Unbelievable New Spells in Magical SkyBlock!!

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and Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Mondays it’s me it’s rev we’re currently doing a small little flyby because I’ve been playing around with these mods and just kind of showing what we did last time and what we set up B and then B and then boom there we go we’re no longer in spectator mode we’re back we’re awesome that’s the wrong one it’s this one boom there we am hi it’s back Minecraft Mondays I am super excited to be here saw all the lovely comments from the previous video some awesome tips so first of all I want to say thank you for that awesome song recommendations another huge thank you for that tons of likes tons of com it’s been fantastic so I just want to say right off the get-go I’m not casting any spells am I no just right right off the get-go I just want to say thank you so much for all the support it’s been it’s been wonderful and I believe o wait no oh my my zoom my zoom is something else b h no C no uhoh uh-oh uh oh what did I do uh there we go I fixed it it’s okay anyways I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all the support for the start of the series it has been awesome it’s not only hyped me up to continue doing the series I mean I was going to continue it anyways but it’s really hyped me up to keep doing the series and you know hey the music recommendations were like were Peak huge shout out I actually sat down and listened to the entire discography for Owl City Owl City yeah Owl City the the only song that I Knew by them was fireflies and like I just sat down and actually listened to everything uh the the other day actually was really cool which is going to end up leading into the song recommendation but we’ll get to that later on we’ll get to that one later on anyways so what are we going to be doing today here on this wonderful magical Island I’m just going to have a free hand real quick this wonderful magical Island here well we’re going to get to that we’re going to take a look at the quest book also just to kind of comment on a couple of the other things huge shout out to those who are giving tips on like what we can do and everything like that I will make that change here with the Cobblestone thing seeing as I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m going to have to do with this it’s going to be hopefully more efficient that’ll be that’ll be the goal there also in that same vein the tips were also about like this doesn’t have to be on a tree this could just be on like wood and it will grow so that’s good to know but I mean I like this tree you know like it’s a it’s a pretty cool looking tree I don’t want to get rid of it I’m sure we’ll get more but like I like them anyways we will be addressing those things that’ll be fun but let’s go ahead and take a look at what we’re doing today all right so last time as you guys may have saw we got through a pretty big thing a pretty large track of of this here Quest stuff and so like we’re taking a look here and we we made it to the new spells we got this like there’s this Wilden thing there’s an enchanting apparatus there’s a manipulation there is acquiring source so but I think the goal here for today I think right is we’re going to come up this way we’re going to do the acquiring source and we’ll get to that we’re going to do the acquiring source to this island creation that seems really neat so I think I think that is on the market here and then we’re going to come up here to manipulation Essence we’re going to come up uh up this way and possibly enchanting apparatus as well I do want to do these two I want to do these two more pointedly I might add I want to get manipulation Essence now the reason I want to get manipulation Essence is because I noticed a lot of these spells like if I were to look at this one oh that one’s just a hopper that’s not too bad uh is it you yeah so this Glyph of interact right it requires a manipulation Ence Ence like the buttons and the plates and the levers and stuff like that that’s that’s easy right that’s easy but I want the manipulation Essence and the reason for that and why I’m saying I want to go for not only the acquiring Source path but also the manipulation Essence path is because I want to attempt to do all of these and hopefully maybe these in this setting so that’s the plan that is that is in fact the plan of what we’re going to be doing today during this episode hopefully I’m able to achieve that now that being said why don’t we go ahead and well also a small little side note here we’re looking over here at this wild imp part thing I’m sure that like this will just come up eventually possibly I don’t I don’t really know I don’t know we’ll we’ll figure this one out at some point I feel like this is like a way of like setting up like a farm like a mob farm so that’s probably going to be important anyways cool so that’s the game plan that is in fact the game plan sounds good sounds cool we like it all right let’s go ahead and get on into it on this wonderful Monday swap back over here okay cool so first things first I want to make sure that let’s see our inventory is that we got diamonds last time that’s right right that’s right we did we did okay so we got Source in order to make Source gems isn’t it is this right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay so acquiring Source I think is the first thing that we should do cuz based on everything we’ve seen so far with like the Mana bars and making spells and all that kind of stuff like that Source seems to be the main driver for this particular mod pack so we’re going to go for acquiring Source first which will then hopefully lead us into Island creation so let’s take a look agronomic Source links generate Source when nearby plants grow and can generate from a very large distance source is exported into nearby Source jars within six blocks wirelessly okay okay so we got got some stuff going on so Source links is when things grow so that might be why like they’re talking about getting bone meal and stuff like that okay and then a source jar so what do I need for this Source gems some wheat and a gold ingot makes that okay all right and then for a source jar is stained glass or just glass and slabs okay well that’s not too bad and I’ll get mirror weave all right so clearly it wants me to be like like making food and some type of wheat thing going on okay awesome can I eat these I feel like am I actually able to eat these should I eat these should I just take this whole tree down I think I think we should take this whole tree down going pop this don’t want to lose you guys cuz we can’t plant these so I need wheat seeds and I want to make sure based on the commenter saying I just can I can take some logs let me let’s climb up here a little bit we’ll get a we’ll get a couple logs and I’ll just like I guess continue the farming of this stuff on the ground I suppose like I’m going to be sad to see the tree go you know like it’s it’s a nice looking tree but we need the space we need the space wait actually no this one yeah look at us well that broke my axe all right did it break oh I had another axe I had another axe huh who would have thought all right so that person said I could just do this which I think works there we go put that right there we’re going to wait was that a was that a sapling hope it wasn’t all right there we go do that we’re going to go ahead and put these away we’re going to put our Diamond away for safekeeping in case I like fall off the Redstone the copper ingots there we’ll hold on those of clay balls we go in there I have dirt yeah all right oh all those iron nuggets we can toss those in there as well and that’s good wow that thing like grow now I wonder because these things are growing right okay so let me let me look at this the the thing said the sourc links generate Source when nearby plants grow and can generate from a very large distance so would that would that count for these because it says growth I’m thinking it does I’m thinking it does so if that if that’s actually the case o o sorry didn’t mean to bump the microphone if that’s actually the case I think I think we’re going to be in business so there’s that but hold on let me let me look at this what is this saying some recipes for the imbuement chamber require Arcane pedestals play adjacent to the chamber yeah okay those are those that’s that to craft Essences Place three pedestals near the imbuement chamber and place the items required for each Essence onto the pedestal then place your gym in the chamber to begin the crafting of the essence oh okay so I need to make these which is sore wait how do you make Sor Stone hold up Sor Stone Sor stone Small bricks how does ah okay here we go so it’s stone stone surrounding a sorum is that I’m saying that correctly Stone surrounding a source gem just Stone Cobblestone do I see cobblestone I don’t see cobblestone in that list but just Stone okay ah per okay okay okay okay okay man I’m getting uh there’s some paralysis stuff going on here okay all right okay so take this take this I might need to move one of these but so it’s saying I need to make this and then they would just kind of go around it like boom boom boom