UNBELIEVABLE MODDED Minecraft Cobblemon and Chill

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Hello everybody how are you today hope everyone is uh having a good Wednesday uh it’s halfway through the week halfway through the week you’ll make it might be a little hard this week but you’ll make it I know you will anyway hello for those of you who may or may

Not know my name is alato Nix and I’m your friendly neighborhood greedy Raven and uh today we are playing some cobon um it is a mod for Minecraft that has Pokemon into the game and um I know there’s multiple um I want to say that probably Pixelmon is the one that

Everybody knows more but I honestly prefer kobon to Pixelmon just because uh I don’t know it sounds kind of weird to say it but uh Pixelmon models they’re a lot they’re not blocked like this like see how they’re kind of kind of Blocky or pixelated like it it just looks

Better it fits more in the Minecraft uh I guess art style um whereas Pixelmon like you’ve got like super high res you know shiny looking smooth looking models and it just looks kind of weird to me but anyway all right uh oh hello crickat

Okay so as you can see I’ve got a bit of a base set up with um um let’s see we got some apricorn trees back here so we can make some Pokeballs and uh we also have a a bunch of types of berries that I’m setting up a big Garden for um

There’s like 30 different berry types so I have quite a few here but um this one’s looking a little Barren you know just a little bit uh so basically what I’m wanting to do today is um try to do some exploring and see if I can find some of the other

Types that I’m missing because it is quite a lot so I don’t know we’ll see what we can do uh yeah we got a like I said just a nice little base area set up so far got a pretty good amount of supplies I know you can see all the pokeballs

Down on my uh on my hot bar here do have some regular ones just in case also and uh yeah got stuff for Mining and all that other good stuff so yep doing pretty okay on uh apricorn so be able make plenty of ball um let’s see and yep some berries already but

We’re missing quite a few and uh yeah over here on the left hand side you can see my current party oh actually hold on that’s a little that’s a little janky in the uh in the proportions let me let me fix that real quick just a Moment okay well it’s still going to be a teeny bit off but that’s okay that’s okay doesn’t have to be perfect okay yep that’ll do so teeny bit Jank I don’t know why that is but it is so um yeah for my starter I picked uh I

Picked rowlet because you know BB of course I did and um yeah I’ve caught a few things by now I got a a Vulpix Myster Vis yamper cuz he’s adorable and uh graler so uh yeah let’s see I don’t need to heal my guys I’m all good we got our PC

Um yeah we got a few things that we’ve caught um I am I am very very happy about these EES but I need a uh I need a firestone to evolve one of them in Flareon so that’s uh another thing that we’re going to be on the lookout for

Today unfortunately like the only thing that we can really find um the only place that we can really find Stones is uh either in chests or in caves so we’re just going to have to uh hope we get lucky um the cool thing about this is uh it’s

Very um it’s very peaceful like um I think I think you guys have uh noticed already that um yeah we just don’t really have like Hostile Mobs spawning or really any mobs spawning just because we’ve got you know our Pokemon here so they don’t really Mi so we just got the

Uh yeah we got those let See okay uh maybe we can fight this let’s see maybe we can catch it hello all right uh yeah going try this oh my God okay um that’s not going well is it oh my gosh level 30 boy he hits hard oh no it actually got the attack

Off even though it did get confused okay well that’s unfortunate um oh I’m probably dead um let’s see yeah I can Shadow sneak we can do that oh okay time to catch yep yep let me just throw a ball hopefully that works nice got it okay cool very cool good job

All right and uh yeah we had our we had our Vulpix die unfortunately so let’s go back and heal up before we uh before we set off here oopsie all right heal up and uh it doesn’t really matter like day or night um cuz again like I said

You know we don’t really have have any Hostile Mobs or any mobs for that matter um so it just uh just kind of helps with exploring honestly all right let’s see oh that’s not that’s not the map okay uh yeah that’s my that’s my party actually okay let’s see

Um what was what was the map button let me go check okay controls keybinds let’s see um where is it on Min screenshot perspective okay we got our party controls there items where the heck is the enlarge mini map okay it’s the Z key got it okay okay all right done

Okay okay well that’s not really super helpful is it um H okay well I think I want to go in this direction actually so let’s get moving all this uh all this stuff isn’t going to find itself so oh there’s a big hole there nice okay we got black apricorns those

Are pretty cool I’ve got a big stash of tone them so I’m not really going to be messing with those let’s see All right yeah I honestly don’t know where like any of this leads so we’re just GNA see what we can find more apricorns pidgeys oh okay I should actually I should actually attack this because I do have in my notes that this has a chance of dropping one of the

Berry types I’m looking for so let’s see if we can get it oh oh rude okay I mean we could do that that’s fine it just keep bro it just keeps using Whirlwind come on now okay all right you won that battle nope it just dropped chicken okay well Well we tried and uh yamper did level up so that was worth it okay let’s see the chunk not really helpful Magikarp out there there’s magikarps everywhere though I’m not too worried about that all right let’s see here um all right let’s see we got got quite a few things on the map

There anything interesting a comi that way Leong geod dude might be cool because that also has a chance of uh dropping something I’ve been looking for oh hello vivon oh Rie D oh actually actually want to catch a rookie D so we’re going to we’re going to battle that real quick oh

Hello maybe don’t run from Me okay nice yep we’re getting it we’re getting it okay good it didn’t die I was worried there for a second not going to lie oh there’s another Eevee there I might catch that hello doing okay just uh just kind of taking it easy today you know oh nice we got

It good deal okay wait hold on is that a Machop hello it is nice what is that well it looks important in any case so let’s let’s get it shall we let me get my iron one out I think that’s the one I need for this what is that ooh dawnstone nice okay

Very cool all right let’s catch this guy cuz we do not have him yet I actually don’t think I’ve ever even seen one so that’s uh it’s pretty lucky I killed it never mind never [Laughter] mind oh my gosh that was my fault that

Was my fault that was a that was a mess up on my part that’s okay now that we know that they can spawn here though we should be fine we’re good we’ll find another one sometime hello hello how are you doing today hope everybody’s having a good day let’s

See there just so much ocean out there I don’t know if I want to quite go out into the ocean yet I think uh think I want to just try to see if I can maybe find some new bind cuz uh well I don’t know we’ve got the

Swamp here we haven’t really explored that super well despite it being so close by so maybe we’ll go through there and see if we can find anything look look I’m not lying no no no now that we know that he can spawn there we’re good we’re we’re totally good it’s fine it’s Fine be nice to find some uh oh is that a berry tree over there oh dang that’s a heck of a that’s a heck of a crevice there oh interesting okay I think we have this kind of berry yeah these are P berries we have those already that’s

Unfortunate there’s a Nana berries we have those too hello Psyduck bye-bye Psyduck he there’s a Diglett H maybe let’s go up oh oh dang hello you’re big I said let’s go up and then I immediately walk into a cave cuz why not oh I do hear a skeleton

Interesting so I know I said earlier that mobs don’t really spawn and uh they don’t but the exception to that is if there is a spawner because like if if spawners generate then enemies will still spawn but that’s about the only time that they will other than that not really going to see

Any okay yep nothing in this nothing this way let’s see here doop about this way oh hello is that a Sunstone is that what that is yep Sunstone I found so many sunstones but no Firestone it’s so sad so sad I’ll find them eventually though I’m sure it’s just uh more rare you

Know that’s okay a lot of copper and stuff here which um you do need for balls quite a bit but I’ve got plenty so I am not going to take that with me all right let’s see nope nothing interesting here okay and I’ll just light this area

Up up and uh get out of here I suppose all right oh is that another way to go inside the cave there nope not really anyway okay uh oh it’s so broken up having to go around the outside to try to get up top all right see here oh what is

That ooh I’m finding quite a lot of stones out here today nice I’m not going to complain about that okay let’s see how do we get up there um yeah we can just go ahead and break this and uh break this easy what are you then hello oh a Thunderstone oh that’s huge

Actually nice okay well that’s already a great find let’s see can I even get up this I don’t know I actually don’t know if I can or not um maybe maybe let’s see let’s uh get that out of my inventory for right now put that here uh yeah okay nice that worked out

Pretty well nothing really up here though we got to the top but for what all right let’s see um looks like some more P berries over there probably down there too if I had to guess oh well it’s Fine that’s fine we did a little exploring nothing good there that’s okay though hello apricorn tree oh shoot didn’t mean to fall that far that’s all right we’ll heal it’s fine hello bie barell oh where’s this go oh it looks like it goes in the water okay never

Mind kind of does look like the gate to the shadow rum you’re not wrong yep more Pat berries I was right about that okay honestly even though night is falling it’s fine I said we’re not really going to see any uh Hostile Mobs or anything out

Here so it’s really no big deal actually if anything it’s it’s good to be out um during the night time um on kobon because you’re going to find uh going to find Pokemon that wouldn’t spawn during the daytime so definitely good definitely good let’s see oh hello crickat just chilling under the

Water good for him Honestly okay let’s see all right let’s just get across this Faster oh venonat hello the surfer is not on Peaceful it’s just um it’s the automatic uh settings for cobon basically if you don’t change it um like you can change it but it’s it’s uh the base settings is there’s no mobs that spawn they take the mob out um

You can still find enemies though cuz like I said if you find a spawner then um they’ll still spawn and um things like witch Huts or whatever like uh fixed structures that spawn that usually do come with enemies they will still come with them but you’re just not going

To find them like randomly spawning at night if that makes sense like I actually see a red dot on the um on the map over here but I think that’s probably just like a witch I think it’s probably a witch hut with a witch in It I mean it’s it’s definitely not on Peaceful CU like you still like lose hunger and things like that it’s just uh just no mob spawns basically oh hello all beaten ilise okay uh wait hold on we didn’t find I would have thought there would have been um something here but there wasn’t

So oh well okay all right all right these are oron berries so very very easy to find I definitely have those already oh looks like there’s a couple of uh hostile mobs on the map over here see we can find if anything crion I know I know not a lot of people

Like like cricet ton but it’s just uh is is uh his cry is so is so nutty I love it it’s just so extra just a like what kind of noise is that um oh how many gens are included uh I think I think it’s like not the full

Gens yet if that makes sense um but they do have uh let’s see I think they have up to current gen it’s just they don’t have all the mons in there yet if that makes sense they’re adding them in like incremental batches of like so many from this gen so

Many from that gen at least that’s my understanding of it so if your favorite mod is not in the game currently it will be sometime merro I have a merro so we don’t need to catch him okay oh I forgot you can can actually climb up those

Trees he is cute I agree I agree wait is that a okay uh oh what do I fight that with huh so it’s going to be fairy type so I can’t use my Dratini maybe I’ll use this uh actually actually see Amper I think he’s less likely to uh seriously injure

It and your favorite is skido sko’s pretty Cool okay so bite’s not very effective I need to do nuzzle instead I keep forgetting like how fairy type Works cuz um I’ve only I feel like I’ve only play like a couple of the games that have a Fairy Type in it and um honestly I just uh oh heuse disable

Oh okay I’ll bite it one more time yes sko’s pretty cool sko is a neat Pokemon I think we got it nice all right good job Amper oh what is that looks very glow wait is that a is that a Garian Ponyta hold up hold

Up I think it is oh my God it was so shiny it so shiny and sparkly I could see it for for like ever away oh God these are fairy tight too right right aren’t they I can’t remember I feel like I think I want to catch it

Though um let’s see what do we use for this h maybe we just go graler perhaps let’s give it to go they’re the same level it shouldn’t go too horribly right maybe possibly okay yeah we’re doing okay I’ll do bulldo one more time and then we

Should be able to catch it no it critted damn it damn it damn it graer you’re too good at this oh got a berry shooka Berry we have that already unfortunately oh that was such a sad crit that was so sad oh well it happens it happens again with us knowing that it

Can uh it can spawn around here we’ll find it again soon or sometime at Least oh somebody’s been here already was it me it might have been me oh hey there’s another one what do you know all right let’s see 27 yeah we can do [Laughter] that it is kind of weird to have them drop things like leather oh no it killed my graler oh boy okay um hm H what do uh I guess we can I guess we can do our starter maybe um let’s see let’s go with Razor Leaf I missed what do you Mean okay okay okay okay now we can catch it yep bro what wulu get out of the [Laughter] Way all right nice we got it cool oh a Nickit d doop doop let’s see cottony I’m not seeing any Berry trees out here and that’s the unfortunate part oh hey there’s one I think that’s just a berries though and if so I have those already yeah yeah I think this is chesto berries okay well unfortunate but it is what it

Is uh what’s that over there excuse me mil tank let’s see ah same kind yep yep have that already that’s unfortunate let’s see oh oh my God I’m as mag as wow okay that’s a that sure is something I do think it is nice um for exploration sake that they won’t really

Attack you unless you attack them first ckit what a weird little guy all right I keep finding these medicinal leaks everywhere but like we have plenty of them so I really don’t want to hoard them all uh there’s another mystery v grimer no thank you Psyduck just chilling in the

Water I’m pretty sure there’s H quite a few Pokemon in the nether too um we could probably have access to I know somebody’s got a portal somewhere but um I don’t know who hold up that’s new Tanga Berry nice we didn’t have that one very cool heck yeah so I’ll take

Some of those very nice very nice that’s one down so many more to go so many more is that see dot Okay yep graler is a graler is a great man he’s been he’s been doing great since I first picked him up I think he’s one of the first six that I caught so yeah been been pretty happy with his performance overall just um he’s a little too good at accidentally killing

Something when I really don’t want him to that’s not his fault he’s doing his best you know some more Tonga berries over there or am I seeing things actually isn’t that the same group that I just uh harvested just a second ago I think it might

Be no cuz this is four bushes so it can’t be okay well okay well they haven’t sprouted either way so it’s fine or rather they don’t have any fruit to take so that’s okay hello Fletchling believe I have one already so just going to leave that alone um let’s

Get up on the mountain here and see if we can find anything There um Regular mobs um to some extent they do still exist on this mod it’s uh just you’re not really going to find any unless it’s a unless you find a spawner so you can still find Hostile Mobs but for the most part as far as like drops and things like that um

You’ll get them from from Pokemon instead so there aren’t many mobs to find but there are some if that makes sense oh is that another Thunderstone or no hold on that’s Emerald okay well I mean that’s still cool still take That you will still take that can I catch a creeper no I [Laughter] cannot no no I don’t believe so I don’t think there’s even creeper spawners are there oh what’s that up there is that more Emerald looks like it yep that’s more Emerald all right sheesh nice pretty good

Find normally I would just ignore stuff like that but um I mean it’s it’s still good to have it’s still good to find just throw it out there for the [Laughter] self-destruct I mean hey I I have Graal in my party I could teach it self-destruct I don’t need a creeper for that oh what what’s that is that a new berry bush let’s see yeah that’s that’s not an answer that I uh that’s not a question I know

The answer to either I think we have this already but I I can’t remember I’ll have to figure it out oh yeah and as you just saw um the Pokemon in your party like they’ll just eventually recover from fainting on their own you can uh set up things like

A healing station and PC uh like you would find in a Pokemon Cent to heal them if you want to but you don’t have to and again I think that’s I think that’s really nice for like exploration sake oh that’s that’s something down that’s something different down there I

Want that I don’t know what it is but I want it what is this that’s a new berry kind for sure blackberries nice okay well let’s two off the list very good um the unfortunate part is we’re kind of uh we’re kind of getting full in inventory already what’s stopping someone from

Sticking their annoying brother on a Pokeball um you know that’s a great question I actually don’t know I would assume um I would assume morality and laws but I don’t know I can’t really uh I can’t really give legal advice for the Pokémon world I am not a lawyer much less that

Kind of [Laughter] lawyer can you imagine that though just like you don’t understand your honor he’s really annoying okay there’s are those are or berries we don’t need those um there was another kind of bush over here I want to say it was oh what do we got Cherry berries yeah Cherry

Berries okay we have those already so we don’t need those uh let’s see hello Bulant oh dang this goes deep nice uh okay so I’m going to mark this on my map I think it’s yeah okay big hole cuz that’s what it is let’s see all right let’s get Back Up the Mountain see if we can find anything good yeah I guess I just uh figured I

Would just kind of take it easy today and uh go adventuring and try to find some new stuff it’s already been pretty productive um the couple sunstones is nice but again we already have a few of those already so it’s not a huge find ESP especially since

Um there there’s only a few Pokémon that use them anyway so that part’s a bit unfortunate um we did find two other kinds of berries though and a Thunderstone which is nice it’s very nice Thunderstone is a bit more huge all right let’s see let’s eat this real quick all

Right take a quick peek down here and see if there’s anything good anything worth uh diving down there For huh it’s a weird uh setup for a cave here interesting very interesting okay yeah just uh like I said just the way the mod pack works I feel like it uh encourages exploration quite a bit more than uh what you would normally expect let’s see plenty of iron I’ve got

Plenty so I don’t really need to bring any with me okay there’s more Emerald I’ll take that sure why not let’s see oh excuse me Goodness okayy okay it was just a dead end okay well it happens it Happens but uh yeah with any luck we can find something like a fire stone down here which would be uh which would be great I would love to find a fir Stone uh I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but uh my favorite Pokemon is

