Unbelievable! Gohar Khan plays Minecraft and answers ANYTHING!

Video Information

Joining the stream chat today be sure to ask your questions about homework help about college applications about study tips pretty much about anything and I’ll be here to answer your questions so let me go ahead and make sure that I can see the chat properly all right what’s up we

Have Reaper Marcus three muffin Bruno all right we have a lot of people tuning in what’s up guys thank you so much for tuning in fishy star zebras hello hello everyone welcome welcome to another live stream and you know before we jump in I I’m kind of curious were

You guys in yesterday’s live stream say yes or no in the Stream chat I’m kind of curious because I’ve been streaming now for like the past couple days and we have a pretty good streak going on so I’m kind of curious to to see if you

Guys have been in any previous stream so far okay yes yes yes okay a lot of yeses nice no no no all right awesome no but I wanted to well I’m glad you can make it today so Roy what’s up Roy thank you again for tuning in awesome to see

You okay so yeah guys today we are doing like like a Minecraft Let’s Play I maybe we’ll do a survival world maybe we’ll do Hypixel I’m not too sure as I’m answering your questions about college applications homework help study tips once again guys pretty much ask all of

Your questions in the Stream chat and I will do my absolute best to answer you know whatever I can yellow yellow yellow welcome back great to see you again we have um some of yesterday’s members back in today’s stream we love to see it what’s the quote of the day gohar I’m

Going to have to think about that say something in Spanish y honestly my Spanish is kind of rusty I kind of don’t wantan to I don’t want to embarrass myself live right now pop Linda welcome back thank you for tuning in Roy yep awesome to see you

Again okay so here we go let’s go ahead it’s 11:00 p.m. why are you awake pretty early to be honest I go to bed at like 1 to 2:00 a.m. usually okay so here we go do you guys want to do single player or multiplayer I’m going to go ahead and

Ask AA in the Stream chat let’s see single player or multiplayer single player player all right multiplay and if we do Multiplayer we’ll do like Hypixel so some of you guys can also join the game so let me go ahead and start the poll guys go ahead

And vote on the poll in the Stream chat let’s see what you guys want to do and another option that I want to explore sometime in the future is I want to do like a smpp with my younger brothers I feel like that could be kind of fun cuz

I think a lot of you guys know mahad and Shan as well and maybe we’ll do like a like a survival world with both of them at some point uh Raj is asking for my most embarrassing moment in my life um can I actually think I can think of one but I’m not

Going to share it on this live stream not not today at least okay it’s actually like 5050 that is so surprising it is pretty much it is exactly 50/50 right now so I guess we can’t go wrong either way that’s pretty funny all right it’s it’s still 50/50

Guys keep voting it’s 298 it’s still 50/50 we’re almost at 300 votes it is 5149 single player 309 votes three okay the votes just went down to 307 319 this is I’ve never seen a poll so close before this is so surprising single is 51 all right so we’ll do it so

I think last stream or a couple streams ago we started the single player world I died like twice already so it was kind of tough uh I think I oh I do have stuff okay never mind so we did make some some progress here okay cool so we have some

Stuff going on I have some raw iron I’m running out of food here we can uh I was about to say we can start fresh but there’s no point in starting fresh let’s just go ahead and kind of continue this world and so guys go ahead and post your

Questions in the Stream chat okay so we have pretty much we have iron we can go ahead and smelt that I kind of want to go and get food so I don’t die we yeah I’m not going to eat the rotten flesh okay I want to answer questions that

Maybe you take a bit longer to answer so it’s like a bit more entertaining so if you guys have any like not not like controversial questions but if you have like any like interesting questions um you know that that can like allow for a discussion uh down to answer

Them all right is it better better to study at I think somebody is okay is it better to study on campus or at home so let’s go ahead and talk about the best study spots cuz I feel like everyone is very different in that regard go ahead

And post in the Stream chat where you like to study if whether it’s like in your room a cafe the library uh I’m kind of curious okay I think we’re actually deep in the cave right now okay so we are at we’re at 51 so we should almost be at

The surface my room my room my room school life Library Starbucks I feel like studying at Starbucks or studying at cafes is it’s fun but I feel like it can get kind of distracting especially if you’re there with friends I don’t know I feel like I

Feel like I work best usually when I’m just alone in my room and I don’t know it’s kind of how I function bass fish thank you so much for the $2 Super Chat which is better to take I be also taking AP I will go ahead

Okay let’s see oh there this is their third Super on a live stream ultimately it’s not going to matter too much in the context of college admissions I will be fully honest I’m not too familiar with the IB Program because my school didn’t have it and nor have I really consulted students

Who are in the IB program but I am more than happy to look more into that and get back to you uh just feel free to DM me on Instagram my handle is goar’s guide and uh I will DM you like my thoughts uh and more

Detail can I got a shout out shout out to JS thank you for tuning in and we are about to die okay so there’s a skeleton right there yeah there is no way we’re going to find food okay okay okay so we are at two hearts gohar do you read mango or watch

Anime I do not no okay okay okay uh let me see what other questions do we have can I get a shout out what’s up Mah so Mah’s in the live stream right now uh share your MIT experience I’m down to talk about my MIT experience but just

Like do you want me to talk about a specific part let me know oh we are still going to die here someone is just posting hamburger uh is there a free MIT program so MIT I guess if we’re talking about free MIT things like MIT has a bunch of their

Classes online for free through MIT open courseware I believe like if you want to take some of mit’s computer stuff science courses or any other courses you can literally do so online for free and it’s super amazing so I definitely recommend looking into it uh in terms of

MIT summer programs which I believe are free like one uh one example that comes to mind is M I think there’s also most tech but I’m not sure if they do most tech anymore eat the rotten flesh yeah we got to yeah let’s just do it now we only have two pieces we’re

Still we’re still not going to regenerate health so we can’t Sprint right now we got to find food we are about to die so if you are just tuning in you are tuning in at a very low point of this game so far and you know what

