UNBELIEVABLE Enchanting World with Sjin! #19 Demon Quarry

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hello my dudes and welcome back to enchant the world our all the mods 9 magical playthrough so far we’ve stomped through ours noo built a crazy Tower we’ve conquered mystical agriculture got loads of resource generation seeds and we’ve begun to set up a very small small bespoke little mine Colony using the fairy tale style we’ve built a crypt last episode and we’re trying to go through some of the more evil oriented magical mods let’s jump in now you guys will be happy to see that I have cleared out my backpack mostly got a few important things in here and we’ve got the magical uh what is this enchanters I now that’s got the computer spell attached to it and this means we can go to our computer whenever we want super handy now once again I was going through the comments section and one of you guys said that hang on a sec well no not one of you guys a lot of you guys said that there’s no real need for this many chambers for all of these occultism rituals basically as you can see there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 different types of Pentacle and I originally thought oh no that means I’m going to need 13 separate spherical Chambers spherical cylindrical Chambers to put down a different ritual in each one but on closer inspection if you look at where the runes are look at where the candles are and all of that this one kind of fits inside this ritual it’s just got a few extra runes and then I realized hang on a sec yeah so the reason why these are all in a layer is because one fits inside the other which fits inside the next one yes is that true yeah well say that’s true and so on and so forth and that’s really cool so what we’re going to be doing this episode is skipping right to the end and making all of these rituals today that means we’re going to have to secure a way to make the fabled red chalk and it means we can get rid of this scrubby ritual over here so we’ll get the chalk brush out and start cleaning up some of this mess oh man so we got the dictionary of spirits here we’re going to right click with this and select the third ritual in the chain this is abra’s open conjure press the I and we’ll get a multiblock preview now the moment of truth if we hover this down on top of wait won’t let me put it down on the right spot if we remove this Golden Bowl it might do yeah there we go so yeah you’ll see when we put this down it actually matches perfectly it is saying there is one block we’re missing and uh well that is of course I think the golden sacrificial bowl that we just picked up there we go complete so this ritual is also abra’s open conure and this lets you summon an Unbound iFit we’re going to need to get some unbounded ifits because they drop red Essence which makes the red chalk which is the Lynch pin in our quest to get a wife but we’ve also got ab’s conure which is not an open conure and yeah we can put this down as well we’ll just need to remove the Golden Bowl right click I right click again and yeah it looks like we need a few more bits and Bobs candles around the edge oh yeah now we need to use candles but it doesn’t say what kind of candles we have to use so there might be another way for us to make idolon candles yeah it looks like idolon has its own kind of Tallow as well which is finally a use for our rotten flesh we have to blast this though we can’t smelt it is that true either way it’s better than getting Tallow from pigs another guy in the comment section was complaining oh wait hang on a sec this one needs skeleton skulls right I see we need a regular furnace first make a few of those cuz they always come in handy and then Bob’s your uncle we’ve got the blast furnace and this is going to be a fairly essential occultism thing to use so we’ll park it in the wall over here I reckon touch dig away one of these blocks and Nestle it in the wall oh yeah nice I like the look of that I love embedding machines in walls I think it can make some really impressive looking builds anyway now we’re going to need some rotten flesh and I’m fairly sure we got a load of that because one of our jars well 22 that’s enough we’ll have to put some zombies in some containment jar so we can get loads of that there we go and this should get us that elusive waxy Tallow magician there we go idolon Tallow now we’re also going to need skeleton skulls honestly Wither Skeleton skulls would be easier than this skeleton skull I’ve got 42 Wither Skeleton skulls I wish I could use those and the only way to do this is bone Essence yeah or mob drops maybe it’s time to go out and find some of the more some more of the mobs that we’re going to need so I’m going to grab my yoinker I should have a few of these I’ve got one in here it’s empty I’m going to put the cave creeper in a jar as well and we’re going to go and get a zombie to so that we can get all of the bits we need for Magical mods going forwards let’s go see if we can catch a zombie and a skeleton honestly just underground it’s probably the best choice of this it’s a shame I filled in my hole no I didn’t I didn’t fill in my hole excellent news so the reason why we’re going down occultism is we want to get a demon wife in real life it’s easy to find a wife they’re