Flareon and um I do have I do have two EES um I will say that the natures on the Eevees that I have they’re not great for a Flareon so I’ll probably have to catch more but yeah it would be super cool to have One part of my final team maybe I don’t know don’t know depends on uh what moves set it gave it uh in in cobon here cuz I know for the longest time it just did not have a very good um move set for battles in general so have to

See if it kept the janky one or if it actually gave it a better one Um okay well man I’m just going to have to keep digging aren’t I well then all right this is so annoying just let me just let me explore around Please having G to do so much digging just to get through here let’s see not going to lie I’m kind of feeling like this uh little tunnel project here isn’t really worth it get on the way all right uh what is that oh oh it’s a spinner rack okay

Okay it looked kind of like lit up for a second so I was like wait a minute is that like is that like a stone is that a kind of stone or something but no it’s a it’s a spider not the biggest fan of spiders especially finding them randomly

Like that definitely not a fan all right let’s see Hello Diglett um let’s just go a little bit deeper see we got down here bunnel Bee b be’s cute really odd that it had to uh evolve into something so weird though I feel like uh feel like diggers be is just a little bit odd I mean I guess it makes sense Evolution wise but I don’t know I’ve just never been a big fan of

It I feel like they do that sometimes with a certain Evolutions like there’s nothing wrong with them per se it just it just kind of feels like they they took a really cute design and then they turned it into a what the hell is That I said again just my personal opinion and it’s not like there’s anything necessarily wrong wrong with it just you know let’s see here we got some gold oh Diamond that I will definitely take okay oh Okay better than Digimon Evolutions I don’t know I mean some of those were definitely kind of off the- wall and just like a little bit nutty but I don’t know they’re going they’re going for a different aesthetic I don’t think there’s anything wrong with

That okay so we did hear a spider so I’m assuming there’s a spawner someplace H so it’s up that way interesting okay well not today thank you okay well it’s up that direction we don’t need to worry about it okay we have more torches Luckily and so basically what I’m looking out for here cuz uh for the most part I’ve got plenty of ores um with the exception of maybe like some diamonds I could always use some more diamonds um but yeah basically what I’m looking for is like sparkly and the

Stone and um yeah if we can find some of those then it’s usually something beneficial to have like sometimes it’s gold and I’ll probably skip that at least for now cuz I don’t really need any at the moment and um my space is limited so I got

To got to really prioritize what I’m I’m bringing back with me instead of just hoarding everything like I usually do but uh yeah if it’s diamonds we’ll bring it if it’s any Elemental Stones we’ll bring that too but for the most part probably not going to be bringing a

Lot back from here I’ll come explore it another time when I need some more materials but at least for now not really that important H Diglett little buddy see I’m not really seeing anything here unfortunately uh okay we can swim up that to go up this wall so let’s do

That okay well this is just flooded here um that complicates things a little bit as far as exploring goes oh not too bad but it does complicate things just a little bit oh no I couldn’t I couldn’t possibly we’re just uh we’re just doing some exploring and stuff today um I’m mostly

On the lookout for berry types that we don’t have already but I did find this cave and um I do want to try to snag some Elemental Stones if I can so that’s that’s the goal at least bro come on you okay let’s see here well not seeing anything useful here it’s

Unfortunate I mean I I okay let me amend that statement I am seeing useful stuff just nothing that I really want to bring back with me but no that would uh that would be a bit of a marathon to try to do that and um yeah that’s uh I’m already doing a

Marathon on Friday so I can only do so many a week so we spun in yeah at least for right now at least for right now uh like I said just seeing if I can find any Stones okay well that’s a nope isn’t it okay so we’re a bit um stacked on

Inventory right now I should probably just throw out like the stone that I have on me um like the you know the building Stone like Stone uh the granet that I have on me and stuff like that I would definitely love to go shiny hunting sometime but that will be that

Will be a project for another day I will also say that like right off the top of my head I’m so bad at like not realizing that a Pokemon that I came across is actually Shiny I have no idea why I’m so bad at that but I’ll just look at it and be like ah you know no that’s normal only for someone later to tell me no it’s not what do you Mean yeah some of them are like really subtle color changes hello Whooper yeah some of the color changes are pretty subtle so it’s like I don’t really I don’t really notice that it’s different until it’s until it’s too late that’s just what happens though you know uh let’s see think we’re about to be at a spot where I probably need to just like dump

Some stuff off and die I know that sounds weird because normally you don’t want to do that but actually no no I’m level 30 I need to keep my XP I don’t want to die is there something sparkly down here oh what is that what is it yo that’s a water stone

Hello hell yeah we take those okay nice so we found like everything except a uh except the fire stone actually no we don’t have any dusk Stones either all right let’s see if we can uh find a way out of Here oh yeah like in actual Pokemon games it’s pretty easy to tell I want to say because um like you said you do have the sparkle animation coming out and stuff like that but as far as in this um granted I haven’t come across as shiny

Yet but if it did I don’t know if I would actually recognize it as shiny if that makes sense is that lava down here no it’s that okay ah this is what I get for not lighting up everything gold yeah it’s gold okay um okay this is the way I was

Going we’ll go back this direction like honestly if I wasn’t level 30 I would probably just like uh pick a spot and die so we can go home cuz um yeah there’s keep items on so there’s really nothing to Lose I would say it’s actually recommended if you need to get back home but can’t find your way uh let’s see I’m getting distracted again but it’s hard not to so many sparkly everywhere hello bunnel beee nope that’s uh that’s further than I want to go so let’s head

Back I’m sure you guys will like if you guys actually notice one then yeah definitely Ely I’ll definitely try to go for it just um like I said sometimes it’s really obvious um or with Pokemon that I know well hello Gastly I have one of you already a whis yep another Gastly all

Right you definitely [Laughter] won’t valon also valon yeah like I said with um with species that I know well and stuff like that like ones that are usually on my teams um when I play um those ones I’ll definitely be able to notice you definitely won’t see you can clip it hey

You know what valid valid I would not even be upset about That sometimes being bad is just good content right okay I’m getting distracted again let’s get out of here yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying whether I do badly or not it’s still content all right cool we found our way out of the hole hello Teddy Ursa it’s Cute but it’ll be a normal one uh you know what that you probably get me with that I’m not going to lie ah okay let’s get back on track and uh try to find some berries uh okay flower there yep hey there’s another maab two of them two of them okay

Um what level are you 16 okay 25 okay okay this one you should be able to survive right you should be able to survive a super effective attack hopefully yep it did survive okay don’t crit thank you okay and then we just great ball it I feel like I have a friend that’s

Going to be super upset if I catch this here CU this is like cuz this is relatively close to home and um yeah the the place where the place where they found it before was like so far out okay so Mankey has a chance to drop

One of the berries I need so let’s uh let’s drop some of this CLE that that no no no no no no no no no no stop collecting it okay I guess I need to like drop it off a cliff or something so it doesn’t come

Back all right let’s see here can we actually find a cliff side yeah there we go okay this will do all right bye-bye my different Stone Types on me that I don’t need okay where is that Mankey let’s see where’d he go where he go where’d he go he shouldn’t have gone far

Right up Mankey there he is okay okay okay all right we got this if I were a Pokemon which would I be Um you know I feel like I posted about this on Twitter before um where it’s the like in my head you know it’s like a corvite but you know in reality it’s it’s a rookie D I’d say that’s pretty accurate so Machop has a chance to drop also so

Goodbye nope drop nothing sad okay well that’s okay um okay oh there’s berry tree up here I think those are just oron berries though yeah they are okay well let’s see there’s some snow up there maybe maybe that counts as like a different kind of climate yeah know I’d say I’d say rookie

D is probably pretty accurate like it’d be cool to be something like neat and mysterious like a like a Myster or M Magus but yeah and in reality it’s probably something like a rookie D oh hello oh interesting uh Grappler can probably take that on right probably o nice okay okay grer don’t

Kill him this time okay he didn’t kill it let’s go nice all right hello hope you’re having a good day today oh what what it threw it I threw the balls through it hello how did that Happen I’m Pidgeotto you think so I don’t know I don’t know I still feel like rooky is pretty accurate which is great because we actually do have one now all right something I’ve always kind of wondered like is is picking out a is picking out a Pokemon that you would be

Is that kind of like a choosing a [Laughter] Persona or is that different I’m just saying is it is it different or is it the same Thing like picking out which kind of Pokemon you’d be is that the same as being like uh in all levels except physical I am a Wolf H yeah I feel like it kind of is right no shade either way people just living their lives but yeah it’s a I don’t know like I said to me it’s it’s kind of the same thing not really much difference to me I know just kind of a just kind of a

Random thought what is that oh is that a cottony whimsicott I keep getting names mixed up there’s so many names there’s like what 900 of these guys now it’s a lot it’s a lot for my old bird brain to handle sometimes that and I also haven’t played

Uh I have not played scarlet and violet at all so um the ones from like the newer ones I I definitely don’t know them at all but that’s how I know that it came from the latest gen though because I’m just like I have no idea what this is all right let’s

See Hello fluffy zigon Pat what is this stuff here beauly trying to see on the map and uh it’s so small it’s so very small all right we got page of berries again got me okay another mil Tank another giant crevice cuz why not I got some random sand here okay h River Bank nope nothing good nothing good nothing good very unfortunate okay there another big crevice here oops okay there we go let’s make sure not to fall in that perhaps small what is that oh tandem Mouse Okay I don’t really know tandem Mouse either is uh is tandem Mouse from the is from scarlet and violet hopefully you guys will be able to tell me cuz I don’t know like they seem Vaguely Familiar but I don’t think I’ve actually seen them in the in a game before if that makes

Sense I don’t know I’m probably wrong it happens all the time see another crevice so many crevices to explore but it’s not what I want not this time at least that looks like a berry bush what do we got over here uh Cherry berries okay well rip that is not anything new

Either is that a Electabuzz yo he’s just out here chilling nice I kind of do I want to catch him maybe depends what level is he 31 oh okay so I can attack him with my Graal probably okay let’s see um I feel like if I if f I feel like if

I go magnitude and I’m trying to catch him like I’m just going to get like Max and kill him immediately right so I feel like bulldo is probably the safer option okay yep that worked and we’ll just go with a tackle to lower it a little bit more uh one

More well it keeps using stuff that I’m immune to so that’s great love to see that should be able to catch that no problem nice all right easy peasy but yeah like I don’t know I really like electivire so it’d be uh it’d be pretty neat to have

One hello hello thanks for stopping in hope you’re having a good middle of your week just kind of chilling out and playing some cobon today so I’m mostly looking for berry types um new Pokemon I didn’t have already and um any kinds of Elemental stones that I can find those

Are my big prizes for today we found a few like really nice Elemental stones but you know we’re still still on the lookout for some other things wait did you did you say there’s a Tyranitar what where hold up where Toros oh my go he’s just chilling up there what the heck yeah

Absolutely absolutely always welcome oh yeah Tyranitar is your favorite oh okay I was about to say no way you saw one what I was about to lose my I love Tyranitar uh Tyranitar agon I I love I love the big scary Rock guys they are some of my

Favorites then again you know I do uh I do enjoy my kaijus so of course I would like to ritar uh let’s see I feel like that’s Swampert and tyan yeah they’re they’re pretty cool too they’re pretty cool I I have noticed that like in a

Couple of the games they don’t have the um ah what’s the word they don’t have like the the flame man coming off of a tyion and it just looks so weird yeah Kaiju like designs are great I love those I honestly I don’t know what kind of berries those

Are but then again it’s not like I’m really can stick around and find out because they take a while to uh bloom So kind of out of luck there I think yeah Metagross is cool too then again like I feel like it’s a pretty popular pick because of the because of the meta oh yeah that’s cool yeah that is true that is true they did give him a uh

A ghost M for uh Pokemon Legends archus so that was definitely neat that was a bit of an upgrade for sure yeah I don’t I don’t know why they took it away was like it felt like it was like one of the things he had going for him when he didn’t have a

Lot H more dripstone um I don’t think I need more dripstone right now but I could always take some and it also looks like there is some very bushes up here so Okay okay I feel like we just swim up this and see what they got what is that what is that what are you what are you what are you so here’s where we have a problem because they’re they’re not they haven’t bloomed I feel like that’s definitely a

Berry kind I don’t have but um I I guess I just got to get rid of this tree then hopefully be able to uh bloom better cuz uh they’re kind of boxed in right now do I have an axe on me yeah I do okay let’s use

That so we can get it out of our inventory too that’ll be uh double good yeah just the the problem is is that I’m going to have to wait around for a bit or at least Mark these and come back I I can do that I can Mark these and come back All right so we got them cleared out at least to where they can uh actually Bloom finish getting rid of this tree yeah if they kept him firing ghost that’d be really cool cuz like I said he does look super cool like that just um yeah I don’t know if they’re going to I feel like honestly I feel like with the lot of like the alternate forms and

Stuff like that I feel like they keep it for one game and then they don’t really do it again which is unfortunate because some of them look like super cool okay okay um all right so since we don’t really have any Hostile Mobs or anything like that um I actually need to step

Away for just a second so I’m going to stay here and uh when I get back in just a moment I’m going to see if they uh if they’ve actually bloomed and see what we get so I’ll be right back give me just a moment Moment No way you’re kidding me right wait no hold on you guys said that during my BRB screen there’s no way don’t mess with me like that I’ll actually believe you also hello everybody I am back hope you didn’t misbehave too much while I was gone come on can you guys just like spawn

Something please like I’ve been plenty patient all right let’s uh throw out some more stuff here too much junk on us here all right there we go yeah regular mobs for the most part are gone um you can still like get their drops from Pokemon and things like that

But um yeah for for the most part for the most part unless there’s a spawner you’re not going to see any uh Hostile Mobs or anything like that and um honestly you don’t really need them cuz especially like the things like sheep and cows like there’s already like

Mil tanks and uh wulu that substitute for those and you can actually uh like Farm wool off the Wu using shears like normal so yep nothing too crazy there it’s pretty intuitive and obviously you know you’ll get uh know get Le chongs for your pork and things

Like that so yeah like I said it’s it’s pretty intuitive you don’t really need them what’s the best tasting Pokemon oh that’s you know that’s a good question that’s a good question do I need to do a tier list for Pokemon based on how I think they would taste if you ate

Them cuz that’d be fun that’d be fun I could do that just there’s a there’s 900 of them so it’d be a long tier list have to bring some people in so we could uh figure out who’s the garer oh no oh no I think they tried to eat a Magikarp

In the anime like meow bit into it but like his teeth just broke so I don’t think I don’t think a Magikarp is technically edible like you’d have to like at least remove the the scales and things like that first oh yeah I have no doubt there

Would be some very weird flavors and textures and things like that in there I have no doubt yeah that is that is definitely something I could arrange cuz honestly I don’t know I don’t know who I think would taste the best I have no idea not right off the top of my head

Anyway can’t say that’s something I’ve really thought about Poor execute true true is that why um is that why exeggutor evolved to be so tall oh these some mints what are these o okay nice I didn’t have these very cool okay all right I’ll take these seeds then cool now I can grow my own very nice very very nice

Okay see don’t see any berry bushes we are still finding some good stuff though so that’s great oh you need to remove too much bone H yeah I think I think they did try to eat a Magikarp and it did not go well L chunk that’s easy you just get pork

Chops off of him right so that’s a that’s an easy High tier just eat Mr mime no oh no that’s creepy I hate that cool more mints very good okay man I brought too many pickaxes with me that was a mistake that’s okay we’ll find our way back home uh

Pretty shortly here I think is that a crab brawler what is that yeah crab brawler okay I couldn’t quite remember the name of it so I wasn’t sure if I was right on that or not let’s see oh those are pink mints I definitely don’t have That oh oh my God mudsdale the amount of times I’ve gotten jump scared with these like at night on my farm is uh is way too high okay very cool yep finding all sorts of mint types very nice um I don’t need the Shuka Berry because I do have those

Already so okay we’re pretty full on stuff for now so we should probably try to find our way back home um let’s see as far as where that is good Question okay let’s see here let’s uh let’s see if we can take a look at our map um it’s a okay part of me feels like we didn’t actually go that far but maybe I’m wrong on that um let me check my keybinds real quick so I can actually see my see my

Full map here um okay that’ll take me just a moment All right enlarge mini map nope that doesn’t help I just want to see my map open world map is in okay all right okay there we go okay so where did we oh we actually did end up pretty far from home okay okay yeah we ended up pretty far um

Yeah that’s fine that’s fine so let’s head back over to that berry bush and uh see if we can make our way back home no problem should be pretty easy I think I may not be keen on flying but my sense of direction in games at least usually isn’t that bad

Oh another uh another whimsicott little bit of a jump scare there I was just like what is that for about a half a second and I was like oh yeah it’s a Pokemon it’s fine no big deal I do I do want to see if that uh berried plant has uh actually produced

Any fruit yet cuz that would be like what three different kinds that we’ve gotten that we had didn’t have yet so that’d be super great all right let’s see here and the more we run the more food we use so that’s more room in our inventory it’s a win-win Right all right let’s see anything yet maybe please no ah well damn okay that’s unfortunate we’ll just have to we’ll just have to come back to it no problem no problem all right so home is like this way is so shouldn’t be too crazy to get there I