I’m actually going to try a bit harder to do to do well here because I think in previous streams I was focusing a lot on questions and I just kept dying and dying over and over again but I’m going to actually try to survive um after I

Died this time around because I doubt that we’re going to survive right now okay have you heard of the University of waterl I have I believe it’s pretty good for computer science if I’m not mistaken what website would you recommend to study for AP Bio okay so for AP Bio I didn’t really

Use any websites when I studied I think I have it right now like kind of next to me I believe I had like the baron book to prep or the Princeton Review Book to prep and I think for most of my AP exams I just used like one either Barons or

Princeton Review just to prep okay let’s go ahead and uh get some fish here so maybe we will survive okay let’s get some fish I don’t think we can eat raw fish uh we can try oh we could okay raw salmon but it barely has any saturation

But I think this will be enough to get okay there we go to give us some health nice and let me go ahead and start H let me get more fish here should I take all honors freshman year honestly if you can take like the harder classes that you

Can take the better so if you can take all honors courses or all AP courses or like not all AP courses but like a handful of AP courses in a year definitely recommend doing so because I’m assuming that a lot of you guys here are aiming for top schools how did did I

Get down to half a heart okay let’s just uh eat here okay I’m curious if you are currently in the live stream I’m assuming that a lot of you guys haven’t applied to college yet are you going going to be applying to an Ivy League

Say yes or no in the Stream chat because I feel like a lot of you guys if you view my channel like I think most of y’all uh are going to end up applying to like the IV league but if not yes yes yes of course maybe yep yep

Nah no so like a bunch of yeses I’m seeing a few Nas interspersed but probably no no yes maybe maybe yes yes of course okay a lot lot of yeses I feel like I’m almost only seeing yeses right now okay so yeah okay so I’m happy then so I think a lot of

The advice that I give is slightly gear towards kids who are applying to Ivy League school so I’m glad that that’s the case um so my advice is like more relevant okay maybe we’ll do multiplayer re soono maybe we’ll do like Hypixel or something bro do multiplayer sure sure

Why not why not here let’s go ahead and save and quit let’s do multiplayer so Hypixel is fun cuz I can play with some of you guys so here everyone if you have Minecraft right now get onto Hypixel I believe the IP is hypixel.net uh what about can you do a notion guide

Video I definitely can I love using notion I use it for like organizing videos uh if I had it back in school I definitely would have used it someone is saying I will cook you in high pixel all right I I’ll take you up to that challenge so go ahead hop on we

Can go ahead and do we can do like party games first or something party games are pretty fun here okay everyone get on to Hypixel post your username in the Stream chat and I’ll go ahead and add you to my party and then we’ll do some party games

And then we’ll do some du and other things as well and uh yeah so I think after we do like a handful of party games I’ll ask you guys once again whether you want to continue with multiplayer or whether you want to go back to single player 96 votes that’s that’s crazy okay

Nice nice nice okay so we have some usernames uh coner 45 all right party that is my oh they’re not online right now okay okay and by the way guys if you are asking questions in the Stream chat and I’m not answering them feel free to join

My Discord server the link is pinned to the stream chat I’ll be hanging out there right after the live stream so once again be sure to join and also feel free to DM me on Instagram my handle is goar’s guide okay so z uh d s playing on

Min okay they’re not online let’s go ahead and do another party okay make sure that you’re online if you post your username in the Stream chat j r i kxn all right there we go party l i n y a n m i n g66 there we go thank you for being

Online okay party mayor lightning party let’s do two more here all right Supreme cams party k r a n k n h a u5 maybe we’ll do a couple more why not all right r i s h a b h s i n g h oh

They’re not online did I mistype it r s h a BH s i n yeah okay lavender shark okay l a v n d e r s h r k k one more attempt here oh I’m online Conant 45 all right here there we go okay so coner 45 is

Shon who is my younger brother so nice all right he joined the party cool so let’s go ahead and start party games and let me answer some of your questions gohar what was your most exceptional extracurricular so my number one extracurricular was the website Network that I ran during high school so

I ran a bunch of websites they’re like educational blogs and ran it throughout all of high school started in middle school and through that I learned a bunch of programming languages I learned uh marketing I learned how to sort of monetize my website and that was my number one extracurricular I think it’s

What stood out to most colleges uh but of course I also had other extracurriculars as well like other major ones uh one of which was newspaper Club I was editor and Chief and I also digitized the entire School paper that was like my main initiative oh okay we just took the hit right

There all right oh my God okay so if you guys have any other questions I’ll go ahead and answer them as well AP cem or bio first H I think I think AP CM first yeah it honestly doesn’t matter too much but I think AP chm is like the

Slightly easier AP class and so I think it’s good if you just get that under your belt first and also like a handful of chemistry Concepts will show up again in AP Bio so Dan is asking box fights or Zone Wars I don’t know if I’m ready to stream

Fortnite on this channel yet but if you guys want to see that maybe maybe we’ll do it have you ever failed a test no I mean in when I was at MIT like there were some exams that I didn’t do as well on because they were just incredibly challenging

But I never like fullon failed a test okay what else do we have here what extracurricular should I do this summer so during the summer is when I think it’s a great time to start like a passion project something that just that you can do on your own even at home

Uh for example social media starting a business doing research uh research requires maybe going out of way a little bit you can’t just do that only from home but you’re going to through a summer program of course that also you can’t do from home but there are a handful of options I

Feel like most students plan out their Summers around like March so you still have like another month before you have to like start finalizing your plans um there might be some summer programs though that have their deadlines due soon so okay how did you get how to make homework

Easier I think I want to answer a few more college application questions before I jump into like study tips so if you guys have any college admissions questions feel free to post them in the Stream chat what extracurriculars do schools like Harvard and Stanford like please tell

Me okay so what I’ll tell you first and foremost is that if you go online right or if you just watch like this decisions videos or if you just watch videos of students breaking down their profiles you’ll notice that many of them it’s like many of them might recommend doing things like nonprofits

