Unbelievable! Earthman Finds Secret Spawner on DAY 9 ~ Minecraft

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I’m watch [Music] e oh B what am I doing oh my God I completely forgot what I was doing I think it’s I think it’s this one camera if I remember correctly that’s that’s a way yeah yeah yeah this is the way okay oh no this is not the way hold on hold on guys I changed my settings I did something stupid there we go that’s probably better yeah yeah there we go got it fix hey guys welcome back to the stream and uh today we’re going to be making a spider spawner it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a fun time I’m just going to turn off the music right now cuz it’s kind of bugging me um so yeah it’s been it’s been a while guys no new Power Ranger I know I had to lock in on the I had to lock in on one um I’m staying for a little while cuz uh something Cool’s coming in the mail tomorrow and it’s h it may be color blue and it may be related to um this thing I have in my room and uh yeah so I’m liking the color blue right now I’ll probably stick with this one I probably should have changed it to like a different blue ranger but whatever I don’t care that much um I’m going to go ahead and and I’m going to run around and like sum up what’s been going on so basically last time we saw us last time we saw um the streams I was in a spider spawner uh clearing it out so I could actually make the spider spawner and I’m going to be doing that I’m going to be finishing up the spider spawner today I forgot to get the chat up oh my gosh I’m very unprepared I forgot to make the stream until like an hour before the stream started I’ve been very unprepared today and honestly it’s fine because I don’t have a lot of um stress about it I don’t stress too much about it you know don’t get your don’t get too stressed about don’t stress too much oh my gosh sorry guys I didn’t mean to um H you love the skin yeah thank you thank you thank you I’m going to stay blue for a while and um yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be fun whoa that just grew right in front of me wish I got that on did I start recording no okay I’m just going to go ahead and start recording um oh bro I didn’t oops hold on let me get the the skin back in yeah don’t get yourself too stressed out about things I’m just going to say sorry if I lagged your stream I know I do um so anyways last time we were here um the whole spider spawner was there and yeah it’s time to finish that spider spawner and also get a little bit more progress in on this Tower do you guys want to see the the updates on this so far so I have a door now nice a banner spam right here I’ll probably put more banners probably move these banners like across there like what you guys think of that would that look cool you think you think that would look cool yeah and um got my bed here cuz I don’t have a home yet I don’t have a room and for some reason there’s a boat up here I don’t remember that being here I’ll take it though and that’s the top of my tower thing which I’ll go ahead and show you guys right now this is my little walkway it’s pretty fancy and this leads into here probably add a little ladder thing going down yeah I’ll probably do that right now actually as we’re speaking or maybe I’ll do it like like this where you have to go like backwards down like that yeah okay so this is my little enchanting room it’s kind of like a basement to my whole area and after I finish the spider spawner I’m probably going to help Haley I’m I know she wants to go in a cave is she uned by the way okay she’s been unmuted oops been streaming too but he’s taking long bro as soon as I start it’s raining hello how’s it going oh hi sorry I was doing a little tour of my area for people who haven’t seen it yet uh oh I should have done that but whatever go watch my videos y’all dang yeah yeah go go watch mine too go watch mine too they’re quiet oh yeah I forgot to turn y’all up you’re all silence I don’t adjust my audio settings at all I did change I did turn you guys up uh yes last time we streamed is there thunder sorry I’m just so quiet spoken anyways today I’m going to start working on making my cat cafe but I have to get materials first so I have to go exploring and going into a cave to find name tags cuz I’m going to name all of the Cats in the cafe after people in the chat yep that’s so cute wow make sure you don’t name any of them uh after uh Nick though why because I just trust me you don’t want to do that bro that they’re the one that started it I know it sucks but you know just don’t my goodness oh my gosh um all right anyways I’m going to continue digging out that uh spawner that’s what it’s called right yes yeah yes Mommy what what the heck okay this is yall do that in private do you have uh the Torches yeah I have two name tags right now I need more though oh wait I have one three four why are they all in the separate chests why do I have an ax don’t know how to throw it I’m just going to leave my axle here I got to find my other horn guys I lost it and I don’t know where it went and I’m sad that it’s gone no okay we have four I have four name Tagged so I need to wait how do you put going into my butt y I’m sorry I’m putting potatoes in my pot by accident there you go L there Cowboy okay thank you did do you like do you have some some what some what do you have Tores oh yeah just all of them I just gave you some I know but did you keep some for you oh I had 27 I gave you 14 so I have 13 okay excellent good job need any seeds uh let me see I might have been like eating them hold on let me go see wait did you you can’t you can’t eat seeds so watch me now uh let me go look I think I’ve got a chest at my house if you go look you got to climb all the way back up here just take some I don’t need them oh I would love some thank you yeah yes thank you you’re welcome cuz I’m going to set this on easy once y’all have like a head start on food because I don’t want yall to like starve to death okay let me grab some food ahead of time all right oh crap oh my gosh guys and I am going to go find more name tags in the cave and I’m going to be scared because it’ll probably be on Easy by the time I can even do anything in here where the hell my home bro I can’t find it it’s like oh wait it’s this way that way that okay sorry like my home [Laughter] G it just disappeared I thought like Nathan blew it up or something I don’t I would not do that okay at least not on purpose also somebody mine haly did I bring oh my god did I bring the horn down to the warden yeah I think you lost it remember that’s what I was thinking but I mean I dang it that was a cool one too are you okay dang it oh no don’t start crying Nathan please it’s okay Nathan there’s like sad Minecraft music playing right now for me too so that’s perfect dude sometimes the Minecraft music makes me so emotional I can see why it would be nostalgic uh because you played it when you were growing up so yeah no wonder yep I know I get nostalgic about random like PS2 gam song so I get it yeah I’m not nostalgic at all that Nathan’s trying to beat bully right now oh that’s such a good game it is a fun game it is a very fun game and it’s honestly like my favorite part’s not even really like the story it’s just a random characters just like saying the most random things like uh I was playing dodgeball and like one of the Nerds said my mom says I’ll win that I love the sound bites in that game it’s so funny oh yeah it’s it’s a a really really good game yeah are you playing like the what are you playing it on I’m playing on the PS5 right now okay I was going to because they have like the Xbox version has like extra classes and you can get it on PC um but I was just curious if that’s what you were planed on uh no I’m just playing on Playstation y’all y’all think I’m good I got a sword iron pickaxe nine iron inot sticks a bucket of water food two stacks and 48 torches and a crafting I think you’re perfectly fine honestly you sure I don’t know why but I’m nervous all right well I think I have Trauma from the warden I’m I’m nervous wait are you coming with me because I really really need come with me uh I wanted to finish a spider spawner oh okay you can’t you can’t finish it after um nope I can’t I’m just kidding I I’ll come fine fine does anyone else want to come to the cave with us so y’all can like get some iron tools uh yeah I’ll come okay Dyan you want to come yeah let me let me let me come over there okay we’re all going cave let’s go all right right don’t die I don’t think there’s any promises to that cuz I don’t got much okay well don’t die dang it I’m only level 13 I just unmuted again because I was like talking to the chat what did you just say na I heard was 13 I said dang it I’m only level 13 oh I want to I want to level up to 30 and get a pickaxe Enchanted okay forun 3 efficiency 3 or efficiency 4 um what was the last one I can’t remember whatever doesn’t matter bro I have so many torches now and I have so many too and I have so many answers to the the questions that you have about Minecraft what so ask ask ask any question related to Minecraft about oh we’re sleeping no we’re not sleeping I just want I accidentally clicked to my bed oh sorry did I place down a block one we can tortured poet the Tor what is the tortured tortured Department tortured fart uh that was funny that was so good oh that was hilarious the Taylor Swift album yeah let’s just say that I don’t know why but it’s such a mouthful to say yeah bro why oh my god dude bro why get get get get out Catman oh my God these cows are so annoying holy crap he’s trampling my crops like if you jump on your crops they like break and he’s just ruining all of them what a fart hole literally but I also want to keep him so I can use him for my Cafe he’s to yeah he’s really cute I need him I need to make a hoe oh wait I have like a really good ho Diamond ho oh my God where are we all going to BR where’d he go oh all right get oh what happened just disconnect bro stop running I don’t know I said that uh Luna just jumped up and turned off her computer BR brh yep that’s all right that’s that sucks well anyway dang kill the llamas oh God who’s Luna’s our cat Valerie oh yeah yeah Luna’s the cat we have cat I hate the rain right now it’s so [Music] annoying speaking of cat this freaking villager’s running away from me I’m trying to keep him yeah stay down there what was I doing Haley I can’t think move I don’t know all right now I’m going to kill you sorry you were getting stuff for the cave so we can go caving okay well then I’m already done all right you stay there did he join the Rugrats br oh God right dark all right I have everything can we maybe sleep because I don’t want it to rain anymore and usually when we sleep it stops to rain okay let’s sleep Dylan are you able to sleep uh yeah let me get back to my bed okay wait are you near me no no I was uh okay no i i r outside my house I was just working on it oh okay let’s go first was the pigs now llamas this world bro I’ll kill anything except cats I wouldn’t I wouldn’t kill those oh yeah or a yeah also um somebody said that I missed a horn so much that I’m recreating the sound it makes I actually don’t know how to do the sound it makes cuz I have I have another horn and it’s like and then there’s there there was another horn I had and it just like wa that’s what it sounded like okay are yall ready yet I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready too all right let’s go okay where are you guys I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming meet at my place meet at my place all right whenever she like hits the reset button it like completely it like resets everything on my computer like I have to reinstall like all my like um like my mouse and my keyboard and everything oh that sucks that stinks Haley said she’ll kill anything what about Nathan ow stop I have must be ins that’s not the version I was singing though I know take it to the bridge I was about to sing the rush but I actually can’t it’s too weird yeah there’s a bee stuck in my sheep pen what the heck take it to the course look Nathan don’t kill it though it’s it’s stinky it’s it’s all it’s dripping on its butt like ew it’s is Fallen oh really yeah I’m about to beat it up you stop dude I’m losing durability in my pants they’re already really low oh unless don’t have any look look at them I’m sorry I was you owe me new Iron Pants give them now okay hang on I was just kidding you don’t have to unless you have unless you have a spare pair I I wouldn’t mind that I don’t have a spare pair but I can make you a pair I have 37 iron so okay thanks you don’t have to oh yeah speaking of Taylor Swift’s new album that you were saying earlier did you see the that the Humane Society is having a listening party with all the new kittens they got in no what what yeah it’s like they’re having like a listening party and like all the you can go hang out with the kittens and that’s funny yeah and I guess it’s just for people to adopt them but like apparently there’s a ton of new kittens cuz it’s kitten season wow perfect time to make this cat cafe everybody oh Lauren here I got I got you some iron boots that I had thank you you’re welcome Dyan is typing like a novel I just hear like I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry he he saw a comment he didn’t like very much I know like your keyboard is so clicky I I love it and we’re waiting on you still Dylan all right all right all right all right all right oh my gosh you know what you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of like not not this sorry I should I should clarify what I’m saying uh you know what I just realized like if Dylan wore iron armor it be like that one scene in Shrek one where he like fought all the knights in the mud oh my God yeah but he’s he doesn’t have that skin on right now he’s just some random like default M I’m a farmer guy yeah I’ll be a knight if you if you be a Shrek the next I’s not streaming chat no I’m not I decided not to I could be was too much for him I guess yeah it just was rough no my chat was dead it was the worst stream I’d ever streamed actually so I decid not to stream it again yeah I’m going to help level out your ground what oh thanks I guess what if you want to build up here I want that what if you what if you want to build up here it’s just a small patch I I don’t know where I’m going to build the Cat Cafe I might be kind of far out I’m going to plan on having it be like a whole village and stuff of cat people yeah and I’m planning on making my town the most scary place imaginable I guess we’re gonna just go towards Dylan all right let’s go to Dylan let’s go bully him we can find a cave from over there yeah check it out guys oh D oh yeah did you make it yeah I made it come on Lauren you can do it you can do it oh that works that’s that that’s good okay I’m coming oh wait no should not go in that cave right here to the left that’s Wen the ancient city yeah we’re not going down there oh let’s do hello hello hey what’s up oh Jesus bro he has no armor oh I forgot wait no no no he has gold on there that’s that’s a peace offering oh okay I also got you these for the cave in case you fall it’ll help you fall less hard yeah just don’t land on any dripstone spikes cuz you’re dead if you do okay got it um do you have a crafting table uh yeah it should be inside do you have a crafting table Yeah Yeah I poop He said crap I said crap y yall like you yeah you like my house you’ve already seen it but here it is again yeah yeah the back door nice nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I gotta build the I don’t know I don’t know I think this will be the only strike theme thing I might build ouse but that’s about it nice all right and then are you going to build like a you got to build a farm yeah yeah also you got to put some like mangrove trees I didn’t realized there was Cherry bossom like right there oh dang oh God I I want to build a staircase up to your house I got to do that yeah we need to do that I have a bridge to our other houses uh to you to you and Lauren oh really uh Haley yeah to Haley and Lauren bridge that he on I could make thank you A-Rod for recognizing Shrek swamp this is literally it thank you surprised he didn’t build his house out of dirt blocks did you did you miss this wow I mean the whole thing’s not yeah it’s it a lot of it’s dirt because I was hoping the grass would grow yeah I wanted the grass to grow like moss on top yeah yeah we can go in a lush cave and hopefully we can find a lush cave and then you can just get moss from there cuz that’d be cool yeah I have Z is just watching us yo this is your donkey you should take it into your house wait there’s actually donkeys in Minecraft I’m chain them up out front I should that’s it are you ready yet by the way yeah yeah I don’t I don’t know what to do I’m just following yeah I’m just running around waiting sorry I was making uh equipment oh okay all right um I guess we will go Nathan yeah what are you doing over there what the heck bro why’ you do that Dylan I have your donkey you got one no just he put the pig in here oh do we just blow him up now what no he’s your betet or oh all right well all right he can stay in the hole then maybe he’ll I don’t know maybe a baby will pop out or something got to get a second one for that one but all right let’s let’s let’s adventure oh I killed it oh dang whoops L okay I don’t have it on easy yet unless y’all are okay with it being on easy yeah it should be okay y’all have food if you don’t I can give some um uh I’ve got raw beef okay okay okay I I I’ll who needs food like how much food do you think I should give can I make bread with the seeds that you gave me or is that um no you have to grow those first you need a ho to place them down after you use the hoe on like uh grass mhm and then it grows into wheat and then the wheat you make in the bread yeah I have I have 30 I have 30 uh baked potatoes for whoever wants them or I can split it into 15 and 15 okay I I have 64 and I can split it to 32 and then y’all can have 16 16 and then both of them will almost have 30 Jesus y’all are really just carrying us okay uh sure well it’s just food yeah yeah food’s really easy to just yeah wait so how much are you giving them 16 each then you can give your 15 and then it’ll be like 31 for both of them 16 right there 16 right there I have 30 I have 29 baked potatoes now I have 39 I have 32 I think I picked up your St no I have 32 Nathan CU Nathan gave 16 and Haley gave 16 right right okay yes got it all right um I’m going to turn it on when we go in the cave cuz I don’t want have to worry about them while we’re walking to it all right well let’s go and also Dylan if you need if you need um if you want to like match the the bridge yeah okay with the stairs um I can help get stone and whatever we need pink is the stone just in the caves or is that Granite oh there’s Stone there’s also copper that’s in the caves as well and I’m also planning on building supports eventually it’s just I want