Unbelievable: Gracie’s Minecraft Baby on ONE BLOCK!

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Um guys it looks like we’re stuck on a wood block what I’m stuck here with you and Lou oh come on oh bye Lou just for the both of us Sophie Sophie how dare you why can’t we just get along like a family be quiet Gracie you’re not my mom

Um wait a second what just happened maybe I am your mom now what oh your name tag says bomb no you must be my Mom look look at that Island over there you guys have to listen to me ORS we’re not going to get along like a family follow

Me otherwise we’ll never get off this one block oh I still don’t forgive sopie for knocking me off this thing well you knocked me off too guys enough chit chattering you guys are not babies and you have to listen to me now since I’m your mom get it

Sophie okay byby children follow me we’re going to make our way towards that Island over there there’s probably some Clues on it that can help us get out of here oh that would be amazing H I need to get out of here right now I was working on something what were you

Working on I was working on a machine so that I didn’t have to shower ever again are you serious Li you’re so gross oh my gosh you know what you deserve to get pushed down there hey all right guys look we finally got a family pet it’s a

Piggy oh I don’t like this family pet I will push it off why you up on the space come on little guys no no come on son you’re not supposed to do that that’s that to be our food source yes oh come on L I’m going to be putting you in timeout

Real soon B because of out guys we got water this is good okay children we have enough blocks to get to the other side now oh I don’t want to be your kid I just want to go home um Lou I don’t think you have a choice we are a family

Now whether you like it or not Mom are we there yet oh my goodness quit asking kids we only just started if I was a member of your family I wouldn’t be a little kid I would just be like my own adult uh Lou what do you mean if you

Were a member of my family you are a member of my family right now oh that’s it I am my own adult I am uh I’m I’m I’m not I’m not uh I’m older than you Lou we only just became a family and you’re already trying to become a rebellious

Teenager well I do grow up quite quickly they grow up so fast anyway guys we’re almost there don’t worry kids we’ll be there really soon let’s just do this are we now well um wait a second there’s a sign over here guys that says get along

As a family or you’ll never leave what get along oh does that mean I have to not knock you off again oh careful Lou you’re right by the edge all I need to do is give you a little do you guys want spankings or what come on listen to me uh wait family

Pet what is this huh it’s seems like wait guys it’s like it’s like an adoption center oh don’t tell me that pig came back looks like there used to be an animal here but it’s empty Lou you can go inside you’re like a family pet anyway wait what do you mean yeah you

Stink like one H now which one do we want to adopt I think we’ll go with this one no I don’t think so I like this one oh no no no please adopt me I don’t want to get left here okay fine I guess you could join your family I thought you

Said you didn’t want to be part of it I changed my mind guys did you see that weird button earlier I thought it was like a rock but it seems like it’s actually a button should we press it it’s kind of shiny I’m going to press it a good

Idea wait wait I the family p what just happened where where did go oh no I think I know what happened daughter I’m a dog have a dog oh no Lou’s been turned into a dog and we have to find which one’s him how are we going

To no it seems like there’s a bunch of like food and Bones in here maybe we can tame the dogs until we find one that we can’t tame which means it’ll be Lou no you’re not allowed to tame members of my pack oh oh no where is

He a they all look so hungry we should feed them all wait let’s make them have babies and then oh wait that’ll make it even harder for us to find him yeah maybe that’s not the best idea Gracie here let’s quickly tame them let’s see L

Which one are you Lou come get the Ste come get the steak Lou oh he’s such a rebellious kid wait a second I think I found him he’s right here look right here oh my goodness Lou I’m Pig wait that’s Lou the one that’s running over here that’s him that’s him

Oh he’s trying to hide in the corner Lou I know that was you Lou I know that was you can’t find me I found you Noe nope I’m gone now you can’t find me now wait it’s this one it’s this one but what are we supposed to do let me check the chest

Again hey this dog’s trying to stiff my butts get away from me yeah that’s what do wait oh my goodness there’s a lead in here wait can we put this lead onto Lou which one is he again help help get this thing away from me it’s trying to stiff

My Butts oh my goodness me it’s you it’s you I can’t even put this lead on you wait a second huh wait what happened guys oh my gosh all the doggies say disappeared that was so close that dog was going to get my sins Lou you’re

Still a dog oh my goodness are you going to be a dog forever are you our family pets oh I hope not serves you right for never taking a bath no you’re going to put me in the bath I don’t want to take a bath no you have to come on we’re

Going to make you a bath right here you smell so stinky have no idea I don’t like BS I don’t like BS oh look he’s all nice and clean now good St finally oh you know what I’m done with this I’m going to make myself dirty

Again what are you doing what Lou stop W oh my goodness he’s covering something in dirt get out you’re so dirty now oh yeah look how dirty I am I’m covered in mud whatever Lou okay I guess you win but like but remember if you’re going to

Be a family pet then you need to learn some tricks Sophie why don’t we teach him some tricks oh yes that sounds so fun guys know I can speak English right I can do these tricks easy all right Lou since you’re a little doggy you have to

Show us that you’re a good boy so why don’t you go sit sit I don’t want to do this I’m not doing it oh my goodness okay turn around turn around fine roll over roll over I I can’t do that I’m in Minecraft are you serious oh

Come on why don’t you do this parkour so we can sign you up for the national dog championships I even put a special little trick at the end is that good price money is that good price money will I win like $1,000 um yeah we can buy you lots of uh bones

We’ll get you premium steak okay that’s all I needed to have okay I’m doing it now wait oh my goodness he’s getting so good oh my goodness you guys know I’m terrible at these oh no I don’t think he’s going to win that come on good dogs can do it

Yeah good oh my gosh through this hoop through this hoop and then through this hoop jump in the he went and took a bath finally check you wait are you kidding me you made me do all this just to make me have another bath well maybe but we also

Wanted to see if you could do tricks oh that’s it that’s it nope nope I’m being independent I don’t rely on humans anymore uh what are you going to be a straight dog do you want us to send you to the pound I’m going to be a lone wolf

I’m out of here wolf oh he’s in his emo phas he’s such a little baby isn’t he bomb I’d never be a whiny baby like him um Gracie wait a second I I I smelled something on you wait wait no it smells like a baby a baby wait wait why is your

Chummy big oh my gosh what what’s happening did that button do it oh no what’s going on I guess maybe it’s because it said that we have to be a happy family that includes me giving birth to a child oh my gosh you’re going to have a

Baby I don’t need a baby messing with me I I think I made a good choice becoming a lone wolf kids always mess with the family pets oh Lou did you forget if you want to get off this island you have to work together with us as a family oh

Fine but when that baby comes out I swear I’m not taking any bullying oh you better not hurt my child you know this is a very precious baby and I’m a very precious dog what’s your point well you’re not really that precious because you said that you didn’t want to be part

Of the family isn’t that right Sophie yeah Mr Lone Wolf um wait no no don’t leave me don’t leave me fine I’ll be part of your family all right then then you better follow us cuz we’re going to the next Island here we go this way H

Are we there yet well I don’t know we’ll be there in a bit luckily we got lots of blocks from that island so we can easily make it to this one oh it’s so cold here guys I don’t even like make this jump I’m a little too small come on did we

Not teach you all those tricks you want a treat you want a treat come on you want a treat don’t you I want a treat here you go good boy okay so I saw the sign and it says who’s your daddy um does anybody know what that is um I

Never knew my dad oh yeah I bet your dad went to get the milk H Lou don’t bring it back up he did don’t treat your sibling like that well I guess he’s not your sibling he’s your dog now but still I mean should we press this button I

Think we might have to in order to get off this block oh just press it already all right here we go oh my gosh guys it say save the baby wait Sophie what happened get that thing away from me oh my goodness let don’t the baby wait a second wait the baby careful

You’re just a child chasing me he chasing me I have away oh my gosh get from lava get away from the lava oh my goodness it’s crawling towards the lava it’s crawling towards the lava sh oh no no no no no no no where’s she going where is she going St the

Baby why are you on the ice cubes get off the ice you’re going to hurt yourself sopie get off get off the ice BL you’re going to hurt yourself get away from me luy the lucky BS are dangerous wait a second is she is she

Going no no no she’s going up the cliff soie soie look oh my god do you want some food oh yes you want some food over here follow me this way uh yep yep yep yep yep uh that’s right that’s right okay guys we need to

Block that off we cannot let her get up there that’s way too dangerous thanks for getting it away from me Gracie I don’t want to deal with that thing ever again it’s breaking Lucky Block Lucky Block lucky blocks are so dangerous they have like explosions and stuff luckily these are pretty lucky

Nothing bad has happened yet oh no oh my gosh let me break it we have good oh she’s trapped so she just walked into a cage wait a second you know I was going to save her but I think we should keep her in there to stop her

From causing any more trouble that would probably be better than letting her mess with me Lou remember you’re supposed to be the protective dog you’re supposed to protect her not hurt her um then why isn’t she treating me well I mean I’m the pet I’m supposed to be treated well

It’s cuz she’s a baby she’s just grown gr up and guess she’s mine but look my tummy’s still here so maybe I’ve got another child on the way oh no anything but another baby um oh no quick quick quick protect the baby protect the baby push the monster off push the monster

Off oh my goodness Sophie you could have been hurt stay in there don’t move okay let’s break the other one so she can’t get to them diamond pickaxe this could be useful for later wait yeah the diamond pickaxe could be really useful and a hero villager H wa I know you want

Attack the mailman but you can attack him okay just cuz he’s a stranger don’t start bking no no don’t don’t stop stop uh wait where’s the child where’s Sophie she’s missing Sophie wait what how did she get over there Sophie oh my God oh my God my where she going sheie

Sopie stop stop what is she doing what is she doing you want to play with mama mama has a flower come this way wowe uh-huh yes this mama’s favorite color how did she get out of the cave oh over here yep yep yep just uh come inside here oh no no No she’s kind of creeping me out making those noises she never really sounds like that it’s cuz she’s a baby don’t you understand she’s been turned into a child oh she’s a nightmare baby oh no we have to turn it back to noral get it away from me I’m sorry I

Can’t help you oh my goodness oh no oh no okay just keep playing I’m going to break these Lucky Blocks here we go wait L we got more friends for you we got more friends spy fishy oh wait eat that eat that that’s a

Pu fish give it to Mama now give it to Mama eat this eat this apple eat this apple oh no you oh my goodness I told you not to eat that it’s so unhealthy it’s going to poison you see Mama Knows Best you should have listened to me and not eaten those

Puffer fish oh are you okay so Sophie baby what’s wrong baby oh my gosh she just pooped herself um liily you should go clean that up you’re a dog right um don’t make me lick that up I have not that kind of dog what the oh my goodness go Hey

Listen man listen man do you ever have to lick poop off the ground don’t make me unleash my dogs on you don’t make me un my dogs on you that’s right that’s right listen Lou you better no okay now go lick that poop up come on

Be a good doggy well can I at least ask one of your dogs if they do that first do you what don’t look at me like that I don’t think he likes you oh fine e is he eating it okay soie no more pooping if you have to poop you have to

Tell me so I can take you to the toilet hey I mean it does actually taste quite good maybe it’s cuz I’m my dog E I did not need to know that okay well come on soing follow me we’re going off to this next Island now wo W

Wo don’t leave me I don’t want to be that with those dogs they’re nothing like me uh sure huh take the baby to school wait where are we I thought we were going to the next Island huh wait oh no are we taking sopie to daycare oh

It seems like she still doesn’t know English we have to teach her how to speak you know oh wait Sophie can you say mama MAA m oh she’s never going get this oh go she said it she said it those are her first words well I guess we should go to

School now come on over here oh but don’t go teaching me anything I’m a dog I don’t need to learn this kind of stuff are you sure I think you do let’s see I think you need to learn uh sit back and let me teach you guys wait what are you

Teaching us oh okay sure if you say so Lou but you’re a dog just watch this by the end of this lesson Sophie’s going to be speaking fluently no time really now this is the only word she’ll be able to speak Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar oh no she’s already learning like

That sopie you can’t just repeat everything I say no no no no okay say mama again mama look what you done Sophie Sophie Sophie I’m the cool dog what is that letter look oh wow oh he’s teaching you the alphabet Sophie uh what exactly she

Did it right she said ah wait what no she just said uh that’s not right uh no I’m pretty sure uh I know when I’m teaching someone right uh it’s okay Sophie that’s the letter A okay letter A that’s a for alphabet that’s a for alligator and that’s a for apple

Okay all right let me uh erase this really quickly all right put on the next one puy I’m going to start with something a little more complicated let’s see if she knows this letter are you skipping letters this is totally not how you’re supposed to learn boom do you

Know what that letter is sopie what did she say she said I a yeah that’s not it okay you know what I think you should just let me teach now head over the palet no no no no no no listen Gracie if she doesn’t know how to do

English maybe she’s like a math prodigy maybe I can teach her math you really think so I mean she is my child and I’m pretty good at math so all right watch this I’m going to give her a maths equation like this oh this is going to

Go great let’s see if she can answer this question difficult you should have started with one wait what what she knew it how did she know that no no no no no no you definitely lied how how did you know that it was 2 + 4 = 6 okay you know

What give me the palette I’ll ask a question and see if it works this time all right fine take the pallet I’ll just sit down on this desk how about 100 plus 152 oh I wonder if she’s going to get this one there no waste I mean she’s

Just a baby 22 wait what the answer is how does she know that the answer is 252 she’s crazy graci Sophie was never this good at maths uh maybe being a baby has resets her brain that doesn’t make any sense though how does that even work I

Mean me being a dog made me act like a dog so uh maybe being a baby just made her smart again but how how though I mean is something really that dumb you know we have to ask a different question this one is really going to confirm

Whether or not she’s become a crazy person or not E equals uh what is that equal to hm MC squ wait what why did she do that she even good at science is she Albert Einstein how dides she know that he equals MC squ she’s going crazy who

Is this girl she’s Albert s Stein okay this is going to be the last question if she can actually answer this correctly then and I’m going to call her a genius baby all right last question which one is this one she’ll never get this one I

Mean I don’t even know this is a ma equation Gracie I don’t even know if I understand this as well I don’t think I either wait four how did she know it’s four who is she oh she’s kind of crazy um I think I I think I I think I got to

Go I can’t take care of this family anymore I’m going to go crazy M oh no maybe we should just leave she’s not my child on she’s not my child if she were if she’s my child then that means I’m a genius but I’m not there’s no way she’s

My child if she’s a genius why she been trying to kill me this whole time wait wait what is she doing wait is this oh is this Hopscotch oh my God she’s playing hopscotch oh wait I’m so oh wait I’m bad at this I’m so good at this game

Wait wait I used to play this when I was a baby we go and then here we go Hopscotch Hopscotch guys I don’t know about you but uh I can’t really fit I mean I need to hit both of them at the same time maybe I can

Like there we go I hit two there’s one and then I hit two again oh you’re definitely not a hopscotch master I think I am because I was able to hit all of them in the middle like smack in the middle never played Hopscotch as a kid yeah I could

Tell because your parents left you when you’re were a baby I’m just kidding I’m just kidding Lou hey it’s okay you have me now and Sophie your family get away from me did you just throw that did you did you just oh my good you’re so dis come on Lou

That was the chest of my love for this family I was just joking like I promise I really apologize that was really rude I shouldn’t have said that I I’m really sorry can we play some dodgeball now I’ll let you hit me on purpose dodgeball at that game like inside here look

There’s a bunch of balls you know what why don’t you go fetch get this ready 3 two 1 fetch oh wait where did it go where is it oh over here over here doggy go fet go fet over here get it get it where where is

It oh it’s okay why don’t we just play dodgeball instead oh Sophie there you are where did you get that what is this a basketball all right we’ll play basketball first and then we’ll play dodgeball you guys ready I’m going to driel crazy I don’t know about you but

Uh how is Sophie ever going to reach that basket it’s too tall for her that’s true I mean it’s okay we can still like pretend like she could do it come on Sophie we we have to cheer her on okay if we cheer on she’ll be really

Good she just hit a slam D did she go inside the hoop how did you do that what’s oh my goodness is that who is that oh my gosh no way she was a MTH Prodigy now she’s like Michael Jordan oh my goodness she’s going to have her own

Sho Brad real soon she’s not my child whoever I had this child with is definitely not Jamesy and it’s definitely not from me no I’m not as athletic and uh I don’t think you are either oh my God all right let’s play dodge one instead then guys come on let’s get some

Snowballs and then we can throw them at each other you all ready all right I’m ready I will beat you wait a second it’s YouTube versus me oh this is going to be a massacre it’s a mother and daughter you know sort of bonding time so all

Right Sophie make sure you aim for the butt you hear me all right three two you’ll never get me get him get him oh that’s cold oh that’s cold oh cold cold cold oh no you know you can throw snowballs back at us right and you’re

Out of bounds so that means youve I have a snowball go up my butt how am I supposed to not react to that don’t say that in front of the baby Lou oh uh uh uh sorry but a bad word butt butt butt stop saying

That s you cannot say the word butt okay you know what come on throw the still balls at him he’s a bad boy get him get him get him bad Bo bad boy you can’t say the samey bad boy butt sopie but boy away from me Sophie you can’t say bad words

Like that okay Lou it’s okay we forgive you but you have to play with the rules okay so come back over what is that over there do you guys see that is that chica um I don’t know but I kind of want to go

Check it out I don’t know if this is a good idea guys chica’s really really strong oh don’t do this jump I know you can’t do this don’t worry guys I’m a God Michael Jordan just made it across oh wait are you guys sure about this we

Don’t know what that is it could be anything it could be really don’t worry Gracie I’m a god dog I’m going in Chen CH gosh what what was that I mean okay well at least dangerous what is that over there guys um what is that seems

Like we’ve got some new pets we can adopt wait quick is this Jurassic close the gate close the gate don’t let them out we need to get rid of them don’t look don’t look baby close your eyes close your eyes really fast mama said don’t look okay it’s it’s there’s uh

There’s dangerous things going on right here we’re getting rid of us wait did they drop food wait what was that oh it’s called a grungle a br oh ew grungle that doesn’t sound very nice did she just say grungle stop saying that oh my goodness all right guys I think

That’s enough we took her to school and hopefully she’s learned a little bit more English but what a work in progress I think it’s time that we actually go to the next Island now because we we’ve been stuck on this one for quite a while

And I think it’s time that we change up the family just a little bit all right let’s get moving wait a second guys look at the sign it says build your forever home I think it’s time that we started creating a house for us oh I already

Know what I’m going to build I’m going to build a dog kettle what oh my goodness you don’t want to live inside of the house you want to live outside of it uh of course I do I mean I’m a lone wolf after all I always have been are

You putting get out of dirt come on that looks like a manhole that’s all I have sopie are you wearing clothes oh my good wait what do she get all those she put me on a leash she put me on a leash don’t get me off this thing oh my

Goodness guys careful we need to go back and get some more blocks cuz we don’t have enough who wants the bigger room I think me because I’m the mama czy this isn’t fair I don’t want to be a family pet anymore I don’t think so I think I

Should be the mama so I get to decide who or all right guys we’ve got quite a lot of wood now after my milk what is it milk you want milk oh oh wait Gracie there’s some cows I mean of course how can I forget of course the baby’s going

To need milk Hy um Gracie I don’t know about you but I think what Sophie’s trying to tell you is that I think you’re getting a little fat wait what do you mean wait oh my goodness guys my baby it’s it’s growing I was pregnant before but now I’m really pregnant for

Sure what no no poking your belly look oh look what you taught her do not poke my belly your little sister or brother’s inside h s do you want a brother or a sister sister you want a sister uh sister I don’t know if you’re going to

Get a choice in that we’ll see but I’ve got enough blocks now guys all right guys so let’s spill it up I’ve got a ton of wood so here you take this stack Sophie and you can take half a stack okay there you go oh wait why do I get

Less oh well I mean it’s cuz you’re a dog and I don’t really know if you have good artistic choice in building you know well you’ve seen me build houses I literally go to building school why don’t you trust me well I don’t know it’s just because you’re a dog and

Remember when you get turned into a dog you start acting like one too so who knows even your choices could be pretty dog oh being a pet is the worst oh it’s okay come on I mean at least you’re all cute and stuff wait a second sopie oh