Or they might recommend you know like starting a club and you know all of these activities could stand out but I feel like the best activities that will stand out to schools like Harvard Stanford and other Ivy Leagues are the activities that people haven’t really what’s going on here

Oh okay I wasn’t paying attention at all it’s like the activities that people really haven’t done before or aren’t that common uh for example one thing that comes to mind is maybe maybe social media uh I think a unique extracurricular I heard from a student lately was cartography like just making

Maps and I think the key is just to find something unique and just go super super deep into it and I remember when I applied to Stanford like one of my activities was like a YouTube channel that I ran and my Stanford admissions officer wrote a note

Uh along with like my acceptance letter saying oh she loved the fact that I you know had a YouTube channel and apparently that stood out to her which which I thought was interesting because I listed it towards the bottom of my application because I was kind of

Embarrassed by it to be honest but I think it was unique to her I think it kind of stood out and so so yeah so hopefully that helps I can kind of break this down into more detail if you want me to wow we barely yeah that was so slow on our end

Okay let’s see uh big fan what are your PC specs so I built my PC like a couple years ago I’ll be honest I had one of my friends from MIT pretty much give me like a list or I guess they were kind enough to give me a

List of just all the PC parts that I should buy I don’t know why I’m not playing right now but they gave me a list of all the PC parts that I should buy and I just bought them I have like a 3070 as my graphics card I think I had

Like a ryzen 50 oh I don’t know why I did that like a ryzen 5900 or something as my CPU honestly I’m not too sure though I kind of forget the exact names oh my God why is this one running so fast all right let’s get this right here

Let’s get this right here here okay and if you guys are just tuning in I’m doing a live Q&A so feel free to ask your questions about study tips College apps homework help all right we are still on third place right now it’s pretty uh pretty

Impressive name a car for an edit uh Rolls-Royce okay what other questions okay College I have question for you what are you doing here all right so I guess Maha decided to stop by what’s up why are you eating like a carrot just like a just like a

Straight carrot yeah all right guys mahad is here if you have any questions for him feel free to drop them oh I died already I wasn’t even paying attention if you have any questions for mahud feel free to drop them so this is my my younger brother he graduated from Harvard

Uh last year Ohan one nice and he studied uh psychology and economics so that someone’s already posting El mahad so I guess that’s like a running oh never mind he’s posting W mahad now I want get to me I know my worth can I play Minecraft with you sure

Wait wait oh am I supposed to you lost I already lost I was looking at the chat okay what is your favorite color mine is blue what’s your favorite color mahad red keeping a simple I’m a simple man uh how much do do volunteering hours help in college

Apps I think it’s important to do some sort of community service I agree but like volunteer for organizations or causes that you actually care about like don’t just rack up random hours from like a bunch of random things cuz if there’s no like cohesive theme like it kind of just seems like you’re

Racking up hours just for the sake of you know just collecting them and so definitely recommend just finding something you care about and kind of pursuing that the number one activity among Harvard students when they entered was community service like 75% of like incoming freshman did some community

Service yeah there’s like a Harvard survey I’m not can you guys hear Mah by the way like what he just said yes say yes or no in the Stream chat but yeah like the most popular activity for Harvard students was community service I think it was what like 80% of them did

Like community service like 70 80% it’s it’s very high every year yeah yeah yeah so people are saying yes yes kind of yes you probably hear my carrot when I yeah and by the way guys if you are just tuning in and asking your questions uh

Feel free to also join my Discord server I’ll be hanging out there after the live stream answering your questions or feel free to DM me on Instagram my handle is goar’s guide D say k me on the Stream Dan what’s good Dan he he watch is Dan in the chat right now

Definitely all right this game is going on for so long 47 you guys are so like Sean is still going Sean’s still in this game bro should go bro should be in bed right now he has school tomorrow yeah honestly all right by the way guys I’m

Going to do my best to stream a lot more often I was about to say every single day but I’m not too sure if that’s practical but I’ve been streaming every day for the past couple days and it’s been kind of fun uh I’ll do my best to stream

Tomorrow as well and I hope to see you guys there oh my God why is this so loud this game is so loud yeah this is like I can’t believe I’m still like playing though I feel like I’ve definitely hit the Rings yeah I know like Should I go first or last in a presentation so I made a video about this or I made a short about this earlier I think you should always go I think if you’re a bit nervous go second or third if you’re confident just go first and get it over with you don’t

Want to really go last cuz you’re just going to you’re just going to spend the entire class feeling nervous and anxious about like the presentation coming up but I want to hear what you guys think would you guys rather go first or last in a Presentation all right so there we go we did not finish people are saying first first definitely first first I would definitely go first yeah everyone’s saying first I wait what’s this is like a maze I’m supposed to just get through okay uh oh there’s like spiders that are

Going to get me okay okay okay okay so uh this is like a dead end and there’s a spider right there can I I think I can probably hit them back you don’t want to oh okay okay you’re I’m dead yeah I’m done take a left that’s not work okay and wait did

Sean finish first know he said I’m him that’s why okay were you the valedictorian of your high school yes both of us were uh valedictorians okay and so there we go so the game did the game end okay so I just got so a kick occurred in

Your connection so you were put in the arcade Lobby okay so I think we just kind of got kicked at the end right there but okay so that was that so you guys just got a taste of single player Minecraft and multiplayer Minecraft what do you guys want me to continue I’ll

Bring up the poll again wants me to make tell you to make a poll with Minecraft and fortnite I could do that you want to do that or not it’s up to you I okay maybe I’ll start with Minecraft or fortnite first and then I’ll do single player or multiplayer if

Minecraft wins so mine craft or fortnite all right go ahead and vote on the poll and and as that people are voting on the p m let’s answer some questions okay give me a question all right so Minecraft is winning where but oh 61% how did you deal with senioritis cuz

