UNBELIEVABLE: Nico turns friends into color statues!

Video Information

I’m beating you I’m literally in front of you right now no I’m literally ahead of you how did you just I am so far ahead of you how did you get ahead of me hey hey get back here oh yes sir that’s me oh gosh yeah you realize why I’m so

Fast how cuz I got the speed goggles on and also you got the bling on yeah I know it kind of weighs me down though because it’s super heavy take it off all right fine there you go it’s off yeah that stuff was kind of weighing me down

I feel like I have a mark on my forehead now anyways did you notice that Mia has a bunch of those blocks over there yeah I was going to mention it but that just looks like it’s girl things Mia wait is she stuck I think that’s Zoe

Underneath zo should we help them uh no why you debating I’m going to help them okay fine fine Zoe Zoe I’m finally he’s over here help Mia Mia get her out get her out Mia how are you stuck in there break that block there we go hey everyone how

Did you guys just get trampled on a bunch of blocks well I turned a blast furnace into a bunch of colored blocks and uh we you got stuck oh were you rainbow maxing I wanted to see how many Rainbow blocks I can get around my house

It didn’t end well M this isn’t the full rainbow this is just blue red purple and yellow this is all of our colors the only colors that matter I guess you’re right oh yeah look here’s my little furnace oh gosh girls you need to stop wasting stuff I’m sorry I agree Shady

Look at it the wrong way how does he know where to go ni get over here bro Shady I’m behind you Shady ow n he just ran into glass ow that must have hurt oh man you know what you get over here bro stop running from me you’re not walking

Towards anyone bro cannot see J’s lost why does he have a blindfold on I don’t know must be a new challenge he’s trying to do hey where are you guys okay this is not funny Shady we’re over here Shady over here oh over there okay Shady has no sense of direction all

Right yo what yo what the what in the world is going on Mia what are you going to do with all these blocks I don’t know I just wanted to have all the blocks please without me using my hands you know I have an idea what I was thinking

It was about time we build you guys some statues really wait really yeah but the last time we did that g it didn’t really go so well yeah I remember shady is the worst at building statues listen guys I think that we should probably build some

Statues Shady wrong way I’ll get them oh my gosh all right you know what I’ll take you guys over there come on follow me okay all right and we’re here wo also don’t worry this is in the middle of the ocean yeah it’s fine I’m glad you put

Bedrock Shady why do you still that blindfold on all right listen bro I don’t even know what you’re talking about you’re not facing me Shady you really want to get up in my face like that bro what you going to do no one’s in your face she just punch it the air

Get over here yo what’s he doing where you at where you at oh he walked in the creative Circle he’s hacking ow all right Shady just pick a plot okay am I floating each one of us are going to build each other and you know what I

Built cash last time so I want to build Zoe I want to build shady I want to build Maya I’m going to build Cass her name is Mia Shady all right I’m going to the cretive circle let’s go nah all right and make sure you guys use the one

Color okay wait so do I build cash in orange or red no you’re supposed to build them in red and I’m building so in purple I’m building Shady in the yellow what did you say cash in the yellow Zoe ke come over here real quick com in

Shady you’re building in my plot huh Shady stop does not know you’re ruining my build I’m putting you over here oh my goodness where am I am I at the Blue Zone are you messing with me no you’re making me a oh okay Zoe can you place a

Figure of you right here so I can get a reference photo okay fine thank you Zoe all right well Zoe standing there and getting the reference of it I might as well just make her all right you know what I think she has some purple socks

As legs and I think it’s light purple so I’m going to get a light purple block I actually think light blue is a pretty good match for that color so I’m doing it all right and this time I’m also going to make this pretty big right here

Just like this and I’m also going to get a wand right here and I’ll like here to here and let’s move this two blocks that way now what we could do we could go right here and go right here I get blue terra cotta and place it like that are

They seriously playing rap music at what burger what are you saying shady is Shady even on the plots n he’s at waterburger N I have no idea what he’s doing all right anyways Zoe does that work Zoe that does not work but it’s purple oh my gosh all right since Zoe

Doesn’t know how to do it I guess I’m going to have to do it myself or something I’m going to continue placing it right here and that should be I think one more layer of her socks would look good like this and then I’m going to