Think the only reason it looked like such a long way is because we uh looped around all the water here that’s not so bad please swim straight through it no problem H beof BS are cute I don’t I don’t understand why they get so much hate honestly like are they goofy looking

Yeah absolutely but I don’t know there’s something about them that’s really cute I personally like them just little buddies also like they’re so useful for HMS um back when those used to be more of a thing so they were like the best hm Slaves not may or may not factor into how much I like them and you always get them so early game too like they’re just perfect it’s like they were made for that kind of messed up to say that a particular type of Pokemon was made for slavery but it it really feels that Way like even if it is just HMS it still feels messed up to say what is that oh that’s a pineco first I was like is that a mint plant but it’s not it’s a Pineco all right o oh my gosh that would have been bad that would have been so bad you kidding me okay let’s see what do we got here did I H was that Vines I saw what was That I mean that’s that’s also very fair that’s also very fair yeah I’m glad they have uh different paths for HMS and things like that now too it’s definitely very Good is like especially especially before right where you had to like completely just like lock your Pokemon’s move set cuz you’re not going to you’re not going to put you know multiple hm moves on multiple different Pokemon if you don’t have to right so well this is

Definitely a new kind of berry bush do I know exactly what kind no I do not but uh we’ll mark that okay we’ll mark that and we’ll have to come back for it uh I do not have the space for it right now and also they’re not even blooming so can’t really take

Anything with us there it’s pretty true isn’t it there’s a there’s quite a Few considerably more than you would expect considering it’s a game made for kids right or well mostly for kids I don’t think you can um I don’t think you can really 100% say that you know that it’s made just for kids but is definitely more geared in that Direction uh let’s see this seems like a pretty good biome for finding other uh finding other types of berry bushes that we hadn’t found yet so okay yeah I think what we do from here here is uh we head West and go back home drop off stuff and come back

Here like to this exact spot oh my God my nose is so itchy today why stop it get some Help but yeah so I think I think that’s what we do we’ll just do That oh yeah the lore behind some Pokemon is just it’s insane like hold on it does what Now I feel like a lot of people that uh that like Pokemon have seen those kinds of like uh videos though where like people cover those kinds of messed up Lore or it’s just like oh yeah this uh this person eats uh eats this eats children sleeping children’s like uh mines and stuff like that it’s like What oh is that like an underwater Village what’s going on here interesting is there a chest in here anywhere like usually there is isn’t there uhoh I’m hearing a drowned hello okay I’ll come back some other time yeah there’s a whole yeah there really is there really

Is oh yeah kidnapping kids into the sky and dropping yeah God it’s so messed Up or like where it Spirits them off to the afterlife and you’ll never see them again and it’s just like what what is that that I’m seeing up in the air there is that just like a janky block spawns like what’s going on here what’s up with

That all right let’s go a little closer see what we got going on here what the heck that is just janky spawns isn’t it what is that a tree hold hold On no okay it’s not a tree it’s just some more diorite and then there there’s just a random block up there yeah sure why not oh my Gosh like when you forgot your art project was due so you just put some random stuff on a paper and call it good all right let’s see I’m right there yeah okay we’re looking pretty good so I basically go across this water here and I’m Good what what hold up what do you Mean canonically no come on oh that’s a a lot of that’s a lot of something there hold on is that like an ocean Temple is that what’s going on there I’m might have to come back for that because what the hell that’s a lot of red dots

Holy yeah that’s that’s quite a lot it’s a little scary I’m not going to lie me who doesn’t even have a sword on me yep I’m totally ready for that uh-huh 100% yeah I will like I said I’m just uh I’m just trying to head back home right now

To drop stuff off before I come out here and uh do some more stuff yeah there’s uh there’s definitely a few different varied types in here that might be nice to have like I know cloer is usually pretty good I mean Gyarados is just cool in general but I can find magikarps

Everywhere so I’m not too worried about that Yeah I will just going to go drop stuff off first what would be really cool actually is if I could um uh words what are they if I could get something with a water breathing Enchanted on it so I can just be down [Laughter] there a I can’t I can’t chase after every

Everything just because it might be shiny actually I mean I mean I probably could actually but again not right now if we find one we find one but if not I’m not going to worry about it too much for today okay we’ll be home shortly what what how was I drowning I

Was above the water I hate that but it could be it always could be I mean you’re not wrong that technically you’re not Wrong I just can’t get too distracted cuz then I’ll never drop off my stuff also there’s uh like net balls and stuff like that that you can make that make it easier to catch a Pokemon in the water so I feel like if I’m going to go

Pokemon hunting in the water I should bring some of those with me oh yeah let me eat real quick quick um let’s see Mankey has a chance to drop one of the berries we don’t have so let’s uh let’s eat him real quick all right drop

Anything yes it did okay awesome um okay what do we drop empty map I don’t need that yeah okay yep p up Berry nice very good okay so that’s another kind off the List lucky oh not with these trees in the way okay let’s go this Way yeah that was uh that was very lucky I am not going to complain about that are these Cherry berries what is this I think those are those raspberries oh jeez sticks they are raspberries okay wow um okay well that’s another kind we didn’t have so yeah we’ll take those

Sheesh that was a very productive return trip lucky Lucky all right yeah we’re almost there he got like one more Little River over here to cross and then we’ll be home Okay I’m honestly I’m super glad that the big map exists Cu uh it would be a lot easier to get lost Otherwise all right across yeah okay directly west is home easy peasy Okay nice honestly like all we need is one of each kind right cuz we can just grow them from there yeah still wow that was really Lucky you got all these different mint types too so um it’s probably going to be a bit of a mess where I’m just oh I already had white okay well I have more now it’s fine it’s fine yeah um yeah my storage is a bit of a mess I’m going to

Have to go through that again at some point but um yeah at least for now put our new stuff away here I’ll just put this all on the bottom level so I know that I need to go plant those um where did I have my my Stones water stone Sunstone dawn stone Thunderstone

Okay and yeah we can just leave that right there that’s fine for right now it is it is super chill it really is honestly um yeah it really is it’s just um like a lot of things won’t attack you unless you attack them first I think

There are a couple of Pokemon types that will but it’s not it’s not frequent enough to where it’s really a problem and um yeah even if they do you just attack with your Pokemon right and then you’re all good I don’t think I need diamond pickaxe right now so I’ll put that away

Um I’ll keep this I’ll keep a stone back up and uh that iron one yeah we can do that and then we’ve got some of those we don’t really need we don’t really need the pokeballs we have uh we have so many great balls I don’t think I don’t think it’s important

Um yeah so let’s go ahead and put those away for right now definitely looking better on storage oh I don’t need to bring that with me either okay yeah we got plenty of food and stuff um quick balls are good Dusk Balls are good great balls are good okay yep we should be

Fine okay uh let me go through my list real quick here and mark off the kinds that we got so we got this kind this kind um let’s see we got that one and that one okay nice yeah we still got like 10 plus kinds to get so we’re nowhere close to

Done H that was the other one okay yep okay cool okay yeah like I said we got we got 10 plus more kinds to go so nowhere close to finished I guess I’ll heal my guys real quick since we’re not going to be back again for a bit all right let’s

Go all right let’s head back over to those uh berry bushes that I marked first thing yep back to it grind never quit am I right but no honestly I just I really want to have a Berry Farm um with you know at least a little bit of each

Kind CU this is not a server that I’m on by myself um if you’ve uh if you’ve seen my other uh Minecraft collabs uh it’s with the same group just um a different server so Blank That’s a blank message what does that mean what does it mean what does it

Mean what the heck are you guys just putting in like a space bar and hitting send because if so I know there’s a I know a lot of programs like don’t they don’t let you actually do that so that’s just interesting I always think it’s funny when they when they do let

You all right okay the Away there we go Okay so much Running okay big hole over there very cool but now what we’re looking for making a beine for those bees on the map yeah there’s only um there’s only a few on the list uh that it was um like I did a little research on where to find some

Of them and uh they only have some Pokemon drops on the list so on the wiki at least who knows maybe I’ll do more research and add to that sometime not today but sometime is that is very very helpful information to have okay all right less than a thousand blocks away Now maybe I mean we’d have to set some very very clear ground rolls Emma level with you I do feel like um I do feel like I’m I’m spread pretty thin on two servers as it is I don’t know about adding a third to the mix but maybe

Maybe depends on how many people would be interested in something like that yeah maybe also yes agreed if you’re not there I think uh I think most people I’ve seen a talk today are though so but just in case for any lurkers also Hello I hate this little like shallows here because you can’t really swim in that very well all right now we can swim let’s Go got to get the lurkers they’re quiet but that’s okay they’re still choosing to spend their time here and I appreciate that that is the most important thing of All like I definitely do love hearing from new people and getting to know new people but you know sometimes people are shy and that’s Okay like I said sometimes people are shy and that’s fine people take things at their own pace oh is this the I think this is the kind that we found earlier although I want to say the other kind was a dark blue and not a light

Blue so I don’t know I’ll still mark this all right okay let’s go check out those other ones that we had marked already honestly thank goodness for bookmarks that I can put on a put on a map here they’re so helpful they are Beyond Helpful okay let’s See what are Those was this something we collected already I can’t tell shiny what where That’s the thing unfortunately is that like you guys are on a little bit of a delay I put it on as small of a delay as possible but there still is one you guys are messing with me aren’t you you’re messing with me come On I don’t even see any mons here so I don’t know what you’re talking about That’s just a no that’s a regular Taillow Marie pafy Pidgey mil tank yeah these all look normal I think you guys are messing with Me no y’all are messing with me come on Now won’t even tell me what species it is nah you’re messing with me okay and I don’t know if these are new berries or not I I hate that cuz Like cuz I don’t want to put to Many I don’t want to put too many bookmarks on my map because it’s just going to clog everything up but I also don’t really see where I have a choice cuz that would be really really unfortunate if I I just skipped over something hello slow bro you’re

Cute slow bro is cute so there’s a berry bush up there but I’m pretty sure we have that one already it looks familiar what the hell how’s stuff on fire oh it’s the okay okay never mind carry on carry on understandable have a nice day Okay actually what am I doing let’s just do that much easier okay um yep oh okay let’s see so do this okay so we are going to have to break this down a little bit all right no big deal a lot of sand up here I wasn’t expecting to see so much

Sand oh shiny has a noise for real yeah but does it on does it on cobon also um I hate to do it but uh spearo has a chance to have uh one of the bear berry types that I need so um sorry buddy All Right okay oh for real oh that’s funny wait did it just drop chicken it did okay well now we’re hoping for didn’t get lucky this time but that’s okay all right let’s see here anything up here worth Getting that is pretty funny though honestly like that’s dedication that is a lot of dedication to trolling and I respect that uh okay well have to take a dive into this water here and uh hope to God I don’t miss all right we’re good we’re good okay easy enough

All right let’s get back up on some land here so we can uh try to navigate through this all these trees all right there we go gone Indeed yeah that’s cool even if people are just uh stopping in for a brief moment before they got to go do something else I appreciate it always appreciate it all right okay so we’re back in the um back in the spruce area and uh we’ve already

Found a couple of new types in here so let’s just see if we can find some more um see those are the regular Sweet Berry bushes we don’t care about those let’s see it’s pretty neat they have some of the uh gallan um variants in here what the other variants they

Have guess only one way to find out right b pigs got one already honestly I’d love to find an ice one that’d be really nice that’d be very uh cool I guess you could say ah wouldn’t be a stream if I didn’t throw in one bad joke here or There hey I said it was bad God could you imagine that’d be crazy what oh okay that scared me for a second at first I was like what what did I find but nope nothing good I should probably get rid of This should probably just get rid of this so we can um maybe have another side for these to sprout on okay so it’s still not ready unfortunate like they’re flowering but they just they haven’t they just haven’t uh sprouted any berries yet okay let’s see um I’m going to go

South first and explore this area a little bit more and uh then we can head up that Direction let’s see what are you you or berries I think you are I think it is looks very much like those bushes if my memory serves me properly and it may not being completely real about it it might Not wouldn’t even be weird wouldn’t even be the first time Yeah honestly as much bullying as I’m doing to uh some of these types of Pokemon just for their potential drops it’d be understandable it would be divine Justice even I would not even be upset Lon hey buddy How do you guys usually feel about uh those kind of Pokemon like a zig zagon lenon you know ones like that that are very clearly just there to uh fill a particular just normal type Niche but for another Gen cuz I feel like I do feel like there’s um you know there’s merits to some of them but it’s uh oh you read the description what does it say in the description I don’t think I know what you mean Shroomish is there something interesting there oh is it actually like spiky or

Something like it’s fur man they still haven’t oh they still haven’t sprouted anything come on I don’t have all day to wait for them like I’ve got a while but not all Day oh their fur is spiky to oh interesting that’s unexpected yeah it’s a bit unexpected huh very Interesting yeah I definitely didn’t know that hey NADA let’s see backside only oh okay so you can just like you can still like give him a head Pat I still give him a head pad it’s fine just don’t touch the spiky parts or make him Mad just don’t do those things and you’ll be Fine he just he’s just vibing man he’s just staring oh is that a regular Ponyta across the river looks like it I don’t think I want to go this way all right let’s see Here and they weren’t kidding around with these Cliffs were they sheesh gly makes sense it’s night time let’s See br oh the one you saw wasn’t a shiny okay so you weren’t actually messing with me got it I see there’s no way right is there water under this oh there is but I don’t want to go that way that’s just too risky and

Even if I did land in the water I’d just be kind of stuck there so there’s really no point okay down and around we go what would a shiny me look like hm I don’t know it’s a good color or good question not color uh lot of good colors though um

H a silver one oh like just change my gold parts to Silver I don’t know what would my main color be if I wasn’t purple h H that’s a good question Actually I can mess with an in V2 Studio oh no oh no don’t tell me that that is not information I needed to have not when I struggle with productivity already no no no that’s bad Bad oh hey nice up here okay Cool that is a new berry type that we did not have Great yeah like I said when I already struggle with productivity already oh no why would you tell me that I don’t know that’s a fun idea Though H let’s see yep the distraction is real wait rata has a chance to drop something I think unless it’s a kind I already got let’s see let’s see if we spare him or not uh nope nope we don’t sorry to advance ratata where’d you go all right there he is let’s get

Him good Lord Graveler so strong holy crap all right regular ponytail I think we already have a regular ponytail so I’m not going to mess with that let’s See any berry bushes Perhaps there’s the berries please give the Berries yeah pretty productive so far we’ve already found like uh six or seven types that we didn’t have before so that is Awesome I think there’s um 30 kinds that you can get just base and um there’s another like 30 that you can get from a crossbreeding so uh the crossbreeding will definitely be a project for another day but I do want to eventually have them

All is that going to take a while oh yes most definitely That’s why you split these things Up you do too much at once you’re going to burn yourself out but then you could also just not get anything done so it’s that nice balance in Between let’s see looks like there’s a lot of snow up there that’s that’ probably be a good place to go look for some new ones let’s see here Uh I think these are no they they’re not pink so they’re not oron berries what are these I don’t know I don’t know I’m going to mark it okay and then off to the mountain we go oh yeah I think it is going to have like the powder snow and stuff like that

So I’m going to need to have my shovel ready in case I start stinking cuz that will not be good all right H what do we got over here that’s the same kind of berry bush that we just saw isn’t it yeah same same kind okay well still nothing that’s

Unfortunate oh yeah this is this is different snowy slopes yep oh oh oh we’re sinking already bruh got to hate powder snow okay Yep this is going to be a little problematic I Think something oh something’s dying in the snow oh no okay well what was that down here oh that was deep okay well I guess we know why they died huh um yeah God I I really hate snow biomes just for that powder snow is so Irritating oh does getting leather boots actually fix that so that is new information I did not have before lot of tal up there Cool oh you need full leather or your still fall interesting I see interesting okay well that is good to know I don’t think I have quite enough leather to make a full set of armor but that’s still good information to have thank you for sharing uh oh that looks like a berry

Bush over there okay well we can uh we can do this real quick yeah there we go okay fine we’re good we’re good what is this kind is this why are none of these blooming why do none of them have berries on them so annoying all right what is

That oh that’s the weird evolution of L chunk oh my gosh okay it catches me off guard every time I see it because I’m always just like what the hell is that oh it’s just boots oh interesting okay I mean hey if that’s the case that’s great okay I am seeing some bushes

Here but they don’t have any berries on them wait that one does that one does hold up hold up That is ASP berries cool okay cool cool cool cool yep that’s the kind we didn’t have great okay so that was already worth it it was already worth coming out here for that okay um yeah I’ll come back some other time when I have the boots for it cuz uh

I’m not really keen on dying out here here leather armor prevents freezing and the boots prevent sinking interesting interesting so they are still worth having that’s very cool also this is a weird area cuz like you got snow biome all around and then just this weird planes area in the middle like

What that’s uh that’s very interesting very very interesting interesting layout map interesting layout okay it does look like where a boss would be right like some kind of Fire Boss where it’s out in snow area so that’s why it’s all melted and I missed that jump entirely okay good job me wait

