Unbelievable! Minecraft’s Oldest Bug Finally Fixed! 24w21b Snapshot

Video Information

one of the oldest bugs in Minecraft getting fixed more links in the menu new interactive map for 15year anniversary and many tweaks to the upcoming 1.21 features hello there Ray here and today we’ll take a look at all of these Plus at the end of the video I’ll help you get all three of the Minecraft capes before the upcoming deadline guys we got our old piston sound back it sounds so much more natural I’m not sure why they all of a sudden decided to completely change that sound as it just didn’t quite seem like the Piston sound that we’re used to but what they did instead is they reverted back to Old noise and then they just reduced the loudness of it I’m glad that they did this way as a piston noise is pretty iconic at this moment do you like it that they brought it back again now normally you can’t just ride a boat or mine cart or ride any type of mob through a nether portal and actually get teleported onto the other side that’s because portals like nether portals and end portals will only teleport entities if they’re on their own something like a Gateway portal can actually teleport us but now this can be changed with a game rule this new game rule is called entities with passengers can use portals you can set this to True when normally it is false so now that’s turned on we can go ahead and have ourselves like a player riding a pig we now have a passenger and if I walk into this portal here it actually immediately teleports which is pretty crazy which you normally can’t do as the player but because we’re writing an entity that thing can normally immediately teleport so we can actually get over to the nether much quicker this way but we can also take like a minecart roller coaster system and actually go directly through portals and come out their side and continue moving this also means it’s possible to get passengers which are normally impossible in some Dimensions like you normally can never get a skeleton jockey over here in the nether Dimension that’s because the spiders can only naturally generate over in overw world and that’s where they would have a small chance to have a skeleton top of them and you can never actually transport them through the portal to get them over here and the same thing applies for other types of jockeys like Strider jockeys which you normally can’t get into the Overworld and unlike R grid where we’re collecting all the different mobs in zoos we can’t actually have these type of rare mobs moved into our Overworld Zoo but instead just leave them in our another one but if you would enable this game rule on your server then you could actually transport them but since most servers deal with the default rules this new Cool Change won’t affect most survival rules and passengers not going through Nether Portals was a really old bug so old it’s actually Minecraft’s 67th bug that was reported we now they’re close to 300,000 bug reports so it’s pretty crazy to see this bug actually get fixed even though it’s not implemented into the normal world at least got a game rule that lets you turn it on if you want to so this 12-year-old bug finally got resolved but something cool that they did add back in for the vanilla game is that entities can now create the other side of this portal so way back in the past if you had another portal like this and there wasn’t a nether portal on the nether side yet because nothing has went through it if you try to send something like a sheep or other non-player entity through it wouldn’t actually get teleported over now I’m not sure why they changed it way back then but they went ahead and reverted it back so now anything that goes through this portal even though it’s way out in a new location and there’s nothing on the other side you can see it does get teleported over there and it creates its own nether portal while doing so so you no longer have to like build a portal and then hop through it to actually produce the other side of the portal now if you’re trying to transport something through you can just push it through the portal and it will immediately create this portal on the other side as well as load these chunks overall this will just make it a little bit easier to move stuff now after you’ve looted a vault you can’t loot the same one twice really now made it so if you try again you can easily see that the vault’s not like opening its little mouth up and it’s not making any noise or anything when you get close to it or when you have a key or when you try to right click on it and they did this so that players know which ones they have looted and which ones they haven’t now a cool trick with wind charges where you could throw them and then redirect them by punching them soon after you threw them was removed today I thought this was pretty useful because wind charges are a little bit random when they get thrown from you but if you redirect them and makes them straight again so you could be really precise when using wind charges with this trick but now it’s removed things that are writing other things will now be affected by wind charges when before they couldn’t now when the breeze will actually hit you with their Breeze bullets and if you have thorns this can now do Thorns effect back onto the breeze same thing if a player would throw like a wind charge at you while you’re wearing Thorns which means my Breeze rod and tri key Farm which still works can now have the simple the two versions work without using a macro just by having the breeze damage you and then the thorn damaging it back it can apply the Looting effect onto the dying Breeze now one the armor trims needs copper in order to make a copy of it so they added it so you can use both waxed and unwaxed copper in order to do this normally when placing down two doors they will always face towards each other making double doors but if you use two different types of wax copper this wasn’t happening