free don’t cost anything well sometimes they do cost something yeah getting a wife is in theory much easier in real life than it is in occultism so skeletons and zombies the basic vanilla dudes and I’ve got access to my computer now so I’ll get the night vision Shades out as well always love a bit of night vision now night vision shades are not exactly magic but they kind of are I don’t know how they work in real life and so to me that makes them magic A wise man once said the difference between science and Magic is just how much you know I mean I see red dots on the map it’s just yeah why is it that it’s always oh careful Necromancer let’s deal with him what are we going to use on him Fury of the storm oh is that working yeah that works that works oh my God he got d destroy look there’s his ghost there’s his ghost he is so stunned we killed him so hard he doesn’t even know he’s dead yet rip so regular there’s a regular Skelly oh no oh no you know what this levitating belt is more trouble than it’s worth Fury of the storm riperoni and pepperoni whoa whoa whoa whoa get back bro so what is this it’s a Vengeance Spirit oh right interesting tell you what I might want to capture one of these there did I get him no I think he’s haunting me no no no debuffs we’re all right so come to me oh a Monster Box perfect yeah here we go loads of zombies There’s a Zombie and do I smell a witch why not catch a witch could even use it to make a wixie later on but for now this will do fine in a containment jar so I think that’s all we needed right a zombie a skeleton and a witch as a bonus let’s head home now getting home for me is somewhat kind of tricky so I want you oh my god oh who are these guys let’s give them the fury of the storm oh did we get them all yeah roasted absolutely roasted so yeah one of the tricky things I’m having trouble dealing with is transportation I haven’t really got a good way to portal home I know there’s a way to use warp Scrolls to do that somehow and I have some warp Scrolls in here somewhere yeah warp Scrolls use while sneaking to set a location so these ones have locations I think they’re back at base but but do I get to go home by just using this oh my God yeah it uses the scroll but I’m home amazing amazing stuff and into position with some of these jars now we’ve used most of the roof chains so we could just use some of the uh the floor chains over here why not so there’s the cave creeper oh my God he looks so Derpy What A Derpy looking dude next up the zombie and because this guy was on fire when we caught him he actually produces light so honestly like a top tip set your monsters on fire before you catch them and you’ll get a free light source and last but not least the skeleton Wait no that’s that’s got an arrow in it but also it’s worth noting some of our monsters have kind of run their course we don’t need any more raw mutton and we’ve got loads and loads and loads of wool so we could retire the Sheep likewise we’ve got an in insane amount of totems of undying 10 Blaze instruction manuals nine grimo of evocation and more Wen drops than we’re ever going to need so maybe retiring some of these is a good idea but we’re going to leave this to brew come back when we’ve got some skeleton skulls and some zombie flesh so it’s quite difficult to see which things are missing and which things are already in position but if we try and look at this ritual through a wall you can see it only shows you what you’re missing so we’re missing the skeleton skulls and those candles got that Tallow that we made over here in the blast furnace I think put some more in there get this out combine it with the string and Bob’s your uncle we’ve got over a stack of candles now that’s amazing news we could dye these a cool color and that’s a thought cuz I’m not quite sure what color scheme we’re going with down here could stick with the green so six skulls should be enough I don’t think they have to be facing a certain direction we’ll find out soon enough but that should be the ritual complete we need a gold bowl in the middle as well but there we go now the big one is fatma’s incentivized attraction and this is where we start to need red so we’re going to have to summon an iFit and my friends we’re going to do battle with an if it could be tricky these things could destroy me but I’m feeling pretty confident so we’ll see WR an Unbound afet so basically if you bind a demon it’s yours it hangs out with you it chills with you it’ll crack open a cold one hop over to the Barbie with you it look after your kids it’ll cook you a meal these guys are pretty cool chill dudes but when they’re Unbound they are hostile and anything goes oh my God so no so to summon an Unbound afid we actually need to kill a cow we need to put Netherrack nether quartz gunpowder and flint and steel in a four shape so we can do that before we get going so I do have our original cows still in the mob yers so what we’ll do is we’ll put this down and then unfortunately my dudes we’ve got to kill it we’re going to use necrotic Decay because it’s clean did that work oh my God you know what because it’s not me killing it because it’s a spell killing it I think it doesn’t work I think we have to kill this ourselves so it’s time to find a sword I guess mob yinka cow hit it with the sword