and then in order to make this it is it would be a button a clock a clock and Redstone Dust how do you make a clock gold and that oh okay so I can do that too okay okay and then that would give me that and then and then okay all okay I’m saying okay a lot if there’s a counter it’s gone up a lot oh my goodness okay this is so cool stop saying okay rev ah all right so we’re going to be getting more Cobblestone to turn into stone we need our wood which means I think unfortunately this tree needs to go down I have all that so yeah we’re going to go we’re going to shop a tree down we have the plan we are going to get all this wood we are going to keep doing this whole like little farming thing and we’re going to just bust through those two because that’ll be awesome and then we can be on our way to making even more spells really excited about that and and while I’m up here in this tree if you guys why am I glowing hold on why am I is that because like it’s dark hold on is that because it’s dark I glow is that Shader doing this is that what that is I don’t know I’m going to be honest guys I don’t know why I’m glowing like is it is it because of that is it because it’s dark it is so it Glow well I have to figure that one out anyways if you guys have any suggestions for the types of spells I should craft for like quality of life or anything like that by all means leave that in the comments down below I will be more than happy to to take a look at the suggestions so all right cool so we’re going to be chopping this entire tree down getting all this here all wood I think that was the yep there it goes o well those are saplings though right is that a sapling oh yeah we’re getting saplings oh this is perfect oh this is so good I was going to be worried cuz you know the whole replanting of the tree and all that kind of stuff like that we don’t want to uh cause too much damage here I mean I’m sure there’s other ways to get like trees and stuff like that but I really like how this one looked it looked really good it’s blue it’s a nice color it matches my outfit which I mean is just a great thing all the way around I am actually really excited for this for this pack though like I watched one person play just a little bit of it and I immediately was just kind of like drawn to it as a like oh this is going to be really cool like I think there’s a lot of potential with this I wanted to like be able to hook up mine colonies to this cuz I really thought having mine colonies in a sky block form would have been really fun but I just I could not get it to work the way that I wanted to it just it wouldn’t load and I think it had something to do with one of these camera mods that I have going on right now not too sure but I think that might have been the culprit if I were to you know put a finger on what it could possibly be so there we go okay cool this tree came down that’s unfortunate but it gave us plenty of wood to make more planks so we going to go and make more planks and then from there we have more slabs which is great because that allow us to build out some more platforms and Pathways to well extend our reach which is kind of nice which kind of makes me think like what do I actually oh I cut all those down well I should have kept some wood well we got we got a tree we can we can grow another tree uh we can we can there you go congratulations you are now a tree you have been youve been you’ve been planted all right that can go back up in here we have those we’re going to hold on to those for a second we do need more Stone we do need more Stone so let me let me look over here let’s take a look at uh at this wo wow you know with the the tree nut there being able to see the the moon man that moon is just huge all right so another day has passed and the constellations are moving away now one of the commenters had said that if I were to go out five we would be able to have a constant flow of just water and like I like that as an idea I do maybe if I just maybe I just take this one out like so and this one out like so we’re just going to do this where’s that dirt where’s the dirt all right we’re going to we’re just going to extend in a couple ways here just to just to get a little bit more Breathing Room uh that’s oh I did four on each time uh what else can I break what else can I break the one under it no uh is this even that’s even well that isn’t even at the moment uh Patchwork Island go okay so we can V we go over here to make water do that do that okay cool wait oh all right well that that was doing that that didn’t do anything all right so now if I go to crush actually hold on I don’t need I need I need Stone right yeah oh we need Stone we do need Stone we need Stone we need Stone how many Stone do we need here not you all right because I need three of these in order to make a sore Stone I need six eight I need eight per and that’ll give me eight it give me eight there and it’s four per so I need to do that twice at the very least so 24 Stone I need 24 Stone not bad okay so that’s yeah we can do that real quick nice okay so yeah no it is it’s doing its thing cool not bad not bad do I so I got 10 Stone right now nice oh man look at us we are cooking with Cobble thank you to that commenter who gave me the the insight about like making this a little bit bigger here to have the those infinite sources of water working the way that we were expecting it to that is in fact a wonderful contribution to the series all right got 18 21 just one more batch here three and four perfect 24 we got seven I’ll take that I’ll take that XP I’m put more logs in there we got 24 of this so we’re going to get 24 Stone so that is going to account for these we have how many Source gems do we have that’s actually a great question we have seven we have seven Source gems and we need at least three so we got that perfect thumbs up there and then gold nuggets how much gold nuggets do we have we have four so we’d be able to make one in order to get more gold nuggets I have to keep crushing things so so so we come here and we do Crush boom boom [Music] boom nice all right so we’re crushing got some gold and this is another one of those I think we only need 12 but I feel that like not getting any loot why am I not oh there it is oh is like all the loot going somewhere else is it going a place that it shouldn’t be I saw that one oh maybe it’s just it really is just like a chance thing okay so we just get that boom boom boom but yeah so we’re going to do that we only need we only need a little bit of gold here which is fine we’re going to make those pedestals I think I need to keep making out the the platform back here behind me a little bit larger so I think we’re going to end up doing that here too how I got seven more Redstone we do need the Redstone we need the Redstone and the actually we need a lot of gold we do need a lot of gold because unless I have more in here I do not because we need four gold bars and a redstone to make a a clock also is this like just like not balanced there we go should be it should be balanced [Music] now all right I think I have to like be patient too so yeah we’re going to expand this out a little bit do I want to just yeah no this has to be expanded we have to we we need more room because I don’t want these like sitting right here I want to actually get these a proper spot whoa hold on uh okay that was a lot more than I was anticipating and I think I have enough for one gold bar right now because one gold bar is go here say gold gold a gold bar is nine nuggets 9 * 4 that’ll give us the total amount that we need for the gold bars but then I need 12 on top of that man I don’t want to do math H I didn’t sign up for this suppose I should like stay out of the water too got 20 what if I get another Diamond like how we feeling about that what if I get another Diamond that would be really fun but another thing like one of the reasons why I want to work on the Spells is because it increases our mana and I could just sit here for days and then like not have to worry about running out of Mana you know be uh pretty pretty snazzy if I do say so myself it’s not too not too bad I mean good news here is that we’re like we’re getting iron we oh we did get another diamond oh look at us go out standing we take those yeah all right all right I’m sure there’s a way to like increase Mana regeneration too look at all those things over there nice 35 I think like a stack I think we’ll be good with a stack you know keep running around we’re getting our exercises inop plus this gives that stone time to cook which it looks like that’s done which is really exciting yeah all right some more lapis what if I get another Diamond what if I get one more diamond and I get a diamond pick should I do that though like I feel like I’m going to need the diamonds for something right like I shouldn’t just waste it on a diamond pick right off the get go as tempting as it is I I shouldn’t do it I want to oh I so want to I mean that’s that’s a good thing do we think do we think I will get another Diamond before I get a full stack of gold nuggets go ahead and take a guess leave your comment down below if you think that’s actually going to be the case I’m I’m not I’m not sure I don’t think it’ll happen we’re going to we’ll