so now it will work like the other doors the Mace will no longer create too many particles when it’s doing smash attack which was creating a little bit of a leg spike it fixed the bug from way back in 2013 where despite playing on Peaceful mode the hunger saturation would actually get depleted and if you play in peaceful you know that you automatically get regen because your hunger bars are always sustained one that we notice while playing in our testing server is the Quick Charge on a crossbow wasn’t working if you put the crossbow in your offhand it would end up having to load really slowly so that was reverted back to way it was before being fast with the recent changes to enchantments they accidentally made it so that Frost Walker was was converting flowing water into blocks of frost Walker Ice which oddly was the way that the boots worked in the very beginning when they first added them into the game and I made some infinite ice Bridges using this they fix creepers as in the snapshots I accidentally made it so that they wouldn’t produce these area effect clouds when they have an effect put on them and they blow up and I showed how this cool trick can be used to make infinite effects as long as you have a creeper farm that could continue to sustain them there was a crash but related to the ooing potion if any mod that died with it would immediately crash your game this happened to me quite a bit when trying to update my oozing slime Farms so now I can finally finish working on those and I’ll eventually put videos up you guys can make super fast oozing Farms even with the recent Nerf when it comes to damage and how a mob panics they separated out the difference between the majority of the mobs which doesn’t matter if they get like hit by a player or if they take a little bit of fire damage when they start panicking it’s always one type of panic kind of running around compared to when a mob Like the Wolf or Panda or polar the bear there’s a difference if they get damage from like fire and they run around like that or if the player comes in and hits them this is a different type of panic and they come towards the player but they did fix it so that when wolves are taking damage in lava can now actually teleport to the player when prior in this situation they would never be able to teleport which would most likely cause them to die so if you have your wolf in like some lava or some water and and it’s dying if then go ahead and hurry move away so that the wolf can teleport to you and at least get out of it a new entity selector was placed in then we’re going to execute something at a specific type of entity now we have another option which is at n this is going to choose the nearest entity let’s go ahead and say we’re going to run a command that’s going to teleport this nearest entity to some new location since I’m the nearest entity I’m the one that gets teleporter but you can use this in combination with command so that whatever gets close to command will be the thing that gets teleported this will be useful in a wide variety of different types of commands the added jbox as being data driven this just means that you can now take any type of item in the game give it certain different components and then these components will allow it to be placed into a jukebox and be played just like a normal music disc they change attributes these are things in the game that can give entities special abilities and they Chang these from using uu IDs to Now using a uniquely identified namespace ID similar to all other types of resources attributes can be applied to entities item stacks and even enchantments have them although it did seem like it broke some of the glittering on some of these Enchanted items they also added a new button which will pop up here on the game menu on servers if servers ever provide a list of links for clients and if this button pops up then the report Button as well as a feedback one are moved together to make room for the new one and there has been some improvements made for the a disconnection screen like clients collecting extra information similar to crash reports so don’t be surprised if you see these new buttons now when it comes to producing these random structures they use these jigsa blocks and now with them you can come in and introduce padding which is a way to kind of keep the structures away from other things you can say like okay keep everything at least 10 blocks away from underneath of it and like 10 blocks away from above it and that way the structure doesn’t like poke through something that you don’t want it to overall this keeps the structures more hidden Tri Chambers will now try to avoid spawning inside of deep dark biomes did you like the look of the deep dark coming through I thought it was pretty cool the 15-year anniversary map is now available the one that was sneak peek if you just come up here to the search bar and look for the words called 15E and hit enter you can see it right here there’s also one called 15-year party supplies clicking on this one this is the one where you get memory lane and it is free so you just click that and you go ahead and download it cuzz it is actual world and in order to put that onto your computer to play you have to have all that stuff downloaded as you’ll be playing this in a single player world versus being on multiplayer world where the servers has the actual World somewhere else now if we just click create this world we can choose what type of options we want to play in I’m going to go ahead and unlock the settings so I can zoom around and Creator mode and show you guys stuff and then we’ll load up the World by pushing create look at this guys go ahead and click play got a little intro [Music] scene and now you get to take control you can check out all the different things within this crazy map this map has a lot of stuff in it the main thing is that there is a museum that kind of shows the main themes throughout