yes that initiated the ritual so words of the wise don’t use spells spells make the game think a player did not oh right we’re going to oh oh god oh okay so we got oh my God oh my God so we’ve got an afet now Unbound in a mob yoinker he could generate the materials oh God okay necrotic Decay should deal with these dudes oh my God they’re going to set fire to the whole place no put these fires out oh my God they’re making such a mess you crazy Blazers yeah so I don’t want to have to summon this on the rig because cuz yeah I’m going to run out of spruce at this rate so yeah what we could be doing is constantly summoning these afets to kill them for their Essence but it’s going to be a much cleaner way of doing things if we can get this in a containment jar and farm it that way so there’s the containment jar here is the apet get no my God he’s too quick o he almost destroyed us but yeah now he’s in a containment jar and it’s a tough fight these guys are nothing to be messed with he’s got a pretty rad looking sword there these guys are kind of like a mini boss so a containment jar with jar Jin wow his name is even jar it’s like he was born for this so we’re going to put him up in the rafters here we go a hanging Genie oh no he’s upside down so it does this weird thing right if you put a jar jars kind of function like stairs you know how if you’re facing a different direction when you put downstairs they have different orientation well likewise if you’re kind of too low when you put down a jar the monster inside will be upside down you got to get a bit closer yeah there we go right way up much happier aren’t we aren’t we jar jar jar yeah we’ll call him jar jar j jar the genie oh man wa look at this so already we’ve got an afit Essence and this will stack up to 16,000 pretty good pretty good yeah we put a couple of diamond stack upgrades inside this new gold chest that’s probably why the AF Essence actually generated cuz it took some time but there we go we’ve got one AF Essence this is actually enough to get us going we only need one for the chalk so as you can see this is used only to make the chalk it’s also an offering for Sever’s permanent confinement which gets you a deep or Miner AET which will mine random ores and deep slate ores in the mining Dimension whoo crazy I’ve got to set up one of these rituals to get this occultism quarry on the go so back over at the Crypt and we’re still looking for a name for the Crypt there were some pretty good ideas like someone wanted to call it straw finger sepulture or seula don’t know how you say that I’ve only ever read it um but yeah but keep those names coming in cuz I’m still waiting for the perfect name actually no you know what I’m not there was one comment that was absolutely perfect somebody said why don’t you call the Crypt the bone zone so you know what I think we’re going to name this Crypt the bone Zone do I have any spare waist Stones yes I do boom Way Stone Mod here we go put this in position uh why not here this looks good enough and yeah the bone Zone Welcome To The Bone Zone my friends so we’re looking for red chalk impure red chalk is made with impure white chalk afid Essence and blaze powder I have a white and an pure chalk here on my bar ready ready to rock so that means we should have all the bits we need there we go impure red chalk this becomes pure when you toss it into the Flames there we go hot demons hot hot demons got the red chalk now we’re going to dig up this gold sacrificial Bowl because you can’t overlay for some reason the guide templates while there’s a bowl there right click on the floor here go back to Pentacles and fatma’s incentivized attraction Show multiblock preview right click there and here we go put down the red chalk yeah oh man this glows really brightly it’s pretty cool oh looks like we’re going to have to break this because we are actually a little bit pressed for space here at the ritual but that’s not a massive problem yeah that will do fine it looks a bit janky but that’s totally fine we can fix this after the fact maybe move these Spirit Flames oh yes yes yes yeah so now this is all of those except the final one I think what’s the final Pentacle let’s try putting this down what are we missing no this is also osin as well as FAS Okay cool so with the Golden Bowl in position that’s all of the different rituals in the right spot amazing complete I think basically guys now we can summon every single demon that is in the game and this is a big moment so what are we going to do well we’re going to summon some Demons of course in fact even some of these other rituals like if I dig up the golden sacrificial Bowl let’s see which other rituals fit over here so hedin’s lore 28 of 29 this is missing the Golden Bowl okay I Hagin enthralment this is also just missing the Golden Bowl yeah oh my God this is every single ritual what the hell that’s crazy so we don’t even need this sign this is every single ritual in the game we can summon any demon we we want completely well does that mean we can summon the wife yet well no let’s get let’s not get ahead of ourselves the wife is the end game we’re way too young to get married anyway so what we’re going to be doing is trying to work out how to get a minor we want to do some dimensional mining using demons so what’s the