do this we’re going to put it down on the bar I don’t think it will happen but you never know you never know we might get one that that might in fact happen so put your guest down below we’ll see who is right and or who just has really good ninja editing abilities to go back and say that they totally got it all right boom boom oh all right uh well yeah that happened uh we we got one so whoever whoever guessed that I would in fact get one you were right congratulations go buy a lottery ticket I someone someone will probably say it’s totally scripted I had no idea I had no idea did we just get another one oh my goodness we got another diamond huh who needs to go to the bottom of the world when you can just Crush some rocks and get diamonds who was not expecting to get a third to be to be quite honest I’m just here for the gold that’s what I’m here for the gold I keep like accidentally crushing the dirt and it does nothing crushing dirt doesn’t do anything you would think like it would make mud or something right packed mud or something equivalent to packed mud but no no it just doesn’t do anything I don’t actually is this enough space for this to grow I have no idea like thinking aloud I don’t actually know if that’s enough room to grow cuz in the previous series these guys got huge they’re they’re pretty big all right am I not give me gold gold gold gold I mean I need the Redstone and stuff but gold oh there we go 61 ah o there it is all right cool perfect perfect awesome we got all the gold that we needed there and I do need nuggets so I can’t just like go gungho I guess and just turn everything into the the bars that’s the word I was thinking of all right cool so we got these we’re going to swap that out for this because I want to make sure we keep farming these up CU I feel like that is is important I could put them on the sides but like I don’t trust myself so we’re just going to keep doing a stack of seven of these every time so we get 14 back it looks like I believe it’s not bad we’re getting we’re getting it up there it’s questionable in terms of food but that’s okay that’s okay we got some clay balls that’s also really nice to see perfect okay so we got the gold we got the stone oh let me actually we got the stone so we got gold we got Stone we have source perfect let’s go ahead and do this how many times can I do this three times around one two three boom made some Source blocks we love to see it we got four of these left I have a little bit of lapis do I I feel like I probably should I feel like I should get these La is going just just to have a couple Source gems on hand just to have on hand no panicking no panicking it’s okay all right so this to this perfect I have everything for that I need three of them all right what about over here what do I need for that I need wheat I don’t have any Wheat yet where am I going to get wheat that seems uh seems important in some capacity plant drops oh bone meal can I can I do it from bone meal dungeons tag crafting well we’ll figure that out figure that out but first so those are doing its things I want to extend the Arco Workshop area a little bit so we’re going to come over here boom boom boom boom because how many is this back there one two three one two three four five six so we’re six back how how is this uh one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 so it’s 14 so I want to at least go seven I want to go seven deep we’ll go seven deep as a bridge right right so this this right here this platform is going to be a bridge we’ll probably have to like redo it as something else into the future but this will do for now and the next layer that I’m going to do right here is actually going to be the start of my own platform like so so we’ll do that and then this and then that just to kind of help signify what it is that I’m doing cuz this is where I’m thinking I’ll be able to kind of start doing stuff and like building my own Wizard’s Tower or Shack kind of oh oh a shooting star look at that neat okay so let’s see here we got all those things nice all right extend that out a little bit and so can I how do I take oh so I need a pick to pick this up and these just do a thing so I they don’t actually need to be next to this I thought it needed to be next to this or at least this but it doesn’t so come over here uh I want to plop one down there can I put them on top of each other hold on oh my goodness you can put them on top of each other do they still work they still work okay okay that’s actually really cool uh I don’t think they actually need to be on top of each other but for right now we’re going vertical to save on Space until I figure out like an actual setup for these all right so we got we got that can I we’ll go here we do this wrong button we hit V we say crafting boom I can craft the [Music] Arcane these guys Arcane pedal so I need three of these one do they stack two they do stack three brilliant okay so we did get the three of these that’s fantastic we love it awesome we’re going to we’ll just take these no no give okay cool and then so a pedestal it says they have to be around it right like that I read that correctly so no here pedestals they require Arcane pedestals plac adjacent to the chamber yep yep yep to craft Essences Place three pedestals near the enement chamber and place the items required for each onto the pedestal and then begin your gym then place your gem in the chamber yes okay cool so that being said we do that here here and here I like that I like that I think actually let me as neat as this is being vertical I don’t I don’t think I want that to be vertical I think I’ll just have one of these on either side like that yeah Okay cool so now now we go back back here we see that we didn’t that cool to make a magical Essence we need Redstone a button a stone Button Man Okay so a stone button and a clock so we just need we need one of those though once I get that is there like is there a way to duplicate that or do I just need the one can be described and spell par tool to permanently hide the spell is it like a onetime thing I guess we’ll find out okay well let’s go ahead and get some Stone because we need it and nothing wrong with getting some more Stone to make the button do that that should be enough to at least get what we need and do I have the ability here to make a clock do I have it I do not have have the gold bars we go here we do that we do one two I don’t know why I I could just do [Music] this I just wanted to click the UI you know I just wanted I just wanted to click the UI all right so we do this we do this we get a clock boom nice clock actually works and there’s a clock some Redstone and now Stone button which I believe I just toss you right like that that’s the stone button perfect okay so we’re going to move you over here the sord stone come up here we’re going to take the clock the Redstone a source Gem and a stone butt and I believe I believe that’s what it’s asking for o we’re going to be doing it right at Sunrise too amazing okay so manipulation essence is in fact Redstone the stone button and the clock and it’ll give us that so we’re going to go ahead and do this and I think we just oh we place a clock some Redstone and a stone button I like that it kind of floats there you know that’s kind of nice all right so we do that and we put the gy in add Source nearby to increase craft speed okay it’s just going to take its time because I don’t have any Source nearby outstanding okay look at us go look at us go we’re going to do this because it looks like we need a constant Supply source so we’re just going to throw that in there nice so that will be handling that one and that’s going to give us false weave and then we’re going to get flax seeds ooh nice okay flax seeds will be really cool because then I can start actually growing things yeah all right so we’re going to let that kind of do its thing hey that’s a big tree that is a very big tree let’s go ahead and chop these down I still think like this is like the better the better option and thank you notification that was supposed to be muted and wasn’t muted thank you for being who you are so we have all those we have all that what do we need for Source jar we need sand so we need sand I have a shovel right I do I do have a shovel so let’s do this let’s start actually getting let’s actually get some some sand going which is two of these and then we’re going to have to get like we’re going to have to get like wood going again because we’re going to man this is oh I didn’t realize I’m going to have to chop this tree down again it’s a great looking tree tree but I got to chop it down o okayo oop oop oop oop oop this this this this this all right 10 sand 10 glass how much do I need is it two per how many does it want me to make I wasn’t counting I just want going to make one oh well I am certainly being an overachiever right now so let’s go ahead how much how much wood do we got in here we have we’ll take that and we’ll just put a couple more in and we’ll just put that stone in there we’ll get that we’ll make those Source jars so we’ll be able to accomplish that and then this takes wheat and I don’t have wheat H but that would make source and I need that right this still going with’s that 79 80% done give me