Baby did you get taller you’re growing so fast oh my goodness oh they grow up so quickly that was so quick I mean I just remember it would like it was yesterday when you were just a child oh what is this Lou it seems like you’re making a

Room whose room is this going to be I think it’s should be um this is clearly going to be my room because it’s the biggest in the whole house no no no no no no no no mama knows best so Mama should have the biggest room otherwise

She’d be out sad and lonely no I’m the family pets I don’t care Mama doesn’t no at all wait what no no no no oh my goodness you can’t do this okay if you are acting like this I’m going to have to make you sleep outside do you want to

Sleep outside in the yard no I don’t want to sleep outside and you better listen this is going to be my room and you can have the smaller room at the back but don’t complain fine whatever you’re being a bad role model for your sister well I don’t care oh my goodness

These children are so hard to take care of don’t worry guys I’ve got a crafting table and with this crafting table we can make some doors other we going to have no privacy inside the house none at all here we go we’ll put a door right

Here what do you think sopie looks good good and then once we get inside we’re going to have another door right over here for Mama’s room me no no no not your room me room no no me room no who taught you that oh look Lou youve taught

Her Bad Manners she’s trying to steal my room from me now um who asked oh my goodness did you say don’t use that tone with me boy do you want to say that again I dare you repeat it again three two one yeah that’s right oh my goodness okay you time out

You’re on timeout Lou get over here now time out over here now oh no don’t put me in time out come on get inside get inside I don’t want to go no no you deserve it you’re in the kenel yep that’s right you’ve been such a bad boy

Lately what makes you think that you can act like this no no I know being a family p with L are you oh my goodness like okay all I could give you right now is let me out no no you’ve been a bad boy face through the hole here take this

Take this yep that’s your food for tonight fish yep that’s going to be your dinner cuz you’ve been a really bad for now stay inside there we need send him to some dog school lessons oh Sophie baby oh oh my goodness what have you what have you done to my room me room

This is not your room what have you done me room room no no no no no no this is not okay Mama this is Mama’s room okay okay fine okay darling darling it’s okay darling sometimes in life you can’t just get what you want but this

Time I’ll let you stay in here okay yay but only if you help me decorate Mama’s room now come out over here we’re going to make my room as well and it’s going to be the biggest one right over here I’m going to make it even bigger than

Yours because you’re being a bad girl Yep this is going to be my room right here this entire thing is my oh Lou you didn’t see me you what are you doing out here didn’t see me I thought you were in timeout what happened um I I’ve always

Been in timeout what are you talking about I’ve been here the whole time wait wait why is she dragging me why is she dragging me yep you’re in trouble now yep you better get out oh no no no no I don’t want to go for walk no go for a

Walk come on okay so may take him out for a walk yeah while they do that I’ll keep working on the house and hopefully it gets a lot better than that cuz right now it’s all Bare Bones but once we we have this family house it’s going to be

Perfect help me oh no what’s going On’s draging me down kids what are you guys doing get out of there I knew that all she’d do is drag me down look at what she’s doing oh my goodness kids get out now this is not okay if you guys don’t

Get out now in 3 2 1 I’m going to send you guys a timeout once again it wasn’t my fault it was her fault she dragged me into this Sophie you cannot take the doggy and walks off the cliff that is not allowed why well cuz then you’ll die

And you don’t want to die do you why wait a sec wait there’s a button over here guys we didn’t even notice this was like hidden over here wait what does this thing do uh let’s try click at three 2 1 go guys what just happened

Wait the house is finished wo look at this wait wo there’s the kitchen wait oh my goodness you took my room this was supposed to be mine well it’s my room no oh stinky wait is that poop in the house y oh my goodness L well that’s just a dog thing

He wouldn’t understand done okay guys let’s go we have to play hide and seek according to the game or else we’re never going to get out of here so who wants to be it first uh don’t make me it I can smell you out in an instant okay

Fine I’ll be it first okay I’m going to count to 10 you guys all go hide ready okay you ain’t going to fight me two one okay one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay guys I’m coming you’re not going to get

Me wait I I see name tag down there wait what are they do wait a second huh wait wait I can’t been down here huh wait oh my goodness I’m no no no come back here oh Mom’s going to take you you think you’re going oh Sophie get out of my

Hiding spot oh my gosh there’s more of you guys here wait where did where did you go get out of here I’m going to take you oh my goodness come back over here no no you’re not you’re not getting away is it over is it over y sop’s been

Tagged it’s okay sopie don’t be a sore loser it’s fine it’s okay to lose but it’s your turn now to count you’re going to be the Seeker now and we’re going to go hide okay uhoh I’m getting out of here one two three 4 5 6 7 8 10 wa she counted

Too quick oh there she is looks like she’s going upstairs oh no oh no what oh my gosh I didn’t expect to right over here she Ted me instantly I thought I was going to be safe I’m scared I’m really scared counting down 10 Sophie why are you in

My spot 5 4 4 3 2 1 okay I’m coming for you guys where are you be very quiet if she finds us it’s over for me where are you guys there’s so many hiding spots oh my go he’s going me I know you’re in here

No nice try you got stuck in the cobweb didn’t you now hurry up count of 10 okay one 2 3 10 I’m coming wait that that was just blatant cheating you literally didn’t even count to 10 I can smell you somewhere around here I think this spot

Is Good Guys Oh no you’re not going to get me you’re not going to get me come back I’m I’m rning oh my goodness oh my goodness oh I my mom leg not for this this my mom legs are just not built for this I’m going you only have two legs I

Have four that’s totally unfair oh no the dog is coming ow you almost hurt me you know I think that’s enough fun for today sopie there you were oh look at you that’s a a good spot I think we should head down to that Island over there wait there’s people

Over there guys do you see them wait what’s going on over there they look like me oh my gosh it must be our distant relatives come on let’s go down distant who maybe it’s our cousins and stuff guys come on I can’t wait to extend this family I’m a little bit

Nervous I I mean I don’t really want to beet the family uh you’re the dog of course you want to meet the family you’d love everybody right you be a good boy and you make sure you’re well trained and you’re not going to pee on anybody

Do you hear me all right guys I think this is close enough to jump sopie are you going to be okay to do this I know you’re just a baby yeah actually all right sopie if you’ll go to this you could go now no no no I I should have

Went first I was going to go first so I put the slime block down for her well she managed just fine maybe she’s becoming more independent oh you’re a bad boy I’m going to be putting you time out for real get inside this cage look there’s bars here already for you fine

Oh look wait this did C wait oh guys it was a trick that’s not me it’s just it looks like armor stands with clothing on them oh guys I’m kind of feeling a bit weird I kind of got to pee oh my gosh did you just I told you

Not to pee on my oh that’s better feel think they’re not my real cousins it looks like they’re just armor stands but still that was not appropriate at all should we press this button guys all right here we go me your relatives wait what uh guys relatives my don’t know

Guys I think these are our cousins oh no oh no how are these are cousin why do they look like that um guys kids there’s been something I haven’t been telling you uh basically when I was younger I had a little fling and uh basically I

Was cursed and now my family is full of people like this why does one of them have a Lou hat on what’s going on I told you guys were related that’s kind of weird oh no no no I need to break the spawner now okay guys don’t worry the

Spot is broken in Lou I’ve got your head you’re safe and sound second Grazy does have anyone related why was I part of your relatives I I mean we are remember you’re my child that’s what I said you’re just my head at the top of moment okay we’ll worry about that later guys

Guys guys I need your help oh somebody’s pooping on my head are you serious oh my gosh did you hear that explosion guys oh no was that a creeper oh that was scary guys I heard a Creeper explosion this is not Fe not mother I shall PR protect you

Sophie wait why did she learn how to speak I I didn’t know she could what Sophie hello maybe I taught her too much English oh no you taught her terrible words and look why is she speaking like that Sophie what is going on hello I must Vanquish these misant the what oh

No guys that Creeper explosion was crazy oh no and there’s even more creepers here guys it’s going to explod it’s going to explode be careful quick quick quick quick quick I’m going to get to here and break it boom perfect I don’t know about you but Sophie’s like new

English is kind of creeping me out now yeah I don’t remember teaching her that do you maybe she learned from someone else but who Sophie where did you learn those words from the universe is my teacher what what what is wrong with her that’s not my child like I said she’s

Not my baby I don’t I don’t even know oh my goodness there’s another one here don’t worry I took care of them oh I’m scared I want to get out of here guys I’m really sorry you had to meet your distant relatives that way it wasn’t on

Purpose my extended family is just a little bit messed up at the moment uh Gracie do you mean meet or kill because I think we just killed your entire family it’s fine guys they are evil and they probably deserved it let’s just get out of here wait wait a second guys I

Just realized this place is covered with iron we can totally get iron armor and stuff like that H good idea let’s get mining looks like once we started that challenge we actually want some iron armor cuz look Sophie’s full of iron armor now ni nice yes it gave me what

Was necessary to protect the line can you please go back to normal I don’t think I like you this way uh Gracie maybe I should just like rattle her brain around a little bit you mean what you talk why are you hitting her oh my goodness she’s she’s going to say

Something you much how dare you I don’t think that worked yeah I don’t think that work maybe you should stop okay well guys don’t worry fear not because I’ve created a crafting table and now we can make a furnace for tons of food thank you mother this shall fuel

The family line for thousands of generations okay I don’t I wouldn’t say it to that extent okay look look Sophie can you just like tone it down a little bit like maybe speak a little bit more casually like kind of like how we are speaking H perhaps I can try that yes

Sticking at your cat for the rest you’re no no I I didn’t mean that like you know casual maybe like just like right now like like hello Hi how are you like you know maybe that hello my name is Sophie I give up I’m just going to put this

Armor on oh I don’t have enough iron come on I can’t believe it I’m going to stay here and wait for you until get this iron and I can leave oh gosh I hope I can get out of here soon all right we’ll be there in just a second let me just

Put this down on this this right here we are what is this it looks kind of like a cloud Mom I don’t believe this is a cloud it is made of glass okay know it all that’s enough you don’t have to show off oh well I wait look at the sign this

Is Hospital wait where’s the family dog family Dog uh guys guys why did you leave me oh my goodness why are you getting so lost you have to stick with the crew otherwise you’re going to get lost don’t you understand sorry I’m not very good at staying with my

Pack all right well looks like this is the hospital wait don’t tell me is it time for me to give birth now I’m scared fear not Mom I shall handle the procedure wait what I’m going to have a baby but yeah so basically Sophie said that she knows how to do surgical

Procedures and she knows how to help me give birth um what you you will be my assistant wait what assistant I don’t know how I feel about this on to the procceed H wait what’s going on deliver baby guys wait where’s everybody huh wait some all

Right I hope I’m ready for this wait oh what are you doing yes hello Miss Gracie it is I your doctor why are you speaking to me like that I’m your mother a shush shush it is time for the procedure assistant perform the medical procedure

On Mom or else she will die wait what I don’t want to die you guys better not mess this up don’t worry I am a professional as of 1 minute ago assistant get me me the anesthesia all right sure thing here we go the weakness potion there you go wait

What what is that what are you guys going to do to me stop it no no no no I I don’t consider this all right Louie it is time quick get me a scle while she is still asleep scalpel okay which one is it there too many it say scalpel hurry

Oh I got it is she snoring oh no she’s got the dive oh that’s all right get me my backup now life okay uh is it is it this really weird curved one yes give it to me it’s not as precise but it will do uh that literally has bacteria on the

End of it it’s green no silly this is antiseptic now leave me to work yes yes okay yes yes yes H give me the V shovel uh is it this thing it kind of looks like you’re trying to knock around with a stick no this is for the baby uh okay

Yes yes all right H I need some paper towels give me a towel paper towel okay I mean what is she doing leaking is she peeing didn’t you know Louie when pregnant women give birth they poop oh I didn’t know that that’s kind of disgusting oh oh so

It’s oh oh oh boy now give me the laser the laser what are you doing laser surgery okay there you go I think this one might be a C-section see what yes yes all right uh Now give me appy juice okay take it wait why do you even need

That is it for the baby no it’s for me it’s a lot of stress working under pressure okay okay okay this is good this is good uh the’re wrench now I think it’s almost out rench what are you doing fixing her leaky pipes I mean she

Is kind of pooping a lot this is it I see the head oh oh what what happened guys oh oh my gosh wait is that the baby wait Lou is that Lou oh my gosh wait the dog it’s gone Lou’s been turned into a human again good morning mother the delivery

Was successful here is your report oh my goodness wait what you have a report for me um okay you take care of your brother okay uh delivery rep oh my goodness she didn’t even spell this right delivery report healthy delivered via sex wait wait wait delivered via C-section Bill

$1 million what is this I don’t have insurance no no no I’m pretty sure I have insurance it should cover the cost of this no I don’t believe you have any insurance you owe me a million dollar I’m your mother you should do it for

Free I mean I was going to die did you not see the size I’ll give you a discount since you are my mother you owe me $999,999 no no no no no no no this is unacceptable come on you’re my child and oh Lou Lou Lou baby oh my go he is such

An energetic child what that was to be expected come on guys let’s get out of here I can’t believe I just had to give birth to another child and we still haven’t made out this one blog what’s going on well I suppose I don’t need these medical tools anymore oh my

Goodness wait I think that’s the last Island guys if we get there we might be able to get off this one block Baby Baby Baby Lou Lou baby you have to calm down you have to be careful you might fall off come now dear of mine I shall teach

You all the ways of fine literature wait guys why do I have poop inside my inventory what happened while I was asleep a scal why is there why is there a scal well during pregnancy and delivery the mothers often poop while delivering the baby so you guys saw me

Poop that’s terrible oh no I don’t think I can myself yes and it appears Lou was born in poop which is rather fitting ew e you guys are disgusting what is this place uh wait there’s paintings in here and wa usually there’s a sign on this wait a retirement home guys this is

The last Island I’m I’m just going to press this as soon as possible okay 3 2 1 go uh guys what’s going on wait oh my gosh my back what’s go oh I’m an old lady wa sopie why are you still normal why am I old I was literally a baby 2 seconds

Ago oh no looks like Lou’s completely changed but oh wait maybe that’s why the sign said retirement home guys we’ve retired and now we’re old and except for Sophie wait retired wait that means my dream came true I’m no longer the family pet or the family baby I’m old yeah but

Guys we have to play Bingo and okay I’m going to choose this card this card looks pretty lucky to me I’m going for this one you know that I suppose that I will pick this middle one all right well let’s click on this button and see what

Number comes out first we have to to get three in a row wait 33 I don’t have that I do not have 33 for the rules of bingo if you guys don’t know you have to get either three in a row like this three in a row like this

Or three in a row like that wait what about the one this is free in the middle can I just get rid of that one yes exactly so that one’s free so you already have technically one on the board that’s pretty good perfect 43 43 excellent got

43 you guys both got 43 oh Sophie’s already got two in a row if she gets 12 then she’s going to win if he gets 11 then he’s going to win oh hopefully this next one is something that I have 53 oh my gosh guys I have 53 let’s go oh no

Wait I got 53 as well oh yeah please let me get one next that means I’ll definitely win all right let’s see let’s press this one and two gosh I have a two I have a two yes do you guys have a two I got that I do not have a too mother

Neither do I all right let’s go again come on I’m feeling lucky today I’m feeling lucky today here we go one guys I’m a winner Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo what oh sorry guys looks like I won well played Grandmama well played oh guys so wait we’re back to normal I’m not

Pregnant anymore we’re not old and oh my gosh is this wa wait a second is this the afterlife if we were old before then maybe we got older and died oh no wait guys why did I die in oh no I can’t remember how to do math oh wait oh my

Gosh that means wait uh guys we can just take the angel wings off we’re not dead oh I I think we let’s get out of here this is perfect I think we’re back to normal why are we on a one block in the middle of nowhere and who’s this hey Grazy how’s it

Going is that James’s brother Jason oh my goodness sopie I don’t think you’ve met him before but he is so obnoxious uh yeah I could too do you guys like my little island I’ve trapped you on how did you get us here I hacked into both

Of your confusers while you were G since Jamesy isn’t here I can do whatever I want I don’t even know you wait a second who is this Gracie are you sure this is James’s brother he’s nothing like James Z actually he’s just like James Z annoying Gracie I give you all of these

Compliments and you call me annoying me and Sophie are both human beings and you can’t just trap us here to hang out with you just because you don’t have any friends what but you’re both girls that doesn’t give you the right let us go home now I don’t want to be

Here anymore H let me think about it really quickly NOP what maybe we just have to try to complete this wood block so we can go home let’s just try to survive and get out of here in the meantime I need to get away from him as

Much as possible he’s such a creep no stop building away from me get away it was obvious you wasn’t spanked as a child what I was spanked plenty my Jamesy selfie what is it Gracie we need to somehow convince him to let us out of

Here we just need to act way that will annoy him instead and then he won’t want to hang out with us anymore wait oh my goodness stopie what did I think of that that’s plan A and you know what I’ve got a good idea for Plan B as well oh okay

What is it maybe we should just pretend like we like him and then he’ll let us off as well H the opposite direction okay okay that could work too all right but then what’s plan C we shove him into the void James you won’t miss him okay

No no no that’s going to be our very last resort plan okay we can’t do that now I guess you have a point all right let’s start an acting plan a Jason Jason oh my goodness I’m going to fart in your face no that’s disgusting oh my gosh Jason sorry I’m

Just going to break this block underneath you I’m going to break it why are you being so mean oh oh you girls are disgusting oh my gosh Jason look at this pig he looks just like you you’re so annoying I should have known that girls would be like this if you think

We’re so annoying why would you want to hang out on a block with us you should just let us go home exactly no because you guys are farting in my face and trying to get rid of me you can stay here for longer because you’re so annoying oh Sophie plan a backfired on

Us should we just pretend to like him now I guess that’s our plan B right let’s start with Plan B but before we start it we have to give some time in between he’s going to be suspicious and we suddenly start acting nice to him right that’s true ow why are you hitting

Me I thought you loved me I’m sorry I’m Sor that was an accident well I just need this chest right here okay don’t worry about it oh my gosh water yeah nice now it can go down and put a block underneath it so that the grapple doesn’t fall just do that real quick

Like this and now if I break this block there’s things underneath that stop the grapple from falling down perfect now we can get even more blocks all right sopie if we want him to think that we actually like him then we need to pretend and think like we actually do like him do

You get what I mean meanwhile you know guys when I build I always sing a song because I’m always Bor to building what should our first course of action be I think we should build him something nice then he’ll think that we really do like him let’s just keep digging and if we

Get enough blocks we can build him a nice little date area and we can take him out on a date oh then he’ll like us and then he’ll be able to get us off this island faster exactly I’m even going to plant him a tree oh I’ve even

Got some romantic torch lights this is going to be perfect I’m even going to make him some food using this pig wait Gracie look it’s upgrading this is perfect I can’t wait to go to the next Zone there’s going to be be plenty of dirt here maybe we could even get some

Flowers to grow yeah we could make a little garden for him but it’s his stinky little brother I don’t know if little boys like flowers or if they like to I don’t know eat or stomp on them instead speaking of which what is he up to right now okay I’m just going to

Build this really cool bridge to my new mansion which I’m going to have to spend all day building if these girls don’t help me I need to kill this pig for support come here biggy piggy come here yes I’ve got the piggy sopie did you

Just upgrade us to the phas too oh yeah I think so that’s awesome we’re going through this quickly are you silly soie you can’t break stone with your fist you need to have us wooden pickaxe I know I’m just punching it I’m just punching it anyway I’ll make you a wooden pickaxe

Don’t worry yay thanks Gracie anyway can you get enough Stone so that we can create a furnace I need to cook this pork ASAP I’m going to finish this m Jason I’m trying to build something nice can you stop oh my goodness I need to

Put on my ear plugs you’re so loud I thought my song was amazing do you like my house by any chance shut up I don’t like your house it looks so ugly what okay fine it’s literally made out of dirt y but dirt’s the best material

No it’s not if you want some dirt here have some fine until you all my house beautiful you’re never going to leave what are you serious oh I can’t believe he’s making us do this I knew it’s fine it looks like we do have to be nice to

