Unbelievable Finale: InTheLittleWood’s Epic Pirate Adventure

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I think it’s about time that we reintegrate ourselves back into society oh my God I I went on quite the power trip I’ll be honest I’m I’m self-aware enough to know that I probably took it too far but hey it’s fine first and foremost blonde beard is

Gone blond beard is dead so I think we need to make some appropriate changes so a wonderful ship over here as cool as it looks don’t get me wrong I like that it’s got the loot shards and stuff on like it feels very feels very me minus

The beard um I think we need to make a couple of changes all right so first and foremost I don’t like the dark colors I like a bit of color I like a bit of brightness we’ll get the castal flag back on because you know they’ve looked

After me this entire time and then I have something else which I think is rather exciting I have got this and finally after so long of waiting the tide ey ship is here yes the tiedye ship is here and it looks phenomenal tide high or tie ey nobody

Ever knows nobody will ever care but look at it it’s amazing it’s so good let me get my uh spy glass out so we can see it but look at it swirly colorful amazing all the things you’d want my dude all the things You’ want you know

What I’m even going to actually change the color of this because I reckon this will probably go better with the tie-dye ready for this bam bam bam I think this is going to be the snazziest ship on the entire faction Isles oh yeah dude look at that color is

Popping it’s dripping off this is great this is great right I tell you what let’s go meet it with my boys I haven’t I haven’t had any comrades any friends any fellow castels in a while now may need to apologize to ship for the little killage that happened at wal’s funeral

Or the the the alternative is I don’t apologize to anybody the alternative is that I just go no you know what nothing happened the entire time we’re all good what do we think do we think I claim to be blond beard or do you reckon

I just no I just I just leave it I’m not 100% sure what to do H let’s have a look anybody home nobody I tell you what maybe I need to take my boat around to the main dock I can go and show it off show how cool it

Looks everybody be wondering who’s that go let’s go let’s go around to the main dock we’re thinking gas light okay we can gas light we can gas light all right lovely blond beard is an unrelated evil doppelganger I agree dude I’m just going to say that I’ve been on vacay that’s

What I’m going to say I’m going to say for the last couple couple weeks since Mufasa died I came into uh possession of some brand new deeds and I actually went up to the Northwest and I stayed over at the old muasa base the saber-tooth Clan are all but eradicated now so that’s

Basically uh where I’ve gotten off to that’s the plan that sounds Cannon to me I think that sounds pretty good we’ll roll into the dock and see if anybody thinks my ship is cool say if anybody everybody will think my ship is cool because it’s the best one out of all of

Them let me put it where people are going to see it right over here I think is the right sweet spot yeah look at this right ready with that wait is there somebody over there who’s that Merchant who’s that oh it’s Appo oh my god um let me actually know if I’m not

Saying that I’m blond beard then I don’t have to tell Appo to not kill AO anymore I’ll leave it I’ll leave it and you know what now that I’ve actually finished up all of the now that I finished up all of the the loot stuff I can go to the museum oh

Hello oh look what he come on hey my good hello what’s up I’ve never seen Quest by bia look at this come get your papers everybody come get your papers you know what for today they’re free I’m in a good mood I’m feeling myself fre Pap free paper for everyone

Bananas a lot in two days oh I’m feeling myself tonight as well dude c bar empy go welcome aboard Kyle good to have you thank you thank you I’m the newest intern be honest a lot of this is dat oh yeah there’s a nanogram wait castle castle castle going to show me

Your Castle something happened to R’s Castle going to show what happened sure let’s go see yeah let’s go wait you finished it we need to make sure Worthy needs two bathrooms only one of which works oh cuz we’re going to use it for dock and board

Aren’t we we’re going to use it as a it’s what do you mean we we going to use it we’re still using it I didn’t know if we were changing this when I found that really cool place with the windmill oh right yeah you’re going to

Like make money yeah we were going to make money contract want money I I I recently um liquidated the casino and I got 140,000 gold you want to join the Castro you’re talking to the right dudes wait you’re all c yeah of course we are

We can smell that money a mile away tell you that’s why we’re here really we just wanted to get some you know what the collective noun is for a group of castels squ hello qu qu yeah we were just looking at hanging out the castle be careful around us care

Isow what do you mean blow up the castle how’s it hanging the Castle’s right there we’re going to see it now what’s happened to my castle the castle was there what happened what did you guys do what are you Maring for what you about I was away for 3 weeks dude I’ve

Been away for the last 2 weeks I went to stay up Mufasa Place well I was Finding Sheffield SE equally important oh my God what happened money the Acoustics are ruined I’m going have to go back into the fishing business this is awful I can’t believe this wait did I do this

Did you do this did you do it who did this no no no no I was for I was wa for I got to get the scoop I need to write about this in the newspaper don’t no oh uh I I’ll be the Unseen reporter yeah unseen reporter let’s go all right

Right let’s talk Perfection radio news with KY F live on the scene at R’s Castle hello everyone I am reporting live from the scene of the crime where the castle has been burnt down to the ground we’re going to be talking to the owner today to get more comment about

What this mysterious occurence must have been to cause a cataclysmic ending for the cast the news give me the weather okay let me get in position oh you also going up there okay and it’s a warm day out on the faction Isles today little hot spots across the island from hither to dther

The ice wol getting a bit meler now and the seas are rising so get get your sea legs out cuz it’s going to be choppy Waters you uh sausage with the travel go sausage yes this better go on the radio this is coming ready today in the travel news there’s a

Lot of people here in Ros Bas and we all want a little bit of money traffic boat traffic you idiot boat traffic boat traffic there’s a lot of boats out at Sea it’s the water’s are choppy seven to eight knots nautical to the left to right it swings right to

Left one of those I don’t know please be careful out there there’s a lot of flying balls in the air oh the flying balls are back yes God I love balls over to you Kyle with the sports oh who’s that uh it’s it’s our guest for the

Guest interview give give him a second sports with Kyle let’s go U we hand egg uh we handed some eggs and we bundled some balls on our way to the goal and and and the the Castro won the the faction a Olympics by all right and then over to sausage

For an interview for an interview with our special guest n and girl Jojo I got it oh hi n mythical J sausage yes we can see you you’re right here in front of us you’re another a ghost I was I was hiding behind this flower you’re not

Supposed to see I no see our guest oh where she you’re not doing a great job you’re the guest hello hi special guest here Chef coming to you live from the burndown castle can you give us your best uh raw impression as the castle burned down to a crisp my

Castle wow it was almost like we were there oh I can’t even believe we were none of us were can I do that now I want I want to I want oh here we go oh so now you want to getw you’ve seen that there’s clout to be had and now you’ve turned

Up this is my microphone this is my microphone hold on microphone okay I got to make it more professional okay hi mythical J sa here live on the scene here in front of the burnout castle with JoJo hi JoJo would you like to say anything about why you burned this

Castle down uh yeah can I have the microphone here you go I can’t believe they did that it was Martin Martin did it it was Martin what do you mean it was me what are you talking about what do [Applause] on what kind of basis if you got throw

Around an accusation like that what what’s that about that’s wild comat trial by combat that’s not very christmy JoJo listen after everything I saw at the wedding what wedding what are you talking about that was a wedding I didn’t know there was a wedding that’s

Yeah that was a big oh wait did and Jeffrey finally get married for divorce oh it’s water a worm did that finally happen now now now oh that’s what happened’s a worm yeah bey’s a worm now you’re JoJo could be a wor I’m not not a

I don’t know where you’re from JoJo but we don’t do fake news on this station okay we do real authentic news on factions radio thank you very much fact based news can’t spell faction without fa Bam Bam got you what did you that was good that was good oh oh I can

Do it how how do you do that how do I do that I forgot how to do that I love how this telescope starts to look like just like a bottle of when I hold it I make a clap all the time I can only salute

Maybe sausage throws it back and I throw it out my back yes hey research but we couldn’t find out who burnt down the cast simply too burnt to find evidence left a Candon or something yeah likely you know Ross you strike me as as a candle lady you see like a candle

Person that would leave candles on cuz you you’re a bit of a clut by the way have you have you check the birds in the bird house did they survive um a lot of them died there was a lot of XP I it sounds like you have a new business

Proposition perhaps a KFC I think so oh you cook them cook them up good yeah well I’ve decided the castle now it does you know I don’t need it where are you moving on to where you going to live in this you can’t come to Sheffield on SE well water

Offered to let me stay with them so I’m going to stay with them well you do you can make your own thing I tell you what if you give me that 140k I will give you the deed to Mu fasa’s old place up in the Northwest it’s a bit of a sale

But it’s a whole castle feel like that building is a safy haard now it’s a good Castle it’s a a very it’s a nice one it almost look like a I will bright Yeah Christmas the thing about this Ro is that you’re getting a sick deal right now and you want to let

You wouldn’t want to let that pass by come on I got the de right here right in my hand yeah 140k gold the castle is yours I I think I’m okay I I I but you turn down five castels would you no that’s a lot of C not on my last day

Looking at you intently why where are you you going I found Sheffield on yeah it’s my last day of PIRA in before I go home to my good lady wife oh my goodness wait which direction was it in the end realiz it was just over there

About a day sail away so it’s one day till retirement my happens I’ll be there tomorrow fantastic oh I’m going to miss this man so much thank you thank you it’s my moment now let’s have a little spin that’s right drink for all from from Cleo not from me

Burn the roof just heads up um you guys don’t have to look out for purple crystals anymore I found the one piece treasure I was looking fors wait that’s awesome hold on come come come with me come with me I’ve got something that you can play on that oh

He’s going to toot on your horn baby he’s going we’re tooting together it’s a team toot oh can I watch of course you can saage I would love to watch you guys to each other off it’s not very Christmasy Sage what are you talking about you just going to

Be tuning hor together we have go all the way to our BAS still it’s fine it’s Cal ises once again oh better check it on the herand not the herens the kiwis that’s bad to say God what when did you get a soft spot for them ah

Don’t worry about me Martin I’ve already got a soft spot for my sweet lady wife oh baby me and and and every krel on this island true very true actually just real quick I heard that Reggie is selling a new kind of boat no oh yeah

Yeah it’s a a big boy too interested in ships what we got oh it’s a Caravel ooh oh Sandro how much how much does oh do I want to sail in a betrayer ship I don’t know I don’t think I can afford that oh I I can afford the first

Few I’m going do it that one then that one o and that one right how much money have I got now 578 so can I afford to buy that one bam Caravel 3 I got it that’s all you need well you’ll be able to give me a

Lift then yeah we can Bas together other later I’ve sort of meant to Sheffield on se you could give me the oh it’s a big Bo God it’s real big I just need to lift to The metall Exchange if you can get me there I should be all right I can get

The the tram okay let me see what I got I got some I got some spare boat bits it’s like a wheeled vehicle oh I love that that sounds modern it is modern just like all of Sheffield oh now I’m I don’t want to drive hold on neither do I

There we are hey I got the canon ball seat baby and away we go on the ships on the rainbow sails I think you’ll find it’s called the tiedye that’s the name of my ship oh I like that very beautiful patter oh there’s there’s my other one

