who

Wins this video okay I’m up well welcome to the next room what are I doing here well just go through here it’s a maze oh no Gracie it’s a barrier maze oh I hate this Gracie there’s no way this just it’s completely covered wait I think I

Found something yeah wait what have you done invisible ladder problem solved do I go in here or up there you know what I’m just going to go to the next room I’m going to go up what dang it wao okay let me open this chest a booking quill

You have to find all the numbers in the Maze no I have to do the maze below first yep you need those numbers in order to get the password for the store I made this password really hard go really let me see about that so I’m

Looking for numbers in the Maze huh okay Gracie let me explore this maze wait what are these you found the first mob no I can’t fight these I don’t have any armor or weapons well maybe if you come inside here you’ll find something okay they won’t attack unless I attack them

First never mind they’re attacking they’re attacking oh let me put this armor on and run run run run get away from me okay now where do I go well I’ll give you something just as a gift cuz I love you no no no no it’s a wooden sword

What do you expect me to me of this well think about it the mimik cubes mimic your weapon so if you have a really weak weapon they’ll be really weak too okay I’m going to see if I can kill them wait they have numbers oh it’s four that’ll

Be useful for later right yep remember the book said that you had to collect the numbers from inside the maze okay Gracie they have really strong armor and I have a really weak weapon this is going to take hours oh I killed one two I told you they’re doing no damage

Because they have a weak weapon pretty nice of you thank you you’re welcome okay I’m going to go the through here now where do I go it’s a maze oh my gosh Gracie those are super scary are those vindicators okay I’ve got an idea can I

Hit them through the yes I can hit them through the fence no that’s not fair I’m going to open the fences up wait no Gracie there really powerful I don’t think I can kill them well Jamesy there’s a chest in here if you need it I’m just saying oh they’ve got the

Number six okay I need to remember that for later guys please remember that for me there we go I killed all of them you actually killed them all and look what you’ve got wo that’s one the most powerful swords in the game 25 damage 1.6 attack speed that is super op I know

Right you’re going to be the strongest boy ever thank you Gracie okay where do I go next wait Gracie I already found another chest you found another chest what’s in it golden apples wait Jamesy but that means the next mob you fight is going to be super super strong wait I

See him he’s a mutant zombie oh no I don’t know if I’m ready for this I’m going in come on Mr zombie I’m going to kill you yes wait this sword does so much damage I already killed him let’s go you killed him so quickly you’re so

Strong Jamesy thank you Gracie okay wait what was his code oh no I did oh guys I think you might have saw the code right okay if you saw the code please leave a comment I totally didn’t read it please tell me the code please tell me the code

Okay while you guys are commenting that I’m going to go see if I can find any more H any more mobs anywhere looks like that’s the end okay well I’m going to go downstairs now let’s go I mean upstairs so there was a four and there was a six

But what was the other code let me check the comments okay you guys commented and most of you says free well I hope that’s correct let me try 6 43 no nope that’s the wrong order 63 no that doesn’t work either 4 3 6 none of the combinations

Work are you guys wrong what’s happening Jamesy I regret to inform you but there’s actually a fourth letter in this code a fourth number sorry oopsies H where would it be I didn’t see it anywhere well maybe you’re missing something but it’s not in the Maze

That’s my only hint could you give me another one please well what’s my favorite color come on guys you know this this doesn’t help me though wait a second there’s a pink block here let me see if I can open it wao it has a name

Tag with the number one okay that must be the last code let me try 4 6 3 1 no way it worked now I’ve been hiding a secret from you I replaced all of these spikes with dummy spikes they won’t do any damage to me watch this ouch ouch

Ouch Jamesy you’re so easy to trick did you really think I didn’t replace them these are all real spikes and they’ll do real damage to you oh no she figured that out yeah okay I’m going to have to do some Parkour okay let me jump around ouch ouch okay careful don’t hurt

Yourself I’m definitely hurting myself I’m sorry Jamesy there must be something in this room somewhere wait Gracie over there oh my gosh you found my secret ladder yep there’s a camouflage ladder I’m going to climb up to the next room no dang it wait it’s blocked off with a

Dirt block you got tricked Jamesy that’s not just a normal dirt block that’s a secret iron trapo no way okay I guess I need another leather hm yep where would it be Gracie yes you said pink is important and there’s pink blocks over there let me go

Test that out what if I just place them there accidentally no no no you don’t do anything by accident let me chest this out and yes it worked yep it’s secret ladders Gracie I can’t wait until you go to my base but first I need to complete

Yours guys what do you think of my base so far do you think I’ll win the money hit both targets for a lever oh my gosh guys look the zombies going back and forth that’s so funny I know but they’re going to block the target so you need to

Make sure you attack the target when the zombies aren’t there oh okay I have to hit the targets not the zombies I understand okay let me get my bow and arrow so I have to hit that Target with out hting the zombies H I have to time

It correct so when the zombies come back now I’m going to shoot ready and fire yes ni did it job okay now let’s go up to the second one wow you’re so fast Gracie that’s because I Can Fly And you can what if I pushed you off right now

No no no it’s such a high F please don’t do that please don’t do that guys tell me if I should push him down okay so I’m going to fire the the point as soon as they both go past ready go go go yes I

Think I did it did you get anything in your inventory wait yes I got a leather that’s so awesome but what do I use it for well remember the secret iron trapo no way yes let me go do that now ah wait you survive okay Gracie I’m

Going to go over to that trapo without dying hopefully okay now I place down the Lea and there we go done it good job Jamesy thank you you’re welcome okay let me go this ladder now wao it’s an aquarium should I jump in yeah let’s go swimming but before you do look behind

You oh my gosh scuba gear no way I know this from SpongeBob guys I’m ready to go in the ocean don’t I look so funny you look hilarious oh my gosh please go in the water now wait Gracie you think I’m silly don’t you this is poisonous water isn’t it

Uh dang it I didn’t know you’d figure it out but where am I supposed to go if this is poisonous water well why don’t you find out yourself no wait it’s not killing me it’s not poisonous water it’s normal water you’re silly because look if it was poisonous water the fish

Wouldn’t be able to live true and wow this scuba gate has let me breathe forever that’s cool that’s awesome you’re literally a fish now yep fishy fishy huh where do I go in this cave well wait that’s pretty cool I built this by the way all of it wo look at

This fish he’s so funny it’s an underwater cave wait why is his name LOL because you make me laugh out loud Jamesy that’s cute oh a chest let me open this up it’s a hidden secret treasure loot yeah but it only has a button that’s not very exciting what do

I do with it well a button’s really valuable wait there’s a door over here I’m going to go inside on my way wait a second I almost just fell down that’s a big drop oh I know what I need to do I need to jump down that slime and bounce

Onto that block yes yes you got this 3 2 1 Bo I made it wow Jam that was amazing nice jump thank you I’m going to jump to here wait a second that’s a big jump I can’t make that come on just jump for it

It can’t be that hard no no no I don’t give into peer pressure I know I can’t jump that far there must be a secret to this any barrier blocks oh I know sticky honey let me just go white there we go I’m sticking to the honey now the honey

Is so sticky and you’re going to smell so much better after being in the honey unlike you do now oh no but in my base there’s going to be some bees oh they’re going to be they’re going to be stinging me oh no let me jump onto here and there

We go okay nice jump wait can I make that jump though well can you make it now no Gracie that’s too mean no I can’t do that sorry Jamesy I’m just a little bit mean aren’t I H there’s no way to jump that high it really isn’t or is there I’m on

A piston oh this gives me an idea I can press this button to go up higher that means I can jump to that block are you ready okay press the button and jump no I didn’t make it dang it let’s do this I’m so ready oh yes cuz I just did that

Was amazing Jamesy you made it look so easy thank you okay I’m going up here now wait what’s it in here a sign how many Subs does shady have wait Shady has a channel well of course he does he’s really big isn’t he true hm zero or

100,000 W come on there’s no way he only has zero subscribers so I guess he has 100,000 subscribers okay let press it what no way James huh he’s not as famous as I thought wait he doesn’t have a Channel at all then yep any other channel isn’t him it’s probably just somebody else

Oh yeah I’ve seen those fakers around well never mind okay next question what color is his shirt what color is his shirt huh let me think about this H well there’s pink everywhere but I don’t think it’s pink wait the walls look they’re yellow that must be a shirt wait

You just changed it all to Pink oh I may be silly but I’m not that silly dang it so which color is it then yellow yep I was correct no you’re so smart well Jamesy you’re you’re nearly done with my whole build but you have one more thing

You need to do what do I need to do Gracie I recommend changing your armor back for this one uh-oh no no no no guys just spawn a frost MO two of them okay nope three I’m going to wipe them all out let’s go uhoh I’ve been frozen I

Can’t even move come on there we go I’m hitting them I’m doing a lot of damage Gracie W you set them all on fire that’s crazy yep they hate fire and I’m going to give it to them can we here here dang it frozen again two down one left there

We go I killed them all nice job Jamesy you did so well thank you Gracie now let’s go to my build yep I can’t wait let’s go let’s go okay Gracie remember Whoever has the best base inside and out wins so now we have to do mine and what

Do you think M it looks too good to be true yep I’m just a really really really good Builder right guys okay Gracie you have to find a way in though I bet it’s going to be something really easy because I want to make sure I win all

The money okay Gracie I’ll give you a hint it’s right at the front you’re just missing it wait a second what is that it’s a little hole for mouses huh but it’s so small how do I go in there H I guess you need something to shrink down

Is there something around here that could help me maybe Gracie try one of these blocks wo there was a secret chest in here yeah Not only was there armor but there was also a shrink device so let’s shrink down as small as you can go wait you’re right that means I’m going

To be small enough to fit in that hole wao Gracie look look how small that hole is you fit straight through jamy I can’t believe it how are you going to get in here uh I think a ho no that’s not fair okay Gracie watch out there’s a killer bee quickly get to

Normal size second oh my gosh there’s a queen bee she is so strong get a normal size there we go oopsies St killing her Gracie you got iron armor you can do this okay I’m going to do my best focus on the cream bee cuz the little ones

Will keep on spawning oh wait you’re right come on graci you’re doing so good keep hitting her these bees are really annoying yeah just finish her off though and you’ll be able to kill the bees after yes well done Gracie look I told you the bees all disappeared y I’m so

Happy she dropped a bunch of honey and look a royal staff a giant stinger and honeycomb yummy let’s keep that for later yum there’s even royal jelly yum okay Gracie let’s go to the next floor I have loads of traps ready to try and kill you wait a second there’s a

Camouflage ladder right here yeah it wasn’t that hidden let’s go up here awesome wait a second I’m flying I’m in lasers uh oh the laser going to kill you you need to get out there quick okay Gracie you have to be more clever than this look you didn’t even open the chest

To the side of you wait you’re right there’s just rotten flesh in there yeah it doesn’t seem useful but trust me you’re going to need that to complete this challenge I’ll give you a clue wait a second are you not getting being blown up by that fan no look walk over here oh

Okay wait I’m not getting blown up it must be fake fans somewhere and Gracie as you can see neither does the items now throw it over here if I throw it over there it gets blown away okay yeah you have to throw the items to know

Where the fans are okay you just found of a fan so that’s definitely a no why did you walk into it after you figured out it was a fan silly I didn’t I’m going to die dang it get down quick okay Grazy come on you can do it this time be

Silly no don’t be silly okay Gracie the blocking for of use a fan now you need to figure out which way you need to turn yep I definitely know that one’s a fan now so I’m going to go this way wao okay keep going then I guess looks like this

Is safe then maybe that one is safe too yep turn left okay Gracie you’re pretty much there now come on oh it’s right there let me go I made it Well Done Gracie oh that was really scary yep but this room is going to be a little bit

More tame now Gracie don’t open the chests in front of us there are three different options all with different gear in some of it really really good and some of it really really bad but you have to pick which one you want the pink

W the black W or the green w Wait I remember I was in this room and I put op loot in all of them wait you did didn’t you I forgot to change that oh no so which one you going to pick I remember putting the best loot in the big one oh

Yes well I guess that’s okay it already had good loot in it anyway well done Gracie okay let’s go to the next room now but how are you going to get there you’re right it doesn’t look like there’s anything around here that could help me come on Gracie use your brain M

Do I have to do parkour like over here nope Gracie in the corner let me see oh wait it’s a fake ladder it was placed here so strategically let’s go up it let’s go ohy be careful what is that Redstone Golem super powerful try and kill him there’s even a bee here I’m

Going to kill the bee first oh no poor be wait the bees spawned into different other bees o no I think I might die Gracie you have to be careful here look there’s a password chest you need a password from this room somewhere wait a password but I don’t see any signs or

Anything in this room H wait a second this Redstone Golem has a name and what’s his name it’s 145 six I guess we can see it in the chat huh well I’m glad you figured out the code Gracie at least now you can kill the the Redstone Golem what if I

Find what’s in the chest first oh my gosh this helps so much I have an amaz a gun yes that’s cheating oh I didn’t think you going to do that oh I’m so smart dang it oh she outsmarted me guys what else did you get apart from the gun

Well apart from the gun I got the bullets for it obviously and golden god apples wow wait there’s also eight ladders y you’re going to have to use those oh this must be for getting up to the Next Room there’s a hole here let’s

Go up wait before we go up Jamesy yes I want to show you something really cool okay look at what one of the bees dropped it’s on my head oh Gracie why are we wearing ant antennas that’s no good take them off you need the helmet

It’s a b antenna not an ant antenna you need the helmet for your protection trust me okay I put it back on now Gracie for this room I’m going to need to take all your armor off though please fine but can I keep the antenna on yeah okay okay Gracie first question

What is Nico’s old channel the one before he did with the Nico Channel not Nico or Nico Vlogs uh I don’t know I mean why would he call it not Nico that doesn’t make any sense true I guess I guess we’re going have to figure out if

You’re a true Nico fan right now I mean not Nico just doesn’t make sense cuz he obviously is Nico so it must be Nico Vlogs let me try uhoh that’s wrong Gracie that’s wrong stop y you’re dead Okay next question when did Nico post his first video what was the month

October September uh I don’t know they’re both so close to each other September’s 9 and October’s 10 you should know this I don’t know is this Vlog for something pick a sign pick a sign fine I I don’t want to pick but I’m just going to pick October because

That’s the month my birthday is in oh so true and it was correct yes I knew my birthday would save me okay Gracie the next question is how many Subs does Jamesy have that’s me okay Jamesy I’ve just checked and guess what it is wait God she’s checking the channel if you

Subscribe right now she’ll be wrong quick subscribe do it quickly now okay let me try 78459 nope okay let me go two more still not correct Gracie this is going to be it 7 84 57 yes no she made it dang it okay I can’t believe five of you guys

Subscribed good job guys you almost got me on that one okay Gracie for this room you’re going to have to fight these guys wo wo they trapped me in here oh my gosh they did didn’t they I can’t leave I’m out I’m out okay so I need to hit these

Little guys that keep spawning the big stuff whoa those are super powerful no way quickly Gracie get out of there put your armor on silly wait I forgot you took my armor off no this is your fault okay now you won’t die so easily maybe shoot them with a gun good idea I’m

Going to blaze through them oh my gosh Jamesy okay looks like my bullets killed some of them but me kill the last two I guess you killed most of them by firing the gun through the other stuff right yeah but looks like there’s flower still here what the heck kill him Gracie there

We go well done those guys are super scary H but you have to get out of this room somehow wait Jamesy they dropped Vines no no no no that’s cheating that’s cheating that’s cheating you’re not allow those dang it fine I won’t use them there’s a secret room in here

That’ll be your hint maybe it’s ghost blocks let me go maybe there’s something a little bit more obvious Gracie more obvious yo you’re right it’s right here yep oh what does that sign say wait that’s a lot of numbers Jamesy I don’t know if I can remember all of that H you

Don’t have to really remember them what do they mean though 26612 4 23 4 what does it remind you of wait are those coronates what’s coronates they’re coordinates Gracie oh my gosh I’m so silly I metant coordinates the last number is the same as what you have

Right now which means it must on this line yep I’ve put the number in the chat so I don’t forget it okay let me move to this side it looks like it wants me to be up one so I have to go this one you

Get very close and then I have to go to 266 which is wait it’s right here hm but where what are you looking for maybe something in the corner it definitely is because it wouldn’t make any sense if it wasn’t it’s right here Jamesy yep there was a chest at those exact coordinates

This Brock is those coordinates okay what you going to do that ender pearl though well I must have to use it to get up somewhere oh there’s a hole over here look you’re right let me throw them up let me throw it up here let’s go let’s

Go uh-oh Gracie look where it’s Landing no right next to Ender Golems this is not good shoot them I don’t think it your gun doesn’t work it doesn’t do any damage to them let me take a god apple and hit them with another red sword you’ve got this Gracie keep attacking

Them don’t forget to eat your golden apples yep I sure did keep going graci see you’re doing so much damage I know they’re getting close they really are strong Yep they’re like buff Iron Golems even cooler I know right keep going I know you’ve got wait you killed one of

Them I think did wait he’s blocking me in the corner though I need to get away kill the other one Gracie you got this wait he dropped something called the void core and I can spawn my own voids with it wow it’s hurting him come on

Gracie finish him off yep I’m going to do that right now with his finishing move right there yes did it Gracie that was well done well guys in the comments down below let us know who won and whoever you vote for the most we’ll give

All the money to yes guys and also let us know what you want us to build maybe it’s a favorite game of yours or something else today we’re doing an Aaron and AAL building competition but aren’t we secretly cheating using SL paste which lets me spoil this massive

Aon statue look how cool he is with traps like these Golems look how cool they are okay let me see how graci is builds coming along let me through the wall and W wow my appm looks amazing and I’m going to spawn these op mobs and