to finish that spawner sometime today yep where do you find Minecraft skins on Planet Minecraft yeah everything on that website either Planet Minecraft or um the skin deex but the skin deck hasn’t been very good recently so I use Planet mcraft all them by scratch that’s true Haley does make all of them by scratch I used to make Minecraft skins in like them to people for diamonds in servers when I was younger cross trading cross trading yeah it was allowed though in the servers sorry I [Music] burped where we going to a cave I think there isn’t there a Lush cave right here no no no no no it’s like further right I don’t think it’s this way but I could be wrong maybe we’ll find something I don’t know I feel like Lush caves are more common in Spruce forest for I don’t know why I don’t think they I don’t think it’s that they’re more common it’s just it’s easier to see the trees no no no no I always find them in here I don’t know why okay well maybe might be some Bedrock thing maybe I’m wrong thank you ly forsh fo fo like that where’s your fo wait what about this Nathan I see some light light whoa all right y’all come over here we’re going in this cave yeah we’re going in this cave guys let’s go okay I come come on I’ve arrived at the cave there’s a bat do y’ all have pickaxes yes all right why is there still grass in here why am I not moving right I think I’m lagging whatever stop lagging bro stop lagging or we’re literally ending the stream oh no oh whoa dang this cave sucks this cave does suck what the heck wait Co never mind yeah it sucks this this cave sucks this cave sucks let’s get out of here there’s nothing in here this cave isave this cave is booty cheeks let’s let’s leave well you guys get get whatever ores you need there’s nothing in here except copper and coal they they got any coal to cook their their raw beef saw one I think yeah there’s a couple over here uh found another part to the cave but I don’t think it’s really anything yeah going down a crack right now to see if it gowhere crack did you drop a coin down Ito so I’m g Get Some Coal what I really hope what did you say I said did you drop a coin down crack boy crack okay what I was saying I really hope that we can find like a m shaft like those things like the the railways in the mines cuz they have chests and they usually have name tags in those chests and we name tags yeah okay got it Le don’t say that let’s I feel like something bad’s gon to happen why would you say you feel like something bad’s gonna happen what does that mean what do you think bro I just accidentally said that they’re never going to let you live it down you made a mistake that you’re leaving on the ground hey I’m joking I’m not don’t do that all right I’m here I need the coal pick it up D don’t oh what oh I really need the coal I really need the coal oh my God the music is just swelling what the heck turn it you can turn it off I have off I farted all right anyway let’s go I kind like it but it’s just weird loud yeah it gets it like progresses to be so freaking loud like my volume’s already on eight and it’s just like I don’t know whatever Dylan Falls in lava I will not fall in the lava I’m your daddy and hello my neighbor what what does that song go like hey hey yep Oh you mean you mean the outcast song yes yeah let me some sugar I am your neighbor yeah yeah there you go hey hey Nathan loves that song take it like a polo Roy picture that’s cuz I like outcasts yeah rooses really smell like Po [Laughter] poo all right who’s ready to sail the 7even se’s wait what Haley you look so Kawaii today I’m stealing Nathan x what Nick how would I get grit guess your dad’s name I have no idea what I don’t have a boat Nathan all right guess where who you are I’m going to say your dad’s name is uh Gerald I don’t know Sam AIA tree AIA tree Tim right here okay we’re going guys we have to go down here going to a lush cave we have to dig down though okay we’re on the way we’re on the way but the I hope it’s not an underwat one this is where we got to go in what the heck yeah you got to dig under these these these flowery trees to to see them yeah they signify that a lush cave is below it oh sick yep too bad wrong yeah I’m shocked that Tim Allen was not your dad’s name Nick I’m actually really floored dang dude Tim Allen’s not your name you sounded like him to me Tim Allen’s the best dad ever I think it’s um Adam Sandler but okay yeah that’s fair you give me bad luck oh no what am I going to do with more bad luck hey we should make a hardcore world I’m just I’m just kidding oh shoot I do that no move out your way D oh my God okay there we go I’m just not I’m just kind of letting y’all do the work cuz you know yeah we’re just digging right now I mean someone has to do it so yeah it’s fine we we just we’ll just do a we’ll just keep doing the spiral till we get down there oh you guys you guys um are going to be excited lapis lazuli oh my blue stairc that piece armor I’m blue okay it’s not going to be spiral anymore because I’m scared we’re going to miss it I just did that to avoid the water for a bit sure what if it floods I don’t think it will hopefully it won’t flood it it won’t flood okay E I hate this block I hate Granite I want to try using it oh I already have I already have use hey that’s rude is that are you calling my Minecraft build ugly I built that Tower and you said it look good did you lie no I’m just saying the block is ugly I didn’t say your your builds are ugly is boyfriend or brother I don’t know anymore oh that’s just kind of weird ew that’s her son bro he’s my he’s my boyfriend Clay is uh the super JB 77 hey yeah hey I’m did you find it Nathan related or is this just clay in the middle of iron I think we have stealing my iron I haven’t even touched any of your iron oh sorry the coal sorry don’t take my coal Sprouts okay I’m going to keep digging I thought that the cave was here but it’s not um okay I’m going to start the staircase here now okay okay oh God sorry oh my God you scared me so bad hey who wants some who wants some who wants three iron who wants three iron I mean I’m always down you know shoot thanks wow IR oh yeah by the way this is also where Axel are so hello f FKS be ready be ready guys guys isn’t diamonds on level 13 it’s actually on negative it used to be yeah it used to be now it’s like even lower but I don’t know now cuz ever since the cave update everything just feels so much newer yeah Nathan you die so fast in a hardcore world yeah I tried playing a hardcore world and I tried to kill an Enderman and I got like two shots like bed all right we’re almost at Deep slate now yay this is what I need I need the Deep slate okay whatever deep slate I get from doing this I’ll give you okay really your mama oh oh no Haley what the heck fall don’t fall that was my fault for digging oh my gosh Haley are you okay yes oh my God there’s lava uh I’m going to stuff okay your your stuff should be fine uh I’m about to set get it for me I’m about to set down a uh some water and then we’re going to go down safely okay wait Nathan you pick up all my stuff I don’t want my stuff to despawn okay see if I can pick if I need to I’m organizing my inventory where I know it’s yours I pick it up God dang it oh my God you fell too oh no the water it it came out weirdly and I have no one to rely on oh my God I needed the coordinates why’ you die I got I can tell you the coordinates it’s fine I know you like climb all the way up no no no they don’t need to climb all the way up it’s pretty much the same area I know I know where to I know where to go you you can’t see into the future you Jin the future that’s what you do yeah whoever said they saw something bad happening bro okay I’m just picking up stuff can pick up our stuff yeah cuz it’s going to despawn I’ll see if I can make like a chest or something all right well I had all wood if you have eight wood you can make a chest I do have eight wood okay do you have a crafting table I do not have a crafting table so I need to make I did I did you can get mine all right are you running back already Haley yes okay I’m coming back with you that was just bad performance on my part I tried to put a um I put the water bucket down and like I unshifted for me I was digging I I expected it to not be a drop like that I thought that it would just open up to the beautiful cave yeah um we should have expected it though like that that should have been a given that that was going to happen yeah but um one thing that did mess me up was I thought that you know like how when you place your water on the edge it kind of has like that like l-shape water come out yeah it didn’t have that you just like um make a waterfall down to Everything I did make a waterfall down to everything I’m saying like I’m saying like I put the water down and you know how when you do it it has like it like if you put it on a corner it like goes outwards and every direction yeah it didn’t go out diagonally so I dropped down the diagonal way and I tried to get back in the water but I can’t see so I died uhhuh yeah mhm that’s how I died well I now have 11 deaths on this world okay I can’t remember exactly how many torches I had so I mean you you just I had like a stack so I had I had like four stacks of torches I had one I don’t know how many you have right now pick up stuff too yeah I’m putting stuff in here okay I’m trying to get it all it’s like just scattered yeah it I exploded down there okay I think we got it all all right good I’m I’m right here I’m coming down the stairs right now I remembered somehow okay dang hello I’m here now okay yeah so this I have an iron helmet I all your stuff oh there it is I had one of each iron tool oh here’s a why didn’t I make or something I had iron I had nine iron let me see if I’ve got oh I have it on my inventory me put it in there Sor oh there’s diamonds behind us okay sorry I put down the iron and then I had um like 20 sticks 20 sticks okay I had that many too here’s 26 okay then I there must not be mine then there you go they’re all actually I don’t okay okay I think I I don’t even remember how much I had I had the shield this gosh I think I I know I had four stacks of torches in like 56 but I don’t see any more torches in here but I know some are supposed to be Nathan’s I have I had a stack like pretty much well sorry what do you mean sorry you’re just going to take my coal yeah absolute butt cheek oh wait I needed a pickaxe a sword my food oh yeah y’all probably picked up some of my food oh uh I put I put all the food back that I got hold on I see I have 64 let me put 32 in there there you go there we go okay that’s Nathan’s do you have bread Dylan um no no I don’t see that I have bread okay well I I had more than three I think maybe I didn’t I don’t know yeah I’ve only got just random I’ve got like a stack of cobblestone that’s probably from you uh yeah uh the Deep slate Nathan needs I don’t know if he took that yep I do have deep slate oh wait I found the bread and the mix of everything oh okay uh I’ll have eight okay there you go D you can have that 10 oh thank you thank you thank you okay let’s hope that is the only time we’ll die let’s keep it that way oh there’s a pink axle lle right here oh there’s two I know I was so sad that I couldn’t grab it I have iron I can make a bucket so you can have one okay I can also grab one three iron just give me that back and then there you go you just right click it there we go okay everything’s back to form now there we go no one wants this Cobblestone I’ll take it shoot I don’t know is that the stuff you made your bridge out of Nathan Cobblestone oh I made it out of yeah I smelted it and turned it into stone bricks after that oh okay oh yeah that’s what I’ll do uh Dylan make sure you get moss here yeah it’s all right here you only really need one block cuz then you can use bone meal on it to uh spread it uh cave sound but yay we found the Lush cave woohoo all right so what is what is the point of getting here is it the Moss pretty much um yeah but also there’s uh there’s a higher chance of um diamonds here because we’re so low um I actually just found two oh okay and then also make sure you have an iron pickaxe before you mine it so like make a furnace melt a your iron so you can make an iron pickaxe okay and um what oh I’m just hoping that I can find a m shaft here really oh yeah do we want to turn it on easy now oh right yeah um hang on though where are you guys I got I ran away I found like a lot more to the cave um I’m coming back to y’all so y’all can follow me okay I’m just collecting Moss come collect Moss over here all right oh oh my gosh there’s fish okay iron epic okay I’m going to turn it on easy oh my God I hope we don’t die we won’t die guys don’t worry com I got a fart okay there we go I got it out yes it’s right here y’all okay it’s on easy now do y’all need torches oh um no I I crafted some okay here I’ll turn I’ll turn them up oh my gosh fish yeah I saw them um yeah so it’s this way where Lauren’s walkinging is that good there’s two sides there’s a left and then a right and they both go pretty far I see like a lot of ores on the right side a mine all right hey it’s so beautiful I know also there probably won’t even be many mobs here because of the glowberries [Music] oh okay is that repel them or something yeah cuz they uh bring light it’s the things hanging from the ceiling yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m going to grab those some of those I would like to put some of those in the I found diamonds if anyone wants them I’m I am okay without it bro you’re too good for Diamond I don’t know I I I’m letting somebody else you know i’ have to get an iron oh y don’t have iron I think I see Iron yeah there’s iron over here uh Dylan uh I’ve got an iron pickaxe I don’t know how but I I made one I don’t know oh maybe yeah here come here just count my blessings all right what’s up the diamonds are over here I already have diamonds so I’m letting yall have these ones okay all right up there you guys are permitted to have those Diamonds oh thank you whoa I almost just fell in lava I got to work for it all right I’m work for it wait oh forgot this is all easy you forgot girl you forgot you literally did it I know I’m so dumb you’re not dumb don’t say that oh my gosh I’m about to die I died no bro what happened I Ste in the lava oh gosh oh darn it oh I found a m shaft a really yes how do you get there D can you say my stuff oh uh uh let me see if I can make some make a chest oh I’m not going that way I’m not going that way sorry we’re not allow we’re not permitted to go this way I got to find you Lauren if you fell the LA it’s right here okay here is the chest did she did she lose anything yes see here I’m trying to remember what’s what oh no think I had 30 I guess you picked up a lot of the stuff I don’t see much okay good I think I got all your stuff Lauren okay excellent remember how to get there I just picked up something else do you need any quarts I can give you the coordinates okay oh diamonds go back hang on uh thoughts and opinion on lava not a fan if you go into water it stopped you from burning I thought I was looking for it but it makes you move slower too so I couldn’t find like where to go there was no relief uh how has my week been it’s been pretty stressful would you like to elaborate I’m just kidding talking to me about tax stuff and I’m just like please leave me alone taxes are du Monday oh I know suck are they really do Monday crap yeah you need tax [Music] evasion wait what I said oh well tax evasion bro no don’t do that it’s fine I got my I got a I got to I got to mail him in yeah he hases to mail him cuz someone keeps stealing his identity yeah oh really yeah yeah and he his mom doesn’t know why so they’re finally getting a new number for him wow yeah it it’s happened before I had to file a police report in 2022 what that’s crazy I don’t know where those diamonds went I thought I mined them but I I don’t know what happened oh uh I I mined it and then I gave it to Lauren cuz she died oh okay yeah that’s fine okay there I sent the coordinates to you in the chat it was like one Diamond you walking towards the spruce Forest you’ll see like a lake and then to the left of the lake it’s the aelia tree all right Dylan’s the only one that hasn’t died yet let’s see if he can keep it going not for long dude I want to go in that M oh yeah by the way um I accidentally flooded that tunnel with lava as soon as I got there so can’t really go there anymore we’ll probably I can just clog up the lava dude I can eventually we can eventually find it later it’s very tight and I kind of lost the hole where I was going dude you’re so unhelpful let’s go to it we can just go down deeper we’ll find it eventually I think it opened up oh my gosh let’s just go to where okay hey okay okay okay why are you acting like this bro I just want the name tags I’ll find it I’ll find I’m trying to find the hole I can’t remember where I was excuse me nice thank you dude you’re just running around in a circle it’s a p a um yeah cuz I’m trying to find where the I don’t think I think it was it was over here towards the the lava that one died I think it was over here actually was it yeah your name tag over here it was over here and then down here oh no should I turn I’m going so you can get sorry Lauren it’s okay I fell so it was my fault and then a zombie appeared on top of me oh you know what this is this actually not badad why did you do this I Didn’t Do It lava right behind you too you know that what yeah there we go that that needs to stay empty okay please I hope there’s name tags in here please have name tags please oh gosh no no name tag in this one but there’s some bread I also need some rails because I’m going to have to transport the the cat villagers do Lush do Lush caves exist IRL yes I feel so like I feel so like chronically online when I say that uh IRL no just like like do they exist do they actually are they real a lot of like scien name tag oh sorry a lot of scientific things like I know it’s because of Minecraft like I learned that like I remember in like third grade we were like learning about like how like what it what the outcome is of like melting like materials and they’re like what do you get when you melt sand and I was like glass and they’re like yeah that’s right and I was like I knew that for Minecraft not Minecraft being educational they actually have an educational version of Minecraft like a school version they do and it’s actually um we actually played it for a little bit like in school it was the only version not blocked at school ah I found diamonds I found like five diamonds just now I should mention I think there’s a g in my room bro gross bro oh yeah um I was taking a poop today and there was a fly that kept bothering like me and Haley in the bathroom so while I was taking the poop I noticed it and I grabbed my deodorant like like threw it really hard at the fly and like I actually managed to clip its wing and then I stomped on it with my bare feet while sitting on the toilet not while sitting on the toilet