Ultimate Zombie Craft Portal Ranks! Choose Wisely.

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found new colored portals in Minecraft hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new portals look they’re here in different colors the most interesting characters for today await let’s take a look so what we have here is this vantis toilet or rather not a toilet but a TV vantis anyway next we have a blue rainbow friend noodles this we have the ketti toilet itself the real original the police minion the Sun the slide eater but also the hoggy wagy red color well or as they call it scary Vari well let’s get started I suggest we go to the biggest yellow portal to the police minion let’s go guys where did I end up look I think these guys found a huge stash of diamonds hello rainbow friend uh hello you’re finally here now I’m going to take all these diamonds they’ll be mine no one’s going to stop me Yum Yum Yum Yum hey I mean it won’t stop take that jive come on glue I’m going to stop you come here like I mean I can’t even shoot him guys he’s running away from me they don’t take any damage from my guns at all oh there’s some kind of trunk over there come on wo that might help me come come on where’d you go Blue I’ll catch up with you come here we should lock him up somewhere wo wo there’s diamonds dripping and swimming blue get in there and check it out come on the Diamonds Are Falling ha blue you stay here all right let’s close it up bye-bye rainbow friend all right let’s close him up he’ll never get out of here again there’s no other way out of that room guys it’s just locked blue you stay there look how angry and resentful he is oh elma’s wrapped up all right all right folks let’s try to keep going let’s go to the portal wow guys look there’s a noodle oh that’s a lot of flyagaric I think she ate them oh she’s coming for me run get out of here she’s catching up to me running away running away guys she’s coming right here okay stop and if she’s afraid of those fled Derek that’s so true you’re afraid to follow me you’re afraid look he’s not following me oh she’s coming down the aisle let’s get out of here let’s run away kids from here like this jump over here she’s catching up to me hurry up and run this way you can’t pass a bean noodle here baby hurry up okay let’s try to beat her oh look we can fight her you just have to be careful how you do it all right we beat her guys it looks like the minions got caught in the portal faster wa is that a burger boxy what’s going on here I think he wants to eat those Minions look a police minion and a prisoner no guys we got to save them put them in jail minions I’ll get you out of here okay come here burger here take that monster come on I’ll destroy you all right guys Ops well it’s easy it was my one hit wonder just like that pop and go hello police minion hello for buck please save us we don’t want to be in jail even that prisoner he’s innocent and he was framed oh so you didn’t put him in jail he’s innocent okay I’m going to try to save you okay I need to find a pickaxe to get you out I see what I have to do I think I need to get to the top maybe there’ll be some kind of ladder or something to help us all right let’s try to jump in here and get on top of their prison I hope this helps us uh-huh how am I supposed to get across here we’re going to have to break this block all right I dropped it okay wait I’ve got diamonds we can put like this in case there’s not enough height oh that’s great that way I could find the trunk I had to pass all right let’s all have a fair shot at parkour so jump here jump here and jump here great last parkour we did that means we got the pickaxe and now we can save our friends all right minion prisoner come on you’re not a prisoner anymore you’re just a minion are you a real policeman no we got caught made us into this you know delicious lunch once’s kind of a cop and the other’s a prisoner that burger wanted to eat us huh so you’re just regular minions all right give it to me wake up faster over there in the portal I’ll go on ahead see you guys later I’m going through that yellow portal whoa It’s kind of spooky in here what’s going on oh what’s the trouble toilet jumping running sometimes guys it’s a pretty scary place hey you monster it’s jumping out of here run ouch he jumped over to me I think he wants to eat me run away guys he’s coming for me let’s get out of here okay at least those wava toilets are weak look he’s coming through right behind me come here and he’s catching up with me guys guys let’s run let’s get out of here he’s following in my footsteps he wants to catch up with me I want you to get off the toilet get off he follows me and we run into the portal oai it’s a little too sunny today you’ll see ghost Sun animatronics are coming at me there’s also a sun giant slide okay let’s try to deal with him come here you’re on a slide oh don’t be bitter Sunshine get it he’s on fire he’s smoking look his hands are smoking okay let’s give it a shot oh this is where the Thorns go away on their own at that point I might have time to run over and wrestle with him take that