I’m struggling oh I think mahad can answer this question well actually we both dealt with a pretty heavy amount of senioritis but I feel like mahud I feel like he had it worse I think I’m still suffering from the effects of my senioritis to this day

Um here’s the thing like you’re going to you’re going to stop trying as hard which is okay cut yourself some slack especially when you get into a college just don’t let it affect your grades too much because you can get rescinded if your grades drop too much

Like if if you drop like two to three letter grades multiple classes the college is going to ask you questions and debate whether like you’re the type of student they want to keep so I guess the key is like how do you deal with it though right it’s like yeah I have no

Answer for that I didn’t do um I think my best advice for senioritis like like it’s going to be inevitable it’s a tough question it it is a tough question because it’s like I’m going to have to think about that for a little bit and I’ll get back to

You because it’s like sure I could say you know just use the calendar use it to-do list stay on top of your work but I think like at a very fundamental level like you have to still care about your grades or still have to care about your academic performance and I think what

Mahad said is accurate on that end right it’s like if your grades fall below a certain threshold like if you start getting a bunch of B’s and C’s like you do run the risk of getting rescinded and maybe I think that thought can kind of help you stay motivated an out of

Senioritis but scare you to say mo me yeah it’s it’s like a it’s I mean you made it this far like just give it a few more months right like yeah just graduate right what else what they both for multiplayer it’s like 50/50 again almost exactly it’s

Like single player slightly in the lead this time so okay how many clubs do you recommend for the best chance at iy in how many executive positions so in terms of clubs I think realistically let me go ahead and load up single player again so I think realistically when it

Comes to clubs you can really only handle maybe like three to four genuine or maybe like during any single year like two to three genuine commitments I think if we’re talking throughout all of high school maybe like 4ish Max um so yeah I think like three to

Four clubs should be like on your you know on your activities list the things that you got heavily involved with and I think maybe try to aim for like one to two dedicated leadership roles like like leadership r s you know in clubs that you have been part of for

All four years of high school and that an example could be like editor and chief of school newspaper president of NHS president of student council a captain of a sports team you don’t need like five six seven um even though some students online might claim to like have that many usually those

Students aren’t as involved and um in a lot of their clubs if you say like you’re president of six seven different clubs that’s not I wouldn’t even say that’s necessarily a better thing because the colleges know that like if you’re president that requires a pretty heavy time commitment so if you’re

President of six different clubs they’re going to start questioning how involved are you really in any one of those so honestly like three three leadership positions already is like quite quite good in my opinion I mean I had I had like three two to three like serious leadership positions

Your chat is popping bro what best ways to prep for the SAT I’ve answered this before it was very much Khan Academy and college board’s official uh practice test and we got a $5 Super Chat thank you so much Mr wton do you have any tips for preventing procrastination stopping

Addictions and staying motivated I love your content your tips have really helped that means a lot so preventing procrastination uh staying motivated okay so I think all of that kind of just comes together okay tip number one the three21 method if there is something that you are just like hesitating to do give

Yourself a countdown from 3 seconds and at the end of the countdown just jump up and start whatever it is that you’re avoiding and generally you’ll find yourself like kind of you’ll get into a flow state after just doing something for a few minutes um which kind of leads

Into my second piece of advice after you do like the countdown like tell yourself that you’re only going to do something for like 2 minutes or maybe 5 minutes I’ll say 5 minutes and like genuinely convince yourself and tell yourself that if after 5 minutes you still don’t want

To do the thing you can stop like you have it you have it out uh but what you’ll gen generally find happening is that once you do something for like even 5 minutes like you’ll get into the groove and you’ll just want to continue and it’ll really kind of help prevent um

You know procrastination in that regard another thing that I like using is timers so I think once you start something and if you’re not having fun doing it you know you might start like slowing down a little bit you might not focus as much but if you set a timer and

Pretend that you’re racing against the clock I think it helps a lot for just staying focused on a certain task uh and then of course when it comes to just distractions put your phone in a different room set time limits and also have like maybe someone else like hold

Like keep your phone from you so for example have like a sibling or like a parent just keep your phone in like a different room um and so that way you you’re not even tempted to go look for it right like you know they have it you know they

Won’t give it back until you finish your work and that can help you sort of stay more accountable uh LTE is saying build a house we probably should honestly I want to get a lot more food first though okay so let’s start playing this a bit more

Seriously I know I’ve said that like five times now but maybe we can go try to find more food all right you know what I won’t Sprint since I barely have anything let’s just find food let’s just kind of wander through the forest and see see what we can

Get what’s up just joined what’s up Asher thank you so much for tuning in and guys if you’re on the live stream I’m once again curious have you been on a previous live stream before say yes or no Sean is saying invite me to the land I

Can Sean don’t you have homework to do right now but um I I feel like me uh and the two brothers I feel like we are going to do a like maybe a survival world stream in the future like it could be fun no no no yes it kind of seems like

It’s like 50/50 almost if well if you said no if you said yes regardless I hope to see you guys in tomorrow’s stream as well cuz I’m going to keep putting these out these are really fun but I do need ideas every day I don’t

Want to just come on like I don’t want to just come on to the live stream and just like Yap away for like 30 minutes uh like yesterday we did cahoot the day before we did a tier list today we’re doing Minecraft so if you guys have any

Ideas once again send them to me either in the chat on Instagram in the Discord whatever works best yuang thank you so much for the $5 Super Chat why should you even go to a good college and or succeed and what is your motivation and what is your opinion on Community

College transfer students that is a fantastic question so why should you even go to college um and a slightly deeper question why should you even succeed that’s deep that’s that’s very deep so you know that’s honestly a great question I think college is extremely valuable for a few reasons I think first

And foremost it’s an there’s the academic Advantage right if you want to go deep into a certain academic discipline college is the place to do so right because you’re going to be be surrounded by the best and brightest in certain Fields PhD students you know Acclaim professors you know students who

Have done incredible like incredible things and so I think like the first the first reason is intellectual right you’re going to find you’re going to explore ideas at a level at a depth that you simply might not be able to do Alone um of course some people will debate