that and we’ll just uh pop you in there have fun okay so I need that but then enchanting apparatus what are these I need to make one more of these Arcane pedestals an enchanting apparatus is a multi-block crafting structure recipes will consume items on nearby pedestals and a central item placed on the apparatus note pedestals from nearby imum Chambers can interfere with crafting that’s good to know to construct place place an apparatus on top of an Arcane core okay and Surround it with pedestals within three blocks of the apparatus okay so that that certainly needs something and I’ll get ay’s Oculus a scry crystal and SC scroll oh well that’s that’s neat okay that’ll give me that and then a ritual brazer relay or relay I want the flax seeds Essence can Essences can convert and craft a variety of items check ji for recipes craft wheat seeds with a manipulation Essence for flx what what can you do well hold on what that is that how I get my wheat seeds so I go here and I say wheat seeds and I’m like I want wheat seeds villager trades no Market no chests no plant drops no hold on how how h of how h of all and craft please or craft wheat seeds with a manipulation Essence so like I would take one manipulation Essence and I’d put it in there and I would get wheat seeds to get flax seeds to give me more flax so I mean okay that makes sense where am I getting the wheat seeds this is from the market I don’t have anything to do with the market at the moment but I feel like I should right like do I need to just oh I can’t make a bow because I don’t have string I can make a sword how how h of how of all like how do you make this light blue oh that’s die diamonds obsidian quartz Blaze Rod I have none of that I have none of that going for me right now do I get or that’s experience that gives me toss experience experience runic chalk that’s probably important harvesting crops okay amplify okay improved Mana it’s Mana regeneration that’s fine underfoot bounce an codex that’s the give to other people do I just need to use bone meal and just hope I get some flax out of the the plant growth I think that’s what it is I think I think that’s the play okay well just uh I want to hold on to these blocks here we go boom look at us we got manipulation Essence very nice very cool of us I feel like does this I don’t know if this like actually goes away I’m going to be so sad if like you craft it and actually goes away maybe it doesn’t who knows we’ll find out all right so let me grab my axe we’re going to get some more of these here guys and I want to get some bone meal and I’m going to hope I’m going to hope that that’s how this works you know I’m going to hope that if I just like spam some bone meal right here I’ll get some wheat seeds like that is current ly the dream so we’ll just how much only like two per but if I go oh snap that was a lot more than I thought oh there we go we got wheat seeds Okay cool oh okay all right okay okay all right okay there wasn’t going to be anything like fancy about it we just we just do that and we get the get the wheat seeds all right cool cool cool cool cool cool so let’s put this in there uh we’ll put those in there dandelion so I got some wheat seeds I could probably get more I probably should get more yeah let’s use this last bone meal we’ll get some more or at least we’ll try to I keep thinking I have util Miner or whatever it is so I could like did I actually get any wheat seeds from this oh there we go at least got one more I keep thinking I have a way of like Mass getting rid of all of the things and then I don’t and I’m really sad about it just saying okay so I need to make popop a ho perfect I just need this next to some water just like that hey a CD place look at us go oh I’m so proud of us we’re just we’re moving right along it’s fantastic come over here I don’t even know if that was actually done or not but just going to put them all back up awesome so with that done that done do we boom so we are going to get false weave for this what is false weave by control false weave has the same property as mirror weave that’s cool I don’t know what mirror weave is but that’s great to hear fantastic love love to see it but can be passed through as if we’re air since magic will cause the block to become invisible revealing any hidden paths so that’s Mage Moon block air Essence to false weave I cool awesome we got uh I’m assuming something that we turn into armor I’m going to I’m just going to put it away for right now cuz that that feels feels kind of dangerous not going to lie all right other things so we’ve completed that one in order to make the flax seeds we just have to convert one of these guys into into flax which I mean I guess I could I could do that I could do that right like if I go here I do this I put you there and you there it does consume it good to [Music] know the flax there so we’ll grow some flax which I think is probably going to be more important in the long run than wheat we’re going to get two more flax seeds which would be really good so let’s go ahead and make two more things for that poop bop bop bop perfect when this grows I can use that wheat to then make this guy which means we need more gold and we need more Source gems which we’re getting there we can however make the source Shar let’s go ahead and do that let’s uh let’s grab this do this man look at what everything really just starts coming together when like when when you all when you really just think about it it just all starts coming together it’s nice all right so not of fluid we got that perfect I don’t know where this is actually going to go yet but I feel like I’ll be able to just kind of pick that up and move it around but I’m going to put it over here for now I like it I like the way it looks looks pretty neat pretty snazzy I don’t need any more glass okay so what are we then waiting on for this so we need the wheat the wheat has to grow we have the source manipulation so I need more of this though and to make this I need a clock Redstone and buttons so I need a couple more buttons I like there there has to be like away right for almost making that faster right like there has to be because I need I need two more and I got the Redstone like that’s not that’s not too big of a deal I guess really really it is I just have to keep doing the crush thing right like that’s that’s kind of like what it’s asking me to to do here with with this and then well we’re going to need more Source gems so might as well just pop that in there wait wait wao whoa no it just it just does the it oh oh that is so oh my goodness thank thank you to the to the blocks I thought I had to make all these things over and over again it doesn’t use it oh oh my goodness that y’all y’all y’all oh my I thought this was going to be really grindy and it just it’s not grindy at all this is H half happy freaking day so we just put one in there we can just keep make ah holy crap okay all right well that change that changes some things okay I I’m sitting here like oh I’m about to bring out the song recommendation I know you all are here for that so I’m going to have to sit here and I’m going to be like farming stuff up we’re going to talk about the song of the week but oh oh that’s just exciting okay so with that doing what it needs to do that’s that’s fantastic okay hold on we’re just just going to roll it back a little bit oh my goodness that is that is really cool okay so we can do some Hoppers we can do we’ll be able to do that I don’t know that’s just a wooden button and a pressure plate and a lever and stuff okay all right that’s man how do you make a core I do need more gold I do need that and that’s a sore Stone and that goes into that but we do have all that we have everything there now perfect I do need to make another pedestal I have enough I think let’s let’s try and make another pedestal real quick pedestal where you at pedestal pedestal ped oh my goodness Arcane pedestal all right I’m missing oh I’m missing those oh I got to do that anyways all right well I guess since I do need to farm this stuff anyways we can talk about the song recommendation for the week I know you guys have been waiting on baited breath to find out what it’s going to be and this one is actually going to be inspired slightly by the recommendation for Owl City I found this band randomly on my Spotify I believe new release radar or whatever that playlist is it might have been the DJ but I honestly I I couldn’t remember if I if you held like a earphones up to me and said hey give us your uh tell us where you got it type of situation and I don’t it this band came up it was really good you know actually now that I think about it it came from I was listening to another band and I wanted to make like a radio off of that band and it just ended up popping up that way anyways I digress the uh the point is is that this is where I found the band I got I found them off Spotify really randomly I’m not exactly sure how old the band is I haven’t like really looked too far into the discography that they have or their history and everything uh Beyond just like the few songs that I do really enjoy from their their albums on Spotify that I listen to on repeat it’s it’s made its way into a lot of my gym playlists it’s made its way