like I was I got up after that and then I started like going crazy on the oh oh that’s not that’s what someone just said in that’s just crazy uh Dylan found a scor a scorpion in our bathroom today e okay I would literally actually pee myself I’d pee on the toilet I found a dungeon I found a dungeon yeah there was it was a little scorpion he’s probably like four maybe five inches long no maybe like three or four inches long and uh I smushed him and because I was like can I kill him with the shoe like is it I G to be able to do this because this is the first time I’ve ever had a kill one and they’re real like I like they’re here in Georgia I didn’t know that’s what I said I think I accidentally manifested it CU Dylan was like we had the we were talking about this like a week ago and Dylan’s like there’s no Scorpions Here like I’ve never seen a scorpion and I was like no I’ve seen scorpions at my house like a handful of times it’s just been a while and and then like not even a week later there he saw a scorpion in the sink that’s crazy that is so scary it is pretty crazy I squished him and then his tail tried to hit the shoe it was weird oh my God I got the chills just thinking about yeah it was and so I kept squishing it and it eventually died but yeah it was it was such a loud crunch it was it was e yeah oh you know they’re blind that’s right they are yeah how do he know about the shoe coming at him no he felt it he felt it like I pushed it and it didn’t kill him and so he tried to attack dang that’s so scary oh yeah by the way you know that M shaft the dungeon I found yeah there was actually another dungeon inside of it oh my gosh was there any name tags that you found uh no unfortunately seriously yeah don’t don’t feel sad Des girl scorpions are mean they they only want to hurt they’re not sweet or anything oh shoot I’ve SE the N they’re not they’re not so annoyed I don’t know who’s doing this bringing Nats my freaking room oh what what was the type that it was called it was a funny name it was called the southern oh God Southern unstriped devil Scorpion or something like that the southern devil yep now I understand it it is like I don’t like killing anything that’s not bugs and like I couldn’t kill like a mouse or a rat or um anything like that I I I couldn’t even kill a snake I would just throw it somewhere like I I couldn’t kill it yeah there’s been like snakes in our backyard and like they were babies and I didn’t want to kill them so I just like threw them in the woods I’m all itchy just thinking about bugs I’m a kill every one of them scorpion I don’t know it did feel weird killing it because but scorpions literally have no brain they just want to hurtt things and like take land like they’re weird so take the land yeah are they invasive is that what it is no they’re not invasive they they’re always by themselves they just want to have like they just love moisture so like they’ll just get in your like bathroom or like shower and just oh God your butt oh no dude I feel the sting now a take Shadow Pig oh my guys I’m finding I can’t kill bumblebees I’ll kill wasp but I can’t kill bumblebee they’re harmless um I could kill any bug or I could want a bug to be killed I couldn’t actually kill it though because I’d be too scared to even get near it but I would want them all to be killed I’m scared of like every bug yeah I know I’m even scared of flies I was screaming on the toilet today flies yeah that was the one that I killed FES because I don’t like it when they land on me I hate the feeling of like their legs like rubbing against my skin like I yeah I totally understand I learned that flies vomit every time they land that yeah that’s also why I’m scared of it cuz it grosses me out yep yeah so gross I probably made it vomit even more throwing like farting on it when I was little when I was little a fly landed on my lip and then my lip tasted like salad oh no I guess that’s what their vomit tastes like I didn’t know that yes they vomit T that’s that their vomit breaks down whatever they land on and so when they’re rubbing their like little hands together it’s because they’re getting ready to eat because they’re waiting for the their saliva to melt whatever it is so they can eat it yeah it’s gross and that also makes me mad whenever they land on my food oh yeah yep because they ruin it that like they can I mean it’s probably such a small amount you wouldn’t be able to like know or affect you but I don’t know cuz whenever I was little one through like or one flew into my mouth and like literally went down my throat and I was throwing up for like days oh my god oh heck no why are thees getting on our M math our mouth can we stop this that sounds nasty can we stop this now I requested be stopped immediately I was really young so I don’t know if I was just like dramatic because it gross me out so bad or like if it was from the fly it was probably just cuz it grossed me out so bad have you ever Hal when I was growing up I got uh in I don’t know the right word but like I came across they’re called Harvest mites did you ever get bit by a harvest M I can’t remember what that looks like that it’s like do you remember when it was me and Nick got covered our feet were covered in bug bites because they had burrowed into our feet and oh my God they were eating everything we had to like wear socks full of like calamine lotion to like uh basically suffocate them do you remember that no oh my God that sounds so terrible that honestly just made my feet hurt they’re kind of like ticks but they can bite over and over they don’t latch on so like they they suck blood but they can burrow into your skin and live in them and then you have to cover all of their the bite wounds that you got from them with lotion and then wear a sock on it because they’re living in there and you have to basically just suffocate them and because they won’t go away yeah gross nail polish yep nail polish remover will do it too yep do those still exist they exist and they’re really common in Georgia it’s it’s scary and I’ve never seen them you can only get it you can’t see them they’re very very small like they’re smaller than ants yeah they’re like in like lakes and if you like walk through the woods like like deep leaf piles God I don’t go outside y’all yeah don’t go through deep leaf piles or like into like little creeks and stuff that’s where they live dang shake a tree they live in the leaves of the tree and they’ll fall Onto You yep the foest thank you lesie the foest the foest yeah don’t go to the foest in Georgia the there you go yeah life lessons guys yep don’t avoid Harvest mites and if you get them like a bunch of like like if you get pizza face on your feet that’s how you know you got it like it’s just bug wait maybe that H has happened to me but I just thought it was a bunch of ant bites if it was like a lot of them and they all scabbed up and I think I still have a picture I took a picture of my foot obviously not going to show online but um I have a picture I took a picture of my foot cuz I just thought it was crazy I was like look at all these mosquito bites I got or like or ant bites I thought it was ant bites maybe it was those and I just didn’t know but it was all over just one of my feet was it like hundreds of bites it was like over over 10 I could say like cuz it’ll be like the bites will be on top of bites like it’ll be like you know like it’s mean but you know how people look when they have like pizza face on you know from their acne like stacking up it looks like that oh I don’t know I can’t really remember cuz I haven’t seen that picture in a while but it’s probably somewhere in my Snapchat memories yeah it I didn’t send it to anybody on Snapchat before anyone says I treated I I used to treat my Snapchat camera like a camera roll like okay I just I would just send everything to Memories as like a camera roll yeah sure I think you’re serious I didn’t my nobody I’m just kidding I think you’re allergic to ants aren’t you though yeah so it could have just been that yeah I think your ant bites are much worse like Lauren’s really allergic to ants too and they get like yellow and swollen yeah how do you leave this I’m just trying to find more chests and I can’t I can’t find anything else La have you made it back here yet I’m really close but I can’t find it okay I’ll see if I can head up to the surface we’re not that far away from y’all we’re still in the mine shaft near it oh yeah I see your name or Nathan’s name all right let me try to make my way up to you laen okay yeah I Mark all my streams as educational because I will teach you something so y’all learn about uh Harvest mites you’re welcome do you actually mark them yeah I put educational one of my tags um Nathan did you find any name tags at all yet no why um oh you don’t have any of those Des girl good good I know someone’s been here but I might as well look honestly this you know that oh go ahead sorry oh I was just saying this m shaft is so freaking like crowed it’s so small I found I found 20 diamonds in it what I’ve only found like six I was digging up some ores like I dug up lapis and like eight of them were underneath the lapis and then I also I was Tak up iron and then I found diamonds behind it but that was it oh sounds like he grew up with a farmer and drink sweet tea all the time I do drink sweet tea all the time but I did not grow up with a farmer well your cousin kind of oh yeah yeah yeah oh I see the the uh dungeons that were connected Nathan that’s cool it is cool seven pie of harvest mes where I live I’m so sorry delusional BB they sound terrible like I’m so glad I’ve never come across that and I don’t know how I didn’t know that that happened to y’all because I feel like that would have like traumatized me I think it happened while I was like eight or nine so you were really little so I think you had just been born so yeah okay you definitely wouldn’t remember that I’m got these Glo ink sacks did you know that we’re uh we have the most amount of species of bees like well of course we do of course I have to live here with that yeah there are wasp nowhere else dirt dobbers nowhere else um yeah and then Hornets are very rare too in other parts of the world and we have them why why do we have all these I don’t know I don’t know Lauren I am standing outside of the uh entrance I think I see your name bees are so cute see bees are cute in cartoons and in Minecraft but not in real life they’re wasp Yellow Jackets hor oh my gosh when we were in um when we were in Ireland like people would be like oh my gosh look a wasp and it would be like a carpenter bee and we’d be like that’s not a wasp and they’re like yeah it is bro got people don’t know what a wasp is and like we showed our friends that you know know that were there and we showed them pictures of all the wasps that we had and they were like that is terrifying yep we shouldn’t have that many I hate dirt doppers the ones that build is like little dirt nests on the corner of fences and stuff oh my God they need to go away bees are misunderstood no they’re not no they’re not be we love bees but all the others are just evil little spiteful colonizers literally no purpose they don’t have a purpose for being Al yep wasp literally exist to hurt people that is their sole purpose you know what’s crazy get out of this m shaft Nathan come save I just dug out bro you didn’t even let me know you were leaving oh okay well let me find the entrance okay I’m right by the entrance hold on I’m going to run back to the entrance wait what’s down here my house did you know that you can kill them with gasoline don’t do that A-Rod but you can do it if you take a c cup of gasoline and just cup how do you know this did you do it no I want to one day but if you take if you get gas you know this Tik Tok not on Tik Tok it went viral for a little bit like continue yeah if you take a cup of gasoline and like you how the nest will kind of hang down it’s got like that all the little holes and if you just put it right there they die that’s it like it they just die I’m right here I’m right here mascots Yellow Jacket okay that that’s a an Atlanta School Georgia Tech yeah Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket unless they’re another one probably another I’m sure there’s a trillion of them that are yeah that sounds dangerous it is dangerous this is not the right way bro I got confused don’t do it don’t don’t do the gasoline trick yeah where do we go I’m trying to remember uh think you just got it’s up here I think wait this is where all the lava was wasn’t it wait what is this oh I yeah oh yeah I made that okay yeah we’re back where we were okay come on come over here Herobrine’s here guys he wrote high no oh my God look at how many diamonds are on their ceiling what the freak oh wait there’s land above it right should be what the oh I see y’all what the hell oh my God the most dangerous way to kill w the most dangerous and effective hello y’all hello but here’s your chest Lauren full of your stuff thank you I think it’s time to go to the left side okay yeah it’s we’re too we’re too far right right yeah oh shoot I almost fell down that scared me wa are we wait are we going this way no no no no we’re going over this way where I’m hitting we’re going to go back this way cuz there’s like a whole other side cuz me and Nathan just explored that while y’all were walking back and there wasn’t much there all righty I need Moss y yes here here’s five that I accidentally picked up Dylan oh yeah here’s here’s 21 21 fun one I don’t need it thanks does have cicas we do have you that we’re apparently that’s another gross thing about bugs yeah uh have you heard about the cicada apocalypse coming yes y Nathan won’t stop talking about it I’m like can you just J you want some you want some K us yep we’re going to be overwhelmed by millions of them in June I think all right so where are we going on vacation INE yeah we need to leave for the whole month yeah I actually am I’m actually considering it that sounds fun let’s to get out of here yeah apparently there’re just going to be millions of them com out of hibernation they’re all just burrowed in the ground in the trees they’re just going to come alive and then just dude that’s like a zombie yeah what’s the cicada it’s the you might call them juuli flies or they like big cockroaches they’re disgusting they’re big winged cockroaches that you’ll hear at night like if you don’t hear frogs making noises it’s it’s the cicas that are making like the yeah Nathan there’s a lot by Nathan’s neighborhood yeah if they’re by a pond there’s yeah there’s like this really like dewy area by Nathan’s neighborhood it’s just all like water for some reason and it’s like right by like his neighborhood sign and every time we drive past it it’s so loud yeah it’s scary how loud they can be frogs can be loud too it’s if you sometimes like a big old tadpole thing will hatch and you’ll just hear them all like just like I I saw somebody said that people would eat them and dip them into chocolate I saw a recipe re this morning of people saying how to like cook CES yeah they will like get like 60 of them put them in like oh heck no I’m not even eating one Let’s Walk This Way yall can continue talking but I’m walk all right all right and then you like marinate them and then sauté them are they like got a lot of protein in them or something that probably probably that’s gross probably all bugs have protein in them right I think so all dogs what bugs oh you said bugs okay sorry I got scared but we’re not eating dogs yeah no when we were in school people were talking that uh oh look there’s I’m sorry there’s an iron vein here so iron veins is just a bunch of freaking iron like everywhere okay I guess we’ll get some of it yeah y’all need it for your tools yeah I’m getting right now actually I need to uh I need some sticks if you have any Haley I do thank goodness cuz my iron pickaxe is about to break all right here I’m right behind you um when we were in school I remember they were talking about that by 2020 you’re were going to see uh bugs on the menus at like restaurants and stuff I’m glad that never came true who is making this up like it was like yeah that’s what they were talking about they were like you better get used to eating like make crickets because we’re going to run out of meat yep yep I remember that was a the thing that people would talk about like it was a you know how like people in 2000 were like the computers are going to all shut off at z00 yeah that was our yeah I remember that I was there well you’ve heard about it you know about yeah I know I know I was joking I’m joking I wasn’t there I was four but yeah that was our big thing was crickets were going to be sold at McDonald’s and the burgers and Stu stuff and I’m like yeah okay well here we are 2024 no talk of that everybody’s still eating them dang Burgers yep well there’s those like isn’t there like that candy with like The Cricket in the middle or oh yeah the lollipops I put like cockroaches and scorpions in them yeah who’s who’s having those oh what the fart that’s nasty ate crickets I’ve eaten crickets before they good I think they were sour cream and onion flavor they were good they probably just taste like chips is what I imagine like crunchy or no yeah it was just crunchy chips like weird texture any weird texture no it tasted fine you could so it just feels weird to know you’re eating above yeah you can feel the legs and the butt with the tongue yeah it’s it’s weird s that just gross me I’m thinking about yeah yeah do you want your rails by the way I can get it or you can get it in Universal that’s where I got it oh my God I forgot to show you but it’s inside the gift shop for The Mummy ride you can get uh sour cream and onion and barbecue flavor crickets no I’m okay all right bro I’m sad that we’re not going this year I know I I think we definitely need to take a break because nothing new is going to be open then but next year they’ll have the Super Nintendo section and then the third part opened the Epic Universe with uh all the new rides and themes and and there’ll be the Shrek area open with Kung Fu Panda ride open as well next year so there’ll be so much more for us to see prob a lot more but we’re I am sad but I do love it oh and there’s going to be a butterbeer uh restaurant in City Walk that we can go to as well next year oh every night yep mhm that that the butterbeer is very good I think I saw that there’s a rumor they’re going to have a like a a hot version of it or something like that like I thought they already did if there’s coffee that that sounds good I hope yeah I think it’s like a coffee drink like a hot chocolate but butterbeer flavor or something yes butterbeer is delish I agree design girl cuz I like it frozen though I don’t know if I would like it hot I really like just the regular soda one but over the Frozen Wait did you guys leave no I’m still mining stuff like in the I’m just smelting my iron right now so I’ve never had butterbeer it’s only at the Harry Potter sections in