I think that’s another Thunderstone hold up hold up hold up this might have been worth it actually oh it is hell yeah Lucky okay oh hi M hi Mary chose to come down here with me I See above a certain Evolution uh yeah maybe maybe oh hello cutie fly what a weird Pokemon it feels like a mean thing to say but just I don’t know some Pokemon types are really strange what is that oh is that another heat Mo yeah it is okay I caught one already so that’s Fine all right let’s See I don’t think those are actually a new kind I think that’s just oron berries if I’m remembering correctly I think it is I don’t think it’s anything special in any case all right let’s go around the snow here let see yeah so this bookmark that I had

Right here I think we’re probably going to remove that cuz I think it’s just the the orange Bush that we came across that we’ve seen that um has ah Words it has the orangeberries on it so I don’t think it’s anything special all right let’s see Ouch okay hello Tauros push me off please thank you Okay cool so we just get across like this easy peasy no Problem although I’m seeing some I’m seeing some like uh bushes and trees over there maybe I want to go investigate so all right yeah let’s just go ahead in that direction you can always come back here no problem oh red mins I can’t remember

If I have them yet so I’m going to go ahead and take those oh okay good had good amount of seeds very nice I think those are flowers right there but I think that might be a berry bush over there hello Electabuzz yep that’s a okay is that just

Roses It’s Just Roses I feel dumb well can’t really tell from far away so that’s fine I don’t really think I did anything wrong there hello Wile all right let’s see whoa heler jump scare he’s Big see a Kingler a big guy he’s a big guy God yeah there’s another snow biome out here which granted that’s neat and all but I just um yeah I don’t have the Footwear for that so I’ll have to fix that problem still very cool I did not

Actually know that that was the case you just wear leather for that that’s a surprisingly easy solution to that Problem I guess it was like something that they added for balance B to uh to make leather armor actually still useful right makes sense cuz I really can’t think of another reason to wear It although I guess in the same vein like it makes sense right because it’s a lot less heavy so you wouldn’t um you wouldn’t be as likely to sink as you would wearing something like metal armor which is a lot heavier and um yeah I mean you wouldn’t be as prone to

Freezing either cuz you know metal conducts uh heat or Cold uh let’s see not seeing any bushes here oh what is what about over there those trees or bushes I can’t tell only one way to find out nope they’re pumpkins they’re neither okay well that’s Fine okay let’s see anything good I think we’ve been here already yep we seen Those oh oh that was what we got the yeah the weet beer Berry from cool okay nice okay go back and check on these berry bushes over here where we just uh try to head over to a near new area entirely H see Okay right over here I really hope they actually um spawn some berries this time because with that coloring I’m I’m very certain I don’t have that already so it would certainly be very nice to get it it would be very nice even nice what do we got what do we got come on

Really rendle berries nice yep that’s another new kind very cool thank you very much okay nice yep looking good looking good Okay cool so can I actually take this off of my map get rid of this there we go okay let we delete yep got it for free what do you mean they’re

Always free not like anybody would pay for [Laughter] Them you imagine sometimes you pay Insanity hey you know what that’s fine we take those we take that nental energy it’s delicious okay and this is what kind of berry is this Cherry berries nope raspberries okay cool we take Those oh God what what’s the matter what what’s wrong what did I say okay so that’s more raspberries in one month’s time it’ll all be gone no no no no that’s that’s why I usually like take or day or two in between got to let you guys replenish

Can’t take it all i’ just be too Greedy you’re last two brain cells oh no oh yeah of course um no i’ I’ve mentioned that before I believe um I just uh I just generally like prefer um I guess the uh the general Vibe of YouTube chats in general are just I don’t know they’re usually more chill um

There a lot less uh much less rampant rampant problematic behavior that uh goes around this as far as when it comes to randoms and things like that and um yeah like I said that’s just less less rampant over here on YouTube which I definitely which I definitely prefer and

Um yeah I don’t know I really like how it just like automatically saves all my vods and things like that for me and um waiting rooms are a very nice feature you know where um basically it has you know it has the stream up before it’s actually live

And uh yeah so people can see that on their timeline and be like oh yeah they’re they’re going to be streaming at such and such time I think that’s very helpful um I think having the vods available automatically is uh also very helpful especially with people in um

Different time zones or very busy schedules you do have more interaction um that comes standard on Twitch um it is possible on YouTube and I am looking into how to do that it’s just uh it’s taken me some time it’s taking me some time as far as like

Trying to figure out what tools to use and uh how to do it so that is something I am working on it’s just taking a while so I hope you’ll bear with me yeah that that’s true Too I do have stream elements I know you can do some things with it but there are a few things things that I’m wanting to try to implement that I can’t do with stream elements alone so that’s more the kind of stuff I’m talking About I mean that’s that’s fair I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t know again like there there’s a few things like that that I am trying to work on so we’ll see we’ll see how uh how long it takes me to get that figured out I’m doing my best

Though yeah there’s just a lot less uh there’s a lot less that’s baked in over here I guess because it is more common to stream on Twitch so yeah like I said a lot of those are like just built in automatically but there is ways to do that um

Elsewhere I just got to find it but yeah so if there’s any like particular features that you really like um as far as like twitch engagement that um I don’t have here but I could at least look into and see if I could figure out you know that’s um that would

Be something to drop into the ideas or feedback section on the Discord how’s the Tik Tok coming I mean I have the name saved I just gotta I got to make time in my schedule to um to set up my profile and everything but I do at least have the name Reserved so Yep Tik Tok live oh my God no I don’t know about that one man I don’t know I feel like I feel like I may be a little too Boomer for that but I don’t know when you got like what 80-year-old Grandma’s on their little stream on Tik Tok live maybe it’s maybe

It’s fine maybe yeah perhaps but either way yep once it’s actually ready to go I’ll uh you guys will be the first to know that much I can promise you merro I love merro mer Crow and honchkrow probably two of my favorite BBS I mean honestly like even if I’m

Just like even if it’s just like another place to post my shorts and things like that um you know I think it I think it’s worth doing I have to try to think of something uh something exclusive to do there Though but then again I also think that there’s uh probably quite a few people in my audience that don’t actually use Tik Tok so I don’t know maybe it’ll be more reaching out to new People that don’t know I’m there otherwise oh yeah that’s right there’s that bush there that’s underneath that tree um I want to say it’s the red bush so it’s the aspar berry that we got Earlier yeah and honestly I’ve never used Tik Tok before either so this is brand new territory for me as Well yep yeah like I said there’s there’s still plenty of people these days that don’t use it I do know that the um the just the sheer amount of like viral cont content that comes out of Tik Tok though is insane and it’s all like seemingly random too like you never know what’s

You know what’s going to take off and what’s Not oh my goodness oh that hiccup sheesh I don’t know if you guys even heard that or not but man that hurt that’s probably a uh that’s probably a fun little fact about me actually um hey hiccups hurt for me um I know that’s not considered normal really but it it doesn’t matter

What kind of Hiccup it is it it always hurts like you ever have that feeling where you just you hiccup super hard and it feels like someone just like punched you straight in the middle of the chest that’s kind of how it is for me every time I HIC

Up I don’t know why and like I’ve been checked out for it numerous times but I can never find anything wrong with me but it it’s definitely it doesn’t feel normal you know it doesn’t seem like something that’s Normal oh yeah it’s a really volatile platform for sure so like I said just um taking a little time just trying to figure out how to use it and things like that so yep I’m in no hurry oh yeah nice okay we don’t have to kill ratas anymore very nice lucky we’re

Getting so lucky on those drops I do I have very violent hiccups all the time and I don’t know why that is do it anyway I mean I could leveling up my Pokemon isn’t a bad idea damn what did the ratata do to You so these we already have this so we don’t need this anymore uh okay and then we delete yep okie dokie let’s see what do we got uh I don’t think that’s actually new Beres over there we need to delete that one probably except where is it um okay

Okay we can create one there okay so we want that but we don’t want this one because it’s not new all right let’s see I don’t actually know how much um how much leather I have at home I might have enough to make some boots so maybe

We can maybe we can go do that be a rat that’s what he did Ah yeah not not a fan of Rats I want to say it’s something that I haven’t told a lot of people about but there was a there was a place that I used to live um like quite a quite a while ago now but uh I just kind of woke up one morning went to use the bathroom

And um there was well uh oh this is a this is a weird berry bush what’s going on with this hello wow okay um interesting okay this is new for sure anyway okay sidetracked sorry but yeah there was a place I used to live um

Quite a quite a while ago now I just woke up one morning and just went to just do my normal bathroom routine and stuff like that and I I open the toilet and there’s a dead rat in there I think I literally Cried yeah it’s um it’s not great did I flush it no see that’s the thing it was it was stuck um it it was stuck in that in that pipe area there so I I couldn’t have um yeah so that was that that’s actually how it died in

There like how it drowned it it got stuck trying to come out and it drowned um so yeah that was a fun thing to wake up to for sure um yeah it’s it’s not it’s not an experience I recommend I’ve only had that experience once thank goodness um

Yeah it’s it’s not something that I’m that I’m Keen to ever have happen again uh but that’s that’s like a thing right like there’s um there’s plenty of like rats in like urban areas and things like that where um they can just come up from the sewers uh through your pipes

And come out of your toilet um yeah so have fun with that one if you didn’t know that there’s some uh there’s some new information for you oh hey these look like okay yep those are Berry trees for sure these are brand New but yeah there’s a huh yep that is a possibility of uh something that can happen so if you’re like me and you just get unlucky you’re just going to wake up one morning and there’s going to be a rat in your toilet although I guess you can say I

Actually got lucky cuz it was already dead um I cannot imagine what I would have done if it was alive ah cuz it was big too man that was that was not fun yeah exactly like you’re just you know you wake up you’re you’re tired first thing in the morning

Just going to go to the bathroom try to wake up some and you open your toilet and a rat just jumps out of you can you imagine honestly can you imagine oh my God but yeah I I definitely I definitely panicked a bit and maybe cried a little

When that happened is uh that’s not a that’s not a normal experience over here in the uh in the States oh my God it sure was something though it sure was something yeah some people do eat rats I know that I know that just um yeah I

Don’t know having having like a legitim like rat rat like not not just a big mouse but an actual like rat show up in your house um it’s pretty it’s pretty rare over here in a lot of places so no it’s just it’s just regular

Rat it was just a regular rat that uh came up through the through the sewers I guess but yeah still I didn’t know that was the thing that happened or that can happen so when it happened to me I was uh I was not nothing could have prepared me for that you

Know yeah I mean when it comes from like the sewers and stuff like that there’s there’s no telling like where it’s been what all kinds of uh diseases it could be carrying yeah there’s A yeah it’s because a lot of urban rats like said you know they live in the sewers and things like that so there’s all kinds of nasty stuff that you can pick up in there for sure hello okay that’s a that’s a krabby at first I was like what the hell is

That little Magikarp but uh yeah like I said that was that was not something I don’t think I could have ever been ready For ah you guys are G to be thinking about that when you try to go to the bathroom later oh and I am sorry for that I am sorry it’s not an experience that I wish on anybody cuz boy that was I was not ready I think I think even after it’s

Already happened to me once and that’s kind of in the back of my head every time I still don’t think I’d be ready for if it happened again especially if it was alive oh no no No oh lais hi all right um what level is it what level are you 29 what do you think you think my level 19 yamper can take him I don’t know about that maybe it can though let’s give it a go let’s see Mist do Mist you oh okay

Interesting oh my God it does so little damage oh it does so little so little damage oh gosh you’re going to be thinking about that later I am so sorry what the heck is it healing itself oh my God it did like no damage are you kidding me right

Now uh let’s let’s let’s give Dratini a go maybe he can oh wait it’s got ice Shard I’m going to die aren’t I um that’s okay we can get this a go okay yep Dragon rage will be okay uh all right yeah maybe we can catch

Now uh it’s not quite fully night time yet so we can’t really use a dusk ball so we’ll try a great ball instead um nice we got it cool very cool okay all right ji let’s go nice that worked out pretty well actually I guess in the future we just

Um we just go with the emper for the paralyze and then go with an actual damage dealer cuz yeah he’s really good on the paralyze just um not so great on the damage side of things he’s doing his best though and he’s Ador horrible while he’s doing it oh

Oh I getting shot at what’s that noise huh is I is I hearing skeletons shooting oh Trident okay yeah maybe interesting their aim was really bad then if they were aiming at me oh hello ekins All right huh oh yeah oh yeah he’s going for it good try buddy good try um let’s see let’s head over that direction I feel like this one yeah let’s go that way yeah he was uh he was throwing him from downtown wasn’t he jeez he was definitely trying got to give him That huh you saw that right like there was something on the map and it looked like it was just like teleporting at me interesting it never did catch me so I guess we’re fine but that was still weird okay good evening to you inoi how are you doing hope you’re doing all

Right no the music that I that I put on right now is uh is my own bgm that I put on Here or rather it is a it is a license-free uh music that I use for my bgm right now I do want to get a custom one done sometime but but you know just giving myself some time before rushing on things like that I do have the credits

For what song it is in the uh in the Stream description so if you want to check it out you absolutely Can I think it’s just really nice and calm honestly I like it a lot but you know that’s just what we’re doing today we’re just vibing oh hello fany he’s a Buddy oh a heatwave yikes yep good stuff I know exactly what you mean it’s always really strange to me cuz it’s like you’ll have you’ll have one day where it’s like in the 40s uh Fahrenheit and then the next day it’ll be like 70 and it’s just like what is

Happening all right let’s see where have we Gone looks like North is probably where we want to go from there we’re still not that far away from home oddly enough interesting all right y okay so we want to go north okay so we go back which if I remember correctly we actually just came South who hello hello um dang

Okay yeah let me see if I can catch this that’s that’s crazy I probably don’t get him right because he’s like partk ground type too isn’t he okay no we’re we’re fine we’re okay um all right let’s see stats Rose okay Leach seeds a little yikes that’s okay

Let’s see if we can confuse Ray okay he is confused very good all right now we just uh Whittle him down with the incinerate a little bit and see if it see if we can get him there okay oh that’s Annoying okay okay he killed it um let’s see see what can we do from here we can do wait grass types are immune to leech seed aren’t They if they are then I think that’s probably what I want to do Um really only thing I’ve got that’s good there is Dragon rage and I don’t want to accidentally kill it um let’s see just do a shadow sneak real quick okay yep it’s immune okay good good deal uh dusk wall work because it is fully night time Okay yeah that’s crazy that it’s uh fluctuating that much that’s the kind of weather that gets people sick so hopefully you will be okay um maybe we just jump in the water and go from there I think that’s that’s probably what we do all right okay yep okay so we’ll go this

Way just straight North cuz why not no reason not to okay yeah what I what I’m thinking actually is I just went South um to get to where I was earlier so we’re just going back the other direction but it’s fine oh yamper recovered from fainting nice good job yamper oh yeah that’s

Crazy it’s supposed to just drop like that that’s crazy oh hello drowns they’re definitely here I don’t need to have anything to do with them though all right just Live and Let Live it’s Fine yeah I honestly probably could uh head back home and see if I can um see if I can scare up enough lever to uh get in that snow Biome snow doesn’t exist any yeah it really doesn’t hear either honestly like where I’m at in the US we get a we get snow very very rarely we did have like a really bad ice storm um around Christmas time last year though so that was uh that was a

Thing you’re going to have someone like a week hey that’s nice that’s Nice wow this is um this is quite a swim more of one than I was expecting that’s okay that’s okay just doing some exploring it’s fine no big Deal but yeah do you guys usually get a lot of snow there cuz I know there I know there are some places oh oof yep yep I remember a I remember seeing stuff about that on the news unfortunate it’s unfortunate that um yep led to some people getting Killed yep regular old or on berries I missed a shiny underwat what do you mean what are you talking about what are you talking about there’s no way there’s no way Hey let’s see it would have been like this way there’s no way y’all are messing with me again aren’t you what’s really unfortunate is like if you’re serious I don’t have any like water breathing or anything like that oh the Midwest yep I know exactly what you

Mean I’ve been there at least a few times oh hi shelder you’re just vibing that’s just a normal old shelder though Magikarp I don’t see anything interesting here is that the shelder again yeah that’s the same shelder that’s a Cloer doesn’t look like there’s anything interesting about him though no it looks pretty normal actually also I’m way too far underwater I do not have the water breathing to go mess with those never know if you don’t check what you were messing with me weren’t You how did I know how did I Know how did I know I had a feeling that’s fine never know if you don’t check I mean you’re right you’re right you’re not wrong about that all right let’s see get close by doesn’t look like it oh that’s deep ocean out there I don’t know if I want to go all

The way out there just yet I think we go west go home and um see if we got stuff to explore that snow biome I think that’s what we do now I think that’s the move for right now all right oh God yeah that’s a that’s a real big jump in the

Weather why haven’t I made a boat yet um I just [Laughter] haven’t I definitely could I just uh I just haven’t I wasn’t planning on being in the water so much so I didn’t think it was important clearly that was an oversight on my part let’s see y not seeing anything good so