into a lot of just kind of vibing like just driving around town or just kind of like going on a bike ride going on walks throughout nature and stuff like that just it’s been really good and and it is the band Rain City Drive the band’s name is called Rain City Drive and the song name is called talk to a friend talk to a friend by Rain City Drive that is my song recommendation for you guys this week it’s a really really solid song it’s just got like some really good driving guitars the drums are really good lyrically it’s a little bit more on I would say the the emotional side right like there is a lot of like impact and meaning behind the words that the guy is uh singing and belting out right there but all in all it really is a Vibe I I enjoy it a lot I I usually find myself especially with like newer releases these days like oh yeah I’ll definitely Vibe with it for a while but then I just end up ultimately like skipping a lot of songs like once they like finally like kind of overstay their welcome if you know what I mean and this particular song did not do that for me I I find myself listening to the song all the way through more often than not when it comes on either my DJ or in any of the playlists that Spotify kind of curates for me so that that’s definitely the song of recommendation this week and speaking of playlists and all that other wonderful stuff that comes along with that I just found out when talking with my editor that I am eligible to do external links in YouTube now which is really great news because one of the things that like has really stunk about doing all these song recommendations and then talking with you guys and getting all of your recommendations is not being able to create playlists and like having those like in the description of the video or just like linking away and all that other kind of fun stuff so what you guys are going to find in the description of this video is not only some links to social media and all that other kind of fun stuff so like hey total total plug right there check those out if you want we can talk even more and do even more song recommendations really appreciate that maybe possibly uh poke that like button too if you really want to and on on top of that there will be a couple playlists down below I’m going to do my best for right now to just limit it to the playlist that or the playlist will be limited to the songs that I have recommended to you guys through the series so far so that’s going to be everything from the previous mind Colony series all the way up to date with this episode that’ll be there and it’ll be in the format of both a YouTube playlist and a Spotify playlist is the the idea there and I’m hoping to keep that current all the way through super looking forward to hearing you guys like jam out and everything like that and it’ll just be like a really fun time capsule to look back on you know in the future when we’re doing other Minecraft series which is another point the playlist that’s going into the description today that you guys can like scroll down and check out is very specifically going to include season one of that uh calonia mind Colony playthrough that we did just because I didn’t have the ability to have that involved with this one so this playist will probably be probably a little bit longer but I’m I’m just excited I I I was so so hyped to just like have that as an option like I we were joking around I was like oh man you they’re like oh you could finally do your Discord and your the Twitter and all this other kind of stuff and I’m like yeah know that’s cool and everything I can share a playlist like I can we can share music with one another you know how amazing that is like that’s honestly one of the biggest highlights every single week while making this series and also while making the previous series is that I get to share music with you I haven’t even started going into things like why I think you know this song is so colorful and like what they’re doing like with the the chord progression and everything like like I can nerd out about some music Let Me Tell and I haven’t even gone that far yet but now now we can share playlists we can really keep things going it’s going to be it’s going to be fantastic why are these guys aren not growing anyways that’s the just to you know be completely sidetracked while farming up mats I don’t even know what did we get we got 29 we got some of those we got tons of that oh we got another diamond look at us we’re on a roll so far all in all y’all I’m just I’m super excited super excited about that so all right let’s uh let’s bring it back let’s take that that excitement let’s lower that down a little bit let’s go ahead and see what we got going on here so we still are waiting for that wheat to grow that is definitely going to be happening for sure we got hopefully the gold there we do have the gold here I need one of those so let’s go ahead and make one of those real quick cuz I have the materials for it boom so that’s a fourth one and we’re just going to add this fourth one here to this little backlog just like that oh I’m so excited you have no idea that oh just go you just swap it out that is so H wonderful to hear absolutely wonderful to hear that I want I want this to grow do I have to like actually throw bone meal on this to get this to grow I might have to I might have to let’s go ahead and get our axe just in case that’s actually how things are supposed to happen who knows we’ll figure that out I feel like I should have a wall of these that is like the size of whatever cuz I think it’s 12 is it 12 per no it is not it’s not 12 it is going to be more than 12 13 is it 13 let’s find out uh yeah it’s it’s 13 so 13 of these makes a bone meal so if we go here now oh they are growing well I but I made but I made the bat meal fine hold on let let’s let’s just look what do I actually need for all this so it’s the wheat it’s the gold do I have the gold in hand today right now I do okay and those grow so like all right let’s use the bone meal on this because I need the wheat right so we need the wheat we got some more wheat seeds which is which is nice so we’re going do that I can’t wait to get a nice little platform setup to properly farm and everything like that so we’re come over here and aggro I think is what they were calling this thing aggro aggro something or another we’ll do this then we’re going to make one of these boom and I want so I want to set it here cuz I’m I think cuz these grow these do grow in the same way that that does and I think I do that is that is that what it needs so I did that okay and I got more mirror weave don’t know what we’re doing with it yet Island creation RS Callum adds a variety of rituals for Conjuring islands and platforms the chapter for Island creation has been unlocked oh well we’re definitely not going to wait oh it gives me a reld Razer all well I’m not going to I’m not going to click on that yet because we’re not going to go into that in this video but spell turrets oh oh oh transfer Source between other jars and relays oh so I need that’s a Dominion wand and stuff like that we’ll have to we’ll have to look into that here shortly but what is so this is this is there and when these grow that should do a thing and then fill this up oh whoa did did that pick that up wait from one two wait one two one two three four five oh it did it did pick that up oh my goodness so if we were to hold on hold please so if I were to move this a little bit closer like say right here and then move this to say right here when these grow it should pick it up and then when these grow it should also pick it up and then move it over into this jar okay man look at us y’all we are we are cooking today all right cool so we’ve done done that we’ve done that we done those we got those we’re not going into Island creation yet because that seems very very daunting what about over here what do we got so I’ve made wait I’ve made four I have made four is it not counting these give me that do I have to have all four in hand in order to like count that [Music] maybe possibly apparatus it’s that well I need more of those well that one that one is definitely a extracurricular let me go over here let’s look at this and let’s go ahead and make a couple more spells I think is I think so I know I need Hoppers and in order to make hoppers we need we need a lot of these a lot of these like oh my goodness a lot good thing we have so much of this because I need two Hoppers I believe a hopper is that no how do you make a hopper is that not a hopper Hopper oh it’s a chest or two pieces of wood this work that does not work it’s actual wood wood oh okay well amazing with that forethought that I had to make a tree look at me so I need four pieces of this uh okay it didn’t go anywhere perfect no totally didn’t happen anyways so we got four of those we have iron so it’s five per so I just need to do four of these like that like that wait no go over there let’s try and stay somewhat clean right rev clean is best then boom boom boom boom two Hoppers outstanding wait no I can just no give no give okay and then so now I just right click and uh I actually don’t even remember what spell that was item pickup item wait no no give the book okay item pickup so hold