This because you know with the internet maybe you can selfstudy some topics but we’re not going to get into that today I think the second reason is like the network and the people that you meet and this is what a lot of people stress because ultimately you know if you are

Looking for a job or if there’s like something that you want to do like the people that you will meet in college can help you accomplish your goals and if you go for to example to like an Ivy League like the students that you meet there are probably at the

Very Cutting Edge of certain academic subjects or they’re or they’re maybe they’re like very successful like business people or maybe they’re very successful artist artist and think the caliber of your network the caliber of your peers at those sorts of Institutions will help you you know accomplish great things in your

Career um before I go any more before I keep continue along mahad there’s anything that you want to add on that note like like the reason for going to college why am I down here I feel like I’m just getting distracted I need to go find food speaking facts appreciate it I

Love College yeah also like years my life yeah like like college also is just like it’s it’s a very fun time like sure you have academics you have the network but if you’re trying to grow as a person if you’re trying to you know experience living alone if you want to learn to

Like you know sustain yourself like keep a clean room maybe even cook whatever it is like you’re going to pick up a lot of skills in college and you’re going to grow up very very fast and so it’s great for self-development as well and I think it’s hard to get that sort of

Development if you’re just at home right cuz you might have your parents sort of taking care of you maybe you’ll have like structures around you that don’t put pressure on you to maybe learn new skills and now the second part um guess what is your motivation so

I think that kind of answers that question as well that’s that was my motivation and what’s your opinion on Community College transfer students I think there are some of the hardest workers I know I think people who go to Community College and then transfer I applaud them honestly because that shows

Dedication to your education to sort of you know what you want to do to your goals and I think that that’s really commendable okay so we have two new super chats oh thank you so much Aaron and Aaron again thank you so much I really do appreciate it uh yuang I

Really do appreciate that question that was a great question that allowed me to kind of really air up my thoughts so once again if you guys have any other like interesting questions I I would love to answer them okay and let’s go find some food yeah uh let’s cook this up first

Okay let’s get some coal I definitely should get some armor yeah let’s make another let’s make another furnace here let’s do this putl this up what time zone do your viewers live in yeah yeah what time zone are you guys in cuz it’s almost like midnight and you

Guys are still still tuning in so I’m curious or instead of saying what time is it like what time is it for you right now so smart Erin thank you so much for the super chat again really do appreciate it it’s your brother adopted no EST EST lots of ests In The Stream

Chat EST that’s separates them from the rest yeah that’s why you guys are real ones yeah yeah guys if you are here right now I want to see you again in tomorrow’s live stream we are doing these every yeah see I I caught myself but I

Really do want to do these every single day so I’ll say it I’m going to do my best to do these every single day I want to see you guys again tomorrow all right Canadian explorers thank you so much for the Super Chat favorite cheese okay so I was on a flight

Recently where you have a story behind this yeah I was on a flight recently and with dinner they served like like a cheese on the side I’m no cheese connoisseur but whatever I had was like so good I don’t know the name though your answer was the airplane cheese the

Airplane cheese whatever whatever they served me on that airplane it was Swiss Air fantastic I wonder what kinde of cheese might have been it wasn’t Swiss it wasn’t swiss cheese but and I I could give you a copy answer I could be like American or cheddar or

Something but I like craft American CRA craft American into the fridge and eat the slices of cheese that’s up that’s actually criminal that is a late night snack have you guys ever done have you guys ever eaten a plain slice of cheese got meet your protein protein gos when I

Was younger I would actually do that like that’s or shredded cheese just eat right out of the bag mozzarella no I have never eaten okay out side when you’re in I just okay let me see I want other interesting have youever been on a train I have yeah does class rank matter

O i i kind of touched upon this yesterday I don’t like class rank doesn’t really matter it’s more so the rigor of your courses and like your individual grades in classes like do you have anything to add their Mah like I mean yeah pretty sure you said this yesterday you could look at

Whatever College you’re curious about if you type in the name and then the phrase common data set on Google on that document you will see whether the college takes into account class rank or not yeah so objectively if you want to Tanger your question if class rank is

Important it depends on the college if overall if you’re grader high you’re taking a lot of like AP I courses like you’re you’re fine like even if you’re like outside the top 10 if you have a large school it doesn’t really matter that much yeah and it’s like not with

Your absolute rank like your percentile I think is what matters a bit more but even then like your grades or what colleges are going to pay more attention to yeah and we have we got a $5 Super Chat from spicy lemonade thank you so much oh how important do you think the

Harvard interview is added horribly on mind blanking and barely answering I mean from I mean I so yeah I take this one yeah you can take this one interviewers like like quite frankly like they could help an application like very oh what’s going on oh these are poison berries shoot shoot shoot I

Didn’t very sorry you good yeah yeah keep answering even if you go online very rarely will College interviews hurt your chances at all like it they can only serve to like give admissions officers another side to yourself but in reality if you just blanked and you know

You couldn’t come up with the ANW you wanted to I don’t think it’ll hurt your application in any way yeah it’s like as long as they don’t say anything negative about you as long as they’re not raising red flags like like if they’re not as long as they’re not saying oh this

Person was like disrespectful like you yeah if you’re a bit shy everyone is right yeah I mean there are like plenty of like shy kids at top schools uh Ethan thank you so much for the $499 Super Chat and Canadian explorers again thank you so much for

The $5 Super Chat favorite book here let me show you guys what I am currently reading how to hide an Empire great read so far favorite book though um I read sapiens recently which was pretty good I’m not sure if it was like my favorite by

Far um there was one Business book that I read Rec recently uh the cold start problem I enjoyed that a lot and I think it helped a lot with like the kind of work that we’re doing with like next Adit and sort of what I do in addition

To social media uh and the reason I bring that up is because of yuyang Super Chat which asks about next admin so any plans for your career Beyond YouTube next admit I don’t got any plans for tomorrow bro quite frankly honestly like I my mind I’m kind