Oh you have multiple I got a SP let me go grab the Castro flag off of it real quick hold on oh yeah very to S them both around and I’ll pick this one just so we’ve got sure yeah yeah let’s go around to the base let’s

Go is he going to crash my new Caravel but I hope not oh man I got myself a Caravel that’s pretty cool they should have changed the ship name to be called the Suarez I’ll level with you that’s what they should have done there hey you can’t win them

All right uh let’s go around this way then so it seems like everybody’s got like these big plans to get up and move out but I don’t really know if I’ve got an idea of where the portal is I mean loot Shard has been dealt with portal nowhere to be

Seen maybe this new Caravel though will let me sail uh Northeast because those were seas that I couldn’t go to before remember we mapped it out so look we were able to get all the way to oh no maybe we did map it all out now oh wait maybe Northwest maybe

There’s a breakthrough up here I’ve checked the ice wall most of the way around the ice wall is definitely here as well hey we’ll figure it out this will be fine no way and I’m doing that information now on the last day wow what you on the last day before you leave I

Guess grunt Hilder my beautiful wife grunt Hilder what a name why have you put a ship on there just because I had one oh my word you silly man I’m shiing in and shiing out let’s get this song for you to play all right feels appropriate given that um found a one piece

Got all the instruments we should head down there we can take it to the tavern if you want oh oh yes let’s go to the tavern oh go on then stage one last show there it is got it oh baby oh I love a good stage it’d be quite the quite the

Show we should have invited everyone oh the main it is the main T people oh I mean I I don’t mind which Tav I just assumed other people will be the other T no let’s go to the main one yeah so we can put on the shower

Everybody yeah I just don’t want to start doing my big performance everyone’s like oh it’s like loud you know that that really hush my mellow they can get out of the fine any of them I say it’s loud we’ll just hush them we can shush them they’ll only be making it

Louder it’s ironic that they say it’s too loud and then contribute to the noise Oh So based of you King right yes what what let’s see see a few people walking around town let’s get into the tavern real quick sneak in the back way play some chunes

What is with the kangaroos oh they’re back oh just thought people I think they were endangered too crazy hello you I got some things to contribute oh get them in here I think I have one of these under my name I just put like four of them in right there

What’s this this was covered in blood blast time I was here oh no this is a the museum so we started finding these weird little like Relic orb trans mutating things start finding them in Crips and at parkour towers and in fortresses and then this fell here just

Like takes them um puts them in I think we get some like faction XP when he does that as well what if I gave you two bananas I don’t think he likes those he’s taking them so oh he take them but he won’t like it very much yeah the a bit of

A than a lasso so if someone lass ask question what the Heron is going on over here oh these are my this is the Kanga crew the why are there so many of them what are you compensating for why not nothing I just yeah why not they’re pretty they carry weapons

Why what if they rise up against weapons you can if you want to he won’t get it back he won’t get it back once they’ve got it look at that there is no chance wait they’ve all got names oh some of them have names

Some of them most of them do I think I got to like o in the alphabet I was working my way through oh sausage I think sausage fainted he does this when he sees big collectives of animals right let’s get some music going all right see right where’s your

Instrument we have Steve there you go have a play on that I don’t know I’m sure there’s a way you can play it you’ll figure it out no I want to get my horn out how do I use the Horn uh feeling horny oh no I was trying to manually do it hold

On I’ll just have it you got a better on the horn I’m just going to wait until he’s he’s hey I know this one can you hear it and we can’t yeah maybe oh I’m sure there’s a way to get it to work on the I think you hold it in

Your off hand the Sheep music it should work smart you hear that yeah hey we’re going yo hoyp yo the kangaroo you know what never mind it’s fine back back here we go again your sword give them your SW absolutely yo yo ho ho ho Amazing do the lines do the n the faction not but sees for leagues and Miles chest the plunder it’s no wonder that we joined the crew stormy sides are rolling now ship beneath a spy our bow nerves of Steel we take the wheel while sipping Cleo’s Brew oh we can call the

Song Cleo’s Brew oh my God amazing idea yeah what does this taste like I haven’t tasted your your latest oh this is not my latest you want to taste the latest you give me the the pig drink the pig drink is good oh the latest is a bit okay

What’s this one is it like fruit berries ah I’m flying berries Beres and what else God when does it stop merry is this how you get high is that what what the kids say beautiful amazing wow oh he’s stuck there forever he’s going to the sky oh

No wait can I have clear I want to take them with me on my journey for my wife sure sure um she’s a drinker there you go you want the new ones or new one okay well make sure you don’t use it it’s very precious just having a

Moment isn’t doing too floating whoa have you tried Cleo’s new Brew yeah make sure feel high as a kite doesn’t it oh my God you know what I finally feel cool I’ll take 26 bananas I’ll I’ll take five bananas going to feel like guys have I’ll make it did you give the kangaroo

Armor yeah yeah that’s 12 I’ll take it oh how many kangaroos are there okay let’s play a game you have to guess based on your initial glance from here do a do a head like do a guess if you’re within a range of three you get all

Money in my pockets right now guessing s way no you’ve already locked that in says stupid I get away from no seven you looked at that wall of beige and said no I didn’t see them cuz like down here and then there was a one that was

Likeing up everything wow that’s a white kangaroo yeah Scott have you topped up the old dumplings no sorry I’ve been AIT a bit preoccupied I want my sign out again that was not me I would never do that you’re just trying to take out the competition that neighbors you I get it

We don’t sell the same products in fact had an ad I had an ad in your paper true this is true early yeah I was like I’ve been pretty good okay women again why are you like this tell you what I’m going to just quickly go get my

Ship and bring it around front yeah bring it to the front yeah it’s a very important ship what’s Christmas it’s the worst kind of time of year where is that oh there he is right let me go grab my uh ship I kind of hate having it in the castal dock I’m not

Going to lie just I I always like having get um get a new sword don’t worry dude I wouldn’t give away a sword if if I didn’t have a fresh one already ready to go what do you think I am Kanga crazy I’ve got a kangaroo can do

Attitude that’s what I’ve got don’t you worry put the Cosmetics on the new ship yeah I will I will the new ship has the Cosmetics I think the only thing that’s missing is the uh is the the beige and the pink so I’ll do a little little

Swapper rooni here so I’ll get this one and I’ll take out this and this and I’ll even bring that actually and then we’ll do a full trade on this one This ship’s huge dude so we’re going to take that off that on that off that on cast your

Flag and then this tie-dye one can get oh can get lost apparently there you go lovely uh you and you sweet sweet sweet got it nice that looks kind of cool as a cal ship anyway doesn’t it but look at this bad boy the best nice all right let’s roll this

Round to the front I probably got to go get some quests done in a minute because I am uh very very poor I can’t let the other castels know how little money I have right now I spent my final dimes today and I’m down to 79 I don’t

Know why I was giving Scott such a hard time about the dumplings because realistically I can’t even afford one stack um but hey such as the wind blows it’s fine why is he got so many ships don’t oh oh The Bell the bell’s going uh I mean

That’s such just as well I was bringing this boat around here hold on oh what’s interesting is as much as people seem to say that they loved him uh no mention of Sun God today from anybody so I guess we’ll see how that plays out oh who’s a ladder

Parker you’re allow of Parker I put your [ __ ] miles away you’re lucky I didn’t put behind the casino stupid ladder Parkers all right nice let’s do it do I have any cannibals right now uh I do yeah I got some cannibals this is good lovely right what’s going off in town

Then let’s find out what the crack is I swear if it’s the if it’s what’s his face again if it’s man we justang nothing good ever Happ why do we keep who gave it a crossbow yeah is a bit who gave it a sit down guys sit down you

Guys remember when we Gavey a gun that was kind of you’re inside me oh cppy you good slow it down there fell cppy yeah thank God okay CR gny stare at me what you hold oh we doing are you going to sing for us oh my go the

It’s cross crossbow bar world’s biggest of the Boomer system cockroach fighting okay so we’re we’re shooting we’re Sho jumping who said sh Martin is it sh that’s what I thought it was doing you were all guessing jump for how many words jump for how many words it’s a movie or aook

One word one word first word prison how many how many syllables oh my goding match guys look imagine this it’s a cage boxing prison one time oh hey guys watch this trick that me and app learned cppy Arrow iy wait attack okay shoot shoot whoever

Gets the roof I think you heard it or it’s got over two two sbles attack if it wasn’t attack the first time it’s not going to be attack the second time prison tell it’s are we sure cpp’s just not on some sort of break where they’re going to kill us all is

That where’s my sh it’s okay I’ll give you Cy what’s wrong man cppy was going to kill us all he would have done it already is that no oh yeah we would have been there a long time ago you never know wait jump once yes if that was a

Yes C just shut themselves how what’s going on what was that wait was that spear spear spear speed he wants to go speeding being attacked cby jump want if WEA shot being what what attacked we’re being attacked by you you attacking us you are murdering us who who were the

People that who were the people that ATT okay attack all all of us where everyone oh we’re going to fight tell it’s not the sa Clan is it we are fighting attacked are they coming for Revenge about faster maybe oh oh wow this isn’t good idea this is a good idea get him

Kyle make the faction some dollar I got 10 gold on Kyle there’s a boat going around out there what’s going on do there’s a bunch of ship P oh who who gold sales gold sales it might it might be the church it could be the church oh God they’re shooting

Cannonballs in wait they’re attacking I think it’s the church Canon last time I saw those gold CS are we in danger they’re not to kill let’s let’s get him let’s get him let’s get him all right Lock and Load him boys Lock and Load him right up in the boat yeah Guy high

AR well you want to hop in my boat I got I got the big boy yeah all let me get my cannonballs this right hold on let’s do this thing I’m ready I hate right get in the big boat big boat big beige one on the way

Oh you had the pretty sale I’m ready um had to shoot I’m in let I need to figure out how your Candon shoots where’s my balls make sure you put some Gunpowder in it first don’t be that idiot that just drops the ball in right where where’s her where’s their

Ship at it’s these things I think it’s the ones with the gold sails gold sails great T beige no no the beige ones right here who’s just driven straight into it blow that one up doesn’t don’t don’t matter about the other ship yes good yes yes yes yes yes get the shots

Off get the shots off get the shots off oh God wait I heard I heard Martin hold what’s up Cleo I’m driving I’m in get in there oh ah did they go on land I don’t see any of them in the ship anymore I don’t yeah they’re gone they’re not in

The ship we sink their boats while they’re not paying attention yeah boat oh yeah yeah maybe yeah yeah I’ll stay still s their ship this is not a cannon what the hell them no escapeout nice sh Sky High not a Canon I am literally sitting on a

Cannon and it say not a cannon stupid thing have you got cannon balls in your hand yeah yeah they’re in my hand it just doesn’t shoot from this side uhoh okay are we good in let’s go in let’s go in let’s go in let’s go in all right I’m

Drowning spk up oh oh my god I’ve survived I think we’re stuck oh I’m us have somehow Frozen time we Frozen time they did with Frosty magic I think she might be lagging the magic is broken it possi there was a lot of them and they kept break taking sausage whenever he