Universal Studios I don’t think they got it anywhere else I mean they have someone should like leak the recipe so then we can yeah you can get it packaged but you just need to get that um whatever that whipped cream they put on there it makes it really good yeah I don’t know what that is cuz it’s just butterscotch uh sparkling water and then uh I guess it’s like a buttercream whipped cream I don’t know like cold foam yeah yeah that’s that together is oh man it’s oh oh I love cold foam I I get uh like strawberry cold foam with a vanilla latte it’s so good that sounds so good dang I think they have it at Harry Potter studio tours in London oh really that’s cool hot butter beer has been around for years oh okay then maybe it’s just newer for um this Ro location in Orlando I guess I don’t remember they might have like maybe different flavored butterbeer maybe it’ll be like a strawberry cream butterbeer or something that would be cool whoa yeah oh my gosh M shaft another one I think oh don’t worry Nick I have no idea what it is it’s a Harry Potter drink it’s what they drink in Harry Potter yeah guys hallelujah hallelujah there you go that’s a that’s a good way to describe it Jenna butterscotch cream soda Yep this is what I was looking for this is what you look for meat potatoes what Nick said all I eat is soup meat and potatoes are you in prison yeah what the heck are you okay yeah no that’s just British food yeah yes Nick you British I think they are yeah I think I think they are I think I remember them saying like yeah yeah yeah their time zone they like it’s midnight every time I stream they’re like it’s midnight oh bubble says the recipe they found online is root beer with butterscotch syrup make the Foam by using heavy whipping cream and frothing it you can also add butterscotch to cream for more taste oh that doesn’t sound too hard doesn’t sound too hard but I don’t know why but it always just doesn’t hit the same I bet I bet it’s not going to but I want to try it that could be a good uh Vlog for you trying to make butterbeer yeah no because then people are going to think I’m like a Harry Potter fan and then everyone’s going to be like do you remember when Harry rode on the broom and said yippy Cay what what’s what’s your favorite H what’s your house did you do the test Potter still I’m not streaming on Twitch right now I’ll probably be streaming tomorrow but no I’m not streaming right now he’s too embarrassed to play Minecraft on stream I think look no one watched it when I streamed it last week so I don’t want to stream to nobody okay girl it was so sad girl come here girls thank [Music] you I’m a lot more thank you Crystal I appreciate it Crystal Mountain Rain combining yeah at least saidd be all like m this icy cold is foul and fair Dylan Shut Up roie God don’t show up just randomly pops in and says one thing and then I’m like hey and then I don’t see I don’t hear anything else roie will do that too but I’ve never been greeted with such disdain so thanks roie but head Nathan how did you find me um I dug in really on YouTube I do not stream on YouTube I stream only on Twitch now I’m a new sub I just came across your YouTube and I think you’re really funny thank you AK AK-47 bro the gun oh my God go ahead oh no no no you go ahead I saw a bird and it sounds like that and it’s so scary sounds like what AK oh yeah yeah like a gun yeah yeah how it like shatters its beak together what the heck yeah oh no dig it dig it I agree at least that’s why I like streaming oh my gosh wow the M shaft was just right here by my opening that’s crazy bro dude I almost just died how um well I dug up into an underwater area and I couldn’t dig through clay I actually didn’t die I was over dramatizing it I’m sorry yeah it sounds like you were being a little dramatic I’m about to smack you Ro you’re so crazy not you represent Roblox oh my God y’all know Haley she cares when she remembers viewers in her chat by name I do remember I have good memory Nathan I was talking to Nathan last night and I think or maybe it was the night before but he was like I don’t know any anybody in my chat hey don’t don’t say that don’t say that he said that cuz I was like um you remember I forgot who we were talking about that usually talks in the chat but I was like you remember this person right he was like um to be honestly I don’t remember anyone in my chat you had to do that to me did you I try I try you got to try to at least know their their name when they tell you yeah on uh OBS you can I don’t know if you can do it for YouTube chat but at least on Twitch chat you can on that panel you can click their name and then give them a nickname and like you could put it like the name they tell you so if like someone’s like oh my name’s Rebecca you can change you know I love Royal High 42 to Rebecca so you always see that oh I just memorized I did memorize for a while but uh some people I just like if they’re a new person I’ll go and like change it real quick that’s cool I didn’t know you could do that but I since I didn’t know that I just like was forcing myself to remember yeah I thought I recently discovered sorry bro stop screaming every time one minor thing happen I’m going to smack you where you at where you at girl why you want to smack me smack that smack that more looks like another Glo Banger I’ll I’ll link my twitch for H Crystal jeez yeah no self-promo in the chat sorry no self-promo in the chat allow me as soon as I say it there you go that’s me guys go go follow subscribe whatever the button says for twitch because I don’t use twitch much it’s follow where’ Lauren go she’s so quiet um Lauren I’m just taking it all in oh excellent no problem Crystal thank you I’m probably going places I’ve already been never mind hey hey hey hey hey hey hey what there Dylan turn around four iron what oh thank you oh no problem moss and random crap I’m just finding name tags and I found a dungeon Dylan’s chat history what what are you saying Dylan oh yeah you can look at um people’s chat history if you’re a mod on here oh really oh yeah and I guess you’ve sent some funny stuff in my oh whoops yeah probably yeah I wouldn’t be surprised full of fart tornado yeah oh my God you made me shoot snot out my nose E I know I was looking at Dylan’s Channel activity what what does that mean I think they meant CH chat activity oh okay they’re pulling up old receipts be be careful delete delete oh crap I said some really weird things back in 2022 I thought you were GNA say something like way late like earlier that’s I got you oh my foot’s asleep actually right now I hate it isn’t there a thing where you can like if you don’t like you can wait is this a thing Lauren you’re the doctor here right okay if you don’t wake your foot up you can like Let It tingle so much that you lose circulation for so long your foot that your foot no longer like works like you have to cut it off no I don’t think so okay thank God that sounds scary yeah because like most of the time when your foot’s tingling it’s not because you like cut off circulation it’s because you pinch your nerve and okay okay and so it’s not like it’ll just wait up after a little bit because the nerve will be not compressed anymore people are going to actually think you’re a doctor yeah I’m not actually a doctor yeah do not get from Lauren I think I found y’all I’m just sitting here with Nathan right now yeah I’m just smelting some iron wait did I I see are you in the M shaft Lauren hey Dylan how much iron you got am I’ve just been like walking huh oh wait I think I see you iron you got yeah I see you too uh let me see I got 19 hey dope yeah I’m right here I went really fast and I got like 44 iron dang I know if you’re wanting to find them um I know where they are I don’t know where Dylan is yeah they’re both together if you want to come okay are we done exploring this cave I’m done unless y’all are uh I think I’m good I might get a couple more glowberries before we leave I got to fart and then I’m good all right I’m good oh wait let me let me finish melting my um Iron real quick be the doctor if I was the first one to what to fall asleep Forever Wait it was it’s this way I thinking tornado fart I’m surprised we haven’t found a [Music] geode wait did you guys you guys need Shields don’t you oh yeah I don’t have one it costs you need like uh you need wood and iron five wood planks no piece of iron it’s six wood planks oh six wood planks my bad oh my gosh Dylan there’s a yellow Axel if you have a bucket it’s right here do you want a PP Axel I have a poo poo Axel you need three iron ink to make a look it oh my God I got to I got to smel some iron hold on hold on I’ll just make one for you just pay me in raw iron okay I could do that oh yeah Lauren if you want to pay me in the three raw iron for earlier okay okay thanks uh hold on let me give you how many raw iron uh three three okay uh here’s five I give you a tip oh thank you thank you thank you thanks there’s a p ax L get it before it swims away everyone saying your Skin’s cute Lauren thank you I got them awesome thank you it is really cute dy I think Serenity found it Dylan’s just got a fade on my head on my screen like like what do you mean like the hairstyle he just got like that’s I got that farmer fade you I feel like it’d be like a farmer skin or something like what’s that guy name in um fortnite Jonesy you know that one Jonesy farmer skin y go down this low 5 15 see you oh wait this is the other side never mind never mind y’all this just it’s just a whole Loop it goes back y don’t got to go down here where’s our entrance that’s a good question fart tornado douet yes it doesn’t really matter where our entrance is like we can dig out but I just want to know bye everyday emotions and Fa um no I don’t want to dig out I think I know the way okay take us take us Lord Haley did y’all go down this way don’t think so uh no I I definitely did not well it is a dead end so it doesn’t matter okay um gosh where the heck are we wait y’all follow me all righty wait for me I’m down here still goodbye bubbles I’ll be back later I’mma inhale my food okay bye by to leave yeah just bye everybody who has to leave okay um so I’m going down wait there was a geod right here sorry y’all pause pause I need these blocks pause the recording oh my gosh there’s like a big butthole in the guy yeah Lauren did you want to go up there um yeah I’ll get a couple I can get some I can I can just get it all if you don’t feel like digging it okay okay I’m just going to dig out some deep slate cuz I need some deep slate you know I don’t even need to go here to get deep slate I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself I’ll finish off my stack one two three you should um do strip mining Nathan so you can get a bunch of deep slate and then the diamonds are like a plus yeah I got 20 diamonds from this trip wow I have 15 I wasn’t really trying to find diamonds I was trying to find name tags I got four oh sorry I got 22 did you know Minecraft added new dog breeds yeah I’m so excited for those to come out like fully I taking the snapshots but dude your eyes move like you blink ew oh oh yeah that’s what the default Minecraft skins do on Bedrock I forgot GH I don’t like that don’t don’t look look at me don’t look don’t look get away that tickled my ears not in a good way either what no chick fet sauce what oh my God no that stupid thing I said no Chick-fil-A sauce what are you talk I don’t understand this oh okay there’s a a girl on Tik Tok that she is like recording her like going to order Chick-fil-A and they’re like can I get some nuggets or whatever and okay okay like any sawu us like oh you got a barbecue sauce and the girl’s like no Chick-fil-A sauce and she like had a weird face on and that was it that’s the bit bro I’ve never seen that I’m surprised you haven’t I have not personally seen it I’ve only had it quoted to me uh over and over by other people was this like a Tik Tok or yeah there’s a Tik Tok got posted on Twitter went viral and then yeah it’s blown up I think I saw it on Twitter and Nathan didn’t think to show me it w cuz I thought I thought her face it’s really not funny it’s it really awful it’s literally who’s finding this funny I don’t know I I don’t know either like I don’t know I didn’t find it funny either funny do you guys think it’s funny comment Down Below in the video if you think it’s funny sorry not video stream fired nuh she did I mean I’m sure she’s set for life I did a little not really yeah it it’s not funny I don’t get why everybody’s sharing it it’s she looks like horrifying it’s just the face I think it’s just like I think that’s it wait wait I think I know what yall are talking about it was really deep in the back of my mind oh my God I remember now I remember now I remember now you had to repress memory of it yeah yeah it went like bar like February I think yeah I remember now sorry y’all yeah apologize immediately to the crowd you buried it yeah don’t blame her like geez po solar eclipse blinding Lights by the weekend I’m not pretending I remember it I remember but I don’t know how to make the face to show it it was just like really weird I I don’t know how she contorted her face yeah she like pushes out her eyeballs like really even know how to do it I sucks in her cheeks it’s gross yeah yeah no Chick-fil-A sauce J Alpha is messed up my little brother is still addicted to the baby convertible really J oh my God not the baby convertible dude they’re like it’s so it’s such a weird thing it’s like there’s no in between they’re either like really ahead of like memes or they’re so behind like yeah talking about uh G alha randomly addicted things what’s up with like that Souls RNG game on Roblox they all obsessed with how do yall play that how do yall play that I don’t get it it’s literally just oh I have purple flame around me give me 10,000 Roo that’s it that like that’s the game game sucks I’m sorry like yep I don’t get it okay there we go all right I got I got a bunch of the all right let’s leave go go move out let me give let me give more in a stack I got two stacks so I’m going to give hold on I’ll tell yall what gen Alpha’s year range is hold on so y’all can I think it’s like 2006 to 2015 or 2018 I think websites are saying anyone born after 2010 is considered gen Alpha oh well yeah that makes sense actually cuz I think gen Z starts in 1996 yeah 96 to 20110 is Gen Z and then J J Alpha is 20110 oh yeah I forgot we don’t know how to get out of here 20 up yeah I don’t know either I’m just no no no I remember I remember I said I remembered earlier and I forgot that I remembered and now I remembered that go then lead us okay follow me yeah don’t be stinky iPad baby Jin Alpha bro stop hitting me so you can keep up my class skab toilet oh no skab bro skab man shut up skibby skibby it’s more fun to say skidby all right now come over here up this waterfall Skitty skidy [Laughter] Sky H 13 you’re gen ala yeah guys come up the waterfall oh my God I’m coming my sister’s like on the cusp our sister’s on the cusp here okay wait Nathan I’m getting the lapis lazuli okay I cannot believe I remembered this I’m so cool if you’re 13 there’s probably Cheeto dust on your iPad right now warning okay and then from here I think we go down but I might be wrong uh okay actually no no no no sorry Nathan come this way I see a torch here so I’m just going to follow this the Cheeto dust you know I’m not wrong wait bro wait what the heck is this is a loop wait we’re back at the geode wait come this way come this way instead okay are you are gaslighting us and making us believe you no politician Haley I’m literally trying my hardest to find a way out like I think it’s this way I know we were by lava but it it wasn’t looking like that Nick I know it’s crazy that like kids are just so obsessed with prime because of freaking Logan Paul and KSI oh my God oh my God there’s diamonds I think in a whole new area I’m not going to lie I think you did and honestly I don’t really care to explore it oh man I got a finish go I went we right behind you okay hang on I’m going to look at the it’s at – 5310 -33 – 621 5 31 oh we’re a whole 300 blocks away Haley Yes Prime is gross so how do we get back uh this way we have to go to the left okay I don’t even think i’ had prime or maybe I’ve had it like one time wait there’s torches here we tried that red white and blue one it was really bad tastes like Cherry medicine I think I had one prime flavor and I hated it so I never touched the other ones I’ve tried yeah I’ve tried two I’ve tried the lemon lime one it’s supposed to be like Gatorade that one was just butt and then yeah the red white and blue one was like it’s supposed to be a like the popsicle yeah the are you all behind rocket pops yeah I think this is the way yeah this is the way see I didn’t know where I was going sweet Prime and hly never want to it’s it’s going to take over every kid’s going to want it it’s going to be the new Gatorade if it isn’t already here it is this is it this is it you’re goated look at you Lauren are you here okay uh I’m a little bit behind but yeah okay I’m scared I thought you were like you were just like I’m off do my own thing I like I got I got stuck for a second oh okay oh my gosh please get down bye guys see you later hey Lauren okay I thought she got your computer no I had I moved something in front of the buttons all right I’m coming up oh prob become new Gatorade up we didn’t need to see I knew where I was going I think it already is N I think I remember one time I was talking to my step brother my oldest brother and he was like man I’m thirsty I want to get some prime and I was like dude seriously that no that’s disgusting BR might as well just be drinking Logan Paul’s sweat yeah he’s like right on the edge of jenz I think he’s he was born in January of 2010 H yeah it’s got to be a gen Alpha an older or younger thing it’s to just love it because it’s YouTuber drink h i don’t even understand how to do the waterfalls yet you just look up and hold space yeah that’s what I’m doing but I keep falling down keep coming out of it oh man I farted oh they need feelings that’s okay there’s nothing wrong with that hey oh my gosh Nathan stop hitting my butt never never AR not coming down to see you oh I got it okay okay um Nathan would you like to two gold ingots nope bye rude we’re coming up all right I’m coming I’m coming got ohot oh God Nathan don’t pick up my leaves Nathan drop my leaves now I already did it’s okay I have a lot of feelings you clown fish bye bye guys I’m going back home yo don’t pick up my leaves oh dang it oh crap well what the heck all right uh I didn’t know y were coming up this soon aelia leaves that what you need yes okay hold on oh my God I keep running them over oh my goodness I’m not trying to okay hold on I’m dropping them okay okay thank you all right hopefully there’s no more anywhere yeah sorry I really wanted these leaves that’s okay I see Dylan’s house from here iron ingot you can see it from here I can see it no he ran away oh yall want these iron ingots yeah sure or sorry gold oh yeah