come on spikes open up Gorka I’ll get to you and I will destroy you it’s so huge you can’t even fit through the ceiling but I’ll take it easy on you guys oh I think some evil black cat came in oh it’s not just black it’s all the colors of the rainbow shimmering look hey cartoon calf oh he’s coming for me run away no spikes open up let’s get out of here he’s coming for me how am I supposed to get past him he’ll notice me he’ll catch up with me okay okay stop and my house and blocks and I had all the blocks taken away okay okay off to pickaxe no pickaxe either what am I supposed to do okay we’ll have to go faster to break on the spikes faster he’s coming this way let’s get out of here maybe it’s going into the port hey cartoon cat on there I can’t even drink it oh I think he’s coming back come on let’s get out of here guys he’s coming after me he catches up with me run into the seems to have caught lady Bub’s super cat hey rattlesnake I finally got that last mascot you zombie look at my lucky charm the way he unmasked the guys they’ bring back their mascots I took the ladybug mascot though A W hog give it back I’ll get you guys we got to beat the Buble them yay what brnik used both laack and superc Cat’s mascot and turned into a giant monster oh guys that’s scary let’s get away from him so what do we do he’s coming for me come here I’m going to eat you don’t eat me get off guys he’s caught look he’s holding the confinement on the Chain right there on this one gotcha okay oh they’re setting traps for me too let’s go maybe a machine gun will take him huh here you go take that what w hog uh-huh I don’t care care about your machine gun at all and they’re useless on your gun I’m too strong now I’ve already figured that out guys none of my guns are really taking them ouch we got to get out of here as soon as possible can’t we just run away into the portal but no I can’t do that and then there’s my good friend ladybug and superat okay while he’s chasing me I saw some kind of trunk here here what’s with the super acid gun maybe she can help me hey rattlesnake ouch not that gun no what you’re scared of me huh don’t don’t please zombie well maybe we’ll shoot him come on guys come here well how about you you half witht ouch look he’s afraid of me he’s taking damage here’s a super acidic one for you oh guys braik has been removed oh look ladybug and Supercat are already saved guys you got your powers back oh I’m so badly taken I can’t mascots and here they fell off the rer here you go superc cat is your mascow and Lady bud is your mascow here you go oh thank you so much wa everyone finally everyone’s out our back guys we save save ladybug and superc Cat they will be able to be a superhero again and save the world I’m so excited oh what a super quick table what a cool super cat ladybug flies on the walls crawls around cool okay guys good luck saving the world I’ll move on thank you come on bye wow cool guys I really liked it by the way you’re super cool you can open it now yes thank you very much please come on zombie good luck with your next challenges all right come on guys I’ll move on I was in some kind of forest look it looks like Matt naap is behind bars oh look it’s really blue now Banana are you sho green now hi there oh stank Hi listen can you let me out please what kind of release you’re a scary and horrible monster I’m not going to trust you you got it no they put me in jail for doing good deeds I crossed my grandmother across the street and they told me I was stealing and that’s where they put me in jail what no I won’t trust you look you’ve attacked me so many times look at you you’re so ugly no I’m a goody goody turned real zombie you can see for yourself find the lever in this room and take me out all right I’ll check it out but if you double cross me I’ll shoot you got it yeah sure I won’t shoot oh I think I found some kind of chest I don’t know what do you guys think should we trust this green banana it looks scary and post in the comments should you trust him or not all right let’s take a chance on letting him out come on bun ban come on out I’m letting you out well you finally let me out zomac thank you very much I’d like to say nature what do you mean you tricked me didn’t you sure dumbuck who do you believe am I stupid or what now oh guys I shouldn’t have trusted him he tricked me look how h he’s running around we’ve got to catch up with him hey come here I’ll catch up with you all right I got to let my buddy out oh it’s closed guys before he finds the key I hope it’s well hidden let’s try to catch him oh there’s just the case of this prison trap we need to catch him now okay where is he wa come on oh come here you’re busted oh I mean guys we need to put another one like this let’s use this one like here but this time we’ll put it at the bottom right here hey there’s a portal home right there dot it the Mana boy you’re trapped okay let me out I’m being kind I just wanted to make fun of TPP I really am I’m being kind you’re so happy look all your hands are up I’m not trusting you anymore you got it yes it’s a kind pakak please let it out yeah no however