Of in this for like the long run I’m not dwelling too much on like what I want to do after YouTube or after next Adit I feel like there’s still like a lot a long way to go with like this YouTube channel with next admit and I’m very excited to see where

Like the journey the journey leads so y’all have some pretty good questions y’all asking great questions and if you guys want us to talk about like deciding what you want to do with your life or like choosing a major I’m happy to dive into that a

Little bit yeah do you guys want us to talk about that like sort of like what how we decided what we wanted to do after graduation or like how we sort of navigated like I don’t know like life I guess to a degree happy to address that but if you

Guys don’t want us to talk about it I totally understand cuz um maybe you’re like in middle school and this is like totally irrelevant to you right now yes yes yes try to beat the game thank you for the Super Chat Dan yeah I should honestly at this at this rate it’s going

To take like 20 like 50 live streams to beat the game I got to speed things up here but we’re just getting so many great questions in the Stream chat let’s see were people saying yes talk about it okay so I’ll make the question up the

Question is how do you know what to do with your life bro’s asking an answering yeah yeah you know what I got a question don’t worry guys I mean yeah cuz to a degree I don’t have like the answer so maybe this is my way of also like answering to

Myself bro ask a question you couldn’t answer I will tell you something so many of my friends or so many people that I know even after graduation are so unsure of what they’re doing or what their purpose is or what what the heck you know they want to do with their degree

And to be honest you know if I told people that I was going to graduate from MIT having studied computer science and business and that I was going to become a social media influencer you know founder I would not have believed myself and people would have called me crazy

Right like you’re going to take your degree and do social media and to be honest I get this question a fair bit right I ask him this question every day and to that I say a couple things one this is like a dream job and I’m

Super grateful that this is what I get to do this is what we get to do because it it’s super fun to get to talk to you guys to make fun videos to talk about our experiences and then secondly the skills that I picked up for my degree I can

Still apply in my work today for example building next admit I am applying a lot of what I learned in my computer science courses in creating that you know and building the website and running the business my business analytics degree comes in handy so even though I didn’t

Go into like industry or a job you know a lot of these skills still transfer and so I think I’m kind of going on a tangent here but if you don’t know what to do I think to a degree follow follow your heart and you don’t need to have it

All figured out like right after graduation I think a lot of young people nowadays they graduate you know they have like a short St at a company or with a certain thing and it takes time to kind of figure out what you want to do and we got another Super Chat so

Let’s see Epic Sports vids thank you so much for the $499 Super Chat I’m in California and would like to go to UC which one is the best I’m a finance major I’ll be honest I don’t have Burley you you go to UC Barkley it’s like the best of the uc’s

But I’m pretty sure it’s like also like top it’s like top 10 or top top five public fin Unis but I mean you won’t go wrong with like any of them I feel cuz UTS are really good but like berky yeah also we’re finally getting

Food I am so happy I feel like this whole entire live stream like we just have not Hades bro dude do you want to do you want to join the survival world in a stream like tomorrow or whatever yeah we can do a big thing me you server we got

Do a p how many streams it Tak yeah I think us we could do like a survival world and then maybe in the future we could do like a public SMP of sorts and oh have like applications or something I don’t know we’ll see oh there’s so much food nice by the way

Guys again I want to see you guys here tomorrow night we doing we’re going to do another live stream and also join the Discord I’ll be hanging out there after the live stream the link is pinned to the stream chat hopefully it’s super easy for you guys to uh hop

In what other questions do we have I’m in 7th grade and want to apply to Harvard what should I do first I think we have a lot of like middle schoolers also in the chat so maybe maybe we need something to kind of address the middle school or the younger people here you

Know like the younger ambitious students here because I was in your position I remember being in like seventh grade and Googling Harvard’s acceptance rate and trying to figure out how I could get in so you know what I was do seventh grade what I was just like just probably just looking at the

New LeBron shoot I don’t think I wasn’t con to seventh grade bro I don’t I I don’t know what college was in seventh grade so if the seventh grade is here bro shout out shout out you man TR be in bad but you shout out you ainda says it’s been 50

Minutes and you have stone tools yeah I have been playing extremely slowly cuz I’m like focusing a lot on the questions and we also did like a little bit of multiplayer too you don’t have to make excuse you good bro now down to the wooden sword that’s

Really sad was seventh grade so or middle school I think ultimately just focus on coursework right I think as you go into high school you want to get enrolled into like the or placed into like the honors courses and to do that you’re going to need of course solid grades in middle

School but beyond that just explore a bunch of different things like just do whatever you think is fun whether it’s programming painting Sports gaming even like you can make gaming into like an extracurricular that you can put on a college application if you sort of you know frame it

Correctly Sean wants me to open the server to land I think we’ll do it all together like tomorrow Sean Sean’s in the Stream chat right now I should go tell him and go to bed should go outside and shut his computer off for him your chat is so active wait someone says

I’m done editing your car edit check your mentions after the stream is done no way mentions on what Pro yeah on Tik Tok I’m guessing M goar best Doo I appreciate you thank you we started a channel called con squared go subscribe wait let me post this Con squared link

Yeah we started a channel where we’re going to upload videos together and we uploaded a short uh uh channels filters where is our Channel it might be a little bro why is her Channel not showing up did I pass it I’ll send it to you all right we’ll look this up

Later yeah we started a channel together well on Tik Tok at least the handle is cons squared if you guys want to follow us there please all right we are we have a lot more food now fantastic let me make a stone sword why am I walking around with this why

Are you making swords axes are better oh that’s true right axes do like more damage yeah yeah okay what other questions do you think olympas do or die for MIT lots of my friends did not do olympiads I did not do I mean I did like

Yuso but I barely barely did that I think I just got to like silver and just stopped I didn’t take it it was like my senior fall too um when I like you know ventured into yo I’m just trying to stack up on so so