Need to get her color so let’s get her skin color and I think Birch planks will work good for that let’s see if there’s another one or strip birch wood and I think this is a good color for her legs and you know yeah I’ll probably use the

Stripped birch wood that would be good all right now we could just make the walls like that filds up on each side and her legs are pretty much almost done zom is definitely more complicated to build on cash because cash is literally just red so he was so easy to build but

Zoe has some complexities but that’s going to be pretty easy to build because I am ni and I the best builder that is not true all right who just said that that was shady yeah I know that was you that was literally shady I know that was

You I know that was you I have ears you know you do not now I can move on to building her hair and I think I’m going to use magenta wool for that all right now and wait where did this come from oh this is perfect this is like a SK oh

Wait this makes it so much better to see the scale of things all right I think I’m doing good with the skill for now so we should be good oh wait I need to get a color for a shirt and I think that would be pink so we have pink for a

Shirt right here and we can build our arms out like this all right I think her jacket’s going to be a little bit complex but nothing that I can’t do so her arms are going to go down the side of her like this perfect and now I’m

Going to continue building like so oh gosh her hair is going to be a little bit complex but you know what we’ll get to that in a bit for now I’m going to build build whatever this thing is I think this is like an undershirt and

We’ll build it like this big so it’s going to go from here to here and then we’ll just fill the whole back side with it as well and then on the front we’re going to have her hair so I’ll leave some space for that that so now I can

Just build all around like this and this is looking really good I got to leave this middle part somewhat Hollow just because we’re going to place some furniture inside of our body so that it’s like a living room all right now I can build her hair out like so now we

Could go like this actually no this won’t be too hard I just got to make sure that it’s proportional all right and then now I’m going to do the same thing on this side let’s look at that and let’s go like this and then now her shirt should be pretty easy which it’s

Just a white shirt so now I can go with the concrete now I can place in the white all right this is looking a lot better now all right and we can even have have some white concrete girl like this and then is this a good body size

For Zoe uh I think she should be a little bit taller than that all right so it’s going to be taller than whatever the reference photo is but it’ll work now I could just build her hair up like this add some details in the middle and

I’ll add the shading and all the other details at the very end I just got to get the base body done all right perfect now I can start making our hands and let’s actually get the world edit right here and let’s go from here to here and

Set the walls of this to pink wool bam all right and then I’m going to go over here and then do the same thing like this boom that is actually looking really good and now I can make Zoe’s head and I think Zoe’s head might be a

Little bit big but it’ll be fine I think Zoe’s head should come out two blocks like this and now I want to build her hair on the sides of her face like so and we should probably just make this whole thing magenta concrete just so we can get the dimensions first all right

Bam that should be a good size for her head this is looking really proportional actually now I need to fix up the back of her as well cuz I just realized I missed out on a lot of stuff let we just set the whole back to White concrete and

I can even see the back side of her as well which her whole back side is pretty much just her hair so I’m also so just going to set this all to magenta concrete all right that should be good oh gosh I think I need to add some

Texturing as well I’m going to put some magenta wool scattered throughout this thing I think that adds a lot of detail so let’s go like this and that’s the backside good all right now we can go back to the front and oh gosh we need to

Make Zoe’s actual face and we need to color this in like so and then we need to go on the side and make sure that she has a face like this perfect I don’t want to make her forehead too big but I think that should be good I think also

Some of her hair goes like that so we want to go like that and also I’m going to expand her head like this maybe a little bit all right that looks good oh my gosh wait this is actually coming along really well right now I can make

Her eyes and I think her eyes are made out of this color and a darker color so you go with light blue wool and that should be good and now we can place this right here and then this and this right here and then we need white all right oh

Gosh that is not look good that should be better bam oh gosh she looks like an alien I need to fix that a little bit better right there now I need to place an even darker blue right here and these are for her eyebrow details boom Oh wait

That looks much better all right and then we can make her hair extend out Wards right here just a little bit perfect W this is coming together really well and now her hair can come along like this and now that looks more like Zoe maybe I should give Zoe a smiley

Face I think I’m going to do it with some slabs so let’s go right here and get some slabs now we can get some reinforced oak wood slabs and oh gosh that does not look good that looks better a little bit all right now we could go like this and actually wait I