Far a lot of magikarps can you ride Lapras in the water I I don’t think so I don’t think you can I think that’s a uh the I think that’s a functionality that um that they’re going to add at some point but they haven’t yet if that makes

Sense pretty sure that’s the case at least it’s something they want to do but they haven’t done yet just like um there’s a Pokemon that can ride on your shoulder that uh certain kinds if you have them right on your shoulder they give you a buff um they they’re actually

Like reworking that right now as far as I’m aware and um so you can still have them on your shoulder they just don’t give any Buffs right Now is link disabled here um it might be it might be I’m actually not sure right off the top of my head that’s something I would have to uh check in settings uh but you’re on you’re on the Discord server you can just send it there if it is somehow disabled

Here bro where am I okay no I’m I’m fine I’m good I’m just uh just had farther to go than I thought but yeah like I said if links are disabled here you’re on the Discord server you can just send them there it’s Fine don’t actually know right off the top of my head if they are disabled here or not they very well might be that might be default it’s just like when I was playing Dave the diver the other day right pretending I’m an aquatic bird I think it’s pretty

Convincing the amount of swimming I Do I guess I could make a boat um when I’m back at base I suppose that’s a thing I could do where’s the fun in that though I’m just kidding it’s probably way Faster all right yep we’ll be back Shortly so much copper and stuff if I didn’t have so much I’d probably be taking it with me but I’ve got plenty at least for right now ah annoying tree get out of the way okay there we Go see it’s listing a hostile mob here of some kind on the map but there’s nothing Here flint and steel no I don’t want to burn stuff down The trees are annoying sometime but I don’t want to burn them Down watch the world burn you know what if this were like a If This Were a solo server maybe but it’s not so Can you imagine like just somebody just burn the entire Forest down and then next time someone logs in they go to look at it they’re just like where the hell did it Go Ah that’s terrible it’d be funny but really terrible that’ll show those trees yeah this is a server that I have with some of my other vtuber friends it’s pretty casual we got people uh coming and going pretty frequently so okay cool yep we’re doing uh we’re

Doing pretty nice on um the new kinds that we didn’t have before five six seven eight wow pretty good pretty good gotta say Okay um yeah we’ll just kind of randomly put these in here and we’ll sort them out another time that’s fine we can do that um yep there we

Go sticks can go Here I guess we didn’t have any sprs in there already okay that’s fine uh let’s see isn’t that just enough leather to make boots I think it is it is it’s literally just enough nice okay cool we’ll do that then very nice very nice all right let’s head off towards that snow

Biome then oh wait boat I forgot to make a Boat it’s actually not something I make often so let me see how do we make that oh just five okay that’s easy um wait where’s my wood at okay here we go uh yep I could change Pokemon um I guess let me take a look at what else I’ve got I think these are mostly like my highest level ones though oh glur and Ponyta psychic type not fairy type so I could have like used mystery V instead or uh or my dark tricks interesting interesting

Um let’s See maybe I want to bring maybe I want to bring uh Electabuzz instead of my yamper uh Lapras is uh probably another box no level 29 yeah I don’t I don’t actually know if uh it can actually go on the top of the water or not like as far as is like

Being able to write it I’m not sure if that’s a thing or not I can try it though I can try it and um I think I think instead of yamper I’ll bring Electabuzz yeah we’ll bring him out another time but still that’s neat I didn’t actually know that that was uh psychic type and not a Fairy Type I don’t know why I was thinking fairy type oh well usually need surf in game yeah yeah usually but I mean with this being a

Minecraft mod I don’t know if it works the same way or not oh did something just die in my lava pit here bro uh okay well it’s getting to be night time so I’m going to sleep real quick what do you mean good rude okay my part’s all healed and now it’s

Time to go all right burned alive yeah it happens more often than you would think um they just climb up on my roof and for some reason just jump straight into my uh lava generator there I don’t know why it keeps happening but it Does start me every Time all right let’s see here more on berries we definitely have those Already okay there’s some pach berries all right boat time here we go hello hello what the heck What it’s not letting me put my boat down there we go what the heck that was really dumb why was it not letting me put it down wonder if I was just getting some lag or something I don’t think anybody else is currently on right now I think it’s just

Me at least for the Moment Like I said people come come and go at you know pretty much any time of the day I’ve seen people on um on at least one of the servers like as late as like 5: in the morning before so there’s no

Telling I usually let him know if I’m going to be on but I don’t think I did today so it might be just me just a chill calm Adventure what do you mean of course I would know I have the server admin stuff of course I would know I have the [Laughter] logs also we have a Discord server where we talk about uh stuff that we find in games so if someone posts on there at 5:00

A.m. oh I found such and such thing and there you go no no no no honestly think it was it was like that one day that I just got really wrapped up in stuff and ended up staying on pretty late um but yeah that’s I don’t do that very often I do

Stay up late but it’s not usually not usually doing That oh that the implicate yeah I see I see but yeah no I just I have the logs oh wow okay that startled me the the magma blocks pulling me down for a second I was just like well what’s happening but yep that that would be that would be what’s happening okay easy Peasy dang we’re still like 700 blocks see no no point in going around okay fine okay here we go got my boat Back okay back on our way let’s Go best thing I’ve got as a weapon is my shovel like there’s no there’s honestly no no real reason to actually have a sword most of the time I mean if you’re going down into a into a cave or something like that or you plan on um exploring underwater then yeah you would

Want to have one just for the uh the drowns that show up in the I guess the sunken Villages and stuff like that but for the most part n not really Important and I am aware I was just listening to somebody else die in the lava over there but that’s uh that’s not my problem not my problem sorry hope it wasn’t a shiny I hate that I hate that whoa masculine just look like a weird piranha there for a second I was like

Huh there’s red and red and blue b basculin there though so that’s that’s not not a shiny that’s just a different coloration before anybody gets too Excited although someone was like hey yeah actually the red or the blue there is the shiny uh i’ I don’t know if that’s accurate but I’d still be inclined to maybe believe it I did say it but no we didn’t find any I didn’t no I Didn’t I didn’t I will sometime that time is not now no I didn’t oh actually let me go hit up this nether portal see if uh see if there’s anything there what do you mean let’s go shut [Laughter] up ah y’all are Goofy I should have hopped in my boat that would have been faster well too late for that now all right maybe there’s a chest here see if it has anything yeah there’s the chest all right what we got ah sag okay nothing good I’ll take the fire charge though oh well it’s

Fine yeah you can go into The Nether um yeah definitely can actually I don’t have a flint and steel on me right now so obviously can’t really do that but um yeah sometime I will sometime but it’s it’s basically the same kind of thing like you’re not really going to find like

Hostile mobs and stuff like that they Either it’s basically like just uh other kinds of Pokémon that you would find there like a lot more um fire types and things like that I have light blue mints already so I’m not going to take those okay okay now we’re to the snow biome let’s go found a shiny creeper

No if I want shiny creepers that’d be the uh that’d be the all fabric server No cuz uh there’s like a bunch of different kinds of creepers there Regional VAR yeah you know what you’re right you’re right that’s not the same thing heck yeah okay Yep this is going great I’m not sinking yay so happy about that honestly thank you for telling me about that again bamboo creeper

Yeah I have this kind of bury already so that’s a bit unfortunate but let’s go up here and see if we see anything good oh it’s a big mountain up there that might be Interesting maybe that direction and go up the mountain perhaps actually no let’s let’s go that way and then go up the mountain I think that’d be Better oh you can force yourself to sink if you crouch well I’m not going to do that cuz I don’t want to No that’s right we don’t need to kill manes anymore either cuz uh we already got the berry that we can get from them so that’s fine all right yeah I’m I’m pretty excited for Friday honestly um if you guys didn’t know I’m planning on doing something a little bit special on Friday uh

Basically a super mar RPG remake is coming out I’m super excited about it and um yeah like as soon as it goes live uh over here on my end here in the US which will probably be about like uh midnight my time um I’m planning on planning on sleeping super early that

Night so I can get up at midnight and uh just stream for as long as possible so yeah like I said for uh for those of you that are oh my God words for those of you that are in North America it’s probably going to be like

Late Thursday night for most of you guys guys but um yeah it’ll definitely be earlier on a Friday than normal and um yeah for as far as how long I mean we’ll just we’ll just see we’ll see how much I can handle we will definitely

See but I do plan on um streaming to get through as much of that as possible in one setting cuz like I said I’m super excited to play it I know that they’re not going to like change story or anything like that um so there’s no like real danger of getting

Spoiled or anything I just I’m just excited I’m just excited oh so I probably would have sunk there if I was not wearing the uh I wasn’t wearing the boots what do that mean exactly yep walked on powdered snow without stinking in it yep definitely

Very good we like that we like that very much okay that’s some more oron berries there let’s See yeah I really don’t see a reason to make myself sink into the snow there’s kind of no reason for it also that’s a that’s a new kind of berry we didn’t have before either well I hear something dying in the snow um sorry to hear that buddy better Lu next time I Suppose let’s see but yeah between having that plan for Friday already and just um generally not feeling the best this week I just been kind of taking it easy a little bit Oh Baner okay thought that might have been a bush there for a second I got a little excited but no oh interesting what is what is this this a yo that’s a that’s a Pillager Tower no this a Pillager Tower Right What I’ll take the carrots yeah sure why not interesting okay wasn’t expecting to find something like that out here use the horn no I don’t think I Will the last thing I want to do is potentially call him oh hey Meowth weird looking Meowth What you mean use the horn I don’t want to use the horn why use it Ma get the BB gun oh oops I meant to do this okay I’ll do it like right here like right in between so that way if there’s any bad Repercussions okay looks like nothing Happens okay yeah it looks like nothing happens okay good yeah just I’d never seen that before so I was like I’m not taking any chances mil just out here sleeping on the snow cuz why not I guess a village nice I wonder there’s anything worth getting Here Lether tunic that’s kind of cool I Guess oh sorry kiddo didn’t mean to wake you oh there’s eight different songs that you can play with that that’s kind of neat oh what kind of berry bush is this oh uhoh oh my um um I guess the blacki blacksmith was not being very safe safe with that were they uh

Well there we go yeah I’ll take those I don’t really need the obsidian so I’ll leave that alone they just burned down everything I don’t need to cause any Havoc they’re doing plenty kill baby no no I will not nah I don’t think I’ll do that there’s no need for

That besides there’s an iron golem here and I don’t have anything here to fight him with so sometimes discretion is the better part of valor nope nothing else here okay well that’s unfortunate I had hope they would have more here but I guess not unless hold on did I go to that

Upper one there I can’t remember if I did Think I did I think I passed in between them that memory is so bad sometimes I swear yeah I definitely did because there’s kid sleeping in here right yeah there is okay I did all right let’s just go a little bit further up the mountain there’s a big house up there

That I wanted to go investigate but nah I’m not going to kill a harmless baby not if I don’t need to anyway where are you oh gallerian Meowth wait so I found aolan Meowth and a gallerian meow like just back to back like that that’s interesting what do we got here Nothing yeah I don’t know ask chat Chad was the one telling me to do [Laughter] it it’s not my Fault what’s a good reason I don’t know you tell me like I said it wasn’t my Idea loud and nasty oh no y those are cherry berries don’t need that do birds eat babies um baby what oh growth hey buddy you’re only level 16 you would die so hard jeez I don’t think I could even actually fight you with anything you would just die

Actually no hold on let’s let’s do this real quick let’s just let’s just what if we just just Bonk him with That nice all right cool I mean he’s big enough to ride yes but can we actually that’s the question I think that pink yeah it’s pink seeds Okay okay that’s regular blue there’s a lot of mints growing around here it’s pretty nice but we have those kinds already look like we found another

Village nice ah Pho cutie okay let’s see what kind of okay so that’s raspberries what is that maybe that’s Luke however the heck you pronounce that nope nobody here nothing to loot what about here nope it’s so split up on the terrain here though ouch hi Iron Golem how are you oh

No I’m hearing other kids here Chad about to get bloodthirsty for no reason at All yeah I know as far as like size goes like Lapras you you definitely could like as far as size goes I’m just not sure if the capability is in there yet that’s what I’m not sure of death to the h so it’s just villagers in particular that’s fair I already have a

Brewing stand so I don’t really need to take that uh oh what is what is this yo oh nice cool okay well that’s another kind of berry I didn’t have that’s great awesome I didn’t really know what that was when I clicked on it but I’m glad I did

Yep understandable on the Villager part honestly they’re kind of annoying especially when you’re trying to like live anywhere near them and they’ve decided that they’re just going to um you know they they’re just going to pop up in whatever you’re doing make a job station for yourself nope that’s theirs

Now yo there’s an Arcanine over there holy crap he would so kill me if I tried to get him right I feel like he would can I even get up this mountain side again I don’t think I can I think it’s too steep oh maybe if I go that way

H is it worth it yeah screw it I’ll give it a try all right then after that I think I’m probably going to head back to base for the final time this this evening splash him with water and just push him off the cliff into the water right easy what could possibly go

Wrong that’s a trick question cuz nothing can possibly go wrong he okay there he is hey bud oh you’re level 36 you’re a big boy aren’t you all right let’s see if quick ball will get him quick ball might get him let’s See nice I got him it worked Out nice very nice okay um okay there’s a house over there that I didn’t check I do want to check on that before we go back yeah it’s crazy we just found like two Villages just right next to each other like that neat oh and there’s another one here

That I just somehow missed okay uh yeah sure okay so straight west yep um okay so let’s go this way first and uh check that one house that we didn’t check yeah quick balls are busted as hell in this game Sheesh okay let’s see yeah it’s all the way the hell over here I don’t know how I would have uh noticed it if I didn’t check the map dang it’s really out Here let’s see nothing really worth taking although I guess I can take the leather just to recoup what I spent on the uh boots all right and now home we Go all right let’s see let’s get to the shore here um the next time I have to cross over I’ll see if I can actually ride Lapras or not it’d be cool if I could but I kind of don’t think I can right now like I said I think that’s a

Capability that’s coming that’s not already in the game I think not 100% sure on that but I think that’s the case I vaguely remember reading something like that at the very Least but as always there’s only one way to find out isn’t There all Right what is that is that a krabby yeah it is okay small boy okay let’s see Here it would be just like right clicking on it right yep doesn’t look like you can okay well unfortunate but is what it is uh okay yeah and we just go like this way by checking de notes hey you’re not wrong you’re not wrong you are indeed not wrong about

That that is usually a Surefire way to find out as well is it the only way of course not I’m usually a big fan of the uh mess around and find out method Though especially in um in cases like this where there are literally no consequences cuz then it’s just a why not right why not all right just was not worth going to the trouble of taking my boat out there um Okay I don’t know if I’d say I’m smarter than you just uh I don’t know people think differently damn it it’s a Sunstone again H I feel like I just keep getting trolled by the game okay where’s The Village at okay yeah we go this way I almost fell down there that would

Have been not great Okay up there perhaps maybe maybe that’s why I didn’t find it when I came through here last time cuz it is so high up there I was going to keep climbing this Mountain all right cool oh I’m hearing a skeleton rattle around interesting oh there it is cool yep I did need to be up here good to know good to know my sense of direction did not fail me for once um I think those are cherry berry bushes so we don’t really need

That let’s see there’s a digger bee over there swallow all right let’s see what we got here anything good ah brewing stand okay if I didn’t have one I would absolutely take it with me but I do so no need we got here emeralds Link cable more apples cuz why Not link Cable’s nice cuz I can use that to um evolve things that would usually evolve by trading like uh my graler or yeah like my graler or um like a Haunter or something like that like things like that let’s see okay there’s a couple other little spots of missing right

There so let’s go check those Out um oh my God it’s all the way down there hello how are the villagers supposed to get down there oh holy crap well that um that doesn’t seem too helpful does it man that’s impressive that’s impressive do a flip H yeah you’re not wrong about that still Jeez all right yep we’ll fall a little bit that’s Okay oh a lot of Gen 4 based ones yeah there are yeah there are oh hey coughing I didn’t expect to see you Here all right let’s see here uh get on our boat and let’s go all right yep I think uh think when we get back home wait hold on what is this hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what did I find what did I find what is

This oh new ber kind nice I’m so glad I just randomly noticed that anyway okay so yeah um yeah we get back home I think we’ll probably take stock and um yeah see how well we did today and I’ll probably move on to tellen him so all right let’s see how

Quickly can we get home uh let me actually check the map real quick am I going the right direction yeah I can probably actually go a little more West than Southwest and let’s do like this that’ll work but yeah pretty productive day I think I think we got a 10 plus kinds of

Berries that we didn’t have before so that’s kind of huge that is kind of huge we take those for Sure we most definitely take those all right all right just vibing in the Boat yeah if you guys like uh I don’t know I I always felt like more partial to like grass starters for the most part like I really like uh ret from a rett’s group um I always like Bulbasaur um I like I like twig I out of the um Gen 4

Line oh you’re more of a fire man gotcha gotcha I mean they’re usually pretty solid picks I’m not going to lie they’re usually pretty solid what was your favorite Fire Starter if you have one I know not everybody does I had to Torchic yeah torchic’s pretty good syndic Quil is great syndic Quil