next demon we can summon let’s take a look summoning rituals so we’ve summoned a foliate Crusher I don’t think we need a foliate lumberjack although he probably looks cool a foliate transporter I believe yeah makes them into kind of budget car bunes a some a foliate janitor what does a janitor do picks up dropped items and deposits them into a Target chest oh that’s really cool basically the carbuncle does the transporter’s job and the janitor’s job in one but having a demon to do this might be pretty cool as well so I mentioned before that we want to get a dimensional M shaft so what we’re going to do is is gather all these bits so that we can do that we do this in stor higher binding Pentacle which is probably this Pentacle right here this is every single Pentacle in the game so that should work the dimensional M shaft houses a genie which opens up a stable connection into an uninhabited Dimension perfectly suited for mining okay so we’re going to get a demon quarry on the go and these are all things we can grab this is wait what the hell is eum eum from occultism aha found in the nether only visible while the third eye is active right okay so we’ve got ourselves a task now like I said to get the third eye to get into the spirit world so the view goes all shaky and blurry and you can mine the occultism stuff there’s two ways of going about this number one is to eat the demon drink dream fruit number two however is to make yourselves a pair of Otherworld goggles this is going to be really useful for us it means we won’t have to spam Chow Down On Dream fruits but it’s not super simple to make the glasses for these are quite tricky Spirit attuned gems and any old glass panes and then you have to infuse them with a bound foliat okay well we can do this we can do this guys I feel pretty confident so the goggles up top then one gold ingot two silver ingots the foliate in the middle and yeah we should get ourselves some infused lenses here we go boom Oh man check out these sweet sweet lenses these are used with some leather some lens frame which means we’ll some other stone silver ingots yeah again all stuff we can do and Bam otherw World goggles amazing now this does actually replace the heads slot item oh maybe we can uh I don’t want to lose my armor though quit eating that fruit yeah so can we just put it on the head slot over here yes we can what does it look like though oh these goggles don’t actually have like a skin interesting but yeah look at this this isz is permanent visibility of the spirit realm so otherw World Goggles do not give the ability to harvest other world materials you need to use an infused pick you use an infused pick by mixing a diamond to get Spirit tune gems to make a spirit tuned axe head then you use the axe head with oh man some other stuff to get an infused pickaxe so we’re actually going to need to get use this to get the eum itself so so I guess we’re going back home but you know what this is quite good some of you guys said that you were worried that because we’ve gotten so far with mystical Agriculture and with ours noo that we already had all the materials we’d ever need and there’d be no reason to go into other mods but it looks like certain mods need certain things that you cannot get from ARS noo likewise afid Essence and this infused pickaxe head are going to be two of the major milestones for getting down this mod one pickaxe head two sticks Wait no that’s a sword two sticks two bits of silver and the book in the middle here we go going to get an infused pickaxe head amazing and with this we’re going to be able to track down eum the rare metal from occultism oh there we go there’s the pickaxe amazing so here it is eum ore this is a rare metal to the to the naked eye looks like Netherrack cannot be mined with a regular pickaxe when mined with the correct tools used to craft powerful items in order to see it you need to wear other world goggles to make searching simpler attune to a divination rod and right click and hold it in the nether until it highlights a nearby block which will hold the ore maybe it’s worth looking into divination rods actually I’m going to go back and make one of those so a divination rod and it uses these Spirit of tune gems which we have a few of so I’m going to make a few VI of these cuz I think their durability is very very very low but these are pretty complicated they’re not worth using for some of the earlier materials but it looks like it’s really worth getting one to see if you can find some ium right so to use the rod we right click on nether rack and that will attune it to eum ore then right click and hold until the rod animation finishes after it finishes the closest found block will be highlighted with white lines and can be seen through other blocks if the mod theur is installed and guess what it is the rod will not highlight the block but instead send a particle effect in the direction of the target okay interesting well this is going to require some testing let’s give it a go so here we are in the nether we’re fully prepared now made our mistakes done our homework otherw World goggles are on divination rod on the Netherrack divination Rod is not yet attuned to any material hold shift right click oh o listen to that it’s now attuned to eum so let’s hold right click