left control for more info that is my left control oh right I got to do this I rebound things because I an old school gamer as they say picks up nearby items in a medium radius where this spell is activated the range may be expanded with AOE that’s kind of nice okay select okay so now I just need to go toss toss and look at us we’re making another glyph this is fantastic I’ll take it and we have un locked item pickup wonderful which also gives us the glyph of toss which let’s actually going and see what this one does we hold this causes the Caster to place an item from the inventory to a location if this glyph is used on an inventory the item will attempt to be inserted into it okay I could see how that could potentially come into handy in in a couple things so we got that one Glyph of interact is just a a wooden button a pressure plate manipulation Essence and a Le clever which conveniently I think I can do all that so let’s go ahead and grab one of those real quick so we need that I do have a stick right we got a stick which is cool put you there you there how we do it the right way to pull a lever out and a button actually hold on let’s actually let’s make our inventory look somewhat neat that was a lever a button a source Essence and what else what else did we need ah a pressure plate a pressure plate which I believe is just two just like that perfect and that was again that was for interact interactor okay so let’s go over here have the no give me the book have the proper book out and we’ll look up interact got everything we need select wait I don’t have enough XP for the glyph oh oh I’m over here trying to be all like oh look at me check me out like I well you know all right fine put you in there and we’ll put you in there and we’ll let you cook while that’s cooking we’ll come over here and we’re going to make another sour ship do I have another one of these outstanding that is so man I can’t get over how amazing that is that this just does the thing okay perfect perfect okay so definitely vastly overestimated how much work was going to going to get these things up and running and going but that’s okay that’s okay what is our what is our source looking like 3% full that does in fact go off of those and it is getting from those as well which is really cool we love it we love it I feel like I should just plant another tree over here too like really encapsulate this particular area maybe possibly uh no anyways okay Glyph of cut that’s a sword and shears and one of those okay okay we made those we did that improved Mana that’s what we’re doing right now is that we are in fact learning things so let’s go ahead and get that I feel I feel confident in selecting that particular ability how much how much Mana are we getting can we actually see no uh see oh that’s right we can change our colors and everything hold up oh oh no I’m not ready for this I haven’t slept I don’t have a bed oh no no go away shoo shoo I don’t have a bed yet I can do that with the flax but I need the flax isn’t grown where you at where you at all right well you know uh I wish for it to be day I wish for it to be day Moon help me I don’t have I have an apple good old saturation okay uh well they’re somewhere anyways back to the quest book as we’re doing so recap of what we’ve done today and everything that we’ve accomplished which I think was actually pretty good all things considered we went over we learned how to acquire source which is this do hickey right over here I I he I’m talking to the people that’s right you no hey whoa hey what what no what hi no what hey hold on hold your horses I got an axe now where you at where you at come here come here I have an axe that’s about to break get over here I should probably make like another one real quick just to I wasn’t ready hold on wait no I’m not ready I’m ready now wait no my axe broke do I have anything on hand that I can turn into an axe I do not I don’t at all I don’t think you can make copper axes oh my goodness I am just hey hold your horses I wasn’t prepared for Phantoms I wasn’t I’m going to need youall just calm down for a second let me let me make an axe I said let me make an axe I will be with you in a moment I promise all right I’m ready but that mean I’m going to come over here for a second and eat an apple I’m just trying to explain what we did today and Y all over here causing problems wait no what no where you at no I probably actually need these now that you know now I think about it I probably actually need like parts off these guys what’s your health at I wish I had range your Apple no come back here it’s almost dead come back no no you come back I want your body parts that sounds really weird I want I want your drops I’m waiting wait where you where you at who who’s swiping who’s swiping yeah all right look at this go look at this what do we get out of that Phantom membrane that it ow hey he oh you’re coming back come here come here come here wait no you just sh oh one more one more hit one more hit come over here get over here you better not flown away I’m pretty sure I need that membrane there you are that’s right that’s right we did it we did it okay so hopefully I’m pretty sure actually we were just like looking at the Spellbook and it’s probably like oh you get cut let’s see that’s cut signal Harvest Rune Mage Light harm yeah harm is probably what I need right deals damage to hit the deals damage to the hit Target yeah that’d be really good how do I get that I need swords Earth Essence dirt wheat seeds in that okay that’s that’s not too bad oh okay and now with my newfound knowledge of how that works that’ll be even easier but okay so again before we were rudely interrupted with like everything that was going on with those Phantoms and because I haven’t slept can you tell can you tell I haven’t left anyways what did we accomplish today we learned how to acquired source which is all of this fun stuff right here we’re currently getting our source from growing some crops as well as growing these guys which is fantastic I’m I’m so glad it works that way let’s go ahead and went a little think I went a little too fast on uh that particular one but it’s okay we can set these guys back up boom boom boom grows it stuff it’s great we love to see it all right so we accomplished learning how to do stor and we did manipulation Essence which got us the three Arcane pedestals which is really good learned how to do that and all that was over here it’s a little bit on the darker side can’t really tell but that was the Redstone the stone button and a clock and that gives us this which is really really cool allows us to start making more spells I just saw in the book as well to be able to do the Earth Essence which means I’ll probably I think next episode we’re going to expand this out and we’ll have like a little doohickey or whatever on either side and because we’re going to be expanding things out and things are going to be getting darker we’re definitely going to be picking up this conjure Mage Light at some point which is a torch which we should be able to do yep we’ll be able to do that it’s a torch and a lantern which we certainly are able to do 100% so with that being said let’s go ahead and we’re going to do and I’m going to try and make this a a thing with with every single playthrough but we’re going to do cam start and I we’ll do 20 no no 15 seconds of just a nice playthrough of what we did today we can kind of see right there where we’re slowly expanding things out that tree that came in all that kind of fun stuff really excited to continue this series with you guys and just seeing how this island grows especially with the the added benefit of just you know growing or not growing I guess growing our own islands in the sense of conjuring our own Islands really excited for all that I think that’s going to end up being really cool to see take place as well as just kind of build things up like I said my plans for this back over here is going to be a Wizard’s Tower of some sort we have the ability to get cobblestone Stone and everything like that but I want to get a little bit more of a gradient going on I think that’ll be pretty nice to at least see for the most part again thank you guys all so much for the support on the series so far it’s been fantastic the comments the likes everything like that lovely I can’t tell you how amazing it is on top of that I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week I know I will be one looking forward to your comments more importantly looking forward to those song recommendations please keep those coming uh the last little reminder though is of course check out the playlist down in the I can’t even speak anymore like I’m just oh please check out the playlist down in the description below as well as the new found links for this mod pack as well as the Shader pack I have the ability to do that now so I can actually give you guys proper linkage so you don’t have to just worry about Google Fu but by all means do that other than that have a lovely rest of your Monday thank you so much for choosing to start your week with me if your week starts on a Monday that is and as always I’m looking forward to just making another video and seeing you guys next week so until next time bye