Was near them the kangaroos are really bad were kangaroos look like everybody’s Frozen and there it goes it paus on the music for a second oh man good start Good Start hey I tell you what that time now really nicely for the start of the event let me just check something real quick

Actually yes that button works as intended and that one does as well okay fantastic we got it too many people online don’t know maybe too many entities maybe the kangaroos were a really dumb idea it’s almost like the kangaroos were always a bad idea but we’ll see

We getting cut scenes later no I’m just checking that if I need to hide anything because something starts going messy that I’ve just got my black screen look this is literally just my scene that has a black screen on it nothing else well I guess that it has the sponsor as well

Um this is just my fail safe really I should have dipped a black there when we all crash but you’ll see it from every other perspective I think but if there’s any other pause as that get called then um we’ll see how things go oh so to be back up let’s Go hope you’re enjoying it so far chat that was a fun start I felt like I got a lot of those elements of pirate Martin knocked out real quick which was good um where abouts are we welcome back to the tavern boys oh boy hello oh you sound like

You’re in a cave for me who whoa yeah cuz we’re inside the Tav Scott is underwater under yeah help hello hello hello I’m going relo real quick are we still at War oh I have a feeling that this cppy cultist my eyes are still closed Cy looks a little

Different here I feel I should be looking atos I will oh my God everything I swear to God oh my God sausage what happened to you I’m just going to do a quick relog chat because I was it was very evident that the audio was going a little bit funky

Between places what I have also just realized is that server crash probably means that my recording won’t have saved I think potentially let me check um let me see uh uh uh Minecraft oh no it’s in a different directory isn’t it for curse Forge let me see real quick open

Folder voice chat recordings do they if I if it gets cut off partway through do they still work let me see s Sky High you got cannonballs in your hand yeah I’m stuck too oh no cool it looks like it saved it all perfect so

He seems to just right to the file as it’s going like an MKV file love that for me love that for me a lot of overlapping chatter yeah but I’m recording all the vocals separately I think we’re good now I think we’re good now I still hear you like a little bit

Echoey but it’s okay oh yeah usually helps that I’ll Rel crappy hey guys do I do I sound like I’m in a cave no no you’re good okay although a lot of people sound muff me now that could be cuz they’re outside hat used to be green and then

The the rain washed it off oh yeah a lot of people are still Scott can you do a quick relo everybody is chatting so sorry would you like I’m do a relog in fact um hold On oh Holly Jolly is that public domain T nuts roasting on an open fire yeah cuz half the people muffled for me I I think we should all stand together yeah everyone stand outside here and relog yeah l l sounds like she’s in a cave I’ll relog just in

Case right there we go those Garo are killing my friend Appo can you stay over here for us H we basically want everybody to stand on one spot so then when we do a relog it will hopefully not consider anybody having block of uh block obstructions and stuff of the voice

Stuff I feel bad when I have to get a bit bossy but I’m just trying to ensure that we can get back on get back on a roll you know what I mean I’m I’m not trying to do anything for my own selfishness I’m trying to make sure that

Everybody’s POV um gets back on track right hopefully this will do the trick SC I’m pretty sure I’ve got some everybody everybody sounds normal against me so far everybody everybody just stay here though nobody move everybody stay here on these stairs I’m can you sing your beautiful

Voice for me please so I know you’re fixed yeah there we go that’s back to normal okay stop now stop now just harmonizing now sausage Stop in so this is everybody yeah everybody stay here everybody stay here crazy thing is we were so in yeah is it a beautiful tune um so who’s that how far did we get rolled back it’s Owen it’s just before War started okay war I’m going to SL kill every kangaroo if Mur

Goodbye wait this one’s named Jojo wait you can’t kill this one kill all of them except that one no he got knife oh J me don’t mess would actually happeny can I have baby Minecraft called CPK I disagree with that Kyle was killed by Del why was KY Kill by Del casualty of War it’s fine okay is everyone back in just I’m only going to keep two kangaroos it’s my emotional support try

Try and stay on the stairs down here just cuz we don’t want any block line of sight breaking on this is the final day Owen it’s important do this flower I just really don’t want to crash again please may I have my Maraca a little beat po Mara I

Hardly know her please may I have my Mara Maraca what the hell’s a thank you JoJo does anybody want any kangaroo me Shy sound I’ll take some you want a little bit of kangaroo me I got one pie I’ll take a little Kang one piece all right I’ve had

Kangaroo meat before randomly is it had a kangaroo Burger um it was all right it was very dry like even Dyer than like turkey oh it’s nasty get out here kangaroo and ostrich fat on them I like my meat nice and moist personally we all just had like a crazy Vision 20 seconds

Into future where we saw that was a weird dream good Vision weird what did you put in that did the Twilight thing uh that all dud karos all of a sudden showed up on the water rock all the time it’s not usually this bad you’re right clear you know be

Weird if you see a bunch of come in okay I’m good you sound like you’re hello in a wall I’m log if if oh yeah yeah back in a sec oh no clear it’s almost like I’ve been for 5 minutes we should all stand on the same

Spot Rel everybody stand on these steps here nobody be higher or lower than anybody all be on the same level so there’s no block obstructions between us on another player granted Owen’s going to start up on a ledge but still floor time one last time because coming back

Floor time oh why won’t be back after tomorrow so oh yeah you’re going to be leaving soon by beautiful life so sweet oh you found your wife on just north of a so wa is she a crab or not I’ve missed a lot no not a crab beautiful woman me like a photo

Proof CLE can you say something for me when I perfect I hear you fine now good is Callum in hello okay good sounds like we’re all back to noral we uh we we we weo I guess what do you mean we go we’re reling the dream you mean we’re going to go someone

Right back to the start of the series play the open cinematic from C’s be a welcome to the faction hour who would like to join the Cs come on in only one of me what else is new only ever one I know he threw eggshells at there’s something over there CP yeah but

Okay oh uh he crashed we will wait and my head yeah okay I’ll just keep your eyes oh my God Elise I will kill you w not yet not yet not yet not yet I’m going to die dream bad dream bad dream give me your soul what you

Supposed to do kill them kill them kill oh God I need to put significantly better at combat than me give me your stop hitting them stop hitting them cuz they’re trying to run away are you okay it’s almost like they’re part of the bad dream our money

I will eat our expensive food a saddle how come you haven’t done that before ow deep breath so deep breath tell him to stop just tell him St you know what you should have done you should you should have put a tag on each of them and just done like SL kill

Drown ship left all right the fires are out the fires are out just drown are you are you joking me I put by the way guys there’s a bed there’s a bed just in there if people want to set up you know just in Cas right I would never die

Let all sleep in the bed together Eloise please Eloise move get out of the B that’s it bed number two I’m in get out then I left another bed out here I’m scared that I’m scared of that getting broken was wiping oh that’s a good point actually somebody was tickling me while

I was laying down I read the newspaper last night wa that is a blank piece noral no look at this this money my money you have do you have a lot of money in your pocket right now I’m going to do no because can you

Buy me a new gun yes yes yes yes oh yes both of them both of them do you believe in bad dreams turn around and I get a little bit lonely and I never come around a St all natural natural free hand free hand free hand free hand just trying to feel

A little so while we’re here I think we should talk about feelings and personally I so when Owen left it really brought un trauma for me it was really really difficult and I don’t think she should do that ever again you on that I feel hungry if that’s any equation Che you up

Um fortunately I’m not tears you’re right bye dude I li and got free P put the Kangas in time out in the museum yeah I moved them all to safety had imion that they might have died in a horrible day and I couldn’t risk losing them as well so what an awful awful

Dream as well lost enough Cleo this is like giving me the realest question answer to would I actually be friends with you guys if you still were worms this is very similar to that situation brother’s dead would you the answer is yes cuz you always want to Lord over us so yeah

Time I got the money you know you’re right did you guys hear that Kyle’s president now Kyle’s president did you say president sorry not this again a boy a kicking it’s K’s is it kangaroo Kyle’s pregnant with a kangaroo everybody Cong now I’m lost hi lost I’m viewers that that don’t

Know I you I got let’s all stand still let’s all stay here in the middle and stand still let’s all weet I will protect you with my life okay maybe we should all drop our render distances a little bit to make sure we don’t crash it was a server crash though

Wasn’t it not a client side other people are crashing of but if I do that how will I see the danger you guys there will be no danger love see okay uh hold on are you going to do what I think you’re kill you okay Ollie you’re

Silencio oh my God where where has that been for weeks you beening for this long I can’t you you’ve been holding it for this long you had that I love how visibly distressed he is extra bad now wow what is happening and you can speak again not very christmy sorry

Sorry next I’m taking a quest and I’m going but he just won’t speak anyway he he just refuse to speak while he’s muted it’s a little fancy trick there you go you’re not muted mate I know but I don’t want to oh he’s back okay there’s one we’re now

Waiting on oh he’s just joined in as well hello hello let us know when you can move it’s just timing he said you want to see something cool and then my client crashed I found access do you have to my PC what’s in those files you send me

Remember that zip file he sent and said can you try this game for me it was that it was actually it was all the it was he justed to do all things mcc’s been waiting for to do it I actually planted a remote access tool many years

Ago uh okay we’re going to give the last cro one more chance and then we’ll uh continue if not sneaking something on somebody’s Minecraft l in their house that’s pretty the last one I mean that’s a weird way to refer to gucky but like I I guess I Missy

So it’s only been 3 months yeah you think she’ll ever come out this hasn’t gone off Chef’s Min walking Chef’s Min walking we we dropped the base too hard what is happening is the kangaroo re kill some more kangaroos the kangaroos are not to blame for these

Ones Kill Them All Is have been on ter since like but not not around this many entities it’s really nice to see that it isn’t Cleo this time though are you guys okay to wait a little I so hope you would crash mid that would have been amazing my

Legs I’d rather we have the issues at this point where it’s kind of fun set weit than like come with me retirement party when I do some quests i’ hate for it to go yes that’s true theashes are out there yeah exactly reality when you retire what are you

Going let’s do the sister know maybe another those iconic Monster hunting ones terrible Beast let’s go find one of the big SW um insects let’s go find one of them The Moth Man yeah Mo manil to your uh to your k the most horrific creature in this entire server useless as a crab

That one of course yeah next to be boil true and serve him with a side of of butter oh yeah and and cck skin munch on his flesh you’re not be great to cash him right now as a bounty I’m back yummy don’t go again I’m going to stand

Out of the way in case you’re all making me crash byebye when we’re going is it a case of your client’s crashing or is it just you’re getting DCd from the server no the game is yeah fully crashing like launch oh no is following you now here

We go all right weird oh yeah this is a nice I think what happened is p me in there crash curse mixed it into the beer and then spread it out among all of us now I’m being I’m being followed by a shogo every time you lose them Consciousness get just following them

Now my just opening chat and seeing the sleep most and then of people joining and leaving again is so good they again wait my arms he just gone arm got anys we put in the chat my arms are too long it’s always so tricky to do the arms the arms right yeah um