Him or else he’ll never let us off Jason what do you want now you’ve already insulted by a whole I’m sorry okay I’m sorry your house looks not that bad it’s fine I’m I’m just very stressed and I want to go home I don’t believe

You anymore I’m going to tell on you to Jamesy when I get home stop crying I’m going to tell jamy that you trapped his girlfriend and her bestie on a one block in the middle of nowhere and we’re like a million blocks up in the sky and I

Still don’t even know where I am well how are you going to tell Jamesy if you can’t leave there’s no way you’re going to stay here forever with us right I’ll stay as long as it takes for you to fall in love with me graci Sophie how’s the DI going um pretty good

I got a couple bits of iron and a lot of stone um how’s Jason doing I heard he stopped singing so that’s good yeah yeah you know I had to wear these earplugs on my head that’s how bad it was yeah it was pretty bad anyway do you have any

Wooden blocks I really need some for the house I can’t believe I have to go on a date with this little boy yeah it’s okay it’ll be over soon we just got to you know power through it here I’ve got some wood for you thank you so much this is

Exactly what I needed Sophie yep sure thing okay guys so I went over there and I got some more blocks and now I should be able to add these pinkish Granite blocks to the walls hey Gracie how’s the date area going along I’ve got a table

Down and a chair but I don’t know it still needs a lot of work and I need to cook the food still wait did you create the furnace already yep it’s all set up for you also I have some coal I’ll put that in for you oh my gosh perfect now I

Can start cooking some pork chops for him but I still need something really pretty like I don’t know like flowers or something to give him I’ll do my best to get some flowers all I have right now is this mushroom hello what are you guys doing we’re just hanging out and she’s

Giving me a mushroom because they’re pretty okay well enough mushrooms they look disgusting anyways crazy come over here oh sopie give me the mushroom quick okay here here take it okay I’m going Jason I’m coming what is it well I decorated my house with all of these

Pink Granite blocks just for you I guess it does look a little bit faster than dirt Reddit is definitely more structurally sound but still I don’t know it’s still looks pretty Scrappy to me no offense okay then where’s your house this one’s the only house on the

Island I bet let me take a look over here don’t come this way stop don’t come this way get get away Jason no what is this a table and chair is this all you have I wanted to ask you on a date and this is the picnic table and uh I even

Made you dinner I even have this mushroom for you it’s really pretty right what I thought you wanted to go on a date with me oh I don’t get boys Gracie anyways as I was saying yeah you’re disgusting what sopie did you hear that he literally sounded so happy

When he walked away okay are we going on that date or not Jason okay sure but you’re going to have to convince me a little bit what is he talking about he’s obviously excited this is all he’s dreamed about for like the last 3 years oh my goodness Gracie I

Think he might be trying to play hard to get I’m going to go on a date so you keep trying to figure a way out of here through the one block okay okay I’ll keep mining away right how’s the weather Jason I don’t think there is any weather

Gracie my God guys this is the most awkward moment in my life can’t believe I’m on a date with my boyfriend’s little brother um Gracie do girls never talk or what oh it’s cuz I’ve been so lost in your ey yeah oh my goodness we just reached

Phase three good job Sophie wait a second crazy are you’re not even engaged in my conversation oh no no no it’s because I’ve been thinking about how I should give this red mushroom to you oh my goodness Jason you’re the love of my life here have this uh Gracie I don’t

Know if you know this or not but uh I’m James’s little brother and I hate red I could have use that to make stew or something not anymore I’m sure you’re going to love some pork chops right here have a pork chop it’ll be delicious do you not even know anything about your

Date I’m allergic to pork chop uh actually I need to talk to Sophie real quick Gracie what’s up how’s the date going this thing is going so bad he’s allergic to pork chops he hates red what am I going to do there’s some stew in here and you could kill them also for

Some beef maybe he likes steak better oh no no no you know what I think the stew thing is a good idea can you make me some stew real quick you can be the waiter right oh yeah me maybe that’ll help make things feel a little more

Fancy and hold on to these pork chops maybe we can poison him with this later oh I think that might be just as bad as shoving him off into the void Gracie Jason don’t mind this restaurant’s uh poor Service uh what really matters is the date that you’re here with today and

That’s me well of course Gracie I mean you’re the most like beautiful girl in the world and you’re uh uh Pink and actually hold that thought really quickly where are you going Jason hey girl are you are you mining that block what are you doing go away I thought

You’re supposed to be on a date with Gracie well I would like to go on a date with you I mean I can help you mine this block oh no please leave me alone Sophie Just Go With It you give him what he wants just go on the date come on oh are

You sure Gracie I really don’t want to it’s for the greater good we need to get off this one block oh fine fine Jason she’ll go on a date with you okay Jason I’ll be the waiter now okay you guys can go wait seriously oh my gosh I’m such a

Little woman’s man oh my goodness I can’t wait to get off this block guys do you think it’s true is Sophie really prettier than me all right guys looks like their date has begun but I should probably start serving some food for them I’m just not quite sure what I can

Use wait a second I can make a pumpkin pie and using this apple I can make some apple slices this is going to be perfect so uh Sophie what about the wood on this table I mean it looks really WR right why are you talking about the wood on

The table that’s not a date conversation Jason fine I can be vulnerable with you JY never lets me play on the Xbox he never lets me play Roblox with him he’s so mean to me sometimes okay wo stop it with the trauma dumping oh my goodness

But then he also punches me in the face whenever he doesn’t get what he wants it’s not fair hello hello it’s that ugly waiter again what hey don’t call her ugly why did he call me ugly I thought he literally liked me two seconds ago anyway let sure have a pumpkin pie and

On the side for The surfie Madam we’ll be serving some apple slices and another mushroom stew thank you waiter well there’s a pretty good service here right Jason I don’t know the food’s cold and it’s disgusting anyways what hey don’t toss that off I would eat it oh did he

Just toss off my pumpkin pie pie pumpkin pie can be eaten cold or hot he’s such a picky eater oh my gosh this mushroom stew is disgusting wait a second hold this date for a second I just realized my house is still pink it needs to be

Yellow what you just going to leave me here oh my goodness my house has a bunch of pink colors but I’m going to change it to be yellow as well I don’t know guys it it just doesn’t look right both colors I just need one sopie how did the date go oh my

Goodness it was awful first he was super awkward then he started trauma dumping on me about Jamesy and now he’s just run off to change the color of his house oh no before he made it pink with adte because he likes me but now he’s added Birch planks because he likes you which

Are more yellow than pink oh my goodness crazy I don’t know how much longer I can take this I want to get off this vog I think we’ve done pretty well you know having a date with him and stuff maybe we should ask him now if he can can take

Us back home yeah wait good idea maybe he’s feeling nice enough come on bring the apples with you we can give it to him and then we just have to bribe him ready be on your nicest Behavior okay Jason Jason hey a what do you want now

We’ve got a question for you wo wo wo wo wo hold that thought I’ve got a question to ask first what is it I’ve been on dates with both of you but I can’t choose whether to have my house pink or yellow oh what are you thing well me

Personally I like yellow better but I mean you can make your house whatever color you want we really don’t care Jason why don’t you just have them both pink and yellow like what’s the problem with that well technically since I’ve been on a date with both of you you’re

Both my girlfriends but I only need one like the colors of my house are you serious enough of this we’ve got a question to ask when can we go back home well how about this whoever is my girlfriend gets to go home with me and the other one just gets stuck on this

Island what but we both want to go home Sophie let’s have a talk okay sopie there’s no way that only one of us are going to go home right like he can’t just leave one of us here Gracie I think plan Z is looking a lot more

Entertaining what no we can’t push him off Sophie maybe we just have to buy some time I think I’ve got a good idea okay I’ll follow your lead all right this is going to be Plan D follow me quick hello hello Jason a what are you

Girls doing back here well since it’s so hard for you to decide which girl you want to go out with why don’t you create a challenge for us to complete and whoever completes it better is going to be your girlfriend and you can take that

Girl home okay I like that idea a lot but what challenge should I do don’t worry that’ll be up to you okay meanwhile me and Sylvia are going to keep digging that block and get you T tons and tons of gifts like a bunch of girl girlfriends yeah wo that’s amazing

I’ve never had presents before perfect okay Sophie now he’s going to be very focused on building on his challenge for us in the meantime we have to keep thinking this one block until we can figure out how to get off without his help okay sounds like a plan all right

Sophie this is pretty good we’ve got some wooden pickaxes but we need weapons this is why I wanted to us to buy some time we might actually need to do plan C but in a more less violent way like maybe we trap him somewhere that he

Can’t run away oh that’s a great idea Gracie and then you know if he gets a little scared of us maybe he’ll be more willing to get us off this block exactly wait sopie I’ve got a good idea what is it what if we trap him down there in the

Void for example we can make him go all the way down this water elevator go onto a block make sure he has nothing inside his inventory and then close the water off then he won’t be able to ever escape you’ll be down there forever and then we

Won’t let him up until he sends us home exactly but now we just need to find a perfect way to execute that plan in the meantime let to keep digging so we have enough materials and enough weapons I didn’t make sure I have an iron sword

Here let me put this iron inside the inventory for now this is perfect I’m going to make us some armor as well Sophie but now all we need is a way to trick him into leaving all his things up here before he goes down otherwise he

Might have blocks to climb back up how about this Sophie we have a challenge for him to make sure that he’s worthy enough to be our boyfriend oh oh yeah he might like that and he you know you little boys are always trying to like prove themselves to older people we

Should make him do a survival skills test but he has to start from scratch which means that he can’t have anything inside his inventory yeah he’d be cheating if he did exactly so he needs to start from the beginning and I’m going to see how long it takes for him

To get to a certain level for example maybe he needs to make a wooden pickaxe really quickly and we have to time him on that but first I need to create a plat down here all the way down into the void okay sounds good oh guys I’m going

Down this water elevator oh I’m kind of scared what if Sophie betrays me all of a sudden and took the water away then I’d be stuck here forever all right guys I’ve got a block down here and now I just need to expand this into a platform

And I’ll try to make it look like a challenge as well Sophie yeah Gracie how’s it going I think I need your help can you come down here sure what is it I’ve created a platform for him to be on but I need some help making it look like

A challenge maybe something like the Hunger Game I have a tree maybe that’ll make it look more like a survival challenge yeah and we need a bunch of dirt as well bring it all down here and put a sign on here that says survival challenge with the best boyfriend ever

All right you just keep working on this Sophie I’m going to go back up and check on Jason okay sounds good Jason hello anybody Here anybody here Gracie is back what do you want okay I’ve got a really nice proposal for you oh what is it well

Since you’re making us do a girlfriend chall challenge we thought we’d make you do a boyfriend challenge uh what and it involves you putting your survival skills to the test cuz after all we want a big strong boyfriend who knows how to survive in the wild so before you do it

We’re going to ask you to put all your blocks into a chest that way you can’t cheat yeah so I think you should get prepared for that while you’re making the challenge for us okay fine but I’m going to get through it just fine just

You wait well if you can’t pass it then I don’t know you can’t be our boyfriend get out of here good guys it looks like Jason’s agreed to the test now we can do whatever we like and convince him to go down there and then we can trap him

Inside of the Void oh guys I’m no good at this I haven’t even got survival instincts at all every single time I’ve ever been in danger Jamesy came to help me well we’ve just got a bunch of bone meal ice and iron well this is going to

Be perfect I needed bone meal so bad okay why don’t I get this bone meal and start growing the plants that I made this is perfect now we’ve got some wheat and we can use that to actually make some food like bread s yeah Gracie what’s up how’s the survival map going

Uh pretty good I think I’m just about done I put a couple of items in this chest that he could use and then Sophie I’ve already seen one big mistake that you made you can’t put the cobblestone in here he’s going to just climb back up

Using it oh wait you’re right sorry my bad that was close you’re so silly come on get rid of it okay I took it back I took it back oh we need to be more careful as well cuz think about it he can technically break all of these

Blocks and still tower all the way up and he has enough saplings he can actually grow the trees over and over again until he gets enough wooden blocks to get back up as well that’s true okay I’ll only give him one sapling yes and I think we need to also create a

Contraption a TNT launcher will be perfect cuz we can threaten him with it okay then we’re going to need sand we’re going to have to upgrade the block exactly you keep working on this I’m going to go upgrade the block until we can get some creepers to spawn and some

Sand all right I’ll keep working guys we’re only in the Arctic biome right now and it’s not good enough we need to get to the desert biome before we get stuck here forever with Jason guys we’ve just progressed to the ocean and now we’ve got some sand I didn’t know it was going

To be the next phase I thought we had to go all the way to the desert but this is good got some sand and we can totally use this to make TNT but we still need gunpowder hopefully some creepers spawn and we can kill them for gunpowder

Meanwhile and over here here I’m going to build myself a pedestal to stand on just so they know how amazing I am they’re going to have to paint me doing the gritty I’ve been wanting to get some iron for a while now so that I can make

An iron sword to protect myself against that Jason boy but oh I just don’t have enough iron quick give me another piece I think that’s perfect now I can craft an iron sword if it even tries to threaten us to keep us here I can just threaten him back with this iron sword

Let me go see what type of loot he has so far I had to ask you a question more questions are you kidding me you’re not suited up or anything right like you don’t have armor you don’t have weapons I don’t have any armor but I have a

Bunch of blocks actually that’s really good because I love boys who aren’t violent who don’t have any weapons or armor you should stay that way forever oh okay okay that’s a totally me yeah oh my gosh oh I could give you a kiss right now but I’m going to wait until we’re

Dating what do I have to do to get a date like you said we still have to do your girlfriend Challenge and you have to do ours me and Sophie made one really nice so why don’t you get back to work and finish your W oh actually I was com

To tell you Gracie I’m already finished with it all you finish yours already me and sopie are nearly ready just give us a little bit of time okay okay but I can’t wait that long hurry up okay okay okay we’ll be quick we’ll be quick why don’t you just go

Back all right so you finished survival challenge right yeah I mean I tried to put in as much as I could without you know putting stuff that would let him back up exactly okay perfect I’ve got the water bucket and everything ready but we still need the TNT to threaten

Him oh can you keep digging please we need to get to the next phas so we can get some creepers all right in the meantime I’m going to make sure to get my inventory really clean so that I have everything to kill him wait a second

Sophie if we just get enough sand we could suffocate him down there oh wait that’s right that we don’t even need the TNT wait Sophie I’ve got another good idea to keep him down there okay how it would be inhumane for us to not give him

Any food right yeah well I put a little bit in there but it’s probably not enough wait what did you put inside there uh pork chops and a bowl of mushrooms too that’s perfect good good you’re so smart Sophie he’s allergic to pork chops did you forget oh he’s going

To hate it exactly since he’s allergic he’s going to starve to death down there that way he needs to listen to us okay perfect I’m going to go down there and check that everything’s okay okie dokie all right looks like s’s put a bunch of fences around she’s put one tree and one

Mushroom stew I’m actually going to take out the mushroom stew and I’m going to take out the tree that way there won’t be any issues at all I’m also going to make this platform way smaller because I want to make sure we don’t need as much

Sand in order to suffocate him now I just need to dig out all of this dirt and all of the fences and then we’ll be all set to go hopefully Jason doesn’t catch a win of what’s going on girls what’s taking so long with the survival

Game well we got to make it very good you know we got to actually challenge you right I guess so I mean what blocks are you using to make it I want to hear it please oh um just some dirt and and we just need some sand too yeah we’re

Collecting a lot of sand right now what do you even need all that sand for oh no reason don’t worry about it just leave that up to us a I want to leave it up to me I’m going down to l no you can’t just

Get back up here if you do that you’re cheating and we won’t date a cheater fine I’ll just go sit in my house all Satur and alone all right guys I’ve even made a little bit of parkour for him to get onto the survival challenge that way

It’ll be way more difficult now it’s time to get up hey Sophie are you ready it’s time to go oh my goodness these Guardians all right Sophie are you ready to do the girlfriend challenge as ready as I’ll ever be I have a feeling that it

Might be really bad I mean it’s Jason’s challenge after all oh that’s true I hope that Brad doesn’t have anything too to bad plan girls if you want over here in like 5 minutes you’re both stay in forever oh my goodness he’s so impatient

Come on Sophie I think we got to go now okay let’s go let’s go before he blows up or something why hello ladies welcome to my CH are those zombies that I hear Sophie I think so oh my goodness how about you read this sign Wern room or

Mob room can we do neither uh no you have to get through it to be my girlfriend oh my goodness okay Sophie I know I’m a lot better than you so I’ll do the question room you get to the Mob room okay okay whatever gets us through

This faster it’s true Sophie look I’m his brother’s girlfriend of course I know him better than you okay where are the mobs go up those ladders and meters at the end oh man I can already see them all oh my goodness see how did he get so

Many zombies up here and there’s a baby one all right looks like Sophie’s up there fighting I hope she’s doing well good thing we’re prepared for this I knew something sketchy was going to happen well while she’s up there and we’re alone how about you answer these

Questions what is my favorite color come on look at yourself you’re James’s brother of course is going to be orange you said it yourself earlier you should know that I’m not exactly everything that Jamesy likes who’s better at ROBLOX uh probably Jamesy I mean he’s older than you how about you walk through

There and die then you just revealed to me what the answer was you dumb boy you were obviously going to put yourself you’re so dumb now for the final question how many times a day does Jamesy punched me I don’t know Jamesy would never punch you well you should answer correctly or

Else you’ll die i’ be stuck in Forever do you see that really pretty girl over there another one oh Jason come back I think I know what the answer is what is it guys he’s so dumb while he was gone I threw a block down to check whether it

Was a real BL or not now I know the answer it’s 20 meanwhile last one please oh my goodness that took forever I wonder how Gracie and Jason are doing Sophie oh my goodness guys that took forever those zombies were so annoying you really cleared everything out nice

Work Sophie Jason why did you make us do those challenges anyway what relevance does that have to do with us being your girlfriend I would either want a girlfriend who could protect me or a girlfriend who knows everything up about me uh I see what you mean by that but

Still did you really have to make it that dangerous stopie could have died I came pretty close well that’s the price you pay whatever what’s this we have to paint you are you serious what does this have to do with girlfriends now I love a

Girl who could paint me I think it would be pretty cool what so he basically just wants an artistic girlfriend and he wants free painting so he doesn’t have to pay for it that’s so terrible oh that’s evil whatever let’s just start drawing him Sophie I’m going to make him

Look as ugly as possible oh okay all right guys I’ve got his hair finished look how ugly it looks okay Jason don’t move do you want us to paint you or not you need to be a good model fine just paint me already and then his Skin’s the

Same color as Jamesy since they’re related and then I’m going to give him big ears cuz he’s a nerd and then I’m going to give him some ugly eyebrows I’m nearly finished Jason I just need to make it orange now oh my gosh I I can’t wait to see these paintings I’ve never

Been painted before oh yeah you’re totally going to like it stopie you’ve been really silent what are you doing you should come see Gracie it’s pretty great don’t let him see it put on the ground over here behind the dirt block right here so you

Can’t see it let me see it come on okay I want to see let me see this no no no no oh sopie I’ve got your painting now okay you just work on mine and I’m going to work on yours okay oh okay okay painting swap oh no guys this is kind of

Awkward I don’t even know what color she used okay but this needs to work otherwise I don’t know we might never be accepted as a girlfriend and then we’ll both be scking forever okay I’m going to just try and finish up Gracie’s painting let’s see uh W she gave some really big

Ears maybe I should make them even bigger oh Sophie didn’t make enough ears on her painting I need to make hers a lot bigger and she didn’t even make the eyes a correct color you know what I’m going to make him like even more like a nerd by giving him just ginormous

Glasses like this and I’m also going to make his teeth stick out like this he looks like a rat yeah I think I’m pretty sure Jason has got a bit of a unibrow going on so I’m just going to connect the eyebrows together yeah there we go

Are you guys done or what yep I’m finished and all done yum I got to wait to see this show me show me show me show me yeah okay okay I’m going to put mes right right here at the top and somebody put yours underneath W that’s pretty good Gracie here’s

Mine oh what these these don’t even look like me why do I look like a beach ball in this one I don’t know Jason I think these are pretty accurate yeah so I don’t know we are really good painters since we’re your girlfriend after all and I think we have a really good