This video, titled ‘MineCraft SkyBlock – New SPELLS in MAGICAL SkyBlock! Arcane Isles Part 2’, was uploaded by Rev Arco on 2024-04-29 12:00:28. It has garnered 638 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:12 or 4752 seconds.

Hey, wake up! It’s a new Minecraft Monday video! 🎶 Come with me as I explore the magical world of the Arcane Isles, a modded Skyblock Minceraft Map. This is part 2 of the series! And we are looking to make more progress and learn more spells!

I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think!

Modded Minecraft: ✨ Arcane Isles ✨ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/arcane-isles

Shader Pack: Astra Lex https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/astralex-shader-bsl-edit

🎶 Like and Subscribe to my channel, and maybe leave a song recommendation! 🎶

~~Season 1 Song Recommendation playlist~~ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzmDDbuwyU4wH64wqmGGJqbpjswL5UuVn

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rev_Arco Discord: https://discord.gg/YbQ5RE8TAc

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #moddedminecraft #witchcraft #minecraftseries #minecraftletsplay #minecraft50hours #minecraft100days

Minecraft Skyblock New SPELLS in MAGICAL SkyBlock ✨ Arcane Isles Part 2

˚ TAGS˚ minecraft, modded mc, minecraftonly, texture pack, moddedmc, modded minecraft, arcane isles, skyblock, minecraft mods, magic, mage, spells, minecraft series, texture packs, cozy, cute, relaxing minecraft, chill minecraft, 100 days minecraft, survival, 50 hours minecraft survival

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    WX39 - CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.6 – Shaders, Zoom, and Optimisation Mods Install Tutorial’, was uploaded by wx39 on 2024-06-06 06:35:25. It has garnered 118 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Download all the mods bundled together here: https://ufile.io/2vsb6jgw If you’re having trouble running the Iris Installer, there is a utility you can download called “JarFix”. It’ll fix the issue, though you may need to restart your PC after running it. If you’d rather download the mods individually, here are the relevant links: Iris Shaders – gives you shaders and the… Read More

  • RazerPVP

    RazerPVPWelcome to RazerPvP! We are a new 1.19.4 server, and a work in progress, but value constructive criticism and suggestions! We have factions, MCMMO, marriage, and an upcoming NPC shop! We also are adding parkour at spawn. Staff are almost always available on our discord – https://discord.gg/n2hRzPG6ft . Feel free to @ us in the general chat if you need help. We are excited to see new members join this growing server! Read More

  • GlowCraft PVE SMP Crossplay 1.20+ Quests No-Grief Land Claims Player Economy Jobs

    Join GlowCraft Community Today! 🌟 Discord: https://discord.glowcraft.org Website: https://www.glowcraft.org Play.Glowcraft.org Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 Description: GlowCraft is a laid-back Survival Multiplayer network with a focus on economy and PvE gameplay. Build your own adventure and enjoy custom items alongside regular gameplay experiences. Everything is obtainable through gameplay! Economy Focus: Interact with the community through trading, selling, and buying items without the need for a webstore. Perks include Crate Keys, Vote Rewards, and Glow Sticks. Main Features: Obtain everything in the game through play or advance with donations through the store. ⛏ Jobs 📅 Daily Quests 🌲 Season 3 Elemental (Released)… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamonds are my bae

    Why did the diamond go to school? To get a little “carats” education! Read More

  • From Rags to Riches: EfeKan’s Minecraft Adventure

    From Rags to Riches: EfeKan's Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan, from poverty to riches, bold. From humble beginnings, he started his quest, Building his empire, rising above the rest. With hard work and dedication, he mined and he crafted, His skills and his fortune, steadily amassed. From dirt to diamonds, his wealth did grow, In the world of Minecraft, he put on a show. His story inspires, a lesson to learn, That with perseverance, success you can earn. So follow his journey, from rags to riches, In the world of Minecraft, where the adventure never ceases. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 “Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and enchanted weapons, while Minecraft girls are just trying to figure out how to tame a cat without accidentally hitting it with a pickaxe?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #boysvs girls Read More

  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

    DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition The World of Minecraft: Crafting a Wind Fan Embark on a new adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with the creation of a Wind Fan. This innovative addition to your Minecraft world will bring a touch of creativity and functionality to your gameplay. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of Minecraft crafting! Exploring the Possibilities of Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and create in a virtual world made up of blocks. With endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introducing the… Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Smash Bros in Minecraft!

    Insane Mashup: Smash Bros in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made Smash Bros in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TerryOnline on 2024-06-01 15:36:40. It has garnered 318 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:20 or 12500 seconds. You can now get LEDGE CAMPED IN MINECRAFT! Also I did this on the switch version instead of Xbox… I didn’t want to pay for Xbox live, sorry in advance. Thank you guys for 1k Subs! Tonight I will be announcing some big events for next weekend, so make sure to stay tuned! Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/CMTusbbA #supersmashbros #minecraft #gaming Read More

  • Minecraft SCARY MOON Encounter at 3AM

    Minecraft SCARY MOON Encounter at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP trouve SCARY MOON à 3H DU MATIN sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-05-17 15:00:51. It has garnered 71000 views and 885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:58 or 1078 seconds. After Scary Moon turned me into a killer, I’m here with catnap to get revenge. I just found his secret base and I’m going to have to destroy it in order to kill scary moon. So I go inside and I explode his heart. #minecraft #thecheesenaan 🎵 TikTok: thecheesenaanyt 📸 INSTAGRAM: thecheesenaan 👻 SNAPCHAT: thecheesenaan 🦄 Discord: https://discord.gg/DUXzJrf ————————————————–… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT T-REX TUTORIAL!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Tyranosaurs Rex minecraft Wyatts vid’, was uploaded by @thehomies on 2024-03-02 02:23:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dinosaur wyatt having fun on minecraft. Read More

  • ULTIMATE WAR PLANE Mod for Minecraft!!