Okay I’m good now you okay Scott mhm was L yeah I don’t know why I just have a horrible feeling that something else has been taken from me on this day good thing at least there’s no time to things 30 something things I’ve spent hours

Working on have been R from me kind of I just have a feeling hey hey we took don’t worry guys sh here it’s almost like a fever CPK okay yeah I just moved away from you okay I’m going to ring the bell let’s all go back

In all right oh Jesus are we starting from we were fine outside why are we adding another building all the bells ringing I are trying to tell us back put back a few iron bars and call it day prison what could you mean are attacking the island

Outside wait attack what do you mean attack byy ow this looks awfully familiar what are you trying to communicate to us trying to use like I don’t know speaking this is just like the movie up both of you guys Cy can draw why don’t we just get copy cyol

Wow that’s a merch idea copy get e wait I do hang on I’ve got one Quest by I I’ll go grab it P okay go grab it where you going I don’t know I wanted to get let me go grab my easel right got uh that and that nice uh

Do I have the painting thing or do we need Lan for that here’s hoping that Eloise has got the other part to this uh wait I have a canvas I have a canvas if you need one here we go let me let me put this down there’s for cppy to draw there you

Go CR I’ll play the piano while we wait draw for us play AJR play AJR real go ahead Cy paint faster oh Cy does does Cy have a paint thing oh there you go good getting in the chair guys it’s CLA CLA not now CLA get out of here has

A habit of ringing the bell for no reason artist block is very common cppy you just have to start some a piece of Po I’m sorry I don’t read raw Shacks Cy that pip is that pip it’s pip no it has a an old lady old lady what

They can we all move back like three yeah everyone keeps Shing in front of people yeah there we go a the cultist are given us the middle fingerer that’s kind of rude I mean that’s that’s no not news to us cppy okay everyone a crossbow that’s a crossbow okay they have cr

Crossb you guys tell me mean Sho is that what you got the cross your crossbow from got what’s going on oh right by the door why would you us I think that’s what it was you know what we have time for this oh wow they’re on the stairs

They’re coming CH them CH them CH them your guns right here right here my bullets me I need bullets oh I’m it sounds like coffee get that one there he’s trying to fle he’s trying to cover me I’m about die you’re going to be okay our

Best there some on the ship we need to deal with the boat ones as well nice nice good job qu okay there’s more is there some by the ship we should we should blow them Sky High yeah come in my ship the one with the with the one with the tie eye

On my way I’ll man that Cannon and blow him Sky High go go go go go go go go go on the way on the way and a one and no that didn’t work wait what who’s in my boat someone in my boat what are you

Doing get out I’m trying to help with the fight don’t get picky right now hey I was trying to help let’s get in there need to get some you say I’ll shoot it all right let’s go no time to where are they what what’s their ships look like

They got the gray they got the gray little yeah give me turn around turn around don’t get too close though nice that oh no no we’re good good shot good shot good shot I’m going to blow this thing yeah yeah yeah nice this thing’s not getting out of the dock

I can see them taking on water if they want to scrap us then they can stay here get them direct shot straight to the middle I’m going to aim for their cannons cuz they’re not going to be able to fire back oh that one went a bit low

There you go nice I’m worried about the recoil hitting other people’s boats though it doesn’t matter we got to sink their ships first before we get any kind of damage to us shot I’m going to try and take out the crow’s nest oh no went straight through

Looks like it looks like a May collaborating is it this one yeah oh you don’t want to go near it we’re shooting at that thing out oh Eloise careful I’m not going to stop stupid stupid prizes get him get him get him get him good shot I got that’s it I maybe they’ve

Used some magic on it that thing’s sturdy dude perhaps they do or they I’m not I’m not going to do that it’s not working let’s get out of here wait who afforded the Wither figure head that’s expensive it is nice though oh my god did we get them do it have we done

It oh no are there still more we need oh good that means you’ve all got a shop and Quest byy now whose dog is this whose dog be okay going oh no no oh nice Kyle good job Kyle’s Dead come on good job Kyle oh no okay she’s what do you want

Um let’s get him let’s get him nice shot where are they where are they is there another one this way where are they coming from I refuseed to go from the now I’m going be real saffre oh my god well who’s going to pay me for my bounties

Now used a water bucket kill we should do lot this one was obvious fight dirty we’re Pirates we don’t follow any rules someone just last on me he just killed he just killed is he just killing everybody that we care about and most people don’t I got good shot on him

There you’re literally just flying around they must be if you say it must be true wi I’m going to cut him off right now with my with my axe they’re not touched got cor it got cor it everybody oh I think he’s dead get a

Good time to mention I have a bouncy on Ollie that I could easily catch you TR give a go I dare you how dare you how dare you just a cannonball from he just failed the jum that was embarrassing there nice good job Gracie finally being a leader anymore what do you mean

Finally um we’re in an interesting area here yeah no we’re fine we are called sensible oh I’m so sorry if I killed anyone if I hit anyone I another they’re here right here right here where did it drop down to on on the dock I got him I

Got him where’s it going right here right here wo that the enchantress nice no not the enchantress the enchantress over here who got the enchantress not her oh my god oh now they messed up everyone’s dying what is going on I swear to God me next me next I can’t this one is

Impossible there is no way you kill the enchantress you’re getting away with it she gives put out the fire oh oh wait the fire over here one over here coming get him no no ouch ouch ouch ouch Where’s My Water he’s in the fire they’re in the

Fire get him you know what still here desperate time Desperate Measures putting down the puff fish T TN oh God fire oh burning how how much life this is actually insane I don’t know how this is still well they are magical after all oh no where’s

My C you got this you’re so good the sword broke they are still wasn’t they took the canni to the face is there any way we can take those cannon balls and they are they gaffling that’s a bit extreme I think I’m in the water that’s that’s cheating actually oh

God can someone last then oh no we need to avenge enchantress kill them again all that matters right nowo okay I can kill oh I got stuck on a vine find JoJo you’re going down another one that one got knock back that one’s got a knock back are you ow

Stop gapping it’s not very clever got to kill the insane cultist yes good job Ollie stop no leave them alone my wife you monster is killing everybody you just killed a random person I didn’t even know that one but I still feel like I should have end them nah Katy was

Basic no one liked her she told me that she thought your dumplings were gross oh no another one coming in from backup I’m afraid all over here that I just need a clear shot I need a clear shot on them I’m nice JoJo kill good kill nice nice

Are they Immortal they might be there’s a magic happing is that we all right I’m back I’m back I I killed them oh there’s one one in the middle of town one in the middle of town I didn’t say that yo that cultist ins I’m trying not to hit any of you

Guys why what this cultist kill pip nice oh pip dead that’s good he was taking Soo much of our money anyway my bananas no they better not touch oh my gosh I got I got really because I’m at five Hearts really trying this idiot oh fin okay everything yeah pip accidentally

Died oh no not some tears guys it’s F the merchant survived everyone’s favorite he still don’t act like any of you have used pip in recent weeks everybody’s been at the casino and we know it nobody misses that little banana headed freak proba believe they killed saffrey sa I thought she’ have lasted

Longer she went on about how good she was F yeah she’s always she’s you want to abandon us then do this oh God not the Bell again oh my God not again what now we really should just start ignoring the Bell guys he just loves sh every time we do we end up

In trouble of losing people was that you cppy lost half the guy on him hello myy what happened cppy why didn’t you warn us about that sooner yeah you should have told us something man what’s that what do you have purple oh purle purple oh no is he going to start

Spreading it here don’t let it do that grape juice it better not start putting the corruption here saage you want some grapes no no no no no no corruption this is how it started last time in prison G and the sun god the sun god it’s the Sun God

Okay I like that look at the little wi look at SG wait so much damage why you big bird and Barney is that what is it’s big Birdy in a cage in a cage put the corruption in a cage God is cppy trying to grasp me up put purple guy in a cave God did kind of put some kind of corruption in the cage this where where are they trapped somebody’s tra where do we go

Just what’s up cppy who who is this Cy give us the news who’s this purple what’s up with the star follow the North Star follow the north which way is did say that to eat a lot of stars happened the the I bet it probably is I think trying to Gras me

Crazy storytelling for it not to be I don’t know what you’re trying to communicate here C have no idea oh he wants us to follow him he wants us to follow get in a boat and just drive for once my gu he can’t he can’t drive can’t drive use the pedals

How do you expect him to drive you don’t need pedals use wind you stay the wheel your boat is this your own boat I don’t know where my boat is oh there it is oh lead the way [ __ ] boy hop in where’s my ship there let’s go let’s go we’re going o full

Crash didn’t expect to get one of those today this is why I want them to make bedrock feel like Java because Java is a hog and it crashes all the time we can do this stuff on bedrock and it’ be so optimized and there’d be no crashes and it’ll be great

Please let’s just all move on to bedrock please please please this will let it down for a really nice video I didn’t realize we were transitioning away from the cultist thing um just then I’m going to try my best to change the music and stuff chat when I when I

Can I’ll see how things go I’m assuming I’ll still be on my boat are you on hello hello I’ve moved you to where on land you were in the ocean okay thank you I think Al and sausage are probably still in my boat so we’ll see okay I I’ll move you back once

You’re you just throw me on the dock I reckon that’ll do the trick I’ll let you know when I can see all right I’m good all right right is my ship still here yep there it is hello boys boy dog speak to us boy we sang you back into existence with a song

It was like a siren I heard you from beneath the waves come on in come on in switch switch nice yeah we saved you we saved you don’t worry run it we were just barking real loud until you got I’m good I’m here here yeah damn D br

Where’s wait where we going jum ship hold on we going to find cppy which way did cppy sale what does cppy ship look like oh they’re all going that way I’ll just follow the crowd this will be fine yeah following the crowd that’s you let’s go that’s the that’s the N way huh

This is more than a gall and this is a Caravel have you never seen a Caravel before of course you SE car little tiny regie wouldn’t even think about trying to offer you one of these in sale oh someone shoo who’s shooting oh God some Sho I think it might be Callum because

We’ve taunted him that’s fine yeah don’t taunt the furry man he’s the only one of his kind get so distressed yeah you’re flying we are so fast is that the lady krilla ship Krill yummy where are we going wa we are so fast what is this overtake

What it’s a caravan of course over them you can’t overtake me I think we I think we can I think we can do it the Ws the winds are on my side not yours yeah I was going to say JoJo is booking it look at that slip stream do a slip stream

Slip stream them yeah L I’ll be honest with you boys I can only afford the caravel 3 another five I can’t believe this I thought we had 120k from raw no R end up buying the I can’t believe this hello there ship his name is let’s all just Ram crappy

W is the Shipwreck man so which one is I would think we’d have the purple sails no I was it this thing here I think it’s the purple s gotcha it’s very on brand the tide high sailing well you’re doing a great dis appearing long before I turned up the real question is

Is it tie eye or tied High who knows going to die yay I’m I’m I’m holding on to that mass of yours don’t worry take us I’ll be your number one come on that’s all crappie does is take us to Danger true thank you somebody else said it we stay there