until the animation finishes and holding the right Mouse button like this will kind of scan the area nearby for the block you’re looking for then when you tap right click you should get particles that show you where the or is that you’re looking for what’s it saying is this no it’s down that way so it’s saying down so let’s pop the rod again down that way okay so we’re going down down down let’s get Hammer dig out this will be a good spell for us oh oh there we go there it is the special stuff so the infused pickaxe is what we have to use to get this up there we go and it’s given us a block of eum ore now it looks like wow this stuff is really rare we only found one block tap a new block hold down divination one till the animation completes right click again and this direction okay okay so Moment of Truth we’ve got some eum here I’m going to actually try using my touch dig on this in theory this should work because we’ve got the third eye on the goggles but because it’s a world spell in might not work yeah no okay so it’s good that we tested that spells do not work that means Wormhole minor our amazing spell will not work to get this eum ore oh man but it’s tricky to find eh oh wow yeah look at this another block of two ores perfect so this should be basically all we need to get going oh yeah three perfect with all duplication we should have all the materials we’ll need I’ll grab a few more bits of AE and then head back to base now don’t get me wrong I love Dave he’s a great Crusher but Brett is the superior Crusher so we’re going to get rid of this divination wand you don’t need more than one the durability well it doesn’t seem to run out at all shift right click on the genie and we’re going to give him yeah this 16 eum ore that we’ve secured there we go and he’s going to crush this up li split so dimensional mining here we go dimensional M shaft we’ll need a block of eum other stone blocks a bound Genie book and a gold ingot and a spirit attuned Crystal okay no sweat these are all things we can grab and I can grab those while the eum is being crushed so the block of eum we’ll need that we’ll need a gold ingot other Stone Spirit chin Crystal and of course the book of aound Genie put one of these crystals down one one of these gold down a block uh how many other Stone was it one two and then the dictionary should fill us in there three four and I believe that’s the full cast if you put the band book in the middle here we go we’re going to get a dimensional Min shaft is it working yeah there we go the thud thud thud while that is being crafted next steps are going to be to actually get a demon to to do the mining so the way this works is you have the M shaft and then inside a Genie’s lamp you have a spirit that does the mining I think we can Skip foliat and go straight to a real genie yeah we’ll need lapis no so we actually do need a foliate it’s like a chain you make a foliate minor to make a genie minor to make an AF minor to make a mared minor and the foliant minor does need a lamp so we’ll see if we can craft this as well we’ve got some spare this guy still going through the eum oh very good so we got loads of this now right so one eum there silver all around here makes us the empty magic lamp now the rest of it is then it’s just some gravel some raw iron an eum pickaxe and a book of bound foliates so an eum pickaxe should be like a regular pickaxe there we go okay the bind there we go we’re doing it [Laughter] hooray and there we go the magical lamp let’s rub out a Genie so the foliate what we’re going to do is we’re going to put down the dimensional M shaft over here cuz why not then you put the magic lamp on this bit on the left and he’s slowly going to get his materials that he will put in here this is a foliate and as you can see this foliate has a durability of 1,000 we’ll leave this and see what he comes up with now this could be not so great this is going to go mining in the mining Dimension which means he could find some valuable ore but he also might just find some trash like gravel or stone uh yeah oh geoy or interesting and he’s used up one durability so this guy is going to get 1,000 blocks and gather them in this dimensional Min shaft what we’re going to need to do to make sure this works properly is set up some occultism storage and have a demon that brings things from the Min shaft over to the storage what you can also do is build the storage next to the m shaft and it automatically goes in there but I like the idea of using demons to F things around a little bit more so thank you for watching this episode of enchant the world every single ritual in the game now is on this position and it looks pretty freaking amazing look at all those chalk runes we can summon any demon with we want we went to the nether tracked down eum which is quite tricky to find without a divining Rod but once you have one the world is your oyster and the eum is easy to obtain we crushed it built a dimensional M shaft and now this is gathering if we take a look oh yeah nether gold Granite GH geothite so the rewards from this are kind of lackluster but it’s a good thing to have in the background Gathering things that we might need in future as always a massive thank you for joining us down here in the bone Zone but until next time take care my dudes