you’re trying to cheat you’re trying I’m going to start shooting you now come on I let you out you go to jail and stay there forever no I’m good I don’t need to go to jail okay guys you can’t let anyone else have it see I’m going to take this glass I’ve broken one side of it I have to close it I’m done I’ll cover you with tinted glass so no one else can see you and no one can get you out of here you will be locked up in this prison forever that’s not fair let me out zombie fair enough you’re a monster you tricked me you got it you probably didn’t save your grandmother you tricked me into getting you out of jail F I’m a fisherman so I kicked you it’s a joke I even took a video there’s a camera right there I’m not amused I shut it down oh zombie oh man oh man that was a real kick there’s a camera over there look what camera where you’re lying to me aren’t you there’s no camera uh-huh yeah yeah I won’t believe you’re again banana that’s it you’re going to jail just like your buddy no one else can get him out of here I shut everything down that’s it you’re staying here goodbye bum bun bun oh zabac I’ll get out of here I hope he never gets out of here guys your likes will help keep him in jail put them up well we guys are moving on Minion’s cute that’s great why are you crying is something wrong it’s really bad my friends slammed those garage doors shut they stay there forever I can’t let them out you mean slammed what doors look guys there really are a lot of minions out there were you guys playing in the garage you can’t do that oh why yeah I didn’t mean to offend you what are you doing get up mean and don’t cry everything’s going to be okay don’t be upset I’m sad I don’t know what to do now how I’m supposed to let them out I’ll never let them out don’t worry we’ll save them so maybe there’s some way to get in here there’s a lot more minions really a whole bunch look maybe we can go over the top somehow and get up there because I see a hole maybe there’s a passageway into this garage let’s see zom back let’s get in and find out maybe we could actually save this way minion why are you pushing I’m not being a zombie on purpose sorry okay guys we got to save the minions the garage door slam shut in case some monster comes in and says it’s my garage and that’s it and never let them out we need to get there in time to save them it’s faster to jump a couple blocks than we’re on top and there’s a chest that’s what we need I found two lovers look I’ve got two lovers there already they’ll help us save your minions seriously you’re going to save my friends of course I came here to save them well see we can put a lever here and push in the whole garage door open my friends my friends yay great guys we saved them let’s get them out of this side too well all your minions are here all right I’m really excited about the stock thank you so much you’ve helped me a lot I was crying I didn’t know how to let them out yes no of course I’m always happy to come to the rescue with my good friends okay let me move on I have many challenges ahead of me flyby minions the tank so far thank you very much all right I’m moving on oh look there’s a huge pool of water is that a brown rabby friend riding a a shark what hey Z back hey oh hi yeah I don’t want to get in there with you you’re a scary shark I know you are afraid of water and you will not save morz ever what he’s captured good Amy Rose keeping her in his water Dome we got to get to her somehow guys the door is only open from that side I’m the one who should swim but I can’t swim hey that’s not fair and I can swim well of course he’s got a shark on a fish you without her I’ll destroy you too you got it come on come on you’re not going to do anything you can’t come in here wo that might help me look there are lots of stacks of sponges and sponges can be used to drain water he doesn’t know that now we’re going to go over there and dry the water hey Brown look what I brought okay look oops oh what are you doing and I can dry your water how about that oops whoops whoops now you’re going to run out of water so here you go take this there you go I’m going to clean up all the water in here for you you realize there’s not much water left right no you’re my jerk no and if I dry up all the water I’ll destroy you on you ouch zombie don’t touch my water okay there’s only a couple blocks of water left and you’ll be destroyed I’m still for now ouch no it’s mine no what are you wearing my what your shark is gone but guys we need to rescue rose right away we’re taking her with us what’s brown Now You’re vulnerable now you’re not Immortal I will destroy you take that no I’m running away while I’m still coming back haha the brown one got away he must have gotten scared at my place okay the important thing is that we saved the good amiro come on guys let’s get to the portal and free her all right look that was a really cool battle for that one so give it a thumbs up Amy Rose hi hi thanks for the rescue yeah I’m really glad we got to out all right let’s get to the portal I moved on let’s go wow guys look it’s a Heavenly SCB toilet oh horny hello what’s