Come is mine how are you feeling I guess we’re I’m getting a little seasick I’m not going to lie I might do a little bit of a v are you little you want do a little Sicky together a little Sicky ready a tactical Chun shall we on three

Yes oh those TRS Gracie and JoJo are trying to do a proper bit so I’m moving these two away from them so they can actually do their bit feel I feel good some people just have no awareness of people around them doing doing a bit we

Should did we lose oh no cppy still there Cy’s here as long as someone’s got that on crappie we’ll make it yeah yeah yeah don’t worry I have a 2020 Vision wait is is cppy sailing I was told cppy couldn’t sail cppy could do we never

Found out how cppy got from the first corrupted Island that took Amy to our Island we never found that out I thought it maybe stowed away in a ship then somebody else said he swam I guess now we know I thought they walked on the bottom of the ocean and like looked up

At our holes little by little it was a long Voyage we’ll move away from her whoever’s singing on that [ __ ] but ky’s a little Legend you know so he’s been through a lot you guys tortured him and he still live through that whole thing he’s a tough little

Thing I didn’t torture him well some people did you know not that hurt at the time people choke them out real bad really wasn’t me though can’t get mad at me oh you going to sing us a little seash Shanty let’s go left how I’m going to go

Left just to catch up with him yeah yeah you know go right behind trying to get away from I think I hear in the one song and then like go away he like he hates my Lusty songful attitude don’t you try cut us off fin

Sail in the poopy are you trying to the poopy Isles right we’re in welcome to the poopy Isles the only place in the that you don’t want to pee I would eat this if I could what we need to takes you back to a different time and a simp time where

You would eat what poop yeah oh look this is that island where we got the uh the elephants remember when I took you guys here yeah we did come here times good times with the poopy a yeah we we we got some good amount of money for that Ivory we

Sold you did oh damn y I thought we were going to use that for our Sofas in in the uh in the tavern we didn’t have a good enough crafts but yeah we yeah we didn’t have a professional you wait what we need to hide what was that

Sound in this in this universe that’s fine that’s okay yeah yeah leave did you guys hear that I can hear the whistling of a of a bird oh yeah what is that what is that yeah no that’s it’s like a cricket never mind we’re good we are actually losing sight of everybody how

Is everybody’s boat that much faster than us I think they put in for the gall and five with a Caravel five yeah I think they went all out it’s okay they’re right ahead I can see it I can see some Sals we’re good I love these These are the lapis aisles

Beyond the poopy aisles you find the Seas that are enchanting Beyond poop there is brighter Shores yes they say you can polish a turd and this is proof of it m you poing tur and where are we going we’re not going back into the world poool are we hold on where’s my

This is further than the world poool I think let me look at my map way further oh this is a bit I’ve not been in before I think this was actually too dangerous last time we’ve never been this far without the because I Bo never been here yeah I’ve not been here

Before hold on which way did they go what is this I don’t even think they stopped it I think we’re going past this this is a big bridge holy that’s cool like a little Temple thing there’s an obis there’s an obelisk there oh are we supposed to oh maybe we should have a

Little look no no we might never get Chance again to see that I know no it’s fine we’ll be back we’ll definitely be back there don’t worry oh that’s true but I won’t be I’ll be in on SE well you got to go back down south you said it was South to Sheffield

On sea so you did you got to go past it on the way the map’s confusing I I still to figure out which way is the right way around you said it was South you said it’s in that direction and lo in a certain direction I don’t care about the pris

What a lovely song that’s a lovely Cante you crashed you crashed oh no I just I just oh the trees up here are all like destroyed or dying isn’t that that’s not very good spot but the water’s beautiful yeah it’s they’re very pretty H see I’ve already been Northeast

From the poopy but never Northwest let me get the map open again yeah we had just go Way Beyond we’ve ever gone a whole I’ve got apparently had a death up here like way further north this I don’t know I’ve had like four deaths that far out apparently oh

This are pretty trees look at those little purple trees Ros would have loved those a bit sooner yeah I always wondered how she decorated our Castle they must have come from here wait what are those red things demon toads what’s yeah what is that oh oh man we can probably sell

Those get a good amount of money for that I can’t I can just see one bo be back yeah I can see we’re assuming that Kyle and SHP could actually see the other boats here yeah hopefully so otherwise we are sailing blind yeah I do feel we’re going the

Right way it does feel it feels right surely we should hit the ice wall at some point oh wait I can see JoJo again now considering JoJo ship is super fast they must be uh slowing down on purpose a little bit is this more poopy aisle

Oh my God that was me thinking that ice wall was the only thing that surrounded everything wow this place what this oh it’s a new new place new place this is brand new new kind of place this place is CRA Oh we must we must have a lot of money

Yes must that looks like the kind of place we’d want to loot isn’t it oh God no are we stopping here don’t you say oh no castels get back here I’ll shoot her I will shoot we will shoot got got him nice hit we’re not stopping at that beautiful uh Mansion we

Can loot that real good apparently not there was just there’s just so much cont only I staying one more day but I simply can’t my wife is waiting yeah yeah well she doesn’t even know you’re coming what’s the first thing you guys are going to do when you see each other oh

You don’t want to hear about what I’m doing let us know let us yes yes yes no I can’t first thing you do first thing I love and never tell well first I’ll pet my dog Scrappers cuz he’s miss me and you’re already populating the wiki right

Right the last hurdle yes and then sweet gruner she’ll pick me up in her big strong arms probably she w’t even wipe the fishs up her hands oh ice wall wait is that a building in the ice wall wow yes it would appear so hold on let me Loop R this

Way by lopan this way I mean Crash and Burn damn so at a glance I’m going to guess that those are the frosty steps that gucky had to walk up from like the the premier day cinematic very interesting think it’s about time we probably put the eerie music on all right there we

Go all right oh boy smooth JS Let’s test some uh vocal effects so we got that one we have this one this one we don’t really use uh about yeso hello little bit of bre up bit more got a bit more yeah and then what about this one ooh oh this one sounds really weird kind of like it

Though we’ll stick with this for Now back in we go almost drowns oh I’m alive oh are you guys good are you guys alive there’s a chance I may drown let’s see no you’re you’re in the you’re on the boat I spawned underneath the water oh Ollie’s definitely going to die oh Eloise is dead Eloise is dead Ollie

Please no JoJo’s dead no guys I think we’re drowning come up no come up just press up no come up no swim swim just swim up swim up no swim swim swim if I stand on if I stand here you did it my drown no you’re good you’re good you’re fine oh

No never mind sausage we lived I’m right next to you can you hear me yeah can you hear me right let’s get back in here hold on let me go back in and out can you hear me we can hear you ollie damn I never realized the ice wall would

Actually be attached to a structure and again I can hear you but I won’t some look for trouble While others don’t there’s a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your Whispers which I wish would go Away I’m sorry secret siren I’m blocking out your calls I’ve had my adventure a little I’m afraid of what I risk if I follow you into the unknown into the unknown And all right I can be out oh oh Oh Apparently it’s callum’s boat which is um crashing everything not sure why What Of course it’s the furry ship Jesus why is that the first comment I see when I look at Chat Your boat was the problem let’s have a Look what is this oh your was the problem a oh your was the oh your boat was the problem a that’s funny also how is this allow on Twitch I no idea no idea ghost ship keeping things suspenseful by the way remember to uh live tweet whilst watching tonight if

That’s a thing you do and use # Pirates MP it very much helps cuz it means when they look for funding or look for sponsors for the um for the next s SMP or whatever project they do they can um they can show that there’s a lot of Engagement Still waiting for the Ping to say that we can join B this music is a bop it is yeah so it’s basically a playlist that was put together by abolish regret um he put together a bunch of different playlists that have like different themes or different feelings

So this one’s Eerie in suspense we’ve got calm laidback we’ve got Tavern background walking around then there’s traveling wandering adventure adventure and then there’s action fighting and suspense uh and I think that’s all of them I think there were five in total very helpful but all of these playlists are on uh epidemic

Sound what is this disconnecting in terms of the SMP is St trying to get Martin out of there I reckon it’s just lag the way think could describing it oh oh o ooh [Laughter] ooh ooh I kind of like just having the uh the intense music on you know what I’m going to treat myself to some Chocolate what type well I’ve treated my myself today today I went for a bar of Tony’s chocolate salted caramel the orange one oh my God not not orange flavor just orange wrapper it is a nice one I’m going to go for Not feeling that one this will do I just got water and it’s white/ cloudy should I be concerned depends where you live I know where I live if you pull water out the tap it is cloudy initially and then it goes normal after a few seconds it doesn’t like you being drugged Though All right here we go all to the regular Music sh J I’m coming in I’m hopefully standing on a block of ice yes I am yes please that’s the only part the only bit of parcel tongue that I remember is yes okay I’m alive I’m on a block of ice very safe from the elements all aboard coming

In right oh let me H record on the old voice oh Martin I don’t know if you know this but I think the sun God’s dead oh really yeah I was being corrupted By The Sword and my Last Hope was to go down to this little layer in the bottom and I

Felt his light shining on me I st stood in the pool and everything everything came came to like pedals and lights and my corruption was gone and it said the the last bit of the sun God’s power flowed through my veins oh wow okay um I

Think the Man’s dead damn so you killed the Sun God no no I didn’t kill the Sun God he I just stood in this little pool and and it it bathed me yeah you drown him bud you drown him come up into the ice wall please damn I didn’t kill no

Son god well if if he doesn’t exist anymore and you have him in your vent that kind of means you killed him whether you absorbed him or whatever even if it was consensual you killed him he he no he he blessed me with a little bit of his light before he passed

I didn’t kill him guys hello All Aboard oh you’re fine you’re good God hear you can you hear me no no can you hear him yeah I can hear him oh he can’t hear us silly man I ain’t Rel logging Ollie stand on Ice oh I guess you can’t hear

Okay maybe pull up pull up to the um oh wa I’m in wait I can hear you can you good that’s your heart yeah yeah yeah nice did we just pick up where we left off yeah I’m guessing and we just head over to that scary wall please or do we

Have to wait until they say go I don’t know we can always we can always just get I think they’re already on the coast we we’ll just yeah get to the spot we go from here yeah dude I can’t believe that one we’ve reached the other end of the

Ice wall now to the north that thing extends far yeah we had never been this far look at that building what it attached to oh my god do you reckon this is the other half of like you know the the city that we found down the whirpool O this

Be part of cuz that spoke about how the city got like split into two didn’t it and there was all those diary entries and stuff like that there’s skulls on it it looks look at that statue oh wow look at that big statue hold on yeah there those are some

Like begging Hands Held out as well oh baby look at this jeez who’s out on the left that one of us oh that’s scary look ship I want to go here on the oh look there’s people there look look look there’s people there oh let’s go let’s

Get in there it’s boys time oh my word let’s do it hello hello we’re in guys we made it there’s another but over there Areep quick Theory I do feel really remember the city that got split into two seemingly um that we read about before any thoughts on this being the other half of the half we didn’t see maybe that would be that would be inside we were inside the city the Circle B