okay Haley please tell Nathan to stop grossing me out dang what did I do what am I doing that was Cy all right y can follow me since Nathan left I’m actually I’m actually waiting on you guys on the other side of the spruce you got the ladybugs under girl good guys pray for my bro he has his sat tomorrow I never had a take an SAT I did yeah l no I didn’t I took the pr I took the pre one but I just like I didn’t even read a single question cuz I knew it wasn’t for a grade so I didn’t care hey who wants a bone I have bones I mean oh I’m I don’t want no bone oh do you want a dog I do I do I do you want a dog bro I want bones I’m I’m okay unless unless he wants a dog no no I’m good I’m good okay I want bones I want bones I’ll split them with half bro oh I do see my house yeah I see it yeah it’s it’s pretty glorious over there nice do you still have that Mangrove propag I need one actually no I need to find a mro swamp now because I need mud bricks uh you know what I need but I might do that next video or stream what well you you can just you can just water bottle them that’s so much work I rather get mud like the other way okay okay oh wow Dylan Dylan you got this huge cave underneath your land oh really look look at this oh my God you want to go down what the heck that is massive all right yeah sure I’ll build under my house I guess into this yo you got dripstone too whoa you can make a whole Cave City in here like Village oh my God this goes deep dude hopefully this doesn’t go to the ancient city this is gigantic this is scary yeah if you fall the spikes will like kill you oh yeah yeah if you land on the spikes they do extra damage so okay and it it’ll kill you if you fall like 10 blocks on it not kidding dang yeah there’s a lot of iron in here I’m not going to get it though since it’s close to your house yeah I am G to grab the lapis over here though cuz enchantment wait is this rare guys is this rare Stone lapis I don’t think so anyways I’m going back to my house cuz I have a full inventory like I can’t even get anything if I wanted to all right already already already I’m going to go back to my house too your house yes my house bro you you Canadian a house a my house a sorry such a such a hoser I have exm on my face right now sick what you remember when you used to get X on your stomach when you were little and you would walk around Walmart lifting up your shirt you’re like yes I was like three or something I think yeah yeah you were you’re a baby mom was always like put your shirt down at my grown age no I’m not no yeah you’re a baby but it was itchy and you didn’t want your shirt to touch it yeah yeah you didn’t know what was going on it was sad but it was but you it didn’t seem like it was hurting you but what hurting me yeah it didn’t seem like it was bothering you it was just itchy oh well well it it like has a burn itch Dylan uh I have I regrettably have news to report and it’s about your pig oh did it die in the hole it despawned it’s not there anymore oh no do you want to put a grave you want to put a grave there um I don’t think he really cared about it no it’s yeah yeah let’s let the grass grow maybe it’ll spawn a uh a nice large tree for you God I hope with its bones oh yeah we never said um we never set the difficulty back to easy did we oh shoot we didn’t oh well I’m going dang Axel lottle out into this uh water here be careful make sure it doesn’t like it’s it’s not like a big body or something for swi away oh yeah you might lose it I keep my Axel in um I keep my Axel in my buckets in my chest until I get name tags okay I have eight name tags W you need to sleep hay that we’re doing um I right clicked my bed just because I couldn’t remember if I saved my spawn but we can because it’s thundering and I don’t want any of our places set on fire cuz Thunder can do that yeah had lightning strike near my house yeah um I I’m the furthest away from the cave so I guess I’ll just keep sleep y’all please I’m heading home okay oh my gosh that’s fine honestly I don’t care I don’t care that’s fine I fell into the warden cave did you die yeah I died can you sleep I’m I’m sleeping right now all right who hasn’t slept yet me oh okay if little me saw JoJo right now like jojoa I would cry from her makeup she looks scary oh my gosh it’s so weird to think that I think she’s like older than me just by a little bit I think like a year that is so weird to think are you going to get a cat this stream I want to try to no same age I thought she was like a like one year for some reason I need to get fish but I want to try to get at least one cat cuz there’s a village near us here I’m G look up Jojo see what age joj JoJo Sia age and birthday who out their bed me I I’m still in bed yes she is older than me but it’s just a couple months I’m going to get my stuff May 19th 2003 is when she was born I was born November 3rd 2003 old old lady old lady check old lady check old lady check okay you know I guess I am cuz I’m the only one trying to actually sleep in here hey I’m sleeping I’m so tired first of all I’m getting I’m getting my my stuff I didn’t want it to despawn okay oh wait I forgot to put out everything I went the wrong way so I had to turn around oh okay Nathan put the coordinates to the house in the chat oh okay I need to put together all my diamonds I don’t know how many I have I think I have 22 I don’t have many diamonds I think I got all my stuff did I get my diamonds okay those are the most important thing that I dropped so Nathan okay that’s the the second number is the Z yeah you didn’t give the Y but that’s not that important like the second number yeah if it’s like Overworld coordinated what what okay if it’s Overworld coordinates I’m not going to like give the Z cuz it’s pretty much just above ground yeah yeah my 21st birthdays this year yep my 20th Al alcohol blame it on where’s my I’ve already had sorry but it was legal when I had it yeah it was legal I’ve had I’ve had alcohol I’ve had plenty Canada it was in Canada it was legal when I had it you alcohol back to America oh my God no I’ve never had alcohol in America I got six levels back that’s not too bad I had like 17 or 18 all right there we go I’m back in my bed oh my gosh so we can sleep now yes oh I see um Lauren yeah I’m still I’m getting close are you in my cave underne yeah I fell down oh um here oh wait you already found it oh my God I just fell go this way Haley’s favorite song is the new JoJo siwa song yes no no no she did confirm that I don’t like it more than K-pop oh my God the Thunder more than K-pop no oh I have a bed if you want to sleep here Lauren okay um it is under the stairs this is Nathan’s bed but it’s all right here you go oh wait where you at oh you’re right there it’s right there are you able to or not no it says obstructed okay wa hang on let me just break this okay try nowed let me try now no iron what oh wait wait wait turn now there we go sorry guys I didn’t mean to die that’s two deaths this stream dang it dude I’m in I have 12 Now it’s 12 deaths survived I died too all right Nathan but I died twice that’s that’s not fair twice What is love baby don’t hurt me no the other not that one not that one not that one sorry what the heck I’m confused he said Twi thank youp thank you he said twice okay and then but he said it in the tone that they say it before they say what is love in their song but I mean for you guys that aren’t K-pop fans you can sting that one but I’m not claiming it everybody was thinking don’t hurt me thank you everybody okay you’re what I did your audience is different no more no what do you mean your audience is different my chat he’s reading wait oh my God okay oh my God what is I forgot sorry I genuinely forgot oh my God I just realized a string Farm it’s going to be a string Farm too what the spider farm is going to be a string Farm oh yeah oh yeah I should have got more coal while I was out there cuz I have zero bro I am I am poor Nathan I have 64 Cobble deep slate do you want it yeah okay can you pay me a diamond for it no I’m just kidding I’ll I’ll pay you Diamond I’m plenty Rich wait actually can you pay me um if it’s coal I can’t give you that I’m sorry no no no no no can you actually pay me I don’t think I need diamonds I think I actually need what should I get sorry Dylan can read the chat more because he’s just more in he’s he’s just chilling I’m like really into the game right now I I just play game with Haley CU play game I’m not really playing I’m just playing hey you should get more and it okay all right so you should I love your fit thank you yeah have coll in the back of my skin have you seen my new skin Nathan uh no sorry what do you want I’m here so you have to look at it now what do you want wait look look look look oh my gosh a cinema roll outfit oh Cinema roll that’s cool yeah uh what do you want um I want hang on wait we’re matching I’m blue crystal okay I want do you can you come with me on next stream this is what you have have to agree with not to a mangrove swamp thank goodness but to find a Mesa biome please akup paku hi I have this cute San Rio backpack coming in the mail Stone so excited anyhow stream questionnaire what film made you cry the most when you watched it oh gosh can’t think uh Planet 51 oh I know um it was Big Daddy by Adam Sandler oh wait what was the movie what was the movie with the girl in it 20th Century Girl 21st Century Girl or is it 20th it’s 20th 20th Century Girl made me cry that one was pretty sad what do you want to know what like the scariest movie that isn’t like a horror movie is what uh it’s Click by with Adam Sandler oh my God that movie scared me very sad movie that movie makes me cry every time I watch it that movie 20th century girl is so sad um akuu thank you for the $10 by the way also I’ll go to the Mesa biome with you fine I guess okay where’ you go cuz I need to give you this give give you what the oh oh just put it in my just put it in my chest which one the I’m going to you know I’m just going to put it in the one next to the crafting table okay oh yeah I got to look up the the video tutorial I watched for um the thank you Steve from Minecraft that was a click is a very scary movie had me thinking about time like dang I’m going to die in like 70 years yep I saw this Tik Tok and it’s so true it’s so funny it’s like uh I forgot how they worded it but basically it was them like making fun of how like guys like have like deep or quote unquote deep realizations about things like crisises like when they’re like in their 20s and it’s like literally things that like girls think of when they’re like 11 like all right give me example like um like one thing was like about like U them dying soon or like or not dying soon but like that eventually we’re all going to die like guys have that crisis at like 20 but girls think about that when they’re like 10 oh dang that was what the Tik Tok was I believe it guys really are pretty stupid they’re really slow at like realizing things wait when did when did girls have it not all girls have it it was just like they were like and I literally had that thought when I was 11 I don’t know how old I was when I watched click but I I wasn’t older than like 12 but the fact that you needed a movie to realize that bro well I always knew I was going to die like all my grandparents died very early on I remember being really upset when I was like five or six I was like wait mom and dad are GNA die oh and like I just cried for hours oh my gosh I was like that with the our pets oh no not Bob no I didn’t care about I’m sorry that dog used to be so loud yeah I’m surprised he’s still alive every day me too dog recently passed I was more so like that with like kitty and like oh yeah like cats like I didn’t really care about dogs I’m sorry yeah I haven’t really care about dogs in forever I care about cats cats are so goated dog videos are really funny and stuff but I will never get one yeah yeah [Music] um yeah yeah yep yeah okay so what are y’all doing now uh replace some of my uh dirt with moss so it looks a little bit more uh Shrek looking so pretty proud of that nice can I hang these glowberries on the ceiling can I do yeah you can do that yeah you can and then if you get bone meal you can put like the glowing part on it back like you’ll have to like right click the vines with bone meal after you place them okay so I’ll have to get that okay so you’ll have to get bones and then you got to kill skeletons for it Nathan was trying to give you bones you want some of the ones he gave me or uh no it’s okay I want to burn it it be cool all right well then yeah I didn’t want to give you that anyway so I could turn it back on easy so skeletons spawn at night okay yeah good luck are y’all all prepared good luck brother I guess so I almost turned it into creative mode for a second don’t do that well actually can you do that real quick I’m just kidding no dude there’s so much coal up in here crash landing on you ending almost made me cry that was such a good K drama dude that made me like so emotional that was the one where like she gets trapped in North Korea oh my God yeah that one okay uh my favorite’s still 25 21 okay no one ask I’m just kidding that one was really good that was the last time we ever saw nju huk well he’s in that one movie I Haven watched yet I know but we need to see him in a K drama I know no I need to see Kim and another G please he’s just busy doing like the the whatever he is doing I don’t even know what he’s doing what is he’s doing stuff for the movie that came out like a year ago like come on Oh you mean like for uh the child yes that movie was really good though like I know but why is he going around still promoting it like come on and I bet you I bet you Dev Patel saw that before he made monkey I mean he did say he he really likes uh Korean action movies yeah uh can’t wait for home wait for Sweet Home season 3 what’s that uh that’s that one it’s on Netflix oh I’m sorry I don’t know what that is I’m sorry do not know what that is trying to light up my area a lot with torches everywhere so mobs don’t spawn near me in like a 20 block radius put down that Moss carpet okay mhm uh-huh that’s right turning night the skeletons are coming oh mama okay I don’t know about wondering traitor I don’t know about that but okay the other one spawn please don’t tell me despawn no I have to name tag the wanding traitor for to say h whatever all right well looks like do looks like I got to make a infinite water source down here I’m scared right now you freaking zombo oh what the heck what I don’t know why I’m trying to crit you why is your reach so long oh my God stop screaming the zombie that’s why I don’t like to play on easy with you Nathan you just start screaming at every monster you see no I’m I’m chill I was chilling until the zombie kept smacking me like from longer than I could hit it like I couldn’t hit it but it kept smacking me like I didn’t understand it learn to observe not everything needs a reaction are yall okay I got like three zombies and a creeper oh God I’m trying to really light up my area hereen I’ll come spam torches around your area cuz I got like too many what this thing I don’t even know where my torches went I think I lost them in the death okay then I I’ll come oh wait are you trying to sleep now no sorry I I was trying to put it down I put like I give up I’m done too many monsters there’s so many zombies oh my God yo I’m I’m dead sorry creeper oh man like actually oh what am I doing dude got our pickax swinging from side to side let me just let me let me just sit here and heal oh my God night night night is I’m in love creeper when I a kid I used to listen to like every Minecraft fairy by Captain Sparkles while playing Minecraft that’s such a that’s such a Haley thing to do you think so yeah I feel like you do that too Nathan though did I I don’t think so I feel like you would really creeper on try don’t finish uh love go go go go go that was so wholesome sorry yep he’s not a lover he’s just a fighter I mean wrong way he’s not a lover he’s a fighter he’s not a lover he’s a Warrior born from blood Colleen version the Colleen version not a fighter grer just a loser gosh that’s what she said in the song fair enough I’m trying to light up your whole area Lauren thank you oh oh my God sorry that was so muffled for me that was funny sorry I just got jump scared by an Enderman and I accidentally looked at him I’m setting my don’t worry I’m setting my spawn what the what the heck that was not what I wanted to hear tonight sorry about that is what I wanted to hear tonight oh I’m just kidding oh boy oh boy huh oh Lord insert H sound dude my area is still not lit up Hall Dylan has no filter I know and he he streamed more than me that’s right he was just yawning why did you sh all of them that disoriented me what happened he TR to F all the all the evil Spider-Man themes oh I have that muted I don’t know how you muted that started playing a soundboard yeah but you did that as soon as like I started taking Dam damage from a skeleton like I was like oh no there a texture pack added in hey SW take damage or whatever guys do you remember psycho girls some girls know how to fight what’s that how the zom oh not that hell no hell no hell no he save me all right I got to go back to my um area oh no I don’t I need to make a bunch of fence gates all right Lauren you should be kind of safe to go outside I mean it’s pretty dark what you good of the snow skeletons are hiding in the powdered snow oh honestly L sorry I took it that was crazy bro creeper I got slowness boy oh what is that no way Haley Haley what oh my God I just had to kill a zombie cat villager I’ll be right back hold on did you get scared of it yes I I didn’t know what it was for a second I feel bad killing these do they look weird uh they look a little different they look cute though they still look cute really yeah I should keep one a name name it something okay this is a problem guys I’m sorry oh my God literally get back I’m trying to light up this oh my God this is hard to [Music] do yeah I walked outside and two of them were just waiting right by my door really yeah I don’t know how to tell the difference between powdered snow and real snow uh there’s like little it’s it looks a little more like it’s like the difference between Stone and Cobblestone I don’t see a difference oh wait I do I do I do so far I’m safe up here get away from me I’m back welcome back welcome back welcome to my house baby to slow we don’t have to go wait what was I trying you’re the reason I got back into Minecraft I traveled 12,000 blocks for cherry blossom biome that’s a really long walk I mean we traveled 8,000 blocks yeah oh no so we’re better oh no oh no what I I fell in the powdered snow oh shoot uh break it I don’t know there you go oh wait never mind oh that was a spider it looks so this snow is scary I’m so saddened by the by the um zombies zombie cats who’s shooting at me me fortnite fortnite what I just heard fortnite really musle me too I heard fortnite in a very distant land yo what I like fortnite what do