We want to make this a dark pink right here just for her mouth now that is Zoe face that actually looks a lot better I have to finish all the finer details of her so let’s fill in all the edges that we missed right here let’s go in on the

Sides on let’s expand her wrist like this cuz I know she has those details right there then we could go in on the bottom and add her hand like this perfect and then now we go over here we can add the edges just like this again

And then add her hand like this that should be good all right so now that’s her hands done so now I need to fix the hair a little bit and we can also extend the hair outwards one block I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier but

It’s a lot better like this so we can add some detail and make this look a lot more realistic because it is a stue after all boom now we could add some magenta wool just as spice it up let’s add it all along her hair just like this

Perfect bam and now we can add magenta all over her actual hair just like this I think this add some really good detail that will be really good for her and now we can also carve out her head a little bit so it looks more normal let’s fix

The back also just so it looks more like a human un L like a block I’m also going to make this back side more detailed a little bit accentuate these a lot more and that is looking really good guys how’s the progress on your guys’ statues

I’m done mine looks so cute I’m almost done Tat’s already done yep you guys going to add interior there’s something clearly you guys didn’t to put a lot of effort in what are you saying be nothing all right whatever now we’re looking good with the details so what I’m going

To do finally is I’m going to add a door let’s add the door to the bottom and now I don’t need this reference I don’t want them thinking that I cheated or anything so let’s get rid of that all right now let’s head a door right here and we’re

Going to speedrun this interior so first I’m going get some Oak slabs because I think Zoe likes Cozier stuff more than modern stuff now let’s go like this let’s add Oak slabs all along this right here we’re going to make a spiral staircase going up her now you can go up

Here and now we can go like this and let’s get rid of all the unnecessary blocks we got to make sure that this is all Hollow and that we can utilize the most spases we possibly can and I think we could probably break down this right

Over here to make some more space as well oh this a JSA all right I’m going to continue hollowing things out let me get a wand and cut this right here and then now we have a fully Hollow area right here that we could use to work

With so now let me get some Oak planks and let’s just fill this whole place up with Oak slabs right here just to make this place look more uniform that looks a lot better and now let me extend the staircase all the way up here okay

Perfect and now I could fill up this area I don’t think we need this area so I’m just going to get rid of it done now we’re going to need a couch right here this is going to be Zoe’s living room so we’re going to place a sofa let’s make

That magenta and then let’s think I want to put a bunch of paintings in here just to spice it up and I’m going to put some of these special paintings like here like this one this one and this one and I think Zoe likes art so I’m also going

To place some easel everywhere Place one right here and then one right here and then lastly some more paintings along the side just like this boom look we have the gorilla let we change that one all right perfect and then now let me get some ladders and let’s move on to

The head I’m pretty sure this area is pretty done I don’t have to that too many details because the outside pretty much seals the deal but anyways now we can move on to the head and let’s fully Hollow this thing out all right it looks like it’s hollowed out so now we’re

Going to have to place the top right here so let’s fill all this in with some pink wool and this is going to be Zoe’s treasure station where she has all the treasure so let’s go get some amethyst right here let’s Place amethyst all over perfect I can place some amethyst shards

As well or clusters and we can scatter this all around all right now I’m going to place a chest and this is where the valuables will be all right bam I think now we are done Zoe statue has been complete completed this looks absolutely amazing check this out from the outside

Wo all right guys I’m done and I’m ready oh perfect all right how about we go from left to right so let’s go to Zoe’s first okay come on and it looks like Zoe built me look it’s you is everyone here y I’m here oh gosh what the heck is this

I turned you into a jelly bean hold on I think we need to get Shady Zoe I’m a jelly bean mhm but come on if you go inside I did a parkour all right wait we got to wait for Shady Zoe what is this this is terrible it’s not terrible wait

Where Shady you’re looking at the wrong one dude Shady’s looking at the wrong build Shady can’t even see why do you still have the blindfold on hang on I’m sensing there’s an Among Us impostor here how do you know okay Zoe this looks more like an imposter than a jelly bean