Depiction of you in here fine I’ll take them anyways I’ll be taking this and I’ll be taking this yep keep your paintings I think you’re going to really love to put them inside your house later uh-huh they’ll be worth thousands of dollars someday what is this give up

Your favorite thing in the world for me you mean you what no way yes if you want to be my girlfriend you’re going to have to get rid of everything you love because I’m going to be the only thing you love what are you serious Jason that’s totally unfair that means that

Gracie’s going to have to get rid of Jamesy and uh you’re going to have to get rid of uh I don’t know your shoes if I have to give up Jamesy then she has to give up Lou that’s only fair who’s Lou oh you didn’t know that’s our secret

Boyfriend back home that’s why she wants to go home so badly are you kidding me oh crazy what are you doing hey don’t worry about it it’s not like we’re going to actually have to give them up remember our plan okay okay okay fine don’t trust the process we really care

About you Jason so we’re willing to give up whatever you like us to do okay so I’m giving up Jamesy and she’s giving up Lou sound good to you you okay fine that sounds amazing yes you both passed but now I have to pick my favorite one and I

Think I’m going to pick stop stop Jason okay don’t pick one yet we still need you to do the boyfriend survival test a relationship goes both ways you can’t be the only one deciding that you want to date us we have to be sure that we want

To date you too so first you have to make sure you can pass our boyfriend test or else you can’t date us at all oh uh okay I I guess that makes sense all right let me get the sand in my inventory Sophie do you have enough sand

Throw them to me now okay okay okay here you go here you go I hope this is enough yes okay come on let’s go down hey Jason you ready to do your survival test oh okay I was just admiring my painting well come over here Jason we’ve got a

Variety chest just for you put everything inside your inventory in here all of it no cheating me and Sophie hate cheaters uh well that’s the thing I don’t have any anything in my inventory but everything inside your inventory inside of here me and Sophie hate cheaters so if you have any blocks

Inside your inventory still that means you’re going to cheat in our Survival game fine I’ll just put them all in here oh my goodness Sophie look at how many stacks of blocks he has good thing we made him put it inside what oh my goodness I can’t believe he had that

Much okay guys so uh where is the uh boyfriend challenge it’s just down here okay go down by yourself we don’t want to have to go down there with you well because we don’t want to give you any sort of Advantage okay okay yeah good

Work just go down here and give us a signal as soon as you’ve landed okay has he got down there yet oh I’m looking I’m looking he is he is okay survival test for the best boyfriend ever all right are you ready what do you see down there

It’s time for you to survive oh this is scary there’s a chest right here second it’s not Park up you guys know I’m allergic wait a second what are you doing what do you mean we haven’t done anything oh you move the water I can’t get

Up what do you mean just build up LOL no I don’t have any BL and do you know why because we trapped you there this was all part of Plan D no this isn’t fair at all Plan D we plan a plan C and Plan D

And you know what if you don’t let us go home we are going to have to keep you down there forever oh fine okay fine I’m fine with staying down here and anyways even if I die you’ll never hear the enemy from Jamesy maybe I’ll become unallergic to pork chops are you sure

Jason because watch this we’re throwing some sand down onto you come on Sophie break a hole we need to make sure it’s right above him okay okay okay J said this is your last chance let us out now okay I’m sorry fine are you sure no okay

Sure okay good don’t ever make a mistake like this ever again yes s we finally get to go home oh I can’t wait to go home I miss my plushies in my house you guys should all know when you want to be in a relationship you have to make sure

That the other person wants to be in that relationship with you too what a beautiful morning to be lounging around sound huh what’s that sound wait I haven’t heard that before huh Y where do we be no way Captain Lou and who is that pirate jeansy what do I do I’ve never

Met other people here before wait this is going to be fun let me say hi it seems we’re stuck on a floating island good say hi guys I’ve never met humans before it’s so nice to meet youone shoot her with the slingshot sir shoot her evil animal evil animal I’m not

Aired I’m a mermaid call me Gracie I’m a mermaid you are a mermaid I’ve hot about these entails Captain Louis please don’t shoot me please don’t shoot me what are you guys doing here how did you end up on my one block I’ve lived here for ages

Well you see we were on a boat ride from England to the new America and then our boat sank we went down into this deep deep deep ravine and then next thing I know we’re here on this floating island are we in Heavens Captain Louie well I

Say my specialty is not in the land people in heaven sir we’ve been matched with this beautiful girl she’s so beautiful look at her no Jamesy don’t fall for her tricks you know she’s just a siren wait a second what’s this green block where is it got little particles

Coming out the top of it well I don’t know it’s been here for as long as I can remember but I’ve never touched it I’m scared that it might hurt me well maybe there be treasure I’m going to shoot it with my slingshot oh it’s not doing

Anything let me break it like this a it came back to life you’re a witch the block will regenerate no no no no that’s not me that’s just the world I haven’t touched this at all what kind of witchcrafter is this maybe we need to break this to go back home good idea

Jamesy maybe if we break this block I’ll be able to go see my family back in England again oh I don’t have a family don’t worry I’ll be your family no we don’t listen to Sirens like you you see Gracie 10 years ago when I was 8 years

Old Captain Louie bought me didn’t you Captain Lou at the Port y yeah I bought you for two ball cats and a goldoon that’s terrible I don’t actually know who my real family is and the truth is I’ve never even had a girlfriend what oh my goodness it’s okay pirate Jamesy look

We’re going to get you home you’re going to be able to find tons and tons of human girlfriend come on let’s keep digging can you leave the water you seem to be stuck in there no I can’t I’m a mermaid after all my parents told me

That if I left the water I would die instantly so I’ve never left oh that’s so sad Captain Lou maybe we can help her out well know she’s just a devil we can’t be building her houses I’m no devil oh stop shooting at me I would oh

Get rid of her all right guys I guess we’re just going to have to work together Lou how about we break this block and Gracie you can help as well maybe we can get off of here and also there’s treasure a foot maybe there’s more treasure on this island Captain Lou

Maybe you can give me an Axe and I’ll mind down all these trees for you yeah sir well I do say you’re better withar a slingshot but I will make you an axe right now I must warn you not to turn around while you mine some trees all

Right Captain Lou I’ll just mine this tree down there no problem oh my gosh an I’ve never seen another animal here don’t even act like you care for these animals I know what you are and if you even lay a hand on my crew I’ll cut your

Tail off and eat it for supper e no I I’m not going to do anything I just want to be friends with him he seems like he doesn’t have a lot of friends and he’s lonely that’s what they all say until they lure my men into the water with

Their sweet voice sweet voice I mean I’m glad that you think my voice is sweet but trust me I’m not interested in that type of human I’m a mermaid it’ be against the law well even look at my boy once and I’ll trap you in a cave all

Right fine what does he think he is it’s forbidden for mermaids to fall in love with humans I would never fall in love with a human anyway Captain Louie Captain Louie I got 15 logs what do you want me to do with it maybe we could

Build a new ship and sa it out of here U well that would be a good idea if there were water but there’s no lands to be seen around here oh maybe we could do some fishing well the only fish I see is this disgusting mermaid okay what are

You doing Captain Lou mate you can’t keep hitting her like that she’s not done nothing to you oh she deserve it she’s a disgusting siren oh oh apple apple uh graci did you can you eat apples uh I’ve never tried but I’d love to yeah excuse me are you talking to me

Boy no I I’m not he was talking to me I did tell you I’d put you in a cage keep me alone I haven’t done anything wrong you guys invade my land my Island that makes no sense at all oh well you should know us pirates are colonizers we’re

Going to colonize this island whether you like it or not a I just want to enjoy my life without all these complicated humans messing my life around wait the captain’s gone maybe I can talk to the pirate Jamesy he’s quite nice oh Jamesy oh Gracie there you are

You’re so beautiful by the way thank you wait tell me more about the human life I’m super interested you see we were trying to sail from England to this unknown Territory called America but before we got there I ship sunk because of a fire oh my gosh wait there was a

Fire and your ship sunk what about the rest of the people on the ship are they okay I mean because it’s just me and Captain Lou here I’m afraid that all my friends might be dead that means I’m left with no one no oh trust me don’t

Worry I’ll be your friend here have these apples instead uh you gave them to me but I do think they would do you better okay you know what for now I’m just going to St from the distance until I maybe I can see a friend oh yes keep

Keep looking never give up okay now I’ve created some fences I can trap this mermaid in a cage this mermaid is not allowed to leave the water so if I just make her stay over here she’ll not be able to talk to me boy Jamesy let me

Just really quickly build a fence over here now I need to do is lure the wiench into here so I’ll just make a bit of a gap here so she could swim through you’re all right you mermaid I have something for you that I think you’d

Like wait really what is it what is it well it’s a bucket of f as you can see there’s a little fish in the bucket right there fish it’s so cute oh my goodness I’ve never had a fish friend before this is my ah you fell for it easily did you put

Fences no wait you’ve separated me you know that I can’t walk out of water and now I’m stuck here you’re and you can stay there too while I drain the water out what are you doing stop stop getting rid of the water no my fish needs water

That’s a lot better stop it stop it oh get get away from get away from him oh that’s what you get for being a mermaid you can just stay there while me and me boy work things out are you serious how could you do this to me oh no I can’t go

Back to my pond now Jamesy help me your Captain’s trapped me in here Gracie Gracie what’s wrong what’s happened oh my goodness you’re trapped in two B fish yeah and I I can’t go out to land or I’ll die so now I’m stuck in here I wish I could do something but Captain’s

Orders go Lou over here please what you want James call him over come on let her go she doesn’t deserve this she’s really sweet trust me oh that’s what she wants you to think Jamesy she’s taking over your mind I’m not going to hurt anyone come on czy there must be

Something we can do to get you out of here come on fine guys I’ll need you to treasure you guys like treasure right you’re pirates wait a second treasure you see well I could do with some good old booty maybe this is how we’re going to go off this island maybe there’s some

Sort of thing that to get us off here oh don’t tell me I have to cooperate with the fish I’ve had this for a long long time but oh I’ve never used it because I can’t walk on land anyway on an island where blocky Pirates roamed wait that’s

That’s you guys a hidden treasure chest quietly it’s homed to uncover the booty and claim it as yours follow these steps along the shores Captain Captain did you hear that there’s a booty with gold I know if I could find some more gold de Bloons I could have my own ship full of

Crew like you and did you hear where the blocky Pirates room it’s fate it knows we’re here we were meant to be here for a reason Captain this is the gold that we’ve been looking for this whole time seriously maybe it’s what Captain Blackbeard foretold okay this is all

Fate come on where’s the goal tell us what’s the next step what’s the next step us it really does sound like fate okay well um there’s a second page from the Island’s heart where the moon does rise I’m supposing that’s the center of the Island right uh yes somewhere to do

With the island right head 7.5 blocks to where the parrot flies wait what pirate I don’t see no pirate on this island I don’t see any either let’s do one step at a time guys so this is the first coordinate where the pirate Flies what could that mean I I’m not quite sure

Either where do pirate flies wait don’t they fly up no wait wait you’re right Gracie they don’t fly up they fly north the ex coordinate Captain Louie what was it Gracie it was 7.5 we have to let Gracie out we have to let her out she’s

Going to be helpful trust me yeah come on I’m going to help you guys you have to let me out I’m helping you now oh fine but just because she’s helping us find some booty Captain Captain over here over here this is the 7.5x coordinate this line it must be on this

Line somewhere should we dig it up we could dig it up but we’d be wasting our time what’s the next line Gracie what’s the next page from there turn your eyes to the azir SE the azir SE what does that I mean okay what’s the next line

Gracie is it talking about the pawns then it says and walk on 56 on y trust me wait 56 on y Captain Louie that’s how high we are the a SE must be down the sky is the a SE that’s what it means w you’re right is very very blue 56 oh the

Treasure is five blocks deep because we’re on 61 oh you’re right we still need to get the last coordinate we need the Z coordinate so we know where to mine down what’s the last p Gracie there’s more to complete the quest head -4.5 on Z you’re doing your best that

Must be the last cord wait that’s uh right here it’s this block it’s five blocks down from here guys let’s find some treasure some booty okay let’s mine down if we find any booty I’ll give you at least a gold de Bloon out of it all

Right guys I’m mining down it must be down here the treasure I got the treasure wait I saw a book what did the book book say all right Captain we have to get out this hole and then I’ll read it out to you okay I have the treasure

Here but Captain if you want to have it you have to promise me that we won’t kill graci will drop off her Tails yeah don’t I’m not tasty I promise fine we won’t kill the mermaid for now okay well Gracie read this what does it say uh but

The treasure wasn’t that good Captain it was only some water buckets and a lava bucket wait seriously well we’ll see what this book has to say okay upon this cursed Island Shore well wait why is it calling the Island cursed now oh it’s because we were cursed to this island

Captain I know there’s a reason we were brought here maybe it was Blackbeard’s curse well where the waves crash and seagull SAR to break the spell and find the prize follow the stars and trust your eyes that means we have to go on another Journey but where where would we

Go I’m not sure either wait let me see when the compass points where a cold winds blow wait cold winds blow isn’t that in the Arctic yeah that’s up north maybe we need to go that way keep waiting right North for 300 blocks steady as you go you’re right it is

North for 300 blocks that’s really far away that is really far away that’s a long long journey but keep reading Gracie for once you’ve checked this path so Grand freedom awaits you’ll leave for your Homeland wait Captain do you hear that once we get there we’ll be back

Home finally free to roam and see my wife and kids again so in order for you guys to go home we have to complete this challenge with family and kid the heart will unite oh my goodness Captain the way you’re going to feed your family again good to hear away from this island

Into the night the moonmat curse will finally fold she’ll walk with Jamesy as stories of old excuse me walk with Jamesy my boy the book’s saying that you’re going to lose your tail you’re going to have legs you can be human and it says that we’re going to be together

Wait what I don’t know if I’m ready for that what I don’t believe this book for one second this mermaid would never turn turn into a human and if so she would never marry you huh no don’t you dare say that Captain Louie and besides there’s still one more page I haven’t

Read oh read it out then so brave Adventurer with each step you take love and freedom awaits for all your sake oh my goodness that sounds amazing oh my goodness I guess that’s it I guess we have the head free of blocks that way I think it’s time that we expanded the

Tree farm and make a cobblestone generator what Cobblestone I can’t walk on that you guys need to bring me with you please that’s fine I mean I got four water buckets in there we can just make a canal for you and I guess the book did

Say it’s for all our sake so Captain’s orders we’re bringing the mermaid all right here’s the deal Gracie I want you to build a tree farm over there obviously you can make a canal so you can get the trees Captain Louie help her out and I’ll do the cobblestone

Generator sounds good Jamesy uh best of luck to you okay and I’m going to make a cobstone generator and I can’t believe what that book said it literally says that I’m going to walk with Gracie that means I’m going to marry her her I don’t know guys I’m kind of stressed I’ve

Never talking to a girl before what do you think leave a comment down below if you think it’s going to all work out and keep watching I don’t really care what the book says I do things by the word of old huh you’re such an old man aren’t

You whatever I don’t care you guys have to do this or else you won’t be getting the treasure oh I mean regrettably I have to listen to you the Curt’s a little bit strong oh my goodness thank goodness you covered it up I could have fallen off oh just swim why don’t you

Use your tail and swim you’re mermaid aren’t you dying there we go I have a cobblestone generator okay time to sit here and get as much cobblestone as I can get while they make some trees and then we have enough blocks to go 300 blocks north I have experience fighting

Kraken what do you have experience flying in ponds all day huh that’s just so rude guys guys I got some Stone and I decided to make some Stone axes so you guys can mine the tree faster here have this one Captain Lou you have that one

Good job me boy now we can cut down a tree for a canal North uh Captain Louie what are you doing why are you mining these trees we need the word I’m mining trees this mermaid’s the one not mining the trees mermaid mined the trees on the

Shore you can reach them okay I’m mining them I’m just trying to dig them up it’s because the fences were blocking and not to mention I’ve got PTSD from being in these fences last time I was in here I got traed PTSD I fought a kraken and a

Large octopus you think that’s PTSD whatever I didn’t ask czy how much wood do you have so far um I’ve got nine logs is that enough uh I think try and get 20 and you Captain Louie I’ve already got 31 my boy oh James Z this mermaids done

Nothing but slow us down today we’d be able to get that treasure so much quicker without her Captain Louie you heard it the book said we needed to go with the mermaid otherwise it wouldn’t have come true remember walk with the mermaid well I guess to get rid of

Blackbeard’s curse I’ll have to do anything I’m going to extend this canal for the mermaid okay and and don’t forget to plant trees along the way I’m going to plant tons of them don’t worry and I’m digging up all the ones back here as well wait huh is that a fire

Guys the fire just started but I put it out really quickly what a fire on the island I always have problems with fires on my ships I think it was because of the lava the lava started a fire on the tree but luckily I put it out oh good

Work I guess but stop being so egotistical what I’m sorry guys I’ve gone 60 blocks so far just 240 to go wait ah ah ah ah oh my goodness I almost went out of the water the curtain is too strong please please I can’t go back I’m

Stuck here the water’s pushing me down can somebody please extend it help oh my gosh you have a tail for a reason right there oh my gosh oh that was way too close did you guys see that my tail almost disappeared I’m scared just use your tail for crying out loud you’re a

Mermaid aren’t you it’s harder to swim than you think huh wait guys the fire the fire guys help I can’t reach it this time put it fire a fire a b PL trees next to the lava not me not me it’s was Captain Louie how dare you

Even accuse me of doing that you’re the one trying to sink our ship maybe it was Captain Lou Who s the ship in the first place you ever think about that uh I mean that doesn’t make much sense he had so much gold on there oh can you guys

Give me one of the buckets I want to make sure that I have water everywhere I go and I want to make sure I’m never going to die okay there you go there’s two buckets and guys we’re making great progress we near have further the way

There and I still have a stack and a half of word yes but Jamesy stop letting that godforsaken mermaid Swoon you will you what are you talking about I mean it’s nothing romantic we’re just friends right taking our buckets taking our space taking our Island oh I bet next

She’ll be trying to take our ship I don’t know Captain Louis this is not really our Island yeah exactly this is my Island you guys should up here unannounced without any invites at the end of the day we’re here so it’s our Island now that’s just not how it works

I mean we are British so that’s kind of what we do to be honest wao merma Mage you’re so fast it’s swimming look at you go let’s do a race I want to see who’s faster really we’re going to run towards Captain Lou on this line on this line

Right here right here are you ready three 2 1 go you’re faster than me what Captain look how fast she is I’m way faster I mean what are you two doing are you just Dilly ding or are you supposed to be helping me find the booties you’re so

Mean I I was just having some fun are we not allowed to have fun Captain Louie fun nobody has fun on my ship wait a second guys how many blocks have we dug out so far didn’t we need to go 300 blocks no we still got a perilous

Journey to go about 200 more blocks 200 more blocks wait huh this is only 100 oh this is going to be more difficult than I thought 1 hour later I’ve been bridging for a while now look how far I am from the island oh my goodness I

Can’t even see the island anymore what if they left me here by myself they wouldn’t do that right yeah Jamesy wouldn’t do that to me come on I just need a bit more water like this and huh wait what is that in the distance no way

Huh it looks like a giant structure wait no no no I need to tell Jamesy and Lou about this quick you guys won’t believe what I found in the distance in the distance what’s that noise is it that mermaid again what is it guys you need

To follow me look there there seems to be a structure in the back that must be the castle there was talking about the kingdom yeah the kingdom it looks like there’s been a hidden Kingdom in this world this entire time but I didn’t know anything about it Lou that must be what

We’re heading towards maybe it’s even America come on we’re just a little bit closer we’ll get all get home and we’ll be free quick guys I need you guys to help me expand this come on I can’t wait to get there I’ll do I’ve got at least

Two stacks of stone I can do this side okay I’ll do this side then I’ll do the water we’re getting so close now guys trust me perfect I can’t wait to see the new land and maybe we can colonize it too no way I can’t wait to meet the

Locals who we’re getting closer to it now I can see a lot more that kingom looks amazing it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before yep and don’t worry I expanded your water for you Queen thank you wait did you just call me queen I mean sorry mermaid sorry oh my gosh you