the different years of Minecraft as there is 15 years to go through then you’re given this book which you can use to complete different Act activities to gain stickers and then you can fill out the book very interactive a lot of stuff you can check out and do I think this is a really cool way to kind of celebrate the 15year anniversary while at the same time people that didn’t play through all 15 years can learn about the main things that occur in these years first off there is the alpha map which was one of the earliest versions in the game where they just started adding in random stuff like the different cuted wool I remember back in the day my computer screen was so poor that I was trying to hide in the ground and there was grass on top and since there was no way to get the grass block the closest thing I could find was actually green wool and yeah let’s just say it wasn’t the best way to hide cuz people can easily see that I was hiding below there man the whole Cobblestone really brings back a lot of memories now in the very beginning there was only like a handful of blocks you could choose from even some of the most basic blocks weren’t added until later on but you can see some of the ones that they liced in and I remember people making mods where the sponges could do cool things like remove lava and here you can see some of the original blocks that you got to choose from when playing in the game this one talks about how lava could make infinite sources very similar to water and how could just continue to spread into took over your whole world this is great for mini games that had the lava slowly take over the map and the last person to survive it would be the winner there’s even a part where you can join in and actually play as if you are back in the alpha Minecraft days this is where they started added in the survival mode and you had to start paying for the actual game one of the very first places I actually survived in Alpha was kind of like a ledge like this I mean my siblings built like a little wall around here taking turns playing on the computer and then all the scary bad guys were on the outside especially at night there was a bunch of them and back then some of the most basic mob Farms were just making a little hole in the ground along your wall so that the mobs would fall down into the hole and then coming in from the backside and making a hole and then killing them by hitting their feet but yeah Minecraft farms came a long way since then and by coming over here and using this you can switch from what it looked like an alpha to what it looks like nowadays wow that is crazy much simpler time back then really cool memories of Alpha and there’s a lot of little secrets hidden throughout this thing here they got the display on how the creeper was made I remember this how they had this image here that popped up and then they eventually had this this was actually shown quite a few times before the actual creeper was given this kind of camouflage in order to try to camouflage with like the tree leaves and the greenery now if you didn’t play back in the day a lot of times you get your information related to the Minecraft updates from Notch’s blog that he would talk about all the different things that he was trying to add to the game and then after him talking about it it would eventually get put into these versions which you could actually play what do you guys think of the 15year map I think it did quite well besides Alpha they also have a theme for Dimensions over here is one about the buzy bees that was kind of a big update like 1.5 got their cakes going on because of the 15 year anniversary we got this one all about the caves and cliffs also a pretty big change to how the world looks uh exploration all the different things you can find by exploring biomes and structures and what all about the aquarium which is all the Aquatic stuff they added in how are you enjoying the 15year anniversary and do you plan on playing this map if you haven’t already now I will walk you through how to get each of the three new capes before the end of the month which is the first deadline and if you’re struggling to get a certain Cape I’ve added in some new information that could help you first let’s take a look at how to get the Tik Tok Cape now you need to join a live stream that has the rewards enabled and my stream hasn’t turned on and I’m currently live so click the link down in the description to join it and I’m also live on Twitch so you can go over there to get the cape or the glitch mask otherwise go over to the mobile Tik Tok app as I haven’t heard anyone that got it to work on desktop website so once you’re on the app you can search for Minecraft and then click on the live tab at the top and then you can just click on any of the streamers and then from there click on right here where it says Game Reward and this will show you streamers that have the game reward for Minecraft turned on then just go ahead and click on one of those streamers and it should look like this and notice right here is this little icon and this icon will be where your reward will show up so then tap this and it will load up this image here this will tell you what you need to actually do in order to get the reward and the reward is a Tik Tok Cape so it says how to get reward add one comment with the keyword Minecraft make sure to click this button as you accept the rules of the reward now if it says it’s unavailable that means that you have to find a streamer that is from your region otherwise I’ve heard that a VPN can work to move where they think you are at and if you’re still struggling to try to get these different codes you can try to find a friend or family number that can help you get it using their device and then once you click this button it will automatically put the word Minecraft in the chat and you just need to send the message and then once a message is sent you can see right there I sent the message in