Traps to make sure jamy doesn’t win the 100,000 mcoin prize but I got to hurry up I only have 15 minutes left oh my God guys I need that prize okay let me build the entrance to my Aon so for the secret entrance I’m going to use a slime block

Sticky piston so I’ll put a slime block in a piston and then a button on top and then graci can press the button to fly up wo that was fun and then in in here I’ll put the entrance to my first trap and then down here I’m going to put a

Bunch of these Frozen zombies oh my gosh look they’re holding a snowball and then Gracie’s going to have the parkour over these barriers all the way over here so I put a bunch of these barriers and if she makes it all the way over here she’ll get this chest with some awesome

Loot and I’ll fill this with silver armor amazing and I’ll also put an Ender PE here which Gracie can use to pull into the next trap but before I build this I’m going to go troll her and there we go I’m now a bat there’s no

Way she recognizes me let me fly into her afmal wait I know what she’s doing she’s building a secret entrance in this normal looking base wait she’s got a garden okay let me trap on these crops why is it not working I’m a bat dang it

Okay I just have to break them myself there we go oh and there’s a chest let me break that as well there we go wait a minute uhoh what just happened to all my crops my garden wait there’s a secret down there she think she realized it was

Me I think I’m camouflages are backat pretty well that’s weird I usually don’t see bats in these areas oh she might have known just me okay act natural okay I’m going to go inside our house it just went inside my house I hope it finds its

Way out okay for my next little troll I’m going to make AAL go bold there we go oh no there is no way Gracie’s going to win this build and competition of her AOW has no hair wait a minute where’s the hair on my asmal oh no guys she

Might have discovered I’ve destroyed it I know you’re here Jamesy why’d you do this we only have 12 minutes left okay guys I don’t have much time I have to go back to building okay for the next trap I’m going to use these super awesome fans look they blow me and then I’m

Going to make a little Redstone clock over here and then I’m going to put a bunch of these dispensers and then finally I can hook these all up with redstone so when Gracie comes into this room these zombies are going to be spawned in and blown to water if Gracie

Can kill all those zombies and come all the way over here that she would have completed this trap but there’s no way she does that and in the corner I’m going to make some secret ladders you see these blend in super well and they take it to the next floor for the next

Room I’m going to put a mutant skeleton in the middle so let me make him a little cage like that oh no he doesn’t fit I guess I have to make it a little bit bigger and there we go he can’t even escape this that’s crazy and Gracie’s

Going to have to navigate some traps while get is shot by this mutant skeleton so I’m going to make basically a little maze on the outside now just to make this maze even trickier I’m going to putting some of these cage traps around which if she stands in we’ll trap

Her in a cage so I’ll put one there I put one over here and over here etc etc and if she gets past all of these traps and this muted skeleton then she can get into this room where I’m going to hide a secret chest it looks like a normal

Block but in fact you can open it and inside I’m going to put neite armor oh even put some golden apples I’ll then use this secret lad on the side for the next room okay so let me build the next trap I’m going to spawn this super cool

Golem the Redstone Golem you guys saw at the start of the video is it so cool and graci is going to have to fight what just happened p a will no way graci’s here to troll me oh no I have to kill her wait she killed my mutant skeleton

And replaced it with a little baby one oh no no no I had to fix this and then I need to find Gracie and get rid of her hopefully she doesn’t go down to the bottom floor and mess with those traps up as well the mutant skeleton is back

In oh and now I have to fix all this pink W this is going to take ages okay let me get some orange wol and replace all this pink wool with orange what this James is dumb James a DB who is doing this wait there’s a floating sign oh I

Think I found you Gracie come out Gracie I see you no you found me I may have trolled you but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to troll me get out of here oh I’m sorry jamy okay I’m going to go don’t cry it’s your fault we only have 7

Minutes left go go go okay there we go all the orange roll fols that took me 4 minutes oh I don’t have long now I need to do some more traps so if Gracie somehow managed to kill these Redstone Golems I need to do a ladder so what I

Will do is I’ll put a trap chest over here and this chest will contain ladders for her to escape but it will also kill her there we go so the only way for her to get these ladders out is actually if she breaks the chest but Gracie is

Probably not smart enough for that and then I’ll put the exit to the next room up here amazing so I’m going to fill the left side with real love and the right side with fake lava and then I’ll swap it for this one and then also this one

And Gracie’s going to have to figure out which one’s real and which one’s fake because if she goes in the real lava then she’s going to die but the fake one she’ll survive and I’m going to give her hints by asking her questions okay for my first question I’m going to ask

Gracie what is Aaron’s real life name on the right I’m going to put Jason and on the left I’m going to put Jerry and Gracie’s going to have to guess which one’s real guys what do you think Aaron’s real name is Jason or Jerry

Leave a comment down below 3 2 1 yep if you said Jason then you’re correct so for the next question I’m going to ask where was Aaron born what country on the right I’m going to say Germany and on the left I’m going to put America he

Guys this one’s pretty easy he was born in New Jersey and for my last question I’m going to put what does Aaron prefer on the right I’m going to say anime and on the left I’ve got manga there we go amazing and guys leave in the comment

Down below what do you think is the real answer what does Jason prefer anime or Manga yep it’s manga I know I thought he was going to say anime as well but if Gracie can get all those correct without dying then she can go to the next room

But before I do that I’m going to go troll Gracie again cuz she deserves it okay let me Smash myself with invisibility wait why is Gracie down there there’s a secret entrance right here with a chest wo guys look there’s a lava moat I’m going to have to parkour

Over that looks super tricky okay you know what I’m going to do I’m going to make a fake lava Mo over here there we go amazing and that way I can just simply walk through the fake lava Gracie won’t notice and remember guys whoever builds the best base with the best traps

Wins 100,000 mine coins that’s a lot of money okay but if she finds that fake lava I need a backup plan so on the left side I’ll put some barrier blocks which are basically invisible blocks that I can walk on amazing and the last thing I

Want to do is change all this pink world to Orange to get renge on Gracie and there we go it’s all orange world that’s perfect wait a second is this all orange W guys she’s moce my orange wall now I just have to cross my fingers that she

Won’t notice the barrier blocks or the fake lava am I supposed to replace all of this he even made the parkour blocks orange wait a second there’s something blocking me experior blocks what dang it she found the barrier blocks now I have to hope she doesn’t find this wait a

Second there’s also an inent here too wait a second Jamesy I see you right there oh no my visibility rang out Jamesy be honest what did you do to this lava it looks weird that’s fake lava Gracie I knew it you’re horrible get out of here we only have 3 minutes left

Silly oh my gosh 3 minutes okay I need to hurry up guys I have to win this I need that mine coins oh my is looking so good though okay for my last trap I’m going to do some of these centuries so I put a bunch of these down like this and

Then I’ll put a bunch of walls like this to protect okay I think I’m done and the time is up oh Gracie where are you Gracie where are you the time’s up stop building I’m here did you see me I came at the door wa can I come into your

Afmal house please of course you can welcome wait crazy there’s a password what’s the password well only smart people can go into inside my build so if you’re smart you’ll figure it out oh no I don’t know what it is 111 no Gracie what is it stop guessing Okay I’m

Looking I’m looking I think I’ve been back here before you have yeah I can’t remember when though it was when you trolled me you’re so annoying oh Gracie that’s such a beautiful garden I know right I planted a bunch of raspberries because I love raspberry wait Gracie

What look one 4 2 is that the password to the door you found the numbers y yes 1 42 I’ve cracked the code wait what is all working wait that’s weird you must be missing something James I must be missing something oh what could it

Possibly be wait a second 1 2 3 wait 142 wait is that the password I don’t know is it yes it is I’m inside let’s go you were smart enough look at all those paintings this one looks kind of like me really yeah I think that’s my long lost brother

Stevie oh he’s so cute what just happened oh my gosh it’s nothing special Jamesy this is just my bedroom yeah there’s nothing in here ah I need to run ouchy ouchy ouchie where did that come from It’s a sleep paralysis demon and it only spawns around beds well I’m never

Going to bed ever again I’m going to stay up all night wait where am I supposed to go now this is blocked off it must be in your bedroom well maybe we could just sit down and have dinner instead no I need to win this building competition I need that prize okay Mr

Demon do you have anything for me wait a second Gracie what what is it there’s a chest underneath your bed look hey my bed that’s mean I placed it back down don’t worry thank you go look in the yard wait is there something in the yard

Let me go check I don’t know H all I see is a bunch of these raspberries hey don’t break them I replanted it don’t worry okay H why are you standing over here I don’t know this is the secret entrance I went down last time yay okay

There’s a chest wait there’s a sign wait guys look it has NBT data on it I think that means it has Rising on it wait it said get to jeny there’s nothing here no way I don’t believe that look at all these arrows where are they pointing to

Wait Gracie they’re all pointing into here I’ve been here before you found my secret layer but don’t you worry I got rid of your barriers and your fake lava no way it’s all gone guys how I supposed to do ah I fell out the lava I fell out

The lava ouchy ouchy ouchy I see there’s blocks in the middle but we’ve done this so many times and every single time the normal jumps are fake they’re not real that’s not true J they’re real look I’m stepping on it right now no no no I’m not falling for your silly little tricks

I know I’ll do the honey strap so guys basically honey is sticky so if I do this wait what it’s not working oh no this honey didn’t work it must have been fake or something I don’t know okay let me try the other side maybe this will

Work yeah don’t worry about it it’ll work this time see look wait it’s it’s working yes I am smarted you let’s go wait it stopped no way this Honey’s fake get me out get me out ouchy ouchy ouchy ouchy oh jamy neither of the honey traps worked

Oh no I guess I’m going to have to try it right Gracie yep you don’t really have a choice do you oh I made the first jump okay second jump wow I actually did it w Jamesy you’re so good yes wait it was all real no way I told you you did

All that stuff for nothing the answer was right in front of you yeah I guess it should have known that wait Gracie why is this slime Green Oh there’s emeralds behind it you know how like honey it goes through there’s emerals behind it but I can also walk into the

Honey wait this leads me to a secret room but wasn’t here well Jamesy look around oh I need a key card yep you need a key card and I’ll give you a hint you need a level five five key card okay that’s a high level why not level one or

Level two why level five those can’t open that door that’s a Max security door oh wow there’s slime blocks down there yeah wait what’s this one you need another level key card for this one but it’s lower level okay I’ll do that one first am I supposed to jump on the slime

Onto that block yep there’s a chest okay Gracie I’m going to bounce on this slime are you ready I’m ready and remember Gracie Whoever has the best build wins all the m coins so I really hope my base is harder than yours well I hope mine is

Better because I want the m coins yes I made the jump woohoo wait level one is that for the first door or the second that’s definitely for another door because there’s no way you could get in without the level five key card okay so this one should work on this yes okay

Amazing what’s in here look around oh there’s a chest sticky boots let me go try Okay so before even if I had the key card I would have never been able to get in this door because these fans but now with these shoes I can walk up to this

Door but that doesn’t help me because this key card doesn’t work well I guess you need to find the next key card then where is it I don’t see it anywhere well let’s keep looking M Gracie I think I might need your help there’s nothing in

Here okay Gracie there’s got to be some sort of lever or switch or something in here I know right wait there’s a fake wall oh no oh no you have to kill them please be quick with my hands I don’t have any weapons I’m going to hit with a

Steak ah wait what’s his name kill J no no no no no no no no no this not good I’m going to hit him to death with my steak slap slap slap oh he’s so low but so am I yes okay what do I do now well

There’s nothing here I don’t know maybe you need to look for another fake wall oh I found it there’s loads of fake oh I found another one what oh my God there’s a turret ouchie I’m just going to run down this C already a you pushed me ah

Okay I’m down here is there another fake wall maybe there is let’s look oh my God more skeletons okay I found the next fake wall what’s in here what is four times my favorite number oh no it’s math and I have to know what your favorite

Number is oh no come on this should be easy Jamesy don’t you love me what’s your favorite number I didn’t know you had a favorite number I know you had a f wait what just happened I’m good to the wall oh is that what I need this for

Okay yep so you need to answer that question now well please tell me what your favorite number is I don’t know maybe you should just try keep guessing M I don’t know Grace wait there’s a sign my favorite number is s s oh that’s

Perfect so 7 * 4 7 14 21 28 okay I think that’s right okay try it wait Gracie I tried 28 and nothing’s happening what maybe you need to think a little bit more simpler cuz I’m not that smart wait four * 7 maybe it’s four lots of seven

Like 7 7 7 s yes it worked I’m a genius you got the level five key card like the video if you figured that out guys well done okay Gracie I’m going to go unlock that level five door let’s do it remember to get your sticky boots wait

Maybe I could try it without them ready no that is impossible oh a chest wao ah there’s a turret okay let me put this armor on H where am I supposed to go look at all these really cool blocks you’re currently on the battlefield maybe you should try lie down and you

Can hide behind All These Bricks I’m lying behind the next wall Gracie do you think they can see me no I don’t think they can that’s why they’re not shooting you there’s a grave there oh that’s so scary I’m going to run over here come on

Ah I’m get killed uhoh uh oh I’m being shot by everywhere okay I’m going to go for that next chest okay yep you got this Jamesy go go go go no stop placing blocks in front of it come on oh instant Health ouchy ouchy ouchy run run run run

I think I’m safe I ate one of the bottles oh there’s even more no no no no yes okay Gracie is this the end the end of my base no silly do I have to fight something where do I go let’s go up here

We have to go back into the base oh okay I’m going in wait what’s the password again 1 2 3 1 4 2 yeah yes genius nice oh I use this Leever for this trap door yeah it’s an iron trap door and you can’t open it okay graci I’m wait

There’s a zombie and a skeleton oh no wait are they killing each other no way y That’s Not Fair I’m just going to watch them and let them fight it’s like we’re watching a sporting match but you’re not going to win the mine coins if you don’t beat them so this is not

Fair yes I am okay they killed the zombie my time to shine wait the zombies getting off again uh-oh this was a mistake okay Gracie I’m doing lots of damage the zombie is down again I’m poisoned okay I killed skeleton oh chill you killed the second one wait is the

Zombie down please be down please be down yes okay Gracie let’s go explore my iron okay okay Gracie are you ready to look at my iron I’m always ready look how cool he is you built this Jamesy of course I did why would you think otherwise right guys don’t say anything

Well to be honest I have trouble believing it because you’re not a good Builder yes I am why would you think otherwise oh chissy over here look is this a slime block wait a second there’s a a piston underneath it look what happens when you press it get on top oh

I see what’s happening let me try that one more time y land on the platform I did it yes what on Gracie okay Gracie and here there are zombies and they can throw snowballs at you so they won’t do much damage but if you get knocked off

You’re going to die I know I’m scared over here though there’s a chest with armor which you need to get to and graci look there’s some barrier parkour you have to do stop this is so hard first I’m bad at parkour and now the blocks are invisible too yes you’re just

Wanting to make me sad oh wait you’re being shot be careful stay on the Block ah you fell no that’s cheating dang it yes I’m going to put everything on and I’m going to kill them all okay guys she might have gotten away with that but she still

Has to kill the Zombies so it’s not all lost dude they keep freezing me yes good I really hope my traps are better than hers I need to win these mine coins I want to buy so many skins and Maps but me too I want the mine coin

Okay Gracie well done look I’ll make a little staircase for you to get up yes okay did you get an ender pearl yep I sure did H I wonder what you’ll use that for H you’re right there must be something up there oh I see it’s up

There but I definitely don’t want to hit the barrier blocks cuz then I’ll just take me to the barrier blocks instead okay Gracie end pull up yes there we go okay Gracie good luck zombies are spawning and being pushed by the fans what is this contraption I’ve never seen

It before so those zombies get spawned and they get pushed by the fans I don’t like this there’s so many of them graci you have to kill them what are you doing quickly quickly quickly I’m trying but they’re just so strong longer you wait the more that spawns quick run over here

There’s an exit there’s an exit oh it’s a fake ladder it’s camouflage yep okay you made it past these zombies what if I just push you back in no I’m going to die guys do I push her back in please don’t push me back in okay I’ll let you

Off come upstairs Welcome to the the next trap I have a mutant skeleton enslaved in a cave but look at that sign Jamesy I can’t believe you started trolling me you never used to do that the comments told me to do it oh guys stop giving Gracie ideas I don’t want

Her to troll me okay Gracie try and get round to the other side without dying to the skeleton and there’s also traps okay I’ll try not to step in them oh careful Slow Down slow down Gracie he’s shooting me through the wall yeah you can’t get

Too close to him otherwise he can hit you through the walls okay Gracie now you have to try and run over here okay I’ll start running and then no you fell in a trap oh my gosh the skeleton’s shooting at me I can’t move wait he killed

You that’s what you get for landing in the Trap silly okay Gracie I brought you back quickly run okay I’m running I’m running I’m running wait you might have actually survived well done looks like you go past the skeleton but now you need to get to the next trap where am I

Supposed to go well definitely don’t go in one of these little cages again that’d be silly I know that now wait a second wao you got achievement well done Gracie that’s super cool this is this is my first time having netherite armor this is awesome wait the purple Armor

Plus the pink ears looks so cute on you a Jamesy thank you you’re so sweet okay let’s go to the next trap try and find the entrance did you just go up this block yeah oh my gosh I knew it wa Gracie be careful in here there’s

Redstone Golems use your neite sword not your iron one oh my gosh okay Gracie keep fighting them wait what is this there’s some sort of thing on the ground oh they Place explosives like TNT don’t stand on them Gracie it doesn’t seem to do much maybe it’s something else wait

What are they doing I think they’re recharging on it I need to get rid of them now oh okay I have no idea how much health they have me too but they’re really mean I don’t like this yeah guys don’t be mean don’t bully people wait

You killed two of them wait they’re all low Gracie quickly kill the last one go go go yes wa you went from being almost dead to killing all three I guess they must have been low I know right that’s awesome okay Gracie look there’s a loot reward you