But it still looks like you all right let’s go down let’s see what she built in here ow Zoe built lava parkour and wait why is there ghost block here that’s a surprise oh my gosh okay go cash go we’ll see if this parkour is any difficult oh it was pretty difficult for

Me really Zoe Zoe this is not difficult at all I’m not going to Li ow okay but you fell on it and if you come here sh is already sleeping herea uh cash you might want to come up here I’m on my way cash what in the world is this why is

Shady’s bed next to your bed I am not putting my bed there no no no no no that did not happen right that did not happen no nothing happened Shady all right let’s go outside guys how do we want to rate Zoe’s build of me mid out of 10

This is a good build Zoe it was hard I would say a solid mid out of 10 so we we pick it a five out of 10 give it a six that parkour was tough six out of 10 let’s go tell me you I’ll take it oh

Shady why is Shady changing it Shady you broke the side all right done oh yay Shady cannot see right now I don’t know what he’s saying okay right time to show you guys my build wo it’s Zoe oh it looks so cute look how good this Zoe statue looks guys that’s actually pretty

Good let me show you around so come inside right here the entrance is you got to walk all the way up okay and we have a living room right here where Zoe could draw that she has art supplies and stuff okay bougie and then at the very

Top right up here we have Zoe storage room where she has all her amethyst okay but where does she sleep yeah where’s my bedroom uhuh oh gosh do you really expect her to sleep on these hard rocks Nico yeah you tell them oh gosh really

Bro you need to get her a $200 Ulta gift card immediately oh gosh I’m sorry zoie you know what this is getting I’ll fine now sorry dang 5 out of 10 oh gosh she’s always ahead of me okay cash it’s time for yours here we go who built this one

E oh my gosh wait why is there money here what is in the back cuz it’s cash wait what is in the back he’s got a dumpy ow I’m not looking at that how did I get there I did not build that wait this actually looks really good Mia what

The heck why do I have fire on my arms hey let me look inside is there anything oh there’s nothing in the inside oh no interior I look like a superhero did you paint lipstick on his mouth I didn’t know what else to do all right that is

Not and cash a skin come over here cash when did you get those fiery arms oh she got the fire right you know what why do I have buns cash you got to rate it it’s your build I think it’s pretty good she got the Firearms accurate I give it a

7.5 7.5 oh gosh which ra is that cash like to staty the most out of all of us wow Mia’s going to love hers all right Mia wait how did Shady build this blindfolded Shady you built it off the plot what what is that yo what are those

Eyeballs okay wait what is this oh my gosh this is insane what happened to to her neck it’s the psycho Mia oh no Shady props for creativity I accidentally built it outside of the plot cuz I couldn’t see you built this all blindfolded yeah and then I used Braille

To speak to the minor what is she holding right here wait this actually looks really good lipstick yeah it looks like a lipstick I don’t know no no you are not grading it Shady aw Mia is so nice Mia what are you rating it thank

You Mia 10 out of 10 Mia what are you rate it I rate it a thank you Mia D what’s going on Mia r no I don’t think Mia likes her build all right that’s terrible here’s mine all right bro build me transparently this is Shady statue I

Think cash took this from Google no I didn’t what do you mean yes you did I didn’t take anything from Google cash you know that this transpar back end supposed to be a PNG oh so I wasn’t supposed to put that there what is that right there oh that was the inspiration

Ow I didn’t take nothing uh cash this is definitely not original what do you mean it’s totally original that is literally copied from the transparent background the Checker Mark pattern was cool he copied this guy right here what ow no I did not I don’t know we have Shady we

Got what the heck is that meia shady wins the creativity point oh yeah wait shady I have to R Shady okay one second what the heck Shady just R yourself I’ll give it a calm little 7 out of 10 it’s pretty solid and that means that me and

You win yes yes yes I’ve never won before you built the best stat of everyone good job Mia she got the Firearms right wait wait wait wait what’s the score on this one hold on let me go change my score real quick wait wait you can’t do that shady you can’t

Do that hang on guys all right there we go and that b Shady wins no oh yeah let’s go if you want to watch more catch Adventures think go on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye bye

This video, titled ‘ONE COLOR FRIEND STATUES In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-01-25 04:00:01. It has garnered 515255 views and 6290 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:51 or 1011 seconds.

Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/

Today, Nico and his friends build ONE COLOR FRIEND STATUES in Minecraft! Nico competes against his friends to see who can build the best one color statue! Will Nico be able to beat his friends?! Watch to find out!

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  • Forever Stranded EP3: Moosey Town Production Kickstart

    Forever Stranded EP3: Moosey Town Production Kickstart Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly faced with new challenges and adventures. One such challenge is presented in the mod-pack called Forever Stranded, set in version 1.10.2 and available on the Curse Launcher. The player finds themselves crash-landed on a desert planet, surrounded by nothing but sand. The goal? Survive and thrive in this harsh environment by completing quests and staying cool amidst the scorching heat. Getting Started As the player navigates through the unforgiving desert landscape, the first challenge that arises is the need for water… Read More

  • Minecraft építmények: kihívások és viccek

    Minecraft építmények: kihívások és viccek Minecraft Structures I Will Try to Build Levi985 gameplay, a YouTube channel, features a Minecraft series where the creator attempts to build various in-game structures and redstone systems. The series promises an entertaining look at the intricate world of Minecraft engineering. Redstone Contraptions One of the main focuses of the series is the construction of complex redstone contraptions. Redstone is a unique material in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate circuits and mechanisms within the game. By showcasing the building process of these contraptions, viewers can learn more about the technical side of Minecraft gameplay. Automated Farms Another… Read More

  • 🔴Extreme Minecraft SURVIVAL Mode – Come Chat Now!🔴

    🔴Extreme Minecraft SURVIVAL Mode - Come Chat Now!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Come chat Part 1 Minecraft HARDCORE SURVIVAL mode🔴letsplay/aventure/tryhard/chat’, was uploaded by bruhh4jojo on 2024-07-22 23:20:33. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:33 or 18273 seconds. Help me grow a community🫡 If you like it dont forget to subscribe and hit that like button Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jojo6man Read More

  • TNT vs Armor: Ultimate Showdown!

    TNT vs Armor: Ultimate Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which armor stay longer vs TNT???’, was uploaded by Gasbo on 2024-03-14 12:13:27. It has garnered 860 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. #minecraft ​ #gasbo Which armor survive more TNT in Minecraft? meme,memes,minecraft funny,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft memes,funny minecraft memes,pepenos,minecraft cursed,funny minecraft,steveee,minecraft challenge,minecraft mods,minecraft update,minecraft golems,alexa real,pepenos minecraft,cursed minecraft,iq,iq test,craft,mine,tnt,stevee,minecraft but Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack: Build Password Door! #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Hack: Build Password Door! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a Password Door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #shorts’, was uploaded by Bezor Minecraft on 2024-04-29 00:54:16. It has garnered 3684 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘5 minecraft facts u might know’, was uploaded by ItsAqua on 2024-01-14 19:10:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CapCut I made this amazing video with CapCut. Open the link to try it out: capcut.com/tools/desktop-video-editor. Read More

  • MINECRAFT BUILD HACK!!😱 || AxySpy || #shorts

    MINECRAFT BUILD HACK!!😱 || AxySpy || #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-03-31 14:26:09. It has garnered 8298 views and 161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One Thing From… Read More


    PixelDrink - WE'RE DYING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LETS PLAY MINECRAFT TOGETHER (we will die)’, was uploaded by PixelDrink on 2024-06-19 22:33:37. It has garnered 22460 views and 1407 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:08 or 4088 seconds. Join this channel to support my work: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCIWI55Xwn91jxDJwyCTsfA/join ———————————————————— – Merch: https://death-city.com – Instagram: Pixel_Drink – Tiktok: Pixeldrink – Business email: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate Friday Night Game Night!

    Ultimate Friday Night Game Night!Video Information This video, titled ‘Friday Night Gaming #livegaming #robloxlive #minecraft #toilettowerdefense #livestumbleguys #friday’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-06-22 13:25:45. It has garnered 633 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:10 or 8650 seconds. Friday Night Gaming #livegaming #robloxlive #minecraft #toilettowerdefense #livestumbleguys #friday Read More

  • “EPIC MINECRAFT GAME CREATION: Part 3 = SHIZO FUN!” #minecraftshorts #minecraft

    "EPIC MINECRAFT GAME CREATION: Part 3 = SHIZO FUN!" #minecraftshorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Creating Another Game in Minecraft: Part 3″ #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by NICE FF MYNK on 2024-03-09 04:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Creating Another Game in Minecraft: Part 3” Welcome to Part 3 of our series on creating another game in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cube Xuan Minecraft: Crazy Encounter with Mysterious Stalker!