Circle this is above ground open eyes too much Cleo no what the hell was that has you you two Here I don’t Doc is this you Joe are you okay doc if you can hear me you really got to let me know you’ve been radio silent on me who’s that over there what the hell is going on I have no idea hat and then I was

Fearless oh wow just stop being a big baby about it relax relax of e g as well they did try to kill us inting well I know but think maybe I’m not really a whole lot I was trying to see whether I could do a Neo around

There but it’s not really working I see like a I see like a blue lantern over there but that’s about it yeah I saw that as well let me prepare oh I see a horrible monster sorry that’s my don’t have armor words hurt me that might

Help give you some yes please yes please yes please look at that you just looked down the spy glass and saw greatness wait what was that one did I give you absolutely did not saw a disaster chaos I don’t know we’ll be fine I think we

Should play Red Light Green Light have I don’t if you want to take your hat yeah it’s it’s the tide high good or the tide ey whatever you want to call it either all works both ways yo Kyle we could be taking like ice bags right now right yo

That’s good stand out that’s very refreshing actually been very I don’t want to get wet I was weto this whole time I’ve been in the faction little Co I thought I thought I’d throw out a bit of flare a bit of bit of Sparkle yeah my nipples are a

Little I like it I like this this new you thanks well then you’ve always been I guess you’ve been hiding deep deep within you ins something about an orange and its peel and stuff like that yeah all of those bits the what the nice side

Of you like do you like it’s not me I’ve I’ve always been fine I’ve been like neutral I’m now nice he’s always been nice That’s my boy why how how have I been horrible in anyway you tried to kill me uh Martin that was part of a bounty there’s no

Personal blood there there is personal I I took that personally it was her personal blood personal blood what happened I think What’s your deal I think you know well evidently not hence why I’m asking all right castros you were at my wedding what no I wasn’t I was away at

The old Sabertooth Clan base I’ve been away for like all right we can adop the kite you know come on you’re all alone every one of your people are dead let’s Go what’s this was this a one of the wedding favors all right this what I missed out on there were a few wedding the heck give you a favor they’re so mean to me the number one mean to people what do they do not me I’m a I’m a nice friendly tiedye

Get away JoJo do anything what about that what happened it it was they’re cool oh is everybody here yeah yes we are ready I think slow yeah don’t just step in there we don’t know what kind of magic they’ve got there could be trip wires have torches invisible

Ones oh off oh yep that’s a long way up I think oh my God this is huge can we even do that there’s no way to do that one of these follow me let give it a go oh it’s doable if I over but it is definitely oh

There is a ladder oh you can you can get onto these barriers the past Millennia trying to fix me but you didn’t you just sat here on your false Throne built on lies there isn’t a point to fixing something so destructive so vile you didn’t even try you just you

Just kept me out cease your rambling you pathetic thing it’ll be over soon I’m I’m not a thing Iris I’m I’m don’t The Ivy I know wouldn’t have caused so much pain pain you’re or want to talk about pain where were you huh where were you when he forceed me his latest

Contraption it wasn’t like that you left me you left me my sister died the moment you latched onto her no you walled me away you left me to die I’ll kill you uh feel like we’ve awkwardly wandered into a family dispute yeah this seems like a little bit of

Deep yeah we to be here I don’t think they know I am realizing that we’ve climbed all of this I don’t actually think it goes anywhere if you take the beverage way out no but it doesn’t doesn’t go any come down guys really yeah yeah yeah I’m coming

Down it’s a bit of a dud trying to climb up that way by the way we we got as far as the second paths y’ do you reckon this is their base maybe I mean I’ve read about the Church of Iris that’s what the cultists

Worship and she I thought it was a a dead person I thought just kind ofwhere and nowhere all at the same time two way but the Church of iris is like a thousand years old so I don’t know how how anybody could still be alive who’s

Called Iris unless it’s just like a one way that way one way could be could be symbolic of a leadership bro yeah I think it’s probably more like that I can’t honestly hon this looks about years old we to decide oh yeah or right going where there’s two should

Split go should split up where are you to the right to the right oh I saw you let’s go H thank you scking with the night the only kite left okay perhaps that was that’s odd where where are we going prob I’ll see

R come on kind of R you’re one of us you want to come with us you should come with us we’re I don’t really know what to do which way to go should get it done left her’s a smaller group less yapper in fine fine yield how has this happened again how am

I stuck with the [Applause] Her hey we’ll have fun me do what you want cuz is do not sing that song should we be a bit quieter we here I think we need to be sneaky right now family drama going on wait okay library’s split up and look for cloes a library okay everyone can read right

Yeah just about yeah what a refreshing change what are we rats that would be silly this is why we didn’t go with the others looking for reading I mean what books are we even looking for I mean anything I suppose there’s one here called why herons are the worst

Of us do do you guys want to read that no I I’ll read it that there’s lights there’s lights going on what the the yeah guys I have I have entry one you want me to read that first I feel like that’s the best place to start I’ll go

For it yeah um oh there’s the secret of are unknown to the masses and while very few know how to unlock coming to understand the next best thing the uses they seem Limitless summoning armies constructing walls Eternal use I’ve seen her do it all while I continue to grow

She is yet to age a day um oh I’ve got the next one You’ got to start talking straighter to me dude I I don’t know what you’re trying to say to me left and right safe and die it makes no sense they should be shut away

It’s sickening but is it worth it are the lives of few justifiable to make your wildest dreams come true there must be another way if you keep coming up there’s there’s like an exit up here okay sound similar to the entries that power ofel person Ro and the Aja Suarez oh yeah Ajax

Um yeah like the whole sacrifice the lives of a few wor hang on guys let me catch up maybe uh come on maybe the whole sacrificing thing can do more than just turn things to Stone what sort of extended L stuck that seems to be whatever witchcraft is I mean I’m

Assuming that that’s also part of what keeps the eyes you can just go it’s all a big spiral staircase no I got stuck under the staircase Owen go around again no as in I could got one no wait wait for wait everyone want to risk dying there was a

Block in the way and I don’t trust my parkour skill here brilliant I got you’re I got a nice easy one here there is no other way oh it’s all it says oh oh this is actually by ajck Suarez though I was trying to tell them oh

Actually actually is it says it says the author is Ajax Suarez yeah so here’s the question this Ivy and Iris person that was shouting at each other are they like if they are like well we’ve seen Ivy before we’ve never seen Iris I didn’t I assume that Iris

Was dead I mean it’s the Church of Iris the saying yeah the saying Eternal youth makes me feel oh maybe we were wrong then maybe it’s not a title maybe it’s the actual same person damn uh how does the end of the second one go um the second one is has

That one oh uh it just said the must be another way and then the follow up was there is is that by Aja Suarez as well or if you hover on it it says the author wait down here is this place is yeah it is a Suarez do you think that’s where we

Have to go down there in here you can get in here oh are we is this I don’t know to I don’t what do you mean are we supposed to they came and destroyed half of our Island killed most of our friends and you’re worried about being polite

And ringing the doorbell to come in here they brought the fight to us we just bringing it back want to go God I wish I hadn’t come with the herons no you do no as in are we supposed to in terms of like is this oh my gosh this Castle so

Loud come on okay wait there’s the rest of them oh we can see them oh my God maybe I can rejoin them got hope guys are we sure we’re allowed to do this though I’m not entirely sure just so SC I don’t want my legacy to be that of a troublemaker yeah dude

Can you guys just give me a rope to get up these Lots suck I’ve been having the worst time you should I know I wanted to youly thank God guys come on don’t look up don’t look up it’s very rude we found we found books we found

Book looking yeah we did too what did your books say found books uh that’s crazy Grace and Ollie have Books Okay let’s listen to them first we found books too we we’ll read you after okay go ahead um entry one it’s taken years but I finally did

It I found information on the being that took my Ivy I have a lead exploring deep into the ruins of an abandoned city I discovered a library there tells a tale of an unknown entity comes from nothingness a monster made of pure negativity lurking Beyond waiting for its chance to latch

On um so that’s entry one this is by Ajax Suarez oh um entry two I believe I figured out how it works how to stop it it seeks to take advantage of damaged Souls the negativity it it feeds off of it but the petrification the joy it works against everything that thing

Stands for there must be another way entry through three is this also by a it doesn’t say does it say m does mine say a It Is by a his voice changed a lot stop there is no other way that’s it lovely Ollie that was that actually matched ours The Best

For Last yeah ever ever one yeah our entry one says the secrets of Witchcraft are unknown to the masses and while very few know how to unlock it coming to understand the sorcery may be the next best thing the uses they seem Limitless summoning armies constructing

Walls Eternal youth I’ve seen her do it all while I continue to grow old she is yet to age a day okay curious sorry I’ve been I’m nibbling on heart attack [Laughter] um I love was I was was mistaken these enchantments shouldn’t be celebrated they should be shut away it’s sickening

But is it worth it are the lives of a few justifiable to make your wildest dreams come true there must be another way and then the last one also ended with well Martin had that one yeah this one just says same thing there is no other way drama so Eternal youth from one

Party and then Suarez seems familiar with Ivy which was interesting yeah how did Suarez as well yes yeah yeah how did he refer to Ivy in your book Gracie let me pull it was my love was it or his I was like I had to protect my Ivy or

Something or find my Ivy maybe he’s a gardener jeez he might be maybe he needs to protect that poison iy poison I mean that old diary did say that we should try to stop Iris to try and help Ivy this is all this is all clicking together yeah should we go up the

Goddess’s legs yeah up the goddess’s legs don’t look up don’t tell my you can go I’ll wait I’ll I’ll wait till I looked up I couldn’t help myself oh I’m sorry Kyle I’m looking deep up in your thing I’m sorry Martin I’m not looking sorry I’m sorry for not wearing pants I

Promise you I am looking right in you’re not looking you should it’s a treat wa yeah that’s right W I’m so sorry about this I wasn’t wearing any pant oh my God we’re up oh don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down oh my

God I want to look down now over here oh we’re going to die I don’t know everybody be very careful crou Crouch very similar to my fear of height guys over here over here back here tell my wife of this Tale Of This Tall Place SP oh I’m sure she’ll

Love it we SP sure she’ll oh my God no don’t they just want to stand on front of the statue I’m not sure take a selfie are you guys want to take a selfie in there yeah I want a crazy photo up over here oh this is cool let’s take aelf

This will be great for the newspaper let’s do it h right I’ll take a picture of you guys for the newspaper everybody look at me no wait okay yeah we can do it ready for the newspaper wait let me stand on on the fingertips wait I can’t see all of that

I need I need you to all huddle around Appo app’s in the Prime spot Che kind of got it there we are lovely okay wait wait we should all stand on these hands and look out to see I’m sure that some kind of deity could take a

Photo of us while we oh yes yes yes that would be crazy right let me stand on this it would be nice if we waited for Ollie though I guess it’ be nice but it’s not necessary be careful you don’t push people yeah yeah yeah who’s that

Still over there oh there’s still people coming um well I’ve got some news uh first of all Ollie’s Dead uh he um there’s a big ladder in there do we know to go onot a photo the imaginary camera up there what camera yeah we’ll wait for Ollie to come back what’s what’s the