you guys think of the Avatar event is it good I haven’t played it yet I think I think the Skins are very overpriced oh yeah for sure like the whole thing with them removing the Rarities and stuff that sucks like that that’s probably the worst thing they could have ever done is it just in the snow you know what’s in the snow m M that’s Regular Show Regular Show reference I give up on this I give up I do I got to go back to mining a bunch of trees Let It Go Let It Go never we’re going to give you up I’m going to let you down thank you bubbles fortnite sucks it does now I don’t think I like it anymore their Skins are cute though it got too hard for me it normally is really hard at like the start of the Season yeah it’s still too hard I bet cuz I remember Nathan played it and it wasn’t even that close and I don’t think or close to the start and it was so hard oh yeah it’s not a fun time really it it’s really annoying trying to fight somebody with like the mythics or whatever hate those dude Dylan I don’t know what you did but you just sound like you’re so far away yeah I don’t know what you did sorry I’m eaten some chips so I turned on my mic so you didn’t hear the oh the crunchy a sounds yeah what are you doing right now I am getting some water filled in the top of the spawner so I don’t have to later when are you thinking about ending your stream when I finish the spawner and when are you finishing oh um I didn’t like that don’t ever do that again Crystal ask for it blame Crystal when are you finishing it uh I need to I need to watch the video more to see how much I have left okay why well I see a Del fortnite fortnite fortnite no more fortnite you’re going to attempt to make a city in Minecraft on creative oh that’s going to be cool I used to play Creative so much as a kid I don’t think I I like it anymore though I like to um make little places and just survival CU I know I can’t make something big in survival that’s so much work yeah so much work doing anything yeah there’s honestly so much work doing this spawner but I want to get it done so I can Farm some XP cuz you know I’m going to lose it oh my God sorry I almost just fell down a hole I have to get so many materials for this cat cafe until I can actually start building that sucks I should go fishing or no I’ll just go kill fishes and then I’m going to go breed or not breed cats but tame them yeah tame your cats I need to get fish though fish time oh God I almost freaking died there is very distant Dyan again all right who wants to be uh the first cat name first me in the chat or well Nick will be the first one but after Nick not Nick not Nick yes I have to it was his idea all right delusional B was the first one on my screen it shows you see that Ser person take their away you are too quiet oh sorry okay I’m can that see that Serenity person take their mod away they’re so bad oh my gosh I can’t even trust them they’re so bad was this from me I don’t know I will beat you up Serenity I don’t want to hear it can you tame fish with salmon uh you can tame them with any fish okay I didn’t know if it had to be C get out of my freaking way how do you make a a hopper uh a chest and iron I think I thought there was oh yeah there it is okay I might be wrong I don’t remember I don’t use hoppers I need to use him for this radio Royal what the what are you doing four fish is enough for one cat I’m just gonna start with what are you doing what are you doing gonna sing like people’s names in the chat Crystal Cru Crystal Cruise oh okay thank you Atlantic so tropical breeds axelos only um but any other fish can be used for a cat all right thank you or make up a song about Nathan right now and sing it I don’t think I can do that all right it’s worth a shot oh wait sorry I got distracted there’s pink tul lips Nathan is tall Nathan is T yeah yep he is pretty tall Nathan’s head scrapes the clouds and Nathan’s head CL is he here I’m here dude you’re not saying anything you’re just letting him something to you I’m smirking in a funny way you’re just letting him continue yeah go off Dylan has fart in his butt today hell yeah thank you Nathan that is such a nice thing Dylan’s got some farts in his booty today he’s going to shake them all out until he doesn’t have any left mhm I just got to get all the nasty little watered up balls of toilet paper out of the way so I can fall e the detail he’s also got a he’s got I was going to say something weird I’m not going to say you should use all that detail and put in I was about I was about to give you a roast a roast yes I was about to say you should put all that detail into your Minecraft house hey I I built Shrek’s house okay my God I’m joking I’m joking I’m to mute Dylan yeah I had to do that to Nathan like the other stream he was overwhelming me cuz he kept screaming cuz he was like in a cave by himself and I was just trying to like peacefully build so I muted him she did she did do that to me that’s horrible I’m going to this Village I hope I can get a cat got that dirty little Dy sliding at your butthole Nathan’s gonna need some ice for that burn you mean Dylan but yes yeah it got me good there please be a cat here please plop plop plop goes the dooky doy dookie logs any cats any cat oh my gosh sorry the Villager scared me look look at this villager it’s a standing calico cat oh my God God y’all I have a texture pack to make all my cats or all my villagers cats if y’all didn’t know this is going to make it harder to find like a real cat oh wait never mind I just found one I found a tuxedo cat come here that’s terrifying I think it’s cute oh you better work oh my gosh they rejected all four of my fish dang it Animal Crossing villagers it’s cute oh I meant to jump on that I need to make fences too oh my God this game is such a scam what about the game what happened it rips people off thank God I brought this I got rejected yeah I did I don’t know why I I guess I just don’t want want to work in a cafe for the rest of their lives like that sounds so fun I can never move just one block yeah I’m almost dead just from falling down this mountain where are the fish oh come here wait did I make this too big D what the heck what the heck what the heck did y’all see what that fish looked like had a bone in it I got a bone with a fish that makes sense it does make sense you get bones from fish sometimes how do you check the status effects on bedro Rock um on computer you press Z I don’t know how to do it on controller or anything but I just know it’s Z yeah but on computer it’s Z on your keyboard you can probably change it though in your controls menu yeah thank you you’re welcome on controller you cry nice right um are y’all wanting to stay alive for this night or are y’all able to sleep right now I’m I’m downstairs not downstairs I can sleep oh I fart it I’m as sleep in this Village I’m at get out sorry sorry cat I’m almost done hold on hurry get in the bed y’all okay I’m ined by the way this spawner is not going to be pretty I don’t care that’s fine as long as it works yeah hopefully it works get in your bed grandma get in who get in your bed who’s not in the bed right now me get in the bed let me drive the bus and also we’re waiting on Nathan for the stream to end if everyone’s wondering okay yeah sorry guys get youred Grandma you ugly so basically the stream will never be ending uh first of all I’m so close to being done just let me finish get in the bed let him cook let him cook dude I’m going to die get in the bed let him cook let him cook bro Nathan get in I’m getting in the bed all right slash pick I’m cing you out of the server right now I’m sleeping right now oh okay I don’t even think you can do that anyway bro I can I can I just typed it in don’t do that I am the owner of this so I can that’s a crazy one oo Jesus these zombies burning everywhere all right where are the cats where are the cats where was that tuxedo cat it’s gone dang it oh there it is hey that actually made me jump oh my God what happened oh my God a creep just exploded by my tower I heard it walk up and I was like wait what’s going on I had to check the commands not the commands I got a cat I got a cat yay oh my God it looks like Cooper Nathan oh really oh my God I almost check yeah well I’m at the Village by the house is he following me okay good woohoo cats I hope more cats spawn by this Village cuz I’m going to need them is there any more I’m going to try two fish on a cat oh that’s a bunny darn it these are bunnies stupid bunnies yeah did y’all I want to did y’all know about the term Buckle bunny no Buckle bunny all right I learned this because I follow some really like country people on Snapchat or we’re friends on Snapchat from like school but it basically means when a girl pretends to be country that’s a bunny yeah huh okay huh I didn’t know that that was a term okay I didn’t either and I was like what the heck and this guy was like this girl’s a buckle bunny she’s trying to get me to like her oh my God like I doubt it who wants to pretend to be Southern like no one D wait I think I just saw a cat as someone who is from the south I don’t think anyone would ever want to be like that oh wait never mind it was a bunny that just died where are these cats white cat white cat oh my gosh Come here no bro these cats are so hard to get they run away from me you have to like Crouch bro come over here dude oh it’s coming it’s coming what I didn’t even move get over here cat oh my gosh this cat is teasing me right now welcome back design [Music] girl yay I didn’t mean to uh feed you the hearts or the food to make you have Parts what are where are you going okay let’s go back I hope my cats don’t die from Fall damage on the way back relatable that what’s relatable I don’t know I know I don’t know actually nothing I’m sorry sick you got me good there buddy I tell you what all right I’m almost done with the spider spawner I just want to see if if it works I need I need like one more trapo and I need to activate it where’s my horse you just run across okay yeah he’s right here nostril we’re going we’re leaving nostril I love cats they make me happy I thought so I mean your name is happy cat happy happy happyy happy happy happy happy happy happy Olaf was the best character for real he was a little annoying to me I’m sorry pretty much crap pretty much bull crap don’t ever talk to me like that what I’m sorry he annoys me what oh my God wait there’s literally someone named Olaf in the chat oh I didn’t even know sorry dude was not directed toward WS you yeah break my heart maybe the Olaf in the other Universe isn’t as annoying as the one Frozen no you’re right don’t let them silence you thank you Alexis thank you someone agrees I’m trying to go the safest route I can for my cats and right now I’m doing a pretty good job oh I’m I’m at my light or not lighthous windmill they’re safe alien Souls viewers I swear that wasn’t my intention come on cats y’all are going to go actually I kind of want them in my house for now I don’t want them to die come on all right what else do I got left to do he annoyed me too oh thank you thank you sorry welcome let’s see where do y’all want to sit choose your your places to sit okay this one wants to sit on my bed sure go ahead what about you okay go got had cutter really you want to sit on the okay on the on the spiky blade that’s a little okay you want to but all right there we go a little suspicious he’s going to get cut he wants to he wants to for some reason okay so one of these has to be Nick and the other one has to be delusional BB so I am going to make an anvil I don’t think I have enough though I can maybe get enough oh yeah I have a lot of iron that smell I actually have a lot of coal I thought I had none okay I’m going to make Nick this the black one and then I’m going to name this one delusional BB that’s so funny out of context like imagine going into a Minecraft house and seeing a cat named delusional B happy happy happy I think it just would be really funny to show that Nick’s cat is the one with the stone cutter going through it he’s going to be like what the heck no it’s fine your name’s funny it’s just it’s really funny in Minecraft context like I don’t know says delusional BB is a stupid name I think I can make an anvil and yes do I have enough levels okay I do I don’t know how I got 10 levels where did I get 10 levels from oh probably mining we got Nick and we got delal BB here we go um there we go all right let me make sure I’m picking the right ones there we go two of our first cats for the cafe I need more name tags though can you name a cat design yes I will once I get more cats very cute yes I have to get one named happy cat because that’s just like so kidding yippe My Melody oh I should name one my Melody I have there’s so many people I can name them after when are you going to stream again oh that’s actually a good question because um me and Nathan can’t stream Friday next week no yeah but we can I mean Nathan do you want to Sunday next week oh sure okay oh mind we’ll be streaming Sunday and do you’all want to play with us on Sunday I don’t see why not okay I’ll be the same actually no it won’t be the same time because it’s a school night it’ll probably be 3 we might not be home then but we’ll see yeah know if uh because it’s my friend’s birthday party like oh okay so I got to make sure if she’s even doing it okay Dylan and Lauren take over next week oh no oh no Haley regrets it lives to regret it bro why would I regret that I have no idea okay I think where I’m going to have a cafe will be I think I’m going to just have it right here maybe right next to the farm well actually I don’t know probably actually all the way back here yeah I’m planning on adding like little village houses for the cat villagers o I’m almost done I I accidentally built the um this roof thing wrong so I I have to redo it bro hi Olaf or no I don’t have to redo it I just have to shift it over like a block oh my God bro that’s it okay that’s all um um and then I’m going to see if it works and if it doesn’t work then I got to see the problem and you can see that problem when uh today bro hi iy be kind of thinking about that Taco Bell Taco Bell sounds so good yeah no if y’all if y’all want to get off to go get it y’all can I feel bad because Nathan’s taking really long all right I had to ask you if you had any plans tomorrow but I didn’t want to do that on the stream oh me why uh we’re hanging out with Molly I want to know if you oh shoot sorry creeper exploded um oh like dang that big of a realization oh shoot you are oh my God but I’m sorry okay um what are you’all doing tomorrow or are you not able to say I can say she’s coming over to watch uh the Marvels and she was wondering if uh we could all go get dinner and then come and watch the movie uh what time probably be like six or seven [Music] um I’ll see if I can I was planning on spending all day tomorrow almost all day like half the day so it could just be the morning working on recording a bunch of videos cuz I’m wanting to really badly have like a few days of a break cuz I don’t think I’ve never had an actual break before sure so I’m really perked out so I’m trying to work on a bunch of videos in advance to have a break for the first time CU I’ve only ever had breaks because I’ve had to like leave the house like that’s the only time like I’ve never just actually like had a break yeah so I’ll see if I can if um if I’m not done by then um then I can’t but if I am then I’ll come did that’s fine I probably would get off before then okay thank you at least I am really just burnt out because [Music] of um me switching up like my videos I like put in a lot more effort now because like it’s not just like News videos which are so easy to edit yeah so I’m so burnt out I trust me someone that no longer edits anymore I totally get it it sucks I like editing it’s not like I hate it it’s just I’m tired yeah I don’t hate it either but it does get pretty draining at times I guess we will go and get some Taco Bell then uh okay thank you for having us on the stream yeah no problem and uh maybe see y’all tomorrow I guess all right all right bye guys see you by chat bye everybody bye say bye to Dy Lauren there you have left yes I am almost done I swear uhhuh I swear there’s so many Bee nests I need to make a bee farm for honey I want I want to make more candles candles would be so cute in the cafe I’m trying to cut down trees are you able to sleep right now Nathan cuz I’m I’m dealing with a lot of mobs right now and I want to cut down trees um I’m almost able to you know I’m going to cut these trees down um because after I make my cat cafe my next plan is right next to this Farm I’m making a bigger house and then that smaller House of mine right now is going to be a farmhouse so that’s my plan a thank you design girl uh please take a break your mental health matters to much to us care we would if you need one thank you save the trees it’s okay I have a lot of saplings I’m just trying to build out so much stuff first so then I can just place all the saplings down and then they can grow around the buildings because I don’t want to place down saplings if I’m going to have to cut it down any anyway I have so many saplings so wait what did Crystal say we need drama want to plot after the stream what are yall plotting what what’s happening I’m scared Let It Grow Nathan I need to sleep in the game I know I’m almost done I’m almost done and I have a video to work on like you’re taking so long I’m almost done oh my gosh I thought we were going to end at 9: today and it’s almost 10: and I have to work on a video to post tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. okay okay okay I’m almost done I’m almost done I’m sorry I I’m just stressed I get it I get it this is let it die let it die poor Haley I know you’re joking dude I asked you to sleep and now there’s creepers blowing up my house or near my house sorry all right the spawner works oh my God you couldn’t just sleep sorry I’m so far away from my house bro I wish I could sleep in real life but I’m not going to be able to that early tonight and then I have to wake up at like 8:00 a.m. okay I’m sorry I’m try I was trying to hurry up and finish it but there was a lot of complications y’all I’m grumpy Nathan take too long and I’m mad because I’m not going to be able to sleep [Music] tonight go to bed or we will spam you in the morning bro I need to I need to sleep because Nathan has to go to work so early tomorrow so I have to wake up early to get back to my house and then this is stressful there I’m sleeping oh now you’re sleeping yes now I’m sleeping now you’re sleeping yeah now I’m sleeping BR the bean Nest just floating is so funny are you done like actually yeah I’m done now okay well I’m going to end the stream now thank you guys for watching let me just finish cutting that up all right there we go thank you guys for watching today’s stream make sure to like this stream if you haven’t already and um I’m gonna be working on videos now yeah well anyways I guess I’ll see you guys later bye see you uh