No Gracie I wasn’t lying though there is actually a reward in that chest but if you open it you die so what are you going to do I don’t know I don’t want to open it anymore but you need to open it wait JY can you like just stand right

Here I think you look really good with this black background behind you oh I know what you’re going to do okay no that’s not how this works this chest doesn’t kill the nearest player it just kills you come on Gracie how would you get loot out of a chest without opening

It you can do this I don’t know stop crying crying doesn’t solve anything just fix it oh I get it I need to break it oh my go yes well done graci you figured it out what did you get that’s so smart I got eight ladders right here

Yeah off you go let’s go up to the next room okay grae in this room I’m going to ask you some questions but if you get them wrong you’re going to be dying I don’t want to die what is Aaron’s real life name yeah Gracie what’s Aaron’s

Real life name wait a second so you want me to go into the lava right yes one of them is real and one of them is fake I mean why couldn’t I just run across no graci you tried to cheat and because of that you lost okay Gracie I think you

Might have survived fine I won’t cheat I’ll do it correctly so Aaron’s real life name is probably Jerry or Jason Jerry sounds dumb like why would anyone call their kid Jerry H okay so you think it’s Jason um I guess it’s Jason but hey if your name is Jerry I’m sorry but yeah

That’s kind of mean before you jump in take off your armor so you die faster come on do it don’t you want me to die oh wait it’s fake lava oh that was scary next question okay where was Aaron born Germany or American wait a second have

You ever watched an AAU video yeah of course I have well in AAU Aaron doesn’t speak with a German accent he speaks like an American you’re so smart how do you figure that out well guys she’s doing super good she might be winning right now yes yes yes okay Gracie what

Does does Aaron prefer anime or Manga they’re kind of different anime is like a video and manga is like a cartoon you know okay so manga is not a cartoon it’s actually like a cartoon book that’s what I said I said a cartoon book okay same thing so what’s the answer Gracy stop

Stalling what’s the answer well no one likes to read books like come on I want to use a computer not read a book so it’s obviously anime wrong answer he really likes the manga more yeah it’s his opinion I don’t know well Gracie you got two out of

Three that’s really not that bad I could have gotten all let’s go up ah you pushed me in again okay Gracie this is one of the last traps you have to get through all these turrets I have to get through all of them yep come on Gracie

It’s not that tricky I made it pretty easy for you okay I’m going to run I’m going to run I’m going to run no no no no go see be careful be careful wait you actually made it that’s the end of my error now we have to vote who’s was

Better who do you think won whoever gets the most comments at after one day wins the mine coins so either vote Jamesy or Gracie all right we’ll see who wins today we’re doing a Nico and Zoe building competition but I’ll going be cheating using slash slash paste and

That lets me SW this massive Zoe and Nico statue look they’re kissing they even have a love heart and ARG feeling them with super duper traps like this Dragon this gorilla and this wildfire and who them builds the best base wins okay let me see what graci’s building

Wow my Nico and Zoe looks amazing and I’m going to protect the both of them with these op mobs but if Jamesy somehow beats them and my build he’s going to win 100 Robux I need to go now cuz we only have 15 minutes wao guys I need to

Win that 100,000 Roo but I have to build I only have 15 minutes and I’m going to make the secret entrance right here so I’m going to make a wall out of these ghost blocks which look like real blocks but you can actually walk straight through them but just to make it a

Little bit easier for Grace to find this entrance I’m going to add a secret chest right here and it’s looking like a normal dirt block but in fact it’s a chest and inside are going to be goggles of true Vision which when you wear them we’ll let you see where the ghost blocks

Are and when Gracie comes in I’ll make these command blocks remove that from her inventory and then in here I’m going to put some super op mobs like these Ender Golems which will kill Gracie in literally one hit so instead of making her fight them I’m going to put a

Password protected chest which requires a password to enter and I’m going to make that 4 5 6 7 and I’m going to hide the code all the way over here she probably won’t notice that for ages but inside I’m going to put in this mob capture device which when use probably

Allows you to pick up these mobs without fighting them okay now that my first trap is done I’m going to go troll Gracie let’s go okay let me go invisible so I can sneak into graci’s base there we go wo guys look at her Nico and Zoe okay where’s the entrance oh Gracie’s

Right there I have to be super care careful I cannot let her notice me even though I’m invisible wo look at this pink maze okay let me prank Gracie she loves the color pink but hates orange so I’m going to start off by making everything orange what just happened

Everything is orange oh oh guys I think she might have noticed James it has to be down here somewhere only he would turn everything orange okay while she’s fixing that I can do some more trolling what are these targets oh I had to shoot

Them with a bow and arrow okay I have an idea I’m going to remove all all the targets way closer like this so I’ll put a ton of targets right here I’ll do two layers of them and then I’ll get rid of all the targets over here and there we

Go that should be a lot easier there’s no way I can miss now did all the targets just move or am I hallucinating uh-oh I think she might have noticed guys they were definitely not this close if I put them this close then Jamesy will easily beat them I want the robox

So I can’t make it too easy for him oh no she’s fixing it guys dang okay I guess I have to do some else wait guys look at this lava parkour this is going to be super tricky to get over I’m going to have to do some crazy parkour but I

Can make this a lot more simple Jamesy Jamesy I know you’re here somewhere come out uh oh guys she’s looking for me oh she’s going to find me any second okay in this chest I’m going to put an ender pearl which then I can use just to ender

Pearl straight over this lava I’m a genius Jamesy has to be around here somewhere wait was there always a chest here oh no she’s found it wait there’s an ender pearl here what no she’s ruined all of my trolls these were supposed to waste her time but she’s figed it all

Out you know I can see you right wait my visibility just ran out no Jamesy I’ve already told you this before but if you want that roo you need all the time you can get and you only have 12 minutes right now oh okay I have to hurry up I

Have to get out of here and start building more traps bye-bye okay for this next room I’m going to put down a ton of command blocks and inside I’m going to give Grace see the levitation effect so if she stands on this she go flying into the sky and I’ll copy this

And there we go there’s a bunch of pressure plates which are going to send Grazy into the moon ah and then for the roof I’m going to put a ton of lasers boom boom boom boom boom and there we go and then finally I put down a roof that

Is amazing so if Gracie accidentally stands on the wrong pressure plate she get set up into the lasers and burn to death so if she could somehow get through all these pressure plates without stepping on a command block to this other side then I guess should

Surviv this trap okay for to get to the next room I’m going to hide a fan so I’ve placed one down right there and I’ll put a ghost block over the top of it so she won’t know where it is unless she stands onto this amazing okay for

This next room I’m going to make Gracie answer her what she think is more powerful so I’m going to put two doors like this and then of course some pressure plates here and some command blocks and then I’m going to put a sign but first in these item frames I need to

Put two op weapons so I’m going to pick this one and I’ll pick this one and I’m going to make Gracie guess which she thinks does more damage and to be honest this one looks way more powerful but it’s actually this one so if she picks

This one then it’s going to kill her of course I need put a sign asking the question all right let me do the same again but with some armor I’m going to do this L’s Diamond t-shirt and this RW helmet as guys the helmet looks way more

Strong but this thing is rubbish so if she picks this there she’ll die again amazing this room is done so if she completes that she’ll be going to the next room okay for Gracie to get to the next room she’s going to have to find this hidden ladder and climb all the way

Up okay for this next trap I’ve made this massive Redstone box wait why have I got a dress on let me take this off and I’m going to fill this Redstone box with lasers oh my gosh look how powerful these are if Gracie touches this there

She’s going to get zapped and I’m going to fill this box up with as many lasers as I can look how cool this looks and the exit is going to be over here Gracie’s going to try and try to get through these lasers but she’s going to

Keep on dying but there’s going to be a way for her to do it without going through them but in actuality I’m going to hide a command block over here wait what just happened why did all my orange will all just turn red no no no I’m in

Zoe not cash wait a second who did this maybe it was Gracie where is she Jamesy Jamesy wait Gracie what are you doing in my base you’re supposed to be building no that wasn’t me you know what just happened what just happened so basically

I just saw cash run by over here he was angry that you’re building Nico and Zoe kissing instead of cash and Zoe what so cash is jealous that Nico’s kissing her where is he where is he I don’t know I swear I saw him run over there to the

Nico side okay I’m going to have a look around this Nico cash are you anywhere around here I can’t find cash anywhere okay I’m coming back where is Gracie I need to speak to her again oh Grace JY um I’m right here Jamesy wait a second

Where are the pressure plates um I I think cash removed them no no no they were here a second ago only you have been here what’s happened I don’t know he might have went to the ni and then also came back to here I I think I saw

Him actually why is this command giving you 34 golden apples you’ve changed it haven’t you no that wasn’t me um that that was cash I swear what no no no Gracie this is totally you isn’t it it’s not me I promise it’s not me you’re lying stop trolling me get out of my

Build fine but I just want to Goen apples okay let me put this back to normal we only have 8 minutes by the way just letting you know oh my go she’s wasted so much of my time I have to fix all of this now okay anyway like I was

Saying this command block here which is going to be hidden has a button which is going to replace all of this Redstone with red world meaning the lasers will turn off okay and when she finds that button she’ll be able to get through this man so I’m going to S up to the

Next trap okay for this next trap I’m going to make Gracie answer some questions about Nico and Zoe the first question is who has more subs cash or Nico and whichever one Gracie picks if she picks the wrong one then she’ll die guys which one do you think has more

Subs cash or Nico leave a comment down below and if you said Nico you would be incorrect cash has way more subs like 200k although they’re both amazing YouTubers okay and for the next question I’m going to ask does Zoe have a YouTube yes or no and guys the answer is no she

Doesn’t have a YouTube there are some fake channels but that’s not the real Zoe okay for the next trap we’re going to be in Zoe’s body let’s go I’m going to give Gracie a chess with some loot there we go amazing and in here I’m going to make a fight two Frost mes

Which is super op Yeti monsters okay but before I build the next trap I’m going to go troll Gracie okay to troll Cy I’m going to Mor into a bold Eagle just like that look at me go I’m so small and I can fly okay but how am I going to troll

Gracie I’m not sure wait what do these signs say starting life fly to the other secret entrance oh I may be fine with that secret entrance is so it’s probably through these Rings all the way over here wow it’s a whole course oh here’s the secret entrance okay I’ve got an

Idea instead of having to do all that I’ll just make a little Bridge from over here to over here and then down here I’ll put a little cobweb for me to jump into boom I just skipped the whole parkour course okay how can I troll Gracie next wo look at

Nico’s goggles that’s so awesome and Zoe’s hair is so pretty wait I have an idea there it is oh my gosh Zoe is now bald okay how can I troll Gracie next what just happened to my Zoe guys I think she might have noticed has Zoe’s

Bald are you serious she looks so ugly what is this bald eagle doing here oh wait I completely forgot she could see me I’m flying this is not a flying bald eagle I can see that its wings aren’t even moving I don’t know guys you might be on

To I need to go faster I need to fly faster where are you going Jamesy I know you’re here I know that’s you no no no I have to hide I have to hide I have to hide I come over here and I hide on his lips where did this bridge come from

Wait a second Jamesy must have made this so he could make it to the Finish line without doing my room no this is not works wait there you are Jamesy uh this isn’t me this is a bird H H that’s not the sound that Eagles make they go

Like no I know it’s not you okay you got me I’m moring back into jamy it’s me finally I want you to fix bald Zoe’s head right now no you going to have to rebuild it I’m sorry you going to have to waste your time how dare you there’s

Only four minutes left and you’re making me do this yep sorry bye-bye okay guys that should buy me some time so I can do some more traps okay and when she kills those two yetis that I spawned in here I’m going to put a hidden ladder over

Here it Blends in super well you could barely see it but when she does find it she can climb up and into the next room in here I’m going to put a ton of these Sentry turrets which will shoot Gracie as soon as they see her and Gracie has

To dodge them as much as she can so I’ll put some malles in here just to make it a little bit easier okay there we go she’s going Dodge the turrets a little bit but not too much when she makes it through all those she can get all the

Way over to here where I’m going to put a fan which she can use to blow herself to the next room and then here I’m going to make Gracie fight the final boss which is a never right monstrosity all right guys with that said let me go see graci’s side oh

Gracie where are you oh hello hi Jamesy so this is your kn and Zoe I know do you want to fly up and look at them wao crazy are these their lips yeah look they’re about to kiss each other and that’s why there’s a heart up here oh my

Gosh yeah I can see that you think they have a crush yeah I feel like Nico definitely has a crush on Zoe like come on she is so pretty you’re prettier though a that’s so sweet where’s the entrance to these people well I’ll tell you that the first part is in Zoe but

I’m not going to tell you where H okay guys I’m going to look for an entrance to graci Zoey because remember Whoever has the best inside and outside wins 100,000 Robux yes I can’t wait I found a door yes wait that’s not helpful I can’t enter yeah but this door does have

Special powers yeah I can see through the door isn’t that so cool do you see anything that could be an entrance though there lasers I know but don’t look at the lasers that’s not important right now oh wait Gracie look there’s a hole right there let me go to that what there’s a

Hole hole and then I come over here and there’s no hole H maybe it’s a thin block like a secret door what okay I’m inside now let’s go okay Jamesy before you step on any of these command blocks and pressure plates I want you to know that some of them are dangerous of

Course except for just one brilliant so I have to pick which of these five different ways I want to go and definitely don’t be going into the lasers okay so I think I’ve got an idea Gracie yeah I’m going to test them out using a steak that’s not allowed so if I

Just throw some steak I should be able to know if it’s deadly or not ready that’s against the rules go the steak isn’t heavy enough to push down the pressure plate because these are Stone pressure plates okay I guess I’ve just going to guess which one should I pick

All right well considering I tested this one out I’m going to pick the middle one first ready okay go right ahead okay wait what it’s poison ah I’m going to die get off of it I am okay well I’m definitely not going over the middle

Again um this time I’ll do the first one are you ready yep go right ahead what it was just a kill command okay well I guess I pick this one next okay yep go right ahead wait what’s it even doing it hasn’t done anything Gracie maybe you should jump on

It again let’s see if it’s okay wait a second what is this guy ah it’s a crocodile get me off get me off ah no okay well I guess I’ll pick this one next okay go wait what’s happening why am I floating ah the lasers the lasers

No no no no no no no oh my gosh Gracie I’m on heart for heart you just fell okay well they all killed me apart from this last one I’ll try this now well hopefully that’s the right one or you’re not making it across it is I didn’t die yay good work all

Right should I choose the next room I guess it’s through here huh well I mean it’s quite obvious isn’t it wait a second is this a maze no yep it’s a maze Jamesy so have lots of fun if you need any help I’m up right here there’s a den

End right there and then a den end over here what it’s two dead straight away I know there must be something you’re missing wait this is dirt oh my gosh it’s a door Grace yes it is how’ you know well it’s dirt everything else isn’t dirt so it’s kind of obvious oh

You’re so smart okay I’m going to go through this maze see if I can find anything else wait more dirt yes there was a door I’m going to go through and wao what is this oh it’s a keypad door okay well what’s in this next room some

More mazes yeah this is all dead ends again what I know what a shame wait there’s another dirt piece here these are probably another door aren’t they are you sure yep it is a door oh and there’s some armor here let me pick that up and put that straight on yes a helmet

You look so cool Jamesy so cool right where should we go next well now you have to find a mutant zombie I don’t even have a weapon what am I supposed to fight it with my brain well maybe you should look around there might be something else that can help you uh okay

I don’t see anything and he’s killing me through the wall keep looking Jamesy oh no there must be a weapon somewhere oh wait there’s one right there okay I’ve got an ice dragon bone sword perfect you found it Jamesy all right I’m going to kill this zombie man come here buddy I’m

Going to freeze you he’s Frozen ah he’s coming for me no close the door close the door don’t worry he can’t fit through these one by one blocks yeah he’s hitting me through the walls okay I’m going to keep fighting him Gracie there we go come on come on come on you

Got this Jamesy don’t give up yes he’s there oh I knocked him down uhoh I need to heal up I need to heal up come on yes he’s getting so low please please please I need to kill him you’ve got this Jamesy yes I killed him you’re so

Talented but now we need to get through this keypad door oh we just open it what’s the password great just tell me please please please please please I’m not telling you anything sorry H okay it must be hidden somewhere where would Gracie hide it huh wait over here

There’s a code and also there’s some armor perfect now you have a chest plate too wow 2 three 43 okay let me put that in 2 three 43 done go go go yes oh Gracie there’s some pants put them on put them on wow you look so handsome yes

Oh and some boots as well that’s amazing that was amazing but now that you have a full set of armor and swords we need to test it out on a mutant skeleton why okay let me just kill him this should be a oh wait I got to the top of the maze

No no you’re not allowed to do that okay I need to kill him come on come on come on oh I’m getting super low I’m packed over here come on Jamesy yes I killed him let’s go you made that look so easy oh Gracie there’s another door over

There but I need a code maybe there’s something else that could help you find a code wait there’s some more dirt do you think this will be another door I don’t know let’s try it yep it was let’s go you’re so smart 8657 let me try that right now go go go

8 6 5 7 perfect okay Gracie what is down there wait what is this a special ederman no no no sir you don’t get to kill me for free oh no yes I killed him W I think you found his friends wait are they trying to shoot me what are they

Doing yeah I think they are okay I’m just going to run through get me through ah there’s so many of them yeah they’re trying to shoot me with those balls oh no no no guys oh I got ender pearl wait I can get past the door no that’s what

You get for trying to cheat okay let me just kill them the normal way come on come on come on no perfect well done now let’s go through the next door all right let me open this door and there we go amazing oh there’s a chest yeah and you