    Cube Xuan Minecraft: Crazy Encounter with Mysterious Stalker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:我没K我没K!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-26 11:15:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animation! Our channel focuses on integrating Internet hot topics, using funny humor… Read More

  • SCP Area 61 Roleplay

    SCP Area 61 RoleplayExplore the world of SCP and try to escape the facility’s prison where they’re using you as a test subject! Even apply to become a guard and help the foundation contain the escaped anomalies! Don’t forget to stay away from SCP-049 😉 Area61.dy.fi Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat & No Grief Paper 1.21

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP is a small whitelisted community of enthusiasts of the classic Minecraft experience. We cherish the game’s core essence and we’re excited to welcome new members who share our passion. Mystmoor provides: Friendly staff ready to help. Authentic vanilla gameplay with sensible enhancements. Overworld in which immersive builds are promoted. The challenge of Hard mode. Strong measures against cheating and grief. No pay-to-win. Feel free to check out our website and join our Discord to start your journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!"“I guess you could say this meme was ‘crafted’ with love… and a little bit of Photoshop magic!” Read More

  • [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny

    [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny When you accidentally launch a villager into space with a Super Launcher and all you hear is “oi oi oi” as they fly away into the distance. Minecraft truly is a wild ride. #SpaceVillagers #MinecraftMishaps Read More

  • Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh – 2013 POV @Altraxu

    Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh - 2013 POV @AltraxuVideo Information This video, titled ‘pov it’s 2013 @Altraxu’, was uploaded by Rijakpreet Singh on 2024-05-05 04:31:50. It has garnered 114 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft memes herobrine gaming memes minecraft meme meme funny minecraft steveee #shorts laggy friend minecraft challenge funny minecraftjava minecraft funny minecraftshorts animation #tiktok best minecraft memes new world funny minecraft memes fyp lags minecrafthacks funny lags minecraftbedrock that laggy friend in minecraft when your dank minecraft memes gaming mandeer minecraft tiktok cartoon minecraft mods minecraft animation minecraft pov minecraft pov shorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days Challenge

    Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft Creative 2]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2024-06-15 17:00:07. It has garnered 1207327 views and 52928 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:21 or 1821 seconds. Get my new Plush today! – https://youtooz.com/products/luke-thenotable-plush-9-inch I survived 100 Days in the Creative, this is what happened… Thank you to all my subscribers you are all amazing! If you want to become one hit that sub button! Other GREAT 100 Days videos, The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzfeWaenlU 100 Days with Cheats – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnG5T0f_IU 100 Days on XBOX 360 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgL5k1LkIk 100… Read More

  • Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!

    Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘I make my fully iron armour in Minecraft survival series part 3’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-09 09:42:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Starting Fresh!’, was uploaded by NerdKambo on 2024-06-15 06:23:45. It has garnered 149 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:30 or 23310 seconds. Today we will be embarking on a new Journey! i know i have a 100 days world but tbh, i got bored and forgot what i was doing! This series will go on forever! Either on this world or many to come! I hope you enjoy! GoFundMe Link for Char: ​​https://gofund.me/c43b8ba4 ________________________________________ Follow Me: ▷ Twitter:https://twitter.com/nerdkambo ▷ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA ▷ Discord: https://discord.gg/FsD5EcCA _________________________________________ I made up… Read More

  • Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!

    Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I clipped through a wall in Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Dean DuBose on 2024-01-14 21:35:25. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Its crazy! #xbox #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21

    Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Vizag OP on 2024-07-13 07:14:00. It has garnered 16246 views and 1123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21 Hello Guys, welcome in Vizag OP youtube channel ——————————————————————— ➤ ABOUT THIS VIDEO : salutation for all my youtube family, friends iss video me mene apko [ Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 ||… Read More