Just called me his Queen that’s so flattering wait if me and pirate jamy are actually going to end up together maybe we can rule this Kingdom together but I’m a mermaid he’s never going to want to be with me no matter what the prophecy says I can’t believe how close

We are come on mermaid we were so close now keep going keep going just fill it with the water already goodness I can’t believe it we’re finally going to reach the kingdom all right we’re almost there we’re almost there wait should I just go out what’s going to happen to me don’t

Worry just follow us we’ve got tons of water buckets come on all right I’m going through let’s explore this Castle there must be some booty in here oh my goodness I can’t believe it I’m in a king kingom a castle it’s absolutely beautiful look at this everyone wait

Over look there’s treasure clue take a look a chest what’s this Captain Louie there’s some gold a gold nugget maybe my wife will love me again when I give it to her what’s the next clue say okay let me put these around me first all right

It’s time for me to read the book in Castle grounds Neath Stone and moat the golden treasure quietly floats wait okay first of all the castle that’s where we are and the go to treasure is the gold okay Captain Lou we’re getting super close the treasure is in this Castle

Somewhere so there might be more gold de Bloons around here why wasn’t there treasure inside this chest there’s only one gold nuggets yep there’s more treasure that was just a teaser well a price not just of coins that gleam but dreams and hopes and love sweet dream

Huh wait what we’re not just going to get gold Captain Lou we’re going to get all of our dreams are going come Dre no way this will be amazing does that mean that my dream to be with Jamesy forever is going to come true true keep reading

Gracie for in this loot a promise stays to grb the mermaid Freedom ways so I will become a human right y it seems like it Pirates too will find their Quest a journey home of family and rest you guys are going to go home we’re going to go home

Captain okay but where’s the next treasure come on where we need to go James’s Hearts we’ll find its do a love so deep so Pierce so true that’s going to be us I’m going I’m not going to be lonely anymore yeah oh no you won’t work

As well when you’ve got friends oh I’m sorry but to continue on this Grand Pursuit seek the Castle’s Peak we’re owls Hoots wait huh wait Captain you hear that the next clue is at the top of the castle we need to get as high as we

Can I don’t know if I can go up there with you guys oh no of course you can how about we just swim up the side the wall of our water buckets wait that’s a good idea come on let’s go we need to go to the top of the castle we’re getting

Closer come on mermaid uphill okay I’m swimming up the water that you’ve put down I’m coming up coming up all right guys I don’t know about you but I think we’ve all got there that peak come on this way this way did you guys forget about me I need the water this way

Gracie I’m in a little pathway for you thank you so much oh my goodness what would I do without you we’re nearly at the top now just a little bit higher all right we’re going up let’s go oh I can’t believe it the next clue I see it I’ll

See a queen up here did you just call me a queen again oh no oh sorry I’ll keep getting that mistake who you’re calling a queen is this it the treasure a bucket quill and aely what does this mean why why do we have these okay everyone Tak

On a ltra I feel like we’re going to need one of those oh no I haven’t flown since the days of the war but what what does the clue say now adventurous rce and hold your nerve tight okay guys are you guys ready to hear this yep I’m

Waiting Queen for the next challenge is a saring flight a let your wings spread the sky you’ll sweep through golden Hoops both low and steep okay guys I guess we have to go for this G Hops wait Captain do you see how much gold it is

That’s a lot of gold I think that’s about as much as I had on the ship if they’re just using this as building blocks Captain Lou imagine how much gold they have first to steal oh we need to find their vault and we need to take it

All back home oh my goodness it’s going to be hundreds and hundreds of stacks of gold blocks all right Gracie what’s the next line but guys how am I supposed to go I’m a mermaid I won’t be able to fly oh wait mermaid fear not of leaving the

Sea’s Crest it’s telling me not to be scared why 10 seconds you have so fly your very best for if you’re Swift the waters won’t miss you’ll glide through the air like a fleeting kiss oh my goodness what you have 10 seconds until you die which means you have enough time

To run out here and fly but you have to be good if you miss the Ling when you’ll die are you serious so I only have 10 seconds okay I can’t make a single mistake now approaching the end the rewards are so near gold freedom and

Love all that you hold dear I can’t wait gold I don’t care about the freedom or love I want the gold you heard that we’re Super near we have to go all right guys I’m going to go to the edge now I’m scared all right is everyone ready to

Fly to along these Rings we have to follow them okay merid are you ready to jump guys but this is my first time ever going out of water I’m scared please I’m actually really scared don’t worry it’s as easy as walking oh wait you didn’t you don’t know how to walk oh my

Goodness your Captain Lou all right is everyone ready 10 seconds 3 2 1 one jump go go go go come on this is going to be easy I know what I’m do the Rings few seconds few seconds okay back I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back oh my goodness Gracie that

Was so close you had like 1 second left all right Gracie anyway um take this a read what does it say this is our next clue hopefully the last one really oh my goodness okay I’m I’m going to read it Oho Brave Pirates face what you fear

Most wait huh what do you guys scared what you hear most Captain Louie is it sharks the Kraken I’m kind of scared of the cracken a plank awaits not on your ship’s Coast over a vest drop where the winds blow and shriek did you just say

We had to walk the plank look at this Gracie there’s a plank oh no that’s a that’s a that’s that’s a big JW to work that that’s way too scary that’s a pirate’s nightmare step with courage even if your knees feel weak for at the end of this perilous stride lies the

Power to change the mermaid’s tide wait what changeed my tide what does that mean so we have to do this for the mermaid’s sake captain and but don’t forget there will be gold over there you see those chest oh I hope there will be gold I need to take something back from

This guys if you do this my Tail’s going to vanish and my legs I will gain but I must walk and conquer the pain wait what that seems like a bad thing oh I understand Captain Louie we’re going to go across and once we make it Gracie

Will get her my legs you’ll be a to walk without this stupid water oh perfect that’ll be easy enough Gracy you see what it said you have to do the plank as well but I mean that’s going to be a difficult task to you know balance when

You’ve just learned how to walk I’ve never walked before how am I going to be able to walk on that plank you guys probably can’t even do it well Jamesy I have to say to become the captain you have to walk the plank many times so I’m

Kind of used to this anyway Gracie what’s the next line there’s another page so Pirates and mermaid it’s time to stand tall walk the plank claim the greatest price of all there’s a price at the end okay I don’t know Captain louia I’m not as Fearless as you are I’ve

Never done the prank oh come on Jamesy you’re a pirate aren’t you careful Jamesy if you die now we can never get married just keep walking just keep walking maybe after I die you can become the captain too this is even this is even narrower than the plank it’s it’s

Like a wire with Tide roping oh don’t worry I’m I’m really scared JY jimy be brave you’ve got this you’re a brave boy oh my gosh he just ran across so much of it you’re doing so well go jamy oh my gosh I thought he was going to fall I

Don’t know I don’t know if I can make it Captain Lou I might have to just jump just a few more steps my boy and you’ll be rich okay hurry to catch me okay ready three two my goodness perfect job me boy okay now we’ve done this tight rope now what guys

Guys guys guys I have legs I have legs oh oh no I’m scared well I guess you can just walk across right I mean come on CCI you can do it you look super cute with your legs by the way I really like them really oh okay oh wait that

Jumpsuit looks kind of far there’s a big gap between the bar and the the slab I’m I’m scared I don’t know if I can do this guys I’m not sure oh come on you’ve had legs for like 2 seconds and you don’t even know how to use them that’s just

Common knowledge fine I’m I’m going to jump a oh wait I’m okay let me just keep walking slowly please you’re doing so well keep going I’m just going to run wait I never knew I could run that fast that’s so cool okay let me just make this turn I I’m really scared guys

What if I actually fall oh no oh you’ll be fine I’ve fallen from further all right I’m almost at the edge I don’t know if I can do this anymore guys I’m almost there at the end oh Jamesy oh I’m so happy yeah hug me perfect job

Now what well done graci but take a look at this book this is our next clue but I don’t even know where we go from here oh no don’t tell me this is the end okay let me seem to be stranded up here so that book might have the answers Pirates

Know that the Plank’s trial is through a grave Choice stands solemnly before you wait it’s right in front of us huh two chest of weit under the moon soft beam each carries is a promise a contrasting dream wait so there are two chests in front of us one chest says gold one

Chest says crazy oh I do love myself some gold why am I on there that’s weird one chest glows with gold Wealth Beyond measure but it’s luster holds a sorrowful pressure for if this treasure you choose to unlace the then Gracie’s life will be lost leaving no Trace wait wait

What Captain Lou Captain Lou this chest is completely filled with gold blocks which means if we choose this chest we will be the richest people in the entire universe in the whole of England it will be like finding the one piece JY but still you have to read the other line it

Says that if you unlace this treasure then my life will be lost that means I’ll die oh I mean Jamesy she does have her legs now I mean she’s not much of a siren anymore anyway what what’s the what’s the other option what maybe it’s just as good I’m nervous the other chest

Though it seems void and slight offers a different path one Noble and right by denying the gold and its radiant gleam you’ll Safeguard Gracie fulfilling her dream guys will protect me I will die wait a second no gold this chest it’s completely empty I looked inside there’s

Nothing in there it’s got no booty what is the point well you see it’s it’s Noble and right the chlo is telling us that it’s the right choice I mean maybe it’s the right choice if the book tells us but I really do want uh all this gold

Well the last page says Pirates weigh your hearts what will your choice be a life lost for wealth or a soul set free oh I’m so sad Captain Louie I’m going to have to go with Gracie’s chest but at the end of the day I you’re the captain

You have to make the final decision I mean she has helped us since the beginning and she kind of has proved herself as a bit of a sailor herself wait does this mean you guys will pick me are you serious right now the Captain Lou that I knew before this trip would

Never have said that you were so hard I mean she’s no longer a siren I am kind of serious I think we should pick the Gracy chest no way oh my gosh thank you guys so much no matter how much gold I take my wife will just steal it anyway

You guys came all this way for Treasure but instead decided to save me you’re the best I hope your family loves you so much I’m going to tell your wife about all the great things you’ve done Captain Louie oh she probably wouldn’t care oh where are we wait where do we be

Now huh we’re off the Island WA are we on the world oh my gosh Captain Captain Lou the chest open up yeah gold what does the book say what does the book say Bravo dear pirates for choosing the heart’s gold Fortuna Whit and story is yet unone yes we have The

Gold Guys perfect I’ll be taking this back to my family jamy and Gracie by F inter the love blossoming for ages designs good luck be yours with a chest rich and bold for love and true treasure AR just more than old yes we did it guys

And it’s telling us that we should get together Jamesy what what okay wait where am I wait demons what are you guys doing here is this hell wait I swear I’m still alive it’s a disgusting godess such a great two shoes I know right on our Island too excuse me do you guys

Want me to talk to God and banish you guys to the Realms of Hell St you well we already got banished to hell yeah this is Hell Welcome to Hell goddess yes what wait hell is a one block there’s no way I’m breaking this block wait what

Another one regenerated what is this Yep this is hell because there’s no Escape unless we find the secret key yes if we fall it’s all over for us a secret key oh I’m a goddess I can’t be here with these demons get out of here as soon as

Possible where’s the key where is it uh we don’t know if we knew we would have got all this block centuries ago we’ve been stuck here for ages and anyways what is with those wings you get wings and we get nothing I’m going to eat them

Well you know only good people get wings and get to go to heaven meanwhile you guys are demons of course you won’t have wings you’re not an angel or goddess well there can be good demons you know give me those wings I’m going to try chop them

Off nice try you guys can’t chop off anything look you can’t even reach me when I’m up here back down here where you going to fly to stuck on this one block I’m going to try to escape I’m looking for another way out wait oh no

My wings can only last the straight to amount of time I need to come back oh my gosh oh I’m not that strong yet I’m only a beginning godess I haven’t been able to practice my with my wings long enough this isn’t good yeah you think we haven’t tried to fly away I

Mean my wings fell off because I tried to use them so much are you serious oh darn it wait a second you have wings too wait how did it just grow of course I’m a devil look there’s even skulls on my wings oh my gosh that’s scary where are

You flying off to come back we need to break this block and find the secret key but unfortunately just like you I can only fly for 10 seconds before I fall back down wait are you serious oh you really are just like me yep except we’re way

Cooler cuz you’re just a good two shoes and you only follow the rules that your dad sets disgusting yeah no I follow my own rules I just like being a good citizen look I found some water in that chest we can now go under the one block

And we can uh you know stop the gravel from could have done that anyway brother we can fly oh wait you can’t cuz you broke your wings dummy I’ll throw them back just you wait so how about you try and lent in that water huh let’s see if

You can catch it Go boy go no oh why would you do that to me oh you’re so stupid brother come back up here guys we have to be careful you know what if we’re really stuck together we should probably work together I know you guys are enemies with me but still working

Together with a goddess oh you couldn’t even pay me to do that yeah exactly what a stupid idea wait wait I’ll one block this happened before what does this mean I’m confused it means that the world is getting better wait a second we’re in phase one now oh no maybe when we reach

A certain amount of phases the key will show up perhaps but we won’t know until we find it we’ve got to keep by this block then in the meantime I’m going to build us some shelter we can’t be out here by ourselves all alone without any

House uh as long as we have separate houses I’m not sleeping with a god s disgusting hi no right look at this brother I call this super CR boom yeah destroy that pig yeah look like I can do it to you ready oh super crit get away from me oh gosh demons are

Strong can’t do it stupid wait maybe I can do that too super CR no no did you just try to kill my brother get this I forgot you fly disgusting oh I’m sorry Lucifer that was an accident oh and don’t ever do that again or I’ll hit you

Off myself I was just I was just trying to practice the super crit look I can do that too wo stop hitting me super crat super crit you hit it first don’t ever do that super crit on me ever again B oh why would you do this I miss comments down below super

Crit if you want me to Super crit Gracie again oh no super no they haven’t ComEd enough they haven’t ComEd enough I need them to comment more oh my gosh guys don’t comment it stop he’s going to Super crit me I’m just a little goddess

So anyway goddess how did you get to our Island we were banished here oh did you not to do all the chores like your father asked well maybe I did do something a little bit bad but I’m not telling you got grounded she fix were cute brother why

Else would she try and turn into a demon what I don’t want to turn into a demon I want to be a goddess look at be then why did you break a rule huh you want to join the Dart side don’t you does it sound so much more interesting all this

Black and white and red eyes did you know the longer you’re on this one block you might turn into demon yourself it might even get to crush on me e no it’s just because I kissed a boy and I didn’t tell my dad and I lied

About it and then he sent me here oh really did that boy look like me by any chance you guys are so mean don’t you know goddesses have powers too let me show you they’re probably useless let’s see them I’ll show you my power after a what do you guys think about

Yeah you know what I’ll show you my superpower watch this what what is that oh my gosh stop you’re going to spread fire it’s going to break the ground stop it what are you doing you guys are just demons you’re nothing compared to me up godess oh my gosh oh my gosh on

Fire yeah I think my pow is better though oh oh really how about this what do you think of that stop fighting I don’t want to die yet Lucifer is weak he’s a weak little devil ever since he failed the devil exam he’s been a weak

Little boy oh don’t even talk about that day maybe demons are stronger than I thought I mean your P was pretty cool as well I I mean I if I might say so myself it was kind of a cute yes what was that sudden blast you just did uh I can show

You if you like basically just click like this I have to think really hard and yes ouch ouch ouch sorry and oh as you can see it’s so strong that it leaves a mark in the ground oh my gosh I may be a demon but I’m not immune to

Fire you know Oh I thought you guys were isn’t Howell full of fire yeah it’s pretty bad down there but no it still hurts a little bit oh gosh that’s terrible a cow a cow oh my goodness this is this is perfect we can use it as a

Sacrifice maybe my dad will get it and then he’ll come and save us here have some meat wait what you can’t it was supposed to be a sacrifice what are we going to do now yum I’m hungry I think if you just kiss me that might send you back to

Heaven no brother what she’s cute what do you want I’m going to do it come on please I hope my father receives this I have to say brother I do like myself a good girl oh that’s just strange of you to say oh what are you

Guys talking about what you know I don’t like bad boys no definitely not what are you talking about every girl loves Bad Boys otherwise you would have kissed one and got yourself s here huh well who said I kissed a bad boy it it was just

Another boy yeah just a boy just a boy yes all boys are bad you should know this so what did this boy you kiss look like did he look a little bit like me by any chance Oh Me Maybe Well normally if I kiss somebody it’s okay if they’re also a god

Like me but I kissed a human human disgusting there’s such weaklings I know I I don’t know what I something just came over me and I decided to kiss a human and now I’ve been banished to this wood block oh you know that’s forbidden even in hell and

Heaven wouldn’t you much prefer to kiss a devil like me who has really amazing wings no I I don’t want to kiss a devil I mean that’s probably even worse than kissing a human my dad would be so mad it’s like K the devil and I liked it that’s going

To be you what no ew oh just build the house guys what are we going to do fine fine I’ll build a house as well you guys better stay away from my house I don’t want you guys anywhere near my house well we don’t want you anywhere near our

House get away get away M I need to get enough wood there’s not a lot of supplies on this place and we still haven’t found the key how did you guys hear about it anyway oh it was in the book where we first spawned here quite Superstition but you guys

Didn’t try to find it at all you guys just were Ling around when I got here yes because we didn’t even know you could break the block we didn’t know that part and also didn’t you know my name means lazy wait wait it does Lucifer be the

Lazy I didn’t know that I’m Lucifer the lazy that is wrong but should also correct at the same time oh my gosh wait I want to test how long I can fly without touching the ground if I can train for long enough then maybe I’ll have enough wing power to to go back

Home no I’m not strong enough it stops as soon as I reach 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 seconds I only have 6 seconds of flying that’s terrible you’re wiggling when I had wings I could fly for 20 seconds straight oh uh it doesn’t matter now you

Don’t even have wings and where are your horns it’s covered by your helmet well I uh I’ll just take my helmet off but anyways my wings will grow back and I’ll be even stronger just you wait and see is it true that demons have tails where’s yours I don’t see your tail he

Stop looking at my butt you’re not allowed to look there sorry I just wanted to see maybe I’ll go look at your brothers what is happening fire I’m summon a demon you trying to summon a demon stop no close it now close it no no no I’m

Going to bring Satan over here I’m going to turn you into a devil so I can bring you home no no I’m not going home with you I’m a goddess I would right in hell I need to go to heaven maybe I can help

Turn you into a demon H just had a few initiations if you know what I mean what no no get away from me I would never become a demon never I’m sure you’re going to change your mind before the end of this episode oh I don’t believe you I will

Never do that I’m going to stay as a goddess forever and ever look at this your house is literally burning down why would I ever want that well it’s way better than your house I mean you haven’t even done anything exactly that’s because you guys keep distracting

Me and besides I don’t want my house to be burnt down like your guys is anyways your house is literally nothing we’ve already got a second floor going on up here oh a what a second floor how well because we’re Master Builders I mean we

May be Devils but you know we know how to work I don’t have enough wood if I had more wood I’d be able to build a house by now but I keep having to dig this wood block instead well you are wearing gold right that is gold on your clothes um I I

Guess so it’s made out of something you can only find in heaven so it’s kind of like goat exactly wait a second that must mean it’s rare you must come from a rich family no no no no I I wouldn’t say that I’m just very well off and also my dad

Is gone so of course he can have everything he wants your dad is god well maybe we could take you hostage on this island and get our own place in heaven what don’t you guys like how what don’t you want to stay there why would you

Want to come to heaven and that you guys hated it no hell is terrible we get nothing we don’t even get free meatballs down there I want to go to heaven and your dad is the only way we can get there no you guys would never be able to

Go to heaven based on how you’re acting you have to be a good person and you’re trying to kidnap me right now so of course you’re not going to be able to go well depending on your upbringing anything could mean uh good I don’t think so don’t even try it get away from

For me guys I’m scared what if they actually do try to kidnap me and take me hostage I won’t be able to do anything they’re all really strong oh my wings still aren’t strong enough I need to keep training them Please the main shape of my house is completed but I need a furnace I need to start burning some things in here what is this house oh my gosh this looks very very hot I’m sweating from even being near here I got to go home