Have to get up to this iron trapo here but you need a lever to open it oh no it’s locked okay I guess I have to find a lever or button okay well let me open this chest and see what’s inside oh four slimes what am I supposed to do with

That I don’t know do you want a pet slime I sure do wait what’s this ladder for can I get on top of this chest oh I can Jamesy Gracie I can just end to pull over let made to throw this wait I hit you what perfect SW but don’t have an

Endo how am I supposed to get over there yep you have to get onto the side and I won’t tell you how but I’ve given you what you need already oh I know I have four slimes I can place them there and then jump on top of them to bounce over

I don’t think that’s how it works wait you can’t bounce on slimes oh let me put them down and then kill them yep that’s exactly what you need to do there we go let me get some slime balls okay Jamesy here’s a crafting table that you might

Need right here thank you okay let me c CFT a slime block there we go perfect nine slime balls to make one slime block amazing now you just have to get over to this side so I’ll place down the slime block right there climb up this ladder

And then make the jump are you ready yes I’m ready I’m so excited wow I didn’t make it oh yes finally I did it okay I guess that counts but now we need our password again oh no I don’t know the password wait Gracie come over here look

Well I’m already inside there’s a sign what does it say that probably has the password on it oh I’m not going to tell you sorry wait there’s a honey block oh I see what I have to do I have to come over here look through the honey and see

What it says move out the way but what if I don’t want to move out the way fine I’m 2 3 4 1 is that the password for this oh my well maybe 2 3 4 1 yes I’m through and I have the lever let’s go

Amazing all right I’m going to go up this F and open this with the leather let’s go we made it Jamesy okay Gracie what’s this next trap well this is the end of my build Jamesy uh no it’s not it would definitely not be the end this is

A trap how do I get out of it look there’s even a door over here yeah I’ll give you the button for it if you figure out how to beat this room H okay so there’s a stage and some chairs H oh there’s a chest how did I see that yeah

What if I just want you to play me some music I’ll be your favorite fan at the front row it’s electric guitar but wait what am I supposed to play this music isn’t going to help me um I don’t know maybe I want you to play a specific set

Of keys uh well what keys do you want me to play well there’s some notes in here you just need to find them over here Grace the sign yes you found it it says e c d f is that what I had to play yeah can you find those on your guitar yes

Yes I’m going to come over here and play them e c d and f is that it bravo bravo that was amazing Jamesy thank you thank you I’m such an expert well here’s your button that you deserve okay let me go open the door with this button thank you

So much of course jamy I love you so much all right wait what this is lava oh I remember there used to be an Ender pear here and then someone chucked it away Jamesy did you really think I was just going to let you ender pearl across

My whole trap no I’m trying to win Roo here okay well I’m going to win the Roo and I’m going to do this jump wow okay that was pretty good and then this one ah I know it’s a fake block no no no let me swim to the other side let me swim

Swim swim Oh no you’re not allowed to make it I just made it over that was tough no what she killed me well that’s a fake block how am I supposed to get over there I don’t know just get here it can’t be that hard let me have a look

Around detective mode wait guys look there’s some outlines here this is a fake block but you can’t jump from where you are to here there’s no way but I can from this stair let me jump to over here uhoh that’s a hard jump ah I’m On Top

Here you’re fine all right and then I should be to jump onto this barrier block are you ready yeah go go go yes I made it oh my gosh see that was pretty easy wasn’t it where am I supposed to go now there’s no way I can make that jump

Well I mean if you just get a little bit of your feet wet with lava you’ll be fine right just be fast come on oh I made it just over that hurt a lot but I’m for safe don’t worry I’ll help you out here so where am I supposed

To go now there’s just a ton of blocks hang on I went through that block did you yeah wait a second this is a ladder I’m going up the ladder yes you figured me out okay wait what’s in this room there’s a bit more targets than expected because I thought you’re better than

This but maybe you’re not I want you to hit all of these Targets in 20 seconds can you do that for me what that’s a lot of targets but I’ll try are you ready okay 1 2 3 4 oh I’m doing so good I haven’t missed come on three two no I

Haven’t hit them all oh Jamesy since you didn’t make it you don’t get the prize at the end what no no no I’m going to get that priz where do I go you still have a chance of getting that prize if you can figure out how to get to the

Next room wait I think I see it over there what do you see is this a ladder yep it is how’d you know well I saw it cuz of the Shadows that’s so cool I’m going to go up it oh my camera L ladder wasn’t working as well as I wanted it to

Wa is this a fake Block it’s a fake block I figured that out you’re way too smart for me okay Jamesy if you manage to survive this round I’ll give you a prize wait what am I supposed to do well just look at the sign you have to pick

Three of these and each one of them has a really really powerful potion okay Gracie I’m going to pick Eenie Meenie money mo catch a badger byas toe if it squeals Let It Go eeny meeny miny mo oh the first one are you ready yep I’m

Ready wait can I press it all the way over here no you have to be underneath cuz I’m going to press it for you actually oh okay wish me luck are you ready 3 2 1 go ouch what was this ow I’m bleeding I’m bleeding I’m bleeding I’m

Bleeding oh you’re bleeding oh my gosh okay let’s just get this over with I’m going to do the middle one next okay 3 2 1 go what’s that do weakness now I can’t even do any damage yes try to hit me Jamesy oh wait you can’t I’ll do this

One last okay 3 2 1 go this one was good it gave me jump boost yeah I’m look a bunny well it looks like you survived Jamesy which is really good and now you get the prize wait really no way okay Gracie it all worn off and I have this

Totem been dying that is awesome you’re so clever okay where am I going now okay Jamesy come through right here I made a hole for us oh let’s go through the hole oh wait what’s this go up okay I’m on my way I’m on to Zoe’s head hey Bell clutch

Woohoo wait that was amazing amazing Jamesy I took no damage well nice work let’s look at these signs I made them just for you start line fly to the secret entrance oh I’ve done this I’ve done this I remember now you tried to make a secret path from here to there oh

It got removed I need to win this roox guys come on let’s do this what’s this for well if you wanted an extra boost you can start from up here oh yes that’s awesome that way I don’t even need to use the Rockets okay I’m going to do

That go go go so I’m going to take off my chest plate and put on this a light well guys look at Jamesy he looks like he’s got Wings if you guys H know one on elytra lets you fly okay Gracie are you ready let’s go three two one and boom

I’m flying I’m flying I’m flying ah nice that’s one oh yes I’m going I’m going that’s three four oh I made it you made it past the Finish Line good work Jamesy thank you Gracie okay where do I go now now you go to the Nico side wo Nico Nico Nico no

Wait this sign says mob fight yep cuz you’re about to fight against some of the scariest mobs in the game ah they’re coming for me oh my gosh they’re so scary oh no no no get away from me please oh my gosh there’s a baby chasing after me wait the arrows bounce off

They’re immune to arrows oh no no no I need my totem I need my totem I need my totem okay let me try my sword come on stop running it fight back yeah I’m using my sword that way I can freeze them that should make it a little bit

Easier if you guys don’t know these are mobs from some of the scariest horror movies come on come on on wait I got splashed with weakness oh Jamesy come on oh I killed one I killed one I killed Candyman I killed Candyman okay baby face is down as well I swear yes finally

I did it and I even got candy man’s hook nice I’m so proud of you Jamesy you’re really the best boyfriend ever thank you where do we go now but there’s only one way to go and it’s down so is there a way down but where I can’t tell you

Sorry H if it’s down then the entrance must be on the floor so I’m just going to go around left clicking and right clicking everything wait what is this oh my gosh this trapo is careful Jamesy wait Gracie why is there lava and water down there well careful because that is

Your next trap you have to jump into the right one and some of them are very deadly H I don’t know Gracie so we have two waters and two lavas but guys Gracie has definitely put down some fake lava and fake water to trick me oh this is

Tricky yep how’ you know okay well my l it would be you’d think that I’d go for one of these front ones because it’s closer so I’m going to go for this back left lava I think that would be the safest one if you say so go right ahead

I’m going yay uhoh uhoh poison I’m burning let me jump into the water poison that’s my totem ah my goshy Jamesy you lost your totem you went into the fake water too yes I did now what is this room it’s time for a question room what is Nico’s favorite color uh well

Considering he’s completely blue surely that’s the answer well I wouldn’t be so sure of that so we have green orange red and pink wait blue isn’t any of the options I don’t know I guess not well I really thought it would be blue so I guess uh blue is maybe his second

Favorite color okay which one should I pick I don’t think it would be pink that’s probably Zoe hey red orange and green are the most likely well red is Cashes so I wouldn’t say red either okay I know orange is the best color in the world right guys so it must be orange

Okay I’m going to pick that one yeah well if it’s not orange then what could it be I don’t know but it’s not orange cuz orange is an ugly color oh I know Minecraft is green the game is green the brand is green green is his favorite color because he loves

Minecraft okay Gracie I’m just going to press it are you ready yeah go go go wait oh my gosh I can’t see anything oh it ran out already okay that wasn’t that bad but it’s not the answer sorry Jamesy well that’s not the answer either I don’t think any of these the answer

You’ve been pranking me haven’t you yeah maybe I have well that doesn’t mean that there’s not in right answer somewhere H then wait look at this block it looks way different to all the other ones what do you mean it looks the same for me no it looks completely different because

It’s a door are you serious that was way too easy for you yeah you gave it away by making all the ansers stupid like pink who likes pink the most G um me I like pink the most well guys let’s in the comments who you think is better

Jamesy or Gracie because I think orange is the best me me me all right where two next down here oh dirt okay what is this I guess you just have to go through uh that looks like a recipe for disaster if I go through the fans are going to blow

Me no no no these are actually fake fans surely you’ve seen them before uh do I trust my girlfriend on this I don’t think so come on guys I would never lie yeah it’s a fun it’s a fun it’s a fun you’re lying you’re lying okay well if

If that’s not the way then what is h there’s probably a fake door fake sign fake button something somewhere wait is this a barrier block no way you found my barrier block yes I found the barrier stairs to goes up here awesome okay where now well we go on to the next room

Jamesy oh this my favorite color isn’t here where is it why would I put your favorite color here that’s the worst color ever there is a keypad door here though oh you love passwords don’t you you don’t tell me any of your password and you put passwords on everything ah

Yep I don’t like to give away my secrets okay well where is the code for the door that to get to the next roomy crazy this whole room is box and then there’s just a big random box over here what could that mean I don’t know h i will through

The wall no way you figured it out so quickly green one pink three red six huh so wait is the password 136 let me try this out no it didn’t work you’re so silly you missed a sign dummy oh 1 369 okay you hit it that’s not my fault 1

369 wait it doesn’t work either Jamesy look at these banners oh my gosh is that the order okay it’s pink blue green red pink blue green red pink blue red green no pink blue green red okay so the answer is 3 9 1 6 3 916

39 shut up no way you actually did Gracie was trying to make it hard for me well jamy you’re about to fight the hardest mob of your life what go oh my gosh an OP Blaze oh my God there’s Boss music playing oh I’m going to kill him

Though ice beats fire right guys uh I don’t think so I think it’s the other way around oh no no no no is this weapon stronger no it does fall damage okay I’m going to shoot him oh no he is a shield he stop me let go of me sir jamy are you

Blind there’s literally a chest right here for you what oh my gosh I didn’t see that uhoh I have to get past it somehow what I supped to shoot me oh no oh Dodge the bullets Dodge the bullets come on Jamesy you’ve got this oh my

Gosh got apples I need eat these I’m healing up okay I’m going to start attacking him now the tides have turned some strength would be super useful right now good look jamy you’re absolutely strong you’re demolishing him right now he turned into Nico’s favorite color you are Nico’s side you better not

Be okay graci he’s getting really extremely duper looper looper super duper low I don’t know he still has like a basilan k milon Health left come on he’s about to die yes yes I’m so proud Jamesy let me give you a hug let’s go see my Zoe and Nico let’s go let’s go

Let’s go go okay Gracie remember whoever his base is better inside and out wins all right are you ready to see my Zoe and uh Nico yeah I can’t wait no way yes look at this get into creative mode and fly up here wait this is literally the

Cutest thing I’ve ever seen so they’re holding hands like a really cute couple they’re about to kiss and they have an awesome love heart above them wait you’re right I don’t want them to kiss I’ll go in the middle right here no stop it stop it I’m supposed to kiss

You okay well I can’t wait to see who wins the Roo I want to buy so many skins with that I think it’s safe to say my outside is way better than yours but let’s see the inside all righty okay gra you have to figure out how to get inside

Of my Zoe well I’m not sure there isn’t really anything strange except for this block right here yeah these are Goggles of true vision and they let me see blocks that are fake or not what they appear yeah let’s go find them Gracie can you see any yes right here all of

These blocks right here are absolutely fake look wao let’s go through wait a second where are these pressure ples for uh-oh you lost your goggles they’ve been removed wait how’ you do that I want my goggles back I want my goggles back sorry Gracie well I recommend you pick

Up that stick and Stop Standing on the pressure plate Okay so as you can see there are free Golems over here which will kill you so do you want to fight them or do you want to see if you can kill them I want to try fight them oh oh

Good luck Gracie go kill them trust me there has to be something uh oh no Gracie you’re dead Okay Gracie you have to do this way smarter as soon as you come out these fences they attack you okay let me look around first there’s a chest over here but it’s password

Protected yep so you need a password but there is a sign over there on that side look what does it say it says let me zoom in 4 5 6 7 yeah so what are you going to use that for do you know what I

Just got what did you just get Gracie I got mob captur devices which means if I throw them let’s say at you no don’t throw them at me oh dang it it doesn’t let me catch you because you’re a player but I can throw it at them look wo look

You don’t have to fight them anymore perfect and now they’re all safe inside my little Pokeball yes as long as I don’t spawn them back down okay there you go please don’t do that all right Grazy well done you managed to beat them about fighting them that’s awesome but

Now where are you going to go well obviously up these ladders yeah but let’s go to the next room I want to see if you can beat all these traps wait a second that’s a lot of pressure plate yeah but I mean what are they going to

Do well I can see the ones that don’t have any command blocks on them okay well be careful Gracie we won’t want you to die would we wait a second uhoh you stood the one wrong oh no Gracie you’re dying in the laser all right Gracie you

Have to do this way smaller you have to get over without he any of the pressure plates that have command blocks next to wait when I stepped on this one it didn’t have a command block but it was close to one so that’s why it made me

Levitate yeah you have to jump over here okay I’m going to jump over and boom oh well done okay be careful where you step no yeah Gracie you messed up sorry okay let me try this again go go go yes awesome that was way too risky all right

So I’m going to go over here yep and over here and yep jump gra go go go okay 3 2 1 and go yes she made it over my trap well done woo that was really difficult but where you going to go now I don’t know there’s not really a way

For me to go wait a second why is there an orange black here I wonder oh wow you’re flying up wait how did it make me fly it’s a fan block that’s awesome okay let’s go in here now wow which is more powerful this one looks way cooler look

You sure that one’s going to do more damage Gracie yeah it looks so much cooler and I think it’s the sword of the ignis which is the most powerful mob ever no you were wrong well Gracie in actuality this one did a tiny up damage

Than that one okay well I’m going to go in here all right now which piece of armor does more protection the left or the right so on this one we have the helmet of the rotn and on the right we have the girl’s t-shirt well I feel like

The rot is a very scary mob and it’s just a t-shirt over there so it can’t be that strong right true uh-oh you’re wrong again I’ve been getting all of these questions wrong how is it t-shirt stronger I don’t know I guess it’s cuz it’s made of diamonds oh it is I thought

It was just blue where are we going next Gracie wait don’t tell me this I’m not silly it’s right here I’m totally going to win this roox I’m doing so well I know but I want to win too all right Gracie look at this room look lasers are

Wait there’s literally no way I can make it across watch stop stop stop oh yeah you’re going to die all right Gracie I don’t think there’s any way for you to run through here without dying there’s going to be a different way if I can’t

Make it through then how can I turn off all of these lasers I wonder what could turn off all these lasers I’m not sure there’s literally nothing around here except for that button you’re standing on oh my gosh press it thanks for the hint Jamesy W wao all the lasers turned

Off because they’re no longer powered by Redstone yes this is amazing I’m really happy let’s go to the next room we go oh my gosh more questions yeah more questions Gracie so this one who has more subscribers cash or Nico well I actually watch them a lot so I actually

Know who I’m pretty sure it’s Nico cuz Nico has a girlfriend Zoe well I wouldn’t say they girlfriend and boyfriend but I mean you know well the more subscribers you have the more girls that like you I guess that’s not true girls aren’t everything in life guys need for Subs you’re right Jamesy

Although I would appreciate a few more girls and a few more subscribers I I mean I’m joking about the girls one um Jamesy I’m just going to pretend you didn’t say that and go on to cash yeah that’s very good we should do that there

Zo have a YouTube yeah this this is an interesting question does Zoe have a YouTube channel well Jamesy I saw on cash and n’s Community post that there is no actual Zoe channel so I know it’s not the truth yeah there’s no real Zoe channels let’s go through okay do you

Guys want merch yes of course yes we want merch leave a comment if you guys want us to make his merch yeah wait Jamesy come on oh Gracie you were welen this massive Frost small beti but I found some armor in the chest which is perfect yeah use the armor to kill him

Uh he Frozen right now though oh wow you’re doing a lot of damage that sord super cool you’re lucky this guy hasn’t woken up let me just uh yeah I think he might have awoken did you just wake him up yeah I did I’m sorry Gracie I can

Barely fight one on my own well now there’s two of them let’s go well this wasn’t near dead Gracie just a few more hits oh no but I’m also nearly dead Jamesy okay Gracie they’re both super low come on there’s a few more hits from

You okay come on one is down here’s the second one yeah so close come on guys Ro for me root for me let’s go yes well done Gracie he’s still got a bit more health no way is he really still alive how yeah there we go you finally killed