Was my main engine too I actually um I actually didn’t go with Chikorita even though I’m usually a grass starter person but yeah so for me at least um for Gen 2 I I definitely did take cic Quil which is crazy right cuz like I don’t

Know uh Toto di/ for alligator was like so was so great design wise but I don’t know something about syndic Quil just uh it just spoke to me I was just like hey you want to go light some stuff on fire like 10 to 12y old me was like hell yeah let’s [Laughter]

Go yeah I don’t know I’ve always been like really really partial to Gen 2 as far as uh Pokemon generations so obviously big fan of uh heart gold and Soul Silver yeah yeah it Is hey kill Joo how’s it going thanks for stopping in I hope you’re having a good Evening I mean pyromaniac Arc yeah maybe but look at least I left it behind right some people don’t number of players on This Server I think we have um I think we have eight or 10 people that are that are whitelisted on here maybe even 12 but we’ve got either low double

Digits or close to it yeah like I said some people never leave behind their uh their their pyromaniac Arc not that that’s my business as long as they’re not doing anything to hurt anybody else but um yeah I don’t know I always thought a syil was like super cute in Gen 2 and also like I don’t know like the characterization that they put on uh on

The other on the other uh Gen 2 starters in the uh the Gen 2 anime like pretty much making um oh gosh making Chikorita like super jealous and stuff like that like a you know like like a jealous girlfriend or something it was so weird man it was so

Weird it was so weird I really hated that and then um at least in the at least in the American version or English version um you got you got total doll like sounding like a cracked out Donald [Laughter] Duck granted that’s it’s not bad characterization it’s just weird very weird very

Weird but yeah all right okay okay so um all right so I’m going to swap over real fast and um I actually realized that I forgot to do something when I um when I went to do that before so I’ll have to go set that up super

Fast slight bit of scuff I apologize but um yeah give me like two minutes and then we’ll be ready to roll on TMS all righty just a moment Please okay swapped over and let me fix this real fast Okay and Chad is not working on this version great amazing love that um okay yeah so fun stuff so that’s just not going to work it’s just going to be scuff uh that’s all right it happens but anyway okay let’s just go ahead and uh jump straight into these shall we all

Right okay so first question do you care if someone is clingy why or why not I missed a shiny no way well if I crit and kill a shiny there’s not much there’s not much I can do besides um besides cry on the inside perhaps yeah not much I can do it’s not

Like I can um like save and reload um on a Minecraft server that’s not really something I can do unfortunately so yep fly high I guess 07 Fs in chat for potential shinies uh but all right yeah first question do you care if someone is clingy why or why not um we’re talking

About clingy as in like wanting a lot of attention um no that’s you know nothing wrong with that at all um as long as that’s something that’s not just kind of sprung upon somebody or expected of them and you guys are communicating needs like that I don’t I don’t see a problem

With that at all you know some people are just uh more like physically affectionate and things like that than others and I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s bad don’t think that’s bad at all all right question two would you give yourself a haircut boy um that that

Is a question that is a question all right um I I will say it’s an easy one to answer though mostly because the the answer to that is uh no uh that’s not really something I’m inclined to do um and that’s mostly because I I have zero

I have zero kind of experience or training when it comes to something like that um yeah I feel like I feel like that’d be like a uh if we were doing like some kind of like really like extreme punishment wheel something like that getting getting a getting a haircut or trying to

Cut my own hair would be something that would be on there but um honestly I mean it wouldn’t it wouldn’t really matter because uh I probably wouldn’t show it because I’ve mentioned before but I don’t really intend on doing a face reveal or something like that pretty much ever um

That’s just not something that’s that’s in my plans at the moment so I guess it wouldn’t really matter if I did it anyway but as far as like what I do it like just for fun I mean I feel like everybody’s tried that at least once as

A kid but um I don’t know for me it’s just nah let your hair go to your knees and just start Practicing that’s one way to do it I guess um but yeah no I I have no idea what I’m doing with that kind of thing so that that’d be a no for me all right okay I mean I feel like I feel like this

Is I took this a bit of a different way than is worded so let’s just go with that uh the question was do you text the person you like or wait to be texted um as far as if it’s somebody that I want to talk to um unless I’m just like

Really busy or something like that I’m I feel like I’m usually the person that that reaches out um not that there’s anything wrong with like being shy or anything like that and uh being nervous about talking to people um there there are sometimes where I’ll wait for someone else to text

Me first like basically if I’m not sure that they want to talk to me or anything like that um that would be the time to you know wait and leave the ball in their court so to speak but um yeah other than that I I would say that I’m

Usually I’m usually the person that reaches out first just um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know why that is just uh is yeah I think they’re asking more you know that there’s somebody I have a crush on or something like that but um

No as far as like trying to like establish a connection and stuff like that that I I feel like I do the same in that same kind of way um unless I’m just not sure if we have that kind of Rapport where they’d be okay with me texting

Them but yeah that’s about it um yeah I’m usually the person to reach out especially if in in a text format it’s a bit easier that way anyway next question is it better to feel feeling or distraction after a breakup well I would say this depends on this depends on like the person’s

Mental state at that time I would say um cuz obviously like for for healing purposes letting yourself actually you know feel and process your feelings is is the best um it’s definitely like the best for your overall mental health and stuff like that to just you know let

Yourself have a bad time for a little bit and um it’ll give you time to really process things and get over them so to speak but I mean if you’re if you’re in like a really bad mental state and like you know just thinking about doing something destructive whether that’s

Um whether that’s like you know trying to get back together with somebody that maybe wasn’t good for you to begin with or you know just doing things like excessive drinking drugs etc etc um you know those are never those are never great for anybody so I think in those

Cases distraction is good but as far as like General healing and overall mental health I do definitely feel like it’s a best free to just let yourself feel a little bit Yeah the questions are Anonymous yes they are yep they are indeed and honestly I feel like some of these are like randomly

Generated I don’t I can’t confirm that obviously but I feel like that’s the case but that’s okay I just you know pick and choose the ones that are um like I okay I leave out very little honestly the ones that I leave out are either repeat questions or they’re

Getting way too personal or they’re asking for some kind of information that I would not want to give so other than that I I pretty much answer all of them um you know provided that they’re not in sfw or um like I said something that would make me uncomfortable to answer because those

Ones I do just skip luckily haven’t really had any of those so let’s try to keep it that way shall we yes yes I do I do get ones about um I do get ones every now and then about oh who’d you kiss last and that’s uh yeah ones like that I feel

Like those ones are randomly generated at least I think they are I don’t know like I said I have no way of confirming that but that’s my theory at least okay next one how will the world change in a 100 years that that is a great question and I think I think that

Depends on um mostly where like technology progresses to and all also what any kind of legislation around those Technologies looks like so I mean granted like a lot of the a lot of the tech that’s being um pioneered today could be really really nice for like people’s overall quality of life and

Things like that um it could definitely be good for people but it could also be really bad for people it just uh it just depends I mean you’re you’re free you’re free to ask questions if you’d like to I mean like I said it just uh just uh those couple of rules is

Really all I ask is that you know they’re kept respectful they’re not they’re not getting into NSFW territory and um and they’re not um asking for like overly personal information or things like that so but yeah that’s a that’s that’s about it for rules um but yeah

Like I said I think I think it has the potential yep no NSFW don’t get up in my personal business yes very much that but um yeah like I said I think it has the potential to do a lot of good but that really depends on like where you know

Legislation puts everything what kind of laws in place that we have to safeguard people against um against certain things and things like that so I don’t know it’s really hard to say there’s so much there’s so many variables that come into play with something like that so I don’t

Know I don’t know it’s not really something that I’ve thought too much about but um yeah I don’t know could be could be an interesting topic of discussion it’s just not one that I’ve uh put enough brain power into beforehand to really think of a fun

Answer so yeah that’s about all I got for that all right next one do you think you’re a person that would get jealous quickly um I used to be uh I’m not I’m not So Much Anymore more mostly just because I don’t know I’ve gotten a bit older and I just feel

More secure in myself in general I suppose um like I do I do still have my moments where it’s like where I feel like something like that could could rear its ugly head up but I don’t know I’m I’m feel like I’m usually pretty good about um keeping things like that in check

So yeah I think I think it’s about it I I think if you’re like really feeling like secure in yourself and things like that then I think that’s I think that’s really the main the main recipe for not being super jealous um oh jealous of rich people oh yeah absolutely oh yeah th%

Um I think I think this question was asked more like in the context of a relationship though of rich people though yes for real for real honestly like having the knowledge that you never have to actually like work another day in your life that that’s that’s crazy to me

Especially like you know people that are younger than I am in that kind of situation it’s just like wow that’s the world really is your oyster you know what I mean that’s it’s crazy but yeah like as as far as like I don’t know different circumstances and things

Like that I think everybody has those moments where it’s just like God I wish that were me Not even going with the uh the context of that particular meme just I feel like everybody has those moments from time to time but um again I think this is asked more like in the context of a relationship or at least that’s how I interpreted it anyway all right next

Question how can somebody best approach you h i mean like if they’re W to be like friends have a conversation I mean like I said I I Leave Myself pretty available most of the time to you know talk and get to know people I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that

Like as long as somebody’s not like being weird um I’ve usually got at least a little bit of time that I can set aside to try to talk to people so like I said I do try to I do try to make myself available as far as you know people

Feeling comfortable and trying to talk to me and things like that so I don’t know I don’t feel like I’m too hard to Reach it’s um it’s a really broad answer I know but it’s you know it’s the most accurate one too so yeah like I said I’m not I’m not hard to reach if uh somebody has an idea they want to shoot my way or they want to collab on something or even just you

Know be friends or whatever yeah I’m I’m pretty available as far as you know talking and stuff goes but um I’m also pretty quick to shut things down if I feel like somebody’s getting overly comfortable or uh a bit weird so yeah just just keep that in mind just

Be respectful and you’ll be fine I mean it’s it’s kind of true I I am I am pretty chill for the most part so yeah I said I would like to think that I’m pretty friendly and approachable but anyway all right next do you get along better with girls or

Guys um I don’t really I don’t really feel like I don’t really feel like I get along better with with one gender over the other um I know when it comes to like my interests and things like that I feel like usually I have more in common with

Guys but that’s not always the case um as far as like just talking to people in general I don’t I don’t really have a preference so yeah there’s there’s not really a difference at least not to me um I know when I know when I was younger I

Definitely got along better with guys and that’s mostly just because um I don’t know I feel like I feel like a lot of a lot of people show their insecurity when they’re younger in different ways and I guess I was just more comfortable with the way that that

Guys did it so I don’t know but again it’s it’s usually been like an interest based thing like usually that’s that’s what’ll get me you know really talking in conversations is like Mutual interests and things like that so but especially with you know the internet being what it is today and there’s not

Really a difference anymore tomoy Nicks arc when what do you mean when I was younger when I was younger that was definitely me um I wouldn’t even like say I’m particularly like a girly girl or anything like that these days either though so I don’t know I’m just kind of

Somewhere in the middle I suppose but yeah as far as you know gender orientation whatever it makes no difference to me it doesn’t matter anyway next question are you a good friend um well I’d like to think I am um I don’t think that’s really Um I don’t I don’t think that’s really the question to ask me I think that’d be more of a question to ask my friends right as the friends that I’ve made if they think I’m a good friend or not um anybody can you know talk themselves up and make themselves sound good

But a I’m glad you think that I’m glad you think that zombro it’s been it’s been really fun getting to know you you’re pretty neat no of course I don’t mind lurking lurkers are always welcome always always welcome but yeah yep definitely we love our lurkers you guys are great but yeah

It’s um I mean I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again right whether somebody actually like has has the time or feels comfortable enough to actually talk or not it doesn’t it doesn’t matter cuz like honestly at the end of the day like you’re still choosing to spend your time

Here with me and um for that I am still grateful whether you know whether you’re like active in chat or too busy or you know whatever just don’t feel comfortable it’s fine oh question for me I mean yeah you you can ask you can ask something if you

Want um as far as as far as telum goes um I do put these together in Advance like the the slides and stuff like that so if you want it answered on stream you’d have to like ask it in chat like right now um because I’m not I’m not pulling

From telling him during the Stream oh second time seeing these Q&A sessions yeah I do them every Wednesday I do them every Wednesday but um yeah like I said it’s just a it’s just a fun little you know chatting set session that I usually do but yeah it’s pretty much a weekly

Thing um any types of questions are allowed provided that they’re not in sfw or um getting like overly personal yeah so but yeah silly questions obviously silly questions are great those are those are my favorites honestly uh my favorite game franchises that’s hm H man that’s a good

Question what’s my credit card number uh ask your mom um that that third one yes I can answer I can answer that one um it’s actually on my schedule already but I am not only planning on um playing the Super Mario RPG remake um I’m super

Excited about it I’m planning on um um planning on starting like as much of a marathon of one as I can do like pretty much as soon as it drops so um usually those drop at midnight my time so it’ll be like uh it’ll be like very first thing Friday [Laughter]

Morning so yeah I’m I’m planning on not only streaming that but doing as much of a marathon of it as I as I possibly can to um yeah like as soon as it comes out I’m really excited about it I’m GNA completely screw up my sleep schedule and everything it’s going to be

Great ah god um favorite game FR game franchises though um obviously I mean obviously I love Super Mario RPG um I love the Pikmin franchise um I actually just uh just got in my uh copy of uh Pikmin one and two uh HD I just got it in today and

Um I’ll probably be revisiting Pikmin 4 sometime next week so yeah I’ll probably be doing that then um let’s see other franchises I really like um I do like Pokemon not as much as I used to like I used to be like a really huge fan um and just like just

Completely play the heck out of you know all the games every time they release without fail but I don’t know I’ve slacked off on that a little bit at least as I’ve gotten older um I they’re just they’re just not as interesting as they used to be I feel like I mean it

Doesn’t mean that they’re bad necessarily but I do definitely think um especially with like scarlet and violet um the series would benefit a lot from you know them not trying to do yearly releases so to speak uh see trying to think of others that I really like though oh digital or physical uh

[Laughter] both both that is me that’s me I’m that but no you can’t really uh you can’t really go wrong with um having physical like obviously if you’re wanting to you know play it as soon as it comes out like you kind of have to you kind of

Have to digital these days um but yes as far as far as like actually having it you you can’t beat Physical yeah that’s yeah that’s fair um I don’t know I’ve never really been into Assassin’s Creed like I’ve played a couple of them and they were fine it’s just not um you know not a huge thing that I’m Into Fire Emblem though yes I do like Fire Emblem quite a bit actually

Um I know I feel like I feel like I’m part of the problem uh with with this with smash at least cuz you know the amount of people being like Oh another fire Umble person with a sword And um yeah there’s a God there’s there’s just so many good so many good games and stuff out there um yeah I don’t know it’s it’s really hard to choose favorites sometimes but yeah those are at least a few off the top of my head that I

I know I still really enjoy to this day so yeah all right especially Indie Games Yes usually because they’re the ones that are um doing the most that’s actually different like that’s that’s usually where you’re going to get like more new experiences I feel like and that’s um

That that’s something that I really value as far as uh as far as games go um I don’t know I play I play any games pretty frequently um like let’s see I I played I played cuiser on uh on Monday so that was a yep that’s a that’s a pretty I know I

Know it was like published by uh oh God who the heck was the part published by I want to say it was published by a pretty pretty large company but as far as the the company that developed it it was pretty small but um I mean stardo is a

Great example right stardo is is fantastic like they took you know a a gripe that they had with a series that they loved and they turned around and made the game that they would want to play from that series and I think that’s amazing but um yeah there’s there’s a lot of really

Cool indie games out there man let me hold on let me actually pull up my steam list real quick here and uh and take a look because uh I’m just I’m really bad at like getting put on the spot and having to you know really think things

Through oh yeah uh another another indie game that I played pretty recently is uh Ness and um that’s that one’s really fun um I I feel like I’ve mentioned before like uh what to expect from it but it’s basically like if you um like if uh Minecraft Terraria and

Like Rim world all had a baby together but uh yeah it’s it’s a really fun game it’s really fun it is definitely a definitely nice but um my gosh what is going on bro okay there we go sorry my uh my display was being weird for a second the graphics are kind of

Ugly they are honestly h i I’m sure that’s something that’ll like get fixed um if that’s not if that wasn’t already their intention I mean if there was if it was their intention it’s something I can look past it’s you know it’s not enough to make me

Not interested in playing it cuz it’s a great game it it really is great especially um if you have multiple people to play it with it’s it’s awesome it’s great least favorite genre um probably probably mobas and Shooters I’m just I’m just not really good at them at

All could I get good yeah possibly but um yeah possibly but it it would take me a lot of time um and a lot of friends time because I don’t tend to play those outside of like playing with friends and things like that um it would it would

Take a lot of it would take a lot of time uh to to get good at that and I don’t know if I have that kind of patience they are fun to play with friends though it’s just not something I would usually pick for myself do we

Consider dating sims’s genre um yeah I’d consider it kind of a like a sub genre of like visual novels yeah I mean I do like visual novels um we played a played paranorm site uh on the channel already um for spooky month and that was a that was a