This video, titled ‘DAY 9 MINECRAFT SPAWNER MAKER’, was uploaded by Earthman on 2024-04-13 02:00:37. It has garnered 233 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:50 or 10070 seconds.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious and challenging Minecraft hardcore video that had us in stitches. The YouTuber behind the video showcased just how tough and entertaining the game can be, making us want to dive into the action ourselves. With over 100 players simulating civilization in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From funny moments to epic battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of surviving 100 days in hardcore survival mode or embarking on a world… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Mace’s OP Secret

    Unleashing Chaos: Mace's OP Secret The Power of the Mace in Minecraft One of the most talked-about elements in the Minecraft community right now is the Mace. Players are buzzing about its incredible power and effectiveness in the game. But why exactly is the Mace so overpowered? The Mace: A Game-Changing Weapon The Mace is a new weapon introduced in Minecraft version 1.21, and it has quickly become a favorite among players. This powerful weapon can deal massive damage with just one shot, making it a game-changer in battles against tough mobs and bosses. Unleashing the Power of the Mace Players who have wielded… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MineCraft】Getting a FULL Diamond Set【globie 2nd Gen – Equinnox】’, was uploaded by Kohaku Hyouma ch.【globie】 on 2024-06-06 19:46:54. It has garnered 217 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:11 or 12671 seconds. Getting our diamonds and then looking for a location for our mage’s tower art: https://x.com/JelliePNG Using Mizuno’s texture pack: https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ ❄ ❅ OWNERS ❅ ❄ https://streamlabs.com/hyoumakohaku * please remember that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. PLEASE be careful when entering the amount. ❄ ❅THRONE❅ ❄ https://throne.com/kohakuhyouma ❄ ❅ RULES ❅ ❄ 🐯Please be respectful in chat not only towards myself, but… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!

    Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😈#shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ELITE 55 on 2024-06-08 14:46:18. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. HEROBRINE 😈#shorts HIMLANDS – HULALLALA IS BACK Minecraft dog revenge 😈 #shorts #gta5 #gta6 #triggeredinsaan #ujjwal #mythpat #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #palworld #viral #shortsfeed #shortsbeta #mrbeast Palworld Techno gamerz Rajat dalal atishi marlena Dhruv rathee Mrbeast sam ovens podcast bado badi Triggered insaan ssc adda247 4k video channel 4 news Shorts strategi digital marketing interior design viral shorts short videos pal world tips palworld farming tips how… Read More

  • JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God – Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God - Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Real PVP God of India? Minecraft ‎@technogamerzofficial536  @SenpaiSpider’, was uploaded by JAFAR FF on 2024-02-29 19:20:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ss by clutch gods top 10 clutch gods of india राम राम craftee custom hearts beating minecraft youtubers mod fleet pvp … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaiden

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying to beat Minecraft 1.8 w/ @TriforceRaiden’, was uploaded by Evan Agredano on 2024-06-03 05:27:49. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:06 or 20646 seconds. Before the combat update, Minecraft was a relatively basic game. No caves and cliffs, no nether update, no 1.9 combat update. Can @TriforceRaiden and beat the game without all the quality of life features of the later verisons? @TriforceRaiden stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/beC97Qe54AE?si=T3bh_YHrBLnGn0Ym Read More

  • Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!

    Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dungeons ep 4’, was uploaded by LukesterGaming5336 on 2024-01-14 19:35:04. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:20 or 920 seconds. Playing a secret mission in Minecraft dungeons. Read More

  • Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20

    Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.20’, was uploaded by Aqualistic on 2024-04-29 10:00:42. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.18 (REMASTER) = SONG Water Lily – The 126ers = = PC Specs: GPU: RTX 3050 CPU: Ryzen 5650G PRO RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 = Tags: MCPlayHD Greev SpacePotato AntiAC Speedcubing Doogile ThreeClicks TheSilent_One Geklow Crimssel Crinek sub 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Minecraft shorts YouTube Found This Desc From… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!

    EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 Players Simulate Minecraft VIKINGS vs KNIGHTS’, was uploaded by Wintell on 2024-05-10 18:38:32. It has garnered 1030 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. In this Minecraft tournament I took part in a medieval civilization event!! 100 Vikings and 100 Knights will fight each other to determine which civilization is superior. Each team defends their CIVILIZATIONS and creates strategy’s to win the event. I spawned into the Vikings team and helped prepare my team for battle and lead them into the fight! The only way to determine… Read More

  • “Tua – Make a bouncy model effortlessly!” #blender3d

    "Tua - Make a bouncy model effortlessly!" #blender3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘ทำ model ให้เด้งดึ๋งอย่างง่ายๆ | Blender #blender3d #เกม #chatgpt #ไทย #เกมผี #สร้างเกม #animated’, was uploaded by Tua on 2024-06-14 12:00:23. It has garnered 13143 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #blender #blender3d #blender3d #makegame #chatgpt #Thai #ghostgame #minecraft #game #mobilegame Read More

  • funcySMP

    funcySMPJoin funcySMP: Experience Skyblock, Custom Minigames, and More! Face custom mobs, explore hidden bases, engage in Kitpvp battles, and discover a reimagined Earth. Enhance gear with unique custom enchants. Dive into a world of gaming excellence today! Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP This is a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week. What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A… Read More

  • BrabantCraft

    BrabantCraftJoin the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻 Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!• Content Creators wanted, request your role now in our Discord! 🔴 📹 discord.com/invite/brabantcraftThe server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!• Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡 The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a new world every time is a struggle.

    Well, at least it’s not as hard as trying to spell “fo’ ur infurmashun” correctly every time. Read More

  • Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes!

    Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes! In the world of Pringles, TNT is the name, Spicy and hot, like a fiery flame. Minecraft on the label, a dynamite sight, Leon cracking jokes, keeping it light. The taste of jalapeno, a spicy surprise, Clearing out sinuses, bringing tears to our eyes. Not as thick as Tim’s, but the flavor’s the same, Dynamite chips, a spicy game. Scored from 1 to 100, where do they stand? Leon’s heat scale, a fiery demand. Steve gives a 92, while Leon’s at 70, But the taste of jalapeno, oh so heavenly. Found at Target, three for five, A deal too… Read More

  • Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun

    ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun A Day in Originrealms: Exploring Custom Features and Farming Adventures Welcome to Originrealms, a Minecraft server filled with custom items, blocks, and more – all without the need for mods! Dive into this unique world by joining the IP play.originrealms.com. Get ready for an exciting journey filled with exploration, battles, and farming. Exploring the World As you embark on your adventure, you’ll come across outposts, structures, and hidden treasures. While the loot may vary in quality, each discovery adds to the thrill of exploration. From digging gravel to battling ravagers, every moment is filled with excitement. Unlocking Rare Rewards… Read More

  • Sneaky Cop in Minecraft

    Sneaky Cop in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Diverse and Engaging Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Exploring the Vast Landscapes One of the key features of Minecraft is its expansive world, filled with diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests to towering mountains. Players can embark on epic quests to uncover hidden treasures or simply enjoy the serene beauty of their surroundings. Encountering Unique Characters Within the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets RevealedVideo Information from crazy duping machines to a secret mob here are 200 Minecraft facts you didn’t know if you’re still using Oak Acacia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone sword all the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from a villager instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these has beond overpowered all… Read More

  • Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4

    Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep4’, was uploaded by AppleGamer Amar on 2024-02-26 07:19:27. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep 4 Mining Chapters…: Intro: 0:00 Warning…: 0:23 Playing With Functions But This Happened…: 0:34 Collection Woods: 2:26 Getting In The Cave: 2:49 Making Portal: 3:19 The Nether: 3:44 Got Back To Continue Mining: 4:27 Playing With The Function Again: 8:06 The… Read More

  • Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥

    Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥Video Information लाइ लाइ वी आर बैक वि अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम बता तेरी मुंडी ना अभी य उल्टी हो जाता है हो जाता है मेरी भी हो गई थी क्या नहीं हो रही य देख हेलो हेलो य ना कनेक्टेड टू बोकर आज हम लोग बनाएंगे आमर और तो मांग बता द लोकेशन क्या है किसको बोला गया य किसको बोला गया से बोल रहा हूं 11 11 और माइनस व मतलब वन वन प आना पागल उसी प थोड़ा अरे एक एक पे आजा चमार भाई मैं तो दो दो काम मल्टीटास्किंग कर रहा हूं मैं तो क्या एक… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trap Guide! 🕷️🔥 #shocking

    Ultimate Minecraft Trap Guide! 🕷️🔥 #shockingVideo Information for foreign foreign fore This video, titled ‘Minecraft Traps At Different Types🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Spider Gaming on 2024-01-10 04:30:06. It has garnered 5242 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft Traps At Different types 🤯 #minecraft #shorts Tags* minecraft shorts minecraft funny minecraft but youtube shorts tiktok vs reality shorts shorts youtube video Shorts realistic minecraft minecraft realistic Super Realistic Minecraft how to make youtube shorts Viral shorts youtube shorts monetization youtube shorts tutorial how to make money on youtube shorts 2023 YouTube shorts minecraft memes Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base Build!Video Information [संगीत] हे हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो ऑफ मा उम्मीद करते हैं कि आप सब लोग ठीक ही होंगे उम्मीद करते हैं कि आप सब लोग ने पिछली वीडियो देखी होगी नहीं देखी क्या अरे देख लो यार देखो ऊपर आई बटन पे आ रही होगी चलिए फिर हम लोग यह वीडियो स्टार्ट करते हैं बिना किसी देरी के हम ऐसे ही रास्ते से जा रहे थे तो ये लोग मिल गए हमको मेरे पीछे लगे थे भूख लगी होगी तो खिला दिए इतनी जल्दी ये लोग एक रीप्रोड्यूस भी कर दिए सब क्या… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Modern Mountain Home

    Insane Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Modern Mountain HomeVideo Information we’re in trouble a mutant spider is going to attack soon let’s build a secure Mountain House to survive my mountain house is going to be way cooler than yours we’ll see about that woodo I just need to come over here and use SL slash paste and boom now we have an empty area inside of the mountain that we can work with no way this build is going to be epic it’s complet completely empty plus the mun spider can go inside of it right now then I just have to cover this area up woodo… Read More


    🔥RAJ DESTROYS RANKS IN VALORANT LIVE🔥Video Information hello guys welcome to the stream let’s start a match again and let’s try to win and re gold match found okay it’s Lotus yes I’m pumped okay it’s a good team but we need a sentinel too I shouldn’t have to say this because you know the vibe but stay clear on my exper exps okay fight there yeah they don’t have smokees that’s nice are there only Us Alive I have this reloading I dropped Spike enemy spotted [Applause] cenade last player standing one eny remaining let’s I’ll take out their Sky it’s something I must… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱Video Information Kön alle D auch D hört schon jer dich hört man im Video hallo mal ja hallo Test 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jetzt hallo Test 1 4 5 6 ma mal ungefähr so dann auch starten so ma Intro und willkommen Video und heute sind wir in Minecraft mit phip HI heute spielen wir he and Zek auf verschiedene Maps in dem Fall auf welche Map spielen wir heute oder jetzt gerade h ausgesucht kan ach jetzt kann ja jetzt kann ich Beginn wir erstmal mit den kleinen Spiel mal gostown okay dann… Read More

  • Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PRO

    Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PROVideo Information the world just pass me by pain pills nice Clow if I fall I think I’ll by ey touch me might us make me part of your design to guide us I feel fear for the very last [Music] time sleep while iose my eyes oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft PRO Parkour’, was uploaded by Gojo boys95 on 2024-03-26 23:12:08. It has garnered 1627 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft PRO proper minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft animation, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft entity 303, minecraft null, minecraft herobrine animation,… Read More