Him you celebrated a little bit too early then that was fun Frozen yeah I’m frozen I wanted to freeze you D I froze you oh oops Daisy all right Gracie how you going to get to the next room I don’t know there doesn’t seem to be a

Way up yeah there’s a few holes there’s holes wait where I wonder where is the hole to get up wait there’s a way up here but I can’t get up there on my own that’s not the way Gracie I’ll give you a clue it’s somewhere over here maybe

There’s a secret ladder or a parkour or a what how did you just miss that did I just miss the secret ladder I knew I was right okay Gracie good luck with this room why are there centes oh my gosh are they’re shooting at me I need to hide

They’re everywhere you’re not hiding against anything right now you’re in the open you’re in the open you’re in the open go go go go let me go let me go oh my gosh Gracie you’re not hiding Jamesy I’m not good at hiding I’ll hide over here now you fell down to the previous

Room uh-oh got to do all again are you serious yeah a let’s try this again and I’ll be a little bit smarter this time no you definitely could not freeze a turret Gracie that’s not how this works Grazy stop going on the edges silly okay

So I’m going to go over here this time and oh wow you’re safe right there yep then I’m going to make it P this one really quick go go go ah I think I’m safe I think I’m safe wait this a bat but where do it go there’s no box up

Here up here up here go go go they keep pushing me come on Gracie you can do it yes I made it yes well done but look behind you oh no there just keeps coming more and more dangers all right Gracie you’ve got to kill this never right

Monstrosity okay I’ll do my very best get away from the edge get away from the edge oh oh that was close the looky thing I told you huh you would have gone dying he would have pushed me off again let me freeze him and wow he’s so cool

Almost as cool looking as you Gracie you can’t freeze him he’s a lava monster you think I is going to do anything to a lava monster that’s not how this works I wish I was as strong as a lava monster oh wait gra you’ve almost killed him I

Guess you are almost as strong as him wa you’re right he’s less than half Health wait he sets you on fire though I know I’m literally burning at this moment one more hit and yes wonderful that’s amazing I am so proud of myself and I can’t wait to win that roblux wait who

Won though I’m not sure James maybe we should let the comments decide I think it was a draw today we’re going to be doing a cash and ni’s mom’s building challenge wait what was that sound what’s Grazy doing yes now that I pasted in this sneo Mom I’m definitely going to

Win the 100,000 Robux prize but before I do that I need to use these op Bobs and build some traps so Jamesy doesn’t win but I’ve only got 15 minutes wait guys did you see that Gracie is totally cheating if she’s going to cheat so am I

Let me just use SL paste and there we go I’ve SP in as’s Mom but not only that I’m going to prank Gracie to troll her okay I’m going to morph into a mob to sneak onto her side and considering Gracie loves cats so much I think that

Should work look at her Nico I can’t believe she cheated this in and she’s building some traps oh my goodness let me put it on these spikes this is going to be the first trap Jamesy will definitely die okay guys I had to somehow prank her maybe I should push

Her into these spikes oh a kitty cat oh no guys she’s noticed me okay I have to act like a normal cat uh what do cats do hey what’s she doing I’m going to trap this little kitty cat in the so it can’t escape it’s too cute guys I can

Totally just fly out right now but then she’ll know that I’m not a real cat okay I know what I need to do I need a way to distract her so that I can get out of here yes this will be perfect a wool Dynamite okay let me just throw this

Over there what’s that and then while she’s distracted I can get out look it made a massive wool over there okay and then I can run away wait a second where did the cat go oh no I need to complete my spikes so that I can go find the

Kitty cats okay I’m going to blow her into the spikes using this leaf blower this will let me push her towards it ready and there we go that hurts I just went through the spikes she got blown past it let me try again ready blow her

Into the spikes yes no I’m in here again I need to get out I need to get out come on oh my goodness not again yes it works was that the cat that did that uh-oh she’s after me I need to run okay I can

Fly did she see that no no no that is not good okay I need to get out of here and do some more pranks oh over here this looks like an awesome place to prank Gracie because if you guys didn’t know this is actually a building competition so whoever has the best

Build wins meaning if I ruin her build then I will win so I’m going to make a giant painting over here and I’m going to paint something before she comes around and I’ll say you suck it’s not nice to be mean like this to people but

She’s my girlfriend so I think it’s okay this painting wasn’t here before uh oh guys she might have noticed it says you suck no no no how do I get rid of this painting oh wait I know what to do with this painting I’m going to go put it on

James’s build wait a second uhoh there’s the cat that was hiding from me come back here okay I need to do one more prank before I leave what should I do at the moment her Nico’s mom is looking pretty good because it’s all blue but

What if I changed it all to Orange like this and there we go that is a lot lot better wait is my Nico Mom wearing orange pants what is going on this is awesome wait guys my Mor just ran out oh no no no no no no no no no jamy I almost

Didn’t see you you were blending in with the orange oh I was just saying hello Gracie your Nico’s mom is looking great so far don’t lie to me I know what you doing you were the kitty cat weren’t you yeah I’m sorry okay I’ll go back to my

Side oh Jamesy we’ve only got like 12 minutes so you better hurry up okay I’m going to speed up okay to enter my statue Gracie’s going to have to navigate through a maze so right here I’m going to put a ton of these ghost blocks and when Gracie stands over it

She’s going to fall down into this massive underground cave and then I’m going to turn this into deadly maze first I’m going to cover the ground with lava like this okay that’s perfect and then I’ll put it through them way she can go like this and then I’m going to

Scatter around mines like these if you didn’t know if Gracie even touches these mines she’ll blow up wao and I’m going to put these everywhere and then finally I’m going to hide some of these Sentry turts around the maze which when they come to contact with Gracie they’ll

Shoot her so I’ll put one there I’ll put one over here and she’s going to have to find the exit about dying these sentes and I’m also going to scatter around spikes like these which when graci touches will kill her and finally to get out of this deadly Maze and into Cash’s

Mom she’s going to have to find this secret ladder and climb up which is going to take her through the foot of Cash’s mom and she’s now inside and in here the first challenge he’s going to have is navigating around these deadly lasers which if she touches I’m going to

Try and kill her so I’m going to scatter these everywhere in this room and to get past them she’s going to have to realize that she can do some Parkour on these blocks over here so are a few bits like this and she’s going to have to navigate

All the way up here where she can climb up this ladder to the next room when she finally climbs up these L should be in the next room and in here I’m going to do something really interesting I’m going to place down a TNT block a zombie

Apocalypse TMT block and then I’m going to use a dummy block and then on top I’ll put one of these trap chests if you didn’t know trap chests when you open them will activate whatever’s underneath if I open this chest right now it will activate this TNT but because this is a

D me TNT when I open it nothing happens and inside these chests I’m going to put a set of neite armor like this and I’m going to make Grace choose which TNT she wants to blow up the left the middle or the right this one’s just a normal TNT

And this one must spawn thousands of zombies I wonder which test it Gracie is going to pick but once she’s got her loot she can go to the next room wait what just happened why did all the orange W just turn pink oh no Gracie must be here for Revenge okay where is

She hang on there’s a name tag right there that must be her what is going on down here there’s pink wall everywhere pink sheep a bunch of signs that say I haven’t showered for 2 weeks and wait there’s even cash what hello sir uh

Hello why are you in my base this is my mom oh yeah good point I suppose you’re allowed in here so do you mind telling me why you’re building my mom oh she looks pretty what can I say and I’m a big fan she’s married by the way oh oh

My bad sir let me see what you have down here wait no don’t go down there okay well I’ll catch up in a second I need to get rid of all these sheep and stuff first he’s a little bit suspicious though what is he even doing on my

Server wait what is this chest here oh my god did Gracie put swords here as well or is that cash maybe they’re the same person ah there we go all the lasers have now been enabled okay perfect let me go find cash where is he gone I can’t see his name tag anywhere

This is some nice maze you’ve got down here James oh that is definitely graci they replaced all my sentry toets with these useless Oak people oh I think I might have found you Gracie I was just doing a little bit of decorating since Redstone is far better than Orange I

Have a feeling that you’re actually Gracie not cash what makes you say that Jamesy let me ask you a question that only cash would know that’s easy go ahead okay who is your best friend Nico obviously okay that was far too easy a more difficult one when did your mom

Appear on Nico’s Channel what day um I don’t know she’s been on a business trip I don’t know what you’re talking about uh no incorrect on the February 21st she was in a video with Nico not on a business trip well well well your de morph has happened I thought I was

Really convincing too you’re so annoying get out of here we only have 8 minutes of building left wait did you say 8 minutes I need to get out of here right now and in this next trap I’m going to put in the gr King spawn egg and this is

Going to try and kill Gracie look how powerful he looks and look at those fangs wow over here I’m going to put a ladder to the Next Room except it’s not going to be complete there’s going to be four ladders missing and for Gracie to complete them she’s going to have to

Open put in this password protected chest right here and it will have the password of 8888 in this chest I’ll have the remaining four letters that she needs to go up there but how is she going to know what the code is well I need to hide a secret clue so hidden all

The way up here I’m going to put a sign saying three lots of eight meaning she probably will be to figure out that means three eights in a row but we’ll see how long it takes her and then from there she can climb up this ladder to

The next room okay for this room I’m going to put a keypad door right here which like the chest in the previous room requires a password and I’ll make it 456 and then over here I’m going to make a little ramp and a ladder over here and then I’m going to fill this

Little pen with cats if you guys didn’t know cats are Gracie’s favorite animal so hopefully she’ll get distracted by all these cats and she won’t be able to solve the task so I’m going to spoil an absolute ton of these Kitty catties and while I’m doing that you guys should let

Me know in the comments what your favorite animal is okay that should be more than enough and then I’m going to name them or they don’t despawn and I’ll just call them all cute kitties okay so let me just Spam these on all these kitty cats and I’ll try not to miss any

Of them otherwise they disappear okay there we go but one of the lucky kittens look going be called 456 and I’ll just do this one right there there we go 456 uh I think it’s one of the small ones as well that’s perfect and Gracie’s going to have to

Find that one lucky kitten if she wants to go through this door ha that’s perfect and then I’ll put a fan which will blow her to the Next Room in this room I’m going to fill the floor with lava and not only that but it’s also

Going to rise in fact you know what I’ll just start with no lava and then I’ll put a sign over here saying so as soon as she comes in the lava will appear and then from there I’m just going to make her do some Parkour jumps of course she

Has to be super duper fast otherwise she’ll die to the lava and she’s going to have to park her way all the way up to here to get to this lad to escape I wonder if the lava will catch her okay with that done it’s now time to go try

And Cy again I need to get revenge for what she did to me okay to troll her this time I’m just going to go invisible I think that should be a lot easier and then I break through this wall and now I can see Nico’s Mom okay for my first

Little prank over here I’m going to get some of these dummy blocks now this basically replace blocks with a function to have nothing meaning if I just place them here like this against these spikes these spikes now do absolutely nothing meaning I can just walk straight through

Them and I’ll do that for a few more just to make it even easier and there we go now I could just walk straight through the spikes and nothing will happen oh my gosh guys graci is right there I need to be super careful not to

Get caught oh look at this guys she’s done some lava parkour that’s actually really scary H how can I prank this oh I’ve got an idea first I’m going to get rid of all of this lava cuz that’s scary and I’m going to place it with water

There we go now if I mess up a parkour jump I will just land straight in water nothing wrong with that huh and you know what I can just swim over and then break this block and climb up okay what should I prank next wait a second uh-oh what

Happened to my lava parkour I fix you my noce guys this is not good all of this is literally water instead of lava I’m going to fix it let me get some lava out she just completely fixed it using one command that’s so unfair now I need to

Go find whoever’s doing this to my base uh-oh little does she know she she ran right past me okay I need to do some more pranks wait a second did I just go past some particles uh-oh over here I need to get out of here and do some more

Pranks before she finds me where did it go there’s a hole here ooh guys look there’s a maze here I’ll totally just add some ladders at the start right here so I can just climb up and cheat this entire thing that will work amazingly wo guys look at this chest right here it’s

Legit in the middle and it’s got nothing useful in there okay I’m going to make this way better how about I just put some Dragon steel armor inside this chest that way when I get here I can defeat all of Gracie’s traps and win the video wait how is that chest open uhoh

She saw that the chest was open because I was in it that’s not good this loot isn’t supposed to be here oh no she’s taking out all the armor I work so hard for that wait my visibility just ran out Jamesy it was you I knew it oh I’m sorry

Gracie I was just trolling you just a little bit we’ve only got like 3 minutes left you need to get out of here right now okay fine I’ll keep building okay for this next trap I’m going to put some Target blocks over here I’ll put one

There one there one there one there Etc and every time she shoots one of these Target blocks a mob is going to spawn right on here so we’re started pretty innocently with a zombie but I’m going to make it harder and harder for example this one I’m going to do a creeper a

Piglin brute a Pillager and even an invoker but if she shoots this one over here then that will T be her to the next room but this room isn’t going to be innocent she’s going to be TD into a room which is going to blow her around

On these fans these fans are super duper powerful basically impossible to escape but just to make it even more deadly I’m going to put some of these lasers around which means she gets pushed around she’s going to be hit by these laser lines which will slowly kill her but I’m going

To use these secret chests like this this looks like a laser which just isn’t working except it’s actually a hidden chest I wonder how long that would take it to realize but inside is some sticky boots which when you’re wearing make it so that the fans just don’t work on you

Perfect and because of that she’ll be able to get onto this fence in the middle of the room and climb up to the next challenge on this challenge she’s going to jump all the way down here and land on some slimes without missing except I’m going to put three of them

Down however two out three of them are going to be completely useless only this one actually works and then once she bounces she have to land on the platform over here to make it easy to choose which one to bounce on I’m going to put

A sign we’re just going to ask a pretty simple question what color is the best on this one I’m going to say orange and then we have pink and then finally purple and if she answers orange which is of course the best color she can

Bounce off here Bo and land on here and climb up to the next room okay for this next room I’m going to ask Gracie some more questions and the first one’s going to be which mom did we see first cashes or nios and this is the person who made

The video of their Mom first and the answer is we met Cash’s Mom first on Nico’s Channel therefore that is the correct answer okay next question who has more subs cash or Nico and guys comment down below who you think the answer is and if you thought it was Nico

Then you would be wrong meaning if Gracie picks this one she’s going to die NAA almost has a million subscribers but cash has way more if you guys want us to hit a million subscribers then please subscribe right now but in the meantime I’m going to go over to Gracie side

Gracie Gracie are you ready I’m always ready Jamesy remember Whoever has the best base inside and out wins the robo so are you ready to see yours first yes come up here oh my God I have seen this base before but it’s still amazing how

Tall she is she is so tall and look at her long luscious hair of course Neo’s mom has long and Luscious Hair yeah it’s a bit unrealistic though I don’t think most people are This Tall but it’s okay anyway the outside’s pretty good but let’s see what the inside’s like okay

Well welcome to my face oh how would I ever get over all these spikes you’ll never figure it out well Gracie I think this is one of the trolls that you never caught on yep fake spikes do zero damage to me yeah I can’t believe this you’re

Such a cheater okay what do I do next over here well I mean obviously the door is just right here okay let me have a look inside the sign said build a flying machine do you think you can do it yeah I think so the ingredients should be in

This chest huh yep you just need to build it oh I’m supposed to go up to that door there okay yep let me open this up but wait there’s nothing in here it’s been blocked off where am I supposed to go you can’t get out of here

Anymore no stop it gra that’s going to kill me no why would you do that okay you killed me are you happy that was hilarious and yes I’m super duper happy now okay I’m guessing this left leg was a fake entrance the ever entrance is probably on this right leg somewhere yeah that

Was just a troll okay uh there’s a lot of paintings around here it’s probably through one of these huh but you’ll never know which one really cuz I think I found it you found it way too easily build a flying machine for real this

Time I don’t know if I trust you would I ever lie to you okay do you guys know how to build a flying machine leave a comment down down below if you do or not okay I’m pretty sure I remember let me give this a go come on you’ve got this

Easy peasy okay so I’m going to place a light blue wool here and then Observer looking at it okay that looks pretty good and then a sticky piston and then two slimes does that work and then let put another Observer there another sticky piston and then two more slimes

That should work cool okay and then when I break the wall down there it should work oh wait I can’t reach can you break it for me of course Jamesy make sure you got your seat belts back assass yep I’m ready 3 2 1 take off wo I’m literally

Flying look it’s launching be in the sky as well that’s amazing you’re like Elon Musk did you guys know how to build this it’s super fun you should learn it re-watch the video if you want to know how to build it you might want to get off soon before you hit the obsidian

Wall oh no no no that was not fair it’s okay I think you still passed for doing that amazing flying machine you should have made the roof higher that wasn’t fair well I wanted to make a little bit more difficult sorry okay well my base is going to be even more difficult I

Can’t wait for you to try it out well time for some questions how old is my pretty little brother Abraham hm you have so many brothers it’s hard to keep track but I’m pretty sure he’s like four or five years old so let me try four no

Let me try five yes I got it oh awesome okay Gracie what is this room so this is and you guessed it subscriber of the day oh no not subscribe of the day again I always get this wrong okay Linda 24 I can’t even say that one and free Robux

Well you know what because today’s video is for 100,000 roblux I reckon it’s this one okay oh ow poison okay try this one wait did that work yeah it worked jamy okay I found the right answer and I almost died okay it was the middle

One ah slime slime slime oh no jamy this is a dropper oh no not this okay so there’s a bunch of lava some spikes and even some water over there so I’m guessing I have to jump to the water obviously do you want to go in the lava

Oh no okay I’m going to make the jump of Faith are you ready go go 360 no scope yes wait I’m dying wait have time ah in the lava in the lava oh no well if it isn’t over there and it’s definitely not the lava then where is it and why is