Really interesting visual novel I really enjoyed a lot of things they were trying to do with that Splash damage weapons yeah yeah relatable like if I if I have something I actually have to aim I need to either have a second to you know get my

Bearings and be able to aim properly or I’m just if I hit anything it’s going to be Luck so yeah I would say like fpss and and mobas and things like that are you know probably my least favorite genres but I would still play them but um yeah I would consider visual novels genre um I honestly I know I know why a lot of people like look down on

Visual novels and are like oh they’re boring Ing and stuff like that and I get it I really do get it especially for people that aren’t you know keen on reading a lot of story and things like that but I don’t know there’s some really there’s some really interesting

Ones out there and I think that’s a real shame to just you know write off the genre as a whole but that’s just me anyway all right next question why are you like you what does that mean I feel like this is like um I feel

Like this is like that uh the the office quote right where it’s like why are you the way that you are um that’s a great question I I would love to I would love to like get a more detailed ask on that like why is what certain parts of my personality why are

They like that um I think that could be a fun discussion but at least broadly speaking um you know been I’ve been living my life and um certain things happen over the course of a person’s life that you know change parts of their personality you have two hours to answer the question

No you know I would honestly love to see a dating Sim game do that where it’s just you know you’re trying you’re trying to fight through all these different rejection methods and things like that and there’s like there’s like one path you’re not going to find out

Except through trial and error and like rewinding time and trying to fix that and it’s a very philosophical question yes it is it is it is and that’s why I uh that’s why I chose to put it on here because I thought it could be interesting but no just um like I said

In a broad sense you know people live their own lives and things happen over the course of their lives where it’s you know you know being friends with certain people being in certain relationships or lack thereof um you know just interactions with people around them um changes in mindset changes in

Personality can happen you know through things like that and I think a lot of um I think it’s what makes people so interesting for the most part is that there’s any number of different experiences a person can have and each one of those experiences has a you know

Very different and unique effect on their personality as a whole like how they carry themselves how confident they are in themselves and um just how they treat others in general and like I said I mean feel like feel like a lot of times it can be disappointing like to

See you know where people ended up because of certain things that happened but um I mean that’s that’s also like why you know people get so inspired like hearing about really awful things happening to good people and then just ending up as even better or more impressive people I suppose whether you

Know because of what happened or in spite of what happened so I think those are you know oh my God that’s a pretty fun satire idea honestly your personal favorite satire idea would be one you want to go out two no I’m married then then then wear’s

Your wedding ring number two throws the cell phone on the train tracks to avoid the date God that’s yeah that’s that’s something else all right so I feel like I feel like I’ve seen kind of something similar happen in a game just without the um discussion before

That I could be wrong about that though I could just be misremembering maybe it was a dream I had who knows anyway all right but yeah that would be why I am like me I’ve lived my life certain things and interactions have happened that have changed and shaped the way

That I behave around other people and towards other people so yeah that’s about it oh oh oh my God can I make a chip Clips chat in Discord please yes I can do that after the stream definitely definitely I got rejected in a dream look you’ve never

Gotten rejected in a dream before are you for real right now now ain’t no way there’s no way that’s never happened I feel like that is such a common experience for people oh my gosh anyway this person wow this has to be autogenerated or somebody’s being being really uh got the rizzler over

Here what is it like to be so beautiful I don’t know what you’re talking about bro I don’t know what you’re talking about I do love my model design though um my papa did an amazing work on um you know both helping flesh out my design

And bring it to life so I’m I’m super happy with it honestly um yeah real Life’s a little more complicated but at least at least here it’s uh I I’m I’m super happy with it yes I’m glad other people are as well all right next question what do you change in your P

What is that what does this mean I wanted to ask you guys this because what does this mean like what do you mean change in your pictures what what does that mean am I am I just am I just a boomer and not understanding Something What maybe thumbnail thing oh I mean if it’s if it’s my thumbnails I mean it just it just depends um sometimes I build the whole thing from scratch like with um you know a background and some assets to add in things like that um when it comes to oh

Oh wait is this about like people photoshopping or filtering their photos before they post them and things like that because so I don’t post photos of myself so I don’t do anything like that um yeah so that that’s not really a thing I do um thumbnails though

Thumbnails are kind of fun they can be fun at least um I feel like um I I just I just feel like I I hit a real like wall sometimes with um like just being creative and trying to figure out something to do with thumbnails like

Sometimes it’s it’s hard to think of you know something to do so that’s um that’s when you get kind of like the low effort ones but when I actually have an idea that I can make work it it’s pretty fun but um yep good old Photoshop just uh learning photos shot that’s about

It all right next question what song did you have stuck in your head last oh man this happens to me so often it’s a little embarrassing honestly it’s like I’ll um I’ll find a song I Like it this is just the way my brain works and I don’t know why that is

I’ll find a song I like I’ll listen to it like 11,000 times back to back to back to back and then I’ll do the same thing with another song after that that I find that I’m like oh I like this one I want to hear it again and again and

Again like I said I don’t know why I’m like that um like I do have I do have like a playlist of sorts but I I feel like I just keep going back to whatever song I’m obsessed with over and over again um let’s see the last one that I was

Like that with was probably um it was one of the songs I did during uh my my karaoke stream actually where is a vivid world it’s a uh it’s a love life song it’s um yeah I was really I was really really obsessed with that for a bit I

Still kind of am a little bit but I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been chilling out on a little bit more mostly because I’ve been um researching other music for uh the next one but um yeah so that that was that was probably the last one that I was

Like super stuck on like that but um yeah it happens pretty often H never know what’s what’s going to be next which one which one what oh the song no it’s called Vivid world yeah from nijigasaki yes yes yep that one no it’s from uh it’s from nijigaku

Yeah so yep that’s the one but anyway yeah all right next question is there a meaning behind your name yes there is actually um well kind of anyway uh NYX is pretty is pretty common right um alato though that that one is one that I Really that that really stuck out to me oh okay yeah let me finish answering that question I guess real quick yeah it was a it was a solo song from uh Karen Asaka um yeah like I said it’s called Vivid world I really like that one a lot that

Was probably the last one that I was like really obsessed with but um yeah alato is the is the one that I you know really took a long time to pick but it was um is is basically really neat is oh yeah I did get your I did get your

Previous two comments yes honestly I think it’s a fun idea people should make a uh I think somebody at least should make a dating Sim that’s like that I think it’d be really funny especially if um it’s like buil as like a normal one and then uh you go in there

Like streaming it or something and then you just come across all this and it’s just like what is happening ah all right okay but yeah let’s let’s uh let’s get into my name real quick shall we um basically uh alato is actually a um an existing name

Um for a lesser demon so to speak um and it’s basically believed that um you know listening to listening to her her Whispers um you know encourage you to abandon all your principles and uh and moral Teachings um so yeah I thought I thought that one was Fun I did think that was fun uh yes but also um NYX is a name that exists even outside of um even outside of Greek mythology and uh it’s pretty commonly associated with um like it’s it’s pretty commonly associated with like the underworld or darkness in

General at least um you know in other in other contexts that I’ve seen it but either way like I said it’s a NYX is a pretty common name but Alo is the one that I I really liked it’s pretty interesting um they even they even made a uh a Marvel

Character based on based on that um either a myth or Legend so yeah it’s pretty fun pretty Fun yeah like I said I I hear Nicks all the time though like I see it all the time um so I I tend to focus more on my uh on my first name than my last so oh who are my Oshi man I’m gonna I’m going to decline to

Answer that one right now um if you would put that on my telm so I can answer that next week though that would be great uh it’s just going to it’s it’s just going to start like a big long a big long um I guess gushing

Session for me and uh I do need to call in a night sometime uh link to my telm is actually in my stream description so you can you can find it there it’s uh it’s in all my stream descriptions actually yep so like I said I will I will decline to

Answer that for right now but um if you can put that in there I will get to that next week for sure but um yeah I have a couple just I I I gush about things that I get um that I get either excited for or passionate about in some

Way all right anyway next question this one is I just wanted to include this on here because I know it’s probably autogenerated I just wanted to include it because I thought it was so odd like who does this um if someone asks you on a date and you’re not

Attracted to them do you still go why why would you I mean I understand like wanting to be nice I understand wanting to be nice or something like that but like why you’re just leading somebody on at that point like there there’s a difference right I have oh yeah yeah Monster Hunter

For sure yeah Monster Hunter for sure I I definitely have um I actually have rise on Steam um trying to trying to find time to play it with some people yeah this question right here is is autogenerated I think that’s that’s the one that I’m talking about cuz um I get

So many I get so many questions in my telonym that are like this like asking about like General dating stuff that it’s like it I feel like it’s got to be autogenerated um but no I I completely I completely agree with you um youo I agree um it it

Doesn’t it doesn’t do do any good to be you know nice but also like lying to somebody cuz in the end like they’re just going to be more hurt that you’re leading them on right I mean I do I do wish that everything was that simple because I know sometimes um

You’ll have people that don’t take no for an answer and get um so like saying no can be dangerous um but if you’re not in that kind of situation obviously if you’re in that kind of situation you got to do what you got to do but if you’re not

Then no it’s just it’s pointless it’s and I can’t help but like get questions like this and be like why why why would somebody do that I don’t understand I just I just don’t understand you know like if you’re not interested you’re not interested that that should really be

The end of it I mean I guess if like if you know that you like the person like you like in being around them and stuff like that but you just don’t really like feel like a spark or something like that maybe you could but I don’t know like if you don’t

If you don’t know somebody and like they just kind of like give you a weird first impression or no first impression even and they just asked you out why but I don’t know I’ve always been somebody that like I couldn’t really develop feelings for somebody if I don’t

You know know them pretty well for first it’s just not it’s just not possible not for me at least I know it is for some people but I just don’t get attracted to people like that so yeah that that’s about it I just I just thought this this is a weird

Question and be like why would you why would you go if you’re not if you’re not into them you know just feels dishonest anyway next question what do you think about people having backup Partners this is another one where it’s like okay well this one was more

Like it was more generalized like on one gender over the other but I don’t I don’t I don’t believe in that but also why this is another question that I feel was like autogenerator or something and I was just like why why would you do

This yeah it it is it is backup Partners is crazy it is so crazy like I feel like there’s um like I’ve seen it happen before um especially when I was younger where it was like um where it’s like some some some girls or guys or people

Whoever you know right they would have somebody that they know is interested in them but they’re already in a relationship like they themselves are already in a relationship they have someone else that they know is already interested in them and they’re just kind of like stringing them along in case

Something happens in their current relationship so they don’t have to be alone and it’s like why um I mean some people know that they’re in that kind of situation and some people don’t but I just why man it it whether they’re you know whether the person that’s that’s in the

Relationship is actually cheating or not it’s just why I don’t understand it people actually do that that sounds Exhausting I mean yeah this is this isn’t the same thing as like being ply I think that’s that’s that’s not the same thing I understand where you’re coming from youo but I don’t think that’s the same thing at all I think this is like having somebody on

Standby yeah I I completely agree I completely agree hacker I agree it is it’s just I I include some of them because they’re either just like wild topics where I’m just like what in the hell or it’s you know something that I found at least somewhat interesting of

An ask but yeah I just man just just stuff like this in the last question I was like people actually do that Why Yeah you mentioned that before where you got a question asking if you’d ever stalked anybody before and it’s like even if I had why would I say so here it could just be to get a reaction from people I agree yeah you could be right

Tina you could be right you could very well be right about that but still just sometimes questions like this I’m just like people people do that for what reason cuz I I don’t know at least at least for me like being romantically interested in one person is more than

Enough that just seems exhausting I don’t know that’s just that’s weird I I can’t believe people do that and at the same time I can it’s just it’s weird anyway next question when’s the last time you were really mad at yourself oh man you have

No idea how mad I get at myself when I when like I scuff things up like especially when it comes to I mean even just stuff like streams or whatever it’s just I I make the smallest mistake and I get I get so hard on myself about it that’s just the way I’ve

Always been it’s um like if I had to pick like a toxic trait for myself like if I had to pick out a toxic trait yeah that’s um yeah I was mad when I missed a shiny I didn’t miss a shiny you guys were messing with

Me um but no I do I do get upset with myself um when I mess things up especially since I I really care about you know wanting to get it right just just uh to be able to put you know put my best foot for when it comes to putting content out for People oh yeah I I am too enoi I am Too yeah yep but uh yeah I don’t know it’s a it’s a weird space to navigate but I don’t know but yeah as far as like when I when I get mad at myself it’s um yeah it’s usually because I mess something up or um I made somebody upset when I

Didn’t mean to um I just know with with things like that where I feel like I made a mistake I get really I get really hard on myself um probably more so than is reasonable but it’s just it’s just the way my brain works it’s the way brain

Brains ah yeah that’s um that’s that’s usually that that’s usually the time when I get the most upset with myself is when I’ve you know mess something up or you know whether through a wrong action or in action just yeah yep pretty much that that’s usually

That’s usually the time when I get mad to myself the most and um you know with being human you make mistakes all the time so I’m mad at myself a lot uh whether it’s I meant to do something or I didn’t and I mean you know things like that it’s just m

Yeah that’s that’s about it though I don’t I don’t really feel like going into more detail there is helpful so all right last question have you ever broken a bone very short answer no I have Not hell yeah not often I meet other uh another other demisexual people on this platform or most other platforms for that matter so yeah definitely definitely nice to see the others for sure but um yeah no I’ve I’ve been I’ve been very lucky throughout my life and

I’ve somehow never broken a bone um I’ve thought that I had a couple of times before but it’s uh it’s never happened to me what about you guys I feel like it’s a pretty common experience for um a kid to break at least one bone but nope not me not

Me I’ve had some uh had some really really nasty really nasty wounds I’ve had to get you know stitches and stuff for before but um nope never broken a bone somehow two or three times oof oh no your right arm oh no are you right-handed cuz it’s so how does that

Work I’ve always wondered that like if you if you break your arm and and you’re you know that’s your strong one h how does that how does that work like do you train yourself to right with your left hand I know there are some kids that are like oh what if I

Break my right arm sometimes so they actually train themselves to right with their left hand I’ve known a couple kids that have done that and it’s it’s crazy but oh you did you did train yourself to right with your left hand well good for you then I

Guess I mean hey if it you know if it gets if it uh if it gets you through the situation It Gets You Through the situation oh a broken right hand oof ouch but yeah like I said especially if that oh you still wrote with it oh no that that doesn’t sound

Good that’s not good yeah that would be that would be a lot of strain on a hand that’s already injured oh both your hands are weak oh that sucks that sucks yeah ouch oh yeah of course there’s like all kinds of like um situations with injuries and things like that but this

One was asking about Broken Bones specifically which um yeah I never have luckily and uh hope it stays that way cuz um I’ve I’ve heard that it’s it’s a very unique kind of pain you have no weakness if you say so if you say so oh interesting

Huh huh I wonder why that is oh well that’s uh I mean as long as you can figure out what works for you right anyway uh you know you said you had uh one more question so let’s um that would be our last question so let’s

Uh out with it then let’s let’s go what do you got eight fractured medic oh my god wow that’s wow that that’s something all right damn oh favorite anime series man wow you’re just coming out with all the hard hitters today aren’t you um gosh

Uh yeah honestly um I I really like love life a lot um write an essay about love no way nuh-uh that ain’t gonna happen no way but um no I I I really I really I really do I really do like love live um

I’m not quite as uh deep into it as I used to be but um honestly just I I I know I I know and I understand words what are they I know and I understand that the um the story in in love life really isn’t like that

Deep or anything um but as far as just like I don’t know the emotion behind the music and things like that really really just kind of tugs on your heartstrings in a way and um I don’t know I guess uh getting into that really helped get me through a very difficult

Period in my life and uh for that I’m very grateful um as far as like oh my gosh other ones that I liked um I’ve been kind of out of it for a little bit but I really like uh I really like Gundam as well as a series in general um I’ve

Still got uh I’ve still got a bunch of models that I still haven’t built yet that are just kind of in my backlog so maybe that’ll be something for um you know like maybe some hand cam streams once I get comfortable with that um setup I guess and um yeah I think it

Could be really fun yeah I did I did answer questions on like a a lot of favorites or I guess I had like a little um kind of slideshow will I try a raid on here soon yeah soon soon I will soon I will I’m just

Um I’m still uh you know I’m still getting to know some people uh on YouTube to um to send raids out too so that’s really my thing mostly um just you know trying to find people that are usually streaming that kind of time and um yeah like I said it’s more like a

Getting to know people because I feel like I don’t know I don’t know if other people feel the same way that I do about it but I feel like sending I feel like sending somebody uh sending my chat to somebody in particular is uh is like basically an endorsement or or for

Support and um I want to know more about more about the people I’m uh showing support for that’s all um not necessarily that I you know think anybody would send me bad people or anything like that it’s more like I just I just like to know you know but uh yeah

That’s just that’s just me being picky that’s just me being picky again I I definitely appreciate the suggestions and things like that I I definitely do it’s just uh yeah like I said I’m I’m just a little bit picky and I like to I like to at least know a