then if you look back up here to this icon you see there’s a little one notification so if you go ahead and click on that once again this will pop up says copy redeem prompts redeem at right there you will redeem it minecraft.net redeem I’ll put this link in the description and then there’s your code you just copy this code click the copy button I I went ahead and actually sent this code over to my desktop make a little bit easier to redeem so I wouldn’t have to use my phone for this part and then on the redeem page you want to scroll all the way down to all the different things that you can redeem and there’s your Tik Tok Redemption then you can copy and paste your code in just make sure there’s no spaces in the beginning or at the end then we go ahead and click submit and then it’s going to ask you to log into to your Microsoft account you could also logged in prior to redeeming and then once logged in you’ll see this here Tik Tok Minecraft cape and you just click confirm and it says you’re good to go so now your cape will show up in the benrock Edition but it won’t show up in your Java Edition until around July 8th now for the twitch Purple Heart Cape or the twitch glitch mask you’ll have to join a twitch live stream which drops enabled which mine is and I’ll be live for quite a few hours after this video goes out now for the twitch Cape you just need to come over here to Twitch and chill in somebody’s stream make sure you are considered an active viewer so you might want to type and have the audio not on mute but just on really low and then it’ll take around 15 minutes in order to get the notification saying that you actually got the cape might take you a bit longer you also try refreshing the page if you have trouble but then come over here in top right where it says notifications if you’re a mobile you might have to minimize the actual stream so you can check your notifications over on the Twitch app and then right here you can see where you can redeem the cape and then you can just click this or you can highlight this to get the actual code and then take that over to the Redemption page and then just place it in over there and then you will will confirm it and then the cape will eventually show up in your Bedrock Edition it might take like 24 hours for it to show up there now for the glitch mask you actually do have to come in and subscribe it can’t be with a twitch sub it could be as low as a tier one sub it can also be a gifted sub but using your Prime sub won’t get you the glitch mask but using your Prime Subs each and every month on Twitch is a great way to support me if you guys do have Prime I really appreciate everyone just remembering to renew that monthly it does have to be done manually but it really does help me out plus get all the cool perks that all the other supporters get and you don’t have to pay anything extra like getting your name displayed at the end of each of my videos so also subscribe to our pal G ke Hardcore Minecraft player and we go ahead and we just complete the purchase yo raise the the two one thank you man and then once redeemed you just go back up to your notifications and you can see you got the code for the glitch mask once again just highlight this and copy it log into the account that you want to put it onto and then you can paste it here just remember to remove like the period and all the other stuff that you accidentally also copied along with the redemption code including spaces and then just click submit then this page pops up and you just confirm it by clicking that and then you’re good to go so for the 15year anniversary Cape you just come down here to the redeem page and I’ll put this page in the description and you click sign in to claim your 15-e anniversary cape and then you sign in with your Microsoft account same one that you want the cape to go onto so make sure you double check that so now that I’m signed in we can go ahead and just scroll down and after after you wait for that thing to load it might take a couple minutes but just go ahead and wait then you can go ahead and claim your cape just by clicking this button here and if you get this message Cape cannot be redeemed please try again just go ahead and try again and you might have to wait a little while for this to load up I had a bit of trouble trying to get this cape so I had to refresh the whole page and then wait a little bit after clicking it but now it says Where in the cape so the 15E Cape is the one that’s currently available for Java Edition that you can put on immediately you can see it currently have that pink cape on and if you want to change capes out in Java edition first find the skin that you want to use and then click the little extra one click the edit and then you can see the different capes you have to choose from and here I already have the 15 Cape available so I select it and just click save and use so now you’ll have this cape in game in Java Edition where the other two capes will come to Java Edition but it won’t be until around July 8th so if you did everything properly and waited up to a day you can see you can get all three of The Capes pretty quickly on the Bedrock Edition and don’t forget to log into the Bedrock Edition you get the daily new outfit there’s a new one each day for 15 days and they correspond with the different years of Minecraft this is like the 2009 version now come join my Tik Tok and twitch streams and watch the behind the scenes of how I design all my different types of Automatic Farms and find those crazy tricks which eventually become so popular among the Minecraft community and don’t forget to use your Prime and get your name here at the end of the video thank you all for watching I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft fixed one of the OLDEST bugs! 24w21b snapshot’, was uploaded by Rays Works on 2024-05-23 00:00:31. It has garnered 15841 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:00 or 1260 seconds.