Camera nobody push anybody fine it’s a magic box that why does the look a painting why is created in an instant it’s just a it’s just a whole head why have you got a whole fox head on you yeah he’s a furry fur fur first fur suit why would you ask me that

Meed from the mass don’t that don’t that everybody shift in case Ollie gets TP to us I guess cuz he might everyone shift right on the edge in case TP us yeah shift please yes hold it specifically does that work uh uh probably not you all challenge guys let’s give

It I see 20 seconds knew it I knew what a fool no they’re just a of retirement there we go look at the sky everyone look at the sky everyone quickly yay y all right cool now let’s go look at that ladder that they found let’s go

Awful things in the falling this time we may need to build a little bit I gotes I got ropes let me use those are weow if I no we’re good no it’s fine we got this way works Martin I want I’m going to get in trouble for

Building Kyle do you have any blocks oh my breath is soy let me check my my reserves who that I certainly do sense maybe not only way is up maybe I’ll do it anyway it’s my strong hope you like the view op wowy move away from the slide guys I’ve seen people play

These maps on you on the Tu you jump on the top you have to hit the bottom oh you watched it through one of those special kaleidoscopes yeah like yeah yeah yeah my favorite one was the captain sparkly one wow Dro down wait there’s a captain named Sparkle Captain

Bubbly I heard that rumor has it of a a pirate called Captain oh that’s cool does he actually oh statue look at the Statue wait this is the other side of the entrance what are all the particles underneath us what’s going on yeah what are the sply things is it goopy does

Anyone have a does anyone have a telescope I it’s a lady down there there’s a yellowad lady a lady a lady statue look it’s the eye it’s the ice where we were get where we kept that’s what Cy was trying to with the ne star oh my

God Al Al away portal oh my God portal there’s a purple oh oh yeah okay well we can’t get down there so we’re going to have to find another way down we can we do a last we can I’ve got I’ve got some special Brom oh yeah oh yeah oh my

God seen that before but expect to see that thing it was huge oh my God I think I think it could it could be in there I’m get it could be everybody whoa what’s what’s everybody doing everybody got a beer no no I don’t have

One I don’t have one go thank you cou what do I do where are we going are we heading to the roof going down why would we want to go down to that take my hand what does this last where do we land doc I’m I’m going to take your guidance on

This for a fews got to get inside of that thing I don’t think so oh my God how am I going to do that without any of them seeing me last time we all just sort of scurried off into the into the woods but this to him I don’t think I’ve got

Red scar I’m going to be too accounted for boy scar no wait what boy oh no our sweet little castal prince Pirates I sent my followers to go collect you I didn’t expect you to come willingly without them how did you get here never mind that welcome to my

Temple fir crests or whatever you call yourselves now since the split my hand kept telling you we’d handle this but your group keeps interfering with my plans don’t you see what it’s done to my Islands what I’ve done look around look at your friends they didn’t have have to

Die they would have been alive if I didn’t have to go around cleaning up your messes why you jge please don’t let her kill me do you really think she won’t go for you next I’m harmless to you I just what you his corpse has been rotting away for

Several centuries at this point he went mad after a few decades tried desperately to atone for what he’d Unleashed upon the world but he could never make up for what he did to us I’ve no doubt you’ve heard of my father’s achievements fire crests and perhaps of

His failings too but his Tendencies to betray his own family started long before he dawned the name of Sano Caravel before the ice wall before all this came to be he yearned to be the king’s right hand and he saw any means to accomplish this including exploiting

His daughter’s Gifts of wild Magics he felt if he could combine science with magic he would deliver the world into our hands Pro our experience pushing our minds to their limits he was a monster and when I was at my weakest when my own family wouldn’t free me of my

Shackles it came to me whatever it was it promised to help me it corrupted her Ivy is long dead and if we wish to save what little is left of our world soon you will be too I’m still me you cannot let her continue voyagers look at what she has done to your

Friends again with this I had to do this do you think I enjoy sucking the souls out of people do you think I enjoy tearing families apart ruining lives I built the Ecclesia sees the walls I supplied the food and shelter to your displaced ancestors I picked up the

Shattered pieces of this realm left by Ajax and Ivy Suarez and built something tolerable I’m preventing the complete annihilation of everything if not for the souls ofus it all dies I’m so close I I can end this your body can find rest what no Freedom yes this is our

Chance but I can’t do this alone too weak but I’ve seen good in you this creature my familiar through it I have seen the heart of the eyes you must let brain fools I can’t you must help me or everything you know will die Hello hello hello hello um oh my God I’m so cold wa so this whole time Ivy and Iris are sisters and Suarez is their dad I supp is that I’m from I think but he had a whole statue at spawn yeah beautiful stat that that’s when he

Was Sandro not a you need de side with Ivy yeah yeah and we need to side with Ivy ivy no I’m going with Ivy iy’s the winner here you guys want to try and fight Iris she’s been she’s m some people need to shift and Shake yeah some people need to press shift

Right now sausage there wow you’re back what if what if I what if I um like takes over the whole world of the corruption situation whole world what do you mean quarantine we’re aving our friend our you can’t just lock me you can’t just trap me in here do against

Democracy as president I’ve never liked cppy I am not helping out cppy and whatever comes with that if that also includes I mm you’re a coward Martin you’ve always been a coward hey that’s not very nice to coward when I’ve seen entire Islands devoured by the corruption all the ice waterers done is

Kept us int we don’t know that that was crappy we’ve never we know it was iy though your friend murdered by Iris I don’t have any friends we know that your Cals did you it’s Christmas say that again say that again I don’t have any friends outside of the castels all right well

Right stay with me boys the only thing the only thing that’s caused the only danger around us is is her the one we need to destroy we is she did kill our boy how much death do you think would have come from the corruption though if

We didn’t lose the odd person along the way to keep her at Bay this could be a lesser of two evils the problem is is we really don’t know in front of you Martin Martin he’s lost his hats look at him we lost boy boy is honestly have any of the C

That’s the one I’d want to go he scammed me day one the very first interaction I had on the faction Islands was getting scammed so honestly bre everybody who wants to go Iris go over here with this torch to fight to fight the wording is so I’m fighting Ivy I’m fighting Ivy I’m

Standing over here I’m fighting iy iy is going down yeah even if it doesn’t mean that the whole coll you got to stand together guys Iris killed our friends here look behind we literally only exist as a I fear that she may be able to hear us I

Don’t know I think I think end up killing the entire world but if you know if it me we’re not being a castle Farm I’m killing I’m killing Iris going that means to be here wais over here oh yeah killing Iris common sense is standing this side of the line

Exact you got a good head on your shoulders stand not on the side with Mar listen listen listen you’re going to have to this time we can still kill them afterwards we just need to get this done you know what that is kind of a valid we

Need to be together cuz if if it’s if we’re not together we all die we lose either way if we’re not UNIF we go we go after I was first mhm you promise you promise we’ll go after Ivy next come over here you have to give

Me okay right well let’s do this let’s just put an end to all of this fine fine go we’ll kill the if you don’t keep your promise you’re all dead oh we’re fighting her let’s go I’ve got a hope we don’t miss our que I got my beautiful Pig giant

Sword how do you all let’s just rush her then oh let’s go got it she oh she the bridge one all right what the heck okay W okay they can get close oh that’s going to be difficult I got this guys are those are those crystals always there which crystals witch

Crystals where are they God oh W keep trying guys oh my God wait hold on a minute we can break through if we use a oh those are big crystals hold on I’m going to go get this one hey I tell you what they’re busy dealing with crystals

This gives me a chance oh God jeez Mar what are you doing I’m going to get this one I’m going to get this Crystal here but I I think my bow is not going to quite reach it the hell is that I’m not entirely sure there’s

There’s a lot going on here hold on a second there seems to be a llama I have no idea um right where the other crystals I think we got to loop around this way all right I’m coming with you the hell I mean this place I think maybe

We need to sweet talk Ivy maybe ivy can help us fight Iris she’ll know the weakness is better than any of us idiot I managed to get to disappear right how am I going to oh God hold on a minute oh God how am I going to do this will that

Work yeah yeah yeah oh God I can’t get seen I need to not be seen doing this cuz if any of them try to follow me out this is going to be bad oh gunshots that’s good for us that’s it that’s it that’s it Go and break go and break that

Do oh my God oh my God did I find it is this it dog wait okay wait wait hold on I need to yeah yeah yeah okay all right right they they can’t find me in here I I need more I need more if any of

Them follow me out we don’t know what could happen they’re not awakened so technically they shouldn’t be able to get through here but okay is that it I mean I guess there’s only really one way to find out I jump through this I make it happen and that’s

It I’ve done what I need to do here right I’ve got ready the the loot Shard this talks over Quarantine yeah now I’m going all right Peace You got this almost almost almost so close this guy spawns where am I you got to be careful I help us oh God I’m freezing it’s so cold did we just bre it yeah just break it when you get a chance you just have

To break it let me know I have got it you got it oh I think I’m good I think I need to pick up my oh it’s about to SP some more things yeah get some stuff ready I’m ready I’m ready get him shoot him I’m nearly there I’m nearly

There get this ugly little thing that a lot of damage back yeah okay okay go go go break it it’s one okay there like a small window where we can work in there okay try it kill them and let me know and I’ll go ahead and okay all right almost almost

Annoying got him go go go go go go slow another one another one getting enough time yeah it’s the window is really small it’s not I don’t even think it’s enough to break the block though cuz I was there as the block went last

Time well I I BR the the other two two oh there’s another one got this one is causing all right we’re good we’re good go no there’s another one still there as long as there’s a mob I don’t think we can get close to it okay but this might

Be if we get wait don’t time it maybe so that no it just spawns more it just spawns more there’s another one in here oh I need to eat she oh I need to I’m running I’m running now we got a time we got time ivy help us go go go I don’t

Think she can no oh my God another one spawned another one spawn oh there get it get it get it get it everyone get in this we got this oh kill it we you got it it you you have to have your feet on the

Ground you won’t be able to do it in the air you break one I break the other go break the other break the other break the other one break it break it yes how’s how’s her health going is it looks it it’s is she dead is she dead I can’t see the

Her gone her heal gone her heal’s gone yeah and it’s Gone voyagers thank you for everything for the longest time I wasn’t sure if I could trust the people of this land but my familiar cppy as you call it h it’s every bit of hope I had left in me the one part of me that wasn’t consumed by rage for those that wronged

Me the corruption won’t stop my anger is satiated but it yearns to continue this cycle of of hatred I won’t let it do that if they needed Carefree souls to stop me then this small glimmer of Joy I have left will be my gift to You the walls should crumble soon without her magic to maintain them explore be free and please be the good that I never got to see in the world

This video, titled ‘[FINALE] Unlike Anything We’ve Seen Before – Pirates SMP VOD 48’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-12-11 12:00:23. It has garnered 1290 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:54 or 8814 seconds.