going on heok this heavenly boily has hidden cookies in my recipes I don’t remember them on Jesus he hid all the cookies in these rooms I don’t know the examples I can’t solve America we’ll figure it out don’t worry let’s destroy it first come here to boil the toilet yeah he’s pretty strong and look he’s got eyes that glow red he’s not kinding at all even though he’s Heavenly yes I wanted from my friends to feed these cookies that I made very little for my all friends they eat a lot let’s try to destroy it after all and then we’ll figure it out and see how to get your recipe for your livers all right that’s great I’d beat him look cool well done now help me get the recipes in each room that complicated examples well this one’s easy look 2 plus 2 you know the answer to that I guess 2 + 2 4 you what is this the easiest example well let’s try this what do we got yeah there’s a real recipe here look I already found the first book here you go with your first recipe from zomac oh that’s good but I need to collect them that makes three more pieces three more okay for you I’m ready to bat upstairs sleeping I’ll easily have another bookc recipe take it right zck thank you oh I’m having trouble with multiplication division maybe my subscribers are smart they’ll help well try I don’t know let them decide in the comments guys help me solve this example how much is 8 * 2 write in the comments and you can immediately write how much is 10 / by two oh it’s complicated oh that’s right thanks so much guys that’ll be 16 oh complicated examples oh I found your third recipe here you go oh thank you zomac thank you very much will you treat me to cookies later I too would like to try your most delicious recipe let me get your latest recipe 10 / 2 thank you guys so much that’ll be five that’s it fourth recipe on hold right I cook this way now with the microwave and we’ll have guests too I want everyone to have a cookie I say I say friends I wait and zom back now I’ll get everything ready but I’m already sitting down these are your old cookies they’re all dry now wo oh my friends cool look she called the minions see here and there’s a police minion doctor and little minions like this nice we’ll all be together oh look there’s a whole table covered with an oven muffin we can try all right eat up kids B UPA everyone I’m so very excited thank you so so much cool let’s give it a shot yum yum yum yum oh yummy forgot it you make really good cookies I liked it that’s it I’m very much a zomok thank you for liking it I’m off to feed my friends come on zombie bye yeah sure I understand okay well enjoy your meal guys Angela is kind and the monsters are jumping Angela what’s going on here hey you’re snowed in because of the snow monster can you believe it I see it’s a snowy boxy boss with his girlfriend oh look there’s more monsters let’s take them on You’ve Got a Gun there’s one like that that normal it’s a machine gun coming Angela let’s go fight them come here you Monster look just be careful with them they can freeze you and turn you into snow ice seriously this is the kind of snow I’m going to get turned into yeah you’ll turn into a snowman be careful wow look how scary they are New Year’s hats on I hope so I guess they’re getting ready for it for New Year’s Eve probably yes New Year’s Eve is coming and you’ve already prepared a present for New Year’s Eve yeah well the gift I’ve got it ready by the way what do you guys want for New Year’s Eve what did you get write in the comments oh you’ve even got a portal backed up I can’t get out of here by the way I noticed there are snowflakes flying from those monsters in the room yeah look there’s snow falling and there are snowflakes falling across the room by the way sned those snowflakes are shrinking it’s because we destroyed the monsters oh that’s good it’ll warm up soon by the way there’s more in the monster room right here we should probably get them this house by the way you know what it’s called it’s an igloo oh needle not needle needle or needle anyway that’s what the snow housee is called let’s try to deal with them oh let me see and that’s a blue rainbow I wonder who’s peeping at me oh the axe fell off him yeah some kind of support it’s so golden look I want to open a portal with this axam more because the portal is screwed up I’m going to have to move on how am I going to get past these handles without breaking them look there’s a monster in the second house too well this is a multiple rainbow let’s go in here hopefully he’ll have a golden pick okay oh you he flew right into a fight with me Angela why don’t you give me a hand and I’ll peek through the window no I’m scared I’m scared you’ve got a powerful machine gun who’s afraid I’m afraid of that monster let you destroy it okay well Dickus he fights really hard guys oh yeah look the pickaxe fell off of him all right we take her with us and we can go open this doorway Z look who’s what look you destroyed the monsters it’s starting to get warm oh really look winter is passing warming is beginning realistically look the grass is already melted even the houses are turning oh look there’s