Yes I know we are very hot um but anyways I need to start burning more things in my house that’s uh you know first off for a demon not that kind of hot Lucifer oh my gosh a perfect a gift this is from God himself wait maybe he

Got my sacrifice maybe he oh no it’s just a bunch of God you can do better than this give us something better give us a way to get home please dad oh give me a flint and still I could burn this island down to ashes why though there’s no point we

Wouldn’t be a to get home why would you want to burn our only home right now well it’s a fun demon activity we love burning things down to the ground all you guys do is destroy and take you never give well when I get to heaven I’ll be taking and taking and taking

Even more oh and uh it seems I’m taking an upgrade huh wait we’re upgrading no way did we get to the next plane oh my gosh we must be to the next phase here we go 3 2 1 guess who’s oh my gosh oh my gosh wait

Leviathan what are you doing I thought you were under the ground I came back to see if I can sweep you off of your feet again if you know what I mean oh there you go what oh wait let me guess you tried to fly as far as way as you can

And then you realized your wings were too weak and you had to come back no I flew up for a few minutes and then I realized how strong my love is for you brother stop flirting with that goddess just get over here and help us with the house I’ve never been so

Attracted to a girl who is so nice and not evil e she’s a goddess we’re not allowed to love her usually I go for the bad girls but there something different about you you seem a bit different I don’t know I’m pretty normal I think you

Know in heaven all the girls are like me I’m not anything special to be honest if anything I’m below average H is there a way to get to this Heaven by being a good person of course oh yeah listen brother I think I’ve got a better way we

Can get to heaven her dad is God I knew that from the start that you an idiot well if we take a hostage or something like that maybe we could get it to Heaven listen why do you think I’ve been flirting with her this entire time I

Just want to get with her so I can take over heaven Perfect come on you you didn’t think I was so stupid to actually like her look at her she’s so nice ew oh well uh I I I did kind of think that what are you guys talking about over there oh nothing

Beautiful did I ever say how bright and pink your eyes are it doesn’t make me want to vomit at all oh thanks no one’s ever commented about my eyes before that really is nice maybe demons aren’t so bad after all let me create some stairs

So I can reach the next floor like this oh this is looking pretty nice hey mushroom you wanted to join my house yes stay right over here oh I need food I need to eat something come here come here cow wait uh get away from it that’s

My mushroom pleas oh no no no you’re not going to get him He’s Mine He’s Mine I will and I will I can reach him oh wait I think he doesn’t want to live anymore no mo buy stay here with don’t worry I can assist you CR crit I’m going to kill

You oh wait a second how did you master the full crit that’s a demon ability what what what do you mean I was just really angry and I wanted to hit you really hard so I you that’s something I’ve never seen a goddess do that is a demon

Technique well I mean it wasn’t that hard is that weird should I not have been able to do that guys it took me years to learn that I don’t know what to feel anymore maybe I am special but how whatever let’s just keep building oh I

Need to create a second floor this isn’t big enough oh I hope Lucifer doesn’t tell Leviathan what I did maybe he’s going to think I’m weird after that I mean why do I care what Leviathan thinks of me I’m being silly I don’t know maybe I’m actually catching feelings for him

Oh this block is so annoying I hate mining this thing I’d rather just laugh around all day this is the most manual labor I’ve ever had to do in my life oh that’s a lot of complaining you do for somebody so tiny excuse me I have the

Same height as you oh goddesses well I’ve done just a lot of digging and now I’ve got enough wood to finish my house H thank goodness okay well now I’ve got all of this Cobblestone I can now reinforce this Demon House yes no more goddesses are going to get in here what

What are you talking about why can’t I come in I mean not that I want to I’m just saying I it’s a demon house obviously goddesses are not allowed in here what why can’t you be nice like your brother your brother’s so nice to me and he always compliments me oh he’s

Only doing it because I I mean uh he’s yes he’s a very nice demon he’s a very nice demon what do you mean he’s only doing it for what is he doing it for come on you change something you think I’m dumb oh no he’s just a very nice

Demon uh you know one of the the nicest in Hell uh anyways uh you didn’t hear anything goodbye maybe he really is nice maybe he could come back to heaven with me since he’s so nice all I have to do is convince him to come with me if he’s

A good enough person then maybe God will let him in and there we go I have now reinforced my house I still have a little a little more to do here though oh your h w you put so much Stone on there yes there’s no way it’s going to

Burn down when I try to summon a demon later wait you’re going to what no no no no no you’re not going to summon a demon please I don’t want to meet Satan oh it’s just normal demon activities don’t worry I summon my dad all the time when

I need him what wait maybe I can do that with God if I just try hard enough okay come on Gracie you can do this you can do this God please come please C it’s not working it’s not working so pathetic your father’s out catching milk while my

Father’s fixing the Leaky sink in there what are you talking about your dad isn’t even here either Le you’re back wait how is he flying like that oh hello there goddess oh Le why do you always disappear to come out of nowhere I

Missed I I mean I I I I thought you went gone roses are red violets are blue I Think I Love You So take me back to Heaven what wait uh you heard me talking about that oh come on I’m such a good well- behaved boy I’ve never murdered

Anything in my lifetime I deserve to go to heaven I’m sure your dad will agree he he is quite nice are you really that nice though oh I would be so kind to you it’s not like I have any other alternative motives or anything yes my brother is only the cleanest of the

Demons yes I shower at least once a month you really want to go to heaven then you need to pass a series of challenges I’ll get that set up for you right now come on my Super Rich can’t we just buy our way in that’s what we

Usually do at schools no you can’t buy your way to heaven money doesn’t mean anything you need to ask be a genuinely nice person I’ll ask you some questions that if you pass these challenges then maybe just maybe I’ll put in a good word for you to my father I’m literally the

Demon of Envy surely I can get in there just by buying my way in oh don’t worry Leviathan I am one of the best Demons What uh Heaven trivia yes I can do that it’s not just having trivia it basically reads your soul so that we know whether

Or not you’re a good person on the inside or the outside so well I’m a good person on every side yes I’m four dimensionally good like a triangle triangles have three sides dummy whatever let me start making this oh I really want the F then to be able to

Pass maybe I should R it just a little no no no no I I can’t do that my dad would be so mad I even considered it good let blow you a kiss what are you doing you just set my house on fire do you have any idea how hard I

Worked for this uh I was just blowing you a kiss what’s the problem yes he’s being very nice that is a you know nice demon thing yes nice demon thing maybe that’s what demons do when they want to be nice who knows all right I think I

Been okay hey boys hey demons over here I have your trials I’ll sit out for you are you guys ready oh this will be easy well if you can’t pass then sorry but you’re not coming with me to Heaven I mean I didn’t pass the first time and

That’s why I’m in hell you spent me to pass the second time could I just buy my way in are you sure I already told you no amount of money can buy you into heaven you need to be able to pass this or else I bet you’re lying who knows I

Can even trust you it looks quite dangerous down there uh do you mind if I just quickly try to grow my wings in really fast oh come on you should be finished regenerating by now I thought demons are fast regenerating come on who your wings are back yeah I um um

Grew them a little too quickly I don’t know if they’ll be very good yeah they’ll probably be weak just make sure you answer correctly okay I mean if you really are as nice as you say you are then maybe you guys should be able to pass easily this will be easy as pie

Okay first question an old lady loses her purse what do you do seal the money return the person lost and F Well this is a tricky one personally I think I would normally just steal it yes I know you brother I probably return it to lost

And fou though I don’t care about money oh but Lucifer we actually have to be good people for once okay oh goodness me I think we will return it to lost and F so that the old lady can eventually find our money I mean old ladies they’re

Precious you know they don’t have much money so we need to make sure they keep all they can that they have yes come on fine you guys actually got the right answer for that one but no way you guys get the right answer for this one

Where’s heaven located oh I mean he hell is underneath the Earth in the firey lava this is why you should never mind straight down guys we’ll land in hell I’m pretty sure Heaven is in the opposite side and uh I I think uh the sea is Atlantis yeah uh sea is downwards

So I think in the sky guy oh you guys actually got that one correct as well maybe you guys are more than I thought oh this question looks very easy to answer a baby is crying loudly what do you do I think we just put it knock it

Out with sleeping gas yes that’s oh yes I would totally do that I mean it would be good for me and the baby no brother I think that is the bad answer we know babies are really cute we should probably keep them alive oh yes okay

Let’s nurture it then we give it the milk whatever you guys are actually doing surprisingly better than I thought how about this one what’s the first commandment most people don’t pass this question H what is the first commandment oh goodness that’s the book thing he wrote wasn’t it your dad he’s an author

Oh I didn’t read the book I mean everyone needs to read the book if they need to go to heaven who is the first commandment who would be that person Satan or God oh well I know Satan personally he’s like my brother so I’m going to say Satan I love him what Satan

Isn’t your brother he’s your dad silly and uh I’m not going to tell you if your answer is right or wrong yet Leviathan you still have to choose Leviathan save you know it’s this one you know this one’s right I mean surely big man upstairs wouldn’t tell us to love his

Enemy that doesn’t really make sense although he does say Li love thy enemies oh he’s so confusing you know what I’m going to go for God wa not God are you guys ready drum roll please the answer is bence it’s long God with all your heart stupid brother you AR

Worthy of going to heaven with this pretty princess Lu terrible I’m sorry but you failed the test already so you cannot continue the F then we’ll go on with you I didn’t want to go to heaven anyways all right next question who lives in heaven superheroes like Iron Man

Superman what what oh well it’s either or well it’s either superheroes or Gods so AR you a god goddess I’m I mean yeah but like I’m not actually like God God you know I’m just a goddess but I’m not a God God uh not confusing at all okay

Fine I I think I’m going to go for Gods cuz you know you’re a goddess and you live in heaven so that makes sense wait you’re smart but I don’t know if you actually knew the answer because you believe it or because you just decided to pick the smart answer whatever okay

Last question I can’t believe it you might actually pass does this mean he’s going to go to heaven with me well that would be nice why is heaven good If Heaven is really nice and cool or because it’s easy what does that mean what I’m not going to tell you it’s

Up to you come on explain it please it would that would be the answer just explain what the question means w well why do people want to go to heav I mean simple as that what’s your reason for wanting to go to heaven um because uh it’s is it because you generally want

To be around nice people and you think that you’d fit in there or is it just because you want to have less struggle and you’re going there just because you think it’s a easy way out of hell you know what I’m going to go with this

Option wait a second no why you actually chose the right one wait really I can go to heaven now I must be a good boy uh yeah it looks like you’ve passed well I I I guess that means you’re able to go toen brother did you do it I’m going to

Heaven Lucifer I’m going to rule heaven and become the king oh good job wait you’re you’re not going to become the king of Heaven that’s not how it works um why not I mean isn’t a fair election I can just you know win the vote that’s

Not how it works oh my goodness how did you even pass I don’t know how this works uh maybe I should have promised I’d let you girl that’s just oh no am I going to be big trouble that’s a legally binding contract godess I will go

Immediately and you are promise to be my wife what no I didn’t promise that you see if I’m married to the King’s Daughter he will have to give me power so I can bring all of the Demons up to heaven perfect brother and then from

There we can burn them in a fiery pit yeah but that’s only if God dies but God isn’t going to die so there’s no way that would work maybe I will slay him yes brother that’s my dad you can’t do that what is wrong with you I should

Have never given you guys that test this was a mistake get out of my sight perfect the vian’s plan is going all well and now he’s going to go to heaven with that goddess and he can kill going to take over okay Lucifer I’m going to

Find the secret key go to to heaven and then bring all of you and my friends up there and then we’re roll it sounds like a good plan but we need to find that key first how strong could this God fow be anyways yes let’s look for this key I

Bet this goddess has it secretly and I’ve been looking at her chest oh no they’re all empty you know what I’m oh she’s poor yes yes nice people are always poor cuz they’re too afraid to steal it’s fine just take our chests and we can put them

Inside our house it will be a lot better there what are you guys doing down there wait are you in my house Leviathan stop wait my Mushi you kill musham no I didn’t no evidence of that for your honor oh my God and you guys stole my

Chest what are you doing stop oh we need the extra storage and oh your little cow mush he doesn’t matter anymore he’s in a better place oh you guys are terrible you know what at least mushroom will go to heaven you guys won’t nope I already

Know he went he went to hell I could feel it you guys are terrible okay goddess so when we go to heaven are we going to sleep in a king siiz bed or a queen siiz bed together what are you talking about we can’t sleep together before marriage what you

Mean we are getting married stupid wait no I never agreed to that besides a demon and an angel could never become married our wings are touching right now it’s confirmed what no Get Your Wings away from me stop stop it go away go away you have no choice this matter I’m

A way powerful demon than you what is wrong with you you’re crazy oh brother I found the iron we’re going to find this key so much easier what are you doing to my base you exploded it again lethan oh I’m just there’s no point of having this

House may it’s no good once we go to heaven and we take over your dad’s house any anyways wait you’re taking over my dad’s what wait what did you say oh it’s going to be mine soon all my all the lads are going to move in very fast what

Are you talking about nobody I I only said I would bring you if you passed nobody else has passed so of course they your friends can’t come uh they can and they will what no I never agreed to that and besides we still haven’t even found

The secret key what do we do we have to keep digging through the faces okay let no don’t worry I’m already on it he’s on it like a car bonnet as we would say and I will be taking all of this iron and smelting it up it’s uh a lot better in

My house anyways what I’m coming in who this area looks really dark no no godess is allow get out oh you stole our iron oh that’s not what a goddess would do I’m not stealing I’m I was just taking oh taking taking taking you goddesses

Are all the same oh well you know what I need the iron and we’re all on the same island together right so we should just share wait a second you committed a s you your wings wait oh my gosh wait what wait why do I have Red Wings Stop it

Might be coming a demon is this because I’ve been stuck on a wood block with you guys for too long she’s lusting for me brother she wants me she looks more and more like a devil every day oh my gosh it must be because I stole the iron

Ingot no no I’m becoming like a demon like you guys oh this can’t be happening it’s just a dream please go back to normal I’ll return the iron inot here you guys can have it back I don’t even want it no it’s too late now anytime now

That dress can turn from white to black what no you better be joking no no no the longer you stay on this island the more devilish you get and I I me we didn’t want you at the beginning break the blocks quicker I need to get out of

Here I can’t be a demon now something tells me your dad won’t be happy about this oh this is not funny okay I I need to I need to make a I don’t know I need to make a weapon or something maybe give another offering what do I do okay come

On creeper wait a creeper no oh my gosh he must be punishing me this is terrible what was that a creeper that’s got to be from hell right no it was said by God I can already tell zombie just fell what did you do on the fire then did you just

Sub a zombie no that wasn’t me why are you looking at me God is very cruel with his punishments he always has been what are you guys talking about get off my house toan yes I have don’t worry this isn’t okay I’m angry so mad wait huh where did the

Zombies come from no what’s going on what is happening why the deading around me obiously happened because you just attacked me which is a devilish activity and now you’re being punished no I was just doing it for for fun I didn’t actually want to hurt you oh my gosh there’s so

Many around me you go your devilish powers are sprouting for this is so terrible it’s all your guys’s fault you know what I’m not holding back anymore if I’m going to be a demon then I might as well embrace it lean get back down here you evil I’m going to get you all

Get back down here ow you’re hurting me I do like myself a devilish girl come back come in here come in here oh come here I’ll shoot you guys I’ll get you get away from us wait a second I can fly way higher and further than I could

Before um my wings are getting stronger that’s good at least maybe I have enough to fly away soon I don’t know oh Gracie do you feel yourself getting more and more evil by any chance yes you’re just like us oh you guys are so rude I just want to go

Home what did I ever do to you oh just dig the one block greasy maybe it’s just a dream it’s just a bad dream you’ll go back to normal soon right ah oh my God where did that come from what are you guys doing now that’s was

Me not funny get away leave me alone guys just let me dig let me dig please look up what no what you guys doing wait look at my head guys do you guys see that I have horns yeah she’s getting stronger she’s becoming more devilish no oh my goodness I am actually

Becoming a devil this is terrible I need to get out come on just just focus on breaking the block focus on breaking the block oh no no no get away from the Block no why did you guys let me get out of here just stop it come on let me be

Please no no no stop hitting me stop it I’m not going to let you guys go to heaven if that’s the case uh you have no choice you’re turning it to us soon you’ll be so in love with me that you’ll make yourself go there ow what are you

Doing oh you really think i’ let you guys get away with this you guys knew it from the start that I become like a devil didn’t you oh it’s all you guys’ fault maybe we should do a devil quiz for yourself huh oh how dare you no she’s in she’s vulnerable when she

Does that attack get away from me guys can we please just call a truce maybe we can work this out together H take us out to heaven right now and I’ll stop punching you you guys really think I could go to heaven right now looking

Like this it turn me back to normal and then maybe we can talk give me a kiss no look what happened to me after you kissed me look no no no this can’t be happening this can’t be happening this can’t be real get more and more

Beautiful by the minute we could take go back to hell in like 3 seconds if we wanted to you guys are corrupting me I’m supposed to be a goddess but look you guys just turned me into one of your lonly demons no matter prayers are going

To save you now young Gracie no no no this’s got to be the key come on where’s the key you’ll never find the key we’ll never find it come on no there’s got to be something I’m looking wait huh do you guys see that has that always been there

No there’s never go for there there’s go over there let go over there wait a second let’s just stay here go I don’t know if my wings are strong enough I can’t reach that go on try you won’t fall in the board at all yes we’ve only been trying for hundreds of years

I’m getting tired no I need to come back I need to come back ah I’m losing power of my wings already you’re so weak look how far I can go I can go about halfway there oh no oh no I just come back oh my gosh W brother brother I

F let me try to oh oh wait never mind never mind my wing just not strong enough fail I’m falling okay I’m coming on the wall goodness oh I only just got these demon wings so of of course I can’t fly as far with them what am I

Supposed to do we might just have to build to that instead of we just me you guys aren’t coming with me are you now no NOP no what are you going to build it with wooden materials don’t worry I can make a fix to that immediately it all down that’s my house

Stop it guys stop it I need a bridge faster I need to bridge faster oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Qui you’re doing stop that immediately no I’m never going to give up come on Gracie you can do this just keep building just keep building just

Keep swimming just keep swimming you guys think you’re so funny get away from me wait Levan where did you go ah you’re buy ah stop stop stop stop stop stop no what are you doing get away from me oh no I’m falling lethan oh my gosh get away no

You think you’re so cool huh you think you’re so cool you almost killed me just now quickly we must burn we must burn everything we must burn everything to stop her from getting any more materials yes brother guys the more we burn the less she can run burn it all down what’s

She going to do my house my houseon activities come on ow this hurts I’m hurting down to the ground stop it guys I worked so hard on this house you don’t understand put it stop make it stop now what did I ever do to you you dared to

Rival against the demons that’s what you did you don’t understand how difficult it is being a goddess you’re ruining my life well we used to be angels too and then we got banished to Hell wait you guys you guys used to be Angels what those are in heaven how did you guys get

Down to here I don’t believe you you’re lying we went down with Satan what how you guys are the traitors that my professor always talks about in heaven well you see we didn’t think the humans deserved of all of God’s love so we tried to eliminate them yes you guys are

Terrible get away from me just let me get to the end please it’s so close yet so far he made a beautiful planet for them but what about us was stuck helping him yes we got nothing we got left on this one block oh didn’t you guys say

You were bad as because you guys did something wrong yes yes what did you guys do it was trying to kill the humans but that’s irrelevant yes I made an earthquake so big it killed all the dinosaurs you did what wait stop lighting it up guys guys if you keep

Doing this none of us are going to be able to get home please oh no brother she’s getting awfully close to that key wor brother Watch Me Turn Around stop it oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to fly for it this is my only chance come on Gracie come on

Strong never you do much you do it Gracie you can do it please just let brother we have to stop her you guys told me I wasn’t strong enough but you guys were wrong I got the key I’m going home oh no why am I in the middle of

Nowhere oh my huh stand back for the Royal God get back immediately right now wait identify yourself wait she’s the queen she’s the queen oh Lord praise the queen oh I’m sorry I’m sorry wait why are there Knights and I’m not a queen I’m just Gracie wait Jamesy is that you