    ULTIMATE WAR PLANE Mod for Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘War Plane military Mod for Minecraft (MCPE)’, was uploaded by ModVo on 2024-05-19 14:00:31. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. ### 🛩️ Become a Minecraft Maverick: Rule the Skies with the V22 Osprey Mod! 🌤️ Mod Download://modsteria.com/mod-war-plane/ Have you ever yearned to soar through Minecraft’s pixelated paradise with the freedom of a bird and the functionality of a plane? Look no further than the **V22 Osprey Mod**! This ingenious mod brings the awe-inspiring V-22 Osprey to life, a real-world marvel that seamlessly transforms… Read More



  • Someone is lurking outside my house at 3AM…

    Someone is lurking outside my house at 3AM...Video Information This video, titled ‘Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM…’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-08 13:00:22. It has garnered 382948 views and 5035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:56 or 2456 seconds. Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM… (Minecraft) This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are chilling at night, when suddenly strange things start happening, and they SEE someone outside the house! Will they survive? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HOUSE HACKS!! 🤯🔨 #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠🏡🏠 #minecraftshortsideas #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HEERBUILDS on 2023-12-29 13:32:48. It has garnered 2567 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠 (PART.2) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshortsideas __________________________________________ ➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥 Minecraft lovers please 🙏 subscribe my channel ❤️🥺🙏 ______________________________________________________ device:- realme 3 RAM :- 4GB ROM:- 64 _________________________________ EDITING APP :- VN AND CAPCUT THUMBNAIL EDITING:- PICSART ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ INSTAGRAM:-https://www.instagram.com/shashi_gymlover ___________________________________________________________ SURVIVAL SERIE PLAYLISTS :-https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa_FNnPYYrrmfY67LvBBetSuhVGUYzkTG _____________________________________________________ hey guys how did you like my video 📸📸 please like ❤️, comment 👍, share♻️, subscribe PLEASE ____________________________________________________ YOUR… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch Now

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Judging my VIEWERS’ Minecraft Builds (April 2024)’, was uploaded by LeonSBU on 2024-05-05 19:29:59. It has garnered 421 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:31 or 7951 seconds. Let’s take a look at ALL of the entrants to this month’s Monthly Build Challenge, a minecraft build contest hosted in the LeonSBU Discord server! This month’s theme was “Custom Fruit Tree” – contestants had to create a fruit tree, featuring multiple wood types and custom fruits! Featuring @AshsDen and @layncemc as judges! ❤ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ❤ to LeonSBU, it really helps… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112

    Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112Video Information This video, titled ‘CaptainSparklez Talks Minecraft Throughout The Years | InsideMC 112’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-06-07 15:00:36. It has garnered 560 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:12 or 5412 seconds. In the 112th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with CaptainSparklez, someone who has been around in the Minecraft community since the start and has seen it develop over the years! To kick start the podcast, the two start by talking about the origin of the Captain, how his name and him as a content creator came to… Read More

  • Splocus

    SplocusSplocus er en dansk prison server, som er fuldkommen unikt lavet. Her er største delen custom kodet, og alle builds er selv lavet. Vi stræber efter at skabe et af Danmarks bedste fællesskaber, hvor der er plads til alle. Håber vi ses på Splocus! 🥇 mc.splocus.dk Read More

  • Nebula Wars – Semi-Vanilla, LIVEMAP, ANTI-P2W, SMP, CLAIM-FLY

    Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. SOME FEATURES INCLUDE: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! Head Database with Thousands… Read More

  • ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00

    ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.

    Minecraft Memes - Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.Just like in Minecraft, life doesn’t come with a built-in cheat code for success! Time to start mining for those goals! Read More

  • Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness

    Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with animations that entertain. Funny and humorous, each video a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. Pirated copies beware, this channel is the one true, With daily original content, just for you. So hit that subscribe button, join the fun, And let Fangkuaixuan’s Minecraft journey begun. From classroom series to song adaptations so fine, Every video a gem, a true gold mine. So come along, join the fun and the laughter, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, where joy is the master. Read More

  • “Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that even your memes are starting to mine for diamonds. #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme #cover #dance #майнкрафт #music Read More

  • Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run!

    Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run! Minecraft Shulker Farm Tutorial: Efficient and Easy Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key to success. The new Shulker Farm tutorial promises to revolutionize your gameplay with its speed and simplicity. Designed by the community, this farm is a game-changer for players looking to gather resources quickly and effortlessly. Key Features Shulker Shell Production: This farm boasts an impressive output of over 6,500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Compatibility: The farm is designed to work seamlessly on versions 1.17 to 1.21, ensuring that players across different updates can… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Minecraft

    The Dark Side of Minecraft The Dark Side of Minecraft Unveiled Exploring the underbelly of the Minecraft community, this video delves into scandals and the criminal underworld surrounding some of the most popular players. From controversial behaviors of famous creators to the illegal sale of Minecraft accounts, shocking events are brought to light. Notch’s Downfall At 00:33, the video touches upon the fall of Notch, the creator of Minecraft, and the controversies that have surrounded him. The Game Seized by Censorship By 02:51, the narrative shifts to how censorship has impacted the game, altering its original essence. Toxic Fans From 04:22, the toxic behavior… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power: JAYLABZIP, The Character God! #MinecraftWizard #AnimeMagic

    Unleash Ultimate Power: JAYLABZIP, The Character God! #MinecraftWizard #AnimeMagicVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wizardworld #minecraftart #anime #wizard #minecraftbuilds #gaming #minecraftcreations’, was uploaded by JAYLABZIP Aka The God Of Characters on 2024-05-24 22:13:42. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Home Build Success!

    Ultimate Home Build Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Finishing my First Home!!! 💜🏡 | Zander Netherbrand |【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】’, was uploaded by Zander Netherbrand 【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】 on 2024-02-15 18:19:17. It has garnered 4769 views and 508 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:05 or 13685 seconds. Your Charming Incubus and Host of Club Netherbrand. Part of FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN’s #Avallum! Come closer, I don’t bite….unless you ask nicely 𝓣𝓲𝓹 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽? https://streamlabs.com/zandernetherbrand Zander Minecraft Skin By: https://twitter.com/OhNoAMoose Fugi Art By: @hincaru ———————————————————————- Greetings, Mortals. Before we begin, just a few small rules: ╰┈➤ Be Nice & Stay… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Guess the Falling Character Challenge! #shorts

    Epic Minecraft Guess the Falling Character Challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft guess the character viral falling art ( 5 ) #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Minecraft Viral Shorts on 2024-04-19 06:30:20. It has garnered 2721 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts #mario Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Who REALLY built the Minecraft stronghold? 🤯 #minecraft #shorts

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Who REALLY built the Minecraft stronghold? 🤯 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know ? #minecraft #minecraftpe #shortsvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by G.O.A.T ASHH on 2024-04-27 11:36:31. It has garnered 10822 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know?? #minecraft #shortsvideo #minecraftcubecraft #gamerfleet #gaming #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsvideo . Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know, eye of ender, minecraft survival, minecraft Discover the shocking truth behind the construction of the Minecraft stronghold in this video! Join us as we delve into the mystery of who actually… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC LIVE Minecraft SMP! Join Our Survival SMP!🔥

    🔥EPIC LIVE Minecraft SMP! Join Our Survival SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Blong Gamer Minecraft Live Stream | Join Our Public SMP! #minecraftsmplive #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by BLong Gamer on 2024-01-10 21:13:55. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:12 or 1212 seconds. Please Subscribe For New Videos Server IP : OurPublicSMPJasV.aternos.me:12786 ✔ Follow Me On Social ID : Discord:—- https://discord.gg/cp6szUad Hello there! I’ll be playing minecraft today, and will be showing you live Stream in this video. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to like and subscribe! MY PC INFO Processor___AMD Ryzen 7 4800H… Read More