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  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++ Minecraft

    Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++ Minecraft Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm 1.20++: A Comprehensive Guide Are you looking to build the ultimate sugar cane farm in Minecraft version 1.20++ for both Java and Bedrock editions? Look no further! This guide will walk you through the materials needed and the step-by-step process to create an unlimited and fully automatic sugar cane farm. Materials Needed: 1 Lever 5 Regular Pistons 5 Observers 4 Hoppers 5 Redstone Dust 1 Water Bucket 5 Chests Slabs (any type) Planks (any type) 3 Sugar Canes 5 Sand Building materials (stone, wood, etc.) 2 Lanterns for decoration Spruce Fence for decoration Glass panes… Read More

  • Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun

    Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun Minecraft Vom Nebel: A Dive into Horror Exploring the Mysterious Modpack Elias, a small YouTuber known as @dzeliqs, has created a chilling Minecraft modpack called “Vom Nebel.” In this horror-themed adventure, players will encounter a variety of terrifying monsters lurking in the shadows. A Portal to the Unknown As Elias and a friend venture into the game, they stumble upon a mysterious portal that resembles the End portal but with a sinister twist. Uncertainty looms as they debate whether to enter and discover the fate of their base. A Leap of Faith After some hesitation, Elias takes the plunge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13

    Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13 Explosive Events Unfold in Pendragon on EcoSMP Minecraft Server Two days ago, a massive explosion shook the peaceful town of Pendragon on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server. The aftermath revealed a crater with an epoch time inscribed at the bottom, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the server’s inhabitants. The Mysterious Hunt for Numbers Yesterday, at the exact time indicated by the epoch time, more explosions reverberated near the town center, sending brave adventurers on a quest for answers. Their investigation led them to discover mysterious text scattered throughout Pendragon, hinting at a series of numbers hidden in plain… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1 Sobreviviendo 100 Días en Minecraft con Dwellers: Night Dweller EP1 En este emocionante video de Minecraft, cada 2 días aparece un nuevo dweller, lo que promete desafíos y momentos inolvidables en el juego. ¡Prepárate para una aventura llena de acción y suspenso gracias al mod From The Fog! Explorando y Sobreviviendo El protagonista se embarca en una misión para sobrevivir 100 días en un mundo lleno de peligros y sorpresas. Desde la construcción de herramientas básicas hasta la búsqueda de refugio seguro, cada paso es crucial para garantizar la supervivencia. Con la aparición de nuevos dwellers cada pocos días,… Read More

  • Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3

    Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3 Minecraft Kino Der Toten: A Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies Experience Journey into the world of Minecraft Kino Der Toten, a faithful reimagining of the popular Black Ops 1 Zombies map within the realm of Minecraft. This custom map offers a unique gameplay experience with a full crafting system, a graphical overhaul that mirrors the original game, and a plethora of exciting features. Main Easter Egg Quest and Custom Features Unlike the original Kino Der Toten, this Minecraft version boasts a main Easter egg quest, adding a new layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. The map features… Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space!

    Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in a 3×3 Area! Imagine being confined to a tiny 3×3 box that extends all the way to bedrock in Minecraft. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not for the brave souls who take on this ultimate challenge. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where players push the limits of survival in the most confined space imaginable. The Challenge Begins Stuck in a cramped 3×3 area, players must navigate the limited space while striving to beat the game. Every move counts, every resource is precious. From mining to crafting, every action requires… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

    Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less! Unlocking Minecraft Hacks with Meteor Client Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than the Meteor Hacked Client! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to download and install this powerful tool in under 2 minutes. Let’s dive in! What is Meteor Client? If you’re familiar with Minecraft hacked clients like Wurst, LiquidBounce, Raven B+, and Aristois, you’ll love Meteor Client. This free and open-source client is designed to enhance your Minecraft experience with a range of features and functionalities. Plus, it’s regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest… Read More

  • SbeveMC

    SbeveMCSbeveMC is our SMP server. We have a shop system different from other servers and we really try to have our players grind. Our server recently died due to an admin who was abusing we had to remove that admin and here we are attempting to grow again!!! Have fun!!! Bedrock Port is 19998 sbevemc.apexmc.co Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels: Click here Online Map Check out our in-game map online: Click here Features Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play (no Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, and player teleportation commands Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market,… Read More

  • EndersCraft

    EndersCraftEndersCraft it’s a server survival y FFA netherite which features purchasable ranks with the same in-game currency and several ways to have fun.There are ranges like: Endermite, Shulker y EndermanEnglish:EndersCraft is a Spanish Minecraft server that comes from Mexico. Its a custom survival server with homes, shops, jobs, ranks and a lot more. Best of all, EndersCraft is not one of those pay-2-win servers! Add it to your list and come explore this beautiful Spanish Minecraft server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀

    Minecraft Memes - 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀I hope your boss doesn’t find out you spent 30+ hours building something in Minecraft instead of working…unless your job is being a professional Minecraft builder, in which case, carry on! Read More

  • “Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Trying to avoid traps in Minecraft is like trying to avoid responsibilities in real life – you think you’ve got it all figured out, but then BAM, you fall right into a pit of lava.” Read More

  • Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC’s in Minecraft

    Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC's in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring Custom NPC’s Mobs As Minecraft players continue to explore the vast possibilities of the game, custom mods have become a popular way to enhance gameplay. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the custom NPC’s mobs used in videos, adding a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Mods to Enhance Your Minecraft Experience One of the standout mods is the Guard Villagers by “almightytallestred.” This mod introduces vigilant villagers who are ready to protect their homes from any threats. With this addition, players can enjoy a more dynamic and engaging village… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Minecraft Crazy Build Hack… #105 Description: 🌟 Ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! 💡🔨 In this in-depth tutorial, we’ll guide you through a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Like, Share, Subscribe… Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Are… Read More


    SHOCKING MINECRAFT UPDATE REVEALED in Hindi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update’, was uploaded by TRG__boi on 2024-06-01 21:23:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update •First Youtuber To Show … Read More

  • Nightmare Minecraft Party

    Nightmare Minecraft PartyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Terrifying Party You’ll Never Forget #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 01:00:14. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Gameplay- Itslpsn Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More


    🔥 EPIC WAR PREP! CRXSSGAMING MINECRAFT ANARCHY S1-E2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy S1-E2 WAR PREPARATION’, was uploaded by CrxssedGaming on 2024-05-07 22:13:13. It has garnered 106 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:40 or 280 seconds. In this video I’m doing Minecraft anarchy, and this is season 1 episode/part 2 if you don’t know an anarchy server basically means no rules except for a few we have created. In this episode I am getting prepared for war that will be happening next episode! Minecraft Server Rules 1. No Combat logs 2. No hacks 3. Must give cords to player when asked… Read More

  • Epic Transformation of Minecraft Village – Little Dude!

    Epic Transformation of Minecraft Village - Little Dude!Video Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Minecraft Village’, was uploaded by Little Dude on 2024-05-13 14:00:23. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. #minecraft #transformation #trending #foryou This is my attempt at making a village for the bamboo biome in Minecraft. Read More

  • Mind-blowing ceviche recipe will change your life!!!

    Mind-blowing ceviche recipe will change your life!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS | POR – LDC – XNX |’, was uploaded by ceviche on 2024-05-20 03:27:48. It has garnered 495 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. zzzz CW⛔TAGS IGNORAR ❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY… Read More

  • Unveiling Mystery of Witch Carnelian – Kadacraft 6!

    Unveiling Mystery of Witch Carnelian - Kadacraft 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘KADACRAFT 6 – KADAWITCHCRAFT SCHOOL UPDATE’, was uploaded by WITCH CARNELIAN on 2024-04-10 15:40:17. It has garnered 1326 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:06 or 12906 seconds. SUBSCRIBE! #witchcarnelian #kadacraft #kadacraft6 #minecraft #philippines #tagalog Read More


    INDIAN TEKEN GAMER CRUSHES MINECRAFT with 200 IQ! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯’, was uploaded by Teken Gamer on 2024-03-18 10:30:03. It has garnered 1230 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯 INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ INDIAN GAMERS INDIAN GAMERS REACT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT VIDEO MINECRAFT VIDES MINECRAFT 200 IQ VIDEO INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 MINECRAFT 200 MINECRAFT BEST VIDEO MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ #minecraft #youtubevideo #minecraftvideo #gaming… Read More

  • Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱

    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter 💀#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/jDKwNQkN Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/himothyzapz Read More

  • LiosNetwork

    LiosNetworkWelcome to LiosNetwork, a survival server based in Germany with an English-speaking community. Join us for a thrilling adventure filled with custom items, boss fights, the ability to create nations, and a player-driven economy. Explore our immersive world, claim land for your nation, and engage in epic battles against formidable bosses. With a friendly and supportive community, LiosNetwork offers an exciting Minecraft experience for both new and experienced players. Join us now and become part of our thriving community! Minecraft version: 1.20.1. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelisted – 1.20+

    Welcome to Universal Tranquility! If you’re looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join, look no further! Whether you prefer to work with others or alone, you are welcome in our community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join our DISCORD server and check out our SERVER WIKI for more information! Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy all of vanilla… Read More

  • Intransigent SMP

    Intransigent SMPNew hardcore survival server opening for beta Multiple version compatibility We have constant updatesFriendly & Mature Staff teamWE ARE IN BETA We are looking for staff !DISCORD : discord.gg/gR5Yqcqpd2After a few weeks of hardwork, im finally ready to open my server for players to test it out and let me know downsides and upsides, I take suggestions and Extremly active. I hope you join my SMP crew :)We have- Thirst- Seasons / Temperature- Severe weather ( Earthquake,Tsunamis, And more!)Daily rewards and votes 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – PICK A SIDE, NOOBS!

    I’m on the side of the villagers because they have better trades and don’t blow up my house with creepers. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧

    Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧 In Minecraft, water is faster than lava because it’s always trying to make a splash! #minecrafthumor 🌊🔥 Read More

  • Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP

    Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP Exploring the Explosive Fun of TNT in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, there are few things more satisfying than the explosive power of TNT. Whether you’re mining for resources, defending your base, or just looking to have some good old-fashioned fun, TNT is a versatile tool that can add a blast to your gameplay experience. The Joy of Destruction One of the most appealing aspects of TNT in Minecraft is its ability to create chaos and destruction in a controlled environment. From clearing out large areas for building projects to setting elaborate traps for unsuspecting players, TNT… Read More

  • Minecraft Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mcsx-minecraft-ps1-edition Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: https://bisecthosting.com/laynce ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** 📸 Socials ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ https://discord.gg/laynce https://www.instagram.com/layncemc/ https://twitter.com/layncemc Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Testing CRAZY NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by KYLEBIRK MC on 2024-05-28 15:30:06. It has garnered 609 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. In today’s video, I decided to hop in to Minecraft 1.21 to test whether or not any current duplication glitches work in that version. And, to my surprise, the result was not what I was expecting… If you enjoyed this, please consider clicking the SUBSCRIBE button. I’ve got many more tutorials in the works, and you won’t want to miss them!… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥

    🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft PVP Legacy’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-16 18:56:28. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:56 or 2876 seconds. Playing Minecraft Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival,… Read More