This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #19 Demon Quarry’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-04-12 16:15:00. It has garnered 10917 views and 534 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:07 or 1927 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰

This episode we have an advanced occultism guide tutorial where we discover how to find Iesnium and built a dimensional mineshaft / demon quarry to quarry the mining dimension, we also combine all ritual summoning circles into one!

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All The Mods 9 – 0.2.51

World Seed: feedthevoid

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

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    Minecraft: Build Mario's Fantasy House Exploring the Mario Fantasy House in Minecraft Imagine stepping into a world where Mario’s iconic design motifs come to life in a fantastical house within Minecraft. This unique creation offers a blend of creativity and nostalgia for fans of the beloved video game character. Layout & Materials The Mario Fantasy House features a layout that captures the essence of Mario’s world. From the vibrant colors to the whimsical shapes, every detail is carefully crafted to immerse players in a playful atmosphere. The materials used in construction add to the authenticity, ensuring that the house stays true to its inspiration…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Designs 💥 Which is YOUR Favorite?!

    Insane Minecraft Designs 💥 Which is YOUR Favorite?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is your favourite Design in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-02-21 17:00:44. It has garnered 421 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Top 3 Best Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song minecraft 100 days minecraft paluten minecraft benx minecraft redstone minecraft… Read More

  • VxidCraft

    VxidCraftPlay a survival server with your friends and grind until you have the most cash and money and dominate the server until your unstoppable! VxidCraft.sparked.network Read More

  • ✨ Aeltori ✨ Semi-Vanilla Community

    Survival || Creative || Community Aeltori is a small, friendly Minecraft server with an emphasis on community. Join now and find your new home! IP Address: aeltori.apexmc.co Version: 1.20.6 We are strictly against pay-to-win practices and all gameplay commands are available to all members. Our staff team plays in survival mode without spawning items. The experienced staff team has spent 3 months planning and building the server. All aspects are EULA-compliant, with no competitive advantages given to donors through our store. Read More

  • Azmy – Vegan SMP server

    Azmy - Vegan SMP serverThis server includes a datapack that makes it more vegan, by adding vegan friendly food recipes, as well as other items, and by removing drops from peaceful animals. No animals have been killed during the testing of the datapack!! Maybe…Other mechanics are changed, to make the game more refreshing, such as changing some recipes to slow down end game progression, as reaching the end game is normally too quick, making it boring. You can check all recipes in the recipe book.Everyone is welcome if they respect people. Safe for LGBTQ, disabled, women, any ethnicity, different backgrounds, and you! It is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –


    Minecraft Memes - <p>GHAST 360 NO-SCOPE MLG MONTAGE <em>earrape</em></p>That ghast must have been practicing its trick shots in its spare time! Watch out for those 360 no-scope fireballs! Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys' Musical Desire In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With Martin as the storyteller, his words are bold. Desire for love, in animation so bright, LGBT+ elements, shining in the light. For those who embrace, this tale of love, Martin’s channel, a gift from above. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay, Just move along, no need to stay. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, For Martin’s creativity, a beautiful sport. Minecraft animation, boys love in the air, A story to cherish, with love and care. Read More

  • Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥

    Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥 “Why did the plank go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved issues with creepers blowing it up in Minecraft!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious and challenging Minecraft hardcore video that had us in stitches. The YouTuber behind the video showcased just how tough and entertaining the game can be, making us want to dive into the action ourselves. With over 100 players simulating civilization in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From funny moments to epic battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of surviving 100 days in hardcore survival mode or embarking on a world… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Mace’s OP Secret

    Unleashing Chaos: Mace's OP Secret The Power of the Mace in Minecraft One of the most talked-about elements in the Minecraft community right now is the Mace. Players are buzzing about its incredible power and effectiveness in the game. But why exactly is the Mace so overpowered? The Mace: A Game-Changing Weapon The Mace is a new weapon introduced in Minecraft version 1.21, and it has quickly become a favorite among players. This powerful weapon can deal massive damage with just one shot, making it a game-changer in battles against tough mobs and bosses. Unleashing the Power of the Mace Players who have wielded… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MineCraft】Getting a FULL Diamond Set【globie 2nd Gen – Equinnox】’, was uploaded by Kohaku Hyouma ch.【globie】 on 2024-06-06 19:46:54. It has garnered 217 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:11 or 12671 seconds. Getting our diamonds and then looking for a location for our mage’s tower art: https://x.com/JelliePNG Using Mizuno’s texture pack: https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ ❄ ❅ OWNERS ❅ ❄ https://streamlabs.com/hyoumakohaku * please remember that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. PLEASE be careful when entering the amount. ❄ ❅THRONE❅ ❄ https://throne.com/kohakuhyouma ❄ ❅ RULES ❅ ❄ 🐯Please be respectful in chat not only towards myself, but… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!

    Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😈#shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ELITE 55 on 2024-06-08 14:46:18. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. HEROBRINE 😈#shorts HIMLANDS – HULALLALA IS BACK Minecraft dog revenge 😈 #shorts #gta5 #gta6 #triggeredinsaan #ujjwal #mythpat #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #palworld #viral #shortsfeed #shortsbeta #mrbeast Palworld Techno gamerz Rajat dalal atishi marlena Dhruv rathee Mrbeast sam ovens podcast bado badi Triggered insaan ssc adda247 4k video channel 4 news Shorts strategi digital marketing interior design viral shorts short videos pal world tips palworld farming tips how… Read More

  • JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God – Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God - Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Real PVP God of India? Minecraft ‎@technogamerzofficial536  @SenpaiSpider’, was uploaded by JAFAR FF on 2024-02-29 19:20:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ss by clutch gods top 10 clutch gods of india राम राम craftee custom hearts beating minecraft youtubers mod fleet pvp … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaiden

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying to beat Minecraft 1.8 w/ @TriforceRaiden’, was uploaded by Evan Agredano on 2024-06-03 05:27:49. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:06 or 20646 seconds. Before the combat update, Minecraft was a relatively basic game. No caves and cliffs, no nether update, no 1.9 combat update. Can @TriforceRaiden and beat the game without all the quality of life features of the later verisons? @TriforceRaiden stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/beC97Qe54AE?si=T3bh_YHrBLnGn0Ym Read More

  • Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!

    Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dungeons ep 4’, was uploaded by LukesterGaming5336 on 2024-01-14 19:35:04. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:20 or 920 seconds. Playing a secret mission in Minecraft dungeons. Read More

  • Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20

    Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.20’, was uploaded by Aqualistic on 2024-04-29 10:00:42. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.18 (REMASTER) = SONG Water Lily – The 126ers = = PC Specs: GPU: RTX 3050 CPU: Ryzen 5650G PRO RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 = Tags: MCPlayHD Greev SpacePotato AntiAC Speedcubing Doogile ThreeClicks TheSilent_One Geklow Crimssel Crinek sub 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Minecraft shorts YouTube Found This Desc From… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!

    EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 Players Simulate Minecraft VIKINGS vs KNIGHTS’, was uploaded by Wintell on 2024-05-10 18:38:32. It has garnered 1030 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. In this Minecraft tournament I took part in a medieval civilization event!! 100 Vikings and 100 Knights will fight each other to determine which civilization is superior. Each team defends their CIVILIZATIONS and creates strategy’s to win the event. I spawned into the Vikings team and helped prepare my team for battle and lead them into the fight! The only way to determine… Read More

  • “Tua – Make a bouncy model effortlessly!” #blender3d

    "Tua - Make a bouncy model effortlessly!" #blender3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘ทำ model ให้เด้งดึ๋งอย่างง่ายๆ | Blender #blender3d #เกม #chatgpt #ไทย #เกมผี #สร้างเกม #animated’, was uploaded by Tua on 2024-06-14 12:00:23. It has garnered 13143 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #blender #blender3d #blender3d #makegame #chatgpt #Thai #ghostgame #minecraft #game #mobilegame Read More

  • funcySMP

    funcySMPJoin funcySMP: Experience Skyblock, Custom Minigames, and More! Face custom mobs, explore hidden bases, engage in Kitpvp battles, and discover a reimagined Earth. Enhance gear with unique custom enchants. Dive into a world of gaming excellence today! Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP This is a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week. What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A… Read More

  • BrabantCraft

    BrabantCraftJoin the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻 Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!• Content Creators wanted, request your role now in our Discord! 🔴 📹 discord.com/invite/brabantcraftThe server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!• Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡 The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a new world every time is a struggle.

    Well, at least it’s not as hard as trying to spell “fo’ ur infurmashun” correctly every time. Read More

  • Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun

    ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun A Day in Originrealms: Exploring Custom Features and Farming Adventures Welcome to Originrealms, a Minecraft server filled with custom items, blocks, and more – all without the need for mods! Dive into this unique world by joining the IP play.originrealms.com. Get ready for an exciting journey filled with exploration, battles, and farming. Exploring the World As you embark on your adventure, you’ll come across outposts, structures, and hidden treasures. While the loot may vary in quality, each discovery adds to the thrill of exploration. From digging gravel to battling ravagers, every moment is filled with excitement. Unlocking Rare Rewards… Read More

  • Sneaky Cop in Minecraft

    Sneaky Cop in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Diverse and Engaging Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Exploring the Vast Landscapes One of the key features of Minecraft is its expansive world, filled with diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests to towering mountains. Players can embark on epic quests to uncover hidden treasures or simply enjoy the serene beauty of their surroundings. Encountering Unique Characters Within the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets RevealedVideo Information from crazy duping machines to a secret mob here are 200 Minecraft facts you didn’t know if you’re still using Oak Acacia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone sword all the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from a villager instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these has beond overpowered all… Read More

  • Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4

    Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep4’, was uploaded by AppleGamer Amar on 2024-02-26 07:19:27. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep 4 Mining Chapters…: Intro: 0:00 Warning…: 0:23 Playing With Functions But This Happened…: 0:34 Collection Woods: 2:26 Getting In The Cave: 2:49 Making Portal: 3:19 The Nether: 3:44 Got Back To Continue Mining: 4:27 Playing With The Function Again: 8:06 The… Read More

  • Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥

    Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥Video Information लाइ लाइ वी आर बैक वि अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम बता तेरी मुंडी ना अभी य उल्टी हो जाता है हो जाता है मेरी भी हो गई थी क्या नहीं हो रही य देख हेलो हेलो य ना कनेक्टेड टू बोकर आज हम लोग बनाएंगे आमर और तो मांग बता द लोकेशन क्या है किसको बोला गया य किसको बोला गया से बोल रहा हूं 11 11 और माइनस व मतलब वन वन प आना पागल उसी प थोड़ा अरे एक एक पे आजा चमार भाई मैं तो दो दो काम मल्टीटास्किंग कर रहा हूं मैं तो क्या एक… Read More