green grass nice Angela do you love summer or winter which Do You Love More I like summer better summer and I like winter and summer because in winter it’s New Year’s Eve and in summer it’s sunny warm you can swim what’s your birthday in the winter yeah by the way I have guys winter birthdays in December you can congratulate me in advance it’ll be here soon by the way I’ll probably move on I’ve already opened the entire portal passage so have a good one on your holiday weekend true New Year’s Eve probably won’t be here anymore because it will be summer okay jel let’s have good luck here hold the pickaxe give me the dogs thank you bye all right we’re going to keep going while Sonic hi it’s a Chu and this where did I end up hey zombie I’ve come up with a new challenge for myself oh man these lava Skypes came in here and ruined my speed trials spilled lava everywhere yeah I can see that look how scary they are and yes they are on every test all right let’s try to get through this is some kind of chest what’s in here oh water that’s what we need look it’s going to help us let’s try to pour it in now oh wow look I’ve got water turning into a portal wow that’s so cool guys this is a real portal it’s all about the scabetti toilets isn’t it I don’t know I guess so zombie that’s quite a challenge you’re having all right well let’s try to get real we create a portal so let’s probably hit those lavas in the toilets they get close to them they can set you on fire oh don’t set me on fire I don’t want to listen you and I are going to try to go for a run soon I wanted to be as fast as you too Sonic well you can try zombie but you realize I’m faster There’s No One faster well sure let’s try to fight I think it would be an interesting experience all right let me try to pour the water now it’s all water under here yeah that’s great as long as we’re doing well it’s working out right yeah it’s really good zomac you’re doing great in general look how beautiful we’re making it that’s where all hell pmo he’s happy I don’t think we can beat him now I’ll probably get a shotgun and go shoot it now come with me getting a lava toilet all right they’re not that strong yeah they’re so weak there’s honestly yeah that’s great see also hop there’s not much left one last puddle of lava we’ll just have to put some water on it too and we’ll be right back oh there’s glass I hadn’t noticed come on it so full of it yeah that’s great great you’re like that Meme where the cat runs and bumps into the mirror yeah I hadn’t noticed okay here’s the milk and the speed potion look this potion will make me as fast as you and where are you Zach I’m already at the beginning I ran fast and you’re so fast in the beginning two portals for me to go okay we’re going to choose now I’ll probably Jump Into the Blue Portal I’ll be right there with you all right Sonic I’m great here here now let’s see who’s the fastest okay I got the milk and Potions I’m hoping as far as I’m concerned for 4 Seconds come on let’s go 1 2 3 go 2 three go who’s faster we’ve got to get ahead of Sonic yeah well Sonic certainly won’t overtake it look how fast he is he’s already at the finals he won all right well I’m just a bullet too guys speed but look I enjoyed the challenge you won welld deserved I congratulate you thank you very much dogs that’s what it’s all about I’m maxed out on this one like his to my fast friend here or something yes well look everybody’s fast but you’re the fastest the toughest I think you have no equal well yeah that made sense all right well that was a fun challenge Sonic good to see you I have to move on there’s a lot more waiting for me dogs bye I’ll see you around let’s keep going uh SpongeBob Plankton oh what’s going on here hello hey Plankton hey zombie I’m here to help SpongeBob protect his krabburger recipe a jera from what wait wa they’re authentic crft Burgers SpongeBob is running around here somewhere look at that joyful what are you guys friends now so that they can be broken and decide not to fight anymore and the prescription now we’re not the only one defending it together that’s cool listen I wish I could help you what do you have to do let’s help Sydney now really make sure no one else tries to steal the recipe oh why steal it’s better to protect him so no one ever finds out and kraberger is the only one all right fine look come on let me help you I’ve already escaped into the portal I don’t know I guess he’ll be back he come back funny I don’t know zom back I don’t know all right let me help you what do we do go ahead and tell me I picked it up I picked it up isn’t that right there the right stop combination I get it yes so you pull this lever and the flashlight comes on and thus one part of the prescription is protected yeah you just have to protect those three pieces and whoever’s the toughest will be the toughest well I’ll take a while of guess okay this lever doesn’t fit okay guys we need to find the right combination of levers that’s it look I did it Plankton zomback doesn’t work do you it’s working you have to release this lever on the bottom right and it works good for you good for you