You’re wearing the Queen’s Crown wait gra yeah it’s me I’m a night look ha oh my gosh she looks so handsome quick why are we on this one block we have to break the blocks let’s break it Queen what are you doing on the Block this is

Too dangerous for you get down to your Castle wait what are you guys doing up here too and is that your brother wait what is he doing here hey Grace see wait you’ve grown is that cuz you’re knight uh yeah the armor makes me a little bigger than usual stand back away

From my girlfriend and the queen you Royal peasant what happened to me why do I have a crown on my head uh well you’ve been the queen for the last 10 years didn’t you know wait what I’m the queen how St back Pig oh Jamesy answer the question oh

Yeah um you done me a 10 years back and you married the king and became the Queen of the Universe wait I dumped you wait I I would never do that yeah you said didn’t have enough money sigh H that’s not true but that still doesn’t

Explain why are we on this one block oh I bet it was the enemy Kingdom who did this oh my brother I told you to kill them oh I’m sorry they just have really weird Wizards oh are we at War yes we’re always at War you always want more Land

Queen Don’t you no that I I don’t know who the last queen was but I’m going to make sure to fix everything uh well you better start by getting us off this one block because while you’re here the kingdom is not being run who knows what could be happening right now yeah we’re

Your best Knights if they started invading right now we’d be done for okay quick I need to save my kingdom yep thousands and thousands of thousands and thousands of inefficent lives and blood are going to be on your and my queen what the don’t say that okay guys come

On uh i’ I’ve been on something like this before and what you really have to do is get to the end of the one block by digging down so just help me dig okay we’re digging dig dig dig dig dig we’re trying so hard eventually we’re going to

Reach other phases oh guys I got some water oh that’s going to be perfect here I don’t know if you’ve been on a one block before but you need to block the block beneath it so that blocks that fall like grapple won’t go all the way down into the oh goodness

Wait what does this mean we’re stuck it’s Bedrock no no don’t worry it’s okay guys it’s going to upgrade and we’re going to go to the next placeas just watch it’s back to turn where the planes exactly so if we keep going down eventually we might reach our kingdom

Perfect JY it’s more land than our Queen can take wait Queen wish Shield you like more this one or this one I think it’s this one I I think you should really like this one what JY brother what back away from my queen what oh she’s my

Queen too oh true but still guys Knights no fighting okay you guys are supposed to be the role models of the Kingdom okay Queen I never Pig disgusting get away from my queen guys don’t you know we can use those pigs for food no that’s disgusting peasant food you should own be eating

The most wonderful deles like cavar like um I’m a knight so I don’t know all the other ones you eat yes these apples that I picked for you po them wait I can’t eat them no don’t eat them he might be trying to love poison you or something

Wait my queen it’s turning night time and you don’t have a castle to lay in quickly brother we must build a castle immediately I think we should make a castle out of cobblestone there’s no way that the uh Mobs Can Get It in no no no

Only the most Royal wood for the queen have fun with your Castle burns down fine it’s a competition no way you guys are going to compete okay well while you guys are doing that uh I’ll just keep digging honestly I don’t need a castle to Liv I’m pretty used to sleeping on

The ground well brother you want to build your castle out of cobblestone but you don’t even have any Cobblestone well just do wait jamy I’ll have Cobblestone one second or another okay buddy well my Castle’s already taken shape let’s see what we’ve got ooh Some lava ice carrots and oh a birch

Sapling I love these huz I can make a cobblestone generator now wait really how are you going to make that well I’ll have to go under the ground under the ground oh careful uh you could fall out of this night Queen what are you saying don’t go down there it’s going to be

Dangerous I mean you’re always sending me it’s a danger dous situations yes just last week you told to go kill an army of a thousand people by himself he almost died young man oh yeah I I forgot but you know I’m changed now I I don’t

Want you guys to be in danger after all if you die who’s going to protect the kingdom Queen why are you not acting like yourself you seem to have changed your even your voice is different yes uh it’s because I’ve got a code you’re not

An impostor are you if you were we would have to kill you immediately absolutely trust me guys no I’m I’m the real queen I’ve just not been feeling like myself cuz since I’ve been ill you know okay we remember what we do to imposters on this island what

Do you guys do just asking eliminate them immediately oh okay yeah uh that’s great to know anyway so how’s the cobstone generator going it’s coming along spiffing Le just watch this um what are you doing a ice I’m going to place lava here no it’s burning it’s burning I

Completely forgot oh my goodness wait I I think you might be fine it’s not burning anymore okay Queen well everything might have set on fire but at least we got some good things out of it I can give you some steak now because the cow died to the fire and it was

Cooked oh how delicious thank you guys so much and come on we should really share this together what that’s Preposterous I I could never share food with a queen wait what why it it’s not poisonous right it’s wrong it’s wrong a lonely Knight like me I cannot eat food

With the queen oh come on no no no no you can totally have a stake don’t worry there’s enough to go around oh this is so strange you would never do this you would have chopped off my head by now well like I said I’m working on being a

Better Queen who I’ll treasure this thing forever I’ll just keep it in my back pocket what it’s going to go rotten like that oh my goodness anyway so H you still need to get your Cobblestone and you don’t have a wooden pickaxe so you better work on that soon a sheep just

Spawned oh my goodness guys we could use this to make a bed oh my goodness don’t Ray Queen I will keep the bed in my castle wa just scared the Sheep well I couldn’t let him have it otherwise he might get a bed in his and you’ll

Definitely choose his castle I mean I’m okay with dying on the ground to be honest oh my goodness you couldn’t even dare do that that weos to us in our last lives we were dating until we died did you know that uh I have no idea what

You’re talking about quen do you want me to take you to the Witch and get you tested no I’m just saying that um I had a dream and we were dating for a very long time and your brother was not as Noble as he is now he’s very Queen and

Night dating oh you to my heart off if I even suggested that are you sure you are feeling okay Queen I do remind you that if you are an imposter we will just punch you off this island I’m sorry I didn’t mean to touch you my feeling a

Little too ill we might just have to kill you because you’re not fit to run the kingdom no I I am I I am guys I was just telling you about a dream I had it wasn’t real okay wait a second wo this platform’s ginormous when did you build

All of this Jamesy what my little brother was fiddling around with his cobal Stone wow you really expected this way more than he did I mean he’s got a lot of cobblestone now he’s just a little peasant boy when he was younger he he doesn’t actually know how to build

Like me you see oh peasant boy you were eating bread until you were 12 be quiet mold eater I thought they were crumbs crumbs okay well anyway you see I ran out of wood this is a lot of wood six tacks to be exact so I’m planting a

Plantation right now and I’ll get someone to pick it for me ha who are you going to get to pick these trees for you I mean there’s only you and I have to import someone in but for now I will grow the trees I don’t mind helping you

Break down the trees no no no no that’s far too much manual Libra for my queen how about you go over there and talk to yourself for a minute and you know get some off your chest or your stresses and such okay yeah I’m very stressed okay feel a little better now

But gosh guys what what am I supposed to do they think I’m the real queen from their world but I’m not I’m just graci a normal girl who I don’t know does YouTube videos and now they think I rule a kingdom and that I’m going to save

Their Kingdom somehow and I I don’t even know if they find out that I’m an impostor they’re going to kill me on the spot I can never let them know Young Brother do you mind if I have a few couples to build a P with oh cobbles you said my castle was posterous

And then called me a mold eater do you think I would even think about giving you any cobbles is this your Castle it’s only five blocks wide mine is going be 50 wide look at this massive platform I’m building on um I don’t know about this brother is this your Castle it

Looks terrible this is just one Spire out of many as you see I had to pause construction for a second while I expand my platform and then I ran out of wood but I’m asking for three Cobble so that I can build an axe to chop down the leaves with

Okay fine just this once but I expect favors in return you can have a sapling young man a sapling oh they just went into the void well you better go and get it then it’s been all night and it’s already the next morning they still haven’t finished my castle a tree a tree

Queen queen come over here maybe an Apple withle for you to eat a munch on Munch Munch Munch that does sound quite nice I do need a little bit of energy we just ped an old nigher and still no sleep come on Apple please an apple of the English Kingdom please jump down

Immediately uh is it like uh the Newton Guy where the Apple fell on his head uh yes uh wait that hasn’t happened yet wait huh I I mean I just said a bunch of random words don’t worry about me okay well uh it’s 1689 where I come from what

168 oh my goodness it really is like Medieval Times that’s so long ago well with this new word I can finish construction of my castle construction of your Castle who what if I told you I managed your time travel uh I would say you’re a witch and I’d jump you off this

Platform immediately oh okay well I did it brilliant yeah I’m not from 2023 or anything like that 2023 what exactly does that mean queen is that a symbol no no no no I I was saying that I’m not from 2023 is that an evil organization

That we need to defeat is the guy for bloke I’ll chop his head up again if I need to no no no no guys guys they’re they’re good 2023 is a very nice place to be in it’s kind of like a place Far Far Away H is it that um Asia area where

We get our tea from no it’s not that it’s the entire world but it’s far away in in time you could say uh you’re making no sense to me get back from the tree get back from the tree wait what’s wrong it could have disease on there

You’ll Dro dead because we have no sort of healthc care system well trust me I’m very immune to these kind of diseases I think the shots when I was younger wait you take a shot a shot of what rum no not Al what I mean like you know the

Needle that they stick into you did you not have that oh my goodness is this some sort of ritual are you sure you’re the queen what kind of Witchcraft are you talking about shs needles what’s a what’s a needle yeah only rich people do it okay

You guys don’t know about it trust me okay I must be a peasant boy after all yeah yeah exactly oh guys it’s so difficult keeping up this disguise I feel like they going to figure out any minute now well so are these the walls to your kingdom Jamesy who is Jamesy I’m the

Knight remember wait but your name tag says Jamesy oh yes I I haven’t been called that for many years just night wait what did they just call you Knight why don’t they call you by your name that’s messed up well if I had a name that would signify that I’m a free man

But indeed I am not oh that’s terrible so you’re basically enslaved to the kingdom uh I’m enslaved to you yes what well what if I could set you free well you’re the one that said I would never be free so that’d be a bit contradictory wouldn’t it be yeah yeah of course guys

This is terrible whoever this queen is sounds like a horrible person I can’t believe I’ve been put into her body what about you Jason what nobody hasn’t dressed me as Jason before and while that is my real name I’m known as Jamesy Shadow James’s brother oh that’s

Terrible why would they just call you by Jamesy Shadow that’s no no no no you’re your own person you should be called your own name what you called me that name in the first place you said I would never amount to what James’s accomplishment s well like I said I’m

Changing my mind okay I can still change my mind all right but if we find out your an impostor I’ll have to chop your head off wait wait a second wait wait wait oh my goodness guys how could we forget my kingdom is literally falling

Aport right now and we need to save it we have to keep focusing on digging this wood block guys I just got two chickens Knights Knights where are you guys chickens I guess that will do brother brother where are you I’m here James in oh is this some of the

Finest poultry in the land you fool that’s not the finest py that’s just a lonely chicken if I had a coin for every ounce of sents thou lackest I’d be wealthier than the queen herself what did you say foul laist yes he foul laist of Common Sense he speaking like

Old English oh English what are you talking about this is the current way of speech oh I mean uh have you guys heard of the word word OMG is that some sort of cold symbol no it just means oh my gosh and it’s like something you say when you’re really surprised it’s

Something the rich people say don’t worry I’m not an impostor H very peculiar I have to write this one down anyway what shall we do with these two chickens that we’ve spawned I say we eat them we eat them oh okay but we can totally breed them like this look I’ve

Just bred them and created the babies well if you want to do that Queen you can but I shall not look at such adultery what speaking of which what’s the name of the king that I married oh his name was let me see oh yes King Lou

II oh yeah I I knew that wait Lou yep I mean the richest man in the Kingdom he has a very big Fascination for the Royal Red If You must if I must say oh yeah of course that sounds just like Lou guys what no way how did I end up marrying

Lou in this world that’s just Preposterous I think that in order for me to be able to dig this faster I’m going to need some cobstone tools uh let me first make a wooden pickaxe cuz I don’t have that yet boom I’ve got some sticks and now I just need to create a

Wooden pickaxe and then I can mine this cobblestone generator here we go oh I need it to come back and boom now I’ve got three Cobblestone and I can create another pickaxe that’s made out of stone I can dig way quicker with this guys I’m gotten more chickens and I also got

Another sheep where did it go sheepy weepy sheepy weepy where did you go a a sheep perfect this will be perfect for my bed rolls what oh my goodness you just killed another one of those sheep if we had both of them we could have created a farm and we could

Have BR them until there was a bunch of sheeps oh Jason where are you I’m over here brother art thou so dim wiard the the minro would have a ballet for this idy well thine intellect resembles that of a donkey you know what we’re at war with

This idiot I’m getting ready for battle me too what did they just say were they insulting each other but no no no no why are they mad at each other I don’t even understand and what does he mean we’re at War I haven’t picked a side yet Queen

Quenn over here let me show you my royal castle this shall be the place you lay your head at night I’m yet to finish the details but as you can see a much more spacious area than the Jason over there could ever provide this does look nice but it’s not

Really completed let me see Jason time give me time ah well welcome to my castle Queen did you upgrade your armor of course I would do anything for my queen welcome inside don’t you like the interior area H this does look a lot more complete than James’s but it’s just

Not as spacious not as spacious look at all of this room well there is a quite nice room up here and I think it really has nice views Jamesy how posterous the queen son with the stupid Jason oh don’t worry young man I will beat you in this

Wall now that you have your head on I shall attack you wait wait what what are you guys doing guys calm down calm down as the queen I demand you guys should not fight oh I’m not even sure you are the real queen you can’t command me I am you’re

Redstone Contraption is as stupid as a Jester it doesn’t even work what you talking about this is modern and a redstone look how complicated and cic this is I press the button and huzzah right at your doorstep oh my goodness if only you guys knew what modern Redstone

Really looks like oh yeah oh don’t get in the way Queen come on brother get down here let me show you how this works come on you shot me oh Jamesy mayhaps now should spend less time gallivanting with redstone and more time Hing thy skills with the sword oh come on then

Come attack me see what happens young boy oh thy swings are as feeble as a new’s WI a chicken stop stop wait instead of fighting for nothing on this one block shouldn’t you guys fight for a role in My Kingdom wait maybe I can be your Royal number one

Night maybe I should be that you guys could become my Royal kns but you need to listen to me you guys can’t fight now how about you guys fight in approximately 2 days of gathering your supplies he thinks he can beat me in 2 days he can’t even beat me

Now you took this long to build this stupid wooden Castle I might say I’ll be ready ar your there’s an arrow in your foot dummy all right oh guys okay I managed to hold it back for a little bit longer by telling them that I’ll make

Them a royal KN but still oh this is really scary what do I do I’m caught in the middle of a war I’m the spun block wait a second we’re upgrading in three 2 1 and the underground okay this is looking better we’ve got a bunch of

Stone now and I don’t know maybe they can use this in their War still I want them to protect themselves using this Cobblestone oh it’s the second night and I still haven’t had a bed to lie in Jamesy Jamesy yes the queen I’m over here young lady I’ve just upgraded the

Entire one block to phase two so you better start digging because I think this might be useful for you upgrades what kind of witch did this to us poost whoever it is I will chain them up and put them in my basement yeah no no no I can’t believe anybody would

Do did you did you just kill a chicken who don’t take your anger out on animals I don’t even have a pickaxe to break this I’ve never minded in my life I’m a warrior not a minor here have this okay look you can learn to be a miner okay

I’ve been a miner as well miners are disgusting but okay whatever you say queen so do you know what that black thing is that’s coal Coal this is useless we can’t use this for anything we use this to heat up our furnaces and that’s it well yeah that’s useful

Because now we can make food and stuff and that you’ve got iron uh iron what is iron Oh you mean the steel that I wearing right now yes we smelt it again to make steel exactly that’s why we need furnaces and the cold oh make sure you

Use all of that correctly and maybe don’t fight your brother is there any way I can convince you not to fight him no this boy has been a fall in the side of my body for the last 10 years and you know what I’ve had enough I will slay

Him tomorrow night like you said Queen what about about your parents what would they think about that trust me they won’t miss that spawn what oh goodness guys it seems like the family field is worse than I thought magical cow magical cow no it’s not a magical cow that’s a

Mushroom we can’t have any witchcraft on this island Queen We we’ve dropped those on the bottom of the ocean what don’t you understand that mushroom could have given us soup soup for years and ages probably would have brainwashed us into thinking that probably would have brainwashed us into thinking that there

Should be a quality or something oh disgusting wait oh my goodness don’t tell me the qualy isn’t a thing in their time that’s terrible oh my goodness luckily I’m the queen only the queen is equal to men all the other women peasants I wouldn’t say I’m equal to Men

I’m above you guys I’m the queen after all whatever I had enough speaking to you queen go annoy my brother Jason they seem to be under less of my power than before they’re not really respecting me like they did before this isn’t good

What if they turn on me oh no am I never going to get back home much less the kingdom wait another mushroom spawns okay I I need to hide this one from Jamesy and the Knights or else they might kill it again but in order to

Bring this cow over I need to have some sort of weight so I can lay it over this isn’t good first let me create the platform that I’m going to hide the mushman that way I can have unlimited stew without having to worry wait since when was there a villager here where did

This Villager come from oh enough questions I I can’t worry about this right now I first need to figure out how to get that mushroom into a cage ah the villagers just fell oh my goodness I’m sorry villager quick quick quick I don’t have much time what if the knights see

It soon no the mushroom’s going away towards Jam Castle okay okay quick I need to create a hole I can create a hole I can create a farm really quickly and I might be able to grow enough wheat so that I can tame it and bring it over

Into my cage that way it won’t be able to escape and none of the knights can ever kill kill it it’s not a witch it’s just an upgrade in Minecraft but I guess they haven’t reached that time yet okay it’s growing it’s growing let me just wait a little bit longer it’s growing

It’s grow yes I’ve got my weight this is exactly what I needed okay first let me plant the next seed back again and now that I’ve got my weight I need to quickly get to that mushroom before Jamesy sees it okay mushroom over here okay quick quick quick quick quick wait

Did did I just see Jamesy over there get it here get it here mushroom come on go in now quick okay I’ve got it I’ve got it got it he’s inside Queen what are you up to oh I was just getting a little bit of high ground so I could see your

Castle better look look I found some Flint we can start a fire and burn down his entire Kingdom isn’t it amazing I don’t think you can do that it’s made out of cobblestone oh yes I forgot that was my kingdom oh darn it I have to

Rethink this oh my gosh guys that was way too close I almost got caught out oh mushroom you’re going to be safe in here okay just just don’t do anything else here have some wheat oh you poor little baby I won’t let anybody hurt you Jamesy stop firing arrows what are you doing

I’m practicing my aim with my sophisticated Redstone contration what I need to talk to your brother just don’t move okay stop shooting you want to hit the queen okay I won’t miss you okay what what did you say nothing hey Jason I need your help digging the one block

Uh do you mind helping me Jason you’re not really talking Queen around huh wait did you just change me wait who’s this is this just a decoy are you serious no are you serious no no no no way wait what are you doing to me don’t like my

Illusion I don’t want to go down no no no don’t you’re not going to put me in there are you there’s no way get inside get inside oh my goodness get the chain off me get it off me now they in my cage in my basement uh you can be as free as

You’d like what no no this can’t be happening goodbye help anyone oh no meanwhile there we go my kingdom has been almost built way better than that peasant boy’s Castle over there what give me a second I think I might be looking at an illusion how have you built a castle so

Large well you see the last day I’ve been working hard instead of doing whatever you’re doing anyway where is the queen she seems to have been missing for the last few days uh well uh yes yes she’s been missing I I have no idea where she went huh how peculiar never

Mind my Castle’s almost ready to destroy yours P boy what oh you’ll see you’ll see okay well goodbye and now that I have this giant castle of mine it’s time to build a sophisticated Redstone Contraption to destroy his in one fatal blow no no no guys even though I’m tired