Much food right now cuz I don’t want to like I don’t want to die I’m in seventh grade and writing a book that is incredibly impressive all right let’s go give me some like open-ended questions that can apply to a lot of people actually don’t worry ask whatever

You want but I’m going to try to pull out the questions that are more tell them to ask me questions yeah yeah ask mahad questions I’m so chatty and ready to share my knowledge and wisdom I love this chat yeah you know as I’m maybe cooking up food mahad can take answer some

Questions so guys just a lot of pressure now God this actually going so fast I can’t read that quickly here I’ll I’ll stop scrolling for a second um how to start a new semester with the Stray a student mentality o I think starting I think if you start strong with good mentality then

Like is it really easy to like keep showing up and doing well on test if you like build systems early on I think G you touched on this like putting everything to a gcal separating out folders is getting stuff organized early on so you know what to do every day

That’s what I would say it’s a straight A suud mentality all right we need to get more coal there’s like some where is mahad hello right here pickaxe is about to die but let’s get this coal here oh okay it’s still I sent you the link to con squir on Discord all right

Let’s go ahead and do a pickaxe Cool let’s see how do I get scholarships have you have you talked about you’re so slow yeah I’m I’m once again playing this game super slowly have you talked about scholarship a lot in this chat oh we got big question I haven’t touched on Scholarships in a live stream before we

Can answer that in a second but y yangang $5 Super Chat thank thank you so much did you design the next adet website also do you have plans on branching into specific consulting services for transfer students love the next admit questions I did design the next Adit website

Um like 95% of it there are some new parts of the website that um I work with a designer for but the homepage everything else um like most of the pages yes uh do you have any plans on branching into services for transfer students we already accept essay reviews

For transfer students but we don’t have like a formalized program for them uh in the it’s in the road map though it’s not we’re not planning to launch it anytime soon uh we have a few other services and programs that we’re planning to launch uh closer to the spring time summertime

So yeah uh be on the lookout let’s go back up here douc I got to go work on History Day any fast advice I’m not sure can you explain what history day is okay what time is it it’s almost midnight B time yeah I might end off the live

Stream or I guess we can touch on scholarships quickly oh let’s touch on scholarships and I’m glad we got a bunch of food this live stream you know what we made progress that’s all I can say guys this is going to be a very long series finishing this game like it’s going to

Be a very long time but we made some decent progress here SC scholarships I think one piece of advice that I have is the College Board scholarship search that’s a solid tool that you can use Maha do you have any other tips like every year you’ll get the big ones

Seniors um if you’re at all poor look into the questbridge scholarship program this Coca-Cola scholarship program Bill Gate I me there’s a lot of the big ones you can easily find what I recommend doing email your guidance counselor and ask for any local scholarships that are available these local scholarships will

Be from like companies in your town like families in your town could be worth like $500 $1,000 whatever but like nobody knows about them so they have very few applicants so you could rack up a few grand in scholarships just locally yeah email your counselor and ask for a

List of all local scholarships especially if you’re a senior right now that’s solid duck is asking are there any next admit discounts not currently uh but closer to like the admission season we sometimes have uh some coupon codes available okay I think I’m going to call that for tonight guys again I’m going

Straight to my Discord server to hang out so link is pinned to the stream chat if you have any other questions send them to me on uh I guess on Discord or on my Instagram my handle is goar’s guide but guys this was a lot follow me on Tik Tok mahad the mentor

Yeah mahad the mentor shout out him I’m trying to catch up I’m only 3 million behind but you know with your help I can get there yeah shout out Mah the mentor guys thank you for tuning in this was a lot of fun I want to see everyone here again tomorrow

Night all right I need uh I need you guys to promise me that you guys will be here again tomorrow but yeah it’s going to be a good time I’ll be here again I’ll bring snacks food maybe some board games we’ll have a good time imagine if you did the board game

Stream just like a like a I’ll do what but yeah guys thank you again for tuning in we’ll see you again tomorrow night peace

This video, titled ‘ask me anything as I play some minecraft’, was uploaded by Gohar Khan on 2024-02-08 05:49:11. It has garnered 21306 views and 855 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:06 or 3666 seconds.

💬 Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/gohar 📝 I’ll edit your college essay: https://nextadmit.com/services/essay/ 🎓 Get into your dream school: https://nextadmit.com/roadmap/

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  • TRAPPING PRO Player on MY Minecraft Server!

    TRAPPING PRO Player on MY Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sunucumdaki PRO Oyuncuyu TUZAĞA DÜŞÜRDÜM!’, was uploaded by Denzi Stylex on 2024-03-03 14:00:42. It has garnered 3366 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #tiktok minecraft,Minecraft,mine craft,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft but,fun,comedy,legend,cheat,minecraft but if I bend,but,if I bend,op if I bend,op ,items, falling, op items falling, minecraft if I bend down, minecraft parodies, minecraft house, minecraft videos, minecraft home making, minecraft shorts, storarty, storarty shorts, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft Turkish, minecraft parodies, finish minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft videos,minecraft but,minecraft minecraft,minecraft uhc,minecraft manhunt but,minecraft funny,minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC: Deez vs. Wither Boss in Super Flat #minecraft

    EPIC: Deez vs. Wither Boss in Super Flat #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Wither in Minecraft Survival Super Flat | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Will Deez on 2024-06-05 03:31:58. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:42 or 13662 seconds. Please Like/Subscribe and hit that bell! My Socials: Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WillDeez2310 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WillDeez2310 Logos by Raythgaming – https://www.youtube.com/c/RaythGaming Sub–❯ www.youtube.com/@WillDeez Leave a Tip–❯ https://streamlabs.com/willdeez/tip Become a Patron for perks–❯ https://www.patreon.com/WillDeez2310 Join the Discord–❯ https://discord.gg/8prNH3AQGH My Socials: Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WillDeez2310 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WillDeez2310 Read More