zomac is the last prescription left to protect you’re memorizing aren’t you you show me spongebo sure I’ll show you everything I’ll show you everything yeah yeah yeah yeah okay it’s good that you two have actually become friends I thought you were bad but you’re really good okay now let’s find the right lever and help the Plankton oh look it’s this bottom one all right here you are already taking the recipe everything is great awwesome I’m glad you had plankin help yeah a zombie I’m also very much honestly glad you gave me the recipe it was a fake sleeper bye what do you mean I mean did you trick me plankin there’s no such thing hold on guys plank to tricked me how can I fall for that and the portals closed on both sides look I didn’t open the door and here he closed oh SpongeBob hi I’ve been put in jail where who what’s going on here and I actually got me helped Plank and learn the recipe for krabburger sorry here’s to pack all this grief I’m going to get fired I’ll just get fired no don’t worry it’ll be fine I guess oh come on let me try I don’t know what do we do now okay come on short open a portal for me I’ll go on and you quickly run to this portal before you can read this recipe I don’t know maybe she made it to the zabach and we’ll open doors for you bye all right let’s sponge Busters on guys let’s move on Wow guys what kind of mine are you look I think it’s names I’m not going in there ouch Oh goodie hi there hey hey long time no see yeah it’s been a while and i’ hate to see you let’s get out of here faster than the for main standing sure I’ll go through the minds and see what you’ve got here why are you being so petty even I’m bigger than you and you so what I don’t care if I’m small I’m small I’m small I’m small yes wao you know why are you fighting like that what the hell is that how did you do that what you think I think you’d like a simple John yes he’s headbutting me with his yelloweyed superpowers look I can go blind for a few seconds so what’s this all about wow diamonds diamonds don’t touch my treasure stop blinding me I can’t see anything anything guys let’s try to Rob Jon’s mind here and take all his resources he’s putting some scary effects on me oh he’ll leave me alone I can’t do anything at all and I’m not stuck on the road Jing stop hitting my head get off get off get off I’m going to run out of hearts that quickly all right let’s reload well I’m going to beat you up I mean ouch ouch doesn’t it hurt guys I’m going blind see yeah we’ll have to cut ahead faster while I distract him okay look here we have twwm all right take that oh it’s dark guys it’s dark I can’t see anything where’s he hitting me from and he’s on top don’t come on all right hurts you’ve had enough that more iron was taken we’re about to Rob his whole mind guys we’re going to take all the resources away because look how he fights okay here we have the gold takeaway board was not there what’s wrong with that get out of here guys I don’t have it I have it remember we can move on great let’s go look we’re going to take a little break from him we’re going to close up right here oh what’s on top of you I thought we were about to break away from him and he’s crawling on top of me with these I can’t get up there Jen get out of here what come on wait a minute I can climb up there too and here we go how many monsters are there what the hell is that gee do you think it’s me no h I didn’t get into the powwow on the be so golden apples that’s not bad we’ve got to get through this thing fast guys he’s putting me on the web I’ll never make it here I got to get through guys even let me go oh how you like to make fun of people huh he’s so gross you guys yeah I love it I love it I also like to make fun of TV men and mock them they are so when you destroy them you’re also mocking them but they’re enemies to me too so you can beat them too oh total darkness ouch stop scaring me him what kind of horror show is this wao now that’s a valuable resource you got a whole stack of diamond blocks here oh I’m flying somewhere and I can’t reach the chest so unfair well let’s just steal it quick that’s funny I can’t it’s very funny to me funny for you I stole a whole bunch of diamond blocks from you oh give me my diamonds you’re going to be flying Auto now for the rest of your life that’s good for me it’ll get me to the portal faster also the darkness is upon that’s enough all right John I’ll come on look at that Sky Betty helicopter we’ve got to beat him John stop throwing me in the air I can’t fly I’m scared it’s funny on the zomok okay I definitely don’t need a diamond sword I’ll Rob your whole mine I Deb it and then there’s something else no let’s see the cake I love let’s have some cake Yum Cake H you’re making me angry on you what are you doing you set me on fire guys Jen is really really good at a lot of things I guess we should just run away into a portal that’s how we open everything but I haven’t looked at the whole mine yet we need to win what is it where are you where you’re going it’s not fair it doesn’t count everything counts now I’ve got this last chest and there’s a rock I don’t