This massive room of be here for that’s just a little bump I put in her leg it was an accident you know accidents happened uh yeah I know you ah I’m dying wait Jason what I fell through the floor but I fell into some water is this where

I’m supposed to go yeah you found my secret well where am I supposed to go from here oh wait what just happened did you teab beat me here yep and look what time it is there’s a chest with some armor and also some G apples let me put

All this armor on oh look how pink you are it’s so cute this armor gives me speed and this sword gives me Hast why would I want haste okay whatever that’s fine okay time to kill these Golems I don’t have twice as many hearts come here Mr Golems oh no they’re super scary

Oh no let me kill them all oh my God there’s one over there as well okay I’ve killed one of them out four it’s isn’t Jamesy just so handsome thank you Gracie yeah I can never do this do you guys think you could beat four Redstone

Golems okay two down now just two left come on come on come on you’ve got this Jamesy I know you do yes okay only one left and he’s stuck in the lava it should be pretty easy pickings ah he pushed me in he pushed me in he pushed

Me and get me out of it please oh thank you so much okay I’m going to kill him up here now oh he pushed me back in again stop that was hilarious Jamesy am I supposed to parkle all the way over there now yep you can parkour or you can

Be like me and do a backflip across okay uh wow you’re so talented Grazy but that’s not going to help me wait this armor gives me speed too making these jumps super duper easy easy peasy wait what that’s a fake ghost block okay well what am I supposed to do then all right

Jamesy you’ve nearly made it back to where you were before yeah there must be some sort of barriers or something somewhere but where I’m not going to tell you anything I’m looking everywhere I’m looking for some way over but I just can’t find find anything maybe it’s

Closer than you think wait I see a barrier right there Gracie yep it was right in front of you the entire time I made it over let’s go find the secret chest okay where is the secret chest then I have to be careful of these spikes yep you have to find the secret

Chest and avoid all the spikes but where could it possibly be I don’t understand alchie yeah there’s not really much in this room so it must be hiding in plain sight okay uh there must be some sort of Secret Door somewhere all these spikes hurt so much ow wait why does this Spike

Hurt that’s so weird spikes should always damage you unless this isn’t a real Spike wait what is a secret chest with an Ender pear inside yep and you were teleported up to this building okay this is the next room what should I do you’re kind of Trapped in here you have

To get to the other side of this wall oh I know I can just end a pull through wait that’s so smart thank you Grazy oh wait you did remove these ladders I pranked them by placing them I can just cheat this no Daisy I’m going to clear

Your inventory right now no no no no no I check them away Che them away I check them away I Che the away are you sure is there anything else inside of your inventory just two Redstone okay you can pass okay this is a maze but Gracie you

Just made it two blocks tall I can just cheat using F5 no I forgot again you always have your sneaky tricks up your sleeve let me see if I can do it legitimately first okay I’m guessing I’m supposed to go over there to that chest huh you can never do this legitimately

So I’m looking for some sort of way but seems to be all just dead ends well if you go into F5 mode maybe that could help you I guess wait even in F5 mode I can see that there’s no way over I’m right clicking all the blocks I’m

Jumping into them I’m trying everything there’s no fake blocks or anything what am I supposed to do I know what you have to do but I won’t tell you wait what’s that over there can you see that guys okay I’m going to go investigate what are you talking about over here there

Seems to be a ladder you found my camouflage lers and that’s how you get across okay then I can just jump across and that’s amazing wait oh no no no no no no Gracie the fans the fans are killing me Jamesy you’re so greedy why did you jump instantly for the chest

Okay how am I supposed to get to the chest there without dying to these fans well I’m not going to tell you normally when there’s a fan and I to somehow avoid it there’s some sticky boots somewhere but where would I find them you just have to you know maybe take a

Jump for it no no no that won’t work I’ve Tri this all before jumping just doesn’t work against fans these are so powerful they’re end fans Gracie well what if you jumped high enough so that you could open the chest before you died into the lava I would just jump hit this

Chest and then fall into the lava again but you can open it at least just go just go no what are you doing okay I opened it but it doesn’t work Gracie you just killed me graci it just doesn’t make any sense why would you push me there well maybe I

Was trying to help it just went the wrong way I did notice something earlier what is it when I’m shifting around I can normally just walk across right but there’s some sort of Gap here maybe you found a clue I’m going to jump down this ghost block or something something well

Aren’t you just going to get blown away no no no no wait what there was some sort of command block that’s heing me up here y you found it Jamesy that was the secret wo look at this axe this is awesome did I complete your base you

Sure did and we’re off to go complete yours next let’s go I really can’t wait to see who wins the 100,000 Robux are you ready to see my base Gracie yep when can I turn around turn around turn around what yeah isn’t she so beautiful oh my gosh she’s literally the prettiest

Girl I’ve ever seen uh no incorrect Gracie you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen oh my goodness JY I love you so much it’s making me want to do backflips okay let’s not get too romantic you have to find the entrance inside though it’s around here somewhere

I promise well I see an orange block over there meaning the next room should be up there Gracie come and give me a high five high five you’re now inside of my maze underground as well something’s shooting me something’s shooting me yep there there’s a turret in this next room you

Have to avoid him there’s an exit somewhere but it’s going to be so hard to find no this is not good for me okay graas have a look around see if you can look for it well I see a mine over there that I definitely don’t want to go near

Yeah I guess you got to go this way huh yeah I’m going to try to go around this way and hopefully there’s no turrets okay this room seems to have no turrets that’s safe but where are you going to go next I’m going to go forward okay be

Careful not to stand on these spikes I know I’m just going to shift and try not to die uh-oh guys over here there’s another turret uhoh maybe this time we should that way Gracie instead of that way remember guys if she even touches one of these mines she’ll blow up I will

Literally just be blown into little millions of tiny pieces are you sure you want to risk it or you going to find a different way yeah I’m just going to go this way I don’t want to risk anymore yeah no more turrets around here is this

It I can’t believe you find it so fast it took me 20 minutes when I was trying it I went away from the turret and guess what it saved me you literally explored 2% of the maze but I guess that’s fine lasers yeah this is my laser room

There’s so many lasers and they’re so hard to see cuz the whole room is made out of redstone and and there’s some way out there’s some ladders over here so this is probably where huh oh I know let me just make my way towards there first

Okay good luck gra there’s a lot of lasers oh you can maybe jump over well done that is really up there and I can’t get up there cuz I’m too short maybe you can climb how could I possibly climb H I don’t know Gracie you have to figure

This out wait oh I figured it out Jamesy oh show me show me what you mean Gracie so I need to jump on to this block and then jump on to this one where you going next then I’m going to jump to this one yep and then I need to jump onto that

One okay you’re getting really close now how much health do you have I’ve only got half health no I fell I guess you fell and you paid the price okay Gracie you’ve nearly made it all the way to the ladder now you just need to do one final

Jump yes I didn’t fail this one okay in this room I’m going to make you pick between one of these TNTs so on the far left we have a TNT here we have a green TNT and then another one but Gracie they all have loot inside but one of them

Isn’t deadly and you have to guess which one what but two of them literally look the same I know it’s going to be super tricky did I make the green one the one that doesn’t do any damage or is it one of these red ones well jamy I’m going to

Pick the green one because it looks different from the rest oh good answer Gracie let’s see open the chest okay oh get the armor out quick get it out get it out put it on Gracie put it on quick no you to f off this wave of zombies

With just some neare armor good luck Gracie I don’t think this is even possible oh I know I’ll help you out by opening up this other chest which will blow up a p of the zombies what but it can blow me up too no no no no it didn’t

Blow you up you’re safe this is not good you’re doing pretty good there’s not that many left but I’m literally at like two hearts it’s okay you’ll survive do you really think so y maybe climb up top of this chest that’s a good idea but I’m

Not that tall yeah but you can jump up because you can jump on the TNT and then the chest oh that’s really smart actually let me do that oh yeah because chests aren’t as big as normal blocks they’re one block thinner that’s super duper cool and look I got netherite

Armor in here too and this time it didn’t explode yep that was the fake TNT but you didn’t pick that one never mind but at least you got the loot so you can go to the next room let’s go up okay in this room you’re going to have to fight

An iguana King good luck Gracie and AIG Guana King those are super duper op yep you’ve done barely any of his health keep going Gracie you’ve got this okay let me just go and do this and hit his little green tail yep uhoh little baby one’s coming after you no it’s not okay

Gracie he’s super low just finish him off for me come on he’s like 1 HP no come on Gracie finish him off he’s one HP one last try let’s go yes and the little guanas as well uh they look a little bit like you actually are you

Calling me ugly no no no no no no no no I said you’re cute as you can see the exit is up here but you don’t have enough ladders how are you going to get them I definitely need to open up this chest right here yeah well what’s the

Password um I don’t know the password let’s look around for it yeah it’s going to be around here somewhere wait this is easy it’s right up there oh what does that sign say let me zoom in it says three lots of eight that’s easy what’s

The answer I’ll just try three times * 8 that probably makes sense right what’s the answer to that Gracie well 8 + 8 is 16 and 16 + 8 is 24 nope that didn’t work think about a different way to do three lots of eight oh I know isn’t it

Just three eights that should be easy oh wow you’re so smart and intelligent Gracie I really am aren’t I yep you found the ladders okay in this room there is an absolute ton of cats even though escaped no way I know you love kitty catties yes I do but you need to

Get through the door and it requires a password so good luck finding it do the kitty cats have names yep all of them are called cute kitty but there’s one special cat out there with left name of the pastor no way this is actually going

To take me forever do you even see him yeah I just saw him a second ago actually I think I was pretty lucky wait I saw it but only for a split second it was like something four maybe if we start killing them that’ll be good but what if I accidentally killed the

Correct Kitty H good point I’m not sure up to you honey oh I feel bad killing all these kitty cats but I really want the 100,000 Robux yep so do I so I hope you lose hey wait I see it again it’s right here four 5 6 you found it oh yeah

I see it as well it’s by himself oh my goodness this is perfect I’m going to put this in here okay well done Gracie you didn’t have to kill that many I know I felt bad okay the fan is blowing it up into the Next Room what’s in here that’s

A lot of Parkour yeah what does the sign say in the corner the floor is lava what does that mean Gracie that means the floor is turning into lava no okay Gracie quick before it rises again go go go all right I need to get out of here

Boom well done Gracie but the lava is rising uh-oh Gracie is catching up go go go next jump okay okay not again you have to make this jump right now boys you’re going to lose no that’s the wrong way that way quickly Gracie the lava is rising okay I’m jumping I’m jumping yes

Yes well done Gracie the lava has risen all the way but you made it that’s good okay Gracie for this room all you have to do is shoot these Target blocks pretty simple you might want to put your armor back on though oh what what does

That mean I don’t know figure out well let me hit the bottom one first boom well done that’s spawn in a zombie no that’s bad next one uh-oh Grazy behind you behind you creepers that was really scary next one that’s for of Pillager pillagers are strong no they’re fine you

Can take them next Target Gracie uh-oh you missed let’s do it again uh-oh brutes B are strong and this one aoka even stronger these are literally the strongest mobs ever okay well done knife to kill his little babies these are the most annoying Parts I can barely hit

Them they’re like two blocks wide one behind you as well oh my goodness I’m getting dizzy Jam I’m getting dizzy okay gra you’ve hit all the targets apart from this one come on okay this should be pretty easy that was just kind of in a corner oh where am I uhoh you’re in

The Next Room and as you can see it’s lasers with fans wait so I have to jump over them every single time we get around no way I think I’m stuck here this is good okay as you can tell there’s a ladder in the middle can you

Try and get to it how would I even get there there’s literally no way give it a go Grazy ouch don’t shoot me I can’t I can’t think of something else you can maybe do there has to be some sticky boots around here yeah Gracie I’ll give

You a clue you’re really close to the answer of that what basically sticky boots are boots that don’t make fans blow you I found it you should have noticed that this laser just wasn’t even on I thought you just made an honest mistake okay next one what color is the

Best orange pink or purple H that’s so simple Jamesy of course I’m going to pick pink okay so you going to try and jump on this one yeah I’m going to go Gracie Gracie did you really think I was going to choose pink try this again what is the best color fine I’ll

Pick orange just cuz you like orange I made you admit to it let’s go I’m going to go down wo good jump Gracie that was quite impressive okay let’s go up this ladder which mom did we see first I feel like we saw Cash’s Mom first because cash is

Just more po popular wait don’t say that that’s mean to Nico well it’s true because cash has way more subscribers okay well if you think it’s cash then choose cash if you pick wrong you’ll die oh never mind you pick right okay next question who has more subscribers oh that’s easy I literally

Just said this cash is more popular than Nico how do you always get these right I’m getting smarter and smarter by the day well Gracie this was the last question which means the video is now nearly over but I have something I to tell you what is it Jamesy I saw you in

The intro you pasted in your build why you saw me cheat I’m so sorry so in return I pasted in mine as well what but if anything that taught you that cheating doesn’t work yeah guys cheating is never the answer okay well today we’re doing a lanky box building

Competition and I’m going be using sl/ paste to spawn in this massive Adam build isn’t he amazing and I’m going be filling him with traps like this TNT this Redstone Golem or this queen bee to prank my girlfriend speaking of which she’s right there let’s go see what

She’s building Let Me Mine through the wall and wo look at her lanky box wow my ly fox looks amazing and I’m going to spawn these op mobs so Jamesy doesn’t win the 100,000 Robux not to mention a bunch of op TNT but I only have 15

Minutes I got to go wao guys I have to win this video I want that 100,000 Robux okay let’s get started okay so on this wall right here I’m going to put down some Target blocks and that will be a big Target for Gracie and then right

Here I’m going to use a secret chest it looks like a dirt block but you can actually put some in there and I’m going to put some Dynamite which Gracie needs to throw at this target block to blow it up and what she does that she be inside

My ly box okay and here is some obsidian to stop it from blowing up all my other stuff and in this room I’m going to put a bunch of Frankenstein which are super scary they’re basically Op zombies and just so that Gracie has a chance of killing them

I’ll put a chest over here with some stuff there we go that should be good enough okay before I build another trap I’m going to go troll Grazy this is my favorite part okay just sneak onto her side I’m going to shrink down I’m tidy okay hopefully this means she won’t

Notice me I can just break my way oh my gosh guys look it’s graci’s name tag wait what was that I saw something falling to the ground act still I’m a little ant I’m a little an I’m going to pretend to be a button I’m probably just

Hallucinating well it’s going to be so funny when J basically Guys these buttons kill the nearest player so I pressed it when she was close how did that just happen I wasn’t even pressing any of the buttons I did it again what okay I’m going to get out of here before

She realizes it’s me I’m so confused okay as you guys know Justin normally is purple but I have an idea and 3 2 1 it’s all orange what just happened all of my magenta turned orange that’s un I need to get out of here and fix everything uh-oh she just ran right past

Me wait let me go through this door okay there we go wait why did the door just opened uhoh close the door close the door run run ah it’s a trap hide in the corner what I just fell in my own trap I’m so silly wait guys what is this over

Here is this a lanky box plushy oh I have to make this look ugly CU guys I’m doing all these trolls because I want to win this building competition so I’ll get rid of his eyes his ears and what else can I do I finished fixing the wall

Now I need to go find who The sneaky person is trolling my build uh-oh she’s on to me guys all right let me keep replacing this with orange wait a second what I think she might have noticed me guys how did I miss this before Jamesy

You’re so small I’m sorry Gracie I was pranking you honestly good work cuz I literally did not see you at all but this is really bad because you only have 12 minutes left and you wasted a bunch of time oh my gosh guys I already have

12 minutes to build okay let me go back to my and start building my traps okay once graci has killed all the Frankenstein she needs to get out of this trap move out the way so I’m going to put a sign saying G on the ceiling which you probably think is false but

Actually up here I’m going to put a secret leather which looks like a normal block but if you press it boom there we go it TPS Gracie to the next room and let’s build another trap so once Gracie gets tpd onto this block I’m going to surround her with lava boom just like

That and then she be trapped inside side and then just to make it even more annoying I’ve surrounded with these barrier blocks which she can’t see so when she thinks she makes it over she just smash her face into the wall and fall into the lava and then I’ll use

Some of these ghost blocks to trigger into jumping and this one will be the real one if she jumps onto these fake ones she’ll fall into lava but when she makes it to here I need to have an actual way to escape I guess I remove the barrier blocks right there so that

She can jump across the wall okay for the next room I’m going to C cover the floor with these chests and there we go there’s now like a million bajillion chests and then I’ll fill them all with pranks Gracie smells and there we go a bunch of other pranks to put in these

Chests she’s going to have to look through all of them and then she’s going to get pranked this is so funny but in this one right here I’ll actually put some good stuff in and I’m also going to put a fan in which will let her get to

The Next Room she’ll have to place that right here and in this next room I’m going to make a really dangerous obstacle course so first things first we’re going to need some lasers if Gracie even touches this by a millimeter an inch she will die so I place another

Laser there one there one there I love lases so much and you know what the best thing is guys Gracie hates them up next I’m going to put some mines now these if Gracie even touches they blow up okay next I’m going to do some turrets these

Will shoot at Gracie and try and kill her which is amazing of course okay this is going to kill her definitely I can’t wait to see her try these traps out and in this next room I’m going to put an animal TNT which when blown up will

Cause loads of dangerous mobs to spawn wait what has happened why did my orange world just turned pink that was not me that means Gracie’s here all right guys I have to go find her oh Gracie’s going to get something when I see her there’s her name tag right there okay in here

And wait who are you oh hi I’m Zoe where is Gracie I need to find her she pranked me Gracie is that somebody you know is she special to you it’s my girlfriend stupid oh um well I just thought you look really handsome and I wanted to get