►Ray TikTok Livestream: https://www.tiktok.com/@rays_works ►Ray Twitch Livestream (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 2pm ET): https://www.twitch.tv/raysworks 1.21 Minecraft snapshot 24w21a Fixed one of the oldest bugs in Minecraft, added passengers going through portals, 15 year anniversary cape, tiktok cape how to get, twitch cape walkthrough, Minecraft 15 year celebration map, crashes and bug fixes. ►More News videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5egZTw99_6lv9myQq1l9ifzJuw2TOIf

►All Farms mentioned can be found here: http://bit.ly/FarmEverything Redeem cape page: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem 15 year cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary#MC_Anniversary_Cape Infinite effects with creepers: https://youtu.be/fliyipoqOI0 1 Million slime farm: https://youtu.be/uAnnxC_6n0I Trial key and breeze farm: https://youtu.be/Y-vz_6s0RcQ

►Join my SOCIAL LINKS http://linktr.ee/raysworks

25% off Server Hosting by using code: Ray BisectHosting server hosting: http://bisecthosting.com/ray

0:00 Minecraft 24w21a snapshot review 0:17 Piston noise changes 0:44 Oldest bug get fixed 3:50 1.21 changes Changes to the game 15th anniversary map Tiktik cape Twitch cape 15 year cape

Ray’s PC setup: pcpartpicker.com/list/zVKQsk Recorded with OBS: obsproject.com/ edited with SVP: vegascreativesoftware.com Optifine: optifine.net/ Mcedit: mcedit.net/ NBTexplore: minecraft.gamepedia.com/Programs_and_editors/NBTExplorer Minecraft fixed one of the OLDEST bugs! 24w21b snapshot Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks. Amidst: github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst Replay Mod: replaymod.com Carpet mod: github.com/gnembon/carpetmod/releases Music: minecraft soundtrack

Rays Works RaysWorks #Minecraft #update #cape

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    INSANE: Reaching North Pole again in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dạt tới bắc cực lần thứ (n*) ! | Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by FrikFrey Phàm on 2024-03-13 16:15:45. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:01 or 2761 seconds. Growing rice is so difficult, one step lost and you’ll be lost forever in minecraft 🙂 ——————————- ——————————- People call this I’m smuggling inventory but no, I’m I’m Idle I’m a rash student so I sat down to test the shader we can ! —————————- The curse of each season or something. Every time I play again, I… Read More

  • Divine Origin SMP

    Divine Origin SMPHello! This is a continuation of an old Origins server from 2021 and 2022 that I hosted and became a fun community. Now it’s back. – Server is running fabricmc with lithium and starlight for performance – Griefing is not allowed. – hosted in Western US by shockbyte (may self-host later but currently using this) – Carpet mod is installed so TPS and Mobcaps and other information can be visible. – NoChatReports is installed because chat reporting is terrible. – Mods you must install ( currently) are Origins, Extra Origins, and Pekhui – Dm me on discord to get whitelisted… Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Join HearthCraft SMP Today! HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us and be a part of our community today! Key Features: Server never resets – World dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more Level-up System, Land Claiming, mcMMO, and more! Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Difficulty: Hard Connect with Us: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net Rules: http://www.hearthcraft.net/rules IP: play.hearthcraft.net Statistics:… Read More