need it and then there’s the chest whoops it’s a good thing diamond armor is here oh okay that’s it he’s already hitting me with all the effects guys look I can’t see anything if he poured lava all over it it’s so unfair John oo guys got to go down put a block on underneath you it goes down faster that way come on how much longer is 5 Seconds enough to hit me you’re really annoying no I’ll get in your way whoops for now let’s duck into the portal what’s so funny huh you can’t run out of the room yeah yeah funny I’m talking to you I broke your Haze What You’ve Lost Your strength try using something no no I’ll try it now okay come here come on you’re just a cobweb it’s no big deal what you can’t use your powers I destroyed your power source and you on the body horror I’ll be back great guys we beat himman we’ll have to use diamond blocks to get out but that’s okay the important thing is to get out of here now all right let’s put a block right here and get out through this portal guys what is it oh look there’s all kinds of monsters oh there’s guys fighting monsters planktonic oops Plato fell and burned in the lava guys yeah I guess no one will ever know the recipe for krabburger oh good plankin has been defeated oh to the end fighting monsters already huh oh hi yes we need to destroy these monsters now or else it’s a total they’ve got a lot of nerve around here yeah let me help you with that good job on him come here sun and moon take that look how strong you are huh doesn’t want to give in oh all right we beat him oh that’s a pretty cool sword you got there yeah there you go yeah wow that’s pretty cool hey how do I get past this there’s a golden door with a password what’s the password and the password is a short simple password called like subscribe and Bell oh like subscribe Bell it’s easy guys make sure right now to like subscribe and we’re going to try to get through and no the password then I still didn’t recognize the password word come on come on I’m kidding you actually have to destroy all your defenses and find special items here because each layer needs a different item to destroy you know okay the object look I guess you know like a pickaxe and axe right but I’ve got a pickaxe somewhere uh I lost her in battle I don’t have her pickaxe anymore well I got to find a pair of scissors a pickaxe and that axe over there oh I found the scissors look let’s try to break the Zar whoops okay look all right there you can see the password right there yeah the password’s a little visible look you can’t see the number five or two two from here I don’t understand look let’s try to get through of maybe three we still need to find a pickaxe and an axe maybe they burned in the lava right here oh I lost my scissors that’s where you want to go down bye-bye no no a volcano you wanted to completely destroy the secret passage put out the volcano groovy and that’s where Plankton fell in first and set a little fire I found the chest look oh you found the chest all right it’s a pickaxe I just lost my pickaxe okay well let’s try to open it up further all left is for us to find the axe and we can go through and get the password maybe the password is apps somewhere along the line there’s another chest let’s go look at the password come on come on I’m already interested okay look what’s the password that’s the way to break it here watch in the door will open 2 three yeah I got it 2 357 and I’ll tell you the password that’s not the password no I’ll try 2 three the door is open are you coming no a zombie I’m leaving bye how how is that okay all right fine Wendy’s gone home guys okay and portal run away going back this way we have these giant colored portals I got it today I hope you enjoyed this video support me by liking and subscribing to the channel and zomac was with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you

This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-03-07 13:00:04. It has garnered 326 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds.


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  • Minecraft Memes – Net loss on the mining mission.

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  • Elidia

    ElidiaServeur skyblock en cours de développement, n’hésiter pas a envoyer un message sur discord pour venir aider. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.broomstix.net Discord: Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map: Check out our online in-game map Features: Backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with leads Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes, player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market, tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Optifine Drama: Mayhem Unleashed”

    “May Optifine unrest in distress, but at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA.” Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

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  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

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  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More