Your number me handsome I mean thank you that’s super kind no my girlfriend should give me more compliments like this yeah no um I think I could be so much better of a girlfriend than her I’m sure okay you know what Zoe you’re really kind and way nicer than Gracie

Okay I will get a gift I’ll be back in like 2 seconds oh my God yes that sounds amazing okay guys do you think I’m stupid that is clearly czy trying to be someone to prank me I not falling for this I really hope you guys realize as

Well okay I’m going to put down a command block and I’m going to prank her real good and there we go now I have the leader over here all right I’m going back yo hey I mean he Hey Zoe hey did your voice just get lower that is so

Attractive follow me I’m going to show you my present come over here okay all right if you stand this man block it will make you a bajillion air for the rest of your life because I have ultimate powers are you ready wait so it’s going to make me super rich yeah

Just stand on it go go go oh my gosh look at that guys it’s clearly Gracie she dropped Gracie’s head no jamy you figured me out you tried to flirt with me as a girl you really thought I would cheat on you oh I just wanted to know

Guys isn’t she so silly of course I wouldn’t cheat on you get out of here we have 7 Minutes of building left I’m just glad you didn’t cheat on me I’m going now bye okay anyway back to my animal TNT if she blows this up she will

Probably die but I’m not going to give her the choice please leave a like and comment if you think I’m going to win and right here I’m going to put a secret door which Gracie’s going to have to find if she wants to go to the next room

Okay for this next trap I’m going to put three item frames and inside I’m going to put three random different potions I’m going to put instant damage two potion which will kill her a poison two potion a bleeding potion and finally one good potion uper speed wonderful and

Then I’ll make Gracie pick one of the Potions by random and make her use it if she picks the wrong one then she’ll definitely end up dying this is going to test her ingame knowledge and then to get out of the room she’s going to have

To open this keypad door but it’s going to be locked with a password like 6789 but that password is actually going to be written on the wall through the door there we go it’s super hard to see from far away but of course we Zoom it in

There we go 6 7 8 9 it’s right in front of her okay I’m in this room I’m going to put a few of these Sun Chiefs which use the power of the sun to kill Gracie yes this is going to be awesome and for

Her to get out of this room she’s going to have to find this super secret hidden ladder and now I’m going to go troll my girlfriend so I’m going to morph it into a little bat yes now I can fit through one block oh I can even fly okay let me

Sneck into Gracie’s build she’s right there J can she notice me if she does hopefully she just thinks I’m a normal bat o a bat oh guys I need to act like a normal bat fly around fly around in circles oh you trying to escape you can

Come out through here here if I go there I’ll be stuck let me just go fly away fly away okay now I contr control her first I’m going to start by put a bunch of mean signs and guys I do really love Gracie but I like making fun of her yes

That is the perfect sign she’s so embarrassed about her height there we go I’m going to put a bunch of these sides and she’s going to get so embarrassed yes read it Gracie Gracie is short like 4 foot that’s not true I’m actually 5T tall oh yeah she’s lying guys she’s

Lying she’s literally lying hey wait a second act natural I know you’re placing these I swear I saw you placing them no no no I’m just about about wait I can hide behind this chest where are you no no no oh yes she doesn’t see me so

Confused where did he hide yes this is awesome guys my prank is working wait a second there is no it’s not me I promise oh my gosh Jamesy I know it’s you yeah okay you’ve got me fair and square it was me oh my goodness Jamesy I can’t

Believe you did that to me besides I’m not actually that sure watch this wow you’re so giant guys look how tall she is okay well I’m going to get out of here well dog get out we only have 4 minutes you know wo that’s not much time

Okay I’m going to get building do you want that Robux or not okay after this next room I’m going to ask Gracie some questions that she’s probably going to get wrong what is the guy I’m building called so if you guys didn’t know there are two people in lanky box there is

Justin with the purple hair who Grazy is building and there’s the other one so on the left I’m going to put Steven on the right I’m going to put Adam I want you guys to leave a comment on who you think I’m building three two 1 if you said

Steven you would be wrong so if graci picks that option she’ll be dead okay the next question is about me what is my favorite drink and guys leave a comment what your favorite drinks are on the left I’m going to put Sprite and on the right I’m going to put Coke and the

Correct answer is Coke so if she picks this option she’s going to die and for this next trap I’m going to make Gracie do red light green light so I’m going be turning around and making her come towards me if she moves when I see it’s

Red light she’ll die okay and for my last room I’m going to put down a never right monstrosity which crazy is going to have to battle and try and kill Jamesy we have 3 seconds left 3 seconds that’s not a very big warning uh I guess

I have to leave oh graci where are you wao look at your lanky box hello I’m right behind you ah you scared me sorry okay Gracie remember the inside and the outside is important Whoever has best wins the Roo yes that is so true Jamesy

Okay let me see the outside first I have to see how good this looks I like his purple hair and his shirt but guys I think mine might look a little bit better well we’ll see about that all right Gracie where’s the entrance to this place well come on right here right

W right here yes it’s right here look it’s right there am I supposed to just go through that wooden door well yeah I made it really easy for you cuz I know you’re a little bit dumb don’t say that okay I’m going to go

In no I died did you just prank me yep Jamesy that was a trap and you just fell for it she’s so so annoying sometimes guys okay fine just wait until you have to do my build and then you’re going to be mad so where’s the real entrance well

I don’t know maybe you should just try jump over the hole I think you can make it uh I don’t know guys this seems a bit impossible cuz there a roof oh you’re right I should have thought about that good work H maybe it’s around here somewhere I’m going to investigate why

Is there a random dog here and look behind you Jamesy oh my gosh W guys it’s a keypad door meaning I need a password to enter so I wonder where that password is maybe it’s over there look oh it’s a sign oh my gosh thank you Grace you’re

So helpful oh what does it say what does it say okay guys I think the sign says 2 3 42 Perfect 2 3 4 to yes it worked you know this is linky Box’s plushy right oh is it that’s awesome he’s really cute but also there might be dangerous mobs

That could spawn inside of that room so true there might be something around here that could have help you huh I wonder what it could be I feel like I’m super close to it guys but I just can’t put my finger on it come on Jamesy I

Think my feet are on it aren’t they yeah oh my gosh it’s a chest with armor and a Jew wart sword it’s my favorite pink sword it looks just like me the sword has haste free wo wait I can mine through dirt super fast with the sword

That’s awesome let’s go inside 2 3 4 2 yes I’m in wo this is a lot of buttons am I supposed to press them all but before you press I just want to let you know that some of these will spawn dangerous mobs and some of them can kill

You uh-oh that’s not good guys that’s super dangerous okay I have to pick wisely it didn’t do anything what where he come from die oh no no no did the button spawn him in this makes me want to break out and dance no no no stop dancing come on come

On I need to kill him you got this J oh no no no no no I’m going to die oh wow I was on one heart okay jamy keep on pressing okay I’m going to pick this one okay this is not working out I’m going to pick this

One wait what wait I think that worked Jamesy it did I’m in a different room okay what do I do in here one of the walls can help you but first look at my amazing girl armor wait can I take some yeah of course I even made an orange one

Just for you yes I put it on wait is it better than what I currently have um I’m not sure uh no this is way worse you give me the weak one there was different scales oh my gosh guys look how ugly I look no you look so beautiful you just

Broke my fake wall because obviously orange is bad and it’s so fake you better a fake orange wol why because I think orange is ugly orange is not ugly okay fine whatever we’ll move to the next room but there might be some other fake walls okay I’m going to mine around

Any fake walls oh wait there F’s right here wait before we head on I want to put on this armor as well yes please do you’re going to look adorable okay jimy look a you look so adorable okay let’s go to the Next Room well there’s nothing

Here wait fake blocks and there’s chests oh no the chests are blocking our way let’s go through this way oh wait what I didn’t know this was here okay and you can go over here right there right there wait what’s in this room look at my painting wait your painting yes I made

This painting all by myself wo it looks awesome what is it well here’s the thing if you figure out what this is and put it into the item frame over here it’s going to teleport you to the other room wo that’s super cool so I

Had to find this item y let me look through H well my main clue is that it’s blue so I have to look for something blue yep you sure do nothing blue in this chest huh diamonds that’s pretty blue yeah oh just more diamonds I don’t

Know maybe we should try put it in let’s see if it works I’m going to try putting it in this is the only blue thing in this chest so if this is not right then I don’t know what I’m going to do oh no it didn’t work Gracie what are we

Supposed to do I don’t know you’re doing something wrong how do we make a diamond into a block wait yeah this is a diamond block I have to craft it any crafting tables anywhere well maybe we should look inside the chest wait there’s a stripped out log I can turn that into

Oak plaes and turn that into a crafting table I turn that into a diamond block 3 2 1 and go wo we got Tipp it over straight away wow that was is amazing oh wow wait why is there four heads of you well I can add your heads as

Well okay where are we going now well I can’t tell you I fell where’d you just go wait the Micha just left me come back here Mr Michael no jamy come back I’ll give you another one oh yes please I want my god get me on my right now but

That was very smart Jamesy you found this room how did you do that I just fell and then he died that’s not smart that’s lucky oh I’m going back down a come back up come back up oh my gosh okay I’m in the Next Room I’m going to

Get rid of this Minecart okay so now I’ve got a bunch of questions for you or just one okay do I have blonde hair in real life yes let me take off my armor so you can see it very well okay well you see Gracie this is not you in real

Life what do you mean well you look slightly different how about you show us what you look like in real life no no no no no I don’t want to do that how many subscribers will it take for you to show us what you look like in real life I

Want to hit 1 million subscribers before I show my face wo okay guys you going have to subscribe okay well I’m fortunate to see what you look like in real life so I know that you do have blonde hair wait no you don’t okay fine go ahead what Jamesy did you forget even

If I don’t have blonde hair naturally I can just dye my hair which I do lots of times oh so it’s sometimes okay you tricked me like the video if you’re taller than Gracie no okay let’s go in this next room four corners with four rounds what does that mean well here

This is like a karaoke room and if you don’t know what karaoke is it’s basically where you like sing and you play music and it’s really fun wait which one should I take well which one do you want to play um I’m going to play the electro guitar that’s the coolest

One oh I need a password to get through here how am I going to get the password well we’re about to play Four Cor look I just put a bunch of signs around do you see them yeah I see them counting from one to four okay Jamesy I’m going to say

A number and you have to choose one of these Corners to sit in but if you sit in the corner that I say at the end that means you’re out and you lose okay so I pick corner and then you say the number yep I’m going to turn around and I can’t

Look and you have to pick a corner okay okay guys which one should I pick which number which one is she less likely to choose uh you know what she would never choose one because that’s obvious so I’m going to go and one up okay I picked

Corner four yes nope I am not okay you made it perfect how many rounds there’s four rounds and those four rounds are going to be the answer to your door okay so first number is four but you have to make it to the end in order to get

Through the next number is wait I have just sit down I have just sit down guys she would never guess me going once twice in a row yes twice baby number two oh that was close no way are you Che cheating no no no I would never cheat

Speaking of which guys I think I’m going to have to cheat in the next round I’m going to go free this time okay I choose Corner three nope I’m a number two wrong one Gracie wait you’re a number two yeah you’re too good at this yes sir last

Corner number one oh I’m in number four you’re so good at this but I hope you remember the numbers cuz you need that to get to the next door yeah of course I remember it it’s fall for 3 2 1 no what that’s wrong you messed up the second

Number it’s not three 4 2 3 1 yes bro get away from me bro oh he do a lot of damage I almost died I need more resistance all right I’m going back in let’s go go go go God there’s so many BR no close the door close the door don’t

Let the more in they’re too many come on Jamesy yes I just kill them all come on you’ve got this I know you do there’s so many of them bro bro literally guys like this video If you think Jamesy is a broad moment you can escape them if you

Do this parkour really quickly okay guys I need to look at the parkour there’s some jumps all right I’m going to jump to the first jump boom yeah you guys can’t get me now uhoh they’re swiming towards me get away from me get away me luckily they can’t swim in lava yeah I

Don’t think anyone can swim in lava okay I’m going to make the next jump next one this is a big jump Gracie wins well I could do it because I managed to what it’s fake it’s fake it’s fake it’s fake how are you still alive I’m

Just powerful do you see that I can swim in lava he Jamesy that wasn’t actually fake I just broke it the moment you were about to jump at it I can’t wait for you to try out my base Gracie wait what’s in here oh there’s a button let me press

The button it’s way too tall for you Jamesy it’s really sad that you’re so short I’m not sure I swear I can reach this I just have to get out my tippy toes he keeps trying but he can’t reach it at all okay what do I do wow I’m mean

Let’s look over here oh wait there a chest oh my gosh there’s another password you want me to do math I’m playing Minecraft not math this is a really hard question and I just want to make sure you’re paying attention in class well 10 12s are 120 and two 12 are

24 so 120 + 24 is 144 yes guys did you know the answer to that if you did you’re really smart my mama always used to tell me go big or go home so I’m going to go big I’m going to jump on you stop stop don’t step on me stop okay

Guys I’m going to press the button ready 3 2 1 boom Oh I’m in the Next Room Jamesy I built a beach for you so do you want to go swimming yeah but I’m a bit too big for swimming now I don’t get me out this is just a

Poisonous Beach so I just tricked you I don’t like you very much right now I know I’m sorry but I still love you okay well how do I get out of this poisonous M I don’t know maybe may think the beach is just a distraction why are

These bushes killing me what bushes these bushes are they poison bushes I didn’t even know they literally break my armor that’s so stupid what I guess this is really a poison Beach ha oh my gosh there must be a way out of here maybe it’s in the water wait what’s this over

Here oh wow it’s a random pink upside down stair and I have to somehow fit fruit but I’m not that small or are you remember what you got in the last room the shrinking device I’m going to go down to Baby SP yes let’s go let’s go

I’m almost as tall as Gracie now hey come on Gracie shrink with me okay I’m shrinking down with you I’m going to press this button where are we now welcome back oh wait there a sign what the name of your twin brothers yep I have twin brothers but every time you

Answer a wrong answer you have to press a button and look this button is rigged to lots of dangerous TNT uh-oh that’s super dangerous what TNT try and kill me well they might so you better be careful okay so I have to answer what graci’s twin brothers are called it’s been so

Long since I’ve seen them I know they miss you so much no one of them is called Danny right yep that’s correct pH you’re safe and is the other one called Joshua no you’re wrong no oh no guys which one should I pick this one has an

Iron sword in it so I think it’s going to attack me with an iron sword that sounds very dangerous and these ones look the the same so I don’t know which one’s worse you know what Gracie I’m going to go for this one because it’s orange yeah you sure do all right you

Ready I’m going to press it go go go I’m excited 3 two 1 and boom oh I can’t wait to see what it does I’m scared jamy wait I made a hole to bedrock no what it made a massive hole to bedrock that’s crazy but you still have to get the answer

Correct so if it’s not Joshua then what’s his name Abraham it’s Abraham yep you figured it out good work I did it guys yay okay and now we can go back but you need to find out how we can get back uh I’m not sure where’s the answer oh I

Don’t know wait is this a sword yep it sure is down here there’s a button but you found it should I press it yes let’s press it okay I’m done it where are we oh my gosh we’re back yes good work Jamesy oh what’s in this room yeah but

Here’s the thing one of the TNTs on each side are fake so you need to make sure you go on the fake one and not the real one how am I supposed to know they look identical yep so there’s no way for you to figure it out I can’t see any differences you

Better pick soon all right Gracie I think I’m going to pick the left one okay okay if you say so and boom it was the fake one yes didn’t work jamy I didn’t expect that you’re very talented okay gracon you know what I know what you’re like you would do two fake ones

In a row to try and troll me wouldn’t you no I wouldn’t yes you would so I’m going to go left again ready okay no well I guess I made it across kind of unscathed where do I go now let’s go up uh well okay if you said up there must

Be a hole somewhere oh there’s a hole over here but there’s no way up there let’s make a little bit closer wow let me go up that’s awesome yes let’s go up Jamesy wait Gracie is this the next room wait a second are we inside of Justin’s

Face right now we are we are inside but you’re about to fight the scariest mob of your life but there’s nothing on these signs I don’t no no no no who are you sir you’re very ugly get out of my face do you understand now but look there’s a chest

Here you can use anything you want wait you say anything I want let me open it let me open it wow this is awesome oh he can’t reach me oh wait yes he can I need to kill him he’s coming for you wait this new sword does so much more damage

Jamy there’s lava beneath you don’t go underneath the B okay he’s getting low he’s getting low he’s getting low there we go finish him off two dudes in hot tub and he’s dead good job Jamesy does that mean I’m done yep that means You’ beat my build so good job all right

Let’s go to mine now yes let’s go okay Gracie are you ready to see my build yes wo look at him he’s so cool isn’t he yeah I want to fly up and see his face a little bit closer wait he looks just like you honestly no he doesn’t guys he

Doesn’t look anything like oh may maybe he does but this is so realistic how did you do this oh just lots of practice Gracie lots of practice the outside of mine is clearly better than yours but we of course need to assess the inside first okay let’s see and then we can

Decide who wins all right so how you going to get in well I was just walking and I literally just walked into this block yes why are there a bunch of targets am I supposed to like break them nope no breaking allow there’s a different way in through these Target

Blocks I don’t know but you know what I do know what do you know Gracie the more that I think about it this block is so suspicious try opening it then do you know what it gave me what did it give you dynamite boom JY you just blew a

Hole in the wall stop it can you see where you’re supposed to throw it at now I must have to throw it at those targets but that’s good cuz I have amazing egg yes Gracie you’ve got this throw it throw it throw it wow you blew a hole in

The wall oh no Gracie the fre insides from the room are coming after to kill you quickly Grace R into the room there’s a chest in there go get the chest I’ll push you they’re coming quick get the stuff off the chest kill them I’m putting it on I’m putting it on I’m