  • animal crossing

    animal crossingWelcome to our Minecraft server, where the charm of Animal Crossing meets the creativity of Minecraft! Step into a blocky world inspired by your favorite villagers and island life. Whether you're designing your dream home, creating lush gardens, or exploring custom-built islands, there's always something new to discover. Join us and bring your love for Animal Crossing into the expansive realms of Minecraft. Embrace friendship, creativity, and the joy of crafting your perfect virtual paradise! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft facts slaps hard

    “I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that high score!” Read More

  • Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 Windmill

    Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 WindmillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Windmill saga’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-12 12:00:12. It has garnered 941684 views and 79580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Full vod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fASJmKcBPbI&t=1930s #shorts #minecraft #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary – Cow & Sheep Shenanigans!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary - Cow & Sheep Shenanigans! In Minecraft, I bought animals for Qurbani, Cows and sheep, for Eid, oh so fancy. Butchered them with skill, in my butcher shop, Crafting meat and wool, nonstop. If you want to play, just aim for likes, Join my world, where the fun spikes. Let’s build and explore, in this pixelated land, Together we’ll create, something grand. So come along, and join the fun, In Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. Qurbani animals, now part of the game, In this virtual world, where we make our fame. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Firestorm

    Minecraft Meme Firestorm Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!

    Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spellbound Caves CTM Speedrun (1.16.1)’, was uploaded by Happysnackers on 2024-06-12 02:24:50. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:43 or 1423 seconds. Map by Vechs: https://vechsdavion.com/super-hostile-maps/ Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with Dexoppp

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with DexopppVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing 🎮 Minecraft Bedwars 🛌 ft.@Dexoppp || dex op’, was uploaded by Gamer Boy Saif on 2024-05-12 10:53:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Playing Minecraft Bedwars ft.‎@Dexoppp || dex op •Instagram … Read More

  • INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱

    INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft /Sky Block /Eagle Joined The Party /Part 5’, was uploaded by V1kingTiger on 2024-03-09 07:43:55. It has garnered 70 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Like and Subscribe Gamer Kitty: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6u… Background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIfGUiICf8U&t=659s Read More

  • New Minecraft Pixelmon Surprise

    New Minecraft Pixelmon SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixlemon! (Surprise)’, was uploaded by The Gaming Luca on 2024-01-31 05:05:04. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:40 or 16360 seconds. Hi and welcome to the channel. My name is Luca! Annor and I run this Youtube channel. Hope you enjoy! Our goal on this channel is to put a smile on peoples faces and entertain those who need/want to be entertained. We are really goofy/dumb sometimes but serious when we need to be! Stop by and say hi and have a conversation with me! We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Sapnap’s Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJanke

    Unbelievable! Sapnap's Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJankeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Sapnap Survived The Minecraft Community’, was uploaded by itsJanke on 2024-06-15 07:51:03. It has garnered 5416 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Sapnap is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers in the world. One of the creators of the Dream Team, and one of the first members to join the Dream SMP. Today, I am going to be looking into the controversies that surround around people close to Sapnap, including GeorgeNotFound and Dream. Also, the one major controversy that he caused which sparked noise within… Read More

  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

    GameBotPocket - I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)Video Information This video, titled ‘Hoarding all the wealth on my Minecraft Server (YOU CAN ACTUALLY JOIN THIS TIME)’, was uploaded by GameBotPocket on 2024-02-28 00:27:04. It has garnered 80 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:35 or 10655 seconds. I made a public Minecraft server yahoo IP: I do read YouTube chat but cannot display it on stream. If you want your messages to be visible on stream use the Twitch chat. Please don’t spoil Minecraft 1.21 or any Minecraft snapshots. Thanks 🙂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Who Wins? Animation!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD | Animation’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-02-26 12:00:09. It has garnered 2098 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:24 or 1824 seconds. NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD made a WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA House build in Minecraft! Easy Minecraft Builds with Noob, Pro, Hacker and Scorpy server! 👇 Subscribe for more 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZvaaUVnRML8hgx1hTwEp7Q 👇 Check much more cool videos 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCi_iDPZSn0&list=PLE9Zvw0W-3seIw-7yjfCpUEptsHtxMveD ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scorpy_ytboi Hello, my name is Scorpy and today Noob build… Read More