I can’t let this get me down there’s got to be a way out of here uh come on what can I use what can I use maybe just use my brain there’s go maybe I can mine out of here you’re right wait if I could just break this Cobblestone block then I can

Get out here easy why have I never thought about that where is that Queen I’ve not seen her in over a week now but it’s time to start building a redstone contraption that my brother could never rival all right uh if I just use this wooden pickaxe I can break this Cobblestone

Because it’s not made out the iron bar so if I just do this uh I I can get out wait I’m free you’re telling me I could have gotone out this entire time okay wait oh no I’m scared I I can see Jamesy right there and is that Jason what do I

Do wait when did he change his name to Jason he must be he must be rebelling he doesn’t want to be known as James’s brother anymore what can I do if I could just peek out through the glass right here okay I think the coast might be clear it seems like they’re

Both on the roof so I can just sneak out oh my goodness I thought that was Jamesy for a second good thing it was just a decoy okay we’re going to hide we’re going to hide oh but I’m getting tired I’m going to go back to the one block

Let me just come down he’s coming down he’s coming down what I do wait I can just pretend to be the night let me take all the armor off and then I’ll quickly hide inside the stand okay uh I’m just a lonely Knight don’t worry about me here

I come and H my armor is looking a little more different than usual maybe it smells different maybe I don’t know I’m just going to go get something to eat oh my goodness guys I barely survived that I need to get rid of the armor set it was giving me away okay if

I just stand like this once he comes back again he’ll never notice that I’ve escaped oh my plan will never work I have no gunpowder and no sand wait a second maybe my lonely brother has some okay I’m going to go over there and pretend to be interested in this stupid

House and see if I can steal some of his materials a brother stupid stupid brother stupid who are you calling stupid you’re stupider than a Jester well I know you’ve been collecting resources from this one block over the last few days haven’t you you’ve been mining hundreds of them absolutely you

Don’t even know how long I’ve been mining for well you see can I have a talk of your base I want to see what I’m up against oh I see you finally come to your senses oh follow me okay well sure it seems you don’t quite have the six

Sense but EV anyway let’s see the inside nice they coming back in well this is the entrance room it’s quite fashionable and here is the inside as you can see I have my suit of armor ready to go H looks a bit strange why does it look

Like it’s moving slightly don’t Mo don’t it’s Enchanted armor yes Enchanted armor what is that some sort of Witchcraft you haven’t joined the dark side have you blubber maybe I have but what would you do about it there’s no Queen to stop me stupid Queen I never liked her anyway

Far too strict you know one time she trapped me in her closet for 16 weeks seriously oh wow that is just disgusting all she fed me was crumbs of mold she said that you taught her that technique why would you do that brother wait what was that wonderful beautiful

Laugh nothing I I don’t know what you’re talking about uh wait you don’t have any young ladies trapped in your basement now do you brother oh no no why would I do that I would never ah stupid woman let’s go upstairs oh my gosh guys I

Can’t believe I just heard that oh oh I can’t believe I laughed when he mentioned the crumbs of mod oh they almost heard me but that was way too risky what am I supposed to do I can’t just stand in the middle of this room

Like an ornament for the rest of my life what brother you have a lot of gunpowder here you wouldn’t be needing that would you oh I would be needing that actually I’m using it for my Gunpowder Plot telling you about it wait a second did I just see something down there no I

I was just trying to get go back to normal I’m not moving okay brother you can leave now I’m protecting my chest of gunpowder from you okay whatever I shall be leaving very swiftly oh God is that pink I see the back of this armor set

Queen is that you oh my goodness fine the gigs up yeah yes shy it’s me what are you doing here why are you in this man’s house oh you’re not having relationships with this boy are you what did you not realize that I was missing

For literally a week oh yes I I did realize I just didn’t care that much what oh how could you what a night you are doesn’t matter please I need to be on your side of the war your brother has trapped me in his basement for a week

And that’s where I’ve been this entire basement oh my goodness you are in the basement how stinky and smelly quickly we need to escape to my side but we cannot be seen be careful he’s from above oh no please don’t look this way Jason just don’t look towards the RO run

Into my castle in 3 2 1 run run run run run run run run okay wait I oh my gosh he was right there at the edge do you think he saw us if he saw you You’ be dead right now all right quickly I’ll take you to my actual Kingdom that I’ve

Been building over the last few days is it Maleficent what no way uh this was just a decoy you’ve been building this behind the entire time well I do need to defeat my brother at War how am I going to do it with a small little castle

Anyway let me show you around how about you tell me more about your plans with my brother well I’m not sure what to do I just want to pum all his face into the ground after what he did to me well Queen first thing first take off the

Armor so I’d like to see your wonderful face well I don’t know isn’t that a little bit risky what if your brother comes he’ll see my face okay it’s fine it’s fine anyway um don’t worry I think I can help you with your plans how about we join forces and

Take down my brother okay I’ll help you what do you want me to do well first let me show you my kingdom so you can get an understanding of my past present and future this is the Royal gala where I dance with Queens would you like to

Dance um um I’m not sure now is the time uh uh uh uh oh uh wow you you’ve got some moves yeah anyway let me show you the rest of the Kingdom this is the flower Forest except we don’t have any flowers so it’s just leaves that I got

From my trees yeah what kind of forest is this here is the Royal Fountain I buil this all by myself remember oh wow that’s that’s actually quite nice yep an upgrade from the one in my previous Castle I can go swimming and a shower I call this room the Rainbow Room wo you

Got all all different types of color R that’s absolutely beautiful yep okay let’s go up for this Royal staircase right now queena there there’s more to show there’s more to show all right I’ll follow you up in a sec all right guys I managed to escape and now I’m on Jamesy

Side but I know I can’t trust anybody here I literally heard him say that he wished I was gone forever anyway earlier he was talking about how he never liked me in the first place oh Queen did you say something um I I was just um talking

To myself okay well anyway I have a cake room here cake I love cake oh my goodness I love so don’t eat too much otherwise you might become fat why would you say that to me only the king is allowed to be fast you see

What is this oh wow I mean I really wait you you would push me off the edge right no no this isn’t a movie anyway there’s more to show more to show come down here anyway this is the Royal pathway brilliant view of the sunset from up

Here yeah oh that is gorgeous I can’t believe you actually managed to build this Z by yourself while I was gone I guess that’s why you never realized I was missing you all materials from the one block from the cobblestone generator and my wonderful tree orchard but anyway

This is my secret project this is how I’m going to destroy my brother you see I’m building the most revolutionary new technology only invented a few years prior and my brother I’m not even sure he’s aware of it you see I’m trying to build a TNT cannon wait what that was

Buil like ages ago you guys are so behind this was just invented what are you talking about wait a TNT cannon I can help you build that I already know how to do it you see brother brother uh yes yes I see you’re making some kind of contraption but who is that mysterious

Night with you oh um this is my uh my my mistress yes my mistress mistress I see it’s an honor to meet you finally I told you I was importing people in to help me brother what do you think I’m not the capitalist maybe I could come over and

Take a a closer look no get stay your side you might infect her with your diseases yes s I’m allergic to Brothers okay fine well I’m going to go to my basement now uh just uh you guys have a fun yes have fun in your basement you little basement dweller Jamesy he just

Said he’s go to his basement that’s where I was kept oh no he’s going to figure out that I’m missing and pieces together he’s going to realize that I’m the queen you see only invented a few years prior by Guy Forks himself we are missing TNT my my brother knows all

About TNT he’s an explosion specialist and he has a chest on his roof you see that chest wait are you going to use me to get that chest for you well I’m just saying it’s filled with sand and gunpowder I can craft this to make my

TNT cannon come to life but he knows that I want it he won’t let me up there only one person had the skills to sneak out of a prison you see oh I I guess it was me I mean I can try but this is

Really risky are you sure that I need to do this if you can sneak into his base steal the gunpowder and come back alive I will keep you alive in My Kingdom what so are you threatening to kill me right now I’m just saying that uh I need the

The TNT and you need my help so this is mutually beneficial fine fine I’m going good luck que trust anybody I wish you all the best please don’t get kidnapped guys what do I do I need to sneak in but if Jason figures out that I’ve escaped

He’s going to pull me back into a prison and make sure I can never escape this time who knows he’ll probably make me drop all my items before I even go into his basement this is really risky okay okay I’m here wait oh my goodness what

What is that what is that oh that’s my mushroom oh it’s so cute but what is that hello f f f I smell the blood of an English woman oh uh don’t worry I’m just one of the knights from James’s Kingdom I’ve been ordered by Jason not to let

Anyone pass I and Ragnarok the ogre what Jason hired an ogre to protect his base there’s no way I’m going to be able to get it out without dying look at the size of that man I’ll never be able to defeat him oh he’s TR over us uh

Don’t worry I you’ll be taking my leave now come closer and I’ll eat you like a lamb shank what do I do guys I can’t get in there wait H maybe if I can somehow sneak in I left and made it look like I left I went through James’s castle and

Made it look like I left but what if I just come back around and come from underneath he won’t ever expect that right first I need to get to that water okay if I can just quickly go through the hole without the orre St oh my gosh

Do you guys think he’s saw call me okay now quick I have to create a platform for me to stand on oh this is really dangerous what if I fell okay now if I could just dig underneath the ground I can get into the basement and sneak into

The castle all right if I could just dig more forward like this calm down Gracie don’t be worried I know you’re on a tight rope but you’re not going to fall into the void just trust yourself okay now I can just dig through here wait oh my God what there’s

Jason he literally is right there oh my goodness he could have saw me the rock our prisoners escaped wait what he realized I escaped this is not good I’m sorry Master she must have gotone the other way don’t worry I’m protecting your gunpowder okay well I’m going to go find

Her now don’t forget that you promised me 10 chickens this morning uh oh yes yes of course of course wait is he coming down here what do I do what do I I there’s no way I can hide um what if I just I need to quickly

Get out of here and hide to the side quick do I smell fresh meat wait wait he can’t get down here okay quick let me just go up go up go up since Jason’s gone what was that sound anyone here I will eat you he’s so dumb let me just quickly

Sneak past him run run okay let me get everything I need gunpowder sad oh my gosh there’s too many things in my inventory what do I do oh no that might be evidence that I was here oh I just got to go but oh wait is that Jason over

There oh but I need to get over there back to James’s base so I can get him the gunpowder in the sand I might just need to sneak around wait okay as long the second he turns around I’m going to run down 3 2 1 go go go quick okay I

Made it to the other side now I just have to sneak past these trees and hopefully get to Jamesy side okay there he is over there okay wait I have my mask gone right okay even if he sees me I might just have to pretend to be the

Mistress okay right there he is just don’t turn around don’t wait a moment are you uh James’s mistress by any chance yes it’s me James’s mistress I my name is Felicia wait a second Felicia that’s not a name I’ve heard before and wait a second why are you coming from my

Base no I was just staying some uh wood from the force and besides I should converse with enemies I won be taking my now wait a second before you go anywhere why have you got gunpowder in your hand oh I don’t know um I don’t have any

Gunpowder in my hand thank you uh uh actually I came from a foreign land where gunpowder is very common so that’s all I’ll be taking my li now Jason Jason get away from my mistress I told you he has deadly Des sciss okay well I’m sorry Jamesy I’ll uh

Take my leave now good R boy good he saw the gunpowder in my hand if he notices that his chest is missing all the gunpowder he’s going to realize that it was me doesn’t matter he’ll be dead by the morning oh no hopefully he doesn’t cheack his chest and realize that the

Gunpowder’s missing follow me we’re going up to the top level the route is very convoluted I made it this way on purpose okay I’ve got all the gunpowder in the sand you’re going to make the TNT now right yep all right Jamesy well now that I’ve gotten you all the ingredients

You need you promised to protect me right yep just follow me we’re got to finish off this can and well he’ll be dead in a few minutes okay okay I’m trusting you well that was a little strange I never knew Jamesy had such a convoluted strange mistress but anyways

I’m going to check my gunpowder chest because uh you know I I can’t go without it and uh wait a second wait wait a second seven apples and three eggs who has stolen my gunpowder wait a second James’s mistress was coming from my base she stole my gunpowder and the queen is

Missing from my basement I think I’ve connected the dots she must be his mistress all right Queen come over here you see I need you to craft the the TNT please while I finish off my conon okay I can do that pretty easily all I have

To do is type in TNT and make a bunch of it like this and then I’ll put in all the gunpowder on the sides like this as well it should be easy I’ve got this boom I’ve created a bunch of TNT now okay I need a little bit more gunpowder

Over here perfect okay now I have a entire stack of TT 64 of them in fact what can I do what is this Jamesy what have you done okay this is a sophisticated mod Tree on tree C first we’ll blow up this Redstone signal right

Here using a button wait a button do you want me to create one of those for you I can create it don’t worry I have it this will activate all these dispensers right here pushing a TNT which will flow down right to here then the Redstone will

Continue going around to here and then after a few seconds it will set off this one right here which will land on this slob then all this TNT will blow up catapulting the TNT at the front and because it’s a few seconds later it will explode load on his ugly house are you

Sure it’s going to be able to reach that far uh we’re going to find out be careful because if you give this away he’s going to know how to protect his base against it you only have one shot he won’t it’ll be fine all right uh

Can we fit up the Cannons with TNT please yeah yeah yeah I’m going to do that now how much should I put in each sprad them equally among all of the dispensers okay I’ll do that now I’m putting all the TNT in but guys I’m honestly not that optimistic I’m a

Little bit worried I mean after all that house is really far away and I don’t know if we can reach there well anyway here it goes let’s do a test fire shall weit are you sure right now yes let’s do a test Fire come on come on come on

Up wait wait wait oh so close a few refinements I think it would just hit P house wait where did it go off to did it go past wait a second what was that explosion that was such a weird sound I’ve never heard that before it must have just been

The wind okay let me just go back down here Jamesy this isn’t good he’s going to piece it together soon the missing Gunpowder the missing sand to create a TNT he’s going to know that we’re trying to blow his really Gracie the TNT landed a few blocks above his house with a few

Refinements I can make it hit him right on the forehead it’s a big Target trust me I know exactly how to refine it we need to move the dispenser down and closer to Jamesy space that will make it go down lower so that it can actually

Hit his space this time wait how do you know that you’re just a queen a woman well I took some classes of my own wait educated woman can’t be educated what are you talking about well I’m the queen I can do whatever I like now do you want

My help or not I can’t believe this might this might change my opinion on women altogether maybe they are just as good as men okay let me move this across quick bring it down we don’t have much time Jason’s going to figure it out soon oh Jamesy brother are you here what are

You talking about brother yes of course I’m here well maybe you should just peek your little head over this uh Edge really quickly Jamesy I’ll do it for you okay yes I’m picking over right now huzzah huz me with an arrow are you trying to shoot me your aim is abysmal

Oh yes well I just decided to come over and check on what your building it looks kind of interesting you know what I’m going to throw this axe at you oh it wasn’t my I’ve got a weak arm oh yes your arm is as weak as a newborn re what

Are you doing stop firing arrows at me you suck okay well uh let me just check how much your Castle sucks oh my goodness Grazy he’s making his way up here right now we only have a few minutes until he finds the Hidden Staircase block it off get over here

Jamesy we need to get we need to block this area off so he doesn’t know that we’re building a TNT cannon oh okay fine fine I’m over here I’m over here we don’t have much let’s block it off with pumpkins okay wait and I’m going to Tower up uh in the

Corner over here he won’t notice me I swear ooh spiffy a hidden staircase oh no I think he’s found it he’s going to be up here really soon now Gracie be quiet he’s making his way in brother oh hello there oh hello Jamesy what are you

Doing right now and why is this area blocked off with this disgusting dirt oh budget cuts you know how it goes budget cuts that’s just an excuse for being lazy uh yes brother I’m extremely lazy now you must go I have more important things to do well I I can’t help but

Notice brother there was a little bit of dirt here blocking something off but there’s a little bit of dirt here what what is it even for don’t worry we we can break this nothing to see nothing to see sir oh okay well uh brother that’s that’s some wonderful gold armor I

Wonder how you made that how about you come down here and show me oh maybe I could uh let’s go my mistress as well oh my goodness guys that was way too risky I almost got caught wait what do I do I need to hide somewhere else

You know Jamesy I know who your mistress is I thought I would just she’s just a Scarlet don’t worry about her I have to see what’s going on let me quickly sneak over you know what if you’re calling the queen a harlot you’re not a loyal Knight

I know what you are go back to your Castle Jason that’s right I will see you at War you might to go back there right now I think it’s about to explode good I’m going to get ready for war prepare to die quickly gra we need to blow up

His castle right now Gracie ccie over here quickly we must blow up his castle are you sure this cannon will work oh uh I don’t know I hope hopefully the refinements that I added do work or else we might be done forever here’s the thing Queen here’s entire house is full

Of gunpowder if we just Land one shot it should go Kaboom y you’re right he has so many flammable products wait he’s looking at us we have to shoot it now we don’t have much time he J what do you guys think you’re doing mocking me from over there what is that

Device well we about to see new technology at H come on come on no way wait wait the whole base has been blown up Grace we win oh my gosh we killed chasing

This video, titled ‘Having A BABY as FAMILY on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-06 17:00:43. It has garnered 1577 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:42 or 12642 seconds.

Having A BABY as FAMILY on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft.

Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1

Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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  • Crafty Lies: Minecraft Shorts

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  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

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  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

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  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

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  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

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  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

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  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

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  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

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  • The Analog Network

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  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

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    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

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  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

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  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

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  • Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6

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  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

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  • Top 20 Spooky Minecraft Secrets

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay – Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!

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  • ZonaiBoy – SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱

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  • Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!

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  • Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE – Yahiamice vs. the HARDEST

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  • EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander Bono

    EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander BonoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battles Teams Hypixel’, was uploaded by Alexander Bono on 2024-04-14 17:32:36. It has garnered 279 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:58 or 898 seconds. #buildbattle #buildbattles #buildbattleminecraft #hypixel #minecraft #tryhard #proplayer #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New Remix

    Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New RemixVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #edit #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by HACKER ABDULLAH on 2024-05-21 16:10:53. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • ArisMC

    ArisMCWelcome to ArisMC, the ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a fair and harmonious experience for all players, fostering a friendly and supportive community. With custom plugins and a variety of game modes, ArisMC offers a diverse range of activities suitable for both Minecraft veterans and newcomers. But that’s not all! We also provide rewards for participating in… Read More

  • Waychest SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.6 Custom Plugins

    Server Information Server Name: Waychest Server IP: waychest.com Server Location: United States West Coast Website: https://waychest.com/ Wiki: https://waychest.com/info Version: 1.20.6 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] About Waychest Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your journey with a server-like feel. Discover custom items and blocks left behind by previous explorers as you journey through the shared world. Encounter other players along the way for a unique… Read More

  • MC IMAGINEERING – Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!

    MC IMAGINEERING - Minecraft Disney server looking for staff!MC Imagineering is a Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.2 server dedicated to replicating Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Minecraft at 1:1 scale. We are currently looking for Imagineers, or builders, and for Technicians who are familiar with plugins and commands.We are looking specifically for Imagineers that are willing to work on the Ticket and Transportation Center, the Seven Seas Lagoon, and surrounding resorts. Help anywhere is appreciated though, and once a builder has proved themselves with a resort they will likely be asked to assist with the main park.Technicians will have more to work on, from shows, animatronics, audio, etc.Since… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting farm vibes only.

    Looks like this meme has really cultivated a following! Read More

  • Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod’s Guide to Minecraft Magic

    Crafty Elixirs: MCPF Mod's Guide to Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, potions are key, To survive and thrive, they’re a necessity. With the MCPF Mod, you’ll learn the way, To craft elixirs that will save the day. Mix ingredients carefully, follow the guide, To create potions that will turn the tide. From strength to speed, and even invisibility, You’ll be unstoppable, with perfect agility. But remember, caution is always wise, Drink with care, don’t meet your demise. Transport them safely, in a secure place, To ensure they’re ready for your next race. So dive into the world of potions and brews, With the MCPF Mod,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos 😂]

    Minecraft: Water physics meme [Prepare for chaos 😂] When you finally build a perfect underwater base in Minecraft, but then realize you forgot to bring a sponge to dry off the floor. 🤣 #WaterLogic Read More