Going to run outside okay now kill the Frankenstein signs they’re super powerful Jamie there’s a couple over there kill them no quickly quickly quickly J see you can probably sneaky without him noticing you okay so how do I get to the Next Room H what’s this say

It says gulo on the ceiling what yeah it does look at the ceiling okay I’m going to look up at the ceiling with my head on ah you’re gullible you’re gullible get it what do you mean it’s it doesn’t say gullible yeah it was a joke Gracie gullible means you are easily tricked

Silly I’m so dumb I got tricked by you so easily maybe this is a clue though what you press the button oh my gosh you’re so smart wait there was a button there Jamesy oh and look she’s been tped onto this one block you have to be careful there’s lava everywhere and if

You fall it you’re dead but what do I do am I supposed to go towards the chest or the wall uh you have to make it to the edge somehow but where you going to go okay I’m going to jump with this diamond block because the diamond block looks

The most different out of all the other ones so let’s do that oh it’s fake yeah it was a fake block you got trolled oh my gosh yep Gracie the diamond or was not safe but yet one of these aren’t a fake block okay you know what I think

I’m going to go for this one go for it no fake block again but I want to win the robox I can’t believe I keep messing everything up yeah then you need to complete my traps I’m going to try this one next go for it it was correct yay

Now you can jump to the edge awesome there was barriers those barriers you silly girl barrier blocks yeah Gracie there was barriers here Minnie you just fell straight into the lava wait a second so there’s barriers from here to there but there’s no barrier blocks over there wo you’re so

Smart sometimes it worries me let’s go wow that was pretty easy you’ve made it to the next trap and here there’s a bunch of chests and you have to find the right one okay so I have to press all of these chests okay okay you have to

Search through all of them one of them will contain something special tell me when you find something but there’s really just so many like all of them are empty too no there’s some ones with stuff in wait I found something how does it say Gracie it says Jamesy is greater

Than Gracie yep I’m better than Gracie yes oh Gracie look there’s something in here what is it another note pink socks yeah pink socks that’s so funny let me keep opening an wait a second you found a fan and a bunch of neite armor what are you

Going to do the fan I don’t know wait a second there’s a hole up there yeah where does it go I went into the Next Room probably right and there’s also a pink block here so which is perfect so I can place my block right there wo let’s

Go up Gracie this room has a bunch of traps so you have to get through without dying okay I’m going to chop lasers are really damaging yeah but wait gra you can sneak around this one ow slowed down I took too much damage I should have

Sneaked maybe I can sneak under this one no no no you’ll take a damage you die let me go over here yeah I don’t know if I can make it past this one Jam just going to have to jump through it go go go not too far

Though you survived I’m on like one heart Jamesy well Gracie these are mines which if you touch you’re going to Bow up oh my gosh I’m scared all right Gracie get through these mines let’s go okay I’m going to sneak through and oh don’t touch them even by a centimeter

Otherwise you’re going to explode oh my gosh yes I’m save no no no no you have to T ah wait we survived how did that happen I just clicked and then it exploded everywhere you have to be super careful these turet are going to shoot

You as soon as they see you okay I’m going to run past them these On’s aren attacking oh yes you must have sent them to the wrong setting oh no it’s attacking me now okay you made it past all of my mines traps and turrets but

You still have the next trap to do otherwise I’m going to win yay I won’t let you win okay we’ll see okay in this room Gracie you’re going to have to blow up this TNT if you want to move to the the next one wait I have to blow up the

TNT yeah blow it up right now but what type of TNT is that it’s a poop T uh-oh you’ve blown up stop putting fire everywhere there’s mobs everywhere these mobs are way too strong for me I’m literally going to die look Gracie the Iron Golems are helping you thanks Iron

Golems oh no I just attacked one of them accidentally oh you’re so silly you might want to kill the vexes they’re flying and trying to kill you wait I’m literally on one heart right now get The Vindicator totems oh you’re right where are they over there The Vindicator look

Gracie you just picked up a totem put it on there we go now you can kill the Iron Golem why he’s attacking me come on please I’m a good person no no no you attack the villagers and the vexes these little flies are so annoying they’re not flies they’re little people little

Pixies yes well done all right Gracie if you want to go to the next trap there you have to kill the turtle and the bee are you sure I have to kill them come on yes kill it wait I can’t kill the turtle yes you can there you go oh all right

Gracie can you find the exit of this room I don’t see anything except there gold block there’s a secret door try right clicking silly there is a secret door I’m going to right click yay you found it let’s go I’m so glad I have

This totem cuz now if I die I’ll be safe okay you need to take that totem off right now it’s not not fair are you serious give it to me a fine okay thank you very much now Gracie I’m going to make you pick one of these potions and

You to try and guess which one’s not going to kill you but they’re all like the same color no one of them is obviously harmless the other three are obviously harmful this is going to test your Minecraft knowledge all right Gracie come on you can figure this out

I’m just going to do this purple one cuz purple is a pretty color are you sure is that really a good idea Gracie yep I’m going to do it wow that was instant damage okay you have to pick two more um which one looks the safest how about

This one oh okay yeah pick that one what is it Gracie wow it’s speed well done that was the least harmful one all right one more okay I choose this one cuz it’s pink and I love pink uh I’m not sure that’s the best idea it’s hot sucking

You’re bleeding luckily I still have another top that I didn’t tell you about well Grayson the exit to this room is through the door you need to figure out the code come on quickly wait Jamesy yes there’s a sign behind that door on the other room there is what does it say it

Says 6789 wait is that the password it definitely is let me try it 6 7 8 9 yes it worked let’s go but in this room you have to fight a redstone Golem no way uh-oh he’s charging up he popped my totem no ah she has no more

Lives left guys this is her last life he’s so strong Jamesy yes and you’re finally using your neite sword and then you do loads more damage well done yes we did it Jamesy I’m so proud of myself okay you can now go this ladder wait I wasn’t supposed to tell you that what

Are you talking about I don’t see any lad ladder over here Gracie I see it it’s camouflaged ha you gave it away okay well this is the next room you have to answer this question what is the guy I’m building called yeah the guy I’m building the guy that we’re inside right

Now what was his name I know he’s part of the lanky Box YouTube channel but I don’t really know his in real life name so the person you bought was called Justin what’s this guy’s name the person you built was definitely not called Steven because Steven is just a weird

Name and I don’t think called Steven so you think it’s Adam yep I think it’s Adam go go go why don’t you stand right here so I can just check really nicely no no no I know what you’re going to do I’m going to do it first what how was I

Closer if you guys didn’t know these command blocks kill the nearest player because I was closer it killed me yes next question Gracie okay what is my favorite drink yeah well I’m going to stand very far away from the comand blocks in case you try to troll me but I

Know what your favorite drink is yes I did it guys I stood in the doorway so that I could be further away Gracie got outsmarted let’s go well at least now I know it’s definitely not Sprite it’s C okay whatever okay Gracie for this game you’re going to have to play Red Light

Green Light oh yes so when I say red light you have to stand still and when I say green light you can go I’m going to be really good at this ready well Gracie I’ve already said it red light okay you stand still green light red lights oh be careful Gracie I’m

Going to die Jamesy green light red light ah I didn’t move at all green lights red lights you moved no I didn’t green light I got you okay Gracie you have to go back to the start I can’t believe this green light I’m going to go I’m

Going to go red light I didn’t do anything you have to punch me to win green light yeah you got it okay you’re through yes let’s go to the next trap in this room you have to fight a never right monstrosity but I’ll give you this

To help there you go yes ah he’s waking up a he’s so strong I’m going to shoot him oh no Gracie’s going to minigun him to death uhoh uhoh he’s doing a lot of damage uhoh he’s invulnerable he’s invulnerable uhoh uhoh Gracie’s going to die yes wait she killed him even when

She was dead what how’s that possible I don’t know but well done Gracie you did it I guess we both died which means I kind of won but I didn’t okay guys please comment down below who you think won say Gracie if you think Gracie won

And if you think I won then say Jamesy except Gracie I have to tell you something what is it I pasted it in my Adam I can’t believe you I’m sorry and to make it up for you we’re going to hit 50,000 likes right guys yes let’s do it byebye

This video, titled ‘FAMOUS YOUTUBERS Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-01-06 15:00:35. It has garnered 14900 views and 274 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:30 or 10710 seconds.


Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1

Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: fmine.fun / 19132 Website: htts://pay.fmine.su VKontakte: https://vk.com/fullm Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server:https://discord.gg/fZ3NQ4Udu5 ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: https://silentclient.net/ref/fe9becbfbb ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More

  • Complete Minecraft Challenge in One Sitting?! 🤯

    Complete Minecraft Challenge in One Sitting?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Namatin Minecraft 100% Gameplay #2’, was uploaded by Domenothing on 2024-06-02 05:15:00. It has garnered 168 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:21 or 7581 seconds. Thank you for stopping by this livestream! Don’t forget to click like, share and subscribe! Because just 1 subscribe is worth buying coffee! https://saweria.co/domenothing Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/domenothing/ #domenothing #minecraft #livestreamindonesia Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft house build in Survival mode!! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft house build in Survival mode!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘build a starter house in Minecraft (Survival) #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by HAMZA HM on 2024-03-13 22:27:52. It has garnered 2483 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #gameplay #survival #gamingwithkev #minecraft #subscribe #gaming #likes #youtube #youtubevideo #gamingchannel #gamingvideos #minecraftvideos #likeforlikes #gamingwithkev _________________ please subscribe in my channel . _________________ youtube channel : / @HAMZAHM #minecraft #subscribe #gaming #likes #youtube #youtubevideo #gamingchannel #gamingvideos #minecraftvideos #likeforlikes #gamingwithkev Leave a comment suggesting a minecraft challenge that i will do in the next video. #multiplayer #gameplay #minecraft _ _ _ _… Read More

  • Astral Towns – SMP, Towny, Mcmmo, PVE

    Welcome to AstralTowns! We are a new server looking for players to create a vibrant community! Experience our feature-filled MMO-like server with exciting plugins for beginners. Core Features: Server IP: play.astraltowns.com Wiki: https://wiki.astraltowns.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/Fw2cHqFYAY Towny: Claim land and build communities Economy: Player-run with auction house and chest shops Jobs: Earn money from various tasks Dungeons: Custom dungeons with unique mobs and bosses Custom Tool Skins: Customize tool and weapon appearances Ranks: Upgrade ranks for commands and perks Custom Items: Discover custom items for powerful gear Pets: Interact with custom pets with unique features Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dang, it shrunk since I began!

    Well, at least Minecraft blocks don’t suffer from “shrinkage” like some other things do! Read More

  • Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest

    Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Our lo-fi beats create a peaceful home. Moonlit melodies and lunar dreams, Study sessions filled with calming themes. Join us on a journey through the Minecraft night, With Steve and Alex, everything feels right. Echoes of the moon and whispers of space, In our playlist, you’ll find a tranquil place. So subscribe now and let the music flow, For a day filled with joy, wherever you go. Relax, unwind, and let your mind soar, In the world of Minecraft, forevermore. 🌙🎶 Stay tuned for more lo-fi vibes, As we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft be like 💥

    Betrayal in Minecraft be like 💥 When you thought you could trust your friend in Minecraft, but they end up stealing all your diamonds and betraying you like a true villain. Betrayal in the virtual world hurts just as much as in real life! #minecraftdrama #fakefriends Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite

    Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite The Minecraft Phenomenon: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers players a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With over 10 million views on various platforms, it’s clear that Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. Red Light, Green Light Challenge One of the recent trends within the Minecraft community is the Red Light, Green Light challenge, inspired by the popular show Squid Game. Players must navigate through a maze, following the rules of the game to avoid elimination. This challenge has brought a new level of excitement to… Read More

  • Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer’s Shocking Encounter #shorts

    Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer's Shocking Encounter #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Summoned Herobrine Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by Malay the Gamer on 2024-05-20 03:38:46. It has garnered 11505 views and 520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shorts #viralshorts #shortvideo #trending #viral #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbedrock ##minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #yessmartypie #himlands #technogamerz #technoblade #gamer #gamerfleet #game #games #gameplay #gamers #game #youtube #youtuber #100 #1000subscriber #1k #1million #100k #1ksubscribers #1m #subscribe #subscribers #sub #subscribetomychannel #like #comment #share #dream #clutch #mlg #logic #scatman #reels #reel #freefire #free #cod #fortnite #gta #op #cool #facebook #instagram #snapchat #hashtag… Read More

  • Sly Survival Island Challenge!

    Sly Survival Island Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 1’, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-05-29 16:31:23. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:03 or 12123 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingparts179 PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #survivalisland Read More

  • Jaltoid Media – Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!

    Jaltoid Media - Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining An Anarchy Minecraft Discord (As Bad As It Sounds)’, was uploaded by Jaltoid Media on 2024-05-29 18:30:08. It has garnered 4927 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. Jaltoid podcast (Dalton and Emi) talking about game club idea, minecraft anarchy servers, and discord servers ◄ Prev Ep| https://youtu.be/8Mj_-vVTQt4 | COMING SOON |Next Ep ► 🐐 Goat Sim Video: https://youtu.be/JvVd-3jaBqU ⭐ SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/@JaltoidMedia?sub_confirmation=1 🎮More JaltoidGames: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2-Y4cDpVshJlr4pStcpe68fQo8rx_eR0 🛒Shop: http://jaltoid.com/Shop Read More

  • INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱

    INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Earth Map Survival! [1]’, was uploaded by CreeperCraftMC on 2024-04-13 13:31:53. It has garnered 61 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:04 or 5404 seconds. Help me reach 500 subscribers! #minecraft #gaming #stream #live Shorts come out every day at 1 PM EST! Streams are every day at 6:30 PM EST! Follow these to get involved in the community! 💬 DISCORD | https://discord.gg/Ds69VT6gj8 🐦 TWITTER | https://twitter.com/creepercraftmc3 🎵 TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@creepercraftmc101 📷 INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/creepercraftmcyt 💲 DONATE | https://streamlabs.com/creepercraftmc2/tip Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial – Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBoo

    Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial - Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBooVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a SIMPLE BARN!!! in minecraft 1.20 [build tutorial]’, was uploaded by ScootterBoo on 2024-04-28 11:00:46. It has garnered 314 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. how to build a simple house in minecraft. I love this update what do you guys think?!!! 1.20 has really impressed me and i can’t wait to play more!! hope you like this 1.20 minecraft build tutorial. hope you enjoy this simple build tutorial! I’ve loved every build I’ve made in 1.20 can’t wait to make some 1.21 tutorials!… Read More

  • 500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft – EPIC

    500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft - EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 500 DIAS EM DIMENSÕES ALTERNATIVAS NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Skyvitor on 2024-01-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 16083 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:04 or 12484 seconds. Finally, it’s time for our mega compilation of all my adventures in 500 days of alternate dimensions in Minecraft! Hope you like it! Twitter: https://twitter.com/OSkyvitor Discord: https://discord.gg/7YN74vaZJ9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/o_skyvitor/ Read More

  • Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!

    Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!Video Information This video, titled ‘I can NOT believe this’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-24 06:31:36. It has garnered 138 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:20 or 15020 seconds. Minecraft super smash pick-axe is REAL whaaaazaaaaaaat jk it’s not Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a… Read More

  • INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwot

    INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwotVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thukka ❌Calculated✅ #jokerorwot #valoranthighlights #valorantmoment #valorantclips’, was uploaded by JOKER’s STREAMHUB on 2024-04-05 17:45:00. It has garnered 349 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. #valorant #Live#jokerorwot#JOKERorWOT#minecraft #joker’sStreamhub #JOKERorWOT#clove #jokerboltepublic #newagent Channel link: UCGLujn9S2offKQEzTERG4Tg DISCORD : https://discord.gg/G9bN5GU9EJ (IGNORE TAGS): valorant,valorant montage,joker montage,joker valorant,valorant highlights,funny gameplay,jokerorwot,jokerorwhat,joker bolte,live valorant,new skins,new battlepass,new agent,fade gameplay,reaver2.0,#newagent . Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT WEAPON MOD TESTS by Valenn_Ro 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘PROBANDO MODS de MINECRAFT DIA 3 – WEAPON MASTER’, was uploaded by Valenn_Ro on 2024-01-12 18:00:09. It has garnered 3164 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. 🌟Get ready to discover the most impressive mods that have marked the year in Minecraft! Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your gaming experience to another level with these amazing additions🌟 🥳GET YOUR MINECRAFT SERVER FOR HALF PRICE! https://theminecrafthosting.com/whmcs/aff.php?aff=2894 (PERREY CODE) 🤖MINECRAFT PREMIUM WITH EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS HERE: https://www.eneba.com/other-minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-official-website-key-global?af_id=ValennRo&currency=USD&region=global ⚡ Advertising and hiring 👉🏼 [email protected] 🤩 FOLLOW ME ON INSTA TO KNOW… Read More

  • LeafySMP – Roleplay SMP Modded

    Welcome to LeafySMP Server! Welcome to LeafySMP Server! This is a 16+ server with a focus on a mature community. Join us for semi rp gameplay and weekly events. Build, create, fight, and define your world here! Mods on the server include: Let’s do Vinery Let’s do Bakery Lets do candlelight Customizable player models Better combat Better nether Chipped Handcrafted Origins Simply swords Backpacks Jei Xaeros Carry On: Pick up any mob Simple voice chat Interested in joining? Reach out to leafyelfy on Discord with your age, pronouns, and Minecraft style. Server address: leafysmp.minecraft.best Note: Some restrictions apply for redstone/mob… Read More

  • Old Fashion

    Hello there!! Welcome to old Fashion, We are a server that is less severally and more community. We are just starting this community up and as we are putting things together we are in need of players to give us the suggestions that will make us the best place to come and play. Come on in. Read More