Little bit more about people for um sending those kind of endorsements their way and that’s just me other people do it differently and uh there’s nothing there’s nothing wrong with that oh NSFW YouTube live I think that would get shut down Right yeah yeah um I could uh I could probably um uh actually I do have I do have a channel already where it’s like a shout outs and promo where it’s like if you have a if you have a uh friend or something like that that’s uh doing a

Stream or something like that or that you know of and you would like people to check them out you can drop them in that chat at any time always welcome there and uh that does include self-promo so if you’re if you’re doing your own stream and want to uh want to put it

There um then that’s also Fine oh God hachima you know what hachima is a whole other [Laughter] animal hachima is a is a whole other that’s a whole other can of worms Honestly though like I’m glad she’s back she was gone a really long time so it’s really nice to see her

Back I feel like she brought a brought a lot of chaos to hollow live in general and uh honestly I really respect that um her streams may not have been like my cup of tea as far as like some of the stuff that she was doing but like I said

I I I respect [Laughter] it I don’t uh I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more uh a more chaotic uh corporate vtuber honestly yeah haima um uh Akai is uh is her actual name but everybody just calls her hachima uh Coco so okay this is probably a little

Bit of a hot take I’m not really into I’m not really into like LW baiting especially if I feel like people are doing it uh overly overly much it just kind of makes me uncomfortable and um I mean yeah Coco’s cool and all I just uh I don’t know I

Feel like especially especially in her uh in her current state I feel like she does that a lot and it just it’s not my thing it just makes me uncomfortable but you know some people like it and that’s cool Too yeah I kind of feel the same way zom brro yeah I know you were talking about Q Coco I know who you were talking about yeah it it does kind of um require some uh it does kind of require some some knowledge of the the Ubers that

We’re talking about so but um yeah uh let’s see was yes yes yep Understand but yeah yeah that’s um no no you’re fine you’re fine you’re totally fine Eno you’re fine no uh I definitely look forward to uh trying to get to know you better as well so but yeah it was just um it was just derailing a little bit so I uh I just

Kind of skipped over it for the time being but no you didn’t do anything wrong by saying that you’re totally fine honestly you you’re never going to have to wonder with me if you did something wrong cuz um I I will tell you yes no it’s okay it’s okay like I said

Just in in general with me people don’t have to don’t have to wonder if they did something wrong or not cuz I I will tell them if they’re making me uncomfortable or anything like that so yep don’t have to worry about that I will definitely let you know if something bad happens

But um yeah um I know for me I know for me at least I I overthink a lot when it comes to interactions with people as well so I I appreciate when people can be direct and let me know if I’m being weird or you know or said something that

They kind of thought was messed up or something like that so yep but I don’t know I feel like a lot of people uh on the internet just because well even if you know even if they’re not like Autistic or you know with ADHD or any kind of um

Anything like that um It tone can be really hard to pick up on through text anyway so it’s um I feel like it’s always better for people to be a bit more direct when it’s in a text format that’s that’s just me personally like you know I I do enjoy

Being nice to people it’s just um yeah it especially especially with the text format it can be hard to pick up on tone and things like that and um I’m not really well versed on like tone indicators and things like that that’s why you try to use emojis yeah me too me

Too like I’m not really like super well-versed in um the tone indicators that a lot of people use um online nowadays so I just I just use emojis Instead but yeah like I said you’re not going to have to not going to have to question that um so yeah just uh keep that in mind I suppose but anyway all right yeah that’s um gosh it’s already after eight sheesh all right time for me

To get off of here and uh get something to eat but um thank you guys so much for joining me as usual it’s uh always nice to see you guys and and um hope you have a great rest of your week and um I will

See you guys for those of you that can be here um on Friday and if not I hope you guys enjoy the VOD but um take care have a great next couple of days and I will see you Friday for those that can make it take care have a good night bye bye Good night all

This video, titled ‘[MODDED MINECRAFT] Cobblemon and Chill? Cobblemon and Chill!’, was uploaded by Allatou Nyx on 2023-11-16 01:32:11. It has garnered 108 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:20 or 15500 seconds.

Just taking it easy today while gearing up for Thursday night/Friday morning’s marathon! There are so many berry types in the latest update, and I’m going to try to collect all the different kinds I can find! There’s a lot of berry types you can only get through cross-breeding, so that’s gonna be a whole other can of worms and a project for another time.

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Did you know I have a Discord server? It’s a little bare bones for now, but I’ll be able to figure out what kind of shape it will need to take once people start being active there. Join the Conspiracy today! https://discord.gg/pcrD94Xsq7

Ask me questions that I’ll answer on future chatting streams! Please keep them respectful and work-safe. https://tellonym.me/AllatouNyx

If you would like to donate, you can do so here: https://streamelements.com/allatounyx/tip Any and all tips will go toward future content or assets unless otherwise agreed upon.

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CREDITS: Model art and rigging: https://twitter.com/ndrph PNG Model: https://twitter.com/LesScketch Logo: https://twitter.com/KetsuekiGirl Stream assets and graphics: https://www.fiverr.com/pradaestr Chibi art and rigging: https://twitter.com/NPC268

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Song | Creative Self – Crickets in My Backyard Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/creativeselfmu… Download/Stream: https://collegemusic.co.uk/artist/cre… Released by College Music: / collegemusic Spotify / Apple Music: https://collegemusic.co.uk/listen

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    Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE! The Exciting World of Minecraft Furniture Mods Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spruce up your virtual world with some stylish furniture? Look no further! The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE Malayalam is here to take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting mod and how it can enhance your Minecraft experience. What Does the Furniture Mod Offer? The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE and Bedrock Edition brings a wide range of furniture options to your game. From modern sofas and elegant tables to cozy beds and decorative lamps, this mod… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let's Play Gearing Up in Minecraft: Ep. 3 – Strugglebus Adventures Exploring the World of Minecraft In this episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid gamers embark on a quest for diamonds to craft some shiny blue gear. Armed with a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune, they delve deep into the world of Minecraft in search of these precious gems. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Our players enhance their Minecraft experience with a variety of mods, including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, Replay Mod, Simple Hud Utilities, Mod Menu, Iris Shaders, Continuity, Entity Texture Features, and Logical Zoom. These… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We bring you news that’s more than just a dream. Family Feud, but in Minecraft’s domain, AquaVerse Redux brings the game to fame. Join the fun, watch the battles unfold, As families clash in a world so bold. With wits and skills put to the test, Who will emerge as the very best? Subscribe to AquaVerse, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Follow on Discord, YouTube, and more, For updates and laughs galore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing… Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6

    Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6 Minecraft Original Survival 3 Ep6: The Beauty of Cherry Blossom Trees In the latest episode of Minecraft Original Survival 3, the player embarks on a quest to transform their home into a true sanctuary. With a plethora of transparent passageways, the question arises – can a home still be called a home if it’s so open? The player decides to elevate the aesthetics by planting cherry blossom trees, aiming for the highest level of sophistication. Planting Cherry Blossom Trees The player showcases their creativity by planting cherry blossom trees in their Minecraft world. These trees add a touch of… Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft The Impossible Achieved in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player has managed to achieve the impossible. Through meticulous planning and skillful execution, they have accomplished a feat that seemed unattainable. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable accomplishment. Preparation The journey begins with thorough preparation. The player meticulously plans each step, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges ahead. From gathering resources to strategizing their approach, every detail is carefully considered. Step 1: Setting the Aim The first crucial step is setting a clear aim. With a specific goal… Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻

    Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻Video Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED 👻 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-04-08 20:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED – MINTOON CRAFT #MONSTERSCHOOL … Read More

  • "Encountering STEAVE in Minecraft!!"

    <p>"Encountering <em>STEAVE</em> in Minecraft!!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by smaty boy19 on 2024-03-31 09:32:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet Minecraft horror myths ny gamer … Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥

    🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days on jungle only world || Minecraft Survival Hardcore In Hindi’, was uploaded by Snocat on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. [IGNORE] minecraft, minecraft hindi, hindi survival series, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft hindi,minecraft hardcore, … Read More

  • Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraft

    Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SENPAISPIDER FEAR IN MINECRAFT#minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by AKJPlayz on 2024-01-13 01:05:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.”Exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft – uncovering secrets and hidden treasures!” 2. “Building epic structures … Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP DAY 4: GUAVACADO RISESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0004 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-07 06:26:53. It has garnered 135 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Next episode we will finish the town hall and gear up for our next creation ! join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft SMP!!!’, was uploaded by ModeTrevor on 2024-04-10 09:47:59. It has garnered 67 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:42 or 3642 seconds. / https://www.youtube.com/@trevormode – Main Channel https://www.instagram.com/modetrevor/ – Instagram https://www.tiktok.com/@modetrevor – Tiktok https://discord.gg/HNq6VKTDKz – Discordt Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!

    EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🚨 #ネオポリスVSゆぐどらしる 🚿マイクラDEサバゲー対決⚔️【ぶいすぽ/神成きゅぴ】’, was uploaded by 神成きゅぴ / Kaminari Qpi on 2024-02-29 15:07:45. It has garnered 29725 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:08 or 9848 seconds. Thumbnail illustration →https://twitter.com/kv7c9t 🌩 Yugudorashiru @radaooo @peintooon @FuwaMinato @gutitubo @ShishidoAkari @itoitoi_Q @Francisco_T @kurotansan @LaurenIroas ​​@KaminariQpi Neopolis @AkiRosenthal @ExAlbio @Shirayuki_Reid @Ran_Hinokuma @ShibuyaHAL @tototmix @MOTHER3rd @Syusetu_kohaku @akagaminotomo 🖤I posted a cover of singing Delicate Lips🖤 Please listen to it a lot~~~~~~~~~💄https://youtu.be/wEi5sMGKrL8?si=CemXK6NxRMOZrDIl ˗ˋˏ Register for membership here ˎˊ˗https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMp55EbT_ZlqiMS3lCj01BQ/join (Bonus: Member badge & stamp / Members only distribution /???♡) ˗ˋˏ Merchandise & voice on sale ˎˊ˗ Acrylic key chain:https://store.vspo.jp/products/keyring-vol1?variant=44623903817915… Read More


    EPIC SHOWDOWN: NOOB VS PRO! POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! 🏠🔥 | Minecraft (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS PRO: POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE | Minecraft (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Esoni TV on 2024-02-17 01:59:26. It has garnered 294052 views and 8120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:44 or 1724 seconds. Play Honkai: Star Rail with me: https://hoyo.link/5GRgFOAL Try Star Rail Simulator with me: https://www.roblox.com/games/15840422464/Star-Rail-Simulator #StarrailSimulator #Honkaistarrail Pomni Build Battle! Shame vs Shame Noob Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Aphmau e like your vid if your build is good!! Build credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbCcOS5jCw&t=196s Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_,… Read More

  • INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥

    INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Sumo until I get hacked on’, was uploaded by SmallPotato95 on 2024-03-25 19:04:33. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. hehe silly video TAGS: minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing… Read More

  • HorizonGate

    HorizonGate_-_-_-_-_-_-_**Hey!** -_-_-_-_-_- > **Horiziongate** > Do you want a Minecraft server with interesting gameplay? > *Then this is the perfect place for you* > **============/Features/============** > | – We offer support > | – Friendly members > | – Helpful staff > | – Exciting gamemodes > | – Beginner friendly > | – Weekly events > | – Fair rules > *We hope to see you in game* **==================================**> > 《 Discord: 》 https://discord.gg/5uswAwvBqP projectsurvive.nl Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord DiscordSRV Dynmap Voice Plugin No Whitelist Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to our Long-Lasting SMP Community! If you’re tired of SMPs dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, centered around Minecraft and other games. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow players and participate in major build projects. We are welcoming new members who share our interests and values. While we have few rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed. Respect your fellow players and enjoy a friendly and mature community atmosphere. All members must join our Discord to access the Minecraft server. Click here to… Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Versionmorefun.apexmc.co has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Java HQ: The Superior Minecraft Edition

    Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, Java is still the headquarters for all the coding wizards! Score of 33, must be some serious programming going on in there! Read More

  • Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun

    Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun Welcome to Minecraft Lands, Episode 611, Where the adventures never end, always so much fun. Lo Do Vo here, your guide through the game, Bringing you updates, never the same. In this blocky world, where creativity thrives, We build, we mine, in our virtual lives. From crafting tools to battling mobs, We conquer challenges, no time for sobs. So join me now, as we explore and play, In Minecraft Lands, where we’ll stay. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, Let’s spread the joy, everywhere.🎮🌟 Thank you for watching, until next time, Keep on gaming, in rhythm and rhyme. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #shorts #subscribe #like Read More

  • Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft

    Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft One of the most intriguing and debated characters in the world of Minecraft is Herobrine. This mysterious figure has captured the imagination of players worldwide, with many claiming to have encountered him in the game. Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Herobrine and explore the myths and legends surrounding this iconic character. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting players in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. While some believe him to be a hostile entity that seeks to harm players, others see him… Read More

  • Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!

    Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARASSING 60 NERDS IN MINECRAFT – Can you cross the Void?’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-09 22:20:22. It has garnered 1738 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:37 or 9997 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣… Read More

  • Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VOD

    Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kingdom Of Madness Rises 2/2 | PrinceZam FULL VOD’, was uploaded by PrinceZamVODs on 2024-05-18 16:30:11. It has garnered 251 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:52 or 20692 seconds. PrinceZam streams Minecraft VOD TITLE: I’m Going To Kill Tyrad | Originally Streamed on 01/28/2024 Follow Me: Twitch – https://twitch.tv/PrinceZamLive Twitter – https://twitter.com/PrinceZamLive Discord – https://discord.gg/FXZnFRuTBq Subscribe to my Channels: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZam 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZamLive #PrinceZam #Minecraft #Lifesteal Read More

  • Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘ERSTES MAL 100 Tage Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by relativCharlie on 2024-01-16 15:00:29. It has garnered 2451 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Hello there, I want to play 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore for the first time. Charlie is going on a journey for the first time in his life to spend 100 days in a single hardcore world. The thing is, he only has one attempt, one life, one chance. In doing so, he learns more about himself and the question of whether normal Minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacks

    EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks’, was uploaded by A.Rgeming_543 on 2024-01-05 09:35:00. It has garnered 2512 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks #Minecraft shorts Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure Hunt

    UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Participated In Treasure Hunt On a Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by MR EKAM on 2024-04-06 04:49:56. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:55 or 535 seconds. DISCORD JOIN :- https://discord.gg/ck4eWds8 minecraft public smp minecraft public smps minecraft public smp servers best minecraft public smp cracked minecraft public smp servers minecraft public smp ip minecraft public smp thumbnail minecraft public smp live thumbnail minecraft public smp logo minecraft public smp ip and port minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp pe how to make a public smp… Read More

  • Casco – The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!

    Casco - The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft Most Terrifying Mod…(Minecraft Horror Mods)’, was uploaded by Casco on 2024-04-09 14:47:00. It has garnered 689 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!

    INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-01-14 17:00:24. It has garnered 115601 views and 1215 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:21 or 621 seconds. Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos inspired by SML! Including Marvin gaming, Marvin reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂

    EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Prominence Ep. 19 – Horse Pee’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 17546 views and 719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:47 or 5927 seconds. In Prominence II: Void’s Invasion, we must defend the world from the void because an old dude got a bit too old and can’t do it anymore. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Prominence Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZxI3UfnUfgE-uizeScOO-Yx My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● Servers (code… Read More

  • Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft Parody

    Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In All COUNTRIES In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-24 08:41:55. It has garnered 7576 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. In this hilarious Minecraft parody video, JJ and Mikey take on the ultimate challenge of surviving in all different countries within the game. From navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring the snowy landscapes of Russia, the dynamic duo must use their wit and creativity to overcome various obstacles and dangers. With their… Read More

  • CornutSMP

    CornutSMPjust a smp server absolutely no rules but if you get annoying you will get banned, 13+ only, you can team with anyone and make sure to join the discord Cornut.mc.gg Read More

  • SentinelCraft SMP 1.20.4: Husks Towns/Claims, Server Map, McMMO, Jobs, Stats, Community

    Server Information: IP: play.sentinelcraft.net Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Features: Survival, Towns, Claims, Economy, No Grief, McMMO, Jobs About SentinelCraft: SentinelCraft is a mature and friendly Minecraft server established in May 2013. Join our community for a unique survival experience with no raiding or griefing. Build, create towns, make land claims, and participate in community events while forming long-lasting friendships. Join Us: Visit our Discord here or our website here to learn more and join the fun! Check out our server preview on YouTube here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ever been this screwed in Minecraft?

    “When you realize you’ve been mining for hours and it’s suddenly morning in real life but still night in Minecraft. Time flies when you’re placing blocks, am I right?” Read More

  • Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3!

    Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3! In the world of games, speed is the key, Minecraft, Guitar Hero, and Geometry Dash, you see. Fastest hand games, they take the lead, With skills and reflexes, they succeed. Minecraft, a world of blocks and fun, Building and crafting, under the sun. Guitar Hero, rocking out with a guitar in hand, Hitting those notes, in a rock band. Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based game, Jumping and dodging, never the same. Speed and precision, to conquer each level, With quick reflexes, you must revel. So there you have it, the fastest games around, In the gaming world, where speed is… Read More