  • 🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament – INSANE VOD Edit 🎮

    🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament - INSANE VOD Edit 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Average Minecraft Tournament Player Experience (VOD Edit)’, was uploaded by PizzaBuff on 2024-05-12 14:00:18. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:14 or 4514 seconds. Woop woop, MCT, woop woop, gonna P-V-P, woop woop, gonna be on stream, woop woop, please sub please! Check out/support my teammates RGBWolf, Blinci, and JamesGames! -TIMESTAMPS- 00:00 Start 2:51 Clockwork 11:24 Spleef 23:50 Footrace 32:02 BREAK 37:48 Capture the Flag 44:20 MECHA 57:41 Parkour 1:10:37 Colossal Combat #minecraft #tournament #pvp #gaming #videogame #live #livestream #vod Read More

  • KingBoozle’s Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!

    KingBoozle's Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘From The Most Useless Minecraft Item To The Most OP…’, was uploaded by KingBoozle on 2024-04-08 16:23:03. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:47 or 1187 seconds. Today, I tried the April fools potato update. This included a new place, biomes, items, new structures and a boss. Will I defeat him watch till the end. Tags: Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18… Read More

  • LukeCraft

    LukeCraftLukeCraft är en svensk Minecraft-server som ägs och drivs av lucastheb0i. Servern är en survival server och har funnits uppe sedan 3 september 2023, och vårat community växer mer och mer med tiden. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns på servern. Om du har någon fråga eller fundering så kan du alltid kontakta mig här: [email protected] lukecraft.xyz:25595 Read More

  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

    Welcome to Purgatory! Purgatory is an ever-growing Vanilla++ server where you can join or create a town/village to live in. We use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods on our 1.20.2 server. Join our Discord server to apply and become part of our community of happy sinners! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

    Because even Minecraft blocks move faster than your WiFi connection! Read More

  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

    Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan creates, like a masterful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. No pirated copies, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is crystal clear. With daily videos, filled with fun and delight, Subscribe now, and join in the light. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content, is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And explore Minecraft, in a whole new light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

    Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition Minecraft Redstone Build Idea: Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! Are you looking for a unique and creative way to enhance your Minecraft builds? Look no further than the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! This innovative build idea utilizes a lectern and a book to open a door, adding a touch of magic to your creations. Subscribe to @Retro-Revival for more inspiring Minecraft tutorials! Door Opened with Lectern! With the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial, you can impress your friends and fellow Minecraft players by showcasing a door that opens with the simple interaction of a book on a lectern. This interactive feature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & Chill

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lofi & ChitChat Let’s Play Minecraft | SMP Quest Day: Stronghold Hunt & Secure | Cozy Chaos Crew’, was uploaded by Lofi Explorer’s Channel on 2024-05-26 06:08:38. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:15 or 14115 seconds. Come join me as I follow a few of the Minecraft Chill and Build SMP Crew to Find, Clear and Secure a Stronghold. Cozy Chaos Warning is at hand. Read More

  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

    Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER TNT MEME 🤣😂#short #youtube #herobrinesmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-01 09:30:00. It has garnered 533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. VILLAGER TNT MEME minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft project a minecraft mod… Read More

  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

    Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #short #minecraft #minecraftpixelart #pixelart #anime #short #shortvideo #sasuke’, was uploaded by Sukardi Yanto on 2024-04-29 06:36:56. It has garnered 2754 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tag: minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixelart, pixel art minecraft, minecraft pixel, minecraft stitch pixel art, minecraft pixel art pikachu, minecraft pixel art tutorial, pixel art minecraft tutorial, how to make minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixel battle, heart minecraft, how to make pixel art in minecraft, minecraft mapart, minecraft pixel art tutorial heart, minecraft pixel art tutorial luigi, minecraft,… Read More