  • RuneRPG

    RuneRPG▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RuneRPG | Survival + ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ╭ -Lots of active staff ┇ – Custom items, mobs and textures ┇ -Many Giveaways! ┇ -Friendly & Welcoming Community! ╰ -Booster Perks & Much more! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ -https://discord.gg/AhMDcbup -https://discord.gg/AhMDcbup RuneRPG.net Read More

  • Ember Wing SMP, semi vanilla

    Welcome to Emberwing! IP Address: Whitelist Version: 1.20.4 Discord: Join our Discord Explore a World Like No Other! Why Choose Us? Economy System: Build your empire with our balanced economy. Friendly Community: Join a welcoming community with active staff ready to help. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and win awesome prizes! Game Modes: Survival: Gather resources, build your base, and survive the night. Modded: Enjoy the world of modded Minecraft. Join Us Today! Don’t miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. Join Emberwing and become part of a thriving community where the fun never stops. Whether you’re here… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: spicy template by u/xurpio

    I guess you could say this meme is at a “block party” with a score of 43! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown! The Exciting World of Minecraft Sumo FFA Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Sumo FFA? This action-packed game mode is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as you battle it out with other players in a fierce competition. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that make Minecraft Sumo FFA a must-play for any gaming enthusiast! What is Minecraft Sumo FFA? Minecraft Sumo FFA stands for “Free For All” and is a popular game mode where players compete against each other in a sumo wrestling-style match. The goal is simple… Read More

  • Back in the Day: Storytime

    Back in the Day: Storytime The Exciting World of Minecraft: A New Player’s Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey into the blocky universe of Minecraft with a new player, Anshu_gaming559. Join in as they explore the vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and face challenges in this popular sandbox game. First Steps into Minecraft With a sense of excitement and curiosity, Anshu_gaming559 delves into the world of Minecraft for the first time. Armed with creativity and a desire for adventure, they set out to discover the endless possibilities that await in this virtual realm. Exploring the Unknown From lush forests to towering mountains, Anshu_gaming559 navigates… Read More

  • Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1

    Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1Video Information This video, titled ‘A quest to BECOMING a paladin…Minecraft RPG #1’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-06-04 09:06:35. It has garnered 657 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:50 or 1550 seconds. Socials linked below: https://linktr.ee/sqannky ^ dont forget to check out gamer supps ^ join my cord: https://discord.gg/KKcTjv27ck All links in my link tree are yours to explore! I’ll be posting more often in Instagram and trying to post on Twitter Second channel: ​⁠​⁠@SquankyDuck Mod pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ciscos-adventure-rpg-ultimate Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/slender-the-haunted-forest https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/siren-head-the-arrival gonna start branching out into other minecraft mods/mod packs like rlcraft and… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG Gaming

    Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft’, was uploaded by HC GG gaming on 2024-02-17 11:38:41. It has garnered 2600 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AndreoBee @AnshuBisht @imbixu @ChapatiHindustaniGamer @YesSmartyPie @TotalGaming093 your Queries:- minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp fight, what is minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp youtubers, hero prime smp minecraft, minecraft herobrine smp pvp, herobrine smp fight day, what happened with herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp stream, minecraft herobrine smp code, minecraft in herobrine smp, minecraft hero brand smp, herobrine assembly new… Read More

  • Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraft

    Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fun Police Series 26 Don’t forget to register on the channel #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft1 on 2024-06-01 06:50:28. It has garnered 1413 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5

    Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the South Pt5 in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 -Ep61’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2024-05-13 16:47:55. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:44 or 5444 seconds. HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 61 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack. It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world. I’ll be… Read More

  • “Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!” #clickbait #minecraft #gaming

    "Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!" #clickbait #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best way to make money on the Donut SMP DonutSMP.Net #gaming #donutsmp #minecraft #server #pvp #fun’, was uploaded by skittlez on 2024-01-11 07:21:13. It has garnered 1976 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. yes donut smp money making method Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live |Hive Minigames|’, was uploaded by ZookZ on 2024-05-28 12:30:04. It has garnered 91 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:14 or 7574 seconds. Would you like to join the staff for recordings? if so press the link below! Application Forms For Recording: https://forms.gle/zwaoK5TssqR7CG8g8 Public Discord For Zookz: https://discord.gg/d29Se4U2rD InterLifeSMP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kjN8CaraWT #minecraft #minecraftlive #hiveminigames #gaming #zookzyt Read More

  • Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️

    Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘👦 Boys 🆚 Girls 👧 | Minecraft 💎’, was uploaded by Chaos-Cars on 2024-05-08 20:00:01. It has garnered 1934525 views and 23011 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm – BADGER

    INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm - BADGERVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO FAZER UMA FARM DE FRANGO AUTOMÁTICA (Minecraft 1.21 Tutorial -TEXUGO)’, was uploaded by TEXUGO on 2024-05-31 22:00:16. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Have more ideas for tutorials? Comment there! Welcome to the BADGER channel, where I record Minecraft and Pokémon videos all day long! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my Mine and Pokémon Memes! Instagram: texugo.png Want to be my friend on Pokémon go? just use my code! 5826 8311 8316 Pokémon videos every day at noon and… Read More

  • Shocking! Mickey Joe’s Wild Barely Default Rap

    Shocking! Mickey Joe's Wild Barely Default RapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Barely Default Rap 🎤🎶 (Pigstep Electro Swing Remix Parody Minecraft Song)’, was uploaded by Mickey Joe on 2024-06-06 02:40:03. It has garnered 377 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Minecraft resource pack rap using a remix of Pigstep Your daily dose of cringe. I listen to too much Eminem. I don’t know what to say, but here it is. enjoy(?) Like the video, & subscribe to the channel to help me achieve my YT dreams 💙 The beat is a remix of Lena Raine’s Pigstep, by the… Read More

  • SkrubShack

    SkrubShackWelcome to the SkrubShack! This is an all new OPFactions server. If you are looking for a OpFactions experience on a smaller scale, we are the server for you! Come join the new community and work your way up the ranks! Read More